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t ~ . I I t r I r I f \. ; DIRECTOR FINANCE y. a.E.n, Foundation Islamabad

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DIRECTOR FINANCEy. a.E.n, Foundation



)t: :t ~!::i" 'l


THEL'-~., ;;-- < r'-., .\_J 1-' i i~1 C. "4 l" i.~",


lje-C1=.:- iviif\jU1E::JHELC' ON

Jloyees Housing Foundation -.. . .:....! I ,•.,''.j S J :....~r~..




A copy

03.00-WGr-'de::i hei-e\o-~i1:.j-, .t()t~ -~n.rc:"ll'!ci-ic';'-;.


F'S,L 0 S E'C ,..€ L C: :-- y ,i"'~/'o HOlJsing ti ~";C:i-;'<5, l5 :c:-:iC::c':

r t' :.•.~- ..•...~ .,HI .. ;l.bcu 1 F~c.:::::>~'!i c: t,:t11 Deh ~J 0; n t. 132 C(' e\:. a r .y (\,j 0 j- ~, :=:: )

1 ~'. -, C ~p.cD a C .

r-~i- 4 f-:1U h .:, fr;f1~a r:1 t-( 1 c! = :--.:-1.3,1

[:.~i-e'::.-LOj- C"2nej"-.3-~.-1'" l.:::r;-\ ~ c., c. C;

::-..' ~:.:L c...


M! Mc';rl Ahr;13d ~,-~ddiq-)uepu~y Dir'ecto~ ~eneral~.~OGS -) t19 F oUnC=2 -t. i()il .•

15 -:amabao .

HCJLJsin~ Fou:,dation~1 S f ofTIdDad

(J3rnor Shah Khan,•• ""r • T"""


F ounei,;;: i on,

r"l:-. f10harnrnac J1. -1 i Shah;;~ssistant DirEcior (E-II)

s ~~_ OanishY3r- ~~iAssisiar,~ D~~-2=tor;-~~:)U~,i1:9 .F our"',c.:.s 1::. -j on ~

i'ieli k L 6 r c.;" .::\~-=.~l ~:::

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.,..... . .1 S i C 1-1"18 D..:: ,::

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MINUTES OF_~I}.£_.-i{}~'D.L~_~E'I I NG QX__~lj~~.!~~_UT IVE CQl1H)l'TEE:HELD ON 26-6-1994.

The ~':d.:.hmeeting oft.:.he Executive COfflltli Ltee of the Board

of Governors of the Federal Government. Employees Housing Foundalion

was held on 26-6-1994 at 3~OO P.M. in the Committee Room of the

Works division under the chairmanship of its Chairman. The list of

participants of the meeting is appended.

2. The Chairman welcomed the participants of t.he meeting and

asked the Director General, Housing Foundatiun -to opt::n t.he

proceeding~. The meeting commenced with recitation fromlhe Holy

Quran l,y Director (Technical-I), HOt:sing Foundation. I nlflled iate 1y

-thereafter the meeting cundoled t.he ceath of Ml~. Imtia::: Ahmad Khan,

D~rector (FlA.), Housing FoundatiCJf:, \';;-:ll) expireu on 19-6-1994 and

offered Fateha for L~5 dLpart.cd 30ul.

The meeting then took up cOllsidera~iQn of ~he items of

the agenda one by one.

Item HO.l: I CONFIR1"•...e,.'1IGrtMEETING.


The minutes of ttl'" 39t~: ~E-etin'J w~:re confil.-med.

Item NO.2: REVIEH '=::F FE,:::Gl,£S:.~ DF THE BOllS ING SCEEt1:=-----~-._- -. -- - ._--------- --_._~--_._------------------------ON C':-,,:-:~E1-.S:-IIT~ I~i\SIS J\~I ISLA?"Ip~BAll

5 .

about the progre.ss of the wor-1;:.

campI e-Li on or on

were under preparation and COSLS \/"-:7',- l:'f:;in] illtimat.:c::d Lo thE

allot.te0~. Another lut 4)£ 297 hou:..e.;;:; "as :ill ihe 3dvancf::d slage of

completion and expected to be c0mple~ed by the ~nd of July 1994.

The completion of nearly 300 ~iC:1.1S(,~ was, however, likely t.u be

de 1ayed furt.her as lht: con lr-ac Lers c f 5 i)". packagt:::; had gone i rd':CI

litigation. Explaining t.he financial prcgrc;~.\s of Phase-I, Di:teclor

General 'informed t.hat outstandin] dues amounting to Rs i:.-~l} had

been ret.rieved from tIle defaulti~~ allottees after issue of pres3

not.ice~. The Ccmrni t-lee was furth""l.- informed that there was 5-t-i 11

a short fall of H5. 48.62 mi II ion 1ihich had been met. out of -the loan

of Rs 100 mill :OIl granted by -the Finenee Ilivisioll. The eha iU!lan

observed t.hat defaulting allc,.t:.t.ec;,5 mCiY be issued i::lnoLher notice ill

t.his regard.

