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COMM 202 TUTORIAL 6 T08 – Wed 1 pm T09 – Wed 2 pm

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T08 – Wed 1 pm T09 – Wed 2 pm

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AGENDA Course Timeline

TA Feedback LinkedIn Workshop

Networking Crash Course Action Items

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Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

• Create LinkedIn Profile

• Networking 101

• Cover Letter & Resume Nov. 1

• Networking Event in CPA Hall 6-8 pm

• Networking Reflection due on Nov. 7 & Nov. 11

• Informational Interview

Mark it in your calendars, folks!

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TA FEEDBACK Start Making assignments more clear Posting lecture slides ASAP Telling stories, showing more examples Class icebreakers Involvement opportunities Giving more feedback Stop Not fixing the course blog Talking so fast Continue Music + positive vibes Keepin’ things educational Weekly emails

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LINKEDIN VS. WRITTEN DOCUMENTS Tailored to your personal brand Social and conversational More flexibility and creativity

Formal Company-specific Very direct ask and intention

LinkedIn Written Documents

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Professional Headshot

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Complete Experiences

Connections, Contact Info, Customized URL

Interesting summary showcasing personality!












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1. PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOT Reasonably close up– shoulders up Professional background Smiling and looks like you!

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2. CATCHY HEADLINE This is your personal brand - your hook! Short + sweet (max. 120 characters) About what you do and/or who you are!

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Include all roles in reverse chronological order

Use Accomplishment Statements

Show examples of your work i.e. videos, awards, presentations

Be concise – get to the point!

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4. CONNECTIONSRecommendations > Endorsements

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5. SUMMARYShowcase

personality + brand

Think cover email… make it conversational

Leverage your hook – grab

their attention!

Background = Skills +


Short, easy to read sentences

Expand on your headline

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Additional portfolio links or platforms

What you’re about: personal

work style + character traits

Finish with call to action:

Invitation to connect +

contact info


Awesome facts about yourself

or accomplishmen


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Follow companies you want to stay up to date with and/or apply for.

Follow your idols! You will be aligning your identity with their brand.

Follow industries or groups that align with your interest areas.

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CONNECTING ON LINKEDIN Adding a contact1. Send request AFTER meeting them

in person2. Personalize your contact request 3. Be brief and memorable

Too generic

Too casual

Personal and


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REACHING OUT ON LINKEDIN“If possible, can you connect me with anyone in San Francisco that you know is hiring and you would think is a good fit for me? I've attached my resume for reference.”

Hi Jan , My name i s John Doe , I ’m a UBC Sauder BCom c lass o f 2016 spec ia l i z ing in market ing. I ’m reaching out to you today because I recent ly spoke wi th Mar ja Harmer f rom the BCC who to ld me you ’ve k ind ly agreed to he lp out when s tudents have ques t ions about careers in San Franc isco. I ’m graduat ing in December and wou ld l i ke to work in product management . I saw on L inked In that you were a c lassmate o f Joanne Doe who I understand current l y works at Sa les force . I ’m very i nterested in learn ing more about Sa les fo rce . Would i t be poss ib le to make an in t roduct ion to Joanne? I know you ’ re busy so you cou ld jus t fo rward the message at the bot tom of th i s emai l – my resume i s at tached: Thank you ve ry much!John Doe

Hi Joanne , My name i s John Doe , I ’m a UBC Sauder BCom c lass o f 2016 spec ia l i z i ng in marke t ing. I ’ l l be graduat ing in December and am current l y l ook ing for ent ry l eve l p roduct management pos i t ions i n San Franc isco. I understand that you a re a sen ior product manager at Sa les force – a company I ’m very in teres ted in – and that the re are current ly a var ie ty o f ent ry- l eve l p roduct management job openings pos ted on the Sa les force careers page . For example , I ’m rea l l y cur ious about th i s pos i t i on : [L INK] I ’d love to learn more about these ro les and see i f I ’d be a good fit – I ’m cer ta in ly very interested! Wou ld you mind in t roduc ing me to the h i r ing manager? I have at tached my resume for re ference . Thank you very much for your cons iderat ion.John Doe

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TRICKS + TIPS Turn off notifications when making small changes Don’t mark a connection as “I DON’T KNOW” You don’t need Premium: do a secret search instead!

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RESEARCHING CONTACTS1. Check out the delegate info on the course blog2. Skim the LinkedIn profiles of delegates you’d like to speak to

Note any interesting topics Hone in on similar experiences or shared groups Think about questions to ask

3. During the event, be interested without being creepy!

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NETWORKING REFLECTION1. Your goals in attending the event What is your purpose in going? What do you want to know about

Sauder? Define SMART goals beforehand – how will you define the success of

your evening?2. How did you prepare for the event? Research potential delegates What was it about these people that motivated you to talk to them?3. A brief summary of who you spoke with and what you learned in the conversations4. A reflection on the lessons you have learned about the networking process5. Next steps you will take to continue building a relationship with your new contact

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DRESS CODEFor people who identify as women…

Bottoms Dress pants Khaki pants Dark denim Skirts

Top Blouse Collared

shirt Dressy

tank with cardigan

Shoes Flats Low


Dress in what you’re most comfortable in!

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DRESS CODEFor people who identify as men…

Bottoms Dress pants Khaki pants Dark denim

Top Collared

shirt Jacket if

you like Tie if you


Shoes Dress

shoes Loafers

Dress in what you’re most comfortable in!

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Compliment them

Smile and be nice

“Lurking around the food station is a really good trick. People will ask you what things are, and you can offer advice on what’s tasty.”

“People love talking about themselves and people love compliments. Be genuine though!”

“Just stand on your own and soak in the environment and smile at people. You will be a beacon of light for the other people who don’t know who to talk to.”

Open up the


“You might be getting bored with the first 2 people so make sure you make room for other people to join the circle party!”

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ENDING A CONVERSATIONThank them for their time

Ask to connect after the event

Be polite and gracious

Leave with a handshake

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RESUME + CL SUBMISSIONS You will be submitting your documents TWICE: Once on Turnitin.com for marking – 2 pm Tuesday November 1st Secondly to COOL for the Employment Interview assignment – 11:59 pm Tuesday November 1st

Just do it at the same time so you don’t forget…Full instructions on how to submit to COOL are on the course blog under ”Assignments” “Resume and Cover Letter”

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ACTION ITEMS Resume and Cover Letter due on Tuesday November 1st @ 2 pm on Turnitin and 11:59 pm on COOL Networking Event on November 3rd, 2016 6 – 8 pm Office HoursNext week: Tutorial!