t h i p liiiindi/ nc npuctiinp-ih i of oblivion in fis h...

A ArM,-Edition" T H I VOL. i:i. NO. 7 -iSiSIOilS ill M ij -— (J Minister Faces Cliarge ol “ Insulting Country, Am- ° mean Churches and Of- * licefs in Arm y and Navy - If (By m e Assocliiled Prtii) W a s h i n g t o n , April IB - —A L o n te n Bcrmon L iiKninat wur rcactcd to- I • i (lay to' brinK ngalnst thc pus- • ‘to r w h 0 delivered It t h e chargc thnt hc hnd insulted Ilia country, thc churches of Amerlcn iind the chaptalna of the nrmy and navy. p Speaking from tlie pulpit of a nar chaplain wltli Ihe chief of , chapUlns or lhe United Bute* irmy «i«aitd in ft i>f» Jutt below him. Hie nevV P e i e r l h e Clirlillaii temple at BtlUmore. de* llvered iho lermon here yesterdoy. He w u quoled ta ooytns Ihot "there " Ll no more Juistlflcallon for belnR t rt choplsin In thc ormy or navy thon J there 1* fpr being o. ehoplolo In » r jipeokeoiy." , The Rev. Jo»on Roble Pierce. pa»* « tor of the First CongreBOtlonoJ church, lu which th# «rtnon w u "J delivered, mode public o letier todoy u he hid written to the Bolllmore t< •poator. Ill It hc colled attention to ------htrown ierTiccinHhe-World-war-** -« choiiimn. ond to lha attendonea ot U tho meetlnB of Colonel Jullon E. J' Yftleji, clilef of army choplolns, ond o; mnnj- members of the Doughters of U the Amcrlcivn RevoluUon. W Dr. Ptcrce. who wos President rt Coolidge'* pastor, etyted lhe utur- , nncM os “ituulllnn your country. In- ci jiiltlnj the churches o t th# Unlled o BUtes. ond insulting en mouo'the n .choplsln* of the ormy and novy.“ U 111 Bolllmore. Dr. Alnslle sold h*. ^ • hod not rccelvcd Uie letUr and N probsbly would nok core to make tj any statement. ^ , -Whot 1 mill about war In my n A fermoii In Wo.'vIiinRlon, 1 hove ssld «: ^.-xgalii oud osolii. nol only In my >» • OKn pulpll bul from other pulpits." T he oddcd. "I was not awaro thot Uie n }i»sto?.-of the Flrsl CongregoUonol church wos a chaplain, and. of * ccurr.e. would have sold noUilng of « choplolns U l,h o d known befow- d - :.'aria lhal*ho w*« on*. Ho«ev«r, n o •nm agaliut wor ond Christians Uk- n ..■-__ln6.ony.p«l?lJi-«tar.‘'. c, Colcmel Voles sold lie agreed %1lh D Dr. Plcrce thal the sermon wo* n "prclly trying medicine." ond Uiot k Rfur listening to ll he hod gone to *: . his office ond written o "splrlled r;ply" which lie did nol«end. e. In his letier Dr. Plercc ssld Ihot e Ihe Unlled Stntcs ond lls churches tl had been "maligned" by a sUle- rled on by Christian notions and that the responsibility tor ll rested upon tlio ChrUUan church and thai churches and notions were Indiffer- ent to the right or wTong. bul sole- i ly concerned with winning the vor. ( / “You referred lo choplolns pray- ^ *1116 that Ihelr soldiers mlghl shoot i, sUalglil and kill all lhe enemy pos- o slble." he sold. “My lestlmony os the. unlor chaplain of the Second r division, A m e r lean ExpedlUonory « Forccs, thot I never mode ond ^ never lienrd such a prayer. Chop- lolns carc lor Uie wounded, ond dy- i Ing bath of friend and focN ni^ ^ OFFICERS IN ARMY HEAR t DEMAND FOR SOBRIETY , NEW YORK. April 15 0>-Anny I officers who wlll Imvc charge of Ihe .'forthcoming Oold Slor mothers' and t wor widows' pllgrlmoge *o the French > 1 war cemeteries tonight were womed > that If they drink the winesof Pronce / or any other liquor they will bo Iro- I niedlaUly returned from duty. ■At a mccUng In lhe Hotel Penn- [ sylvania. Quartermaster Oeneral John L DeWltt. uld to tjie offlcen; . "You must remember that you luve been choscn becouse of certoln quollllceilons. The moot Important . of these Is sobriety. No officer must Indulge In Intoxicants. You wlll be lubjcel lo the most minute oburva- Hon. Army officera will ba Judged It 1^ iiy Llilarulii.' ------...................... C LINDBERGHS PLAN FOR I . FLIGHT ACROSS-NATION * 0 BURDANK. Cal., April IS (/TH ' Colonel. Charles A. Lindbergh said hero lodoy he and Mrs. Undbergh soon would moke a one-slop (llghl b from Los Angeles to New York. He n sold they probably would sU rt In i four-or tlve days. Colonel Lindbergh v Mid his plons were to molnUln on e< . altitude of 10,n00 feet He wu "pUylnR around" tn hls monopline here loday^______________ , J ---BRITISH SEEK-DATA.IN " --------- u l^ jp ^ B Q ffiEj_Anrii 15. (fl’j^oTe'mor * I^Uon ?ad affccted monnen ond J morals of Idoho. Ill a letter from Uie "comnUtM ------ on-tnnperanee of-Uic-housei or-par^ n llomcnl," It wu explained iome > chanieo In the liquor Uwt }l jo knov what the Vital ond criminal « 'rfkitUtlcs of Idaho were compored . ^»lth prohlblUon doys. and whot thr o • K^Tfraor thought of the succcss ta b laUun or tbe .VoUleod acU .. i SUCCESSOR TO EMPRESS .J |l ON j^BYSSINIAN THRONE Vl FACES SERIOUS REVOLT _■ LONDON, IWt<aei4oy Marolag). AprU Ifl (4V-Dlspatches from Cairo, Egypt, to the Dolly N e« uy* thot Ull Negus R u Titforl o( Abyssinia. . who succeeded^ the Imperial Uirone on-U« deoth of Empreu-ZaudJtu - (Judith) recenUy, w u ficlng a ser- ious revolt in the province*. —Trlbe»men-of-the-Tl*rerWoUo-«B4- — Ogoden provinces were *old to be morchlng on Addis Arobo, hovlng . defeoUd the Iroops of R u Toffiri In two bolllei. The overthrow w u . believed to be Ineviloble. The revolt oroee from lusplclont thot the empreu hod not died a noturol death. imiflBES 1 i EXniDFCDSIIIDS: : A . Professor R. J. Trumpler d 0/ University of Califor- ^ ; _nia-Pigures-in—Trillions ^ *•' ni BERKELEY, Cal.. April 15 (ff) — A - rough Idea ot how big th: cosmos Is bi , maybefoundlnUiecompuUUonsot nc , Professor R. J. Tnimpler of the Uni- hi venlly of Csllfornla, made public th . loday. tr I Professor Trumpler, an aatrono- Hi 1 mer of Lick observatory, operated by > the university, citlmoUd It would I Uke a ray ot light 100 trillion vor* ( to travel from one end ot Uie cosmos bi I Ja-the-oUKr.-ftnd_light_trovela_at Ui ; Uie rale of 186,000. miles a second, ce . Just mulUply 1M.OOO by M and Uie te i answer by 60 ond Ihen'by 24 and : Uien b y -M an d Uien by 100.000,000.- b< KOjm and you hove Uie rough idea c ; referred lo. OuUldc of llist cxponse, which in- ir . eludes ever)'th!iig In Uie woy of an cr I orthodox sphere or spheroid there n> ) moy be a few roving wluuiou, bul Uiey ore probably ot no moment. in L Mere Trifle « 1 \A s to Uie univene, Uiot is a mere re • t»le. Once eonsi.'ered u every* u thlAf, utronomcrs now regotd H u r merely one ot Uie numerous stellar - I systems. Our univene, known u the , milky wsy, U a mtri 10.000 llghl ' yeon acrou or 119 quadrillion miles T > lu diameter. Professor Trumpler I I lays Uie milky way Is sliap^ some- ' [ what like a flatuncd disk and 'Uie r (tan are amngeo spirally. Tlie . depU) Df Uu disk li aboul« j n o tT U dUireUr, or M «fu»dnnini . miles. There ore oboul 38< open sUr ctuslefi in the milk. way. li: one of . I these cipiters. so tiny you'd hardly P: t noUce it. i:. a clannish UtUe group t, I known to uironomers r;<Uie solar . ) system. I How tor beyond the comsos spoce exunds Professor Trumpler does not dt t even venUire to guess. But he Uilnk* « I there's pj:nty of IL tl' jtEWISTOrS-pOFOCATrorfw I INCREASES 41 PER CE(fT % 1 _ -------- * T LEWISTON, Idaho. April IS UP)- In ’ The population of Lewliton Increas- oi • ed 4t per cent In tho last 10 yeors. _ a preliminary census report'reveolcd “ t (oday. Thc 1630 populaUon Is 03(18 compared with 6414 in 1920.. The following population figures * for other lowns In Ne* Percc couniy - { were reported, but figures of 10 years ' ago were not avoiloble. , Upwoi. 416; Culdesac, US: Peek. 164: Ollford, 70; Lewis counly: Win- chester, 6SS: c ^ m o n t , <76; Reu- bens, 191: Idoho county: Stiles 378; Ferdinand. 104; and Kamiah, 477. iG E iim r I nsipn j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow and Hugging Coast '.' 4’ : SANTAnDER, SpilD, IW cdnnd.r ] Momlng) April 19 (AV-The dirigible ~ Oraf Zeppelin.-bounli-irom■he^i>omo = porl al Frledrlchshifen to ScvUIe, Spain; passed over'UiU city at 13:30 I A.~M. Uday., She w u (lying low and hugging the coast line. 1 SAILS STEADY COURSE ) PARIS, April 16 (ff>-0(t<n heard t but rarely eeen,.Ute Oerman dlrlg- » Ible Oraf Zeppelin, (bing (rom 1 Friedrlchshafen. Oermany, to 8c- 1 vllle. Spain, ulled a sUady diagonal ' ) course acrou Prance today.. ' . She w u nylng low Uirough rain ° clouds and her progress w u slowed down by head wind*. Tbero weft no untoward incldenla nported. ‘iHe blrainhlp'entered'French J unoon. AtoWlii*;to'R»i»:yiUl«y; J (b w ^ Ptitiuti'keeplng ibuUi o( * R i m Loire.. I At 10:81 P, M. she'K nt a wtoelesi . ffieaaia totbafiorduoxstaUbnUiat - t she bad crossed Uia French eout- I line and beaded out to set in tbe di- I wetUm tip ot Spain. i .'Itwu'wsumedtbatihehodpMsed f out to the Boy ot Biscay eomewhere r belween La Rochelle ahd Bor- dt&ujL THE ONLY ASSi ^ iN 1 TWIt liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i-fimnE ficr : HnP[EIi- --------------- .............................. - 111 ^ American Aiid British Chict o't Delegates Agree on Im- I portant “Sale-Guarding" " , Clause in Naval Treaty uJ -------- lh (By The Aasocloled Prt-.O L ondon, April j5-uapid [* progress In drafting; the London nnyal treaty con- fe , tinned todny nnd tho hiiiwr- tii I tant “safe-ifuardinK" or “c.s- I colator” cinusc wa.s agreed u p o n in principle by ilic American und Briliah chief is r deleKutcs. This section will protccl Ihu ti; Unlled Stairs, Orest Britain ond 01 >. Japan aBalnsl nocslble 'cgmiiclltlve _ naval building by iiatlon.f not sis- nalory-tt Uie trl-partltc agreement of I - 0 ilgnotorj’ power may. If lls in > building program U Ihrealencd by a th t non-slgriolory power, build lo a cc • higher level thun lliat provided In Ini : thc three-power treaty, Tlic levcLi of sli the two other signatories wlll rljc al cri . thc same lime. _ ' ' Rroadent Scope I I t Lt uiidcrf-lood lh a t n cIiiuac jl I broader In scope than Article 21 of II t tho Washington treaty lic-s been oc^ ■ cepleo. in rellablc“ Amerlcan qiiar- t Ur*. It woa thought thot the con- 1 suluUve clement of Arilcle I'l would . be eliminated, the London treaty I clause providing for o simple dc- clsrotlve siaiemcnl from any of tlie . Uiree iwwerj of an InUnllou to In- [J] I crease coiutrucllou became of un- e due building by on ouulde iwwcr.' ^ But d(.M>lte the roiildlly of dr.tfl- Ing work, tome doubl rcmuUiA whelher lhe Londcn pact wlll bc ^ ready for formol signature Tuesday \ • 10 * the American delegation con > catch the Levlotlian for home- lolc r .......... ........ - ---------------- Jo e (Conllnued ou Page 3, CoL 4) ilElM lflTII : jeceismsm : ; - ----------------------------- m. f .BOISE, AprlM3 J^The.,ynlq_n JJ J Pacific stages today agreed to run «| C two round trips dolly of a "shuttle lh ^ bus" between Elijs and Twin FalU e througli Jerome. Oooillng ond Wen- t dell to give the.'c towns coiinccUsns Il'l s will) the main line bus'rOUtes.' , “J Tlie lown.1 petitioned thal cither Di the shuttle bu-i or one of lhc main Ui “ line bussesTbe iourcd through their . r dlstrlcU Instead of both the Union wi Pacific and Columblo Oorge Molor a ' TromporUtlon com[iany busses go- nc - leg by way ot the Hagerman valley co • ond Bulll u ot prettni. «a I. i ' 8 T y ---------- ; ------------------ --------------- --------- S .. ■ '“ T iir ! ' le _______ e, ' II ' n . d - « h ' - ........................................... - j« 0 ll ------------------------------------------- I- - ' l. ^ ______________ d T . . I- I iSOCIAtED-PRESS-NEWi P a m VIN PALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESD, Trace Progress ( American Villagt (By The Assocloled P rtu) ho' CHICAOO. April l»-Indleallons pet lhal Uic Amertnn vnioge and ham- - j let may be tollowlng the rood to oblivion already traveled by the lit- 'ilcTf3Tcnoolliouie,“ oiidTtho vwUik iryslde church, ore conUlned in re- iwrls available loday from llie 1030 census. {w; Figures from eight slsUs surround- I lug Ihc 1920 center.of |)opulatlon on llvi the Illinois and Indiana line show ho lhal 03, or neorly 60 per cenl of the tto 161 m all towns counted, suffered o thi reduetlon lu iwpulntlon ot from 5 coi to 100 iwr cent, while tliose slwwing stc Increases In most coses hove, added t few resldenU, frequently leu than mi thc normal blrtti IncreoM. fr< While the total iwnulollon Is con- p'' ceded to liove Increased moterially since the 1930 census, the indications nre that the ocerelloiis are in the larger lowns and cities. In six of the J o i^ght •states, villages showing de- creases run from C3 to 80 per cent of the total lollies, bul In Michigan and Ohio only 30 per cent show decline*. lU; One Hamlet Abandoned_____ ^ Illinois, wllh the.largest number k , of lowns reported, shows a decrease In 6? per cent, Including one hamlet qh that was entirely abandoned.andrt' ya ccnUy aucUoned.ao a deserted vll- i,y lage. Iowa ond Nebraska have 0 ) slightly higher percentage of de- _ crcascs. while Indlano and Minnesota t m U e E PRifflJT ilSE ( Man Convicted of Uxoricldc Bc Hoars Sentence Without Flinching and Replies EMMHTTT. Idalio. April 15 M>)- I John C. McClurg. convicted of the slaying of his wife, Mary McClurg. wa.1 lakcii'to the Idoho penltenUary In BolM today. Ihero to awall unUl Ihe day of execution, scl Uits mom- ^ lng for Friday. June 13. ^ McClurg took the scBtence with- oul tllnomiig ond made n brief state- ment protesUng Ills innocence.. His motlier ond Bulord McClurg. “ : llra-son by-a mirrlage;nrlor-to4hal^ wllh Mrs. Mory McClurg, were In the court ot the senlencing. McClurg was found guilty by a Jury lost Salurday night ofU-r six days of trial on the diurgc of mur- dering nnd burning Ub wife In an iiuiomobne on a hill near here last DcsjmberO, The Jury recommend'! the death pcnaltv. .. f . u. W. Zent,' counsel for McClurg oi* WUJ given 30 doys in which lo file of i a motion for a new Iriol ond on- Cat nounced thot he would appeal the wei case U) the supreme court. If ncccs- poj *ary. sta: The Insult Courteous I/' ' ' pepjTljht, 1930, WSPAPERW TW iNF/tLL D . SDAY,MOBNING, A rR IL 16,193 i Of Oblivion In igesAndHamlets have 73 per cenl and Missouri 80 ' ptr c c n L ____ ^rolo■r Trauj|)orlalidn over' good roods, moving picture* in the lorger Ti tOW^^ nnrf lllf ;M Vfyed to farmers ond villagers by radio and dally newspaper* are sold lo account lor the Indicated shift in jwiiuUtion, More modern farm houses and de- livery ot good!, by rural free delivery have CBwcrt tillers of the toll lo slay on lhe place ralher tlinn go to the Iirnrbv vllluge and thus have cauied ilir cIa.^lng of mony gtnerol -r sJort\ In the gmati towiis. 1 Opiic Is the village doctor, for clly ' men rnn now reoch thc form folks fro:^ llic Iiriier towns. No longer Is li Uirn need fur lhe Village Inn, for irax'el by aulomobllc geU tlio passcn- gerlfrcm diy lo city In a day. and whdn hc fills short of Ills destlna- • '<< tlon lie can ute a tourist camp along pl the^cmrnt hUhway. li I re>lotfIcci Diminish rairnl delivery of mall long ogo,ga dld>',>uy wlUi lhe village postofllcca by anrt'cui oil che Renerol slore In each iraainwii.-foi' Mie oiislea'piiUaAi- ler could nol sur\’lve alone on hh tc mesRer talcs of faded calicoes and oi othir riuiic articles of bygone doj-s. tw, Now llic [iirmrrs wenr silks and ml- le, h u lllte the city folks. ^ti Even thc village smithy haa be- u, (Continued on Psge 3. Column 2) ----------------- hi iimseiDs ? IliOHIGiAYS^ _____ ot fo BuhKCastlelord Road .Work Bidders Seem Too High tO |'J Experts of Department f,' miSE, April IS (,1’j-Blds on [hrre vc roud coniraols. i»o In Bannock — county anti one In T»ln Falls coun- (' ty; were 0)<encd lodny by the bureau of .lilRhnni;, but no awards were ir ^ le Idaho Contractln|[ company. Bolte, WDs low bidder on surfacing I, w ib gravel five miles of the Oraoe- f Pr^n highway souUt of-Logo •' Juncilon In Bonnock counly with a bid or $7193. McConkIc a_t^d Skinner. Sodoiffi Springs, oncTilic Tifilio^ConunciIng company were lowest on constucl- nit ing. draining and graveling three ijt miles of the Treasureton secllon ot ^ the same highway, bill award was not made because of an infomiai- ui lly in Uie lowest of tlic two bids, m Both were about t l 7 m im For the second time bids were tre ••dliciicd'aii lun'iiim h g ^ u im i vftfas i n i of cruslied rock in pues on the Buht- co; Cutleford highway but again bids ofi were high and the bureau announced i posslblllly of doing the woric wlUi cn stale equipment. coi ^ n _________________________________p E,' liU 101 ve Ml *■ ' ' . foi .li lai CO i nt no co: ;b« jlf IK th to ' > ?!; - 1 to J/ tu m 'i ~~ ' Dl Tl 'V l . Ill I «i It .930, by/Ttu'M ii York Ttlbuni. Inc. A] .LSXOUNTYrr^ ------------------- A IL ^ .930 fiSHiS GEI8mmm . lOIEFUIEGIKi ------- ----------- ------------------------------ .PJ -Tinkham-lnsists-Gliurciiman^CT en Engaged in ‘ ‘ Offensive and Coervice Lobbying Activi- tics" in Legislative Hails _____ ' NCI ho (BvnieA;jiocloteU I’rrs;.) W ASHINGTON, A|iririr> n —All ojtpDi'liintiv \v«K \ extended toilay lo U lil.thop .lanie.H Cniuion, jr., of thc So'.iihot n ^Icthoili st . chunh. to appear before thc • Minalu lol)by coniniittcc in iv- ply to chiirRC.'i by Ucpn'sonta- live Tlnkham, Ueiiiiblicaii, Ti MasMichii.<<cltt<. t h a t )io had on- I gaged ill "olfenslve and eocrclvc lob- bylns activities;',,, _Jci>liliuui3-iLjcUcc_lMm_CaUi _ non olfrrtiiK lo appear lo prrnnt nny tesllinony desired concerning the nc- tivUles of thc Southern Methodbt board of tcmpcrance and social serv- ' Ice. Clinlrmnn Caraway ttrotc thc y bishop lh' I he would bc henrd at any Ume lhai was convcnlenl. <1' Cannon, whc U chalrmnn nt ilie Southern Methodist board, said In his letter tu Caraway thal It would ,i, be coiivrnlnii for lilui lo niipear be- tween April 'J'‘ nud May 2. Cara- way Replied thol the commltlee "will Si accominodalc lliclfto your con ven- D) lenTfT—------------------------------------- Tlnkham. aW llian, "wci." today b(i demanded that the commltlee sum- mon Ulstiop Caiinou and Uie records w| of thc HouUicrn Metliodlil board |>a for an hiQUlry Into ihelr nctlviiles. n, Hc »IiO chnrfeti the Antl-Soloon uj I League, wllll "llagrontly and auda- |,r clously" violating Uie federal corrupt p; j pracllccs oct by follurc to reporl all lo; 'of Its expenditures for political oc- llvlllts, CompIeUs Tesllmonj au Previously he had urged an In- " vestlgallon of iho board ot temper* *“ (Continued on Page 7, Column 1) B; iHD’MHLlCE . HPLEIlFflliGlIESIs _ _ lh BOISE. AprU 13 A. Rof- "] »fM>f .sf H'K l'ljl<n’«y potTol. today advtwd Idoho patrol- men thal they could arrest motor- .< isu In sucli a genUcmonly woy Uiey 4outd olmost like It. [{, In onioddrcM In which he'Uc* scribed experiences nf 10 yconi of iraftlc servicc In his own stoic, dur- ing whleh the patrol ha.^ grown « trom Ihree to 50 meniUer.v Chief ^ Rslletysaid tlictraffle»er\leccould continue to exist only aa long as it offered a real service. Port of iliLv he said, was in dt- }« creasing automobile Injuries by en- lo couraglng safe driving. _________________________________ qi re FAMOUS CRIMINOLOGIST RETURNS TO ZION CITY I'i TO STUDY MURDER CASE „ SALT U K E CITY. April 15 (/IV- E. 0. Heinrich. Beikcley 'crinTlnoto^^l ulsl. wlll return lo Sail Lake Clly tomorrow night to continue Ills In- ni vestlgatlon In ttie brutal slaying ot h Mrs. Dorolhy DexUr Moormeister. II was onnounced loday by Sheriff Clif- ford PaUen. - .................. - Heinrich, whb applied tclentific methods in<hls InvcsUgBlion which lasted for a week, returned lo the coast 10 days ogo to appear u n wll- ntss in several courl cases. He an- nouncrd -upon leaving thal he w u coDVlntfd the murder mysUry could :be tolved. Mrs. Moormelsler «-as ulnln on the nlghl uf February 31. h Her mangled body wis found early the n n t morning on a lonely rosd near here. The criminologlsl took with him to the cout arllcles of elolhlni( wom by Mrs. Moormeister ns well u otlier lihysical cvldencc, ' He plonned to study them furlher in his laboratory Iherc. ^ VI OFFICER GIVES T O N IN G q AGAINST SPOTTED FEVER , . , ,. _____ u BOISE. April IS M’^-Or. P. W. E Almond, sU te mcdlcal oftlcer, U)doy wnrned ihot anyone going Inlo lhe . foge or otlier placcs where Ucks are to be found should lake the preven* tllive innoculatlon. Spoiled tcver, which Is apread by .i the ticks, w u declared by Or. Al- . mond to be more virulent tliU year ^ than in severol seasons. Of four cases . rtported in this kcUoii. three ot the r victims have dletHolilIc- thc touhb «. is still In a bospltoi here after two ^ weeks of lllneu. The warning applies lo plcnlcken, Pr^lmond J tboie a Into'the cotinuy..-.- ; '• VISITS STATE COLLEGES n —POOATELLO.-Aprtl lS-iSpcclaJ to o Tho Newsi-Stale boord of educa* Ti souUiero branch will be considered. « Till board is making » sute tour d olihstopiatAlbloD, April 31, Poca- ti itllo. April 33 uai 8U Anthony, ti April a - p UBSIDKR AtiDrr n u n u u o r CmCULATlOHfl___________ __ ^ ug ^ l A t S n S t m CLASHING ON FINANCES PARIS. MVediievlsy Morning) Ai»rtl-l(I tfl^A fier sltUng until 3 A. M. loday, the French senale and chamber of deputies foiled lo reich the full agreement cxpecled on Ihe lerms ot tbe 'whole budget ot the Tardieu government. Both houses of parliament there- -ferc a grted’to «d}wm-unttHhe-*ft»- Ul cruoon. Two minor iwlnt.i of dlfftir- ! cnce sllll subslsllng finally wlll bc dl.'poscd of. Atl. nRrecment lind been rxpeeled earlier In tho evening, but the ciiamr brr refused lo accept changes mide by the /.enate al the last moment and sent thc document back to lhe upper house. mmiw ( m m im i s tl Trio, Tired ol Antarctic, n Expresses Willingness to in _Eollov;_Admlral_to-End £! -------- eo SAN FRANCISCO. April 15 (-D— Tlircc ot Richard Byrd’s followers c( lnl<] Aii)orctlca came home today, ri declaring that Uiey had had enough of polar regions tor a while but In- «i ilsiluft4n the nme breath that th«y rt were willing lo g o again with Byrd of literally to the ends of lhe earth. Cnptoln A. N. Parker. Cryslol ^ Springs. Mississippi, who w u wilh Byrd boll) at the Far North and Far ■BoiUhrcommenlSrtlnil'oiie'S^utd ^ have lo go far to find a beller leader. ^ Cnpuin C. A. McKinley, St. Louis, rt who not only flew over the South tc inlc with Byrd but took piclures of tt Its environs. a.uerted that It hod been Byrd's cheery personality which kept up the morale of members of the.ex- pedlUon'during thtir long months together. And O. A. Thorne, Chicago, chlel di surveyor-for the expedition, wu ot ready with his quoU of pralte for the b fine charaeler and steady Icadcnlilp of “the admiral," u all three colled vl Byrd. hi Bringi Back riclom ^ Caplain McKlnlcy brought back ci thousands of piclures, most of them u taken trom the air during the prin* cipol tilghu by the expedition, for « maptilns.purpoua. .Xhorm trougbt & the daUr. froa bis lurveys, which- « «-ere made on the ground wlUi tbe aid ot dog teams. Tlie two will re* t lu r m tr n c w Y o ik nndTediiCfl iUr- "p veys oud camera fllmi to a series ii of Aiilarctlcan maps which wlll Ull / the world's gcognphen mbre sbout n the country of the BouUi pole Uun g lliey- ever have knowa s Captalu Parker, former marine v corps lllcr. smilingly commented d th at his work with the expedition w u t were completed. Bul like McKinley and Thorne lie wlll be In New York li to greet Rear Admiral Byrd on the I lalter's \rlumpbanl relum. t Tiie thrcc'men were peppered with ' qucstlaiis, lo some of.whlch they ' replied: P ' That frozen noses, cheeks and toes were commonploce wlih the expedl- , lion. . , That they consldcK;d the expedl- ., lion had been uncxiKcledly success- , ful in lu ciulaaitlaiu.____ - Thai tlie South pole is on a Urge ' iibln 10,000 feel above sea level. Tlmt 11 was not tiaitlculariy cold nt thc South iwle. cipecUlly In their ^ heated iilaiie, ' ^ FliiilCTS- GlGEliB' 0 Minneapgiis txeculive Of- i fers View Before Hearing ; O f Committee in Congress ' _____ ■■ t WASHINOTON, April IS m'v-D.. ! velopmcnlot a group system ot bank* e quated" unit systeni was (orecut | today as Uie “natural evolution" of Ibo country's banking structure .by E.,W . Decker.' preslden'. of the NorUiwest Bank corporation, Mlnne* a^lis, bcfor:' the house banking conimlttcc. ] Asserting ttiat osrlcultural depres- | sl09 in the trade area served by h'is | organluUoi. w u the result. roUier ' than the cnuse of Uic largo number , of bank failures in Ihe lu l 10 yean. j| Decker ssld ‘big buslnes h u come ; to Ilay nnd niusi hove big banks to | •erve lu needs." Small unit 'ijonk* were entirely in* i adequate to meet the requircmeaU ' added,af^BWn^rBra^ J E S a l - ^ " r - i ' Ho disagreed wllh previous tesU* d mony by «ohn W. Pole, complroller i of the currency and Oovemor Roy-A. 1 Young ot.th« fedenl reierre board, d Uial a branch banking lystem re* o ilrlcled to d early d^Ulitd iH tf ^ waathebestsoluUoBrortbepreieot C day financial needi. Decker con* n tended Uiat publli iplnloa; at leut h tn Ui* section .Wu' "unalUrably op- t posed" to braoeii M m t 10 PAGES — 5 CENTS lilAllDWi LmnRREST Uprising-Resumes-ln-rEarly- looming Hours in Protest Against Conviction of Men In Disobedience Movement (By The Associated Preu) C a lc u tta . India, (Wednesday Morning) April IG-Uloting: in pro- test ngalnst thc nrrest nnd conviction of Pandit Jawahar* Inl Nehru nnd Mayor J. JI. Sengupta, Calcutta, leaders in thc civil diflobedicncc move- ment of Mahntmn G andhi, raged again cnrly this morn- ing after mony persons hod been in- Jnced In cluhes yesterdoy ond last. Epio'p«.iu,’l«o In J|.iitlolli condlllon. were Uken to the hospital after being oltocked by noUves tn the Dhowanipore secUon. Street cors wero ironed, several being TTccked. A mob also stoned a liosplUI. wounding on ofliclai. PoUce finolly routed Ihem ond arrested a score of persons. Observance of a lU rU l (day of mourning) In proles', against the ar- rest and conv ctlon ot Pandit Jaw- aharlal Nehru and Mayor Sengupta. boUi*lBaderr1n-Uio-aandhl'moye^ ment. wu.Uie cause ot Krlous riou. Minor outbreaks'north of the clly resulted in many persons being u n t to bospiuls and in much destruc- tlon. BaUle With Students At le u t sev:.*. British officials, a British .roman motorcyclist. Miss Bench, and many members of the CalcutU fire brigade were injured during a battle between lUidenU. other (ympalhiserrand pollce. Ulss . Bench had alUmpted to ride through Uie riot secUon againsPad- vlces of police. She w u sloned and her injuries caused her to be taken to a hosplUl. Armoured can were funcUonlng before the police luc- ccedcd la rojlorlng order for a short time late in the afwmoon yesUrday. Oq Uie oUier side ot tbe conUnent *.«t Kar«ebl-a Hartal also w u pb- oerred'.-UthMiih Uiq day pasied MtbotA incldenl. Yesterday's ouUUnding arrest w u Uial of Mahadev Deul. OydhI'* In eharge of the Gandhi school al Ahmadabad. Tbe ieader hlmselt re-, mains Imndnn although a police sup^nualenl and a donn con- stables al Dandi silenUy. watched TOlunteen prepare plans tor the manufacture ot forbidden salt. After tbe volunteen goUiered about. Uie Oandhi spenl yesterday in the vil- lage ot Umber, where be spoke twice. Be exhorted a group ot women to take part In Uie campaign and call* ed tbe attenUon to tbe arrest ot Pandit.Nehru, ssylng "he b u been punished because he is lbe greateil of us all." The second speech w u to tbo men, who he urged to defend the ulwpans. u symbols of Uielr principles, with their Ilvc*. “Prom.your sutferinn will rise Into being not only com- pletertndependenccbul > nuii-vlulcnV army^tor IU defense." be U)ld them. Answering a lelegram from the president of Bombay provincUl com- mltUe InvlUng him to Bombay, Oandhi leplled; "I am hourly needed in Oujcral to consoIl.jite-'by woric but 1 wltt comewhen'I Bmabsolutelrneeded."'' 20,078,202 CATHOLICS . LIVE IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK, April IS (^-T h e official CaUiollc directory for 1930, Just issued by B. J. Kennedy and Sons. reporU a Calbollo popuUtlon ot 20.078502 in lhe conUnenUl Unlled Slates, exclusive of Alaska and Island Urriiories. Tbere are four cardinals, 12 arch- bishops, 103 bishops, 36.9U ordained priests, 13.413 established parishes,' 5753 mission churches. 133 Uieologl* cal seminaries, and 7325 tree paro* Phan uytums and homes for Uie ased. ___________ WISCONSIN FORESTFIRE . MENACES V ILLAG E FOLKS ASHLAND. Wls., April 19 {A>- Familles In and near the lown ot Marengo tonlghl prepared to vacate Uielr homes as spreading forest fires Uireauned the village. ' Thirty men directed by Fbrcsl Ranger B. J. VanderwaU, wom by a 38-hour tight wlUi ihoreU and back* firing, used pumps Id eftorU to eheck tbeblaie. / ■ . MIDNIGHT FINDS O EA W ; bank prtsldent who fe^'BMitle 1 ^ - day by plane .tor Chleaso to be at' Ull bedside ot his ton, Jacic. Culver Uilltary-aeademy'aUidentrtwtad- dangtrously IU. arrived hero at 11:40, o’clock lonihU Qreen would leave b tif :toiDdrro«. morning at 6:N /nu not learned.,

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Page 1: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

A A r M ,-E d itio n "

T H IVOL. i:i. NO. 7

-iSiSIOilS i l l M i j

-— (J

Minister Faces Cliarge ol “ Insulting Country, Am - °

— m e a n Churches and O f- * licefs in A rm y and Navy

- If

(By m e Assocliiled P rtii) ”

W a s h i n g t o n , April IB - — A L o n t e n Bcrmon L iiKninat w ur rcactcd to- I

• i (lay to' brinK n g a ln st thc pus-• ‘to r w h 0 delivered It t h e

chargc th n t hc hnd insulted Ilia country, th c churches of Amerlcn iind th e chaptalna of th e nrmy and navy. p

Speaking from tlie pulpit ofa n a r chaplain wltli Ihe chief of

, chapUlns or lhe United Bute* irm y«i«aitd in ft i>f» Ju tt below him. Hie • nevV P e i e r l h e Clirlillaii temple a t BtlUmore. de* llvered iho lerm on here yesterdoy.He w u quoled ta ooytns Ihot "there

" Ll no more Juistlflcallon for belnR t rtchoplsin In thc ormy or navy thon Jthere 1* fpr being o. ehoplolo In » rjipeokeoiy." ,

The Rev. Jo»on Roble Pierce. pa»* « tor of the F irs t CongreBOtlonoJchurch, lu which th# «rtnon w u "Jdelivered, mode public o letier todoy u

■ he h id written to the Bolllmore t< •poator. Ill It hc colled attention to

------htrow n ierTiccinHhe-World-war-** -«choiiimn. ond to lha attendonea ot Utho meetlnB of Colonel Jullon E. J'Yftleji, clilef of arm y choplolns, ond o;mnnj- members of the Doughters of Uthe Amcrlcivn RevoluUon. W

Dr. Ptcrce. who wos President rtCoolidge'* pastor, etyted lhe u tu r - ,nncM os “ituulllnn your country. In- cijiiltln j the churches o t th# Unlled oBUtes. ond insulting en m ouo 'the n

.choplsln* of the ormy and novy.“ U111 Bolllmore. Dr. Alnslle sold h*. ^

• hod not rccelvcd Uie letUr and N probsbly would nok core to make tj any statement. ^

, -Whot 1 mill about war In my n A fermoii In Wo.'vIiinRlon, 1 hove ssld «: ^ .-xgalii oud osolii. nol only In my >»

• OKn pulpll bul from other pulpits." T he oddcd. "I was not awaro thot Uie n }i»sto?.-of the Flrsl CongregoUonol church wos a chaplain, and. of * ccurr.e. would have sold noUilng of « choplolns U l ,h o d known befow- d

- :.'aria lhal*ho w*« on*. Ho«ev«r, n o •nm agaliut wor ond Christians U k- n

..■-__ln6.ony.p«l?lJi-«tar.‘' . c,Colcmel Voles sold lie agreed %1lh D

Dr. Plcrce th a l the sermon wo* n "prclly trying medicine." ond Uiot k Rfur listening to ll he hod gone to *:

. his office ond written o "splrlled r;ply" which lie did nol«end. e.

