taf international celebration of · pdf file1992: rasem badran, jordan; jury brashkov,...


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Page 1: TAF INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF  · PDF file1992: Rasem Badran, Jordan; Jury Brashkov, Russia; Raul Hestnes Ferreira, Portugal; Juvenal Baracco, Peru; Ulf


Page 2: TAF INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF  · PDF file1992: Rasem Badran, Jordan; Jury Brashkov, Russia; Raul Hestnes Ferreira, Portugal; Juvenal Baracco, Peru; Ulf



Fredag 18. april

1330 Avreise med buss fra Leütenhaven i Trondheim1700 Innkvartering1730-1930 Koldbord i Apotekergården2000 Dick van Gameren, Nederland

Lørdag 19. april

0800-0900 Frokost0900-1000 Pushak, Norge1015-1145 Open City, Chile

1145-1330 Lunsj

1330-1445 Brian MacKay-Lyons, Canada1500-1700 Diébédo Francis Kéré, Burkina Faso

Eike Roswag, Tyskland

1930 Festmiddag i Sangerhuset Trondheim World Music Ensemble

Søndag 20.april

0800-1030 Frokost og utsjekking1030 Avreise til Olavsgruven. Guiding i gruven.1200-1300 Sami Rintala, Finland/ Norge1300-1400 Ingerid Helsing Almaas, Norge – Oppsummering1400 Lunch1530 Avreise

Seminarsted Sangerhuset

Kursavgift kr 2008,-inkl. koldbord og middag (ikke drikke)NB! Overnatting betales separat.

Overnatting Bestilles via TAF.Alle priser er pr. pers i to døgn inkl. frokost.


Leilighet (4 pers.) 1000,- Flersengsrom 990,-

Dobbeltrom 1180,- Dobbeltrom 1090,-

Enkelrom 2360,-

Det tas forbehold om at alle ønsker kan oppfylles. Deltakerne oppfordres til å organisere seg i leiligheter.

TransportBuss fra Leütenhaven, Trondheim kl 1330. Merk tiden! kr. 200,- t/r

PåmeldingPåmelding: Christiane Johannsen, e-post:[email protected] kursavgift gjelder som påmelding.

InnbetalingTrondhjems Arkitektforeningboks 265 – 7411 Trondheim

Kontonr.: 1503.04.07471

Påmeldingsfrist 11. april

Page 3: TAF INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF  · PDF file1992: Rasem Badran, Jordan; Jury Brashkov, Russia; Raul Hestnes Ferreira, Portugal; Juvenal Baracco, Peru; Ulf

WELCOME TO RØROS! The 11th TAF International Celebration of Architecture

The Trondheim Chapter (TAF) of the National Assosiation of Norwegian Architects has been arranging architectural celebrations at Røros since 1988, making this years event our 20th anniversary. Over the years, these bi-annual arrangements have become important events celebrating the common bonds between architects, irrespective of where they work in the world. It’s a place for architects to congregate, where projects and buildings are discussed and enjoyed.

There were no high-flying ideas behind the initiative. There were no problems to be solved, no particular issue to be debated; we simply wanted to invite fellow practicing architects from around the world, primarily from areas that we knew little about. All architects struggle with similar challenges, but in different settings and often without due recognition.

Out of this idea came an event celebrating the tribulations we go through in creating buildings to enhance our environment, and the exuberance felt when buildings come out “warm, dry and noble”, as the late Samuel Mockbee said.

International exchange between architects is easy, at times too easy, that is why we make an issue of architects meeting face to face and keeping it informal. We meet in the town of Røros, one of Norway’s World Heritage Sites, because it is such an extraordinary place to be together. Here Lecturers are invited to present works that carry particular significance to them.

The invited architects are people we have learnt about through word of mouth, ‘obscure’ publications, and/or regular architectural press. Their work has to carry a social significance, be architecturally innovative and challenging - and they have to be nice people.

On behalf of the Røros Committee 2008

Tore Wiger, Siri Rørholt, Are Øyasæter, Christiane Johannsen, Sverre Andreassen, Leif Baardstu, Hilde Bøkestad and Hans Skotte.


These have been our lecturers so far:

