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Submitted to


In partial fulfillment of requirements

For the award of the degree of



Submitted by


Regn.no:- 1130550031

Roll no:- 1190210888


Plot no: 1, Sector-62, Noida-201301

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I hereby declare that the Training Report conducted at


Under the guidence of (Mrs. SUKSHAM ANEJA)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of therequirement for the degree of




Is my original work and the same has not been submitted for the award of any other Degree/diploma/fellowship or other similar titles of prizes.


Regn. No: 1130550031Date: Roll no: 1190210888

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This is to certify that TAUQEER AHMAD, a student of the Maharshi

Dayanand University, Rohtak has prepared his Training Report entitled “Study on

Market Reserch & Customer Satisfaction” at ‘Vision Technology & Media Services’

NOIDA., under my guidance. he has fulfilled all requirements leading to award of the

degree of MBA(Industry Integrated). This report is the record of bonafide training

undertaken by him and no part of it has been submitted to any other University or

educational Institution for award of any other degree/diploma/fellowship or similar titles

or prizes.

I wish him all success in life



(Assistant Professor)

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Exchange of ideas generates a new idea to work in a better way. Whenever a

person is and cooperated by others, his heart is bound to pay a gratitude and obligation to


While submitting this project I feel obliged to express thanks and mention the

name of the person whose co-operation, guidance and constant encouragement help me in

each and every step during the preparation of this project work

I am extremely obliged to my guide Mr. .Navneet Sachan (vision technology),

My faculty Mrs.Suksham Aneja (GIMT) for his constraint guidance during my entire

project work. His highly esteemed guidance and selfless efforts to carry out all works. I

am also thankful to all the employee member and departmental head that helped me in

carrying out my project.

Last but not least, I express my gratitude to all those who directly and indirectly

help me for successful completion of this project.

Name of the candidate


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Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology (IT) industry in India is one of the fastest growing industries.

Indian IT industry has built up valuable brand equity for itself in the global markets. IT

industry in India comprises of software industry and information technology enabled

services (ITES), which also includes business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. India

is considered as a pioneer in software development and a favorite destination for IT-

enabled services. 

Information technology (IT) industry in India has played a key role in putting India on

the global map. IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth

contributors for the Indian economy. The industry has played a significant role in

transforming India’s image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of

innovative entrepreneurs and a global player in providing world class technology

solutions and business services. The industry has helped India transform from a rural and

agriculture-based economy to a knowledge based economy.

Information Technology has made possible information access at gigabit speeds. It has

made tremendous impact on the lives of millions of people who are poor, marginalized

and living in rural and far flung topographies. Internet has made revolutionary changes

with possibilities of e-government measures like e-health, e-education, e-agriculture, etc.

Today, whether its filing Income Tax returns or applying for passports online or railway

e-ticketing, it just need few clicks of the mouse. India’s IT potential is on a steady march

towards global competitiveness, improving defense capabilities and meeting up energy

and environmental challenges amongst others.

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The services of IT industry in India

The industry of information technology in India includes the following services namely

IT and software services, IT enabled services, hardware (engineering) services, and e-

businesses/e-governance associated with government services.

IT services are outsourcing of software support/installation, processing services,

systems integration, exports of products and services, and training/education of

the information technology science.

IT enabled services include those that have been transformed through telecom and

networking associated with remote maintenance, back office operations, data

processing, medical record transcription, BPO, KPO, LPO, etc.

Engineering/hardware services consist of industrial design, mechanical design

(CAD/CAM), electronic system design (chip/board and embedded software

design), and design validation testing services, industrialization and prototyping.

Business executed through internet is electronic business or e-business, i.e.,

purchase and sale of products and services, customer service, and business

collaborations related to any kind of business undertaking and e-governance in the

public sector.

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India's IT Services industry was born in Mumbai in 1967 with the establishment of Tata

Group in partnership with Burroughs. The first software export zone SEEPZ was set up

here way back in 1973, the old avatar of the modern day IT Park. More than 80 percent of

the country's software exports happened out of SEEPZ, Mumbai in 80s

India's IT industry has recorded phenomenal growth over the last decade. During the

period from 1992-2001, the compounded annual growth rate of the Indian IT services

industry has been over 50%. The software sector in India has grown at almost double the

rate of the US software sector. 

The statistics of the India's IT industry substantiates that a huge momentum is acquired

by the IT sector in the recent past. During the financial year 2000-2001, the software

industry in India accounted for $8.26 billion.

IT sector in India, works with the main focus on increasing technology adoption, and

developing new delivery platforms, and has aggregated revenues of USD 88.1 billion in

FY2011, while generating direct employment for over 2.5 million people. Out of 88.1

billion, export revenues (including Hardware) has reached USD 59.4 billion in FY2011

while domestic revenues (including Hardware) of about USD 28.8 billion


This sector has also led to massive employment generation. The industry continues to be

a net employment generator - expected to add 230,000 jobs in FY2012, thus providing

direct employment to about 2.8 million, and indirectly employing 8.9 million

people. Generally dominant player in the global outsourcing sector.

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However, the sector continues to face challenges of competitiveness in the globalized

world, particularly from countries like China and Philippines.


The growth of India's IT sector has brought about many other positive changes in the

Indian economy. The purchasing power of a large section of Indian population has

increased dramatically. This has resulted in an increase in the average standard of living

of the majority of population of the country. The increase in purchasing power of the

common people has propelled the growth rate of the other sectors of the economy as well.

India's growing stature in the Information Age enabled it to form close ties with both

the United States of America and the European Union.

India is now home to a number of IT giants. The operations of IT firms like

Wipro, Infosys, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services and many more in different

locations of India have changed the entire scenario of the Indian job market. The

ITES sector has also come up to complement the growth of Indian IT sector.

