task 5 unix commands

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  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    UNIX Commands

    To Create a File:

    Syntax: $ cat [option] >

    Ex: $ cat > file1Hello..This is my first FileHave a Nice DayBye

    Ctrl+d (Save)

    Ctrl+d Possible Completer

    Ctrl+c Cancel foreground Job

    Ctrl+z Stop (interrupted) a foreground Job

    To Vie a already exi!tin" File:

    Syntax: $ cat Ex: $ cat file1

    To append data to an exi!tin" file

    Syntax: $ cat >> Ex: $ cat >> file1

    To Create a #ltiple file it% %elp of cat command

    Syntax: $ cat

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Create a -idden file

    Syntax: $ cat [option] Ex: $ cat >.file1

    Create a irectory

    Syntax: $ mdir [option] Ex: $m+&ir ra,!

    Create #ltiple irectorie!

    Syntax: $ mdir [option] Ex: $ m+&ir &1 &2 &3 &4 &-

    Create #lti . level irectorie!

    Syntax: $ mdir [option] Ex: $ m+&ir /&-/&-1/&-2/&-3

    Create #ltiple S* directorie!

    Syntax: $ mdir [option] Ex: $ m+&ir &3/&31 &4/&41

    To i!play pre!ent orin" irectory

    Syntax: $ pdEx: $ 0&

    To C%an"e t%e irectorySyntax: $ cd Ex: $ c& ra,!

    To c%an"e t%e directory forardSyntax: $ cdEx: $ c&..

    To #ove parent irectory (root)Syntax: $ cd /

    Ex: $ c& /

    To Create a -idden irectory

    Syntax: $ mdir [option] Ex: $ m+&ir .ve+at

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    ,0#1V0 C1##23S:

    To ,emove a file

    Syntax4 $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm +ira

    To ,emove #ltiple File!

    Syntax: $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm f1 f2 f3 f4

    To remove file! Forci*ly

    Syntax: $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm *f +ira

    To ,emove 5nteractive #ode

    Syntax: $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm *i +ira

    To ,emove irectory

    Syntax: $ rm [option]

    Ex: $ rm saar

    To ,emove all irectorie! and !*directorie!

    Syntax: $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm *r saar

    To ,emove irectorie! Forci*ly

    Syntax4 $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm *rf saar

    Ex: $ rm *rf saar ava amar

    To ,emove irectorie! 5nteractively

    Syntax4 $ rm [option] Ex: $ rm *i saarEx: $ rm *i saar ava amar

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    75ST C1##23S

    $ ls : t is a comma& to list the files a& &irectories i

    the reset 0or+i Directory

    $ ls - a : t is a comma& to &islay all files a&Directories icl!&i hi&&e files a& Directories

    $ls *: ist iformatio a"o!t the Files 'the c!rret &irectory "y &efa!lt). (ort etries alha"etically

    $ls ~: t list the all Bac+! files

    $ls @: t list the all li+e& files a& Directories

    $ls -d: t Dislays the reset 0or+i Directory.

    $ls -i: t Dislays the io&e !m"ers of files a& Directories

    $ls -s: t Dislays the sies i "loc+s 'Files 5 Directories)

    $ls -l: t Dislays the lo listi files a& &irectories i reset 0or+i &irectory

    Listing directory contents:

    $ ls list a &irectory$ ls -l list a &irectory i lo '&etaile&) format

    for examle:

    $ ls -l&r0xr*xr*x 4 vi,ay !ser 1624 7! 18 69:46 #T;

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    tye of file: * ormal fileC &&irectoryC l sym"olicli+C a& others...

    ls -ld * ist all the file a& &irectory ames i thec!rret &irectory !si lo format. #itho!t the & otioC

    ls 0o!l& list the cotets of ay s!"*&irectory of thec!rret. #ith the & otioC ls ,!st lists them li+e re!larfiles.

