szakdolgozat (1)

Analysis of Two-way Poetry Translation Written by: Vajda, Gábor Consultant: Kenesei, Andrea

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Analysis of Two-way Poetry Translation

Written by: Vajda, Gábor Consultant: Kenesei, Andrea

Pannon University

Department of English Linguistics and Literature


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Table of Contents:

List of Illustrations................................................................................................3


List of Abbreviations and Category Explanations................................................8


Analysis of Data on “The Raven”......................................................................11

Analysis of Data on “Születésnapomra”............................................................14

Graphs of Analysis on “The Raven”..................................................................17

Graphs of Analysis on “Születésnapomra”........................................................30



Translations and Their Detailed Analysis With Their Summary of Edgar Allan

Poe’s ’The Raven’...............................................................................................43

Translations and Their Detailed Analysis With Their Summary of Attila József’s




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List of Illustrations

1: Summative Diagram of Lexical Transformations and Connotational Transfers

in ‘The Raven’........................................................................................................18

2: Summative Diagram of Proportion of Transformations With and Without

Connotational Transfers in ‘The Raven’...............................................................18

Lexical Transformation Diagrams of ‘The Raven’:

3: Babits.................................................................................................................19

4: Franyó...............................................................................................................19

5: Harsányi............................................................................................................20

6: Kosztolányi........................................................................................................20

7: Lévay..................................................................................................................21

8: Radó...................................................................................................................21

9: Szász...................................................................................................................22

10: Telekes.............................................................................................................22

11: Tóth..................................................................................................................23

12: Summative Diagram of (Complete) Replacements in ‘The Raven’.................23

13: Summative Diagram of Narrowing and Broadening Proportions in ‘The


14: Summative Diagram of Merging and Extension Proportions in ‘The Raven’ 24

Connotational Transfer Diagrams of ‘The Raven’:

15: Babits...............................................................................................................25

16: Franyó.............................................................................................................25

17: Harsányi..........................................................................................................26

18: Kosztolányi......................................................................................................26

18: Lévay................................................................................................................27

20: Radó.................................................................................................................27

21: Szász.................................................................................................................28


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22: Telekes.............................................................................................................28

23: Tóth..................................................................................................................29

24: Summative Diagram of Lexical Transformations and Connotational Transfers

in ‘Születésnapomra’.............................................................................................31

25: Summative Diagram of Proportion of Transformations With and Without

Connotational Transfers in ‘Születésnapomra’.....................................................31

26: Summative Diagram of (Complete) Replacements in ‘Születésnapomra’.......32

27: Summative Diagram of Narrowing and Broadening Proportions

in’Születésnapomra’ .............................................................................................32

28: Summative Diagram of Merging and Extention Proportions in


Lexical Transformation Diagrams of ‘Születésnapomra’:

29: Makkai.............................................................................................................33

30: Nyerges............................................................................................................34

31: Herrick.............................................................................................................34

32: Fekete...............................................................................................................35

33: Turner-Osváth.................................................................................................35

34: Zollman............................................................................................................36

35: Zollman 2.........................................................................................................36

Connotational Transfer Diagrams of ‘Születésnapomra’:

36: Makkai.............................................................................................................37

37: Nyerges............................................................................................................37

38: Herrick.............................................................................................................38

39: Fekete...............................................................................................................38

40: Turner-Osváth.................................................................................................39

41: Zollman............................................................................................................39

42: Zollman 2.........................................................................................................40


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Translation of literary texts, espacially poems is considered to be a subgenre in

literary composition and it is often obtained by expert, well-known poets who

usually speak more languages. It is a different process than writing a poem ‘out of

nothing’, it is transformation and is preceeded by serious analytical research for

linguistic equivalents, which is a fairly impossible duty at some points for the

translator has to bridge different cultures using the same bounded rhyming

scheme, the same rhythm, the same connotation, etc. To put it simply, the

translator has to reflect the authors mind to the most precise extent as possible

within a totally different language system embedded in a different culture. As a

study on poetry puts it:

“One of the features found in translation of poetry is interpretation. It may lead

translator to go far from the real meaning to interpret the poem and in many cases

it brings about some changes of the original concepts completely. In such cases

the output is not a comparable work with the original text. Another important

factor is translator's knowledge about the target language. Sometimes, translator's

writing is different from the source text and he is not that faithful to it. But many

believe that the translation should transfer sense of the poem without considering

the fact that the translator properly understands the poet's intention or not.

Translation of poetry is known as a very hard and somehow impossible point in

some translators' minds. As if those who take steps to translate poetry especially

versified translation are real successful translators. But there are critical comments

on some of these translators' writings. Although translating poetry sounds hard,


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some translators work on it. The outcome sometimes seems nice and gets good

mark; however, it faces some literary criticisms later.”1

In this thesis I attempt to analyse wether this succeeds or not on two different

poems and their translations. The means are linguistic and analysing is

mathematical. Thus I attempt to avoid the problem of interpretation and focus on

the linguistic features of the usage of language in translations in either languages

or poets.

“Translator's inference of the poem he reads affects the output, for sure. In other

words, translator's knowledge about the poem and his understanding of it can be

considered as the most important factor in translating poetry. Being familiar with

both source and target language can help translator in rendering the poem.

Although a translator may be knowledgeable enough for his task, we can't ignore

the role of interpretation during rendering. It may be proper to say that some

poems need to be interpreted in order to be more understandable for the target

language readers, because they make no sense in readers' minds. Literal

translation in some cases has such problems.”1

The poems are Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Raven’ and Attila József’s

‘Születésnapomra’, which are linguistically representative of their cultures they

are embedded in.

The way I analise the poems is comparing the original and a translation word by

word, indicating varios transformations, which can be a word/expression missing

in the other one, or when a change is applied.

1 See Bibliography ’Net Source’


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I do not deal with grammatical transformations just lexical ones, indicating

grammatical changes in this extent would make it difficult to analise.

Also, I am not moving on higher scales of morhpology/syntax when necessary, for

the amount of items would even be enormous and difficult to handle, sometimes

whole Clauses are being removed/added, I consider them to be one unit though

keeping the syntactical structures whithin sentences.

Naturally, there are differences in the two languages, Determiners, Prepositions as

such that are missing in Hungarian can appear as a certain affix (usually as a

suffix) on the actual word, so in summary of analysis I do not deal with these in

details, nevertheless I indicate them with the exception of Prepositions in their


In addition, the terms I use are not 100 percently accurate lingustically. For

example when I use ‘V’ for verbs, I refer to one lexical item, which is a single

word, or it may be a head of a Verb Phrase or something different. It is the

number of lexical items used in the word/phrase that matters in this respect.


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List of Abbreviations and Category Explanations

The categories I use are the following (with abbreviations):

- addition/omission (when a word/phrase/clause is represented in one

version, but not in the other, it is indicated with this)

- (complete) replacement (when a smaller unit is being is present instead of

another, ‘replacement’ is used, when there is a larger unit replaced it is

indicated with this; also this term suggests that there is no significant link

between the two representatives in any way)

- narrowing/broadening (in case of extended/merged meaning of the

expression used)

- merging/extension (lexical transformation to smaller/bigger unit)

- forcing/milding (some direction of amplification in connotation of the


- concreteness/abstraction (clearance, understanding of the expression

concerning its meaning)

- dynamic/stative (graphicism of expression, static expressions describe

inner state, dynamics perceivable appearance of the same effect)

- positive/negative/neutral (‘mood transfer’, when an expression shifts to a

different state of mood, it can change to six directions; in case of two steps

I doubled one’s connotational value in analysis)

- shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward/backward (many times when

there are alterations in description, there is just semantic connection

between versions, but both can belong to the same stream of occasions,

sequqnce of action; ‘forward’ marks causality, ‘backward’ marks cause)


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- CF: Connotational Force

- N: Noun

- NP: Noun Phrase

- Det: Determiner

- Pron: Pronoun

- V: Verb

- VP: Verb Phrase

- Adv: Adverb

- AdvP: Adverb Phrase

- Adj: Adjective

- AdjP: Adjective Phrase

- Prep: Preposition

- PrepP: Prepostional Phrase

- Cl: Clause


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My presuppositions are related to the characteristics of the poets and the culture

they represent. I search for general tendencies that are common in the different

versions of translations in comparison to the originals.

Hungarian people are claimed to be more pessimistic and more cunning, creative

than Western peoples. In this respect I expect a greater amount of negative

features in connotational force and alterations in indicators of concreteness,

narrowness in the case of ‘The Raven’ and the opposite measures in



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Analysis of data on ’The Raven’

Starting with the number of transformations, there is an average number of appr.

300 lexical transformations as shown in graph 1. Generally 60% out of that

number of transformations carry some sort of connotational transfer.

Concerning additory factor beside the obligatory omission of Determiners,

Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases, a generally huge extent of adding Nouns

and Adverbs to translations can be observed. The Number of Adjectives used are

relatively same as in the original along with Pronouns and an appr. same rate of

mild increase is observed in the usage of Verbs, Verb Phrases and Clauses.

Though in low measure but interestingly there is a high rate of omitting Noun

Phrases contrary to there is a huge amount of Nouns added. This may due to the

fact that a Noun Phrase can contain various determiners of possession, which in

Hungarian are marked with different suffixes added to Nouns without changing

the word class or extending the phrase.

Generally there is an identity between the different versions concrening the

number of parts of speech added/ommitted such as Noun, Noun Phrase (except in

the case of Telekes where there is a relatively higher grossing, see graph 10),

Pronouns, obligatory Determiners and Prepositinonal Phrases, Clauses with slight

compensatory differences. However there are extreme changes of directions in the

case of Adverbs, Adjectives and their phrases. Kosztolányi’s and Tóth’s

translations share the average number of Adverbs used, Harsányi Szász and Lévay

uses the same number of Adverbs as Poe, in other cases it varies in different ways.

Radó and Szász uses a higher number of Adverb Phrases than Adverbs in solo.

Generally the tendency should cover a rate from a higher number of Adverbs to

equality (see graphs. 3, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 10). An other remarkable additory factor is


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presented in the case of Tóth where he uses more Adjective Phrases than

Adjectives themselves, this may be due to the fact that he applies masses of

Adjectives before a Noun or a Noun Phrase for description. Also, he is the only

one who obtains significantly more Verbs than the others.

Concerning lexical replacements, there is an obvious smaller number of complete

replacements, which is semantically and structurally a different/higher unit. There

is a generally almost exact double amount of replacements than complete ones.

Significantly, Lévay uses the least of this variety of lexical transformation,

Kosztolányi applies the most.

In narrowing/broadening factor the rate of this opposite directed transfer is nearly

50%-50% (graph. 12). Harsányi, Radó and Telekes seem to use the same amount

of transformations of both, making a balance. Szász uses a slightly higher number

of extensions and Kosztolányi exceeds with mergings in the same rate. The

visually higher number of mergings belong to Babits, Franyó and Tóth , who use

more Adverbs and Tóth is involved in more frequent usages of Verbs and

Adjective Phrases.

In comparison with narrowings and broadenings, a similar average rate of

merging/extending can be observed with greater diversity in subdivision. Harsányi

merges the most expressions, along with Telekes and Radó. Babits and Szász uses

both transfers in a balanced way, while Lévay and Tóth clear themselves in a

more extended way, which in the case of Lévay is concerned unnatural,

examining the number of the items he omits (compare graphs 7 and 14).


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Submerging into semantic and even pragmatic level, Hungarian translations in

general behave on a more concerned level. They are forceful, dynamic, concrete,

looking forward in explanation, though highly negative.

Dynamism and the cause-causality shifting factor gains the least intrerest,

nevertheless both are moving to a positive direction, except Harsányi and Lévay

(graphs 17, 19) pulling it higher and Telekes pushes it lower to a more static

direction contrary to the cause-causality shift (graph 22), which he orders more

backward with Harsányi creating balance with it (graphs 17, 22).

Level of force is more positive, tenses between two major poles, one is

converging to zero (though still remaining on the positive pole) i.e. Harsányi,

Szász, Telekes (see graphs17, 21, 22) and an exceeding pole i.e. Franyó,

Kosztolányi, Radó, Tóth (see graphs 16, 18, 20, 23). The other two rest close to

the average.

Level of concreteness stays at an approximately identical level on the positive

field without any extreme pop-outs.

In the case of ’mood transfer’ it had been already discussed that the average level

of Hungarian counterparts are highly negative, however extremes can be

examined. Kosztolányi uses opposingly positive expressions, gaining a more

optimistic background feel to the poem (graph 18) along with Szász (graph 21),

the rest of the translations converges around the average level with Franyó (graph

16) being the most pessimistic in this concern.


