tb of hhbb vol. 44 issue 12

Published Weekly by KPA Office Outsource, LLC For Ad Rates Call: 843-368-2997 tidbits@tidbitso f hhbb.com • www.tidbitso f hhbb.com The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read ® April 7–20, 2012 Volume 4, Issue 12 by Kathy Wolfe WANT TO PUBLISH A TIDBITS ® IN YOUR AREA? We provide the opportunity for success! www.tidbitsweekly.com Call 1.800.523.3096 (US) 1.866.631.1567 (CAN) April 14 marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City. In memoriam, Tidbits brings you the facts and figures of this monumental tragedy, as well as information about the famous 1997 film produced by James Cameron. F Constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland, the Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world at the time. Nearly 14,000 laborers contributed to her construction, at a cost of nearly $8 million. (Compare this to the cost of making Cameron’s 1997 movie “Titanic,” with a production price tag of over $200 million.) F The ship was four city blocks long and weighed 46,329 tons. Three million rivets held the hull together. On launch day, 44,000 pounds (19,958 kg) of soap, grease and oil were required to slide the massive craft into the water. Twenty-nine boilers fueled the 159 coal-burning furnaces. F The coolers were stocked with 75,000 pounds (34,019 kg) of fresh meat, 11,000 pounds (4,989 kg) of fresh fish, 36,000 oranges, 40,000 eggs, 6,000 pounds (2,721 kg) of butter and 1,500 gallons (6,819 l) of milk. The cupboards were filled with 12,000 dinner plates, 3,000 teacups, 300 nutcrackers, 6,000 tablecloths and 45,000 napkins. F Although designed and licensed to carry 3,500 passengers, only 2,223 people were on board, including millionaire John Jacob Astor, mining magnate Benjamin Guggenheim and Macy’s department store owners Isidor and Ida Straus. The most elegant first-class suites were priced at $4,350, which translates to about $75,000 in today’s money. Second-class fares were $1,750 ($24,000 today), and third class steerage was available for $30, about (continued on page 4) FREE $ 850 Value! * Home Security System! * With $99 Customer Installation charge and purchase of alarm monitoring services. Protect Your Home Call Today, Protect Tomorrow! 1-888-859-2539 TIDBITS ® REMEMBERS THE TITANIC The Only “LOCAL” Radio Station Playing the Greatest Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s NEWS, TRAFFIC AND WEATHER INFORMATION geared Towards the Lowcountry The Only “LOCAL” Radio Station Playing the Greatest Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s NEWS, TRAFFIC AND WEATHER INFORMATION geared Towards the Lowcountry LIVE and LOCAL! but I’m never alone. I have . I live alone For a FREE brochure call: LOCALLY OWNED FOR A HEALTHY HOME AND BUSINESS 843-540-9829 Eric Eckert, Owner Mold Removal • Air Duct Cleaning Emergency Water Removal Odor Elimination Dryer Vent Cleaning www.advantaclean.com Beaufort County, SC RMS Titanic departing Southampton, England on April 10, 1912. An Event for our Community Please Support the Heritage!

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TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12


Page 1: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

Published Weekly by KPA Office Outsource, LLC For Ad Rates Call: 843-368-2997 [email protected] • www.tidbitsofhhbb.com

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read®

April 7–20, 2012 Volume 4, Issue 12

by Kathy Wolfe


We provide the opportunity for success!


Call 1.800.523.3096 (US)1.866.631.1567 (CAN)

April 14 marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City. In memoriam, Tidbits brings you the facts and figures of this

