teaching infographics as a technical communication trend slides revised

Teaching Infographics as a Technical Communication Trend Michelle Didier Adjunct Associate Professor University of Maryland, University College

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Teaching Infographics as a Technical Communication Trend

Michelle DidierAdjunct Associate Professor

University of Maryland, University College

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Agenda• Purpose• What is an infographic?• How did the idea to teach infographics originate?• Why use an infographic as a technical communication

trend?• How are infographics used to communicate technical

information?• How do infographics play a role in an educational setting?• What tools do students use to create infographics?• What are students’ outcomes of creating infographics?• What are some examples of student-created infographics?


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• Discuss my experience with identifying, incorporating, and developing infographics as one of the technical communication trends examined in UMUC’s Contemporary Trends in Technical Writing (aka Communication) course.


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What is an infographic?

• An infographic is a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data. (Oxford Dictionary)

• “The really good ones [infographics] are seamless and POP their message right off the page.” – Student comment


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How did the idea to teach infographics originate?

• Contemporary Trends in Technical Writing course (WRTG 493)

• Researched what the contemporary trends were in technical communication

• Identified information design as a contemporary trend--infographics use information design in communicating the technical information


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Why use an infographic as a technical communication trend?

• Since people are more visually oriented today, infographics offer an interesting and engaging solution for communicating technical information.– “Using an infographic allows readers to gain the

information they need, while stimulating their interest using visual elements. A well designed infographic can engage readers while also displaying information effectively.” • Student comment


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How are infographics used to communicate technical information?

• Present a topic overview visually• Emphasize keys points about a topic• Describe a process logically• Show relationships• Summarize data and statistics– “By combining and condensing typically large amounts of

data/text with images down into the essential few details, the infographic makes it easier for the viewer to pick up the relevant information as the communication is clear and targeted.” • Student comment


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How are infographics used to communicate technical information?

“The writer choose to use bold, plain, capital case, black text for the Title. He/she kept it simple and effective. We know exactly what the infographic is about.Next, graphic icons where used to depict each source of nitrogen pollution with a matching colored arrow pointing to a small paragraph below that describes the pollutant. Within the arrow, a number percent is clearly seen. I would have liked to see the circle graph "The Big Picture" in a different location because it takes away from the overall design of the piece. It is "lost" in the design.If the reader isn't interested or does not have the time to read the paragraphs below the arrows, the rest of the infographic does a great job at getting the main point across: what percentage of nitrogen pollution comes from what sources.”

Source: http://www.cbf.org/image/graphic-pollution-sources-nitrogen-695wide.jpg


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How do infographics play a role in an educational setting?

• Design and create a chart or diagram to communicate technical information visually

• Practice applying information design techniques to a visual communication solution– Visual SPD (Space, Progression, Differentiation)

and chunking• Develop critical thinking skills in evaluating

published infographics


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What tools do students use to create infographics?

• Piktochart ( http://piktochart.com/ )• Easelly ( http://www.easel.ly/ )• Infor.am ( https://infogr.am/ )

– Source: UMUC Effective Writing Center (EWC)


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What are students’ impressions of creating an infographic?

• Enjoyed learning about and creating an infographic– “I really liked learning about infographics and how to create them.”– “I especially enjoyed learning about infographics and have already put that

knowledge to use by designing an infographic for a fundraiser I am coordinating at church.”

• Found creating an infographic thought-provoking and fun– “You…have to put a LOT of thought into the visual aspect of infographics”.– “I found it very interesting to take a technical topic and convey the message

via visual means”. • Apply knowledge and practice of infographics in personal and

professional activities– “Since completing the assignment I have created a few for use at work. They

are a very useful tool to use as a handout in meetings and presentations.”– “I will be creating one about concussions for our local lacrosse program in

the very near future.”#stc15Infographics

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Student Infographics Examples


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