In his letier Dr. Plercc ssld Ihot e Ihe Unlled Stntcs ond lls churches tl had been "maligned" by a sUle-

rled on by Christian notions and tha t the responsibility tor ll rested upon tlio ChrUUan church and thai churches and notions were Indiffer­en t to the right or wTong. bul sole- i ly concerned w ith winning the vor. (

/ “You referred lo choplolns pray- ^ *1116 tha t Ihelr soldiers mlghl shoot i, sUalglil and kill all lhe enemy pos- o slble." he sold. “My lestlmony os the. un lo r chaplain of the Second r division, A m e r lean ExpedlUonory « Forccs, tho t I never mode ond ^ never lienrd such a prayer. Chop­lolns carc lo r Uie wounded, ond dy- i Ing bath of friend and fo c N n i^ ^

O F F IC E R S IN A R M Y H E A R t D E M A N D F O R S O B R IE T Y ,NEW YORK. April 15 0>-A nny I

officers who wlll Imvc charge of Ihe .'forthcom ing Oold Slor mothers' and t wor widows' pllgrlmoge *o the French

> 1 war cemeteries tonight were womed > ♦ that If they drink the winesof Pronce

/ or any other liquor they will bo Iro- I niedlaUly returned from duty.

■At a mccUng In lhe Hotel Penn- [ sylvania. Quarterm aster Oeneral John L DeWltt. u ld to tjie offlcen; .

"You must remember tha t you luve been choscn becouse of certoln quollllceilons. T he moot Important . of these Is sobriety. No officer must Indulge In Intoxicants. You wlll be lubjcel lo the most minute oburva- Hon. Army officera will ba Judged It

1 iiy Llilarulii.' ------...................... C

L IN D B E R G H S P L A N F O R I . F L I G H T A C R O S S -N A T IO N *

0BURDANK. Cal., April IS (/TH

' Colonel. Charles A. Lindbergh said hero lodoy he and Mrs. Undbergh soon would moke a one-slop (llghl b from Los Angeles to New York. He n sold they probably would sU rt In i four-or tlve days. Colonel Lindbergh v Mid his plons were to molnUln on e<

. altitude of 10,n00 fee t He w u "pUylnR around" tn hls monopline here loday^______________ , J

- - - B R I T I S H S E E K - D A T A .I N " --------- u

l^ jp ^ B Q ffiEj_Anrii 15. (fl’j^ o T e 'm o r *

I^ U o n ? a d affccted m onnen ond J morals of Idoho.

Ill a letter from Uie "comnUtM------ on-tnnperanee of-Uic-housei or-par^ n

llomcnl," I t w u explained iome > chanieo In the liquor Uwt }l

j o knov w hat the Vital ond criminal « 'rfk itU tlcs of Idaho were compored . ^ » l th prohlblUon doys. and whot th r o• K^Tfraor thought of the succcss ta b

laUun or tbe .VoUleod acU .. i

SU C C E SS O R T O E M P R E S S . J | l


F A C E S SE R IO U S R E V O L T _■

LONDON, IWt<aei4oy Marolag). AprU Ifl (4V-Dlspatches from Cairo, Egypt, to the Dolly N e « u y * tho t Ull Negus R u T itforl o( Abyssinia. . who succeeded^ the Imperial Uirone o n -U « deoth of Empreu-ZaudJtu - (Judith) recenUy, w u ficlng a ser­ious revolt in the province*.—Trlbe»men-of-the-Tl*rerWoUo-«B4- —Ogoden provinces were *old to be morchlng on Addis Arobo, hovlng

. defeoUd the Iroops of R u T o ffiri In two bolllei. The overthrow w u

. believed to be Ineviloble.The revolt oroee from lusplclont

thot the empreu hod no t died a noturol death.

im iflB E S 1 i EXniDFCDSIIIDS:: — A. P r o f e s s o r R. J . T r u m p le r d

0 / U n iv e rs i ty o f C a lif o r - ^

; _ n i a - P i g u r e s - i n —T r i l l io n s ^

■ *•' niBERKELEY, Cal.. April 15 (ff) — A -

rough Idea ot how big th : cosmos Is bi, m aybefoundlnU iecom puU U onsot nc, Professor R. J. Tnimpler of the U ni- hi

venlly of Csllfornla, made public th. loday. trI Professor Trumpler, an aatrono- Hi 1 mer of Lick observatory, operated by> the university, citlmoUd It would I Uke a ray ot light 100 trillion v o r*( to travel from one end o t Uie cosmos biI Ja-the-oUK r.-ftnd_light_trovela_at Ui; Uie rale of 186,000. miles a second, ce. Ju s t mulUply 1M.OOO by M and Uie te i answer by 60 ond Ihen 'by 24 and: Uien by -M and Uien by 100.000,000.- b<

KOjm and you hove Uie rough idea c ; referred lo.

OuUldc of llist cxponse, which in- ir. eludes ever)'th!iig In Uie woy of an crI orthodox sphere or spheroid there n> ) moy be a few roving w luuiou , bul

Uiey ore probably ot no moment. inL Mere Trifle «1 \ A s to Uie univene, Uiot is a mere re• t» le . Once eonsi.'ered u every* u

thlAf, utronomcrs now regotd H ur merely one o t Uie numerous stellar - I systems. Our univene, known u the, milky wsy, U a m tr i 10.000 llghl '■ yeon acrou or 119 quadrillion miles T> lu diameter. Professor Trumpler I I lays Uie milky way Is s liap ^ some- ' [ w hat like a f latuncd disk and 'Uier ( t a n are am ngeo spirally. Tlie. depU) Df Uu disk l i a b o u l« j n o tT U dUireUr, or M «fu»dnnini . miles. There ore oboul 38< open sU r

ctuslefi in the milk. way. li: one of .I these cipiters. so tiny you'd hardly P:t noUce it. i:. a clannish UtUe group t ,I known to uironomers r;<Uie solar .) system.I How tor beyond the comsos spoce

exunds Professor Trumpler does no t dtt even venUire to guess. But he Uilnk* « I there's pj:nty of IL

■ tl' j t E W I S T O r S - p O F O C A T r o r f w

I IN C R E A SE S 4 1 P E R C E (fT %1 _ -------- * T‘ LEWISTON, Idaho. April IS UP)- In’ The population of Lewliton Increas- oi• ed 4 t per cent In tho last 10 yeors. _ ’ a preliminary census report'reveolcd “ t (oday. Thc 1630 populaUon Is 03(18■ compared with 6414 in 1920..‘ The following population figures* for other lowns In Ne* Percc couniy - { were reported, but figures of 10 years' ago were not avoiloble. ,■ Upwoi. 416; Culdesac, US: Peek.‘ 164: Ollford, 70; Lewis counly: Win­

chester, 6SS: c ^ m o n t , <76; Reu­bens, 191: Idoho county: Stiles 378; Ferdinand. 104; and Kamiah, 477.

i G E i i m rI n s i p nj Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly - I ing Cow and Hugging Coast '.' 4’ —: SANTAnDER, SpilD, IW cdnnd.r ] Momlng) April 19 (AV-The dirigible ~ O raf Zeppelin.-bounli-irom■he^i>omo =

porl a l Frledrlchshifen to ScvUIe, Spain; passed over'UiU city a t 13:30

I A.~M. Uday., She w u (lying low and hugging the coast line.

1 SAILS STEADY COURSE ) PARIS, April 16 (ff>-0(t<n heard t but rarely eeen,.Ute Oerman dlrlg- » Ible O raf Zeppelin, (b ing (rom 1 Friedrlchshafen. Oermany, to 8c- 1 vllle. Spain, u lled a sUady diagonal ' ) course acrou Prance today ..' . She w u nylng low Uirough rain ° clouds and her progress w u slowed

down by head wind*. Tbero weft no untoward incldenla nported.

‘iHe b lra in h lp 'e n te re d 'F re n c h

J unoon . A toW lii* ;to 'R » i» :y iU l«y ;

J ( b w ^ P titiuti'keeplng ibuUi o(* R i m Loire..I At 10:81 P, M. sh e 'K n t a wtoelesi . ffieaaia to tba fio rduoxs taU bnU ia t - t she bad crossed Uia French e o u t- I line and beaded out to se t in tbe di-

I w etU m tip ot Spain. i .'I tw u 'w su m ed tb a tih e h o d p M se d f out to the Boy o t Biscay eomewhere r belween La Rochelle ahd Bor-



^ i N 1T W I t

liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih

i-fimnE ficr: H n P [E Ii-

--------------- .............................. - 111

A m e ric a n A iid B r i t i s h C h ic t o't

D e le g a te s A g re e o n Im -

I p o r ta n t “ S a le -G u a rd in g " "

, C lau se in N av a l T r e a ty uJ

‘ -------- ‘ lh(By The Aasocloled Prt-.O

L o n d o n , A p ri l j 5 - u a p i d [* p ro g re s s In d ra f tin g ; th e

L ondon nn y a l t r e a ty con- fe, tin n e d to d n y n n d th o h iiiw r- tii I t a n t “ s a fe -ifu a rd in K " o r “ c.s-I c o la to r” c in u sc w a .s a g re e d ”

u p o n in p r in c ip le by i l i c A m e ric an u n d B r i l ia h c h ie f is

r deleK utcs.

T h is se c tio n w ill p ro tc c l Ihu ti;Unlled Stairs, O rest Britain ond 01

>. Japan aBalnsl nocslble 'cgmiiclltlve _ naval building by iiatlon.f not sis-nalory-tt Uie trl-partltc agreement of

I - 0 ilgnotorj’ power may. If lls in> building program U Ihrealencd by a th t non-slgriolory power, build lo a cc• higher level thun lliat provided In Ini : thc three-power treaty, Tlic levcLi of sli

the two other signatories wlll rljc a l cri . thc same lime. • _' ' Rroadent ScopeI I t Lt uiidcrf-lood lha t n cIiiuac jl I broader In scope than Article 21 of I I t tho Washington treaty lic-s been oc^■ cepleo. in rellablc“ Amerlcan qiiar- t Ur*. It woa thought thot the con- 1 suluUve clement of Arilcle I'l would . be eliminated, the London treaty I clause providing for o simple dc-

clsrotlve siaiemcnl from any of tlie . Uiree iwwerj of an InUnllou to In- [J]I crease coiutrucllou became of un- e due building by on ouulde iwwcr.' But d(.M>lte the roiildlly of dr.tfl-

Ing work, tome doubl rcmuUiA whelher lhe Londcn pact wlll bc

ready for formol signature Tuesday \• 10 * the American delegation con> catch the Levlotlian for home- lolcr .......... ........ - ---------------- Joe (Conllnued ou Page 3, CoL 4)

ilE lM lf lT II :•j e c e i s m s m :; - ----------------------------- m.f .BOISE, A prlM 3 J^ T h e .,y n lq _ n JJJ Pacific stages today agreed to run « |C two round trips dolly of a "shuttle lh ^ bus" between Elijs and Twin FalU e througli Jerome. Oooillng ond Wen-t dell to give the.'c towns coiinccUsns Il'ls will) the main line bus'rOUtes.' , “J

Tlie lown.1 petitioned thal cither Dithe shuttle bu-i o r one of lhc main Ui

“ line bussesTbe iourcd through their .

r dlstrlcU Instead of both the Union wiPacific and Columblo Oorge Molor a

' TromporUtlon com[iany busses go- nc- leg by way ot the Hagerman valley co• ond Bulll u o t prettni. «aI.i '8

Ty ---------- ;------------------ --------------- ---------S .. ■ •

'“ T i i r


'le _______



II '

n .d - «

h ' - ...........................................- j « —

0l l ----------— ---------------------------------I- - • ' l . ______________

dT . . I- I



T race Progress ( American Villagt

(By The Assocloled P r tu ) ho'CHICAOO. April l» -Ind lea llons pet

lha l Uic A m ertnn vnioge and ham - - j let may be tollowlng the rood to oblivion already traveled by the l i t - 'ilcTf3Tcnoolliouie,“ oiidTtho vwUik iryslde church, ore conUlned in re- iwrls available loday from llie 1030census. {w;

Figures from eight slsU s surround- Ilug Ihc 1920 center.of |)opulatlon on llvithe Illinois and Indiana line show holh a l 03, or neorly 60 per cenl of the tto161 m a ll towns counted, suffered o thireduetlon lu iwpulntlon o t from 5 coito 100 iwr cent, while tliose slwwing stcIncreases In most coses hove, added tfew resldenU, frequently le u than mithc normal blrtti IncreoM. fr<

While the total iwnulollon Is con- p'' ceded to liove Increased moterially since the 1930 census, the indications nre th a t the ocerelloiis are in thelarger lowns and cities. In six of the J o i^ght •states, villages showing de- creases run from C3 to 80 per cent of the total lollies, bul In Michigan andOhio only 30 per cent show decline*. lU;

One Hamlet Abandoned_____ ^Illinois, wllh the .largest number k ,

of lowns reported, shows a decreaseIn 6? per cent, Including one ham let qhth a t was entirely aban d o n e d .an d rt' yaccnUy aucUoned.ao a deserted vll- i,ylage. Iowa ond Nebraska have 0 )slightly higher percentage of de- _crcascs. while Indlano and Minnesota t

m U eEPRifflJT ilSE (

Man Convicted of Uxoricldc Bc Hoars Sentence Without Flinching and Replies

EMMHTTT. Idalio. April 15 M>)- I John C. McClurg. convicted of the slaying of his wife, Mary McClurg. wa.1 lakcii'to the Idoho penltenUary In BolM today. Ihero to awall unUl Ihe day of execution, scl Uits m om - ^ lng for Friday. June 13. ^

McClurg took the scBtence with- oul tllnomiig ond made n brief state- ment protesUng Ills innocence..

His motlier ond Bulord McClurg. “ : llra -son by-a mirrlage;nrlor-to4hal^ wllh Mrs. Mory McClurg, were In the court o t the senlencing.

McClurg was found guilty by a Jury lost Salurday night ofU-r six days of trial on the diurgc of mur- dering nnd burning Ub wife In an iiuiomobne on a hill near here last DcsjmberO, The Jury recommend'! the death pcnaltv. .. f. u . W. Zent,' counsel for McClurg oi*

WUJ given 30 doys in which lo file of i a motion for a new Iriol ond on- Cat nounced tho t he would appeal the wei case U) the supreme court. If ncccs- poj *ary. sta:

The Insult Courteous

I / ' ' '

pepjTljht, 1930,


D .

SD A Y ,MOBNING, A rR IL 16,193

i Of Oblivion In iges And Hamletshave 73 per cenl and Missouri 80 'p tr c c n L ____

rolo■r Trauj|)orlalidn ove r' good roods, moving picture* in th e lorger Ti tOW^ nnrf lllf ;MVfyed to farmers ond villagers by radio and dally newspaper* are sold lo account lor the Indicated sh ift in jwiiuUtion,

More modern farm houses and de­livery ot good!, by rural free delivery have CBwcrt tillers of the toll lo slay on lhe place ra lher tlinn go to the Iirnrbv vllluge and th u s have cauied ilir cIa. lng of m ony gtnerol -r sJort\ In the gmati towiis. 1

Opiic Is the village doctor, for clly ' men rnn now reoch thc form folks fro:^ llic Iiriier towns. No longer Is li U irn need fur lhe Village Inn, for irax'el by aulomobllc geU tlio passcn- gerlfrcm diy lo city In a day. and whdn hc fills short of Ills destlna- •'<< tlon lie can ute a tourist camp along pl the^cm rnt hUhway. li

I re>lotfIcci Diminish rairnl delivery of m all long ogo,ga

dld>',>uy wlUi lhe village postofllcca by anrt'cui oil che Renerol slore In each iraa inw ii.-fo i' Mie oiislea'p iiUaA i- ler could nol sur\’lve alone on h h tc mesRer talcs of faded calicoes and oi othir riuiic articles of bygone doj-s. tw, Now llic [iirmrrs wenr silks and m l- le, h u lllte the city folks. ti

Even thc village sm ithy haa be- u,

(Continued on Psge 3. Column 2)

----------------- hi

iim seiD s ?IliOHIGiAYS

_____ otfo

BuhKCastlelord Road .W ork Bidders Seem To o High t O | 'J Experts of Departm ent f,'

m iS E , April IS (,1’j-B ld s on [hrre vc roud coniraols. i»o In Bannock — county anti one In T »ln Falls coun- (' ty; were 0)<encd lodny by the bureau of .lilRhnni;, but no aw ards were i r

^ l e Idaho Contractln|[ company.Bolte, WDs low bidder on surfacing I,w ib gravel five miles of the Oraoe- f P r ^ n highway souUt o f-L o g o •' Juncilon In Bonnock counly with a bid or $7193.

McConkIc a_t^d Skinner. Sodoiffi Springs, oncTilic Tifilio^ConunciIngcompany were lowest on constucl- niting. draining and graveling three ijtmiles of the Treasureton secllon ot ^ the same highway, bill award wasnot made because of an infomiai- uilly in Uie lowest of tlic two bids, mBoth were about t l 7 m im

For the second time bids were tre••dliciicd'aii lun'i i im h g ^ u i m i vftfas i n iof cruslied rock in pues on the Buht- co; Cutleford highway but again bids ofiwere high and the bureau announced i posslblllly of doing the woric wlUi cnstale equipment. coi

n_________________________________ p


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.930, b y /T tu 'M ii York T tlbun i. Inc. A]

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A I L ^.930

f i S H i SGEI8 m m m .lOIEFUIEGIKi

------------------ ------------------------------ .PJ


Engaged in ‘ ‘ Offensive and Coervice Lobbying Activi- tics" in Legislative Hails

_____ ' NCIho

(BvnieA;jiocloteU I’rrs;.)

WASHINGTON, A |iririr> n — All ojtpDi'liintiv \v«K \ e x t e n d e d toilay lo U

lil.thop .lanie.H Cniuion, jr ., of thc S o '. i ih o t n ^ I c t h o i l i s t . ch u n h . to appear before thc • Minalu lol)by coniniittcc in iv- ply to chiirRC.'i by Ucpn'sonta- live T lnkham , Ueiiiiblicaii, Ti MasMichii.<<cltt<. th a t )io had on-

I gaged ill "olfenslve and eocrclvc lob- bylns activ ities;',,,_Jci> liliuui3-iL jcU cc_lM m _CaU i _ non olfrrtiiK lo appear lo p rrn n t nny tesllinony desired concerning the nc- tivUles of thc Southern Methodbt board of tcmpcrance and social serv- ' Ice. Clinlrmnn Caraway ttrotc thc y bishop lh ' I he would bc henrd a t any Ume lhai was convcnlenl. <1'

Cannon, whc U chalrmnn nt ilie Southern Methodist board, said In his letter tu Caraway tha l It would ,i, be coiivrnlnii for lilui lo niipear be­tween April 'J '‘ nud May 2. Cara­way Replied thol the commltlee "will Si accominodalc llic lf to your con ven- D)lenTfT— -------------------------------------

Tlnkham. a W llia n , "wci." today b(i demanded that the commltlee sum­mon Ulstiop Caiinou and Uie records w| of thc HouUicrn Metliodlil board |>a for an hiQUlry Into ihelr nctlviiles. n , Hc »IiO chnrfeti the Antl-Soloon uj

I League, wllll "llagrontly and auda- |,r clously" violating Uie federal corrupt p;

j pracllccs oct by follurc to reporl all lo; 'o f Its expenditures for political oc- llvlllts,

CompIeUs Tesllmonj auPreviously he had urged an In- "

vestlgallon of iho board ot temper* *“

(Continued on Page 7, Column 1) B;


_ _ lh

BOISE. AprU 13 A. Rof- "]»fM>f .sf H'K l'ljl<n’«y

potTol. today advtwd Idoho patrol- men tha l they could arrest motor- .< isu In sucli a genUcmonly woy Uiey 4outd olmost like It. [{,

In onioddrcM In which he'U c* scribed experiences nf 10 yconi of iraftlc servicc In his own stoic, dur­ing whleh the patrol ha. grown « trom Ihree to 50 meniUer.v Chief ^ R slletysaid tlictraffle»er\leccould continue to exist only aa long as it offered a real service.

Port of iliLv he said, was in d t- }« creasing automobile Injuries by en- lo couraglng safe driving.

_________________________________ qire

FA M O U S C R IM IN O L O G IS T R E T U R N S T O Z IO N C I T Y I'i TO S T U D Y M U R D E R C A S E „SALT U K E CITY. April 15 (/IV-

E. 0 . Heinrich. Beikcley 'crinTlnoto^^l ulsl. wlll return lo Sail Lake Clly tomorrow night to continue Ills In- ni vestlgatlon In ttie brutal slaying ot h Mrs. Dorolhy DexUr Moormeister. II was onnounced loday by Sheriff Clif­ford PaUen. - .................. -

Heinrich, whb applied tclentific methods in<hls InvcsUgBlion which lasted for a week, returned lo the coast 10 days ogo to appear u n wll- ntss in several courl cases. He an- nouncrd -upon leaving tha l he w u coDVlntfd the murder mysUry could :be tolved. Mrs. Moormelsler «-as ulnln on the nlghl uf February 31. h Her mangled body w is found early the n n t morning on a lonely rosd near here.

The criminologlsl took with him to the c o u t arllcles of elolhlni( wom by Mrs. Moormeister ns well u otlier lihysical cvldencc, ' He plonned to study them furlher in his laboratory Iherc. ^ VI


, . , , . _ _ _ _ _ uBOISE. April IS M’ -O r. P . W. E

Almond, sU te mcdlcal oftlcer, U)doy wnrned ih o t anyone going Inlo lhe . foge or otlier placcs where Ucks are to be found should lake the preven* tllive innoculatlon.

Spoiled tcver, which Is apread by .i the ticks, w u declared by Or. Al- . mond to be more virulent tliU year ^ than in severol seasons. Of four cases . rtported in this k cUoii. three o t the r victims have dletHolilIc- thc to u h b «. is still In a bospltoi here after two ^ weeks of lllneu.

The warning applies lo plcnlcken, P r^ lm o n d J tbo ie a

Into 'the cotinuy..-.- ; '•

V IS IT S S T A T E C O L L E G E S— n

—POOATELLO.-Aprtl lS-iSpcclaJ to o Tho N ew si-S tale boord of educa* Ti

souUiero branch will be considered. « Till board is making » su te tour d o lih s top ia tA lb loD , April 31, Poca- ti itllo. April 33 uai 8U Anthony, ti April a - p

UBSIDKR AtiDrr n u n u uo r CmCULATlOHfl___________ __

^ u g ^ l At S n S t mC L A S H I N G O N F IN A N C E S

P A R I S . MVediievlsy Morning) Ai»rtl-l(I tf l^ A fie r sltUng until 3 A.M. loday, the French senale and chamber of deputies foiled lo reich the full agreement cxpecled on Ihe le rm s o t tbe 'whole budget ot the Tardieu government.

B oth houses of parliament there- -ferc a g rted ’to «d}wm-unttHhe-*ft»- Ul cruoon. Two minor iwlnt.i of dlfftir- ! cnce sllll subslsllng finally wlll bc dl.'poscd of.

Atl. nRrecment lind been rxpeeled earlier In tho evening, but the ciiamr brr refused lo accept changes mide by the /.enate a l the last moment and sent thc document back to lhe upper house.

m m iw ( m m i m is

— tl T r io , Tired ol Antarctic, ”

nExpresses Willingness to

in_ E o ll o v ;_ A d m lr a l _ to -E n d £!

-------- eoSAN FRANCISCO. April 15 (-D—

Tlircc o t Richard Byrd’s followers c( lnl<] Aii)orctlca came home today, r i declaring tha t Uiey had had enough of polar regions tor a while but In- «i ilsiluft4n the n m e breath that th«y r t were willing l o g o again with Byrd of literally to the ends of lhe earth.

Cnptoln A. N. Parker. Cryslol ^ Springs. Mississippi, who w u wilh Byrd boll) a t the Far North and Far

■BoiUhrcomm enlSrtlnil'o iie'S^utd ^ have lo go far to find a beller leader. ^

C npuin C. A. McKinley, St. Louis, r t who not only flew over the South tc in lc with Byrd but took piclures of tt Its environs. a.uerted that It hod been Byrd's cheery personality which kept up the morale of members of the.ex- pedlUon'during th tir long months together. “

And O. A. Thorne, Chicago, chlel di surveyor-for the expedition, w u ot ready with his quoU of pralte for the b fine charaeler and steady Icadcnlilp of “the admiral," u all three colled vl Byrd. hi

Bringi Back r ic lo m ^Caplain McKlnlcy brought back ci

thousands of piclures, most of them u taken trom the air during the prin* cipol tilghu by the expedition, for « m aptilns.purpoua. .Xhorm tro u g b t & the daUr. fro a bis lurveys, which- « «-ere made on the ground wlUi tbe aid o t dog teams. Tlie two will re* t lu r m tr n c w Y o ik nndTediiCfl iUr- "p veys oud camera fllmi to a series ii of Aiilarctlcan maps which wlll Ull / th e world's gcognphen mbre sbout n the country of the BouUi pole U un g lliey- ever have knowa s

Captalu Parker, former marine v corps lllcr. smilingly commented d th a t his work with the expedition w u t

were completed. Bul like McKinleyand Thorne lie wlll be In New York lito greet Rear Admiral Byrd on the Ilalter's \rlumpbanl relum . t

T iie thrcc'men were peppered with 'qucstlaiis, lo some of.whlch they 'replied: P ' T hat frozen noses, cheeks and toeswere commonploce wlih the expedl- ,lion. . ,

T hat they consldcK;d the expedl- .,lion had been uncxiKcledly success- ,ful in lu ciulaaitlaiu.____ - ’

T hai tlie South pole is on a Urge ' iibln 10,000 feel above sea level.

T lm t 11 was not tiaitlculariy coldn t thc South iwle. cipecUlly In their ^heated iilaiie, ' ^

FliiilC T S -G lG E liB '

0Minneapgiis txecu live O f- i

fers View Before Hearing ;O f Committee in Congress '

_____ ■■ t

WASHINOTON, April IS m'v - D . . !velopmcnlot a group system ot bank* e

quated" unit systeni was (o recu t | today as Uie “natural evolution" of Ibo country's banking structure .by E .,W . Decker.' preslden'. of the NorUiwest Bank corporation, Mlnne* a ^ l i s , b c fo r : ' the house bankingconimlttcc. ]

Asserting ttiat osrlcultural depres- |sl09 in the trade area served by h'is |organluU oi. w u the result. roUier 'th a n the cnuse of Uic largo number ,of bank failures in Ihe l u l 10 yean. j|Decker ssld ‘ big buslnes h u come ;to I lay nnd niusi hove big banks to |•erve l u needs." ‘

Sm all unit 'ijonk* were entirely in* iadequate to meet the requircmeaU '

a d d e d ,a f ^ B W n ^ r B r a ^ J

E S a l - ^ " r - i' Ho disagreed wllh previous tesU* dmony by «ohn W. Pole, complroller iof th e currency and Oovemor Roy-A. 1Young o t.th« fedenl reierre board, dUial a branch banking lystem re* o ilrlcled to d early d^Ulitd i H t f ^w aathebestso luU oB rortbepreieo t Cday financial needi. Decker con* ntended Uiat publli iplnloa; a t le u t htn Ui* section .Wu' "unalUrably op- tposed" to braoeii M m t

10 PA G ES — 5 CENTS


Uprisin g-R e sum e s-ln -rEa rly- looming Hours in Protest Against Conviction of Men In Disobedience Movement

(By The Associated P re u )

Ca l c u t t a . I n d i a , (W e d n e s d a y M orning) April IG -U lo ting : in p ro­te s t ngalnst th c n r r e s t nnd conviction of Pand it Jaw ahar* Inl N ehru nnd M ayor J . JI . Sengupta, C alcu tta , leaders in th c civil diflobedicncc move­m ent of M ahntm n G a n d h i , raged again cnrly th is m orn­

ing after mony persons hod been in - Jnced In c luhes yesterdoy ond last.

Epio'p«.iu,’l« o In J |.ii tlo lli condlllon. were Uken to the hospital a fter being oltocked by noUves tn the Dhowanipore secUon. Street cors wero ironed, several being TTccked.

A mob also stoned a liosplUI. wounding on ofliclai. PoUce finolly routed Ihem ond arrested a score of persons.

Observance of a lU rU l (day of mourning) In proles', against the ar­rest and conv ctlon o t Pandit Jaw- aharlal Nehru and Mayor Sengupta. boU i*lB aderr1n-U io-aandhl'm oye^ m ent. w u.U ie cause o t K rlous riou. Minor outbreaks'north of the clly resulted in many persons being u n t to bospiuls and in much destruc- tlon.

BaUle With Students At le u t sev:.*. British officials, a

British .roman motorcyclist. Miss Bench, and many members of the CalcutU fire brigade w ere injured during a battle between lUidenU. other (ym palh iserrand pollce. U lss . B e n c h had alU m pted to ride through Uie riot secUon againsPad- vlces of police. She w u sloned and her injuries caused her to be taken to a hosplUl. Armoured c a n were funcUonlng before the police luc- ccedcd la rojlorlng order for a short time late in the afw m oon yesUrday.

O q Uie oUier side ot tb e conUnent * .« t K ar« eb l-a H artal also w u pb- oerred'.-UthMiih Uiq day pasied MtbotA incldenl.

Yesterday's ouUUnding arrest w u Uial of Mahadev D eu l . O ydhI'*

In eharge of the G andhi school a l Ahmadabad. Tbe ieader hlmselt re-, m ains Imndnn although a police s u p ^ n u a le n l and a d o n n con­stables a l Dandi silenUy. watched TOlunteen prepare plans tor the manufacture ot forbidden salt. After tbe volunteen goUiered about. Uie

Oandhi spenl yesterday in the vil­lage o t Umber, where be spoke twice. Be exhorted a group o t women to take pa rt In Uie campaign and call* ed tbe attenUon to tbe arrest ot Pandit.N ehru, ssylng "he b u been punished because he is lbe greateil of us all."

The second speech w u to tbo men, who he urged to defend the ulwpans. u symbols of Uielr principles, with the ir Ilvc*. “Prom .your su tferinn will rise Into being n o t only com- pletertndependenccbul > nuii-vlulcnV army^tor IU defense." b e U)ld them.

Answering a lelegram from the president of Bombay provincUl com­mltUe InvlUng him to Bombay, Oandhi leplled;

" I am hourly needed in Oujcral to consoIl.jite-'by woric but 1 wltt com ew hen'I Bm absolutelrneeded."''


NEW YORK, April IS ( ^ - T h e official CaUiollc directory for 1930, Just issued by B. J . Kennedy and Sons. reporU a Calbollo popuUtlon ot 20.078502 in lhe conUnenUl Unlled Slates, exclusive of Alaska and Island Urriiories.

Tbere are four cardinals, 12 arch­bishops, 103 bishops, 36.9U ordained priests, 13.413 established parishes,' 5753 mission churches. 133 Uieologl* cal seminaries, and 7325 tree paro*

Phan uytum s and homes for Uie ased. ___________


ASHLAND. Wls., April 19 {A>- Familles In and near the lown ot Marengo tonlghl prepared to vacate Uielr homes as spreading forest fires U ireauned the village. '

T hirty men directed by Fbrcsl Ranger B. J . VanderwaU, wom by a 38-hour tigh t wlUi ihoreU and back* firing, used pumps Id eftorU to eheck tbeb laie. / ■.


bank prtsldent who fe^ 'B M itle 1 ^ - day by plane .tor Chleaso to be a t ' Ull bedside o t his ton , Jacic. Culver U illta ry -a ea d e m y 'a U id en tr tw ta d - dangtrously IU. arrived hero a t 11:40, o’clock lon ihU

Qreen would leave b t i f :toiDdrro«. morning a t 6 : N / n u

not learned.,

Page 2: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

lE C lO F li ''

iz fiU N ttlia„ ' Inj

' ' we

.r ^ e l l Edson Tells Parent- I . Teacher Meeting Thai Ro- il! i ; lation o l Experience to =

U ie Must bo Considered m- ■ ...... .......................... Uo

Ml■' »IeH!ffc*ni-camnsu- Um

tlon to modfrn «liie*Uoti u li« aim U91 to h«lp chlldrtii mcfl life tiiuillont." cat

' Nevrtll S. Edton. New Work City.;glv director of Mtelnl liynlene for llw .Ou National CongrcM ol TarenU and tin Teachers, uptakliii: cn tlie lub jecu . " "Modem Itigli Seliool Edueallon." [tno told an aiidlence of 1» perMnj a l % ,Ilf< mc«lme held a t llic IiUlt uDool audl* 'Mn tarliun lu l nlghl. under tlio auspleea tloi of itio T n ln - m is Pareiit-Teaclier U r counclL Mr. Edion woj Introdiieed for by W. B. Smllh. »uperlnUnd*ni of ihc the- Twin Poll* kIiooI*. Muilcal tai niimtKrii were Riven by the Soyi' to Olee club and O irb ' Oleo club ol i the hlgli achool, . . _ of

Sfr. Ziioa M up In » carefully u ti developed lalk to the (ub}«ci of u x 9:3 education n* a n teeuary prepare- girl lion for life. Joli

“.Modem education." he mMrUd. Ur •'look* to experlenco rather than to tiolaled fac t» -» lacl Is only a u>ol n t

___fl{,CH>erlciiqf.„JV_t».M a i today r frather thau tomorrow. TW iy'i ex- • pcrleiices are vital. Tlie atudent li Jiving Ihem lodiy, xubblog them Inlo his senses, responding emotion*#Uy to them. They condition Ihfl experiences of lomorrow. Today* f - lUc alluatlons shape chnrocler, emo* r tional responses, liabltt, lu te s, aUn- .w, dards, Idealt and attitudes. New conduci grows out of old experience*, go. T liw fo rc edueallon, whether Id Khool or a t liome. aliould guide ex* (q , perlences, so th a l f?om them wlU come character netded for life. t

-------“H enct.modem educaUon U bring- ymlng life to the tchool room, re«ult- in lng In keen pupil Interest In work, hot telf-rellanco In meeting sltuiilon*. im and Increased skill in aelf-eipres*

rffiiling rroWfm "No life situations putzle parenU T<

- and tctclKra more lhan those Inrolv* lng the tex factor. Thero li to much f free discussion nbout sex and to tih many puxzling theories advanced un'

, lh a t wo do nol know what to beUew. phi Some of Uieto Iheorlet teem tnore the im porlant tJian U/e illutilms. uk

•■fhe new wealth of facU trom am: biology, phjilolog)-, ptychology, to - t Ik clolon*. have no t yet been to inter* the p rttM th a tw o ca n u n d en tan d th e m ; Ler and partU l.atserllont and oplnloni raa: do not help u t much. We sea palont Ort le tu iu ot tex astray and Ihete are D t' •obertiw.-Occatlontlly « e tee Irank Ma iletUu)c« o t toclal codea. We hear l inu ih '.o t divorce and the toUerlng the

' XoriiUjr. the_____a>JLtbo_oUitc_h»ndL.wc-tetllic. itu

th a t tex Is respootlbla fo^ courtihtp, gn nurrlage, homes. chUdren, lovt and Sci n un y of tho th ln u value moat in ure. 'We realUe Utat our child- -T ren m ust r o w up to face m*ny tll* tm iiauons InvolirlnK tbe tax factor and nn< we-hope thcy,»11l pull through all Unl

•■right. ^

" la our puB llnf we often forg«t , lh a t tho child I t of on# tex or Uie other, Jt to treated from tha cradle und It having experiences Involv* f

' ln< Uie *ex tacuir. We tomeUmei Judge aeUont o( youUi by ttandard* ol the adult.

“Sex experlenoei a n largely toclal

. This Pictorial

We<M a k e O u r P a t t e r n D e

H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r Y o i

D uring th e week the ncw Pit P rin ted P a tte rn s will bc feiUjfirc In addiUon, a group of. collcgo

--------EIctodal.M dow .< om paniaa4Ii(dents w ill call a t your heme to

“M-hlch illu stra tes th e ncw pat . w ith h im to rcccivc Pictorial 1

will o ffe r nothing else, and wll f ic ia l receip ts w ith official Pic

• upper corner.

T he naraca o f ’the ' ’ young m en who are

r e p r e s e n t i n g Pic­to r ia l Review he re '

. . d jirin g th e ir Spring— — yacation-ftre.

