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T" lt WH I T It t40U•t w,. ... , .. o'o"'

ywo tr;n.t

Adairul SunhyJ h•• sayJ , ls nth~r lncl1ne-d

t o ''" nt. th't r .u-tu. gut ·" I:Ql. r .. .-ls t

you ~y want. taa~"" t.•r• to au.nd a:~ they are

and I tnink reels tt atch~ ~ ;utt •~ ·~11 tr

you did .

ltll 7 ..a n.we tr.tt o~rator let. ltd' ;cu.;w

•hut you wont do1\& nbout thlJ .


II. B. II.

11 t ~l A~ \


• , .

'"" ~0' : CO"SPERON





05 1¢A 11


12 13(2) 16 19 2~ 2¢A f'IL£

( wlitTf~


---------CQ.Il 70\1 ·.1M.!'f1o1a.ll1 and Yer:f

qu1o \olJ paa tho ~r4 Gl,ot\ t.o U10 Oat'AL,oo.

ooplo that 1 hav' n ,. a- orto1 of tho 101'

c ~or, 1t • ld bo Ju•t •• • otl not to

'11 :r< lot

• tw.•• J . D' • letter bl o ~n Tr.' ha••

-__......, IJ!'::TI

rU• ooftt1dtoaUal - • i.o JU.•.,.'• ,_ ..



ltr • .,.wi.n H • ¥41D t;tre 1

Au11t.Mt SoontArT to t.be h•e1LdeatJ Tl\e lftl1 t.e HoUII •

I'«r tr . l:elc(JTea

atct&t. be btuut.fod lD .

Ta"• •t'O extr'e oopU• M nHd not. be

re\Utntd .

H. L. looiOYtl\



13th 1anuary, 1936 .

~ deer J.4:!1 1ral:

Le1.. 10021 ' 1(. Lone.. Uo028 ' 1 .

You • Ul t-tm..tlor \bat tho object that. we h.ll4 ln t11D" h ••~l•tno tbe •~91• cQde tor ln1er-oaacun1aat1~a hetYeen o~r•olvoa ••• oo tbtt 1o ~Lo ove~t of t rQUblo artatna, euc• et , ror e1.mple an7 aor1~ua de•al~pcont of the preeont tltuetton t a tho Pukl on Pro.1noe • G ohould havo a t our 41~a1 a r ead7 m~aaa or cocoort1Da action tor the protect ton ot our roepectht n.etlonl.l tnto "te wU.b;tut. tlJ'et a. t.OUIIOI 1!1£. to all tho wo ld ~-~ •• intended to do.

'l'ho c t)de aJ.aht olto ho'"• boe..o uaed l a ocr.uctton with ouch mott#r• oe piracy, \be opium t rot lc or tho a t titude wbtch • • propoaod to adopt towa.n1e the recurr11:11 pnblca or &ho btlan1lnC ud toanh of m.r l can Mel eruteb ablpe b7 a.nn41d porUot or CbtnNO purponln& to repr sent the •artoue aelf .. coett1t"Utod b\U'oau.J: at :rher porta .

t e:a etlll ~:o.t e.dou. tbet • • ebo ld oo..operue ea t'Ullr •• poealblo ln tbu Cll14 other a.U.eu eo I rtmly bel ieve that our w ·'hlal lu~or .. ta will be boat aorTed b7 pr.eorYtnc e unlrorm policy •Se- o-•1• the Chinese eutharlUee .

Utor p.rolongecS OQDJI 1deraUor~ , howoftr, I h••• YOer~ rouod 'too \.be op1a1Gll the\ perhape Uwue 1• u tcherent dan. er \bat t.be exluence or thta private eode, w"'lob wwlcS oe.rt•U!ly beocco known e•e.ntueUT to otM.r powera, mlf,bt. provoke eutplol ona or e;mo form of (~-lOt between u• w!llcb trauceade t he bow:da ot onU.nary peau-tlllle co-opere\1on end •bicb a S&ht c~ccelvably &1Ye rlee to t ntern.ttonal c~pl loatSoae • h lcb I aa qui te cer1a1n 101.1 and l •r• equal17 OJXId. ~u.• \o ov~d.

tnt.ra t he wUl t o quarrel orte ta a cotell.y er-roceout and 4ame.e1as oozwtruaUoc ni&ht bo plau.S on t he .oat ba.n:l.lua oona xt &Dd r.o a!IOUA"t or art~o=tot would oonwtM• •rot~~-bNd.O people who happened to intercept o.l'le ot our •o.qee otber•Lte .

rar thaae roaeDne I propoae to •UEn••t to 70u that our ar:rane._ mot ah~:~ulO be tei"QJ.uat.O eM \he\. our reap.ocUn cop lee or tbe oOI!o ehould be deatro7ed . Tho Jcnowledije that our p.-r~ul oo-opuotton Ia e.o rr.e.nt ~0 co~pleta render• I t ao .ncb the ea•ler t or me t o nake thie au&S••tton aa t t'eel the\ tho atTtU!,ge:oe:tt could ot1urwleo nnor hno been cobC.Sad. .

