^t 30-w^fe murderer! - nys historic...

&& THE JOfitftoh* \ Saturday mos^f f«i&|H .winn- •UMAnp ^ 30-W^fe ^T" iiii iiiMibwrg>2^-i in i in 11 ,.n «*• "A FATWH.V FAJ?I?fc "Tt" ** Tho ?Jn ly Journal is re»$_tlti,% by jlfeQOO people *a I^edvna a»4 vicinity. ., i*U.6. MEDINA, HEW YORK; .* ffiSg>Ay, MAY 13,1932 """ft^V PBICE 2 CENTg Force* ol Police at iiMS TTT* May- were" set loose well, N J of society in full fuiy to run down the-] rs of the LindWfiu baby inhumanly almost: .JjJtMn. y the h6me'{r|i^^mc^'&e, (olen Maroh. 1. - ; ;'<?• >:}•'.' ' * ,very of tUe^ltifUJff-.iaktilatr- Ipse, with the'. v £rt!j&etl I Hose hill ThttMb^tteri 1 less than •-flye.:3^||^ : ; fronl ndbergh home, $,|r||§fl ; 'tbe it removed, a l | : - » % ^ - t o . | into play e^^wmmt herd in ^H^f^ 1 •police action: ^ I ^ W J (to the baby: .'-.•$$$£$)?« ; J loritles made" it : #J^lthat a - in \ |ai history ,was v ;$j]$iay in that no spot J o|' earth- be safe for4ue"kWirlftti%t peace officer'* it*; i|e #?M$dl would be o h ' t 0 iMrtVWat police wpuja,J|»|)§f^. f »}l I ration; that'koliiiielcwvere: ood money ext6f^id*t|^'',th^ 1 [perhaps uotjrei Iced. Schwarzkopf announced- . a k suspects %uhd$f .ottaerya-; Ind that "immediate steps Going After Brokers Records and from its position, indicated that attempts had been made to conceal or bury it. In his forehead was a hole about ttte'gize of a 25-cent piece. Official Statement of Police In Ma official statement. Colonel Schwartzkopf said: "We have, to announce that ap- parently the body of the Lindbergh bab^sjas'fdiind at 3:15 p. m. today by William Allen, colored, of Treji-1 ton^ who, was riding on the Mquict | Rose Road-, toward Hopewell. ' n maae .-"'lie was riding with Orville Wit-f 4oit'ont a tracMbad of timber, "piesp stopped, the- truck and found . 'KSohie. Into, the- woods," Sch- ^axtitkapFs statement- continued, 'aiyL\ going, under^ a-Jonah,' he (Al- len), jowered bis head and as> he raised his-head be saw the skeleton te, the ground; ; ^Hes^wa/in- bis statement that .Whsite.saur, hjja. a jprson&ifropt oa- it: |lref ; called-back to- Mr: ^fl- sori^l^'iv'ns'on rSnjkn&the Wm¥< Washington Mar 12—A large number of subpoenaes have been issued by the Senate banking com,- mittee to compel the appearance- tomorrow of brokers who have re- fused tp let the committee examine their records. Chairman Norbeck aaid today that subpoenas had been issued calling for the appearance of brok- ers who refused to permit investi- gators to examine their books in the committee's stock market In- quiry. The names of the brokers were public. A meeting of the steering com; mittee in charge of the Investiga- tion has been called by NorbecJ?- for tomorrow morning, at whtctj time a decision will be made as to the procedure,.against any broker! who may refuse to turn over their records. ' ROOSEVELt # A N S SAV- F " mw *""• ING IN STATE BUDGET v#" :ill{ott dollars; governor Roosevelt said he was v , jkuig Graves later to confer in Al-ij f^liy with department heads to en- ;||s|; their aid in making the addi- iiroiiai savins. parenfa..is sb^ti-^ 9W$*.w' wpiit^a^aMdlitjfeAytrfeo •' *'* '" fto'Ko^weriind get the police. ' 1 ^notified'Chief ;Woir, who no-- ttfleatheaeJaeadquarters. Inspector Walsh, of Jersey .City,, Sergeant J e taken andiarei'biingjakenfMbffatfc-or the Nejvark police, t ompiish thejr arrest." IHjia. elieved to refer- toi laforniay !»*0! [ondou and' Quri^s,.m;|glit : |^Teiji were suprre^pV' the'api ...edible caj(b!^ii^s|'jif!'tiie:! indicating St_./;e^u|r/.il»aM: e. by .c||^aii';#f4lmsed-l be da^^i;awi|ly|p-:hu- by a»||f|dr|rM||te|ed'''by hild ^ r ^ V h ! % -%i' %>ritf sn se'ardttjictjt';?^*, #CMft-.'« : Lieutenant Keaton of the New Jersey. State Police, and a- number immediately Ice liner' the yto#te^Mthj|lbs.. ^Jil ight 9 ifvtES'fi%fiilp|j , iMlfir| heatt*6t'fa8^tt|"^elfr;&at| be,raay f e&, par6*ts,' 0t>l,ajad!f Lmabergh.—to " §y|? ifed- 1 soor/.totiie a §»9^t; a|ain, her flte^;hnsb«ftB|^tfQ'Ms tortd^eo| vfafB.,, ;ag^"'nighta jts imleaitogly, 5be|r nldeotta; lumtsf was, "ftt"last ended, to |pla ced by SiOVltTjiS|j ",' i. Lindbergh)'wa^ Jt home the^brqught^ - i^ft. ie-^s, ;rief aha Jhbo1c'%f|e. Btjoiyn the world,-<alUigB|f&-Sfae' 'was to be •b'ear1n1|;*l#r,^rWly, a the |cIos^Sa»Vdea" ,SpW- biils hime'"tl|e f jifelpe'rSbS wilt, it batf!!)eeft'.!pTii>bed.-as' |e retreat Sri '.%]"' '"-'"' tjefbre the fiscaj Jreaif et.OSea. f ,^ ; 'This, the Qbvernor ,ei^itfk|n •tirttii.ld mean a sgrvj^^'|i sb^f^hji] iaibre than ten' : p|4':>l'ci?li4, ',^1$! Vopid lapse back itstfejthe traa^ ;a ' •Sdch previous -,^f|in|bj 'ha'.l % v e altietsd}?-'l|e^.--a|:.hiebi,«S&.i|| HRT Wtu»m sprfrigs> Ga,, . Slays:'f|^ Governor Franklin D.» Ro6se^|1 has- interrup.tH Ms "^aeaHbu ',.$ work -with ^arjy'-GraVe:s]. 1 ^i^ctW of the budget,, la-effecting-&1S'" OOO . OOO saying in operating ^ ^ penses by l^ew^ork State'iM.pSfej^g^ fiscal year ending June 30; r '.'••• i "^ &A "' A total saying of SS^Stljsffitjfr der the legislative appr:pEr|»¥ df Janua#|9^\^feCW q W velt said, already ^ ' l ^ f l ^ ® - Hie purpose of thf> eonf6<ettc|^aJ ; - fPttris. May t2—President' Paul ,**" lop off an"Tfadi)ft»al .fWS^ffl Doumer. vfetfrn bt aa assassin^ *»rhr„ , h . fi s ,ftl v ea r closes.- <--»» bnllet> was | aifl to ^ lhis a , toy , noon beside the four sons whohj. he gave to PraniBe i? the. .W|r!$ ute to Doumer detectives .WjEBjt to the Bcene. :'4h§y/'reported finding, tb,e body !b|;a\cblia^itiaiated to-be betweenT i .yfiar' an'd f a half and two years o^ci' v in*%:6td5stiite of ftscomjfbsition, but Having blonde tair : and bearing-] yh^VftBpeitfea' to be an undershirt and; a flannel band around the ligjv '/"" " •••.' ; >Not^ys8ed with this as identt'J Jtd.:^t^nj^'.%fvtiifc Undgr^rt •J|lff -|My5^d*|; ajid of the Ului'bil 'shirt' the: h(ipV 'haTd oa the night of the kidti0ine& ' ClotljUif; <^!ftehes, tdentitx "*rhla' flann^rsfiirt Jiad an em- broidered- scallop^ edge on It. These articles were |aiien.,.back to the scene and comjpa^u with' the cloth ;Ii^^ofltil.gtt thje body and were matched- cldse}y enough to* afford an identlttcit^on "idt the hody ;OjSt ( 6E tb>,fit^dpergh biby. ;. V'Tjie 8ta"teineit.,oI, William Alien iand; C«yia| Wito'a says thai fhefj itwidif-wto psettst^it concealed by ie£y4%'*41trt; 4tfd byttste. i|fees»katt Sad a*atole'M' ifea^eut the *iier of Detroit, May 12 — The R'evl Father Charles B. CoughUn, who broadcast a weekly sermon over a nationwide radio hook-up during the winter months, tonight called' the death of tbe kidnaped Lind- bergh baby a challenge "to eradi- cate .the gangster and hoodlum from our country." "Now we have been challenged by tbe death of the Lindbergh baby tq eradicate the gangster and hood- child anal''§plye:/t^^]|bine; Col. Lindbefgfr^ip'i^fti..?