    $ ls -al: t Dislays icl!&i hi&&e a& lo listi files a& Directories

    $ ls -m: t Dislays all files a& Directories 0ith searate& "y comma 'C)

    $ ls -ls: t Dislays all lo listi Directories

    $ ls --full-time: t Dislays files a& Directories 0ith total iformatio &ate a& time

    $ ls -nl: t Dislays the lo listi files a& Directories accor&i to mo&ificatio Time

    $ ls -rtl: t Dislays the file a& Directories0ith reverse or&er

    $ ls -R: t Dislays the all files a& Directories

    ;eressively 'or&er "y or&er)

    $ ls -l: t Dislays the files a& Directories i asile col!m 'vertical)

    $ ls -x: t Dislays the files a& Directories 0ith m!ltile col!ms


    Syntax: $cp [option]

    & File to a File' File to a ictionary6 irectory to irectory

    File to File

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Syntax : $cp Ex : $c ve+at amar..... Ne0 file

    Ex : $c ve+at ,oh Existi file

    3ote: T%e content of o%n file overrite it% venat

    Ex $c *f ve+at +!mar

    3ote : 5t i! copy t%e file forci*ly venat to mar it%ot any permi!!ion

    Ex : $c *i ve+at a&hi

    3ote : 5t i! copy t%e file interactive mode venat to mar it% permi!!ion!

    2. File to Directory

    Syntax 4 $ cp Ex $ c ve+at a,ay.... a,ay is Directory

    Ex : $ c *" ve+at satya

    3ote : 5t copy! t%e venat file to Satya irectory it% *acp

    Ex : $ c *"f ve+at +ira

    3ote 4 5t copy! t%e venat file to ;iran irectory it% forci*ly *acp

    Ex : $ c *i"f ve+at y!s!f

    3ote : 5t copy! t%e venat file to !f irectory it% *acp interactively and forci*ly

    Ex : $ c file1 file2 file3 Directory

    3ote : 5t copie! t%e no of file to irectory

    3. Directory to Directory

    Syntax : $ cp Ex : $ c Dravi& a!ly

    Ex : $ c *r o&y Ge+at

    3ote : 5t copie! t%e irectory to irectory (incldin" all file! and irectorie!)

    Ex : $ c *ir Directory 1> Directory 2>

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    3ote : 5t copie! t%e irectory to irectory (incldin" it% all file! and directorie! it%interactive mode)

    Ex : $ c *rf Dir 1 > Dir 2> Dir 3> Destiatio Directory>

    3ote : 5t copie! t%e mltiple irectorie! it% forci*ly and rece!!ively mode


    T%i! command i! !ed to move t%e file! and directorie! one place to anot%er place

    Syntax: $ mv [option] Ex: $ mv file1 file2

    Ex: $mv *" file1 file2

    3ote: T%e file& move to file' it% *acp

    Ex: $ mv *f file1 file2

    3ote: T%e file& move to file' it% forci*ly

    Ex: $ mv *if file1 file2

    3ote: T%e file& move to file' it% interactive and forci*ly mode

    2. File to Directory

    Syntax: $ mv [option]

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Ex: $mv *if file1 Dir1

    3ote: T%e file& move to ir& it% interactive and forci*ly mode

    3. Directory to Directory

    Syntax: $ mv [option]

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    d ? irectory ? Arirer ? ,eadx ? 0xecta*le3ote: Ait%ot rite permi!!ion! e canBt copy remove modify move crate


    irectory . File . ===efalt irectory Dermi!!ion! . 99efalt File Dermi!!ion! . =88

    ,ead . 8Arite . '

    0xecta*le . &

    Total Dermi!!ion!


    & 3meric #et%od' Sym*olic #et%od

    1. Numeric 'et!od:

    Syntax: $ c%mod [permi!!ion!] Ex: $ chmo& ?66 Dir2 $ chmo& @46 file1

    To c%ec t%e c%an"ed permi!!ion !e t%e command: l! ? l

    To c%an"e t%e permi!!ion! and c%ec t%e permi!!ion !in" folloin" commandEx: $ chmo& *c ?-6 Dir2

    To c%an"e t%e permi!!ion it% irectorie! and !*directorie! it% re"re!!ivelyEx: $ chmo& *; ?-- Dir2

    To C%an"e t%e pre!ent orin" irectory Dermi!!ion!Ex: $ chmo& * ; ?-6

    3ote : DlE donBt try t%i! command on t%e !y!tem

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    2. (ymbolic 'et!od

    H!er . Irop . "1t%er! . o

    2ll . a,ead . rArite . 0xecte . x

    Syntax: $ c%mod [option!]

