taipan fibre feed and spectrograph: engineering overview · taipan will conduct a stellar and...

TAIPAN Fibre Feed and Spectrograph: Engineering Overview Nicholas F. Staszak*, Jon Lawrence, Ross Zhelem, Robert Content, Vladimir Churilov, Scott Case, Rebecca Brown, Andrew M. Hopkins, Kyler Kuehn, Naveen Pai, Urs Klauser, Vijay Nichani, Lew Waller Australian Astronomical Observatory, 105 Delhi Rd., North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia. ABSTRACT TAIPAN will conduct a stellar and galaxy survey of the Southern sky. The TAIPAN positioner is being developed as a prototype for the MANIFEST instrument on the GMT. The TAIPAN Spectrograph is an AAO designed all-refractive 2- arm design that delivers a spectral resolution of R>2000 over the wavelength range 370-870 nm. It is fed by a custom fibre cable from the TAIPAN Starbugs positioner. The design for TAIPAN incorporates 150 optical fibres (with an upgrade path to 300). Presented is an engineering overview of the UKST Fibre Cable design used to support Starbugs, the custom slit design, and the overall design and build plan for the TAIPAN Spectrograph. Keywords: spectrographs, Starbugs, MANIFEST, TAIPAN, UKST, GMT 1. INTRODUCTION TAIPAN, currently nearing completion, is a multi-object parallel-positioning fibre-optic spectrograph designed for the UK Schmidt Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory in northern New South Wales, Australia. The instrument will be used to perform galaxy and stellar surveys across the whole Southern hemisphere sky, over a 5 year period. An AAO designed fibre optic cable is used to transmit light from each of the 150 Starbug Robots (with an upgrade path to 300) to a custom designed slit as input to the TAIPAN Spectrograph. The TAIPAN Fibre cable is designed to minimize path length to the spectrograph for maximum throughput while incorporating the AAO’s best practices for minimizing focal ratio degradation within a fibre run. Presented is a discussion of the detailed design considerations of the fibre cable and slit design. The TAIPAN Spectrograph completely replaces the UKST 6DF spectrograph that was used for the RAVE survey and is part of the complete TAIPAN Instrument package being delivered to the UKST in 2016. The TAIPAN Spectrograph is an AAO designed all-refractive 2-arm design. It delivers a spectral resolution of R>2000 over the wavelength range of 370-870 nm. It contains completely custom optics and mechanical components starting with a 300 fibre slit assembly. The 300 fibre slit feeds a 5 element f/2.41 collimator assembly with one aspheric surface. The collimator optics reside within individual lens cells that provide tip, tilt, and x, y alignment adjustment. Alignment is accomplished on the AAO lens centering station. The beam from the collimator is split into two bands with the blue arm covering 370 to 592 nm and the red arm covering 580 to 870 nm. Two volume phase holographic (VPH) gratings are provided by Kaiser Optical Systems. The beam splitter and VPH grating assemblies reside in kinematically mounted holder assemblies for alignment and the ability to accurately remove and replace from the spectrograph. Custom camera barrels and lenses feed semi-custom Spectral Instruments 1100s Dewar Detectors. The red and blue cameras are F1.5, each a five element design with three aspheric surfaces. The optical subassemblies interface to a monolithic spectrograph structure. All optics in the TAIPAN Spectrograph have been manufactured by Optimax. An overview of the overall opto-mechanical design and assembly of the TAIPAN spectrograph will be presented. *[email protected]: phone 61-2-9372-4857: www.aao.gov.au Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation II, edited by Ramón Navarro, James H. Burge, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912, 991223 © 2016 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/16/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2233796 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-1 DownloadedFrom:http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/on08/03/2017TermsofUse:http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/termsofuse.aspx

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  • TAIPAN Fibre Feed and Spectrograph: Engineering Overview Nicholas F. Staszak*, Jon Lawrence, Ross Zhelem, Robert Content, Vladimir Churilov, Scott Case,

    Rebecca Brown, Andrew M. Hopkins, Kyler Kuehn, Naveen Pai, Urs Klauser, Vijay Nichani, Lew Waller

    Australian Astronomical Observatory, 105 Delhi Rd., North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia.

    ABSTRACT TAIPAN will conduct a stellar and galaxy survey of the Southern sky. The TAIPAN positioner is being developed as a prototype for the MANIFEST instrument on the GMT. The TAIPAN Spectrograph is an AAO designed all-refractive 2-arm design that delivers a spectral resolution of R>2000 over the wavelength range 370-870 nm. It is fed by a custom fibre cable from the TAIPAN Starbugs positioner. The design for TAIPAN incorporates 150 optical fibres (with an upgrade path to 300). Presented is an engineering overview of the UKST Fibre Cable design used to support Starbugs, the custom slit design, and the overall design and build plan for the TAIPAN Spectrograph. Keywords: spectrographs, Starbugs, MANIFEST, TAIPAN, UKST, GMT

    1. INTRODUCTION TAIPAN, currently nearing completion, is a multi-object parallel-positioning fibre-optic spectrograph designed for the UK Schmidt Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory in northern New South Wales, Australia. The instrument will be used to perform galaxy and stellar surveys across the whole Southern hemisphere sky, over a 5 year period. An AAO designed fibre optic cable is used to transmit light from each of the 150 Starbug Robots (with an upgrade path to 300) to a custom designed slit as input to the TAIPAN Spectrograph. The TAIPAN Fibre cable is designed to minimize path length to the spectrograph for maximum throughput while incorporating the AAO’s best practices for minimizing focal ratio degradation within a fibre run. Presented is a discussion of the detailed design considerations of the fibre cable and slit design. The TAIPAN Spectrograph completely replaces the UKST 6DF spectrograph that was used for the RAVE survey and is part of the complete TAIPAN Instrument package being delivered to the UKST in 2016. The TAIPAN Spectrograph is an AAO designed all-refractive 2-arm design. It delivers a spectral resolution of R>2000 over the wavelength range of 370-870 nm. It contains completely custom optics and mechanical components starting with a 300 fibre slit assembly. The 300 fibre slit feeds a 5 element f/2.41 collimator assembly with one aspheric surface. The collimator optics reside within individual lens cells that provide tip, tilt, and x, y alignment adjustment. Alignment is accomplished on the AAO lens centering station. The beam from the collimator is split into two bands with the blue arm covering 370 to 592 nm and the red arm covering 580 to 870 nm. Two volume phase holographic (VPH) gratings are provided by Kaiser Optical Systems. The beam splitter and VPH grating assemblies reside in kinematically mounted holder assemblies for alignment and the ability to accurately remove and replace from the spectrograph. Custom camera barrels and lenses feed semi-custom Spectral Instruments 1100s Dewar Detectors. The red and blue cameras are F1.5, each a five element design with three aspheric surfaces. The optical subassemblies interface to a monolithic spectrograph structure. All optics in the TAIPAN Spectrograph have been manufactured by Optimax. An overview of the overall opto-mechanical design and assembly of the TAIPAN spectrograph will be presented. *[email protected]: phone 61-2-9372-4857: www.aao.gov.au

    Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation II, edited by Ramón Navarro, James H. Burge, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912, 991223

    © 2016 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/16/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2233796

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-1

    Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 08/03/2017 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/termsofuse.aspx

  • The UK SchTAIPAN wilfield of viewEdinburgh. It

    The telescopproduce photskies. It thenEpoch Sky S

    The excelleninstalled but the spectra oconduct the Rtelescope to m

    In addition tdome, shuttereplaced. Allmany years oand the Taipa

    3The TAIPANobserved to asurvey will egalaxy survedataset will ebetween gas stellar and hafield by incor

    2. UK hmidt Telescopll be commissiw. The telescot became part o

    e was originaltographic atlasn undertook murvey in collab

    nt optics and wno longer acti

    of more than 1RAVE stellar smake way for t

    o TAIPAN, ther, and windscrl major mechaof previous seran galaxy surv

    . SCIENCEN instrument wa magnitude ofexplore the formey is to determenable studies

    and stars, thealo mass functirporating data

    SCHMIDTpe (UKST – sioned. The UKope was commof the AAO in

    lly designed toses. The UKST

    many other survboration with S

    wide field of thive instrument00 objects in survey and thethe TAIPAN In

    he UKST has ureen drive mo

    anical drive gervice. The teleey with the TA

    Figure 1. U

    E GOALS Awill be used tof i < 17 with a mation history

    mine the value of the bulk flo

    e impact of enion), star formafrom radio sur

    T TELESCOsee Figure 1) l

    KST is a surveymissioned in 1

    June 1988.

    o photograph 6T's initial task wvey projects inSpace Telescop

    he telescope wt. 6DF was a ma single field

    e 6df Galaxy Rnstrument.

    undergone signtors and contrar boxes have scope is now i

    AIPAN Instrum

    UK Schmidt Tel

    AND REQUo conduct the T

    signal to noiseand evolution of H0 to ~1%

    ows of mass innvironment andation activity crveys planned w

    OPE OVERlocated at Sidy telescope wit973 and, unti

    .6 x 6.6 degreewas the first dn different colpe Science Inst

    were exploited multi-object fibsimultaneously

    Redshift Survey

    nificant infrastrols. The telesc

    been rebuilt, in excellent co

    ment and demon

    escope at Siding

    UIREMENTTaipan galaxy e goal of 5-10 of galaxies to

    %, though the dn the local univd mergers on correlated withwith radio teles

    RVIEW ANDding Spring Obth an aperture il 1988, was o

    e areas on platdeep blue-light lours and in thtitute.

    by the 6DF (6bre-optic specty. 6dF was coy. The 6DF fac

    tructure upgradcope user interand dome bog

    ondition to undnstrate the viab

    g Spring Observa

    TS OF THEsurvey, in whacross the entz < 0.3. The pr

    dataset will beverse as an add

    galaxy evoluth AGN activityscopes such as

    Dbservatory is tof 1.2 metres

    operated by th

    tes 356 x 356 photographic

    he near infrare

    6-degree Field)trograph facilit

    ommissioned incility is now be

    des. The telescrface and guidgey rails have dertake the Funbility of the Sta


    E TAIPAN Shich 0.5 − 1.5 tire southern herimary cosmol

    e used for manditional cosmoltion, large scay as well as thes ASKAP.3

    UPGRADE the telescope iand a very wi

    he Royal Obse

    mm square in survey of the

    ed, notably the

    ) system, the cty, which couln 2001. It waseing removed

    cope has receiding system habeen refurbish

    nnelWeb stellaarbug technolo

    SURVEY × 106 galaxiesemisphere. Thelogy goal of thny other purpology probe, co

    ale structure (ine intergalactic m

    in which ide-angle ervatory,

    order to southern

    e Second

    currently ld obtain s used to from the

    ved new ave been hed after ar survey ogy.

    s will be e Taipan e Taipan

    oses. The nnection ncluding magnetic

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-2

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  • 7.,-












    - 15


    Talpan positiontt

    - -7





    - 22

    5 j









    75 Red FT

    1 libre per tube

    From Slitlet 3


    1 fibre per tubeFrom Slitlet 4


    pc Structure

    rConduit 25mm Out

    12 Furtation TubeSS wire rope 7x7

    de Dlamter (OD(,(FT( 3.8 mm OD1/8 Nylon coat


    catty pon At

    Slitlet IDJ-01-000


    I Fr io, ii, 11

    Slit P

    Slitln 2D142-000\ /

    - i Slit let 3I


    ' I Slillel4l DJ-44-000 I


    FunnelWeb, in the magnitwill be usedtarget stars, aFunnelWeb archaeology,widths (there We need to sufficient sig

    The purpose TAIPAN Spethe fibre optiwhich wouldup to 300 sciThe cable intallow the Stain section 6.LEMO conne4). Each manmerging intofibre loop sucable manufafurcation tubpolyurethanethe spectrogrbearing. Thethe telescope

    the stellar survtude range 59gnal to Noise oand [alpha/Fe]

    missions such amology, stella, radial velocid similar chara

    he survey, butteams to realiz

    SIGN N Starbug and n detail in [5]. can support up

    AN Spectrograpthe cable routeSignificant tes

    quired. Connecuum in a comT) to consolida

    m to one 3.8mfolds are desig

    variation of the it hatch of the internal diam

    d furcation tubessed through the spectrograph

    9%) census ofof 100 or more] measurements TESS.4 Addi

    ar variability, ities, and specacteristics).

    t these data mze their goals.