~ il-Jh la '- 'flC orc. aa agents fo rP J

. ^ o w you wlli f in d them coiir; . k ind ly h e a r in g Avill be npprec

b r t i s : ; ~

ip t d k - T i i

T h e W e a th e r (|ro n ec A R T f o r t o d a y a waios«oB»ow-raU:.ii»i«-iwp»?i _n

aJaiti.bn t frotU a t nlgbl. J j

Minimum Umperalurfl In Uie vl* dnlty-O f-Tirln.W U wat M .dtgreet I above Mro during the a<-hour perlrf t

Ul* to the report of the goiemraent weather ob tener here. Mulmum lemperature tor ths u m t period w u ij S3 digreet. There w u a pretlplla* llol of .OT or an Inch. The tky w u cloudy all da}'. I

Iexperienwt, and lience doubly Im* porUnt. They are ImporUnl emo- UonaUy. U I t Important to guide experiences wholetomely b e l o r ethey-becom e-pfobl«!«.-SM -#duca- - js jil9n It Inevitable. Like oUier edu* corn

Icatlon It I t Important that 11 be |iot<'given right and by the right person*, the|Our poorest Is betler th in the poorest cmtlre«l education. aucI "Tho goal of sex eduosllon Is for oibiImoil people a happy, ukIuI msrried ing!llfe, or lo r.a few a happy and useful |ad<Islngle Ille. U U tlirrrCore a preptra* Maitlon for a loiuf, difficult and Impor- cullu n l human lelatlonshlp. Material m Ujfor sueh educaUon. aa for any oUKr. vociahould be appropriate In Interpre* Unctallon and InsplraUon for guidance wto meet the slluitlons of life.” by

Mr. Edson wlH addresi studenta of-lof tlie Junior high and Ih* high c h rsr)}ools lAU momliig, beginning a t tpa9:30' o'clock, addressing boy* and son, girls MparatcJy. He will address a Jolnl luncheon of Klwtnlans and Ro* Urians a t noon.

--------------------------- nini

P R O P H E T S P E R U S IN G S’ t ■“ C E N S U S T R A C f T R E N f f r ,

-------- Con(Continued from Tsge One) TakI , ■ I »y,r}

gun to disappear wlUi ths Influx o t .n-i tractors and automobiles. .^ 1.

One ttudent of population tald . u , t^at all tm all towns would have drop* .p.,., ped In population except for the tup* ,h ii port given toms through the con- wnfralton a t UMchie/ ttlltge In eaeJ] * ‘ township of the dlitrict tchoclt and ! .„ rural churches.

Probably 90 per cent of American “ IS vllltge«'1iaVe''a~farTarger popmaUon'In the ir cem elerltt th in In their homea, but o t Ihlt cenaut tayt noth*

_ _ _

H A O E R M A N Y O U T H P L A N S Si'i T O T A K E T E S T IN B O IS E S i

-------- WillPOOATCLLO. April IS (Special to mer

The News)—Several sludenU of the Pau University o t Idaho, soutlwrn branch nat! pharmacy deportment have signified You their Intention of going to Oolse to ilon Uko (he <ta(a.pharnt)icr batri ex-, ctui amlnnUont to Iw held on April 39. 8ch Tliese who aro making the trip (rom sch the MUlhem branch are Dale Brlggi, lunc Lehl. u u h ; Ronald Oreene, Hager- 1 p, raan; Ralph Keiidrlck. U Oraude. be 1 Oregon! Denney Plllmore and J . mce Davla. Poeatello; William lU nten, • m Malad, and Eldon Kalfleld, N tmpa. of L

ThU tl th e l u t opportunity ttiat the exaalnallons wilt be given under - ths tbree*jrear plan. Hext year the » itudent wlU Jiava ta be a tolltga ^ gnduate and hold a Bachelor ot Sclenct decree'' In pharmacy. —

-Five teta ef brotbert. four p a in tn d one trio, cempoee'mero than one-fltfh of the pemionneJ of the University o t Arkansas band.

Havt year'LAW N MOWKB g n sn d BOW

We call for and deliverMOORE’S R E P A IR SHOPTbe old reliable lawn mower

g r ip e rt44 H als Ava, So. ' Rteo« SM

sW .Reweu).

j c k

3ept; Your Fashion our Sprinsr .Sewing

Pictorial Review Simplified ^rcd a t o u r p a tte rn countcr.2ge m en will rep re sen t Tho 4 hi».c ity , Oac-of th » M 4 t u ^ . to explain P ic to ria l Review, pattern . You m a y arrange \1 Review every nion th . He will carry, w ith h im h is of* Pictorial Review aea] Jn the

Fred Douse

Leo H ogan

(ieorge A nderson

Mickey McGuire,

I— ^ S u p c r r l w r - —

j t v l M L j l i K e o n , . . ; ;

mrtcous and considerate. A reclated^ b ^ b y them and

b g i^ c d l



n r n r i i i i t m n i R i m r n 'i' Hri r lAII 1H tllliliri

■ ■— Roll

National Speaker on Pro- £ gram for F ir s t Session S

"01 Three Day Meeting oI.m. Southern Idaho Section w j

■ ----- bud

conference dinner a t the Rogerton hotel which marked Uic opening ol the thrte-day meeUng of the Boulh* t i i en> Idaho Young W omen't ChrUtlan ' ' auociatlon conferencc. Mra. Will [ Olbion, BoUe, presided. Group ting- lng w u led by MIm Clara Lacge- land. Olrl ReMrve aecretary- ol the Maglc'Valley db trlc l. M argaret Me- Mr. Culley played two piano tolos and lF il Mlta LeNelle Breckenrldge gave twcr the vocal aolot for which Mlta Lange- the Itnd played the accompaniment. anc : Welcome to Uie eu csu waa-rolctd Uri by Mrs. D. O,. McCulley, president rrn lof-tho Twin fs lla Young Women't elai IChrlttlsn aMOClallon to whleh re- In IjpoDM w u m tde by Mr>. Roy Wll- 11. ton, Parma. C

New Yorker Speaka .The principal a d d re u ot Uie e \t- ]i,s

nine w u made b - Newell W, Edson. i .Vew York City, educational director of the Americnn Aasoglatlo» of So- c tal'H jjlfn in iiiinn tttonn l'chalnnan Vii ot toclal hygiene o f the National Congreu of Parents nnd Teachers. Taking for hU ihemo the qsery “W hat Alls Our Y outhJ" dltcussed soclai relaUons aa Uiey exist at Ihl* Ume. To some extent, lie de­clared youlh Is "Tlw victim 01 r r: Tiling*," la lhe machine age In which wa live. He urged undentand- lng and interitependence betveen . . . parents and children. ''Adolescenu are made ^ paren t adjuncu," he'

—T l»-m eetlng- UJday-wlU-opou -in ,p , (ho Business nnd Professional Wo- m an't club rooms n t B;30 P . M. Mrs. 'R. E. Manning, Pocatello, will pre- , side. Miss Lillian Kessler, BeKw*. / Olrl Reterve secretary-for llie BoL-.e- f " Nampa dlatrlct, will preside, MlM Helen Flack. Spokane, regional sec- retary for the Northwestern ttaiM will tpeak on “W hat lhe Young Wo- " " men’* Christian Awoclntlon Is." Mim ^ Pauline Schaedler. New York Clly, national financial aecretary of the J Younjt Women'a Christian assocla* , , , lion will spenk on flnhncet, a dls- ctiMlon-en which will be Jed by .^ftM J,', Scha<dlir In iho aftem oon. Miss Schaedler'WllI also epcok n t t h e luncheon Ui the Rogerson hotel at 1 P . M. The aflrrnoon aewilon will ' l be a continuation of Uio luncheon ,.u, mceUng. Mrs. W. E . O raham , Bottc, a member of the flnaiico departmenl 15|j, of the naUonal'organltatlon will pre- c M ti t ...• • mi

Flan D inner S ltr llne • ary TlUt e -o&lng Utere wUl bo a din-

tie rjn seU ny-at'tho 'ltogersort'ho tel- —8

Here^ and

I ('15

C OUNT the 8CC01 have to w ail n* wc will give yo

serv ice to earlier cu 2 0 , 1930.

Change you

Official Bos I Sales and S

, t

: NEWS, T W IN '.F A L m . H ff iH o T

a l whleh there wUl be a folk aoni n n demonstraUon by MUa LwfelaDd. L ' and an addreu by Rev. Jamea.MU* J H Ur, pu io f of the Flnt^»r«tbyU rlan churth here, on "Finding. O ur Plat*in-UirChangtog-World.—MUa R u U i____Kirk, rocatello, will bave charge ot lhe closing wonhlp. ' , ’

Tomobow m om lni anoUier meet­ing will be h e ld 'ln rooma of:U>e Rii«lne<.« and Preteattonal Women'a KCfl club a i wlileh MLU Loulte Kelley, — “ Boise, general teerelan ' of tbe BoUe C Young Women's O hrlttian aatocla* lion will speak o r "Religion," The n conterenee wUl adjoum a t noon.The Magic Valley dU W ct board of------- -rilfectora Iwld a mteUog a t i . P .M. yesterday In Ilw Bualoeu and nirn Prolr«lon»l Wom<n'*«*club rooms, c d j; pfulded over b f M n . 'W iyu Samp* ton. Hansen, prealdent H m 1930 tlon budsel w»* conildered b u t 'b 9 def- H»y. Inlte action Uken..________^

ih e ltlon

t w i n F A L L S G I R L T O . i t L E A D W O M EN S T U D E N T S

-------- aald.M l« Bftty Wilson, (laughter ot boy

Mr. and Mrs. Idwln A. WlUon, Twin y^tr Ftlli, hat bFfn'flecled preildent ef mi the A«ocltieri Women SttidenU a t the U nivrtuy o t Idaho, 'Moeeow, q i and with M lu Zelda NeweotAb,,xt> (he Urine president, win altend th e west- |n . ern diviilon convention of the Atso- ,ve'n elated siiideiita Presldenla (o be hetd |An.u in Uramie, Wyomlnc. April 1« to „ en 11. ■ occu

On the wty to the convention, MUs Wllwn MTlved Sunday fo r a brief tar). vWt at home afid left Tueidajr room- _ lng lor Uramle.


W O R K -O F - D R A F T I N Q N — T R I-P A R T IT E P A C T • bt

N E A R S C O M P L E T IO N S?*"-------- Fall!

(Continued from Page One) The

■ thal nlRhl~or early the nex t mom- lng. 1001)

, Tlip illlflcully arL w from Ul6 ne- j; cesslty ol submliimg tepaia te d raft -u.V, d«ument.\ In English, French and Japanrie to Uie govemmenU con- eemcd. and /h tn obUlnlng finalapproval. .................. ............ prf,,

Morrow Centldenl '

I Ambw.-mdor Morrow, however, as M I clilef nf Ulf* American drafting tec- 1 atte: ition '^^w fo confident th e treaty I Infli j would Ik ^lRned Tu'cvday th a t he K. I told Uie American delegatea they W. 1 foiilil Mfely pack their luggage ond Tlio bft rrndy lor a d u h U> the boat fol- J. S< Iswing the final "plenary te a lo n ery wlilch will wind up the conference, wn.

DraftinR of tho treaty will be fin* Jero Wifd Thursday and Uien tha ap* Mut provnl ot ttll! varloua govemmenta ock.

I mu.M. b : obuined; Tlie British and Ja I American delegations are fully au- vis. Uiorlzed lo algn bu t the faU ent; Wea poinU nf Uie final dmfllnit m ty be 1M. I eablril to Tokyo and Uiere U a p o s- ' E. I Mblllty of delay arising thereby, al- 1 though notnentlon of a delay later'AU1

I lUsn Wednesday haa been made. ' i’ l SU bulky report* whlclt were for- >rag

milty,approved a t jrtjwrday'* plcn- jbile ary aeaslon were puhlUhed lo t t ) , a n'

— — — I moll -S le am balfat.-P.-DrrVetteCrMO.-ad* [waa

i it costs nOne MinuteS E R VIC E•conds' you w nit fo r 'service a t out I more th an ono minute beforo wo you a Q uart o f Oil FR E E 'unless t customers. This offer is good unt

FREEour oil for the warm days i

, grado-of fine qual

t h e f j n e m a-shop^honc-asa--------- =k)sch Magneto Service Station'

i i i f im n i-P lK fiim ileRegional Leader Brings E n -

couraging Message ol Pro ­gress to Snalie River Area

Develop mftit of Ihoboy KOUl move- m rnt.In which IJietf •ren n * raroll- ed 35.000 boyi lu the lour Not^hweat- em a tau i, It based on a tound foun* tlon In the Snake River area, W. I*. Hayward. SpoUne. aoUU nt region­al aoout execuUve, told roember^,.of , ihe'Snake RIvu ireiLM UlKttar«»- slon a t Shoshone laK ''C ^''C -

The vUlllng executive was dltcuu* lng two-day obsernUons In the area.

•Hhe council for tli l ' area." h i said, "has fo recu t enrollment of 900; boy KOutJ beforo the close of the i year. If the present rat* of growth Is maintained." he added, " that torp* eait U certain to be exceeded.”

Oul ot M boy scout troops wllhin the area. Frank It. Thomai, flood­ing, area council president, told l u t evening'* meeling, only threo have l«p,«rt from reglilratlon require* menu. Theie lapses, he nald, have ' occurred within thC'past few day*, and probably will be remedied a t an early dale.

Tlie council voled to Uke advan­tage ot Idaho'a IncorporaUon law^ and Floyd Beddall, Jerome, w u nam ­ed as chnlrman cf a commlitee lo ar* rflnRC tor Incorporallon-of the coun* cll.

Dtlalled plans for tht> three sum* mer cnmpt to be held within the area, wtre discussed by W. E. Dltwr, Twin FalU, area camping commUiloner. •The schedule provides for Camp Shoihone, June 16 lo 28; Camp Inde­pendence. July 7 to 17; Ctmp Baw*M»lh, July 37 lo August 9. ►-

E. Ruuell Bcolt. area scout exc- culhT, lold of trtlnln* ichooli for Bcout letdera lately, concluded end stated Ih lt certificates ot grtduaUon irom the training KhooU will be pre*ented-to-99-scoui leadera-at-a. - cnmp-o-raU In Twin FalU, early In May.

Memben of the area councU In attendance a l last evening's meeting Included:

R U- nrehman. Alfred W. Andrews,W. C. Abbott. Wendell: Frank H. Thom as F. A. Thompjon. Clarence J. Settle. H. P. Hulton. Oooding', Em­ery D. Doanel Thurman C. Ander­son. Floyd O. Ued3nirw>.E. JelUton. Jerorae: Rom Borden, WHlam H. Murphy, A. W. Jacomlnl. (\. E. lUck- ock. W. C, Hart. 8hoslion \

John 0. Pence. Buhl: Dr. C W iJJa - ; vis. KUnberly: E. N. Rayborn. W. C. Weaver, Flier; W. E. Nixon. T hom u M. Rcbertjon. W.' A, Thompson, W.E. Bitter, Twin FalU. j


erage operating cost of an aulomo- ;• bile has.been reduced.to 8.43 cenU ' a mllet aceordlnf-to;-tha-.C blea8 0 . moior club, l a 1931 tlft;avera |e cost |

ere Yoino more!

o u r ■ pum ps-^If you we. touch your car,

» t h o p u n ip s 'a n i in u n t i l S u n d a y , A p r i l

E CRANItC^;s and higlier' a ig ln e tem aalily oil. Change n o w .. ,


A fK lL IB, iw i) - . ~ ~

More than 13M0 tre t i'b a v * b ic a l ^ Unled by Kortb C a n ^ oobooU pat< nd box »eoul* ^ year. - 'j tcb t


ifo o iHiM i i f i i r t

t n e u f a h t i (

i n a t t r l f m l ■ „

K RBUckamlUu T l Belter JIfakcn H MaeblnlfU ^

210-220 Scc(

IU Get


L IN D 'S S u p e f OaSo say " F ill.’c r up" h Super Gasoline Is

is a -dry g as , freO' fro i m ileage r ig h t h e re in '

:ase ser viimperatures ahead. Drive . . . and save the w ear o n ;

‘PE iJG jR A G ET lN lfH E

m rt«<n-hundr((l paplU parUeW Fl Mted ta..M lnne*oU t M it Wgh chool mutlc e o n to t ' * pm

[ E R f

Himse VmiO RDINARY p a in t often coi

or m ore th a n 20% o f w at IU jroa Jcnoir i f good fo r maaj n o t to pain t w ith. So why jpa

-vraler-wfaen.what.yoa.need is .

.Look for th e L ncas nam e 01 pain t 70 'ubny . ForLucaa'pai; —erery drop p a in t” . I t look longer-goes fu r th e r-o n d in th'


Electrical Suppliesecond Avenue Soulh , Twin Falls,

V a m is h e i— I * * W a ta iF re e -

The Bl

iper Quality

isoline' is s till m ak ing new friei ’ here, ro u r m o to r w ill " P u rr w itl Is th e "real s tu f f ’ — no “moonRhi rom excessive carbon and is deli a Twin Falls,

ICEve in and let u s put in th'i ri your, motor.

I E : ’— :---------- ------PattfrPht

Timken, New Departs H yatt B earing Diatri

_______N* , ■ ......

ofcquiw-prooftni emy h W '- V o tventSoaU tU .

, ln l tle c iiin i ;ontolns as u n c lt.Itcr. A nd urater - sy pnzposea, h n t >ay fo r pa in t ands . n l l p a i n t T ^ .V . . : . . . _

o n every ca n of .. . iiniis**watex^freo ika he lte r— hoendfCostaleaa*!'

^’ SI’eldenody BuUders ^

s , Id a h o

-L a^uers—Enamels '—E v ay I^rop Point**

' .

le n d s— w h en you i t l l a p p re c ia tio n ." h ine” a b o u t i t . I t • s liv e r in g u n u su a l

he righ t ■

tone-29&---------------- -ture and '■ributbr* ■ ^

Page 3: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

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T hey called her hom e to w n ^ but

' Broadway’s beaul tha t passed her b j ing tribute to her

T h ey said she wi 5 th A venue was height of smart ft

, Some, people de<

tM ce in tihe busir

Scandal clouded 1 jail doors dangei

■ ./ T \ m F A m ‘D A lL Y



K c S R R H I ^ ^ ' W s M\ . M

^ D lm

W u ' B ir “hom ely” in the u t she became or uties . . . and the by at Mghteien paid ;r charms at tw entj

was, “ dow dy” ; : ■ as to acclaim her s fa^ io h !

leemed her stupid

siness w o rld !

1 her nam e a t hom< ;ed beiiind her in

,Y W 3 , T W m P A IX 8 rn > A H (

I ]iiH //m ( t


H iW / ^le uttle Y o rk '; jne of thought

S u c h T j a w a y fn

ty-one! to seek .. N ew “Y■ ^ ^ held in

sw e e t- , depths 0

d .- . r Here is

pense, d romance

ne, and your’ m a N ew , enjoy e

^ g i n m g F ru

iH b , W E D N E B D A Y -M O R t^G ,-

"Ira -0 * ' ? ;?« \ . s f c i H i v

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; . . even the m It her an adventun

I g k l was Jean Bra from jeers and hear t her living as a si Yo^rk . . and fc n store every thr “ that every girl lc of her heart.

s a glorious, heart

daring, cpurage, ce : : . a stoiT- tl m e\noiy fo r yeai every cliapter !

i^ g ^ jC p ril

G ;- A P H tI r - lg r -1 9 8 0 - —

r jU ^ k £ s E te ( M in > v ^ B > ^ y^iis '"' 4

l \ A ^ w a a



man she loved,, ress! ,

randes, w ho rail - irtaciies at home stenographer in for w hom Fate irill---bitter and longs for in the

rt-touching love

tenderness and , that w ill live in ars ! _^ Y ou will

\ i Wi ' i i /m W

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Page 4: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

T W Ili F A L l s T i i r L y N E W S |"'■ ■ ■ ■ iu M c iir r io K iu t e i*

- ! i gBi( kiontai — MMTbrt* Moniiti 'Cni UMife — ---------« •«

. m ii . IdtbA U8dt» Ui» K» ot U»reb X 9Itn . ________• (1

iMutd tr t r j Bwralni ncfpt Mot)<U». ^— -Twtnriilf.Twio P iiitw B iri ol

u>«Twio _

MtMUR o r illlOCIATEU rB I II ■m* A»wel»l*d t tm u « • c:

tilled to tb* UM for publlnuoo ot «ll >, n*w« dupcubw BMSiud u> iv oi doi oUiirvtM emilwd la Uii< ptpft ftod to h th* local n n n pubiubfd bm m . AJi ri»bt ol ftpuBllaUoa ol ipftiH dU- w pttclin b«rtlD » l» HMnwL_________ gl

vn mMaj AMOCUUd Pth*...............................

Tb* V*wt ll ■ niHBbtf of Ull Attdll Dumu ot OrcuUUsDi, fren vbom Ui c(

— s r ; ' 5 i , % K a " " » . ; K S “loRBtUoa (uppTird lonlll upon rnjUNt al

minuieffp^Vho'iS! "5 i £ S ^ ^ . S ; £ £ ■ . E•Muld eet ficHd tt» n bundi«l voidt

" '^ ta lia itn and fhould m nnfintd to. ople toreum nictntralinurrti. Anon*

rnou» wmmuoWllflw w tAoM^ijlic*^S*wwtS»d.‘ Ho'mlniueriBU «lil h* rtiurard ualM tccomptnitd b |

____________1 — ^ ccNATIONAL BCrllMtNTATIVM

PRUODEh. KinU AHt> I’flUUllKN Nt> Yoifc cnittfO, Oia m otuco, Uw cc AniilM. antU * (il


C tn m ciiumcMllons m lilalio dur- Ins lhe p»it lorty > '« « «liow tloubl*

. ln« or the 8Wl«'* populaUon every tfn jears from ilifliitcii liimdred ' ind ninety to iilnccn tumdrcil and ltn . pfi*l fl iiihiliinMiit. (finitffi Inereue during Uio deeado endlns. in nineteen hundrtU and Iweiity.

litre i i the record;V « r ropitlatlonJ 8 M _______________ _ OUM .1900'_________________iai.772 ,JOlO-------------------------- 32iiOiI5J0 --------------------------43I.BU(ITn’ln FalU h u parilclpalcd In bCT *

tv o ftderaJ ccnius enumeraUona. bul llie'companion Uius nude avDilotile,- ahowa a growth tjulle In line with , the advance of the State aa a whole.

Here are the (Igurea torTu'tn I-'ull*: Vear Population .

■ lOID_______ ___________ 5.2S8

»»20 ............ - ......... ...........ZTlierc U every reason lo twllevc

t l » t Uie. completion 'of ttie census counl noff under way, will ahow conUnued IncreaMS. It the enuniero* u c n 'u u neu'ly complcle os It tho'uld be.

Cemut relurns thal thow In* c r«u« In population of any com­munity v s rra n l iw nttl pride and

^gratU lcallort In tha l community.The cenius U»t, .when honcilly

and eiticlenUy admlnlttered. ihowa w beth tr'tb e communily d<ten-ea to •dvance. j ‘

A number of thInj* make -for no grairth e t a community. Th«, big* Ea sc t( factor p trh ip H i'th iC 'p eo p le

' f ln l I t poulble .In t )rovln< com* munity to make a IlTlnt under wn* n , ditlons th a t MtUfy'ttKm. 6o they wl remain and bulld homea, and others, trt aeeklng the tam e thing, are attract* ed and come and Join them.

caae of a growlnc eommunlty.On the con tra ir Incrtate In alte „

l l a logietl objectlw of ewry worth- t« vhile commuiUty. ch

Growth ia the proof tha t a com* ^ munity I t tbe to r t of piaee ono wanla to lire, and tb a t 11 deienet to pros* per and adTtace. ‘ Tli

Decauae thU record o t growth la A. BO Important, I t I t highly d ttln b le :j[:

. th a t full adrantage be Ukea of. the opportunity' p retenttd by the enu- ne. tneralion noir In p ro g rta Mi

The Ittcta will tpeak for tbemielret. bu t a compute itc o r t ot tbe facta ^ m u tt be made If the true picture x . la to be presented. , err

11 la witblQ Um power of Tvln Falls cjUrens to renito an Impor* ta n i aervlce t o ^ community and to themaelre# ^ helping to mako /

, Twin Falla' ceniut enumeration one ^ hund red .pe r cent complete. |,oi

All th a l la neceaatry la that each en; person ahall make certain tha t be *'« o r the -U listed In the enumeration. 2*

BUI th a t much li very neceuary.

= = = = = : I JE A a S AND WATER Ml

Ml' The rallroadt o t Ihli eountry are

. ■ generally given credit lor klUlag the " "Tctilals. ’I te y did It parily' by giTT g ?

lng better tervlce and partly by Sei meana leat crcdltable than that. The tradlHonal railroad view la lha t wa- tcrway traffic la the natural foe of Mr

, ra il M»/Xic.. ^T b a t vleir, however, seems to be “

dianglng. Two rallrotd presldeoU, Att«rbuT7 of tbe FeontyKanla tn d Loreo o t tb e Ilelawara and Hudson, luv frrtcen tly spoken approvingly ot

' a m als fo r the purpoM of reilertng railroads o t alow, heavy freight.

' ' 'som e of tbo other lines have Bwake&ed to tb e adraniage of other


raUroiidi h a re i^ u a ted their tlnie

Irom one to th e otber, to the pro* m o t ayitems.

____ I^ U « jN tm i.ta .bB .ao good reason. whjr n iu u d w ater bauUng cannot : IB VOlM Bto ttt, . w . t ) ^ do la 1000 Buropeaa cdun-

Jbwlng; trat*


> Inc. c tc h m aku iiailie IW llie eiiic r.l ' . tn d the public bfneliu from bolh.

I FLYERS AND EMilNECRS • i* Memben irf 'tho UroUieriiood ol ' l A ^ o t i r e E nilneen aay they are ‘ Ifbing to Invite air ptlou lo Join

their ranks, 'riie.lRipllcallon Is that running an airplane is Die samo sort

' of work as m nn lns n loromoilve, - - J - —IM x rln a. way. Dul the air mon j j , ' don 'l Uilnk so. Tliey couUder the i; ij,; . employmfnt a, prof_tMlon nnd are tlo j lined with profciiroiial iirldr. TTiey 3W> have their own organlutlon. too, .I which ’serve/^ nipny ol the purposes yg

of an ordinary union. heEven thnl tliicsn’t prove a:iyth>i«.

■ More tliaii one prufrs.iion. Inelodlng 1 colleac profeMors. has b<-en known: lo Jom.tlif.Fcriffailoii ol Labor. As nu

air pllollng becomw.a more num* "P■ erous occiipnll_oii. the N.illoniil Air

r i lo u mny nllny i Ik r w Ivcs with oneo t the big omanlMttoiLs. im

Kl. . = = = ' tai

ItEI.KiioUH m il l'i r CtKSTItOL op.

II Is rnther aiariUiik-, 1( anyUilng Dc could startle III {Ills lllKTuI bkc. to liild IV clmrcli cuinlni: oul Ior birth conlrol. Tlie Ncw Voik conlcrence coi of tho MctlioUlal cliurrli unnnl- nioiisly declares this jirniciplr:

- I t Is Uic elcnr duly c( llie vliiircliei Io otlcr to Ihctr >oini< people an mi opportunity lo coii.suli wnic qimllll- mi cd advi.wr—Uio lulnlMtr. jwrlilips, o ; A pliyslelan, the director ol re- JJjlous fdijfjilon or si'jiie olher of MKcUllst-wlio, bt»ldc» liavlng n Ui< clear gm in of the (undaiueiitfti prln- cliili-.-i of KX mnrnhly. would have iibo an niiprrcluilon of modern ten* Uu itencleu niul would t>e In n poslUon Mi (o ofler rnlionni ndvlce."

I t also ursiJ Ulal "In'llie Interest of mornllly nnd sound sclenUMe vol ktiowledge" tlie Inws In New York I and .Connecticut be chanKcd to re* move the rMlrlellons which now for* jj{ ' bld thc communlcnllon by physicians •• to tlielr pnlients of mcdicai Infomia- sei: tlon on birth conlrol.i <*1

Needleu to sny, 11 b Ihe Judicious use. n o t the r.biise ul .siicli hitorma- g j tlon th a t the churcli nu'-horlilc.i ap­prove. Tlierc HTUis to be n innrlicd .slillt of rcspectalilc imblic ojilnlon In thu l direction. (jjj’]

" ■ j |

s o c i e t y I:AND CLURS ,»nr

Ura. E. & WUlUma <»hlOf

Pho^a SBI nlll ■ __ ’ Mr

Mrs. T, J. Vditcr cnlerlalncd the J D D Bridge 0 » b Snturdny aflcr- » noon n t her home on Tlilrd Avenue , {J East. High score (or tlie club wai won by Mrs, P. R. Thompson. Mrs; “• Terry Prater. Mrs. C. E. Lind. Mrs. Louis Friedman inid M n. E. J. PUich were guests and tiie latter wns winner of guesl high score. Itc- f J freshments were served a t tlie con- elusion of the games, Tlie ‘rooms were lovely wllii bouquets of daffo* dlls and tulips.

meMr. and Mrs. Harold Koenig and

Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Robinson eu- tertalned a group of friends with n charmingly appointed card party Friday evening a t the Koenig iionie near Honsen.. Bolh ' brldgo tn d ' pinocitle wcrc • played. foUowlnij which a delicious supper was served.The Buesu were: Mr. and Mrs. .8.A. Clark, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs.J. E. Newby, Mr. and Mrs. Gorddn ^ Newby. Eden: Mr. and Mra. Hcr- buUSmlth, M n-tnd-M ra Paul W ell* -i^ ner, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. BtlUntytie; , Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Clyde, Mr. ond ! Mra. Ralph Leighton, Twin Palls: , ‘ Mr. tn d Mn. L. KeUey, m K and Mra Lymtn SutmlUer, Mr. and .M rj. D.A. Hllet, Mr. and Mra. S tuart Sev- em . Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kenworthy tnd*M r. tnd 'M ra . Ralph Nyblad, = Hansen, ,

A pot .luck dinner w aflield Sunday 1 a t the home o t Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Kinder on Fourth Avenue W est^ Ahost o f friends were present and nil ( enjoyed a delightful Ume. The guests k. were: Messrs. nnd Mesdames T. D. _ Bandy. E. N. Whitney, Fred Davis. - 0 . E. Modlln. Ben Pleree. W. E. Ev.ans, C. E. Po ttcr,.J.V J3allas. A. C. .t. Sklllman, James Ulughe's. ' James ‘Stvanson, D. V. Kinder, M. L. Bentii, r Mrs. Cll|L£leiEe,M ni. W. R. Qwlhn. Mlises oim Morgan, Thelma Barton. \iImogene Pierce, Mr. Dale Modlln, 'U a x B a n ^ j .R lc h ^ ^tn^ ,]

Swanson* N*ola Sortwell, Mnrle "7 Sears. Mnxlne und Imogene Beaih, Mildred, Robert. Jack and Ramona » Kinder. Twin Falls: Mr. . and Mrs.E. Bowman. Miss Ildra. McCord, and Mr, Claud Bowman, R upert ■


Eugene Wa— Phono 60---------------------------

^ T H E A ^■ ^

“ T H E V A B A B O N D K I N f l " - J( C O M ES T O ID A H O N E X T

Ttmay ho mM nf .UmntHti Mtrnnn.aid, lhe T ltlan-htlred beauty of Ux TTiW YA^k musical comedy slage „ lh a t th e cnate s Uie perfect lllus- » , Uon. Which means, of course, tha t (y. you. u t member of t n tudlenee. are chtrm ed by her betuty, stirred by the quality of her tc tlng and de- Ughled by the careulng apflness of her singing voice. You tee and hetr her on the stage, you believe In her i , and are more Uian glad to Join };' wim her In the game of make-believe. I*},

I t Is probably thU quality that ” ! made her to successful In ber Ilrst . ■ nppearancc-ou u i(ru iIk lng-ierfen ; WlUch recenliy look plsce In lhal aay, musleal'picture "The Love Par* ade." And now In her second Para- mount pleture. “T h e Vagabond King," tiie Acreen’s efichanUng adop- IU ta tb n of Rudolph Frim l’a romanilo CI opere tu , In which she playt oppotlle W the famous DennU King, MUt Mac- be Donald conUnues tiie fine a rt of ‘ plnylng a l make-beltevp, by

■The' Vagabond K ln i” U un* na doubtedly the most elabor^U and costly production to come from the Paramount studios since Uw advent n of Ulklng plculres. L

"Tlie Vagnbond King” is DennLi | l King's first starring picture, fer that m atter the first piclure he h u ever made., Introduced lo Droad«/hy flrtt n t lhe-m ale lead In "Rote Marie,"It was King who la ler created the original interpretation of the role of courageous Frarjcols VlUon In Uie New York Casino production o r "The VagabonO-Klnr^HisTop** iilarily nnd success attracted the a t- , ! tentlon of Zlegfeld, who starred him 'f lhe following season in "Tbe Three Musketeers." And It U by arrange* m ent wlUt Zlegfeld lh a t the hand* aomo-Deiinls King now -bringi to the audible Kreen the m anelout . voice of a dramatic musical artist, i.'y

Ludwig Berger, the noted Oerman J l director who recently directed £mtl Jann in js In “Sins of the FtUM n,- o . dtrerled "The Vagabond King." ^

'T iie Vagabond King" will be pre- _ i senled a t the Idaiio U uatre for five tt, daya tltrlln g nrxt Sunday. . ]g,

I’'" ' ■ ' an

S E R V IC E C L U B S H E R E I ! H E A R E D U C A T O R S P E A K t ;

-------- all-Tlie Klwanb chib lias accepted mi

;[lt; Invitation of th e Rolary club to Mi I bo prrscnt a t a lunclieon a t Tom't da iu tfi n l 12:10 loday a i which Newell ra :w . Edson, director of social h jtiene H( I lor Ihe National Congreu of ParenU Cl inml Teachers will spenk.____________ ho I lu order lo accept Ilw Invitation 0 ' ]lo speak a l this meeting, Mr. Ed* « ,»nn deferred departure to Boise, jKhere he will speak a t the meeUng ^ iof tlic Idaho Congres.1 of Parents < and Teaclirrs. He will accompany ff" Mr. nnd Mrs. John E Unycj to Bolte IllU atlernoon._____________________ cf.:

__________________ lit'

AiraOUNCPMENTS ;fTllC War M oUifrs'-ehapler-will —.

meet with Mrs. Day, S«3 Tlilrd tve* nue north, a t 2:30 p, M. Friday. =

The Oem Slale Study club wlil meet ^ with Mrs. Ivan Q. Lincoln a t her i hnme s l 133S Sixth avenuo' east. WediierdHy nt 3:i0 I V M ..

meel tonight a t the Busineu and- rrofewlonal Women's Club rooms, with Ml«\ I ia DrUkell, NUm Ellin- belh Drlskell and Miss Ella Stlffler' hostesses.

Members of the S tar Soclai club will mecl nl the Masonic imll at '* 10:30 A. M. on Prldny. Aprll 18'to : make drapes for.lhe dining room win* 1 clows. A i»i-luck dinner wlli be 1 serve<l nt noon. Tlie members are . refiuestrri In bring sandwiches and a covered dl»h:__ • _


from the United States during the I f ln l 4nonth of 1S30 totaled ail.6W jKJunds. exceeding ImporU by 178,- 8(n pounds.

R e n f r o ’s


-Free ShnmiKX) w ith every

\Viiye o r Sinrcel for

Wednesdny, Thursday , F ri-

Il«.v .jiml ,Snlllr(la r - =M L _

nv'ss o u t on th is E ustcr

special; Phone 278 fo r op*

po in tm en t.'

D I A LINT WAVES________ „


ave studio— Boom 8. ll. a i li n u p - -

_______ TWIN FALLS DAI^y I

i T C E S p I * 'J A C K - M U L H A L L P L A Y S ■

IN O R P H E U M F E A T U R E sennln

-The-rotw ltr-Jtek-M ttlhtU -T rtffrT on»-of h la trplcal.characu irltttlcns ^ in "In the Next Room." Ute First Nstlonal and Vlttphoni m yitery pie- ture. now thowlng i t the Orpheum ;i®' u ie tu e l u t tiraertoday, j"

"In the Next. Room" Iteo iu ldered .vJ one of the best PIrst NailonaKmelo- I S dcama th rillen since -The O orillt."Jack Mulhall U featured, and Alice a,,\ Day. who played tha feminine lead 2 ' in 'T h e Gorilla," U c u t oppoaite .L Muhhall. ... * .