* 0 : |m mediately: BSfia^SOJiji)Home. arrived Slft>r|iy ; *&re|i»H<2; .#• a motor ; c|tiire^b|jtp fl* 1 *^, flwin B. Brdic'e b f ¥ | t n ^ N. & ( peweii, N. j L ^ a l ' l i ^ i i a r i e s of the wbri'd' 'l^rb,u| ; aifiajbrj [i<mnd d e a ^ ' ' i e | « ^ " ; Ji^JSj^t tain home; ^bitti^icji l(e Iffi* ped '7S day* a'goif e tragic ^t^i&j^Si^f reh catoe "^tt»-'fiis.*^Sjelai' -An* ireinent at'-;li« v '' ! '^pa'hej*ht to rear* a quarter just above the forehead. .Tie Vddy-Was lying Itt4 dpprefts'totj aa^ thpngh jtn attempt, .had. usen made tb bury it faqe dowtf; Tlte Body was in a,;very bad state of decomposition _ i! to^e*r Goanty physlclaffj Br; Charles fi. ;j|RcBeil asd the esunty tcorondrj Waiter; Swayie, were fm [mediately cd&sd- iri." . Cbidnel jSeh^rtekopf added [that the coroner bad taken charge of the* tody' and, had..taken it to tTfrentoa where an . aiitops? was Beinff perfoHned. by Doctor Mit- chel!. ••,--< koiwf Aosa fs* about 4% miles from the Lindbergh heme. Newspaper: men assigned to tbe e atmoun^mfe4f^|;4Rffiil. tias beeb:rnS|m^r||p| r '*l<rtfap> : investig.^b^%c# : ib^'"IllW: .-toten f r d i » 3 t l ' # t , M *»» y of Mai'ia^v's'Cc;^^.. '• e boay,-^fl¥^4b|*Ieiait««>t |found)b^dw;fflhp||pliiih' *$& the Ww.'i^^PPIjIf.^ of the p l t i f o ^ i ^ ^ ; Newspaper^ men ^^.^""1 annonneen^ilj^^M ^ ^ ^ S i f S to «cH6n; t|is after^WliHenfthey; wore ^nmmoncd. through official channels at Trenton, 16 the Lin* . bergh home. | The importance of tbe summons was manifest in the. message's Silv'en. tie? re|fdrtera, and there, was imtnedfate race throngu Tlfe b o % f e | r i ^ e ^ « ^ * E ot brus), r ,Ah:t^^0Bfv»**:f * di^o*etg'#alli«ii : il' '*|tS; ant'idgp#W«#^.^fel N by-d^o^#:ipfe*.;^#aet! •*nfit «h's ; >ibeh^^b#s- ; ttf been wo#l^iiCaitii^l* : it as to . h J i ^ l ^ i p * , . ; ' ;£,-»-., •' j st^Bffi^lh^fE^i||l 1 i|*'si : N an mju^^^M&fJtsk. fo e co0^^ii^5Sfe^v.''r' > ,.<* ' 'baby^:,j)i^:|^^|i* ! |ir*fe: "He * • * eith> atarl«|:-,ttoin |Momc*afc;^f, -:ii&&k-'iftw,j&fc steady raitf, *o the Wg lithe &mt>5» lief. The very atoids- » % * w ^ M t 0« trasedy. an home of lum from our country. "My deepdst sympathy goea.Ottt to Colonel and Mrs. Mridh'er^kf May their sorrow btt.jjih tnctjntt^. to every American *o make this S better country go&.tbe, childrenjif| the growing ^an'eratloiij i? ** "And yet iny fe^pftl^iijfs are. $ag§ tended to the Liti : their child is notli waiting for thomflKiiSliand b| eternity." I Indian Is An Apt Student Prdm tnrMgftg^ftfif* •m&W- Anold IndTanln pklaliomy, haty iip, went to the batiktoborrow $10, as-Will Beck tells the story. Tbe banker said it would bo all right providing he. had some security. The deal finally was made, the In- dian giving a mortgage on twenty ponies. Not long after that Oil was struck Close to the Indian's,allotment and he sotd his oil leaso for a lot of cash, so stepped into tbe bank and peeled oft a hundred-dollar bill to pay the' lean. . -'"That's fine," remarked the ban- ker, when the .business was com- t.pleted, "Imt.you don't want to car- ry all t&at money around witli,you. Better leave 1t hero with* me."* r "AU right; how many ponies you got?" replied the Indian. n -i II .II..I—»•• WfesiShelby Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eckert of Lock- port hate moved into Nelson Dewey tenant bouse. Mr. and Mrs, William PogoU spent Sunday" with S&. and MtrsJ Thomas Kyle W Shelby. ' ^frs. Harry Sawon of Koyalton was the goest of her» sister Mrs. ; William Pogef the last of the week Mr. and Mys. Neltt Slefek and Mrs. Sheldon ot Jamestown are guests of Mr- and Mrs. Duaho Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bailey of Bast .Shelby were gnosis of -Slr-i ahf a-lrg. Bart 'BacbBE Wcafftsaay -eTeninis » ' ' . fh& Home 4 - S'Sreatt mefi In Ihoj St I^emw*Wednesday attfi^ t ,»oon. s Tft'isjrw the tost lesson in block prtttti^t:- Miss Efssfe^co "vVinter wIH teach] the SVfeentan; ^ehdol; agata tteit** year. M^ra. Ahjeinette Boo*am tite' West Shelby Seltool an* Um Clous the. Brick School. War. The body ,*vas i tabea ^pifithri- Pantheo)ty .wnero. it Jjacf- been; $ar« nie4 ait,e:*- ojafcokte fuineral ccrfe- monie^i Igblldwed oaljj; by ' hfe \<'dowt ]W*^' otte rejujaining son and q t l ^ l ^ l ^ j r f r of the family^ this,sijn»|(l(|'^rqeesslprt niQyed to, VattgifrarA cemetery, where there; %tis a brfef burial service. Hany Aikin 44 of Mapleton a director of the Niayua Count> Farm Bareau, was seriously Injur- ed at nbon today when he was trampled on by' a horse in a barn on his farm. He was brought to the Clty< hospital here In the Ken- nedy ambulance. Mr. Aikin was putting the horse in the barn when the animal k»ock- tjd hitti down and trampled on him fit* loft leg was broken and fie sntteVod euta and abrasions on the face and ^head. ' Several .years ago ho was seri- ously Injured when attacked by a MURDERER! SAYS WALKER GOT GRA TUITY FROM BROKER \ **i New York, Mtiy IS—The, searclv light of the ttofatadter-, invostigas- tion turned squarely on Major; James J. Walker today with the assertion, he had accepted a gratu- ity from a Wall Street firm while in office. The lisag-heralded ina»it'S" hVto lite financial affairs began when Counsel Samuel Seabury produced testimony that ho had received in November, 1929, a gift ot bonds with a market value of $S0,5S5 from a brokerage house Involved in the flnancing of the Parmeleo m Charges iThatli/lfet St#es0ot>3ctra Quota of Ballots Middlep Mrs. Catherine Mttctieii ot Locfel ^JVM^^oeadiijjsss^tj^iidayft *«ajj >Irs. J&anqift tf.