tartalomjegyzÉk - nyelvvizsgak.hu · középfok vagy felsőfok? ahogy a borító jelzi, ... bgf...


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Page 1: TARTALOMJEGYZÉK - nyelvvizsgak.hu · Középfok vagy felsőfok? Ahogy a borító jelzi, ... BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához
Page 2: TARTALOMJEGYZÉK - nyelvvizsgak.hu · Középfok vagy felsőfok? Ahogy a borító jelzi, ... BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához

BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Előszó ....................................................................................................................................... 3

1. Working conditions .............................................................................................................. 5

2. Grant to educational institution ............................................................................................. 6

3. Vending machines ................................................................................................................ 7

4. Which supplier? .................................................................................................................... 9

5. Purchasing .......................................................................................................................... 10

6. Local development ............................................................................................................. 11

7. Outsourcing non-core activities ........................................................................................... 12

8. Euro trading ........................................................................................................................ 13

9. EU mobility ........................................................................................................................ 15

10. Taxes ................................................................................................................................ 17

11. Avoiding bankruptcy ......................................................................................................... 19

12. Card safety ........................................................................................................................ 20

13. Investment portfolio .......................................................................................................... 22

14. Transport .......................................................................................................................... 24

15. Tourism Expo .................................................................................................................... 26

16. Accommodation facilities .................................................................................................. 28

17. Equestrian tourism ............................................................................................................ 30

18. Job application .................................................................................................................. 31

19. Guest Loyalty Programme ................................................................................................. 32

20. Complaining ..................................................................................................................... 33

21. Commissions .................................................................................................................... 34

22. Responsible Tourism ......................................................................................................... 35

23. Restaurant franchising ....................................................................................................... 36

24. Event catering ................................................................................................................... 38

25. Outsourcing catering operations ........................................................................................ 40

Useful phrases… ..................................................................................................................... 41

…to structure the discussion .................................................................................................... 41

…to keep up the discussion ..................................................................................................... 42

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Miben különböznek a gyakorlófeladatok a vizsgafeladatoktól?

A füzetben található szituációk gyakorlófeladatok a BGF Gazdasági Nyelvvizsgák középfokú szóbeli vizsgájának utolsó részfeladatához (szituációs társalgás reália segítségével). Az összeállítás olyan szerepjátékokat tartalmaz, melyek mind tartalmilag, mind formailag hasonlítanak a vizsgafeladatokra, némely tudatos eltéréssel. A különbségeket azzal indokoljuk, hogy míg a vizsgán korlátozott idő áll rendelkezésre a felkészüléshez (6-7 perc), és a kiélezett helyzetben a feladat tömör és egyszerű megfogalmazása segíti a vizsgázót a gyors és hatékony felkészülésben, addig a gyakorlás során viszonylag szabadon bánhat az idővel a vizsgázó és a felkészítő tanár. Az összeállítás, szándékunk szerint, nemcsak az adott feladat megoldására készít fel, hanem nyelvtudást is fejleszt.

A szókincs esetenként igényesebb, választékosabb, mint a vizsgafeladatokban.

A felkészüléshez bizonyos feladatoknál 6-7 percnél több idő szükséges, mert bőséges háttéranyagot vagy sokoldalú információt adó reáliát kell áttanulmányozni.

Egyes feladatok esetében sok szempontot adtunk, ezek megbeszélése több időt vehet igénybe, mint 5-6 perc, ami ennek a vizsgafeladatnak az átlagos megoldási ideje.

Az összeállításnak tehát több célja van:

mintát ad a szituációs feladatra mind formai, mind tartalmi tekintetben,

bővíti a szókincset,

háttér információkkal szolgál bizonyos témákban.

Három szakma?

Ahogy az elrendezés is jelzi, a három szakma tematikája folyamatos összeolvadó sorba rendezhető. Míg egyes szituációk nyilvánvalóan idegenforgalmi vagy pénzügyi irányultságúak, más feladatok mindhárom szakma számára relevánsak lehetnek.

Középfok vagy felsőfok?

Ahogy a borító jelzi, a füzet a középfokú vizsgára való felkészüléshez nyújt segítséget. Ugyanakkor felsőfokú vizsgára készülőknek is hasznos gyakorlóanyag. A CD-n hallható egyik variáció választékos nyelvhasználata, a szempontok részletes megvitatása igényes felsőfokú feladatmegoldás.

Mit várunk a vizsgázótól ennél a feladatnál? Mi a teendő a feladatokkal?

Vegye figyelembe a megadott beszédhelyzetet, először is azt a szempontot, hogy milyen kapcsolatban áll a beszélő partnerrel. A stílust, szókincset, szociokulturális viselkedést ennek megfelelően kell megválasztania. A itt található szituációk háromfélék: egyrészt vállalaton belüli, munkatársak közti megbeszélések (itt is lehetnek különbségek aszerint, hogy mellé- vagy fölérendelt viszonyban állnak a munkatársak), ahol félhivatalos hangnem a természetes, esetleg közvetlen baráti stílusú elemekkel színezve. Másrészt üzleti partnerek közötti megbeszélések, ahol a korábbi együttműködés jellege és tartama szerint szintén félhivatalos vagy hivatalos a hangnem. A harmadik típusba az ügyfél és szolgáltató közötti megbeszélések tartoznak, ahol hivatalos udvarias hangnem szokásos. A szerepekhez neveket adtunk meg, ezek megfelelő használata is a kívánt stílus része. Gondolja végig a megoldandó szituációt, rangsorolja érvényesíteni kívánt szempontjait, készüljön fel arra, hogy engedményeket kell tennie. Partnerével beszélje meg a jelzett pontokat, adjon és kérjen információt, reagáljon a hallottakra, fejtse ki véleményét, ismereteit. A megadott szempontokat, saját ismeretei, ötletei alapján kiegészítheti, megerősítheti. A párbeszéd lezárásaként döntsön, válasszon, jelezze, hogy elhalasztja a döntést, vagy jusson kölcsönösen elfogadható egyezségre.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


Mire szolgál a CD?

A CD-n két feladat (Vending machines II., Outsourcing catering operations) megoldása hallható két variációban. Azért adtunk két-két megoldási mintát, hogy ezzel is szemléltessük, hogy a feladatoknak számos jó megoldása lehet. Arra is jó példa a CD, hogy a szituációkat érdemes a szerepeket megcserélve, másodszor is eljátszani. Hangsúlyozni szeretnénk, hogy az elhangzó változatok mind kiváló megoldások, a középfokúnál magasabb nyelvi szintről tesznek bizonyságot. Ennél egyszerűbb nyelvezettel, kisebb szókinccsel is jól megoldhatók a feladatok. Úgy gondoljuk, hogy ennek tudatában ösztönző mintaként használhatják a felkészülők és felkészítők a választékos és kreatív feladatmegoldásra.

Mire szolgál a szójegyzék?

A szójegyzék segítség: nem teljes elsajátításra, hanem szemelgetésre szolgál. A kifejezések hasznosan alkalmazhatók a feladatok megoldása során, hozzájárulnak a beszélő felek egymáshoz való viszonya által meghatározott hangnem és stílus kialakításához. A kifejezések között szerepelnek olyanok, amelyeket a tárgyalás strukturálása során kívánatos használni – amelyek inkább a felsőfokú megoldás irányába viszik a nyelvtanulót –, továbbá olyanok, amelyek a párbeszéd során a két fél közötti interakció fenntartására szolgálnak.

Kinek ajánljuk a munkafüzetet?

Segítséget kívánunk nyújtani a nyelvvizsgára készülőknek ahhoz, hogy a gyűjteményben szereplő mintafeladatok feldolgozása segítségével elsajátítsák azokat a készségeket, amelyeket a szaknyelv-specifikus szituációk megoldása során szükséges alkalmazniuk. A kiadványt haszonnal forgathatják azok a nyelvtanulók is, akik a közép- vagy felsőfokú nyelvvizsgára készülés során olyan helyzetekben kívánják kipróbálni nyelvtudásukat, amelyhez hasonlókkal a nyelvvizsgán is szembesülnek.