monumental tragedy, as well as information about the famous 1997 film

produced by James Cameron. FConstructedattheHarlandandWolffshipyardinBelfast,Ireland,theTitanicwasthelargestpassengersteamshipintheworldatthetime.Nearly14,000laborerscontributedtoherconstruction,atacostofnearly$8million.(ComparethistothecostofmakingCameron’s1997movie“Titanic,”withaproductionpricetagofover$200million.)FTheshipwasfourcityblockslongandweighed46,329tons.Threemillionrivetsheldthehulltogether.Onlaunchday,44,000pounds(19,958kg)ofsoap,greaseandoilwererequiredtoslidethemassivecraftintothewater.Twenty-nineboilersfueledthe159coal-burningfurnaces.FThecoolerswerestockedwith75,000pounds(34,019kg)offreshmeat,11,000pounds(4,989kg)offreshfish,36,000oranges,40,000eggs,6,000pounds(2,721kg)ofbutterand1,500gallons(6,819l)ofmilk.Thecupboardswerefilledwith12,000dinnerplates,3,000teacups,300nutcrackers,6,000tableclothsand45,000napkins.FAlthoughdesignedandlicensedtocarry3,500passengers,only2,223peoplewereonboard,includingmillionaireJohnJacobAstor,miningmagnateBenjaminGuggenheimandMacy’sdepartmentstoreownersIsidorandIdaStraus.Themostelegantfirst-classsuiteswerepricedat$4,350,whichtranslatestoabout$75,000intoday’smoney.Second-classfareswere$1,750($24,000today),andthirdclasssteeragewasavailablefor$30,about

(continued on page 4)

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The Only “LOCAL” Radio Station Playing the Greatest Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s


The Only “LOCAL” Radio Station Playing the Greatest Hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s




but I’m never alone.I have .

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Eric Eckert,Owner

Mold Removal • Air Duct CleaningEmergency Water Removal

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Beaufort County, SC

RMS Titanic departing Southampton, England on April 10, 1912.

An Event for our Community

Please Support the Heritage!

Page 2: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

Page � Tidbits® of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort April 7–�0, �01�

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Published and distributed weekly by:KPA Office Outsource, LLC

P.O. Box 4858843-368-2997

The Neatest Little Paper Ever ReadR

Hilton Head Island, SC 29938.Fax: 866-920-3888

Visit us at: www.tidbitsofhhbb.com

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Julian Lennon ................... 4/8/63Dennis Quaid .................... 4/9/54Steven Seagal ................. 4/10/52Joel Grey ......................... 4/11/32Shannen Doherty ........... 4/12/71Rick Schroder .................. 4/13/70Brad Garrett .................... 4/14/60

4/8 Easter 4/9 Appomattox Day 4/10 National Farm Animals Day 4/11 World Parkinson’s Disease Day 4/1� Support Teen Literature Day 4/13 Peach Cobbler Day 4/14 Titanic Sinking

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“Look at it this way: If you don’t spend your dollars on the IRS, you’d probably just

squander it on foolish things, like food, rent.”— Cindy Adams, NY Post

© 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.by Matilda Charles

SeniorNews Line

Friendlier Annual Medicare Report

Medicare iscomingoutwithanewversionofourannual report, the Medicare Summary Notice.Medicarespent18monthsaskingquestionsofsomeofuswhoreceivethereports,andthenredesigneditwithoursuggestionsinmind.It’sdoneagoodjob.The new report, part of the “Your MedicareInformation:Clearer,Simpler,AtYourFingertips”initiative,willmakeiteasiertounderstandallofourbenefitandservicesinformation.Itwillbeeasiertodetermineiffraudhasoccurred,orifweneedtofileanappealforaclaim.Newitemsonthereportswillbe:•Largertextfonts.•Anoticeaboutcheckingourinformationforpotentialfraudanddetailsonhowtodothat,andaremindertochecktheserviceslistedandtheamountspaid.•“Consumer-friendly descriptions” of medicalprocedures.•Alistofdoctorswe’veseen,clearlylisted,alongwiththedates.•Deductible status,with theamountof thePartB

Deductiblethathasbeenmetfortheyear.•Claimsstatus,withinformationaboutwhetherallserviceswereapproved.Iftheansweris“no,”ittellswhatamountmightbebilledtous.•Preventiveservicesthatareavailable.Fornow, thisnewreport isavailableonlyonline,but starting in 2013 we’ll receive these reportsquarterlybymail.Toseeasampleoftheoldversusnew reports, go online to mymedicare.gov andclick on “Making Medicare claims and benefitsstatementclearer,simpler.”Inthearticlethereisalink to a side-by-side comparison. (A hint: Thisshowsupasaverysmallgraphicina.pdffile.Clickthe“plus”signat the topof thescreentoenlargethepicture.)

Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will

incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service,

P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected].



Tidbits is a Locally Owned publication!

Page 3: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

April 7–�0, �01� For Advertising Call: 843-368-�997 Page 3

Top DogPaw’s Corner — By Sam Mazzotta

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Settle an argument myfriendandIarehaving.Ithinkthatterrierdogsarethemostpopularpet(amongdogowners).MyfriendsaysLabsarethemostpopular.What’syourtake?—BethC.,Trenton,N.J.DEAR BETH:TheAmericanKennelClub recentlyreleased its registration statistics for 2011, whichrevealed that among registered pets, the Labradorretriever was the most popular breed in the UnitedStates.Infact,theLabradorretrieverhasheldthattopspot for 21 years. TheYorkshire terrier placed fifthamongAKCregistrations.Herearethetop10breedsfor2011-12: 1.Labradorretriever 6.Bulldog 2.Germanshepherd 7.Boxer 3.Beagle 8.Poodle 4.Goldenretriever 9.Dachshund 5.Yorkshireterrier 10.Rottweiler

Now,thismayormaynotsettletheargument.Unregistereddogs, of course, aren’t on there, nor aremany adopted

shelterpets.Butit’saprettygoodbarometerofthetypeofdogs,intermsofsize,behaviortraitsandotherelements,thatcurrentlyarepopularamongowners.Farther down the list—more than100breedswereranked—you’llfindthevariousterrierbreeds,suchastheBoston terrier (No.22)andWestHighlandwhiteterrier (No. 35) to name a couple. Breed popularitytendstojumparound:BulldogsrankedNo.19adecadeago,buttodaysitatNo.6.Atanyrate,takethelossinstride.Makepeaceoverafrostybeverage,andtakecomfortinknowingthatthemostpopulardogforyouistheoneyouchoose(orthatchoosesyou).

***Send your questions or tips to [email protected],

or write to Paw’s Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. For more

pet care-related advice and information, visit www.pawscorner.com.


Drops of SunshineWho doesn’t love American Goldfinches?

Here are five things they can’t resist:1. Thistle or Nyjer seed in a tube feeder.2. Sunflower heart chips.3. Black oil sunflower seeds.4. Purple cone flowers.5. Fresh water. (Lots of it!)

E-mail: [email protected]© 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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This is an inspirational story of a true local hero who has helped many young men in the Bluffton area who were in desperate need of a role model and a positive male figure in their life.I was a nine-year old fatherless boy when I first met Bob “Brother” Kitty. Brother Kitty owns Low Country Garage Doors and coaches the Bluffton Bulldog football team. I signed up for the football team when I was only nine years old. I didn’t have money for the equipment required to play and was going to have to quit before I even got started. Brother stepped in and out of his own pocket paid for everything I needed to play. I also couldn’t get a ride to the practices and games. Again, Brother stepped in and saved the day! He would work his day job and come straight from work and pick me up and then take me home after our practices and games. Brother did this for almost all of the young men on our team. And, he always made sure we kept up our grades and made sure we didn’t get into trouble at school or at home. Brother made sure we always had a few dollars in our pockets for lunch money or hot dogs and Gatorade

at our weekly games. I’ve always been able to turn to him in my time of need as a grown man. He has been an “angel on our shoulders” — guiding us young men and teaching us about love, faith, honor, respect and never giving up no matter what life throws at you. Brother Kitty has helped the “Bulldogs” grow up and become strong men and positive members in our society. As men, we carry on all that he has taught us in our daily lives. Brother will always be our Angel. He truly helped save many young men’s lives in our community and to this day he continues to do so. When I hear the word “hero,” Brother Kitty is who I instantly think of. We need more men like him in our world. He truly makes the world a better place! As Brother would say “Never Surrender!”Go Bulldogs!By Jeremy Wiggins

If you would like to submit an inspirational “Angel” story, please send your write-up to [email protected]. Tidbits of

HHBB reserves the right to edit, publish or reject any submissions without authors permission.

