tax-aide computer security chris hughes chairman ntc 1 nlt meeting aug 2014

TAX-AIDE Computer Security Chris Hughes Chairman NTC 1 NLT Meeting Aug 2014

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Computer Security

Chris Hughes

Chairman NTC

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


NLT Meeting Aug 2014

Computer Security

● Physical security Stolen computers

● Electronic security Theft via software Theft via networks


2014 Security Incidents

● This year in the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program there were: 35 taxpayer forms lost Eight (8) confirmed laptops reported

stolen/lost There was data and a disclosed password on

one of the stolen computers● Many state laws do not require notification

when computers and/or devices are encrypted

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Consequences of Data Loss

● Affected taxpayers individually contacted and given free credit monitoring for a year at program’s expense

NLT Meeting Aug 2014

TaxWise Online - no data stored on computers


Security – What You Can Do

●ALL computers used for Tax-Aide must be password protected. Passwords must not be shared outside the

program. Written password reminders must be

kept away from the computers.

2014 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas


Data Security Password

● Password guidelines:

● Minimum length – eight (8) characters for Windows, and TaxWise™ accounts.

● At least one letter and one number in the password.

● Choose a password that is not a dictionary word or someone’s name.

● Do not use TaxWise, TW, Tax-Aide, AARP or any word in the password similar to something that is obviously related to the program.

2014 SMT/TCS Training - Dallas


The Rising Malware Threat

NLT Meeting Aug 2014

TAX-AIDE8NLT Meeting Aug 2014


What is Malware?

● Trojan, Virus, Worm, Backdoor, Botnets

● RansomWare

● Personal and account information theft Bank account withdrawal, credit

card usage, loan falsification

● Ad clicking for DollarsNLT Meeting Aug 2014


Methods of infection

● Email attachments

● Email web links

● Infected web sites

● Flash drives

● Adding an infected system to a network (Windows XP)

● Java installed – rapidly becoming one of biggest risks (this is different than javascript).

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Nightmare Scenario

● A key logger

● Captures every account login

● Sends every keystroke made on the computer to a criminal enterprise Server.

● Every tax return done on the computer will result in identity theft on those SSNs

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Effects of Identity Theft

● For victims of identity theft, consequences can last for years; causing financial problems, credit issues, benefit losses, and legal problems.

● Cost to the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program reputation and the good work that you all do.

● Cost of credit protection.

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Infected System Recognition

● Anti-virus software increasingly ineffective Polymorphic and “kit” virus production

● Where one virus exists there will be many due to backdoor access

● Look for Excessive ads, multiple IE toolbars, unusual home

pages, slow system performance, problems running anti-virus scans

● Silent key loggers are the most dangerous and most undetectable If Tax-Aide becomes “targeted”, we will be infected

and there is nothing we can do except re-image

NLT Meeting Aug 2014



NLT Meeting Aug 2014

Windows XP

● The tech industry is assuming that every single existing Windows XP system will become infected with malware over the next few months. Infected websites Flash drives Email


What Can You Do

●Make sure all computers are running the Windows 7 or 8; this includes personal and site computers.

●Windows Vista not supported by CCH● If a personal or site computer cannot be

upgraded They must not be used for Tax-Aide purposes. They cannot be on the same network segment as Taxaide

computers. If necessary contact the National Office.

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


What Can Be Done?

● Do all Windows, Adobe updates immediately

● Use anti-malware software like MSE and MalwareBytes

● If installed, remove Java

● Stick to mainstream, branded websites on Tax-Aide systems

● Re-Image systems regularly

● Run as a “standard” user – see later

NLT Meeting Aug 2014

Too much effort for many – we have infected systems in the program right now!!


Site Visits

● All site visits by RCs and SCs should include the question

● “Are any Windows XP systems being used?” If yes take whatever action necessary

to remove them

● “Are any systems behaving oddly?” Request technical help to check out

the system.NLT Meeting Aug 2014


What else can be done?

● A policy change Windows user account passwords

must be changed yearly

● 90% plus of malware will be stopped by using a “standard” Windows account!! – this includes silent key logger installation!!

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Windows Users

● Administrative User (e.g. Volunteer) Our everyday default, allows easy

program and update installation

● Standard User Allows all usage of TaxWise and other

software Does NOT allow any software installation

or updating to be done. An Administrator user password must be

entered to allow installation and updates

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


NTC Recommendation

● Use a standard User Volunteer Account for all everyday purposes

● Only a best practice recommendation, not mandatory

● Will be in this fall’s Sharenet documents update.

NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Why Recommendation

● The changes are simple if the user is comfortable using Windows Control Panel Many of our volunteers are not capable of


● The change causes the inconvenience of having to type in a password to do the required Windows updates Many volunteers will find this unacceptable

● This change ONLY prevents new infections! Re-imaging is the only way to remove

existing anti-virus proof infections!NLT Meeting Aug 2014


Discussion & Questions???

NLT Meeting Aug 2014