szent istván university veterinary science library judit szabó szávay 2003. veterinary science...

Szent István University V eterinary Science Librar y Judit Szabó Szávay 2003 . Veterinary Science Literature searching

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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.

Veterinary ScienceLiterature searching

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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.


"I just don't know where to startlooking for information.

I can't work out my reading list - and don't know how to use

the library catalogue. AND I've heard people talk about

electronic databases! What are they?


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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.


What are you searching first? Where can you make literature searching?How do you search on computerWhat is is the second step if you have found

useful titles?How can you use the result of literature


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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.

How to start?

• Analysing your topicBegin by analysing your questionWhat are the important aspects of the

question?Pick out the main ideas

These will be the basis of your literature search

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Types of documents

Traditional (printed) primary documents:

• Reference publications

• Monographs

• Serials

• Official publications

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Reference publications

• Encyclopedia

• Dictionaries

• Biographical encyclopedia

• Manuals, Directories

• Data compilations etc

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• Books

• Textbooks, lecture books

• Dissertations

• Document collections

• Research reports

• Non-periodic conference

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• Journals

• Year-books

• Conference proceedings series

• Book series

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Official publications

• Legal documents

• Statistical reports

• Standards

• Patents

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Special documents

Non-conventional documents – called also „grey-literature”

• Brochures

• Trade publications

• Manuscripts

• Publication of international organisations, etc.

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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.

Main types of secondary documents

• Bibliographies, list of selected literature items

• Titles, title translations, annotations

• Abstracting and indexing services/journals

• Executive summeries, extended abstracts

• Reviews, studies etc.

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Electronic documents

All type of ducuments used by computer

Fulltext documents Databases

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Understanding your reading list

• Differences between types of references:

• Books

• Chapters in books

• Journal articles

• Papers of conferences

• World Wide Web documents

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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.

Example 1.

• BooksFarmer, Mary E. 1979, The Family, 2nd edn,

Longman, London.

Golston, S.E. & Morgan, W.P. (eds) 1987, Exercise and Mental Health, Hemisphere Pub. Corp., Washington.

The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary 1992, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

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Szent István University Veterinary Science Library Judit Szabó Szávay 2003.

Example 2.

• Chapters in booksSussman, M.B. 1979, 'Actions and services for the

new family', in The American Family: Dying or Developing?, eds. D. Reiss & H.A. Hoffman, pp. 213-232, Plenum Press, New York.

Tinker, Hugh.1967, 'Is there an Indian nation?' in India and Ceylon: Unity and Diversity: a Symposium, ed. Philip Mason, pp. 260-296, Oxford Univ. Pr., London.

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Example 3.

• Journal articlesGhose, T.K. 1989, 'Venture capital in Australia', The

Australian Banker, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 17-23. Mar, Brian W. & Palmer, Richard N. 1989, 'Does

civil engineering need system engineering?' Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, vol. 115, no.1, pp. 45-52.

Dewhirst, C. 1986, 'Hot air over the Himalayas', World Geographic, vol. 1, Oct.-Dec., pp. 44-55.

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Example 4.

• Papers from conferencesBogduk, N. 1997, 'Musculoskeletal pain:

toward precision diagnosis'. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Pain, International Association for the Study of Pain, Seattle, pp 507-25 .

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Example 5.

• World Wide Web documentsBeckleheimer, J. 1994, How do you cite

URL's in a bibliography?, [Online], Available: [1995, December 13] .

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What is a database?

• A database is a computer readable file in which the text or other sets of data have a defined structure supperted by a set of programs called the

Database Management System (DBMS)

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• Bibliographic databases have developed from abstract journals, abstracting and indexing services employing computer technology. They contain:

Bibliographic data


Keywords and/or other classification codes added to the records

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The basic structure of database

• Records

• Data fields

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What is a record?

• A record contains all the data belonging to one unit of the database. In the case of bibliographical databases, to a single publication (article) or document.

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What is a data field?

• Data fields are separate parts of a record, marked with specific names (labels). Each fields refers to a single data element.

• It consists of two parts: - name (label) - content

Data fields are independently searchable elements in the data base.

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Types of the fields

• TI TITLE: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)


Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge CB3 0ES, UK

• SO SOURCE (BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION):Title of Journal, 1995, 81 pp;

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Types of the fields (cont.)

• PB PUBLISHER INFORMATION: Boehringer Vetmedica, PO Box 200.; D-55216 Ingelheim/Rhein; Germany




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• Much has been learned about this syndrome of multiple aetiology since it was identified in North America in the 1980’s, with subsequent spread throughout the world (by trade in pigs and boar semen). It was also known as ‘mystery swine disease’, ‘new pig disease’ and ‘blue-eared pig disease’. Current knowledge is summarized…

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Types of fields (cont.)

• DE DESCRIPTORS: respiratory-diseases; viral-diseases; porcine-reproductive-and-respiratory-syndrome; reviews; swine-diseases


scrofa; Sus; Suidae; Suiformes;Artidactila; Mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals

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Types of fields (cont.)




BOOK NUMBER: 0-9520409-7-2

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Types of fields (cont.)

• UD UPDATE CODE: 960401


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Index files or inverted files

There are generated by the search software

An alphabetical list of words or terms occuring in a specific data field of each record is called an index/inverted file for the given data field

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Author and keyword indexes

• An index of all author names or that of all keywords (descriptions) can be generated, together with the number of their occurances in the database, and the number of records in which they occur. For each entry in such an index, the record identifiers are also indicated in the index file.

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Common index file

• In some databases a common index file of all occuring words is generated and updated.

• (except for stop words, which are frequently used words which are irrelevant from the point of view of searching: „and”, „for”, „ „good”, etc.)

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SPIRS(SilverPlatter Information Retrieval System)

• Spirs has one main index that can be displayed, plus separate indexes for:

- Author (AU)

- Publication year (PY)

- Language (LA)

You can search the main index, you can also limit for any fields

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Indexing for precise retrieval

• Indexing also means the adding of subject heading, descriptors, classification codes expressing the content of the document for which record is prepared. It is a significant process from the retrieval point of view, because

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Retrieval point of view

• It relects the most essential concepts the publications deals with,

• It ensures the retrieval of documents dealing with the same or related subject, and

• It „translates” the diverse terminology of authors to a consistent and controlled language

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Kids of information retrieval languages

• Subject categories or classification codesUsually broader categories, organised

hierarchially, reflecting the logic of a discipline

• Subject heading lists, thesaurus (keywords, descriptors), alphabetic ordered of natural language terms

• Special coding systems