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Page 4: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

Page 4 Tidbits® of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort April 7–�0, �01�

THE TITANIC (continued):$350today.First-classpassengersatetheirmealsfromfinechinaedgedin22kgold.FThefinaleveningmealservedontheTitanicconsistedof11differentcourses,includingrawoystersasanhorsd’oeuvre,creamofbarleysoup,coldasparagusvinaigretteandroastduckling.FFourdaysintotheAtlanticcrossing,theshipstruckaniceberg,oneestimatedat500,000tons,with50feet(15.2m)abovethewaterandseven-eighthsofitsbulkbelow.IcebergsaretypicallyattheirworstduringApril,becausewarmerspringtemperaturesmeltthethickiceoftheseathathasheldtheicebergsinplace,releasingthemtofloatfree.Theship’swirelessoperatorsreceivedseventelegraphedicewarningsthatfatefulnight.Thefinalmessage,placedunderapaperweight,wasneverdeliveredtothoseontheship’sbridge.TheicefieldtheTitanicencounteredwascloseto80miles(128km)long.FTheshipwasequippedwithlifeboatsfor1,178ofthemorethan2,200peopleonboard.Thedeathtollwas1,517,ofwhichonly306bodieswererecovered.Althoughalifeboatcouldhold65people,thefirstonewaslaunchedwithonly28onboard.Hadthecrewloadedtheexistinglifeboatstocapacity,500morelivescouldhavebeensaved.FTheoriginalplanscalledforanadditional12lifeboatsonthedeck,buttheWhiteStarLine’smanagementditchedtheidea,claimingthedeckwould“looktoocluttered.”FItwasnotalargegashinthehulloftheTitanicthatcausedhertosink;rathertheforceoftheimpactcausedthesteelrivetstopop,bucklingthesteelplatesof


(continued on page 7)

Fatter Paychecks? Many are clueless

ThepayrolltaxreductionhasbeenextendedundertheMiddleClassTaxReliefandJobCreationActof2012.TwopercentofyourdeductionforSocialSecurity(4.2percent,downfrom6.2percent)hasbeenpickedupbythegovernmentagain,andthatamountwillstay inyourpaycheck.Ifyou’reself-employed,yourportionofself-employmenttaxdropsfrom12.4percentto10.4percent,toaccountforthat2percent.Workerswhoearn$50,000wouldhaveseen$1,000intheirpaychecks over the year the reduction has been in place.Divided by 24 (assuming twice-monthly pay periods) andthatwouldhavecometoaround$40perpaycheck.Ifyourannualpayis$30,000,yoursavingsfromthereductionis$50permonth.Oddlyenough,apollbytheNationalFoundationforCreditCounselingshowedthat66percentofworkersdidn’tknowtheir paycheckswere larger, even though the extra amounthadbeeninpaychecksforayear.Thepollshowswhattherestofpolledworkersdidwiththatmoney:•Savedmostofit:3percent•Caughtuponpast-duebills:8percent•Increasedretirementcontributions:4percent•Boughtsomethingspecial:1percent•Paidoffdebt:18percentNFCCbelievesthattheextensiongivescompaniesachancetoeducateemployeesaboutusingthatmoney.Forexample,theybelievethatworkerswhoaren’tdistractedbyfinancialconcernsperformbetteranddon’treceivecollectioncallsatwork.It’sbelievedthatthegovernmentwouldlikeustospendthe“windfall” as ameans of boosting the economy.However,you are the onewho needs to decide howbest to use thatmoney.First,beawareoftheadditionalamountinyourpaycheck.Ifthe reduction isn’t further extended next year, that amountcouldvanish fromyour income.Usea calculatoronline tolearnjustwhatextraamountisincludedinyourcheck.Second, determine what gets you the most return for thatmoney.Forexample,ifyouputthemoneyinsavings,you’lllikelyearnlessthan1percentinterest.Ifyouusethemoneytopayoffacreditcard(addingtheadditionalmoneytoeverymonth’spayment),you’ll save the interestyouwouldhavepaidonthebalance.

David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features

Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected].