Jó munkát kívánnak,

a szerzők

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – László/Linda Magyar, HR Manager

The MD’s position has been taken over at your company. The new MD, Douglas/Daisy Wigger, who comes from the parent company would like to introduce some unwelcome changes which go against the interests of the staff. You are worried that the changes might lead to resentment and undermine present loyalty and job satisfaction. Try to dissuade the MD or bring him/her to a reasonable compromise at least.

Issue Current practice Could accept this arrangement

limited parking area

first-come-first-served Spaces reserved according to needs

and agreement of all staff

overtime paid at hourly rate overtime not encouraged

dress code at own discretion dress allowance with written


corporate gifts acceptable acceptable up to a fixed amount

Your partner starts.

Role B – Douglas/Daisy Wigger, MD

You have just taken over the top position at your subsidiary where working conditions and morale seem to be too easy-going and relaxed. You would like to introduce some changes to improve attitude and efficiency. You need to convince the HR Manager, László/Linda Magyar who is standing up for the rights of the staff. You do not wish to turn everybody against you but you do need to put your foot down.

Issue Current practice Your proposal

limited parking area

first-come-first-served Spaces reserved for managers, public transport paid for staff

overtime paid at hourly rate unpaid (this policy might reduce

private Internet use)

dress code at own discretion uniform, laundry paid

corporate gifts acceptable complete ban

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Chris/Celia King, MD for major manufacturing company

You have been approached by Márton/Mariann Mester, Head of Department at Technical University asking for a one-off grant from your company for their institution. You can deduct the amount of the grant from your corporate tax, so you are willing to donate. However, you are asking for some favours in return, since you are free to decide which educational institution to support.

Your questions and requests:

how will the grant be used?

promotion o how/where will the name of the supporting company be publicised? o any spaces available for ads in the building? at events? o free use of rooms at educational institution for promotional events?

group of students to work at company for FREE in summer

Your partner starts.

Role B – Márton/Mariann Mester, Head of Department, Technical University

You are in discussion with Chris/Celia King, MD for a major manufacturing company asking for a one-off grant from the company for your institution. They can deduct the amount of the grant from their corporate tax, so you do not expect any difficulties in obtaining assistance. You are also prepared to offer something in return.

Your plans and offers:

grant to be used to purchase computers, furniture and to refurbish lecture halls

plaque to publicise name of supporting company next to/inside lecture halls

name of company indicated as supporter on university leaflets

happy to send students as trainees for industrial placement

could they promise to offer a grant annually?

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



I. Do we need them?

Role A – Róbert/Rozália Rejtő, General Manager at local authority

You are in discussion with Brian/Bridget Bank, your Finance Manager who would like to install vending machines in the public areas of the local authority. You are against the idea.

Your arguments:

would take up too much space, block entrance

ugly, noisy

costly, you would need to pay for electricity

increases waste (cans or plastic bottles), costly to dispose of

will disrupt working morale

Your partner starts.

Role B – Brian/Bridget Bank, Finance Manager at local authority

You are in discussion with Róbert/Rozália Rejtő, the General Manager about installing vending machines in the public areas of the local authority. It was your idea and you would like to convince them of the advantages.

Your arguments:

serve clients as well as staff while waiting/ working

cold/warm drinks, sandwiches, chocolates surely welcome

can be located at end of corridor

percentage of turnover as income

arrange for supplier to dispose of rubbish?

staff do not need to leave to buy snacks/ waste time making tea or coffee

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


II. Supplier and Client

Role A – Clive/Carol Cooler, Representative of vending machine supplier

You are discussing the terms of installing and using vending machines with Béla/Barbara Szűcs, Finance Director at an educational institution. Try and get yourself favourable terms.

Control over range According to wishes but only one type of product per machine (drinks or snacks)

Location Preferably in lobby and frequented areas want a say relying on experience

Refill: frequency? flexibility? To be decided after initial period Regular intervals, cannot provide JIT service

Rent Calculated according to turnover

Term of contract Minimum one year

You start.

Role B – Béla/Barbara Szűcs, Finance Director, Educational Institution

You are discussing the terms of installing and using vending machines at your educational institution with Clive/Carol Cooler, representative of supplier.

Try and get yourself favourable terms.

Control over range According to wishes, can it be changed later? want choice: e.g. sparkling and still water

Location To be designated by school

Refill: frequency? flexibility? Preferably on Friday evenings (no classes) Guarantee of smooth flow?

Rent Fixed amount regardless of turnover (in summer as well)

Term of contract Initial 3 months, then to be reviewed

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Gerard/Gloria Topp, MD for manufacturing firm

You are in discussion with Alfred/Alice Bock, your production manager trying to decide which supplier to use. You have received an unsolicited offer from a Chinese supplier, which has convinced you that they would be the most suitable for your new product lines. Try and persuade your partner using the arguments below. You may decide to involve some more colleagues if you cannot agree.

Your arguments in favour of the Chinese supplier:

cheaper than Europeans

small consignments from European supplier involve high transport costs

can provide any quantity

trade relations with China likely to improve

production certain to continue (European producer might need to close down for environmental protection reasons)

You start.

Role B – Alfred/Alice Bock, Production Manager for manufacturing firm

You are in discussion with Gerard/Gloria Topp, your MD trying to decide which supplier to use. You are convinced that your present European supplier would be most suitable for your new line of products as well. Try and persuade your MD to stick to your reliable business partner using the arguments below. You may decide to involve some more colleagues if you cannot agree.

Your arguments for your European supplier:

transport costs must be high, even if ex works price favourable

customs mean extra cost and time (EU: free trade area)

European delivery takes less time, they can respond faster

European partner offers reliable quality

get on well with present partner, no cross-cultural difficulties

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Gyula/Györgyi Havas, MD for subsidiary of Doctool, multinational manufacturer of medical equipment

You are in talks with Michael/Maggie Groom, Finance Director for your parent company. You would like to raise salaries for your staff. Funding can only come from cutting your costs, so you would like to rearrange purchasing. So far the parent company has arranged purchasing for you, financing and storing goods until you need them. This means, that they add 20 per cent to the original purchasing costs on materials and parts sent to you.

You would like to achieve lower purchasing costs.

Your arguments:

salaries must be raised

to make up for inflation

to compensate for strict holiday schedule (cannot take holidays any time)

to reward quality work and expertise

purchasing can be rearranged

converting factory area to store materials yourself

using cheaper local supplier

using current supplier with direct deliveries to your factory

willing to pay 2-3 per cent to parent company for financing and ordering

You start.

Role B – Michael/Maggie Groom, Finance Director for parent company Doctool, multinational manufacturer of medical equipment

You are in talks with Gyula/Györgyi Havas, MD for subsidiary of Doctool. He proposes a salary increase and a rearrangement of the purchasing procedure. So far the parent company has arranged purchasing for the subsidiary, financing and storing goods until they needed them. You add 20 per cent to the original purchasing costs on materials and parts sent to themfor financing, storing and transportation You would like to stick to this system.

Your arguments:


Hungarian company just breaks even, cannot afford pay rise


local supplier not acceptable: no guarantee of quality or reliability

storing has drawbacks: money tied up

present system offers more flexibility (advantage of JIT)

willing to consider slight reduction of 20 per cent additional cost

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – János/Júlia Szabó, Mayor/Head of Local Government

You are in talks with Bruce/Betsy Brook from Besco, who would like to set up a supermarket on the outskirts of a small Hungarian town where you are mayor. Besco need permission from the local government. You will only agree to the plan if they are willing to fulfill some of your conditions.

Your arguments against the plan:

small shops will lose business and possibly go bankrupt

local farmers will lose business

too much traffic, noise, pollution, damage to roads

might agree if they give written guarantees/ commit themselves to

employing local residents (number and minimum period fixed in contract)

purchasing from local suppliers

building a ring-road outside town

pay 2 per cent of turnover as local tax

Your partner starts.