*JMWigh*6at. * . MJss Gladys iimn 'of-iBocheater spent the weok ond .with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'A.,x:iuni. Br, nnd Mrs. Ayanwia*-)6anghter ot Hartford Cily,-lttd**r6«pBndlng a rew .days with Mr.Jind'Mra. Don- aid Wing. Donald Burghardt oB'JFtewBbiirK and Lewis Hartwig- of-Wj^rron, Pa., spent the week, end with Mrs. Ly- dla Burghardt. Mrs. Rebecca Collins who suflor- ed a stroke a few days ago, Is r<v ported as somewhat Improved al- though con fin otl tO bod. MnyLydia Burghardt who has beon>pondlng two weeks in Prows- Forty-four States returned* a r * tio of ballots within one per coat, of the ofltjUSMt 1928 voting strength lly ^OTI of the Statel In the recent Literary merejifingest k l i ^ ^ W W e -PVotabitlon Poll ac(|j'iju|J4;||Ohn analysis ot tbe roturna||||!Mf|pd, in to-morrpw*a Issue or|Mlii|£|i]|aslne.' in th^^feu||-othor States the variations bet^qn the percoohuje ; *|©f tho popular t'pte }n ttai.HOov^ 1 sSMth jBleotlohfjaJld j t h l ,m ^OMlotarinUalnaarttf tho roeint J932 ProhlbUfort referendum anV otinted to law;' than three per coot it is atatedi,. Illinois, wlthi S.43 per cent, of the country?* popular vote, return- ed but S.OS.'Dtr. cent, of,tho total final returns* o£ Tho Uterary D<- goat poll and Saw York, with 12.11 per cent of ths nation's latest re- FOUR LIVES LOST IN MTEMPTAT Oflporto, Portugal, aiay IS— Four toon were dead, four miss- ing mid believed drowned and toitr- Injurwi today aa a result ot tho oap- BiitnerotAwo Itteboats In a furiooa sea in an attempt to rescue the crew ot the Gorman steamer Grniw, which ; ran aground last .night near here in a storm. .JChciWrty lv *" paasongors on the 100 Operations For Boy, & itt^Two Years Fairmont, W. Vn.,—Wbon ho saya 'do you want to aoo my opera- tion,?" Prankie Powell, U years old, uses Mjo pinrnl. He's had luo opera.- ttona in, two year«. tnite^otttKlidns ahbut thorn ho ;Binilea a n d ^ e i coiuts to ho known operation aim to corroct, is Improv- ing, , bnrg^wfth her son, Oonald B«rs-J |ea 0 trtjat vote, sent In* 823 pdr hardt and farhtly, has returned home. Mrs. Clara Wing who has been spending several months In Hart- ford <2ity> Ind, with fier daughter, Mrsv>Aycrs and family has return- ed home. - Mr. altdP'Sfrs. Square B. Gurssln announce tho ongadinent of'their daughter. Lena ,Bdlth, to Kverott C Worth (?f Lackpbrt, the marri- age to take place in Juno. •The condition of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Smith who are In tho Me- dina Memorial Hospital from an ouiomoblfe accident a week ago i3 reported, «s about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wallace glittered voting strength,, returned but 10.70 per corn, of tho total bal- lots in the Polt, the analysts shows. Ohio and Pennsylvania return- ed a greater proportion of their "auota" in the Poll, it Is stated, than tholr respective papular vot log strengths would warrant. Ohio, with 6.8a per coot, of tho 1028 Pro- cant of the Poll's ballots. Pennsyl- vania, with an 8.45 per cent, po- pular veto, returned 11.30 por cent. at the'ballots. 'Tho magazine states that it uses tie latest' national election figures either than the populations of the ffjgies as a measuring stick be- cause largo sectlona of tho coun- try's population, especially in the South, do not go to tho polls. , Tho Literary Digest present this analysts as a refutation of the t!l)«n|tt freaaenUy made during tho fcjrdirress of the Prohibition Poll that more ballot* were being aent y> wet sections of the country, and Cities, than to the politically dry Gauss and a part of tho crew and cargo wore safely removed. The captain, and eight members of tti<S orew chose to rqmnln aboard the ship. 350-Pound Sea Bass Runs Off With Boat "n in, San Pedro-HJhce upon a Hum (it was yesterday! two tlnbonnou {/loo- ked a 3Si)-pound sea lm»», niut, tht> bass begat swimming around, .hauling the two man in their mo~ torboat In circles. A lighthouse kcoper cama to the rescue and by dint of much muscle, Mr. Sea Bass was putiml aboard. That will bo a good story tor tho ttsherroeu to tell their grandchild- ren, who jtrobabiy wont' bollovo It. I I "I.- Mil 111—— I .ll'l.l, I..I- Ring Lost 25 Years Found Niagara Fails, May 12,~A plain (roUl bniwl ring, lost for 25 years* was found today whep Louis Hans, 166& Niagara Avenue. Unfa- od up 1 Uuj sod on his front i»wni t The ring was untarnished and J!»f good condition and Man* at first thought it had been lost only; reconUjv . , . ,. iji8 wife, however. rocoBtunedT it> by Its peculiar engr&virtff. The t rt»K h«dt h^e.tt^ififrt J&Jf % tnerttber Sfl^b-jtniHlly a-qVinrter ot^, e,^.| twy-ntfOB. A tree had boon t^nj np near a spot whero »rtio< ring was found. MalU thinks that when tbo rbiK was lostt, .it was .trod Into the ground untlar the loaves from the troo n Attended Funeral John Comcrford. Miss Winnie Comurford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MeElwoo and daughter, Mlas Heh- rtctta MeElwee aro In Youngslown today attsndinK tho funeral ot tholr cotwln Francis Comorford.' HARD TIMES apt* wets Miv W* m^Bmm ^ ^ wer() m uc& throughout the Mansfield or Bnffalo, Mr, and Mrs. Thonilw <Ues of To»* w *>idi». Wr arid Mr*. Artbnr ttaiken ot New- fano and Neai, Carfll at. So«r York |city. > Mr, an4 Mrs, V?. John Kevins, r'&bw Wattto 366*%- 'Wn. deorgi* Wilcox ftMd Mh, |«^:AprtDg at- tended ibe taoimz || fooawanda I Sand**? t*r«M itt t^',|fotth Vona- watsdai M«tftkEife'i^it^ *y { b«? choif X <$L »ougMa8,'ebi()(«i^ of 38 ^oice*. ^ TCho' M&M& •$$*beH a»«\j t^icea iiawtt ot Mdiioswrt, who mm in jtlie chair are stmlentu of '. vsyrit^ * *- &** : ^ ' &i$mp-tat «h« flepressioas It has ''male ; aIteY W&% people-out of the Inmates, of the State p»isaa»i « t » t lohtt'.'F.'tr^ipala of'Albany.,sf»*f: tary o« » » State Commtaatori o* Cortectioh^ W m intervtew Awe, PTtaott fiot» &*t eaase* nflffiH ipfsad^ciace*te • ^ j r "jears'-tr.. iotitf he. •» »«* Wt 0 ^ t0 "L^* Fm*- ***** « « ^E^t*' I*.: tutions. particalarJy the Etftte pri»-| ens. are 'geti&te-teittar |oodi, wbrfe fag harded arid'are f enttalty satl* ,&*& to be 0&i"tm^0i: *ittt"-B* I d'eatre to escape, and f<ce so-calliid- :4 ffaxi .times. Gpk *f*-«fe eairi-. Kifi^ '- 1 'Ions- why' the p>iton*rs are sattf fled-i* tha£, 'fttej? know aseapo ,-ioWhs appllcaitoii to pttMic *dtht>r« fitttA- tar- Coot i|»l : <sitt»« *tt»"r*f suiunt capiore, 'tftnlfn' W .prfiionvf *&4 added yaata- of aerir lttjd« •fori *«cape. - t Ilea* co)te»*. * ' :£&%&%&& 3 Months * mm*. *** whw-« - t,^i« |aitoa of *hlch 4,«68^37, or 2tS5 §er cent, of tho ballots mailed, f>e;ro voted and returned *otch is *<tfd to J»e a high percental© ot ru- Hies in? a "atra*" roierendam. j^^fhe close parallel hetw««* the i^Pifflf e « a t . of the OftUed States t»t>- f aiif Vote' and tbo 'Per Coot, of otat Ballots Keturnoa"* the tw>t». Um wilt state editorially to-mor- JfeSWf ' **fe °tt<» oi tl* 6 moat «BtW0Wt> : ' WW statistical* feature of the Poll « f hafe tbo ballots »ho«W osrtre« ymm back t o 1"fte Literary Digest from the semst State* In (juanti- fi* elosaly to srepoirtiott t»j t mh 8satc'a'-s>i>uJar «efl- at the )m !Blr*caiotM, c "Oat afiilytts table, itora very |«t«Wty tft* iramanso atepEoportten. r*hjshi .sopafettlon -Bear* 5 to*saptflftT *tffe ia certain State*—and it bat*. fjtt* ttesst they are tmsiUy In the ;;:^Pltiv.