Prncllcally all of the tcU on In (on u ie -p lcu irc - la k ts -p ltc e .ltu lb e .0ld ^nd iiouse from the cellar to the g trre l. ub: and the itory It U said, iuu b most t unusual twist a t Ihe end. j ;

The ciifl Includes J tn e WInton, 'no Robert O'Cotinof. John SL Polls, Ica, Claude AllLiler, Aggie Herring. De* Wli Wltl Jennings and Webster C tm p- sen bell. • . - lull

"In the Nexl Room" was dlrectedlN** by Edward Cllne from the similarly named Mage play. res<


FfllENDiipicTS I TOmiflFiSENi

lo ir

Wend.^ and former nelghbort ns-!!?.* lembled in numbers a t funertl serv-1 Ires In the Ornaiiman_chapcl.iae.-eTiieidny afternoon lo pay .h flnar „.|T,trlbtite to Mrs. Anno Elisabeth A al. u ' .wife of Peter Mai. xr, resident of Ihe ,, Hnnwn diurlcl for 17 years past, whose death occurred last Satur* day.-Bervlees wcre conduclfd by Rcv. B.F. Mcredltii of Ihe Hansen Commun- ' lly church, ond Included three num* bers sung by the Hansen Commun­ity church (juartel composed of Otis n SamjMon. Wlllls Sampton. A rlhur Bill Scott and Vance Naylor. dru - InUrment was In Twin FbIU ccm- Mci etery. lhe body being carried lo lls mei U ll resting place by tU nelghbon Mn nnd lrifn<l.*-OlU SampMo, WHIU Mn 8ump.-«n. Orn MeVcy, Peter Mulder, l-^t ArUlur Sciill nnd Vunce Naylor. icu _,Mr.v Mill wu.i the moiher of four On; ions inuI four dniighlers, alt of whom Coi atli'iided llic luncrnl services. The W. r«ns wrrr Peter Mnl. Ben Moi, Pnul Iial Mul. Victor Mai, all ot Hanten. Tlw lUi dauKhten were M n. Carl J . -Dom- M:i me. I'w in Falls; M n. C. L. Stark, ley, Ilejbum : Mrs. C. E. Sweet, Canyon vScI' CIIV. Colorado; Miss Viola Mot. a t Mr liomr. Her broiher. Henry Jordan. niK Orrrlrv, Colorado, also vas present I'cr a t the tcn'Ices. J. 1

' ■ ■ ■ erl FORT DKCOMES STATE PARK Irci NORWICH. Conn. i.l’j -L a n d sur- vnr

mundlnK old Fort Sliantok, on Uir ran Tnniro river M er which Chief Un* Mr; c;.'. Irlend of sclUer.\ fought with Ua; liu Mnliecuii w arrlon ogaln.U Uie N srrngan ilU beiween 1645 ■ hnd 1 1010 has been bought by ConnecU* fiir cut for a park. of

“ X rc lie ibB rttPJu»»;D r.roaterjidv . 1!

“ Onwnrd. Onward. Sword________ “ Hnr,wnrf1i K nnvan trT > ho-

y o u know the sonr Uic.« ' most Mlrrlng ever writ

Vngabonds'I"You've never heard It o

until you'u'o heord It sung b; vrloiw artist, octor-slnRrr. of Zlegfed's 'T hree MuskcU Casino production of 'T lie '

Dennis King makes' hL< a In a production more rod; stage dreamed of! All tnlkl amazlngl *

_ ^ ' P aram oun t P

D E N N IS“The Vagabc

. WlUl


Paromounl's G reat Mt

In Perfect Te(

' M e l o d l M r ~ l H H r ^ ^ K-SOBS o t The VafaboDda” '

> Rote"-L ore MeT utigttt* ;

' -HBgBette . W alU- "Bowc Dty"

r H m i . S T A R T S S UA ltncU on ------- _2Si. IcY^V^

• n l E m la c 1 / 1 m

_ ......... ■■««« »l.r.m m iiit.rnl8

■ X T a g t a n t


tyiLublHLbrntlltNI ; IBHiPIOGIlij

_____ UlTbe BaptUt B un ja lo rf^as beau- No

tlfully Ughled tnd -decorated ..Jolt cuievinlng oo the occulon of the pre* d«senutlon of Uie program of tbe "Eve* lernlng With the World-Wide OuUd." H tn.prM>ntln|r_vlilH from dUfertnL tO-contlnenU tn d counUlcs to Ameri* nigfr-T M -d eM rttiB n i trerB u r i e n F ectlng wllh Uie Idet, tnd the vegeU* r 1itlon, anlm tls tn d liablUUont »-er« Uw In keeping with the central Idaho,The general plan v u arranged under n f the dlrecUon of Mra. B, N, Holt, who wai a&iUied by &ln. R. H. Mus* ser. Different Ublei representeddifferent nations and different lo* \divlduals represenled the nations |,yartlculaicly. coi

Tlie tables were orrn rtrd In the x#lortn of a cross, with u decortUd voiand llghted-crcu at-the.h£ud.of.lbe m[|table which represented America, ror

The program follows: Prayer. Mra. in,J. U. Wakcm; song "Dlrsi be the tie;Ttc Tliot Binds." aw nibly; Amer* hq'lea., represented by Jcsmic Carroll cluWhelan; Amerlcsn Judlnn. repre- triisented by Luella Buiirr: Mexican •;Inlroductory song "La Pnloma." by p»

INeva Sartwell; .Mexico, represented preby Mary Frances Hott; Alaska, rep- iouresented by Edllh Pratt; offertory; Th duet, Rcv. ond Mrs. E. Temple Star- key; Philippine l.tlands, representedby 1.0UIV! Morehouse; Jnpaiie.V! In- ||/|| Jroductory. by M n. B. F. Jones; Jipan , represented by E l l e n B u t l e r ; C h i n e s e i n t r o *duclor)-. by Mrs. B. F. Jonet; j

iChlno. represenled by June Prater; ow"Cliiinl of the Jnnclo" by the Guild waOlrls; India, represented by Ruth Le

Iwokcni; Africa, rrpriseiitcd by Ed- slg\M Pool; Poem, by "Amfrlca." slo- dlsRsn by Oulld Oirl.i in concert. sU nd- de:in:;' lorm o f - a m r candlc"llghUnf rtgu llh poem "Follow ihc Gleam;" hoiKniedlcUon, Rov. W. J . Ascc. ."I

llclresliments of colfre and cakc rtcwere ;,cr\’ed a t the clcic ot the pro* lnggram. fai

- I --------------- -he:

' A T T H ' ^ O T E L S “R0OER6ON — Phll Bovers. M n.

BlUle Menard. T. E. Allen. U E. An- < drus, Portland; Fred Douse. Mickey McOuirc, Seattle; Matt Hanson. Em- M melt: U w ls TJosslm, Helen Flock.Mrs. W .E Ornham. Em e.ilJ. Crouch. {7 Mrs. Will II. Olbson. Lllllam Kessler, “ I-:ari Jo.-ikins. W. J. OoodRiK. M n. «" ic o F. Falk. Mra. U-wJs W. Ensign.Ouy I>. Roberts. O. O. Sinrk. J. W. Corcoran. M. M. Wlillemuii. Fred , W. Tollendorf. Bot-ie; Jumes A. Ualle. Provo: r . W. Hendorson. T. H. ” 1 Hirtle. I'loyd RoberU. .Mrs. R . E. >*' MininlnB, Mr. and M n. W. J. Brink* ley,T. M. Sa'lgert.Pocatello; Paulino vSchnedlcr, New Vork CUy; .Mr. and — Mrs. S. A. Urondon. A. J. Puiil. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sliepl.enl. W. R. Cnr- m I'cnler. P. H. Barne.s, J. E, Jone.s. H. R J . Ueardroff, George C. Hrwca. Rob- l> erl L. Harries. Sail U ke City; O. Al- L Ircd Alden. St. Paul; Dean Sulll* I , vnn. Rupert: Jc.ss W. Wiidc. Anicrl- L can l-'alM: A. H. Chivmber. OKd;n: = Mr.-., « . Hen Diinto;!, Caldwell; Mr#. (2 Uay .WllMn, Parma. «

The UnUed'Stnte.s continued to 3 fiirnl.sh the butk of Conada'i ImporU ■ of coal hi 10». M

■ Uunloiis hurt? P. U. F osU f.H iT id f ■

ordH A gainsl lh e Foe! SJ?e-I.ily-I>annefs-(Tt^P— — -9,e.« words ore from 1 Tlie Sw rlttent "Song ot The

It o t lU inspiring 'best ig by Dcnnbi King, m nr* '?r, u iaf of "Ro.ie Marie." ikclccrs", ot the N. Y. lie Vngabond King!" iL< audible screen debut Rorgeous than ever iho .alking. oli singing, oil

i P r P s o n f s ' ______ ___

S KING' !“bond King” .lUi =

tfacDONALDIGGIE • WARNER OLAND . Musical Romaneo



■M 1 t J J 7 tnd 9

S t S i i u a ’ iT d . » » I

f r S s W o g r a m l


S C O U T c o n d i t Io n I g o o d ^Seout copdiUont in T v ln FalU

were pronouneed MUafactory In a P- Ulk by W. L. Haywood, SeatUe, U Norihweitem Befional acout e ie - • cuUve t L a luncbeoQ .ffittUog ot.B _ deten acout .leaden tn d teoutm u* en le n a t the Pa rk bote) yetterday. U r, n Haywood derotcd moat of hU td d r ts t k bLQninUaUoQ-work. .H a j r e n U u l _ night to Sboahone wlUi B. RusieU _

Rlrer t r e t , to attend a- meeUni$if j l Uu trea execuUve cutmcll:' ,[.



Under U n n t of t o order tlgned C« by Judge W. A. Babcock In dUtrict mi court here yetterday. P tuI 0 . Vleweg, Twtn Fallt. p la lfltu t id a tUU for dl* vorce from Mra. M artha Vleweg, k» m[ist«dvanee«360toMra.-Vievegbe* % fore the action can be brought to , ' tfloL Of thU amount 1150 U atler* neys’ fees, and tlOO U for prepare* f i Uon of Mra. VIeweg’t defeHv. In- eluding expente of atleodlfig tho trial. . -** 1

Tlie order waa luued tf le r R. P. P tiry of counsel for M n . Vleweg, JV, protested successfully against tp r e r - . lous order telU ng Uie tria l tor nexl n , Thursday. ,j,.



Herman Stemier, 83*year.o!d owner of a SO-'acre form near Milner, was granted a divorce from his wife. L ent StlmUr. under a Judgment signed by Judge W. A. Babcock In district court he re yesterday, and un­der term t of a teltlem ent of properiy =

ll.. rfftnlnc^j hLi _homcslead.

•The divorce wa« granted on I grounds of desertion, evidence sh6w -; I lng lha l M n . Slimier had left the I farm In 1937 to make her home v lth ■ her-daughler-ln-LoB-Angeles,—a n d - r had refused lo retum . <

KIMBEIU.Y MAN -ACCUSED . IN DELINQUENCY CHARGE ON a charge of contributing to lhe

delinquency of a IS-year-oId girl, UwTcnce Crnw. Kimberly, was ar- reiicd yesterday by Sherlft'X . F, Prater ond Probtllon Officer W. J. Young, and Is held to answer to the complaint In probale court h e re .'


lca bought 55 pcr cent of A»erlca'^ exported musical iiutrum cnts lohl year, wtlh a s.iles vnlue of >10.603.090. Canada wns seeond. taking Instru. ments valued a l }3«4 ,3« .

^ A quality j S ^ J P ® "

\ \ \ C l d

H r

^ s w 5 s !K A JlO m C H E S I J

(Sffee ^AnOidifbyXllrphoM

_______ ' . ill l<iflg I’lMTIPl DtllVftY ' _i Telephone

A l i t o m t t i ^ e c t r j c C ^ fe e

A R cDon’t delaj you want SundayDresses


____ _ s

I, APRIL IS, I WO , , -

V i " i ai_____• hi

Relitms rrom N e b ru k i 'M n . J . ”P. Tlcknor rtium ed yeturday from „Lincoln, Nebraska, after a visit.

ena Wood, Hew York City, arrived yulerday to visit vlUi U r. aod U n .K. g . Egbert

R riam a la Sbelley—U n . W. H. _ C iSker, flhelley, Wat Irt W n Fills % yesterday on her way horae afU r a J S t WlUt the C. Nygord family a t ■ HoUUter. ^

Sack After T rip -U ra . H. E. Gun- C, delflnger tn d M n. Uary H. N tpton. Haielton, returned yesterday from CollfornU where they spent alx months vUlUng In different placet.

Home From C aU fem U -U its Isa< bei McCletry rttum ed yulerday fromCaIUoriila”ln '* h ieb -ittto '» h e --h a 8 -spent the last year, visiting Loa Ang­eles. San FrancUco tn d Stcram en-to.

On Way Homfr-Mra Sorah Ooss, Parma, w u In Twin FtlU yetterdty on her woy home from a visit In Ctl* 1 ifornU tn d Colortdo. Bhe will m tke t short visit t l the home of Mra. ft Bruce Oordon, Eden,^bef5rs.re tum * ' lng to Parm a

Parenu of D ioghler^M r. and Mra Abraham Amos, Kimberly road. « are the parenu of a daughter, bom salurday, Aprll 12. Mr*. Amos was formerly Miss Ella Krueger, daugh­ter of Mr. and M n. WlllUm Krueger, Twin Fnlls. p

WUI Visit Ea«t-Oeorgo B rjo n t . and his daughter. Mist Orace Bry* ■

W F o o t"^

They VoiceCOMF(


I f o n l y w c c o u l

w o m e n w h o a

S a v e r s h o e s . Sm

d r e s s e d — w h o s e

' * a lw a y s a d m ir e d

------- i T h e y 'd t e l l x

t h c i r f e e t— a n d

c h o ic c i n foot^^

' ( t e l l y o u ic ’s tl

• . slruction t h a t d

- A - ---------- - 4>clic“f c - t h c r c - i s

' a n d l e t u s s h o w


M c E L 5 5“T h e D ep e n d ab le

P h o n e -198 ' ■

1 •.______________~ - ----- -------------- w r .—

r t n dty sending in tho I; dry cleaned fc

T i e s

S c a r f s

i t s G I

. T. _ ..........................» ,_ ........

B n n H i u u m i i « e o i -m .4 f w n » u j .

■ul otbar clUta . M lu -.B rya iil i h u closed ber itudlo (dr tha tu fflM mer and wtll not reopen l l lio in Sebtemberl.

PLANTS • .-Ctbbtge.- Tomato...PaniIcs, . i lc .

All TtrieUei...

- P A R R O I^ r t U lT ^ s W R e - m M»ln E. Phnne-IMUW

'« r e '" n i t u r i l "

t t W p lioIe , ( « ■ develop M Nl-

" “^intended. Sec-------1—then »c our Ittte. J

M c E lw a in ’f?•The Depesdable Shoe House* '

Phone 498 Nexl to Orpheum

uver Shoes


’ the VogueDRTABLY!uId introduce you to chc ^ arc now wearing Foot

m art women—beautifully se chic and vitality you’ve :d.

Xou how .these shoes rest d you'd bc admiring their twear all the time. W c'll the pataitul in-built con- does it. But you w on’t

i r one~uiiril")'ou com*-4o— ^ iw you.

iR T H E P U T U R E -

P J N ’S>lq Shoe House"

Nexl lo Orpheum

■ ~

e r —ose things or Easter

s ‘

iloves^^-^S w e a t e r a ^

- I " " " . " / . ' * i a

Page 5: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow


■:STID[«TSilTEliEvents Leaaina up to Oratf-

_ J Z ! i i a t l o n _ o L S e n l D t _ C l a s s . Stand In Foreoround In

North Side High School

EDEN. A p ri l 'is~ w iu j bu t ll»a ■ • wemTenwinlnB now tn th e Khool

ycAr, attention to e v tn u t tu ( tetd------- lip to flr*dualMa-wui b e -Io rtsuat la

the »tu(5*nU’ work from now until the closing dajr on M nr 10.

• • -Alrradjr a number o ta rrinaem en tshavo b ttn partially made Ior aome of the eTcnta tha l v lll take place. In ­cluded In these Is the lecutlng o( a ipeaker to make lhe addreu a t tha craduatlon nercUea on the 'eren lns or May 19. Adam 8. Bennlon. 6al( Lake City, head o l the pettonnel de> partinent ot the Idaho Power com*

, pany. will Kite the addret*. Other / events tha t will liotd lhe InteretU of ■ (tio jtudraU during the n » t - few

w etki wlll bc the miulc conle*l a l Twin Falli tbJs wtvk entered by the lilRh fcliool o rch»tra. the (taglns of the operetta on Friday evenin*. A*rll 23. and thc ]unlor*ienlor prom Inal wlll br hf !d this year on May 2. Track nnil Meld m teu will claim the al> tention o( athletes. The senior c lau rilny Hill be <!aced nboul >fny 0 and tho last week of school will be de-

_____ tn thK Uiiinl nnm.n1 i»«»TnlnB.-tlons. Class picnics nnd commlmlty (Iny also come tho tlnal week ot school. Tho class to be graduated (hi* J-car Is composed of nine mem­bers. five boya and-lour girls, name­ly. U lan Dlack. n o b c r t ' Pulton. Jnmes Henry, Herbert Jones, Hugh 'Ajlfock. Merie Sodenhamcr. Enid Black. lone Jenkins, and Thelma U t - timer.

F^IbwlneJLcHisuallchurch'terYr Iccs held a l lhe Presbyterian church Sunday morning a baskei dinner waa

'm iicK esjoyed by member* of thfl congrrsatlon who assembled a t the church ■bWrirentr—TIekt‘ ''Bunday morning special Easier services wlll bc conducts by lhe mem ben o t the Sobbath setiool.

Tiie Irrigation srtison ls .^x i«c ted ' to gel under way on the North Side | th is week. A number of farmers are ■ Irrigating some llclds now. and wllh 1 the starllns of the pumps ot tho North Side Pumping company on Tuesday. April 15. demnnd for Irri­gation water Ls expected to be tn* crenspd. The d^llveo’ of water Ihls .scnwn Is at least three weeks ahead

J o t (he lnst tevrrnl se.-isons. WlUi the I pxcwlve wind this year In March and

- pmctlcnlly no rainfall, the demnnd f rr w.iirr hns cnme .much earlier.

___Cmn conditions aro very good.M .far^us the small grain and youuc_luy.j l i u made n good growth during the 1 lasl IWO weeks, due mostly to lhe . wnrm weather.. From nil IndlcaUons the annual ^c|Iool election to be held a l Eden next Saturday promises to be a quiet

. n tfa lra s th e time for tiling of name* for candidates for the office ot Irus- lee expired Saturday evening wtth no names having been placed on fllo w llh the clerk. The filing o t names m ust be made a l leasl six days prior to the day of election In order that names can bs placed on the ballot. OtherK'lse, patrons of the school vot-

candidate. Previous years have al­ways found a t least two or more names filed; Thc la st regular meet­ing ot the board of trustees before the annual meeling wtll be held this week, a t which Ums tho annual bud-

. gel wlU.b£4ra?'n wp. •An enjoyable occasion waa held

here Friday eveolng when the Eden organization ot Qlrl Reser>‘cs held th e ir annuol banquet. The affair was attended by about 80 guesla. In­cluding the members, the ir parents

-------- mid-irtewothcrlnvltcd*Kt:cels.-Mla3Clara Langeland,-district secretary of the Girl Reserves, g tr t a talk during the banquet hqur.

The guesU wero sealed a t three largo tables, decorated In the Gtrl R?terro colors, blue and white. The

{ place-cards were naner catered wa»- I ons. The I h c m r if lh e banquet w u

"Beyond the Setting Sun." The mem- bera favored with a number of HOgt n t different IntervaU of the eve* ring . The program was a t followi:

I '. Toastmlstress. Enid BUck; ’-Ftnanee T Report." Henry Schwab; -P repart- ' tlon for Journey,” Mrs. E. 0 . Mont-

V Romery; "Leaders and Drivers." Mlsa > Clara Langeland;*muslcal reading,' . lone Jenkins: ‘'Cooperation," Mra.

Ava Barnes; "Plains " Itowena Phil*. Ups; "lUvers nnd MounUlns." Mar*. garet Alexander; aoog, "When You

• .. , nnd I Were Youn* Maggie." ThelmaLattlmer and Haxel W llhlle; "End

' . o t Journey," Mrs. U tU m er. Tbe ban*. quet was served by 11 b lgh tc h o o l.


“ i : 1 7 ’ Wil

J B e e t

• ...— ■ --V— - - ■ " ' Q T a S l l N Q V

I -----------------s o I S T B B

' InLobbyQulz

ofEDW A R D 'A . O’N EAL, prcfli-

clcnt of th e A labam a m m tut bureau, w as eummoned by til th e Rcnate lobby commit* « ' tee fo r question ing on ac-

t i v i t l c a j n b c h n lf o f M ubcIo of S h o a T s legislation. — W ■w Photo.a t - -■B e --------------------------------------;----------Of boys. Howard Davis a c te d 'u bead ril waiter. Those asalJtlng were: Guy a t Lattlmer, Howard Schwab, Ba>-ard ck Knott, Hugh Tullock. Herbert Jones. I ' Jamea Henry, F erre l Black. Ostc- ss Block, Maurice Davis, and Tred Rog*

B o iiP iiri iUP[RTll88iBLE8Id , _____ _

Business „ A n d - Professional ^ “ G f ^ ’ C o n v^ rie ra rH o m e ll “ O f M rs rC IIn to n “ Spencer » y ----------------------------- --------------------

J,a RUPERT, April 16 (Special to The News)—Combining a program on

^ health themea a n d a social eesslon ” , patterned from U>e period of IBOO " i a n d the subsequent 10 J'ears. Rupfrl .wiBuslnrss and Pr«teaslonal Women's ^ club crowded the regular bi-monthly

meeUn* wlU» InsUuctlon and amuse* ment a t the home ot Mrs. Clinton

- apencer, who aa hosless Sor Ibe oc* .(I ca&sloii..was assisted by Mrs. Edna ,H SlncUir. Mtss Bem lce BJomson, Mlss

Alma Schetfel and Mrs. Cynthia 1, Roberts.Id In a ahort buslneu meeting prc- rr. ceedlng the progranj, tlw club voted t r j | 25_»0 Jh a _ B u p e rt .Campfire -Girls. ay lto .bb .u ied by. them a l the time of he the summer camp. Delegates lor Uie hff.sUle asaocUllon In Payette In June

were elecled. Mlaa Lela Nelson. Mn. i^ lla Jn a Brown i a i Mlsa E lla B,

[ClemcnU, local president, were nam- [et td to represent th e Rupert club. - ie« '’Especially entertaining program IS* number given. Included a Uik b>' no Mrs, Dean SuUlvan on ‘‘SeieuUfle Ile Discoveries lo Combat Diseases;" es ■'Healthlul Clothing for a Business or Woman." by &Irs, F1«d lUeman; and a t "How Much ReerentlAn Does a Bus- 9t. Iness Woman Need?" Mrs.. EdlUiA- Clark. ■ ______________•f ' A contest'O f guessing of promt-

nent movlo slars ' names occupied a ” short Ume a t thc close of the formal

program. Mrs. C latk recclvcd first prUs and Mrs. Mary Mitchell was awarded the conaolaUon.

Club members brought with them to the meeling, fashion's ofterlngs ot

•n SS or 30 yeara ago and aboul 30 mem- .]d bcrs outfitted In the modes of yes- ilr teiyear gave a review. . .

lU ^ I . . . . . .

S Reai'Estaf^Transfers” ,ilk __________ __________________ga F anlsbed by lh e lottrm osaUlB tn Title G B on iitr Cenpaay

A P sn T Kn . W am m ty D.—D . L Armstrong to n T . 0 . Coffin I t . E 1*3 SB. SB NE U e* 11 IB, Lota 3 a o d i . In 90 1119, NE « ; NB 39 I I IB.,ea W arranty D .-A .T . Near to Geo. E. t* Pomeroy. UOOO. N l*a Lot U , Gr­it* chalara Sub.1st W arranty D.—V. E. Morgan to A. lg, T . Near, 11. L ot 11, Blk 49, Twin ra. Falls. v ' • .11* W arranty D ^ B ir b a r a F. Lj'ons to T* P. Boeder, 11. L o t 8, Blk a. Invest* DU o n n h t Ad4]tlon t« Buhb» aa 'id B eause of heavy lots' of crops, a D* bounty ot.8 cent* is offered for rab* n l I l l s In .Frlo.county, Texas.


m h a -------- r

; D r i U



J T ) S T K i p S ^ - T v r

J ~ S - W 0 » . A*K ' ‘ Pl

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l i r a IN J l i ! Iil m m ido _ _ .

^ C l u b H o n o rs H u s b a n d s o t

= M e m b e r s a t G a th e r in g a t

H o m o o f M rs . W . D'. B a k e rird _____ies.m -JERO M E. April 15-Tlie ll iu n d a y )g. Evening BrrdKfl—club-en tM iainca

husbands ot members at a ^ party a t thc home of Mrs. W. D , linker

O'Rourke, Jnmcs Shawver, R. E. Shawver. B. E. Shawver nnd Emma

' McKenzie were liosKascs, Quests 'f t of the club were Mr. nnd Mrs. John

Overtle!d, Mr. and Mrs. Rny Del* ,U linger niid-O ui‘_8Untoii. Women's

high scorc wns won by Mrs.-R, L. Ooodrich. nnd tttjmen^ Jow by .Mrs.

, Tony Kallnnd. R. E. Sliawver was lal awarded men’s high,‘and O u y ein n -

• ton men's low .-Flve'tablea-werc in n e play. . •

Tlie Nlnavan .Campfire OIrls hik*. ier ed out to tlie Fred-V am uni farm__ Saturday A ll£n iaou_aud . ioastctr

welners and nianhmallotvs over a lio campfire. - - '■on Mlss W UlaJJacG ulro-wns.li^tess ion a t dinner nud two tables of bridge 900 afterwards. Wldoy night a t tli? H. *rl P. Bevcrcdse home, honoring Mils n’s Eunice Clabby. Wclscr. Mlss Claoby hly recclvcd a guest prlte. .nnd Anna ,c* May W elb was nwardcd high score, t lon Rev. O. L. Kendall, Rev. H. S.i DC* .McCutclicoti and Rev. WlUlam Olljbs Ina altended the T.lUilstcrlal n.v(oclalloii ;us meeling n l Ruperi MondiCy .ifter- hla uoon »

"^ n siiu p seeks’ffClPTllREOPllElWin . . --------

' rCDEBSGN. April 15,(Special to ' Thc NcwBi—A MOO rcw rd hmi been offered tor liilormallon leading to the apprehension nnd convlcUon of the party or partu-s who Wcdnesday- night sel fire to thc root of thc spring

*■ house ol thtf Rocerion W aterworks, company, whieh supjillcs water to the Rogerson vlllnge. ^

The unknown cncmirs o t the eom -, itn pany, n ftcr ' slartlng the blaze le f t!

nl- equine leg bones. Sticks ot dyna-1 I a mite hod been plnced In the eyes nnd nal noslrlU ot the skull and on the fore- rsi head the le tters KKK had been trac-ras ed. ----------- -

The project Is owned by Louis Har- (tn Tell and John McRae, and ts located ' ol about a mllo south of Rogerson. I

m . No intormatlon was yet n iu llab lc! . . . this attem oon as to tho Idcntliy o f :

the Incendiaries. Deputy Sheriff A / C. Parker reported.

- MAY »IARK CAJllP SUEBMAN- •~cn iL C n :a i 'HE. o iii5 ~ w = c a m p

’ Sherman, wlilch sened as a mlll-Uiry post during tour wars, may be

, marked wl^h a monument. Governor Myers Y. Cooper U sponsoring a campaign ,to obuIn Uie monument.

_ Sherman was a training camp du r­ing the w ar ot 1813, civil. Spanish-

Iq Amerlean‘and World wars.

Av■ t r ■

b u y y

dessert' for the wfcole fun ily

J E L L ^ W E L L 'S ie v e a fiuit flavon ofet jroo sens o f endleu vu ic^ .I t 'l the ptize w i n n e r ^ i ^

t o o . J e U ^ w u i w a r d « V p ~ «d C iin d Prize by'tbe V


- B d g l i n i i a B o z

f NEffS; .TW W ^rA U 3, IPA H 0,

. , « 10U O -A H 0^

■ SHeld by Bandits ;

cr - 1


» N INA ELEANOR G EJfM EL,“ G irard, K ansas, P rcsb y ter- ?■ —ian-ifiiB slonary i n C hina '

Hince 1919, w a s reported lc* held captiv'o by b and its in m _ I C i a n g 8 . i province. — (/T) J

rirotiK— • , ' {

iSlENTiSIGIiSiPLIFOraiSTSlbs _____ ~~-Dli ■ • - - -

T w i n - Falls ' Preliminary r ^ p - J o u u t s _ W II I be Held I In School and Church

ir I Final programs for the prallm ln*II I ary contesi of Twin Pnlls music s tu ­dents to select entrants ],nto tho

to i Souihem Central Idaho dUtrrct con- pn ic il were Issued yesterday a t thc o t­to flee of U. N. Tctry.Jiigh school prin- of clpal. The piano contest Wlll be held ftu_Tliur8dfty evening .between 7:30-P.-

M. and 0:30 P. M. a t the high scliool auditorium,

to Frldny there will be comet, saxa- . phone, violin and tuba contest a l tho

n - , Christian church between 9 A. M. and s f t! 10 A. M .' During lhe same period

a -1 and barltone'solo contests a t lha nd high school auditorium.

These contests will prcccdo thft

ir^ ,ed|

w;| • SIXTH A

F ire m e rup ------- rBenefit-Piremet

Wednesday, t. o- Nighthawka Orches' " - 1 . ■’ ! I II

k'tour through ihe evergreen Sie, on your way -

' to the Coait!

W E S T i PA

- ...............

' toticSitttsia w M X a tli io mou■...... —" vE ^ A n>«

v m , A Angelfil T W M . Lske Oty..

1 ^ 1--------------------- ^

f — w ^ ^ . __


• A T ) B \-H A 6 N T , b ? oortB »



l i t .

dlMrict contest w hich opens a t 10 A. M. Friday.

Tiie tollowlng Is tho two-day pre- llmlnsr>‘ program:

Plano solo-IIelen A»endrup, Mar- ssrei Bottcher. Mary Ellen Broim,

I FrancLs Duchanan, Evelyn Dickey. i Mary Ifoover. M argaret McCuUe|,I Dorothy Provast. Mildred Ronk, Va-

Ifiie Tsrr, Delpha W hitehead. Joyce• WlDlwjj?.

.Corneu-Altred Flechtner snd El­burn Pierce.'

Saxophone-Mlllon Pallum and Vernls Richards.

Violln-Alfred Flechtner, Nell Kln­ncy and Lewis Lindsey.

Tuba-Dick Duvall and .Oliver Kiivkendall.

' - 6.>jitAnoiio1o—JuUet-HaydenrAsa* Iia Klme,s and Katherlnc-McCoy. '

Tennr tolo—Dick Duvall and John StinMml ! '

1 Batiiono' solo—Peter Johnson.- Hn^iirtS-inraliaT^ormah MarsMT

i D e l l i l i f sSICUL OTEifi

laidin r.OOERSON, April IB—The Chris* P)- llnu Kud('HVor-soclety-^»f-tho-Ro*er*‘. son clmrch will hold Its monthly so­

cial a t the church parlora on Friday s evening. April IB.

E. Jenson, fb rc s f ra n g tr of the 1 Minidoka forest reserve; wiUi his

SlSTOP!•y 'We^Hayo-Your IJ " -.USED'CSK - — a p ^ a i f l s q a j g B l a

Today’s Spcclnl ''Model “A”

!; Ford Sedan'■ D ritcn only 6000 .MlIcn

li $499.09p. _____________________ol


~ Gra b u n AstomoDUet 161 2nd Are. N. Pboae M

Ift ■


jn ’s B a l lien>i Relief Fund- CELAlilj . April 16.1930 lestra Ticltets $1


rERN« 3 F i t rlu n lo o 'n ila o fy o u tirip on iR,FesdiitRlTer&eutewestls - ■ hihobeaKofCalUbrais'sbii- " itttsi. liTl tbe «*y to mske Ihs mouataia Kcoeiyofyout snm* ip to Sso Ftaadieo aad Lot rtlT w otta lM iisllritoa-S sli- - lity. Ask (otroUtts.

^ < a t ,


, A P R IL 13. 1 030 .___________

W ttV itt.x_A tV —O N t'< TUiO ■oW5HHUT& VO

HAD OliOHTeK t t t SC &HC

. S & A r .oT^ W PANT% - J l B B t N ' ^A n ‘ y o u -H IN W*

.0 family. Intend to move lo the ranger slsilou in ' the Shoshone Basin as

i. soon AS tiie roada beeome passable.Sheep m tn of the loealliy have

.. been busy with shearing during the , l u l week., Ed West and Roy Neukam took , cattle to the Shoshone Basin for [. grazing-last Sunday.^ • Rev. and Mra. Roberl Davla and

John Lantlng attended the meeting [. of the Presbytery In Burley lasl Wed-

newlay..(J Lesier Illce and two daughters ii

Contact. Nevada, spant the week- end a t the Jesse Smith'home.

» - jL J L Q u a l i t y y o n

* T P 'Q u ld T p a i i t i f y o u

^ h i .c 's p a l l t h e F a c t s

. .F A 'c T - f f O .- i -5 - ■ '

T h ere are Ropd-coffccs and bad cofices. 1 here arc ist

i grades— and and ird graics — chca^blcnds— good, bad and ihdifTcrent. Do you bc-

(licvc that all these kinds of cofFce can be produced ia the same plant, atid still jmajntaln thc good Jdnd at

i t s best acttJI times?

believes that, cheapness is concagipus and Schilling is thc on ly one who'specializes o n a ’ is t grade cofTee. N o cheap coffcc finds its way in to the-fragrant Schilling rpasting rooms. T h e finest things usually oome from those who., devote them ­selves to fine things only.

#A --.

. ' ’ 'W — — I

S p <

how far■; \

To WcitcKCOUQtfo:

T beon‘ produces c lo t o f tetii

Oheber aJway get Penasylvw

Fot ka<

‘O u---------- i---------------------


,AV)»UU G ooei m ^ . W K I . U > - . A A BA

’H f p ' f t " ■ '- WV

^ GOOO__^HSkWOL .aa ' J U

" » « . J . . ' . I . . ...... . - ' . . l l l=r.

™ I EASTER* I BER-W »” I DUARTPERMng ! ia •a- g Rejrular S10.0(

•; F ( .ro n e \i- I IjcginiiiiiK A]

[ I’lioni

" [ ; ■ Ber-Wii

YOU CAN A U 11 ^ O N ' M O T H E

' n M otlier a«[j I betto r o ff by stiirti:

I . savings account, do j f n . today! In y ears to COin. n fo llow ed '!ill n l money” is ne at ~ II)— ncss-oppcrtun ity .

p T h T T w in T a lls

is . Capital and S csIo n

‘y nl '* JSBLI I ' Wtl" I n i '

I n '

1 ^ " ^ J

■ . s f

iea Ici Ji g of t east is "e<9tetnen, most o f U oited Sta fbr misleading use o f.th e term, "ca!

origtoal “ castem" came from 'Penni 3 the world's finest crude. But tod etntoiy— and m ooj diffeietit o ilt ol

ietter, safer way Is to sptciiy PB N l get Supreme Pennsylvania Qiiality, vanit oU, refined by the fiunous Pet

ImowQ valu^ proved perfonnanc^

ODOESN’i F O R ^ i ^

A S , .1..U A S.., SA.’^ i f c l ' Z u n . ^ >AO-- AW■ — V MOM A '

I SPECIAL[ND-BEAU _____ _ IJANENTW AVE * I00 Wave 9 7 .0 0 |> weak only BApril U to 10 ' Imc 087 I

ind-Bcau ' |

. . . u u - = a a = ^ = ^ = : =

X l ^ ^ l ]

.WAYS “BANK!’ I - EK ^A D V ICE | ] r

H»ya that you nro much . | 'ting and aticking' to a Iion’.t put i t off—start Icorao you’il-bo-thankful . j'Mother's advice when Sneeded to grasp a biiai* |

I s N a t i g n a r B a n k n F

Surplus ?t67,000 | .

■*|0/MM0MA 1 __________

■oil,,..a s t e r n f ? ^

ta tcs Is c a s t D o e $ ,th i i t _ ^

ta s tem m o to t o il" ? ' • ,

insylvanit. . . w hI6 tdll . ' }day, ''eastern'! td m io t, o f Widely vaiyiog quaUty.

■JNZOIL Theo you will ty, guanoteed ibo% pure eooioil process.

^leal.ecoQomy— isk lo t :


Page 6: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

World C^ S i m m o n s S p r i i r ^

— b s r i W i n n t e - a n d "

C l o u t s H o m e R u n

C o n n ie M a c k 's Y oung B a n d

O f A tlie tic s S t a r t s 1 9 3 0

■ A m e ric a n t-c a g u c s k s o n

............. in I m p r e s s iv e - E x h ib i t io n

jjr AI.AN J. ( io ri.i> (AMnclattd l’rr«i Kporlt Writer)

P H II .A D K l .P lt lA , A p rll 15 — (‘ick in i: up th e w in n ln c h n lill w h e re th e y Ic f l o f f

, Ia s l O c to b cr. (!onRic M ack’H p p r lR h tly j'oiinK liiind o f A lh - IcticH H l n r t c d th c i r IIMO A m erican -} c h k u c cam pa iR n im p'rofw ively tijday an tl to th e com plete s a t is fa c t io n o f 0(10 fa n s by tn iu n c in i; t h e N cw Y ork Y ankees,'fi to 12.

