tech framework for e-inclusion_prakash_cisco - presentation by mr prakash kumar

1 07 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Tech Framework for e-Inclusion Prakash Kumar Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group e-Revolution Chandigarh September, 2011

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Page 1: Tech Framework for e-Inclusion_Prakash_Cisco - Presentation by Mr Prakash Kumar

1© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

Tech Framework for e-Inclusion

Prakash Kumar

Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group

e-Revolution Chandigarh September, 2011

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2© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Steam Engine Railway Electricity Automobiles ICT

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3© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Exchange of Goods and Information and Growth of Cities

Along the rivers

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Then Cities Grew Along Railway Routes

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5© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Exchange of Goods and Information and Growth of Cities

Along the rivers

Along Railways Routes

Along Major Highways

When information can come to your premises?–How has it disrupted the traditional way of doing business?

–What should we do to leverage it for our development (industry, society, government etc)

–How does it lead to inclusion?

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6© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Globally, NBN has proved itself as a catalyst for overall economic competitiveness

Co-relation of national broadband penetration to economic competitiveness

Broadband penetration, 2010 (% PP)

Global competi-tivenessindex1

1. WEF index based on a range of parameters – economic, technology, social, etc.SOURCE: OECD, Pyramid Research, World Economic Forum, IBSG SP Analysis

Germany, USA, Sweden, Austria, Japan

Correlation coefficient= 0.77

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%3.6





Philippines, India , Indonesia, Vietnam,

• While high correlation does not imply causality, several studies have demonstrated the impact of NBN on economic growth

• For example, The World Bank and OECD estimate 1.2-1.4% economic growth for every 10% increase in penetration

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Coverage target (% HH covered)

Speed target (Mbps)

Considering its significance, huge investments have been made or planned on National Broadband Network programs worldwide

NBN coverage, speed offered and extent of government spend

Singapore (~$1B)Japan

South Korea (~$1.5B)


Brazil Lithuania



20 10040 60 80

Australia (~$25B)USA







Various models of govt. engagement/ funding (low-Sweden vs. high-Australia)

Bubble size= Govt. spend

1. Per TRAI report, investt. of Rs. 28K-60K croresSOURCE: EIU, TRAI, OECD, Cisco IBSG SP analysis

India (~$6-12B1)

Bangladesh ($ 450 mil)

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Internet: The Next Highway

Internet is the next river of information and knowledge

Should its penetration remain at 7%?

Even where available its quality is like our rural roads/state highways

NoFN plans to cover 250,000 Panchayats by 2014

What about our cities where Internet is not available in all localities? Cities and Towns where SMBs are located.

Should it be left to Telephone companies?

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SMBs: How ICT helps them

SMBs Need Where ICT can play a role

Raw materialElectricityTrained manpower/Training √

Access to market/capital/Raw Matl √

Improved processes √

Automation of internal as well external interface (CRM/HR/ERP etc)

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10© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Broadband is the New Critical City Infrastructure

1. Infrastructure that provides intelligence

2. Infrastructure that is used intelligently

3. Infrastructure which is as important as Bijli, Sadak and Paani.

4. Physical and virtual environment are intertwined

5. Location freedom of social and economic activities

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1 Trillion

2004 20092005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 20132010

Evolution of the internetSource: Forrester Research, Cisco

400M devices connected - cars, buildings, hospitals, schools, government…everything is connected!

300 Million Device

Everything is Connected

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12© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

4 key areas enabled by High Bandwidth Internet

SOURCE: IDA, Dept of IT of South Korea, Singapore, Argentina, Cisco IBSG SP analysis

Human capital development

Infrastructure development

InfotainmentAnd Service Delivery

• Remote delivery of education• Job opportunities• Skills enhancement• Remote access to healthcare

• Smart cities/ smart grids• Transportation management• Remote access to utility needs

• Information and best practice sharing (ranging from e.g., financial services, e-governance, agri-techniques)

• Entertainment (e.g., IPTV, local radio content)

Example country



• Connected home/ office/ communities (researchers, product development, anytime anywhere/ anytime collaboration)

• South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia

• USA, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany

• Argentina, Philippines

• Singapore, Japan, South Korea

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13© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialCisco ConfidentialCisco IBSG © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Internet Business Solutions Group

Cities realize importance of ICT & smart cities

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Fiber to the Home Investment Example First Year

Source: Corning, FTTH Council Europe.





Civil Works

FO Cable


Other Services



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Equal access Utility

Access, services and content

Active network (backbone & access)

Passive network (ducts, dark fiber)


Netco utility or

orchestrated PPP


Opco +

NetCo (single entity)


Example • Singapore, France

• Australia, Brazil, South Africa

• Malaysia

1 3

SOURCE: Cisco IBSG SP analysis

Risk leverage

Selected operating models for NBN

Operating model

Passive infrastructure

Opco +


Netco utility or PPP

Opco +





Vertically integrated

Netco +

OpCo +

RSP(single entity)

• Korea, Japan


Equal access backed by govt. led SPV/ utility model potentially more relevant for India, considering low monetization capability/ need for high market shaping (rural areas)

Requirement for market shaping

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What Next

Punjab, which led green revolution and SMB revolution should lead this

revolution as well

E-enable its SMB in particular and people in general creating Smart and Connected


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EnvironmentalProtecting the world

for future generations

EconomicContinuous job and

business growth

Running a Village, City, Community, Country, the World on Networked Information

SocialEnhanced quality of

life for citizens

Sustainability Services Delivered by Technology

Smart+Connected Communities

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Retail School

Sports & Leisure






Telecom Utilities Safety & Security

Building Emergency Response


COMMUNITY+EXCHANGE(Integrated Operations Centers)


Smart+Connected Communities

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Smart+Connected CommunitiesService Delivery Platform + Smart Solutions

Connected Real Estate

Connected Utilities

Connected Transportation

Connected Citizen Services

Connected Safety and


Smart Solutions

Partner Solutions

CitizenService Provider



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