technical information summary apollo 5 (as-204 lm-1) apollo saturn ib flight vehicle

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  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    1 -. 1 V- - .- -

    t-. ~ - b S ~ ~ - S - 6 7 - 6 3ST . December 15, 1967-

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    R - P a VE - VNC

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Detailed LV Primary Objectives:Evaluate S-IVB/IU orbital performance.Spec i f i ca l ly :a. Evaluate the LV attitude control and maneuveringcapabi l i ty .b. Verify the S-IVB LH2 and LOX rank boiloff character-ia tics.c. Demonstrate nose cane separation from the S-IVB/IU/SWL.d . Evaluate the operational adequacy of the launch vehiclesystems; including guidance and control, electrical, mechanical andinstrumentation.Launch Vehicle - Secondary Objectives:a. Evaluate S-IVB forward skirt in-flight panel flutter.b. Evaluate V-2 engine crossover duet temperature experiment.c, Evaluate S-IVB LH2 and Klc propellant dump experiment.d. Evaluate Launch Vehltcle. orbital coast lif tirne c a p a b i l i t y .

    3. Mlssion Profile:The Apollo saturn-204/~unar odule-1 will be launched at CapeKennedy, Launch Complex 37, Pad B. Vehicle w i l l be launched on a 90"E of N launch azimuth and wi11 be rolled to a flight azimuth of 72" E

    of N by the launch vehicle control system based on signals from thecont ro l computer. The 5-IB phase utilizes a preset time-tilt programto produce a gravity turn trajectory. Guidance commands, during theS- IV3 portlon of the ascent-to-orbft, will be generated in the Itera-tive Guidance Mode (IGM) which will navigate and guide the S-IVB/IU/SLAinto an 85 x 120 nautical m i l e e l l f p t i c a l orbit . Insertion shouldoccur 10 seconds after guidance cutoff or 602.26 seconds after liftoff.

    result in^ Orbit w J l l be:Inclination --- 31.6143'Period --- 88.2785 m i n .Apogee --- 123 nautical milesPerigee --- 88 nautical milesVelocity --- 7828.77 m / s e c .Shortly after insertion the S-IVB attitude control system willexecute maneuvers to place the longitudinal ax is of the vehicle alongthe velocity vector and subsequently will maintain that attitude in an

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    orbital rate mode. The nose cone will be jett isoned and the S U anelswill be deployed after orbi ta l i n s e r t i on .The LM w i l l remain attached t o the S-IVB/IU/SWI f o r approxi-mately 45 minutes and the S-IVBIIU w i l l provide a t t i t ude stabilizationfor LM separation.Approximately 1 1/2 hours after LM separation a S-IVB LOX and

    LH2 propellant dump experiment will be performed. This experiment w i l lbe completed approximately 4 1/2 hours after orbital insertion.SA-204/LM-1 S-I'JB LOX and LH2 Propellant Removal Test

    The propellant removal teat en SA-204JLM-1 d l1 dump LOX andLH2 propellant through t h e 5-2 engine on the second revolution overAustralia during the cold soak of the LM.

    At 1 hour and 36 minutes from liftoff, an on-board signal isgiven which enables th i s test.The propellant test does not start for *minutes after th eon-board s i gna l is glven. During t h i s time, the t e s t can be d i s -abled by ground command if necessary,In preparation for teat, [approximately 2 hours and 20 minutesafter l i f t o f f ) , the S-IVB/IU will maneuver to a I-ocalverticalattktude - pitch 270, SLA panels toward earth, yaw 0 , and roll

    85" . In order to point the be s t po r t i on of the IU antenna patterntoward the Carnarvon s t a t i o n , th e S-IVB/IU will perform continuousroll during the Propellant Removal Test.Shortly after 2 hours and 26 minutes i n t o the mission the main-

    stage con t r o l valve in the 5-2 engine w331 be opened and t h e LOXtank will vent through the engine f o r 2 minutes. This action willbe followed immediately by a similar 3-minute vent of the LH2 tank.A t t i t u d e control in pitch and yaw will be attempted by gimballingthe engine Ea r the f i r s t 80 seconds of LOX dump after which ft w i l lswitch back to APS control.

    Approximately 20 minutes after the fu e l dump t e s t , whlle thevehicle is over H a w a i i , the Launch Vehicle starts a cold heliumdump. This dump continues for 22 minutes durfng which time thevent valves are also open which depletes the tank pressurizationhelium supply.Helium which s upp l l e s control valve pressure is dumped 4 and

    3/4 hours after liftoff while the vehicle is passing over theUnited States for the third t i m e .

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



    GENERAL1 AS-204 JLM-1 Space Vehic le2 Launch Complex 373 LC 37 , Pad B Configuration4 LC 37B In tegra ted Launch ESE Block Diagram5 LC 37B Prope l l an t and Pressurization Subsystems

    LAUNCH VEHICLES-IB Stage Flight SequencingS-IVB Stage Fl ight SequencingSecure Range Safety SystemEmergency Detection SystemTrajectory InformationGuidance and Control System - Black DiagramNetwork Coverage ConstraintsTracking NetworkTracking, Telemetry and Range Safety CoverageOrb i t a l Ground ProtectionSp a c e Vehicle Weight vs Flight TimeS-IB STAGES-IB Stage ConfigurationH -1 Operational SequenceH - l Engine SystemS-IB S t a g e Propellant SystemS-IB Stage Thrust Vector Control SystemS-IB Stage Measuring SystemS-IB Stage Telemetry SystemS-IB Stage Electrical Power and Distribution System

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    FIGURELIST OF FIGUElES (continued)

    T ITLE

    S-IVB STAGES-IVB Stage Configuration5-2 Engine Sys t emS-IVB Stage Propellant SystemS-IVB Stage Propellant UtflizationS-IVB Stage Thrust Vector Control SystemAuxiliary Propulsion SystemS-IVB Stage Measuring SystemS-IYB Stage Telemetry SystemS-IVB Stage Electrical Power and Distr ibut ion SystemIUIU ConfigurationIU Measuring SystemIU Telemetry SystemIU Electrical Power and Distribution SystemIU/S-IVB Environmental Control SystemSPACECRAFT