11 WAS n raid, grny day, more eult- rd to (ootbnll tlmn liA.'ebiill. bill Qllirrw^e tlirrc wn* niitliliig Jo rttn- _ turb the home Invn'flilbiuliisni lo r' • Ihe dJuWutf and rJ/rcUvr mannrr

■------- 111 wlilcli Uie -

, ■MJW aouLO ■■ li!rii””a t *VbT . T-------- ------- n o b tr tM o « o » I— OrovB “Mullipnw«l“ Hie iticlropotl. *

Utn clttit Inlo nu nimwt com|>Ietfl sta le or subjection and Hi: As col­lectively displayed every Intention ot RoInK plncc nnd dolnfi tlilnK^ Oils sesson. They Jumped on tho rtsh t- handed offerlnRS o[ Qeorfin Plpsras with iFoaildcrablo vclifinencc nnd made most of tlielr elnlil hits count, aided nnd nbbetted by some very erratic Vnnkee defensive .work. In short, Uie Mackmcn loolced nnd net* ed Uie part of tbe world's champions

X ‘hey_rrc_________________ ' .

.. Ko^nl*. U -- ------------3 1 1 4 0 I5 S ; k ' S i T = ± L J - S - r - S - f “ S \ ! “r ± = = = ! ! S i J SSS?‘c -----! S ; 3 ?n i's .;:-------- i ; s ; ; j,

Jann. p ---ft n^n-n n o *

It a■ * ■••■Stl»d'ior'^oaSon'in*ihrn“ ih! 'JJ'

c5«lr»n». e ________j o l lo o 0 '§ 1 S § ? . :

Q»ve. JJ ------- u-a 0 0 1 3 0

Ne* York------------------ oen 000 000-3 Merwisrtdphi* -- ---------- MJ 010 io*-fl no

Summar}'.' Homo nliis-€Im m ons; ii» t»o-bftso hltJS-Rulh: double plays— uh

..^-"Boley to Blsliop to Foxx. Bishop to > Poxx: loslnif pltcher-ripjTBS.

IVASIMNCTON 0, nOSTON 1BOSTON. April IS c n -B u t 8200 ho

fans saw (he Wnshlngton Scnntors scdefeat tlir,Rcc*. sox. Q to 1, In Bos- oiiton's biR leaRUo openlnR Rnmo here pit

— - todny. Cold nnd windy wealher kept • ' tho nttendnnce <k>wn. <

Uoyd Brown, southpaw, held tbe ed-Sox to Uireo -----------------------------------

-------JM Cronin, 'W aahinston short ='-s top .w aslheou tstand in jpc rfo rracr. f=— crortlij scored' iwo ma}-^ ahead of

■ him wllli_^Jiomcr in the first In- — ntnrn^Td In Uie elRhtU his sacrifice

fly scored MyiTS who had trailed,saiTJ?:;____S5nief. t f ...- ........ . < 1 3 3 0 0o*iin , I I __________ 4 I I 0 o 'o

3l>__________ 3 2 1 1 4 0Cronin* m .......... i 1 a l u unuifgr. 3B _________ 4 0 1 2 3 0

Drown, p 0 0 0 3 0 . ToUll ---------------fl 9 a 19 0

K K « 5 ?O llrtr cl .. . 1 Q 5 2 0 n tksrnit. tf .....V 1 0 1 3 0 0ntitn^S b 0 0 4 4 0• Bw«n«jp. 11} ________3 0 0 a 0 0Narlnky, m - -•---- i 0 0 a 3 eTterrr. e ____________ 1 0 0 4 0 0

nufing, B ■ . . ____ a 1 1 0 D D«ulln)n»y. p ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 o

• Totals ---------1 3 37 T 3.* n«nT lB th« Ushth. t•• iu ii« t lor litMTilt la Ui» ninth.«o»ton ------------ TO 001 O o tl

— sum m ary: Two-base h lls-C roalii, Rice, RuffioR: Ihree-base h li-M ycr:,

. hom erun-Cronln;sacriflec»-Cron- Jn. Brown; wlntilnR pltchcr—Ruff- InR. . •

- D ETBO rr 0, ST. lO U IS J . DCTROIT, Aprll 18 W>-WhltIow

Wyatt, recnilt rijhUh^tnder. sUrred la the role of relief pllchcr os Uio Detroit TlRera defeated the S t I auIs B rowns, 6 lo 3, In Uie season's open-

W yatt tum ed th e vlstor* back hlt> le u lOT tbree I n n l ^

BT.^lOUM I AB JJ H o A * j

.« 0^0 'o 0 j

, Sbt '■

hampioiAmerican I

T H E A s A N D Y A N K S , D innks to th e b itsinosH d f I ry in ff to w itli th e u b o v e q i ia r tc t bool

Daglia Shines and ; Oaiis Drub Indians 2

O a k la n d H u r l e r H o ld s Club

■ F ro m § c a t t l c to ' T h r e e in

, H its ^ d M a te s '.T r iu m p h

— L — r ”OAKLAND, ApULJS-M’) — -Pete

U nB llrheld 'tlie Seattle Indians lo Iliree hits tiere th is nttenioon and • Uie Oaks scored tlielr first shut out •>. of the season b> a ‘3-lo*0 score.

Johnson and 8hortsto |i Eltswortli, SvatUe, were pu t o u t of .the Rame |

Sn-----^ ^ -------------------------- DcOr»r, P ____ _______3 0 0 0 1 0 fn-rtminwuw,;p : ______.to- o- o- o- o- o nvKlnufy. p _________ 0 ® ° ®• • i i » i e . _ i m z r ~ i 0 0 0 0 0 '

T o l.li___________ 30 3 >3 34 8 0• natlM for a n y la lAe itxtli. ' 8b<

•• llkti*d for itolihouMr m tha lercntn. ]D rm oiT An n II 0 A K Dr.a g a . " — - i i i ! ! !Crrluter, 3t> .......... * 0 3 3 2 0

Htil»nuir'3tl"~_~IIZ-4 0 0 3- I 0 Sn; nogni. M ___________3 I J 3 j 0 llui! ! i r r » " - - c -------------^ ! J S ? SWy»il. p ---------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wl

m M i . n ^ ~ Z Z Z : '“ ooo’oof300-3 ‘>>1Dfiioii ......_________-S30 001 lo j-a <01

8umm.iry: Two-bnso hits; Kress. BciMunuscli, Rice, CRoiirkp. RorcII; hmhome run; — Ulite. aiilllc. Rc*.i. foi Scliultc;'doubIe plnys — Gulllc toBlue; wlnniOR pllcher—Uhlc; loslns 6aipltcher-Qra; . ML

CIcveland-ChlcaBO Rnme poslpon- Pll ed-raln. ________ am

Glorious MelodiesL. T h e f

• Rl

S ta r r in jc .

JOHN I ‘b o l e s : t

m , A » S. '" T j lU M r • T»,

All Color Old 1"Covered W acont* loualf— chant

Hear '- Joe E. BrownSin t tbe BaBad rn m e T h e Bride D M on Iler We4dlx»* “ "O

»Jom-J —-------

iI m i

g a = s = s ^ ^ = = s 5 " ' =

ms Drub1 L o o p F a v o r i t e s M e e t i r


t f

" f 5 u ^ &V y a n k s / v » y V VAN

n k s to th e s c h o tiu lc mnkor.K, Nvas to k n o c k cn ch o t h e r o v e r. T h e y n

booked a s licad linerK . T h o A s woti

by Umpire Ed Durkc for proienins a decLilon,

The score: R H KSenllle ______ ___ _____ 0 3 -0O nklaiul.................. ;....- .....a 7 1

I Dalterle.i: Hou.'.e. LamansU and t Collins; DartlL-i niitJ Read.


' iMRuc-leadliiR I.os AnKcltt club nosed oul Hollywood. 4 to 3, today

; In tlielr serlMOprner.Mlckcy Keulh clhiitrd ou t n cir­

cuit drive In the sccond for Holly- woo<l Blld SlKnfoo.1 Illt n home rim In the first InnUii; for tlic AnRrli.

T l l^ s e a r J :_____ R H R -tAi Ancelc.-,....... ...............4 0 0

' Hnllywood - ...... ................ . 3 11 2 ,BnUcrles: nn fch f nnd H annah:

' Holcrson, PaRc iind B fs lc r .

StH.ONS,G. PORTLAND 2 “> SACRAMENTO. April 15 (.?) —

Sneramenio'defc'ilfd the Portlnnd “* Denver*. 8 lo a, he>c lodny. Three •

' errors heli>ed the Sn'lcuv't lo ih e l r __[ liVi five-nms. Jnlin.v5ti'liii^^^n home I run for the Beavers. - \ —

The score: , R H E "I Portland .............. ...... .......a 11 3 j

SBcramento ............. - ........0 ]1 0 ,BtttterlM: I-'ul!rrton nnd Woodall:

Drynn ond Koehler.

8 E A L ^ . nilSSIONS 4

Snn rrancLwo's rS^lJjaseball chiba. llic Seals and MLulons, enme to- Rcther today In the ir oiicnlnR serlrs and the Scats romped off with on 8-10-4 victory. Timely hlttln* In the third liinlnR. when four h iu ac- ■couiTtcd (or as mony rua^, put the Bcnbi In Ulf lead nnd they never rc- hntiiiWicd It.'T llC MKmAis used four hurler,'.

Tlie score: R H ESin FrancL\co __________a 12 3MMon.%.................. ...........4 10 ' a

Baitorles: McDousal ancl'aa.«oti’' " Plllclte. Caster, DouRlas, McKajr

sl lcrious-Color!le G olden W c s l S c i T o

R a p tu ro u s M usic !>Variier Bros.



with ■ IJO H N h o l e s


k Warner Bros. Vitaphone k in p • S in g lh g • D nn rin t* _/U u td o o r S c n ^ t i o n

PIIE magnKlccnt s ta r of "Desert SpnR" nnd ;'pio

tlta" acts and alngs more |hrllllnRly as a gallant . Iimerlcan cavalry offlccr >'00UiR the belle of the (Rlmentl ,The Riamorous life of the

Id Wes', lives again In oualnR c h o r u s , comic ■ hant. tender love sohr. ualnt bnllBd!

— A lso — om cdy, V ita p h o n e A c t jm d P a r a m o u n t N e w s i


I Yanks, ('in Oligner ^

B i

y ^■ J’

' I ' nlI t i

V h ;'.;


■ i ;ifl M r

^ ^ anou , l M i P ‘ ■ „ wahnfi..M KSj

,astc(l no time in Rcltinfr down nn m et yiMtoniiiy a t Philndclphia dir

i-oti, G tn 'J.—HVPhoto. Dll. '1 ~ .' J l ' — " {

Minor Leagues 1n;»

------- IloiA.MtlllCAN ASSOCIATION

St. Paul Colombns 8. - HirMlnnrapolU 1. Toledo 0.K anun Clly 2. ladUnapolU 3. ni, .Mllwaukre 2. I.onlivllte 11.

SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION 1lllrnilnRham 0. Nashville 7. iviiMrinphU 20. Llltle Itock 2. A‘«;Challanooia 0. Atlanto 3. n 'Nckr'O rlraiis'lt, ^foblle C. Its:


Irnlly UoaUd-Umb^r Mves-Tallronds H»i I14.VOOO a day. says C. C. Cook, mnln-teniince engineer of llu Baltimore. • iand Ohinrnlll’oad. Tlie life of a truit- "cd crot.s-.le frenuently Is treble tUat of ^an untrenlcd o ie. he says. *

EIUEMEN'S b a l l ' " “ ■Aprins.'Danc«ami:------------ “ndv: — j


Alice Day, .Tane W intor John S t Polis, Claudi

.Jennings am-------H e r e ’s 'T h e

U n u s u a l £ n t e

i t ’s j ithrllL

a k » phani

Abo Comcdy.aitd I Matinee 10^ and 30<i; Evenln;

3 0 < a n d -(--------------- MaWnw-WOrErentai

.? NEWS, TWm P A Iia , IDAHO

(?-2. AndG l i i c a g o a n s P o u n d §

M s s o u r i a n s - F o r I

T o t a l o f 1 5 H i t s 1

_____ s *

W indy C ity N a l io n a l C irc u it ™

T lt le h o ld e rs W ith s ta n d S

N in th - ln n ln a R a lly ■ b y S tbi

“ S t r l . o u i s * t o W in O p e n e r •ret

-------- 27,By KENNETH CLARK Wi

. (Auocbled lTt«» Sports Writer) «n

ST . L O U IS , A p ri l 15 — T h e sIuRRlnj: C h icago C u b s , Th c h u m p lo n s o f l h c N a tio n - S';

nTlcaK U C, p o u n d e d f iv e S t ^ .L ou is C a r d in a ls p i tc h c r s f o r ae 15 h i ts a n d w o n th e ope n in g S Rum c o f t h o s e a so n h e re lo - *■ d a y , 9 lo 8 , d e s p ite a n ln th* ln - • n in i: C a rd in a l r a l l y w h ich ^ th r e a te n e d to t u m th e tid e . °A Official attendance \ ns H,000. bu

Tlie-Cub a tU ck Included six dsu* Hi bl(x and a triple. Flint Rhcm, wbo started on tho mound for the locals. Pii wn.1 kiiocV M O ufltflhe tnird'lnnlnj ^ifierfte hsd aJJowed/Jve doubJes and Ihrce slnRles.

Tlien followed n parade of Cardin- , i ai piichcra — Hill Unbowsxi; itald ph ajiil fiherdei. T he veteran HIU. who » " wns released by the Plrsteu loit y n r _ ‘ via the waived route, proved Uie most f * effective.

HIII was (0. .'n out for a pinch hitter and the Cubs landed on Orab- owskl nnd Hald In the elghUi for four nms. This rally came after the Car- I dmnfi -ad 'U k e advanlage of Ouy Na Bii.Oi's wUdness in Uie seventh to Uo:

Sheriff Blake pitched a masUrfuJ thf Ksme for t ' e Cubs unUl he tired and 1wns taken out In the seventh. cci CIIICAOO' AB R if 0 A I byKnulltli. u _________3 0 2 9 0 mn;«ir. 3 b __________ J 1 1 0 1 „llorn.hy. 2b_________ 4 0 3 0 4 0 Bat,, Wllwn. e f -------------4 ? i 1 ? S chlmrpfifMonVi't ........ . , i 3 1 3 0 ***Orimm. I b __________ 3 2 1 17 0 reclUrtimt. c ---------------3 2 2 2 0 BOniakr. n , . ,,, _,..1 1 2 0 0 W*n»*ii. p ___________ 0 0 0 0- 0 UsM»Ionr. p ---------------- 0 0 0 0 0 Rl<

________________ {

Ailim<. 21) ______ _0 0 2 3 1Tto'riomlfy.Ttrr'........ ...... 0 I < 0 0itafpyrOI ...™ :______ « i 1 o 0

I t l l lJ. Wll,on, e _________ J a - j 7 0 0 .

S i - r E E E E m \ l ,(ItSbownHI. p ________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■HtlMClfj, p __________0- 0 0 0 0 0

____________ .1 0 0 0 0 0

Toi»i. •_— ... .........m ” i l i n 12 J• ntllrd forKIII-.ln tns wv«aU>.

81. L cu l.____________ 0l0 000 31t-i— sm nm arr.-Tw oit»;e'W t5=K -wil- —



t o n , R o b e r t O ’C o n n o r ,

i d e A l l i s t e r , D e W i t t

a n d o t h e r s

l e K e y T o — “ '

t e r t a i n m e n t !

f n | - | I ’

'8 ja m m e d to t h e d o o rs .w ith r i l ls . M y s te r y t h r i l i s a s a la n to m s t a lk s th r o u g h an i m a n s io n . C o m e d y th r i l l s hadMkA ^ ilv» c a j t p n w , ■ _ o iiM n d . I m S k C J x i a i i h r i l l s ' : ^ 4 | ^ ^ « a l 6 a E l P d - A l i c e = : g

ZNovdS^cia ; 2T ■n ln g , C h i ld re n 1 0 ^ A d u lts

d W ................... i


ion, C ^ . .Orlmm. H ailaett, Blolr,

e r to Bottomley, Blake to H v toe tt to Blalr t« B arnett lo EnRllsh, AcUms i« P«)bert t«-Botic.iIey. Delbert U> Aakmi to Buttomler, U oruby to

—Blake; lodiiB pIlehe r-A bea . '


SweeUaoJ. PhlladtlphU louUipaw 1ace, took complele charge of Uie IopenlflB game here todar and shut ' IDUt the Roblnt, 1 to o. SweeUaad held Itha B ro k ly n t o s U) Uiree hiu , acat- Atered UirouRhUe fine three InnlnRs. Iu d hla double In the elchUi opened IUie rally, which .gave tbe PhUllea Itbe lr one run . ___ I

The IkTcest operiing day crowd on' "Irecord a t O beU field, esllmated e t I27M0. saw SweeUand and William ^Watson Clark. hU left-handed rival. _engage In a spectacular pitching "

S f c d i n i s iK»lln. rt _________ ;T 3-0 1 2 0 0i K S ? , o " = j 8 ! .! ! S ,

! ! ! ! ? » siH U M d. p ---------- - 3 1 1 1 3 0 U

S i a a ^ A — — ! ! ! ! ? ? ■ 5av.“' i , ! !'S ! s». w , 3 PtelaUh. ___________ 3 o o 3 o o? S £ K 1 = = r ! l T 3 SUomwo. p --------------a 0 d 0 0 0 ^

m i^ « tp b ia ------------:_oooooooto-t8umma^T"Two"bue" hlls-D avls. 1

SweeUaad; douMe plays-Frederlck 1,1to Flowers, G ilbert to Flowers to Bis- >uilonette; losing pltcher-C lark. op

___ fr(NEW YORK 3. DOSTON 2 i,|

NBW YORK, AprlW5-fffl - TTie baNew York a ia o is openM the Na- sciUonal season here today by Uking th*.close.but.poorly.pl&yed-(Eame-from tb Uie BoiUin B nves, 3 to af ' a s

BUI .WoUcer, O lant lefl-hnnder, n 'ccDtlnued h ll winning str.iak..of 1S20 g 'by pitching a fine game. An error p.v u partly responsible for Uie two ^0Boslon n it.; ahd deprived him of his 0^chances for a shutout. Harry Sle- itr bold. BoaUin, was a b it weaker andreceived even worse support. a ,BOSTOH AD n II O A Xw»i»h. cf ________„ s 0 2 3 0 1 ■;UsrsiKlIU. M ----------- 1 0 0 3 2 0 r tRKhbourat). rt ^ ___i t 2 2 0 0 CrMoor*. 3b ________ 4 ' 0 1 0 4 I CaB«nwr. I f ___________ 4 0 0 4 0 0 M<

( /t*txpr«t/«din\CERJIiiNy J

(Scl6;— m i l l i o n s o f p c o ] m o f M y cttn huy.” is a y w h o u s e B u d w f r e e f r o m s u b s t i t u i o r c o l o r i n g . T h o s o a 1 0 0 p e r c c n t p u r e

. b r a n a s o f l e s s e r q u i

, A g ed

. . . . ..-Am

B l l dB a r le y


A N H E U S E R■ --------TUktFMah

■ C; •

f.M En,.l«.JSSO . J - .

^ h ^ C a t. . . — . . . I

UMS.<< THAT W m rtv« IQjUlI T

“ FLIOTNfl. /^uticHS * 11 U>liH ilg-U-M A M -S______ 4l

■ ____r V / ■ Fj f c —^ ' ■ a

H I o'- H . . D

W I P H IIH I ■*■ ' -T . ■ Kco

N#un. Jb -------------- 4 1 2 12 0 0 .-------- i ! 1 i ! ! ;

&clboid.’P .4 0 a 0 ^ 0 cToi»u--------------3t a tU30 I t a _t Two oul abea wianinf run u o r^ •>

NEWTOtlK • ADR ll'o A .1

------------ d ! ! ! ! Smx-ttgrr. cC _______4 0 0 3 0 0 —OT»nrtl. C________ 4 0 1 S 0 0 ~• Ilw re---------------0 0 0 0 -0 0W»lk«. p_________ . 3 0 0 0 3 0 i~

Touli--------------3) 3 9 37 la 1,• lUn ret O ftncll In Ui ninth. |Kpw Tnrt” r3rr^==l0t-® 00 WH*-3

Summary; .Two-base hlta — Sel­bold. Neiiii. Leach; doub'i play t Maranvllle lo Maguire and Neun.

riKAJE.S 7, INDIANS 8 ,CfNCINN '.TI, April 15 (^>-Hcavy )

hUtlng antl a lead which chanRCd * liands four limes featured today's openlnv came which Pittsburgh won from the r«Li by 7 lo 0. Thirty-two hlls A’crc made for a total of 43 bases. Bnrtcll and Ilemsley hit eon- i sccutlvc home miji at the start of I the second InnlnR. Paul Wancr led ] Uie Ph-atcs'.atuck.wlUi-lout.hlt4,ln as mnny tlmes at bat. pitT8nt;noii ad ii o o a e '

Scomo.^yy, I f ----------l ]B»rtcl|. __________ 3 I I 3 a 0 >E K ; '5 i " j z = ! ! i ! i ! iKcrmrr. p 0 0 2 1 0 awcionle. p ------------3 0 0 0 1 0 ^

ToiaH . ----«— T in_______1

5 3 ! ! _

J c s s t e u y «

l ) o t c

o p l c k n o w t h a t t h i s m c j ’ A n d t h a t i s j u s t w h a t m i l I w t i s c r B a r l e y - M a l t S y r u p - ; u t c s , a d u l t e r a n t s , f i l l e r s , a s e w h o r e c o g n i z e t h e a d v a r r e p r o d u c t a r e n o t s a t i s f i e d [ u a l i t y t h a n B u d w c i s e r c m b

d 5 Months in the Maki

Look for T( on tha tope A booklet g for good U

dress upon i

I - ,

n h e m e r - B u s c I

iwei(y -M a lt St K R I C H IM B O D Y ~

E t - B U S C H - Sd t w V - f l t f w A j lr f r a Dty Qingtt

IW WWISCONSIN-co m m ission :

“ FJNES“ KING T irrS lO O O "

MILWAinCEB. AprU 18 WV-KbiJr. Tut, MlnneapolU lightweight today y y , SIOOO and his sumenslm lifted by the state athleUe eommU* .iAf» . . ■ nenaliv for fouling Bnic* Flowed New Y c r r lF H w S ^ if J i t a bout here Friday nlgbt. : •

T u t w ts warned th a t • repetlUon of the offense would mean disbar­ment for life from Wltconsln rings.

lltUmsnn, rt ------------4 a a o 6

iiilB u S « t^ . 0 ■■ ? o t o ?

-------7 = 1 o S S S

m r , ---------------- 0 0 0 0 1T oU li___________ « « n 37 IS 1* run for Oooch In th t tettnin.

•• Oattm for CsmpMlI ta th . M«nih. PItuburih . tafl Oil 00^7Clnclnn«l -----------112 tOO lOiM

summ ary: Two-base hlts-Engel. Hellmann. Comorosky, Oooch; home runs — Bartell. Hemsley; .winning pitcher—S\.'ctonlc; losing pitcher — Lucas. . . L

' Foot (reablea. F . Dr. Foster. S M .a if^

Aladdin ond his wonderful lamp. You have acccss to m o d e r n ma f f l c today through-your te!ephone.-It will t a k e you anywhere, quickly, and a t low coat - F o .r example, from.T^vIn Falls, when you-will -talk- - with anyone a t the,called telephone:

B oise_______ 80c

N am pa_____SOc


; n i g tc a n s " t h a b « t t !l i l l i o n s o f p e o p l e ^ — b e c a u s e i t i s . a r t i f i c i a l f l a v o r s m t a g e s o f u s i n g d w i t h o r d i n a r y i b o d i e s . ^

:in g __________________________

S t . - • )Tony** picture 3 of every can. giving reclpcs things to eat

n t to any ad- D request. Bold

c i l , — .

iser> y ru p.N O T BITTER -

S T . E O U I S

Page 7: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

^ ^ O p e n s D M T i

HffiroHghoutiMej. W l n d o w s T l l M ' ^ l t r a h - L

■ " l n g Taoklo, GoH Clubs f

— --T e n n is - a n d ~ B a l l - E ( |u lp - 1

■ m ent L ures Populace j-------- t

By TRESTOK L. O EOV IR ' , -• (A im iiU d PrtM BUfC WrIUr) ■

. T > 0 I 8 B , A p ri l 1 5 — W llh

B I•a w c i l t h o f o u td o o r s p o r ts i o p a n t to th e tn jo y m c n t o f

i ‘ Idshoane i. a ll w i th in a s to n e s t o w o f th 9 f r o n l d o o r .

----------- D ia p la y w in d o w a a r e fu ll o f. l l i h i n g ta c k le , g o l f c l t i b K i e n ' -

niR r■c^{et^ b a se b a ll a n d tr a c k , cqultimrnt tn d thn t i r U (ull ot vll* ]

------ w n ln -“X". (yet-lo -bc .d lK ov irtd ) iwhich know* no food «nd j»niM i {tr and wide u ( s t t lu 'ip rln illm e | tu il lete warm enoufli, and lu lta c

• lh* popuUeo to the oul-of-doors. i <i-HI ho flih|nff In ± mnnm.

‘ tenn lj courU »nd «olf couries Jiivo g b « n opened w d bu e b U ' h u bten

— J• Belie v lli b« U k in i i i n extmpte , , ol the n w u e Id iho city. , . There ire three |o lf counes In the , ' city. B lm llir iy ther* «re » -d o « n ,

other clUet In lhe sU le with one oc, wore. I

Ten courla nre op tn lo the lennls .: — pUyJnfptibllc»Jon» w llb morf th in ,1 ; u Biinj' prlv ite onei. I

, Publlo Khool Held U open to ,• tn c k intf Held ivenU u well iD , IbH eb ill . - -

. - l - T h e r a - U iinpIfl.IUhlnr.«Viilibte. . T h i t i t i te n e n t Is coiched prlncl' , n l l y on Uie experlencw o t others. .

. lo r Ull* « iite r t i u been endoved ,• w ith!but one lUh In UU live or ilx

f e w « mto id iho ’i itream*. I t U en-' tlrely pM lte, however, ttiK entire

KhooU ol Itth h ive dived i t the ; hook only to h ive U inexpertly fnitched out of the ir reielj.

Id iho ? i l l i recenUy bowted of IUO miles ol liihlnE.streimL.«lthln

. la# mllei. N iturilly clUes within th i t . . tone could c lilm the sim£'riUni>

J C en tn l Id iho Im* th e Loil rlv- M , erB“,t1iTW 00dTlw r«nd-m yrlid* ol

/ oUier iln<hiunted i t r u m s m d Ukes. ■Undoubl«dly N ortii Id iho eould

b o u t o t leveril thousind m llero l ‘ Itshlnr. eipeclally it th e Ukes, for < th« purpotes .1 ineisurement>,veni ‘ divided Into itre im wldtlii. U’s a . ip o r tln i worW o t lU own. j

Durlnc th e l u t j n o n th Uie tibled < to lf bus h u b ltlea <|eeply lnt«■Ul^ < «eeret*ry of il«t«, T ted S. tukeni. Venturing out oaa allem oon wlUi bb lu li ta o t . T . H. Bhront*. the lecre- u r y o t Itate made t BMd acore on tho t ln t a tu m p t , l t w u n 't a remirtc- ib le Kore bu t enough to firmly Im*

au t a ednrietlon th a l 4h s;tim e Id poulblllllei. O ther g im u fol* lowed, with wone or b e t ^ icorea-

•Rd a new j i n w u created. . •

ThU Isn't iporta. poulbly so t iv ta •porUnr, bu t iDyway:

A i r e i t ]8*piiMner alrplioe H t ' tied on the BoUe a irport and wlUi a KricetuI swerve, rolled U|i.aU-gUit* enlng and gleaming In front o l the h in g ir . A youDg lady piuenger peend out through » window.

"01, w h it ft good looUng WQmin,“ whispered a pilot.

‘'Yes," replied anoUier, "Kh? _w ouldn 't.l)fc_w lth.a.hundred theui-

and dollar In m i."



(Continued from Page One)

' ance. prohlblllon. and public morals 'v* o t the Northern Methodist chunh

^ nnd the Federal CouiKll ol churches. ^ HU testimony was completed tM iy

' in d C liilrm ia C iraw ay announced th a t all the orginU atloni agaliut

.which charges h id been msde ^tiuld be given in opportunity to rta)y.• The committee tomorrow will question Henry H. Curran, pnil* den t o t Uie Association A gllnit the

' Prohibition Amendment, eoncemlng lU actlvliiei and Uie amount o t mon* ey expended.

T InUiini told the commlllee th i t

- , . .-m a d a J tL E .a .J a m s s o n . lileir-V ork „ cipltalUt, to Uie Hoover l9}rcam *

pilgQ fund had been paid to Can* non. who w u chairm an o t Uie AnU-

» fimlUi commltteft o t VlrglnU.; tod th a t a report had been Slide o t raly 117,000 o f Uie amount.

In a itatem ent wbleb w u no t per- .B itU d to b t placed In Uia reoorti, TUiKham la U w bat “U qov o t part* Inan t ( a te a f t i o d of which to ta c aa

■ ik n « » .» o rec w « ttU ta aB < lB o d lK closure has e rer bem n ad e, U what BUhop Cannon did wlUi Uie balance o t lll^OO o l th e amouBt be obUla* ed frem Mr. Jam uoo."

Tlnkham la id l a - h U staU sunt C innen had explained tb a t he had acted u t banker for th e commlttN M d^had adranctd I t hU ^p y y n ri

m bnejrTO -inllible .— . Tbe Wltneu aUo rc a d 'a IHi«r he

’* * ^ p u b U c to leader ahd n o w w e r S S F dent, aiU ng “wheUier thoee In con­tro l o t i i t u u u o a lA th e K oaie ire wmiiur fe r th e country to under- 9 W l i U ih»y:ara-willing for eatw

T ^ l W B - l e U i T r ^ ^^ S ^a rrlsn tran -au iU dO Q S fcctkrtan V appM liriU iaa Implied th ru te fp » <

I S u n C ar d ia io ^ b j^ in s ( Over Canadian in

- -> O R T tA m -A p riH J-(# » -V o u n « -

: - T h # - t i g h t - w i J J i alugtMt from p s ta r t to tln lih . jffp o i*M p(n i I h t ^

C iaadU n trom one ilda e l the ring -> to the oU iir wiUt righ t and lelt

h in d Shota. Twlca in t b t a tith round•- Dillon h ll the canvu,-btrt he waa.up -

after ihor^ counU. Once in (he. taa>*9 round Plrpo ch irg td OUien and u

Uiey m it both hunbUd over the ropes tnto Uie l ip i of rinnldera.

The Idaho miner h U a decided id v in u g e through the eailra fight, e


'i Probe of Camera ;f ' T

; Brief Bout Begins;I ' -------------------------------------------------- (k SAN rRANCIBCO, April, 19 OTH 1 * Soxlng c irc lu -buned todiy aa Uii '> SUU athU tle commlssUn i t a r u f to

e Iho heavyweight bout l u t n lghl In' \ < O iU ind belween the' gUnt ftalUn. ‘

Prlmo o a rn e n , and hU M*pound >

C im ara won on a (ecnnlcil knock* out In the sixth round but Uia lUd* <

’• den tn d unexpecud ending did not e set a«n wiui ipeelaton, who itarUd

ft im ill r le t and oUurwUt abevtd ; th ilrdU pU w urabyshow irin ipapan ^ m d pretrama-lnto Um r l n f r — ^

Thtcom m U slonlitaU dpU navere . to deUrmlne why Sob Perry, one ^ o t Ohevaliet'i leeendi, tow td In a , ° to w iru iir ib y n ig n iu iin i d tfia t'T er . Ute Negro. ChevalUr w ta • la net ,2 much w oru condlUra Utan h li huge ' " opponent a l the Uma.. PtiTy,-hired . fer Uis avenlng. had »o auUMflty

to-Uirow iD-a toKel, even U.Cbev*.' ' aller actually h id been In dUtreu. h Only Uie chief second U permlUed ; lo terminate bouts In th i t manner. , ;* AlUck Perry‘ InfurUted specUtori atUcked ^ Perry and severely b e it him while .

many o t Cernera'a own countrymen , ^ mounUd-Chsln and shouud ‘-fake.”

meinwhllo demanding th a t th e bout ,, be resumed. ,, i C im era 'i end ot Uie purse, toui* ,

tng $l3.:ai>, and Chevalier's »1900. ' were lield up pending the InVestlga* <

jT non. la te r today the'commUilon i . mehlbera'werB-partleuIarly ln te resi- , IH ed lu statem enu atter (he ffgljt l u t , ]{ n lghl by b ln . Chevalier in whieiCihe ,

deelired her husband h id bMn lold ^ he must lose Uie bout.■ Questioning o t C im era and iiti <- reUnue o t handlers, Including Leon

6m , J tancc ; W illlim (Bill) Dully, .Ml New Vork, and Frank. oburoIilU .I«s '

A ag e l» .w u scheduled for (offlor^onr..iS.

De Mave Refuses ;; To Box Von Porat ” Before Few Fans” ' ST. LOUU, AprQ 19 (A W ic k Do i

m v e , New York heavyweight. bUled . 31 lo meet OUo von Porat, Norway. In- the feature bout of a c ird hara lo*

t - alght. "walked out- after Uklng a a look a t the slim crowd In Ui« CoH*

t> Slum and reiused to flghU Von » P o n t w u In Uie ring a l th i time.• r Prellmlnaiy ‘ bouta -hid alreidy. be tn fought belore Utt eillmiUd

C iiU nd iB ct c t IKO.Beneea 0 . Tiytor, member of th t

'9 i l a l t alhltUo commUfUn;' deeltred *•- D t-M av « -w o u ld -b f^ i> * n d td - tO '

morrow, probibly for a } t ir .I n the lO'Tound lupperllng num*

ber, Al Stillman. 1»0, e t. kfiocktd out Mack Htndtreon, 1(8, ClptinnaU, In tho Mcend round.

Wolff Launches s Career as “Pro”J In Gotham Arena

NEW VORK, April 19 CPh-AUIt Wolff, former IntercollegUle middle.

■« weight champion from Penn. Bute, ,,, begin bU preteulonal career a t Uie

Broadway a;«na tonlghtwlUi a v|c* t tory by retiree'* ruling. *^ MteUng Jerry Oartleld, New Ha- ^ ven, ConnecUcut. In th t iix>round

lealure bout a t the Broadway arena,, Wolff linded w h it O arfltld thought

m w u a low puneh'carly In the ttcend

referee; Danny R ld g e .-b u n n e ir tu r ruled th a t tbo blow had been tilr.

S : pisgusted. QwtU^d walked to hU ^ com tr aa Uiough te )eavt tho ring. ^ Then bo turned around and Isdleat- ^ td h t. wanted to conUnut bul Rldgt

duquautled him in d awarded Uit ^ violory. to WoUt oi{ a technical ^ knockout: .T h tre ■wett-iSo knock*

” WeUt w tlgbt4 IU ; OarfUld H i .

Q. ItUerwhlcb-oo aenalor would reetlvt WlUiout a :eellns ot rettnU nint .and

n t In^lcna'Um.’'I d ____________________:____________M = = = = = = = = =

w ^ 3 M S H ® G A N D -

I2 : P ow er* la u n c h n o w o p e ra t- ^ I f l s r . l ro m * S M o n o ? « U s hT - F e r r y - a p 'r l V t f r F W i e m e n ' n* a n d p le n le p ^ l e s la u d e d _ — — w h w f r f w - U k t . ______

“ ; P h b n B B l f f i U

aiHs I d a h iC a li f o n i i rB o x e r :®

‘ D e f e a t s J e g r o - b r

5 1 0 - R b u n d F ® e i“ • — , s

I Record Crowd Sees Clavar ji Display-of Pugllisni in

J . .ArBnaJn.-Twin:FaIIS-.Fol? j tf lowing Slugging Bouts"le _____ '

id Charley Paracl, S in DItgo, 141, dl* ’ cUion^d Buddy W w hlngtm . Boca* lello Ntgro. Ut, l a a 10>found main* event on a n American teg ton box* ing card h i r t l is t tvtnlng, giving t h t clever and plucky colored bey ■

' a UioreugU boxlnv IttM n and win* nlng eight o t Uit 10 rounds by wldt

^ m irg ln i on polnti.C Eviry avalliblt Inch o t room la 9 tb t Troy laundry g m g i w u occu*

plfd by cu itom in . numbering.-ao* - cording to e itlm itt, approxhnattlr *

. IH O 'pm en irand -n iiny oUieri « t r t - II, turned aw iy i t Uit door, te th* _^cuslem tri did not

J i T f U i t i ^ a w ^ ^ ■« altness a h iuH and b ilU ry In*

Id i te id -o t an extraotdlnirlly clever _

^ They seemid to overlook th t f ic t ' e. i h i i w uh ing lon h a d hU le ft e ;e A. closed and ' hU fact cut to ribbons S. u he absorbed Prodigious <ju»ntl- Id U esetpunlihm tntw hU tw alU ngand U trying for the opportunity to lind n a decUlvfBlow, U u l ferac i ntver" n r r h i n n --------------------------------------re Plenly e t V Ieliati

There w u plenty o t . violence.* tb o u g h .a n -U it .ie m lJ |n iL ^ b th i t

f f w u scheduled lo go sw reundiTlMl ” t h i t ended t ir ly in Uit th ird when [ ! Jiss Strange, Twin m u , m , atop.\Z ped R td Bills. 1» , Provo, D lah, ? llh 5' a knockoul punch, a le tt upper cut ! . th a t was mixed wlUi two o r other ^ solid punches tha t landed on the

r ”* ■'' for a long count in d a prolonged

dUzy spell ifterward. Balle showed ??, up well In Uie llrsl round, bu t made 7 hU m tsuke when he attem pted to

sw ip punches «-lth Strange on even ;r, termi.

