t61 i btf ionnin january

Y- t61 r h < I i I r btf Ionnin r fetoj I t t 1VOLUMF XI f COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 I Campbellsville f > f A representative of The News spent two days in Campbellsville last week Notwithstanding the weather was dis ¬ agreeably cold the merchants bankers jS trocerymen and druggist were busy waiting upon trade making settlements etc He learned that a great deal of valuable improvements would be made during the present year A number of residents are to be erected and four or- ive handsome business houses Mr- fieQ H Gowdy cashier of the National bank will erect a new banking house and install modern fixturers and two houses to be used for general stores The three buildings win be brick an c- will I jf be in a block on Main street Mr howdy owns more reality on Main street than any other one person quite a number of handsome business houses having been built at his ex ¬ r1 ense in the last few years He visit ¬ ed the establishment of Buchanan Lyo Co and found the proprietors and the employees all on the move This firm did a very large business during the year 1909 and everything indicates that it will have a much arger trade during the present year Arrangements leave already been made for spring sup ¬ plies and in a few weeks it will begin to receive buggies wagons and many articles in the saddlery and hardware e lines in car load lots A little later an invitation to Adair county people will appear in the News A visit to the Enquirer office found Mr Richardson and his assistants hard at work the former getting up copy the latter sticking type making ready for Fri- days edition Mr Richardson stated that the Enquirer was moving along icely and that the business of the t paper had greatly increased in the last six or eight months The News rep ¬ resentative was glad to hear that declaration as so many newspaper men are poorly paid for getting out a good paper Wednesday evening there wasI a musical comedy Her American Husband at the opera house The Inquirer man notified the manager tb tia newspaper man a stranger was in town and the usual courtesy was extended It was a highclass show and the audience seemed to enjoy the program from eend to eend While in Campbellsville the News- man r stopped at the Commercial Hotel where he was delightfully entertained Campbellsville is a good town populat ¬ ed by excellent people and some time is the near future The News will have pore to say obthe people and the en- terprising ¬ spirit that prevails in this very thrifty little city LaymenTalR The services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday were a little out ofI the ordinary It was the initial serVice for the New Year and the pastor turn ¬ ed matters over to his laymen They responded well and the program was an intereating one to the large congre- gation present Judge T A Murrell discussed the financial situation past and present making it apparent that Elie membership should getbusyatI once Capt W W to the topic Why this year should be ° urChurchs best The reasons were ample and convincing as given in the Captains entuhsiastic style Judge Ba ¬ ker followed in a carefully prepared and thoughtful address on the theme If I were Pastor of this church To v tbis the pastor responded briefly onI Vtflf I were a Layman giving an out Hie of a large program of activities Miss Gibbs voice teacher in the L W School rendered impressively a beauti ¬ ful solo which added greately to the service Miss Allice Walker gracefully presided at the organ Two members were received into the church Thej pastor announced that he would begin special evangelistic services in the hurch Jan 23rd inst He is not ex- pecting ¬ ministerical aid during these services The world of the church be- gins ¬ well for the New year and the outj look is encourging We take the privilege of thanking the neighbors and friends of our broth ¬ er J P Sallee of Taylor county for their many kindness during his sick ¬ ness He had great suffering but you were there to soothe and comfort him and family as best you could and you spread around him the flowers of exist ance and you took upon yourselves the task of love and suffering for the plea ¬ sure of him It seems that you could detect the gathering gloom and at once would turn the tide to cheerfulness be fore the mental storm had reached its heig Your gratitude no doubt was a painful pleasure but expressed by none but noble souls affd so we derive a pleasure from the benefits bestowed and there is nojthfeg that tenders the fceart and opens the gushing fountain f Jove more than the services you have rendered and you hare exercised tH i virtuose of gratitude in the full perfection of its beauty Thanks tfaii W pm t Ti oj Jr t 1 NG v A Tribute < The sad news of tHe death of Judge R B Dohoney came to me as a great bereavement He was a fellow student with me at the M arid F High School where we received instructions from that grand old man the Rev John L McKte Judge Dohoney was an ideal man He was one of the best men I ever knew Plain easy to approach and made every one pleased to be in his presence He was extremely popu lIar with all the students and all sought his company He was a man of ability and his mind was capable of grasping and solving the most abstruce ques tions He was a newt student and in my minds eye I can plainly seeu his majestic form at the blackboard demon ¬ strating a problem in Geometry After leaving school I was fortunate at in tervals in meeting him and I always found him the same genial and upright andn free from all vanity and egotism LMy sadness is intensified from the fact that there remains of my fellow students in Adair county only three as far as my knowledge extends Hon H C Baker W W Bradshaw and George W Flowers I would fain place a wreath on the grave of Judge Dohoney W F Neat A Coming Event Invitations are out