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TeamcenterGateway forOracle EBS-Migration Guide

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Preface 3

Introduction 1-1

Preparation of the UpgradeTeamcenter related Preparations ─────────────────────────── 2-1AIG related Preparations ───────────────────────────────── 2-1

Migration of the InstallationAIG related Steps ────────────────────────────────────── 3-1Restructuring AIG Mapping Directory ───────────────────────── 3-1Teamcenter related Steps ──────────────────────────────── 3-2Teamcenter Workflow Migration ──────────────────────────── 3-2

AIG Migration ToolGeneral Information ─────────────────────────────────── 4-1How to Use the AIG Migration Tool ────────────────────────── 4-1Create Teamcenter Style Sheets ──────────────────────────── 4-2Fine-tune the Results of the AIG Migration Tool ────────────────── 4-3

Glossary A-1

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PrefaceThis documentation cannot be used as a substitute for consulting advice, because it can never considerthe individual business processes and configuration. Despite our best efforts it is probable that someinformation about functionality and coherence may be incomplete.

Issue: August 2019

Legal notice:

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be copied by any means or made available toentities or persons other than employees of the licensee of the Teamcenter Gateway for Oracle E-Business Suite or those that have a legitimate right to use this documentation as part of theirassignment on behalf of the licensee to enable or support usage of the software for use within theboundaries of the license agreement.

© 2010-2019 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

Trademark notice:

Siemens, the Siemens logo and SIMATIC IT are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.

Camstar and Teamcenter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens Product LifecycleManagement Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.

SAP, R/3, SAP S/4HANA®, SAP Business Suite® and mySAP are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAPor its affiliates in Germany and other countries.

TESIS is a registered trademark of TESIS GmbH.

All other trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders.

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4 Migration Guide© 2019 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc.

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1. IntroductionThis guide should be used to determine the steps necessary for migrating an Active Integration Gateway(AIG) product from an earlier installation.

The specifics depend on the circumstances and the details of the implementation already in place.Therefore, this guide is meant to provide a list of steps to take along with hints regarding the specifics ofthose steps. In addition, this guide provides information about the AIG Migration Tool provided to assistwith e.g. migrating mapping files.

Thorough testing of the resulting configuration is highly recommended to ensure that AIG worksproperly in the new environment.

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1. Introduction

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2. Preparation of the Upgrade

Teamcenter related Preparations

Teamcenter Workflows

Create Backups of your Teamcenter Workflows that include T4x Handlers.

Teamcenter Gateway Preferences

In many cases there will be a backup XML file with the T4x Preferences Configuration, that is managedby the customer. Preferably this configuration file will be used for the migration.

If this is not the case, you may export the T4x Preferences from Teamcenter. The Teamcenter GatewayPreferences can be found under the category Teamcenter Gateway. Please check if all Preferencesstarting with T4* are managed under that category. If not, you may want to export all TeamcenterPreferences and edit the XML file, so that only T4x Preferences remain and are assigned to the correctcategory.

Teamcenter Installation

• Be sure all Teamcenter processes including TAO and Poolmanager (Servermanager) are stoppedbefore proceeding. The database and FMS services do not matter.

• Run clearlocks -verbose in a Teamcenter or T4x command shell.

• Delete the local RAC cache, e.g. %USERPROFILE%\Teamcenter\RAC (this is the default location)

• Delete all the old T4x .jar files in <TC_ROOT>/portal/plugins. Same with the language dependent T4xerror message files in <TC_ROOT>/lang/textserver.

AIG related Preparations

• Check version of the additional files that are not part of the OOTB Package (e.g. for SAP JCO, SAPNetweaver, JDBC, …) and download new versions of these files if necessary.

• In case you have customer specific AIG dll's or other custom AIG functions installed, please ask firsthow to handle them for the AIG upgrade. Maybe they have to be upgraded for the new AIG version(needs to be done by AIG software development), maybe they are not needed anymore because thatspecific functionality had been implemented in the AIG standard functionality.

• Taking screenshots of the configuration in the BGS and GS Admin UI can help you to restore yoursettings in the new installation.

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• Stop the AIG processes and services.

• Make a backup of the existing AIG installation directories if necessary.

• For proper Admin UI handling, be sure to use a supported web browser as defined in the ActiveIntegration - Installation Guide, enable JavaScript, delete the web browser cache and cookies, thenrestart the web browser.

2. Preparation of the Upgrade

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3. Migration of the Installation

AIG related Steps

• Install, initialize and configure AIG as described in the Active Integration - Installation Guide.

• Copy the additional files that are not part of AIG (e.g. for SAP JCO, SAP Netweaver, JDBC, …) if notalready done via Deployment Center.