    SLA ConfigurationLunar ModuleInterface - IU/SLA Jettison Controller


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Launch Complelr 37a

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



    Hiqh Pressure GM t-7 neumatic Con+roIVapori revs Storaqc Dts t r i bu to r6,000 PsrC I TO RP-1, ~w tLH2 ControlLow Pressure GNz 50 ConsolesVaporizer rnTOI Environmental1- - - - - -91-3- - I - I - I----- - - Control Systcm

    GastausHel ium - 5ior.q.e . I - o PneumaticFrom SupplyTrailers b,OOO PSI6 I ControlDistr ibutorGaseous Hydroqen GHz I To 5-1VB ShqrFrom Pottable Storaqa rnPneumafic StrvieinqRecharqer 6,000 PSlG

    MSE MethsnicfiE supportLquipmcwt

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Definition - F l i ~ h t equence Propam US-204/LM-1)Four p rh a r y T im e Bases are used in this Vehicle Flight SequenceProgram t o achieve optimum vehicle mfss5on with a su i t ab l e sequential

    operation and timing of f l i g h t events.In addition to these 4 time bases, one alternate time base is

    provided for LEM abort capability.Safeguards have been es tabl i shed wherever necessary t o prevent pre-mature initiation of t i m e bases .Proper establishment of t i m e bases provides a safe and re l iab levehicle on the pad and in flight.If any one of the four primary time bases (TI, T2, T3, or TLJ isnot established, subsequent time bases cannot be started and t h e vehiclemiss5on cannot be completed.To further increase mission re l i ab i l i t y in the absence of normaltime base s ignals , backup methods have been devised to establish thesetime bases,

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    1I IPout "Capability

    sen5or awing 132.5\ e v e \ sensor actu&e~- 136I IA nboard Enqine Cu4oTf -j41I 11 I Open S-IVBLor 4 LH? p~avahre~*~421I IT 4 Enable Lo* depletion cutoff- 42I

    Uote : II I - ~11ogcocKe+ i iv lnqAppvo~.".mw I IShown are in JPC. I I A 3eparat;a cow~cl.rd LYSweqsur~d vow I

    I I 1- 1 - 3 *+WW+or &tot 5 4 t o ~ t 0 ~TWOclx I T w e BacrsrZ T ~ Y Q B Q ~ ~

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    I *Ad-2E n q i ~tart ~onlland14)

    dIO/J-IVB Co l;nq on- rat15-IVB Guidance Cutof6 -598Ii &bw mop. deple+ionwt&f -599

    1 (back-up for quklsnc~ .O.)

    IMote:Appwx. +;MQS shownape ;rl second5rneqsufed from 1.4ururb;ikol disconnect

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    'LAUNCH VEHICLE SECURE RANGE SAFETY SYSTEMSThe secure range safety systems on the S-IB and S-IVB stagesprovide a communications link to transmit commands from ground sta-

    t i o n s t o the vehicle during powered flight, and a positive means ofterminating the flight of an erratic vehicle by initiating emergencyengine cutoff and, if necessary, propellant dispersion.

    Each powered stage contains two UHF radio receivers. Bothcomand receivers on each of th e two stages respond t o the same cm -mand signal, each providing a backup system for the other.

    The safing and arming device l o c a t e d on each s t a g e is armed bya s igna l from the blockhouse before vehicle.ignition. Follawfng orbi-tal in ser t ion the S-IVB range safety system is "safed" by a commandfrom Range Safety Control t o p r e c l u d e accidental destruct.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    I 6stCty * 2 )

    S-I0 Stage

    a*(BaHrry f )L.a. to - 0 sec.600 waft* outputpourerv then swik)rsdta r$oo waws

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    EMERGENCY DETECTION SYSTEMMission AS-204/LM-1 does not: carry an Apollo Spacecraft andtherefore does not have a complete EDS. Since the EDS w i l l be flown"open loop" it cannot initiate an automatic abort.A l l EDS abort parameters are telemetered for monitoring by theLaunch Director,Launch vehicle rate abort limits for telemetry monitoring:

    P5tch and yaw 5 .0 + 0 . 6 deg/sec.RoI1 20.0 21.5 deg/sec.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    k~-201CJtM-1)kFDSCANNOT =&vat6 an a b r +elom ur " o p . ~** conngur*tkl3

    laJtrumcnt Unit

    5iqn315 L91from Coninlriqml proearner ,

    f 5% f ' l rc PCVt 20* f , S * h Rolf


    TotU r'lA

    Jwitek Closer

    *t .*800 PSlkp

    3a. a t d on each 6+ha alqht H - l tnqincs

    11 Enerq*ney DetectionSvsfcm (EDS) II

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    IECO - m b o m d EnqineCdeWOECO-Outboard Erlginc C d MTOM- nr s t l v e Guidaact ModCVs- -spec iFwd vckih

    SQ*dJIw Bare 4Maw.k# 18C.4 lm/

    tsurock-L a u d s"awpPw-31- I%-6Lauek Azimth - 900 E of HFlight Azi& - 72* 6 d:N

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SUBSYSTEMSFunction and Descript ion

    Problems to be solved in order to insure mlssioa successinvolve - navigation, guidance and control.Figure 11 con ta ins a block diagram of t h e Guidance and Cont ro l

    Subsystern.Three accelerometers, mounted on the inner ( i n e r t i a l ) gimbalof th e stabilized platform, measure the three components ofvelocity resulting from vehfcle propulsion (x, y, 2 ) . Theseacceleration measurements are f e d t o th e Launch Vehicle DataAdapter (LVDA) which serves as an input/output device f o r theLaunch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) .The dual speed reso lver s , located at the gimbal pivot points,are used to measure veh ic l e at t i tude with respect to the Inertial

    P la t fo rm. These angular outputs a re converted into a digital countin t h e LVDA.