J a 1~ fa:rTU'4 s..:-.a-.17 t"' 'fUltliiC S.alh u4 MUif.C )'~ a j lira. ~ a,lli .

A\. \ ta ~a1 I u oa ,. .... U h"" eror.. Tb •••'her la •l la4 bouar ~...ore aUo)O' ... ,. l.c.~te .

CA4.Aral , • • • ~111.0 , C' 1M tulu.J

~ 31'J.!:U .UWIC rt.. IT t".s . s • .IJQ;a'TA (n-..lpJ

l:altUa , • J .. , ... bru.I'J . 1~-c.

J a • r t Ur.c nu apia to Cl" 7011 • \ rter ntl tn• or dnd.:Jp. ..ata h r ln& t ba p&~t D.lDth.

AI 101J no• "'' htJ~ ••HlUoa ool b pee4 • U b \be d.blatearaUo.a or U~• Nlcat .. M b noute .Lnl:1, o od. ~•.a• Cb.o aad hit di .,nuaued ol1q:u.a .,,.. latt out on a 1 ~) ~tb 17Qpotb¥ from ao oae. Had tba re~olu t loa bean be tter ach taed a t l\a t ocepH oa, tho soodwU l end. par bapa n a n tha aou .,. a11t nance or t he Ou ton r.u lo , WJlch t. l.aher• n·tlr u.u .. ::ankt• ·l lo a•a1'71h tnc, llli&ht ""' be a n a aow-ad.1 but the lee.d.er a of lhe ra.-oluU o n, lJDpetuoua •4 purpoaal.ea a , Oa.l7 I UOOttdltlt ln Uta,gon lt l fl& Chell Chi-tO.Il(l ODd lft.l J1atl .. l tl l D t hei r el\CW)" a.oneuYatl tor r.•or, ao thal t.be -r=petbJ' or tba a 3uttltrD &roup, tor o"e• • aa on t .b e aid e ot tbaS r pro.-n'b 1U .n-o-, ud t bua \bt N'fOlutloa tat a • ue h olat atl rroa all ouh hh aupJIOM. Were u rr.ot t or tba ctu4UQ1Uaat u4 paa-pou ph.ru .. t roa U.a a U nr toqua or !b£at!e CbeD. t~a ra.oluloa tOul4 llau Mare• 11' won aoUce ~ \ba r ortlp wo:rld. .U 4 • eJ.•.,.. tiM e tM Mae h th BQJ la:t•m al •octlleta or t hh acrt dloh Q n oki"Mtw-1.,.. Uia l • t t-.o 4audu o r t..:pUUUA C tu, t he uti• u • Cole aaffera "-UtaUoc h l U. eyea or o tMr N I.U• •• d rae...-. ot n cceaat'a.l rekal:t U itattoa .... ,.., -.at d .e,.a betor• the • •Mal l ou 1a rr,aJ.r ...

Of e:.ul'!er.bl e Ute .. , 1.0 tho.e or u •tao . ,.. aa oaJTAd wtth tba Uttar Ot toni&~ tll'l-aJ'ea U 1D \he QrleD\ , la t.he e llnaa • .da bef o.N tJ:.a J ajJa.caaa » t el. -., ro,_.~ JI1D1at.n lU_TOte oo 1811~1'7 h~'J \.b iN , lD ~tch lt• ua~r.oa4 \he rorl.he;~~l.J:l.r eal.lu"~lMIII•at r¥1 Earr JIU .. yt • • ~J'Ol' or JIUChLlkvo. &D4 t a a 'dl tloa 4• al t a t. •~ l eQ811t ~o \ba •eqrpr t a l DC aD4 4 laarpol n.1.1QI w.,a o t CbW• la bu at t.lt ude t:::J'Qrd 1 apu, tbu.a S..UUU ftll; l-ba·t 'll n.o..Japaaaae quae \lODt a re ftr f J'OII be ln1 11qu1d.a t a4 . 'l'ha f:C,Mt'&l \.tnOr Ot tba F~r'6~ W.a SI\ar 't ep" aoh lll4t oate4 t ie t tba p reM n\ 1aran••• Oournaant. ta ,c~,ar.o iDC at .. d U .)' al n, \ ha -1'111&11 , .,.. t o.,.rd • b old •A.IIa tor tba Ulattu• poUoy ao &bl¥ propo\l04td by t he lau Xaku Ji)rt t a the a\l!'Cler o r lt~. 'rtla rorelp Wn.Se l.a r wane4 ao • orda ln. Jua\lrlcatlcn o r 1apuMa olalN t or r.oocnt ttoa or ha r poatuona ratbtr ba u • muacl • • • auter of oou.rae tbt rletaLoouaeea or t he a LaM h la ool.lAU'7 hu tt.lcen • t thout ns.tcc \be q,uei\L on t Tl&b\ Ol" .,..DC. and J~ to t ba aoc:.lua l O"e l.het Cb.J.u . u d t~ .. ete ra .orU •• .. u , aut n .occJae 1apu •• the Wpl' .. al'blter 1M oo....-l o/ lt•t reaort n t a r .. J'ar Jaat.e.ra attet n a r. oonnr-Md. l'b.Ue GO dttwo:l. Nra reGta \o • Miuu·oa Doo\rtu. to.r the &ut ••• a da. t he rore.ip loti.J:tt. t.u•a epeao- wu oat .,.,. nalad.er t.b.at Ia,._ wUl inal .. tapoD onrl4 reoQCA-~Uoa o r ... r ~"••JM'IU"Slttt.ea tor the •l.D­t a.eMo ot pu .. &a ' ' • &ut, and tMt Ua • Ul troolt ao l •tarfer .. ca rra U,JOAI u d.a u~e tba J'Ola o:l a b le! a t .lllu.r of eU Ot IM\ t nl Pt.a.