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Present Status of the IT Industry

The current scenario in the IT industry of India and the tremendous growth registered in

recent years has generated much optimism about the future of the Indian Information

technology industry. Analysts are upbeat about the huge potential of growth in the

Information Technology industry in India.

However, the recent global financial crises has deeply impacted the Indian IT companies

as well as global companies. As a result hiring has dropped sharply, and employees are

looking at different sectors like the financial service, telecommunications, and

manufacturing industries, which have been growing phenomenally over the last few


With the phenomenon of globalization empowering India as an IT capital in the

international zone it is imperative to have the Indian IT industry reshaped in order to

meet out upcoming challenges in the future. 

India has been a pioneer in the software development, application and networking

remained to be a preferred destination for software/ITES services. It strategical success of

software export industry has played a significant role in the transformation from IT sector

a decade ago to a current booming IT industry enabling a paradigm transition that Indian

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IT industry has emerged as a hub to competitive value-added services in the global

market. This rapid growth in the IT industry is an effect of the following strength of the


Highly skilled technical resource.

Minimum wage structure.

Service quality and operational efficiency.

Favorable government policies and initiatives by the government such as setting

up of tech-parks and implementation of e-governance projects.

Global giants like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, etc., holding operations in India.

Adopting quality standards such as ISO 9000, SEI CMM etc.

Cost competitiveness.

Effective English-speaking professionals.

Development of significant telecommunication infrastructure systems reducing

internet and telecommunication cost to larger extent.

Country's geographical location, ability to offer 24x7 service and reduced turn-

around times taking advantage of time difference.

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Software exports from India are expected to grow in coming years. New markets for

software exports from India have opened up in the Middle East, South and Southeast

Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. The reputation that India has earned as a major

destination for IT outsourcing has opened further possibilities. Many developing

countries are now using the Indian model for growth in the IT sector. 

Another important area of future growth for the IT industry of India is the domestic

market. While exports dominate the IT industry at present, there is huge scope of growth

in the domestic market which can be tapped in the future. 

The US recession has had its share of negative impacts on the Indian IT industry.

However, the industry has faced the challenges posed by the global market and is

sustaining its rate of growth. The focus for the future is to ensure that the benefits of the

IT industry percolate to the grassroot levels.

The major areas of benefit that the future growth in the IT industry can generate for the

Indian economy are -

Exports - The IT industry accounts for a major share in the exports from India.

This is expected to grow further in coming years. The information technology

industry is one of the major sources of foreign currency or India.

Employment - The biggest benefit of the IT industry is the huge employment it

generates. For a developing country like India, with a huge population, the high

rate of employment in the IT sector is a big advantage. The IT industry is expected

to increase the rates of employment significantly in coming years.

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FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) - High inflow of FDI in the IT sector is

expected to continue in coming years. The inflow of huge volumes of FDI in the

IT industry of India has not only boosted the industry but the entire Indian

economy in recent years. 

Diversified impact of IT in various spheres

Convergence of digital and multimedia, mobile, satellite, embedded systems,

wireless communications, and diffused computation among different sectors, etc.,

have been the evidence of the state-of-the-art information systems and technology.

Current information era visualizes technology applications in each and every

aspect of our life and impact of IT on other sectors including agriculture, health

care, legal systems, entertainment, biomedical sciences, and so on.

1. Agriculture and information systems

Information technology catalyzes all spheres of the economic development of a

nation and agriculture too has never been exception. Since India is

predominantly agriculture-based country it is necessary to have expert

agriculture/irrigation methodologies and trading/business strategies of

agriculture produces supporting integrated crop management of various kinds

of crops, field-level intelligent decision-making system, and optimal machinery

management practices in order to have potential maximum yields. Numerous

organizations and institutions have been inculcating technology to provide

solutions in the agriculture sector cost-effectively and Ministry of

Communications and IT (Government of India), Development Gateway

Foundation (Government of India and World Bank) have been funding several

research projects comprising design and evaluation of computer devices and

mobile users in lingual-related information, retrieval, translation education, and

e-learning. Agricultural universities have been facilitated to make use of IT in

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agriculture with the launching of technology courses in Agriculture

Information Technology that involves developing expert systems of agri

portals for weather, market information, etc., mobile knowledge dissemination,

deploying GPS for agriculture, robotic systems for green house, irrigation etc.

2.Medical sciences and Information technology

One of the major fields in which computer and technology has been a necessity

isunquestionably the medical sciences. Computer technology has its

application in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of life-threatening

diseases such as cancer, AIDS, and neural disorders. With the help of digital

computerized sonography, diseases can be diagnosed and interpretations can be

attained with the support of artificial intelligence providing greater degree of

accuracy. Complex surgeries are carried out with the surgical robots.

Implementing advanced wireless devices, processors, memory chips, and

relevant operating systems is common nowadays in the health care

discipline. Bluetooth and smart phone technologies assist in remote patient

monitoring, wireless biometric data, and medicine dispenser. For instance, a

smart phone with its advanced capacities and greater functionality as of laptops

provides support in remote monitoring of patients with chronic diseases in their

home environment irrespective of their locations.

3.Computer technology and social media

No doubt a computer minus software or its relevant applications may be asucha

brain-death patient at its vegetative value. Also educational cum social

networking setups such as India Study Channel, Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, blogs,

Wikipedia and web-based e-mail clients like Gmail, Yahoo or MSN have been

instrumental in galvanizing social environment and political issues as well. As

due to the outgrowth of this information technology, globe has become a small

village in fact. In a recent session organized by the United Nations Security

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Council entitled as, "Voices of a New Generation," seeking perception of the

global youth between 13 and 21 years of age on international peace and security,

it has been mentioned by the speaker of the session, that thousands of submissions

by the young people worldwide extending their support for world peace and

security by sending e-mail, videos through YouTube, Facebook, and hand-written

mails as well and this definitely exhibits the power of social media and it is

evident that to what extent technology can be fueling and energizing such kind of

marvelous initiatives.