6. The provision of inf:-a.st!--uclure and cd:.he:;:, 5i.'l'viccs

5pecia~ly in Sect(;l- G--11 c01..!.1d n-.:yc. be l:eviewed 215 the iic::l:\bc1.-

Engineering, CD;;', anU Chairman; ..-_:-e3 Electricit.y Loard, ti"-'tPDA,

-l::hereprf::se.nt.at.ive 0'::- Srh;PL was

due to non-clearanc~ of debris lyir.; J~ lhe area. The Chairman

desired -to -take up the is:}ue 5cparC.i.:e_:y )-lith CDAand \fA-FDA and also

-_-to impreSS -upon these agenClt;S 't.J. r::-:.\-ide the- iflfra:or-.rUC-L'.lre


facilities such as seweragel(~rair;a.ge Sy::t~lf1, ruads and electricity

preferably hy ~hc end of July 1934.

It.em NO.3: HGUSHi:."", SCIEH:E Fl-)R FEIrEHAL GuiiERH?'fEN'['---,--- -- --------------- -_. -- -~ -- ._-- _ •• -'-'-- •• -+ ---, ---------

}~f"'"..r]_~QX:E~~-;()t! L'p"tiEL:~I~~i' I~ASL) AT ~~!Y)X~E .. .

7.'.Commi t.t.ee ron~t:.i t\ll:e~l \~,1d,c'

to work out t.he rnoda l.i. l i (::3 for ICiurrch j ~:.g (,

Federal Government employees OIl o~in~r:::~~ip 1"_;,'0 .. '- J, .. .tbc}::f:, hatl

since finalized its rep0t"t/recotnillend3.tic:1s. h~"Gl~u J.1'lfonned that

furt.her negot.iations Hit.:h HIS Universal F:~'-'~':'Tri:3es Here in hand -La

arrive at. an agreement in the light ,-'f tZle rccomrnendations of -t:t:e::

, Commii:t.ee in order 1:0 final i ze th(; pUlcnase of about 2000 kana I s of

land at. Raiwind Road, Lahore.

Item NO.4: I.i:-.UNCHING-- .. - - ---_.- - . -- c.? HUJSING----------- SCHEME ON OwNERSHIP

--~""- ---

8. Having con5idt.:rL~L~ -the prc;;osals regE:.rding plul~ ~lZe;3,

criteria for cligibilily, fjr allolrnenL etc. , theExecutive Commit.lcL' tlccicled as follc.ls

PIal Size';,;:----- ""- -


Authority were adopLed;-

1 Ka.r.;Cil

1() Hal~]a

5 11'::1"]a

5 ~:,: >.9-, :

.2 .T~ : ~'-'_-;;" -1 :" - - - -- - --


~} r - ""iri.l.::-; _- - - - - _. - -


When it was pointed t:hat it: might be difficult to adjust:. t.he

Federa 1 Government. emp1uyee;.:3 o.t the 22 pay sea 1 e;3 in the t.hree

'I'he :::r:.pluy(;,::~ In BP3-I to bPS-I0

sizes, the Cortlmittee decidedt:.hdt th<,:: c!l:ployecs holding IIPS-19 /liay

ai~o be included in catcgoFy-I.

may be adjust:ed in t.he remaining lwo S12~~.For ulhe.t" stclLic,ns

also the 5izc:J

be follow. 1.:'.!hould


also the following crit:e:-ia for eligiLi.i.:.~_y ;::.:'.:: .H:'Ct; recGmnlended

by the COlnmi t:tee cons t i i.:uLed [Ot. the Eelis i ng ;;c..:L'~'IIi',~ ;:d: Lahore in

order to ensure good response:-,

Ci) (i)including

civilian ernplo'l~'~ paid [rom Defence Estimates

and employees of i:iut.onomous/5emi-autonomous

organi sa t i 0])5 :3.i•.j p1..:.b 1iC 5l::'Ct.or Corpor.:-:tl ions

under t:.he a dm i ::i :5 ~;: d. t:i. ve conlrol ofFederal (:; O'v' e rnm::: n.t were in service orl


(ii)e.ilployees including

l~r\lp I c:yc=es 0 f au tC::'OITJc:U.3/ [, <':In i -autonomous

orJanisations an~ ~ublic sector curpordtioDS


L .. _



(c) Five per. , ' .cent. 0 f t.he in each category

shall be eannarKed 1: 01: the retired Federal

Government: employees .~ncluding E=lIIployees of

the aut:onotn()\Jsj:::enli-auLonol1l0U5 organisat.:i. ons'•..- ..

and p'Jbl ic ufl(1er the

control~ i. d .:'.'.: undf:r' ~ub"para (d)

ili:(}-'.le .


- ..l:JO\'i;::llLl~'L~.

au LODCJ:1iOU5 orgalii::;a:. i OLS and public sector

corporations h'ho (1! e.:: dllrin9' service or those

Federal emplaye(:s including

employee::> C:1. c'.ltOnOlllOUS / s emi -autonomous

organisations a~i p~blic sector corporatian5

\-'Iho became disdL~I.::'::' Juring ~jerVlce.

--------- ~--- - ----------- -----Criteria for Allotment:

11. The following criteria were afproved for selecLion:-

i ) 'Ihe 5 e L\ i 0 r i t Y for t 1:1e V.D P s e 0 f allot ment shal 1 Le

del"rmined in the: dc~cenci::1g order of age fro!11 the

da".:::- of :::uperaunuatic:1.

r.- ; j .:-

i'-_, i...I...J ....••.• ...-!L

II 6

110.. \/~: J .'.••••••••j ali C-.:[iddvittcJ -t..!li:i



veri fice.:::i on from rEcord or nthen'li. so \;J'ere found to

••be inco~r~ct, the allotment, if made in his favour,

shull stand cancelled ,,-:;ld the amour;t d.::positecl

forfeit(;c1 by *:hc Foundation IJc.sides disqualifyj:-!g/


1ike to Li)~c;.