Another blll-bins a l i i l r w m « four.round.speclal U iith ro u g h t lo- ,

[i* gether t«-o old anlagonUU. Swede Nelson, T w in.Fills. HO, in d Ted

*• Kopp. 1J5;- Hinten. There w u n ’t a moment’s 4ntermUilon In Uie-action

'V excepi betwetn the rounds, and the t*o .bam ers.U ndedjn iny and.Mlid punches. NiUon deooeitra ted th a t

'I'* he had found his oU ierhand, and , shewed market improvement over

hU l u t performance I n the ring on against Kopp. The re su l t« « ciUed fy* a draw. '

Benny BecksUid, 100. la Uie four* IBT. -round-curU ln-rtU err U id Hlmsilf

' open to d e fe it t h i l w tm ed Im* mlnent a time or tno. by leiding the fight a ll the w iy through wiOi Rudy Miller, loa a formldibU di*

f fenslve fighter.. “ Vrm fl'H eM a’lIpperHand

IS fiuccesilve roundi in the nuin goDe ince In wRlch Peraei strack W uh* «d Ington ilm ost a t will, the colored in boy U klng Uio blows m iny tb n i i o* without a ttim p t to-make a Tatum

a bul conaUnUy coming baek and at* U* tempUng to w t In under ferac i^ on Impregnable guard.. . Some c : Uie cuitem en manifested dy Uiclr dtoapproval when the bout WM «d yet In the Uilrd round. There w u a

chorus o t boou a t Uia end e{ the h i fourth, bul oUier customer! who td seemed to ipp rec litt boxing drown*

«L ouL Uio (horut wlUi. pen lite n t hind.cUpplng.

n* Buddy lUempted a rally early In

KUit fUU) and Unded two o r t h n t solid smacks, whllo th i crowd roared It approval. In Uie seventh again tho colored boy Increued th e pice, in d In th e fln il period h t itagod Iwo ru sh u . th a t Feraci iippp td ef* feeUvtly wiUi solid sm uhea w ith hU

) k i t h in d . For Ult moet pa rt, Uiough w uh ln g to n malnUlned a firm traep

' on the evident reepect ho bad for |A Ferael's prowess.' Bud Travla refereed the th e u m l* I,,, final and main bouU, a ad Xmlo I. W oollt/ v u Uie Uilrd m m In the ^ rlDg during the two preliminary

b i ‘x«“ *|c* I ■ ■

- D « d K o m | ^ ; j W W b n 7ivt .

M e o a i r « a i n A e n V 4 ! w t l a h *— e h a M « ^ B 4 p 'M v 'h H B t^ v iii ! i _ Z)»<w »rW gV »i4 tban




TRIP OF HUSKY CREWS *B B A T n J. A p r i l» W~TBlleTlPg

undt ^ d u a t w " ^ ‘the ^ ^ t y ot , w aftingtop th a /icuSty alUcUo ■I ^ ip m ilie t today approved th e plan “

tor K ndlni-ih«_¥ar»l»J.J«nlor_var- tlly and frethm en crews to th t na*

r tlonal InUrcoUegUta reg it la a t ' poughkotpiU In June..I Prevloui plana had caUcd te r oaly

Ult van ity and Junior van iiy to ^li m ik tU ia tr ip bu t U lt ihow lngcf the ” ‘ ie aU w hin Ih ty-d tftaU d-C aiifer* g n ia la a c lem iw tep l is t Friday Ik

(lUMd the c h an te 'In pUns. . bj

T B || | |B r o

it — - ----------------

n B ^ B B n’ B il i iw iiB W

H B H h

■ B B S HI I --------------------------------------


• __________


ie ':d - K K a M J 'a

I d _____ B ^ O ^ I ____ -i t ' id:r n g f i f f i K f l S

^ --------- -id

i t --------------IS H f f ia l----------■ H ^ B K lh B B H B

H H B I Bm M a W W M I

■ n U U ^ B i

b 9 ^ I B b I H ^

M /a WSKKt


n t ______

In W a7n f / '


«P . ■ W i g B I P i i ' ■ 41 :or B g H f l

l l . m B jr m B l ® 5lie»e w i>ry

I H h



) S t r e a m

; Jb m ia lls-B o w lI ___________ _____ A

I Idaho Falls, Bowlers Take S Uad In Stati Bowling j

> Fray by Seorlng 2644■ ■ ' I f

I' IDAHO PAiXS. April » ^TH-I'ho ’ Western Auto bovllng team . Idaho “ i- Kalis, went tnlo th t lead In -th rM a . - y ho slate bewling toum am eni tonight u . by scoring : m «. Ptird. Twin falU , ci


The raeoMPAJWi-------------- -— n n r d i t c B v H i T i S !

Cimei changed tl mommlHons-ot

This exclusive meUdw^fra^uicc quilitics of the cl all together into

; aput as a dga smokers the Tcry

i 'A P B T i ; , . i8 . i9 a o

OS, l i n k s; »ppe4 hlf*l.Hnil«s-_honwg.irlULa r

count of i i l . Pord and L o g u . Twin 2 PlUs, took Ttr^l pUce In the doubles, c r y i n g U » p lu to r a icore ol

' T a in PaUs C lisi A in d D Uams • nilg lHe H id 'luim tohlih?. tha c\Z Tl

A .teGTnoiSTg out Uit Cheupeake ^ - w ltdr4d*boi:Fall3 ., by tour plni. « ! Ullylng a counl of 3S 8 t end Uio u

C lu t B team defeiUug Uu id iho r I PaUs Blianuocks, 3t38 to :3K In tbe

afternoon. t,'> Only a bindlul of pU jers boaled ®

In Ult singles and doubles., I t h u iMin Indlcsltd th a t Poet* , , Uik) WUl get llw next s l i t t tourni* n

ment. . _ • __ ;__________ __ J■ T aenlj-bii't Id iho teams are en* . I tered In the lournament whlcli wui p

eonttniM tliroushoui th e week. «

le bJrevolu

smokiLABIB BlBNI^^imeLQgift ;n the hiitoty of smoking. It i 1 the smoking habits of the c offeojiltthan any othet ciga re blend assures io Camel a iceThat cannot be latated; choice tobaccos of which' Cg

to a delightfiil harmony of garette of distinctive chara ry highest form of smoking 1

4 Mfor pleas:

s A n d D I200,680 Fans See“ li

Day’s ^ Games.N 6W -A'flBK.-Affll-».Cn— -AU U

Uiougb cold u d IhrtaUnlng weath* t r r beld down the a lten d m et la U Kma pUoei. btirly->OOWO~rani

> lom td oal.today to le t tb t opening c I n m e or lbe IMQ baseball m uoo .I New y t r k l NaUonal lu g v t. open* tl

er b tlw ttn t b t OUnU and Betton ti> B m e i a l ih t Polo groandi drtw Ihe V ' la rgn t crow d.-ttU maltd a t 40.000. ci

The i lm g ilt between ib t AthUUea ' and New York Vankeea a t PblUdct* a ■ phU d n w W|90U fans. Wilh .Boston a . 3 Q d -8 t^ a U - n ir a r ln a -( r o m - b a d - ' ffealher and th i Cliiearo game poll*1 p a n e l th e teUI aUendanra te r mv* s

an g tm n w u estimated a l lOIJOO. h

L i t io n iz e

i n gSettes jspnbalily the inost^ t made cigarette sm oki^ po] : nation and has given pletst garette.a smoothness, t mildness i

i d n r preserves a illhe exo Camels are made and meld). }f smoke'pleasure. It sets ( iractef and''provides for ( g luxury.

I Em re j

• **

i a i i i f l tHAR|<S TIME ,|N EASi;


cioit to H,ogo fana, ttu Interna- Uenil leiguo btglna tU fert^eblUx season tomorrow la Uit fear toqUi* ornmut clUu o( Uie circuit.

The opener a t BaUlatoit betwoea tiN tTir^dangtroui Ortoki tad tbt twice champion nochnUr Rod Wingi 1} exptcled to attract a cipa- clly crowd ot liooo penou.

omer openins gamu are aoftaio I t Neaark: Uontreil at J in ty OUy{ and Toronto a t Beading.___ ______

lluuUville. T to l, hom^ of U a ' slal* peiilUnUaw. 1* now. tn lU hunilredUi year ot elksUnet. •


o p u l a f i ' ^



t a i t

I jth e m

C a m e l

C a m e l

: . J . . . . . . . .

~ -r:.-rrr-r—r .v - ' - - '


Page 8: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow



— ■ ! A xe H a n g in g O v e r S to c k s in |

— — b a s t - F e w - f i s y s - O f o p s - B u t . i

----------F in d s M a rt N o t-T o o W e a lt.•I. — I^ ___________ ___________________I 1

M a rk e ts a t a G la n c e !

NCW YORK. April IJ* sioclu :lrrceul»r: copptr U»UM 1brcik lo yc»r'a lowest on H -cetit i

‘ flond*: £ t ta d y :T o m T r iib 5 o '

^^'curb; IrrfEuUr: ElfcUle Bond ennd Sliare In demand. I

Foreljn cxchsime: J r rc ju lu ; IFrfnch Jr*nc firmtr. I

Colton: Lower: ewlf.’ «W ei. ^sus»r: n rm : lncr«M«l buylnit. "]Coffee:'Barely aieady:. trade '.I


CHlCAaO:W ie»i: Wc*V: benrbh re-

norU from Kansa.t. tCorn: Barely aieady: unset- t

lied cash m iritcu. ^Cayle; Qiilet. .Hoja: Uwer. i

ny a .AU nK a. JACOEfe E (ASKJClnled P re » Finanelal Writer)

NEW YORK. April 15-An MO •- - th a t Illd been hanflns over # t«k» ,

(or some time (Inally dropped today, but found llie markcl well armour­ed. Tlie Ions cxpectcd reduellon In

------ Uopperb flC«liPPe»» tfnui»»^<^gT"»r»'ket aold of( autaUintlally (or a Ume only to acconiplbh brl*k recovery In lhe last hour, which m or: lhan can* celled Uie day's towea. *

TIic cut from 18 lo H ccnU a . pound In copiwr, while reducing Uie red nieial lo the lowesl level In , moro than a year, Is expected to end the conaumcra’ buylnu atflke nnd help to reduce Uie heavy atocka p. o( the melal th a t have been plU Ins gp during recent monUu. Wall , atreet-haa been growtns Inereialns- ' >y cerU ln .U iat the lB*cenl level ,,

- could not bc malnulned. ..Other unaettUns laelora were- the

break In the London alock market ^ ' In ftsiiohse tJnncfeased income ta x . "

es. nnd the paaalne of Uie WJUy#- Overland dividend. I I U felt In aoma

'nu&riera th a t the uuelilem ent In *; London will only rciu lt In increaa* j: rd participation of.forelgn (undt In ^ tlila market. Alao, Walt street liaa r become reconciled to the prospect of , reduction* In dividend rales by cer-


S tllln i OrtlwU J - ;.L , The aelling was orderly a n d jo r F

ihfc m o a tp an well nbaorbed. Trading’ ^ continued Ih moderate volume7sales aBgrcgatlng 4.3tB.C>:o shares. The ^ price Index of 00 leading s ^ ) u (lalned 1/10 o t 1 point (or tlie day. General Eleclrlc reported 60 cenU 5 earned per common ahare during the 'Jral, QuarUr, com pared'to 4B eenia n the tame ahat}: basis la the like jerlod of liu t year. . ,

___.jV a lter-P -^C hfys ler^cad -Q l-U ie ‘C r ^ e r corporation, told tlockhold* . ers th a t underlying (actors In tlw

■ WUUam H. Woodln. chalnnan ot .Amerlean LocomoUve. said there waa ^

* no prosptC. o( nn early reducUon ,In Uie company's dividend. . j

The copper shares generaly aoldoft I 'to 3 polnls to new lows (or the . year, but several ratiled later. Ana*eonda cloting sieady. Case Thresh- .

' lng Jumped.tO points t<ra new high , (or the year Bl 309. United SUtes





Tb* T«iD Fall* du tnet maikti j«i* Urday w u u tollo»i;

•. UiMtocb.....l.U h t .......................... » Ji V

H»»ry buichen^:______________a sjs ^«PW,----------------- ' . 1 5 "Cewi M M tn M nn I

l lf llm -i:_______________ITJOIaMOO *'Bt«r» __ __ a 7 . M to 80Q *VHi caiTM « 7 Jd m ooo r Ltinbi ..... ,

roulUT * llrtvy htiu. S Ita , mi) up___ itcieW o

M «hti.|h erM ____________ lie to ISO hBUff» ___________________ i:e ie l4c IOucU —......... •......— ........ .iDeCQiac y

__________________ Dalis______________ .B. nulltrlit. Mur ...... ..He to ,,

i t t f . aow n----- ------------------------lie J<Boiar-Wbolnala* - j;

n” * . p

____ i• No. i t —TJ— ------w 'w iott^io )'

Bm mO rtit Korihtm. K o.-l______ ___ H JJOr»al Mortftira. Ko. 3-------- -----MMO fr ra d * ---------------------41.00 to a m I

■ nrf^y t t r ______ ______^ t

VbMl and HUI rN d ^Bran. evt. cS ! S W ' - , S ' 1 i r s i 7 = i i S '

- -: t rw m u in ,r i.« i - i i n « u c = J l f i

J___ar»n|g;-«10««».......... ....... .W .to70c t

Cirreta. } buncbn i.„.,.3Sfc . ^ ^ i p i . p*f bunch ,

— - ---------------m d n e t . . . : ........ tB S g * j g < t m — » £ '

I Stock Market Averages | -

Si'-a-is us gs ssP, r»» r»«0-.aU 38 I»70 JM.i; j{ { » I

. Tolil Ml»i 11II.W0 ibU "- 1

steel. American and Foreign Power. IEuU nan Kodak. Eleelrle Poweir and IU ght. Pw ter Wheeler, General Elec* Itrie. Moatgomerr Ward, and Bears IRoebuck were alao well bought. I

Call money held (Im a H per cent. IForeign exehanges ix re InegrulM. ISterling cables were barely steady. I

OOVERNMENflTdSDS ' NBW ;C RK. April IS (J>-U nlt*

ed Slates govemmenl bonds do ted :Liberty Slia 33-47.............BIOO.IOLiberty first 4US 3 M 7 ------- BIOl.llLiberty fourth 4Ui 3J-3B-----$191.17Trtasury 4!i» 47-S2_______ 4111.40Treaaury 4a _____ _________*107,40 1

' .Treasury 3‘ia 4B-S7 -1104,13 -I Treasury 3»is 43-47 ----------- IIM,40 •

METALS =NBW YORK, Apnl 15 (,D -Copptr:

t/naetUad: electrolytic tpol and fu* lure 14c.

Iron: Steady; unehsnged.Tin: Eaaley: apot and nearby

ua.45; lu tu rt m u .u a d : Quiet; spot N<w.YottWJO:

E u t -St. Loult IS.40.) Zlne; Steady: Eaat Sl. Louis tpot , and future 14.90 to is.- > J AnUmony spot 17.78. ___________ *


! RUOA* INEW VORK. Apnl IJ fT r-ltaw i

sugar waa unehanged today a t l 3 J t a, (or spots duty paid. l«eal re lln en *;I ahowed no tn ^ m t i ' • ih u levtL ■' but holders wera g, rally u Um s' (raetlonally h lgh tr anu there *>a a 5 ' lale o( 1S.009 b a il o r c u M n -foc- c<, prompt thlpm ent to an ouiport n * o' tlner a l M.43.- g! R av (u lu ru openM iinehanfftd to o;' a polnU tower undtr llQUldaUoa attd S; tome telling by Cuban inU rwta. In- %' tluenced by the dUappolntlni ihow* o, Ing of Uie London m uket. T h e ae* °' Uon ,ot Uie stoekholden In voUns o- to dlssolTC'the alngle'selling agency o

yeaterday afum oon w at generally g' expected in trade circlet here, and d' a tte r the InltUI. tellln.- tubtlded d' prices r tllled on increased covering £ ' and_Mme-ntw-outalde-bn>-lng.wlU». bI Uie market a l one time 9 to 4 polnU o! above the prevloua clote. Realizing g

checked the upturn and there wera a’ partial setbacks wlUi Uie Usi a t mid* 9■ < Ia rn e ra fo in u higher. °

In retlned .a (air wlthdrawat de* = . mand was re^rt«d.but.AOJiew'bus'* „

Iness. and prices were unehanged a t „ ; $4.80 for fine granulated. ^

Pulur^closed firm: approximated ,, sa lea .-n .7»rtons. May |1 ,M ; July fi

' >1,71; September SI.7S to tl,79; De'- „ ; cm eberll BB to tl,BS; January I IM ;I March 11.95.

H CBICAGO PRODUCE ” cyjCAOO. April IB (ff)-B utler: ^ . Plrnier; recelpU 13,749 tubtr cream- " ® erym rt8-i7 !;critandara»37W cT H - *** tra ( lrsU 34U cto3S!ic ; flrsU 3B!ie " 16 370: a«onda 31c to 33c. .

Eggs: su< dy; recelpU 39,159 > ‘ esses: extra ( irsu 3S!ie to 26c: grad*" ed f rlsu i4 !} e to 3 se :o rm n a ry flrsu

33e to 23Hc: storage packed (IraU ^ M‘ic : extra 37'ic;

I Poultry:. Alive, ite id y : reeelpU ' ' ” (iv ec aa :fo w U ^ e .to .U c :K o .a .i4 c : »

broilers 34c to 40c; roetlera 14c; No. ■>■ 3 10c; turkeys 35c; heavy ducks 30c » J to 33c: geese 15c, «


duce exehange recelpU: B utter 91,* 300 pounds; cheese 38J00, pounds;

r eggs I07’i eases. >r■• ^ B u tte r In bulk 40c. “u E ggs:E x traa37c;(lra tfrtsh3< 4e; *' ^ caae counl34c: mediums 33c; smalls , : 15'i cents, . . . • »15 - P o u lU > v U n c h s n g i^ J

5 •:............. BRIED F R U irr - . '" --------- "“ NBW YORK. Aptll 19 (iP>^l>rled ‘‘ 5 (run unclianged. |

S - — ---------- :-----------------------r - , '


, OQDEN, April'ja'W TSitU-S.D A) « } Hogs: RecelpU 830j Includbf ISl^for ff 0 markel; -sieady^w lih y u te rd ay 'i << ° lower cIue;*top-drlve*la* averaging t4 0 around MO poundt and~iip-tlO :-lol ^ 0 n o iibunds t9.BS; > mixed under* *<

welghu around 19.35; .packing towt «B to M.35. t

0 CBtUe;'RecelpU 101. all market:° lltlle done early:'(ew good and choicee belters M to 110; odd-head built |8 * e to <7.35; lot veal.calves *11: late tt ‘ yesterday tiro'loadt 1331 pound tteera B _ m U u u J iu iiiU b u r.v e ls l iU 'U ii.sU e- l<Hif1<> aW it »OftpwtnitB'|IOi7>i th r t» tlS loads 1075 to 1780 pouad»4J0 .r------*

8heep:-nM lpia-3*16 . Ineludlng d . three (or m arket: tn ic t 'lo ad 90 ,e1 pound Umba *7.60: la ta yesterday »<

two decks ewes t iM .WlUl culls out. a t |3 i0 : few yearllnga weUiera *5;0 tot wooled lam bt *7. P

. ‘ OMAHA trV E StO C K 0 OMAHA, April » » 7 - ( U S D A )0 Hogs: RecelpU UMO; a]ow:-10o<to ,

20c lower: top *9J0: early 's»las iso ^<1 to 240 pound W (lghu.*9i0 to'*9.75; d « bulk 349 to 300 pounds'butche^ **25 [:

to *9.50; bidding downward to '*9 on b a big weight bu tchen; p K k ln f sows > S *8.15 to *IJO. ^S Sheep: RccelpU 10,000;,earty.aalea V

: *9,40! early top‘*9:40j-n*UreBprlngr P « era mostly *13: Dothlns<lone o n oth* * 1« c r-c lasstt,-- _ 9

* wtighly . thlpplDg t te e n opening t ^ about tleady: o th tr t-s lo v i.^a d e r* >

tona weak to U e low n : t))V >tbck I1 tlow; v ^ : b u U s aad Yealtra stesdy; * g itoelcen a n d ^ ^ e r * • i c w . t m *

~ moally *11 to *13.79:'te v lo a d » .t t l to • « *14: weighty st«an -*14 v ltl l to n a l 5 held higher;' helfen 'm ostly IIO .to * S *10.78: fev loU *11 to * llJO ;'bu lk r S b e e l .c o n f7 ,to ib jo ;.cho ice ,lo t*< t

.1 - P ^ ’S K E 5 Z 1 ^ Q Q JA J> 1 D G E T S P R IO O P S O V R O U A . VT g IE fA'J JA.VJS A.CWE• I R TO s e e s o w chbvm vr « I V * o p C O M O . _____

: m M L .


i; N E W Y

' § f l M t t,1 . : . , , CLOSINC

Am Can ................ 1 otA i w««t Sma a Ji ror rowtr _ Kups Uaurr Ct

. -Aai U e o ................ U -iniMto Ctnual- M S V ^ f a S - * g S 2 ! i f ^

K U T i - ' -. Aai Waurweru I KinnKOU Cddi

! " S i a i w r :; S S ! V o ' S 7 I SU Bwtdall A ........ — X ltlA U ltn T tI Betaitbtm S u d _ ] •; UtihieMn Alkai

j!: a i = ‘. 'W “ ‘ r . '■ a s s s i s i s l i

CkM Thrtth „ _ S M Mom ward. S S ' . " o 5 r - : » ' ‘1 O U O tF ilP p f________ H llC u llR t |>‘ Cbmtw-Corp-^.-.:^- r , ' Ktl fow * U l' Ooea M a .... ..........t Nauoaal Buiit]• C e lu jn O * C ____ sail N T C ia tn l. . .. Oomm S oulh------- iS K Y JM ta t Ht, COB»,OUOt D t l „ KWhJUn C a ..• Oom rtoducu ___I u rtrtEiM'UvMfy c o t r - » t - . no-Am b . ..

f sattman Xodik -rur* OU .....B l«w ft L ie -------- % nM loConioJ/n. K H tR R ________ _li- -lUnioldJ 'rtb I

I 0«n AiphtU ■ S tlm r Burn Z o t is B te -------------- a tL s F R r .

: »8.75 to «9io; bulk a lf cutlers *5 tn rt to.35;' medium bulls 7 to 17,50; prac* gc

. tlcal top vealers *13.50:.feie^^auiclc «i ° sleers *10 to t l l ; load ahorl yearl* al I iD gt-on eait order *IJ with helf*


KANSAS CITY. AprU 15,M7-(U ia .. S D A)—Ho«a: RecelpU lOMO; alow, u

moatly 10c lo 15o lower Win Mon* pc r ; day^-averace: iop-l9.90-on eholee ch c IB 0to335pounds;bulkdealrsblel60 |ei

lo 340 pounds *0.85 to *9,85; 350 to de A 37S pounds *9J5 to *9.S0: 130 to 180 gc r. pounds *9.15 to *9.80; packing sows 14 *8,a9-to-»BJ0;-.few i9: stock pigs I. acaree. aieady. *8i0 to *9JS,

Caltle: RecripU 8500. cai^ta 1000; ,, a very tldw; pracUcally.-nothlng done .. la rly on killlr« dlssaearot csltUe; b’ ilb en l propvllon of run ted 'tteers f t lc and yeatllngs, heavy steera however 1"

scarce; most early bids on (ed aleers * ' and yearlings 35c to 50c lower; bulk ted steera Eligible to. teU around *10.50 tb .*13J9; few cholce'loads

. held upward ll4;-bullsscsrce, about “ ,. tl»ady; vealera weak to Ve lower. £ ' mosUy *11 down: tew.selecicd kinds ”

upvard 'to *13: stocken and'feeden ^ .. scarce, lully steady. — — ■¥

Sheep: RtcelpU 9000: ted la if i^T ?• steady,'naUve spring lambs around r

35c low ^; no Arlzonas told early; ” alieep sUady to 25c lower; odd loU „ n*Uve iprlog lambs *13; practieal ”

d lop *13.75: most sales *10 lo 113.75: f V top .fed lartbs *9.18; bulk M.75 to “- *1*5 clippers *8.10, to *855; thorn “

Arlsona ewes $SJO. "

ST. JOSEPH LIVESTOCK . _-STAJ08KPH. April 15 (-»W 3J;a

D A t-H ogs: Rece|pu:4Ci>f r ^ ; : B u motUy lOo to ISo Jowei tlllll KTotP

day’s avenge: l i t t l e dene on 1 t) welghu above 330 pounds; prtcUcal lo >r lop *9.U tor 190 to aio pound hogs:■i s'mall-bunch *9.90;- early butt 170 ’ « to 330 pounda *0.75"to *945; (ew 350 Q' )i to 290 pound welghu *9.40 to »»J0: r* toirs steady to 2fc lower. tliO to p rt *9: largely 18.79: stock pl|> around ^

*8J 0: steady. ' mt; CatUe:- RecelpU 1100. calves 200; te ;e tlow; opening sties moAtclaues dull co 18 Bl yealerday's full decline; bulls le a teadrtoraliang:'V ealera t l lower; t'l ra sood 1135 pound steen *13.50; good di IX .^ t^ .7 W .P 9 V P d .M 'C T ll? ,M J Iti S!

- * # rn jtt* r grades »4J5 to M; me*f dlum buUs’$7JS down; choice veal* *I M .era *13; stocken scarce/ odd lo tt *1 i , tlrpng. ,Jt Sheep: R K e ip U -8000; no early j; salei o r bldt, Mklng auldy lo alxong

prlce-for fat' lambs; run Includes A aboul 1000 d lrecu to feed lota. oi

Uji) CniCAGO Ll>'C6T(^CK w< 10 CKICAaO.Aprill5(/P>-(W&DA) rs so Hogs: Receipt* MfiOO. Including OOOO b< i; direct; ifiosUy lOc to l5c Iokct; fair* 'pl U ly active a t the dKUne; top tio.35; et in bulk 180 lo 340 pounds *10 to 110.30; b< r i 250 to 330 pounCj *9.19 to *10; st

butchen m tdlum to.cholceUO to 900 m M poUItdS-*9.B0 to *ldjO; 300 to 350

S! p o u i i i i lT O ld l lO J o r p i t i l i f i im !i : M.75 to *9,39; plga mtdlum to choice m

fng c la tm ; demaml m i w (ro ri for . all s^rcesr- sloughler cltajea »teer» *1;k r o d and choice 1*00 to Itoo pouadi mr; *13.50 to 914.7B: llOO to-ISOO pounds ciiy *)US,tO *14.79; 950 to 11C0 potUUU ly

to aod.thole* 750 to 950 pounds *11J0 » to 'f l« M ;. h e lfm ^ and eh«)e«7l to tm poundi down *t030 tf i-«J?i»w r M Ik Rood and choice *7,75 to U.7S; cut* al tt! tcn» to*« iO :bu lU soodaD dcbo lc« Jo

’ ' 5 l'E ^ CH/■ , r = X.V '^ __________ __________

a v j r i o h t V / t f v l nI OUS.T A S

, 6 0 0 M TiXKB

W - ^



g l S l S M b i u r i S u F[Sittar..30>; HkrllT O II .I l l_____ 4 0 -

■ C tr .-3 « 't South Cat SdUOB.. 70<jl i u l __lM‘i Houlh Faeltio _____.'.lu '. .. . i»‘t -nitiKl Bnnda ____ sa ';i r r -z z m * ! " ‘mina u u s e '^ i i a i v T ~___4I '| sunfl OU Cal ____70>;Coppir .‘■jJii BUnSi Olt H T ‘" Z 3*'I

*'co ■ '!W.S'' HS'?E5sif "

‘“t'l:; iifSi==.0!;■I ..... . 3J Vtnaaium _______ 113 '»1» _____ aii; wntinihouie B to Ito aU'

I Lino _ a«v, Am 8iin P ow tr__ _ i\>i Im

^ o i i r o ^ ^ '^ . r z : isfltAm...M nec IM A flhar* .. .lta% <DbB.. .a < s C t c n d a tS h ^ r tp t io t ' i nc

S W 5 , ; ? r : : : 'S '^ I i..- n n - " J iu CT*^l''cnn... . s%

.flUniLQIl of Ind____MU --> --------a% T nnfA m trlea____ an= = = = = ^ ^ ^ = = = = = =

[beelLIS lo *9.25; vealers.fmllk fed) good and-CbfllCfc40-to*U«l: atoeker '

: *nd-feed«r-ateer*-»nod-and'cholce *hi ' all welgliU *10 to *11.50. rnl

Sheep: RecelpU 15,000; Indlca* •'*' tlons weak to 35c lower: *9 to *9i0 tor bulk fa t lamba: shom -tclhds a round48 i0 to*9 ; ta iew es quotable , 18.50 down; naUvo aprlng lambs.*13 , ,

*18; l‘ T*'«-B»»4-fnil-i'li^fl>ir ffTt ‘P' pounda down *9 to *10: niedlum to choice 93 to roo pounda *&23 to Bg-lS; . , ewes mrdlum J o choice 180 pounds 1°, down *5.54 to *6M; feeder lambs ^ good snd choice *8.50 lo *9. ^


(U ' S D A l—Hogs; RecelpU 550; colholdovers 470; steady; Uiree loads wl17^ to 190 pound iu lc h e rs *10,75; tli<load thick 305 pound CalKomlaa wa*10.20; packing sows 18.50. . a i

Cattlc: RecelpU 425; holdovera tic102; light steers.strong; two loads fed pe 900 pound yearlings *13; two cars lii118Q pound Idahos S11J5; load 1350 telpound U tah! *11.25; load medium mi 808jjfluudsJl0W ood-ahe-atoelc-abr cv ten t; cows quoted |9 ; lower gtadet Arabsenl^buHt-tloWj-medlnmr»7 dewn: ent*TOT;305Slplff-85; weak: package bo20G pound vealers *14; odd head *11 ca to *13. ■ - ' -d r i

Sheep:' RecelpU 3500~l)o1doTen mi83; dlreet IBOO; two decks cholco 83 'pound* Callfornlas *10.65; extreme teitop general m>rketsU ady; ewes un- kechanged; package 98 pounds com- agmon *3. jp;


LOS ANOELES. Aprll 15 f/TV-Txtf er,S -D jA )-H o g i; Recelpti 300; alow; vrte a rly ta le s tte rd y to 10c higher: toad ,.177 pound Utalis *li.5(U184 pound Vfload a t *1155: ?ever»noada held ^toward *13; local teds *10 to JIO.75. J'’ CaUle: RecelpU ISO. calves 50; Squality mostly pUln. generally Dsteady: load aUggy Mexican sleers C«*8.39: few he lten *9.75 to tlo ; odd Wlota.cows *8.35 to *8J0; bulk com* •!'men to-niedlum *7 to *8: low cut- St e n and. c u lte n *3,75 to *8.75; bulk ’Dcom m on'tom edlum t7to*8;Iow cut* Oate n and c u tU n *3.75 to t0.T5; bulls ^ (7 J5 to *8. Calvea: stesdy; me* dlum to good vealen *12 to jW .?*; SioUien.*8.75-to * 1 0 . ------ — —_abK pL£ecclaU .3U :.B Ua(U ’;.(Ioc; ~ 78 pound CaUrornU spring lambs ' ' ♦ U JO ;; ,deck-77-pounds uiick-ins No *10,35; deck 119 pound ewes $5.35. <


A )-H o»s: Reeelpu aJO; rail supply , one load falriy good local freight; I Ught bu ichen »10.7S wim strong J*" w elghu and pigs out a t *10 lo *10J0; rough packing sows 18 to w .:5; odd 1? hesd smooth llghu ts and (eeder ■pigs *13; StrlcUy clialce llsht butch- e n In 'c s flo u with (reiglit dlvenion bdleved quoU ble..up-to-tioB S.-or ste«dy-lo-19c-lo*ern?o-3F Ive .ins' « "sold early .------- _____ an


mostly Iteady; she atock wiUi sso u ^ l a . d y i j p ta les .2ic jgw erj-buUs «

fo r.b o * 'la ’d ; bulk medlmn*to^gwJd >t l l M to *11.89, otlien tll.2S dovn;' **1 Imlk desirable vealera 112 to .i i s jo ; of.

'..6he«p; Reeelpu l»0: noUiing ar* thifived aarly. m srk tt quoubly tU ady: P f M ondar*. w ppty «n *oW: bulk de* 73( a lra U tih o v n la m b .isa io t8J 0iamalt cot to ts . HOO^lUu 18.79 to *9; aeveral brl



OCIBA.T c o b o M e s » & '. A iU M o K J o e R T W e C H W P.I \


Frcsli Downpours Bringing Reiict to Drougiit Stric- ken Areas Low er Values

n r JOHN p. DOt'CIIAN (AMOclaled Press Mnrket Editor) CHICAQO. Aprll 15-Preal) down-

poure bringing rellet to ' drought* alrlcken grain tields In tlie South­wesl led lo a lively setback In wheat priccs late todny. The extra drops In values was In the tace ot auUiorlt- aUve- mid • monUi unotdelal Kaa* su-Nebnuka-Oklahoma-Texaa.crop aummarles IndleaUng 11MC,000 to 28.000.000 probLble reduellonof wheat yleld.alnee the governmenl.forecaat a fA V rin . T he general run o t c ^ reports (rom' the Southwest and Weat ItnpUed lh a t wheat would show Imiirovement In the sections where D rnlns have been received.

Cloilng q-joiatlons on wheat were nenous n t virtualy todnj-'a bottom level, l l i c lo 3’.ic a bushel lower lhan yttlerday's tinlah. Corn cloaed ’ie oJt lo He up; oaU ’jc to ?>c dowm _ and'provialoii.* varying froir. 5c dc* cllne.to a hke advance.

Buying Power Weaken*'' “ Collapte ot wheat orlces toward

the close proMplly tollowed wor4 of ritin In Oklnhoma. Buying power .^ccmed lo have exhausted Itself In t« eatahllahlng Bdvaiices earlier, and . the market gavo way In earnest ! f when aelling brosdencd oul on news ? ot more moisture, A turther bearish )2 Intluenc' was the fac t tha t export 4® demand today tor wheat trom NorUi ^ America remained of disappointing volume, total purchases for overseas te being tlgured a t not more than 500,- 000 busliels. Transient strength which developed here early was asso* ^ cUUd wiUi relative (Irmneas of Llv* erpool quotations and with asserUons Uiat unless i;Mtlher rain s were re* cclvea 3,000.00ft-to 4.000,000 acres ot wheat In Kaiiaas would have only a ahort crop, Tem ponrlly. the market V, waa altected bulilshly by reporU th a t . . a steady export demand tor domes* n tic hard winier wheat was In pros- pect' because (orelgnen pn tcrred ihLi wheat owing t» l u high pro* teln content. However the weather map showed nIna had fallen nearly creryw hm r throughout Uie NorU» American grain bell, aod many hold­e n oT'whcat u ^ a r e d to loae back* bone completely a tte r lale advices h came tJiat threatened to remove ui droiight.aliogelher as an Immediato market Induence. N

W et wealher cheeking (leld work ^ tejided to strengthen Uie com m ar- ket. There was also buying of com agslnst selling o( w heat lo close spreads,- OaU sympathised' wlUi w h ea tn th e r Uian com.'