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Analysis of Data on ’Születésnapomra’

This particular poem is short, but causes much difficulties for translators due to its

playing with words embedded in rhymes, which is almost impossible to interpret.

First it can be realised that there is an an average number of transformations of 45.

Also, about 70% of all these lexical transformations carry connotational transfers

(see graphs 24 and 25).

Due to the shortage of the poem, only rough conclusions of analysis can be drawn,

but as a consequence of this fact by examining the number of additions/omissions

we can see that complete phrases (except Noun Phrases) and clauses are hardly

added or removed because of the length of the stanzas and sentences, though

sentences sometimes exceed the frames of stanzas but evidentally there is a little

chance for removing or adding longer structures to the poem.

The first controversion is the opposite number of Nouns, Noun Phrasesin their

numbers in average. While Nouns are being omitted, complete Noun Phrases are

added to the translations. Number of Adverbs and Adjectives dominate over the

original version in translations so as the obligatory phanomena of appearance of

Determiners, Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases. Verbs and Clauses appear in

slightly higher number in translations. Pronouns, however, seem to disappear.

In case of adding/omitting Nouns, Noun Phrases and Verbs, Verb Phrases, a tense

is being established between two groups. By Nouns it is Fekete and the Turner-

Osváth group that is pulling the result higher (graphs 32, 33) and Makkai,

Nyerges, Herrick and the second version of Zollman draws it to negative extent


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(graphs 29, 30, 31 and 35). Noun Phrases are virtually vary in the same extent,

with the opposite direction of extremes of Makki in positive and Turner-Osváth to

negative (graphs 29 and 33), still being unusually positive, which may due to

Noun Phrases can contain other parts of speech and they usually do. Verbs in

general remain close to the original József poem, but again there are extreme

differences between various verions. Surprisingly, there are differences in the

Zollman translations, too. While in the first version he omits one, in the second

version he adds three of them (graphs 34 and 35) however it makes a balance with

the extreme Turner-Osváth version in this concern (graph 33). All versions

slightly agree with the amount Adverbs with the exception of the Zollman

translations, which precisely correlate with the original (graphs 34 and 35).

Adjectives added are tipically usual, only Makkai is the one, who conctradics with

this trend and Herrick agrees with the original (graphs 29 and 31).Preposition

Phrases are added in general and linguistically explainably, closely to the same

extent. Clauses rest solidly above zero level, no extremities can be obverved.

Complete replacements represented are the half of the amount of replacements in

average total without significant alteration. The Turner-Osváth translation

contains the least, the Zollman ones use the most of this transfer (graphs 33, 34

and 35).

In terms of narrowing/broadening, narrowing phenomena is in domination with an

average 65% advantage, which is also a general standard (graph 27).

Merging/extending factor varies the most outstandingly. Makkai, Nyerges,

Herrick and Fekete apply extension exclusively, However Turner and Osváth

merge in 100%. The Zollman translations are dominated by extension also (graph



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Continuing with connotational transfers generally it can be stated that the

translations are less concerned than in the case of the Hunarian Poe-poem

versions. They are forceful, almost as concrete as the original with little alteration

to positive direction, only the Makkai and the Nyerges translations creating

tensing opposites with Makkai to positive, Nyerges to negative direction (graphs

36 and 37). Also these two are the ones, which seem to singificantly in terms of

force, converging to zero in comparison with the others. Concreteness, as we

mentioned along with dynamism varies unsignificantly around the amount of the

original with little extent to positive direction. Sequences of cause-causality shift

backwards generally, putting more emphasis on explaining causes more likely

without significant differences between translations, only Herrick exceeds level of

zero (graph 38). Mood is generally negative to the tranlsations, with Turner-

Osváth preserving the original character from József (graph 40).


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Graphs of Analysis on ’The Raven’


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Here are the various numbers of lexical transformations. Generally, every

third transformation carries some sort of connotational transfer. The number

of connotational transfers are in a closely balanced number of around 110-

120 in comparison to each other despite the number of lexical

transformations, although they follow the rate of transformations.

The lower number of Lévay and Szász and the higher of Telekes can be

observed, the rest follow the average of about 300 transfomations used

Here we can see specific information about the rate of connotational

transfers in lexical transformations as mentioned above. It confirms the

double superiority of transformations not having connotational transfer

over the ones that have.

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N NP Pron Det V VP Adv AdvP Adj AdjP Prep PrepP Cl

average Babits







N NP Pron Det V VP Adv AdvP Adj AdjP Prep PrepP Cl

average Franyó



Babits uses an extreme number of adverbs of his translation, and almost

twice as many as the average amount, which is balanced by the lack of

prepositional phrases due to language differencies. Despite this fact, he

seems ecomonical and true to the original text concerning the number of


Such as in the case of Babits, Franyó is characteristic by the large

number of adverbs he utilises in the text, and he also seems to resent less

advjectives than the average number and even the original, which makes

an interesting contrast concerning ’ornamentation’ of phrases. Beside

these in general, his terminology follows the average measures, almost

like a prototype to the general standard in this concern.

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N NP Pron Det V VP Adv AdvP Adj AdjP Prep PrepP Cl

average Kosztolányi



Harsányi is also a prototype of the virtually average translation with

slight differences. His usage of adverbs are true to the original and even

their phrases. Only in the utilisation of adjectives can we see inverted

tendency. The amount of nouns, their phrases and clauses seems to be

succeeded in the proper direction.

An interesting phenomena in Kosztolányi’s translation is the ’overusage’ of

verbs and verb phrases in translation. This suggests repetition thus

specification of events. This may be reinforced by the higher number of


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In this graph it turns out obviously that Lévay is very economic with

words and expressions compared to the original in average, which in

general contradicts with the tendency of translations, concerning

specification. It may be interesting to observe factors of connotational

transfers later.

Radó is basically Babits and Franyó ’inverted’. His usage of words and

phrases more or less directly follow the average rate, however there is a

remarkable negative peak in the usage of adverbs. Again, here it would be

interesting to examine his translation’s connotational forces.

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Szász’s translation is remarkable in the case of using verbs and adverbs

and their phrases. While he utilises the exact amount of sole words as in

the original, phrases show extreme pop-ups. Also, adjectives go below zero

level. The whole translation in general shows vaious alternations in this

concern to the original.

Telekes is ’overusing’ words over the original, with such extreme

alternations as in the case of nouns and their phrases. These again confirm

the supposition of specification in translatory texts. More succession can

be observed at adverbs and adjectives.

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In Tóth’s translation, there are three major alternations in the field of

lexical transformation. It is the amount of verbs and adjectives he adds,

succeeding the general standard, the same with the amount of prepositional

phrases. Interestingly, the number of verb phrases goes down low.

Concerning replacement factors, we can observe the tendency of having

twice as many ’simple’ replacements than complete ones in translations.

Lévay seems to be the most ’true’ to the original in this respect.

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Here, again there is an appr. 50-50% of diversion of translations in which

the poets tend to narrow down/broaden their expressions. Franyó tends to

be the most spedific, Szász is the most ’general’ in this respect.

In this comparison, there are extreme differences between translations. But

once again, we can talk about a general diversion of 50-50%. The greatest

alterations can be viewed at Tóth and Harsányi, both of them pushing the

boundaries to 80%.

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force concreteness dynamism cause-causality mood

average Babits









force concreteness dynamism cause-causality


average Franyó



There are no important alternations in Babits’s translation concerning

connotational forces, he falls short of th average rates except he’s more

optimistic, and even less dynamic than the original.

Franyó’s translation follows the average rates with an alteration to

positive direction, however there is an extremely pessimistic overtone

to the translation, four times more negative than the average rate of the

different versions.

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Harsányi’s translation is almost a mirror image to the average rates,

though still succeeding the original in most ways except that it is

concrete in the same measure and very pessimistic, almost twice than the

’general standard’.

The translation of Kosztolányi’s two main characteristicare that it is more

forceful than the general, and optimistic in the same measure as pessimistic

are the rest of the translation in general. In other respects, it follows the

measures of the original.

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force concreteness dynamism cause-causality mood

average Lévay 19


Lévay seems more dynamic than the average and less pessimistic. In other

ways he is close to the general standard of translations.

Radó is more powerful in using terms and at the same time more

pessimistic than the rest of translators. In other concerns too, he is

under the average numbers.

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Szász’s translation is more close to the original than to the average rates. It

is less powerful and optimistic, however both measures converging to zero

level, making the translation even more balanced.

In the translation of Telekes we can see an approximately equally

measured alteration in all fields of investigation of transfers to different

directions. Less forceful, concrete and static in average, however it is

stepping forward in logical orders and less pessimistic than the average.

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Tóth’s translation is near to a ’prototype’ among the translations with a

certain amount of alteration to positive direction except dynamic


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Graphs of Analysis on ’Születésnapomra’


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Here we can’t see such balanced correlations in the rates of lexical

transformations owning connotational transfers and the ones that do not


Comparing this graph with its equivalent on ’The Raven’ it is obvious

that here there is a great inversion of the rates. These translations’

transformations carry almost twice as many transfers that in the case of

the other poem.

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Here, we can see similar rates that in the case of the other poem, though it

may not be as balanced, which may due to the lenght of this poem and the

number of items.

Again, comparing the poems measurements in this respect, we can

experience differences. These translations tend to narrow their expressions

more frequently and in overall observation, in a more balanced way.

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Due to the limited number of items this graph is not representative as a

general standard to translations, but we can observe, that there is a 100%

alteration between certain translators and in general they tend to extend,

which correlates well with the generally narrowing factor.

On Makkai’s version we can that in rates it follows the general standard,

however when it comes to directions it is oppositional, such in the case of

NP, Adj, Cl. Alterations are huge.

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In this version there is an accurate correlation between the particular and

the general. Outstanding differences can be seen at PrepP and Cl, but these

are in correlation in rates.

In this version we can point out two tight correlations, that is Pron and

AdvP. It differs greatly from the original too.

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Here, there are two outstanding differences, in the amount of Nouns and

Adjectives used and in Verbs, there is a smaller difference. Otherwise it

has almost identical parameters to the standard.

This translation hardly follows the standard either in rates or directions.

There is a huge gap between the amounts of verbs and nouns.

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This version follows the average in rates and in the case of Det, VP, Adv,

AdjP and Prep it equals with the original.

This other version of Zollman shows various differences in the number of

Pron, V and Cl. Huge differences in the first two, even in their direction.

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At Makkai the only two similarities with the averageas far as connotational

transfers concerned are in cause-causality and dynamic factors. Weaker

and generally abstract, though less pessimistic than the rest of the


This version closely correlates with the average, however it is more

concrete and less forceful.

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Herrick’s version is closely identical to average standards, except he is

more pessimistic. Also, inverts cause-causality order in general.

Fekete is also close to general standards, in fact he is more true to the

original in various aspects. This version is less pessimistic than the


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Similarly to the previous two versions, this is the outmost true to the

original of including the two above. It has the same ’mood’ factor as the


The first version of Zollman follows the average in rates, i. e. multiplying

the measures with a number a little bigger than one.

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Almost exactly the same as in the previous, although the measures are more

prominent in this version.

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Concrete comparision of the different poems would not be precise nor

representative, due to at least the differences in lenght, we can rely on general

impressions of the analyses.

In overall it can be stated that (poem) translations – consciously or unconsciously

– tend to be more graphic, more precise with the reader. This turns out from the

number of words used in translations, which exceeds the number of original, with

special attention to Adjectives and Adverbs, not counting the lexical elements

which are not representative in comparison (i.e. that are not exist in the other

language). Also, translators prefer narrowing down expressions, be more precise,

more concrete about the meaning. This fragmentation is compensated by the

exceeded number of words used as mentioned above. Higher level of dynamism

in words also suggests that translations are graphic, for they represent an external

projection of internal states.

What we may consider language- (or thinking-) specific, is the shift of cause-

causality events. Hungarian versions tend to explain causalities, while their

English counterparts observe causes behind occasions. This may bring up the

question again of whether language determines thinking, or thinking determines

language, which is a topic may worth discuss.

Mood transfer is object of question. I expected a different direction between

translations, a certain language specifism, but this is not the case. It may be due to

that both poems have a certain negative connotation in general. While the Poe

poem is unquestionably represents a darker, obscure world, it is not that plain in

the case of the József poem, which describes a negative event with highly


Page 42: Szakdolgozat (1)

satirical, ironic tone, but nevertheless the message is clear along with the poets

state ofmind about the topic. It can happen that the translator (again) consciously

or unconsciously amplified this connotation, too.