    fibre positioneFor budgetary

    p to 300 sciencph design also e is shown in Fsting was perfotor testing is d

    mpact design. Fation manifolds

    mm furcation tugned to hold an fibres for easetelescope. The

    meter, galvanizes as they are rhe telescope eqh room located

    f all stars e). These ts for all itionally, galactic

    ctral line

    must have

    er to the y reasons ce fibres supports

    Figure 3. ormed to discussed From the s (Figure ube. The n internal e of fibre e 3.8mm ed steel, routed to quatorial

    d beneath

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-3

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  • Figure 3, TA

    1. UK 2. Tele3. Tele4. TAI5. 2mm6. Fibr7. Cab8. Serv9. Inte

    AIPAN optical c

    Schmidt Tubeescope Pier. escope Fork BaIPAN Fibre Pom Individual Fre Manifolds. ble protected sevice Loop. Theerlock switch. T


    cable route sch


    ase. ositioner. ibre Furcation

    ection. 3.8mm e service loop iThe interlock s

    Figure 4. Con

    gure 3. TAIPAN

    hematic depicts


    furcation tubesis an extra lengwitch senses c

    nsolidation mani

    optical cable rou

    s the following

    s covered by 25gth to allow fibable tension an

    ifold arrangemen

    ute schematic.


    5mm stainless bre cable movend disables tele

    nt for 300 scienc

    conduit. ement during teescope operatio

    ce fibres.

    elescope operaton.


    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-4

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  • 11

    4.1 Fibre CThe AAO fibsharing one tFrom previoushould be bepractice of infurcation tubratios, the uTAIPAN Fibused providin

    Fi 4.2 Fibre CAAO designeavailable comtube and outfurcation tubback of the f2mm furcatifurcation tubcable ends atinternal stainany accidentexcessive ten

    Furcation Tub

    FT Outside DiFT Inside DiamFibers OutsideFibres per TubNumber of Tu

    Filling Ratio

    able Filling

    bre cable desigtube. To avoidus fibre cable elow 40%. Thendustrial cable bes. The final se of standard

    bre cable designng a total of 30

    gure 5. Selection

    able Strain Re

    ed fibre cablesmmercial off thter PVC protee. In the TAIP

    fibre positioneron tube is aga

    bes are also strat the slit assembnless steel wireal tensile load

    nsile load occur


    iameter (mm)meter (mm)e Diamter (mm)beubes

    gn methodologd stress in the f

    construction eese values (seemanufacturers

    fibre cable furd components, n was a 3.8mm

    00 science fibre

    n chart of possib


    s protect the fibhe shelf from

    ective jacket. TPAN fibre cabler, which are meain relieved atain relieved in bly. Additiona

    e that is anchors. The stainlesr, thereby stopp

    Figure 6. Typ





    gy is to use loofibre bundles dexperience the e Figure 5) has. The same rurcation tube an

    and the overm furcation tubes to the spectr

    ble filling ratios v

    bres from tensiTLC or simila

    The yarn is boe design this ocechanically strt the consolidathe same fashi

    al strain relief ared at both endss steel strain rping telescope

    pical structure of

    2.0 2.0.90 0.0.25 0.210 17.5 5

    0.77 1.1

    LC - FT020

    osely packed fdue to cable pafilling ratio sh

    ave been deriveule applies to thnd conduit desall packaging e carrying 25 f


    verse bundle qua

    ile stress startinar suppliers (Fonded or crimccurs starting aain relieved toation manifoldion at the maniand protection ds. The double relief wire is a operation.

    f a fibre furcation

    .0 3.0

    .9 125 0.255 85 9.4

    16 0.50

    TLCFurcation Tube

    fibres in proteacking, the AAhould not exceed empiricallyhe filling of thsign must balan

    needs of the fibres. A total

    antity for a singl

    ng with the furFigure 6). A Kmped to an anc

    at the 2mm indo the LEMO cods with a bondifolds and agaiis provided in strain relief en

    attached to a s

    n tube. Thorlabs




    C - FT030Selection Chart

    ctive furcationAO uses a fillineed a maximumy but are also he protective coance the numbe

    instrument. Tof 12 individu

    le TAIPAN slitle

    rcation tubes. TKevlar yarn resichoring elemendividual furcationnector with aded ferrule (Fin at the spectrthe 25mm pro

    nsures protectiensor to allow

    s Image6.

    3.8 3.82.1 2.1

    0.25 0.2515 255 3

    0.21 0.35

    TLC - F

    Xselected tube co

    n tubes, multipng ratio rule om of 50%, andsupported by conduits with per of fibres, th

    The final choical 3.8mm tube

    et (75 fibres).

    The furcation tides between tnt at both endion tubes locata crimp connecigure 4). The

    rograph where tective conduit

    ion of the cablew monitoring sh

    8 3.82.1

    5 0.25382.0

    5 0.54



    ple fibres f thumb. d ideally common opulated

    he filling ce in the es will be

    tubes are the inner ds of the ted at the ctor. The 3.8 mm the fibre t with an e against hould an

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-5

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  • 9

    4.3 Slit AsseThe fibre cabfibres and is slitlets (Figur(Figure 8). Ffibre spacingThe slit assegroove blockItem 5) beforlid, and gluethe slit body

    Figure 7, Slit

    1. Slitlfrom

    2. Fuse3. V-G4. Opt5. Epo

    bloc6. Furc

    with7. Furc

    stran8. Furc


    ble terminates the interface pre 7), which ar

    Four slitlets givg, at a 129m pembly must be k manufacturinre integration id. The final Vand then the co

    tlet, depicts thelet Body. The m Invar for a reed Silica V-Gr

    Groove Lid. ical Fibres. 25

    oxy block. Theck. cation Tube Inh routing and ccation Tube Ands in the furcacation Tube Cl

    at the spectrogpoint for light ire comprised ove the spectrogpitch, required

    divided into sng. To keep theinto the V-gro

    V-groove blockomplete assem

    e following: slitlet body p

    easonable coeffroove.

    per branch. epoxy block i

    ner. The 3.8mmconsolidation o

    Anchor. The furation tube. Its plamp.

    graph slit asseminjection to the

    of three groups graph a 300 fib

    at the spectrogslitlets to make order of fibreoves. The fibre

    k, with fibres, imbly is polished

    Figure 7

    rovides all thefficient of therm

    is the initial bo

    m furcation is f the 75 fibres rcation tube anpurpose is to st

    mbly. The slit ae spectrographof 25 fibres te

    bre input. The graph input. Me manufacturines in the bundles are then plais bonded to thd to optical qua

    7. Slitlet Assemb

    e assembly intmal expansion

    ond between th

    stripped back tto the fused si

    nchor is the strtrain relieve th

    assembly provh. The slit assemerminated in prfused silica V

    Micron tolerancng feasible as le correct, fibreaced into the Vhe invar slitlet ality.