Provisions averaged slightly low* er, responsible to downtumL'In the ^

'W beaW Open Jllgh U w ' CloteMay _..107«i 'lOBS I08!i 108« «July ....108 'i ‘I09U 108U 108>;Sept. „ . l t l S I13S 109K 109?;Dec. — .U 5!i 116*; 113»; 113i!i

C o m -May _ 81*; 82’i B l 'i 83'jJuly „ 8 4 > . ; 85U B4»l' 84>iStpt. ..._ 85*i 8Sn B5'i 85’i-Dec.' . . . . 80^ 81*i BOH BO'i F O a U - „May _ . . 43 'i 53ii 43’i 43S »July _ _ 4 3 '.; 4 J^ 42?i 4 3 I ,S e p U _ 4 1 'i 42*i ,4l!i 41‘i

■ ^ L ^ ' f ‘'A p h l ' i r * ( ^ ^ e B l : 'No. 2 red *l,10’,i to '* U lU .

Com: No. 3 yeUow 84o to 8<c.Rye: No^ 3 82c, , 'Seed: Unchanged. —


wheat: RecelpU 77 c a n ; tone >ie ,higher to ]c lower; da rk bard nom- .Inally *1.01 to *1.08; No. 3 nominally ,*1 to *1J)7; No.’3 dark *1411 to *1.02; iNo. 3 *1.01 to *1.0i::' No. 3 red oom* \

SfflilfloU 'spring lambs bought to j a rrlr«-at-*13 to *14; f e v on open a jartw fcrtaam e figures.

1or bids., ------------ \

SiT.*“ ‘.'*B dBTO inTlrtjir*.'^ ' •.BOSTON. April IS & P > > a c a t t^ '

tales sre belns closed on » t e r grM es ,of.domc*Ue:«-o6rvith:prlcM-steady ;M eomptred with U st veek. Salea ' are on^^ ^^aU*

th is .r> 4 « conslsts.'ot bulk « m s ( e ro ?icM h'CcbblQ g iU «]e U moving a t T 730 to .730. sccurtd bstls. Strictly combing Ms snd finer flteee wool la brlfl*ln«79c,to 7fc, scoured basis, a

ltn. WEpitESDAY MOBNlNG.-.iA - , • T - - V . - •

l u A m n . li i : i i i a i ) ' : ' ■ . . . .

■ S E tU a tY f ir s t :

6VJT I H ^ o \ * 'V i i / T O o o VT.

— D ) ; i c e s - — ^ • “ . ' V w Ax.-r. J m _

♦ • Brooks RepIacc

D EA N W ALTER W ILLIA M S ( s ity of Missouri school af j( president o f th e un iversity D r. S tra tton D. B rooks, wl acncc a f te r chargcs o f fac w ill bccome perm an e n t ntcs expires Decem ber 31.—

innlly *1.14 to *1.17; No. 3 nomlnaUy *1.13 to *1.15.

Cloae: May (BUe; July 99!ic; Sep* tem ber*.J)3S.- * •

Com : Receipts 8< c an ; tone up 'ic to lc ; No. 3 whllo 78*ic to Ttte; No.3 nominally 77c to 78tic; No. 3 yel­low 79'.ie to 80 'ic; No. 3 7B’ic to 79c;’ No. 3 mUed 78Uc to 78’ic ; Nc 3 78c; t

Close: May 78 'tc: July 80’;c : Sep- I tember 83c. .

OBU: RecelpU 30 cars: unchang­ed; No. a white nominally 44^c to 45> ic :N o.3 43ltClo44c.

Rj e: Nominally 79c to 80c. _Barley: Comlnaly 55c lo 58'iC.

PORTLAND HAV AND CRAIN J . PORTLAND, Aprll 15 (^R-W heal I futures doted: May *1.07U;- July „ t lM '. i ; SepUmber *1.08\, Cosh: ^ BBB hard whllo 11.18; sott white. I western white. *1.07; hard winter. ^ no rthem aprlng, wettern red *1.05, .

Today’s c tr recelpU: W heat 10, flour 3, com 5, OBU 1. hay 4. ^

OMAHA GRAIN 1<OMAHA, April 15 (/T) - W heal: 8

Hard No. I *1.03; Nc*. |1,0014: D ur- 1um N o. 1 94c to 94HC. 1!

Com : Whito No. a 76«5c to T?c; oNo. 3 75c; yellow No. 1 77c to 77 'ic; fNo. 3 76Vic to 77c; mixed No. 3 76c; S No. 3 74‘ic t^ 7 5 c .

O aU ;-W h lleN o ,3 4 Ic ;m 4 40!ic. p


N o .3 h ard * 1 .0 3 to * lJ n u . 'Com : No. a mUed Bl>,c; No. l t

yellow-S3?ic. ”O aU :N o.3w hlte43U e;N o.3w hlt« ^

43 'ic to 41c; • IRye: No talet. ^Barley: Quouble range 54c to 65c. * TlmoUiy aeed *8.85 to *8.80, Clover^tecd *10.75 to *18.35. ^


Flour; 10c lower;’ In carload toU I family paieoU quoted a t *0.69 lo *8.85-a barrel In 98*pound cotton sacks; ship lenU 38,051.

Bran *37 lo. *37.50.

“ pouiflpe 1' / I «

CHICAGO MARKET * CHICAGO. April IB O n -(U s o ! tl

Al—Poutoea — RecelpU 88 cars.- P on U ack-358 c a n : to M Unltwl: aUtca alilptBenU'90S c a n ; eld uatock trading alow,'market steadyt h Wlaeonaln tacked round whites fi SUS l9 834*: Idaho aaeked B « . C aeU,*3.75 to I4i a ev stock tradJag e alsw, marVel daU: Tasas aMked £ Bllaa T riunpha lU B to t iU .


Shlpffltala to date: Old 328,113:'


for tavna snd ihrubbtry- Phono I « . Falls ^ lea Co. «dv

Sleam and elec. baths, woman u i "* m an attesdX Fh. Dr. Foster. SW td v p

1 i*Tl AAiW'H T Oa * / R\C■V A.%K ■ \ TW

ccd a t Missouri j



3 ( r i f f h t) , h e a d o f t h e U n iv e r* J : jo u rn a l is m , w a s n a m e d a c t in g 1 ity , e ffe c tiv e J u n e 5 , j-ep lae ing < w ho w a s g iv e n n le a v e o f ab* J

fa c u lty u n r e s t . D e a n W illiam .s ■ resid e n t w h e n D r. B r o o k s ’- te r m 11 D P h o to . I

I^ = = = ■ ■_ _ —

:P M 8 G r a J I fI

: mmmmvi_____ :

\. T w in F a lls M a n P r e s id e s a t

■ M e e tin g .o f S o u th Itlah o

M in is te r ia l A s s o c ia t io n <

___i i • ’ • " I

RUPERT, April 13 (Spcclal lo The T N eu'sJ-W ilh Rev. Jame.% Mlllar, ,

. Twin Palls, president o t the South- r ; crn Idalio Minialcrial nsMKlailon. ,

prcaldlng, the Aprll RBtherliig o t c paators was held Monduy noon In .

■ Rupert tn a 'd lnne r seaaloii n t Uic , ' Caledonian hotel. Covers were laid .■ tor 19 persons. , ' With Rev. Viclor Phlllli).i, of the g

Methodist Episcopal chureh. Rupert, c the chlet speaker, the tople for con­sideration was,'"Some Essentljils tor

; Succesaful and Ettectlve Preaclilnit.". The discussion, which U an estab- '

llslied custom of the assoclntlon, wna ' ; openfcd by Rcv. K, S. WllU. Twin ; ; Falls, who Is also aecretary o( the or* | ; ganlulion., ' |

Those in Btlendance. bealdcs lhe , . paston nlrendy menUoned. were:

Rev. Cccll P. Rlstow, Rev. Emeat Allman and Rev. Cm bliec. Twin ,

. FalU; Rev.'McCulcheon, Rev. 0 . L. ‘ ’ Kendall and Rev. RIgg. Jerome; Rer., B, F. Meredith. Mrs. Meredith nnd ‘ ‘ M n. Emma Wauh, H ansen; Rer., Qeorgo Lobdell. Rev. Charles O. Ar* .

rasandM n.A rTas,Burley;Rev.W aI- laco Quhn. Rev. K. A, Nelson nnd • Mra, Nelsou, Rupert.

TllB next meeting of the asaocln- Hon.-to bc held May 13, wUI bo in Twin Falls.


. _____________ Jr-AM8TBRDAM-April-W ----- Rfsl* -d enu of Ami U rd am awoke Tues- < day momlng to lind the aurround* I Ing'hlU t capped w ith 'snow .'Roln, ' which atarted falling Sunday after i a terrUle dust and wtud 'etorm, has i (umlshed c. good supply o t m ouiun

, ih a liii ll l 'ta rv e 'to sp tou t th e crops < . planted'early In the tcaaoi). i: M n. .iohn CaldweU v a s pennttted '

lo leave the hospiui on Sunday. She hsd'been a pa tien t fo r serera l days ; following m inor operation; Mn!

; cudwell U a t the bome ot her par- ehu,-'Mr. and M n. J ; O. Bchwlng, HollUter, where ahe is convalcKlng.' ■

Oeorte Brovnmlller. 6aJt Lake , C lty .,w « ln this vIclnUy on Satur* ' d y : ^ k l o g > tt«r-hts-ranch-locate -

In'plaeef of 'havlnf the ra n i^ 'p u t In _ cuIUraUoa u ju w L , ■

' ^ r ^ ^ a b t e n w o f.M n . Caldwell. H l t a M tU o ^ S l^ e r 'c a iiM .f ro tn

T v ^ Falls S a l u t ^ avenlmt tp e n d lileW lciefid v l t t h e r fatHer.-W^R, Sfctonef. and, family. .

■ , f t e t h « r t T . r , D r . F o ^ 840^ad»r

• U W n 'MOWERS SUARPENEO .1 '* 6 c ^ d e Key-.Shop,'back o t Idtho r p e p ^ e o t store. a d v .i '

O L D ^A E T O O S T ’ \ *AO O P A M O rtH A .Y 6 H B OWt-N P l A C e » ......■j0 0 \J0 t w i m k o p? 3 0 B R 8 ' 5 0 f ^ 6 & O O H i - — W O U LO M 'T 0 6 T - m e i R /


i t f #^ v f v - W r & ‘T .x - ’“

'iincK safl,[onisinins

Commissioners Make Provi­sion for Compensation And S tato Requirements

DURLEY. April 15 (Slttcial to ThO N ewsl-M ceiing In regulsr quererlv KUlon Monday, llic board o t county commlMloncr.1 o t Cnala county Ap­pointed Uir reg la lran of tlio 1930 elecUons. 30 In number, and made iirovialon (or eompenuUen tor their »cr\-|ces a l the rale o( 25 cenU (or the (Irat 50 voters registered and 20 cenu tor cnch additional reglaUa* tlon above 50.' Tlioae Bppolnled are: M n. Flossie Mntliews (or Artcslnn precinct: Wil­liam Bnrrett, Almo; Mrs. Mary Ney­man. Albion: Mrt. Lulu M. Barclay, Durley mimber 1: Mrs. Nettle D, Par­ker. Burley, number 2; M lu Louise Leavitt, Burley number 3; Mrs. Leslie Olenn, Burley number 4: Berdlc E. Dayley. Busin; Mrs. W. H. Smoot. Bridge; Malile O.sbom, Cauider; Mrs. Joe Mnrtln. Cliurclilll; Frances Qll-

. Vtl ni.rin- Mr< cioc Ward. Elba; Mrs. Silas Koyle. Hasel; K. D, Payr, KeirlBr; B. W. McEuen, Idahome: Mrs. W, C. Paul, Jnckson; L lta Tay- aon. Locust; Mrs. Sarah Harper. Mal­ta; Mrs. Sarah Adnms, Marlon; C.- T. .Moeller; Moiilion; 0 « n r F rcd -| rlc)aoii, Nat; Mra. Lenn B. Price, 0.ikley: Hftslelt D, Leigh, Pella; M n. Mary J. llolyoak. S tnnh ’s Ferry; Mrs. B. P. Fillmore. SprlnRdalc; I r ­vln Hnxkcll. Subletti Mrs. Alfred Crniie. Unity; Mrs. Mary A. Empey,View and Ed^ar C.-Cobb. Vali<.......

.Reglatn»llnn.RequlrfmenU ,_ ,' . All qualified electors who desire lo

vote a t ellher the primary or icenernl elcctlon nre required lo reglater this year. r«!nrdless o t prevloua reglatra- tlou, Tliote who contemplate votlnjr a t the primary elections, m ust d n - Isnate his party nimiatlon, ReRtstra- llon begins May 1. The (trat day fo^ tiling nominations tor county cfllcea will be June 8 nnd the last day July 5, Prim ary elections will bc held August 5 and the general elecUon No­vember 4, The dBte o t county eon- veniioM Is August 19 and sta le con­ventions August 26, Delegates to tho stale coiivcnUons-are seleeted a t the county convcnllons, ' ' ; '

Salaries which county ottlcers will I receive during the next term o t o t-

llee. as set by .the board. Monday, will bc 32000 cach tor the sheriff, as- aessor, treasurer, and clerk of tho Clatclrt court, wilh *1650 for Uie pro­bsle judge. *1800 for the superlnlend- ent of public-instruction and *100

' eseli for the suh-eyor and coroner.,

Time lo get thc-B rau Angle spray ' gun for tlie Cayllx spray. NolhlnE

like It. Will trade c an to r town I lols. C. 0 . Fargo, Phone 450. adv.

No More Gas J n Stomach

and BowelsI t you wish lo be perminently re-

. lleveU ot saa In stomach ond bow­els, Uko Baalmann's Oas Tablets, which are prepared eaptfcUlly fo r stomach gaa and a ll tho bad e f-

. fcetS'rMiilllnp frnm p«» prfnmin..

. Uie p it o( the atomacli will dlsap-

. pear; th a t anxious, nervous leelloc , wllh heart palplUtlon wUl vsnlah. land you wUl a ^ n be able to .U k » a deep breath wlUiout discomfort.' ‘

T hkt drowsy, sleepy feeUhj.lineP dinner wUl bo repUced by a 'd e t lro for en tertslnm ent B loatlnr > U l cease. Your llmba, arm s and Xlagera wlll.no lonter<fteI cold aod “go to sleep" beoaute B siIm sa'B 'O sr T ab - leu prevent g u ‘ from IntwfBtjn* with Uie clrqu lsU p^O et tho s u u - Ine. In Uis'yeUdiv paekase, a t $fly good drug tletre. Price * i : ^ . ,

For. sale by sU Twin F i U d n i g - BisU^A dr. ' ■ ^ ' . ‘7

R . '-V

IN D E PEN D EN T BUYER Telephone 145 .

117 Shoshone S t. So.

Page 9: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow


B u i ln e s s A n d P r o f e s s io n a l

— ^ l l e s - a l - M o n t h l y - S e i s l o n

-------- ■ aBUHL, April 15-PU n* w e 'dU-

c u w d Bod eomaUUm iw l n U d roc lbe in n u tl M«y S r ta k f u i to be itT* en 8un<J*y. M»y 4. d u rin f the buil*

• oeu M ulen coaAacUi « < » d * r e « - tUncby th e B u h lB iu ln w W omeni

. liuh » i tbe-IUjy4Le»fe.XoUowlni lh*. f tw U r monthly mnoer. Dr. Helen

Wt*. pretldent o t the r o u p . « t» t^ •h it ■ ram m n o u le wJlJ be hrid Uly 10. Mid p ien i tre be ln i perfect- Id for 1 »ott“ Bl»hl. w heo employer! ^t !» member! of th s onan lnU on n i l be lueeU of thtt club. M»y J8. n>llo«tni the dinner the gueeU were Invlled 10 m ike tn

' ditKtion cr M i« Ad» nyen. chlel operstor, and C h a r lu L. Sherman, m aoater. "Kobo n lcht" will be'fea­tured a t the nex t resutar eeulon, April 21. OureU wilt be coetumed.

.Jl ' The foJlowIni births have been re- % poreed her thU week: To Mr. and

Jdr*. Prank Parnlw orth. AprU 14. a ; ton; to Mr. and Mr*. Waldo Hend- m cluon . April 19, a ton : to Mr. and

Mrt. C ha iltt Ryan. Apitt 18, a ion.Plani for a benefit brld*e lunch­

eon to be liven April 35 were dli- cuMtd Monday by memberi of tha Amerlwn Legion Auxiliary a t a but- IncM teulon lollowlntr a pot-luck

------- nunencomwijntruiVEeftiotniunaitqpThe MliiTonary toclely of the

Pretbyterltn church wilt hold liutat- latJon of new offlcen a t Ihe home of Mre. Harry Barry neat Thur»d»y fol- lowlnir a covered-dlih luncheon a t 1 o-elock. Newly elecUd offleera In­clude: Mrt. Loulte McClusky, pretl- dent: Mrs. I. p . C ontU nt. vtce p rttl- dent; Mr*. Bay Weaver, tecretaiy; Mrs. o . D. p e rln r, treaaurer; Mrs. J , W. Ewer, i ic re tv y of llUrature.

'* P re -E u te r 'te rv lee i'v it l b(«ln a t the Buhl Baptltt church next Wed- neiday evenlnr and wlll be llluitrated

' with ttereopueon piclures deplctlm the le it week of O hriat'i life. Key. l u io Todd, pastor of th* Caslleford

........ SapiItl~ehureb.«Hll speak T hundayevenlnj. Bev. J . B. Wakem. Twin ?altj, U expected to fill the pulpit on

'Prlday evenin*. Meeting* wlll begin a t 8 P. M. ona Eev. A. O. U throp. -putor ot lhe BuW church has ex­tended an invliatlon to the public lo attend the ter^lcet._Tli6 lenlor.Vouiii.People’i claw ef

the BaptUt church Till meet a t 8:30 P . M. next Sunday liulead of the tegular hour, for acceptance of 10'

, new members. The Impretiire candle J lenrlee wlll be uted.I l ' Dr, J , M. Ilodgert wait clecled prts-

■ Ident of the Brotlierliood of the Bap- tlt t ehurch a t n mcetlnj? held a t the ehurch Monday evening. O ther of- llcen Includc. W. L. Kj-let, vlco presi­dent. and Ivan Bonar. tecretary. treuurer. Pbllowlnu * fellowship d innu .tbe croup rated to adopt the new methods propoted' by the lay-

____ gfiiinHl o t . thft.Normen t .Hap .Uit convention.

Mrs. C. T . teckle, wtfe of Hev. C. ^ T. Leckle, pastor of.lho Buhl Nasa-1

rene church, is critically ill a l her | home bere. A son, B .O . LeeUe, O k-| lahoma City, has been called to hUj mother's bediide. !

Mrs. James H. Shields, Jr.. and «rs.J J . P. Hunt, membera of the Buhl council of the Young Women's Chris­tian association, aro nttendlnR aet- slons of the o ir l Beterve conference of southern Idaho convening In Twin Palls Tuesday and Wednetdoy.

fiLEiiisriii ; cmmrsTMP i l o t . April IB—The speaker on

tha program a t the Filer KlwanU luncht(»\ T unday was County Atr)- cultural Agent H. S. Hale, Twin Pails. Who Ulked on the duties and work of rounty agents. ’ O ther guetts a t the dub were K. H. B urkhart and Ralph H. Muiser, T * ln Fails.

Surfacing of Yakima .avenue Iti Pller U nearing completion. Property ownera are highly elated over tha proipect o l D p e rm ueD t pasuble

V - MJ^et.ff A number or Piler Masons and eth- 7" er clUien* motored to T»-in PalU ' Tuesday momlng tob* present a t the

depot when Mrs. Ruge leK with the ^ or the lalo P . P . Ruge ror burial

'W 6rk 'on lhe farms In the vlclnlly of n ie r h u progressed almost with­out inlemiptlon since U arch 1. Sel­dom, ir ever, slneo the opening o t the

— . f l r e g o r

<fecENES O F LONG AGO w . ’ i i l v e w a r y o f t h e o p e n in g !i trck .r rW R . E b o to ..

|ie « elub ot the CaitUeronI

• t h t Baptis t cburca. .


OLOVSR. AprtI IS— Impressive I- aarrtoes w e held In lha Trinity Of ch u tth ot-Olovef on flunda^T'wnen T* ■ c la u o t eatechuman w u examined i* and confirmed. The aller w u deco- I* raU d w ith a profusion ot flowera >1 andplanU . Members o l th e c la u In- M eluded: ...TbordU Rangen. Laur* cn JageU. Richard Ju p e r. Norman Ja - ed geu. Paul Wemer. Edgar Meyer. Id Pred BurUialler. Lucy Burkhailer. t - W ith W uibbenhont. RuUi LJer-

mami. Ilulda Wemer. Dorothy w Relnke, Geiwvieve Lull, Velma ^ Oerling, Luella Belnke. Vemlce

Dlerker, Roland Ulrich. S l a Kolep and Clara Belnke.

I'B Mr. and Mrs. B. M irU ns and Mr. and Mr*. A. L lit wUneued the con- rimiaUon on Sunday in Ow Twin PalU Lutheran churclj o t their niece. Oertrude Becher. Pollowlnf the Mrvlce they were gueiU a t the

I - A. J. Becher homi a t dinner, nd The pupiU of lhe Trinity achool > a re havtng a WMk's vacation on

d- account ot tho lllneu o t one c l nd the ir teachers, O. 0 . Westerkamp.)S. ^ 1 , 1h- 1UPR0VEMCNT8 ON RISE

ha have advUed the Chicago Motor It- crub th a i (hey will improve S7fi32 ck miles o t highway IhU year. 31S0IIP T B o r r t t i i e r tn i i r i in s M r - --------r -h i ■it* The sacred herd or Slam now In- or dudes whllo monkeys, white ele- >1- p lianu and a whit* crow.

= X S = = 3 3 = ^ = =

j : Legal Advertisements V N O T K :i:"o r« T C isT B A fio S r o i l


EtlC TIO N NoUoo is hereby given, T h a t reg-

b tratlon to r ' the Primaries m ty bo " f mado on tn d after l i t t n d up

to tn d incliidlng July U , 1930, tn d ^ for th* oeneral xiecUon on and a t*j ^ te r August fitli and up to and in-

eluding Ociober 2«lh, IMO, on such days and a l tuch places and times

' " of day ns shall be designated by the Beglttrar in hU notice potted w ithin the boundaries of his Precinct. Oen- eral description of rating preclncta

. and names of RegUtrari a re as fol-low .1---------------------- ----------Precinct -— B eglrtrar

*J® Allendale Mrt. T. Puller, “ |Ttt-in PaiU No. 1 Mrs. K ate T ibe r

Twin PalU No. 3 I te ll* McCoy .. Twin PalU Ne. 3 IL Jane Burkholder

Tftln Palls No. 4 Roi-a H a y n rs - r Service Cash Store 503 Main Soulh "* Twin PalU No. 5 Dolly E. SUnley T. 151 W alnut

T a in PalU No. 6 O. H. Coleman. J ' P lvt Point Oroc.

Twin PalU No. 7 Mrs. Clara W lrth iv! 13tS Heybum Ave.n . Filer ___________ H. W^Lerako

■ R a icrto lT 0 . A Bosirn ThomeU Mra. F. s . Cappel« • Maroa Mrs. Dan 0. Sleter

HollUter Mrs. Jotle Klusmeyer ik .iB crger Mrs. Oeo. McQregorhulB uhl No. 1 Vemie M. Charlton

I Buhl No. 3 Oertrude McEsoy j^aB uh l No. 3 Mrs. O m er PhlllliM ,hi Buhl No. 4 M n. Chas. H. Kreigh U . CuUeford U & Kimbrough ( i . a o v i r Mrs. Oce. Ballard« e Deep Creek Mrs. Ray WUklnson (In Luceme Mr«. W. a S tuart

Roseworlh Allen ReynoldsK im berly. Mrs. Herbert Lambing H in ien E3mo KerrRock Creek Mrs. C h u . CllneM urtaugh Mrt. P. J. Fahey.

1/ HARRY 0. PARSONS. Clerk I of Beard ef Counly Com-

• l i mlsslonert.


n," Nollce Is hireby given. ‘H ia t liie undersigned. Administrator o l the e tu io o t Pred Johnston, deceated. wUl sell to the highest bidder for

[w. cash, lawful money of the Unlled S), s u te s , on Thursday, .the 34th day

o t April. 1930 a t ten o'clock A. M.. Jq ftt th a t ceritln ranch knoBu as-*The

rt* l i v a Ranch.'* toonerty owned by fhi M art G an iy rfo w deceased, o«e mile ble w ttt of Xden, in the County ot

Jerome. SU U e t Idaho, the foUow- th- lug peraonal property, to-wlt: ilU Approidmitely TU he i^ o t cross- ths t>red o r grado ewes, approxlm auly lhe IB head of whlcli are aged ewes, ap- rtal proxlmately IM head o t which aro

3-year old ewes, and the balance Illy thereof are 4-year old «we«. w ith ap- th - prox im tu ly 10a% lambs by their lel- fides:tho 8 head of 4-year old Jlampshlro

on Trail Ce]ebgation4n-S<

w ere rev ived w hen S t. Louis cel nsr o t )Ehe OrAs6n tra il. H ere, is a

M w ' i r r r r 't% . ------------ ------- ------------

m — I . I I ' I

OtAMOHD- II flS-lA . - n '^ .lMCOMCI WA.OlC^ - :— LLK . l |.U WMiN Ths H

■ “ R AjgiTM i\W A STD BB \ » 4 0 0

l « MIR WROWNt,61IT. ' j k IV IP aws M U RIK tiM.*Irf M 'i KNEW

NO 60M&S -


r t . • LET HtR HAVI A at r . THfi MONEY 5HSe r. Vj a M T S - I f i j C

A7 40% ?rna HER CRSDIT iS

fin .......................... ,

^.TIMETABLESool . _____on Behedolet o t PatMnger Trains ando t Meier noasei Pasaliig Tbronib

I. Twto PalU.o b e c o n s h o r t u n e

Eu tb e m d,Ua Tram 84 leaves _______ 4:18 PJdto r T r iln li« leave i------------7;30 A M.U 2 W eitbeudIM Tram 83 leaves_______ 1 l:SS A. M.~ T fa in S S leave i----------- 3 ;« ‘ P. M.

WELLS BRANCU In- Sootbboudile- Train 330 leaves________1:30 P.M .

North boaodTrain 310 a rrives_______3:33 P. M.

•.PICKWICK STAGES E u tem Sehednie'

^ a v e e u tb o u n d ---------- t i Noono B Lesve E stlbom id-------------- 1 A. M.,TB Arrive Irom e u t --------8:60 P. M.

Arrive from e a s t -----------5:30 A bL' ' tV u tm Behedols

e g . Leave weslbound----------- - .7 A. M.b« Leave westbound............. 1:30 P . M.up Jrfavo westbound_______0:30 P. M.

ind Arrive from w e s t ......-.,11:35 A. M.,a t.iA rrlve Irsm w e t t . . . . C : i S P. M .­in - Arrive from w e s t.......... 13:15 A. M .'jch UNION PACIFIC STAGES ,nes Weslbonndthe Arrtvo « A. M.hin L eave___________________ 7 A. M.en- A rrive-------------------------8:23 p M.ICU L esve-------- p . m .Iol- Eutbound— Arriv9- = ..r.7.------------ » :4 S -P rM rr a r L esve--------------- -------------- 7 A. M.Her A rrlvo-----------------------11:40 A M.ber L esv e ---------------------------- 13 Noon:oy ‘n v iN f a lLs -w e l u s t a g e ■der Arrives....... ..................— ..1:16 P M.» - U a v e s ------------------------3:30 P. M.ulh TWIN f a l l s -s iio s h o .s e s t a g elley Lesves__________________ 1 P M.nut A rrives------------------------4:10 P. M.lan, roc. ■irth bucks: •tve 1 camp wagon; ^

>e» mouthed, weight 1000 lb. cach;1 sieel-grsy saddle geldlBg, 4 years

« r old, w eijlit 1100 tb.; y tr 1 saddle;gor -1 eet double wofk harness.

'Miscellaneous camp equipment. W Dated this 15th dny ol April, 1030. Iljw > • J. O. JOHNSTON. Admin-’" isn Islrator ol the Estate elign Pred Jolinslon, deceued.ard •

NOTICE TO CBEDITORS , u , EsUle of D. T. Turner, deceased, ilnir I Notice U hereby given by the un- ‘. f , 'dersljned Dora F. I'u rner, admlnU- llne jlra trU of the esUtc of D. T . Turner, >j.y deceased, lo the creditors e t and nil irrv'^penons having claims against Uie

said deceased, to exhibit them with the necettary vouchen, wlttilii alx month! after the t i n t publication ol

(AL this noUtt, to the u ld adm inutratrix |a t tiie odloe of E. L. Ashion. F lrtt

liie iNatlonal Bank Bldg.: Clly and Coun- lhe ity ot Twin PalU, S U U or Idaho. thU ted. [being the place fixed for tlio Ira n i, for action ot the business of sold eslat*.

Ited Dated March 34,1030. day DORA P. TURNER.M.. AdmlnUtnlrix o t the etU U ol D. T. The Turner, deceased.

nn« > IN BANkBUPTCY NO. 4043 o t In Ute DUtrlct Court ol the United

ow- s u te s . to r the DUtrlct of Idaho, Souihem DlvUlon.

MS- In Uie M atUr of William R. Leitch, Uly Bankrupt,ap- Notice U hereby given, lh a t Wll- aro Uam R . LeilcU h u filed In the Unit- mce ed s u te s DUtrict Court for Idaho, a p -h U appllcaUon for discharge in heir bankniptey, and Uiat all credltora

and aU penons in Inlerest are re- hlro ^quired tA show cause It any Uiey have,

-S t.4 .o u i6 ---------' -

celebrated llw ene hun d red th mII s hrSve band e ta r t ln s on -weet


II" B U tlN tSS CNLf 5 ;\“ — l i P l O P U K E T W I l - ‘ I S H O U IO W O R R Y - ONLV W lW I HW> A

rw M O RE-CU STO M ERSIWff T H E ___ __ _ _ _


0 0 0 W IM O NE S T O R B JU » T MONTH • V T r V ’" ’



O N E C E N T P E R W O R D { " P E R IN S E R T IO N

Mv ^ .W a p L A d a tU u tn l tc U T tJ o d . . —I b ^ bring lhe boyer.'

Pbooe S3M. L ■ I .... J

^ F o r S a le — F u r n itu re

FOR' 'S A li^M A jE O T rO RANGE In good condlUou: Fhone 50SJ5.

M. ATTBNTION-HOTELB, B O O M - M. lng houses, tourist parks. Now is bL tlie timo to tiave your mattress re­

made. Specla] priees. Phone 1305 M. or wrIU Sweet's M tt ir tu Factory.


t , ' ! , . .________NEW PIANO -.........- -},{'' I am In Twin Falls tor the next

' few daya adjusting the collection ol I Dnidwin PUno Company. Denver. .Colorado, and tiavo a few pianos

r , tlist can be had te r the balance ol the eonvracl. "nie llne tt iiutrum ent In the loi U a high gnde, small piano. I will gladly show UiU In-

„_a 'jim en t..acd .g lye -lu lL parU cu la r! . „ to anyone who U interested, wlth- m ' out any obllgaUoii. Any respon-

slble parly can buy this piano on oRiall monthly paym enu like rent,

f ' I t carrlei a Baldwin' unquesUoned guarantee ot uUstactlon. backed by 68 jta r* of continuous and depend-

3E able serMce.“ • Write a t oncc lo “ J, F. BARNARD— Csre o t Roserson Holel. Twin

Palls, Idaho.Nome ____

,,h 'A ddress — ............ ,

i ® — ,:---------------i r s ' '■ -

iWly Uie prayer of sold ■pellllon Ihould not be .granUd by enurm g

. Uielr oppearance In Mid proceed- ',0 ings, ou or before liie JOth day of .„^M o y i 1D30, and within ten days

UirrtBlier. filing t h e particular f. 'grounds of their oppo;ltlon In the ' ’ offlro of Uie Clerk of tald Court,

j Olven under the authority of Uie 'neneral orders of said Court, and by 'specinl order cf Ura' undenlgncd.

in - this 14th day of April. 1030. lU-1 GUY L. KINNEY. Referee,

nil I IN BANKRUPTCY N o T Im T " U,o In Uie DUtricl Court ot the United Itn i su te s . for the DUtrlct of Idaho; aijci. SouUiem DivUlon. oi In lhe M atter ol D. P. Deiweller.

rlxl Binknipl.irsl I Notice Is hereby glvtn. tha t D. F. in . Deiweller. h u filed in Uie Unlled

su te a DUlrlct Court for Idaho. hU ns-'*PPKcatlon for discharge in baiik- »t».'rupicy. and-that alt creditors and all

ipertoiis in Interest are required to thow cauM If any they have, why Uie

.T .'p rey e r of said peUUon ihould nol be [granUd by entering their appear-

— '.ancfl in u ld procMdlngi, on or be­fore U u 30Ui day o t May, 1S30. and

,wlUiln Un days IheretfU r tlilng lhe ho pattlpulSr.grounds of Uielr oppotl- " ' ' ‘ .ilon in the olfica o t Uie Clerk ot

lu ld Court./ Olven under Uie auUiority of Ihe

m . general orders of u l d Court, snd by l i t . w der ol th e ' undenlBncd,’ho lliU 14Ui day ot April. 1930.

; OUY L. KINNEY, Referee.

I N 'uANKBUPICY’ NO.' <M3“In tho DUtrict Court e l the Unlled

>ve. s u te s . for-ttie DUtrict ot Idaho, s s -^Southem DiVlilon;-

In the M ailer of, C .n.8llcock. .

— -tfDttce~irtien!by | n 'ein n Br'c :-R r SItcock h u filed in lhe United

f l S U lu DUtrlct Court tor Idaho, hU\ appllcaUon to r dltcharge In btnk-I . ruptcy. and th a t all credlion and aliI persons in Interest tr e required toI show cause It any they luve. whyS • Uio pm K r •or u ld peUllon'slioiUdI not bo granled by enUring their ip -I . pearance In u ld proceedings, on orI before'the 30lh day of May. 1030.I and wiUiin ten days Ihereifler. III-I lng the parUcuUr grounds of theira opposlUon 111 Uie oftlce of the Clerkd ot u id Court.I ~Oiven under Uie auUiorily of thef generti orders of said Court, m d by5 (ipeclal order of Uie undersigned, ihls

I t

I IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 3937 I in Uia DUtrict c o u rt or lhe Unlled

t e Oio m V tir V F f a n k ^ io g u ^ ^ ~ 'Bankrupt.

, NoUce U hereby given, thal Frank . Hogue h is filed In t h i United Staiei ' DlUrlet Court to r Idaho, hU appll-

cklion to r dUcharge in bankniptey. — i n a n tii n nr e f w u o m nB u i- i» r »-

lon t lo interest are required lo show cftuio U any Uity hare, why Uw

" i .p rtyer o l aald pelRlon rtiouW not be 6*®" granUd by enlirlng Uielr appear-

t a c t In u ld proe««41agi. op or b i-

_____ • ,

i o

E G U M P S - A T 4

Snt in3—E h '' | j i \ \ ^

\ds-BarjFor Bent— Fum ishfid


. SMALl APAftTStfiNT-3W iT l l L

ROOMS-1 3 1 r r u a v b n o r t h - Phone 591.

- ROOM AND BOARD OLOSE IN. 3192nd ave norUi.

~ FOR REST-LIG HT HOUSEKEEP. lug aparunent. 044 M ala norUi.

— MODEn:i FURNISHED APABT-ment. nesr City Park.' Phono 357J.

•C' FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE- t05 keeping rooms, 34t-T hlrd avenue J. weit.

“X F O R .RENT-BEDROOM. GEN- : llemen preferred. 348 3rd ave.

norUu ------- ------------------------- -

o{ BEDROOil FOR RENT-QENTLE- men preferred. 443 4th tv e . nortli.

Phoue loa j.

ol PURNUIICU R O O M -O EN TLE- n ; man prelerred. 353 Jrd tv e oortn.

Phoae 264J.

ra. rorU REN T~3-RO O M -PU RN ISH - h - cd uptrtment. Bungalow’ Apart- n - menu, 2nd ave. easu

'TW O -R OO M A P A ltT M E N T , .rt ground floor, hot tn d cold waUr. b j No children. 411 Main west.

SHODAIR HOlX L-133 MAIN AVE.east, ipeclai monthly rates to per­

manent guesu Plenty o t heat and hot water. ’

M R RE.Vr-FUBNISIlED APART^ _ ment. light housekeeping it deslr- _ ed. Suitable tor la o to tour persons.

PhofjB-8MJ.-— •'------------------

on FOR RENT - 4-ROOM PURN- ng .. Uhed or porUy lumUhed house, d . close in. Inquire evenings. 454 of 3rd ave e u t. ys *- lar —he FOR R E N T -nN B THREE ROOM

apartment, Iront. tumlshed com- he plele to r light housekeeping. The by Oxtord. 438 Main north.

R N IS H E D APARTMENT- Iteam heit. hot w iier, electric;

_ light snd cooking. Nice new lurnl-1 lure. 300 2nd a n . norUi, one block |

ed, norUi of Postofflce. Phona 1805.