Item tio.S;

12. Director General,

background of the ::.;e I eet', ion 0 f CuI1S'_tl t:.ar.1::S f~;.1. U;, Euu::; i ny Scheme

on ownership ba.sis £0::'- Federal GG\'f:rrJ_I",e~- •.'_ ::mploy;:;-cs at Eal'ciebi.

The Commi t-,-tee was i rtf nrmed that + i,e ~ro j eeL Di!(;c: t. or, F<:,:dera 1

for rerid er' i 09

supervision of infra.sLructure and

given below:-

. . - "-::l::::t:r":'lt:~es'. ;

ll) for services fOf'

IJrc-'\.-:t'(]c,;-~ 1:r1gC,

Fl.w l'('sl. feIld. ,sLog,: .

i,tl.=J-;} (If 1:.,>.('-( I ; 1~' i ... ':; :

ii.-'; . .' I , (,,~ ~/

; ':. ~-.. ,,/• _.. , \., l ''''1

, "

'-- •..•


Second phase of -the :.ichc:rne 5hall be L:ilJllCh~d shortly after

ItcHI No. to: ••

(;G?'! f;'I'~Tt7TEI,-- --


I.JF THE SUE C:'"JriH:ITTEt:- -- - - . -- - _. -- - - '"' .."_.

:s-{ ',nIl: r;;{ECUTTVF. COH.HITTEE:.

i -ts meeting he 1d (Hi 26 ..2 - 1:'~<.in the

succeeding paragraphs.

Chairman to approve reccwlrlcnGati(;l)s (:' ;'1'.

also unless he desized any part~cular cas~Execu t i ve Comln it. i.e: [: .

.9]~~~__9X~.ti.n._J~.1JH~PY1!_::-=. 1':_ .. \l.i;-r\i! 'OF PAKIGTMI,


14. Mr. Anwarud Din id'.111.:::.i ir::. his application for Phase:-IT

declared -the ownership of a Lc_:c;.:; dt L.c'lhol:'t.: in i..he llame: of hi::;

wife. He was J ;-1~ced l' ,." pc i ()L" i L:t-.I I . I t.

j ' .. r,1_ T. l.'

sons on 2 -1 2 --1 .']9 G .

priori-ty-I [or -lhe rJnrpo:::~e of a::'loi:.lr.ent of a house. TLe Sllb"

off dale of Ph2se-II.

CAS~_9.F HH_.__-.£i{~Uf~tf~~~~l!-.-l'~_Z~~ __~~~~:U..!~I~:PJ_1"IGN~L SECRETi\B_YI NCIfARGE, ,MJtd :~Tn-{ i)F PFlT:-:, EUM /,rfD i'(ATUnJ\T~ HESOURCE,:;.----------_. ~_ ..- _ .....• _-- - --_._-- -- --.-._~_._._----_._---:----------_. __ .. -


for. Phase-II did' 110t ,h,.; 1are.. CiUy It::sidefitial

hou,.~e, plot or flat in U::HlalpindijI51.E:l.m,'iu.::...c1ur in any of the seven

specified major cities of Pakistan. Hc;'ic:v<.:r, Oil investigation, he

was found to be: owniug .;i hCJl~5c af.:: f:'e;:jhawat:', I1r . A z em Rharl

represented that lhe hou;')e \'Jd:5 d jCiLt pI1JPt:lty, belonging to hi~~\.--

wife alld three sons,

dependent upon h iI:1.

As ::iuch

the bene~it of Shd~'~d aC~~"~0datio~ ~!ln~cd in para 2(vi) of the

brochure cannot be avai 1ed b)' h iftl. The Execu t i ve Corrunit-tee de'c idt~d

that the case 3hould be examined in deiail a~d pldced before it inits next meeting.

9A?_~9F H13-,'--;_. 'J~-,;.Lp..T ~~t~qt:-, H_0.:lTl _ f:_:~_~'i}i!:.~C1,-_FEIJEIO;l-GQVE;J.3.},!~'1~!iT_~3(;U~)t~~,-__I S L p~l.fL~.~~'_


dec lared the ownersh i p 0 f a hOU3 e : ,_ ,_~(; LCi:nc: 0 f her hU5band. Sh,e;

rnade a representat.iClli tha.t a

appl ican-l because her hu.sDa Ild \-:<1:.\ ,~~~i'~cr jn i:i BallY_ and he hc;ld

an independent- pCJsililll,.

identical case of He.

referred to the --. . - .DIVISIon If! PL:~~_~~~~ of L:he i [1

the meeting of the E:;-eculivc: (~olr:mi1.."'::<:,-:: held OD 16-2-1994, l1lay be

~,h. (; u[ . , ,l' e ] e c i~c; t-t cile:

1_; ~ I .. : '.. .J .-f".!.:J _, • ,: (""'1' led .

'--.- ...


CAS E_~F HR~~l{ht!-HhI! __J.':£I1:1/. ~----l~ll£.li-!- l}~P'-lE!::i~lm cAT _~0 Ni\LbDVI :lEr~L_jlINI~JJ~x~ ..9L LDUC1'.l'I0H.