However, technology can also be instrumental to negative provoking like terrorist

organizations since most of terror attacks have been executed through these


4.Information technology in trade and business

Through implementation of the data integration, network storage, and database

systems, technology has an immense drive for E-business and E-commerce

because of the proliferation of the Internet and Web. Nowadays, shoppers can

make online shopping for books, FMCG, clothing, toys, electronic devices, and

consumer durables. The aviation and transportation sectors have come a long way

with the Blue tooth technology increasing revenue, efficiency, customer base, and

productivity being cost-effective.

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‘Vision Technology & Media Services’

Vision Technology & Media Services is a leading software solutions and consultancy

services Provider Company, established on 17th October’2012, and is headquartered in

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is specialized in software Designing, Implementation and

consultancy services for projects in ERP, e-business and professional IT Services.

They work with the motive that "VISION" will be recognized and respected as young,

professional, innovative, profitable information, and knowledge based services house.

"VISION" embeds internet based technologies into its internal operating structures and as

business solutions for customers; with customer, employee and shareholder interests at

the core of its operations; demonstrating a clear concern for ethical conduct and good

corporate citizenship; with the objective of growing into a global player.

Their Mission is to deliver the best handcrafted and customized software and professional

services for businesses at the lowest possible cost and build a healthy relationship in


Their motive is to gain belief of the clients and develop themselves as a global leader in

the field of IT.Product lists and prices can be easily replicated however; a strong

SERVICE CULTURE cannot be replicated. They believe that SERVICE is takes action to

create VALUE for someone else i.e., our customer.

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Our Mission: Our mission is to deliver the best handcrafted and customized software

and professional services PROFESSION IS OUR PASSION. For businesses at the

lowest possible cost and build a healthy relationship in return. Our motive is to gain

belief of our clients and develop ourselves as a global leader in IT field.

Our Philosophy: Product lists and prices can be easily replicated however; a strong

SERVICE CULTURE cannot be replicated. We believe that SERVICE is taking action to

create VALUE for someone else i.e., our customer.

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As Vision Technology and media services is a new company, not too old as well, so it

has been putting all its efforts to select the most creative and talented professional as its

working team.

Their team is smart, creative, motivated, goal-oriented, energetic, technical, co-operative

and fully dedicated towards profession.

They believe in customer satisfaction and on time delivery of projects along with helpful

suggestions. They are in continuous in approach to develop themselves as the best every


According to this organization, lack of working capital, marketing support and

opportunity for skills development are the main obstacles .The name “Vision” represents

the organizations commitment towards achieving its target customers.

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In the case of an emerging firm, the firm needs to do various things in order to capture

the market, but in the case of vision, the company is not doing much to bring itself in the

minds of the customers.

At the beginning their target buyers were a few, Soon enough, Vision technology started

to grow, from one single customer to a lot more in number. The target customers of

Vision are middle and higher socio-economic classes, mainly those who want to promote

their business by the use of Websites. Day-by-day this organization’s sales are increasing

as well as profit.

This organization has a Human Resource Department (HR department) which ensures

inflow of qualified human resources in the organization. Besides, this department

performs some other activities. The core activities of HR department of Vision

Technology are recruitment and selection of staffs, transfer of staffs, maintaining

attendance of staffs, leave management, performance appraisal related activities,

confirmation of staffs, job separation, grievance management, approve loan, arranging

travel authorization, providing allowances, arranging temporary staff salary, preparing

visiting card and maintaining procedures of Vision health care service.

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Understanding the Definition of Functional Departments:

Organizations are structured in radically different ways ranging from relatively fixed

structures with positions, rules, and established chains of communication to dynamic

structures in which people belong to teams that are continually being formed and

reformed for the duration of a project. 

Typical ways of organizing people are:

1.By function - dividing the organization up into groups with similar specialisms e.g.

marketing, finance and accounts, human resources, etc. 

2. By product - grouping people together according to the product they make. For

example, BIC has three main divisions - pens, lighters, and razors.


3. By process - grouping people together according to the processes that they are carrying


On the basis of the above definition it is understood that there are various departments in Vision Technology and Media services

1. I.T Department :The Web Department has specialized in developing professional

web-based solutions for business that are friendly, dynamic and compelling.

It is client-focused approach to each project. This department functions on the basis

of the clients need of corporate intranet that is capable of sharing content with over

50 thousand employees, a customized mobile application, or a 15-page informational

website to promote the services.

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It basically refers to the implementation and management of quality IT services that

meet the needs of the business. IT service management is performed by IT service

providers through an appropriate mix of people, process and information technology

2. Sales and Marketing Department : Marketing is perhaps the most important

activity in a business because it has a direct effect on profitability and sales. Larger

businesses dedicate specific staff and departments for the purpose of marketing.

It is important to realize that marketing cannot be carried out in isolation from the rest

of the business. As in the case of Vision Technology, They work in coordination with

operations, research and development, finance and human resources to check their

plans are possible.

Operations use sales forecasts produced by the marketing department to plan their

production schedules.

At Vision Technology the Sales & Marketing department does forecasting that is an

important for planning of the budgets done by the finance department, as well as the

deployment of labour from the human resources department.

3. Research & Development Department : A research and development

department works very closely with the marketing department to understand the

needs of the customers . Market research is carried out, which establishes what is


At Vision Technology this research and development department is set up for the

development of existing products, as it is of equal significance because consumer

preferences are continually changing.