AI Japan 's atr~ leon the t rade or the !eat tightens , t he bol der become er pronouncements reepeo t ln& bar Far Eaatern pol loy . Tbe Jopeneee boycot t in Obl na baa lo~ alnce run I ta course, and J apan now tlnda heraelt mo ra tlr~ entrenched than ever I n t he Yanctze Vall ey 8D4 i n },or t h China; aonover, , new etrldee have been t aken In her southern economic penet ration throughout the ooaatwlea diatric ta trom Sbanghoi t o Hong Eons. Her penetration throU&hou t the Philippines, especially in the Southern Islands waa report cl upon at a01:1e length ea • noault or Adnlral Taylor•• loapectlon leet IJaroh. In a1dltlon , the local manager or t he Dol lar Stesoahlp Company baa euggeat od the poaa1bll1ty of bla c~~pany • a withdrawa l rraa the Japan-Chine-Philippine trelgbt competi tion ahoul d Japan •a preaent r ate or progreaa continua t or ~other t lve years •

.wertoan t rade , CIOftOvtr, I a not the only autterer t'rotl Japan .. • eeonoaa.lc penetratl~n in t he Far Eaat; .l!rltlah , am even t he Frm.eb with all their astut e bar£alntns, a re ca2ina to realize t ho tut illty or tryl na to cope with the a1tuotlon without taking aome deoielve meaaurea to curb t he Japaoaae. ~r haa I t t hat tho Brltlah are contemplating giT!ng up Boac KoQG ancl retiring to Stnrapore t or t hei r laat a tancl in the Far !aat , Alt houcb r.oth lng defini te hae been plaDLed , or at least a nnounced, the mftre rac t tha t t he Brltlah ore oona lr erill(' such 11 tum-about policy Ia momentous and indicates t be true pX(dlcanent In which roralcnara or all nati~nalltlas wi ll •~n t'1m the::.salvea I t' accetbir-& 18 r.o t done about it, .An event wh ich lende color to t~ ie rumor rer,erdine the propoaacl Brltiab withdrawal t r am llobg Kona ia tbe Brltieh neval o.nr oronce held aboa rd H.~.s . K!l~ at Slnaapora on Januar; wanty t hird ancl twenty fourth , Alt:llrala or the Britleb, Australian, and !:ew 4\ealand navlee pert1c1pated In the conference, t he key­note or wh i ch apparen tly wae t ba catter or the SlnMSpora naval boea. Th~ugh unconf i rmed , raporta atoto tha t plana o re er oot to complete the Slneepore baaa two yaara aheecl of echadule , I . e ., by 1938 or 1939, eo am ana ot' alleYietlns anxiety tel t in !1\:;lancl, 4uatralla, and Nuw Zealand over Japanoae 81!lbl t1ona and -aaressiona in the Beat , Other rauona s tvan ror proocodlng with tbe boae were the a pparent coll apea or wor l d ott or te toward dlaa~nt, and t he probable il:I:Unanoe ot Philippine lnclepan anco an~ tt.o ,...,aultlnt dool1ne ot the U. S., aa a naval r ector In the Far laet,