Hr. Mohammad Ahmad Khan, Deputy Educa~ional Adviser, lri

his applicat.ion for Pha"H~.. " did nc~ c.:::cl3.:-c any house, plot or

fla~ any-where in Pakistan. However, on inv~stig~tion it. was found

t.hat hi~ wife oNned 1/12i::h share Hi a re:3ide.ni.:ial house ai::

Hyd~rabad. He executed an agreel1lenl c i sa.: <? en 12-.5-1993. The

sub-committee went int.o the case and decide:! L1Ll~. 3;ncc; the

agreement: was concluded and ::,igrwd on 12-5-19':.J "1; ~_' ••.1, , •••.•.•

off date for Phase-II and he had liD 5L::.r~ i .. \!lC: house in his IWlne,

the benefit of shared aCl;e;fr.wlJdal i.,;ll :> cvicic.;C: 111 the :brochure for

Phase-II Cdnno-t. be afforc,c;:1 ~o hijl\.

decided the_d.: -lhe case should Le :r.e-e:{':3.!:,ice:d and f->lac<'":d :before .i.L 111

itS next m~e~ing.

c~s~ OF ?I~.I:_..!3!~~fPhDl2!!Q.!- w. ~ [Q~_ C,5"_~-.:~I~_.i':QHp~ _~_~i.~)trL_.~E:}.~~~A!fPIAN, AS_~T .C1XT-rn:!... 1:;; l)l~0t!LQ.~_6 ~Tt:I g~~.D I1{ ;1;';;.J.9H:..._

18. In pursuance of a directive cf tIlt:: Prime l1inisLcr, the:

widows of Governmeni.- :3E:l-Vc.n+'5 \,11"0 died .t.~ril~:; their sel-.vicc ar.J did

not. have any re5id(:!'i.~al dC';-.JrnmuddLior. :it. I:::li:1wabad etc., art: to be

Secretary (;c-,:neral, EconCJnti;~ (:,ffdirs I)i ...~~~cn, LccCJrt"llll:2Ilde,j U.",?: cas",

Economic p.ffElir~ Di.vision, f(l!'~ alloL.n::::'_ cf ,- C.llo:t::. Lal<,:.M.: _ Zhc..fi

died on 2--.'.,-.1'=W3. - - .- - .:

of Governc_t.-cs l' 11 1~)~;;:.3 ~. f, '.1.

husband of Da.nLJ Ll .. :; off dale, 11()

relaxation could be wdd0 in lle~ case.

CASE OF MR. __[:.m~~~yEiillJ~J!'-_f..S~~~~_:r.!-~!~TPP~)FE~~9ft~ __F :.-~~lgSYE~_Q9J.L~G_~-,-3A ~LP I n.) I .

19.The above named offic<:l:, III his application for Phase-II

,declared the oWHership (if a plot c~ Rciwa.lljlndi in Lhe rlamt': of his

father, who was dead. The sub-ccmmit~ee considered the case and

decided that the dat.e of death of the appl icant: 5 fa.ther may be

ascert.ained. If it preceded the cut off date of Phase-II

-(1-12-1991) the house lIlay be tre2.~cd as an inherited one and Mr.

Abdul R0hman may be accordcd pr:ori t::.-I I, ot.hen'ii se he may be

accorded priority-I.Item NO.7: .ALLOTMf.:.:tr:::-uF LEFT OVER PLOTS OF PHASE- I .

20.different categorie~: 1.eft over ir.. Phase-l of the Housiny SeLeniC

were available for allotment in F::'d.se-TI Out of these, 51 ploLs

had since been allu-Ll't::d to the 5t::.c='-:co:,::ul applican-ts::Jf Pb.a5e'-II on

firs-t--come-first-"':sc:;-' ..!t:::J basis as:.C;c >.::.ed by trLte: fo:::n,er Chairnull,

-allotment. One of i.:liese pI,:''\.:5 \13 ~ 1oea ted in g1:'ave ya.rd. The CDA

had been reques-ted to allocated a:..-::;t.Le:- plot in lieu thereof. The

Commit-tee ~la3 further i nf armed ~_Lc.t a number of 3uccessfc.l

__ applicants of Fl1ase-II had appli~~ ...-.""-.•. '.I •... allc.d::rnenl:: of the remaiEir;g

left. over plot9 of Phase-I.the Committee for cCJnsil-~rat::('r'. 2.~ .:c; ,-,'~'lCJrn the available plots may

be allotted.

for consideration D(;[':'!-C t.Le: c;,c:

Item No.8:1 1

Q~~:g;_?J'jQ}L9!'__K1-J ~~I_Q_~~:I])"_-9_~-L~~__QWN_~_gg_5t":T~N1'f :~,c.::J? P.T~ ~H_ T.IIE__}f.o_T!.~J~~? ~l;l~~!.l):::J !:'lY~Q.t= Uj _:

21. The E~-;:e cut i 'I eo

..16-2-1994 considered t';::: Cfl'::':::.ti()'j uL <::liJ.ri:i:,~'.i~~y of flat owners for". .•. .-

cons'cituted a Special C(,mrnillef: Lc:~:::i:-::i!';'1 uf the [oll'll'ding' to

examine the: matter III Jetail 2.:d :j\':;,;::~t it:)

consideration of the K"Ct:cutive C(;lllfllit~e,,-,;-'


i i)

Director Genera I,FCik FWD

Joint S,;cl'e-lary,Works Division

Ch~l inndfl

MemLeriii) Financial Adviser WeLLs,

Finance Division Memberiv) Joint Engineering Advise~.