    To 2dd Arite permi!!ion to Irop and 1t%er!Ex: $ chmo& I0C oI0 Dir1

    To ,emove t%e Arite Dermi!!ion to H!er

    Ex: $ chmo& !*0 Dir1

    To ,emove t%e Arite and execte permi!!ion! to Irop and 1t%er!Ex: $chmo& *rC *xC o*rC o*x Dir1

    2ppend t%e Arite permi!!ion! to allEx: $chmo& !I0C I0C oI0 Dir1 'or) $chmo& aI0 Dir1

    H#2S; (H!er File Creation #a!)? ctin" remove %iddenJy efalt ma! vale i! K''

    irectory File

    ===K'' K''99 =88

    )ILD CA$D(

    L * Carrot or CapM ? Sin"le C%aracterN ? #ltiple C%aracter![ ] ? ,an"e of C%aracter!

    Ex: ls J * This comma& is !se& list 0ith sile character files

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    ls JJ * This comma& is !se& to list 0ith &o!"le character files

    ls J K6*9L This comma& is !se& to list the files starti

    0ith alha"etically a& 0ith !meric

    ls M * This comma& is !se& to &islay the all the files a& &irectories a& files (!"&irectories

    ls aM * This comma& is !se& to &islay the files 0ithstarti letter 0ith a Oharacter

    Remove Commands

    Syntax: rm [option] Ex: rm M * This comma& is !se& to &elete all the files ic!rret &irectoriesNote: l &ot !se this comma& 0itho!t ermissio

    Ex: rm J * To &elete sile character filesEx: rm JJ * To &elete &o!"le character filesEx: rm aM * To &elete the files starti 0ith character a


    Call t%e lin fnction to create a lin to a fileCall t%e lin fnction to create a lin named F570' to an exi!tin" F570&

    & -ard lin' Soft 7in

    & +ard Lin,: -ard lin can *e *ild !in"le file !y!tem-ard lin can reco"niEed it lin! !ame permi!!ion! and !ame !iEe !ame inonnm*er5f t%e data i! !orce lo!! e "ot from %ard lininon nm*er i! "iven !pace allocatedinon nm*er! can reco"niEed different lo"ical name!

    Syntax : ln

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    ' (o-t Lin,: 5t can *e *ilt acro!! t%e file !y!tem5t t%e !orce file i! delete e cant retrieve from tar"et file

    Syntax : ln ?!

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    1- * The c!rsor moves the 1-threcor& of the file * The c!rsor moves the th recor& of the file

    * The c!rsor moves the last recor& of the file- * The c!rsor moves the -threcor& of the file

    H * The c!rsor moves the starti recor& of the file'0i&o0) * The c!rsor moves the last recor& of the file

    '0i&o0) * The c!rsor moves the mi&&le recor& of the file'0i&o0)

    Otrl I f * To scroll the ae for0ar&Otrl I " * To scroll the ae "ac+0ar&Otrl I & * To scroll the half ae for0ar&Otrl I ! * To scroll the half ae "ac+0ar&

    Esc Mode (Delete Command)

    x * To &elete reset c!rsor ositio characterP * To &elete revio!s character&& * To &elete a recor&&& * To &elete recor&s&0 * To &elete a 0or&-&0 * To &elete - 0or&s&" * To &elete a revio!s 0or&

    -&" * To &elete a - revio!s 0or&s&" * To &elete a revio!s 0or&s&$ * To &elete reset c!rsor to the e& of the recor&&% * To &elete reset c!rsor ositio to starti of the recor&

    an,ing Commands /coying0

    y * To ya+ a sile charactery% * To ya+ reset c!rsor ositio to starti of the recor&

    y$ * To ya+ reset c!rsor ositio to e&i of the recor&& * To ya+ reset c!rsor ositio to starti of

    the recor&Ex : '1 26) if c!rsor i 16thositio

    yy * To ya+ the recor& 'coy)