to the marriage of Mr George Leslie howdy of Camp bellsville to Miss Mary Ellen Jester of Perryville Indiana The ceremony will take place at the home of the in tended brides parents Mr and Mrs Henry C Jester Monday evening Jan uary 17th at 8 oclock The intended groom is a son of Mr and Mrs J T Gowdy and is one of the most popular young men in Campbells ville For several years he has been the assistant cashier of the Taylor County National Bank The position he occupies is an evidence that he is a young man of excellent habits and l standing The intended bride is well acquainted in Campbellsville whore for several years she has been at the bead of Mr TE Hoskins millinery department She is a young lady who possesses many noble traits of character her ladylike deportment winning her many friends After the ceremony the couplet will make a short trip and will be at their home in Campbellsville after the 20th of this month They will be given a corcbal greeting and their presents will be numerous Lo > 1Lots for Sale 1 have for sale 27 choice lots in thef most desirable ¬ 1sen half acre to two and one half acres and will make some goodprices to those wishing to build in our town Call rI awrIte 102t We are reliably informed that a man visited Columbia one day last week andr peddled whiskey upon the streets He was in a buggy and his liquor was inI jugs He had his measurers and funr nel and handed out the stuff in any quantity from a half pint to a quartJ It would be well enough when suspici- ous ¬ characters are driving about townz for the Town Marshal to examine their vehicles We do not know but it ist said that it is a common thing for whisky vendors to visit Columbia after dark hut in the case above cited thea the man was here selling in broad day¬ light The advertisement of the Reed Hard ¬ ware Company will be found in another column This firm is composed of some of our best business men who knowE the needs of the country and are will- ing ¬ to supply it The opening has been delayed due to the fact that the building could not be completed At present I there is yet some work to be done on it but not sufficient to prevent the open- ing ¬ upof goods In the advertisement you will see that this firm will carry a general line of Hardware of every dis cription that is needed in this part of the country Read their ad I The January term of the Adair cir- cuit ¬ court will begin at this place next Monday The sheriff is up with his work and everything will be in readi- ness ¬ At the coming term Judge H C Baker will surrender the gavel to his successor Judge J C Carter Evi- dently ¬ a large crowd will be in theCJ courtroom to see the new Judge induct- ed ¬ into office as this will be his first court since his election Mr S c Neat and family are now occupyfogthehbmref cently from lire Wesley Mr Id eat is excellentch eir and he lisa P infoftrtinc family sWear Clad he decided to locate in Columbia i4 it J 0 t f I Intemperance and Gambliiig The very profitable and delightful week of prayer observed by the local churches last week reached high tide inI interest over the discussion of the topicI Intemperance and Gambling The subject was so worded by the program makers as to require the consideration of local needs The several speakers for the evening dispassionately but frankly spoke to the point at issue There was a surprising uninimity of opinion relating to the belief that the laws Regulating the sale of intoxicants were being wantingly defied in the com ¬ munity at this time as perhaps not in years past If this be true the matter should receive prompt attention at the hands of every citizen and by our new officials in both town and county It is safe to conclude that this evil will grow if not promptly met with a stubborn unyielding public sentiment Let sus- picious ¬ places and persons be duly watched and when detected in com- plicity with the crime of boot legging be exposed punished and branded as enemies to t he public good To tinue to harbor such an existing conI to suffer the moral atmosphere community to become poisoned And when this is done gambling licentious ¬ ness and infidility to business home and church follow naturally Columbia and Adair county enjoy an enviable re putation for sobriety and good morals and like Ceasars wife must be kept above the taint of suspicion Every citizen of moral muscle and spiritual backbone should be summoned to I awake from his sleep of civic indiffer- ence ¬ At such a time for the church of God to sit still and be content with theories outlawed by time and wholly inadequate to the demands of the living present is to deserve the scorn of men and the curse cf God The one thing supremely needful to correct the reign- ing ¬ secret violations o f law in any community is a wide awake active unsubsadized and incorruptable Christ ¬ conscienceWe too prone to follow the pernicious habit of fault finding with our officials for existing lack of law en- forcement ¬ and conclude that this is sufficient of itself to absolve as fr all blame Our elected magistrates not our masters hut our servants OmIe us frankly toll them so They chosen not so much to make new ¬ cies respecting moral issues but to ex ecute existing laws without fear or favor Let them understand that when they do this that they have the unquali ¬ fled backing and hearty support of every good citizen Officials need to feel the support of the persistent com ¬ pelling influence of the good citizen at times The Master likened this in ¬ to salt adding But if the salt lost itssavor wherewith shall it salted Let us see to it that this influence shah not go for naught And forget that it is the old organiz ¬ legalized outlawed liquor traffic the enemy of every good that con- fronts ¬ us It is conscienceless deadly desperate and never giving quarters un itput to the death By way of it was suggested 1 That the pulpits ring out