Page 5: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

April 7–�0, �01� For Advertising Call: 843-368-�997 Page �

Challenging The Way We Think and Live in the Coming Week

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in the greatest miracle of all — the resurrection of Jesus Christ? In case you think you have to answer “yes” just because you happen to occassionally or regularly go to church, put your mind at ease. If you answer “No” or “I’m not sure,” you are in good company. There are lots of people that attend church who aren’t sure whether they believe it or not. And there were lots of people on the first Easter Sunday, 2000 years ago, who weren’t sure either. Folks like Peter, James, John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Simon the Zealot, and a man whose name has become synonymous with doubt — Thomas. Doubting Thomas.

Let me ask you today who do you think really expected a resurrection on that Sunday morning? Not the disciples. It was of course the Jewish leaders not the disciples who persuaded the Romans to seal Jesus’ tomb. It was of course the enemies of Jesus that feared something might happen. His friends weren’t expecting anything unusual to happen.

In fact, in Mark 16 the scripture confirms that the women who came to his tomb on Sunday morning came to anoint His body. That was part of the embalming process. In the confusion of trying to get His body in the tomb before sundown on Friday, spices had been placed on Jesus’ body, but not the ointment. The women came to finish embalming Jesus’ body.

What did they find when they got there? They found the stone rolled away and an empty tomb. All four gospels agree on this fact. The women did not have the slightest idea what had happened. You see while they loved Jesus they weren’t looking for a resurrection they were looking for a dead Christ.

Mark 16:8 says that even after the angel explained what had happened that they fled from the tomb trembling and afraid. John 20:2 the scripture affirms that even Mary thought someone had stolen the body. Luke 24:11 adds that when the women came and told the apostles what the angel had said, “They did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.”

Of course those words sounded like nonsense. No one rises

from the dead. Not after three days. Not after being scourged. Not after hanging on a cross for six hours. Not after having a sword thrust in their side. Not after being covered with 100 pounds of spices and wrapped in a burial cloth. Not after being sealed in a tomb. No, the odds against it were…well impossible.

Mark 16:11 says, “When they heard Jesus was alive…they did not believe it.” Who could blame them? If you had been there, would you have believed it? With Jesus doubters are always welcome. All that God asks is that men be consistent with themselves. He asks that you give His story the same treatment you give to any other story. Sift the evidence, judge the record and come to a conclusion.

It’s all right to doubt, but don’t let your doubts keep you away from getting to know Him. Come to the empty tomb and see for yourself. When Thomas saw Jesus, he fell at his feet and exclaimed, “My Lord and my God.” That stands as the greatest testimony given by any of the apostles. It is the climax of John’s gospel. And it comes from the man who had the strongest doubts, Thomas.

It is a wonderful truth that the greatest doubters often become the strongest believers. And the honest doubts — once resolved — become the bedrock of an unshakeable faith. It has been said that no truth is so strongly believed as that which you once doubted. In the history of the Christian church, the greatest doubters have often become the strongest believers.

That’s why the story of Thomas is in the Bible — so that honest doubters might be encouraged to bring their honest doubts to the empty tomb. Thomas did, and his doubts were washed away by the person of Jesus Christ — alive from the dead.

Oh yeah one other thing, No one can remain neutral forever. You can bring your doubts to the empty tomb, but you have to make a choice! You cannot stay on the fence forever. Either you believe or you don’t.

Just maybe we should allow the real life example of Jesus to challenge the way we think and live in the coming weeks.

Answers on Page 8

BIBLE TRIVIAby Wilson Casey

1. Is the book of Iscariot in the Old or New Testament or neither?

2. For how long did Jesus remain after His resurrection before He ascended into heaven? Instantaneously, 1 hour, 3 Days, 40 days

3. What color was the cloak that Jesus wore when He went to the cross? White, Purple, Black, Green

4. Where was Jesus crucified? Samaria, Colossae, Golgotha, Horeb

5. Which disciple doubted Jesus had risen? Peter, Andrew, Thomas, Thaddeus

6. For how many pieces of silver did Judas betray Jesus? 10, 20, 30, 40

Contact Wilson Casey at [email protected]

