talent management strategy

For more follow: http://slideshare.net/sel enasol nvest in your tea or Growth. How to ou really only invest in the Re-sampled by Slide Comet

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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This is a resampling of the Show Me The Money deck which was done by Slide Comet!


Page 1: Talent management strategy

For more follow: http://slideshare.net/selenasol

Invest in your teamfor Growth.Invest in your teamfor Growth.

How to

do you really only invest in the best?

Re-sampled by Slide Comet

Page 2: Talent management strategy

how much do you invest in

each individual

on your team?


Page 3: Talent management strategy

two types of assetsthere are

time money

Page 4: Talent management strategy

Money includes:

compensation, promotion, benefits, etc

Page 5: Talent management strategy

Time includes:

coaching, mentorship, training, etc

Page 6: Talent management strategy

of course, as with everything in business, investment assets are

always finite.

Page 7: Talent management strategy


if you have 10 members on your team, $100,000 in comp, and 30 hours per week to support them, how will

you invest?

Page 8: Talent management strategy

how much of your total time and money assets do you invest in your

top talent?

Page 9: Talent management strategy

what about your weaker members?

Page 10: Talent management strategy

what aboutEveryone Else?

Page 11: Talent management strategy

What is Fair?

Page 12: Talent management strategy

what gets you and the firm the highest return on those


Page 13: Talent management strategy

remember, it is a fixed pie that you have to work with. so you need to

make hard choices


Page 14: Talent management strategy

first off, let’s divide your workforce into


Page 15: Talent management strategy

A Typical Organization

Stars Potentials Work Horses


Page 16: Talent management strategy

and, since people fall roughly into standard


Page 17: Talent management strategy

it’s a good bet that your team will distribute roughly as follows*...

Stars Potentials Work Horses


1 3 5 1

*assuming a team of 10

Page 18: Talent management strategy

And their output/contribution will look something like this

Stars Potentials Work Horses


1 3 5 140% 30% 20% 10%

Page 19: Talent management strategy

so how much do you spend on everyone?

Stars Potentials Work Horses



50% 30% 20% 0%5 / 20%3 / 30% 1 / 10%

* nothing on your underachievers (ouch)

Page 20: Talent management strategy

so how much time do you spend on everyone?

Stars Potentials Work Horses



10% 50% 20% 20%5 / 20%3 / 30% 1 / 10%

Page 21: Talent management strategy

so here is the logic..

Page 22: Talent management strategy

Comp your Stars extremely well, and then get out of the way so that they can achieve. They just needs goals and

air cover


Time Money

Page 23: Talent management strategy

Comp your Potentials above average, but invest a much greater relative percentage of your time to give them all the

support they need to become stars. This group has the highest return on time.


Time Money

Page 24: Talent management strategy

Comp your Work Horses fairly and spend some time helping them understand and achieve their goals. But let them know that while it is OK to "just get the job done," if they stretch themselves towards the Potential category, you'll respond

with greater investments.

Work Horses

Time Money

Page 25: Talent management strategy

Do not comp your under achievers. Instead, spend a disproporationate amount of time to help them retrain and/or move out of the function

where they are under performing and into another function where they can become a star.

Time Money

Under Achievers

Page 26: Talent management strategy

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This deck was re-sampled by Slide Comet


Pimp your own deck by contacting the team!

Page 27: Talent management strategy

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Page 28: Talent management strategy