«oi^Siills» IrrtHcatlnj «mfc 1*1*4 -«MUon« '-of th» popular vote rather than poputo- tlon. "A return of 4,668,55* ballots oat ot tho 20.70S.353 mailed out la a ulendid return in any poll. "It Is the highest return nvor scored by a blteFary Digest pot' with one exception. And the dif- ference Is very alight. 'for Its accuracy wo ore supper- [ted by the march of ovonts as well »» by a strong body ol editorial opinion. The Kepubttain Senatorial primary In Pennsylvania struck a timely nolo of confirmation ,l«at boforo publication of tho final re- port Of tbo Poll. "Never, .sorely, was a straw vols tewariled with »t»en » guerdon of stinging corroborations as this onft JPttctical cflKoboratJon. Kot word» or eptfctooa bttt facta— act oat hatp^nta-*?* Solution To Upstairs and Downl Tuinspottatipn Company. * Reaeliid at tv meeting \vlth iea>' estate- men,"Mayor Walkei„m*iets smiled at- accounts, ot tho fey- mony and said he .would, make. nij» WBly at the proper time a»d t b<> fove' the proper- au^ot Uy. * A, s|atb, nieWbertoftb,& iftiu of JI, A. S^to'^'Con^ani^^slifiht, acquaintance off tttti' SJaypVi 4 h^t a fervent adnsirer^testUl.ot1 U« jen^ Walker th^'teen- bonas of tho Uy^ „ Grade iPood; 'Corporation, tfrn oB the RoManco Brotab- & Steal poi-««, poriitloif and ton Of the P.uluctoo ' concern, representing pait* of A proto ot 187,980- hes made,on <i aato of coaden. Oil a f o * , ^ ' Mayor \v*aike&. •' moetbig * Wwf aon^e. Umo later, thulji1>ed Sht^i, tho -witness continued, artd a^'peat4 ed "astonished" that ho SJUOUM have romomborod what he colled, a 1 1 vague promise- to h t»ke, tho aTayov in" ou hW dealings in CoMleti, 4 Oia^ at Atlantic City live- months bV \ toroi - •* : , r \ Sisto, who refused to »^« A ' waiver of l»tm\uiity br-t pio««lao<i > ho wfta 'wllUnif to help lv tovr way." -described a mooting- with th« Mayor a^daovertsi oth,ei» tiirtn atlaatlo <3|tj? hdt,bl room in Jsinsi Ho Ma "mot him only oueo hefof^ but had ''great ndmU-atiou" tat hli\ t pwMlo llto. ' Starting! out m a social fiffdUv tho eorcvoysatitla tonotl to tlu* Bto«k"<a»atket, ho a.»id, ami "sortie IOBO made referenoo tu. the iatt that I wofi to Wall Sti-oot and iWlj Jng In socttrltios," Quoitlonad to'tuotr'talkatiotitcosdon Oil, tht> WUftosa 'BftWt "Sorrtobuo'naked mo if I dldtt'lf tiilnk it woald B6 a good thii^ tap t h e Mayoy W own. seme." "\Vlmt aid^Vko' Mhfoi say. u ftA ^oaiiwry askftd itfw«* % v i l e gftid; H «.^11l«h't ha.'ra any; wonoy.'C was iho .reply, » ' tho, conwrsatioB lasted wif ahoiit tett rotanKJS ««d when * wno j^jfef -Sisto toft the room with ah Vodullhlte prbtnlso to "ueo wliftt t could do about it and that I wgtiH dp What I fiould." Aocordhigly ^rchased an.d Sold 1,000 alwigs «f! Casden Oil with tho doturmluitttoK "that t would try to make UJqt, (the Mayor), some money | Ho aubaequonily trap milttod tli« bonda Instead'of cash to U»a>Mwr* or. tho witness continued, boiattssfc the tight money market at the Uwo., -/ft month itfter the atook mutket crttah—would ti»vo m»do any otfcet proceduro erabarrossittsf. ' thr** tttift* apparently foreign' ,«tn, Mat sntl robb«d Thca &. \ Vwilg»n& 1<k h e r b n«»1«r anil fate hoBMkesper, Ada Heynold*, GO st th* Vcaelgsnr hotcia at Bala* aumafe Th# tottt rsniicketl the hou«# and ftola'*£0. :#•, • * • • » • • Ttic policeman rtmhort through tho hall and unlock* ad tho kitchen door. In order to do this there ma«t hav^ been a key lo tho duor, as there woo. Tho doors to tho ttorqh and cellar wore looked on the Inside. Had the otd lady commutijtl duicido she could not have locked from tho outskle tho door loading to the hall, Tho ttwrderw, in teay'titf, leckou this door and forstot to romovo tbe key. The itt» ovltablo Blip! ito OBO. in alt the answer*. realty correctly and fully solved tfto mystery but the two .following Margaret Ay- roalt and ti. tL Hart, ettnto very near it, Uefleo two tickets to tho Diana await their catling to person at this office. •«>•••••• Rtaideutf of the southwestOiX purt of tho town of Chill U»Vo tll^ eoveted t«0 tnrkey bttx?«rdK hoverftitt aver thalr farms oppei'- ched In ftwsJree tep3. The hfnln are believv&.io bo residanta of * awnrop ort^jsok Creok. WORLD COURT'S FRIENDS 1 £ Washington, H&3? I^-Vfcterfgoa te wfnnln* *eiB|nttt«s« anproval of, |ttw mm-,ptt&. ^w.World Court ad- b&meti n9#K&0p tif-ta» Boot Fro- tocol today decided to wait until »»W*e#s!oa l*rfor* seeking » Beit.. pesalattbn^:^* oft fftlfeftio* wltfen *> not #» t« *h 6 to f *i *«m*«& :** W i » d » the a-igfnat Itirtl tta«erst«!04 Js «se Smth. U'minattm b»Bgf|»*^viaory opfBr tefiteia* why fh* Literary Gigmi. Ism'•*#*&$ l l e ' - W t c t l ,Stat«»<; frm* ti*-'WIo*: ; :«i(»o«fc«sj»«a* «*f|«SMWK --iMdelMii* *<l»#r«<»; in 1323,' tterfnutVik reiWi' an Oktolioufi^ and notajiiattvia^OB ot Calitowif^ like most Jebpja «»»pf*t. So i guess it'* ,ttil rf«at f$r we to ct.it this state ol my adopttorj. Aa old t ® p i e , resporsdlBg to t h t lore t>r,«qi«^eai|£orstft a«ly«rtf)!* metiss/ pai$m ttp, mM thftft J[«>w» •• 5^?"."' "'.••¥' '*'" * y farrftr %m fan '(dfr'lm An^ }&<•*•* |,^a'e#'*§JK' ^pieetetS to ^v«- t^ eveir, • ' i' '[_ : hSJBifta*, their wrpt'ted vhaur, geftias 0«- t t e tralrt. tftes 1 *«s- co«ftt«JE«l *, itmftfo. M *!«# ^rov : C0qdft4 t* tB^fe tetel tbo-y" »«f (L aecoad fisneefti, fSti>a^ wm'tftMi lor tee», mi VSs$- c*te* «»•» ihtk •pmHaM o'f tlto' 'Oaafltbor oK C<Jm> l-nitelrtse to^elf W«t, what watMHttol* !-CatK«t»t*fte *<*» £or advcrttiiltis t&e res^luOoji of ratlOsattoh wa» aSloptea ,hy ttnt Ibnisii.'R'oiattonft' CSmnilttto, it W % t 'faa Coart. tan* reaches tho ,- ...... ,. | Wrasse at tbo flteast ot fits ur&eii&flifli'«« t^jHM, iftt&eir eltoRc-" W\ f * 8. d|isi«stle IcgtitfMtm •_ orogfata. fSj*esott, » wmlm "Imme&a&i •<fe»itep,ed with f|fspd»:of atfhoif*' e«ffo' ptopaaing, santjjptftemont: itntS' KStxt Hessian au<t #ptttmt«i calltrtg im*ittmttito*o,Betet, ;,_•". °|4f»$&mmmia,'' iwtex* ihesr had mh two- tanerala ^llatVdJflfi- -'' ,; ' ' •%»," said ito preoldeni. "tk!M SWW05, ' t#o, .uatici'ttjftsra wtift **m* veal t«,^e£ttB,:hoeaaa(i nobody wt&