Some researches are not expected to pay for itself within a foreseeable time span. A

company like Vision Tech allocates most likely contribution to the development of

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new products to get a possible pay-off in the distant future. Product research and

development goes hand in hand with market research and development.

4. Finance Department :The finance department is the backbone of a company's

operations and processes. At Vision Technology it records operating transactions,

analyzes them and prepares financial statements that inform top management,

regulators and investors about a company's economic health. Finance employees also

ensure that internal mechanisms and policies comply with regulatory standards,

industry practices and human resources policies.

5. Human Resource Department :The task of the HR Department is to meet the main

organizational needs of the company it represents and the needs of the people hired

by that company. In short, it is the hub of the organization serving as a liaison

between all concerned. At Vision the HR department does the following:

managing change and facilitating training and development

recruitment, selection and employee relations

pensions and benefits

communicating with employees

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Managing Director


H R Coordinator

Mr. Rajeshwar Singh

IT Department Marketing Department Finance Department HR Department

IT chief Manager Sales Executive Chief Finance Officer HR Executive

Pintu Kumar Ms. Anita Mr. Navneet Sacchan Ms. Pooja Porwal

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IT Services:

1. Web Services

2. Web Applications

3.Bulk SMS

4. Software

5. SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

Media Services:

1. Advertisements

2.Monthly Magazines

Other Services:


2. Company Registration

3. ISO Certification

4. Recharge portal

5. Event Management

Competitors:Noble Logistics Pvt. Ltd,RaxInfotechPvt Ltd, and various other


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Vision Technology’s Market profile is 17%

Vision Technology & Media Services puts all its efforts to select the most creative and

talented professional as its working team.

Our team is smart, creative, motivated, goal-oriented, energetic, technical, co-operative

and fully dedicated towards profession.

We believe in customer satisfaction and on time delivery of projects along with helpful

suggestions. We are in continuous in approach to develop ourselves as better everyday.

Vision Technology & Media Services is an "A to Z" software development company

always keeping its services up-to-date with the latest trends on the market, providing its

customers all over the world with high-end-class and easily extensible internet products.

Solutions we offer range from creating custom website designs to developing business

applications of any complexity.

The company’s staff will help you to efficiently present your business on the Internet,

develop a solution that would fully correspond to all your business needs and/or improve

the existing system. Our guidelines combined with utmost accuracy while working with

details have proved to be a perfect union which enables our highly proficient personnel

provides our clients with technically efficient, reliable and affordable solutions.

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As per the academic rule I had to do two months internship. I did my internship at

Vision Technology and Media Services. The internship period started on 25 th December,

2012 and ended on 25th February 2013.During this Internship period I used to work in

Marketing department of Vision. I had some responsibilities related to sales and target.

The specific responsibilities of mine during this internship period are given below:

1. Preparing Database

The Marketing department of Vision is seeking clients for website devlopment

throughout the year. Website development is concerned with creation of website for

various clients for FMCG, Automobile company, IT company etc. Creating database

is concerned with getting the database i.e ., details, information of those clients who

are willing to market there company That is why my one of the job responsibility was

preparing database of all those clients . I prepared some database of clients by

information given on website as stated by my job responsibility.


In this stage we used to ring up the clients from the database extracted and we provide

them with the details about what our company does and what all are the charges for

making the website and what all are the benefits of making the website. Basically in

this phase my task was to get an appointment with the client.


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As a part of my training I was sent to various clients with whom I had to interact and

convince them to get a website made for there company. In this stage when the client is

in front of us we actually give a demonstration of the website, so that the clients have a

broader view about the company.


In this stage the client actually deposits a cheque and provides us with the

Confirmation that he is willing to get the website made by our company.

5. Staying in regular touch with the client

Once the website is made the client would be requiring changes in the website ,

so in that case our company executives working in the operations team will be in

regular touch the client.


While at Vision Technology and Media Services, I was able to exercise the Marketing

knowledge we learned in class like speaking to the client, convincing them for the sales,

planning. I spent 60 work days at Vision and I had a good learning experience

The biggest thing I learned at Vision Technology was how a marketing department

functions. We learned in the first year some of the tools of what an marketing executive

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does. On my second day, I was invited for the presentation about VisionTechnology and

media services does as an IT firm. In an instant, I was able to understand what an IT Firm

was all about.


Now that I’m back, I would put more emphasis on learning more in theory about how an

Marketing department works, and what we can do as a Marketing professionals to bring

true value to an organization.

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Research Problem:

A research problem is an is a situation that causes to feel apprehencive,



PROBLEM-“ Aim is to study on Market Research & Customer Satisfaction”

Every research conducted has a problem which is known at the time of observation. Likewise, at the time of research at Vision Technology and Media Services there were various problems emerging up which should be rectified.

So in this chapter all the problems that were popping up would be focused and highlighted.

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A research objective sets the purpose and focus of the research with the fundamental

questions that will be addressed. Defining the research objectives means defining what

needs to be investigated and how to go about it.

Objectives are the single most important aspect of research design and implementation.

Objective is divided into two types. One is broad objective and the other is specific

objective. These two objectives are as follows


Broad objective is just in-depth objective. Which are as follows

To create customer Satisfaction.

To have knowledge about the organization that means Vision

To know about Vision’s overall Products.

To achieve some practical experience in Marketing.

Specific Objectives

Specific objective is something that is pointed objective, upto the point, major objectives.

Which is as follows?

To create awareness about the company ‘Vision Technology’

To generate more profit for the company.

To Increase the market share.