Taldoa It all In all the g<'neral tendency, baeed upon both nzoor and raot , qrranta the auumptton that the am or t'ore l (;ll lnt luanoe In thia pert ot' the world Ia now in eight unloaa tba powara cen gat toge ther eocehow and oall Japen•a blurt by t'orca. J epan haa repeatedly a. nounced, and bar ac tion• have borne her ou t , tha t aha lntancla to be ueter here , and the eo. nar that rore lsn not!o lll r eallte thet abo ce not be nerve by worde alone , one! that their own pol lclee muat be revised accordlnely, the bet t er It el 1 be tor the ultitla te p· ace or all natlona concerned ; but not htnr a'.or t or war, or at leaat a vary rea l thr .. at or war by a oablnaUon or powers , will call her bluff , llheiher or not our a~ lee in t he Orient Ia aut­ric len t to justify a ahow or rorca, e i ther alone or In C Ol .b1nat1on with other nat ion• ( aae~1~ we could eat together ) , Ia queatLJAble. Cur A81a t rade at pre ant 11 on the ~ •• ancl it our policy Ia t o remain Indifferent to.ard eoononi o expanelon in the future ea wo have clone In the paet , the rlalt ia certainly not worth while; I t we continue to clrlrt without booa t lns thlnra along a bH , all or ur tracle will econ be abeorbecl by the J epaoaae, and

- II-

then. tbare Y111 be lHtlt _., or Mic-lelala& our Jl"tMal. .Uhtle rorot. J.l. P-f"''M&I. , the .;o\Udard: OU aM our aiuiaa.rl Me.=. l- be 1..1. '" oajor ,..l le=ta or lUI)' 'b ;;. ru -.r .,_. tOJ"Ct• out ta•~ '"- a'tle to Ntl4u~ t be t~n:.r. ec•M or uu·-o-'• •-'• b7 t~ kltbt: SWii r.t.roltu:~ Lt4 o1 1J14 Otblt l.tUt1' OOI:i,pu i .. 1 h j.ad.all.7 lotlr~ lte &rlpl I.D4 thn =Jeal ocarloe. • bJle aol opeclr t0llv-thtllo1 bawt never ••P clall1 ••1-o~ tbl '""J:iO' or cu.nboe.U l.o ~pport lbe co•pel . Huca tbe wla.da or cocUn.ut.ac OlD' pr.: .. :a u .t pollq la tbe f ace ot J•~•• M.--J.o uor••at.~uu w t~ft' al 1 ... , a.:.. t:)r\ ot uructl• to r_..lc dial. •• hnt lOll 1G ~UihC worth¥ of ~ar•M tluQ .

Iaold-" \Ill)' 1 Oll'laU Ia PlA"' a,U U.ary end. 01\al le~tra ..,., cot. 001 •Hh their awol'il nnU.vc •• u· ha auppo.rs t "-tl• roretp l.:ic.later' a 4.cla..,uou. T'"-Z' lattnit• • 11.:1 u .. T.Sut•a Wuhlac'• C!O-""'Mpoli4t Dl ~ardu.& Suttn&'ll' t oatbu.rt l .-.a pl'Ull ... tl7 dJtplqM Ul tl:la J•'*·''' pnta; tba Japen. Adurtta.r1 tor WlAflu, carried the t i.Ory Wld•r a thn a e-oltaa~ bua.U ta., a.n4 the Ye~Uurl qntd 1\ • .,.,. halt ch• tNnt. pt.te.

M \I.M c,Ova OD I hope to t~t\ ••-«1 trc. r •nlt&etlau u.d &ht rou aue •••ret. facta wb.td:l \tD4 t.o 'h&r 01.1\ 1:7 op1D1oa . s •••• \ta t • • JladbtUtr take 4ee1tha ,...~, aoo» t.o call J'apan•a bluff, or tl .. uva up t.ll olet• to 'betn_, • oacmtrolal te.ccor out han .

~ ·••r, •~ar. all la aald , publlc oploloo at b~, 1c 1.1 .. ot ''~'• • • W 4-..cl that. •• JUC •P • .. n.p rather U a a \1U'a t a ll u4 nu:. •~ •• ~de!._. uu hlu4 u •• a re p~ t.. •~ 1a taw-aU, Uae pta.albUStr of ..,. • lll bt • pret1abl.1 J'-.o lid .

l.lb.1J'&l l.l!.StaalltJ, t"'sr>', Chief or l•\'al C'pe,..ucza , J>e'f')' vaper\meD\ , 1rublQI\OD, oJ. C.

tJ'l7'.l:) .,. ...,..., .. JA!lJ ~ • • • Aap 1 ta, Flq a lp

• u • • rab..-... !'7 u . .. ~ ...

U.f'ftlth coloaed a • 1.wo eorau uauoza, tJo\h or tctare•' aa 'bt&r1Qi: ~D tht ltfttnU all.·t·UOI ,

T!\e oGe rr-,. Ult.•r'"'' ·a111 ot t"rtouoa betw ao I$1Bh:":! aas !ape.=.••• rbr otf1aan t · t.ca~•• 1-:rw aual.D or :relaU:Aa. • •t.;. Uar- t.. o lda 1: too~ pl.M:a IN\• ... ,.._. ,..,. ~·• -.,o, bla! I ~•• loot d upon lt Q hue pei"MPI a ahU4ara\&adUl,, . ttll ~la n,;euue:~, ~ ... u·, lt ,b • ~ 1 i: t~ • ._ LIYIOt•'·

Toa ta"f't pertlap. keJ"'I l a lrtlta\ l!etl Sltera o~ u rtc1 taa car.U-=t - -- .-.. •t.~ l• DUar !!..!!.!!' u ...U.7 ftlda or or .,.,h •.