Works Division22. Pursuant to the clcci.sion of the Exe::ul:ive Con!lllii.:t:e~ -tbe

specialcolomi-l-lee .:unsidered -lLe mat,~_er and submit-ted :its 1-".:pO: t

wherein it had made th"" following :r'ecCi1t=!lendaLions;-

i) The applicants- of who own f 1a't5 in

in Ciny of l::he seven

specified major citie~ may be considered eligiblefor participatiun lY'" '::-h2.5e-II of the SCbC:L,(: dLcl

accorded pr i u:z,-i ty-- I ;.cC.":,c1eJ th~y. fulfil o thel


j 1. )

j 2.'.

The rt:('O.lilft.::e •.. ..l~.llJ,,~; el' • i ',' '.: \.j ill 0. P ply lo ,OJ fl 1Y

" ill.iJ V I .;ill not

entilled alluti:i(:I1L >.Jf

O•.HI residc:nt.id.l p10l~:; 1lic:c.surill~ 200 ::;q. yeds., or


Item NO.9: _P_R.9_~_O_S_A_I~__ F0__P..__ AL_-_.__~OTM_E_N_~_\,_'F__ !iQl!_S_E_~ '_.1 \!~Ltl~!Ll;~ E S S_F_U_-l..~_!c__~ P ~ I.Cl.\f!_T_S _O_F _f:_H_A_~E-~J_ .\1_"_,1_0_8_E: ,T~NGTH OF .S":':;'11 ICE FELL SHORT BY LESS THAN

.._---_.-. ---- ---------------------- ------_ .... _--_.TlffiEE N0NTE::.- ---- - ------ --

23. The Execut. i vc COillmi tt...::::: h'.1:: :. 1:£ onfted tha ~lh(:re here d

in that pha.se b'::cCa.use

years.did not mat.ure on lhe hdsis (;£ tZlt-:.. ::.S"t::-hii~:oe. Sc,]1.ur.ity, ThE;

over ,.the b~~aU~l they had nol


Phase~I .

condition of the r:::,>-c~);:: length ,If service in

Foundation [or al>oul fiv:~ .1'Cc.d5,lL ,L . ,

(..1 L.


~j Lu r l:

'lL' ;:d:1-0I'J,~~~::_.(:r;~FLUTE: ME."SliTII N,;


l'~'T]' f:'~ Fein

~-:.J •.

..1 lJ

,The Ex~"cutive LL•. :I!,:L:,

24. Of l :." r ~ ~j f.' .i l, " : J

" ," ,

Ph C1s e '- II , 53 '.l. ; ,if


of a plot measuring olj() :coC[. 1'3:'.,. ;'lih U1C sLipula{'ion Lh2d:\::ho:.>e tJi.

them Hho were ltltinlc.it.c:ly .=.lluCt::-c ploLs measuring ::;,:..0 SC..[. yd:3.

i.e. R5.2,3G,GOOj- ~4,GO.0GG.00 ,.. r- - .... ~.- -. .....,L,JlI,UUU,UUj

their option for allotmen-l of plots measuring 6CiCi ~(1. yds or :.(,(,

sq. yds. althL,u~L Ii;) ~,'.lch 'J;:.lC:,S were invited.

the a v ail a b 1e p Jut s ,)r l:h ~; {: ; '_

I t e fio 1;::.;, 1 j ; _. -'-'" " '1- '.r Y. :-=-._:... I _ l :".:_'

~_-..; I ... ' _:t ,<; .TO Ti!E .,'" 'i ::--T •.....•' ..,r-:-'j~ ':

L . .l..:. .•.. ..1.J'-.J":" ~.I_~J

25. ~ .\_;! ..-:;~u~; 1 \_ Lc:::

;~; !- r-; '.

, allowances of , .,..,..:.. .. i~ i".:.. t::-

fac i 1 i ti e5 l'X:uV i ,it.,:':.!.vdi li1bl t.:

"i r; L :.:rJ [) U L, V 1 (J V cO; d

<'.s a disinc£;ntive1 Il

those who wt:rt:; aIr e<::dy .:.n 1.(5 ernpl('1'if.t.!1t. The m.' r:. L i ny was ltrr-Lher

the Founda l i l) r~ e 111 P 1 lJ 1e '":~ t~lcic;:.:d lLe


Committee 111 l:11e Lilt

expendi -lure i nvo 1ved \-ic1~; on d hi:;b 5 ide -

26.that instetld of havil"j c.: compcdl'.;fl:;ive ~jch-;:me [(;1' providing m::::d.ical

fa.ci 1 i ties,


1 }--15


1 'J -- 20

to case basis.

Ii ..-.:l;-l:=i'-./~ u: r~s.6CJ/-- 1)":~.:L~li10I~l11

;~~:1~3a]~~~L~Y [laid.

medical allowance a~ the propos8d ral:e5 wi~h effect from 1st July,


nut. be en+jtlcL1 t.0 Il,Jj;l~ dllj' ! C ill';":: ;d.'

of Iii e d.i c in'.: ~ P L" e ~L r i 1" ,l ~ Y (,,' '.' (..:i.


\ :;.


