team olson/waller - top agent magazine

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  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    TRAVISOLSONBranch Manager/

    Senior Mortgage Specialist

  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    Copyright Top Agent Magazine

    Travis Olson was born into home

    loans. With a Real Estate Agent fora Father, he learned about propertyvaluations and home loans beforemost kids could dene the wordmortgage. During the summers,around my baseball schedule, Iworked for my Fathers lenders, he

    says. Later, at Gonzaga University

    in Spokane, WA, he interned with amajor national home loan company.Having built the Olson MortgageGroup Team over the past 25 years,Travis is the Branch Managerand Senior Mortgage Specialistat Directors Mortgages corporate


  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    Copyright Top Agent Magazine

    headquarters in Lake Oswego,Oregon. Its the only industry Iveever worked in, he says. I knewafter a short while on the wholesaleside that I didnt t the 8-to-5 desk

    job schematic, he says. Just a

    couple years out of college I startedoriginating loans. I was lucky to beindoctrinated at such a young age.

    Travis has experienced every poss-ible mortgage scenario and he valuesthe close contact he maintains withclients. Im also blessed in thatIve been able to align myself withthe best organizations. His team

    with Directors Mortgage sets himapart. We have an amazing groupof people with tremendous strengthand understanding of the loan orig-ination process. Jeff Waller, my pro-duction partner, is the best in thebusiness. He builds relationships and

    the initial trust our borrowers have inus, says Travis. He and I lead theteam, but at the end of the day wehave three excellent team memberswho make us shine. Together weprovide positive experiences forborrowers and REALTORS.

    Team members include Client CareCoordinator Paige Olson, who en-sures borrower information is accur-

    ately prepared and who spearheadsclient communication. Rachael Mc-Whirter, Senior Processor, handlesthe nuts-and-bolts, working closelywith our in-house underwriters toensure clean approvals, says Travis.

    oWe have an amazing

    group of people with

    tremendous strength and

    understanding of the loanorigination process.


  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    Copyright Top Agent Magazine

    And Business Development Ofcer,Michelle Nielsen, actively shares theteams success stories with currentand prospective partners such as realestate agents, accountants, attorneysand nancial planners.

    Referrals from clients or from top-producing REALTORSin the LakeOswego/Portland/SW Washingtonmarket account for 95 percent ofthe teams business. Our processpaints them in a very favorable light.

    When you make the agent shine,you create condence with everyoneinvolved. Our partnerships are builton relationships versus transactions,and you have to dig deeper andspend more time when prioritizing

    relationships over transactions, hesays. For instance, the bottom lineis not our only concern. What mattersis that we know we are setting ourclient partners up for success, hesays. If we exceed the high standardswe have for ourselves, we will excel.

  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    Copyright Top Agent Magazine

    But we never want to take any of ourrelationships for granted.

    Another prominent honor is theOlson-Waller Teams standing asThe Preferred Lender for the NBAs

    Portland Trailblazers. We work veryclosely on home loans for everyonefrom executives to the ticketingstaff. Its an afliation were veryproud of, says Travis. Being ableto help others is the most rewardingaspect of Traviss work. That

    hasnt changed in 25 years. Seeingthe smiles on their faces and beingone of the keys to solving a puzzleis so rewarding. Afliation withDirectors Mortgage provides theteam additional opportunities to help

    the community as well. In 2015 wewere part of Directors Mortgagegiving back close to $1.1 million tolocal charities, he says. This includessupporting great organizations suchas Portland Youth Soccer, the SHOCFoundation, St. Jude and the Portland

    From left to right: Rachael McWhirter, Jeff Waller, Paige Olson,Travis Olson and Michelle Nielsen.

  • 7/24/2019 Team Olson/Waller - Top Agent Magazine


    Copyright Top Agent Magazine

    To learn more about Travis Olson and Directors Mortgage,


    Email: [email protected] or call 503.449.3807

    Travis Olson: 111072 Jeff Waller: 136245 Michelle Nielsen: 1426379

    Rachael McWhirter: 1173058 Directors Mortgage: NMLS# 3240

    Homebuilders Association, throughwhich the Olson-Waller Team helpraise funds to build transitionalhousing for people experiencingmajor life changes.

    Personally, Travis is a tness enthu-

    siast and spends a great deal of time

    at Club Sport Oregon. He and Paigealso enjoy an active life with theiramazing boys, Payton and Zachary.Payton plays varsity soccer at LakeOswego High School as well aswith Crossre Oregon. Zachary is abasketball enthusiast at Lake Oswego

    Junior High.