• Copy the customer specific AIG libraries or other custom AIG functions to the installation if necessary.

• If any customer specific mapping code is used that replaces a standard AIG function by overriding itsoriginal mapping code, be sure to check if it is needed any more at all.Migrate your mapping to the new AIG version using the AIG Migration Tool and copy it to theinstallation. Make sure, that you are using the correct folder structure. For more information seeRestructuring AIG Mapping Directory. Recompile and deploy the mapping.

• Copy any custom test scripts back to <GS_ROOT>/var/test.

• With 19.1 credentials to connect to any enterprise application are no longer stored in the mappingdirectly. Instead a so-called credentials alias is used in the mapping. Using this alias, the GS can fetchthe required credentials from the BGS database when needed. To make this work properly, thecredentials have to be stored in advance with the exact same alias using the product-specific script tostore, test and manage credentials for the enterprise applications involved.

Restructuring AIG Mapping Directory


In previous versions the AIG Mapping files may have been directly stored in the directory<GS_ROOT>/var/mmap. With AIG 11.2.2 this directory contains now sub folders.

If sub folders are missing in directory <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap we recommend doing the following steps:

• Create the corresponding sub folders <AIG>_mapping_config (based on your product) andt4x_mapping_config under <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap.

• Move the existing files from <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap to the corresponding sub-directories.

• Copy the template files from <GS_ROOT>/var/template/mmap/t4x_mapping_config to<GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/t4x_mapping_config.

• Remove all statements beginning with source –relax t4x from the product specific mappingconfig file <AIG> because now they belong into the AIG product independentmapping config file

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• Remove all statements beginning with source –relax <AIG>_ mapping_config1 from theproduct specific mapping config file <AIG> Such settings were used in specialAIG installations only, not by default, and now they are not needed anymore at all because AIG loadsall existing files * automatically.

• Adapt the mapping config source file <GS_ROOT>/var/mmap/t4x_mapping_config/ to your needs. Especially the statements source –relax …

Teamcenter related Steps

• Update the T4x templates using Teamcenter Environment Manager (TEM).

• If required, adapt the data model as desired using Teamcenter BMIDE (only needed in special cases,e.g. for implementing new functionality using Teamcenter BMIDE settings). In order to incorporatedchanges to the Teamcenter data model, please follow the instructions in the Installation Guide.

• Restart Teamcenter and import your migrated Teamcenter Gateway preferences.

• Migrate all Teamcenter workflows which are using deprecated T4x workflow handlers (seeTeamcenter Workflow Migration).

• Stop Teamcenter and all its processes again.

• Regenerate the Portal registry XML files by executing <TC_ROOT>\portal\registry\genregxml.

Teamcenter Workflow Migration

Due to clearing up deprecated T4x functionality some T4x workflow handlers are no longer available andtherefore Teamcenter workflows using this workflow handlers have to be migrated. This can be donewith the Teamcenter workflow utility migrate_wf_handlers. T4x provides thewf_t4x_handler_migration.xml mapping input file to convert handler names and arguments via thisutility as part of the <t4x> feature. Call the Teamcenter workflow utility like this:

migrate_wf_handlers -v -mapping_file=%TC_ROOT%\install\<t4x>\wf_handler_migration\wf_t4x_handler_migration.xml

More details about the migrate_wf_handlers utility can be found in the Teamcenter documentation(Administering > Teamcenter > Utilities Reference > Workflow utilities).

1 <AIG> should be replaced with product specific prefix like t4ea, t4o, t4s etc.

3. Migration of the Installation

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4. AIG Migration Tool

General Information

AIG provides a tool facilitating the migration from earlier AIG versions. This tool can help you, but it isnot able to perform all of the necessary steps. You will have to test the results thoroughly in the newenvironment. Therefore, you should have read the previous chapters before using the tool and fine-tuneits results appropriately.

With the AIG Migration Tool you are able to

• migrate AIG mapping files

• migrate AIG test scripts

• migrate .xml files containing Teamcenter preferences

• create Teamcenter style sheets for the AIG Transfer Window and the corresponding preferences


• The oldest AIG version supported by the current AIG migration tool is AIG 10.1

How to Use the AIG Migration Tool

This describes how to use the AIG Migration Tool in the most convenient way.

• Create a migration directory (e.g. C:\<AIG>_migration).

• Copy the file <AIG>_migtool of your GS installation (<AIG-GS-ROOT>\var\script\<AIG>_migtool) intothis new directory.

• Copy all the files to migrate (*.sd, *.tcl, *.xml) into this new directory.