© 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Doubters Welcome!By Pastor Len Stubbs

Page 6: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

Page 6 Tidbits® of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort April 7–�0, �01�

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DEAR DR. DONOHUE: The receptionist at mydoctor’s office called to give me the report on amammogram I had taken. She said that it showedcalcifications and that the doctorwanted it repeatedinsixmonths.Why?Arecalcificationsindicationsofcancer? If theyare, I’d like toget this takencareofimmediately.Iambecominganervouswreckthinkingaboutthis.—H.M.ANSWER: When tests don’t provide a definiteanswer,everyonesuffers—thepatient,thedoctorofthepatientandthedoctorwhointerpretedthetest.Calcificationsaretheperfectexample.They’recalcium

specks.Whenthedoctorinterpretingthemammogramsees them,heor shebases their importanceon theirnumber, their shape, their size and the pattern theymake.Withthosecriteria,thedoctorusuallycansaywhethertheyindicatecancer.Noncancerouscalcificationsmightresultfromabumpto thebreast towhichyoupaid little attention.Oraminorbreastinfectioncouldhavecausedthem.If the doctor feels that evidence pointsmore in thedirection of cancer, then he or she will ask for animmediatebiopsy.Ifthedoctorfeelsmorecertainthattheyarenotcancersignsbutisnotcompletelycertainaboutthatcall,arepeatexaminationatalaterdateisareasonablepositiontotake.Neithertheinterpretingdoctornoryourpersonaldoctorwouldaskforadelayiftherewasanychancethattheinactionwouldharmyourhealth.Thepamphletonbreastcancergivestheapproachtodiagnosingandtreatingit.Readerscanobtainacopybywriting:Dr.Donohue—No.1101W,Box536475,Orlando,FL32853-6475.Encloseacheckormoneyorder (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with therecipient’s printed name and address. Please allow


UnderStAnding BreASt cAlcificAtionS

fourweeksfordelivery.i i i

DEAR DR. DONOHUE:Forthepastseveraldays,mylefteyelidhasbeentwitching.There’snopain.Itdoesnotaffectmyvision.Doesitmeananything?—T.P.ANSWER:Notusually.Eyelid twitches result fromspasmsofmusclescontrollingeyelidmovement.It’sintermittentandlastsforafewdays,atmost.Fatigue,stressandcaffeinehavebeenimplicatedascauses.Ihavehadsuchtwitching,attimeswhenIwasneithertirednorstressednordrinkingcaffeine.If the twitching is bothersome, soak a washclothin warmwater and apply it to the closed eyelid. Iftwitching lasts longer than a week or two, see thefamilydoctor.

i i iDr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer

individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters

at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.©2012NorthAmericaSynd.,Inc.


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THE TITANIC (continued):wrappingup38yearswiththeWhiteStarLine.FThewreckoftheTitanicwasdiscoveredinSeptember1985,onanexpeditionledbyRobertBallard.Shelayapproximately400miles(644km)offthecoastofNewfoundland,1,191miles(1,917km)fromNewYorkCity,12,460feet(3,798m)belowtheocean’ssurface.Thebowandthesternwere1,970feet(600m)apart.DuringBallard’sexpedition,morethan20,000photoswereshotinfourdays.FProducerJamesCameronmade12tripstotheactualwreckagesitetoconductresearchforhis1997film.Hismoviecontainsactualfootagefromthesetrips,shotonlocation.Areplicaoftheshipwasconstructedforthefilm,anditwassunkinanimmensetankfilledwith17milliongallonsofwater.Ahydraulicliftwasusedtotiltthetankand


Truex Off to Fast Start With Waltrip TeamBRISTOL, Tenn. — At last,Martin Truex Jr.’s fortunes arerisingatMichaelWaltripRacing.Histhird-placefinishintheFood