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The research design articulates what data is required, what methods are going to be used

to collect and analyze the data, and how all of this is going to answer the research



Exploratory research is a form of research conducted for a problem that has not been

clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data

collection method and selection of subjects. Exploratory research often relies

on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative

approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or

competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups,

projective methods, case studies or pilot studies. Social exploratory research "seeks to

find out how people get along in the setting under question, what meanings they give to

their actions, and what issues concern them

Sample size : 15

Research Location : Vision Technology and Media Services.

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Defining the Problem

To assess the customer’s requirements regarding product and services.

To evaluate the level of customer’s satisfaction on Product and services.

Before we start our research it is necessary to have at least some idea of what to do ?

This is probably the most difficult and yet the most important component of the research

project. Without being clear about what we are going to research it is a difficult to plan

how to research ? Therefore formulating and clarifying the research topic is the starting

point of any research project .

Taking into account the above matter , the research topic is formulated as such:

Primary Research

Primary data are those data which is originated by the author for the specific purpose of

describing or analyzing something. In this report the primary data source would be raw

data gathering from own observation. The primary data source that will be used in this

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report is data obtained through practical involvement with job responsibilities and

practical observation.

Secondary Research

Secondary data are data collected for some purpose other than the main facts. Secondary

data are quick source of background information. Secondary data is the type of research

study based on the existing data. This type of research is conducted when the report

requires a summary or collection of the present data and the information which is already

researched. A key performance area in the secondary research is the full citation of

original sources, usually in the form of a complete listing or annotated listing. Secondary

data is a set of information which has been collected by individuals or agencies for

purposes other than those of our particular research study. No research study should be

undertaken without a prior search of secondary sources. The other explanation for the

secondary research is exploratory research.

Research Questions

The following are the research questions for the study for at Vision Technology.

1. How did you get to know about our company?

2. Do you think that we need to change anything about the company?

3 How long would you be able to retain yourself in our company?

4 Do you have any experience in the IT field?

5. What are your salary expectations regarding websites?

6. Are u satisfied with the service of the company?

7. when u hear about the product category,can you hear about our products?

8 . how you seen the company websites ?

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Sources of Information :

Most of the data collected were obtained through personal interviews, observations,

business periodicals and reports. The sources of information were gathered from

Vision ‘s library information services. Though the statistical figures used in the report are

thoroughly reliable, it has a serious limitation.

The internet played a significant role in conducting the research. Internet assisted in

obtaining up to date information on various aspects of IT companies and also provided

information regarding various changes that has occurred during the years in the

operational area of this company.

The nature of the primary and secondary sources of information:

Secondary data may be available which is entirely appropriate and wholly

adequate to draw conclusions and answer the questions or solve the problem. But

primary data was difficult to generate.

It is far cheaper to collect secondary data than to obtain primary data. For the

same level of research budget a thorough examination of secondary sources can

yield a great deal more information that it can be through primary data collection


The time involved in collecting primary data is much more as compared to

secondary data collection.

Primary source of information can yield more accurate data than that obtained

through secondary data.

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But it should not be forgotten that secondary data can play a substantial role in the

exploratory phase of the research when the task at hand is to define the research

problem and to generate hypothesis.

The problems in Primary and Secondary sources:

Whilst the benefits of both types of data are considerable, their shortcomings have

to be acknowledged. There is a need to evaluate the quality of both the sources of

the data and the data itself. The main problems may be categorized as follows.

Measurement Error - When a researcher conducts fieldwork he/she is

possibly able to estimate inaccuracies in measurement through standard

division and standard error, but these are sometimes not published in the

sources. The only solution is to try to speak to the individuals involved in

the collection of the data to obtain some guidance on the level of accuracy

of the data. The problems are sometimes not so much, error but

differences in levels of accuracy required by decision makers.

Source Bias - Researchers have to be aware of the vested interests when

they consult sources. Those responsible for their compilation may have

reasons for wishing to present a more optimistic or pessimistic set of

results for their organization.

Reliability - The reliability of published statistics may vary over time. It is

not uncommon, for example, for the systems of collecting data to have

changed over time but without any indication of this to the reader of

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published statistics. Geographical and administrative boundaries may be

changed by Government, or the basis for stratifying a sample may have

altered . Other aspects of research methodology that affect the reliability

of data are the sample size, response rate, questionnaire design and modes

of analysis which are basically associated with primary research.

Time Scale - Most censuses take place , so data from this and other

published sources may be out of date at the time the researcher wants to

make use of the statistics. This time period during which secondary data

and primary data was first compiled may have a substantial effect upon the

nature of the data.

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What is Market Research?"The gathering and evaluation of data regarding consumers' preferences for products and services." However, the freedictionary.com complicates matters by defining it as "research that gathers and analyzes information about the moving of good(s) or services from producer to consumer".

While the three of these distinguished resources provide different "takes" on what market research really is, we prefer to define it essentially as the sum of all three, taking into consideration each of the implicitly stated nuances, by defining it as: "the data collection, analysis and assessment relating to customer needs, requirements, preferences, expectations and perceptions with respect to the goods and services they acquire and use". In this way, we believe that market research can always be relied on as a tool to support a service organization's ability to measure, gauge and assess what it will take to understand its customers - and ultimately keep them satisfied and loyal.

 Market research is a powerful tool that can be used to:

Collect and analyze all of the data and information you need to understand your market better, and make your products and services more appealing to your customer base.

Assist you in identifying and prioritizing market targets that can be exploited to meet your business development goals.

Provide a foundation upon which all of your customer-focused activities may be supported, measured and tracked.

Enable you to define, quantify and articulate specific goals and objectives to all affected parties - internal & external.

Support your ability to measure, monitor and track your customer relationship management successes (and failures) on an ongoing basis.