    terfaces for thematch to the fu

    he unstripped

    to expose a lenilica V-groove.rain relieving ehe fibre cable a

    ides the precismbly (Figure 9recision fused -groove blocks

    ce between fibrthere are size

    es are first gluV-grooves, cap

    body. All 4 sl

    e slitlet constrused silica V-g

    fibres prior to

    ngth of inner fu. element that is

    at the slitlet bod

    se positioning o9) is built up frsilica V-groovs provide the pres is readily a limits imposeed together (Fped with a fuslitlets are assem

    ruction. It is fagroove.

    entering the V

    urcation tube. T

    s bonded to thdy.

    of all the from four ve blocks precision achieved. ed on V-igure 7 -

    sed silica mbled to



    This aids

    e Kevlar

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-6

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  • á


    71 a O 129:0001-F

    Il 10.1291-.

    Figure 9, Slit

    1. Slitl2. Bas3. Inte

    asse4. Slit 5. Opt

    The TAIPANconstruction shown succeThree lengthdegradation

    t Assembly, delet. Four total fe Plate. Provid

    erface Flange embly. Lens. Fibres aical Fibres – 2

    N Optical Cabis to thorough

    essful results ahs (30-32 met(FRD) of the

    epicts the followfor the assembldes structural inLens Cell. Th

    are coupled wit5 per branch.

    5. Tle is construct

    hly test fibre opcross the full tres) of opticafibre cable we

    Figure 8. Fu


    wing: ly giving 300 fnterface and prhe first lens c

    th an index mat

    TAIPAN FIBted with Ceramptical performavisible spectrual fibre were ere tested with

    used Silica V-Gr

    9. Slit Assembly

    fibre input to threcision mountiell of the spe

    tching gel to th

    BRE PERFmoptec WF50/ance for its int

    um where the tested under

    h 2 collimated



    he spectrographting for the slitlectrograph that

    he uncoated su

    ORMANCE/125A. The Atended applicaTAIPAN Spec

    several condlight sources

    h. lets. t also provide

    urface of the sli

    E AAO standard pation. Testing octrograph operditions. Throug(405nm and 6

    es interface to

    it lens.

    process for fibof the optical frates from 370ghput and foc658nm), follow

    o the slit

    bre cable fibre has

    0-870nm. cal ratio

    wed by a

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-7

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  • 405/658nm laser source

    FC Cc


    200mm fl 1




    450 500 550




    9 fibre over full

    mm fl Fibreis I

    600 650 7(

    Vavelength (nm)

    --. r.'ariable)erture

    end on 3 -axis

    )0 750 800

    Fibre cable

    cutback test source with a Throughput athe UKST TeFRD measurTAIPAN spthroughput amethod was u85% at 405nm

    To determineinto the fibreand processeshow throughclear that the870nm, exclu

    on one samplean integrating s

    and FRD tests elescope. Tota

    rements were cectrograph. Fi

    at 658nm and 7used to determm.

    e the throughpe, close to the ed with a specthput in the fibe fibre cable wuding Fresnel l

    e to measure atsphere was per

    (Figure 10) wal throughput mcarried out withigure 10 depi75% at 405nm

    mine loss due so


    ut of the fibre numerical apetrometer. Figu

    bre due to absowill provide effilosses.

    Figure 11. Fu

    ttenuation fromrformed on a re

    were performedmeasurements wh a 4.22mm apicts the setup

    m, with a furtheolely to absorpt

    Figure 10. FRD/

    across the visierture. The outpure 11 shows thorption, with nficiency within

    ull Spectrum Tra

    m absorption. Aemaining samp

    with a f/2.5 bwere performe

    perture across tof these test

    er 10% reductition; it was sho

    /Throughput Op

    ible spectrum put flux was inhe output of tho compensatiothe specificati

    ansmission of Ce

    A full-spectrumple.

    eam injected ined with an openthe output, to sts. Throughpution due to FRDown that the fib

    ptical Setup.

    (370 – 870nmntegrated overhe 30m fibre, on for Fresnel ions of at least

    eramoptec WF50

    m throughput t

    nto the fibre, sn aperture on tsimulate the f/2

    ut tests showeD. Following tbre has 92% ef

    m), a uniform wr 50 seconds inacross the visreflection or Ft 70% for the w


    test using a wh

    simulating the the output of t2.37 input speed approximatethese tests, thefficiency at 65

    white light was n an integratinible range. Th

    FRD loss. Ovewavelength ran

    hite light

    speed of the fibre. ed of the ely 90%

    e cutback 8nm and

    injected ng sphere he results rall, it is nge 370-

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-8

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  • laser source

    The LEMO cspring loadedas standard connection fcombination.(for standardtolerance for 6.1 InsertioConnectors w

    The insertionconsists of thcompared to The two, 2 m(P3) is measureference meto be constareflection losP2/P1 and P3all measuremalignment slconnector, bawas .21 dB, o It is importatolerance of +in increased


    connectors used in the conneFC connector

    from reflection. The LEMO s

    d F2 contacts winstrument thr

    n Loss Measu

    were tested for

    n loss is meashe ratio of the the power inje

    meter, test lengured. The ratio

    easurement inseant for all meass at the output3/P1 measuremments. The samleeve to mitigased on a sampor 5.1%.

    ant to note tha+/- 2µm. This losses due to


    ed in TAIPAN ctor and alignes. Additional ns, defects at stated insertion

    with standard mroughput a sam


    insertion loss u

    sured by first power out of a

    ected into the fi

    gths are then co P3/P1 is the ertion loss is thasurements ant of both the re

    ments. This meme connectionsgate loss due ple of 5, was .4

    at these measuris a large tolercore misalign


    utilize F2 typed using a cerathroughput lothe fibre inte

    n loss (IL) for multimode fibremple of connect

    using the setup

    Figure 12

    taking a refera bare fibre, w

    fibre, P1. This i

    connected via loss for the enhe insertion lo

    nd the only uneference measuasurement is ths were measurto reflection

    45dB, or 10.9%

    rements were rance relative tnments. The c


    e contacts. Thamic sleeve. T

    osses will necerface, and mithese connecto

    e). To ensure ttors was tested

    p outlined in Fi

    2. Connector IL

    ence measuremwith terminated is leg 1 in Figu

    the LEMO conntire assembly. ss of the conne

    nknowns are turement and thehen repeated sered for IL agaiand surface im

    %. When gel w

    taken with Ceto standard teleonnectors rely


    he coupling conThis configuratessarily occur isalignment loors varies fromthat the couplind for insertion l

    igure 12 below


    ment of input d and polished ure 12. This is c

    nnector, as ab The differencection. This mthe transmissioe connector meeveral times win with the insmperfections.

