talentguider - capability development in pharma functions

As the pharmaceutical industry’s business model changes, talent and capability development become even more critical Capability Development in Pharma Functions Visit www.talentguider.com to find

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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TalentGuider(TM) is an innovative capability and talent development platform used by leading pharmaceutical and life-sciences companies on a team, functional, or organisational level. With TalentGuider, functional managers, as well as HR/TMOE professionals, can assess, plan and develop their capability readiness in an engaging and goal-aligned way.


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As the pharmaceutical industry’s business model changes, talent and capability development become even more critical

Capability Development in Pharma FunctionsVisit www.talentguider.com to find out more

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Key functions in pharmaceutical companies are facing internal and external challenges

Key functions require engaged and effective people

Expectations of the ‘lean

organisation’: fewer people,

higher complexity

Demand to be more from patient and customer centred

Unrelenting pressure to

demonstrate value of products

Need to retain and develop


Changingbusiness models and customers

Pressure for rigorous

business and regulatory



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To address these challenges, TMOD, HR, as well as functional managers need to help shape the organisation, its processes and people

Innovative tools can beused to support the mission


Enable clear governance, decision

making and compliance

Configure the optimal organisational


Shape, harmonize & implement effective


Focus on productivity,

efficiency and metrics


Harness cross-functional linkages


Roles, responsibilities

and career paths

Talent needs – current and


Recruit, retain, develop +


Skills, learning, development and


Internal andexternal pressure


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Capability and performance development is more than talent and training

Managing capability is a key challenge

Organisation People



Capability strategy

• Goals and objectives at organisational, functional, team and individual levels

• Driven and shaped by the direction and strategic imperatives of the business

• Action plan

Capability framework

• Incorporates:

• Competencies and experiences

• Talent and role development

• Career paths

• Learning needs and preferences

• Delivery platform and engagement tools

Engagement program – supporting program of activities to raise awareness, gain buy-in and improve access to capability resources


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Talent and capability development are strategic levers for competitive advantage

Generating benefits and managing risks

Talent and capability development can help to:Improve engagement and retention -through a visible commitment

Improve performance -ensuring people achieve their goals

Accelerate transformation -building confidence in change

Build new capabilities -aligned with your new business models

Talent and capability development manages business risk:Secures key stakeholder relationships -with trusted and skilled people

Retains critical skills -keeping motivated talent in-house

Supports the transformation process -by identifying strengths and weaknesses

Cascades internal knowledge -from the individual into networks


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Plan + Assess + Develop

TalentGuiderTM is a talent and capability development platform that helps you to assess and develop your employees and to efficiently plan your talent strategy






Risk Capabilityreadiness




Talent and capability strategy



Enables real-time reports and transparency

Can be implemented in departments, functions or enterprise-wide

Can be combined with other TD/TM, or LMS systems

Offers self-service and self-maintenance capabilities

Is available as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Software-as-a-Product (SaaP)


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Optimised for desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphonesBackwards compatibility to legacy browsers for easy deployment

Engaging, mobile, and fast

TalentGuiderTM has been designed from the ground up to be engaging, and to allow you and your team to quickly finalise assessment processes and collaborate – from your desk, or on the go


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Benefits to functional managers

Managers of teams gain the tools required to assess, plan, and implement talent and capability development strategies, whilst benefitting from deep team insights

Link talent development to training, learning and performance development

Engage, retain and develop key talent, knowledge and relationships

See gaps in competency and experience levels by function, role and team

Understand the talent pool: assess retention risk, mobility, performance and potential


Gain insights on how individuals and teams measure up against role benchmarks

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Benefits to employees

Employees benefit from a better understanding of development and career planning options, and the ability to connect with peers and mentors to help them reach goals more efficiently

Gain insights into development progress over time and identify development opportunities

Learn from others’ career stories and benefit from a more transparent progression

Explore possible career steps and plan learning and development accordingly

Collaborate with peers and mentors to reach goals more efficiently


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Solutions for every stage

Whatever the stage of your talent development strategy and supporting programmes, the TalentGuiderTM platform and its product families offers a solution to fits your needs

Map, create, visualise and communicate your talent development plan

Create talent development, capability development, and career development models and frameworks.

