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1  GEOGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT GEOGRAPHY AND ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL ORGANISATION 1.1 Geogra phic al posi ti on of Romania 1.2 Length of Romania’s borders 1.3 Major mountain peaks 1.4 Length o f ma jor rivers on Romanian terri tory 1.5 Major natural lakes 1.6 Major anthropic l akes 1.7 Average height of major towns in Romania 1.8 Administrati ve or ganisation of Roman ian territor y, on December 31, 2012 METEOROLOGY 1.9 Air temperature (monthly a nd yearl y av erage) 1.10 Air t emperat ure (mo nthly and y early a bsolute maximum and absolute minimum) 1.11 Precipitations (month ly and y ear ly qua nti ty) ENVIRONMENT Natural resources 1.12 Prot ected areas, in 2012 1.13 Biosph ere reserva tions and we tlands of in ternat ional importance, in 2012 1.14 National and nat ural park s, in 2012 1.15 Water resources assured, accor ding t o the arran gement level, in 2012 Environment factors quality 1.16 Sur face wa ters qual ity, in 2012 Environment protection measures 1.17 Investments for environme nt pro tection, in 2012 1.18 Intern al c urrent expendi ture f or en vironment pr otection, in 2012

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11 Geographical position of Romania

12 Length of Romaniarsquos borders

13 Major mountain peaks

14 Length of major rivers on Romanian territory

15 Major natural lakes

16 Major anthropic lakes

17 Average height of major towns in Romania18 Administrative organisation of Romanian territory on December 31 2012


19 Air temperature (monthly and yearly average)

110 Air temperature (monthly and yearly absolute maximum and absolute minimum)

111 Precipitations (monthly and yearly quantity)


Natural resources

112 Protected areas in 2012

113 Biosphere reservations and wetlands of international importance in 2012

114 National and natural parks in 2012

115 Water resources assured according to the arrangement level in 2012

Environment factors quality

116 Surface waters quality in 2012

Environment protection measures

117 Investments for environment protection in 2012

118 Internal current expenditure for environment protection in 2012

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21 Usual resident population by sex and area

22 Usual resident population by age group and sex on July 1

23 Usual resident population by age sex and area on January 1 2012

24 Usual resident population of counties municipalities and towns on October 20 2011

- Population and Housing Census

25 Classification of counties and localities by inhabitants number on October 20 2011

- Population and Housing Census

26 Vital statistics

27 Vital statistics by area28 Live-births by age group of parents

29 Live-births by live-birth order and age group of mother

210 Average age of mother at birth by area

211 Abortions by age group

212 Fertility rates by age group and total fertility rate

213 Deaths by age group and sex

214 Infant deaths by age group

215 Deaths by death causes

216 Infant deaths by cause of death

217 Life expectancy by sex and area

218 Marriages by age group of spouses

219 Marriages by previous marital status of spouses

220 Average age at marriage and averageage at first marriage by area

221 Divorces by age group of spouses

222 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

223 Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing by area and sex

224 Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing by age group and area

225 Structure of urban and rural internal migration flows determined by

permanent residence changing226 Emigrants by sex and age group on January 1

227 Emigrants by country of destination on January 1

228 Immigrants by sex and age group on January 1

229 International migration determined by change of usual residence by sex

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230 Population and population density at territorial level on censuses

231 Usual resident population at territorial level by sex and area on October 20 2011

232 Usual resident population at territorial level and by age group on October 20 2011

233 Vital statistics at territorial level and by area in 2012

234 Age - specific fertility rates at territorial level and by age group in 2012

235 Life expectancy at territorial level by sex and area in 2012

236 Deaths by death causes at territorial level in 2012

237 Average age of spouses at marriage date at territorial level and by area in 2012

238 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

at territorial level in 2012239 Internal migration determined by change of permanent residence at territorial level

and by area in 2012



31 Population by participation in economic activity by sex and area

32 Activity employment and unemployment rates by educational level sex and area

33 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by age group in 2012

34 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by status in employment

in 2012

35 Population structure by participation in economic activity by age group sex

and area in 2012

36 Employment structure by educational level by age group sex and area in 2012

37 Employment structure by occupation group age group sex and area in 201238 Employment structure by status in employment by age group sex and area in 2012

39 Civil employment by activity of national economy

310 Civil employment by activity of national economy and by type of ownership in 2012

311 Average number of employees by activity of national economy by sex and

by ownership type

312 Average number of employees by ownership type enterprises size class and by sex

313 Average number of employees by activity of industry by sex and by ownership type

314 Employees by activity of national economy and by sex on December 31 2012

315 Employees by activity of industry and by sex on December 31 2012

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316 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate

317 Persons who attend vocational training courses

318 Registered unemployed by educational level and by age group

on December 31 2012

319 Registered unemployed receiving unemployment indemnities by age group and

by unemployment duration on December 31 2012

320 Long term unemployed by sex and area


321 Number of injured at work by activity of national economy in 2012

322 Claims which caused conflicts of interest323 Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency

324 Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by Law no 168 1999

325 Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy

326 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy

327 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy

328 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups

329 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups


330 Population by participation in economic activity at territorial level by sex and area

331 Activity employment and unemployment rates at territorial level by educational

evel by sex and area in 2012

332 Population structure by participation in economic activity at territorial level by

age group sex and area in 2012

333 Employment structure at territorial level by educational level by age group sex

and area in 2012

334 Employment structure at territorial level by status in employment by age group

sex and area in 2012335 Employment structure at territorial level by activity of national economy and by

age group in 2012

336 Civil employment at territorial level and by activity of national economy in 2012

337 Average number of employees at territorial level

338 Average number of employees at territorial level and by sex

339 Average number of employees at territorial level and by activity of national economy

in 2012

340 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate at territorial level on

December 31 2012

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341 Registered unemployed at territorial level by category of personnel and educational

level on December 31 2012

342 Long term unemployed at territorial level by sex and area

343 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

344 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

345 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

346 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

347 Number of injured at work at territorial level in 2012

348 Conflicts of interest at territorial level in 2012



41 Total income of households

42 Total income of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012

43 Total income of households by decile in 2012

44 Distribution of households and of persons from households by decile in 2012

45 Indices of real earnings

46 Average gross salaries by main activity of national economy obtained in October 2012

47 Structure of employees by gross salary group obtained in October 2012

48 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of national economy

and by sex

49 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

410 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size class

and by sex

411 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size classand by sex

412 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

413 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of industry and by sex

414 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

415 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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21 Usual resident population by sex and area

22 Usual resident population by age group and sex on July 1

23 Usual resident population by age sex and area on January 1 2012

24 Usual resident population of counties municipalities and towns on October 20 2011

- Population and Housing Census

25 Classification of counties and localities by inhabitants number on October 20 2011

- Population and Housing Census

26 Vital statistics

27 Vital statistics by area28 Live-births by age group of parents

29 Live-births by live-birth order and age group of mother

210 Average age of mother at birth by area

211 Abortions by age group

212 Fertility rates by age group and total fertility rate

213 Deaths by age group and sex

214 Infant deaths by age group

215 Deaths by death causes

216 Infant deaths by cause of death

217 Life expectancy by sex and area

218 Marriages by age group of spouses

219 Marriages by previous marital status of spouses

220 Average age at marriage and averageage at first marriage by area

221 Divorces by age group of spouses

222 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

223 Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing by area and sex

224 Internal migration determined by permanent residence changing by age group and area

225 Structure of urban and rural internal migration flows determined by

permanent residence changing226 Emigrants by sex and age group on January 1

227 Emigrants by country of destination on January 1

228 Immigrants by sex and age group on January 1

229 International migration determined by change of usual residence by sex

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230 Population and population density at territorial level on censuses

231 Usual resident population at territorial level by sex and area on October 20 2011

232 Usual resident population at territorial level and by age group on October 20 2011

233 Vital statistics at territorial level and by area in 2012

234 Age - specific fertility rates at territorial level and by age group in 2012

235 Life expectancy at territorial level by sex and area in 2012

236 Deaths by death causes at territorial level in 2012

237 Average age of spouses at marriage date at territorial level and by area in 2012

238 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

at territorial level in 2012239 Internal migration determined by change of permanent residence at territorial level

and by area in 2012



31 Population by participation in economic activity by sex and area

32 Activity employment and unemployment rates by educational level sex and area

33 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by age group in 2012

34 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by status in employment

in 2012

35 Population structure by participation in economic activity by age group sex

and area in 2012

36 Employment structure by educational level by age group sex and area in 2012

37 Employment structure by occupation group age group sex and area in 201238 Employment structure by status in employment by age group sex and area in 2012

39 Civil employment by activity of national economy

310 Civil employment by activity of national economy and by type of ownership in 2012

311 Average number of employees by activity of national economy by sex and

by ownership type

312 Average number of employees by ownership type enterprises size class and by sex

313 Average number of employees by activity of industry by sex and by ownership type

314 Employees by activity of national economy and by sex on December 31 2012

315 Employees by activity of industry and by sex on December 31 2012

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316 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate

317 Persons who attend vocational training courses

318 Registered unemployed by educational level and by age group

on December 31 2012

319 Registered unemployed receiving unemployment indemnities by age group and

by unemployment duration on December 31 2012

320 Long term unemployed by sex and area


321 Number of injured at work by activity of national economy in 2012

322 Claims which caused conflicts of interest323 Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency

324 Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by Law no 168 1999

325 Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy

326 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy

327 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy

328 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups

329 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups


330 Population by participation in economic activity at territorial level by sex and area

331 Activity employment and unemployment rates at territorial level by educational

evel by sex and area in 2012

332 Population structure by participation in economic activity at territorial level by

age group sex and area in 2012

333 Employment structure at territorial level by educational level by age group sex

and area in 2012

334 Employment structure at territorial level by status in employment by age group

sex and area in 2012335 Employment structure at territorial level by activity of national economy and by

age group in 2012

336 Civil employment at territorial level and by activity of national economy in 2012

337 Average number of employees at territorial level

338 Average number of employees at territorial level and by sex

339 Average number of employees at territorial level and by activity of national economy

in 2012

340 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate at territorial level on

December 31 2012

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341 Registered unemployed at territorial level by category of personnel and educational

level on December 31 2012

342 Long term unemployed at territorial level by sex and area

343 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

344 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

345 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

346 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

347 Number of injured at work at territorial level in 2012

348 Conflicts of interest at territorial level in 2012



41 Total income of households

42 Total income of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012

43 Total income of households by decile in 2012

44 Distribution of households and of persons from households by decile in 2012

45 Indices of real earnings

46 Average gross salaries by main activity of national economy obtained in October 2012

47 Structure of employees by gross salary group obtained in October 2012

48 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of national economy

and by sex

49 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

410 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size class

and by sex

411 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size classand by sex

412 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

413 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of industry and by sex

414 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

415 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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230 Population and population density at territorial level on censuses

231 Usual resident population at territorial level by sex and area on October 20 2011

232 Usual resident population at territorial level and by age group on October 20 2011

233 Vital statistics at territorial level and by area in 2012

234 Age - specific fertility rates at territorial level and by age group in 2012

235 Life expectancy at territorial level by sex and area in 2012

236 Deaths by death causes at territorial level in 2012

237 Average age of spouses at marriage date at territorial level and by area in 2012

238 Divorces by number of under age children remained through marriage dissolution

at territorial level in 2012239 Internal migration determined by change of permanent residence at territorial level

and by area in 2012



31 Population by participation in economic activity by sex and area

32 Activity employment and unemployment rates by educational level sex and area

33 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by age group in 2012

34 Employment structure by activity of national economy and by status in employment

in 2012

35 Population structure by participation in economic activity by age group sex

and area in 2012

36 Employment structure by educational level by age group sex and area in 2012

37 Employment structure by occupation group age group sex and area in 201238 Employment structure by status in employment by age group sex and area in 2012

39 Civil employment by activity of national economy

310 Civil employment by activity of national economy and by type of ownership in 2012

311 Average number of employees by activity of national economy by sex and

by ownership type

312 Average number of employees by ownership type enterprises size class and by sex

313 Average number of employees by activity of industry by sex and by ownership type

314 Employees by activity of national economy and by sex on December 31 2012

315 Employees by activity of industry and by sex on December 31 2012

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316 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate

317 Persons who attend vocational training courses

318 Registered unemployed by educational level and by age group

on December 31 2012

319 Registered unemployed receiving unemployment indemnities by age group and

by unemployment duration on December 31 2012

320 Long term unemployed by sex and area


321 Number of injured at work by activity of national economy in 2012

322 Claims which caused conflicts of interest323 Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency

324 Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by Law no 168 1999

325 Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy

326 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy

327 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy

328 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups

329 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups


330 Population by participation in economic activity at territorial level by sex and area

331 Activity employment and unemployment rates at territorial level by educational

evel by sex and area in 2012

332 Population structure by participation in economic activity at territorial level by

age group sex and area in 2012

333 Employment structure at territorial level by educational level by age group sex

and area in 2012

334 Employment structure at territorial level by status in employment by age group

sex and area in 2012335 Employment structure at territorial level by activity of national economy and by

age group in 2012

336 Civil employment at territorial level and by activity of national economy in 2012

337 Average number of employees at territorial level

338 Average number of employees at territorial level and by sex

339 Average number of employees at territorial level and by activity of national economy

in 2012

340 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate at territorial level on