1988: Vilen Kunnapu, Estonia; Lasse Vtera ,Finland; Seppo Heinonen, Fredrik Prøsh, Evlyn Anderson and Lars Fredrik Nordland, Norway. 1990: Romi Khosla, India; Josè Forjas, Mosambique; Sigurdur Harason, Iseland; Thorsen & Dykers/ Snøhetta, Norway; Michael Lloyd, UK/ Norway; Ulrich Malicius, Torbjørn Eggen, Norway.1992: Rasem Badran, Jordan; Jury Brashkov, Russia; Raul Hestnes Ferreira, Portugal; Juvenal Baracco, Peru; Ulf Grønvold, Norway; J.O. Jensen, PC Brynildsen Norway; 1994: Ralph Erskine, Sweden; Jo Noero, South Africa; Kenneth Yeang, Malaysia; Amir Pasic, Bosnia Herzegovina; Kristin Jarmund, Norway; Heidi Bjøru, Norway.; Michael Lloyd, UK/Norway1996: Miguel Angel Roca, Argentina; Eko Prawato, Indonesia; Rodney Harber, South Africa; Carmen & Elin Corneil, Canada/ Norway; Einar Hagem, Lund Hagem, Norway. 1998: Farhad Ahmadi, Iran; Jan Søndergård, Denmark; Hans Venhuiszen, Netherlands; Ulla Vatrea, Finnland; Grov Haga, Sixten Rahllf, Harald Hille, Norway.2000: John Tuomey & Sheila O`Donnell, Ireland; Richardo Porro, Cuba/ France; Sanjay Mohe, India; Kari Järvinen, Finland; Ewa Kipka, Poland; Molne and Gertslauer, Norway; Ola Steen, Norway.2002: Daigu Ishii, Japan; Glenn Murcutt, Australia; Dorte Mandrup, Danmark; Simon Velez, Columbia; Nils Johan Mannsåker, Norway; Merethe Moum, Norway, Helge Solberg, Norway; Knut Einar Larsen, Norway.2004: Rifat Chardiji, Iran; Kengo Kuma, Japan, Smiljan Radic, Chile, Michael Lloyd, Spain/Norway/UK; Geir Brendeland/Olav Kristoffersen, Norway, Steve Christer/Studio Granda, Iceland, Reinhard Kropf/Helen & Hard, Norway2006: Kate Otten, South Africa; Rafael Iglesia, Argentina; Lie & Øien, Norway, Channa Daswatte, Sri Lanka, Juha Laiviskä, Finland, Elias Torres, Spain, Sunniva Neuenkirchen Rosenberg, Norway, Ingerid Helsing Almaas, Norway

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Dick van Gameren graduated from Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, in 1988.He has practised as an architect in different constellations. From 2005 he had his own practice. He has been teaching and worked with education for architects in all the years since he himself left architecture schoolIn 2007 they won the Aga Khan Award for the Dutch Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The embassy with the ambassador’s residence is situated in the site’s centre in a long, horizontal volume, seemingly carved out of the landscape like a traditional Ethiopian rock church.The outside walls are made of rough concrete in the same colour as the surrounding red earth.

The landscape intersects the volume on the borderline of the two functions.Here the road passes over the building, before dropping to the covered visitors entrance of the residence. The roof as a shallow pond with references to the Netherlands in the uneven Ethiopian landscape.


Page 5: TAF INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF  · PDF file1992: Rasem Badran, Jordan; Jury Brashkov, Russia; Raul Hestnes Ferreira, Portugal; Juvenal Baracco, Peru; Ulf


PUSHAK is the name of a Norwegian practice established in 2002. The founders are four young architects; Sissil Morseth Gromholt, Camilla Langeland, Marthe Melbye og Gyda Drage Kleiva. PUSHAK is focusing on local climate, energy consumption, local materials and other essential aspects in the aim of making sustainable architecture. By always discussing the balance between resources and possibilities, they work hard to keep the holistic perspective and create meaningful architecture out of a present situation.PUSHAK has high ambitions on technical skills and knowledge, and likes to interact in interdisciplinary processes and use new tools in their work.

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Open City Amereida is a site several thousand miles south of the equator along the Pacific coast of South America. Open City is a laboratory for thought and work, conceived and built by the faculty of architecture of the Catholic University of Valparaiso. Here architects, poets, artists, and engineers have been engaged in one of architectural education’s most radical experiments for several decades. It is an open place, in more than one meaning of the word, with an open destiny and a welcoming gesture to visitors.

Open City is a designed experimental field still in formation with no hierarchical networks of infrastructure, with strange buildings in a strong landscape. From the 1970s, research and design activities have been explored at this land. It is a place for collective life and work, bringing together different aspects of design. Here teaching take place on site and employs poetic methods to activate the design process. As part of the school’s curriculum all students and professors undertake yearly collective travels in Latin America - travesias - trying to find, register and define an identity based on other ideals than the imported architectural language and values from Europe. Travesias can be read as consequences of the poetic activities in Open City.

Two teachers from the Catholic University of Valparaiso architect Mauricio Puentes, and graphic designer Manuel Sanfuentes, will in their lecture present the unique environment of Open City Amareida and experiences from the Travesias.

A new trend through the last decades, both in architectural education as well as practice, is that it becomes more internationalized. A considerable amount of architect students take part of their education in other countries, in new educational contexts.

The two architecture students from NTNU, Rannveig Hägg Berge and Kari Risvold Vikan, chose the Catholic University of Valparaiso and Open City to spend one year as exchange students at the Catholic University of Valparaiso. Through an exhibition at the seminar they will present impressions about the school and their experiences from a different pedagogic and educational approach.

