task 7 pitch & rate

Jake Hyatt Unit 73 Task 7 Pitch/Rate: For this next sequence of tracks I was asked to adjust the pitch and the rate of the audio which would overall change the sound completely from the original to create a new sound. The first audio is the original so it hasn’t been modified at all. For the second copy of this audio I modifies it by double clicking on the sound with then brought up this menu. I canged the rate to 4 and changed the pitch to 10. This change dramatically icreased the speed of the audio which broke it down into sections of all the sounds that were actually in that audio which you couldn’t hear before, doing this allowed me to create 2 completey new sounds that are distant from the original. Changing the pitch of this audio

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Page 1: Task 7 pitch & rate

Jake HyattUnit 73Task 7


For this next sequence of tracks I was asked to adjust the pitch and the rate of the audio which would overall change the sound completely from the original to create a new sound. The first audio is the original so it hasn’t been modified at all.

For the second copy of this audio I modifies it by double clicking on the sound with then brought up this menu. I canged the rate to 4 and changed the pitch to 10. This change dramatically icreased the speed of the audio which broke it down into sections of all the sounds that were actually in that audio which you couldn’t hear before, doing this allowed me to create 2 completey new sounds that are distant from the original. Changing the pitch of this audio didn’t do too much, it only give the audio like a squeaky effect which could be useful but can make a sound irritating to listen to.

Page 2: Task 7 pitch & rate

Jake HyattUnit 73Task 7

For the third copy of the audio I changed the pitch to -7 and the playback rate to 0.0001. By doing this you can see that the audio clip has been streched out which made the audio sound incredibly slow and the by changing th pitch to a negative instead of the audio becoming squeaky it becomes deeper with more bass than usual. Both of these together creates a completely different sound compared to the oringinal, to me this sounds more space themed as it sounds like a ufo or a spaceship hovering/landing. However I feel that the audio takes too long to play through and if I was to use this I would have to shorten it so that it didn’t take up too much audio time.

Page 3: Task 7 pitch & rate

Jake HyattUnit 73Task 7

For the final rendition of the gargle audio I changed the pitch to -40 and the playback rate to 10. Similar to the first one speeding the rate up split the audio into different sections. Allowing us to hear sounds that we normally wouldn’t creating almost like a beat. Also to me it sounds like at first you can hear the gargle, next it sounds like sombody spitting and the final bit sounds like someone burping. So from this one sound I have managed to keep the original sound but also create two new ones that could be used elsewhere.