December 31 2012

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341 Registered unemployed at territorial level by category of personnel and educational

level on December 31 2012

342 Long term unemployed at territorial level by sex and area

343 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

344 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

345 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

346 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

347 Number of injured at work at territorial level in 2012

348 Conflicts of interest at territorial level in 2012



41 Total income of households

42 Total income of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012

43 Total income of households by decile in 2012

44 Distribution of households and of persons from households by decile in 2012

45 Indices of real earnings

46 Average gross salaries by main activity of national economy obtained in October 2012

47 Structure of employees by gross salary group obtained in October 2012

48 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of national economy

and by sex

49 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

410 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size class

and by sex

411 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size classand by sex

412 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

413 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of industry and by sex

414 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

415 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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316 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate

317 Persons who attend vocational training courses

318 Registered unemployed by educational level and by age group

on December 31 2012

319 Registered unemployed receiving unemployment indemnities by age group and

by unemployment duration on December 31 2012

320 Long term unemployed by sex and area


321 Number of injured at work by activity of national economy in 2012

322 Claims which caused conflicts of interest323 Conflicts of interest and their monthly frequency

324 Strikes initiated by observing the procedure provided by Law no 168 1999

325 Conflicts of interest by activity of national economy

326 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy

327 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy

328 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups

329 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups


330 Population by participation in economic activity at territorial level by sex and area

331 Activity employment and unemployment rates at territorial level by educational

evel by sex and area in 2012

332 Population structure by participation in economic activity at territorial level by

age group sex and area in 2012

333 Employment structure at territorial level by educational level by age group sex

and area in 2012

334 Employment structure at territorial level by status in employment by age group

sex and area in 2012335 Employment structure at territorial level by activity of national economy and by

age group in 2012

336 Civil employment at territorial level and by activity of national economy in 2012

337 Average number of employees at territorial level

338 Average number of employees at territorial level and by sex

339 Average number of employees at territorial level and by activity of national economy

in 2012

340 Registered unemployed and unemployment rate at territorial level on

December 31 2012

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341 Registered unemployed at territorial level by category of personnel and educational

level on December 31 2012

342 Long term unemployed at territorial level by sex and area

343 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

344 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

345 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

346 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

347 Number of injured at work at territorial level in 2012

348 Conflicts of interest at territorial level in 2012



41 Total income of households

42 Total income of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012

43 Total income of households by decile in 2012

44 Distribution of households and of persons from households by decile in 2012

45 Indices of real earnings

46 Average gross salaries by main activity of national economy obtained in October 2012

47 Structure of employees by gross salary group obtained in October 2012

48 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of national economy

and by sex

49 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

410 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size class

and by sex

411 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size classand by sex

412 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

413 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of industry and by sex

414 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

415 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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341 Registered unemployed at territorial level by category of personnel and educational

level on December 31 2012

342 Long term unemployed at territorial level by sex and area

343 Number of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

344 Rate of vacancies by activity of national economy at territorial level in 2012

345 Number of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

346 Rate of vacancies by major occupation groups at territorial level in 2012

347 Number of injured at work at territorial level in 2012

348 Conflicts of interest at territorial level in 2012



41 Total income of households

42 Total income of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012

43 Total income of households by decile in 2012

44 Distribution of households and of persons from households by decile in 2012

45 Indices of real earnings

46 Average gross salaries by main activity of national economy obtained in October 2012

47 Structure of employees by gross salary group obtained in October 2012

48 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of national economy

and by sex

49 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

410 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size class

and by sex

411 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type enterprise size classand by sex

412 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of

national economy and by sex

413 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings by activity of industry and by sex

414 Average gross nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

415 Average net nominal monthly earnings by ownership type activity of industry

and by sex

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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416 Quarterly labour cost indices by activity of national economy in 2012

417 Structural indicators of earnings and labour cost statistics

418 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of

national economy in 2012

419 Average monthly labour cost and average hourly labour cost by activity of industry

in 2012


420 Total expenditure of households

421 Total expenditure of households grouped by number of component persons in 2012422 Total expenditure of households by decile in 2012

423 Structure of total consumption expenditure of households

424 Structure of money expenditure for households consumption

425 Yearly average consumption for the main food products and beverages per inhabitant

426 Daily average food consumption (expressed in calories and nutrients) per inhabitant

427 Households endowment with durable goods


428 Average gross and net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by sex in 2012

429 Average gross nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

430 Average net nominal monthly earnings at territorial level and by activity of

national economy in 2012

431 Total income of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

432 Total expenditure of main household categories at territorial level in 2012

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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51 Dwellings stock

