taylor mickle-research paper

Mickle 1 Taylor Mickle 10/1/2011 1 st Period/Maxwell Research Paper It is my contention that given the correct information concerning career opportunities and time invested in thinking through the information; I will come to the proper conclusion for my career goals. In an effort to come to the correct findings concerning my career choices, I first went through the process of choosing my areas of interest. From there I sought as much information as possible concerning these areas. I then analyzed different aspects of my choice. Discussions were held and I proceeded to my final choice and set goals. I contacted those that would help in my pursuit of the goals I set and make for myself a time line. This process should bring me to the proper conclusion. In the beginning I looked inside myself to find what areas most interest me. I recalled that from early childhood, I had an interest in the medical field. I do not recall why my interest

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Page 1: Taylor Mickle-Research paper

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Taylor Mickle


1st Period/Maxwell

Research Paper

It is my contention that given the correct information concerning career opportunities and

time invested in thinking through the information; I will come to the proper conclusion for my

career goals. In an effort to come to the correct findings concerning my career choices, I first

went through the process of choosing my areas of interest. From there I sought as much

information as possible concerning these areas. I then analyzed different aspects of my choice.

Discussions were held and I proceeded to my final choice and set goals. I contacted those that

would help in my pursuit of the goals I set and make for myself a time line. This process should

bring me to the proper conclusion.

In the beginning I looked inside myself to find what areas most interest me. I recalled

that from early childhood, I had an interest in the medical field. I do not recall why my interest

was peaked, but I do realize that nursing seemed very interesting and exciting to me, even at an

early age. Just because I liked the idea of nursing, I still needed to match my choices with my

personal needs. When one chooses a career they should do their best to allow it to meet their

needs and support them as well. Also, I had to look at the stability of this career and if it would

allow me to accomplish the goals I set. I also want to be able to walk away everyday knowing I

have changed someone’s life for the better.

The financial stability of my career is an important aspect I needed to look into. From

talking with friends and family and paying close attention to news reports it appears that the

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medical field will provide sufficient financial rewards if I get the correct schooling and

experience. Before choosing a career I also needed to think about later down the road when I

have a family and bills so I should choose a career that will be there for me financially. The

financial stability should be such that it can sustain me later in life as my responsibilities

increase. In conclusion, there are a lot of different things involved in making a career choice, the

preceding points are just a few.

A part of the decision making process that some may not include is a sit down with their

family and a discussion of the different careers they are considering. During this process, I

shared and explained the research I had accumulated. I made sure I solicited different opinions

on my career choices, considering I will be doing this for the rest of my life and want to be

happy with my decision. I value the opinions of the people that know me best. Once my family

was on board with my goals, we talked over the ways to go about reaching them. My family and

I discovered many ways to achieve this. I then considered two and four year colleges, technical

colleges and also the military. I took their advice and researched all of the ways to get to my

goal of being a nurse.

In researching the best way for me to achieve my goal of becoming a nurse, I came across

some very interesting findings. I started by looking into four year colleges. These colleges

would allow me to reach my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse by devoting four years of my

life in pursuit of my goals. Though this sounds like the most efficient way to apply myself

toward this pursuit, I still am not satisfied that personally this fits me at this point in my life.

After twelve years of schooling I am now ready for something different. I still want to

eventually reach my goal of becoming a registered nurse but, I am ready for a change, at least for

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the next few years. Since a four year college did not offer an immediate prospect of employment

and with the independence I feel I need at this point in my life, I decided to look at other options.

I then went to two year colleges to see if I could get to my goal in a much quicker time. I

soon found out that these colleges would not allow me to reach my full goal. This would only

allow me to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. It would allow me to be home more and

achieve a nursing degree but, I would be limited in the things that I could do on a daily basis. I

would also be limited in my financial and personal goals compared to a Registered Nurse. I

would also be required to attend school for two more years and still not be promised a job once I

received my degree. This would give me a little more of a change but, not the type and degree of

change I am searching for. Therefore, I researched another option to see if I can find my desired

path of becoming a Registered Nurse. This led me to technical colleges.

I talked with several people associated with the Technical College System here in

Georgia. These types of schools will only allow me to achieve the level of Licensed Practical

Nurse. At Chattahoochee Technical College, to reach the level of Associate of Nursing degree

would require one hundred and ten hours of academic training. I would be eligible to work in

hospitals, long term health facilities, ambulatory clinics, physicians' offices, home health care,

private and governmental industries, and schools (“Academic Programs of Study”). In the

long run for me, this is very close to going to a two year college which is not what I am

looking for as a path to becoming a Registered Nurse. I still have one more option of

becoming a nurse therefore, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the military.

The last option I considered was enlisting in the military. This would allow me to

achieve the goals I set and also have a job in place while I train. The military also is willing to

pay for my college. I will still have a job and the freedom of allowing me to start my career

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sooner. This option seems to be the one that most closely fits my plans so I did more research

into the military option and came up with the following information.