ina clearf e on the need of the hour the dose 2nd hold mass meetings in the interest good citizenship 3rd Enlist the various wO Ems organic in the several churches as dis- tributors ¬ of good literature Encourage organization of a W CoT U So ¬ ciety4th Begin now and keep pounding until every official of town and county understands If any refuse to take noticejust keep an eye on the JAnd gin anew and continue to pound away until the summon is heard It is- nough come up higherc J R Preaching Next Sunday WH C Sandidge Greensburg FJ Barger Pleasant Hill Z T Williams Rooeyu J N Walbert J R Crawford Union I J A Johnston Elroy J H Rood Cane Valley cJ W J Levi Mt Gilead ct Menzies Mosbys Ridge B M Currie Columbia W B Cave Pleasant Ridge s I want to sell or exchange for a pair mules one good Monarch stallion six yearsV > ld 151 hands HIgh and with ¬ out a blemish las a good record A bargain to she map if traded or sold before February the 20th 10 It j D Lawless j IDe I1arkKy Miw Ethel M frone fAdit Countys beet tMchere will c bit a private dobooixt the home bf Hfe ftiQk Stet tItWa rittw I I i > Presentat School Every Day Below is a list of names of pupils of the graded school who were present every day after being enrolled till the Christmas holidays The names are also given of those who have not miss- ed ¬ more than one day The average attendance for the first three months is about 155 Those present every day Nellie Fol lis Mary Lucy Lowe Mattie Smith Nellie Tarter Leonora Lowe Chester Scalf Leon Lewis Lilla Jackman Ethel Jackman Grace Conover Mar- tha ¬ Crawford Ruth Crawford Dexter English Dora Eubank Alma McFar land Susan Miller Oliver Miller Mary Myers Ruth Paull Stith Noe Tom Patteson Young Todd Blanche Willis Mattie Willis Sallie Coffey Anna Eu ¬ bank Alene Montgomery Sam Smith Harry Sims Bradley Tarter Cary Feese Callie Feese John Lowe Annie Sinclair Josephine Barbee Rachel Crawford Sarah Crawford Fred Davis Mittie Overstreet Frances Reed Hen- ry Wilson Joe Wilson Temperance Ray Wolford Present every day but one Paul Hughes > Will Diddle Regina Russell Harry Allen Minnie Ingram Edgar Reed Sydney Dunbar Willie Thompson Bonnie Judd Lizzie Jones Margaret Lovett Noel Pickett Eddie Oversteet Foster Pickett Fred Jackman Madrue Sinclair If you want to buy or sell a farm or town property see G P Smythe Death of A H Marshall On Tuesday forenoon January 4 1910 there went out from Campbells ¬ ville the life of Mr A H Marshall a- gentlemanof high character by birth and ° rearing a man for whom sort body had the utmost confidence and res- pect a man whose heart was full of sympathy for his fellow man one who dearly loved the companion of his bosom and his only child aeonRich ¬ ard who is grown When the life of such a roan ends sorrow enters every home in the community where the de ¬ resided Such was the feeling in Campbellsville when the e spread over the cityHAl is dead The deceased was wellknown in Co ¬ lumbia where he had many friends Everybody in town kriew him as he made frequent business trips to this place and he was always received with that cordiality due a true Kentucky gentlemanThe knew him for a great many years and can truthfully say that only the goodenteredintohis life hisI every actionindicating that he be ready to meet his God when the summons camer The funeral services were heldin the Baptist church Campbellsyille Thurs ¬ day forenoon many relatives and friends being present The deceased was about 55 years old Peace to his memory sympathy for those who have been so sorely bereft Mr G W Pickett Magistrate elect rom the Keltner and Milltown district failed to receive his commission inI time to qualify according to law and thereforedid not take the oath of office directed by law When this fact be ¬ ame known last week expressions of regret were heard from every one men- tioning ¬ it as the failure was in no part due to the neglect or indifference on the part of Mr Pickett but due t6 for- warding ¬ the commission to the wrong post office After consulting an at- torney ¬ of this place Mr Pickett made his mind to qualify and perform the of the office to which he was We are not posted on the legal part of such action but feel that wrong has been done the district the or the state and that every endorsei honest faithful service Last week Mr Milton Powell while out hunting discovered what he thought be turkey tracks and followed them nder a cedar bush Seeing that their wings were coated with ice he decided to get the dogs and make a capture In his effort to do this night came and the- apture was carried over Early the morning Mr Powell was on the spot with his bunch of trailers but the coveted birds had hit the march AfI ter following them np in the broad day- light ¬ the turkeys had donned the plum- age ¬ and form of de Turkey buzzard inde sky and they were left nmoJ 14ed List your property with G P SmytHej if you want to sell If you will subscribe during Ith I months of January February and March we will furnish you the Adaur County News one year and the daily CowierJoorniil three months fpr tJ5 t e t f R Christmas With the Butlers Mr Ediror The past Christmas has been a very pleasant one with the Butler family As announced in your columnsone of our cousins and nephews from the state of Missouri has lieen with us for the first time in thirty years last Xmas eveSince his arrival there has been fam ¬ ily gatherings from home to home where a greater part of the family was present and at some as many as four generations of the family were repre ¬ sentedIt indeed a pleasure to be with the old members all of whom are on the shady side of life and see them so active and in good health Should it be thirty years again before Will Else returns which we hope not it would be a greater pleasure to know that these old Uncles and Aunts would still be with us It is the hope of the writer that at an early