52 Balance of dwellings stock

53 Finished dwellings

54 Finished dwellings by type of installations they are endowed with and financing funds

55 Finished dwellings by number of habitation rooms and financing sources

56 Town streets

57 Local public passengers transport

58 Local public passengers transport by type of vehicles of transport

59 Public sewerage and green spaces510 Natural gas distribution network and volume

511 Drinking water supply network and volume


512 Dwellings stock at territorial level and by type of ownership on December 31 2012

513 Finished dwellings at territorial level in 2012

514 Town streets at territorial level on December 31 2012

515 Local public passengers transport at territorial level on December 31 2012

516 Public sewerage and green spaces at territorial level on December 31 2012

517 Natural gas distribution network and volume at territorial level in 2012

518 Volume of drinking water supplied to the users at territorial level in 2012

519 Drinking water supply network at territorial level in 2012

520 Localities provided with thermal energy at territorial level on December 31 2012



61 Expenditure for unemployed social protection62 Unemployment benefits

63 Public expenditure on labour market by expenditure category and type of

public interventions


64 Average number of pensioners

65 Monthly average pension

66 State social insurance pensioners by level of pension on December 31 2012

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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67 Average real pension indices of state social insurance pensioners

68 Tickets for balneary treatment and rest granted by means of social insurance

69 Tickets for balneary treatment granted by means of state social insurance by spa


610 Allowances and other benefits granted to the population - number of beneficiaries

- paid amounts

611 Number of functional placement centers and of alternative services

612 Number of children from placement centers by age groups

613 Units from special education614 Under age persons with deficiencies from social assistance institutions for

disabled adult persons

615 Children and pupils from special education by level of education and by age

616 Pupils from special primary and secondary education by type of units

617 Social assistance institutions for disabled adult persons

618 Number of beneficiaries from the protection system of child under difficulty

619 Disabled persons assisted in public institutions of social assistance for disabled

adult persons on December 31 2012

620 Income and expenditure of social protection

621 Expenditure of social protection by category of expenditure and by functions

of social protection in 2011

622 Weight of expenditure within each function of social benefit in total expenditure

of social benefits and in Gross Domestic Product


623 Expenditure for unemployed social protection at territorial level in 2012

624 Average number of pensioners and monthly average state social insurance pension

at territorial level in 2012

625 State allowance for children at territorial level in 2012626 Benefit for child raising and monthly incentive at territorial level in 2012

627 Allowance for family support at territorial level in 2012

628 Subsidies for associations and foundations at territorial level in 2012

629 Social allowance assuring the minimum guaranteed income at territorial level

in 2012

630 Provisions for disabled persons at territorial level in 2012

631 Monthly food benefit for AIDS infected or sick persons at territorial level in 2012

632 Social assistance canteens under the local council at territorial level in 2012

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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633 Social canteens of non-governmental organisations or other representatives

of civil society at territorial level in 2012

634 Elderly persons homes under local councils subordination at territorial level

in 2012

635 Elderly persons homes created by non-governmental organisations at territorial

level in 2012

636 Elderly persons homes at territorial level in 2012


71 Sanitary units by type of ownership

72 Medical-sanitary staff

73 Beds from sanitary units

74 Hospital beds related to medical specialities

75 New cases of infectious and parasitic diseases

76 New cases of illness by disease classes declared by family doctors

77 Breakdown of registered AIDS cases by age group sex and way of transmission

78 Breakdown of persons who received treatment following drugs consumption

by sex age group and drug type

79 Number of patients out of hospital by disease classes

710 Emergency medical assistance

711 Blood collecting and preserving


712 Sanitary units at territorial level in 2012

713 Hospital beds and medical-sanitary staff at territorial level in 2012

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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81 Education by level of education

82 School aged population by level of education and by sex

83 Teaching staff by level of education and by sex

84 Graduates by level of education

85 School aged population by level of education and type of school

86 Enrolment rate for school aged population

87 Pupils enrolled in pre-university education by foreign language studied

88 Pre-university education by teaching language

89 Number of pupils and graduates from high school education by type of high schools810 High school education by branches and profiles

811 Vocational post high school and foremen education by type of school and

training profile

812 Special education

813 Tertiary education by locality

814 Tertiary education by group of specializations

815 Tertiary education from private institutions by locality in 2012 2013 academic year

816 Tertiary education from private institutions by group of specializations

817 Education by level of education from private institutions

818 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination

819 Abandon rate in pre-university education


820 School aged population at territorial level and level of education

in 20122013 school year

821 Pre-school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

822 Primary and secondary education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

823 High school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

824 Vocational education at territorial level in 20122013 school year825 Post high school education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