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THE JOfitftoh* \

Saturday mos^f f « i & | H .winn-



30-W^fe ^ T "

i i i i iiiMibwrg>2^-i in i in 11 ,.n


"A FATWH.V FAJ?I?fc "Tt" **

Tho ?Jn ly Journal is re»$_tlti,% by jlfeQOO people *a I^edvna a » 4 vicinity. .,


MEDINA, HEW YORK; .* ffiSg>Ay, MAY 13,1932 """ft V


Force* ol Police at

i i M S TTT* May-

were" set loose well, N J of society

in full fuiy to run down the-]

r s of the LindWfiu baby

inhumanly almost: .JjJtMn. y the h 6 m e ' { r | i ^ ^ m c ^ ' & e ,

(olen Maroh. 1. -; ;'<?• >:}•'.' ' * ,very of tUe^ltifUJff-.iaktilatr-

Ipse, with the'. v£rt!j&etl

I Hose hill T h t t M b ^ t t e r i 1 less than •-flye.:3^||^ :

;fronl ndbergh • home, $ , | r | | § f l ; ' t be

it removed, a l | : - » % ^ - t o . | into play e^^wmmt herd in ^ H ^ f ^ 1

•police action: ^ I ^ W J (to the baby: . '-.•$$$£$)?« ; J

loritles made" i t : # J ^ l t h a t a

- in\ |ai history ,wasv;$j]$iay in

that no spot Jo| ' earth-be safe for4ue"kWirlftti%t peace officer'* it*; i | e #?M$dl would be o h ' t 0 iMrtVWat police wpuja , J |» | )§f^ . f »}l

Iration; that'koliiiielcwvere: ood money ext6f^id*t |^ ' ' , th^1

[perhaps uotjrei

Iced. Schwarzkopf announced- . a

k suspects %uhd$f .ottaerya-; Ind that "immediate steps

Going After Brokers Records

and from its position, indicated that attempts had been made to conceal or bury it.

In his forehead was a hole about ttte'gize of a 25-cent piece.

Official Statement of Police In Ma official statement. Colonel

Schwartzkopf said: "We have, to announce that ap­

parently the body of the Lindbergh bab^sjas'fdiind at 3:15 p. m. today by William Allen, colored, of Treji-1 ton^ who, was riding on the Mquict | Rose Road-, toward Hopewell. ' n • m a a e

.-"'lie was riding with Orville Wit-f 4oit'ont a tracMbad of timber, "piesp stopped, the- truck and found

. 'KSohie. Into, the- woods," Sch-^axtitkapFs statement- continued, 'aiyL\ going, under^ a -Jonah,' he (Al­len), jowered bis head and as> he raised his-head be saw the skeleton te, the ground; ; • ^Hes^wa/in- bis statement that .Whsi te . saur , hjja. a jprson&ifropt oa- it: |lref; called-back to- Mr: ^ f l -sori^l^'iv'ns'on rSnjkn&the Wm¥<

Washington Mar 12—A large number of subpoenaes have been issued by the Senate banking com,-mittee to compel the appearance-tomorrow of brokers who have re­fused tp let the committee examine their records.

Chairman Norbeck aaid today that subpoenas had been issued calling for the appearance of brok­ers who refused to permit investi­gators to examine their books in the committee's stock market In­quiry.

The names of the brokers were public.

A meeting of the steering com; mittee in charge of the Investiga-tion has been called by NorbecJ?-for tomorrow morning, at whtctj time a decision will be made as to the procedure,.against any broker! who may refuse to turn over their records. '


v#" :ill{ott dollars; governor Roosevelt said he was

v, jkuig Graves later to confer in Al-ij f^liy with department heads to en-;||s|; their aid in making the addi-iiroiiai savins.

parenfa..is s b ^ t i - ^ 9W$*.w' wpiit^a^aMdlitjfeAytrfeo •' *'* '" f to 'Ko^weriind get the police. '

1 ^ n o t i f i e d ' C h i e f ;Woir, who no--ttfleatheaeJaeadquarters. Inspector Walsh, of Jersey .City,, Sergeant

Je taken andiarei'biingjakenfMbffatfc-or the Nejvark police,

tompiish thejr arrest." IHjia. elieved to refer- toi laforniay

!»*0! [ondou and' Quri^s,.m;|glit:|^Teiji were suprre^pV' the ' ap i

...edible caj(b!^ii^s|'jif!'tiie:! indicating St_./;e^u|r/.il»aM:

e. by .c||^aii';#f4lmsed-l be d a ^ ^ i ; a w i | l y | p - : h u -

by a»||f|dr|rM||te|ed'' 'by

hild ^r^Vh !% -%i' %>ritf sn se'ardttjictjt';?^*, #CMft-.'«:

Lieutenant Keaton • of the New Jersey. State Police, and a- number


Ice liner'

the yto#te^Mthj | lbs . . ^Jil ight 9ifvtES'fi%fiilp|j,iMlfir| heatt*6t'fa8^tt|"^elfr;&at| be,raayfe&, par6*ts,' 0t>l,ajad!f Lmabergh.—to " §y|? ifed-1

soor/.totiie a § » 9 ^ t ; a|ain, her flte^;hnsb«ftB|^tfQ'Ms tortd^eo| vfafB.,, ;ag^"'nighta

jts imleaitogly, 5be | r nldeotta; lumtsf was, "ftt"last ended, to |pla ced by SiOVltTjiS|j ",' i. Lindbergh)'wa^ J t home t h e ^ b r q u g h t ^ - i^ft. ie-^s,

;rief aha Jhbo1c'%f|e. Btjoiyn the world,-<alUigB|f&-Sfae' 'was to be •b'ear1n1|;*l#r,^rWly, a the |cIos^Sa»Vdea" ,SpW-biils hime'"t l |e f jifelpe'rSbS wilt, it batf!!)eeft'.!pTii>bed.-as'

|e retreat Sri '.%]"' ' " - ' " '

tjefbre the fiscaj Jreaif et.OSea. f • ,^; 'Th is , the Qbvernor , e i^ i t fk |n

•tirttii.ld mean a sgrvj^^'|i sb^f^hji] iaibre than ten' :p|4':>l'ci?li4, ',^1$! Vopid lapse back itstfejthe t raa^ ; a ' •Sdch previous -,^f|in|bj ' h a ' . l % v e altietsd}?-'l|e^.--a|:.hiebi,«S&.i||


Wtu»m sprfrigs> Ga,, . Slays:'f|^ Governor Franklin D.» Ro6se^|1 has- interrup.tH Ms "^aeaHbu ',.$ work -with ^arjy'-GraVe:s].1^i^ctW of the budget,, la-effecting-&1S'" OOO.OOO saying in operating ^ ^ penses by l^ew^ork State'iM.pSfej^g^ fiscal year ending June 30; r '.'••• i "^ &A"'

A total saying of SS^Stljsffitjfr der the legislative appr:pEr|ȴ

df J a n u a # | 9 ^ \ ^ f e C W q W velt said, already ^ ' l ^ f l ^ ® -Hie purpose of thf> eonf6<ettc|^aJ;- fPttris. May t2—President' Paul ,**" lop off an"Tfadi)ft»al .fWS^ffl Doumer. vfetfrn bt aa assassin^ *»rhr„ , h . fis,ftl ve ar closes.- <--»» b n l l e t > w a s | a i f l t o l h i s a , t o y ,

noon beside the four sons whohj. he gave to PraniBe i? the. .W|r!$

ute to Doumer

detectives .WjEBjt to the Bcene. :'4h§y/'reported finding, tb,e body !b|;a\cblia^itiaiated to-be betweenT i .yfiar' an'dfa half and two years o^ci'vin*%:6td5stiite of ftscomjfbsition, but Having blonde tair:and bearing-] yh^VftBpeitfea' to be an undershirt and; a flannel band around the l i g j v ' / " " " •••.' ; >Not^ys8ed with this as identt'J

J td . :^ t^nj^ ' .%fvt i i fc Undgr^rt •J|lff -|My5^d*|; ajid of the Ului'bil 'shirt' the: h(ipV 'haTd oa the night of the kidti0ine& '

ClotljUif; <^!ftehes, tdentitx "*rhla' flann^rsfiirt Jiad an em­

broidered- scallop^ edge on It. These articles were |aiien.,.back to the scene and comjpa^u with' the cloth ;Ii^^ofltil.gtt thje body and were matched- cldse}y enough to* afford an identlttcit^on "idt the hody ;OjSt(6E tb>,fit^dpergh biby. ;. V'Tjie 8ta"teineit.,oI, William Alien iand; C«yia| Wito'a says thai fhefj itwidif-wto pset ts t^i t concealed by ie£y4%'*41trt; 4tfd byttste. i|fees»katt Sad a*atole'M' ifea^eut the *iier of

Detroit, May 12 — The R'evl Father Charles B. CoughUn, who broadcast a weekly sermon over a nationwide radio hook-up during the winter months, tonight called' the death of tbe kidnaped Lind­bergh baby a challenge "to eradi­cate .the gangster and hoodlum from our country."