Role B – Bruce/Betsy Brook from Besco, multinational supermarket chain

You are in talks with János/Júlia Szabó, Mayor/Head of Local Government of a small Hungarian town where you would like to set up a new outlet. You are willing to spend some money on local development besides the actual costs to get him/her to agree.

Your arguments for the development:

better supply at lower prices than before

employment for local residents

improvement of area, other employers might follow

willing to

employ local people for probationary period of 3 months

build new road to avoid high street

pay 1 per cent of turnover as local tax

support local community in various ways


puchase locally (buy in bulk from big national and international suppliers)

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Terence/Tracy Hall, Finance Director of Advertising Agency

You are proposing some changes to your MD, Sándor/Sára Nagy to help and run the firm more cost-effectively. Try and convince him/her that contracting out some activities will result in savings without any risk or fall in standards.

Arguments for outsourcing

not enough work for full-time job/to fill capacity

bring in more expertise/higher quality

cut costs

Areas for outsourcing

IT, book-keeping, cleaning, maintenance, delivery

Arrangements, precautions

invite interested parties to tender

ask for references

You start.

Role B – Sándor/Sára Nagy, MD of Advertising Agency

Your Finance Director, Terence/Tracy Hall is proposing to contract out some activities in order to save costs. You are satisfied with your current employees so you are not keen on any changes.

Arguments against outsourcing

no loyalty

less control over work

can damage image

sub-contractors will lack info

Areas for outsourcing

Book-keeping and cleaning

Arrangements, precautions

ask friends, colleagues to recommend firms (rely on word-of-mouth)

keep current bookkeeper under new arrangement?

make sure insiders give support and exert control

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához




Role A – Andrew/Angela Griffith, MD of Tiletrade export/import firm, Glasgow

You are being interviewed for a financial radio program on your views about the advantages/disadvantages of trading in euros for a British firm.

Your views:

several British firms now price their products in euros (in B2B trade)

useful practice even if Britain will not join euro zone

Continent offers wider choice and lower prices

with transparency of prices easier to compare prices to domestic supply/offer competitive prices compared to imports

cuts out need for currency exchanges, you are paid in euros/pay in euros

cuts out need for hedging (buying euros at secure/favourable rates for future trade)

one-off tasks to adjust accounting systems change bank accounts into euro accounts change price lists

Your partner starts.

Role B – Paul/Pamela Bander, Reporter for Financial Waves Radio Program

You are interviewing Andrew/Angela Griffith, MD of Tiletrade export/import firm, Glasgow about the advantages/disadvantages of trading in euros for a British firm.

Outline for your questions:

trading in euros: new practice?

preparation for joining euro zone?

how does it help/hinder you?

no need to exchange money?

what about home suppliers/British customers?

costs of changing to euro trading?

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Paul/Pamela Bander, Reporter for Financial Waves Radio Program

You are interviewing Percy/Pearl MacDuff, Manager of a whisky distillery, Glasgow about the advantages/disadvantages of trading in euros for a British firm.

Outline for your questions:

trading in euros: useful practice?

preparation for joining euro zone?

how does it help/harm you?

no need to exchange money?

what about overseas customers?

costs of changing to euro trading?

You start.

Role B – Percy/Pearl MacDuff, Manager of whisky distillery, Glasgow

You are being interviewed for a financial radio program on your views about the advantages/disadvantages of trading in euros for a British firm.

Your views:

no need to trade in euros if not in euro zone

hope Britain will stay outside

pound a national symbol

monetary policy best decided in Britain (not outside by ECB)

sell a lot in Britain

do not import anything

pound is part of the product image

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához




Role A – Visitor

As a Hungarian citizen you are considering taking up employment in Ireland. You go to an EU Information Office to ask about regulations. Ask the relevant questions to get information about the points in the table and fill in the rubrics according to the answers.


Questions Answers

any restrictions?

entitled to social benefits?

conditions for child benefit?

how much is child benefit?

unemployment benefit?

for how long?

Your partner starts.

Role B – EU Office Information Officer

You will need to answer questions from a Hungarian citizen who is considering taking up employment in Ireland. Use the information below for your answers.

Background Information

How does the principle of free movement of workers work in practice?

For the first 2 years after 1 May 2004 following the accession of the new Member States, access to the original Member States labour markets will depend on the national law and policy of those States, along with the bilateral agreements they may have with the new Member States. Some original Member States have indicated that they intend to fully open their labour markets to workers from all the new Member States. The other original Member States intend to allow more restrictive access, the extent of which will depend on the new Member State in question.


Questions Answers

any restrictions? none, full freedom

entitled to social benefits? only if you are working and paying social insurance

conditions for child benefit? you qualify if you are a habitual resident for child under 16 or 16, 17, 18 in full-time education or disabled

how much is child benefit? €131.60 monthly for first and second, higher for third

unemployment benefit? qualify after paying social insurance for 39 weeks

for how long? 156 to 390 days depending on age, type of social insurance, circumstances

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – EU Office Information Officer

You will need to answer questions from a Hungarian citizen who is considering taking up employment in the UK. Use the information below for your answers.

Background Information

How does the principle of free movement of workers work in practice?

For the first 2 years after 1 May 2004 following the accession of the new Member States, access to the original Member States labour markets will depend on the national law and policy of those States, along with the bilateral agreements they may have with the new Member States. Some original Member States have indicated that they intend to fully open their labour markets to workers from all the new Member States. The other original Member States intend to allow more restrictive access, the extent of which will depend on the new Member State in question.


Questions Answers

any restrictions? none, but need to register if you come from accession countries (new member states) except for Cyprus and Malta

when do you register?

entitled to social benefits?

who gets right to reside?

child benefit after a year?

unemployment benefit?

within 1 month of taking up work, costs £50

usually qualify if you have right to reside

remain in employment for 12 months and register

may qualify for child benefit in initial 12-month period

qualify after a year

Hungarian UB* paid in UK? yes, if you meet UK entitlement conditions, too obtain form E303

*unemployment benefit

You start.

Role B – Visitor

As a Hungarian citizen you are considering taking up employment in the UK. You go to an EU Information Office to ask about regulations. Ask the relevant questions to get information about the points in the table and fill in the rubrics according to the answers.


Questions Answers

any restrictions?

when do you register?

entitled to social benefits?

who gets right to reside?

child benefit after a year?

unemployment benefit?

Hungarian UB* paid in UK? *unemployment benefit

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához




Role A – Visitor

As a Hungarian citizen you are considering taking up employment in Ireland. You go to an EU Information Office to ask about regulations on taxes in Ireland. Ask the relevant questions to get information about the points in the table and fill in the rubrics according to the answers.


Questions Answers

what to do first?

tax year?

how to pay income tax?

any tax allowance?

how many tax bands?

how to pay social security?


tax on inherited assets?

tax on purchase/sale of property?

any other taxes?

Your partner starts.

Role B – EU Office Information Officer

You will need to answer questions from a Hungarian citizen who is considering taking up employment in Ireland. Use the information below for your answers.


Questions Answers

what to do first? apply for personal public service (PPS) number when you start working

tax year? 1st January – 31st December

how to pay income tax? through PAYE (pay as you earn) system – tax deducted by employer, receive net income

any tax allowance? yes, called tax credits in Ireland (part of your income that is NOT TAXABLE), depending on personal circumstances - get notice about tax credits and standard rate cut off point

how many tax bands? two, 20% and 42% in 2005

how to pay social security? insurance deducted by employer

VAT? standard 21%, some exceptions

tax on inherited assets? capital acquisition tax (not between spouses)

tax on purchase/ sale of property/assets?

capital gains tax (not on sale of private home or winnings from lottery)

any other taxes? excise duties on alcohol, cigarettes motor tax DIRT (deposit interest retention tax) on bank interest

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – EU Office Information Officer

You will need to answer questions from a Hungarian citizen who is considering taking up employment in the UK. Use the information below for your answers.


