t- sql portfolio

T-SQL Portfolio

Upload: barbarabederman

Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: T- SQL Portfolio

T-SQL Portfolio

Page 2: T- SQL Portfolio

Table of Contents

p 3. Create a stored procedure to get purchases from a named

vendor for a period in time.

p 4. A simple query to return products with the word Washer in the

product name.

p 5. Create a function to return weekending dates. Use CTEs to get

shipping totals by weekending date. Select the CTEs to create a

PIVOT table that ranks the top 5 total shipping amounts by

weekending date, and lists the totals for that week by shipping


p 6. Create a function to return requested data based on a price

effective date.

p 7. Creating two functions and using the “Cross Apply”.

p 8. The results of the previous query.


Page 3: T- SQL Portfolio

Create a stored procedure to get order ship method, freight, and tax amount for a

vendor and order date.

Create Procedure [dbo].[GetVendorOrders]

( @VendorAccountNumber nvarchar(15), @StartDate datetime, @EndDate Datetime)



Select Vendor.Name AS VendorName, ShipMethod.Name AS ShipMethodName,

Sum(Freight) As TotFreight,

Sum (TaxAmt) As TotTaxAmt, sum(SubTotal) As TotSubTot

From Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS POH

Join Purchasing.ShipMethod

On POH.ShipMethodID = ShipMethod.ShipMethodID

Join Purchasing.Vendor

ON POH.VendorID = Vendor.BusinessEntityID

Where POH.OrderDate Between @StartDate and @EndDate

and Vendor.AccountNumber = @VendorAccountNumber

Group by Vendor.Name, ShipMethod.Name



Exec [dbo].[GetVendorOrders] 'ADVANCED0001', '01-01-2003', '12-31-2003'


Page 4: T- SQL Portfolio

Simple Query to get order totals for products with washer in the product


Select Production.Product.Name, SUM(POD.LineTotal) as TotDollars

From Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS POH

join Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail as pod

on poh.PurchaseOrderID = pod.PurchaseOrderID

join Production.Product

on Product.productid = pod.productid

where Product.Name like '%Washer%'

and YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003

Group by Product.Name

Order by Totdollars Desc

Name TotDollars

------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Flat Washer 2 2141.055

Keyed Washer 1851.3495

Flat Washer 9 1812.636

Flat Washer 1 1777.3245

Flat Washer 7 1698.291

Flat Washer 6 1695.4245

External Lock Washer 4 1672.461

External Lock Washer 3 1652.8995

Flat Washer 3 1637.244

External Lock Washer 9 1615.0995

Flat Washer 4 1613.5245

External Lock Washer 7 1596.861

External Lock Washer 5 1577.2995

External Lock Washer 6 1539.4995

Flat Washer 5 1531.6245

Flat Washer 8 1483.398

External Lock Washer 1 1378.188

Internal Lock Washer 2 974.7675

Internal Lock Washer 5 948.6225

Internal Lock Washer 10 904.5225


Page 5: T- SQL Portfolio


--- Create a function that will take the Order Date from the Purchase Order Header and return the week ending (Saturday) date.

Create Function [dbo].[SaturdayDates]

(@OrderDate date)

Returns Date



Declare @WeekEndDate Date

Set @WeekEndDate = Dateadd(day, (7 - Datepart(weekday,@OrderDate)), @OrderDate)

Return @WeekEndDate



-- OrdersCTE will sum the orders by Week ending date- and for 2003 only. OrdersByShipMethod sums the orders by week end date(for 2003) and by ship


; With OrdersByShipMethodCTE


( Select dbo.SaturdayDates(OrderDate) AS WeekEnding,

ShipMethodID as ShipMethod,

SUM(TotalDue) As ShipTotalDue

From Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader

Where YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003

group by dbo.SaturdayDates(OrderDate),ShipMethodID ) ,



( Select dbo.SaturdayDates(OrderDate) AS WeekEndDate,

RANK () Over (Order by SUM(TotalDue)Desc) as WeekRank,

SUM(TotalDue) AS GrandTot

From Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader

Where YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003

Group by dbo.SaturdayDates(OrderDate) )

Select top(5) WeekEnding, GrandTot, WeekRank,

[1] As ‘ABC', [2] as ‘XYZ', [3] as 'Overseas', [4] as 'Overnight', [5] as 'Cargo'

from OrdersByShipMethodCTE

join OrdersTotalCTE

on OrdersByShipMethodCTE.WeekEnding = OrdersTotalCTE.WeekEndDate

Pivot (Sum(ShipTotalDue) for ShipMethod in ( [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]))

AS TempResults

Order by GrandTot Desc

Page 6: T- SQL Portfolio

Create a function to get the standard cost of a product for a supplied effective date. Then

select products with a standard cost of over $700 with an effective date of Jan. 01, 2010.

