task 2 photography terminology work sheet

Callum Wallace PHOTOGRAPHIC TERMINOLOGY Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Terminology P1, P2, M1, M2

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Page 1: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

Callum Wallace


Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice TerminologyP1, P2, M1, M2

Page 2: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• The shutter speed is the unit of measurement which determines how long the shutter remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the exposure time which makes movement blur as seen in the photos at the side. Or if the shutter speed is higher the subject stays still.

• These photos show the difference shutter speed can make the above is taken on a slow shutter speed (1second) and the below had a faster shutter speed (1/25 seconds) and you can see the difference it makes as the slower one blurs the movement and the faster gets a still of the object.


Page 3: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• Stick an example image here

• The above was shot on a 1/25 second exposure time. The above is was shot in a 1 second exposure time


Fast Shutter Speed Slow Shutter Speed

Page 4: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• ISO is similar to film speed on film cameras. Unlike aperture and shutter speed, ISO doesn't control how much light enters the camera, but instead controls how sensitive the camera is to that light. The lower the ISO, the less sensitive the camera is. In other words, a lower ISO will require more light to properly expose a picture than a higher ISO.

• A lower ISO will produce a higher quality image but requires more light to expose a picture.

• A higher ISO will produce a lower quality image but requires less light to expose a picture.

• Stick am example image here


Page 5: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• Stick an example image here• Stick an example image here


High ISO Low ISO

ISO- 1600 ISO- 110

Page 6: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• Depth of Field is the distance in front of and beyond the subject that appears to be in focus. It’s not a fixed distance, it changes in size and can be described as either ‘shallow’ (where only a narrow zone appears sharp) or deep (where more of the picture appears sharp). The aperture can also affect light for example when taking a the photo of the sun I had to put the aperture all the way up so it only lets a little amount of light in. But when its dark you have to set the aperture at a small amount so more light can get into the lens.

• Stick am example image here


Page 7: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• Stick an example image here• Stick an example image here


Shallow Depth of Field Long Depth of Field

Page 8: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect.

• In my photo the centre of the subject (the bench) meets where two of the lines intersect, so it seems that the photo was framed reasonably well.


Page 9: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet


Page 10: Task 2 photography terminology work sheet

• Manual exposure is mainly the balancing of the 3 aspects; f-stop, shutter speed and ISO. When taking a photograph you need to consider all of these aspects to achieve the best picture possible.

MANUAL EXPOSUREISO- 1600F-stop- 11Shutter speed- 1/500

F-stop- 8ISO- 100Shutter speed- 1/125

F-stop- 16ISO- 1600Shutter speed- 1/640