date the entire family may come together in a reun ion New Officers Elected The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres ¬ byterian church elected the following officers to serve the Society for the current year- President Mrs G R Shelton- V Pres Miss Sallie Baker Secy Mrs Jo Russell Asst Secy Mrs Jo Coffey Jr Treas Mrs T A Murrell The society rendered the following report to the congregation for 1909 Amt on hand Jan 109 5901 Recd on Dues 2798 Collected 6377 Total 15076 Paid to Foreign Missions 1700 Paid to Home Missions 320 Paid to Church repairs 3029 5049 Bal in Bank Jan 1 1910 10027 Mrs T A Murrell Treas Jo Franklin a native of old Mexico brought to this town by James Sexton from the city of Mexico at the close of the Mexican war is lying quite sick at the home of his son Jo was fourteen years old when he left his native country and settled in this place Soon after he reached his majority he mar ried in this county He is the father of a large family of sons and daughters Hiswife died several years ago He is a shoemaker by trade and has always been an inoffensive man He is now seventy odd years old IZ By reference to the bank Statements published in todays News it wilt be seen that all four of theinstitutions are in a healthy condition The business of each one has increased since last statement Read each statement and be convinced that these financial insti- tutions ae well managed Bob Grady of color who lives below Bliss has proven himself to be one of the best tobacco growers in Adair coun- ty ¬ Last Saturday he delivered to Walker Bro this place J00p pounds of Burley which brought him 40We saw a sample of this crop and it was of the finest quality The glass front to the Russell build ¬ Saturjday ness house in this part of Kentucky All the inside work is nearly completed and in about two weeks it will be mov- ing ¬ day for Russell Co The Lindsey Wilson is filling up rap idly but there is ample room for all who will come and teachers sufficient in all departments There is no neces ¬ sity for boys and girls who are seeking an education to go any farther than Columbia Parents should start them at once From this date up to the 29th of this month we will furnish The News and The Louisville Daily Herald one year for 275 This proposition will be withdrawn at that time so if you want the two act at once Real Estate Agent I have opened a Real Estate office in Columbia and solicit your property for sale It is my intention to advertise in such a manner as will bring many good and worthy cizizens to Adair county and to Columbia from other parts of thecountry Some one nee d to do this work and 1 have made my mind to do it If you want to sell your toIbuyc s Office Garnett Buijding + All ppirtae owing me accounts please tyc nQw L J I J NJ ac 102tri I i d t p Lost Heir Parties Mrs N W Miller I will entertain this afternoon at the home of Mrs M E Marcum with a progressive Lost Heir party The color scheme dainI ¬ ¬ ing guests will be present I Mrs H V Denver Lexington Tenn Mrs Ed Bradshaw Mrs Sam White Mrs T A Murrell Mrs Joe Russell Mrs A D Patteson Mrs Jas Garnett Jr Mrs W A Coffey Mrs Jo Coffey Jr Mrs Dr Russell Mrs Lena Paull Mrs J W Walker Miss Nettie Clark Miss Minnie Triplett v Miss Sallie Baker + On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs C M Russell entertained in a very charming manner quite a number of the ladies to a Lost Heirparty Del- ightful refreshments were served dur ingthe afternoon We failed to get the names of those who attended For Watkins remedies see me on the Columbia square every Monday 102t J B Grant The attention of our readers is called to the ad of Mr G P Smythe published in todays News G P Smythe has some splendid locations for salenow is the time to buy A letter from Becks Store gives an account of the WinfreyAlexander wed ¬ ding The groom is a brother of Mr L C Winfrey this place and is well known here Jt 1 1 will sell all my uptodate hats at y auction next Monday Do net miss the i sale Mrs L W Atkins While in Columbia next Mondaycall at the News office and settle your in¬ e debtedness All those who are not taking the paper are requested to call and subscribe Wanted at LindseyWilson beef cat- tle ¬ butter 25cts cash buttermilkNeilson There is a stray female hog at my house It is black with white spots Will weigh about 60 pounds The i owner can have it by paying feed bill > r 10lt Peter Cheatham V Next Monday Circuit court opensv Dont fail to call at the News office i and settle your last account rDuring new names on our subscription list For Watkins stock or poultry tonic call on Ingram Bros Columbia JECy 102C J B Grant Persons who want the daily Louis villeHerald and the Adair county News > jah secure both papers for one yI for 275 by subscribing now Wood became very scare in some families about town during the extreme 4 cold weather and it was difficult matv i ter to secure it as teams could s arcelyr travel on account of ice WANTEDTwo dining room girls write or apply to Commercial Hotel Campbellsville 102t i At the last meeting of the city coun- cil the following officers were elected Attorney fey Jr Treasurer and J G Eubank clerk I I I have lost the 1st Vol of my Cooley s Blackstone The finder will please hand same to me ancT receive reward W W Jones For Watkins remedies call on Rich- ardson ¬ Bros Herriford J H Pelley or Mrs Bruce Montgomery Columbia Hutchison Bros Cane Valley Porter Murrell Craycraft J B Grant 102t An important Notice Do you desire an education 1 Would i you take advantage of an opportunity Attend the Cane Valley High School Spring term open 1JanuarY13tb 1910J Rates of tuition 135 to 250 pert monthHigh School Course Normal Course Common School Course Special atten tion given to boarding pupils Give us atrial and that child of your J M chance For farther information T aS W W Kerr tffisM > Cane Valley Kj + 1 i t II

