task 2 powerpoint presentation:


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‘Star image’ is something that is constructed around the musicians/performer to sell and attract an audience.

Richard Dyer wrote about the star image which is created to sell. He said that a star is simply an image its is not a real person it is only created to make the product attractive to the target audience, which is done through advertising. He came up with two Paradox’s, the first being; ‘the star must be simultaneously ordinary and extra ordinary for the consumer’ and ‘the star must be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer’

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‘White Noise’ are known for there strong views against racism. They also play a strong role in the organisation ‘love music hate racism’ White noise attract a large crowd by there enthusiastic and energetic behaviour when performing.

They are good looking youthful all male band attracting females through sexual magnetism.

They also stand out for there originality in instrument choice and style of fashion.

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Festival gig attendees. Readers of NME. Listeners of radio 1/XFM (in particular Zane Lowe). Fashionable people, people that care about there

appearance. Arty/creative people. Teenagers (16+) male and female.  Experiences Strivers Trendy's Innovators Rebels Cowboys

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Front Cover

Back Cover

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We created our front cover from this image. We wanted to create an artistic wired kind of look which would relate to our target audience. As it is a female nude shot it would attract more of the male audience as because we attract the female audience through other ways.We added to the arty look by turning the cover black and white. The lines at the bottom are there because of the name of the band being ‘White Noise’.

We wanted the front cover to be minimalistic and not be too extreme. This is so that it attracts the mature audience.The front cover also goes with our music video for ‘eating glass’ very well. As it is all shot in black and white and also the fact that the cover is simply about music and women which is the same as the video.

The Front CoverThe Front Cover

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We dressed the band members in a specific way that worked with the story line and also supported there fashion sense. We decided to not dress the girl in a provocative way because her fashion sense also connects with the female audiences fashion style.

The majority of the video was performance elements. However the narrative we did have in it we decided to link with the lyrics being about a break up. This again attracts the female audience.

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The VideoThe VideoOur two locations were; an expensive big house and a council estate. We are biased towards the council estate in this video there for attracting a larger audience.

This again backs up there star image showing they are controversial and creative in there videos. This video also makes the audience feel close to the lead singer and feel sympathetic towards him again attracting female attention.

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For this poster we made the lead singer stand out from the band as he is the front man and we can attract attention through him.

We made sure that none of the band were smiling and had a moody look on their faces to not only make them look cool but also to connect it to their single ‘Like Eating Glass’ which we are advertising as well as the album.

The look they are giving also goes with the album name ‘Fearless’ We wanted it all to link together.

Also we made NME stand out on the poster as are target audience are NME readers. And also wrote about there originality on it because that is a key part of their star image.