teaching strategies

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Teaching strategies1. Direct instruction -A teacher centered model that focuses on student activities being guided by teacher directions and direct transmission of information.

2. Cognitive strategy instructionCognitive Strategy Instruction is effective for a variety of learners, but particularly students with learning disabilities

Cognitive Strategy Instruction (CSI) is an instructional approach which emphasizes the development of thinking skills and processes as a means to enhance learning.

3. Whole language -The fundamental concern of someone who uses language is making sense. To a learner, reading and writing are crucial to forming an understanding of the world.

4. Cooperative learning -Students work in groups - ie: jigsaw

In this approach, students share knowledge with other students through a variety of structures. In fact, when educators introduce cooperative learning into the classroom, minority learners show a disproportionate improvement in achievement.

5. Small group instruction -Working with small groups based on ability level or interest (guided reading)

6. Inductive instruction -Teaching that follows the cycle used in scientific inquiry. Steps usually include: searching the literature, making observations, generating hypotheses, designing and carrying out experiments, then analysis of results and restarting the cycle."

7. Inquiry-based Instruction -A system in which students solve problems or answer questions by forming tentative answers (hypotheses), then collecting and analyzing data to provide evidence for or against their hypotheses.

8. Integrative instruction -"A holistic approach that works to strengthen all aspects of a student's life (academic, physical, personal, and emotional). "

9. Interdisciplinary Teaching -"Traditional elementary and secondary classrooms divide instruction into categories (disciplines) such as "reading," "math," and "social studies." Interdisciplinary teaching involves any effort on the part of an instructor to design learning activities with products and activities to related to more than one discipline."