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I r btf Ionnin r fetoj It



f >fA representative of The News spent

two days in Campbellsville last weekNotwithstanding the weather was dis ¬

agreeably cold the merchants bankersjS

trocerymen and druggist were busywaiting upon trade making settlementsetc He learned that a great deal ofvaluable improvements would be madeduring the present year A number ofresidents are to be erected and four or-

ive handsome business houses Mr-

fieQ H Gowdy cashier of the Nationalbank will erect a new banking houseand install modern fixturers and twohouses to be used for general storesThe three buildings win be brick an c-


jf be in a block on Main street Mrhowdy owns more reality on Mainstreet than any other one personquite a number of handsome businesshouses having been built at his ex ¬

r1ense in the last few years He visit ¬

ed the establishment of Buchanan LyoCo and found the proprietors and theemployees all on the move This firmdid a very large business during theyear 1909 and everything indicatesthat it will have a much arger tradeduring the present year Arrangementsleave already been made for spring sup ¬

plies and in a few weeks it will beginto receive buggies wagons and manyarticles in the saddlery and hardware elines in car load lots A little later aninvitation to Adair county people willappear in the News A visit to theEnquirer office found Mr Richardsonand his assistants hard at work theformer getting up copy the lattersticking type making ready for Fri-

days edition Mr Richardson statedthat the Enquirer was moving along

icely and that the business of thet paper had greatly increased in the lastsix or eight months The News rep ¬

resentative was glad to hear thatdeclaration as so many newspaper menare poorly paid for getting out a goodpaper Wednesday evening there wasIa musical comedy Her AmericanHusband at the opera house TheInquirer man notified the managertb tia newspaper man a strangerwas in town and the usual courtesywas extended It was a highclass showand the audience seemed to enjoy theprogram from eend to eend

While in Campbellsville the News-

manr stopped at the Commercial Hotelwhere he was delightfully entertainedCampbellsville is a good town populat ¬

ed by excellent people and some timeis the near future The News will havepore to say obthe people and the en-


spirit that prevails in thisvery thrifty little city


The services at the Presbyterianchurch last Sunday were a little out ofIthe ordinary It was the initial serVicefor the New Year and the pastor turn¬

ed matters over to his laymen Theyresponded well and the program wasan intereating one to the large congre-gation present Judge T A Murrelldiscussed the financial situation pastand present making it apparent thatElie membership should getbusyatIonce Capt W Wto the topic Why this year should be

°urChurchs best The reasons were

ample and convincing as given in theCaptains entuhsiastic style Judge Ba¬

ker followed in a carefully preparedand thoughtful address on the theme

If I were Pastor of this church Tov tbis the pastor responded briefly onI

Vtflf I were a Layman giving an outHie of a large program of activitiesMiss Gibbs voice teacher in the L WSchool rendered impressively a beauti ¬

ful solo which added greately to theservice Miss Allice Walker gracefullypresided at the organ Two memberswere received into the church Thejpastor announced that he would beginspecial evangelistic services in thehurch Jan 23rd inst He is not ex-


ministerical aid during theseservices The world of the church be-


well for the New year and the outjlook is encourging

We take the privilege of thankingthe neighbors and friends of our broth ¬

er J P Sallee of Taylor county fortheir many kindness during his sick¬

ness He had great suffering but youwere there to soothe and comfort himand family as best you could and youspread around him the flowers of existance and you took upon yourselves thetask of love and suffering for the plea¬

sure of him It seems that you coulddetect the gathering gloom and at oncewould turn the tide to cheerfulness before the mental storm had reached itsheig Your gratitude no doubt wasa painful pleasure but expressed bynone but noble souls affd so we derivea pleasure from the benefits bestowedand there is nojthfeg that tenders thefceart and opens the gushing fountainf Jove more than the services you

have rendered and you hare exercisedtH i virtuose of gratitude in the fullperfection of its beauty Thanks tfaii

W pm



oj Jrt 1 NG

vA Tribute

<The sad news of tHe death of Judge

R B Dohoney came to me as a greatbereavement He was a fellow studentwith me at the M arid F High Schoolwhere we received instructions fromthat grand old man the Rev John LMcKte Judge Dohoney was an idealman He was one of the best men Iever knew Plain easy to approachand made every one pleased to be inhis presence He was extremely popu

lIar with all the students and all soughthis company He was a man of abilityand his mind was capable of graspingand solving the most abstruce questions He was a newt student and in

my minds eye I can plainly seeu hismajestic form at the blackboard demon ¬

strating a problem in Geometry Afterleaving school I was fortunate at intervals in meeting him and I alwaysfound him the same genial and uprightandnfree from all vanity and egotism

LMy sadness is intensified from thefact that there remains of my fellowstudents in Adair county only three asfar as my knowledge extends Hon HC Baker W W Bradshaw and GeorgeW Flowers I would fain place awreath on the grave of Judge Dohoney

W F Neat

A Coming Event

Invitations are out to the marriage ofMr George Leslie howdy of Campbellsville to Miss Mary Ellen Jester ofPerryville Indiana The ceremonywill take place at the home of the intended brides parents Mr and MrsHenry C Jester Monday evening January 17th at 8 oclock

The intended groom is a son of Mrand Mrs J T Gowdy and is one of themost popular young men in Campbellsville For several years he has beenthe assistant cashier of the TaylorCounty National Bank The positionhe occupies is an evidence that he is ayoung man of excellent habits and lstanding

The intended bride is well acquaintedin Campbellsville whore for severalyears she has been at the bead of MrTE Hoskins millinery departmentShe is a young lady who possesses manynoble traits of character her ladylikedeportment winning her many friends