How Do You Measure Customer Satisfaction? Many services managers mistakenly use "customer satisfaction" and "customer retention" as interchangeable terms; however, they are two entirely separate and distinct things. Customer satisfaction is, basically, "keeping your customers happy". However, even satisfied customers may consider switching providers for better prices, greater coverage, or just because "it's time", etc. As a result, the best way to define customer retention is essentially as "keeping your customers - customers".

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Measuring customer satisfaction is important; but, how do you do it? Among the most

commonly used alternative measures, or surrogates, for tracking customer satisfaction are

typically things like:

Increased sales/account revenues.

Increased profitability.

Repeat services sales/contract renewals.

Improved levels of customer retention.

However, not all of these measures may be either relevant –

Sales/account revenues may be growing more as a result of inflation and/or

increasing services prices, rather than as an indicator of customer satisfaction.

Customers may stay with you longer than they want, simply because it is easier

than switching.Increased profitability may be more a result of improved internal

services operations and/or cost-c

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As such, the primary goals of a Customer Satisfaction research program

should primarily be to:

Identify the specific product and service attributes that are proven to be important to customers.

Provide baseline measurements of both importance and satisfaction for future trend comparisons.

Determine the relative strengths/weaknesses of the organization's current products, services and support offerings.

Identify the critical areas requiring improvement. Collect data that can be used to set targets and goals.

Provide a scientific and statistically valid means for measuring and tracking customer satisfaction over time.

Where Should You Focus Your Market Research Efforts?

Does your organization already have a formal customer satisfaction measurement and tracking program in place?

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Should we conduct our customer surveys internally, or should we use an outside market research/consulting firm to design, conduct and analyze our surveys? Which methodology will yield more actionable results? Which way is better?

What type of survey methodology should we use? In person, telephone, mail, e-mail, or a combination of methodologies? How can we tell what will work best with our particular mix of services offerings and customer base?

Should we be surveying our existing customers, or should we be focusing more on surveying the market prospects that we hope to convert to customers in the future? Where should we be focusing our market and survey research efforts in the short term?

What Are Some of the Potential Outcomes of Conducting Market Research?

Determination of the principal purchase decision makers.

Relative importance and "weights" of key services attributes.

Satisfaction with the quality of your products, services and support.

Satisfaction with your organization's pricing vs. perceived value.

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Other key market/business development factors that can also be

examined include:

Principal types of products/services being used /planned.

Plans for future purchases/upgrades/migrations.

Primary "value-added" features used/required.

Factors of importance used to select/evaluate vendors.

Satisfaction with present product/service providers.

Loyalty to present vendors vs. likelihood to switch.

Overall awareness/perceptions of the organization's total portfolio of

products, services and support offerings.

Knowing your customers can be an extremely effective marketing tool.

The more you know about your customers, the more responsive you can

be to their needs and requirements. In fact, we believe that you

can never know too much about your customers. Your customers will tell

you when they are satisfied, and when they are not; but you have to ask

them directly, as they may not always volunteer to provide this

information. That is why customer survey research is so important -

because, if you do not regularly ask your customers about their specific

needs and requirements, they may think you are either uninterested or -

even worse - incapable of performing better.

The applications and uses of Customer Satisfaction survey results are

multifold, including :

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To establish a formal input/feedback mechanism to obtain critical

data/information directly from customers.

To use satisfaction trend data to improve, or otherwise modify, existing product,

service and support features.

To use the specific results of the survey as marketing tools (e.g., publish an article

in Sbusiness, offer a "white paper" on the Web, integrate results into company

marketing collateral, etc.).

To use the statistical findings, verbatim quotes or other survey results in

promotional materials, handouts or mailings.

All told, there are dozens of different customer satisfaction- and retention-related

issues that can best be identified, measured and analyzed through a specific

market research program. As such, the versatility of market research should never

be understated, as it can be as narrowly or broadly defined, as necessary; as

formal or informal, as required; as expensive or inexpensive, as the budget

permits; and as general or customized, as is required.


In summary, there is a big difference between merely "keeping your customers

satisfied" and "keeping your customers - period!" We believe that only by

conducting an appropriate series of market research activities can you keep

sufficiently up-to-date with the market's evolving needs and requirements for

service, and their corresponding levels of customer satisfaction with their vendors.

Similarly, only by conducting ongoing competitive intelligence research can you

fully understand how your organization is positioned in the overall marketplace,

and how it can best compete in an intensifying competitive environment. And,

only by conducting periodic customer satisfaction measurement and tracking

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surveys can you measure your own organization's performance over time, and

make the necessary changes to keep your customers satisfied and loyal.

No services organization ever went bankrupt

as a result of investing money in market research that delivered actionable results,

and provided a positive return on investment (ROI). It is only those organizations

that have wrongly invested a great deal of money in "untested" areas that could

have been better served by conducting the appropriate market research first.

We prefer to define Market Research as

"the data collection, analysis and assessment

relating to customer needs, requirements,

preferences, expectations and perceptions

with respect to the goods and services

they acquire and use."

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Marketing Research Process: 9 Stages to Marketing Research Success

Stage 1: Formulating the Marketing Research ProblemFormulating a problem is the first step in the research process. In many ways, research

starts with a problem that management is facing. This problem needs to be understood,

the cause diagnosed, and solutions developed.

However, most management problems are not always easy to research. A management

problem must first be translated into a research problem. Once you approach the problem

from a research angle, you can find a solution. For example, “sales are not growing” is a

management problem.

Translated into a research problem, we may examine the expectations and experiences of

several groups: potential customers, first-time buyers, and repeat purchasers. We will

determine if the lack of sales is due to:

Poor expectations that lead to a general lack of desire to buy, or

Poor performance experience and a lack of desire to repurchase.

What then is the difference between a management problem and a research problem?