"Now we have been challenged by tbe death of the Lindbergh baby tq eradicate the gangster and hood-

child anal''§plye:/t^^]|bine; Col. Lindbefgfr^ip'i^fti..?*0: |m mediately: BSfia^SOJiji)Home.

arrived Slft>r|iy ;*&re|i»H<2; .#• a motor ;c|tiire^b|jtp fl*1*^,

flwin B. Brdic'e b f ¥ | t n ^ N. &

(peweii, N. j L ^ a l ' l i ^ i i a r i e s

of the wbri'd' 'l^rb,u|; aifiajbrj [i<mnd dea^' ' ie |«^" ;Ji^JSj^t

tain home; ^ b i t t i ^ i c j i l(e Iffi* ped '7S day* a'goif e tragic ^t^i&j^Si^f reh catoe "^tt»-'fiis.*^Sjelai' -An*

ireinent at '-;li«v ' ' ! '^pa'hej*ht

to rear* a quarter just above the forehead. .Tie Vddy-Was lying I t t4 dpprefts'totj aa^ thpngh jtn attempt, .had. usen made tb bury i t faqe dowtf; Tlte Body was in a,;very bad state of decomposition _ i ! t o ^ e * r Goanty physlclaffj Br; Charles fi. ;j|RcBeil asd the esunty

tcorondrj Waiter; Swayie, were fm [mediately cd&sd- iri." . Cbidnel jSeh^rtekopf added [that the coroner bad taken charge of the* tody' and, had..taken it to

tTfrentoa where an . aiitops? was Beinff perfoHned. by Doctor Mit-chel!. • • , - - <

koiwf Aosa fs* about 4% miles from the Lindbergh heme.

Newspaper: men assigned to tbe

e atmoun^mfe4f |;4Rffiil.

tias beeb:rnS|m^r||p|r'*l<rtfap>:

investig.^b^%c# :ib^'"IllW: .-toten f r d i » 3 t l ' # t , M *»»

y of Ma i ' i a^v ' s 'Cc ;^^ . . '• e boay,-^fl¥^4b|*Ieiai t««>t

| found )b^dw;fflhp||pliiih' *$&

the Ww.' i^^PPIjIf .^

of the p l t i f o ^ i ^ ^ ; Newspaper^ men ^ ^ . ^ " " 1 a n n o n n e e n ^ i l j ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ S i f S

to «cH6n; t | is after^WliHenfthey; wore ^nmmoncd. through official channels at Trenton, 16 the Lin*

. bergh home. | The importance of tbe summons was manifest in the. message's

Silv'en. tie? re|fdrtera, and there, was imtnedfate race throngu

Tlfe b o % f e | r i ^ e ^ « ^ *

Eot brus),r,Ah:t^^0Bfv»**:f *

di^o*etg'#alli«ii: il' '*|tS; ant ' idgp#W«#^.^fel

N by-d^o^#:ipfe*.;^#aet! •*nfit «h's;>ibeh^^b#s-;ttf been w o # l ^ i i C a i t i i ^ l * :

it as to . h J i ^ l ^ ip* , . ; ' ;£,-»-., •' j s t^Bff i^ lh^fE^i | | l 1 i |* ' s i :

N an mju^^^M&fJtsk.

foe c o 0 ^ ^ i i ^ 5 S f e ^ v . ' ' r ' > ,.<* ' ' b a b y ^ : , j ) i ^ : | ^ ^ | i * ! | i r * f e : "He * • * e i t h > atarl«|:-,ttoin

|Momc*afc; f, -:ii&&k-'iftw,j&fc

steady raitf, *o the Wg lithe &mt>5» lief. The very atoids-» % * w ^ M t 0« trasedy.

an home of

lum from our country. "My deepdst sympathy goea.Ottt

to Colonel and Mrs. Mridh'er^kf May their sorrow btt.jjih tnctjntt^. to every American *o make this S better country go&.tbe, childrenjif| the growing ^an'eratloiij i? **

"And yet iny fe^pftl^iijfs are. $ag§ tended to the Liti:

their child is notli waiting for thomflKiiSliand b | eternity." I

Indian Is An Apt Student

Prdm tnrMgftg^ftfif* •m&W-Anold IndTanln pklaliomy, haty

iip, went to the batik to borrow $10, as-Will Beck tells the story. Tbe banker said it would bo all right providing he. had some security. The deal finally was made, the In­dian giving a mortgage on twenty ponies.

Not long after that Oil was struck Close to the Indian's,allotment and he sotd his oil leaso for a lot of cash, so stepped into tbe bank and peeled oft a hundred-dollar bill to pay the' lean. . -'"That's fine," remarked the ban­ker, when the .business was com-

t.pleted, "Imt.you don't want to car­ry all t&at money around witli,you. Better leave 1t hero with* me."*

r"AU right; how many ponies you got?" replied the Indian.

n -i I I — . I I . . I — » • • • •

WfesiShelby Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eckert of Lock-port hate moved into Nelson Dewey tenant bouse.

Mr. and Mrs, William PogoU spent Sunday" with S&. and MtrsJ Thomas Kyle W Shelby. '

^frs. Harry Sawon of Koyalton was the goest of her» sister Mrs. ; William Pogef the last of the week

Mr. and Mys. Neltt Slefek and Mrs. Sheldon ot Jamestown are guests of Mr- and Mrs. Duaho Fink.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bailey of Bast .Shelby were gnosis of -Slr-i ahf a-lrg. Bart 'BacbBE Wcafftsaay -eTeninis » ' ' . fh& Home4- S'Sreatt mefi In Ihoj St I ^ e m w * W e d n e s d a y attfi^t

,»oon.s Tft'isjrw the tost lesson in block prtttti^t:-

Miss Efssfe^co "vVinter wIH teach] the SVfeentan; ^ehdol; agata tteit** year. M ra. Ahjeinette Boo*am tite' West Shelby Seltool an* Um Clous the. Brick School.

War. The body ,*vasi tabea ^pifithri-

Pantheo)ty .wnero. it Jjacf- been; $ar« nie4 ait,e:*- ojafcokte fuineral ccrfe-monie^i Igblldwed oaljj; by ' hfe \<'dowt ]W*^'o t t e rejujaining son and q t l ^ l ^ l ^ j r f r of the family^ this,sijn»|(l(|'^rqeesslprt niQyed to, VattgifrarA cemetery, where there; %tis a brfef burial service.

Hany Aikin 44 of Mapleton a director of the Niayua Count> Farm Bareau, was seriously Injur­ed at nbon today when he was trampled on by' a horse in a barn on his farm. He was brought to the Clty< hospital here In the Ken­nedy ambulance.

Mr. Aikin was putting the horse in the barn when the animal k»ock-tjd hitti down and trampled on him fit* loft leg was broken and fie sntteVod euta and abrasions on the face and head. ' Several .years ago ho was seri­ously Injured when attacked by a



New York, Mtiy IS—The, searclv light of the ttofatadter-, invostigas-tion turned squarely on Major; James J. Walker today with the assertion, he had accepted a gratu­ity from a Wall Street firm while in office.

The lisag-heralded ina»it'S" hVto lite financial affairs began when Counsel Samuel Seabury produced testimony that ho had received in November, 1929, a gift ot bonds with a market value of $S0,5S5 from a brokerage house Involved in the flnancing of the Parmeleo


Charges iThatli/lfet St#es0ot>3ctra

Quota of Ballots

Middlep Mrs. Catherine Mttctieii ot Locfel

^JVM^^oeadiijjsss^tj^iidayft *«ajj >Irs. J&anqift tf.*JMWigh*6at. * . MJss Gladys iimn 'of-iBocheater spent the weok ond .with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'A.,x:iuni.

Br, nnd Mrs. Ayanwia*-)6anghter ot Hartford Cily,-lttd**r6«pBndlng a rew .days with Mr.Jind'Mra. Don-aid Wing.

Donald Burghardt oB'JFtewBbiirK and Lewis Hartwig- of-Wj^rron, Pa., spent the week, end with Mrs. Ly-dla Burghardt.

Mrs. Rebecca Collins who suflor-ed a stroke a few days ago, Is r<v ported as somewhat Improved al­though con fin otl tO bod.