My presupposition that the Hungarian translations would be more concrete and

narrow turned out to be true, though the opposing staements on the English

counterpart turned out to be false. This means on one hand that translation is more

specific. On the other hand, it also turned out to be that there is a general tendency

in translations to be more pessimistic.



- are more graphic

- are more concrete

- amplify poetic means

Hungarian is:

stepping forward in descriptions

English is:

explaining underlying events


Page 43: Szakdolgozat (1)


Page 44: Szakdolgozat (1)



Page 45: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translations and Their Detailed Analysis

With Their Summary of

Edgar Allan Poe’s ’The Raven’by

Mihály Babits

Zoltán Franyó

Zsolt Harsányi

Dezső Kosztolányi

József Lévay

György Radó

Károly Szász

Béla Telekes

Árpád Tóth

(all translations wear the title ’A Holló’)


Page 46: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Mihály Babits

Once upon a midnight dreary2, while I

pondered weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious3

volume of forgotten lore,

While I4 nodded, nearly napping5,

suddenly there came6 a tapping,

As of some one7 gently8 rapping,

rapping9 at my chamber door.

`'Tis some10 visitor,' I muttered11,

`tapping at my chamber door12 -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Egyszer – únt1 éjfél közelgett13 –

bóbiskoltam elfelejtett

Tudományok furcsa könyvén,

ellankadva terhesen,

Fejem3 csügge... egyre jobban4... s im

egyszerre ajtóm14 roppan,

Mintha egy kéz6 félve7 koppan –

dobban8 ajtóm csöndesen15.

S szóltam10: "Éji9 vendég toppan

küszöbömre11 csöndesen16:

- Az lehet, más semmisem."

2 replacement3 omission of Adj4 narrowing5 complete replacement; CF: abstraction6 omission of VP7 narrowing8 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative9 narrowing; CF: forcing10 narrowing; CF: concretisation11 broadening; CF: forcing12 replacement13 addition of V14 addition of N15 addition of Adv16 addition of Adv


Page 47: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly17 I remember it was in the

bleak18 December,

And each separate19 dying ember20

wrought21 its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow22; - vainly

I had sought to borrow23

From my books surcease of sorrow -

sorrow for the lost24 Lenore -

For the rare and radiant25 maiden26

whom the angels27 named Lenore38 -

Nameless here for evermore41

Ah, jól16 emlékszem valóban16! Tél28

volt, bús17 december hóban29,

Szellemét a szén19 hunyóban földre

hímzé20 véresen30.

Lassan nyúlt az éji óra21; könyvem nem

nyújtott22 a búra

Enyhülést, óh holt23 Lenóra, érted, égi24


Kit a mennyekben26 Lenóra néven

hívnak, kedvesem31,

- Itt lenn32 nincs már neve sem42.

17 extension of Adj to AdvP18 replacement19 omission of Adj20 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward21 narrowing; CF: milding22 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding23 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding24 narrowing; CF: forcing25 merging of AdjP; CF: abstraction26 broadening; CF: neutral → positive27 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward28 addition of N29 addition of N30 addition of Adv31 addition of N32 addition of Adv


Page 48: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad33 uncertain rustling

of each34 purple curtain35

Thrilled36 me - filled37 me with fantastic

terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still38 the beating of my

heart, I stood39 repeating

`'Tis some40 visitor entreating entrance41

at my chamber door -

Some late visitor entreating entrance at

my chamber door42; -

This it is, and nothing more,'

S bíbor kárpit34 selyme rezzen,

bizonytalan zajra43 zizzen44;

Fájó, vájó35, sohsem ismert féltés kínját


S míg szivem dobbanva retten37, mind

ismétlem önfeledten45:

"Éji39 vándor vár40 ijedten46 ajtóm előtt,

azt hiszem47

Késett vendég kér ijedten48 bebocsátást,

azt hiszem49:

- Az lehet, más semmisem."

33 omission of Adj34 omission of Det35 broadening36 extension of V to AdjP; CF: forcing37 narrowing; CF: milding, dynamic → stative38 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative39 omission of V40 see 941 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward42 omission of PrepP43 addition of N44 addition of V45 addition of Adv46 addition of Adv47 addition of Cl48 addition of Adv49 addition of Cl


Page 49: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger50;

hesitating then no longer,

`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly51 your

forgiveness I implore52;

But the fact is I was napping, and so

gently you came53 rapping,

And so faintly54 you came55 tapping56,

tapping at my chamber door57,

That I scarce was sure58 I heard you59' -

here I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there60, and nothing more.

Most kicsit magamhoz térvén49 nem

haboztam, így61 beszélvén:

"Jó62 uram, vagy drága63 hölgyem, ne

akadjon fenn ezen51:

Tény hogy kissé64 szunditottam, és ön

oly halkan koppan:

S amint könnyű53 lépte54 dobban55 –

koppan ott künn56 csöndesen65,

Szinte képzeletnek vélném57" - s ajtót

tártam csöndesen66:

- Künn59 az éj, más semmisem.

50 complete replacement; CF: obligatory transfer51 omission of Adv52 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding53 omission of V54 broadening55 narrowing56 see 857 broadening58 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward59 omission of Cl60 narrowing61 addition of Adv62 addition of Adj63 addition of Adj64 addition of Adv65 addition of Adv66 addition of Adv


Page 50: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep67 into that darkness peering, long I

stood there wondering68, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams69 no mortal70

ever dared to dream before

But the silence was unbroken, and the

darkness71 gave no token,

And the only word there spoken72 was the

whispered73 word74, `Lenore!'

This75 I whispered, and an echo

murmured76 back the word77, `Lenore!'

Merely78 this79 and nothing more.

Hosszan néztem ott az éjbe bámulva,

kétkedve67, félve,

Álmodva amilyent nem mert még

álmodni senkisem69;

De a csöndesség töretlen, s a homály70

nem ad jelet, nem

Hangzik71 más szó, mint egyetlen

név73: "Lenóra!" – kedvesem80

Neve74, melyet én rebegtem, s

visszanyögte75 édesen81

A visszhang78 - más semmisem.

67 omission of Adv68 narrowing; CF: milding, neutral → negative69 omission of N70 broadening71 replacement72 broadening73 omission of Adj74 narrowing75 narrowing76 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative77 omission of N78 omission of Adv79 narrowing80 addition of N81 addition of Adv


Page 51: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all82 my

soul within me83 burning,

Soon84 again I heard a tapping somewhat

louder than before85.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is86

something at my window lattice87;

Let me see then, what thereat is88, and

this mystery89 explore -

Let my heart be still a moment and this

mystery explore90; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

Visszamenve a szobába - lelkem ég, a

fejem kába91 -

Újra koppanást hallottam, már nem is

oly csöndesen.

"Valamitől bizonyára megzörrent85 az

ablak zára86:

Rá kell jönnöm az okára88, nosza –

mondtam - meglesem!

Nyughass, szívem, pillanatra, míg92 e

rejtélyt meglesem89:

- Csak a szél, más semmisem..."

82 omission of Det83 omission of PrepP84 omission of Adv85 omission of Adv86 narrowing; CF: forcing87 narrowing88 omission of Cl89 narrowing; CF: milding, concretisation90 broadening; CF: concretisation91 addition of Cl92 addition of Adv


Page 52: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here93 I flung the shutter, when,

with many94 a flirt95 and flutter,

In there stepped96 a stately raven of the

saintly97 days of yore.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute stopped98 or stayed he;

But, with mien99 of lord or lady,

perched above my chamber door100 -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just

above my chamber door101 -

Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

S széttárva a rácsos táblát, íme, furcsán93

verve szárnyát

Egy nagy102 őskort-látott103 Holló szállt95

be rajta peckesen.

Rám104 se biccent, meg se hökkent97,

csak jött, mint egy idecsöppent98

Úr vagy hölgy: ajtómra röppent105 s

megtelepült odafenn99 -

Ott100 egy vén106 Pallas-szobor volt107, a

madár108 megült ezen,

Ült, csak ült - és semmisem.

93 omission of Adv94 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative95 omission of NP96 narrowing; CF: forcing97 omission of Adj98 broadening; CF: dynamic → stative99 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic100 broadening101 broadening102 addition of Adj103 addition of Adj104 addition of Pron105 addition of V106 addition of Adj107 addition of V108 addition of N


Page 53: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird109 beguiling my sad

fancy110 into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the

countenance111 it wore112,

`Though thy crest113 be shorn and

shaven114, thou,' I said, `art sure no


Ghastly116 grim and ancient117 raven

wandering from the nightly shore -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the

Night's118 Plutonian shore119!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Akkor bánatom mosolyra csalta

furcsa120 ében tolla108,

Ahogy ott morc méltósággal ült111

nagy ünnepélyesen110.

"Bár megtépve113, zord kóborló" -

szóltam - "te se vagy utolsó114,

Éji partok küldte121 Holló: úr-neved

hadd kérdezem:

Hogy hívnak122, ha ott lenn

röpködsz123 a plútói bús124 vizen118?"

- Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

109 narrowing110 omission of N111 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive, forcing112 replacement113 omission of NP114 merging of AdvP; CF: forcing115 replacement; CF: abstraction116 omission of Adv117 omission of Adj118 omission of Pron119 broadening120 addition of Adj121 addition of Adj122 addition of Cl123 addition of V124 addition of Adj


Page 54: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much125 I marvelled126 this ungainly127

fowl to hear128 discourse so plainly129,

Though its answer little meaning - little

relevancy bore;

For we cannot help agreeing that no

living human being130

Ever yet was blessed131 with seeing132 bird

above his chamber door -

Bird or beast133 above the sculptured134

bust above his chamber door,

With such135 name as `Nevermore.'

Néztem125 a szárnyas bolondot126,

hogy egy szót136 ily jól128 kimondott

S válaszolt szavamra137 - bárha nem is

túl értelmesen:

Meg kell adni, ilyet élő még nem

ért130, hogy egy beszélő138

Madár ajtaja fölé jő s rátelepszik

kényesen139 -

Ajtó fölött egy szoborra rátelepszik


- És a neve: "Sohasem"!

125 omission of Adv126 broadening; CF: milding, positive → neutral, stative → dynamic127 narrowing; CF: forcing128 omission of VP129 broadening130 omission of NP131 replacement; CF: positive → neutral132 omission of VP133 omission of NP134 omission of Adj135 omission of Adj136 addition of NP137 addition of N138 addition of Adj139 addition of V140 addition of Adv


Page 55: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely141 on the

placid142 bust, spoke only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word143 he did outpour.

Nothing further then he uttered144 - not a

feather145 then he fluttered146 -

Till147 I scarcely more148 than muttered149

`Other friends have flown before150 -

On the morrow will he151 leave me, as

my152 hopes have flown before153.'

Then154 the bird155 said, `Nevermore.'

De a Holló fönn a szobron csak ez

egy szót mondta folyton,

Mintha abba142 volna lelke beleöntve


Másképp csőrét nem nyitotta143 s

szárnyait144 sem mozditotta145;

S nyögtem148: "Hozzám senkisem

hű149, még szivem151 reménye sem,

Majd157 csak elhagy e madár150 is -

nem lesz reggel nyoma sem152!"

- Szólt a Holló154: "Sohasem."

141 omission of VP142 omission of Adj143 broadening144 double transfer: extension of V + narrowing; CF: concretisation145 broadening146 broadening147 omission of Adv148 omission of AdvP149 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative150 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing151 narrowing152 narrowing153 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing154 omission of Adv155 narrowing156 addition of Adv157 addition of Adv


Page 56: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled at the stillness158 broken159 by

reply so aptly spoken,

`Doubtless160,' said I, `what it utters161 is

its only stock and store,

Caught162 from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful163 disaster164

Followed fast and followed faster165 till

his songs166 one burden bore -

Till the dirges of his hope that

melancholy burden bore167

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Megdöbbentem, hogy talál az elsírt

szóra168 ez a válasz:

"Persze" - mondtam - "ennyi ennek

kincse tára összesen;

Tán egy régi169 bús gazdája oktatá161,

kit sors163 viszálya162

Dúlt és mart164, míg síró szája165 erre

járt rá, másra sem -

Holt170 remények gyászdalához nincs

is jobb rím semmisem166,

- Mint hogy: >>Soha - sohasem.<<"

158 omission of N159 omission of V160 broadening; CF: milding161 omission of Cl162 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward163 narrowing; CF: forcing164 broadening; CF: milding165 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, neutral → negative, forcing166 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative, forcing167 complete replacement; CF: negative → neutral168 addition of NP169 addition of Adj170 addition of Adj


Page 57: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven171 still beguiling all172 my sad

soul into smiling,

Straight173 I wheeled a cushioned174 seat in

front of bird and bust and door175;

Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook

myself176 to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking177 what this

ominous178 bird of yore 179-

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt180, and

ominous bird181 of yore182

Meant in croaking183 `Nevermore.'