    Any maneuver, required t o achieve a desired end condition, isdetermined by t h e LVDC. The LVDA, a c t h g as t h e fnput and outputdevice f o r LVDC, transforms t h i s data i n t o a form which is compatiblewith other p o r t i o n s of the system.

    The LVDC compares vehicle attitude correction commands withcontrol sensor inputs to develop a c o n t r o l commacd t o the stageengine actuators. The resulting cormnand represents a computed d i f -ference between existing and des i r ed attitude angles.The required resulting action (thrust direction) is obtained by

    gimballing the engines in the propelling stage, thus changing v eh ic l edirection. In the S-IV5 s tage , an auxi l iary propulsion system i s usedfor roll co n t r o l s ince the stage has only one engine. T h i s controlis e f f e c t i ve during S-IVB powered flight, During coast f l i g h t , theauxiliary propulsion system provides complete co n t r o l of the S-IVB/IUstage.LVDA output i s a l s o routed to stage circuitry v i a th e switchselectors f o r sequencing purposes.Changing or introducing new d a t a i n t o the LVDC is made possiblethrough the Instrument Unit command system from ground stations.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    V i s i b i l i t y l i m i t circles for an elevation of 5 degrees are shownin F5gure 15 for the primary ground stations f o r tracking, telemetryand updata.

    Whenever the orbital ground projections are within the limitcircle, the vehicle w i l l be visible to the statfons.Post-separation PhaseDuring the second revolution, the S-IVB LOX and LH2 PropellantDump Experiment will be activated. This experiment is also described

    as Propellant Removal Test and S-IVB Stage Passivation.Figure 12 describes the network coverage constraints for each ofthe phases described above.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Act iv#Pos t -Separa t io n Phase

    C-band Beacon Tracking Frm

    S a p a r a t ion Phars

    Cont lnuoua C-band Corer f o r

    1Launch Phaas

    b ' Cont inuaur Record Frm'



    L i f t o f f t o S - I V B C u t o f fFran2lndspendentSyfiten8.andFro.S-IVBCutoff fo r 1.5 MlnufsrFrom I Sy r t .

    a t L e a s t 2 M i n u t a r k f o r eSeparation Until 2 MinutesAf terJsparat ion.


    2 S t a t i o n sp a r A e v . - I W OApar t - Fo r f l r r t 4 Rev#. andI s t a t i o n l ~ e v . For Ds r a t Ionof Sys terns L l fs.

    Record at L e a s t 3 M inu tasF r o m a t t s a r t 4 S t a t i o n s l

    Continuous Record FromL i f t a f f t o S - I Y I C u t o f f

    Cont inuoua Record. and Real-T i m sF l t . C o n t r o l D a t a F o r


    b g 2 S t ~ t l o n r m d F r o m3- IYBCuto f fFor1 .5Mln .

    a t L a a s t 2 H l n . B e f o r eU n t l l 2 M i n . l f t a rSsparrt Ion.MOTE; Pr io r t o Saprration,Record and Rsr l -T Ems Datai a Provided For a t L s r r t3U inu tss From I Station.


    Rev. Unt i 4 112 Hours l n taMlas lon . Thsn 2 S tm . /Rev.Ynt i l End o f Es t ImmtsdSystsme Llfs; Then I S tm . 1Rev. 'For Dura t l on of Syst.L l e. Ra~ l -T im e F l i g h tControl Data For a t Loart3 Mln. Frm I3 t r . lRsv.h t l l Y 112 Hours Into MirrMlrsion.



    by I Station. ContinuousRacordo f 3 - IE t IaF l l r t I eF l i g b t From 5-1 0 C ut of fFor 2 Mln. ContlnuoueRea l - f Imr F l g h t ControlD a t a From L i f t o f f t o3- l V l c u t o i f + 1.5M l nute8.



    UpdataCmpf ib l l i tyFro.L l f t o f f P I ur 150 !heondl

    Ssparrt ion.t o 3- IY ICu to f f +40Sscondr.

    Cont i uour Updata Capa-b i i y For a t Leaat 2

    Updrta Capab i i y For A tL e a s t 3 Minutes Frm I

    Mln ute r Before Srpafat IonU n t i l 2 Minuten A f t e rStatlon/Rsv. U n t i Y 112Hours Int o Mirr lon.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Command (Data Transfer from Ground t o Space Vehicle)The purpose of t he Saturn Instrument Unit: Comand Systemis to provide radio frequency digital data transmission betweenManned Space Flight Network Stations and the on-beard D i g i t a l

    Computes in the Launch Vehicle (EVDC).Data received by the LVDC is used to update certain vehic le

    a t t i tude parameters or to perform certain orbital operations inthe S-IVB/ IU.Telemetry (Transmission of On-Board Parameters from SpaceVehicle to Ground Stations)Telemetry utilizes a system of sensing devices (transducers)whfch enables large quantities of physical data to be reducedinto electrical intelligence. Various combinat2ons, involvingFrequency as well as Pul se Code and Pulse Amplitude Modulation,

    p l u s a frequency time-sharing system al lows a great amount ofdata, in vehicle physical parameters, to be relayed to gxoundstations through l im i t e d transmitting paths.While the vehicle is still on the launch pad, p r e f l i g h ttelemetry checkout is accomplished by hardwire and umbilical cordtransmission.The 204/LM-1 carries a total of 18 telemetry systems distri-buted as follows:- S-IB Stage- S-IVB Stage- IU- LtM

    Tracking (Monitor or Measure Vehicle In -Fl igh t Location byCo mu n ic a t io n )Purpose :

    - Evaluate Guidance and Control- Perform A t t i t u d e Correctfons- Insure Range Safety

    Vehicle 204/LM-1 carries transponders and beacons in thefollowing locations:

    Location System- S-IB- IU

    - ODOP Transponder- Two C-Band Radar Beacons- Glotrac Transponder- X-Band Rendezvous Radar- Two C-Band Radar Beacons- USB Transponder

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



    FunctionLM Abort

    Description Periods of AcceptanceCauses LM abort switchselectors and maneuvers. Enabled at T3 + 10 sec.until end of mission.Inhibits certain coastphase attitude maneuvers. Enabled at T4 + 1 5 sec.until end of mission.