MnyLydia Burghardt who has beon>pondlng two weeks in Prows-

Forty-four States returned* a r * tio of ballots within one per coat, of the ofltjUSMt 1928 voting strength

lly ^OTI of the Statel In the recent Literary merejifingest k l i ^ ^ W W e -PVotabitlon

Poll ac(|j'iju|J4;||Ohn analysis ot tbe roturna|| | |!Mf|pd, in to-morrpw*a Issue or|Mlii|£|i]|aslne.'

in th^^feu||-othor States the variations b e t ^ q n the percoohuje

; *|©f tho popular t'pte }n t tai .HOov^ 1 sSMth jBleotlohfjaJld j t h l , m ^ O M l o t a r i n U a l n a a r t t f tho roeint

J932 ProhlbUfort referendum anV otinted to law;' than three per coot it is atatedi,.

Illinois, wlthi S.43 per cent, of the country?* popular vote, return­ed but S.OS.'Dtr. cent, of,tho total final returns* o£ Tho Uterary D<-goat poll and Saw York, with 12.11 per cent of ths nation's latest re-


Oflporto, Portugal, aiay IS— Four toon were dead, four miss­ing mid believed drowned and toitr-Injurwi today aa a result ot tho oap-BiitnerotAwo Itteboats In a furiooa sea in an attempt to rescue the crew ot the Gorman steamer Grniw, which ; ran aground last .night near here in a storm.

.JChciWrty lv*" paasongors on the

100 Operations For Boy, & itt Two Years

Fairmont, W. Vn.,—Wbon ho saya 'do you want to aoo my opera­tion,?" Prankie Powell, U years old, uses Mjo pinrnl. He's had luo opera.-ttona in, two year«.

tn i t e^o t t tKl idns ahbut thorn ho ;Binilea a n d ^ e i coiuts to ho known

operation aim to corroct, is Improv­ing, ,

bnrg^wfth her son, Oonald B«rs-J |ea0trtjat vote, sent In* 823 pdr hardt and farhtly, has returned home.

Mrs. Clara Wing who has been spending several months In Hart­ford <2ity> Ind, with fier daughter, Mrsv>Aycrs and family has return­ed home. -

Mr. altdP'Sfrs. Square B. Gurssln announce tho ongadinent of'their daughter. Lena ,Bdlth, to Kverott C Worth (?f Lackpbrt, the marri­age to take place in Juno.

•The condition of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Smith who are In tho Me-dina Memorial Hospital from an ouiomoblfe accident a week ago i3 reported, «s about the same.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wallace

glittered voting strength,, returned but 10.70 per corn, of tho total bal­lots in the Polt, the analysts shows.

Ohio and Pennsylvania return­ed a greater proportion of their "auota" in the Poll, it Is stated, than tholr respective papular vot log strengths would warrant. Ohio, with 6.8a per coot, of tho 1028 Pro-

cant of the Poll's ballots. Pennsyl­vania, with an 8.45 per cent, po­pular veto, returned 11.30 por cent. at the'ballots. 'Tho magazine states that it uses

t i e latest' national election figures either than the populations of the ffjgies as a measuring stick be­cause largo sectlona of tho coun­try's population, especially in the South, do not go to tho polls. , Tho Literary Digest present this analysts as a refutation of the t!l)«n|tt freaaenUy made during tho fcjrdirress of the Prohibition Poll that more ballot* were being aent y> wet sections of the country, and Cities, than to the politically dry

Gauss and a part of tho crew and cargo wore safely removed. The captain, and eight members of tti<S orew chose to rqmnln aboard the ship.

350-Pound Sea Bass Runs Off With Boat

"n in ,

San Pedro-HJhce upon a Hum (it was yesterday! two tlnbonnou {/loo­ked a 3Si)-pound sea lm»», niut, tht> bass begat swimming around, .hauling the two man in their mo~ torboat In circles.

A lighthouse kcoper cama to the rescue and by dint of much muscle, Mr. Sea Bass was putiml aboard. That will bo a good story tor tho ttsherroeu to tell their grandchild­ren, who jtrobabiy wont' bollovo It.

I I " I . - M i l 1 1 1 — — I . l l ' l . l , I . . I - —

Ring Lost 25 Years Found

Niagara Fails, May 12,~A plain (roUl bniwl ring, lost for 25 years* was found today whep Louis Hans, 166& Niagara Avenue. Unfa-od up1 Uuj sod on his front i»wnit The ring was untarnished and J!»f good condition and Man* at first thought it had been lost only; reconUjv . , . , .

iji8 wife, however. rocoBtunedT it> by Its peculiar engr&virtff. The trt»K h«dt h^e.tt^ififrt J&Jf % tnerttber Sfl^b-jtniHlly a-qVinrter ot^, e , ^ . | twy-ntfOB. A tree • had boon t ^ n j n p near a spot whero »rtio< ring was found. MalU thinks that when tbo rbiK was lostt, .it was .trod Into the ground untlar the loaves from the t roo n

Attended Funeral John Comcrford. Miss Winnie

Comurford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MeElwoo and daughter, Mlas Heh-rtctta MeElwee aro In Youngslown today attsndinK tho funeral ot tholr cotwln Francis Comorford.'


apt* wets Miv W* m^Bmm ^ ^ w e r ( ) muc& throughout the Mansfield or Bnffalo, Mr, and Mrs. Thonilw <Ues of To»*w*>idi». Wr arid Mr*. Artbnr ttaiken ot New-fano and Neai, Carfll at. So«r York

| c i t y . > Mr, an4 Mrs, V?. John Kevins,

r'&bw Wattto 366*%- 'Wn. deorgi* Wilcox ftMd Mh, | « ^ : A p r t D g at­tended i be taoimz | | fooawanda

I Sand**? t*r«M itt t ^ ' , | f o t t h Vona-watsdai M«tftkEife ' i^i t^ *y {b«? choif X<$L »ougMa8,'ebi()(«i^ of 38 ^oice*. ^ TCho' M&M& •$$*beH a»«\j t^icea iiawtt ot Mdiioswrt, who mm in jtlie chair are stmlentu of

'. v s y r i t ^ * *- &**: ^ ' &i$mp-tat «h« flepressioas It has ''male;aIteY W&% people-out of the Inmates, of the State p»isaa»i « t »

tlohtt'.'F.'tr^ipala of'Albany.,sf»*f: tary o« » » State Commtaatori o* Cortectioh^ W m intervtew Awe,

PTtaott fiot» &*t eaase* nflffiH ipfsad^ciace*te • ^ j r "jears'-tr.. iotitf he. • » »«* Wt0^ t 0 "L^*

Fm*- ***** « « ^E^t*'


tutions. particalarJy t he Etftte pri»-| ens. a re 'geti&te-teittar |oodi, wbrfe fag harded arid'are f enttalty sa t l*

,&*& to be 0&i"tm^0i: *ittt"-B* I d'eatre to escape, and f<ce so-calliid- :4 ffaxi .times. Gpk *f*-«fe eairi-. Kifi '-1

'Ions- why' the p>iton*rs are sat tf fled-i* tha£, 'fttej? know aseapo

,-ioWhs appllcaitoii to pttMic *dtht>r« fitttA- tar- Coot i |» l : <sitt»« *tt»"r*f

s u i u n t capiore, 'tftnlfn' W .prfiionvf *&4 added yaata- of aerir lttjd« •fori *«cape. - t

Ilea* co)te»*.

• • * '


3 Months

* mm*. *** whw-« - t,^i«

| a i toa of *hlch 4,«68^37, or 2tS5 §er cent, of tho ballots mailed, f>e;ro voted and returned *otch is *<tfd to J»e a high percental© ot ru-Hies in? a "atra*" roierendam.

j ^ ^ f h e close parallel hetw««* the i Pifflf e«at. of the OftUed States t»t>-

f aiif Vote' and tbo 'Per Coot, of otat Ballots Keturnoa"* the tw>t».

Um wilt state editorially to-mor-JfeSWf' **fe °tt<» oi tl*6 m o a t «BtW0Wt>:' WW statistical* feature of the Poll

« f hafe tbo ballots »ho«W osrtre« ymm back to 1"fte Literary Digest from the s e m s t State* In (juanti-f i * m» elosaly to srepoirtiott t»j

tmh 8satc'a'-s>i>uJar «efl- a t the

)m !Blr*caiotM, c "Oat afiilytts table, i t o r a very |«t«Wty tft* iramanso atepEoportten. r*hjshi .sopafettlon -Bear*5 to* saptflftT *tffe ia certain State*—and it bat*. fjtt* ttesst they are tmsiUy In the

;;:^Pltiv.«oi^Siills» IrrtHcatlnj «mfc 1*1*4 -«MUon«'''-of th»

popular vote rather than poputo-tlon.

