t3 bab 1.doc

Respiration 1. A group of students built a model of the human respiratory system to investigate the mechanism of breathing in and breathing out. Sekumpulan pelajar membina model pernafasan untuk mengkaji mekanisme penarikan nafas dan penghembusan nafas. Which of the following pairs is correct? Yang manakah antara berikut pasangan yang betul A B C D Model of respiratory system Human respiratory system Balloon Belon Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Bell jar serkup kaca Lungs Peparu Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga Toraks Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Air space inside bell jar Ruang udara dalam serkup kaca Balloon Belon Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga Toraks Lungs Peparu Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Balloon Belon Bell jar Serkup kaca Lungs Peparu Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga toraks Balloon Belon Air space inside bell jar Ruang udara dalam serkup kaca Rubber Sheet Kepingan getah Thoracic cavity Rongga toraks Rib cage Sangkar rusuk Diaphragm Diafragma (PMR 2004)

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1. A group of students built a model of the human respiratory system to investigate the mechanism of breathing in and breathing out. Sekumpulan pelajar membina model pernafasan untuk mengkaji mekanisme penarikan nafas dan penghembusan nafas.

Which of the following pairs is correct? Yang manakah antara berikut pasangan yang betul





Model of respiratory system Human respiratory system Balloon Belon Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Bell jar serkup kaca

Lungs Peparu Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga Toraks

Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Air space inside bell jar Ruang udara dalam serkup kaca Balloon Belon

Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga Toraks Lungs Peparu

Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Balloon Belon Bell jar Serkup kaca

Lungs Peparu Diaphragm Diafragma Thoracic cavity Rongga toraks

Balloon Belon Air space inside bell jar Ruang udara dalam serkup kaca Rubber Sheet Kepingan getah

Thoracic cavity Rongga toraks Rib cage Sangkar rusuk Diaphragm Diafragma

(PMR 2004)

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2. The diagram shows part of the human respiratory system. Gambarajah menunjukkan sebahagian sistem respirasi manusia

What will happen when structure x contracts and becomes flattened?Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila struktur X mengecut dan menjadi leper?

A Air from outside enters the lungsUdara dari luar masuk ke dalam peparu

B The rib cage goes down inwardsTulang rusuk turun ke bawah dan ke dalam

C The volume of the thorax cavity decreasesIsipadu rongga toraks berkurangan

D Air pressure inside the thorax cavity increasesTekanan udara dalam rongga toraks meningkat

(PMR 2005)

3. Which features help gas exchange between the alveolus and capillaries to take place efficiently? Ciri yang manakah membantu pertukaran gas antara alveolus dengan kapilari darah berlaku secara berkesan?





Alveolus wallDinding alveolus

Number of blood capillaries

Bilangan kapilari darah








A fewSedikitMany

BanyakA fewSedikitMany


(PMR 2006)

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K- Oxyhaemoglobin breaks into oxygen and hemoglobin Oksihemoglobin diuraikan menjadi oksigen dan hemoglobin L- Oxygen diffuses through alveoli into the blood capillaries Oksigen meresap melalui alveoli ke dalam kapilari darah M- Oxygen combines with hemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin

N- Oxyhaemoglobin is transported to all parts of the body Oksihemoglobin diangkut ke seluruh bahagian badan

4. Diagram 17 shows the passage of air through the human respiratory system while exhaling. Rajah 17 menunjukkan laluan bagi udara melalui sistem pernafasan manusia ketika menghembus nafas.

Diagram 17

Which of following represents X, Y and Z?Antara berikut, yang manakah mewakili X, Y dan Z





(PMR 2006)

5. The following statements are about the transportation of oxygen in the human body.Pernyataan berikut adalah berkaitan pengangkutan oksigen dalam badan manusia

Oksigen bergabung dengan hemoglobin membentuk oksihemoglobin

X Y ZTracheaTrakea












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Which of the following is the correct sequence of the transportation?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah urutan yang betul bagi pengangkutan itu?