    was added to th

    eramoptec Optecommunicatioy on the cladd


    nsists of two ction is essentia

    in the instrumsses inherent

    m 0-0.7dB for ng losses wherloss.


    power. The rferrules but wcalculated as a

    bove, and the pce between this

    method allows fon loss (negligeasurement wh

    whilst keeping lsertion of indeThe average

    he same connec

    tran WF fibre ons multimodeding outer surf

    ceramic ferruleally the same tement due to tin the connecmultimode co

    re within an ac

    reference measithout a conne

    a loss in decibe

    power exiting s insertion lossfor coupling cogible for 4m) hich is capturedleg 1 as the coex matching ginsertion loss

    ctions, the aver

    which has a e fibre which cface for moun

    es axially echnique the fibre ctor/fibre onnectors cceptable

    surement ector, P2, ls (dB).

    the fibre s and the onditions

    and the d in both nstant in el in the

    s for the rage loss

    cladding an result

    nting and

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-9

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  • LEMO F2 contad

    1Ceramic ferrule

    Optran WF50 fibr


    therefore aliconnection. The index massembled geand reworkinaddition ther The reasonabpositioning d 6.2 Focal RThe contribuin Figure 13.angle of 11.3up to 6% loss

    In this setup,This LED waeffectively cprojected oncontributes toFigure 14.

    gnment. The

    matching gel is el-free in the fng requires a ce is a risk som

    ble performancdevice.

    atio Degradat

    ution of the LE. The FRD spe31° must produs for the consid

    , the same test as placed 300mcollimated beamnto a CCD. Tho the broadeni

    connectors are

    not recommenfinal instrumenclean environme gel could be

    ce of the LEM

    tion Measurem

    EMO connectorcification is w

    uce an annulus dered telescope

    lengths as meamm from the fibm to illumina

    his annulus wing and thus in

    e also keyed

    nded by LEMOnt. There is no

    ment that woulddeposited on th

    MO fibre optic


    r to focal ratio ritten such thatwith a full-wi

    e injection foca

    Figure 13. FR

    asured in the Ibre end and at

    ate the fibre frill have a blurncreased FWHM


    thus guarantee

    O for use in tho guarantee thad be difficult whe field plate o

    connection en

    degradation wt a TAIPAN scidth half-maximal ratio and spe

    RD Measuremen

    L measuremenan angle of 11

    from the LED.r due to mode M of the ring.

    14. Projected Ri

    eing a consist

    heir connectorsat the gel will when the instruor fibre face via

    nabled the Sta

    was also measucience fibre illumum (FWHM)ectrograph pup

    nt setup

    nt were illumin1.31° with resp. At the outpu mixing from An example o


    tent IL result

    s, it was decidremain clear o

    ument is installa the vacuum s

    arbug to becom

    ured using the uminated by a) of less than 2

    pil stop.

    nated by an LEpect to the ferruut of the connFRD related

    of a projected r

    for a single

    ded that they shoptically and rled in the telessystem.

    me a replaceab

    setup illustratea collimated be2° at the output

    ED centered onule axis. This anection the anphenomena. Tring is shown b


    hould be replacing scope. In

    ble robot

    ed below eam at an t. This is

    n 530nm. allows an nnulus is This blur below in

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-10

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  • Five separate connections were tested using this method to determine the broadening in this setup with an average result of 1.46°. These numbers are well within the tolerance of 2° and give a further 0.5° margin for the final completed science cable.

    7. SPECTROGRAPH OPTICAL DESIGN The TAIPAN spectrograph is a 2 arm design with a 300 fibre input slit. The fibre near field is reimaged by the spectrograph optics onto the CCD detector, while the fibre far field forms the pupil which is projected by the spectrograph collimator onto the VPH gratings, dispersing the beam into the cameras. The design operates with two semi-custom Spectral Instrument Dewar detectors. The red and blue spectrograph cameras provide demagnification of the fibre slit and are therefore a more challenging design when compared to the collimator. Each camera images the spectra on a 2k x 2k E2V detector. The average resolution is approximately 2350. The wavelength range is from 370 nm to 870 nm with the dichroic cut-off at 590 nm and a common region to both cameras from 580 nm to 592 nm. The cut-off wavelength and the overlapping region were chosen based on science requirements and to minimize the overlap region. This in turn maximizes the resolution of the spectrograph for the same spectral length in each pixel. In order to produce quality spectra with a reduced number of optical elements, the TAIPAN spectrograph relies upon aspheric surfaces in both the collimator and camera. The fibre core size is 50 µm which corresponds to 3.3" on the sky. A design choice had to be made between two competing designs, one design using mirrors, the other a fully transmissive design. It was decided to use the latter based on specific advantages. Modern antireflection coatings are very efficient over a large wavelength range and different incident angles. While there are now better reflection coatings for mirrors than in the past, the large operational wavelength range starting at 370 nm remains a challenge. Also, the surface form error of a mirror creates far larger aberrations and scattered light than a lens surface of the same error. For a given root mean square (RMS) surface form error or surface roughness, the Optical Path Difference (OPD) RMS will be 2 RMS after reflection by a mirror. It will be (n-1) RMS after refraction by a lens surface with n the refractive index. The OPD is 0.43885 RMS for a CaF2 glass surface at the standard Nd wavelength of 587.6 nm. Light would have to pass 21 CaF2 surfaces to have about the same OPD RMS than after a single mirror reflection. A mirror is then equivalent to 21 CaF2 lens surfaces in that respect. Other advantages are that it avoids any diffractive and light blocking obstruction in the beam and the need for highly off-axis aspheres in the collimator, which would be required in a reflective design. Finally, the detector Dewar assembly can be made very small, when compared to the Dewar of a Schmidt camera design which would be required when using mirrors. The entire detector Dewar assembly can be decoupled from the rest of the spectrograph and placed in a mount for position adjustments and focus travel. An important disadvantage of transmissive systems is glass absorption at UV wavelengths. This was very significantly reduced in the present design by incorporating UV transmission as an important factor at every step of the design through choice of glasses. Total glass absorption from slit to detector starting at 370 nm is only 9%, reducing to 3.3% at 400 nm, and continuing to drop at longer wavelengths. The input of each fibre receives a beam with a focal ratio of about 2.5 from the UKST telescope, which is relatively fast. The collimator design had to be somewhat faster to accommodate focal ratio degradation in the fibres and tolerances due to fibre pointing error. Two designs were studied, the first with bare fibres as the spectrograph input slit, and a competing design in which a microlens array was added at the end of the fibres. The purpose of the microlens array was to increase the focal ratio of the beam entering the collimator. A microlens array would have permitted the collimator design to reduce to one lens (Figure 15). A disadvantage of this configuration is that the slit must be curved. The bare fibre slit input is geometrically straight and mated to a plano-concave, low cost, fused-silica lens. This is a relatively simple configuration. Another disadvantage of the microlens slit input is that microlens tolerances degrade the beam mostly through pupil defocus and angular errors in the beam direction. This is equivalent to a large FRD. The large tolerances are due to the fast telescope focal ratio. Using a microlens array with an Integral Field Unit (IFU) allows spectra to be packed very tightly thereby reconstituting a pseudo-slit without empty space between the images of each fibre. In Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS), where each fibre observes a different object, it is necessary to have gaps between spectra to avoid cross-contamination. The advantage of having more spectra with a microlens array is therefore not an option with the TAIPAN Spectrograph design. The final design choice was to use the bare fibre slit input with an additional four lenses in the collimator. The final collimator design is f/2.41 based on the combination of telescope focal