• Create a sub-directory to store the result files (e.g. C:\<AIG>_migration\new). Only the content of thisdirectory will be modified by the AIG Migration Tool.

• Set up a T4x command shell with the new AIG environment (for further details see the GenericConfiguration Guide). Change to the migration source directory (in our example,C:\<AIG>_migration).

• Run the AIG Migration Tool with the command tps <AIG>_migtool -l automig.log -o new.

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Your files in the source directory (in our example C:\<AIG>_migration) will not be changed and thereforeno existing data will be corrupted. The processed results will be stored in the target directory stated withthe -o option in the current directory (in our example C:\<AIG>_migration\new).

In order to have the Migration Tool writing every single modification into log files, use the additionalparameter -l. This will write the log files automig.log.diff and automig.log.txt into the current directory(not the new directory stated with -o) allowing you to check every modification.

The whole process may take a few minutes. It will show a progress bar for every single file it processes.

Please note that:

• The Migration Tool can be called from anywhere and the input files may be located in any directory(specify with the option -i like input), but it is recommended to use the way described here.

• Use the help parameter -h for more details on the options.

• If there should be an error message be sure to start it from the correct (new) AIG environment andthat no AIG process from the same installation is running. Then try again.


The Migration Tool does not only replace preferences and preference values, but it also deletesobsolete ones.

Create Teamcenter Style Sheets

The AIG Migration Tool can create the style sheets for the AIG Transfer Window and the correspondingpreferences as well. In earlier AIG versions, preferences <AIG>_<object_type>ListOfDisplAttributes4* defined the data to show in the AIG TransferWindow. Now this is done using style sheets (for further details see the Generic Configuration Guide). Ifone of your input files is a preferences export file containing such preferences, call the Migration Toolwith the additional option -stylesheets (may be abbreviated as -ss) as in the following example

tps <AIG>_migtool -l automig.log -o new -f -ss new_stylesheets

The options -l and -f in this example are optional, but -o is mandatory with and without style sheets.In this example, the Migration Tool will create the style sheet files (the actual style sheet XML files and astyle sheet preferences file) in the directory new_stylesheets, and the same output as in the previousexamples.

As from version 10.0 upwards, Teamcenter modified some details regarding the preferences handling,the AIG Migration Tool must reflect that difference. Therefore the new parameter -tc has beenintroduced. This allows values 10 or higher (two digits) with or without decimals. In the current version,the Migration Tool does not care about the decimals (so for example -tc 10 is handled in the same way

4. AIG Migration Tool

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as -tc 10.1), but if Teamcenter will introduce more version specific differences, this difference maybecome important in later AIG versions.

A correct call with Teamcenter 10 could be:

tps <AIG>_migtool -l automig.log -o new -tc 10

The main difference is that since Teamcenter 10.0 each preference needs a non-empty elementpreference_description as well as protectionScope and envEnabled. So if the Migration Toolis invoked with the option -tc 10, it will do the following:

• If a <preference> element in the input file does not contain a <preference_description>element it will be added with the value "No description available for thispreference". If the element <preference_description> exists but is empty the same valuewill be inserted into the element.

• If a <preference> element in the input file does not contain a <protectionScope> attribute itwill be inserted with the value Site.

• If a <preference> element in the input file does not contain a <envEnabled attribute> it willbe inserted with the value false.

Fine-tune the Results of the AIG Migration Tool

After the automatic processing, you have to check the results thoroughly:

• Be sure that the preferences file is in correct XML style. This may be checked with any XML editor orwith the standard Teamcenter tool preferences_manager (adding the option -preview will onlydisplay the result of the preference modifications without doing an update to the database), e.g.

preferences_manager -u=infodba -p=<pw> -g=dba \ -mode=import -file=preferences.xml -scope=SITE \ -preview -action=OVERRIDE

• If you want to rerun the AIG Migration Tool, you may notice that it will not write any files if one ormore of the target files already exist. Then you may

• delete the contents of the target directory,

• use another target directory, or

• force the AIG Migration Tool to overwrite the files by adding the option -f:tps <AIG>_migtool –l automig.log -o new –f

Fine-tune the Results of the AIG Migration Tool

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Here are common pitfalls to be avoided:

• If the migration replaced a function, make sure that the parameters of the function are replacedcorrectly.

• If customer specific mapping code is used that replaces a standard AIG function by overriding itsoriginal mapping code, be sure to check if it is still needed. If true, adapt it to the new AIGversion. These functions can be found by checking their namespaces.

• For SAP related AIG products it is recommended to replace custom JCO calls with Netweavercalls.

• Carefully read the contents of the automig.log.diff file and act accordingly to the comments.

