team skills and nlp

Team Skills and NLP Meta-programs and what makes us think (and act) differently

Upload: john-dorris

Post on 12-May-2015




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A new twist on team skills using meta-programs.


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Team Skills and NLPMeta-programs and what makes us think (and act) differently

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Team Skills Warm Up: Marshmallow Challenge

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Team Skills Competition The Marshmallow Challenge• Each team has the same material1. 20 sticks of spaghetti

2. One marshmallow

3. One meter of tape

4. One meter of string

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Team Skills Competition The Marshmallow ChallengeEach team of 4 to 5 people has the same goal

• Within 18 minutes construct the tallest possible freestanding structure with the material provided

• Measurements are from the base of the table to the top of the marshmallow

• The Marshmallow must be placed whole at the top of your structure and it must not bend or break


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What lessons can teams take from the Marshmallow Challenge?• The website has some great

background and a TED talk on the challenge

• The some of the lessons identified by the creator are … Marshmallow Challenge.pdf

• Let’s focus on how we as team members can better facilitate with our team and improve our performance…

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Meta-programs (Another NLP Meta)

• Meta-programs refer to the approximately sixty different mental functions identified by NLP founders and experts

• These mental functions influence our behavior including:– How we make decisions– How we communicate– And how we treat our team members

• Today we will look at eight useful Meta-programs that we see and experience everyday

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Some questions to get us started…

• Imagine you are going to buy a used car… What would be important to you?

• What’s important to you about a holiday?

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Some more questions…

• What is the relationship between the coins on the screen?

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Even more questions…

• What is the relationship between these three boxes?

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2 “How Do You Know” Questions…

• How do you know when you have done a good job?

• How do you when you have cooked a nice meal?

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2 More “How Do You Know” Questions…

• How do you know when someone else is good at what they do?

• How do you know if a computer program works really well?

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Working in pairs (两个人 ) share your answers and decide…1. Direction FilterToward: “I want a fast car with lots of space”Away From: “I just don’t want it to be too expensive”Mixture: “I want a holiday that’s sunny but not too crowded”

2. Relationship FilterSame: “the coins are round, metal, and all usable in Europe”Difference: “The were all different colors, sizes, and values”Mixture: “They were all the same shape but different sizes”

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Working in pairs (两个人 ) share your answers and decide…

3. Frame of ReferenceInternal: “I feel satisfied” or “it tastes great”External: “My boss tells me I’ve done a good job” “Everyone smiles”Balanced: “I’ve met my standards and my colleagues agree”

4. Convincer Representation FilterSee: “I see results”Hear: “The client tells me that they are satisfied”Feel: “It just felt right”Read/Ad: “I read through their work and it makes sense”

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Question about your “Action Filter”

• Imagine that you were give a new computer program that you had to learn… What would you do?

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Affiliation/ Work Preference Filter

• Think about two specific one-time events at work when you were really happy and satisfied. Describe both events…

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Primary Interest Filter

• Think about a time you went to your favorite restaurant… Describe it…

• Talk about a time you did your favorite free time activity…

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Chunk Size Filter

• If we were going to work on a project together (like the marshmallow challenge) what would you need to know first, second, third etc…

• Describe your home to someone who has never been there

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Working in pairs (两个人 ) share your answers and decide…1. Action FilterActive: “I would load it up and have a play with it”Reflective: “I would read the manual carefully, then begin”Both: “I would read the intro, begin and go back if I got stuck”

2. Affiliation/Work PreferenceIndependent: “I was writing a fantastic report”Team Player: “We all pulled together to make the event happen”Management Player: “I got everyone together and allocated work”(Does the answer also concern: things, systems, or people?)

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Working in pairs (两个人 ) share your answers and decide…3. Primary Interest FilterPeople: “All my friends were there”Place: “It was beautifully decorated”Things: “The food/wine was fantastic”Activity: “Everyone started singing”Time: “It was John’s Birthday/ It was the world cup…”

4. Chunk Size FilterSpecific: “I’d need to know exactly when, where, and how”Global: “What project is it? What is the goal?”Specific to Global: “How much will I be paid? What is the project for?”Global to Specific: “What is the purpose of the project? What is it connected to? What’s the deadline? What action do we need to take?”

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How can we apply this to team work?

• Direction Filter?

• Relationship Filter?

• Frame of reference filter?

• Convincer Representation Filter?

• Action Filter?

• Affiliation / Work Preference Filter?

• Primary Interest Filter?

• Chunk Size Filter?