After the ceremony the couplet willmake a short trip and will be at theirhome in Campbellsville after the 20thof this month They will be given acorcbal greeting and their presents willbe numerous

Lo >1Lots for Sale

1 have for sale 27 choice lots in thefmost desirable ¬1senhalf acre to two and one half acres andwill make some goodprices to thosewishing to build in our town Call rIawrIte102t

We are reliably informed that a manvisited Columbia one day last week andrpeddled whiskey upon the streets Hewas in a buggy and his liquor was inIjugs He had his measurers and funrnel and handed out the stuff in anyquantity from a half pint to a quartJIt would be well enough when suspici-ous


characters are driving about townzfor the Town Marshal to examine theirvehicles We do not know but it istsaid that it is a common thing forwhisky vendors to visit Columbia afterdark hut in the case above cited theathe man was here selling in broad day¬


The advertisement of the Reed Hard ¬

ware Company will be found in anothercolumn This firm is composed of someof our best business men who knowEthe needs of the country and are will-ing


to supply it The opening has beendelayed due to the fact that the buildingcould not be completed At present I

there is yet some work to be done onit but not sufficient to prevent the open-ing


upof goods In the advertisementyou will see that this firm will carry ageneral line of Hardware of every discription that is needed in this part ofthe country Read their ad I

The January term of the Adair cir-


court will begin at this place nextMonday The sheriff is up with hiswork and everything will be in readi-ness


At the coming term Judge H CBaker will surrender the gavel to hissuccessor Judge J C Carter Evi-dently


a large crowd will be in theCJcourtroom to see the new Judge induct-ed


into office as this will be his firstcourt since his election

Mr S c Neat and family are now

occupyfogthehbmrefcently from lire WesleyMr Ideat is excellentch eir and helisa P infoftrtinc family sWear Cladhe decided to locate in Columbia

i4 itJ

0 tf


Intemperance and Gambliiig

The very profitable and delightfulweek of prayer observed by the localchurches last week reached high tide inIinterest over the discussion of the topicIIntemperance and Gambling Thesubject was so worded by the programmakers as to require the considerationof local needs The several speakersfor the evening dispassionately butfrankly spoke to the point at issueThere was a surprising uninimity ofopinion relating to the belief that thelaws Regulating the sale of intoxicantswere being wantingly defied in the com ¬

munity at this time as perhaps not inyears past If this be true the mattershould receive prompt attention at thehands of every citizen and by our newofficials in both town and county It issafe to conclude that this evil will growif not promptly met with a stubbornunyielding public sentiment Let sus-picious


places and persons be dulywatched and when detected in com-plicity with the crime of boot leggingbe exposed punished and branded asenemies to t he public good Totinue to harbor such an existing conIto suffer the moral atmospherecommunity to become poisoned Andwhen this is done gambling licentious ¬

ness and infidility to business homeand church follow naturally Columbiaand Adair county enjoy an enviable reputation for sobriety and good moralsand like Ceasars wife must be keptabove the taint of suspicion Everycitizen of moral muscle and spiritualbackbone should be summoned to I

awake from his sleep of civic indiffer-ence


At such a time for the church ofGod to sit still and be content withtheories outlawed by time and whollyinadequate to the demands of the livingpresent is to deserve the scorn of menand the curse cf God The one thingsupremely needful to correct the reign-ing


secret violations of law in anycommunity is a wide awake activeunsubsadized and incorruptable Christ ¬

conscienceWetoo prone to follow the

pernicious habit of fault finding withour officials for existing lack of law en-


and conclude that this issufficient of itself to absolve as frall blame Our elected magistratesnot our masters hut our servants OmIeus frankly toll them so Theychosen not so much to make new ¬

cies respecting moral issues but to execute existing laws without fear orfavor Let them understand that whenthey do this that they have the unquali¬

fled backing and hearty support ofevery good citizen Officials need tofeel the support of the persistent com ¬

pelling influence of the good citizen attimes The Master likened this in ¬

to salt adding But if the saltlost itssavor wherewith shall it

salted Let us see to it that thisinfluence shah not go for naught And

forget that it is the old organiz ¬

legalized outlawed liquor trafficthe enemy of every good that con-


us It is conscienceless deadlydesperate and never giving quartersun itput to the death By way of

it was suggested1 That the pulpits ring out ina clearf

e on the need of the hourthe dose

2nd hold mass meetings in the interestgood citizenship

3rd Enlist the various wO Ems organicin the several churches as dis-


of good literature Encourageorganization of a W CoT U So ¬

ciety4thBegin now and keep poundinguntil every official of town and

county understands If any refuse totake noticejust keep an eye on theJAndgin anew and continue to pound awayuntil the summon is heard It is-

nough come up highercJ R

Preaching Next Sunday

WH C Sandidge GreensburgF J Barger Pleasant HillZ T Williams RooeyuJ N WalbertJ R Crawford Union I

J A Johnston ElroyJ H Rood Cane ValleycJW J Levi Mt Gileadct Menzies Mosbys RidgeB M Currie ColumbiaW B Cave Pleasant Ridge