Mn. GAp.D 1\G1i1lXf! 30Il~)' SECRFTi,TI Y ,ESTADLISf~ENl DIvISION.


-t:he Federal Govelnli,~.nl employe!:::; incltlJ..ll1:] t:llosc.: wLu were retireJ

J (;.i ;, l


., .J, r~1 u.r E:;:~:~i


The rtl;::t: l i 11":1 ~-Ja5Phas(;-II.

had made dec 1drat i ('n that :h.":"S _ [;/.,1'5(,1 [. -

service \-;d.S ll\.)t. JL:i'!,lJ.J,;llt. nl1 il.il~: -..::.:.: ~_:'l:'::. :_~[Ol-i:. 1:e c(:u]d l~~jL L~! ij:.~;~0

before -lhe,!Exer;ulive Cornrni-t:tee ~;hc.)c::::::i.r-ej tr~at opinion ufthe Li.~~1

-t:he matter was

following views:-referred to t.h d t L>i v i :j ion \'1h 0


,.Un ue r t_ hen u.I e ~ c f Ih.s i D ~ S s. 1 97 3, .l h ::: L d VI c11t d JLL:" i: i l: t:'

(; .'"

U..n.l fGr-f::1

;:'_:,: ; J

,1.- j' ....

-- ~ - --.: ;. S 1 cl !. ~ .~) .;;

2-1 I H.I

u lJ.:./

q L',:;::;t. i ()Il5

L Ul

;:: :. rn i 1 ::i.1..':/ 1.: ~ ~::~. c.

. 1. ' " ~

, . -.!.. L.-'

,(j 11 tL,; c -' J: U]

as ~ (;t l' ':1 \ J ;'1 j t ~.~;l)el:'SUll':~ l't.~'~.'Jl:;_:lJ.~'~j,},jl ;':

f d i 2.

to add thiJ.t the Goverr:;:.c'nt ::.JeI-vanl.s (Con(htct) I~\!IE:s,

1964, i:l::ll olher rulE:~ ::it:fi:-1inS "fdfllily of a Goverilnlcnt

serant:: oc ::member uf d Government:. servant_ IS fami ly:: t'Ol.'ic

no relevance to the Ir:attc:- in issue in a~ Inuch as all

these rules,'.in !:.beir: impot-l and applicttLiliLy, 6.I.-e

intf:nded to S(:1'v,: the inJ.ividl!ill ~lpecifjc purpose fl)r

which ed.ch set. thereof has .be-ell [ramed. l:


light of the Law Division ddvice and uecidc:..dt::.!lat fir. F.shuli Wd5

not eligible for allo-l.:ment of a hOUSE: jn -lhe scheme.

I t:~r;1 Uo. 13 : ~E':NE~T FF:OH __ lf.B..:_~UIiAMMJ:P __lI~:!lJ13 Eti_:~}J '.L ..G: .PQ~.l~~' _~t:f.P (J_QY~:R!il1~HL_QI_J.bM11lL.~t[12!~ASU1~TF\,~~ZF.FF:~g~_l3_~~~..£Gr~_8_~:.~9TtlEF)'__Q~_.~Ci\TEGORY-. I HOUSE.-- --------- ----......_--~----


the scheme. Hi.s CiJ.:jC did not fnature for iJ.llot:.Illen-l on -lite La.::;i::: of

his J d teo fbi 1:"1.h ( 13 - 2 ---194 5) . Sub3cquenl:.ly he subrni ti:E:J 2.n

.Work5 request;ipg 101"- r.llotment: of 2. Cdtegury- hous e uIl the tJrour:d

that he had been promoted to BP~-20 inAu9u~t, 1989. He was

informed tha-tsince he had been r,::;lc.~ng DPS-L] on the cut: off da-le

of Phase-I, he wa::., not eligible to t;e cor::.;idered for allotmenl of

a Category-or hOl15(: 111 Phase-I.

... r11 Ci ~ t; -- I I w h i c:h ..•.13. s -L(; 10 e

:. \ I i- t:: .

,- .-. ) .'-1 i :':,'j, 1,~J.T.c5:'Jf111

111 Phase-II


en-lilled -to

category-II house 'r'1::ich \/d5 i1110tr c.,~ tc; Li.lIi. Hc)wt::ver, 'lhe case Has

re-examined and it Lr<.J.Il:.opilcti lhLd~ hi::; Cd3C nlight. luature [ur

allotment of a cat~~Clry-I house ir. fha~e-II if addiliona.l pl ct.:=;

hecame availaLlc. ..iI. 'luC'si..icn 2.::.-(;se \':helher on a.vailabi 1 it}' of

additional plo-ls "Mr. :Khan should be cun~>idc::red and allotted a

category- I plot i 11 Phase-II in lieu of the cai..c::gory-II plot

already allotted to him. ~1:e Exe'cutive Coranti'H:.ee decided that

since Hr. Khan had alt'e~dy been ~llotted a ~at.egory-II house,

ne was not er.title\l t,:; allotr.\:.';Iil of a caLeg-ory-I 1-;c,tlse even if

additional plot.~; 1ecdloe avail::ible. T~le C01!ltnit.t.ee observed in this

connec-t.ion that this aIs,j •.\id.~ in accur-':'J.!lce \-iith the policy adopted

in other similar Cd52~.