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    -yy * To ya+ - recor&s reset c!rsor ositioyy * To ya+ recor&s reset c!rsor ositio * To ya+ reset c!rsor ositio to the first ositioy * To ya+ reset c!rsor ositio to the last ositioy0 * To ya+ the 0or+

    -y0 * To ya+ - 0or&sy" * To ya+ revio!s 0or&-y" * To ya+ revio!s - 0or&sy" * To ya+ revio!s 0or&s

    &aste Commands

    * Qaste the riht si&e of the c!rsor ositioQ * Qaste the left si&e of the c!rsor ositio

    * Qaste "elo0 the c!rsor ositioQ * Qaste a"ove the c!rsor ositio

    $elace Commands

    r * To relace reset c!rsor ositio character; * To relace the etire recor&cc * To recreate the ;ecor&c0 * To relace the 0or&cv * To relace the revio!s 0or&

    (ecial Commands

    ! * To !&o the revio!s actio. * To re&o the revio!s actio7 * To ,oi the recor&sR * To chae to lo0ercase to !er case letter !er case

    to lo0ercase letters

    (earc! Command

    / ? To !earc% for particlar pattern (ord)Ex : /!ix

    * c!rsor moves to the ext acc!raceN * c!rsor moves to the revio!s acc!race

    Insert 'ode Commands

    * e& the letter e& of the lie

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    a * e& the letter after the c!rsori * e& the letter "efore the c!rsor * e& the letter "eii of the lieo * oe a lie "elo0 the c!rsor< * oe a lie a"ove the c!rsor

    s * Delete the reset c!rsor ositio a& isert the character

    Colon 'ode Commands:

    :0 * To save a file:S * To S!it a file 0itho!t save:0S * To save a& S!it a file forci"ly:se! * To &islay recor& !m"ers:se o! * To remove &islay recor& !m"ers

    :/atter> * To search to to "ottom:Jatter> * To search "ottom to to

    :se ic * t iores the cases a& search the recor&s:se oic * t &isa"le artic!lar a"ove actio:se ai * t sets a e0 lie 'a!to i&et):se oai * t &isa"les artic!lar actio

    :&$ * To &elete a last recor&:U& * To &elete all the recor&s i the file

    :16C260 e0 fileame> * Ooy to aother e0 file

    :16C2-0 taret file> * Ooy to taret file forci"ly:2-C360 >> fileame> * e& existi file:16 co -6 * Ooy 16threcor& after the -6th;ecor&:16 mo -6 * ove 16threcor& to -6threcor&:-C1- mo -6 * ove -C 1- recor&s after -6threcor&

    :s/!ix/li!x * ll recor&s relace$vi file1> file2> file3> * !ltile file E&itor:file3> * to s0itch file3: * istea& of file1 to file3:N * s0itchi from "ac+0ar& file


    Ex: $ cat file1 >file2t re&irects the file1 to file2

    Ex: $ cat > file1 file2

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    t re&irects the file2 to file1

    Ex: $ cat >file1 file2 file3file2 file3 re&irects to file1

    Ex: $ cat file1 file2 file3 2>>error

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands



    Filter i! a command or pro"ram %ic% tae! t%e inpt from t%e !tandard inpt and t%enproce!! data to "ive reOired otpt

    Simple Filter! 2dvance Filter!

    ore 1. reless 2. se& 3. a0+hea&


    1. 'ore: #ore i! a filter to di!play t%e pa"in" t%ro"% text pa"e *y pa"e

    Syntax: $ more

    f ? To move next pa"e* ? To move previo! pa"eSpace*ar . To !croll t%e pa"e0nter ;ey . To !croll t%e pa"e line *y lineO ? Pit

    Ex: $ cat mor A more

    2. less : 7e!! i! a pro"ram !imilar to more (&) *t %ic% allo! *acard movement in t%efile a! ell a! forard movement 2l!o le!! doe! not %ave to read t%e entire inpt file*efore !tartin" !o it% lar"e inpt file! it !tart! p fa!ter t%an text editor! lie vi