De a bölcs184 madár170 mosolyra

csalta méla lelkem ujra185

És egy zsöllyét gördítettem

szembe, hogy majd ott lesem186;

S bársonyába besüppedve

képzeletet képzeletre

Halmoztam: hogy hol szerezte s

mért ismétli187 vészesen177 -

Ez a baljós vén181 vad188 holló180

mért ismétli182 rémesen179

Ezt a szót189, hogy: "Sohasem."

171 broadening172 omission of Det173 omission of Adv174 omission of Adj175 omission of NP176 omission of VP177 omission of V178 narrowing; CF: forcing179 omission of NP180 merging of AdjP to Adv; CF: milding181 narrowing182 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative183 broadening; CF: negative → neutral184 addition of Adj185 addition of Adv186 addition of Cl187 addition of VP188 addition of Adj189 addition of NP


Page 58: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat190 engaged in guessing191, but no

syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery192 eyes now

burned into my bosom's core;

This and more193 I sat194 divining195, with

my head at ease196 reclining

On the cushion's velvet197 lining198 that the

lamp-light gloated199 o'er,

But whose velvet violet lining200 with the

lamp-light gloating o'er201,

She202 shall press203, ah, nevermore!

Ezen tűnődtem190 magamban204, noha

egy betűt se mondtam

A madárhoz - s már szivembe fúrt a

két fém-élü191 szem...

Óh ha titkát192 eltalálnám194! S így205

fejem ledőlt a párnán,

Melynek bársonyára lámpám fénye

hullott198 kékesen196,

Violaszín bársonyára, melyen óh! már


Nem pihen meg202 sohasem.

190 omission of V191 merging of AdvP; CF: milding192 replacement; CF: concretisation193 narrowing; CF: milding194 omission of V195 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing196 omission of PrepP197 broadening198 omission of N199 narrowing; CF: concretisation, negative → neutral200 omission of N201 omission of PrepP202 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive203 narrowing204 addition of Pron205 addition of Adv


Page 59: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew denser206,

perfumed207 from an unseen208 censer

Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls209

tinkled on the tufted floor210.

`Wretch211,' I cried212, `thy God213 hath

lent214 thee - by these angels he215 has

sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy

memories216 of Lenore217!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind218 nepenthe,

and forget this lost219 Lenore220!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Most, úgy tetszett, langy szellő kel205 s

lengve titkos207 füstölőkkel

Angyaltánc208 a szőnyeg209 bolyhát

csiklandozta kéjesen221:

"Bús szív210!" – nyögtem211 - "égi212

vendég222 szállt le213 hozzád: lám a

szent Ég214

Angyalokkal küld nepenthét, elfeledni


Idd, óh idd e hűs216 nepenthét és feledd

el kedvesem219!"

- Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

206 omission of VP207 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward208 narrowing209 narrowing210 narrowing211 replacement; CF: milding212 broadening; CF: milding213 broadening; CF: abstraction214 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward215 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive216 omission of NP217 broadening; CF: abstraction, neutral → positive218 narrowing; CF: concretisation219 omission of Adj220 see 216221 addition of Adv222 addition of N


Page 60: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said223 I, `thing of evil224! -

prophet still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter225 sent, or whether

tempest tossed226 thee here ashore227,

Desolate228 yet all undaunted229, on this

desert land230 enchanted231 -

On this home232 by horror haunted233 -

tell me truly, I implore234 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore235!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós!" – hörögtem222 - "választ kérek236!

jós, madár vagy gonosz lélek224!

- Sátán küldött vagy vihar vert225

hozzám226, én nem keresem237,

Ki büszkén227, bár megtépázva228,

érkeztél238 e puszta házba229,

Hol rémek dúlnak csatázva232 - mondd

meg nékem kegyesen:

Van-e balzsam Gileádban? megenyhűl-

e zord sebem234?"

- Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

223 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative224 omission of NP225 narrowing; CF: forcing226 narrowing; CF: forcing227 narrowing; CF: abstraction228 narrowing; CF: forcing229 broadening; CF: milding230 omission of N231 omission of Adv232 broadening; CF: concretisation233 extension of Adv; CF: forcing234 omission of Cl235 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward236 addition of Cl237 addition of Cl238 addition of V


Page 61: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said239 I, `thing of evil240! -

prophet still, if bird or devil241!

By that Heaven242 that bends above us -

by that God we both adore243 -

Tell this soul244 with sorrow laden245 if,

within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden246 whom

the angels named Lenore -

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom

the angels named Lenore247?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós!" – hörögtem238 - "választ kérek248!

jós, madár vagy gonosz lélek240!

Hiszen egy égbolt241 borul ránk s egy

Urunk van242 odafenn249:

Mondd meg, vár-e250 még e búra messze

mennyben édes óra251,

Vár-e252 majd a szent Lenóra245 ölelése


Kit az angyalok Lenóra néven hívnak


- Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

239 see 222240 omission of NP241 narrowing; CF: milding242 broadening243 broadening244 omission of NP245 addition of VP246 broadening; CF: concretisation247 omission of Cl248 addition of Cl249 addition of Adv250 addition of VP251 addition of NP252 addition of NP253 addition of Adv254 addition of Adv


Page 62: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting255,

bird256 or fiend!' I shrieked257 upstarting -

`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian shore258!

Leave no black259 plume as a token260 of

that lie thy soul261 hath spoken262!

Leave my loneliness unbroken263! - quit264

the bust above my door265!

Take266 thy beak from out my heart, and

take thy form267 from off my door268!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Legyen hát e szód utolsó254!" -

szöktem föl - "sátán vagy holló255!

Menj, röpködj269 az éjviharban, a

plutói bús vizen257!

Itt ne hagyd egy árva270 tollad, nehogy

arról rágondoljak259,

Mit hazudtál e szobornak vállán271

ülve peckesen272!

Tépd265 ki csőrödet szivembõl s hagyj

magam262, míg elveszem273!"

- Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem!"

255 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing256 narrowing257 omission of V258 broadening259 omission of Adj260 complete replacement; CF: forcing261 omission of PrepP262 omission of VP263 broadening; CF: milding264 omission of V265 omission of PrepP266 narrowing; CF: forcing267 omission of NP268 omission of PrepP269 addition of V270 addition of Adj271 omission of N272 addition of VP273 addition of AdvP


Page 63: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven274, never flitting275, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my

chamber door;

And his eyes have276 all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him277

streaming278 throws his shadow on the


And my soul from out that shadow that

lies280 floating on the floor281

Shall be lifted282 - nevermore!

És a szárnya273 meg se lendül274, és

csak fent283 ül, és csak fent284 ül,

Fent ajtóm fölött a Pallas sápadt

szobrán, csöndesen285.

Álmodó rémhez hasonló szemmel

ül275 a szörnyü Holló286,

Míg a lámpafény elomló277 árnyát veti


S lelkem e padlómon ringó árnyba288

fullad csöndesen289:

Nem szabadul281 - sohasem.

274 narrowing275 narrowing; CF: forcing276 replacement277 omission of PrepP278 narrowing; CF: milding279 omission of PrepP280 omission of V281 omission of PrepP282 narrowing; CF: abstraction, forcing283 addition of Adv284 addition of Adv285 addition of Adv286 addition of NP287 addition of Adv288 addition of N289 addition of VP


Page 64: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 290

omissions total: 80omissions of N: 8omissions of NP: 11omissions of Pron: 1omissions of Det: 3omissions of V: 9omissions of VP: 8omissions of Adv: 11omissions of AdvP: 1omissions of Adj: 12omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 11omissions of Cl: 5

additions total: 80additions of N: 10additions of NP: 6additions of Pron: 2additions of Det: 0additions of V: 8additions of VP: 5additions of Adv: 26additions of AdvP: 1additions of Adj: 14additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 8

replacements total: 28complete replacements: 14

narrowings: 61broadenings: 33

mergings: 4extensions: 4


Page 65: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers

forcings: 30mildings 19

abstractions: 8concretisations: 11

dynamism: 2stativism: 3

mood transfer:neutral → positive: 6negative → neutral: 3negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 10positive → neutral: 2positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:16forward: 9backward: 7


Page 66: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Zoltán Franyó

Once upon a midnight dreary290, while

I291 pondered292 weak and weary293,

Over many294 a quaint and curious295

volume of forgotten lore296,

While I nodded297, nearly napping298,

suddenly299 there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping300,

rapping at my chamber door301.

`'Tis some302 visitor,' I muttered, `tapping

at my chamber door303 -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Egyszer éjféltájt a rejtett304 únt289

magányban305 elfelejtett,

Furcsa könyv mélyébe306 révült291

elborongva292 bús307 eszem290, -

S míg fejem lelankad296, orvul298

koppan ajtóm, zára zordul308

Roppan és halk zaj csikordul299,

padló300 koppan309, azt hiszem310;

"Éji301 vendég - mormogom - ki

most311 betoppan302, azt hiszem312,

Az lehet, más semmisem."

290 replacement291 narrowing: part of body; CF: concretisation292 narrowing; CF: forcing293 merging of AdvP to Adv; CF: neutral → negative294 omission of Adj295 omission of Adj296 omission of N297 narrowing; CF: forcing298 omission of VP299 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative300 extension of VP to Cl301 replacement302 replacement; CF: concretisation303 replacement304 omission of Adj305 addition of N306 addition of N307 addition of Adj308 addition of Cl309 addition of V310 addition of Cl311 addition of Adv312 addition of Cl


Page 67: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly313 I remember it was in the

bleak314 December,

And each separate315 dying ember316

wrought317 its ghost318 upon the floor.

Eagerly319 I wished320 the morrow; -

vainly I had sought to borrow321

From my books surcease of sorrow 322-

sorrow323 for the lost324 Lenore -

For the rare325 and radiant maiden326

whom the angels named Lenore -

Nameless here for evermore.

Emlékszem: december éjjel313 volt s a

húnyt szén torz szeszéllyel327

Rémek árnyát317 szórta széjjel316

padlóm alján véresen328.

Lestem319, míg a hajnalóra int329 s a

könyv varázsa330 jóra

Fordít minden gyászt321, Lenóra érted,

elhalt323 kedvesem331 -

Angyal-néven õ Lenóra, fénylő, égi332


S itt nem él333 már híre sem.

313 omission of Adv314 replacement of Adj with N; CF: negative → neutral315 omission of PrepP316 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward317 complete replacement318 extension of N to NP; CF: neutral → negative319 omission of Adv320 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic321 omission of Cl322 complete replacement323 omission of NP324 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative325 omission of Adj326 broadening327 addition of AdjP328 addition of Adv329 addition of V330 addition of N331 addition of N332 addition of Adj333 addition of V


Page 68: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad334 uncertain335

rustling of each336 purple curtain

Thrilled337 me - filled338 me with

fantastic339 terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still340 the beating of my

heart, I341 stood342 repeating343

`'Tis some344 visitor entreating entrance

at my chamber door 345-

Some346 late visitor entreating

entrance347 at my chamber door348; -

This it is, and nothing more,'

Selymes bíbor-függöny alja349

borzongó334 neszét sugallja350

S ez beszúr336, befúr338 belém mint át-

nem-élt uj félelem;

S míg szívem remegve351 dobban,

ajkamon340 megint kicsobban342:

"Éji343 vendég jön titokban352, az nyit itt

be csendesen353, -

Késett vándor kér titokban éji

szállást346, csendesen354:

Az lehet, más senkisem."

334 omission of Adj335 replacement; CF: neutral → negative336 omission of Det337 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, stative → dynamic338 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic339 omission of Adj340 omission of V341 narrowing342 omission of V343 extension; CF: forcing344 see 301345 omission of PrepP346 omission of Det347 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward348 omission of PrepP349 addition of N350 addition of V351 addition of Adv352 addition of VP353 addition of Adv354 addition of Adv


Page 69: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger355;

hesitating then no longer,

`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly356 your

forgiveness I implore357;

But the fact is358 I was napping, and so

gently359 you came rapping360,

And so faintly361 you came tapping,

tapping at my chamber door362,

That I scarce was sure I heard you363' -

here I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing more.