I want to sell or exchange for a pairmules one good Monarch stallion

six yearsV >ld 151 hands HIgh and with ¬

out a blemish las a good record Abargain to she map if traded or soldbefore February the 20th10 It j D Lawless

j IDeI1arkKy

Miw Ethel Mfrone fAditCountys beet tMchere will c bit aprivate dobooixt the home bf Hfe ftiQk

StettItWa rittw I



Presentat School Every Day

Below is a list of names of pupils ofthe graded school who were presentevery day after being enrolled till theChristmas holidays The names arealso given of those who have not miss-ed


more than one day The averageattendance for the first three monthsis about 155

Those present every day Nellie Follis Mary Lucy Lowe Mattie SmithNellie Tarter Leonora Lowe ChesterScalf Leon Lewis Lilla JackmanEthel Jackman Grace Conover Mar-


Crawford Ruth Crawford DexterEnglish Dora Eubank Alma McFarland Susan Miller Oliver Miller MaryMyers Ruth Paull Stith Noe TomPatteson Young Todd Blanche WillisMattie Willis Sallie Coffey Anna Eu¬

bank Alene Montgomery Sam SmithHarry Sims Bradley Tarter CaryFeese Callie Feese John Lowe AnnieSinclair Josephine Barbee RachelCrawford Sarah Crawford Fred DavisMittie Overstreet Frances Reed Hen-ry Wilson Joe Wilson TemperanceRay Wolford

Present every day but one PaulHughes> Will Diddle Regina RussellHarry Allen Minnie Ingram EdgarReed Sydney Dunbar Willie ThompsonBonnie Judd Lizzie Jones MargaretLovett Noel Pickett Eddie OversteetFoster Pickett Fred Jackman MadrueSinclair

If you want to buy or sell a farm ortown property see G P Smythe

Death of A H Marshall

On Tuesday forenoon January 41910 there went out from Campbells ¬

ville the life of Mr A H Marshall a-

gentlemanof high character by birthand ° rearing a man for whom sortbody had the utmost confidence and res-

pect a man whose heart was full ofsympathy for his fellow man one whodearly loved the companion of hisbosom and his only child aeonRich ¬

ard who is grown When the life ofsuch a roan ends sorrow enters everyhome in the community where the de ¬

resided Such was the feelingin Campbellsville when thee spread over the cityHAl

is deadThe deceased was wellknown in Co ¬

lumbia where he had many friendsEverybody in town kriew him as hemade frequent business trips to thisplace and he was always received withthat cordiality due a true Kentucky

gentlemanTheknew him for a great

many years and can truthfully say thatonly the goodenteredintohis life hisIevery actionindicating that hebe ready to meet his God when thesummons camer

The funeral services were heldin theBaptist church Campbellsyille Thurs ¬

day forenoon many relatives andfriends being present The deceasedwas about 55 years old Peace to hismemory sympathy for those who havebeen so sorely bereft

Mr G W Pickett Magistrate electrom the Keltner and Milltown district

failed to receive his commission inItime to qualify according to law andthereforedid not take the oath of office

directed by law When this fact be ¬

ame known last week expressions ofregret were heard from every one men-tioning


it as the failure was in no partdue to the neglect or indifference onthe part of Mr Pickett but due t6 for-warding


the commission to the wrongpost office After consulting an at-


of this place Mr Pickett madehis mind to qualify and perform the

of the office to which he wasWe are not posted on the

legal part of such action but feel thatwrong has been done the district the

or the state and that everyendorseihonest faithful service

Last week Mr Milton Powell whileout hunting discovered what he thought

be turkey tracks and followed themnder a cedar bush Seeing that their

wings were coated with ice he decidedto get the dogs and make a capture Inhis effort to do this night came and the-

apture was carried over Early themorning Mr Powell was on the

spot with his bunch of trailers but thecoveted birds had hit the march AfIter following them np in the broad day-


the turkeys had donned the plum-


and form of de Turkey buzzardinde sky and they were left nmoJ14edList your property with G P SmytHejif you want to sell

If you will subscribe during Ith I

months of January February andMarch we will furnish you the AdaurCounty News one year and the dailyCowierJoorniil three months fprtJ5




Christmas With the Butlers

Mr EdirorThe past Christmas has been a very

pleasant one with the Butler familyAs announced in your columnsone ofour cousins and nephews from the stateof Missouri has lieen with us for thefirst time in thirty years last Xmas

eveSince his arrival there has been fam ¬

ily gatherings from home to homewhere a greater part of the family waspresent and at some as many as fourgenerations of the family were repre ¬

sentedItindeed a pleasure to be with

the old members all of whom are onthe shady side of life and see themso active and in good health Should itbe thirty years again before Will Elsereturns which we hope not it wouldbe a greater pleasure to know thatthese old Uncles and Aunts wouldstill be with us It is the hope of thewriter that at an early date the entirefamily may come together in a reunion

New Officers Elected

The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres ¬

byterian church elected the followingofficers to serve the Society for thecurrent year-

President Mrs G R Shelton-V Pres Miss Sallie BakerSecy Mrs Jo RussellAsst Secy Mrs Jo Coffey JrTreas Mrs T A MurrellThe society rendered the following

report to the congregation for 1909

Amt on hand Jan 109 5901Recd on Dues 2798Collected 6377

Total 15076

Paid to Foreign Missions 1700Paid to Home Missions 320Paid to Church repairs 3029