I researched the different branches of military to discover which would best suit my

planned life style. I looked into the Army, Marines, Air Force and Navy. The Army has a

good medical field but, I would not look forward to the possibility of being sent over seas for

months at a time and possibly in high combat areas. The Marines do not have their own

medical personnel but, instead use the Navy’s Medical Corp. The Air Force did not fit my

prospective life style and the benefits, though very similar to the other forces, is not the closest

fit to what I desire. The Navy does have the medical field and also has a good benefits

program. The life style fits me and I will not be shipped over seas during my initial

enlistment, unless I request it (Doggett). The Navy seemed to be the best option for me.

After I acquired all the information, I have come to the decision that I would enlist in the

United States Navy and train to become a Hospital Corpsman, similar to a nurse in civilian life.

This required many hours of consideration and reading information on the military. I had to

consider the commitment aspect of enlistment and knowing there is no turning back. There is

always the possibility of being placed in harms way. I also had to consider the amount and

severity of injuries that I possibly would be dealing with on a daily basis, making sure I could

handle the stress. Therefore, this was a very difficult and stressful decision I was making.

The military offers very good opportunities for training in my chosen field. This

training is a world class, education at the militaries expense. The military also offers a great deal

of support while training. The package includes a compensation package with pay, tax benefits

and health care coverage, and also the ability to see the world (“Getting Started”). I am

receiving the same education as someone that goes straight to college but, with very little out of

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pocket expense. Also, I will receive specialized training which may not be required in a civilian

job. Plus, how many people can see the world as a part of their everyday job.

Once I decided that the Navy seemed to offer the most complete program that best fit my

needs, I made arrangements to meet with a Navy recruiter. Not just anyone can enlist in the

military; I have to see if I meet the requirements of enlistment. The qualifications are as follows;

I must be at least seventeen with parental consent or eighteen without parental consent. I must

be a citizen of The United States. I also have to meet the physical requirements, which are,

males must weight between one hundred and two hundred and twenty pounds, based on height,

but, also must be between five feet and six feet and eight inches tall. A female can weight

between ninety and two hundred and twenty seven pounds, based on the height, and must be

between four feet and six feet and eight inches. Candidates for enlistment also must meet the

vision requirements usually vision corrected to 20/20 vision or close there to. A high school

diploma or GED is required (“Basic Requirements for Enlisted Personnel”). Successful score on

the test called The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB is also required.

There is an over all score but, the part that qualifies the applicant for a particular job area is a

combination of different aptitude areas. The topics on the ASVAB range from Mathematics and

Literature to Auto Shop and Assembling Objects. The scores from different sections added

together are what make one qualified for a specific job ("Navy Armed Forces Qualification Test

Requirements”). After meeting and talking with my recruiter, I must now face the challenge of

making a life changing decision.

With all the information that I have gathered in my research, I have decided to delay my

decision by weighing my different alternatives when it comes to actual enlistment. The Navy

has several options that I can utilize; The Delayed Entry Program, which allows you to join

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without going active duty and allows time to take care of personal matters and tie up lose ends.

Also during this time, you are going to meetings at your recruiting station (“Reasons for

Enlistment”). There is also The Undergraduate Program, in which you enlist in the Navy and go

to college at the same time. Another choice is The Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps, this is

for academic excellence and provides financing up to one hundred and eighty thousand dollars.

The last option is The Direct Appointment Program, which is for college graduates and degree

holding professionals and allows them to go in as an officer (“Getting Started). The Delayed

Entry Program is however, I feel, the best path for me to reach my goals.

It was my contention that obtaining the right information concerning my career

opportunities and the research would bring me to the correct conclusion of my career goals.

Over this process I came to the conclusion that the military was the way for me to go. I not only

choose the military but, I came to the proper conclusion that of becoming a Hospital Corpsman

in The United States Navy. To achieve this I will be taking advantage of The Delayed Entry

Program. This will allow me to wait until I graduate high school, then, I will begin training and

become an active duty Hospital Corpsman.

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Works Cited

“Academic Programs of Study .” Chattahoochee Technical College. Chattahoochee Technical College,

2010. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. <http://www.chattahoocheetech.edu/‌prospective/‌programs/>.

“Basic Requirements For Enlisted Personnel.” Enlistment Requirements. N.p., 2007. Web. 16 Sept. 2011.


Doggett, William. “A Look at Different Military Branches and their Careers.” Articles Base. N.p., 2011.

Web. 2 Oct. 2011. <http://williamdoggett.articlesbase.com/‌careers-articles/‌a-look-at-different-


“Getting Started.” America’s Navy. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. <http://www.navy.com/‌joining/‌


“Navy Armed Forces Qualification Test Requirements.” ASVAB Test. N.p., 2011. Web. 16 Sept. 2011.


“Reasons for Enlistment.” Joining the Navy After High School. N.p., 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2011.