Questions Answers

what to do first? ask tax office for relevant form and leaflet

tax year? 6th April – 5th April

how to pay income tax? through PAYE system

any tax allowance? yes, everyone receives a personal allowance £ 4,615 (higher for over 65) in 2005, plus other allowances

how many tax bands? three, 10%, 22%, 40% in 2005

how to pay social security? deducted from salary (6 categories) under £89 pw no contribution

VAT? 17.5%

tax on inherited assets? yes, on estates over £ 255,000 (40%)

tax on purchase/sale of property/assets?

stamp duty when you buy property (except in designated disadvantaged areas) depending on value up to £ 60,000 nil (over that 1 or 3 or 4%)

any other taxes? Council Tax to local authority, rate set locally

You start.

Role B – Visitor

As a Hungarian citizen you are considering taking up employment in the UK. You go to an EU Information Office to ask about regulations on taxes in the UK.

Ask the relevant questions to get information about the points in the table and fill in the rubrics according to the answers.


Questions Answers

what to do first?

tax year?

how to pay income tax?

any tax allowance?

how many tax bands?

how to pay social security?


tax on inherited assets?

tax on purchase/sale of property?

any other taxes?

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Gábor/Gabriella Nagy, a small entrepreneur facing bankruptcy

You had the opportunity to start and run a small business in the UK. For several reasons (e.g. dishonest accountant, bad management, unreliable suppliers, changes in economic climate, new rivals etc) you have had poor results lately. You feel desperate about your situation and turn to a financial counselling agency. You are in a meeting with Ray/Rose Mole in his/her office. Listen to his/her advice and make your decisions.

You think the best would be to:

file for bankruptcy

pay all your rather impatient creditors

start a ”clean slate”, try another line of business with more chance of success

Your partner starts.

Role B – Ray /Rose Mole, financial counsellor

You have an appointment in your office with Gábor/Gabriella Nagy, a small entrepreneur facing bankruptcy.

Listen to his/her problems, try to find out about the causes.

Call his/her attention to the disadvantages of filing for bankruptcy (damaging credit history for up to 10 years, difficult to get future credit, higher rates, not all debts will be wiped out, social stigma).

Suggest some other solutions e.g. speak to creditors, work out a different payment plan, explore options for debt consolidation, change financial habits, budget spending according to earnings.

Offer the assistance of your counselling agency in handling the situation.

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Brian/Bertha Mallow, luxury retailer reluctant to introduce ”chip and PIN” technology in his/her store

You are approached by Sally/Sean Wilcox, representative of Bestinvest Bank to introduce chip and PIN card payment in your High Street fashion clothes shop.

You don’t like the idea because you think:

cost of running the machines is high

you know your customers

inconvenient to have one more card

your customers are likely to forget their four digit codes

card crime cannot be stopped by the system

Your partner starts.

Role B – Sally/Sean Wilcox, bank representative keen on installing “chip and PIN” technology in retail outlets

Try to convince Brian/Bertha Mallow, the High Street fashion shop owner about the advantages of chip and pin.

smart chip safer than magnetic strips

bank provides equipment plus POS information material

85% of retailers have already installed terminals

retailers will be liable for fraud if shop has not installed chip and PIN terminal

bank will be liable for fraud if shop has terminal even if customer insists on signature or forgets pin code

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


Accepting cards in 2005

Some businesses have asked for clarification following recent inaccurate press reports.

If you have chip and PIN terminals in store, you're covered from the cost of card fraud whether people enter their PIN or their signature, just so long as you and your staff follow the on-screen prompts and carry out the same routine checks that you do today to ensure cards have not already been reported lost or stolen.

Banks will continue to be liable for the cost of card fraud committed on old style non-chip and PIN cards, so by accepting them no business is putting itself at risk in any way.

If you have any concerns, you should contact your acquiring bank on the usual customer service number. Your acquiring bank will be pleased to answer any questions you have regarding accepting payment by card.

'Chip and pin' security warning

A leading security expert has warned that new chip and pin credit and debit cards could be open to fraud. Professor Ross Anderson, from Cambridge University, says villains will be able to capture card and pin data to "make up" forged cards. But the banking industry has rejected his concerns, saying the system is extremely robust. More than three-quarters of card holders already hold one of the new chip and pin cards.

Instead of using signatures, customers punch a four-digit code into a special keypad. The cards include a "smart" chip, a better way of storing information than the existing magnetic strips. They are being introduced to cut fraud with all UK cards expected to be switched to chip and pin by the end of 2005.

But Mr Anderson, an expert in security engineering, predicts problems. "The sort of thing that I expect to go wrong is that villains will set up in business with

equipment that will capture customer pins," he said. "Now we're all being trained to use our pins at the point of sale it's a simple matter to set up a market stall and capture card and pin data. They can make up forged cards and use them, for example, at cash machines."

But Sandra Quinn, who speaks for banks and retailers on chip and pin cards, insists that will not happen.

"We don't think they can use fake machines because the machines themselves are engineered to read the chip so they must be reading the chip very carefully. That makes the transaction itself extremely secure."

The industry points to a similar programme launched in France more than a decade ago which led to an 80% drop in card fraud. Research published last week suggested that one in five people using the new chip and pin cards were still signing for goods rather than using a pin number. From 1 January, retailers can refuse to accept signatures if the customer has a chip and pin card. According to the research by card provider Visa, some people were not using their pin because they had not memorised it while other shoppers said the new system made them nervous.

From BBC NEWS, 18 December, 2004

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Amália/Antal Nagy, broker discussing an investment portfolio with a corporate client in UK

You are Amália/Antal Nagy, a broker giving advice to Lucy/Luke Brown a new client.

You think she/he should be more careful about asset allocation (suggest the cautious model).

Offer to oversee the funds she/he has invested in.

Warn about common mistakes.

Suggest getting rid of ”dogs”.

Offer to work out details soon.

You start.

Role B – Lucy/Luke Brown, company MD worrying about an investment portfolio

You are Lucy/Luke Brown in a meeting with your new broker Amália/Antal Nagy.

Discuss your risk strategy (you opt for your present adventurous model).

Ask for advice about choice of funds.

Show willingness to accept advice.

Agree on your investment strategy.

Ask her/him to set up your new portfolio.

Your partner starts.

Asset Model for GROWTH-ADVENTUROUS Investors

Asset Class

Equities 75%

High Yield Bonds 6%

Quality Bonds 5%

Other Assets 10% Cash 4%

Equity Splits Geographical Capitalisation

UK Total 39% Largecap 27.50% Europe 26% Midcap 36%

North America 11% Smallcap 36.50% Japan 11%

AsiaPacific 7.50%

Other 5.50%

This is a largely equity based portfolio with a significant exposure to overseas equities. The minimum suggested timescale for such a portfolio should be 6 years. Based on historical data, we would expect this portfolio to have an annualised volatility of 13.6% and a potential return of 6.6% per annum.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


Asset Model for GROWTH-CAUTIOUS Investors

Asset Class

Equities 51%

High Yield Bonds 6%

Quality Bonds 16%

Other Assets 20% Cash 7%

Equity Splits Geographical Capitalisation

UK Total 52.50% Largecap 60% Europe 29% Midcap 25%

North America 8.50% Smallcap 15% Japan 5.50%

AsiaPacific 3%

This is a largely equity based portfolio with significant exposure to overseas equities but with a reasonable exposure to fixed interest to reduce volatility. The minimum suggested timescale for such a portfolio should be 4 years. Based on historical data, we would expect this portfolio to have an annualised volatility of 9.3% and a potential return of 6.1% per annum.

Spot the dogs

Independent investment advisers Bestinvest run a regular guide to avoiding the worst performing funds. To qualify for 'Dog' status a fund must have underperformed its benchmark in each of the last three years and also have underperformed its benchmark by at least 10% over that period. If you have 'Dogs' in your portfolio then now would be an opportune time for a spring clean. You can obtain a copy of Spot the Dog by calling BestInvest on 0800 093 0700

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – MD of Hungarian transportation company

You are Antal/Anita Bakos, the managing director of Hunfleet, a Hungarian transportation company. Your main scope of activity is chartering various types of vessels to tour operators. Tom/Tina Sherwood, a British tour operator has come to meet you to discuss potential cooperation between your companies. The tour operator would like to package sailing boat (yacht) holidays on Lake Balaton.