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-11

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  • 001 (V1) Date: 00160.2857


    3D Layout

    120.00 Millimeters

    3D Layout

    f I

    70.00 Millimeters

    ratio, FRD ofused silica laspheric surfadjustment.


    The TAIPANThe overall croom. Overarequirement optical table

    Spe Coll Bea VPH 5 Ax Bac

    obtained from ens glued to thfaces. The last

    gure 15. TAIPAN


    N Spectrographconstruction ofll temperature that is not ovebut a post mou

    ctrograph struclimator Barrel

    am splitter asseH grating assemxis mounts wh

    ck Illumination

    fibre testing, ahe slit (Figure 1t lens is also

    N Spectrograph

    e 16. Final spect

    8. SPECTh mechanical df the TAIPAN stability of the

    erly strenuousunt design has b

    cture which supAssembly.

    embly. mblies. hich support the Assembly.

    and the fibre p16). One collimthe window o

    conceptual desig

    trograph design

    TROGRAPdesign followedSpectrograph ie room must b. The TAIPANbeen avoided.

    pports the colli

    e Spectral Instr

    pointing error.mator surface iof the detector

    gn with microlen

    with bare fibres

    PH MECHAd a strategy ofis out of alumie controlled to

    N SpectrographThe mechanic

    imator, beam s

    ruments Dewar

    . The collimatois an asphere. Er cryostat whic

    ns array slit inpu

    as slit input to t

    ANICAL DEf creating simpinum since it wo +/- 1.5 degreh size was sucal design is bro

    splitter, and VP

    r detector assem

    or has 4 lenseEach camera hch is on a mo

    ut and a single le

    the spectrograph

    ESIGN ple to machine,will reside in a ees for the specch that it couldoken up to 6 m



    es plus a planohas 5 lenses incount for tilt an

    ens collimator.


    , modular comtemperature co

    ctrograph to ped fit complete

    major componen

    o-convex cluding 3 nd focus

    mponents. ontrolled erform, a ly on an nts.

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-12

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  • " r


    The TAIPANplate. The usground surfafor the build angles for thoptical axis oshims under equipped witpractices on t

    N Spectrographse of this mate

    aces from the mand alignmen

    he collimator aof the system. each of the camth pockets thatthe spectrograp

    h structure (Figerial has two amill, allowing t of the instrum

    and cameras. TNominal angl

    meras allow tipt hold kinematph structure ali



    Figure 19

    gure 17, Figureadvantages, stafor minimal sument. The struThe collimator les and positiop tilt adjustmentic mounts forignment needs

    Figure 17. Taipa

    18. Taipan Spec

    9. TAIPAN Spec

    e 18, Figure 19ability by beinurface machinicture base platmounting pla

    ons of the red nt if required b

    r the beam spliare nearly irre

    an Spectrograph

    ctrograph Assem

    ctrograph Assem

    9) is constructeng in a full streing. The spectrte has a profile

    ate includes a pand blue camebut this is highitter and two g

    elevant allowin


    mbly Section Vie

    mbly during a tes

    ed of Alcoa MIess relieved corograph structue machined in precision boreeras is set throhly unlikely. Thgratings. Throu

    ng for a fast int


    st fit.

    IC-6 aluminumondition, and pure sets the fouto set the posi

    e which establiough machininhe box like strugh normal megration.

    m cast jig precision undation ition and ishes the

    ng. Three ructure is


    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-13

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  • SLIT / Light

    The beam spof 416 Stainldesigned to athe optic. Eaposition of eaThe kinematalignment, an

    The collimatAAO lens ce8]. Each lensfirst run out are then rotatsurfaces, as olens cell. An To complete the next lensby observingthe two lenseusing this mcollimator an

    The semi-cuThe 5 axes shimming buadjustment, t

    litter mount anless and platedathermalize theach optic sits kach sphere cantic mounting nd in general a


    tor and cameraentering stations is mounted inon the precisioted on the air bobserved by thRTV bond is aa lens assemb cell assembly

    g the runout of es are coaxial,

    method results nd cameras are

    stom, Spectralof adjustment

    ut will not be ntheir rotational

    nd VPH gratingd with blackenee assembly. Eakinematically in be adjusted tharrangement a

    a valuable desig

    Figure 20. Beam

    a assemblies (Fn (LCS) with an an individualon AB Tech aibearing stage whe PSM, is minapplied to the pbly a bonded ley placed on top

    the return beam, the lens cellsin an extreme+/- 15 m dec

    Figure 2

    l Instrument, Dare tip-tilt, ro

    necessary. The l center aligned

    g mounts (Figued electroless nach mount contin the spectroghrough shimmiallows highly gn feature.

    splitter and VPH

    Figure 21) are ca Z stage mounl cell, with the ir bearing stagwhile the lens inimized, thus bperimeter of thens cell assembp. The optical am, through thes are potted anely high level center and +/- 2