4btral I' . J .Ot.u4la)' , o.s.r .. cauar or 14"*1 ~; p.tl-.., tODe

,, • ...,.. 01~;&~1

' uh 1liC' ;¢1

1•1 ~pi>-.

t11."n'C l'tl-::'I:S .. su. lC ft._:.;:r

YJJO't'U f4U-a::L

tJ ••• wz. ::-, nca '' J'utow, ChJa.a

., J •r.u• ry 1934

,._ • lit • boNA lHth ot *-QJ-t. -..11.1 o ho tbe her u4

Uw.t ..... ~,. ~ t.DdicattOA Ot &Q •othe Cx:.&..1et dbtortuu~c ... .Ia a .U.t•

ter ot t'aot tba N .ora, azw. U..cra ._,... ple .• tr t tb•, lA4lcata . aUu~~.& .,r• than wbu t. • ,,...,. .. • btaboo t le"rap.) attorda. T'- t~.h.,. 1 ,..~ toe.

tidY ;:'Ha aon\b lt ••• arrU~c, .s &..~.:~11& u.a t. n u ru·e \ba

cua~ry aalu\e tar \be cah.1o1Ser year. Th• •rnncemenu were IIIAJt beh••a

t.ar J.d:::llral SIJchaka , C'PltlD O:rr·red or t he C.&.....uM.A::, «14 ..t .. lt. H waa aJ<.

~ 4 t~\ t !• c.ut.J)O; &boQ.l,d, ttra a .. 1\lto tO J.dalral SUalaW aDd lo ba

r.~~o~.z:•4 b)' Jt.la, tJ.D a M.h&ta t .. whto 1 ·~~14 rato:n , d Q c t. a Japua .. c.Nhar TS;.. n&. u rtra a ea.lat \0 ~. J.1.l U • ..., t o btCJ.a a\ c.-.o oa a ah'e: Mr-lr • I d-) e>t • o. •ht occul.;~~~ .. l\ llut Uaa ~~ e tan 4 OQt

w:U. • 11l11ta •qt w1t;1 '··• tl . ... . eulp ct t ha ton wb:areupoa. •• p~pU7 r..

t umed B . lie weHed a t a w L.~t .. &D4 •• oot..~ ... a ;;pmad •• tlrttd a •alut.a

t :~ M:-Jtral Sucla4lta and ll ••• Nl\l.:'11ed . 't'btn tb, l"ttf\. .. n· a ool"dlt~~ t.o

aohtclt;tlt. tba ourloua par\ or aU \.bla 1a ;.hi\ Ad.lllirti SU&hlll:a .. at en ortloer lo the CJ.;~.; t o ulc wby t... t.a4 -.ot beta alu tt4 rlnt . I d o o t kz,ow the

ana• r . Yea\erd•r ..4::irU Cbllua re\urr.ecl o \!ot ED end ft -.4 a •dut 'o .. • ·Je:. .. kpa u :-at;Jn. bat.,,.. tla• ac!l;o or 1la l .. t "o ba4 41.- ••v. I u.u '-0 ... aalat•• r.ta.~td t e\ ·~ u lt l .4loe\u •• 4;> u t wtter aurrocat .. o:a tr~ Ula etr .. ta of C'lliGtat a1.-.. .a.a...J rel 8QctaU.. d.ld aot .a!Vit .ltt.;.1.ral

Cb1U. Do A 1.1\t.lo later lc tba --«! Mbl.ral C •• tlt.;;.~t•e t'lag lleu• .._, cce :I'I'Or

to ... , MDC~)' ar.4 Ul4 l:lb the\ Mblral C ll.LOD hid. a\\ii:altMl U .14:llral !':a.&b•ka

u une lder ott1olal ce la ••i• erd tubaqed . ha uk--4 t~a •~~• )t n: md t 4&1' ted to it , Uu~ the J'ape.nalt eiL1ra.l d toltntd IJ4 hulat+ d thAt Cftlla be

udt aad Mk:ad 1t J..dm1ral 0 1Utoo WOJ.:ld aalut• .bla when 11t •"• tile call.

J.dalral Cbllt OD uU t!l.ll tbat .. he h" CODa bellha4 U.a pocto.;JA be • 1lc2 ~t be

eb1o \.4 4~ e.o, • lLerwuroo tM JCJJU .. • .-lral eakt4 ~ t ':e C.A: ·c:, • hb •u

er.c o,... lo \b.a atro•, oo..JJ ot ~ tlla a&le\1 .,. ..& tho -. .... ,. u thl..a •••

c.hat t1. w ~ e aio.a\ ltl-t ltrlthb J"'IICulat loo.a .