A. M, K, L, N

B. K, L, M, N

C. N, K, L, M

D. L, M, N, K

(PMR 2007)

6. Diagram 15 shows the structure of human lungs.

Rajah 15 menunjukkan struktur peparu manusia




Diagram 15

Which of the following is represented by P, Q, R and S?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah diwakili oleh P,Q,R dan S?

(PMR 2008)

1 Figure 1.1 shows a model of the lungs to study the human breathing mechanism.Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan model peparu untuk mengkaji mekanisme pernafasan manusia

(PMR 2005)

P Q R SA Alveolus




B TracheaTrakea




C TracheaTrakea




D AlveolusAlveolus




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Figure 1.1

(a) Using the model, explain the process of inhalation.Dengan menggunakan model itu,terangkan proses penarikan nafas.



………………………………………………………………………………………….( 2 marks)

(b) Figure 1.2 shows a model of the lungs and a human respiratory system. On Figure 1.2 draw lines to match the parts of the model with the part of the human respiratory systemRajah 5.2 menunjukkan model peparu dan sistem pernafasan manusia. Pada rajah 5.2, lukiskan garisan untuk memadankan bahagian model itu dengan bahagian pada sistem pernafasan manusia.

( 2 marks)

Figure 1.2

(c) Figure 1.3 shows the structure of some alveoli and blood capillaries. Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan struktur alveolus dan kapilari darah

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Figure 1.3

Explain the transportation of oxygen gas to the body cells, starting from the alveolus. Terangkan proses pengangkutan gas oksigen ke sel badan, bermula daripada alveolus.




…………………………………………………………………………………………( 3 marks)

(d) Smoking is dangerous to human health.State one reason. Merokok membahayakan kesihatan manusia. Nyatakan satu sebab.


………………………………………………………………………………………….( 1 mark)

2 Diagram 2.1 shows a human respiratory system. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan sistem pernafasan manusia.

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( PMR 2006)

Diagram 2.1

(a) Using the letters in diagram 2.1 complete the diagram below to show the air flow during inhalation. Menggunakan huruf-huruf dalam rajah 2.1, lengkapkan rajah di bawah untuk menunjukkan aliran udara semasa proses penarikan nafas.

( 2 marks)

(b) What will happen to structure K during the process of exhalation?Apakah yang berlaku pada struktur K semasa proses menghembus nafas


…………………………………………………………………………………………( 1 mark)

(c) Diagram 2.2 shows a worker in a cement factory wearing a mask. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan seorang pekerja kilang simen memakai topeng.

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Diagram 2.2

What is the effect on the lungs of the worker if he neglects to wear the mask while working? Apakah kesan terhadap peparu pekerja kilang itu jika dia mengabaikan memakai topeng ketika bekerja.


…………………………………………………………………………………………( 1 mark)

(d) Diagram 2.3 shows the structure of an alveolus.Rajah 2.3 menunjukkan struktur suatu alveolus

Diagram 2.3

The process of gaseous exchange happens between the alveolus and the blood capillaries. Proses pertukaran gas berlaku antara alveolus dengan kapilari darah

(i) Name the gases involved. Namakan gas-gas yang terlibat

…………………………………………………………………………………………(2 marks)

(ii) Explain how this process can happen. Terangkan bagaimana proses ini berlaku

…………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)

RespirationPaper 1


BloodCapillariesKapilari darah

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1. B2. A3. B4. A5. D6. B

Paper 2

1. a) When the rubber sheet is pulled down, the pressure inside the bell jar decreases. Air from outside the bell jar decreases. Air from outside enter the ballons and the ballons inflates.


c) The inhaled oxygen taken into the alveolus wall diffuse into the blood capillaries. The oxygen will combine with the haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. which

is carried to the heart from the lungs to the whole body. Later it decomposes to release oxygen and diffuses into cells.

d) Smoking can damage the lungs/ Smoking can cause cancer.