826 Foremen education at territorial level in 20122013 school year

827 Tertiary education at territorial level in 20122013 academic year

828 Number of pupils who graduated the School Leaving Examination at territorial level

in 20112012 school year

829 Graduates at territorial level and level of education in 20112012 school academic year

830 Abandon rate in pre-university education at territorial level in 20112012 school year

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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91 Printed books and booklets which entered the Legal Book Stock of the National


92 Printed school books and university courses by teaching language

93 Libraries

94 Newspapers magazines and other periodicals

95 Museums and public collections

96 Cinemas

97 Film production98 Institutions and companies for arts performing or concerts

99 Radio and television broadcasts (state majority ownership)

910 Structure of radio and TV stations terrestrial broadcasts (private majority ownership)


911 Sport federations in 2012

912 General hierarchy on official international contests by federations in 2012

913 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic and Paralympic Games

World and European Championships

914 Medals obtained by Romanian sportsmen by sport branches in the

Olympic Games 1896-2012

915 Participation of Romanian sportsmen in the Olympic Games


916 Libraries at territorial level in 2012

917 Cinemas at territorial level in 2012

918 Sport activity at territorial level in 2012

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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101 Consumer price indices

102 Consumer price indices for the main groups of goods and services

103 Harmonized consumer price indices for groups of goods and services according

to the COICOP classification

104 Industrial production price indices

105 Industrial production price indices by main industrial groups

106 Average purchasing prices for main agricultural products

107 Price indices for the main agricultural products

108 Price indices for the main products that represent intermediate consumptionin agriculture

109 Average prices for the main products sold on the agro-food markets in 2012


111 Gross domestic product by category of resources

112 Gross domestic product by category of uses

113 Indices of gross domestic product by category of resources and category of uses

114 Macroeconomic aggregates by institutional sector

115 Specific indicators for institutional sector

116 Main aggregates per inhabitant

117 Ratios specific to national accounts

118 Employment by activity of national economy and by status of employment

119 Hours worked by employment by activity of national economy and by status

of employment

1110 Labour productivity by employed person

1111 Labour productivity per hour worked1112 Production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity

1113 Indices of production intermediate consumption and gross value added by activity


1114 Regional gross domestic product in 2008

1115 Regional gross domestic product in 2009

1116 Regional gross domestic product in 2010

1117 Regional gross domestic product in 2011

1118 Regional gross domestic product

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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121 Net investments by activity of national economy

122 Net investments by financing source

123 Net investments by structural elements

124 Net investment indices by activity of national economy

125 Net investments by activity of industry

126 Net investment indices by activity of industry

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS127 Tangible fixed assets balance

128 Tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

129 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of national economy

1210 Tangible fixed assets by activity of industry

1211 Indices of tangible fixed assets by activity of industry



131 Main indicators from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of ownership

132 Employees from research-development activity by occupation and training level

133 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and occupation

134 Researchers from research-development activity by scientific field

135 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance

and training level136 Employees from research-development activity by sector of performance and

training level according to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

137 Researchers from research-development activity by sector of performance

and age group

138 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and occupation

139 Employees from research-development activity in business sector by

economic activity and training level

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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1310 Current expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and type of research

1311 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and expenditure category

1312 Total expenditure from research-development activity by sector of performance

and financing source

1313 Total expenditure from research-development activity in business sector

by economic activity and expenditure category

1314 Number of projects and total research-development expenditure according to NABS

by type of financing sources for the research-development activity in 2012


1315 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation during 2008-2010

1316 Innovators typology during 2008-2010

1317 Turnover of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1318 Employees number of innovative enterprises by activity and size class in 2010

1319 Weight of turnover of enterprises with product innovation in total turnover of

innovative enterprises in 2010

1320 Weight of enterprises with products andor process innovation which indicated

high important objectives in total innovative enterprises during 2008-2010

1321 Technological innovation expenditure in 2010

1322 Enterprises with technological innovation which benefitted of public funds in

total innovative enterprises by type of public funds during 2008-2010

1323 Weight of enterprises with technological innovation based on cooperation

in total innovative enterprises by cooperation partner type and geographical

location of partner during 2008-2010


1324 Submitted patent applications

1325 Granted and published patents1326 Other objects of industrial property


1327 Research-development activity at territorial level

1328 Employees from research-development activity at territorial level and occupation

1329 Total expenditure from research-development activity at territorial level

and expenditure category

1330 Enterprises with technological innovation by type of innovation at territorial level

during 2008-2010

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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1331 Innovators typology at territorial level during 2008-2010