4t. t la •rt\.lJIC ~ara baa b" ~ ca.l exc~·tod between lhe

!!rlthb ud. Jep&:~a .. r9ar ·~ lla ror t 1• ule1.4ar )'t-~. 'lht1 Ia Juat Phu coaa i p ""'' U. baa ita rtYfrbtraU~n t'l-.:a Ch\U\1"' lAS to ToQo. I bod eubAti•ad ZA• Year u: h wt\h .Ad.tlltal 1Q&luta boron .i4.dral 0 .11t01 a M'l'l'o4 .

'ftl,e Ot.htl" l M .._.l.r&l !iul'leake ullll ata1"r -en • dl .Diol" ~ u

t. tht L:'loo..;. a\ a a...;;O,... ,...U&lhAl, Ja~ .. t . It YU pr".:ltu*'lJ' MOl"ttta4 l:Ot

oU., wtt.b two la.r eat abo . ..... . ••4JI..a a..." Je~eaa eul. u tl .t W ue r.4

•M • * •h• etra-n u4 ... • it ul •he 11 llta. lA a. 4ltl• to UJ.•

u:a 1 1\lla a ap, a.L.1.1ar t ... t • ~•• wa. • • • II I 1 u Shetl&h•t , u llk~1M

4t«~~••t•J wH t . s . and. Ja...,eaaae tA•1.vU · 1. MLUaeUe •rrort l a baLAc ~e to


ta.r Na tr1•411 rabUaru aod Juat • ut h be 1Ad 1\ 1 4;:, D ... \ lr o-. H ..., be th no el app~prht.i('la l!SU, or 11. AY 'o a rt~l~at aDUpttiJ1 tO•arll Gntat drl\alo due t o \.he o:r~•r"'ttl co t 1t1 .,_1Une .. a.c~ ner&l t.rada al\,.aUoft. I • •te11 I Tit. 1.. 0 l)' r- u I 0&1 t. lti ot.

• • • a a.a.l .. ft.- _ L :-., a ,.n ~r U.a c..,. %.Ita, b t.M .-... ~ ~ulat~. a.a .. uat ozx fr;, Al'blr- -.:- t1 o- a ~' utc ab:t\11. Ut.a tnr. ae ow. 1. a a w 1.t. loblilt r l!r. ut.-.. ., ult • Ulu ...r, l'0~11br, ttl ,..,"* .. Ill • ,.,. or lba T •• C:l"'pa::)' b , h"d a 1 roaebed D-• .Ua."\1 •• t >J t.ba tthUabtlHy ",_, pncUcabUHy Qt on. t~ "'o Td • boA\a C&rl' 1 a a_ lUOG alo -CIIIc: to tba Ol' rJ!..~:;t t:J Cbu~l .:t • .._ ... • Yi w 1 \li .. ua.. U Wl 1Ao...-i Ob a t· ar. fl'~;-trl.J' U:'""ltrt~ .,... tWtt Dol ~;: hU ar aa tt. ~ r a a U..t t• ONl '• ..c. but. u b.:. da\ ! t .~ •' 11.. .:, at.f'9"e:r u ~. Qa.;ertaltt eu q; l\a .. u Uo &DI5 poat\ln rol.:CI'IfA£ a.;.t atrl.tl,r t~ poliCT t~t !n' T« t ot aD)' oar-r,t t::c or t.r .op.a or aJ2l lUo:a all protu\toa •A.! ta T_.,..,a , T.la J1111. l:.41ca\ a b.a Uoa l'Q\ la kap t. bQU1M 111 tbo !'a~cua Valey. '!'be C r.JUl General heN hos boe;s " 01'7 oor.Jlal an4 bqtt1 a: 1 L)o• . ~ 1:1111 Of!:" e d~u. \ U.e sLlp ~ ••U. • ..lc' I ' \. • " r ll lo• \. lAf to do.

1 .. ,. ·•:.l:""" · Qt e. :.etu <.t o r ex.l 'ta .. ~•N aD! • ell • &4U1tu ta U.e ~., ... ,.._~ 1~ ~ ., wl 1 "-• "r u , .. =n b::un ud ,..! ste&;~. tr.Ja l.:.u;_. 1e tine t~...illd by ·~•rt•l.t U.t t Ma N tU • t .. 4ollara • d4U' erd al.o r:h • u.• ~oal bura.r-• •.11 e z:e.ellet ot.a~rce lo ovwbll'll ·~olr bollera.

I .-ri \:e JOU UUs h ter MNl,J \ ht y;u lc: Qlll U Ule ~hllt ~s \: tlat I· a ud J;Jf(l poealbl.J te got in\: U\. t... JOU.

'llt u•waa• ot ,.. a.t,_n ncar4.

/ -


Saa 1ranctaeo, Caltr . • 10 !le7 193~ .

l/y desr ••ha ~and :

I am aendlng the enoloatd laportont let t er t o ~he Presiden t Jn your oare.