Nem haboztam már, merészen354

szóltam én ki, bármi lészen364:

"Jó365 uram vagy drága366 hölgyem,

megbocsásson, azt hiszem357,

Szundikáltam egyre jobban367, s Ön be

halkan358 jön, titokban359

Lépve, lopva360, nesz se koppan, hogy

betoppan361 sebtiben368,

Szinte el se hittem..." - Ajtóm jól

kitárom sebtiben369:

Mély370 sötét, más semmisem.

355 complete replacement; CF: forcing356 omission of Adv357 omission of V358 complete replacement; CF: milding359 narrowing; CF: concretisation360 replacement; CF: abstraction361 extension of Adv to AdvP; CF: concretisation362 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward363 omission of Cl364 addition of Cl365 addition of Adj366 addition of Adj367 addition of AdvP368 addition of Adv369 addition of Adv370 addition of Adj


Page 70: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep into that darkness371 peering372, long

I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting373, dreaming dreams no mortal

ever dared374 to dream before

But the silence was unbroken, and the

darkness375 gave no token,

And the only376 word there spoken377 was

the whispered378 word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered379, and an echo

murmured380 back the word, `Lenore!'

Merely this and nothing more.

Hosszan, ámulón kinézek371 még az

éjbe370, mint ki részeg372

Álmot álmodik, milyet nem álmodott

még földi szem381;

Meg nem tört a csönd, sok óra

száll382, de jelt nem ad, s e szóra

Melynek párja nincs375, "Lenóra!"

sírom377 bánatterhesen383,

Ezt nyögöm378 s a visszhang adja379

vissza bánatterhesen384 -

Az susog385, más semmisem.

371 narrowing372 broadening373 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward374 omission of V375 omission of N376 extension of Adj to AdjP; CF: concretisation377 omission of VP378 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative379 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative380 broadening; CF: milding381 addition of N382 addition of Cl383 addition of Adv384 addition of Adv385 addition of V


Page 71: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all my

soul within me burning,

Soon again386 I heard a tapping387

somewhat388 louder than before.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is

something389 at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is390, and

this mystery explore391 -

Let my heart be still a moment and this

mystery explore392; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

S hogy szobámba visszatérek, láng mar,

átkos393 lelki méreg394,

Mert a hang ropogva koppan98,

hangosabban, rémesen395.

"Persze - mondtam már hörögve396 -

mintha ablakrács zörögne397;

Ej, hát nem megy így örökre101: ezt a

titkot meglesem102 -

Csitt szivem rövidke percre, míg e

titkot meglesem103.

Szél zsibong398, más semmisem."

386 omission of AdvP387 extension of N to Cl; CF: forcing388 omission of Adv389 omission of N390 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative391 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic392 see 390393 addition of Adj394 addition of N395 addition of Adv396 addition of Adv397 addition of V398 addition of V


Page 72: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with

many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped399 a stately400 raven of the

saintly days of yore.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute401 stopped or stayed402 he;

But, with mien403 of lord or lady, perched

above my chamber door -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door -

Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Ablakom kitárva, rajta szent-korú,

nagy404, ősi-fajta

Holló száll398 be, lomha szárnnyal405

csapkodón, nehézkesen.

Rám se biccent, száll401 az éjen át406

és úgy néz rám le mélyen,

Lord- vagy ladyként kevélyen402 s

már az ajtón ül lesen407, -

Fönt a Pallas-szobron, ajtóm ormán408

ül le, mint lesen409,

Ül csak - és más semmisem.

399 narrowing; CF: forcing400 omission of Adj401 omission of AdvP402 complete replacement;403 narrowing; CF: concretisation, neutral → negative404 addition of Adj405 addition of AdvP406 addition of AdvP407 addition of Adv408 addition of N409 addition of AdvP


Page 73: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird410 beguiling my

sad411 fancy412 into smiling,

By the grave and stern413 decorum414 of

the countenance it wore,

`Though thy crest be shorn and

shaven415, thou,' I said, `art sure no


Ghastly417 grim and ancient418 raven419

wandering from the nightly shore420 -

Tell421 me what thy lordly422 name is on

the Night's Plutonian shore!'

Quoth423 the raven, `Nevermore.'

S lám424, a gyötrő122 gyászt123 az ében

rém121 mosolyra váltja szépen425,

Míg ott gubbaszt426 bús124 mezében,

furcsa gőggel, peckesen125;

"Bár a bóbitád lenyesték - szólok -

lényed oly nemes127 még,

Zord kisértet128, átkos427 esték kóbor

árnya130, kedvesem428 -

Valld132 be, Plútó éji partján, hogy

neveztek, kedvesem133?"

S õ lekárog134: "Sohasem."

410 replacement; CF: neutral → negative411 narrowing; CF: forcing, stative → dynamic412 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative413 merging of AdjP; CF: milding414 extension of N; CF: positive → negative415 omission of Adv416 complete replacement417 narrowing; CF: concretisation418 omission of Adj419 broadening; CF: abstraction, neutral → negative420 omission of N421 narrowing; CF: forcing422 replacement; CF: neutral → positive423 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative424 addition of Cl425 addition of Adv426 addition of V427 addition of Adj428 addition of N


Page 74: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much I marvelled this ungainly429 fowl to

hear discourse430 so plainly431,

Though its answer little meaning - little

relevancy bore;

For we cannot help agreeing432 that no

living433 human being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird434

above his chamber door -

Bird or beast above the sculptured bust

above his chamber door435,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Nézem ámulón e szörnyet, mit

felelget, bár a görnyedt140

Háttal436 elgajdolt szavakban141

szinte nincs is értelem;

Ily csodát se látni már a földön437:

egy efféle pára145

Épp438 az ember ajtajára ül le

szépen, rendesen439, -

Egy madár vagy rém a szobron ül

le szépen, rendesen440,

S úgy hivják, hogy "Sohasem".

429 narrowing430 double transfer: extension + narrowing; CF: neutral → negative431 omission of AdvP432 omission of Cl433 omission of Adj434 broadening; CF: neutral → negative435 omission of PrepP436 addition of N437 addition of N438 addition of Adv439 addition of VP440 see 438


Page 75: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid

bust441, spoke442 only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word he did outpour443.

Nothing further then he uttered - not a

feather then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more than muttered444

`Other445 friends have flown before446 -

On the morrow will he leave me, as my

hopes have flown before447.'

Then the bird said448, `Nevermore.'

Ám a Holló ott440 ül árván, ezt a

bamba449 szót darálván441,

Ezt az egy szót, mintha lelke benne

volna teljesen.

Mást nem is beszél a dőre450, meg se

rezdül tolla, csőre451 -

Én nyögöm443 csak: "Jóelőre

sejtem452, elhagysz445 édesem453 -

Mint barátok és remények, holnap

elhagysz édesem454."

Ő csak károg447: "Sohasem".

441 broadening; CF: abstraction442 narrowing; CF: forcing; neutral → negative443 omission of VP444 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative445 omission of Det446 broadening; CF: neutral → negative447 omission of AdvP448 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative449 addition of Adj450 addition of N451 addition of N452 addition of Cl453 addition of N454 addition of N


Page 76: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled455 at the stillness broken by

reply so aptly spoken,

`Doubtless456,' said I, `what it utters457 is

its only stock and store458,

Caught from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster459

Followed fast and followed faster460 till

his songs one burden bore461 -

Till the dirges462 of his hope that

melancholy463 burden464 bore465

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Szívriasztó454 csöndbe váj az erre illő

furcsa466 válasz:

"Persze455 - mondom - ezt az egy

szót457 tudja nyögni456 kétesen467,

Tán elleste mesterének bús jaját, kit

átkos458 évek468

Vertek, űztek459, míg ily ének sírt

belőle véresen460 -

Míg a holt469 remény dalában461

sajgó463 gyásza462 véresen470

Nyögte464: Soha - sohasem..."

455 narrowing; CF: forcing456 replacement; CF: milding457 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative458 complete replacement; CF: concretisation459 merging of NP to Adj460 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative461 complete replacement; CF: forcing462 broadening463 narrowing; CF: forcing464 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward465 replacement; CF: forcing466 addition of Adj467 addition of Adv468 addition of N469 addition of Adj470 addition of Adv


Page 77: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven still beguiling471 all my sad

soul472 into smiling473,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat474 in

front of bird475 and bust476 and door477;

Then, upon the velvet sinking478, I

betook479 myself to linking

Fancy480 unto fancy, thinking481 what this

ominous482 bird of yore483 -

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and

ominous bird of yore484

Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

És a Hollót nézve, bágyadt485

gúnymosolyba184 fúl470 a bánat,

Párnás zsőlyém473 épp a Pallas-

fejjel475 szembe görgetem;

Bársonyára dőlve477, részeg képet479

kép után idézek

S hosszan486 eltünődve480 nézek487:

mit nyög ily rejtelmesen481 -

Fönt e torz, mogorva, borzas, orv

kisértet483 érdesen488

Mért kerepli "sohasem?"

471 replacement; CF: positive → negative472 omission of N473 narrowing; CF: positive → negative474 narrowing475 omission of N476 narrowing; CF: concretisation477 omission of N478 broadening479 omission of V480 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative481 narrowing; CF: forcing482 broadening; CF: negative → neutral483 omission of NP484 replacement; CF: neutral → negative485 addition of Adj486 addition of Adv487 addition of V488 addition of Adv


Page 78: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat489 engaged in guessing, but no

syllable expressing

To the fowl490 whose fiery491 eyes now

burned into my bosom's core492;

This and more493 I sat494 divining, with

my head495 at ease reclining496

On the cushion's velvet lining that the

lamp-light gloated o'er,

But whose velvet violet497 lining with

the lamp-light gloating o'er498,

She499 shall press500, ah, nevermore!

Szörnyű titkot501 sejtek ebben...

Tépelődöm502... hang se rebben,

S most a démon489 tűz490-szemével, jaj,

szivendöf491 élesen503;

Bár e rejtélyt492 már kitárnám!

Lámpafénnyel festve vár rám504

Bársonyos-lilán a párnám, mig aléltan


Párnám bársonyára, melynek lágy

ölén505 a kedvesem498

Nem pihen499 már - sohasem!

489 omission of V490 replacement; CF: neutral → negative491 replacement; CF: concretisation, negative → neutral492 merging of VP to V493 complete replacement; CF: concretisation494 omission of V495 omission of NP496 narrowing; CF: forcing497 omission of Adj498 omission of NP499 narrowing; CF: concretisation, neutral → positive500 narrowing; CF: concretisation501 addition of NP502 addition of V503 addition of Adv504 addition of VP505 addition of NP


Page 79: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air506 grew507 denser,

perfumed508 from an unseen509 censer

Swung by Seraphim510 whose foot-falls511

tinkled on the tufted512 floor513.

`Wretch514,' I cried515, `thy God hath lent

thee516 - by these angels517 he has sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy

memories of Lenore518!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind519 nepenthe, and

forget this lost Lenore!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Ekkor úgy tünt, sűrű ködben

füstölőkből ámbra520 röppen508,

Angyal509-tánc510 kering, csilingel

szőnyegemről512 fényesen521.

"Égről szállsz nagy ünnepen522 te –

mondom514 -, Isten éjjelente523

Küld vigaszt, hogy mint nepenthe

kortyát idd ki kéjesen518,

Holt Lenórád elfeledni idd e

mákonyt kéjesen524",

S szól a Holló: "Sohasem."

506 narrowing; CF: concretisation507 omission of V508 broadening; CF: forcing509 omission of Adj510 broadening511 narrowing512 omission of Adj513 narrowing514 omission of N515 broadening; CF: negative → neutral, milding516 omission of Pron517 omission of PrepP518 omission of PrepP519 narrowing; CF: forcing520 addition of N521 addition of Adv522 addition of AdvP523 addition of Adv524 addition of Cl


Page 80: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said525 I, `thing of evil! -

prophet526 still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter527 sent, or whether

tempest tossed528 thee here ashore,

Desolate529 yet all undaunted, on this

desert land530 enchanted531 -

On this home by horror haunted - tell

me truly532, I implore533 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore534!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós, felelj hát535 - így536 könyörgök524 –

bármi525 légy, madár vagy ördög,

Sátán526 küldött tán vagy orkán vert527 e

partra vétkesen528,

Mégis büszkén jössz537, vitézül, zord530

lakomba, hol ma vész ül

S rémek őrült tánca készül - mondd ki

hát fölényesen531:

Lesz-e balzsam Gileádban? mondd, no

mondd fölényesen538!"