During the discussion:

describe the type of yachts you have on offer

provide information about the rental periods and prices

give details of pick-up points close to places of interest

ask him/her about his/her preferences

discuss possibilities of future cooperation

You start.

Role B – British tour operator

You are Tom/Tina Sherwood, a British tour operator specializing in sailing holidays. You are meeting Antal/Anita Bakos, the managing director of Hunfleet, a Hungarian transportation company in his/her Budapest office. You would like to package sailing boat (yacht) holidays on Lake Balaton.

During the discussion:

ask you partner about the age and capacity of the sailing boats

make enquiries about prices and conditions of payment

ask about pick-up points and their accessibility

suggest periods when you would like to arrange the holidays

define the number of vessels you might need

offer to draft a contract

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához





model year of


berth size

(pax1) June/July August May/Sept



Sellő 2004 8/10 375 2300 450 2850 300 2000 1500

Viola 2000 8/10 330 2000 395 2600 265 1700 1500

Hullám 2002 6/8 300 1900 380 2400 255 1600 1500

Szellő 2003 6/8 275 1500 330 2000 225 1400 1500

Amélia 2000 6/8 275 1500 330 2000 225 1400 1500

Villabella 1998 6/8 225 1300 275 1700 190 1200 1500

Diabolo 1999 4/6 200 1100 240 1300 175 1000 1200


5% early booking until 31/01/09 5% two-week period 10% three-week period

Charter conditions

Prices include standard equipment of the yacht, dinghy, battery charger, safety equipment up to 10 persons and all cover insurance.

Prices do not include fuel, moorings in port different than base, and final cleaning.


Boarding: Saturday from 12:00 to 17:00. Drop-off: Friday before 19:00 h. Possible overnight on board until 08:00 of Saturday


50% on booking 50% three weeks prior the boarding date Deposit: 1500 Euros in cash, credit card or bank check

1 larger number is applicable if living room area is converted into bedroom

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Marketing manager of British holiday company

You are Glenda/Gordon Pollitt, marketing manager of a British holiday company. As you would like to introduce your company in Hungary, you are planning to take part in Tourism Expo 2009. You phone Márta/Márton Varjas, sales assistant of the exhibition to discuss your plans. Since this is only a preliminary enquiry, you only wish to focus on a couple of issues.

Ask your partner about the following:

exact date of exhibition

available exhibition areas

possibilities of promotion

other companies taking part in the exhibition

Your partner starts.

Role B – Hungarian exhibition sales assistant

You are Márta/Márton Varjas, sales assistant of the exhibition Tourism Expo 2009. You receive a phone call from Glenda/Gordon Pollitt, marketing manager of a British holiday company. S/he would like to discuss details of their participation in the exhibition.

Brief her/him in about the following:

usual date of exhibition (weekend at the end of March)

available exhibition areas (see details overleaf)

possibilities of promotion (e.g. catalogue, media advertisements, opportunity for press conference)

give examples of other companies taking part in the exhibition (number, nationality, etc.)

outline brief details of payment conditions (deposit + full payment)

You start.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


Tourism Expo 2009

The exhibition takes place within the main arena of Hungexpo. The exhibition will have over 100 exhibition stands, giving you the opportunity to network with an estimated 1,800 delegates. There will be a Cyber Café sited within the main exhibition floor as well as a lounge area. Seminars will be running alongside the exhibition. Exhibitors can be assured that you will be providing potential key customers with sufficient knowledge to make an informed, calculated choice about choosing your products or services.


Stand space fees for exhibitors based on €242 per square metre for shell scheme2 and €209 per square metre for space only. Electrical package of one 500W socket and 2 spotlights per stand space to be included in shell cost.


central location

3.0 x 3.0

3.0 x 2.0

2.0 x 2.0







located less centrally

3.0 x 2.0 €1252 €1054

Total: 100-140 spaces approx plus 4 additional spaces if required. Bookings made from June 1st 2008 - payment details are 25% deposit on booking and full balance paid 30 days from date of invoice. Bookings made from January 1st 2009 - payment terms: full payment due 14 days from date of invoice.

2 shell scheme – modular exhibition booth

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – British sales and marketing manager

You are Meg/Malcolm Hayworth, sales and marketing manager of a British business tour operator. You would like to start cooperation with the Hungarian holiday complex Várgesztes. You are planning to provide a venue for management meetings (for 8 to 10 people), company training and team-building events (for 15-20 people). You meet Ilona/Imre Ballai, sales manager of the holiday complex in his Várgesztes office to make preliminary enquiries about the possibilities of cooperation. In the initial phase of your cooperation you intend to book a quota of 3 houses in the main season (July and August), one larger and two smaller units.

During the discussion:

make enquiries about accessibility (your clients will probably fly to Budapest)

ask your partner about the types of houses on offer

enquire about facilities

discuss various pricing and payment alternatives including release dates

indicate your willingness for long-term cooperation

You start.

Role B – Sales manager of holiday complex

You are Ilona/Imre Ballai, sales manager of the holiday complex in Várgesztes. You are meeting Meg/Malcolm Hayworth, sales and marketing manager of a British tour operator in your office in Várgesztes. S/he would like to start cooperation with your company in the form of hiring several houses for resale during the peak season.

During the discussion:

introduce the holiday complex to your partner

show and describe the different types of rentable houses

ask about the tour operator’s target clientele

insist on your partner renting houses in the off-season periods as well in exchange for lower rental fees for the whole quota

discuss payment alternatives including release dates

offer to show him/her round the park

Your partner starts.

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához


VVáárrggeesszztteess VViillllaappaarrkk A holiday resort and park hotel of 125 houses offering a wide range of services, situated in a tranquil, green area in the vicinity of forests with plenty of fresh air and surrounded by picturesque lakes. 2 km from the village of Várgesztes in Komárom-Esztergom County, embraced by the Vértes Hills.

There is a state-of-the-art Conference Centre in the central building of the Villaservice. This impressive building has 1 conference hall for 300 people and 1 conference hall for 90 people respectively, and 2 conference halls for 30 people, so it is ideal for companies, organisations and private gatherings alike.

'Comfort' villas

2-storey **** villas (122 sq m) for 8 people each. All villas have heating, so they are ideal accommodation in winter, too. Every villa has garage space, and drive for an additional car. Ground floor: American kitchen for 8 people, living-room with a settee and TV. The kitchen is equipped with a microwave oven, refrigerator, gas cooker, coffee machine, and dining tableware for 8 people. The dining room area has direct access to a terrace equipped with garden furniture. There is 1 extra double bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a bathroom and toilet, there are 3 double bedrooms and an enclosed balcony.

PERIOD Cost per week

01. Jan - 30. Apr

513.- EUROS

01. May - 30. Jun 686.- EUROS

01. July - 31. Aug 971.- EUROS

01. Sept - 31. Dec 513.- EUROS

'Luxury' villas

2-storey luxury villas (15 altogether), 185 sq m each, with A 20 sq m swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi. All villas have heating, so they are ideal accommodation in winter, too. Every villa has garage space, and drive for an additional car. Ground floor: American kitchen for 8 people, living room with a leather upholstered settee and TV. The kitchen is equipped with a microwave oven, refrigerator, ceramic (electronic) cooker, extractor fan, coffee machine, dishwasher and dining tableware for 8 people. The dining room area has direct access to a terrace with garden furniture. In addition, there is a bathroom on the ground floor. On the first floor there are 4 double bedrooms, 1 bathroom with shower and bath, and a toilet.