    Update Changes th e time of i n i t i a -tion of the certain atti-tude maneuvers.

    Enabled at Tq + 15 sec.until end of mission,

    T im e Base Update T i m e base time is advancedor retarded at th e nexttelemetry l o s s .

    Enabled at Tq + 15 sec.until end of mission.Navigation Update Navigation quantities are

    reset at the time speci-f ed .Enabled a t T4 + 15 sec.until end o f mission.

    Generalized SwftehSelector S p e c i f i e d switch se lec torfunction is i ssued at thefirst opportunity.Enabled at TL,+ 15 sec.u n t i l end of mission.

    Sector Dump Contents of s p e c i f i e d memo-ry-sector are telemetered . Enabled at Tq + 15 sec.until end of mission.Telemeter SingleMemory Location

    Contents of s p e c i f i e d memo-ry-sector are telemetered. Enabled at Tt+ f 15 sec.until end of mission.Terminate Stop DCS routine and resetfor new command. Enabled at TI+ + 15 sec.until end of mission.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    -a - A x nv - F W Xrm o - 0- t zM d f - Y ) w n= 4 e 4 .- VInn - + a w z - * - m a

    - na 2 . 2 g ~ z k - 5 - ~ ~

    = a m L . > a a.0 , .; 3s z m P 2 k - z , D . . ! = m = a

    u n 3 a o ~ u o u Y a u ~ ~ ~

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    5-IYB C.O.5-fB/EYB_ -590sa c 5 a p ~ r r t r q qTZxF - ~ 146 3 5-IBm p a c tt r q rI -5 4 0

    Fjgurr 14-

    Lo83 o-fe-nrs/tuA t t i f u d r Contml

    Tracking ,kamatry , andk n g ~ r ? r t y Cwaraga

    c ObOP (9-1s) )id- atd/o* elat.1 -1 I PPWLF-Irr.eki"9C- -- Azvsa JGLOTRAC I f U) -YLos

    - 3> LoS-3

    LOSS l o s s j 2 1 ~ n r l* * IU 550 offat--&oh, -IYB SS8 e fQ a f d 6 1.0s.Purtnq orb# +ha 6-IYB +rp vacowdev m r d ~asrJlPns+ation% and playa back bvev ~ekrdedda+Eon%.3% Camrnanded of+ a f t e r 5-TV engine cdoCF.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    W 0.-a fm -0 Sii rn --U P *

    3 L8 2 :* Z # g "

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    1,299,000ibs.(Total Vehcle at 1qnit:on)

    3-10 Propellont h 4 u n r p ) i o o -6,200 Ibs/*.

    8-10 6taqe I n b o o 4 I n q h c WofQ (-141 5ec.)3 - IB Stqe 3epnrot;on (-WScw.)5-TV0 staqe Xqni+ion (- 14T stc ) 296,100 h r J (215 IbJ)Liftoff +I57 see.

    5 - fVB Propellan+ ConS~~pt iwr 00 IbJ: s t c .5-XVB 5tqqe E q i ~v t d f I- 590 5-.)

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    S-IB STAGE S T R U C mThe S-IB Stage consists of four 70-inch diameter fuel containers mountedalternately with four 70-inch diameter LOX containers around a 105-inch dfameterLOX container. The containers are supported at the base by a thrust gtructure

    aasembly to which are afftxed eight H - 1 engines. The spider beam assembly provfdesthe support structure at the forward end of t h e containers and serves as an adapterfor the S - I D interstage. Efght fins are mounted at the base of the S-IB stage toimprove aerodynamic stability, and provide pref l igh t support, and hold-down of t h evehicle.PROPULSION SYSTEM

    The f i r s t s t a g e of the launch vehicle is powered by a cluster of efghtRocketdyne H-1 engines developing a total sea level thrust of 1,600,000 pounds.Four engines are mounted autboard and four inboard; t h e four outboard enginesare gimballed for vehic le cont ro l . The propellants a r e LOX and RP-1.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    AP S mmdular I t )

    Area Above Tanks (escapt' E BW tirinq wnitm

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    H-1 ENGINE OPERATIONA start s i gna l ignites the so l id propel lant gas generator (SPGG) whichaccelerates the LOX and RP-1 pumps. Increasing f u e l pressure opens the main

    LOX valve which, in turn, opens the sequence valve permitting f u e l pressuret o rupture the hypergolic cartridge. Primary i g n i t io n occurs when the RP-1and hypergolic f l u i d contact: LOX i n the thrust chambex. The in jec tor fue lpressure opens th e main RP-1 valve and provides propellant flow to the l i q u i dpropellant ga s generator (LPGG) which sustains tu rb ine operation.

    The d i g i t a l computer initiates inboard engine cutoff 3.1 seconds afterthe propellant level sensor actuation. Outboard engine cutoff is normallyi n i t i a t e d by t h e LOX depletion probes, w i t h the fuel depletion probes, thedigital computer, and the thrust OK switches providing backup capabilities.Both cu to f f s igna ls are routed through the S-XB Stage switch selector. Thecuto f f signal opens the explos ively actuated Conax valve equalizing the RP-1pressure at the main LOX valve . The valve closes to interrupt fuel flow andterminate engine opera t i on .