1332 Technological innovation expenditure at territorial level in 2010

1333 Submitted patent applications by Romanian applicants at territorial level

1334 Designs and models registration applications by Romanian applicants

at territorial level

1335 Trademarks registration applications of Romanian applicants at territorial level



141 Total land fund by use

142 Agricultural area by use in 2012

143 Agricultural holdings which used agricultural areas and or owned livestock

by legal status of agricultural holdings

144 Agricultural holdings agricultural area in use and agricultural area in use as average

per agricultural holding by legal status of agricultural holdings

145 Agricultural holdings by use category and size class of agricultural area in use

146 Agricultural holdings by main crops in arable land by size class of agricultural

area in use

147 Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock by species by size class

of agricultural area in use

148 Agricultural branch production

149 Production of the main agricultural products per inhabitant

1410 Cultivated area by main crops

1411 Crop production for main crops

1412 Average yield for main crops1413 Area of bearing vineyards and production of grapes

1414 Fruit production

1415 Livestock

1416 Livestock per 100 hectares of land

1417 Animal production

1418 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery

1419 Chemical and natural fertilizers used in agriculture

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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1420 Forest fund

1421 Artificial regeneration

1422 Cutting wood area

1423 Harvested wood volume

1424 Volume of wood exploited by economic operators with forestry activity


1425 Total land fund by use at territorial level on December 31 2012

1426 Cultivated area by main crops at territorial level in 20121427 Agricultural branch production at territorial level in 2012

1428 Crop production for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1429 Average yield for main crops at territorial level in 2012

1430 Area of bearing vineyards at territorial level in 2012

1431 Production of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1432 Average yield of grapes at territorial level in 2012

1433 Fruit production at territorial level in 2012

1434 Livestock at territorial level on December 1 2012

1435 Animal production at territorial level in 2012

1436 Park of tractors and of main agricultural machinery at territorial level in 2012

1437 Harvested wood volume at territorial level in 2012


151 Active economic and social operators of national economy by size class

152 New and active economic operators from industry construction trade and

other services by legal type153 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by size class

154 Concentration of enterprises by activity of national economy in 2012

155 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by legal type

156 Active enterprises by activity of national economy and by type of ownership

by nature of social capital

157 Active small and medium enterprises from industry construction trade and

other services by activity of national economy

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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158 Weight of staff in active small and medium enterprises in total staff of enterprises

from industry construction trade and other services by activity

of national economy

159 Weight of turnover achieved by active small and medium enterprises in the turnover

of total enterprises from industry construction trade and other services by

activity of national economy

1510 Main economic and financial indicators of enterprises by size class

1511 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity industry and construction by

of national economy

1512 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity trade by activity of

national economy1513 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services mainly rendered

to the population by activity of national economy

1514 Turnover for enterprises having as main activity market services by activity

of national economy

1515 Private entrepreneurs by activity

1516 Enterprises with financial banking and insurance activity

1517 Public administration institutions by type

1518 Private administration organisations by type


1519 Active local units from industry construction trade and other services at

territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1520 Turnover of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1521 Gross and net investments of active local units from industry construction trade and

other services at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

1522 Staff of active local units from industry construction trade and other services

at territorial level by activity of national economy and by size class in 2012

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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161 Industrial production indices by activity of industry

162 Labour productivity indices per employee and by activity of industry


163 Primary energy resources

164 Primary energy production

165 Energy independence degree

166 Installed capacity and production of electric energy167 Energy consumption

168 Structure of thermoelectric energy production by type of fuel consumed

169 Fuel specific consumption for producing thermoelectric energy


1610 Construction works by manner of performing

1611 Indices of construction works and of labour productivity

1612 Construction works on contract by category of objects


171 Goods transport by mode of transport

172 Railways under operation

173 Means of rail inland waterways and sea transport

174 Railway transport by type of goods

175 Goods transport at ports by type of goods in 2012

176 Goods transport by road by destination and type of transport in 2012177 Goods transport by road by type of vehicles transport capacity and type

of transport in 2012

178 Road transport by type of goods and category of transport in 2012

179 Goods transport by road by category of hazardous goods and type of transport

in 2012

1710 Passengers transport by mode of transport

1711 Registered motor vehicles and road traffic injury accidents

1712 Public roads

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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1713 Registered civil aircrafts

