task specific strength training

TASK SPECIFIC STRENGTH Science and Practice, Chapter 2 Part 1

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Lecture on task specific strength. Given at Wilmington College of Ohio for HPE 345, Strength Programming for Sport. Work based out of the text, Science and Practice of Strength Training, 2nd Edition.


Page 1: Task Specific Strength Training


Science and Practice, Chapter 2

Part 1

Page 2: Task Specific Strength Training

What is strength?

Probably the simplest definition would be that of muscular strength

Muscular strength can be defined as the ability to produce maximum external force against a resistanceThe most common resistance where this

force will be found in a practical setting is that of a weightlifting barbell

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A more in depth view Lets go a little more in depth to the

subdivisions of what we would call “strength”Maximal Muscular Performance (Pmax)Maximal Force (Fmax)Maximal Velocity (Vmax)Maximum Maximorum Force (FMM)Maximum Maximorum Velocity (VMM)

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A more in depth view

Maximal muscular performanceTake a vertical jump or shot put throw as

examplesThe maximal muscular performance (Pmax) is

the highest vertical jump possible or the farthest shot throw out of a series of throws. So if I jumped 33 inches in a vertical jump, 33” would be my (Pmax). If I threw the shot put 52 feet, 52’ would be my (Pmax).

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I am jumping off of a scale during my Pmax vertical jump (33”). The point during the jump where the scale read the highest, would be the maximal force, or Fmax.

In biomechanical terms, force is measured in terms of Newtons (N).

One Newton is the force required to accelerate 1kg of mass (1m/s)squared

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Vmax In that same vertical jump, the very fastest

velocity of any given joint is referred to as the maximal velocity or Vmax.

If joints are being referred to, this will be measured in degrees per second. A common example would be the rotation of the

humerous around the shoulder joint in a baseball pitcher.

If the whole body, or center of mass is being referred to, this will be measured in meters per second (m/s).

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Parametric Relationship

Fmax and Vmax are ‘parametrically’ related. They are related based on the ‘parameter’ of the motor task.

If the motor task is throwing a shot put, Fmax and Vmax will change based on how heavy the shot put is. If the shot weighs 3 pounds, Vmax will be much higher, while Fmax will decrease. If the shot weighs 20 pounds Fmax will be high and Vmax will be low.

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Parametric Relationship

The relationship between Fmax and Pmax can be referred to as an inverse relationship (at least it tends to be). When one goes up the other goes down and vice versa.

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Another example

Another example of a parametric relationship could be in running. In uphill running, the average force will be higher, but the average velocity will be lower. In downhill running, the average velocity will be higher, but the average force will be lower.

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Maximum Maximorum

Term specific to this book, not seen in scientific literature. More of a Russian term.

Fmm refers to the maximal force a muscle can produce in any condition.

The simplest way to describe this is how much can you lift in a particular resistance exercise.

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Maximum Maximorum

Vmm would refer to the fastest speed that can be attained in any conditions. Obviously in this case the external resistance will be extremely low.

Vmm is difficult to improve (with low external resistance) and is fairly set, while Fmm is easy to improve. Basically raw speed is difficult to increase, and most performance improvements will be because of increases in force.

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Force and Velocity Correlation The correlation between Fmm and Vmm

is 0. Strong athletes are not necessarily the fastest ones.

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Extrinsic Factors on Force The position of the body will have a

large effect on the amount of ‘strength’ that can be displayed in a given movement.

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A dynamic example

Body structure is another variable of how force is expressed in real world movement.

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Types of Resistance in Strength Exercise Elastic Based (bands) Inertia (Flywheel, Kaiser)

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Types of Resistance in Strength Training Weight, this can involve

Barbells/DumbbellsThrown Objects

○ Med Balls/ShotsBodyweight

○ Static○ Dynamic○ Since gravity always acts downward, this force

must be compensated for. In top speed sprinting, the most important ground forces are the vertical ground forces.

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Barbells and dumbbells represent the most common form of resistance training.IsometricsTraditional WeightliftingOlympic WeightliftingDynamic Weightlifting

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Thrown Objects

Med balls/Shot Throws

Medicine balls and shots represent a training stimulus with high velocity but lower force. They are great for training explosive movements in the early phases of training.

Example: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyEypsFivtw

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Bodyweight○ Static Bodyweight Training○ Dynamic Bodyweight Training (sport

movement)○ Since gravity always acts downward, this

force must be compensated for. In top speed sprinting, the most important ground forces are the vertical ground forces.

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Other resistances

Hydrodynamic Swimming, Rowing,

Kayaking Hard to emulate these forces

on land

Compound ResistanceBands/Chains+BarbellsMost popular in powerliftingEmulates squat suits and

bench shirts

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Compound Resistance

Training with bands or chains increases the force of the exercise as the body gets to the mechanically easier portion of the lift.

This type of training has not been shown to increase dynamic explosion, but is useful in powerlifting, and is also a nice way of using variety in training.

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Intrinsic Factors in Force Production Among others, muscle insertion is

important when it comes to displays of strength

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Time available for peak force development Typically, the time it takes to reach Fmm

is .3 to .4 seconds or more depending on how it is measured. Most sporting movements occur in much smaller time periods. Sprinting: .08-.10sLong Jump: .11-.12sHigh Jump: .17-.18sJavelin Throw: .16-.18sShot Put: .15-.18s

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An example

The finger snap that has more time to generate tension will be more powerful

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Explosive Strength Deficit (ESD)

Obviously there is not enough time to reach Fmm in athletic movements.

The difference between Fm and Fmm in any given sport movement is called the explosive strength deficit (ESD)

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Two ways to increase force output in explosive motions

Increase FmmIncrease lifts in the weightroom

Decrease ESDImprove rate of force development, focus on

explosive strength. Focus on exerting maximal forces in minimal time. Speed training/plyometrics/explosive weightlifting.

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Which means?

Depends on the athleteAn athlete with a low ESD probably needs to

spend more time increasing Fmm (weightroom strength)

An athlete with a high ESD probably needs to spend more time decreasing the ESD through speed training and plyometrics

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Rate of Force Development Generally, the higher level an athlete

reaches, the more important rate of force development becomes.

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Note: Maximal velocity is part of the force equation,

but nobody ever trains velocity as an element on its own….aka, you will never see an athlete training on the extreme velocity end of the force/time curve (practicing the throwing motion with no ball/sprinting while suspended).

There are variations that will increase velocity, such as throwing with lighter implements, but force is always existant as a trained factor.