Allows for easy migration to TalentGuider Lite


Entry level product that supports competency assessments, job role comparisons and career discussions

Focus on engagement and personal discussions

Easy to deploy and maintain

Allows for easy migration to TalentGuider Professional

Basic level


AssessorComparatorPathfinderMy Academy

Enhanced talent, capability, and career development solution

Focus on engagement, L&D integration

Data collection and advanced analytics

Flexible integration scenarios (solution is available as SaaS1 or SaaP2)


1) Software as a Service, 2) Software as a Product

Multitude ofavailable products


Planning level Advanced stage

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The TalentGuider platform is modular and flexible

We understand that your requirements are unique: TalentGuiderTM is a modular platform that allows you to pick and choose the tools you need

360o 9-Box

Job rolecomparison


Career path investigation

Capability assessment

Career aligned development planning

Development planning

Risk analysis

Profile search


Real-time insights

Powerful reporting

Manager Central

ComparatorAssessor Pathfinder




Prof. only



Social learning on the job

My Academy



Prof. only

Prof. only

Prof. only

Organisational networking

Expert search

My Network

Prof. only


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The Assessor captures competency and experience1 proficiency levels. Assessments can be done in many ways that reflect the natural workflow

ModuleShow Case

1 | Capturing of experience levels is optional.

The Assessor provides a structured method for performing assessments and supports line managers and assessees in identifying their strengths and areas in need of development.

Assessment data can optionally be stored and used to track personal and/or team development over time.

Data can be used to support more targeted development plans and to power other modules (see Pathfinder for an example).


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The Pathfinder module allows employees to investigate potential career paths and to explore relevant development steps.

Competency (and experience) assessment data generated by the Assessor module can be used to generate more goal aligned and personalised development suggestions in the Pathfinder module.

Pathfinder can be used for simple as well as complex career pathing guidance.

The Pathfinder allows employees to investigate potential career paths and supports them in identifying and structuring their respective development needs

ModuleShow Case


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My Projects is a collaborative and socially-driven personal development platform that allows employees to learn on the job and gather valuable and specific feedback.

Development can be focused on competencies, experience and skills.

My Projects offers the advantage of feedback, generated by participants who were involved in the project themselves, enabling balanced insights on the performance and capabilities of the employee.

My Projects supports ‘on-the-job’ learning and development: employees can publish, search for, and participate in projects and gather valuable feedback

ModuleShow Case

A backlog and dashboard allows project participants to go back in time and revisit previous projects and feedback.


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The Manager Central gives functional and organisational managers access to capability and talent key performance indicators

The Dashboard gives you powerful insights into the capability readiness of your organisation, function, or team, allowing you to develop targeted capability development plans.1

Profile Search enables you to quickly find the right talent for the job or project, or to develop personalized talent development plans.

The Compliance section provides you with the tools necessary to automatically remind and monitor the uptake and completion of assessments.

The Manager Central is modular and can be expanded with additional insights gathered by optional modules, such as the 9-Box or My Projects.

1 | Analytics and reports can be customized to your needs.

ModuleShow Case


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Implementation of TalentGuiderTM in a US Pharmaceuticals affiliate has enabled deep talent development insights and strengthened L&D focusCase Study




Our client lacked any competency and experience model for its Global Marketing team. They wanted to gain deeper insights on the L&D needs of the team, and to track progress.

TalentGuider was configured to incorporate the competency and experience model. An engagement and communication piece pre- and post-launch ensured a high take-up and compliance rate.

With assessments available in a secure database, users could review their benchmark and discuss meaningful development options with their managers. The insights allowed management to define a more goal-aligned development plan and to close the identified capability gaps.


Excerpt from dashboard generated by TalentGuider

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Pope Woodhead offers a unique blend of consulting and informatics capabilities

With more than 30 years’ experience in consulting to the pharmaceutical industry, we have a deep understanding of the challenges our clients are facing



and Experience Modelling

Career Development

Learning and Development

Implementation and Engagement

Analytics and Interpretation

Building Capability and Talent Development

Data development

Competency and Experience framework

Role profiles

Assessment and planning tools

Career Development



Development in role

Time in role

Career paths

Analysis to programme





L&D framework

Communication and activities

Change plan and ambassadors

Access – web interface




Bench strength

Succession gap analysis


Risk assessment

Potential andperformance


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For more information or a product demonstration, please visit www.talentguider.com, or contact us directly via E-mail

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Markus MoravekProduct Manager and Consultant

Simon Shohet, PhDHead of Organisational Effectiveness

Ian WrathallSenior Consultant, Commercial Lead


[email protected]