PERIOD Cost per week

01. Jan - 30. Apr

920.- EUROS

01. May - 02. July 1380.- EUROS

09. July - 20. Aug 1490.- EUROS

22. Aug - 31. Dec 920.- EUROS

Other costs:

+ Travel Tax: 1.- EURO/Person/Night

+ Bed linen and towels 5.- EUROS/Person

+ Final Cleaning: 25.- EUROS/Villa

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BGF NYTK – Szituációs gyakorlófeladatok angol középfokú (B2) szóbeli vizsgához



Role A – Managing Director of Hungarian holiday company

You are Sándor/Sára Hegyi, managing director of a Hungarian holiday company. You would like to penetrate the British market offering equestrian tours to upmarket British clientele. You meet Tracy/Tony Wilburn, sales and marketing manager of a British travel agency in his/her London office where you propose your ideas to your potential partner for consideration.

During the discussion:

briefly introduce your company, describe your scope of activity

list and describe the tours on offer (use the data below as the basis of the information) o visits to the Hungarian National Stud Farm &/or private stud farms o horse shows, excursions on horseback, carriage-driving courses, dressage instruction o horse camps for children, riding-school training for beginners to advanced riders

introduce the riding regions in Hungary with the help of the map provided

answer any questions that might arise during the discussion

You start.

Role B – British sales and marketing manager

You are Tracy/Tony Wilburn, sales and marketing manager of a British travel agency. You meet Sándor/Sára Hegyi, managing director of a Hungarian holiday company in your London office. Sándor/Sára Hegyi would like to discuss possible future cooperation between your company and his/hers, and s/he has come to see you to introduce his/her company to you.

During the discussion

make enquiries about available equestrian tours

obtain information about riding regions and possibilities in Hungary

ask him/her about the possibilities of arranging horse purchasing trips

enquire about the possibilities of renting riding apparel (breeches and riding boots)

find out about the possibilities of combining riding with cultural/gastronomic programmes

Your partner starts.

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Role A – HR manager of holiday company

You are Sharon/Simon Roberts and work for the Hungarian office of FunSun, a multinational holiday company. As the HR manager of company, you would like to hire a travel writer on a permanent basis to fulfil various marketing tasks in the company. The recruit insists on a freelance status but you would like him/her to assign most of his/her time to office-based jobs, such as editing your Newsletter, improving your website etc. You meet him/her for the first interview after the shortlisting procedure. List the advantages of a permanent position and offer a compensation package to the applicant to make the permanent position more appealing.

Use the following points during the discussion.

permanent position freelance status

salary fixed monthly amount depends on contracts

benefits yearly bonus privilege card to hotels other fringe benefits


working hours 40 hrs per week flexitime

expense account all travel/job-related costs covered tax-deductible costs only

You definitely want to hire this applicant, but you stick to the permanent status.

You start.

Role B – Job applicant

You are Nóra/Norbert Szabados and have applied for a Travel Writer job with a holiday company. You want to keep your independence and work as a freelance travel writer. In an interview with the HR manager of the holiday company you both argue for your positions: the HR manager insists on a permanent job, whereas you would prefer a freelance status.

Use the following points to argue for the freelance job:

your independence is your top priority in a job – it is impossible to produce good pieces of writing in an office

a permanent position does not offer enough flexibility

your job involves a lot of travel anyway, there is no point in calculating working hours

you do not want the risk of job insecurity - you cannot commit yourself to working for only one company

On the whole, it would considerably improve your career prospects to work for such a renowned company, so try to bargain for the most favourable conditions. Press for as much flexibility in working hours as you think the company can allow you to have.

Your partner starts.

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Role A – Marketing manager

You are Linda/Lajos Völgyes, marketing manager of the four-star Highflyer business hotel chain. The managing director has asked you to work out a draft for a Frequent Guest Programme/loyalty programme to be introduced in your hotels. You have prepared the blueprint for the programme and now you would like to clarify certain points with your boss.

These are your ideas:

two tier system: Silver Card and Gold Card: 2 qualifying stays of any length during a year to be entitled to a Silver Card, 4 qualifying stays of any length during a year to be entitled to a Gold Card

benefits that Silver Card holders can enjoy: free local calls, late check-out privileges, extended stay until 6:00 pm., 50% off weekend Family Room

benefits for Gold Card holders: all the above plus a welcome drink and gifts from the hotel, a double room for the price of a single, special rates for rental cars, one free in-room film during the stay


suggest further ways of earning and redeeming points

estimate the time required for the marketing campaign, press conferences and other marketing activities that should precede the launch of the scheme

outline a tentative schedule for the introduction of the programme

Discuss your ideas with your boss and consider his/her suggestions. Agree on follow-up action.

You start.

Role B – Managing director

You are Melanie/Martin Hill, managing director of the four-star Highflyer business hotel chain. You have asked the marketing manager to work out a draft for a Frequent Guest Programme/loyalty programme to be introduced in your hotels. S/he has prepared the blueprint for the programme and now would like to clarify certain points with you.

Use the following points during the discussion:

you do not like the idea of the name of the cards, they should have more innovative names (Priority, Privilege, Rewards, Honours, Exclusive, Prestige etc)

you disapprove of earning points with stays at any time during the year, insist on increasing occupancy rates at the weekend

provide further ideas for additional benefits (48 hour advance reservation guarantee, gift voucher to stay at other members’ hotels in the chain, store vouchers), make sure the ideas are cost-effective

enquire about the time needed for the preparations before the loyalty programme could be launched

ask the marketing manager about long term plans concerning the programme (possible cooperation with air carriers or holiday companies/ the chance to earn and redeem travel rewards with a range of partners including some of the world's major airlines)

Your partner starts.

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Role A – Hotel sales manager

You are Gabi/Gábor Temesi, sales manager of the Apollo Hotel and are the chief negotiator in a series of meetings with your furniture supplier, Comfortrend, a multinational company. Due to delays in the dispatch of furniture, you were unable to open the recently refurbished wing of the hotel for the first month of the main season. So far you have negotiated with the Hungarian managing director of the company to discuss possible compensation but you have not reached a mutually acceptable agreement. Before settling the invoice, you hold a meeting with the regional sales manager of Comfortrend.

Use the following points during the meeting to justify your claim for compensation:

inflexibility of the Hungarian MD

your positive image overshadowed by advance booking cancellations

substantial losses incurred: cancelled bookings, salaries paid to temporary staff hired unnecessarily for the main season

potential decrease in bookings for next season due to this year’s cancellations

Require financial compensation for your existing and potential losses in the form of a 50% discount on the total value of your purchases. Try to reach an agreement with your partner.

You start.

Role B

You are Felicity/Frederick North, regional manager of Comfortrend, a multinational furniture manufacturer. After a series of unsuccessful meetings between the sales manager of the Apollo Hotel, and the local sales manager of Comfortrend, you have been asked to negotiate financial compensation for a delayed furniture shipment. Due to delays in the dispatch of furniture, the hotel was unable to open its recently refurbished wing for the main season. Now you are holding a meeting with the regional sales manager of Comfortrend.

Use the following points during the discussion:

apologize but point out that in your opinion the slight delay could not have been the only reason for not opening the new wing

insist that you gave prior notice of the delay

local MD’s objections to discount is due to company policy

show willingness to grant partial compensation

offer goods instead of financial compensation (e.g. some free items in the next consignment)

Try to reach an agreement with your partner.

Your partner starts.

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Role A

You are Olivia/Oliver Perkins, sales manager of a British tour operator/holiday company. You meet Csilla/Csaba Udvardi, managing director of a Hungarian travel agency in your office to discuss commission levels for next year. So far you have applied fixed commission levels (see table below for details). Your partner insists on a substantial increase. Do not accept his/her position; offer a sliding scale of commission level instead, depending on turnover.

Commission levels for 2008

Type of service commission

air ticket sales scheduled 8%

air ticket sales charter 5%

hotel rooms (from 3* upwards) 8%

other types of accommodation 5%

package in season 5%

package off season 8%

Your suggestion is that the current commission rates should be applied up to the volume of last year’s sales and there should be an increase of half a percent on each further 50-item quota.

Try to reach a compromise with your partner.

You start.

