techniques and influences

I watched the top 10 music videos of 2014 because it means that I can get ideas from a different variety of genres and artists. It helped a lot because it showed me what is stereotypical of the different genres and what I can use in my own music video. The different screenshots are of the aspects of the music videos I like which influences me on the shots, costume, makeup etc. I will use

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Post on 30-Jul-2015



Art & Photos

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I watched the top 10 music videos of 2014 because it means that I can get ideas from a different variety of genres and artists. It

helped a lot because it showed me what is stereotypical of the different genres and

what I can use in my own music video. The different screenshots are of the aspects of the music videos I like which influences me on the shots, costume, makeup etc. I will

use in my own work.

I like the makeup used as it frames her face and is different as it is not used a lot in music videos. The effect is also good as it makes the music video less boring and makes us want to watch it.

I like the angle of the shot because it makes her look more dominant. I also like the lighting as the sun is shining above her and it makes the shot more interesting.

I like this shot because it doesn’t just focus on the artist and gives us something else to look at. It is also more of an artistic feature in the music video, giving an abstract element.

I like the fact that this shot divides into three so were getting three different perspectives on the narrative. I also like it because it gives us more than one thing to look at and keeps us focused on the storyline.

I like this not only because of the divide, but because we know what genre the narrative is because this is a convention of the western theme. This means we can identify the story of the music video and understand it more.

I like the backwards track as the people are running towards us as it makes us feel like we are in a chase and they are running after us. I also like the location as it gives an urban feel which I feel is creative.

I like the lighting as it makes her stand out and I also like the shot as it frames her and when combined with the simplistic background makes her stand out more.

I like the location and the use of depths of field because it makes her seem like she’s alone. I also like her costume and hair as it isn’t too over the top, and young girls can be inspired by her clothes.

I like this shot as it is abstract and unusual. I also like it because it gives off the feeling of being trapped therefore the shot is reflecting a feeling that the artist will want to create.

I like this shot because there is no colour used apart from the drawings which makes us concentrate on the centre of the frame. I also like it because all of the figures are doing something different which gives us more than one thing to look at.

I like the use of rule of thirds because the woman is central therefore our attention is on her. I also like the location as it is simple yet abstract.

I like this shot because a pan is used but instead of the girl being included in the pan, it is just the background which puts the focus on the girl. Also the motion of it gives off a young feeling as it makes us feel like she’s constantly moving which would be less relatable to an older person.

I like the close up on the guitar because it gives a performance element and also the editing goes to the beat of the music which makes it more exciting.

I like the fact that whenever Miley Cyrus says something in the song the editing goes with it as it makes the music video more fun to watch. Also the things they do in those little shots show them to be happy which rubs off on the audience.

I like the mirror edit as it makes the shot more interesting as it doesn’t leave any useless space in the shot.

I like the use of extreme close up because it makes us focus on the lyrics as she is saying them. The makeup is also interesting as it relates to the pop genre.

I like this shot because the edit over the top of the normal shot is different to what you usually see in music videos. I also like it because it puts emphasis on the lyrics and makes the shot a lot more interesting. I also like the fact that it looks like graffiti as it is more appealing to a young audience which is who this music video is aimed at.

I like the costume and makeup in this shot as it is fashionable and will make younger people want to look like that. I also like it because it is different from the normal pop music videos outfits.

I like the performance element as it is casual therefore it seems more relatable to teenagers in a band. I also like the lighting because it is dim but highlights the band which makes the atmosphere they are performing in seem cosy, which is something that anyone can recreate.

I like the use of rule of thirds because the performer is central therefore she is our focus. I also like the location because it gives off an abandoned feel which people can relate to as sometimes they may feel lonely and abandoned.