Management problems focus on an action. Do we advertise more? Do we change our

advertising message? Do we change an under-performing product configuration?

Stage 2: Method of Inquiry

The scientific method is the standard pattern for investigation. It provides an opportunity

for you to use existing knowledge as a starting point and proceed impartially.

The scientific method includes the following steps:

1. Formulate a problem

2. Develop a hypothesis

3. Make predictions based on the hypothesis

4. Devise a test of the hypothesis

5. Conduct the test

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6. Analyze the results

The terminology is similar to the stages in the research process. However, there are subtle

differences in the way the steps are performed. For example, the scientific method is

objective while the research process can be subjective.

Objective-based research (quantitative research) relies on impartial analysis.

The facts are the priority in objective research. On the other hand, subjective-based

research (qualitative research) emphasizes personal judgment as you collect and analyze


Stage 3: Research Method

In addition to selecting a method of inquiry (objective or subjective), you must select a

research method.

There are two primary methodologies that can be used to answer any research question:

experimental research and non-experimental research.

Experimental research gives you the advantage of controlling extraneous variables and

manipulating one or more variables that influences the process being implemented. Non-

experimental research allows observation but not intervention.

You simply observe and report on your findings.

Stage 4: Research Design

The research design is a plan or framework for conducting the study and collecting data. It is defined as the specific methods and procedures you use to acquire the information you need.

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Stage 5: Data Collection Techniques

Your research design will develop as you select techniques to use. There are many ways

to collect data. Two important methods to consider are interviews and observation.

Interviews require you to ask questions and receive responses.

Common modes of research communication include interviews conducted face-to-face,

by mail, by telephone, by email, or over the Internet. This broad category of research

techniques is known as survey research.

These techniques are used in both non-experimental research and experimental research.

Another way to collect data is by observation. Observing a person’s or company’s past or

present behavior can predict future purchasing decisions. Data collection techniques for

past behavior can include analyzing company records and reviewing studies published by

external sources.

In order to analyze information from interview or observation techniques, you must

record your results. Because the recorded results are vital, measurement and development

are closely linked to which data collection techniques you decide on.

The way you record the data changes depends on which method you use.

Stage 6: Sample Design

Your marketing research project will rarely examine an entire population. It’s more

practical to use a sample—a smaller but accurate representation of the greater population.

In order to design your sample, you must find answers to these questions:

1. From which base population is the sample to be selected?

2. What is the method (process) for sample selection?

3. What is the size of the sample?

Once you’ve established who the relevant population is (completed in the problem

formulation stage), you have a base for your sample. This will allow you to make

inferences about a larger population. There are two methods of selecting a sample from a

population: probability or non-probability sampling.

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The probability method relies on a random sampling of everyone within the larger


Non- probability is based in part on the judgment of the investigator, and often employs

convenience samples, or by other sampling methods that do not rely on probability.

The final stage of the sample design involves determining the appropriate sample size.

This important step involves cost and accuracy decisions. Larger samples generally

reduce sampling error and increase accuracy, but also increase costs.

Stage 7: Data Collection

Once you’ve established the first six stages, you can move on to data collection.

Depending on the mode of data collection, this part of the process can require large

amounts of personnel and a significant portion of your budget. Personal (face-to-face)

and telephone interviews may require you to use a data collection agency (field service).

Internet surveys require fewer personnel, are lower cost, and can be completed in days

rather than weeks or months.

Regardless of the mode of data collection, the data collection process introduces another

essential element to your research project: the importance of clear and constant


Stage 8: Analysis and Interpretation

In order for data to be useful, you must analyze it.

Analysis techniques vary and their effectiveness depends on the types of information you

are collecting, and the type of measurements you are using. Because they are dependent

on the data collection, analysis techniques should be decided before this step.

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Stage 9: The Marketing Research Report

This report will include all of your information, including an accurate description of your

research process, the results, conclusions, and recommended courses of action. The report

should provide all the information the decision maker needs to understand the project.

It should also be written in language that is easy to understand. It’s important to find a

balance between completeness and conciseness. You don’t want to leave any information

out; however, you can’t let the information get so technical that it overwhelms the

reading audience.

One approach to resolving this conflict is to prepare two reports: the technical report and

the summary report. The technical report discusses the methods and the underlying

assumptions. In this document, you discuss the detailed findings of the research project.

The summary report, as its name implies, summarizes the research process and presents

the findings and conclusions as simply as possible.

Another way to keep your findings clear is to prepare several different representations of

your findings. PowerPoint presentations, graphs, and face-to-face reports are all common

methods for presenting your information.

Along with the written report for reference, these alternative presentations will allow the

decision maker to understand all aspects of the project.

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1. How did you get to know about our company?

Parameters Response

Advertisements 5

Reference 8

Job Portals 3

Walk- ins 4

Reference Advertisements Walk- ins Job Portals0









9 Reference8


5Walk- ins

4 Job Portals3

Fig 1


The above Figure 1 represents that out of 20 candidates 8 of them came to know about

the company through “Reference” they have who were either part of the company or

who have been former employees. Then 5 of them said that they got to know about the

company through “Advertisements” which were posted on the job sites. This means that

the company lacked advertisements and needs to improve on promoting the company,

then only the company can generate much profits.

Few candidates, i.e 4 among 20 replied that they got to know about the company through

walk- ins, which means that the candidates just walked in for Job without having an

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appointment and the remaining 3 candidates got to know about the company when they

posted for Job requirements on the Job Portals like Quikr.com and there appointment was

fixed when the HR calls such candidates through the details they receive from the portals.