Item No. 14:

30. The me:cling 'wa5 infc>rm~'d. t-:-~2.t 11i his applicatiofl for

Pha:se- I I I Mr. Z. F.. F.glla,"

de'clara-tion i;hat he m-:r.ed a heuse/flat:. in KaracLi but that it was

,contracted to be. 301 d and even ean:e3 ~ money ha.dbeen !'ece i ved by

him on 25-3-1989. Onlhis ground he y-eq'J.t'5t.r:;d for being accorJ.ed

priority-I as he could not be said i~ be cwner of the house on thecut off date i.i::. 1--12'-19<:d.

L l,t~

Tran -- • t.: l'. t) ! [ L ,) r' 1 :..-., .. .1

1\U L (; ..i.: i..1 "i...•J , ; L :~,

:; -' ..: "..; . -

L e D,l l.) 1 f.; . .

\ .. '

I'_ ~ ~ J \._

, ,~ I ~i, ;

.' ... "1. "- .••

sell , .,1 : '.)r . ':-;, ~ '-- .. ' .• ' •. 1. :' ,h: .

asked f01 frOln iir. 1":11.<, ,... .. .: '.....::.- ~):l.~:-:l ~ ~~:~~_J ':;:-1 '.;:'

I"\. f_:......- 1. ,:.'It'V:.--lltt {If_1CU17;':'::~1t-.~;.

as earnest. money tltCitin:] fueth::::' U:.it Lht: t :Jul deal d.::1cJuItted tu

Rs ) 04 U",) u-'u-u- :., 'nl~ 1.'1'1'" " 'Ie D.',.•.... ,'.,.':" '•.•.,-,.\,:1 •.-1 ')I'~' [)Ai(} u'r, ll"l',u'-;~.,n. '~,'-"'l'•. , , , " '1.~ ~ '_ '.• '. ,I _ _. ~ _ • _. ~ J. - - • _. ~'::J .'. ~

poscssiorl \<lit.hin fOur !1IUlllhs.

conveyance deed of -lh,.:: bOllse dC(:urCl.D9t.() which tb,; deed \J.J.:3

'.£ina 1i sed on 4-5-1993. The Ex:ecutive COlflllliLt.ee L:on5idC:l:"ed -tht:

mat.t.er in dept.h but did Dot agree to place Mr. Agha'g case in

!,-l.LC)'~!1E~~.I~~~_.....s.~~L:~0.Q.TIY'-I I_l~0T}iJE_.YND~~n\}TJS I Jig ..~~E"t.~~ . (rJJE.~.J;...:.~i.~X:TEN~~ ~"2~j.-=. CASE<:"!,Y.J'fB:_~_:l,-:..::. }; ~..0.~.L__~~L~(!~'i'::TCJR.J__ SECUIHT{ ,ADBF.

: C; 1

: ,_}I, ~; J

• ~ • j

:.~ f.;l.:l~' C:~l.

_.;. •.::_f

;'i, .,.

Ji.:-_JJcY IQlJ:E:.~_ '6= -:c L~T~\.El',z.._Gl~LQ.ll.1T}n:;~ ._(~)~}l.0~2i?09_?ftLL~;.9_~~~t, =-., . ..!:_ 0.':~__~~.~U'.F:ES---!WO.. _U.9.t! ::;t:.~__~3


p.griGuJ t\);C

I . '

The- cas~ of Mr. A.A.K. Ni2.zi, I,irec::or, Security, ADBP,

,The Exec\.~' i ."

Item No.

. •.. - -'- (

for allotment: of a hou3e OUt of discret:"..Jnary quola \.--las con3idered


0').;J ••.••

by the Executive Committee but was n~t ~gree~ to as the



discretionary quota was no longer a~ai:able.


brothers incllldiIlg him.S i Gee the shares owned by him did not

Const:i tute independent: uni t:~, -lhe Execu-li ve Cammit+':!e agreed tc:

accord him pr-iority-I III Phu5(;-II.

Item No. 17:~ASJ:_0F' __1?B~ TAN\nn HUSSAIN FOn ALLOTl1EN'IOF.A HOUSE.

Works, who wa.s

The meeting was told tha~ Mrs. Saeeda Tahir Kheli Tanvir,33.

Director, Films and Publications, an applicant for a category-II

touse in Phase-I, did not qualify for parlicipation in the scheme

as she 6ad not completed 20 years-service on 1-9-1986.: The advance

money depos i ted by her Nas, there f Cl-e, -:t:: Funded f:() her.

Su1)sequently she. approached the then Secretar.

pleased to r~mark on her application as follo~~ '_.

'JShe may be advised to apply ir.: Phase-II in category-II.

She should be g~ven preferen(~e.::

. 1 . ,. ~ L~;._;:.--.> C:Ct"1:3l':.- t:1 ell JJY LIle

Instead her husband Dr.

L e but hi::; Hi [::; \'1h 0 h a c1

The n:':.:

Mrs. Saeeda did not apply in Pha::;e-II.

Housing Scheme but Ofr the .basi.s of age-wise :-jeniori ty his case did

hOt: Illature £"or a 11o+jP.l~n t .'.

fresh api 1icants il ~'ha.5t I I i.tS i L ~.jG:':' _.


not: have been giver. I,reff.;rencc:: becau~c:,:; 1.-::-:-- It':ngLL of service vias

short of 20 yea1:.3 in Pha.~~e--I.

:''tanvir Hussain applied For a category-II house in Phase-II of the

.Executive Committee hut: ii:. did not: as-ree -~o LIl:: alL_d:meni:. of Ci

house to Dr. lanvir Hussain.









Masood Khan,

e. -ca tegory- I I

the namei r1


name or

COln::nit tee

- .. _..t3.r=-c~ J


CASE OF F.LLGTnENT OF CATEGORY-I I PLOT TO----------------- --~--------"'"---_.::::..----

NR. A.HnF.=' 13F::..AHHl FARIDI' IN COMPLIANCE---- -------------------~----------- ----------------'-I~.' -H-E -.:;---.--p..i",,-h'''-I--TU'JS 0- _ .. '''' .•~~- -t'i iH. 1, ~_t:-'_.cl •• >LC.d )Ai _ r. _t- -l.ll.\:; 'rIAt'A).1----------------------------------------- -

.HOHTi\S 11::.

..an applicant fc.,r ol~U(~"C:~:t. of



o\'ln.ed a regitlential . ~ .riO':' Hlf;a~h!~ lng 600 sq .yd5.



Item No. 19:

of -this;

The meeting

"Item No. 1(, :


request of the applicant.In view

other such agency wel'e nolo eligible 'cc parUcipate

in lohe Scheme.

Spou3e by CD],. Housing Foundation. ".fence Housing Aulohority or anyre~idential plot/flat

in Ch~lala Scheme No.5. Rawalpindi C.D~~.Hnd ~h.~. ~h.refore. be

was accordedrepresente.tions tebat he may be cono-.ldereci in ~he lIousing Scheme

Chief Engineer I liES I

house in Phase-- I I I


a house j n Karachi.

L tebe ground that the plo~ which was al1ol~ed ~o him in 1984 in

r~Chaklala Scheme NO.9 ,;as unsuitable for consteruction

of ~he house

F~ . as ilo "as situaloed

next to brick ki 1r.s and wa5 subj ect leO frequent

~"..:.. digging. and lore;'spassing. It waS ext'lained

in the m."tien


f--- : .5,: according loa lohe tel"ms and condi HonS for ailotmen~ of houses in

t. . Phase- II . a Federa 1 Governme ntemp 1o'iee whO was ever all oUed a





- \•..:.~ 21

-therefore, he- withdrew lhe amount ueposite(: ty him. He applied in

Phase-II afresh hut by 'C,en he hdG rcLi.l-;~d from service, on

"attaining the age, 0: 's ~leran!1l1alion_ tie caul d not: be given

preference over the fresh" .appl ir-anls Ci:':; he had withdrawn, the

-Mohta~3ib for beil1y given PJ_-,:fc]-(;nCe Cjy~-j ~ :;,:: [-=-.-,:::=.11 appl icanls ,,1


not .::Iucces3ful in Phd.5C-'- J.rO: \',()llld be consid.ered ill

Phase-II alon~I",;ith ()U,E:~- 2.ppliCctI1-i:s of Phase-I. Tbis

intimation \,,2S given to hi!:.: c::~er l1ijD years of withdn,H.,'Cil

of amount dt:~pc)5ilc(l in .t-~:csc-I cr,J thus he rerll~ined

hopeful for allotmellt 1D f'-n~5e -II and ;')0 he applied

afresh. ~,

Purzuant'to the reconunendation of the io!afaqi Mohtasib his case Wi:l~

placed before Co ir..:::i t ~e e i Lit g me e t ::-n g he 1don

16-2-1994 but the Committee decide~ tnet since he had withdrawn

his seed money o.f Pha::) e- I he Has o--:t c:f lhe pri ori i::y 1i 5t and,

-therefore, could, no'L be given prefert:.ce over (Jchers. He, :rlo~./ever,

informed t.hal.:: Lis case would be con::::,i~~e:d III Phase-II tHCl yca~-s

after the: \"Vi thdra"\"i 1 CJ [ i.:l,C amoun l t-, \. ....: "-..lJ 1 {J. - _. J he ~hould he consirlert::d

for allobnen,t in Pftds(;-II Lhe'WClfaqi i-fObtd:3i[}.

Commi{;tee in i.t~;rnee-t.ing held on 26-6 >::.:< ~)ld:


,':..- ..- "


COlllm i -Lte e nphe 1d

Item No. ?r-AB .. ) Q~~~.~ ~1J}_YI ;J.I~).~h~,p.LLUff1ENT OF A HCJU5E.


Iqhal, Divisional i'.: 11 j l Department, d 11

applicant: for a category-III hOU~e accolde:,j

inherited by her. SuL~;t;CIUefllly he std.t.::;J Lhat the house in the:

nata e 0 f his wi f e h' cl5 ()u -ls i J 2 l~h e _.:,l '-.:, 0f Lahore Me-Lropo I .i Lan

'Corporation. He was, t.herefore:, .:i5:kccl L.o fuxnish documentcuj

evidence in support of his sta;_cii1erd:. The reg i 5 Ll~ l i Oil .1(;;::j

furnished by him sh(:)Y/f:cithat lIlt,- !:QILSe was purchased by Iii::; wife:.

A certificate furnished DY him shG'.{~::dthflt the house was outside

vevclopmt;:lt p.utLo1.:ity.

Committee considereJ. the mat.ter and. aesir8d that full inforrnaLion

about the exact locality and area where the house in question was

situated may be obtained.


37. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Cliair.