    SPGG IgnitfonSPGG CombustionMain LOX Valve (Open)Hypergol Cartridge RupturesPri m r I gn i t i onMain RP-I Valve (Open)Main IgnStion ( S t a r t )LPGG OperationMainstage ThrustCanax Valva Actuates

    0 1 2 3 0 f 2I 5 8 ~ . 5ec. s ~ t . I sec. sec.Command

    -Time Srom I q n i t im ..Time .From Cd o f f

    Fiqure 18 H - l Operational

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    RP- I LOX

    Pressure S y s t em

    LUX TankPressuriratl~n

    Thrust ChamberRP - I Preheat 200,000 lbs Ihrus+

    H - 1 Enqine SysSemm

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    S-XB STAGE PROPEL- S I S mThe S-IB Stage propellant ays t em is composed of five LOX tanks, four

    RP-2 tanks, propellant: lines, control valves, vents, and pressurizationsubsystems. The mmp~ f each group of tanks are interconnected to provideuniform propellant levels and pressureer. Loading of LOX and RP-1 tanks iscontrolled by ground computere. A f t e r the RP-1 baa been loaded and justbefore t h e start of LOX loading, ground source GN2 is bubbled through theRP-1 euctlon lines to prevent temperature stratification. A t the start afthe automatic sequence the RP-1 tanks are pressurized w i t h ground sourceGN2. During S-IB burn, fuel tank pressurization i a maintained by M efrom t w o 19.3 cubic foot spheres located above two of the fuel tanks..Ground source h e l i q is bubbled through the LOX lines and tanks st thestart of the automatic sequence to prevent temperature stratification fnthe engine LOX suction lines. P r i o r to engine ignition the bubbling is d i e -continued and the LOX tanka are pressurized with helium from a ground source.After l i f t o f f , the LOX tank pressurdzetfon is maintained with COX convertedfrom LUX in the heat exchanges.

    %f00 -90 -

    -60 -

    I, 70 b 0 -AD -40 --20--0



    102%P - - - E I I I- , ---11-11 - -

    II I

    1 Star3 Au+oma?icf Sequence I1 A IRP- 1 II I I 'I 1

    S t3,400 lbr/min I I qn i f ionI I II I A1 E ; 4I I I Li f fo#&aI 1 I- 2% 1 II f5 T o I E I"1340 ib5,min ,9450 lbs/min I 1I I 1I 1-48 hr. -5hr. - 4 hr.

    Star+ ~oadinqRP- II I

    Replenish to 100% 1 E

    4 1 GHe BubblilnqW a r t LeadinqLOXI

    I'Ground HeII

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    GO% Vent f~ e l i e f a l v r sI19.3 cu.ft.He Spheres (23fer RP-1 TankPressurizationopen - 67.5 psia 60 -62 psiaclose - 64psia 59.0 psia

    RP-E below containerLOX below container bottom a tbottom a* LiT to f f -5,700 Ibs.Liftoff N 8,600 lbs.

    GHe from GSE for --inifiaf LOX Tank

    Heat Exchan erproduces GO2 or/ u \H - l Engine ( 8 )in+ light prrssuriza+ion Total propellan+ a t l i f t o f f 095,500 Ibs.

    Tota l propel lant cansumsd af+er lifSof$- 883,200 Ibs.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Vehicle ThrustStructure - ActuatorAttachment Paint

    - eedback po+ -Signals to FligMControl Computermovement as commankedby Fliqht Control Computer

    Hydraulic A c h a f o r (2 )

    Drive at i1,300 PpmQutpu+ 3.0 gpm

    Vehicle .Outboard Engine (4)qirnballed; 1 Yaw *xi;k * - l - J n . . I L - - - , ,* 7 . I .

    pattern + 8"Enqine gimbal rateunder load45Oper set .

    fnbeard Enqine ( 4Fixed Position ; ICanted Outboard 3*

    5-18 St-aqe fhrus+ Vec t o rCon t r o l System

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    ~ u u n r t q& M~a~wmhrtrl s4 l i~StI k t l n m t be A-CSUS3 Tt~peratWe I904 M s w t 1M5 Jib 626 RFET/M z7 S i q ~ a i ~ w% Level 189 V~Baqe, lrmn-t,Fq. 2.6lo AflyIalf V e k i t y 3tf 5tr aia12 s p dLct ~ t d k w . . )Td.1 276s

    Ts Blockhause thru prcflitph)data acqulritlon avstrm4

    Used Coy qroumde he ~k oufonly


    Q * $ ur R JSelector

    A t c * l e v e m ~ t m r 3 A C(Vibrat ion)Vo i t r q r ,tmnser, mic.

    I IL, T. lenetrv1 System-----------I 11Mrm*u*lnq Rack / I,bVdc11 in 5-1s 3)aqr I 5Vdc

    iv.~t.+.i 'Iqmals ( l i f to f f, . m ~I A Div i i l nq l It t c . ) I 4 nltw..kl II IPmtcm+iomr ta r typa Q. s vd e d I- pre*swr* q*q* ,lonq. actel., a+o.) 1 Ib Y W l e 1 I1 I II fI

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Cammad Siqnrllh e m S - l l SFI r J l c h s . I * ~ . A . ~SS - SirlgJa Sldtbad S . ~ B / S - ~ V EFU- Ftequency Modul*?iom - Dtqital Data AyuisFtion System CommandStarts *imrrPAM- P u ! J ~ mpllhds Madulr t i onPCM -Pulse Csde ModulationTM - Yrl,m#+ryFE F - Radio Frrquarrep S ~ Cees*& 1playCach eammamd5.p + Z b scc.