I saw ln the papora today thllt ht we;a no1na to t.•to WoocSmont Club, hut t.he dtare tch wee delayed, ao that 1 dtd not h••• timo to warn htm about tektna the A.'C'TJJY wl tb hi• . rerbapa, bow­• • •r, the well- known Colonel wU l b· • • lt"rned c.o oat.ch thh by tl:.ta time 10 Lt. t t·e wlll no t have to a~proprtate the rtah that are cau~ht bJ real t tehon:eo.

We ha?a been •tr~ o at.renuoua ttae c~ t e trip thua for acd ere teeded eouth to­aorrtw.

P1sa L'arguor1 te Lalf.and , The Wh l t.e House, 1'11 lln~t.on , D.C.


/-:5F /I"J.- . 1.-. • • u­


l"rom: To




San Fronoisoo , Calif., 10 IJny , 1935.

Colonel RooseTelt (H.L . , not T. R.). The President .


1 . The und ersigned acknowledges with gratifi cation the letter from The President on the above subjec t dated •sy 2 , 1935, and appr eciates the eminently just findings or the Court or Inquiry .

2 . With reference to paragraph 6, or the ebove letter, tt.e undersigned does not deny th11t he bos a serious ear defect Jnd is pr obably deficient in geography , but he cannot admit that he could ever mistake Cotoctln for Pat uxent, either over the tele phone or due to his acknowledged de f iciency . 3 .

ell fish Cat octin Rapidan .

Furthermore, the unders igned is or the opini on tha t or1Finally conta ined in the waters in t Le vicinity or were transferred during the lest admini stration to

• · The undersigned will be deliFh ted t o comply with in-structions contained in paragraph 7 and will submit himself im­mediately upon return t o Washington t o en examination by Captain Mcintire, USN (~ ) , with the defin i t e under~ tanding that no de­fects or his hearing wil l be round . ~ 5. It i s r espectfully requested that i A ~~s e uent Capta in Mcintire findsthe bearing or the unde rsigned not deficient , tha t the undersigned be author ized to appoint the firing s quad to o erate on Colonel Watson end be be further authorized t o ap­point himself as the leader of such squad .

Re.f"treaC-t l lAtt.e.r tro• tbt Pr.oldtAt. , datAd Mft.7 U , 19,, with tncloaur. - pboto,rsph t.ktc in Holl7w00d .

1 . tn rlt• or the tact~ U.t. t.ht blood pro .. ••w-• of

Cia \Zide:r•!c* •• reeo:rd.ad at. ~.,.. bet'IIM!l 2)0 •nd ')S

.ule te ... b Bonol.&.h, but. bu a!..Dc:e b.e. !"edue.:i t.o 16,,

1~ 1.1 prtiUMd U.t. GO t'urlhtt" telt.a wlll ~ r~~;uir«1 at. the

prenr~t u ...

' · 'n\t l.ndtriJ.cnod will not 11daU., howt"fe.r, nor dDt.ll

ht tldnk t.h doot.ar• w1.l.l ecrt.il)', that. tb1.a rUe 1ft blood

~rNP:"t ... lD arq 11117 OC-t:Meted Y1 th toN be ~t of \Ae JftO­

C.OCftph M11Uon414 1a retereoet.

) . At.t.enUon U: reapeoc..tul.l7 1Arlt.ttd t.o the tact. U.t

t.ht quottlon or t.M thb - preaented t.o t.ht President by hl•

KWt..&.rr At.dt - doM Mt. •w--r to bt NU.tact.or i.l.7 cl•.rtcl up..l

#? pt. /.L~



~u. I •• ln 8ol::olulu, ~· Cb\•f .Jw•h• o!' Ul•

T•M"H.ollr7 or ~ .. u . Judp Cob, e'llled oa .. •Qd 1a ' , oo .. ,.

o" '-" C>On'ltr••Uon a~t.td u rollow:tl

1. Io hb orWoa. \he nrrLtot")' or ta'IJIIII.LL if na """r17 ror •t~~te!lood .

' · 't1t IJr'tlt"Dl .ll'OW~t eflft at.ftd on.lJ N 11'1!11 •• t.~• ,..et.l queat.ioa U hpt. out or pe-U•J.ca Lr; U.. 'f• ror1-t.ot'7. ftle .airnat.e U.· n.::lal f:!"'U • 'hrln. \0 •'l'"rt. 'Uwl.r lnM~, ._. Met , In \be s.a:......t l~f'll, •le ~tlect1•• otru .. wUl br.U..tA17 tall \at.o -.:.e tAN'• of U • t..rNt- r,.t"l&l crou;=, U.U. ere-Ur4 •• l.t!tol~­•lll• d~.u~o. ~.eo ·~ 1t • 1.1 ~ rrf, 11 .._btl 11

,..,.... of p~~ .tU t• • • aral.7 "'~·t •bl• ~·•·•



AUgUt aa, l VH.



