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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Technologies
Page 2: Technologies

During the research part of the task I used the internet a lot in helping me find out about the equipment I would be using such as camera tutorials and using previous online research and demographics to help with my own research. I also used online sites to find clips to films I was watching to find codes and conventions to follow in my own film, without using the internet for this I would not have been able to access these clips unless I owned the DVD’s at home or were to rent them out.


Page 3: Technologies

When planning our film we needed to look up templates for storyboards and professional shot lists as we had no experience in these areas again using the internet, also to look up tutorials of how to best use he cameras we had been given. The social networking group Facebook was key to our planning as it was the way we were able to communicate with out focus group in order to make big decisions in our film.


Page 4: Technologies

During production I was introduced to editing programs such as final cut pro that I had previously had no experience with, to be able to use this piece of technology I first had to use the internet to look up tutorials on how to use the program showing convergence between different types of media.