4. AIG Migration Tool

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A. Glossary


ABAPABAP is a proprietary programming language of the SAP AG.

Adminis the term used in this document for people who install and configure Teamcenter and its components.This is in contrast to the "user" role.

Admin UIWeb based administrative user interface of the GS and BGS.

AIGThe entire Active Integration Gateway product family.

AIG_ROOTPlease see GS_ROOT and BGS_ROOT. This term is used if something is true for both the GS and BGS.

AI-ObjectApplication-Interface Object

APIApplication Programming Interface.

AppsSee "GS".

AppServerApplication Server.


BAPIThe Business Application Programming Interface allows external programs to access objects andbusiness processes in SAP.

BGSBasic Gateway Service.

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BGS_ROOTThe installation directory of the Basic Gateway Service (e.g. C:\Siemens\BGS).

BMIDETeamcenter Business Modeler IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

BOMA Bill Of Materials is a list of the parts or components and their quantities that are required to build aproduct.

BOM HeaderA BOM Header is the top item of a BOM. BOMs can have multiple levels, so this often means the topitem of the actual level.

BOPThe Bill Of Process describes a manufacturing process and lists the operations and steps with all theirinstructions, consumed materials, resources, work places and machines.


CCObjectCollaboration Context Object

CEPCamstar Enterprise Platform

Change MasterThe Engineering Change Master (ECM) contains the metadata to a change number.

CharacteristicAn characteristic is an attribute of a SAP class.

CIOCamstar Interoperability

CLM4SClosed Loop Manufacturing for SAP S/4HANA®


Data CarrierPlease see Vault.

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DataviewThe Dataview is an extension to the Teamcenter RAC and is deployed as part of the TEM installationprocess of the Teamcenter Gateway. The Dataview is used to display the real-time data of externalapplications, associated with Teamcenter objects.

Dataview mark-upis the language understood by the Dataview. The Dataview receives messages written in this languagefrom the T4x server. Such messages can be formatted as XML or JSON. Normally users do not see suchmessages. They may however appear in log files or error messages. The so called prop mapping ( contains TCL commands that compose messages in the Dataviewmark-up.

DCDData Collection Definition

DIRDIR is the abbreviation for a SAP Document Info Record.

Document KeyA Document Info Record is identified by the combination of Document Type, Document Number,Document Part and Document Version.

Document StructureA Document Structure is like a Bill Of Materials for Documents.


EAstands for Enterprise Application, any software or set of computer programs used by business users toperform various business functions in context of current integration's portfolio with Teamcenter.

ECNThe Engineering Change Notice can also be called an Engineering Change Note, Engineering ChangeOrder (ECO), or just an Engineering Change (EC).

EPMEnterprise Process Modeling

EWIElectronic Work Instructions

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File StreamMethod of transfer to send an original to SAP.


Gateway MenuAn additional menu item of the Teamcenter Gateway software available in the Teamcenter RAC.

GRMThe Generic Relationship Management provides a general way in which two objects can be associatedvia a relationship.

GSGateway Service, manages the communication between Enterprise Applications.

GS_ROOTThe installation directory of the Gateway Service (e.g. C:\Siemens\GS).

GUIGraphical user interface.

GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier


IDGENThe IDGEN is a mechanism to get an external ID from the ERP system when assigning a Teamcenter ID.

Inspection PlanContains characteristics to be inspected in an operation and equipment to be used.

iPPEIntegrated Product and Process Engineering is a module that can be used to mange products with manyvariants.

ITKThe Integration Toolkit (ITK) is a set of software tools provided by Siemens PLM Software that you canuse to integrate third-party or user-developed applications with Teamcenter.

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JCOThe Java Connector is an interface to . In the context of it is now mostly replaced by the Netweaver RFCinterface.

JDBCJava Database Connectivity is an application programming interface (API) for the programming languageJava, which defines how a client may access a database.

JobTeamcenter Gateway features asynchronous transfer. This datatransfer is managed via a Job.

Job PoolThe Job Pool contains all finished and unprocessed Jobs. It is managed by the BGS.

Job ServerThe Job Server on the Basic Gateway Service (BGS) manages the Job and distribution them to the JobAgent for processing.

JSONJavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format1.


KProKpro stands for Knowledge Provider. See also Data Carrier.


LOVList of Values


MappingThe mapping is part of the T4x configuration. It contains the code that controls the behavior of the datatransfer between Teamcenter and the ERP system.


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MFKMulti-key functionality in Teamcenter.

MMMM is the abbreviation for a SAP Material Master.