r. D. a.


erne• or ""' ~...,

(S() FG- s t. ......... _.rOOt


AUG:! 0 1935

The ~•vJ O.;art~nt hal ~en tt ~••~td b.Y t he .itOr t\UJ o r t.M later lor. ;:.-rtt~bl,Y ln aooor4tnoe wl\b Jtllr • tewt, u ttnd • tct.s.a4roo or pl.-oet oa 1 reoOIW'Lnat:.ct a!nlon tn \ht .o'U\ 1n41tt . wH h \ be t¥1tS\u.tl plrPOII ot tt\a'Dlhhitlc; uoh l~iA*drGn, \Qit\h er wH.h Ba wrp run. 'l'e;..&.nO peuot.r:'ltl , a\ t.he foraer M Yd '""ulon et .,;\ . •'b 1, Y~rc:.la. 1 h M!ot.

J;;.ua~e~~Uoa O! t.~ ' tOj;iONl looloaua \":I r::;tc .. ~ 11\7 fer t~.t f31lo~ o~ra\1ou1

Cl) fo e~Ql07 -..rtce a1ret•t'1. rr• C1t i.Aat e ••' eo,aUt.,_t-t , llttt »l'lu fcotCN: A4 U "'' \l.e ,..., ....... ...:s (~~ a ullb17l t~or MnlolQS , ._.-.laM t :r...a4r .:c. ~.iTA • • ..aUc.12 or .t.x. I') o-.enuloa plaou tAt 'i+e:D aelecu4.

lt1 ~o ... , :...ta ~-¢roo tint oa •urto .,teo, \ 7 tl.)'S...:.. 4o-a •La C"ba ·~ a.tu . (31 •hu niu.bh lftur-ul at a .oUI.O ..t.too, to esune. , , , eoo~ or the rtooanat•••not LO t he t sr,sn l•lanea .

l4l l'o bla•e \ be •q-.udJ'on ~apon \.he •Ue or \he tormu n.nl 1\~Uon 1\ ~\ . Tho.• , and \ k1 AU'l'.L~CS 1ft the ha.rkr or 5t . ':!h<W!llll .

(OJ 'l'o ooc-tltwe rt<=-~-fl.D811 .. •no• o .. euuou ln \ht 'ftr.:ll'l l11an4 ar•a AI lOQi AI -., be ntCIIIIT1 o

'rbe S..Y)' De-u"\-.a\ oontldut oerhin , .. ,....,. .. or ' '" 1ro,o .. d Gpe~rn .. ... a• ~••lr.bh ANI t..1enr~re tl'lo-.l.l4 M \r..-.,:b\ \ O 10tU ftotic:e; ~l;r•

r • 01' • ••el\ b to·r&l"}'


.... _ ~fs"

.. _ ___ cJrd ./'.#<:LA:

UJ '111•. 4r~ or 'lUAI •tll hne ••rJ Uatu.S

,. .. ,.. t o • ·'- .c 1' •• u . ~tr l• tr n.u. or aaa.· 1r-.,.•, \.helr 4.••-:lU.n.o a,p;oll•• u.4 re.,_tr

taotll\le•, thetr ~~·r~•r• and aOQIIIOtl•• •11

r+ •-'" a.c1eq...ato ufecur4h ~4 roteetlcla •'

all t • ·

Cill 'l'be lanUnc flalt C'IClUUu • • la.ad••l'i•'•

la :. .... flr~D hlar.a. Ill~~~ \.he u~ar*lll are

••U.•t•ot~ h ... , . ,_,_, Etr wrr .

1)1 7'2t.b h \ b IJ"1'1011t:.e ••c.n .l ._,if.

la ~ o o , I&,; :.,...1 OY rJ

'"t •• , .... .,..

•N 11 \11.1 ,. \ lt..i:l l o

f!lH..,... .1.4, (4.J JorH.t -·· · lh\ D bll.l_i"Ji_ a\ .. t . :a1

a.ze *'' e:~l.,.,. 1..-i"p ~\o t aelhllltl .

•..aa..!htat.l.a to u.kln 7r:N.r

•be i'tlt14tnt ,

I aa rtfurt-. t 1• •Uar u ~ re u~lac rour

r ~.. ~ ~.r~t • , ., ... or ' ta "J•~ rlo.r

flrA1 UOialCG lnd ChliJd, JOIU' II"'J'tOtd .

tb. •hl \.e I "'' .

• I •

w~ tro• ~ . A. L. to Atat . roo . Navy

.. ,

Attaoh1ng rero prHp•red hy Cr oo4 F . Coa ror tee . D&rn· Dato4 Doc . 20 , 1935. SUbJeot···· t'Utu%"1 policy or u . .. . rti


reterttlon or t1aval ea 'n tl.e Phll lpinet~ ..rter lndeptnclonc:e .

SEL--7ar Yllo·· ( ) Dra .. r l·-·1Q3G