    HardwLra i o


    DI 1*11 Data?nputF FPAMZMIFYA l s y

    A I MorRernotc

    PCM/RF -ASJ'V3b.1F -2


    \ Imul t ip l t~ td$.#a oaty

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    To Sepata+ian EBW

    S- IVB Staqe

    TO S-IB Staqe P Ma s t e rMeasuringSwitch Selector To bo+k destruct voltaqrsystem confrollersfa all tail

    Siqnals f romand

    D i + t t ibutot meas. transducersTai l AreaSi9na'J frov (UM prez.surir~d)

    meas. racks andTo meas. racks

    To TMSystem

    Sys tem

    Siqnals from mcas. racksand rneas. transducersTomeas. racks

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    S-IVB STAGE STRUCTUREThe S-IVB Stage consists basically of an aft i n t e r s t ag e , an aft sklrt, a thrust

    structure, a divided p ro p e l l a n t container and aLforward skirt.A f t I n t er s t a g e The aft interstage, a l s o referred t o as the S-IBIS-IVB i n t e r -s t a g e , is a semirnonocoque structure which supports the S-IVB Stage, the InstrumentUnit and the Apollo Spacecraft payload p r i o r to th e S-IBIS-IVB separation. The a f t

    interstage provides mounting facilities for retro-motors. Four Thiokol TE-29-IBs o l i d propellant retro-motors equally spaced circumferentially provide thrust toimpart a negatfve acce l e ra t i on t o the S - IB Stage and the a f t interstage after th eexplosive skin cutting sepasatton at the a f t interstagelaft skirt i n t e r ace .

    A f t S k i r t The a f t skirt is a semimonocoque structure which attaches to theend of the cylindrical portion of the propellant container. The aft sk ir t houseselectrical and electronic components as noted in f i g u r e 25. ThreeR i o k o l TX-280 solid propellant motors equally space circumferentially provide apositive acceleration to the S-IVB Stage t o settle propel lants for 5-2 engfne s t a r t .The a f t skirt a l s o prov ides mounting hardware for t w o attitude control modulesdiametrical ly opposed. Each module contains three TAPCO 150-pound thrust (vacuun)hypergol ic (KMH and N204] rocket engines.

    Thrust Structure The thrust structure i s a truncated cone with longitudinalstiffeners. The forward end (large diameter) of the cone a t taches t a ngen t i a l l y tothe a f t bulkhead of the propel lan t container. The t h r u s t structure provides attach-ment pofnts for the engine gimbal mou n t and t h e hydraulic actuators. A single 5-2rocket engine of 200,000 pound nominal thrust (vacuum) is installed on the centerlineof the S-IVB Stage.Prope l l an t Container The propellant container ts an internally insulatedcylinder with hemispherical bulkheads at each end. An i n t e r n a l hemispherical bulk-head with the concave side facing at divides the propellant container i n t o an as e c t i on for LOX and a forward sec t ion for l i q u i d hydrogen. Elgh t cold helium sphereslocated in the hydrogen tank provide LOX tank pressurization. An ambient: spherkcal

    helium bottle mounted on the engine t h r u s t structure provides pneumatic controlp r e s s u r i z a t i on throughout the vehicle pressure system. The ambient helium b o t t l e onAS-204 has been increased f rom .5 cu. ft. t o 4 . 5 cu. ft. to p r o v i d e pressurizatfonfor propel lant venting exercises during o r b i t .

    Forward Skirt The forward s k i r t is a semimonocoque c y l i n d r i c a l s t r u c tu r e whichattaches t o the forward end of the cyl indr ical p o r t i o n of th e propellant containerand supports the Instrument Unit and the payload. The forward skirt houses elec-trical and electronic components ( m o s t mounted on coldplates) and provides externalmounting for telemetry and command antennas.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    3taqa ken9 h :- 59 StIncCudinq, #in. p M m04 LWr Cant b d .IM/IUmm+inq +u*Caco

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    5-2 ENGINE OPERATION S-IVBThe ope ra t i ng cycle of the 3-2 Engine consists a prestart, s t a r t ,

    steady-state operation and cutoff sequences. During prestart, LOX andLHZ flow through the engine to temperature-condition the engine components,and t o assure the presence of propellant in the turbopumps for starting.Following a timed cooldownperiod, the start signal is received by thesequence controller which energizes various control solenofd valves toopen the propellant valves in the proper sequence. The sequence controlleralso energizes spark plugs in the gas generator and t h r u s t chamber toignite the propellant. In addition, the sequence controller releasesGHz from the start tank. The GR2 provides the initial drive f o r theturbopumps that deliver propellant to the gas generator and the engine.The propellant ignites, ga s generator output accelerates the turbopumps,and engine thrust increases to main stage operation, At this tkme, thespark plugs are de-energized and the engine is in steady-state operation.

    Steady-state operation is maintained until a cutoff signal isreceived by the sequence controller. The sequence controller de-energizesthe solenoid valves which i n turn close the engine propellant valves inthe >roper sequence. As a result , engine thrust decays and the cutoffsequence is complete.

    Engine StartMain Fuel Valve OpenMain Fuel Propellant FlowStart Tank Discharge Valve OpenPump BuildupBy Pass Flow Through OxidizesTurbine By Pass ValveMain Oxidizer FlowGas Generatox Prope l lant F l owMain Oxidizer Valve OpenMainstage OK Signal90 Percent Thrust

    -0 I 2 3 4 51 SEC SBC SEC %% Gec( N TIME PROM IGNlTIOhl

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Propcllanf utiIiz&mvalve requlates LOXf low t o minimize LHtand LOX residuals atcrrtoff. VsrieJ m nSuramtlo t JOY*

    - - - - - - - - -

    I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Thrust ChamberPressure 770 psiat 5.5 70 1

    LH2 cirtulatcs thruThruS* chamber wallto cool wall

    +200.000 Ib s Thrus+

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    S-IVB STAGE P R O P E W SYSTEMThe S-ZVB propellant system is composed o f integral LOX/LH2 tanks, pro-pellant lines, control valves , vents, and pressurization subsystems. Loadingof th e propellant tanks and flow of propellants is controlled by the propellantutilization system. Both propellant tanks are i n i t i a l l y pressurized by groundsource cold helium. LOX tank pressurization during S-IVB Stage burn is main-

    ta ined by helium supplied from spheres in the LH2 tank, which is expanded bypassing through the helium heater, to maintain positive pressure across thecommon tank bulkhead and to sa t i s fy engine net positive suction head. The LH2pressurization strengthens the stage in a d d i t i o n to satisfying net pos i t ivesuction head requirements. A f t e r engine ignition th e pressure is maintainedby GHz t apped f r o m the engine supply.S-IVB P R O P E W LaGD ANI) OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Vent Vafve /LHz Tankl Pressure~ t e p p e d lowly +om39 psia ven t Settln9a t 5-IVB iqnition-+302 see.) S-IVB burn fo rSpheres for L O X . pressurira%ionTank pressorizatlort (81L.