S szól a Holló: "Sohasem."

525 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative526 broadening; CF: abstraction527 narrowing; CF: concretisation528 narrowing; CF: forcing529 replacement; CF: milding530 omission of NP531 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative532 narrowing; forcing533 omission of Cl534 omission of Cl535 addition of VP536 addition of Adv537 addition of V538 addition of Adv


Page 81: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said539 I, `thing of evil! -

prophet540 still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us541

- by that God we both adore542 -

Tell this soul543 with sorrow laden544 if,

within the distant545 Aidenn,

It shall clasp546 a sainted maiden547

whom548 the angels549 named550


Clasp551 a rare552 and radiant maiden553,

whom the angels named Lenore?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós, felelj hát554 - így555 könyörgök250 –

bármi539 légy, madár vagy ördög,

Mondd a szent Egekre, kettőnk Istenére

mondd nekem542:

Fönt544 egy Éden-kerti óra üdvén556 égi557


Vár-e még reám558 Lenóra, fénylő559,

szent szerelmesem546 -

Angyal-néven szent560 Lenóra, tündöklő


S szól a Holló: "Sohasem."

539 see 524540 see 525541 omission of AdvP542 omission of V543 broadening; CF: concretisation544 omission of PrepP545 narrowing; CF: concretisation546 narrowing; CF: milding547 narrowing; CF: forcing548 omission of Pron549 omission of N550 omission of V551 omission of V552 omission of Adj553 see 546554 addition of VP555 addition of Adv556 addition of NP557 addition of Adj558 addition of Cl559 addition of Adj560 addition of Adj


Page 82: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word561 our sign of parting562, bird

or fiend563!' I shrieked upstarting564 -

`Get thee back565 into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian shore!

Leave no black plume as a token of that

lie thy soul hath spoken566!

Leave567 my loneliness568 unbroken569! -

quit the bust above my door570!

Take571 thy beak from out my heart, and

take572 thy form573 from off my door574!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Pusztulj561 ezzel560 mindörökre575! -

ordítok reá576 hörögve563 -

Vessz564 a vad577 viharba, Plútó éji

partján, vészesen578!

Tűnj el579, itt ne hadd egyetlen tollad,

emlékül kegyetlen580

Ál-igédre; adj helyet278 lenn581 bús-

magamnak568 könnyesen582!

Húzd570 ki csőrödet szivemből,

hagyj570 magamra573 könnyesen583!"

S szól a Holló: "Sohasem".

561 broadening; CF: abstraction562 complete replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative563 omission of NP564 replacement; CF: concretisation, milding565 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, neutral → negative566 omission of Cl567 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation568 replacement; CF: abstraction569 omission of Adv570 omission of Cl571 narrowing572 narrowing; CF: concretisation573 omission of NP574 replacement; CF: abstraction575 addition of Adv576 addition of Pron577 addition of Adj578 addition of Adv579 addition of Cl580 addition of Adj581 addition of Adv582 addition of Adv583 addition of Adv


Page 83: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven, never flitting584, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my

chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming585 of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light586 o'er him587 streaming

throws his shadow on the floor588;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies

floating589 on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!

És a Holló meg se retten583, ül

meredten, ül meredten,

Fönt a sápadt Pallas-szobron, ajtóm

ormán590 szélesen591;

Rút592 szemén kikandikál584 ma

dermedőn593 egy démon álma,

Árnyat árny586 fölé dobálva pislog594

árva595 mécsesem585;

S lelkem már a padlón elnyult árny

öléből596 ékesen597

Fel nem szállhat - sohasem!

584 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative585 narrowing586 replacement; CF: concretisation587 replacement; CF: abstraction, neutral → negative588 omission of PrepP589 omission of Adv590 addition of N591 addition of Adv592 addition of Adj593 addition of Adv594 addition of V595 addition of Adj596 addition of N597 addition of Adv


Page 84: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 309

omissions total: 75

omissions of N: 9omissions of NP: 7omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 3omissions of V: 11omissions of VP: 3omissions of Adv: 7omissions of AdvP: 5omissions of Adj: 13omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 8omissions of Cl: 7

additions total: 108

additions of N: 19additions of NP: 3additions of Pron: 1additions of Det: 0additions of V: 12additions of VP: 6additions of Adv: 32additions of AdvP: 5additions of Adj: 19additions of AdjP: 1additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 10

replacements total: 47complete replacements: 15

narrowings: 50broadenings: 17

mergings: 4extensions: 8


Page 85: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 28mildings: 8

abstractions: 9concretisations: 22

dynamism: 5stativism: 1

mood transfer:neutral → positive: 1negative → neutral: 5negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 31positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 3

cause-causality shift:forward: 6backward: 2


Page 86: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Zsolt Harsányi

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I

pondered weak and weary,

Over many598 a quaint and curious599

volume of forgotten600 lore601,

While I nodded, nearly napping602,

suddenly there came a tapping603,

As of some one604 gently605 rapping,

rapping at my chamber door.

`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered606,

`tapping at my chamber door607 -

Only this608, and nothing more609.'

Egy597 sajátságos598 kötetben bóbiskolva,


Vén599 meséket600 nézegettem610. Éjfél

volt, sötét611, sivár.

Bús612 és fáradt voltam roppant601.

Egyszer csak szívembe613 dobbant,602

Hogy kívül614 az ajtó koppant, és a hang

válaszra vár615.

"Vendég lesz az, ki szeszélyből616 ilyen

későn617 erre jár606,

Koppant607 és válaszra vár608."

598 narrowing599 broadening; CF: abstraction600 broadening; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding601 replacement; CF: neutral → positive602 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward603 narrowing; CF: forcing, dynamic → stative604 omission of NP605 omission of Adv606 omission of Cl607 complete replacement; CF: shift os sequence of cause-causality: backward, abstraction608 narrowing; CF: concretisation609 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, stative → dynamic610 addition of V611 addition of Adj612 addition of Adj613 addition of N614 addition of Adv615 addition of Cl616 addition of N617 addition of AdvP


Page 87: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly I remember618 it was in the

bleak December,

And each separate619 dying620 ember621

wrought622 its ghost623 upon the floor624.

Eagerly625 I wished626 the morrow; -

vainly I had sought to borrow627

From my books surcease of sorrow -

sorrow for the lost628 Lenore -

For the rare629 and radiant maiden630

whom the angels named Lenore631 -

Nameless632 here for evermore.

Ilyet nem felejt az ember617, télidő

volt633, zord december,

Mikor kandallónkban623 tenger618

szikrát622 ont621 a rőzseszár620.

Ültem625 a reggelt sovárgva624 s

könyvekből hiába várva626

Enyhet szívem634 bánatára, hogy

Lenore elhagyta627 már,

Hogy sugárzó drága628 arcát629 többé

nem láthatja631 már.

Be kár érte, óh be kár635.

618 replacement; CF: forcing, concretisation619 broadening; CF: forcing620 omission of Adj621 replacement; shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward622 broadening; CF: forcing623 replacement; CF: concretisation624 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward625 replacement; CF: milding positive → negative626 narrowing; CF: forcing, concretisation, stative → dynamic627 replacement; CF: milding628 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic629 replacement; CF: neutral → positive630 narrowing; CF: positive → neutral631 omission of PrepP632 complete replacement; CF: milding, stative → dynamic633 addition of Cl634 addition of N635 addition of Cl


Page 88: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad636 uncertain637 rustling

of each638 purple639 curtain

Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic

terrors never felt before640;

So that now641, to still642 the beating of

my heart, I stood repeating

`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at

my chamber door643 -

Some late visitor entreating entrance644 at

my chamber door; -

This645 it is, and nothing more646,'

Ijesztett a hang, amelyre megsuhant a

függöny selyme

Olyan rémületbe ejtve, mely vad

némaságba zár639.

Álltam szívdobogva, félve647. Majd

pedig648 mégis beszélve:

"Holmi vendég, s véletlenség649, hogy

most éppen erre jár642,

Holmi vendég, ki szeszélyből650 éppen

ajtómnál megáll643,

Koppant644 és válaszra vár645."

636 omission of Adj637 omission of Adj638 omission of Det639 omission of Adj640 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing, stative → dynamic641 omission of Cl642 omission of VP643 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward644 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward645 see 607646 see 608647 addition of Adv648 addition of AdvP649 addition of N650 addition of N


Page 89: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently651 my soul grew stronger;

hesitating then no longer652,

`Sir653,' said I, `or Madam654, truly your

forgiveness I implore655;

But the fact656 is I was napping657, and

so gently658 you came rapping,

And so faintly659 you came tapping,

tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you660' -

here I opened wide661 the door; -

Darkness there662, and nothing more.

Később651 egy kis merszem támadt,

könnyed hangra nyitva számat55

Igy szólottam: "Óh bocsánat,

megvárattam, ugyebár663?

Csakhogy fáradt656 voltam roppant664, s

ön mikor665 ajtómhoz toppant,

Túl gyengén és halkan658 koppant. Itt

vagyok kinyitni már 666 ."

És az ajtót itt kitártam. Künt661 a csend

magánya vár667.

Senki sincs, az éj sivár668.

651 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward652 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, stative → dynamic653 omission of N654 omission of N655 omission of V656 omission of NP657 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward658 omission of Adv659 extension of Adv660 omission of Cl661 omission of Adv662 narrowing663 addition of Cl664 addition of Adv665 addition of Adv666 addition of Cl667 addition of Cl668 addition of Adj


Page 90: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep into that darkness peering669,

long670 I stood there wondering671,


Doubting672, dreaming673 dreams674 no

mortal ever dared675 to dream676 before677

But the silence was unbroken678, and the

darkness679 gave no token680,

And the only word there spoken681 was

the whispered word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered, and an echo murmured

back the word682, `Lenore!'

Merely this683 and nothing more684.

Álltam meghökkenve670, félve,

szívdobogva685, mitsem értve671,

Vad686 rémképektől673 kisértve675. S

csendes volt künn687 a határ688.

Nem hallatszott semmi, semmi689.

Semmisem676 szünt csendes lenni677.

Egy szó volt678. "Lenore?" Csak ennyi.

Én690 suttogtam. És habár

Súgtam csak e szent691 nevet681, a

visszhang visszasúgta már.

Csend682 volt. Mély, nehéz, sivár692.

669 omission of Cl670 omission of Adv671 narrowing; CF: forcing672 narrowing; CF: forcing673 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative674 narrowing; CF: forcing; neutral → negative675 omission of Cl676 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative677 omission of Adv678 omission of Adj679 broadening; CF: abstraction680 narrowing681 broadening682 narrowing683 narrowing684 omission of NP685 addition of Adv686 addition of Adj687 addition of Adv688 addition of N689 addition of Cl690 addition of Pron691 addition of Adj692 addition of AdjP


Page 91: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber693 turning694, all

my soul695 within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping696

somewhat louder than before697.

`Surely698,' said I699, `surely700 that is

something701 at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and this

mystery explore702 -

Let my heart be still a moment and this

mystery explore703; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more704!'

Megrendülve visszamentem693

reszkető705 tűzzel szívemben692,

S íme újra hallom menten azt a

neszt695. De merre jár706?

"Én itt rémet rémbe öltök707, s künn708

az ablak rácsa zörgött709,

Lássuk hát, hogy mi az ördög üt,

kopog, vagy mit csinál701.

Egyszerű a kézmozdulat, mely egy

ablakot kitár702.

Majd meglátjuk710, hogy mi703 vár."

693 omission of N694 broadening695 replacement696 broadening697 omission of AdvP698 omission of Adv699 omission of Cl700 omission of Adv701 omission of Pron702 replacement; CF: concretisation703 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation704 broadening; CF: abstraction705 addition of Adj706 addition of Cl707 addition of Cl708 addition of Adv709 addition of V710 addition of Cl


Page 92: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open711 here712 I flung713 the shutter714,

when, with many715 a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped716 a stately717 raven of

the saintly718 days of yore719.