Role B

You are Csilla/Csaba Udvardi, managing director of a Hungarian travel agency. You meet Olivia/Oliver Perkins, sales manager of a British tour operator in his/her office to discuss commission levels for next year. You are the main and most successful distributor of the tour operator’s services in Hungary, you have doubled the volume of sales of packages to Britain in both the high season and off season period. As there has not been an increase in commission levels for the past two years, you would like to negotiate higher commission rates for the coming year.

Commission levels for 2008

Type of service commission

air ticket sales scheduled 8%

air ticket sales charter 5%

hotel rooms (from 3* upwards) 8%

other types of accommodation 5%

package in season 5%

package off season 8%

Your suggestion is that there should be a general commission level of 8% for each product sold, irrelevant of its type or value. Try to reach a compromise with your partner.

Your partner starts.

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Role A – Quality control manager of multinational company

You are Jessica/Justin Davies and work for a multinational holiday company as quality control manager. It is your responsibility that new developments should meet quality assurance standards. You are planning to sign a contract (an initial agreement) with the tourism department of the county council in which they approve of your plan of building a holiday complex in the area of Őrség. Members of an environmental pressure group have come to discuss the issue with you; they have strong reservations about the plan and wish to prevent its implementation.

Use the following points to guide the discussion and try to defend your position:

listen to your partners argument

list your arguments to defend your position

refer to the preliminary contract that has already been signed by your company and the local council

explain how the local community can benefit from the development

try to reach a compromise (e.g. allow them to monitor the implementation of the plan)

Your partner starts.

Role B – Member of environmentalist pressure group

You are Emese/Egon Fenyvesi, director of the “Green Earth” pressure group. You have recently heard about the plans for a new holiday complex in your area, the Őrség region. This is a particularly sensitive area, a scenic lake with unique flora and fauna. You and your group are very much against the plan. You meet the person in charge at the company and put forward your arguments against the plan. Try to convince him/her that the new holiday complex will cause irreversible damage to the environment.

Use the following points to guide the discussion and try to defend your position:

thank your partner for agreeing to see you

put forward your arguments (particularly sensitive area, rare species, potential negative effects of attracting masses of tourists to the area)

offer your expertise in the implementation of the plan

threaten your partner to organize demonstrations or to contact the press

try to reach a compromise

You start.

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Role A – Hungarian restaurateur, potential franchisee

You are Barbara/Bálint Szegi, a Hungarian restaurateur. You have seen an advertisement in which a British company is seeking franchise partners in Central and Eastern Europe. You feel that there is high demand for catering establishments along the new motorways in Hungary and think of joining the well-established franchise operation. You go to meet Jessica/Justin Davies sales manager of Little Chef, the famous British restaurant chain to make preliminary enquiries about the viability of your plan.

During the discussion:

explain why you think that there is demand for motorway restaurants in Hungary

describe how many restaurants you would like to open

show willingness to act as master franchisee for Little Chef in Hungary

express your worries about the financial implications of a franchise operation

enquire about your freedom to tailor the menus to Hungarian tastes

You start.

Role B – Sales manager of potential franchisor

You are Rosie/Robin Nichols, sales manager of Little Chef, the famous British restaurant chain. Barbara/Bálint Szegi, a Hungarian restaurateur has come to see you in your office because s/he has seen your advertisement seeking franchise partners and is interested in starting a franchise business with Little Chef. You are very pleased as you are very keen to enter the Central and Eastern European market.

During the discussion:

describe what type of food is served in Little Chef restaurants

give details about the general principles of a franchise operation including fees to be paid

try to convince him to act as master franchisee of Little Chef in Hungary and probably in the Central and Eastern European region

convince him of the benefits of working under a franchise contract rather than running an own business

Allow your partner to start.

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Definition Franchising offers an excellent opportunity for you to be in business for yourself. When you hear the word " franchise" you probably think of fast food restaurants such as Burger King, McDonald's or Subway. But the truth is franchising is so much broader than that. In simplistic terms, franchising is where a successful business format is replicated. This will involve the setting down into an operations manual all the systems and procedures that the business owner has found gives them the best chance of success. Anyone joining the franchise will be expected to operate the business exactly as set out in the manual. The purchase of a franchise will involve the payment of an initial fee to the franchisor for the right to use the brand name as well as ongoing royalty or management fees. The franchisor will provide initial training and support and will have an ongoing involvement in your business to assist and support you in all aspects of the franchise operation.

The Practical Elements Compared to starting your own business from scratch franchising can provide a relatively safer route into self-employment. The franchisor has established a tried and tested path through the maze, and will have eliminated many of the mistakes that are often made when starting a business. It is this experience and system that you are paying for when you buy a franchise. One element with franchising to be wary of is also part of franchising's strength. As a franchisee you will be expected to follow the system that you have purchased. This can be difficult if you are an entrepreneur. Franchisors will always listen to new ideas and improvements but for the most part will expect the system to be followed to the letter. Each outlet should have a standard look and feel which builds confidence in the consumers’ eyes. Whilst franchising is a safer route into self-employment, it is not just a question of turning up, paying your money and being successful. The franchisor will not do your work for you and cannot be expected to. What is supplied is a proven format, name awareness, support and guidance. It will be still be your hard work and skills that make the business work in your area. As a franchisee you will have access to market knowledge, established name awareness in the business sector that you will be operating in, training and marketing help. You will often take part in and contribute to national advertising campaigns which would otherwise be out of your reach. Franchisors not only have sound training programs, but also knowledge of financial requirements, marketing, competition & buying contracts - knowledge that might take you years to collect on your own.

Financially You will pay the franchisor an initial franchise fee and the costs of shop fitting (where necessary) together with the costs of equipment required to run the business. Once established, you will normally pay the franchisor a further monthly payment based on your turnover. This is known as royalties or monthly management fees. Effectively this is where you are paying for the ongoing support of the franchisor and their team. As the royalties are based on your turnover, it can be clearly seen that it is in the franchisor's interest to help you succeed.

Relationships A successful franchise relationship is like a partnership. It combines your talents with the experience and knowledge of the franchisor. It is important that before you purchase a franchise you talk to existing franchisees. You need to establish whether the franchisor has fulfilled their commitments to them and what their experience has been. Talk to more than one and get a balanced view.

With franchising, you are in business for yourself not by yourself.

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Role A – Sales manager of Hungarian catering company

You are Enikő/Elemér Farkas, sales manager of SmartParty, a Hungarian corporate event caterer. Your company arranges all kinds of corporate events for companies and your clientele includes a number or foreign companies due to your regular advertisements in the Budapest Business Journal. A small British company contacts you to enquire about the services you provide. You meet Jessica/Justin Davies, the marketing manager of the company in your office. Use the data overleaf to provide details about your services.

During the discussion:

briefly describe your scope of activity and introduce the type of services you provide

enquire about the type of event they are planning to celebrate

recommend your services and offer a package, based on the information overleaf, tailored to your client’s needs (e.g. Greek evening with live music and dance instruction, murder mystery in a mansion etc.)

the offer should include the following: venue, décor, catering and beverage services, entertainment

offer to send sample menus suitable for the type of event you have agreed on

You start.

Role B – Marketing manager of British company

You are Barbara/Brian Davies, marketing manager of a small British company operating in Hungary. You have read the advertisement of SmartParty, a corporate event caterer in the Budapest Business Journal and arranged to meet the sales manager in person in his/her Budapest office. You are planning to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the opening of your company’s Budapest office with your clients and their spouses. The birthday is in two months’ time and you would like to hold the party on a Friday evening.

During the discussion:

describe your requirements: elegant but not extremely luxurious venue, superb food, entertainment for about 40 mostly young people

enquire about the possibilities of a themed party, something slightly extravagant but not shocking

ask your partner to outline several options

ask your partner to send you a price quotation

Your partner starts.

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Venues Hotels - Conference Centres - Convention Centres - Banquet Centres - Halls -Museums - Outdoor Gardens - Boat – Labyrinth - Mansion

Audio/Visual Equipment Screens - Projectors - PowerPoint - DVD - VCR - Videowalls - Audio & Video Production Services

Catering & Beverage Services

All types of food for any type of event Bartenders - Waiters

Food and Drinks Table service, Finger buffet, Buffet service, Hot and cold dishes

Decor - Decorations Party Themes - Ideas

Theme Ideas - Ice Sculptures – Linen - Plants - Furniture - Scenery - Props


Live Bands for dancing, concerts or parades.