    LOX 'TarikVent ValveLHz Fill 6 DrainLOX Fill t Drain

    -*\ elium - Heater continues topressurize LOX Tank beginninq-10 sec. after mainstaqe star*L H t Tank contains-1500 Ib s at J-2enqinecutoff. LOX remainin9 a+3 - 2 cnqins cuSo# Total propellan* at Iiftoff -234 700 Ibs.-. 3,000 Ib & To t a l propellant consumed after l i f t o f f-226,400 Ibs.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    PROPELLANT rnILIzATION SYSTEMThe propellant utilization (PU) system controls loading and enginemixture ra t ios (LOX to L H ~ ) o ensure balanced consumption of LOX and LH2.Probes mounted in the LOX and LHz containers monitor the mass of thepropellants during powered flight. At PU activation (5.0 seconds after 5-2

    ignktion), the probes sense the LOX overload and commands t h e engine to burnat the h igh rate engine mixture ratio of 5.5: l . When the high mixture ratiois removed, the W system w i l l then command t h e engine to burn t h e referencemixture r a t i o of 4.7:1, s t r i v i n g for simultaneous depletion of LOX and LH2f o r max imum stage performance.

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  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    S-IVB STAGE THRUST VECTOR CONTROL SYSTEMThe s ing le 5-2 engine is glmbal mounted on the longitudinal axis ofthe S-IVB Stage. Power f o r gimballing is supplied 'by a hydraulic controlsystem mounted on t h e engine.Pitch and yaw control, during powered f l i g h t , is maintained by actuator

    control of t h e engine thrust vector. R o l l control of the stage is maintainedby properly sequencing the pulse- f i red hypergolic propellant thrust motorsin the A P S . When the stage enters the coast mode, the APS thrust motorscontrol the stage in all three axes.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    AUXILIARY PROPULSION SYSTEMThe APS consists of t w o self-contained at t i tude con t r o l modulesmounted 180 degrees apart on the a f t s k i r t of the S-IVB stage. Eachattitude control module contains three thrust motors which use hyper-g o l i c propellant (nitrogen tetro xide (N204) and monomethylhydrazine( M I . The thrust motors are pulse-fired and produce 150 pounds of

    thrust each. No ignition system I s required since the fuel and oxi-d i z e r are hypergolic.The thrust motors provide pitch, yaw, and roll control during theS-fW coast mode, and roll control during S-IVB powered flight. Pitch

    and yaw control during powered flight is provided by the 5-2 enginesystem.

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  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Siqnal SourcesThe~mecoupla Junction

    Cr~std ibrail.r PickupStrain Gauqc

    *Oistributsrs 8( vol #a78d l v i d ~ n lnetworks)

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Data Cnannclr An+ensarwhla cartinwu# 1 MUMpI K ~ E,q;trJF 10 200 +FZ (1 260 -

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    : ~ o awurhwd r n ) t d ~ . p m p ~ d sA r e Mounted On Coldplates

    f 6 amp. hr,,o Ranqe SafetySystem No. l 1Powar Distribu+or II 1 I 1 Ibisttibu)orAss'v

    TO R a n q ~+Sofe+ySystemNo.2

    To To 1PII PU b Meas.Forward S k l r t Sys t ems--.--.d----,---.--------- - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - -A$+ Skirt 1Meas.Voltaqr To Meas.

    0~ute.v#256 vdc90 amp. hr. t amp. hr.Graulrd 1 1Pout!* Power Distribu+er Pawer Disfribu+or Ground5 L wdc Power2BVOCConlrol I

    7 Dis+ributor To Contro lRelay P w k a q aToAUK, Hyd,To

    ToChilldown Sys.(Fuel 6 ~ x i d i s e * ) FromSwitch TO SwitchTOUllaqe To Se lec to r Se'cctor

    Pressuirrat ianSy s .

    To Bat).Haaters ~ a l t e r y * ~28 vdcSystems

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    viaw wkirurlAH,

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Transducer o rSiqnal Snurces

    _ Surnmrvu 4 Msa*uremefl$ln$itiaM -

    Acc~lerometor( Vibration)E r r o r Siqnalsf computer (pfa*form )

    d kcc/erntkn2 korrstics3 Tern erafrrg4 ~-J*ure1 5 Ylbrat~en6 Stow7 h i t l o n0 6uldanee alrd brrtroj


    9 RF and T i l rmPt r y10 Vamqe, Cur&, Frcq.%@EL *hi9Tbbl

    LCC (~ta=khew)

    To othermee suri nq racks

    4f671 102311

    220243355*lz I Selector I

    II t 20 Vd rI 5 YdcI5iqnels (Prst Motion,SeparalriOn, ate.)

    - 2 f l v d c JL,,JI- t I

    Oiqital Data L - - - J Te+ TelemcfryS y ~ t e r n

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



    Digital Dah From5w i f ch ~rnlautar-f H

    I CaIibrmtorcontrrjurn;+T MA 9 5 . y TO F l , F Z , S * l U P 1

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    ENVIROWNTAL CONTROL SYSTEMThe Environmental Control System (ECS) controls the thermal environmentfor the IU and S-IVB electronfcs equipment and also conditions the G N 2 suppliedto the gas bearings of the ST-124 inertial platform.b i n components of the system consist of:

    Coolant PumpInf ight SublimatorWater Accmulater

    = MethanolJWater Reservoir (60%Methanol - 402 Water)Cold Plates (16 ~ e q u i r e d )GN2 Storage Sphere

    * Heat Exchanger (Preflight)Pref l ight OperationCoolant Pump begins operation as soon as power is a p p l l e d to the stage.~ethanol/~atereservoir provides a constant pressure at pump inlet.The coolant, circulating through the system, absorbs heat from the ST-124