Not the least720 obeisance721 made he; not

a minute722 stopped or stayed723 he;

But, with mien of lord or lady724,

perched725 above my chamber door726 -

Perched upon727 a bust of Pallas just

above my chamber door728 -

Perched, and sat, and nothing more729.

Ott711 a rácsot713 húztam712 hát le710.

Gyors714 szökéssel730, csattogván be,

Igen furcsa716 szerzet731 szállt715 be: egy

holló. Egy vén718 madár732.

Rám se nézett720, meg sem állott. Egy

Pallas-szobrocska áll733 ott725.

Egyenesen arra szállott724 és megült

vállán726, akár

Azzal együttes jelenség723. Úgy megült

vállán734, akár

Egy szoborrá vált madár735.

711 replacement; CF: abstraction712 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward713 replacement; CF: milding714 narrowing715 narrowing716 narrowing; CF: forcing717 replacement; CF: positive → neutral718 omission of Adj719 broadening; CF: neutral → negative720 omission of Adj721 broadening; CF: milding722 omission of N723 omission of V724 broadening; CF: abstraction725 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of causality: backward726 broadening727 narrowing728 see 725729 omission of NP730 addition of N731 addition of N732 addition of N733 addition of V734 see 726735 addition of AdvP


Page 93: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony736 bird beguiling my sad

fancy737 into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum738 of the

countenance it wore,

`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven,

thou,' I said739, `art sure740 no craven.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven741 wandering

from the nightly shore742 -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore743!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Lám mosolyt csalt e madár a

lelkem736 vérző744 bánatára.

Tetszett745, hogy ábrazatán a zord

szigor torzképe737 jár.

"Bár a búbod meg van vágva, ám

azért nem vagy te gyáva,

Alvilág742 sötét futára746, ijesztő és

vén betyár740.

Hogy hívnak tisztelt barátom747?

Nos mutatkozzál be már!"

"Soha", - szólott a madár.

736 omission of Adj737 replacement738 replacement; CF: positive → negative739 omission of Cl740 omission of Adv741 replacement; CF: neutral → negative742 omission of VP743 broadening744 addition of Adj745 addition of V746 addition of NP747 addition of N


Page 94: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much I marvelled this ungainly748 fowl749

to hear750 discourse751 so plainly752,

Though its answer753 little meaning - little

relevancy bore754;

For we cannot help agreeing that no living

human being

Ever yet was blessed755 with seeing bird756

above his chamber door757 -

Bird or beast758 above the sculptured bust

above his chamber door759,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Elfogott vidám760 csodálat, hogy'749

felelt750 a jámbor747 állat748.

Bár az ilyen761 szóhasználat750

értelmetlen753, ugyebár762?

Ámde azt belátja bárki, hogy nyilván

csak nékem járt ki754

Ilyen763 furcsa764 hollót755 látni, mely

a szobron így megáll765,

És bár értelmetlenül, de emberi szót


Egy "Soha" nevű madár!

748 replacement; CF: neutral → positive749 broadening750 omission of VP751 narrowing752 broadening; CF: positive → neutral753 broadening754 double transfer: merging of NP to Adj + narrowing755 narrowing; CF: positive → neutral756 narrowing757 omission of PrepP758 omission of N759 see 756760 addition of Adj761 addition of Adj762 addition of N763 addition of Adj764 addition of Adj765 addition of VP766 addition of Cl


Page 95: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven767, sitting lonely768 on the

placid bust769, spoke only,

That one word770, as if his soul in that one

word771 he did outpour.

Nothing further then he uttered - not a

feather then he fluttered772 -

Till I scarcely more773 than muttered

`Other774 friends have flown before775 -

On the morrow will he leave776 me, as my

hopes have flown before.'

Then777 the bird said, `Nevermore.'

Ült s csak ezt az egyet mondta,

mintegy benne mind kiontva

Azt, mi lelke mélyét778 nyomta779,

melyen felpattant a zár780.

Ült781. S eladdig meg se szólalt, míg

kevéssé hallhatólag772

Ezt morogtam: "Ülj csak nyugton782.

Úgyis elrepülsz774 te már,

Elrepülsz mint jó773 barátok, szép783

remények, régi nyár784."

"Soha" - szólott a madár.

767 omission of N768 omission of Adv769 omission of PrepP770 omission of N771 see 769772 omission of Cl773 replacement; CF: concretisation774 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive775 omission of Adv776 narrowing777 omission of Adv778 addition of N779 addition of V780 addition of Cl781 addition of V782 addition of Cl783 addition of Adj784 addition of NP


Page 96: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled785 at the stillness broken786 by

reply so aptly spoken787,

`Doubtless788,' said I, `what it utters is its

only stock and store789,

Caught from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster

Followed fast and followed faster790 till

his songs one burden bore791 -

Till792 the dirges of his hope that

melancholy burden bore

Of "Never-nevermore793."'

Megrezzentem784, hogy kiáltott785 s

mondatomra794 ráhibázott786.

"Annyit - mondtam - máris látok787:

ennek csak a szája jár788.

Volt talán795 egy bús gazdája, az

mondhatta sokszor fájva

Ezt a szót790 s kapatta rája hollóját796.

Mostanra már791,

Mint ahogy a vers refrainje

egyhangúan visszajár,

Csak ezt hajtja a madár792."

785 narrowing; CF stative → dynamic786 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward787 merging of NP to V788 complete replacement; CF: milding, stative → dynamic789 broadening; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward790 omission of Cl791 complete replacement; CF: forcing, concretisation792 narrowing793 complete replacement794 addition of N795 addition of VP796 addition of N


Page 97: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven797 still beguiling all my sad

soul798 into smiling,

Straight799 I wheeled800 a cushioned801 seat

in front of bird and bust and door802;

Then, upon the velvet sinking803, I

betook804 myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy805, thinking806 what this

ominous807 bird808 of yore809 -

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and

ominous810 bird of yore811

Meant812 in croaking813 `Nevermore.'

Ez megint mosolyra késztett.

Fogtam799 egy öreg814 karszéket

És leültem815. Ily látványért nemde

semmisem nagy ár816?

Jól esett817 így hátradőlni803,

eltünődni, képzelődni804,

S azzal szépen818 elvesződni805,

milyen torz819 e furcsa806 pár807:

Én s a holló820. És ha mondok egy

szót, mely válaszra vár821,

"Soha" – felel812 a madár.

797 omission of NP798 omission of NP799 omission of Adv800 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward801 omission of Adj802 omission of PrepP803 omission of PrepP804 narrowing; CF: concretisation, stative → dynamic805 complete replacement806 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative807 broadening; CF: milding, negative → neutral808 broadening809 omission of N810 omission of AdjP811 see 808812 omission of V813 narrowing; CF: negative → neutral814 addition of Adj815 addition of Cl816 addition of Cl817 addition of VP818 addition of Adv819 addition of AdjP820 addition of NP821 addition of Cl


Page 98: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat822 engaged in guessing823, but

no syllable824 expressing825

To the fowl826 whose fiery eyes now

burned827 into my bosom's core828;

This and more I sat divining, with my

head at ease reclining829

On the cushion's velvet lining that the

lamp-light gloated830 o'er,

But whose velvet violet lining with the

lamp-light gloating o'er831,

She shall press832, ah, nevermore833!

Igy merengtem822. Telt az éjjel834. Õ825

reámmeredt826 szemével,

Mint ki vad tekintetével835 újabb

kérdésekre vár836.

Ültem révedezve mélyen828.

Tündöklött829 a lámpafényben

Bársonypárnájú karszékem837.

Sóhajtottam838. Oh be kár,

Hogy mellettem szép Lenore-om, kit

szivem hiába vár839,

Nem fog üldögélni831 már832.

822 omission of V823 merging of VP to V; CF: milding824 omission of N825 omission of V826 broadening827 replacement; CF: concretisation, milding828 omission of PrepP829 merging of AdvP and PrepP to AdvP; CF; dynamic → stative830 replacement; CF: negative → positive831 omission of NP832 narrowing; CF: milding833 broadening; CF: milding834 addition of Cl835 addition of N836 addition of VP837 addition of N838 addition of V839 addition of Cl


Page 99: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew denser840,

perfumed841 from an unseen842 censer

Swung843 by Seraphim844 whose foot-

falls tinkled on the tufted floor845.

`Wretch,' I cried846, `thy God hath lent

thee - by these angels he has sent thee847

Respite - respite and nepenthe848 from

thy memories of Lenore849!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe850,

and forget this lost Lenore851!'

Quoth the raven852, `Nevermore.'

S úgy éreztem, hogy most tömjén sír-

illatu bús853 özönjén840

Szellemként843 lebegve842 lengén854 itt

Lenore-nak árnya jár855.

"Átkozott az istened, ki ezt856 küldött

szívembe vetni857!

Mért marcangolsz858? Hagyd feledni847,

hogy nem térhet vissza már848,

Búfelejtés bűvös kelyhét850 lelkem859

mikor860 issza már?"

"Soha" – szólott a madár851.

840 omission of Cl841 narrowing; CF: forcing842 omission of Adj843 replacement; CF: milding844 broadening845 omission of Cl846 omission of Cl847 omission of Cl848 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, forcing849 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation, forcing850 narrowing; CF: forcing851 omission of VP852 broadening853 addition of AdjP854 omission of Adv855 addition of VP856 addition of Pron857 addition of VP858 addition of Cl859 addition of N860 addition of Adv


Page 100: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet

still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter sent, or whether

tempest tossed thee here ashore861,

Desolate yet all undaunted, on this

desert land enchanted -

On this home by horror haunted862 - tell

me truly, I implore863 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore864!'

Quoth the raven865, `Nevermore.'

"Ah, gonosz jós, - szóltam erre - légy

madár, vagy ördög lelke866,

Mely szívtépő gyötrelemre poklokból

a földre jár860,

Bármi légy867, csak egyet kérdek. Én itt

borzalomban élek861,

Elhagyott, de elszánt lélek868, mely

csak egy vigaszra vár869:

Lesz-e balzsam Gíleádban? És ha lesz,

hát jő-e már870?"

"Soha" - szólott a madár864.

861 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing862 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, abstraction863 omission of Cl864 omission of Cl865 broadening866 addition of N867 addition of Cl868 addition of N869 addition of Cl870 addition of Cl


Page 101: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil871! -

prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us872 -

by that God we both adore873 -

Tell this soul874 with sorrow laden875 if,

within876 the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp877 a sainted maiden878

whom the angels named Lenore879 -

Clasp880 a rare881 and radiant maiden882,

whom the angels named Lenore883?'

Quoth the raven884, `Nevermore.'

"Gyásznak870 jósa, - szóltam erre - légy

madár, vagy ördög lelke885,

Kérlek886, minden887 szent egekre:

szívem egy válaszra vár888.

Mondd meg bánatos874 szívemnek873,

vajjon egyszer889 megpihennek876

Távol szent ölén875 a mennynek ő877, s

aki angyalka már878?

Ő, s a szép sugárzó lány881, ki odafent

angyalka már882?"

"Soha" - szólott a madár883.

871 replacement; CF: milding, abstraction872 omission of PrepP873 omission of PrepP874 replacement875 broadening; CF: milding876 narrowing; CF: concretisation877 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward878 broadening879 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward880 omission of V881 omission of Adj882 broadening; CF: positive → neutral883 see 878884 broadening885 addition of N886 addition of V887 addition of N888 addition of Cl889 addition of Adv


Page 102: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting890, bird

or fiend891!' I shrieked upstarting -

`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian shore892!

Leave no black893 plume as a token of

that lie thy soul hath spoken894!

Leave my loneliness unbroken895! - quit

the bust above my door896!

Take thy beak from out my heart, and

take thy form from off my door897!'

Quoth the raven898, `Nevermore.'

"Lódulj hát889 az éjszakába899 -

ordítottam talpraállva, -

Éjbe, szélve, alvilágba900, Plútóhoz, te

vén szamár901!

Menj! S egy tollad itt ne vesszen, mely

reád893 emlékeztessen.

Hagyj magamban révedeznem894.

Menj, kint vár a hó, a sár902!

Húzd ki szívemből a csőröd, mellyel

marsz903. Nos, mégy-e már904?"

"Soha" - szólott a madár897.

890 complete replacement CF: forcing, concretisation, shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward891 omission of NP892 omission of N893 omission of Adj894 broadening; CF: negative → neutral895 replacement; CF: milding896 omission of NP897 omission of Cl898 broadening899 addition of N900 addition of N901 addition of NP902 addition of Cl903 addition of Cl904 addition of Cl


Page 103: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven905, never flitting, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid906 bust of Pallas907 just above

my chamber door908;

And his eyes have all the seeming909 of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming910

throws his shadow on the floor911;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies

floating on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore912!