Variety - Rock - 50's - Pop – Old-Time-Disco - Show bands - All Styles - Greek - German - Irish - all types of groups-nationwide.

Corporate Acts After dinner acts Stage Shows Entertainment Groups

Comedians - Hypnotist Stage Shows - Magicians - Illusionists -Dance Shows Casino Theme Party Entertainment - Murder-Mystery Stage Shows usually 30-60 minutes

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Role A – Managing director

You are Glenda/Gordon Spencer, managing director of a medium-sized hotel located in the city centre. On the basis of last year’s financial results you consider the possibility of outsourcing the loss-making restaurant of the hotel. You do not want to close the restaurant but in your opinion an outside contractor might operate your F&B department at lower costs. In a meeting with the Operations manager you discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of such a scheme.

These are some of your arguments for the outsourcing contract:

bad figures in last year’s accounts for F&B operations

high fixed operational costs/overheads for restaurant

unnecessarily large number of permanent staff in low season

outside caterer might come up with innovative ideas to drum up slack business

Try to agree on a feasible solution.

You start.

Role B – Operations Manager

You are Márta/Márton Hollós, operations manager of a medium-sized city centre hotel. In a meeting with the managing director of the hotel, you are discussing the future of the F&B department. The MD insists on outsourcing the food and beverage operations to an outside contractor to decrease the losses your present restaurant is making. You have serious objections to his/her plan.

Use the following points to argue against his plan:

there might be various measures introduced to cut costs in the operation of the restaurant (reducing opening hours, employing less permanent and more temporary staff, stimulate marketing activity to attract non-resident clients, corporate events, wedding and family parties)

emphasize the human aspect: problematic to terminate the employment of so many people

at least front-of-the-house staff should be retained

MD should consider redeployment or retraining redundant staff

Try to agree on a feasible solution.

Your partner starts.

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Structuring the discussion

Starting the discussion

The first thing we should/need to talk about is … I’d like to start by outlining my plan/proposal

concerning … Let me briefly outline my initial plan/suggestion

about … Shall we start by going through the agenda… First I would like to talk about…, and then we can

move on to the question of … The first item on the agenda is … What I would like to discuss with you is …


Shall we …? We might … Do you think it would be an idea to …? We might as well … What /How about …? May I suggest …, (then)? If I may make a suggestion, … Have you considered ….(then)? I’d like to put forward a proposal/suggestion: … Why don’t we… The best thing to do is to … One thing we could do is to … I think we should … Have you considered … As/The way I see it … It looks to me as if …

Changing the subject

(Just) to change the subject (for a moment) … Before I forget … If we could move on now to the question of … I think we ought to move on to … The next item on the agenda is … On an entirely different matter, now …

Checking details

Shall we just go over the main points again … Let me run through the issues we have covered … Concerning …, we agreed that … Can I just go through these points again? Can we go over what we’ve agreed so far?

Summing up

In other words, … Basically, it comes down to (whether) … So, the basic question is … What I’m/you’re/we’re saying is … The point I’m making is … In short, … To sum up/ summarize (then) … Let me summarize the important points we have

made so far … I think that covers everything.

Ending the discussion

This seems to be a good point to stop. I need to think about that one. Do you think we

can come back to it later? I think we need to come to a conclusion… We seem to agree that … What we have decided is … Is there anything else we need to discuss? Shall we meet next month to …? What date would suit you for a follow-up meeting

to …? That seems fine, we seem to be agreed. I’ll put that all in writing and send it to you …

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Phrases to keep up the discussion

Asking for information

Could you tell me …. please? Do you ( happen to ) know … I’d like to know … I wonder if you could tell me… I hope you don’t mind my asking but… I should be interested to know …

Checking understanding

I’m afraid I don’t understand … Sorry, could you explain it in more detail? Could you be a little more specific?

Saying something in another way

What I mean is … In other words … Basically, … To put it/ Let me put it another way … That is to say, … … or rather, … What I am getting at is … All I mean is/ All I’m trying to say is … Perhaps it would be more accurate to say …

Saying you know about something

I (do) know about … I ( have) heard … Yes, in fact I did know about that, thanks. I’ve been told ( about)… I gather … I’m quite/fully aware of … It appears ….

Saying you don’t know

(I’m sorry). I don’t know (anything/much about) … I’m afraid I have no idea I’m afraid I haven’t got that information with me I am not able to help you with your

enquiry/request. I’m sorry to say that … is not something I know

very much about.

Asking if something is correct

Have I got (this) right, please? Could you tell me if … is right/correct? I’d like to check that I’ve got … right. Am I right in thinking/supposing … I assume … Is it true to say…?

Seeking clarification

Are you saying that …? If I understand you correctly, you think … What exactly do you mean when you say … Do you mean …?

Saying something is correct

Yes, that’s (quite) right. That’s fine. … is perfectly correct. Absolutely.

Correcting yourself

Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was … I’m afraid there’s a slight misunderstanding …

Saying you are curious

I’d be very interested to know … I’d particularly like to know …. Is it possible to obtain any information about ….? What I’d really like to find out is …

Saying you are optimistic

It’s all going to be fine. Things will work out fine. I’m very optimistic about …. I feel quite sure about …. I anticipate success in …

Saying you are pessimistic

I rather doubt that. I’m rather doubtful …. I’m not at all sure …. I’m not too happy about…. To be honest/In fact/Actually, I am (rather) sceptical

about …. I’m worried about….

Saying you are pleased

I’m (really) pleased/delighted about … It gives me great pleasure to hear … I’m delighted to hear about ….

Saying you are displeased or angry

… really isn’t good enough. … annoys/irritates me. I can’t say I’m at all pleased about … I am extremely displeased/unhappy/angry about …

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Asking if someone approves

Do you think … will work?/is a good idea? Are you in favour of…? Do you approve of …? Could I ask for your reaction to …? What is your attitude towards…?

Saying you approve

…’s very good. … is quite/absolutely right. (What) a good/an excellent idea/arrangement. … is just what I wanted/hoped for/had in mind. … seems/sounds just right/fine.

Saying you do not approve

I’m (certainly) not in favour of that. I’m (definitely) opposed to … (I must say) I disapprove of … In my opinion … is quite wrong. I find … (quite/completely)


Asking for somebody’s opinion

What are your views…? What do you think of/about…? What are your feelings about …? What is your reaction to …? How do you see…? How do you feel about…? Do you have any particular views on …? How would you react to …? What would you say to …?

Giving your opinion

I think… As I see it, … In my view, opinion …. (Personally,) I believe/feel … It seems to me The way I see it, …. If you ask me… What I reckon is …. Personally, I consider …. If I may say so, … I’m convinced/sure … I’m inclined to feel … I tend to think …

Asking if someone agrees

Don’t you agree? Wouldn’t you say so? Don’t you feel/think…? Do/Would you agree with ….? I wonder if you would agree…?


I don’t agree, That’s not the way I see it. I don’t think that’s right. Actually/In fact, I think …. I’m afraid I can’t accept …. I see things rather differently myself. I’m not entirely convinced …

Rejecting an offer

I’m sorry but I can’t accept that. I’m afraid that’s unacceptable. I couldn’t possibly accept that.


Wait a minute. Let me explain. May I make a comment at this point?

Asking if someone agrees

Don’t you agree? Wouldn’t you say so? Don’t you feel/think…? Do/Would you agree with ….? I wonder if you would agree…?


That’s quite right. I’m with you there. I’d go along with you there. I’d go along with that. I agree absolutely/entirely ….

Saying you have reached agreement

That’s agreed, then. Well, that’s settled. So, we are agreed, (then, aren’t we?). So, we seem/appear to agree on … We seem to be in complete agreement. Can I take it that … is agreed/ settled?