City500washis second top10of the season todate.Fourracesin,TruexranksfourthintheSprintCuppointstandings.Truex,whoisfromMayetta,N.J.,woninJune2007atDover, Del., while driving aChevy for Richard ChildressRacing. In 2010, he moved toWaltrip’sToyotateam.Sincethatone Dover victory, 171 raceshave passed. After finishes of22ndand18thinpointsatMWR,it appears as if the 31-year-oldhasregainedhisform.ThoughtheBristolracewaswononMarch18byaDodge (BradKeselowski), and a Ford (MattKenseth) finished second, theMWR Camrys of Truex, ClintBowyerandBrianVickersfinishedthird,fourthandfifth,respectively.“We’ve justgotagoodorganizationrightnow,agoodbunchofpeople,”Truexsaid.“We’vegotthreeracecarsthatseemtogototheracetrackandrunreallywelleachweek.We’reabletofeedoffeachother.Allseasonourcarshavebeenstrong.“Across the board, it’s been a lot of hard work anddedicationbytheteam.Intheend,allthepeopledoing

their jobs the best they can is why things have beenworkingoutforus.”Twice,in2004and2005,TruexwonthechampionshipofwhatisnowtheNASCARNationwideSeries.BowyerisTruex’slonefull-timeteammate.Theteam’sthird Toyota, No. 55, is most often driven by veteranMarkMartin.Vickersmade his first start in the car atBristol.Waltrip,theteamowner,willdriveoccasionally.

Martin has historically beenpraised for his teamwork inprevious stops at Roush FenwayRacingandHendrickMotorsports,amongothers.“Obviously, Mark is a greatdriver,”Truex said. “He’s got alotofexperience. I thinkoneofthe things he’s brought isconfidenceintheteam.Whenhecomesinthereandsays,‘Man,Ireallyliketheseracecars;Ilikewhat you guys are doing,’ itmakesaprettybigimpact.

“He(Martin)cangetinanythingandgofast.Whenhesays you’ve got good race cars, he gives your team agooddirection tohead inwhen they’renotgreat.He’sdefinitelybroughtalottotheteam.”

***Monte Dutton covers motorsports for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette. E-mail Monte at [email protected].


‘Surprise inside’ easter eggs

Togetstarted,saveyoureggshells.When a recipe calls for eggs,carefully crack the eggs in half,empty the contents for the recipeandrinseoutthematchingeggshellswithsoapandwater.Setthemasidetodrythoroughly,makingsureyoukeep thepairs together.Or, simplyuseinexpensiveemptyplasticeggsin a variety of sizes fromdiscountanddollarstores.Place a small charm, toy, coinsor a strip of paperwithasaying,poemorkindthoughtinsideoneofthehalvesofeacheggshellpair.Forexample,“Foranegg-straspecialfriendwhosesenseofhumorcracksmeup!”Nowit’stimetoputHumptyDumptybacktogetheragain.Find thematchingeggshellhalf and tapeorgluethetwopiecestogether.Don’tworryiftherearegaps where small pieces of the shell may havebroken.Brushwhitehouseholdglueonesectionatatimeontheeggshellandplacesmallsquaresofcutgift-wrap

tissuepaperontheglue.Overlapthetissuesquaresasyoucovertheentireegg, including the open gaps, ifthereareany.Paint a final coat of glue over thetissue-covered egg. Let dry. Thegluewillbecomeinvisible,revealingacolorfulmosaicoftissueshapes.Ifaneggisdesignatedforaparticularperson,glueonasmallnametag.

Arrange your brightly decorated eggs in anEasterbasket and enjoy them as a table centerpiece thismonth.OnEastermorning crack open the eggs torevealthesurprises!

s s sDonna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s

Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit

www.donnasday.com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna

Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.”


Ready, set, think Easter! Put aside chores and to-do lists for an afternoon and make these colorfully decorated “surprise inside” Easter eggs with your family.You’ll need the simplest of supplies: real eggshell halves or plastic

eggs that twist open in half, bright gift-wrap tissue paper, household white glue and your children’s creativity. Come Easter morning, friends and family will anticipate cracking open these dazzling eggs because there’s a special surprise inside each one!

After three seasons at Waltrip Racing, Martin Truex Jr. is off to a great

start this season. (John Clark/ NASCAR This Week photo)

Page 8: TB of HHBB Vol. 44 Issue 12

Page 8 Tidbits® of Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Beaufort April 7–�0, �01�








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