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Brian MacKay-Lyons is the first architect from North America to be invited to Røros. As we have sought the lesser known architects from what we deem ‘the periphery’ the North American region has been out of bounce – until now. MacKay-Lyons works in his native Nova Scotia, Canada which in many ways carries similar qualities to that of coastal Norway. It is a region whose climate and light holds properties which MacKay-Lyons has accentuated through his architecture. His use of timber is rooted in the insight generated by local use over centuries. His “regional construction method has influenced the thinking of MacKay-Lyons, rendering the work affordable, low-tech, tough, and absolutely modern”, says Glenn Murcutt, a former Røros guest and an admirer of MacKay-Lyon’s work. He continues, “(His) architecture shows clarity in planning, resulting in forms that are direct, simple and elegant. The buildings are beautifully sited and crafted. This is an honest, no-nonsense architecture that avoids the fashions of the day. It exhibits that rare quality – authenticity”. No wonder we’d like to have him come.

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Diébédo Francis Kéré is a young architect from Burkina Faso who studied in Berlin, Germany. Assisted by friends, he founded the “Schulbausteine für Gando” association while still studying. Its’ aims are to create buildings which meet climatic demands, and to support Burkina Faso’s inhabitants in their development.

In 2004 one of his projects - a Primary School in his home village Gando - won the »Aga Khan Award for Architecture« award.

Besides his occupation in his own architecture office, Francis Kéré is working as a lecturer at the Berlin University of Technology. His main subjects are housing, public building and urban development, strategies of climatically advantageous building and sustainable utilization of materials and local resources.

Yet, Francis Kéré does not confine his efforts to architecture. With the help of his association he strives to provide the people of his homeland with innovative development projects and better future perspectives thereby. The spectrum covers adult education, health care, and economic support for women bearing the greatest share of burdens in his home country. Consequently, his motto is “help to self-help”. Only those who take part in the development processes will be able to appreciate their results and to further develop them. This is also available for his architectural approach

Eike Roswag graduated from the Technical Univerisity in Berlin in 2000. Here, he has his own practice since 2006, the Roswag & Jankowski Architects Partnership. Anna Heringer studied in Austria at the Linz University of the Arts where she graduated in 2004. Since 2006 she is working with her dissertation about “Homemade: Practical strategies for sustainable building in the rural regions of northern Bangladesh making use of endogenous potential” at the Technical University in Munich, Germany.

Eike and Anna cooperated in the School project “School handmade” in Bangladesh, for which they were awarded several prizes – amongst others the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2007.

The building is made of earth and bamboo and built in traditional building techniques with technical improvements. The project demonstrates how locally available resources, abilities and labor can be used to build cost-effective and better buildings. 25 local laborers from the direct vicinity of the school were trained in the new techniques and took part in constructing the building.

“We believe that architecture is more than simply shelter. It is intimately connected with the creation of identity and self-confidence. And this is the basis of sustainable development.” (Anna Heringer, Eike Roswag

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Sami Rintala, born in 1969, is a Finnish architect based in Norway over the last years. Rintala has over the years developed a characteristic career, with the whole world as sites for his projects. Simultaneously boasting the status of architecture, teaching and art, his projects have been widely published and exhibited.His thinking and working methods are linked to architecture but often enriched by being interwoven with artistic approach. Many projects vibrate with an outstanding focus on quality of space, material, extreme construction, natural light and quality of place. Rintala aspires certain values and comment aspects of architectural profession, often in a surprising manner.

Rintala is a visiting professor at NTNU and has taught at all the three schools of architecture in Norway, and been an invited lecturer and teacher around the world.

Among resent projects in Norway we can mention the floating sauna in Hardanger fjord (2002), a two bedroom hotel in Kirkenes (2005), and the 19 square meter dwelling Box-Home in Oslo (2007). Resent projects abroad are Forest Observatory in Japan (2004) and Element House in Korea (2006).

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Trondheim World Music Ensemble, TWME, was started in 2000 by Kjell Oversand, teacher at The Music Deparment of NTNU, originally as a practice for students. Now most of the members are professional musicions. The Musical profile could both be called applied ethnomusicology, as well as an exsercise in global musicianship or global improvisation. They have travelled to Istanbul, Cuba and The Gambia, learning new rythmical concepts and new sound ideals by excellent local musicians. We are sure that this ensemble will fit very well into the concept of Rørosseminaret.

Ingerid Helsing Almaas was born in Oslo, Norway in 1965. After studying woodworking and introductory philosophy in Oslo, she moved on to architecture studies in the United Kingdom, first at Oxford Polytechnic (currently Oxford Brookes University) and graduating from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London in 1994. She has practised as an architect in London and in Oslo, and taught in the AA Diploma School with Pascal Schöning from 1995 to 1999. Moving back to Oslo in 1999, she has been teaching and commenting on architecture in various capacities, including as a consultant for the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. She has been external diploma examiner at the School of Architecture and Design in Oslo (AHO), the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and at the Architectural Association. She has worked as a freelance architectural writer and critic for several European architectural publications, before becoming editor-in-chief of Arkitektur N, the Norwegian Review of Architecture, in 2004.

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The Aga Khan Award for Architecture

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