    Syntax: $ le!! f ? To move next pa"e* ? To move previo! pa"eSpace*ar . To !croll t%e pa"e0nter ;ey . To !croll t%e pa"e line *y lineO . Pit

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Ex: $ cat file1 A less

    3ote: T%i! command or! on 7inx only

    3. &g:5t di!play! pa"e *y pa"e

    Syntax: $ p"

    f ? To move next pa"e* ? To move previo! pa"eSpace*ar . To !croll t%e pa"e0nter ;ey . To !croll t%e pa"e line *y lineO . Pit

    Ex: cat ve+at A

    3ote: T%i! command dont or! in 7inx

    . !ead : 5t di!play! t%e fir!t &K line! of t%e file (pa"e) . defalt

    Syntax: $ %ead

    Ex: $ hea& *1- ve+atEx: $ cat fileame> A hea& 26 * t &islay first 26 lies

    . tail : 5t di!play! la!t &K record! of t%e file

    Syntax: tail : tail ?'K

    Ex: cat fileame> A tail *26Ex: tail I2- fileame> * t &islays last 2- recor&s

    In&'e"een #eo#ds

    ,ecord! from &9 to 'K

    Ex: $ hea& *16 fileame> A tail *- ';ecor&s 1- to 26)Ex: $ tail I36 fileame> A hea& *- ';ecor&s 36 to 3-)

    I* $ an" "o #ed#e" "o +e#manen"

    Ex: $ hea& *26 fileame> Atail *- > file1 'file1 is e0file)Ex: $ tail I36 fileame> Ahea& *- > file1 'file1 is e0file)

    . 4c : T%i! filter i! !ed to ord cont

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Syntax: $ c Ex: $ 0c +ira

    no o* #eo#ds "o display

    Ex: $ 0c *l fileame>

    no, o* o#ds "o ds+%a-Ex: $ 0c *0 fileame>

    no, o* .a#a"e#s "o ds+%a-Ex: $ 0c *c fileame>

    ma/ 0 %en1". 0 .a#a"e#s "o ds+%- n a *%eEx: $ 0c * fileame>

    5. tee : 5t di!play! and redirect! t%e !ame timeread from !tandard inpt and rite to !tandard otpt and file!

    Ex: $ ls *l fileame> $ ls *l A tee fileame> $ ls **f!ll*time A tee *a fileame> * ae&i existi file

    3ote: it%ot Q (pipe !ym*ol) tee filter donBt or!

    6. tr :Tran!late c%aracter! *y c%aracter!Tran!late or delete c%aracter!

    Syntax: $ tr [option] Ex: $ tr VMWC VXW fileame

    Ex: $ tr V a"c&WC VxyW fileame

    Duplicate characters avoid ith se!uential orderEx: $ tr *s VrW fileame

    Delete the characters

    Ex: $ tr *& VrW fileame

    7. (ort: !ort line! of text file! accordin" to t%e fir!t c%aracter

    Syntax: !ort [option] 0x : !ort !tdent

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    student -ilename

    K& viay =K GK&' anil K 96' !an =9 8K

    K8 %ari K 89'' ra @9 9K

    Sortin" priority

    & Jlan !pace' Special c%aracter6 3meric8 Hpperca!e9 7oerca!e


    0x: $ sort * fileame> $ (ort *r fileame> * N!meric a& reverse

    #f u ant permanentEx: $ sort *r fileame> > e0 file

    $ !ort ?t R: ? field !eparator

    $ccording to the second fields

    $ (ort *&t V:W *+2 * &irectory sorti

    $ ls *l A sort *" +- * it ta+es the "la+ a"o!t Fiel& searator

    18. Cut:,emove !ection! from eac% line of file!

    2, C.a#a"e# $""n1

    Ex: $ c!t *c fileame>First character of the all lies

    Ex: $ c!t *c1 fileame>To c!t the first Oharacter

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    Ex: $ c!t *c8 fileame>To c!t the 8thcharacter i each lie

