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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Taxes The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.- Albert Einstein Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. - Wendell Holmes, Jr. Learn to Love ThemYou may have grown up thinking that taxes are a burden, that you don't get anything for this money you pay. This isn't true though, you get a lot more than you can imagine from these fees you have to pay. Taxes is what runs our country. Taxes, in Canada pay for military, insurance and many other government services. Taxes aid us in many ways. They put out fires and arrest criminals. We wouldn't be educated if it wasn't for taxes! If you realize all of the good things that come out of taxes maybe you will gradually become more willing to pay them. Being PreparedEveryone who works has to pay tax. It is the hard reality of the working world. Some falsely believe that minors don't have to but everyone who brings home a pay check does. Never let taxes come as a surprise because they shouldn't be, you should always know that they're coming. Put it in your budget that you have to pay taxes and then you'll never feel like your losing too much money. PaperworkUnfortunately with paying taxes comes filling out and looking over paperwork. Don't be scared by these legal forms for they are only there to inform and help you. Just like anything else new you need to be prepared so you can look at some online resources or another good idea would be to talk to your parents since they have been doing it for a while! Other IncomeI'm sorry to break it to you but all of those casual jobs you do around the community need to be accounted for too! Anything such as babysitting or gardening you will have to claim under 'other income'.