MOMManufacturing Operations Management


NCNNon-Conformance Notification

NetWeaver RFC SDKThe NetWeaver RFC SDK contains libraries for 3rd party applications to connect to . It can be obtainedfrom the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.


Object KeyThe Object Key is a string that contains the ID of an Enterprise Application object. If the identifier is acombination of multiple keys, then the Object Key is a combination of those keys in a defined order andformat.

Object LinkA relation between SAP objects like Material Master and Document Info Record.

Object Management RecordBelongs to a SAP Change Number and Documents changes of one particular SAP object like a MaterialMaster.

OOTBOut of the box

OriginalA representation of a file in SAP.

OSS NoteThe OSS Note is an online patch service for SAP. The patch can be identified by the OSS Notes number.

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PIRPIR is an abbreviation for a SAP Purchase Info Record.

Portal TransactionThis means that a transfer to SAP that is not triggered by a workflow handler but via the Gateway Menu.


RACstands for Rich Application Client also referred to as rich client or portal.

Revision LevelUsed to show changes with reference to a change to a SAP Material Master or Document Info Record.

RFCRemote Function Call (SAP)


SAPSAP S/4HANA® / SAP Business Suite®

SAP GUIThis is the application for the SAP Business Suite® and SAP S/4HANA®.

SAP LogonThis is the application that a user needs to start the SAP GUI for a particular system. It may also refer tothe process of logging in to SAP in Teamcenter via .

SAP Portal iView URLCan be used to show sap content in a browser window.

Session LogShows one log file for each Teamcenter session. Written if T4x transactions are executed

SSLSecure Sockets Layer.

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T4O_ROOTPlease see GS_ROOT

T4S 4-Tier Client (SAP Lite)The 4-Tier Client or SAP Lite is a stripped down GS. It´s only purpose is to open the SAP GUI on aTeamcenter 4-Tier Client.

T4xThe entire Teamcenter Gateway product family.

TAOThe ACE ORB is a open-source and standards-compliant real-time C++ implementation of CORBA basedupon the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE).

TargetTypeNameThis is the T4x internal name for the transaction type. E.g. MaterialMaster orDocumentInfoRecord.


TCLis a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.

TCPCMTeamcenter Product Cost Management

TCPCM4STeamcenter Product Cost Management Gateway for SAP S/4HANA

TEMTeamcenter Environment Manager

Transaction CodeA Transaction Code is a quick access code for a Transaction in the SAP GUI:

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Transaction LogThe Transaction Log is a T4x logfile on the BGS. It contains log information for a specific T4x transaction.

Transfer WindowThe Transfer Window triggers transactions via the Gateway Menu.

Transport PackageA file that contains functions that can be imported to SAP.


UOMUOM stands for Unit of Measure.

URIUnified Resource Identifier: a generalized from of a resource locator (URL) and resource name (URN),which just identifies a resource, but is not necessarily sufficient to locate (find) the resource. URIs areoften used to identify configurations in Java and other languages. See for more details.

URLUnified Resource Locator: a string with a certain format, allowing to load a resource from a network.URLs are a specific form or URNs.

User Exit (SAP)A User Exit is a code for a program that is called if an object like an MaterialMaster has been changed orupdated. In the context of T4S it is often used to initiate the process to trigger a transfer from SAP toTeamcenter.

User LogThe User Log is a T4x logfile on the BGS. If you define a customized logchannel, the information iswritten into a User Log of that name.


Value SetA Value Set is the SAP term for a list of selectable values for a characteristic.

VaultThe Vault is a server where a SAP DocumentInfoRecord original is stored. A synonym is also Data Carrier.

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WBSWBS is an abbreviation for a SAP Work Breakdown Structure.


XMLExtensible Markup Language is designed to store and transport data in a format that is both human- andmachine-readable.

XRTstands for XML Rendering Template, also known as XML Rendering Stylesheet. These are XMLdocuments stored in datasets that define how parts of the Teamcenter user interface are rendered. Theyare used for the Rich Client as well as the Active Workspace.


ZPTCThis is the short name for a Z-Table with the name /TESISPLM/ZPTC, used to trigger a transfer from SAP.

Z-Table"Z" is a well-known prefix name for custom tables in the SAP world. A special table used with is thetable /TESISPLM/ZPTC.

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About Siemens PLM SoftwareSiemens PLM Software, a business unit ofthe Siemens Industry Automation Division,is a leading global provider of productlifecycle management (PLM) software andservices with 7 million licensed seats and71,000 customers worldwide.Headquartered in Plano, Texas, SiemensPLM Software works collaboratively withcompanies to deliver open solutions thathelp them turn more ideas into successfulproducts. For more information onSiemens PLM Software products andservices, visit

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