    Ex: $ c!t *c4C 8 fileame>

    To c!t 4


    a& 8


    Oharacter each lie

    Ex: $ c!t *c4 *8 fileame>To c!t 4thto 8thOharacters rae

    3, Fe%d $""n1

    ?d field !eparator

    Ex: $ c!t *& V:W *f2 fileame>O!t 2&fiel& i all recor&s

    Ex: $ c!t *& V:W *f2C - fileame>O!t 2&a& -th recor&s

    Ex: $ c!t *& V:W *f2C *- fileame>O!t 2&to -th recor&s

    Ex: $ ls *l A tr *s V V(eS!ece sace

    Ex: $ ls *l A tr *s V V A c!t *& V V *f-(eS!ece a& c!t

    11. Uni9: ,emove dplicate line! from a !orted file

    Syntax: $ niO [option] Ex: $ !iS *& fileame >Dislays oly the D!licate recor&s

    Ex: $ !iS *D fileame>Qrit all &!licate ;ecor&s a& &emeliti is &oe 0ith "la+lies

    Ex: $ !iS c fileame>Qrefix lies "y the N!m"er of occ!rreces

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    "n%ironment Control

    Command Descrition

    c& & Ohae to &irectory &

    m+&ir & Oreate e0 &irectory &

    rm&ir & ;emove &irectory &

    mv f1 Kf2...L & ove file f to &irectory &

    mv &1 &2 ;eame &irectory &1 as &2

    ass0& Ohae ass0or&

    alias ame1 ame2 Oreate comma& alias 'csh/tcsh)

    alias ame1ame2 Oreate comma& alias '+sh/"ash)

    !alias ame1Ka2...L ;emove comma& alias a

    ssh & oi sec!rely to remote o&e

    exit E& termial sessio

    setev ame v (et ev var to val!e v 'csh/tcsh)

    exort amev (et eviromet varia"le to val!e v'+sh/"ash)

    &rocess Control

    Command Descrition

    OT;/c M terr!t rocesses

    OT;/s M (to scree scrolli

    OT;/S M ;es!me scree o!t!t

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    slee (lee for seco&s

    ,o"s Qrit list of ,o"s

    +ill U Yill ,o"

    s Qrit rocess stat!s stats+ill *9 ;emove rocess

    OT;/ M (!se& c!rret rocess

    sto U (!se& "ac+ro!& ,o"

    cmm&5 ;! cmm& i "ac+ro!&

    " KUL ;es!me "ac+ro!& ,o"

    f KUL ;es!me forero!& ,o"

    exit Exit from shell

    "n%ironment (tatus

    Command Descrition

    ls K&L Kf...L ist files i &irectory

    ls *1 Kf...L ist files i &etail

    alias KameL Dislay comma& aliases

    ritev KameL Qrit eviromet val!es

    S!ota Dislay &is+ S!ota

    &ate Qrit &ate 5 time

    0ho ist loe& i !sers

    0hoami Dislay c!rret !ser

    fier K!serameL

    chf Ohae fier iformatio

    K V Subba Raju, Asst. Professor


  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands


    0& Qrit 0or+i &irectory

    history Dislay recet comma&s

    (!"mit recet comma&

    File 'aniulation

    Command Descrition

    vi KfL Gi f!ll scree e&itor

    emacs KfL Emacs f!ll scree e&itor

    e& KfL Text e&itor

    0c f ieC 0or&C 5 char co!t

    cat f ist cotets of file

    more f ist file cotets "y scree

    cat f1 f2 >f3 Oocateates f1 5 f2 ito f3

    chmo& mo&e f Ohae rotectio mo&e of f

    cm f1 f2 Oomare t0o files

    c f1 f2 Ooy file f1 ito f2

    sort f lha"etically sort f

    slit K*L f (lit f ito *lie ieces

    mv f1 f2 ;eame file f1 as f2

    rm f Delete 'remove) file f

    re t f

    &iff f1 f2 ists file &iffereces

    hea& f

  • 7/23/2019 Task 5 UNIX Commands



    Command Descrition

    cc K*o f1L f2 O comiler

    lit f Ohec+ O co&e for errors

    f?? K*o f1L f2 Fortra?? comiler

    c K*o f1L f2 Qascal comiler