"A return of 4,668,55* ballots oat ot tho 20.70S.353 mailed out la a ulendid return in any poll.

"It Is the highest return nvor scored by a blteFary Digest pot' with one exception. And the dif­ference Is very alight.

' f o r Its accuracy wo ore supper-[ ted by the march of ovonts as well

»» by a strong body ol editorial opinion. The Kepubttain Senatorial primary In Pennsylvania struck a timely nolo of confirmation ,l«at boforo publication of tho final re­port Of tbo Poll.

"Never, .sorely, was a straw vols tewariled with »t»en » guerdon of stinging corroborations as this onft JPttctical cflKoboratJon. Kot word» o r eptfctooa bttt facta— act oat hatp^nta-*?*

Solution To Upstairs and Downl

Tuinspottatipn Company. * Reaeliid at tv meeting \vlth iea>'

estate- men,"Mayor Walkei„m*iets smiled at- accounts, ot tho fey-mony and said he .would, make. nij» WBly at the proper time a»dtb<> fove' the proper- au^ot Uy. • * A, s|atb, nieWber tof tb,& iftiu

of JI, A. S^to'^'Con^ani^^slifiht, acquaintance off tttti' SJaypVi 4h^t a fervent adnsirer^testUl.ot1 U« jen^ Walker th^'teen- bonas of tho Uy^ „ Grade iPood; 'Corporation, tfrn oB the RoManco Brotab- & Steal poi-««, poriitloif and ton Of the P.uluctoo ' concern, representing pait* of A proto ot 187,980- hes made,on <i aato of coaden. Oil a f o * , ^ '

Mayor \v*aike&. •' moetbig * Wwf aon^e. Umo later, thulji1>ed Sht^i, tho -witness continued, artd a^'peat4 ed "astonished" that ho SJUOUM have romomborod what he colled, a 1

1 vague promise- to ht»ke, tho aTayov in" ou hW dealings in CoMleti,4Oia^ at Atlantic City live- months bV \ toroi - •* : , r \

Sisto, who refused to »^« A ' waiver of l»tm\uiity br-t pio««lao<i > ho wfta 'wllUnif to help lv tovr way." -described a mooting- with th« Mayor a^daovertsi oth,ei» tiirtn atlaatlo <3|tj? hdt,bl room in Jsinsi Ho M a "mot him only oueo hefof^ but had ''great ndmU-atiou" tat hli\ t pwMlo llto. ' Starting! out m a social fiffdUv tho eorcvoysatitla • tonotl t o tlu* Bto«k"<a»atket, ho a.»id, ami "sortie

IOBO made referenoo tu. the i a t t that I wofi to Wall Sti-oot and iWlj Jng In socttrltios," Quoitlonad a » to' tuotr ' talkatioti tcosdon Oil, tht> WUftosa 'BftWt • •

"Sorrtobuo'naked mo if I dldtt'lf tiilnk it woald B6 a good th i i^ tap the Mayoy W own. seme."

"\Vlmt aid^Vko' Mhfoi say.u ftA ^oaiiwry askftd itfw«* % v i l e gftid;H«.^11l«h't ha.'ra any;

wonoy.'C was i h o .reply, » ' tho, conwrsatioB lasted wif

ahoiit tett rotanKJS ««d when * wno j^jfef -Sisto toft the room with ah Vodullhlte prbtnlso to "ueo wliftt t could do about it and that I wgtiH dp What I fiould." Aocordhigly h« ^rchased an.d Sold 1,000 alwigs «f! Casden Oil with tho doturmluitttoK "that t would try to make UJqt, (the Mayor), some money • |

Ho aubaequonily trap milttod tli« bonda Instead'of cash to U»a>Mwr* or. tho witness continued, boiattssfc the tight money market at the Uwo., -/ft month itfter the atook mutket crttah—would ti»vo m»do any otfcet proceduro erabarrossittsf. '

t h r * * tttift* apparently foreign' ,«tn, Mat sntl robb«d Thca &. \ Vwilg»n& 1<k herb n«»1«r anil

fate hoBMkesper, Ada Heynold*, GO s t th* Vcaelgsnr hotcia at Bala* aumafe Th# tottt rsniicketl the hou«# and ftola'*£0.

:#•, • * • • • » • •

Ttic policeman rtmhort through tho hall and unlock* ad tho kitchen door. In order to do this there ma«t hav^ been a key lo tho duor, as there woo.

Tho doors to tho ttorqh and cellar wore looked on the Inside. Had the otd lady commutijtl duicido she could not have locked from tho outskle tho door loading to the hall,

Tho ttwrderw, in teay'titf, leckou this door and forstot to romovo tbe key. The itt» ovltablo Blip!

ito OBO. in alt the answer*. realty correctly and fully solved tfto mystery but the two .following Margaret Ay-roalt and ti. tL Hart, ettnto very near it, Uefleo two tickets to tho Diana await their catling to person at this office.

• • « > • • • • • •

Rtaideutf of the southwestOiX purt of tho town of Chill U»Vo tll^ eoveted t « 0 tnrkey bttx?«rdK hoverftitt aver thalr farms oppei ' -ched In ftwsJree tep3. The hfnln are believv&.io bo residanta of * awnrop or t^ jsok Creok.


1 £ Washington, H&3? I^-Vfcterfgoa

te wfnnln* *eiB|nttt«s« anproval of, | t t w mm-,ptt&. ^w.World Court ad-

b&meti n9#K&0p tif-ta» Boot Fro-tocol today • decided to wait until »»W*e#s!oa l*rfor* seeking » Beit..

p e s a l a t t b n ^ : ^ * oft ff t l fef t io* wltfen *> not #» t« *h6 P° tof * i *«m*«& :** W i » d » the a-igfnat

I t i r t l tta«erst«!04 Js «se Smth. U'minattm b»Bgf|»*^viaory opfBr tefiteia* why f h * Literary Gigmi. Ism'•*#*&$ l l e ' - W t c t l ,Stat«»<;

frm* ti*-'WIo*:;:«i(»o«fc«sj»«a* «*f|«SMWK --iMdelMii* *<l»#r«<»; in 1323,'

tterfnutVik reiWi' an Oktolioufi^ and notajiiattvia^OB ot Calitowif^ like most Jebpja «»»pf*t. So i guess it'* ,ttil rf«at f$r w e to ct.it this state ol my adopttorj.

Aa old t®p ie , resporsdlBg to t h t lore t>r,«qi«^eai|£orstft a«ly«rtf)!* metiss/ pai$m ttp, mM thftft J[«>w»

• •• 5^?"."' "'.••¥' '*'" * y farrftr %m fan '(dfr'lm A n ^ }&<•*•*

| ,^a 'e#'*§JK' ^pieetetS to v«- t ^ eveir, • ' i' '[_ : hSJBifta*, their wrpt'ted vhaur, geftias 0«- t t e tralrt. tftes1 *«s-co«ftt«JE«l *, itmftfo. M *!«# ^rov

: C0qdft4 t * tB^fe tetel tbo-y" » « f (L aecoad fisneefti, fSti>a^ wm'tftMi lor tee», mi VSs$- c*te* «»•» ihtk •pmHaM o'f tlto' 'Oaafltbor oK C<Jm>

l-nitelrtse to^elf W«t, what watMHttol* !-CatK«t»t*fte *<*» £or advcrttiiltis

t&e res^luOoji of ratlOsattoh wa» aSloptea ,hy ttnt Ibnisii.'R'oiattonft' CSmnilttto, it W %

t 'faa Coart. t a n * reaches tho ,-......,. | Wrasse at tbo flteast ot fits ur&eii&flifli'«« t^jHM, iftt&eir e l t o R c - "


f *

8 .

d|isi«stle IcgtitfMtm •_ orogfata. fSj*esott, » wmlm "Imme&a&i •<fe»itep,ed with f|fspd»:of atfhoif*' e«ffo' ptopaaing, santjjptftemont: itntS' KStxt Hessian au<t #pt t tmt«i calltrtg

im*ittmttito*o,Betet, ;,_•". °|4f»$&mmmia,''

iwtex* ihesr had mh two- tanerala llatVdJflfi- -'' ,;' '

•%»," said i t o preoldeni. "tk!M SWW05,' t # o , .uatici'ttjftsra wtift **m* veal t«,^e£ttB,:hoeaaa(i nobody wt&