1714 Airports transport

1715 Post offices and telephony units

1716 Activities of post

1717 Activities of telephony


1718 Public roads at territorial level on December 31 2012

1719 Railways under operation at territorial level on December 31 2012

1720 Post activities at territorial level in 2012

1721 Telephony activities at territorial level in 2012


181 Exports imports and balance of international trade operations

182 Unit value indices of international trade

183 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by section according to SITC Rev 4

184 International trade by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)

185 International trade according to Classification of Products and Services

by Activities (CPA 2008)

186 Exports (FOB) and imports (CIF) by mode of transport

187 International trade by main partner countries

188 International trade by section and main chapters according to the

Combined Nomenclature (CN)

189 International trade of Romania with the European Unionrsquos countries

by section according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in 2012



191 Retail by group of goods

192 Indices of retail by group of goods

193 Commercial network of retail enterprises

194 Indices on wholesale and retail maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

and motorcycles

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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195 Market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

196 Indices of market services mainly rendered to the population by activity

197 Market services mainly rendered to enterprises by activity


201 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation202 Touristic accommodation capacity

203 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

and touristic accommodation capacity by category of comfort

204 Arrivals of tourists in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

205 Overnight stays in the establishments of touristic reception with functions

of touristic accommodation

206 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by touristic destination

207 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity by type of ownership

208 Indices of net using the touristic accommodation capacity in operation

209 Tourism organized by travel agencies by touristic action and touristic area

2010 Number of tourists travels and overnight stays by main purpose of the travel

2011 International trips registered at Romaniarsquos borders

2012 Travels abroad for holidays and business by destination country

2013 Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania by main origin countries and departures

of Romanian visitors abroad

2014 Internal travels of residents for holidays and business by touristic area by

travel duration and organizer


2015 Establishments of touristic reception with functions of touristic accommodation

at territorial level on July 31 2012

2016 Touristic accommodation capacity and activity at territorial level in 2012

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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211 Execution of the state budgets

212 Execution of the local budgets

213 Execution of the state social insurance budget

214 Annual average reference exchange rate of national currency as against

main currencies

215 Broad money and its counterpart

216 Domestic credit

217 Monetary balance sheet of the National Bank of Romania

218 Aggregate monetary balance sheet of monetary financial institutions andmonetary market funds

219 Balance of payments

2110 Insurance by activity fields in 2012

2111 Insurance companies by type of ownership

2112 Investments of insurance companies


2113 Execution of the local budgets at territorial level in 2012


221 Number of judges and of penal and civil actions which entered the Courts of Justice

222 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice

223 Persons definitively convicted by punishment type

224 Persons definitively convicted by category of offences

225 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers

226 Persons definitively convicted in penitentiaries by length of prison sentence

227 Judicial phenomenon in civil matter228 Offences investigated and solved by the Police


229 Persons definitively convicted by the Courts of Justice at territorial level

2210 Offences investigated and solved by the Police and offence rate at territorial level

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)

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231 Population projection by continent until 2050 (estimates)

232 Area population on July 1 and capitals of countries and territories

233 Romania in the world in 2011234 Romania and the European Union in 2012

235 Population by country on July 1

236 Vital statistics in 2012

237 Life expectancy in 2012

238 Employment by main activities of national economy in 2011

239 Unemployed and unemployment rate

2310 Indices of gross domestic product

2311 Contribution of major activities to gross domestic product in 2011

2312 Structure of gross domestic product by component according to expenditure method

in 2012

Results of the European Comparison Programme of gross domestic product (GDP)

2313 Gross domestic product per capita

2314 Price level indices and volume indices per capita in Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)

(EU - 27 = 100)

2315 Consumer price index

2316 Industrial production indices

2317 World production of main industrial products

2318 Primary energy production and consumption per inhabitant in 2010

2319 Production of the main industrial products

2320 Construction production indices

2321 Structure of the total area by use in 2011

2322 Output of the main agricultural products

2323 Livestock (at the beginning of the year)

2324 Biodiversity

2325 Length and density of operating railways in 2010

2326 International sea transport

2327 Road traffic accidents

2328 International trade of certain countries in 2012

2329 Weight of certain countries in world international trade

2330 Balance of payments in 2011

2331 School aged population and public expenditure for education in 20112012

2332 Staff in the research-development activity and the expenditure on research-development

in 2010

2333 Access to telecommunications in 2011

2334 Internet users fixed broadband subscriptions number of computers anf households with

a computer2335 Gold reserves (end of period)