    21. Cross Sectio

    Dewar detectorotation, lateraldetector assemd with the surf

    ure 20) follow tnickel. The opttains three sphgraph structureing, allowing m

    accurate rem

    H grating mounts

    constructed of nted point souroptical surface

    ge to form the ois tilted on the bringing the op

    he lens cell andbly is again plaxis of the secoe PSM, while snd then screwe

    of accuracy.20 arc seconds

    on of Collimator

    rs are assemblel decenter, and

    mblies are face face of the det

    the same desigtics are bonded

    heres whose cee, its Z space pminute adjustm

    moval and repl

    s. Covers not ye

    f aluminum. Thrce microscope resting on a topto-mechanictangential sea

    ptical axis of td an axial retentlaced in the LCond lens assemsimultaneouslyed into place. Typical alignmtilt.

    and Blue Came

    ed in a commod focus. A hemounted to a

    tector. A rotati

    gn principle. Thd into each moenter is coincidposition set th

    ments in tip/tilt,lacement of th

    et blackened.

    hey are designee (PSM) and atangential cell cal axis of the at. The return bthe lens to the tion ring is thr

    CS, optical aximbly is made coy adjusting in thSerial progresment accuracy


    on 5 axis moueight adjustmestructural ring

    ion adjustment

    hey are construount with RTVdent with the suhrough machin and roll for thhe optic, used

    ed to be alignean air bearing surface. Lens cell. The lens

    beam runout ofestablished axeaded into placs established, oincident withhe x, and y, axsion of lens aly requirements

    unt design (Fignt is possible . Flexures allot is built intern

    ucted out , the gap urface of

    ning. The he VPHs. d during

    ed on the stage [7, cells are and cell

    f the lens xis of the ce. and then

    h the first xis. Once lignment s for the

    gure 22). through

    w tip tilt nal to the

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-14

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  • I

    tilt flexure thoccurs throuplacement ofdimension anadjusters. Thconfigured w

    The TAIPANStarbug sciecharacterizatcamera. Sincposition of thThe back illuthin profile athe 5 axis mUltimate pos

    hrough cylindrugh linear bearf the camera and then replache focus travelwith an integral

    N spectrographnce fibres in ion of their po

    ce positioning the science fibreumination assemallows it to fit bmount for desig

    ition accuracy

    rical mating srings. The 5 aassembly. If laced. All axes ol, and tip-tilt w drive spindle,


    h is configuredthe TAIPAN sition relative the Starbugs ree the back illummbly positionsbetween the lasgn commonaliis not a requir

    urfaces, adjustaxis mount is ateral adjustmeof travel, excewill be motor 29:1 gear head

    Figure 22. Five A

    d with a back ilfibre positionto their three melies on only vmination unit ws a 24V MetaBst collimator lety but fitted inement.

    Figure 23. Bac

    ted by precisikeyed to the

    ent of the camept lateral mov

    driven in the d, and 500 cou

    Axis Dewar Dete

    llumination unner. The benefmetrology fibreviewing the mewas deemed a uright Thin Bac

    ens and the beanstead with a

    ck Illumination A

    on adjuster scspectrograph

    mera is requiredvement, can befinal configur

    unt per turn enc

    ector mount.

    nit (Figure 23) fit of back illues can occur utetrology fibresuseful facility ck Light unit inam splitter. It is

    machine screw


    crews and thenstructure. Thid the key stoce actuated throration through coder.

    with the purpouminating the tilizing the fibrs and referringfor periodic ch

    n front of the cs driven by thew for the addi

    n locked. Focuis allows for pck is simply grough manual puse of Maxon

    ose of illuminascience fibre

    re positioner mg it to the charahecking of the collimator asseme same Maxon mitional require

    us travel precision round to precision n motors

    ating the s is that

    metrology acterized Starbug. mbly. Its motor as

    ed travel.

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  • Specirop










    raph I/O

    hornet toN adapter

    eckhoff I,a,..,.,.i

    Bt4- channel












    > To A


    Atf YfPSSn(CSwitch

    E -Stop Input

    :od Focus Motor

    led Tip Motor

    led Tilt Motor

    clue Focus Motor

    Hue Tip Motor

    Clue Tilt Motor

    lack Illuminationce

    Integration wtransported tointo three maassembly. Treplacement aligned and tverification i 8.1 SpectroThe spectrogincludes an inIn order to fathe CANopecomponents. light sensor sroom and spusing a solid The servo mThe Copley cback illumina

    The AAO coelements of b0.185 mm. AThe device pfull map of th

    will occur at o Siding Sprinajor componenhe kinematic for shipping.

    tested, allows fis expected onc

    graph Electro

    graph control nput/output (I/acilitate remoteen devices. TThe I/O modu

    switch, and 4 cectrograph temstate relay.

    motor control uncontrollers drivation actuation

    9. SPECT

    ontracted Optimboth the blue aAsphericity of produces the inhe optical surf

    the AAO Sydg Observatory

    nts, the two Demounting of The keyed De

    for easy disassce the spectrog

    onic Control

    system (see F/O) module ande operation, theThe spectrograule reads inpuchannels of themperatures. Th

    nit is implemeve 7 motors on



    max Systems toand red camerathis magnitud

    nterferograms oface. Additiona

    dney laboratorfor installation

    ewar detector athe beam spl

    ewar detector embly in Sydnraph is deliver

    Figure 24) used servo drive ae electronics coaph CANopen

    uts from the opermocouple inpe I/O module p

    ented using 7 Cn the spectrogr

    Figure 24. El


    o manufacture a assemblies h

    de can be verifof multiple oveal test optics fo

    ries in North n in the UK Scassemblies in tlitter and VPHassembly allo

    ney and re-assered.

    es a CANopenamplifiers. Theontrol uses an n I/O moduleptical bench airputs. The thermprovides one o

    Copley Controraph, tip/tilt fo

    lectronic control


    the complete save the most a

    fied using an ierlapping sub-aor each aspheri

    Ryde and aftchmidt telescoptheir mounts, p

    H gratings allows simple repembly at site w

    n (Controller e system is scalEthernet to CA

    e is implemenr pressure swi

    mocouple chanoutput to contr

    ols CANopen mocus actuation

    l system


    set of optics foraspheric surfacindustry standaapertures, whicic surface are n

    ter testing the pe. The assembplus the main low for easy placement. Th

    with essentially

    Area Networklable for futureAN adapter, whnted with Beitch, spectrogrannels are used trol the back ill

    motor controlleon the Dewar


    r the TAIPANces, with maximard aperture stch are averagenot necessary,

    spectrograph bly easily disasspectrograph removal and e overall desig no re-alignme

    k) architecturee changes, if nehich provides aeckhoff Bus Taph door switcto monitor the lumination ligh

    er digital servodetectors and

    D TEST

    N spectrograph. mum depth remtitching interfeed and integrateas is the case w

    will be ssembles structure accurate gn, once ent. Only

    e, which ecessary. access to Terminal ch, room ambient

    ht power

    o drives. the fibre

    The last moval of erometer. ed into a with null

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-16

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  • 1





    it asto.