    P la t f o rm , t h e L'lrDC, the LVDA and from the sys t em cold pla tes in the IU andS-IVB .Heat absorbed is transferred to Ground Support Equipment via the pref l ight

    heat exchanger.A temperature sensor (thermistor) monitors the coolant temperature andcontrals actuation of the flow control valve by s ignal transmission to theelectronic control assembly. This temperature monitor, and ECS action tocontrol coolant f l e w maintains a coolant temperature of 59*I0F.I n f l i ~ h t perationApproximately 3 minutes after l i f t o f f , a signal activates the solenoidcontrol valve permitting water to flow from the water accumulator t o the sub-limator. The water absorbs heat from the coolant.(methanol/water) and the steamfrom the sublimator i s vented overboard.GNz is utilized to pressurize the methanol/wates reservoir (15 psia) and thewater accumulator ( 5 p s f a ) . Pressure within the reservoir assures that th ecoolant pump w i l l not cav i ta te i n the space atmosphere.The water accumulator pressure insure flow from the accumulator t o the

    s u b l b a t o r .

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    GNs SupplyThe ECS supplies conditioned GN2 t a the gas bearings of t h eST-124 p la t fo rm during pre f l i gh t and i n f l i g h t operations.GN2 flows ta a heat exchanger where it: is conditioned by t h emethanol/water coo lan t .Conditioned GN2 then flows to the ST-124 platform gas bearings.A reference pressure l i n e routes gas bearing pressure from t h eST-124 platform back to the regulator thus maintaining a constant

    f low as GN2 sphere pressure changes.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    SPACECRAFT LUNAR MODUL,E ADAPTER (SLA)The SLA is designed t o transport the Lunar Module, wfth landing gearretracted, fox approximately 50 minutes after l i f t o f f . A t t h i s time the Launch

    Vehicle assumes an inertial attitude in preparation for separation. A t approx-imately T + 54 minutes, separatJLon of the LM from t h e S-IVB/IU takes place overcarnarvon.INTERFACE-IU/SPACECRAPT JETTISON CONTROLLER

    The Spacecraft Jettison Controller (SJC) is used t o separate the nose conefrom the SLA, deploy the SLA pane ls , and to initiate LM/SLA Separation.As a programed function of LVDC, the IU Seitch Selector issues two redun-

    dant camands to inltiate the nose cone SLA Separation Sequence.This s i g n a l is appl ied through relay logic ta redundant pyro inftfators

    which s tart the nose cone SLA separation sequence.A t a programmed time after nose cone separation, the LVDC issues two

    redundant Switch Selector Commands to the SJC to deploy SLA panels.This s igna l is applied through relay l og i c to redundant pyro initiators tostart the SLA Panel Deploy Sequence.LM/SLA Separation Sequence i s a function of the LM Mission Programmer ratherthan the IUILVDC and Switch Selector.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle



    The Lunar Module for mission 204/LM-1 will be an unmanned,remotely controlled version of the same module to be used by theastronauts f o r their descent t o , and return from, the moon.The L,M consists of an ascent stage with a two-man cockpit

    equipped with most of the instrumentatfon intended for th e actualLunar mission, plus the Ascent Propulsion System ( A P S ) .The Descent System, with i t s Deacent Propuls ion System (DPS),is mounted on four-legged landing gear. It should be noted thatLEM landing gear will no t be included on t h i s mission.This landing system may be retracted to permit conveyance ofthe LM with in the Spacecraft/L,M Adapter (SLA).Also included among items to be tested w i l l be the spent S-IVB

    stage which will be purged and tested in antic5pation of i r e futureuse as an orbttal workshop.

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


    Wpp r r PockingTunncl


    Randar vous

    C-Band Inf l ightAntenna ( 2 ) RC s T h r u r t r t

    Sk i r t

    L a n a r Moduloe

  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle


  • 8/6/2019 Technical Information Summary Apollo 5 (AS-204 LM-1) Apollo Saturn IB Flight Vehicle




    Dr. von BraunDr. ReesMr. NeubextMr. Jones (2)Gen. OtConnoxDr. MrazekDr. Farish ( 5 0 )Col. TeirM r . Huff (2)Mr. Dunlap (33Mr. Fikes ( 3 )Mr. Thompson ( 3 )M r . Simmons ( 3 )


    Mr. Richard (2)Dr. StuhlingerMr. Martin (2 )Mr. FletcherMr. Teague (60)D i s t . - ED i s t . - EMr, Kelley (5)Mr. Ralange ( 8 )Mr. Cochran ( 6 )Mr. Kuers (10)Mr. Wauss (10)Mr. Crews

    1-1JIB-E Mr. Germany (2) R-TEST-S M r . Drfscol l (5)I-V-MGR Dr. Rudolph KSC (LVO-5) Mr. Williams (250)I-V-E Mr. Bell (2) IBM Dept. M77 Mr. P. Grovier (20)I-K Mr. Montgomery (10) 3N1 VAB KSCI-E-A Mrs. Watson ( 2 5 ) MSFC/DAC Thru Mr. French (25)I-MO-MGR Dr. Speer R-ASTR-BV/DACI-MO-F M r . Casey (10) DAC/H Mr. P. Thelander ( 5 )Mr. J , TobiasI-MO-0 Mr. Kurts ( 5 ) IBM-H Mr. C . L . Martin (25)I-MO-OE Mr. Beutjer ( 6 ) Mr. Robin (10)

    Mr. Ladner (5) Mr. Oppenheim (I)I-RL(MS Mr. Hamilton (200)

    Mr. Kinser (2)Mr, H.D. Jensen (2)Liaison) CCSDlM Mr. Juengling (5 )I-MI CFI-MGR Mr. Stevenson (10) M r . BeverlyR-DIR Mr. Weidner (2) MS-TL Library (2)R-OM Mr. Fellows (5 )

    Additional copies may be obtained from the fol lowing personnel: