targeting audience

How did you attract / address your audience?

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Post on 27-Jan-2017



News & Politics

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Page 1: Targeting audience

How did you attract / address your audience?

Page 2: Targeting audience

Mode Of Address;To attract my target audience i used a mode of address that would connect and sound familiar to them. The magazine talks directly to the reader, this will makes it very personal and helps the readers connect with the magazine and its contents. It is important for my target audience to connect with the magazine or they won’t be interested in reading onwards. The mode of address in my magazine is very informal, i chose to do this as my target audience are very young and most come from a middle class background, this means they will find my informal language easier to understand, also they'll be able to relate to the magazine more as most of the readers will speak in a similar way themselves. My target audience usually use a lot of slang words, because of this i decided to add some into my magazine, this will make the audience feel as though the magazine is up to date and understands them, which will attract them. The mode of address i used was also very friendly, this attracts my audience as they will feel relaxed when reading the magazine and like there being updated on all the new gossip and information by a friend.

Page 3: Targeting audience

How does your design, layout and choice of colours attract different group?There are several aspects of my magazine that attract different groups, most of the groups are chosen and part of my target audience. The layout, design & choice of colour are the main factors used to target different groups.

Colour;The colours i used are very neutral, this means they will attract both males and females, this is good as it means i will have a wide range of readers. The colours i used are very bold and dark, this will attract my young target audience as they like them colours and will find them interesting. The chosen colour scheme consists of three main colours; purple, grey and black, these colours work well together making the magazine look very planned and professional, the colours are also very modern, this goes well with the RnB genre and will attract lots of young people who are interested in this type of music.

Colour scheme; purple, grey & black.

Page 4: Targeting audience

Design & Layout:The layout of my magazine is very clear and creative, this will attract young people as they will find it interesting and easy to understand. The layout is also very different, this will attract people who want to read a magazine that is unique and fresh. The design of my magazine is very modern, i used several effects such as shadowing to make it look very new, technical and fresh, this fits in with my music genre and will attract people interested in this type of music. The text in my article is set out in columns and in the order of question then answer, this makes the double page spread clearer and easier to read which will attract and impress my young people. The overall appearance of my magazine is greatly connected to the RnB & music theme, little designs such as stars & music notes make the pages look more professional and finished which attracts young people within my target music and people interested in music and gossip related to music artists.

Page 5: Targeting audience

How would the magazine publicise and promote itself to an intended audience?My music magazine ‘Beatz’ will be publicised in several places. Firstly i would like the magazine to be publicised in local newsagents and corner shops, this is because my target audience will expect to find magazines there and so it is a place where the magazine should do very well. My target audience will also expect to find my magazine in larger shops that sell music press such as WHSmiths, these kind of shops are good as there is a store in almost all local areas and so my readers will have no trouble finding the magazine. As most of my target audience spend most of their disposable income on entertaining themselves and shopping it is a good idea for my magazine to be sold in shops found in shopping centres, shops like HMV would be perfect for my magazine as they are well none and specialize in music, by selling my magazine there i will be targeting people who are interested in music and the RnB genre.I will promote my magazine using the internet, as my young target audience use the internet all the time as part of their everyday lives, i will advertise the magazine using social networking sites popular with young people such as face book, this will raise awareness of my magazine and attract people to it. I will also set up a website for my magazine, this will contain similar contents to the magazine and people will be asked to subscribe to the magazine in order to enjoy full access to the site. I also think my magazine should be advertised on different music sites such as iTunes, if i do this i will be straight away be targeting my audience.