5049Bal in Bank Jan 1 1910 10027

Mrs T A Murrell Treas

Jo Franklin a native of old Mexicobrought to this town by James Sextonfrom the city of Mexico at the close ofthe Mexican war is lying quite sick atthe home of his son Jo was fourteenyears old when he left his nativecountry and settled in this place Soonafter he reached his majority he married in this county He is the father ofa large family of sons and daughtersHiswife died several years ago He isa shoemaker by trade and has alwaysbeen an inoffensive man He is nowseventy odd years old


By reference to the bank Statementspublished in todays News it wilt beseen that all four of theinstitutions arein a healthy condition The businessof each one has increased since laststatement Read each statement andbe convinced that these financial insti-

tutions ae well managed

Bob Grady of color who lives belowBliss has proven himself to be one ofthe best tobacco growers in Adair coun-


Last Saturday he delivered toWalker Bro this place J00p poundsof Burley which brought him 40Wesaw a sample of this crop and it was ofthe finest quality

The glass front to the Russell build ¬

Saturjdayness house in this part of KentuckyAll the inside work is nearly completedand in about two weeks it will be mov-


day for Russell Co

The Lindsey Wilson is filling up rapidly but there is ample room for allwho will come and teachers sufficient

in all departments There is no neces¬

sity for boys and girls who are seekingan education to go any farther thanColumbia Parents should start themat once

From this date up to the 29th of thismonth we will furnish The News andThe Louisville Daily Herald one yearfor 275 This proposition will bewithdrawn at that time so if you wantthe two act at once

Real Estate Agent

I have opened a Real Estate office inColumbia and solicit your property forsale It is my intention to advertisein such a manner as will bring manygood and worthy cizizens to Adaircounty and to Columbia from otherparts of thecountry Some one nee d

to do this work and 1 have made mymind to do it If you want to sell yourtoIbuycs

Office Garnett Buijding +

All ppirtae owing me accounts pleasetycnQw L J I J NJac102tri I i




Lost Heir Parties

Mrs N W Miller I will entertainthis afternoon at the home of MrsM E Marcum with a progressive LostHeir party The color schemedainI ¬


ing guests will be presentI

Mrs H V Denver Lexington TennMrs Ed BradshawMrs Sam WhiteMrs T A MurrellMrs Joe RussellMrs A D PattesonMrs Jas Garnett JrMrs W A CoffeyMrs Jo Coffey JrMrs Dr RussellMrs Lena PaullMrs J W WalkerMiss Nettie ClarkMiss Minnie Triplett v

Miss Sallie Baker +

On Tuesday evening of last weekMrs C M Russell entertained in avery charming manner quite a numberof the ladies to a Lost Heirparty Del-ightful refreshments were served duringthe afternoon We failed to getthe names of those who attended

For Watkins remedies see me on theColumbia square every Monday

102t J B Grant

The attention of our readers is calledto the ad of Mr G P Smythepublished in todays News

G P Smythe has some splendidlocations for salenow is the time tobuy

A letter from Becks Store gives anaccount of the WinfreyAlexander wed ¬

ding The groom is a brother of MrL C Winfrey this place and is wellknown here Jt

11 will sell all my uptodate hats at y

auction next Monday Do net miss the isale Mrs L W Atkins

While in Columbia next Mondaycallat the News office and settle your in¬ edebtedness All those who are nottaking the paper are requested to calland subscribe

Wanted at LindseyWilson beef cat-tle

¬butter 25cts cash


There is a stray female hog at myhouse It is black with white spotsWill weigh about 60 pounds The iowner can have it by paying feed bill > r10lt Peter Cheatham V

Next Monday Circuit court opensvDont fail to call at the News office i

and settle your last accountrDuringnew names on our subscription list

For Watkins stock or poultry toniccall on Ingram Bros Columbia JECy

102C J B Grant

Persons who want the daily LouisvilleHerald and the Adair county News >

jah secure both papers for one yIfor 275 by subscribing now

Wood became very scare in somefamilies about town during the extreme 4cold weather and it was difficult matv i

ter to secure it as teams could s arcelyrtravel on account of ice

WANTEDTwo dining room girlswrite or apply to Commercial Hotel

Campbellsville 102t i

At the last meeting of the city coun-cil the following officers were electedAttorneyfey Jr Treasurer and J G Eubankclerk



I have lost the 1st Vol of my Cooley sBlackstone The finder will pleasehand same to me ancT receive reward

W W Jones

For Watkins remedies call on Rich-ardson


Bros Herriford J H Pelleyor Mrs Bruce Montgomery ColumbiaHutchison Bros Cane Valley PorterMurrell Craycraft J B Grant


An important Notice

Do you desire an education 1 Wouldi

you take advantage of an opportunityAttend the Cane Valley High School

Spring term open 1JanuarY13tb 1910J

Rates of tuition 135 to 250 pert

monthHighSchool Course Normal Course

Common School Course Special attention given to boarding pupils

Give us atrial and that child of your JM chance For farther information T

aS W W KerrtffisM > Cane Valley Kj

+ 1 i