    0350 40(


  • PH grating2 wv RMS 0.022 wv

    tter Dichroic mirrorwv RMS 0.012 wv

    Red VPH grating

    PV 0.21 wv RMS

    eamsplitter in transV 0.16 wv RMS 0.02

    .037 wv

    The TAIPANof equal thickof the gratinghas shown thprocessing coand the AR cuncoated VPsmall size ofsent for the A

    Figure 26. T When applyiTypically thedeposition teAR coatingsgratings haveOptical for th The TAIPAN590 nm. A mrequired in thsubstrate for coating was dwas applied t


    N VPH gratingkness. The blugs uncoated an

    hat the delivereonstraints of thcoatings have b

    PH gratings andf the TAIPAN AR coating.


    ing an AR coate surface beingemperature to 1 are becominge been succeshe blue and red

    N dichroic beammultilayer coatihis case, are cothe TAIPAN

    deposited firstto the opposite

    27. The reflecte

    gs measure 110ue and red gratind then followed wavefront ohe VPH, distorbeen already dd verified the dgratings, the s

    gratings tested in

    ting to a VPH g coated is heat120°C, and preg more commosfully coated w

    d bandwidths.

    m splitter refleing was requireomposed of a ldichroic beam

    , to verify coate side of the sub

    ed wavefront off

    0 x 110 x 28 mings were fabri

    wing internal inf an assembledrtion can occureposited, they diffraction effisubstrates did n

    n transmission in

    grating strict tted to create beeferably 100°Con on bonded with a 0.5% r

    cts the blue waed to separate blarge amount o

    m splitter is 14ting performanbstrate. Both co

    f the dichroic (bl

    mm with the dificated by Kaise

    nspection applyd grating may nr on thin substwould have tociency (Figurenot acquire sig

    n zero order. P to

    temperature limetter adhesion. for safety marassemblies wieflectance, low

    avelength rangboth spectral cof thin films, w40 mm in diamnce and wavefroatings were m

    lue arm) and tran

    ffractive gelatiner Optical Systy the AR coatinot be sufficientrates. If post po be removed ae 25) and wavegnificant distor

    o V and RMS wa

    mits in the depThe grating ge

    rgin, as they arith a variety ow-temperature

    ge and transmitchannels efficiewhich may exemeter, and has ront quality (Fimanufactured b

    nsmitted wavefro

    ne layer enclostems. The AAOings to each sunt for a particupolishing of thand reapplied. efront quality (rtion. Subseque

    avefront is show

    osition processelatine and adhre sensitive to of thin film m

    AR coating, d

    ts the red with ently. Complexert bending strean aspect rati

    igure 27). Afteby Cascade Opt

    ont (red arm) in

    sed between twO chose to takurface. Past exular applicationhe grating is neThe AAO rece(Figure 26). Duently the gratin

    wn in waves at 63

    sing must be ohesive limit theheat. Low-tem

    materials. The Tdeveloped by

    the split wavex coatings, whess on a substrio of 1:7. The erward, the ARtical.

    waves at 632 nm

    wo plates ke receipt xperience n. Due to ecessary, eived the ue to the ngs were

    32 nm.

    observed. e coating

    mperature TAIPAN Cascade

    length at hich were rate. The dichroic

    R coating


    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-18

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  • Interferomete



    dlimator R

    -rVeturn flat

    uvera (Blue/Red

    Corrector lens

    9.1 Optical The testing operformance individually corrected by 28) over thecollimator ascameras.

    The full systor VPH gratiwindow. Thein the cryostaoptically. Thplane as show

    The alignmendesign the cprecision maexpectation t The first stepstructure, a preference to wangles are veand VPH gracryostats arecamera at apflattener is sltest spectrumwith a calibrathe spectral r

    testing and ve

    of the TAIPANrequirements

    by means of a each camera. A

    e full aperture.ssembly. A sim

    em test will being are not incle slit lens is intat. In the absenhe residual errown inFigure 29

    nt strategy of tcollimator andachining of ththat they will c

    p in the alignmpiloted referencwhich all anguerified throughatings are moune co-aligned wpproximately 1lightly decente

    m from a calibration lamp for resolution will


    N spectrograph have been mdouble pass in

    A null lens is n. A meniscus milar double p

    Figure 28.

    e performed, inluded. The colltegrated with t

    nce of the slit leor of this setup9. The return be

    Figure 29

    the spectrograpd cameras are he spectrograpo-aligned to le

    ment process ice target, and

    ular and transla an additional nted and adjustith the rest of degree and 0red. The cross ation lamp. Ththe alignment be evaluated fo

    encompasses aet. The collimnterferometric necessary for elens, with zer

    pass arrangeme

    Optical test setu

    n double pass,limator and camthe optical cabens and the fiep is compensaeam is formed

    9. Setup for testi

    ph is based upbuilt as suba

    ph structure aless than 2 arc m

    is to establish alignment scop

    ational degrees reference targeted in tip and ti

    f the system. T.5 degrees for talk between a

    he slit is installof the spectro

    for compliance

    a series of verimator and both

    test. The collimeach subsystemro power, corrent will be us

    up for TAIPAN

    with the collimmera assemblile, whereas the

    eld flattener, thated by a paralafter a reflecti

    ing collimator-ca

    pon by the modssemblies as llow assembly

    minutes upon at

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    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912 991223-19

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  • 10. SUMMARY TAIPAN is a spectroscopic instrument that incorporates a fibre positioning system, an optical spectrograph, and a fibre cable linking the positioner with the spectrograph slit. This paper has described the spectrograph, which is a novel all-refractive 2-arm design delivering a spectral resolution of R>2000 over the wavelength range 370-870 nm, and the fibre cable, which has been designed to maximize throughput and minimize focal degradation. All three aspects of the TAIPAN instrument will be installed at the UKST towards the end of 2016 and will commence science observations in 2017.


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