Create Function [dbo].[GetStandardCost]

(@EffectiveDate datetime)

Returns Table



Select Product.ProductID as ProdID,

Product.ProductNumber as ProductNumber, Product.Name as Name,

ProductCostHistory.StandardCost as STDCost

From Production.Product

Join Production.ProductCostHistory

on Product.ProductID = ProductCostHistory.ProductID

Where ProductCostHistory.StartDate = (Select max (StartDate)

From Production.ProductCostHistory

Where Product.ProductID = ProductCostHistory.ProductID

And StartDate <= @EffectiveDate )


Select ProductNumber, Name, STDCost From [dbo].[GetStandardCost]('2010-01-01')

Where STDCost > '700.00'

Order by STDCost Desc


Page 7: T- SQL Portfolio


Create Function VendorsTopYProducts(@VendorNum int, @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @TOPY int)Returns TableASReturnSelect top(@TOPY) with ties Vendor.Name AS VendorName, Product.Name AS ProductName,Sum(LineTotal) as ProductTotalDue,Dense_Rank() Over( Order BY Sum(LineTotal)Desc) as ProductRank

From Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS POHeaderJoin Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail AS PODetailON POHeader.PurchaseOrderID = PODetail.PurchaseOrderIDJoin Purchasing.VendorON Vendor.BusinessEntityID = POHeader.VendorIDJoin Production.ProductON Product.ProductID = PODetail.ProductIDWhere POHeader.VendorID = @VendorNumAnd POHeader.OrderDate between @BeginDate and @EndDateGroup by Vendor.Name, Product.Name Order by ProductTotalDue Desc GO

Create Function [dbo].[TopVendors](@TOPN int, @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime)Returns Tableas

Return Select TOP(@TOPN)with ties Vendor.BusinessEntityID AS BusinessEntityID, Vendor.Name AS TopVendorName,SUM(POHeader.TotalDue) AS TotalDue,DENSE_RANK () Over (Order BY SUM(POHeader.TotalDue) Desc) as VendorRank

From Purchasing.VendorJoin Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS POHeaderON POHeader.VendorID = Vendor.BusinessEntityIDWhere POHeader.OrderDate between @BeginDate and @EndDateGroup by Vendor.BusinessEntityID, Vendor.Name Order by VendorRankGO

Declare @TopN int = 5Declare @TOPY int = 5Declare @BeginDate datetime = '2003-01-01'Declare @EndDate datetime = '2004-06-30'

Select VendorName, TotalDue, VendorRank, ProductName, ProductRank, ProductTotalDueFrom [dbo].[TopVendors](@TopN , @BeginDate, @EndDate)

Cross Apply[dbo].[VendorsTopYProducts](BusinessEntityID, @BeginDate, @EndDate, @TOPY)AS TopVendorsAndProductsOrder by VendorRank

Page 8: T- SQL Portfolio

Vendor Name Total Due Vendor Rank ProductName ProductRank ProductTotalDue

Superior Bicycles 3624672.053 1 Front Brakes 1 1640123.1

Superior Bicycles 3624672.053 1 Rear Brakes 1 1640123.1

Professional Athletic Consultants 2500305.684 2 HL Road Tire 1 628978.35

Professional Athletic Consultants 2500305.684 2 ML Road Tire 2 568618.05

Professional Athletic Consultants 2500305.684 2 Touring Tire 3 566475.525

Professional Athletic Consultants 2500305.684 2 LL Road Tire 4 498648.15

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 HL Mountain Seat/Saddle 1 315234.15

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 HL Road Seat/Saddle 2 292717.425

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 HL Touring Seat/Saddle 2 292717.425

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 ML Mountain Seat/Saddle 3 234384.15

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 ML Road Seat/Saddle 4 217642.425

Chicago City Saddles 2248030.785 3 ML Touring Seat/Saddle 4 217642.425

Vision Cycles, Inc. 2083263.683 4 HL Crankarm 1 801627.75

Vision Cycles, Inc. 2083263.683 4 ML Crankarm 2 595633.5

Vision Cycles, Inc. 2083263.683 4 LL Crankarm 3 488045.25

Jackson Authority 1974933.461 5 ML Road Pedal 1 743658.3

Jackson Authority 1974933.461 5 HL Mountain Rim 2 558673.5

Jackson Authority 1974933.461 5 LL Road Pedal 3 484938.3