2 Do you think that we need to change anything about the

company? (Questions asked to training candidates)

Yes 15

No 5



Fig 2


When asked about any changes to be made within the organization, the candidates as well

as the trainees replied that if given a chance they would modify the entire organization to

the latest style. “15 out of 20 said yes” they would like a change, whereas “5 out of 20

replied No” they don t want any change within the organization, they are happy with the

current scenario. With this we can understand that as Young minds, the youth nowadays

have more new ideas and creativity. This can also be interpreted in a different way that

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the candidates coming for interview are facing trials in the field they are exposed to. They

want the environment they are working to be as per their desire.

3. How long would you be able to retain yourself in our company?

Years Response

1yr 2

2yr 5

As Long as the company is

paying you good


Till the next best

opportunity comes


1 Year 2 Year As Long as the company is paying

you good

Till another best opportunity comes











Fig 3


For this question out of 20 candidates, 2 candidates responded that they will stay in the

company for one year. Five candidates among them responded that they will retain

themselves within the company for 2 years. While seven of them responded that if they

get a good pay they will retain themselves accordingly, whereas the remaining six

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candidates responded that if they get better opportunity than this, then they would switch

the company.

So we can interpret from the above figure 3 that youngster now a days don’t stick to one

place, they are always seeking for opportunities which creates problem in recruitment.

4. Do you have any experience in the field of IT?

Yes 9

No 11

Yes No

Fig. 4


Figure 4 represents that most of the candidates are fresher’s and have no experience

(11/20), whereas the remaining candidates replied that they have 1-2 years’ experience


With this we can analyze that the company has to provide the training to such candidates

which will be conducted for 2-3 months. So this means that the company has to provide

some time in training these candidates, but being an IT company the company gives paid

training. But when it comes to paid training the candidates either leave the organization

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or else they try to look for other opportunities, which in other words is also a loss for the

company as, the company Hire candidates and put effort in conducting interviews.

In general this is a problem faced in the recruitment and selection, which needs to be

rectified by framing some policies on training.

5. What are your expectations regarding the website?

Salary Candidates

It should earn me profit 4

It should help me to create an image 4

It should fetch me more clients 4

It should help me to be the market leader 8


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The main motive of a company in brand awareness is to earn profit, to have an image

about the company, the consumer s should remember the brand, Overall it should help me

to earn my clients through satisfaction.

6. Have you seen the company website?

Yes no0









5 Out of 20 said yes whereas 15 of them said no, it is also the same reason that product is

not there is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability of

the product. It is the degree to which consumers precisely associate the brand with the

specific product. It is measured as ratio of niche market that has former knowledge of

brand. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand

recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize prior knowledge of brand when they

are asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the

consumers can clearly differentiate the brand as having being earlier noticed or heard.

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While brand recall is the potential of customer to recover a brand from his memory

when given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying

scenario as a signal. In other words, it refers that consumers should correctly recover

brand from the memory when given a clue or he can recall the specific brand when the

product category is mentioned. It is generally easier to recognize a brand rather than

recall it from the memory.

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"VISION will be recognized and respected as a young, professional, innovative, profitable information, and knowledge based services house. VISION embeds internet based technologies into its internal operating structures and as business solutions for customers; with customer, employee and shareholder interests at the core of its operations; demonstrating a clear concern for ethical conduct and good corporate citizenship; with the objective of growing into a global player".

Our Mission: A Mission Statement defines the organization's purpose and primary objectives. Its prime function is internal – to define the key measure or measures of the organization's success – and its prime audience is the leadership team and stockholders. To give the best handcrafted and customized websites for businesses at the lowest cost.

Our Philosophy: Product lists and prices can be easily replicated however; a strong SERVICE CULTURE cannot be replicated. We believe that SERVICE is taking action to create VALUE for someone else ie. Our customer. When you subscribe to the free Mind Tools newsletter, you get new career skills delivered straight to your inbox every week. To receive it, just enter your name and email address below, and click Subscribe.

Integer convallis magna eget erat Phasellus fermentum dictum tortor sed Integer nec est ut nisl element

Integer convallis magna eget erat Phasellus fermentum dictum tortor sed Integer nec est ut nisl element Suspendisse convallis

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According to the survey conducted and after analyzing the Price, Promotion, Place and

Product of the vision technology and the consumer behavior in the indian market the company can

implement the following measure for increasing the sales and volume of the website and others products of vision..

Advertisement for the Vision technology is found to be ineffective and infrequent.

So, the company can come up with an aggressive advertisement to attract the

Indian peoples as they are found to be the decision maker in the buying of

websites. The company can come up the concept of forming a

chain of products across all over India as it is follows the

marketing strategy of Umbrellabranding. In such market chains all the IT division products can

be sold at the discounted rate, as more and more products are

coming under the market processing. The Company can collaborate with all the fast

marketing process of the Vision technology product at a discounted price or a discount scheme can be given of that outlet if they are using ..

The company can approach the government or distributing the its product in retails industry

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PHONE NO. +91 120 4297537

EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]






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Please send us the detailed description of the products with their respective images. Product details with images (images should be in jpg, png or gif format). Kindly mention your product Model No. or Code No. (If available). Kindly mention any other technical description/specification about your product (if any) which can be a paragraph or tale format. You may also send prices of your products(if you want to display them on website) Keywords with which you want to promote in Google. You can send us the desired Search Keyword, which you feel suitable or by that a user will search you in search engines. The information can be sent through any of the given below modes as convenient to you. 1. Mail with images and text matter as an attachment.

2. CD with images and text matter.

3. Any reference or competitor website.

4. Word/ Power point presentation with company details and products categorization.

We would like to alert you that lack of accuracy or delay in providing details may affect the fulsomeness of business enquiries and appeal of your website as well. If you need any clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Date: Signature of the Company Signature of the Client

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http/[email protected]

http/[email protected]

company websites.





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