LONO'S AD-5-ROOM FURNISH- ed house. 135; 4-room lurnlthedi

house, 130: 5-room modern, HO: 4- < ■p room house. 120; 5-roem partly turn-!

Uhed. 135; s u r Roomi, 135. A N. U ng , Phone-ftB.


be 'H ftB, RIM. CARRIER AND TAIL ir - light, license plate on carrier. No. « - 38348, near Pller Prlday. Reward, n J H. B , Tucker, Route 3, Filer.

( | . L O ST -IR ISH SU'ITEK , FEMALE, ot answer! lo name o t Fannie. Com-

m unlcau wiUi Everelt BoUn, Antl- .he tepUo Barber Shop.b? __________________ ___ed, - r -------------------------------------------

^ F o r Renl— Unfumished “ H o v sia f o r " R E rrr-^G CT T nvrted Real g iu te .

‘'O' FOR R O rr^ 'R O O M fl ANrBTTTl, gartge,cloae th. PhoneJ540W,cliy.

U OO T -HO gaB K E W N Q APAR-P- m eni double or aingle. Central

u d Bldg. Call M n Whaley at Neas hU s u n d .Ik-all

.S Help Wanted

'o J M. w ^ ^ l^ h o ! ^ * "

W A N T B D -,-B X P B R IE N C E D ' Single num. tU tround fann hand,

who undenlM ds IrrigaUng. U rs P. NeUon. B t» ,ltcn .

the = = » = = — r = ^ =

hu Wanted— Livestock


, — ■ I,i,k h n tbe'JO tb iUy o t May, 18J0, tnd ,tei w ltoln U n a m Uitreatter. tUlng the Dll' PMt>cul»r,iround» o t the ir cppotl- tcy, lloa .Jn ttM otfloe o t Uie Clerk oftT > « tld -Co w , - — ---------------lov a iv c n 'm d e r Uie tulhorily of Uie UW Ket«inl o rdtfa o t u t d Court, aod ts- ,be IpwJaJ o t th e undenlgned. s r - lh}» HUl i t y . o t April. 1830. ' b i - , . , v am rifclO N N B Y ,'Referee.


4 0 % ^ L O V E ~ ~ B ^




I \W EOD lN t; — I

•gains-(F o r Sale— Seeds

BARLFT FOR V A L & ^ IU O .^ ir f- ' K rt Real Est. I

FOR SA L E -R U S S m - SEED PO-• 't i to f ifg ro w m rs iJm o n ^ c itf rE O '

=*• L. Turner. Phone 1353. •

- HIGH TEST RED CLOVER S E E D - 18c lb. Danver onion seed. I I lb.

_ W hiu 'C lty T ouru tPa rk .

’• TOR SALE-1000 PO U N D ^V IC- . tor>- wed oals. raUed a t the Idaho

r Experiment. S t a U o n . AO«dcet\. j_ Phone IIJD. Filer. Robert Blutock.

c"e r t if ie d ” s e i o ’ p o t a t o s ^high alUiude ind 'd ry f a m grown.

All varleUes. Besl of relerencei. . Phone or see V. Hufford, Perrtne ( . Hoiel. Twin FalU. e. — , — — —

- FOR SALE-LEMHI RUSSET ^ seed poutoes grown a t eleva-

llon 6000 feet,'a t Kimball's celUr,. KImberiy. Thiel i t Brinkman.:- _______________________________h- - ...... • -

PINTO SEED BEANS-JOHNSON'S > Earty Pinto, two weeks earlier than

GresrNBrtnenrbMiurbuiyiHdsUiein 5 to 10 bushels; only a smaU amount of this seed tor u le , I'.i miles w ^ t of Jerome. T. SUcy Johnson.

POR SALE-HIOH PURITY PTATB tested teedt.' Blue Ug Grimm AU-

; olfo. Blue lag Couack Alfalla, com- . mon a lla lli. Red Clover, Sweet ■rt clover. Wc seU high grade seed only.

Twin FatU Feed is Ice Company. A. _ M. Sande..Prop, r - ■■ ‘ I — ,r-IS. ^ R E A T NORTHERN S E E D

beans', certified u dU eue trM ** w ith a germlnntlon lest o r^7 per ~ cent. Surpassed by only one lot.

In Uie sU u . Orown on new lana near Milner, Idabo. YUld laat

I I year 61 biisheU. Just t Umlted I amount lefU Price 18. P. O. B.

_ Hansen. Por furUier IniorraaUen _ ! phone or write 0 . V; TTue, Mur- M i Uugh. .1- " tie

= F o r Sale Miscellaneausi|! Ih a y ' d S iv e r e d "a n y w i^ ^ c t I Phone l l ia j .___________________

_ ] FOUNTAIN AND BACK BA R-BO Kir . | 185, Filer._______________ .


M. TOR SALB-GOOD BABY OAR- tiage. Phone 1540W.____________

= GOOD H A Y CHOPPED. flS M j ". Ioo8e,.tl3.00; delivered. CsU 305.

_ FOR SALB^O nV b OAT, IN GOOD IL shape; cheap; lo r c u h . Phone to. t4T3J. rd ■ —

FOR SALE^TMOR IRONER, USED _ Ilx monUis. price •87J0. Phone S. 1333.

mI FOR BA LE-FIRST AND THIRD cutU ngtiay. 4n miles east-W tttf i


“ 13 PLATE BATTERY. BY PREST- O-Llle. 80.85 ex. E. O. Htvens

^ Battery C o ..

FOR 8ALE-PANSY PLANTS. Me _ doaen. 83^0 per hundred. WIU de­l l . liver. Phone I395W.______________


ral liavo neWo'{wlne.“ lS^81alkla Ooi; as Phone 43SJ.

h“b r b 8 - f o r s a l e b y H . j . s .R«ueti, good tor aU slomoeh; kid­

ney, bowel, liver and blood trouble!, a t Five Point t to n , Blue Lake! *tor«.

_ T w to-rtlla .-ld ibo .

■ E. D . KELLOOG, A G E N T n F ^- LtUmtr*! Dry A runaU of lead. Dm : d ihU lead, a tve money. F o r ip r a y o t- Id. le ritl! seeded, call phone 6S0W. p. i n 0 . Box 7M. ao4 3nd ave nortn*

Miscellaneous.~ FR ES O T ^ - D A T B R A D I O I ^ a

nd M A I T ^ E ^ ’ M iw E O V S l T - W l he make your old m it liU ! tike i)e«

wltb new 'Ucking a t t big uTing, ot Phone, IM>. Oweell M tt lre u P te .

Jie = = s = r = s = s = s =«• ■ F o r R e n t-^ -Fa rm s '1' ;e d . ------------ . . . ■ . - ■


; APRIL 16, - -

^ A H I ________________________ _

\ 1 LIT A® H t e K . i L I t o t a

B i ! l i k l l £ \ I I HAVS p* 'TH'

H D H B i t o HER I

/ W l l l t f W l la M THAT Ri

f .

K \

OpportiS i tu a t io n s W a n te d

P l a u n d r y - 'p h 6 m e 'V:6«r '

— S E W IN O -P ItO N E 14737. U n. )• I F rank Yaggart.


r MRS. 0 4 U A O A U M rrtR . PRAO- Ueal nune. Pbene 1109W.

j l W AN TED-POSmON AS~HOOSE- 10 keeper for elderly lady c r couple.

Phone 1388r3.

iJl: EXPERIENCED IRRIOATOR AND „ culUvator hand wanU work en n . ranch. WriU Box 35.-care New*.

S F o r S a l e - P o u i t r y '

— R H O D B ^ lS t^ RED H A TC K m a— egga...Phone 817R3. Patrick-WynB.

■ ORDER YOUR DRESSED OHIO- kens to r E u te r. Pairick

. Phone fil7r3.

FOR SALE-380' EGO OKAUPION Incubator; almost new. Phone

5 537R3.__________________________

iH. JJU E B -O R P lN O T O N -E aO B -JO a hatching SOc aetUng.' 3 mllea w u t

J l on Highway, ii touUi.__________^

FOR SALB-BTATB 'ACCRSDITID— - Rhode UUod Red e n t - O de " Flowerdew. Phone 878rJ.

1- FO R SALE-TKRSE T O B I Z e l weeks Oid W hiuLeghom Cockerell ly. Hayes Hl-Orado HaUhiry.

^ OROWING MASH-HOME MIXED.— Tlio betl we can make, |U S ewt— Hayea Hl-Orade Hatchery.________

° FO R SA L E -B E rnN O HENS AOT e thoroughbred Butt Orphlngtot T eggs. B. B. Crabtrte. phone 1104W

a FOR SA LB-BR O N ZS T D R SrS I t .eggs,. 25c: klichen cabinet In good d shape. J . W. Greene, Rogenon, ldt< 5. ho.

t W HrrB Lsb'HORN c o c k s i E S ^ 3 to 8 weeks eld, 18o to 35e; tlao

tlve to six wetks old Leghorn puUeU— H ay ti la-O rade Hatchery.-

“ FOR SALElMAMMOTtt BRONZl Uirkey e g n . 35o each: tUo BuC

Ohplngiori eggs a t r tnch . M n ^ CUttord' Denny. H aulton, Idaho.

_ B A D Y .jCm C K S-BRO W N ANI Mann Leghoma 18o to ISc. e ^ n -

dard Leghorns 13o to 140, teeondJ__ lOc. culU 8c. Reds and Barred RockiIN. 15c to iCc. Custom Hatching receiv­

ed Wellnesdaya and Saturdty*. Htyei— HlOrade Hatchery.

» i F o r S a le — L iv esto o lc

OD REGISTERED D U R O O JERBElt » o tows, with pigs. Phone »8U».

- - FOB SALE-POX TERRIER. POP- ED pUs. Twin FalU F lon l Oo, phoni » o 849 or 848.

— P O R SA LB-l JERSEY OOW, RO good one. P n n k S p a r t a n , 3 ^ miles norUi ct H antea

— HOLSTEIN BQ U £, SUC MONTHSup to ready for servlee.. Edwin

e iu a . Ehlera. Twin FalU, Idaho.

— SB'h EAD OP YOUNG HAUPSKIBZ Mo ewes, wllh 31 lambs a t aide, r w r ti il«- Larsen, Rock Creek, Idaho.

— POUR OOOD COWS FOR SA LB- ^ .iwlced right. 7 miles itn J g h t icwUi

■’ SO R SALE O R T R A D E -T B N— jroung Guernsey Je rxy ta d Dur-

J- tuisn bulls. Leo Beckstetd. PhontOm ' -sn'. FO R SAL&-YOUNG H O ^fiTEtt

oow; glving“ obout tour~irtlloni _ Threo tioutes north ot W tUn* cor OR n er on boulevard. CaU 915-R-6.Oat -Dt- OAN BROW YOU ALMOST AMI

p . ' kind e t bone,00 itM ^otA at. 6* m .before J'OU buy. ' £ J . Him l 4 8 ^ one mil* wert o t Peavty.

, ] ^ R SALE-JERSEY, QUERNBEI tn d Holstein cows and lu itira . M

^ mUe souUi of the .roek orutbc 3& bridge. Bnioe W iuen . Phana lg «

^ _ F o r s a l e — R e a l.E n ta te _

__ bouse. TD be moved. P b ^ w txttilV S V .E M o fta n ; ' ' ,

> ;? ;r o B 8 A ;g - r f . ‘i to 6 i i ' P L A w io tg ^ house, sleeping porch, bath, f v a c f

= r o R SAL8RXALB9T->' ' .; p iv a ROOMS. B A m o A i ^

^ lq :C00«UM/ d o tB -% 4 t | i«

e S S 5 5 ! S S e 9 9 9 S S S 9 9 S ! ^

fAL AhfouMT t o t h a t e v r IN B l U t AHD


,H E - K 6 H P i - 6 0 1 N t - ^ t -------RATS - t IA M O N '2 ^ * ’THI_[>ATB _ Q I L ^ C , ^

- VU\. H A V 6 T < 5 R ^00.000.- STONS


i S S

1. ■ " —

. Professional i% t.. SHAD HODQIN, Rocou t u d » D Bank and T tm t, B n l l ^ . Phone e

W.~U OU N N -Roonu i^aad 4 s i ^- -R le*B uild ing ,_________________

0 . a B att>O ver Olct' Book S tart

a JOHN W. aSA B A H -L tw yer. B tn l B. _ tn d T tuat Bufldlai.-Phone 835-W.

> B l f l iU Y A S W E B in - ^ v e r t ie a i n, Moorman Building.

. A J . mrERS-LawTB r. Bank tac IN Trust Building. Pbona U 3 i

‘ Builness •» ---------------- PtOM BW Q ---------------

HOUS P ttnSB IN O A HEATINC- C O -A how Room tn d Shop*. 13! » Third, e u t Pbone 383.

BALLANTYNE P L O U B I N Q t- B uU ng C e.»8be«t MaU] Woriu* P « h e « ^ ^ to u W M j^ ^ » ^ _


5. A m lN B u £ w c e^ i^ ^wt. Po tttr B e tl B iu te . Phone >74.


1 2 N r 7 ; ¥ o G l i ^ l t I B « f t t r l W * « i w . Ihort htuL Pboae M l

R WABBBKO T B A N SriB A STOBn t ..A O B.CO .-Coai tod -w o o l Phos I t . » « ^ - . - -

t b n r a O L S TK A N 8R B A STOB i l AOB — O arbaie hauled dtU; t*» Phone 300.


z z P,A.ROW AN-Palntln«,paperbani ™ lng and kaUomlnlng. 338 eUi tv<


^ ALBIBT B. rBA N ClS-A eeredlt* « - vtoun te tcher. Phone B13J1Ida I I I“ L o a n s



e PER 9 p r r l o a n s , n o o o u' mlalona, first olaai retldeno* tm

^ pertyonly. CaU 20»or 1531.

HONEY FO R STRAIGHT LOAN ^ on modern home* la Twin F t ll

Arthur Li awlm ds Co.

O O R T B ) VBAR PARM LOAN O f s ; t a n th* best o t inureat n te a tn

rebtym ent pririftgea. No cash eon ^ n iitiao . L euob f t WUiiami.

- t AM OKPERINQ A VERY OHBA ^ tn d d e s lr tb ie ltr tt tlo tn . 1 think '>>> Uia bett farm loan propodUon «v<

offered on Uie Twin PtlU tracL : i i will pay you to aee me before plaolB ri» your loan, a A. Robintor

PL W a n te i l— M Iso elian eo iislUi

!” W A N T B D - Y B L L O W CORI

W AKTtD~;}8B O P PIANO FO m -atoragtt. Beat o t cart. T h iM tdul " ln .family. J h o n e 981W.' .

W- W AN TED-OATHB T O PAffTOB te r lum m er. 3 m llu louUi Oedi

Rt • «* W A )iT £ i3A B 8A Q S BY A ^

mobile t o M to o ' *1* Nendi

B t J - » i ^ e . o r J r a < f e 4 a

UL WrtU B « «T. e ti» .M ew ,.\ '


Page 10: T H I P liiiinDi/ nc npucTiinp-ih i Of Oblivion In fiS H ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · j Leviathan of Skies Passes ; Over Seville, Spain, Fly- I ing Cow

B l i i l -iyspm ri I

FonmiMin____ E u lu ro F a r m e r s o f A m e ric a _

M ap O u t P ro g r a m to r E x -

liib it a n d J u d g in g ; P a r a d e

. . T liro u g li S t r e e t s F e a tu re

■■■ TJic Tuin Falls Kliool or-' ' Kaiili.iaon of the Kulurc Ktrmers ot Anwrlca will m « l In biuliKM « * • ^ hion I t the cliiM room a t 10:30 A.M. loday lo rctflve. report! of lhe'

'■ jiroRffM 'of prcpara:lon for tlic ■- Fmurc Kaniicr fair whlcli. wHI >»

JicW lierc May 3, In lhe city parit = • and on SU ih street cait, btildc Ihc _

r»fk. It waa aiinoiitieed yesterday by 0 . L. Mink. Snillli-Hughea iMlnic- _ tor ot llie Th'Iu Fall* »«tiool. Don Dlakclcy, folr manager, will " , present a report on projrcM *o far. '

Tliere will be a boy* ilock Judj- ” Ins contesl in tlie mamtng for whlcn tcanw havo nol yet been named. Mr. ^ .Mink Mid. Alesander Well*, parade , ninnAfier. h a i prrpared a report Ior _ nubmlsslon lo lhe meetln* loday, outliiilns the courtc of iho proces- “ alon whlcli will follow officers snd the hiRir Khool band, through tJie streets. The parade will s ta n a t 1 P .M .

Include .Marbinery ■ A--------»)«-)»r«<tB-»llH nclude.exlil|)lu I .

of llvcjiock. erops and larm machin- U try. Tho line of march will be aa follows: Form on Shojhone In < fron t of the high Mhool and march I to Second nvtnue north; turn lo I r l th t and march one block on Sccond avenue north to Second street norlh:

• thffiice on Sccond streel north to Main avenue north: thcnce on Main Ul avcniw iiotUi w corner ot Main avenuo and Third slrecl north: thenco after making U lum lo lefl . nuirch on .Main avenue wesl to

-Shoshone streel and proceed on N aln avenue aouth to comer of Main ,

■ avenuo and Third street HUih; , ^t^ence. aflcr making U turn,, lo

■ corner of Main avenu# and Second street can : thence on Main avenue l«r r a i l to comer of SU ih avenue east rnl and disband. , ,

A fitting and showing contest by v tl)o boys will follow the porade. This will consLil in fitting animals for Judging and then showing ilicm to , best advantage to the Judges. ....

-------n ftr*four“ « n tir« “ h»Va~aIready * ,been made in the livestock and crop t exhibits. Ot these 10 are hocsea; 33

.d a iry cattle: s k each aro-beef cat- jn tie and sheep; four each are swine ,.ig and poultry, and 11 are crops, Judges Xor the Iltting and showlntt contest «xhlblls are O. E. McConnell. Qood- op, lng, Oooding county agricultural n agent: }I. s . Hale. Twin Palls. Twin pr| Palls county agrlcullural agent; D. iio E. W arren. Burley, district elub lead- nln cr. and Ed Kantola, PUer. Smllh- tio Hughes Instruetor In the' Filer lilgh i school. Managers for these depart- thi menla are: Don MlUer, twr«es;.0Uvcr dll Kuykendall'dalry cattle'; Rklph As- bci lendnip, beef caiUe: W arren Roams ty aheep; Harry Wellhousen, swine: Wallace _ U rscn ;. poultry: Ronald , Plercc. c ropi I. Entries so far aro as follow*:

Hortet—Wallace Larson. Harry Wellhousen. Alex Weils. Merle Deck- ley. Don Miller. Bob Bmlth, Sey-

. mour Hale, Charles Burns. Roby 2 2 Pipes and James Colbert.

Dairy catlle—Wallace Lartoa Bob Murphy, Cecil Dojselt. Wayne Flem- lng. Louis Chonce, Clem Smith, Bob

• Puller, Waller Averitt, Loyd Davies, = Herman Huff. Seymour Hole, Wll- ^ Tord Cherry, George Wilson, Ronald Pleree. Logan Pierson, William Briggs. Ray Buller. Dale Sonner. Donald SUmson. Charles Bums. Le­roy Thompson. Roby Pipes and Carl ® Eslep.

Beef Cattle—Bob DIckard, Cecil ” Dosselt, Bob SmlUi. Clem Smith,

~ ~ N ER O O F

Y o u V ( i l! b c i n t e r e s

c a n h a v e a n e w r o o f

p r i c e . V f e h a v e a b o i

' i h g o u t

• V W e a r e . s e l l i n g t l

S h i n g l e s f o r $ 8 . 0 0 p e

.............. o n y o u r r o o f .

. T h e S u p e r H e x o i

b u t t s t r i p s h i n g l e s A

p e r s q u a r e a n d p u t c

N o w t h e s e s h i n g

s t a f l d a r d s h i n g l e s i n

■g ; ^ ; ^ 1 8 0 - l b 3 r t o j r o i b 3 r t O

3 ~ T j e t t ^ E s t i i n a t

1 1 ^ ^

, . Page T»in

p w i5 S ri 3.B B r ROBEKT QUatKN. ft. _

' M '-T h a t new kid Is yellow. Sle an’ P u f ”

was goln' to praetlee »arln' some- body th a l w u drowned, an’ ho wouldn't lel US hold film under."


Ralph Assendnjp. George Wilson.She«V>—Prank Stevens, Alex Wells.

Don Miller, Waj-ne ttemlng, Ocorgo W ilton, Ronald Plercc. ,

Swine—Don Blakely. Oeorto Ev- ,, ans, Claude Meyers, H. Wellhousen.

Poultry-W aU aco Larson D ort Murphy, Merle Beckley and Russell. Wolfe.

C cops-D on Murphy-Exlilbltor.Dob Puller. Don Blakeley, Bob Smllh. , ' Leon W right, Ruuell Swanton. Dale Sonner, Ronald Pleree. M»r 'ln E«- , Unger, Kerman Hulf and Don S K v ‘°j ens. J

.......... ........• no


Du— _ J J y

Officials Designate Per- J J sons to Handle Registra- tion in all of 2 7 Precincts S j

'■ Be:------ Cn;

Registrars' In each of Twin Palls All county^ 37 preclncU have b « n del- Th Ignated b y ’xw ln Falls county cpm- mlijlonerstobegln'onThursday.-May 1, the listing of the county's eleclor* r©; who will cast their ballots In primary tm elections on Augtin s and the general R a elcctlon on November i. •

AH voters must reslster for this yeafXcIecUons-and-ther«-wUl-b«-ao — continuing reglstrallons. =

Registration may be mnde on and „ , n iter May l.u p to and InclniSlng Ouly y . 20. T hen ircglstrailon books wltl be .^ i closed for a period of 14 days, lo be " 1 reopened on August 0, following Uie . primary #lecllon.i. and to conllnue open up to and Including October 29. pu

The registrar In each precinct Is privileged, occording to the.commis- Iloners' notice, to drjlw aie days anrt , place nnd lime of day for registra- tlon In Ms precinct.

W ith the creation of new p rtdncts " th is year to relieve a congtited con- ~ dlllon In .tn d about Diihl. lhe num- ... ber of pnfclncls In Twin Falls coun- ty has been Increased to 77.

List of neglstrara oaHere Li the-llst of regU tran:-- - Ba Twin Falls number 1, M n. Kale tns

Taber; Tw in Palls numVet 3, l u t U Ro McCoy. 389 Fourth avenue north: cn Twin Palla number 3. H. Jano Burk- _ holder. fi28 Second avenue wesl, — Tvrln Palls number 4, Rbva Haynes.S03 Main .avenue H uth : Twin Palls number S. Dolly E. Stanley, 181 Wol- nu t s lreet: Twin PaUs number e. O.


1-3 (n 1«2 o ff S«o O n EasUr LUlet and oUier

nowcnWe U iegnph flowen ererTw bm


JW In m:ested to know you of a t a reasonable lout 2 carloads of

the regu lar Hex) per square . . . p u t _

:onal ,an,d square^ rw e sell a t ? ld .00 t on your ro o ligles a re iS ^ l a r n c o lo r^an d w eig h . .t o i q u a r e c : ; ; : : , _ z _ ^

a te J p u r J o b ------ --


i H i s r‘'TOTWDCOICllSs

ll-------- n

- C o u n ty ’s - A u d ito r A n n o u n -

— o e s . A p p o r t i o n m e r i l » - F o r S

P o l i t ic a l P a r ty S e s s io n s r

The next Republican county con- t ventlon In Twin Fnlls county will be ^ com poud of ICg delegates and the Democratic county convention will have 119 delegates, according to ap- portlomnenls ani^ounced^ by H aro'O, Parsons, counts’ auQllor. Bolh

. conventlonsiwlll be held cn August T 10. P

, Eacli convention will clcct dele- cl . gatea to represeni the c /u n ty In the Ir

sU te CQDVcnUon of I ts 'p o rty to be dl held on August :0. Each counly 1* convention also wilt clcct^» member Pi Of the state central committee ot

, lls party , and may also. If l l chooses, enunciate a slatement of principles.

Delegates to counly conventloiu I ' win be elected nt llio prim ary eltc- tlon* (Jn Augait 0. nnd tlie nnnifs of candidate* who file. Uiclr nomi-

■ naUons will bc printed on the pn* mary election ballots. J''

Apportionment of county conven- ** lion delegatea u made on tho bojils of th e voto ca;t In eacli prtclncl fo r candidates for legislative nnd county offlecs.

Here Li the apportionment aa_ftn- * notmced by the county auditor:

Repub. Oent. Twin Pnlb t^inilyr 1 .......... 13_____ t

Twin PnlLi Number 3 Z Z ! i 3Twin Pnlls Number 4 ...........8 7'®*Twin Palis Number 5 ____ 13 0 " ,Twin Pnlls Number 0 .......... 10 7 ^Tw licPnlli Number 7 ........IS 8 "Duhl Number I ........ ... .......13 DDuhl Number 2 _________13 10Pller ________ __________10 10 ”K im berly ........... ......... ...... _,13 7H a n s e n ................................ .7 4 ,M urtaugh ... ........ ................. S 3H oU lster................................4 3',,?Rogerson ......... ...... ... ..........2 ' 1 ! -,B e rg er---- --------------- --- ----2 1Castleford .............. ........ ..... 5 4 CAllendolo _______________ l l i ,,T hom eu _.v..:...z.;;.;.4-------2 i ■Clover ...................................4 3 9 ,Maroa .......................... ........4 ‘ 3 „Deep Creek ........................ 3 3 pjRosew orU i_______________ i 1 v«Lucem<» ..................... ..........I 1Rock Creek ...........................3 .1 -

Totals ............. ............ 188 110

H. Colemnn, 103 Aildltfln avenue m l ; Twin Palis number 7, f^rs. Clara W lrth, 12H lleyliiirn nvenue.

Buhl number 1. Venile M. Chari­ton: Duhl numbrr 2. O rrtrude Mc- riroy ; Buhl nnmher 3, Mrs. Elmer Phllllps: Buhl number 4, Mrs. Cturirji H. Krelgh.

Filer. Mrs. II. W. Lcvekc; Klmber- lv, Mrs. Ilerbert Lnmhlng; Hansen , Elmo K err: Murtnugh. Mrs. P. J Kiliey: lloltlsier. Mrs. Joslo Klus-j meyer; Rogcrjon,,Mrs. C. A. Boss: BerT;er, Mr.<. OeorKS McOregorj C s j ; tleford. L- R Kimbrough.

Allendfle. Mrs. E. Puller: TDom- et*. Mrs. P. 8. Cnppell; Ma?oa. Mrs. Dan C. Slerer; Clover, Mrs. Oeorgo Ballard: Deep Creek. Mrs. Ray Wilk­inson; Lucerne. Mrs. W. S . S tuart: Rmcworth. Allen Reynolds; Rock Creek. Mrs. Chnrles Ctlnc.

Wilson Bros.'K im b e r l y ’s P io n e

BALL BAND’S NEWB u c k lc s o v e r th o in .s tep . ub.«io o n .th o h e e l T h e “ W tiU oti” Is a ly th e y « rc cco l n n tl c o m fo r ta w c h a v e Been f o r c o m fo r t

(The W a lto n W a d ln jf B c o t is 1 p r ic c d a t - ........................................

S a v e o n ]

' W c cnn {jivc y o u j u a t w h n t yc W oven w ire , b n r b w ir e , pou lt

n n d s te e l p o s t s — h e av ily r i t . S tu d

P o s t s ............ .......................................7 f t . S tee lP o s t j ................. ..................................

^ ^ e p e H H

W o r k iMEN’S SCO

B la c k w a x venl u p p e r , con ip o ii r u b b e r h e e l. A ll s iz e s . to 1 1 .

MEN’S BLACK ElP la in to o , l e a th e r so le , r u b b e r A ll s iz e s , 6 to U ................... ........

BLACK ELKI_C om K M llloiL eolo._pliL to4Sf.T ul

i l y,i.

= ^ a f n - f w ^ o a i r t O T f s f i i 5 ^ 1 e ^ in a rc h . A ll s iz es , C to 11

P h o n e 9


,Y N E W S . T W I N F A L L S ^ ^ lp A H O

S T . E D W A R D ’ S C H A N G E S t H OU R S ^ W O R S H IP ^

I u o a Bl 8 t .- e d t™ n n i-C ilh o lId 1I cliuicUThurKlar and M day .nurn* k! lng of this week vUl be a t 8 A. M. ^

Initead ot 7:49 A. M. On Saturday kmorning, owing to the lo n i.ie rrlee ^tHrclaes will b :gln a t 7 A.-M. T his k

* week, the annual custom of tioldlnf ^ evening services on T hunday eve- «

r - nmg antl Priday rn n lc ffd u rtn rW o lr KWeek instead of on Wedneiday and ^

S Priday evenings. wUl be foUoved. ^

: i i i T i i w s: PDlflTi SHIFTS i • ______________ ^

\ F ln l returns of the censiis In Buhl.I Twin Pallt counly, shoved Buhl %

Preclnctlw lthl004populatlon,ade- J J. cllne of 153 as compared wtUi 1IS7 ^. In 1920, Judge O. P. Durall. district ^I director of the census, announced JI latt evening. The 1930 figures are %• preliminary and subject to cotrec- ^t lion. %

Hnlli^trr vlllnge. Twin Palls coun- ^. ly. re;»rtcd a decllno of <«, WlUl u s «1 Ihbi yenr as ngalnit 1S9 tn 1D20. W, Tliree farm-< were enumeraled In thisI ‘ r'o- . k

Ilazritoii village, Jerome county. ^. mnde ngaln of 01. reporting 380 thK k

yenr n. com|>ared wUh SOS ten yeara ^. ago. . \ , Rupert clly In Ruperl Precinct 3.. Mlnldnka counly. has 713 population B[ a« shown by the preliminary count. i J

The iwpuliillon of this area vas no t %, shown seiiarately In 1030. ^

rnOTKf-TINT. THE PUBUO W: PIIILADELPHIA-Judio .Thomp- S I son. iirrildtm rin-ynlU d-StatcajU fc k, itrlct court for the eastern dUtrict "jTlo f remuylvnnlft. has Jusl handed %, rinwn n ilrcblon In favor of Vick ^

Chemical compnny In Its c u t against %Frederick E, Strohmeler, In which ^emphnsls b placed by the court upon ^

, Iirotectlon of Ihe buying public Wnsalnst fraitjjnlrnl use of a trade ^name. V leti VnpoRub. k

"The<le(ei\dant.»lUbe tnJolMd,"Judge Tlinmpvin's decision rends, ^

. I "ngainst use of the plaintiff's tradenhme. as he hns been using ll, lo ^

: deceive and perpetrate a fraud upon k ,*ttie public nnd. by pirating Its trade, mark, to Uijure and damage the rep- %iulMIon the plolntlff has buUt up.". ^I This CMC crew out of the acUon of « Strohmeler In the marketing of acough drop whleh he claimed, on the ®package, was "Medicated wllh Vicks ^VniwRub." «

— ^ F E E D — J

s t o c k f o o d , b r a n , S

b a r l e y , w h e a t , ^

c o r n , o a t s , d a i r y u

f e e d s , s t a r t i n g S

m a s h e s , l a y i n g S

m a s h e s . g

E v e r y t h i n g i n 5

F e e d s J


H I - G R A D E £


!.-Kimberly sn e e r M e r c h a n t s J---- :---— 5W W A L T O N B O O T ^

b.<iolulc1y c l im in i itc s ru b b in ir « s a rc d b o o t a n d c o n sQ q u c n l- ' W r ta b le . T h is is th e b e s t b o o t ^....... $4.95 5

$7.50 ^Fencing ^

. y o u w a n t , n t a low er p rice . V lu lt ry n e t t in ir . n a i ls , s tu p le s k y m a d o o f r a i l r o a d iron . i J

.55c 5 -eOc jj

S h o e s il O U T B A L S

r;“'!”' l..„$1.95 SE L K B L U C H E R 5

“ “ i_$2,95 SC B B U C H E R J

5 ;

1 / J j I V U O . ^K i m b e r l y I .

' .

t l d a h o ls ta

■ ? '

DRES The Newest

§ Millinery fc ^ Smart!


w \ k\ 'La--------------LdV They a rc in shiuics to m i k dross, in every hend size a: ^ tcrlnir s tyles. TrulyJ valuc.«i n t ................................


^ S4.85« Patent high heel pumt> .^ -cleverly trimmed with ^ n tnl&td'block T«ptU« k lenUier at' side of tco

nnd counter.

J A V E R Y C H I C S.

^ T I E A '

^ $ 6 . 8 i

^ IliB h h e c lf lim ta n k id w ith* _ n c ro ss tot!. L n ru e E n tlii bov

- • • -V T h e Perfect F ittin jj KickernickV Combrazere, $2.91

l iP. . . . . . . . . .

5 ] ‘

\ ] j f ^ •

^ Brnsflicro of b o d i c c t2 combination garm ent. E l 2 ' tic knee either tailored J Incc trim . Heavy 42 gau l | 75 filam ent d c l u s t c r i : k rayon. Flesh, I’cach, Bln % and W hite. Sizes 32 to A-

5 —^ A n O u t s t a n d i n g

- ^ - V W u f i n ^ a f l M v y

j y u a i i t y K a y o n s i i j j

^ Shades o f pink, ta n n also plain >vhitc; A ve

{ fin e quality rayon A Q


D e p a r rI^Jjtjsiii

5S U P F5t of thie New E

For EasterNew! .1-

AfN f

98c §The fin e s t s tra w s

of th e season aro

'v shown In o u r b ig '

f collect!on_ o f mil-__

■^y lincry. ^ ^

f ■ C i i

m ntch every s u it and ! and in the m ost f la t- ' ^ 3

......... 98 c I

T h

y n lr



A shoe

§ 5suntan

itll basket weave tr im ‘P'lto l JOW to mntch.

I A LargeAssortm e a of Costume Jewell I 98cto?2.98H E v e ry 'n c w sty le is rep

sented i n c l u d l n g a n s h i p m e n t of pearl ii rhinestones in all jcwelrl


= ‘»n ' m / ' . " f ?Eias- < '

tk ■' laugo l l IM ,,rized ^B lick —> u. BAGS TO MA' ___ EA STER N

$ i : iI g Every ch ic sty lo you '— , . shndea ■ to. harm onize, wi

' $3.49 ■nnd T h e s o a re .the

S M S ■ .Q In ew ry color to

lurae. IW a la t ' very unusual sav-

— lng. ,

I, APRH. 16, 1B30■ . . . . . . . . .

’tmenttbrm gJt.B ach

^OREA!First at-the.I. ]

P I E A C « ' ' ^ inI P O O T W E /R I I

Fhe sm allness of your sport,

ling apparel will b e greatly

Tialchless beauly o l Peacock

Heel Footwei tk '” *’ ' ^

“Vivoijne”hoe built by Uie'inasters V wPeacock olioe creations,tan kid, Belga trim . \ \ ( ^

:“ __sio.oo. J _M artha --------

W ashington p j Candies for

- E aster WcDclicious!

Wholesome! Fri»h! Wl Chocolnlo covered Eas­ie r Eggs WlUl crcam_

I centers

10c 25c 49c.7 Half pound boxes as-

sorted Q Q /* -chocolnlcs------ 0 « 7 t .

M Pound boxes o.'sorted ,

^ g : „ ......79c

len t J S I


!lrles. \

J u s t i n ! . Pcacc. !W W a s h a b l e K id • your:wlOV€S,“?u«Uo “ TITcnvytie verj; popular alip-on strand1 in a half a dozen dif- to tin nt shnflea. to help you1-out the eiworabie Idea , trfccUon.

ATCH YOURm sT O M E -------------- - -

f e 3 N1 can-imagine in all P g ff , w lth -your.E astc tcos- .-4.®!?'

-~ m e e l

Puro t and bll

■ Shade: ..Bclge-

good V

\ ------ ^ ------- -- ■

S t D r e Jfe' ---- ----------------------s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . =

S TE R ^D. Always! ^

<DC M 11 c i E S ]

ilt, afternoon or eve* ^-------------------------l: --------------------S-y en h an ced by the ^

:k H l - A i c h , N a r r o w - jj^


viwm (

'e a c o c k H o s i e r y ^

W elcom es S p r i n g

v it h L o v e l i n e s s , k

.$ 1 .4 9 S

s i lr I:ock hose lo go w ith ^

• n c w Peacock aliocs. ' » vy service w cignt—lu —

nd 42 gauge or all tillk ^,lio top -7 stran d s 45 ^ tc. In all ^ -Mason's ' ^

lea of tan nnd axfy. ^

- Ju stin ! - - New Distinctive ^ Tertis in Novelty il'Hose Popularlyr r r g J g r i c e d a t 9 8 c : ^ .

I Bilk ch iffon In brown black con trastin g hccls.Ics b f Bclgo, A llure and . . ^

ft niniri?, A n extremely— ___^value. ' W