Szárnya rebbenése nélkül most is

még ül, most is még ül,

S állandó tanyája913 végül914 a

szobor. Ott ülve vár915.

Pillantása messze réved916. Mint908

egy álmodó kisértet

Árnyékot vet, zord sötétet, mely

reménytelen, sivár 917 ,

Szörnyü szárnyát a szívemből nem

fogja elvonni már

Soha többé a madár911.

905 omission of NP906 omission of Adj907 omission of PrepP908 omission of PrepP909 replacement; CF: milding, abstraction910 omission of NP911 omission of PrepP912 complete replacement913 addition of NP914 addition of Adv915 addition of Cl916 addition of VP917 addition of NP


Page 104: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations:

Number of transformations total: 321

omissions total: 91omissions of N: 12omissions of NP: 11omissions of Pron: 1omissions of Det: 1omissions of V: 6omissions of VP: 4omissions of Adv: 13omissions of AdvP: 1omissions of Adj: 13omissions of AdjP: 1omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 12omissions of Cl: 16

additions total: 103additions of N: 23additions of NP: 6additions of Pron: 2additions of Det: 0additions of V: 8additions of VP: 7additions of Adj: 13additions of AdjP: 3additions of Adv: 11additions of AdvP: 3additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 27

replacements total: 54complete replacements: 23

narrowings: 36broadenings: 32

mergings: 4extensions: 1


Page 105: Szakdolgozat (1)

connotational transfers:

forcings: 18mildings: 17

abstractions: 9concretisations: 15

dynamism: 10stativism: 2

transfer:neutral → positive: 4negative → neutral: 3negative → positive: 1neutral → negative: 6positive → neutral: 5positive → negative: 2

shift of cause-causality sequence:forward: 12backward: 14


Page 106: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Dezső Kosztolányi

Once upon a midnight dreary918, while I

pondered919 weak and weary920,

Over many921 a quaint and curious922

volume of forgotten923 lore,

While I nodded, nearly napping924,

suddenly925 there came926 a tapping,

As of some one927 gently928 rapping,

rapping at my chamber door929.

`'Tis some930 visitor,' I muttered,

`tapping at my chamber door931 -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Egyszer elmúlt régen932 éjfél, ültem918

álmos919 lámpafénynél933,

Régi922, bűvös921 fóliánson tétovázott934

a kezem935,

S hogy nehéz936 fejem lehajtom,

észrevétlen924 koppan ajtóm937,

Roppan félve és sóhajtón927, zaj926

motoz a reteszen928;

"Éji929 vándor", így susogtam, "az

babrál a reteszen930;

Az lehet, más senkisem."

918 omission of Adj919 broadening; CF: concretisation920 merging of AdvP to Adj921 omission of Adv922 merging of AdjP to Adj; CF: forcing923 broadening; CF: milding924 omission of VP925 replacement926 omission of VP927 narrowing928 double transfer: extension + narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative929 narrowing930 narrowing931 see 928932 addition of VP933 addition of NP934 addition of V935 addition of NP936 addition of Adj937 addition of N


Page 107: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly I remember938 it was in the

bleak December,

And each separate939 dying940 ember

wrought its ghost upon the floor941.

Eagerly942 I wished the morrow943; - vainly

I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow944 -

sorrow945 for the lost Lenore -

For the rare946 and radiant maiden whom

the angels named947 Lenore948 -

Nameless here for evermore.

Télidő949 volt, bús december,

amilyent nem ért meg ember950,

Nőtt az árnyék951, lomha tenger952, a

parázstól veresen940.

Lelkem953 a bánattól óván,

olvastam942 az éji órán26,

Hogy feledjem954 holt Lenórám,

fényes-régi955 kedvesem,

Már az angyalok között van946

fényes-égi kedvesem947,

Itt lenn956 nincsen neve sem.

938 omission of Cl939 omission of AdjP940 omission of Adj941 double transfer: complete replacement + merging of VP into Adv; CF: abstraction942 omission of Adv943 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding944 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, milding945 omission of N946 omission of Adj947 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward948 narrowing; CF: concretisation, neutral → positive949 addition of N950 addition of Cl951 addition of Cl952 addition of NP953 addition of N954 addition of V955 addition of Adj956 addition of Adv


Page 108: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad uncertain957 rustling of

each958 purple curtain

Thrilled me - filled959 me960 with fantastic

terrors never felt before961;

So that now962, to still the beating of my

heart963, I stood repeating964

`'Tis some965 visitor entreating entrance966

at my chamber door -

Some late visitor entreating entrance967 at

my chamber door; -

This it is, and nothing more,'

Most a függöny bíbor öble968

megborzad40, zizeg zörögve969.

Félelemnek tőre970 szúrja971 - fúrja

által958 a szivem959.

Nyugtatom és egyre972 dobban, várok

és ver egyre jobban973:

"Éji964 vándor áll965 ajtómban, az

motoz a reteszen974.

Éji vendég vár ajtómban, az babrál a


Az lehet, más semmisem."

957 complete replacement; CF: negative → neutral958 omission of Det959 replacement; CF: forcing960 narrowing961 omission of NP962 omission of Cl963 omission of PrepP964 omission of Adv965 narrowing966 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward967 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward968 adition of N969 omission of Adv970 addition of N971 addition of V972 addition of Adv973 addition of VP974 addition of Cl975 addition of Cl


Page 109: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger976;

hesitating then no longer977,

`Sir,' said I978, `or Madam, truly your

forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is979 I was napping980, and

so gently you981 came 982 rapping,

And so faintly983 you came984 tapping,

tapping985 at my chamber door986,

That I scarce was sure I heard you987' -

here I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing more.

Hirtelen felbátorultam975 és hadartam977


"Megbocsásson jó uram, vagy

asszonyom, de azt hiszem978,

Álmos, fáradt979 voltam roppant989 és az

ajtóm980 csöndbe roppant,

A babráló, halk, lopott982 hang68984 nem

hallatszott sebtiben986."

Erre felnyitom az ajtót - szétvigyázva

sebtiben990: -

Künn az éj, más semmisem.

976 merging of Cl to V977 omission of VP978 narrowing; CF: forcing979 replacement; CF: milding980 extension of V to AdjP; CF: dynamic → stative981 replacement982 omission of V983 extension of Adj984 omission of V985 broadening; CF: abstraction986 omission of PrepP987 merging of Cl to VP; CF: forcing988 addition of Adv989 addition of Adv990 addition of AdvP


Page 110: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep991 into that darkness peering, long992 I

stood there993 wondering, fearing,

Doubting994, dreaming dreams no mortal

ever dared to dream before995

But the silence was unbroken996, and the

darkness gave no token997,

And the only word there spoken998 was the

whispered999 word, `Lenore1000!'

This I1001 whispered, and an echo

murmured1002 back the word, `Lenore1003!'

Merely1004 this1005 and nothing more.

A sűrű1006 sötétbe nézek, álmodok

vadat, merészet993,

Mint az őrült, mint a részeg,

bódorogva kétesen994.

Csöndes az éjféli óra1007, szám

susogja998 csak: "Lenóra"

S a visszhang a drága1008 szóra

halkan hívja998 kedvesem999,

Hívja-hívja, hívogatja,

szólogatja1001 kedvesem -

A visszhang1004, más semmisem.

991 omission of Adv992 omission of Adv993 omission of VP994 replacement; CF: forcing995 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, neutral → negative996 omission of AdjP997 omission of Cl998 omission of NP999 extension of Adv to AdvP; CF: concretisation1000 narrowing; CF: abstraction, neutral → positive1001 narrowing1002 extension of V; CF: forcing1003 see 9991004 omission of Adv1005 narrowing1006 addition of Adj1007 addition of NP1008 addition of Adj


Page 111: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all my

soul1009 within me burning,

Soon1010 again I heard1011 a tapping

somewhat louder than before1012.

`Surely,' said I1013, `surely1014 that is

something at my window lattice1015;

Let me see then, what thereat is1016, and

this mystery1017 explore -

Let my heart be still a moment1018 and

this mystery1019 explore; -

'Tis1020 the wind and nothing more!'

A szobámba már fehéren1021 mentem

vissza, forrt a vérem1008,

Mert az ablak zára1022 koppant, roppant

újra érdesen1011.

"Meg kell tudnom minden áron1013,

hogy mi zörren1023 ott a záron1014;

Most az ablakot kitárom1015, az okát1016


Csöndesülj szív, tébolyult1024 szív, az

okát megkeresem:

Zúg1019 a szél, más semmisem."

1009 replacement1010 omission of Adv1011 omission of V1012 replacement; CF: milding1013 omission of Cl1014 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing1015 narrowing1016 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation1017 broadening; CF: milding1018 omission of N1019 see 10161020 narrowing1021 addition of Adv1022 addition of NP1023 addition of V1024 addition of Adj


Page 112: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung1025 the shutter, when,

with many a flirt and flutter1026,

In there stepped1027 a stately raven of the

saintly days of yore1028.

Not the least obeisance made he1029; not a

minute stopped or stayed he1030;

But, with mien of lord or lady1031,

perched above my chamber door1032 -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door1033 -

Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Nyílik1024 az ablak s az árnnyal1034

méltóságosan beszárnyal1026

Óriási lomha szárnnyal1035 egy vén1027

holló peckesen1036.

S mintha mi se volna ebben1028, a

viharnál sebesebben1029

A szobám szobrára1031 lebben s úgy ül

ott, mint a lesen1037,

Pallasz szobrán mozdulatlan1038 ül,

csak ül, mint a lesen1039:

Nem történik1040 semmisem.

1025 broadening; CF: milding1026 omission of PrepP1027 replacement; CF: forcing1028 merging of PrepP to Adj; CF: milding, abstraction, positive → negative1029 complete replacement; CF: abstraction1030 complete replacement; CF: abstraction, forcing1031 omission of PrepP1032 replacement; CF: concretisation1033 omission of AdvP1034 addition of N1035 addition of NP1036 addition of Adv1037 addition of Cl1038 addition of Adv1039 addition of AdvP1040 addition of V


Page 113: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird1041 beguiling my sad

fancy into smiling1042,

By the grave and stern decorum of the

countenance it wore1043,

`Though thy crest be shorn and

shaven1044, thou,' I said, `art sure no


Ghastly grim and ancient raven1046

wandering from the nightly shore1047 -

Tell me what thy lordly1048 name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore1049!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Én nevettem1041 őt1040, hogy ében-

tollal1050 talpig feketében

Gőgösen guggolt1042 a szobron1051 és

szóltam fölényesen1052:

"Bár alig van rajtad toll1043, ó

fergeteg-vert csúnya Holló1053,

Bús heroldhoz vagy hasonló1045,

mondd, mért jöttél1054, édesem1047?

Mondd meg nékem, a pokolban1048

hogy neveztek édesem?"

Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

1041 broadening1042 merging of VP to V; CF; forcing1043 comlpete replacement; CF: forcing1044 replacement;CF: milding1045 omission of Cl1046 complete replacement; CF: abstraction1047 omission of VP1048 replacement; CF: milding1049 replacement; CF: abstraction1050 addition of N1051 addition of N1052 addition of VP1053 addition of NP1054 addition of Cl


Page 114: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much1055 I marvelled this ungainly fowl1056

to hear1057 discourse so plainly1058,

Though1059 its answer little meaning1060 -

little relevancy bore1061;

For we cannot help agreeing that no living

human being

Ever yet was blessed1062 with seeing1063

bird1064 above his chamber door1065 -

Bird or beast1066 above the sculptured1067

bust above his chamber door1068,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Bámultam, hogy jár a nyelve és

folyékonyan, perelve1057,

Annyi szent1058, hogy locskaszáju1059 -

nem beszél értelmesen1060;

Mégis furcsa1061, hogy e bátor

csúnyatorku1069 prédikátor1063

Beröpül az éjszakából148, bár nincs

semmi oka sem1070,

A szobám1071 szobrára ül le1072, bár

nincs semmi oka sem1073

És úgy hívják: "Sohasem."

1055 omission of Adv1056 omission of NP1057 omission of VP1058 extension of AdvP; CF: forcing1059 narrowing; CF: forcing1060 broadening; CF: abstraction1061 narrowing; CF: forcing1062 double transfer: merging of Cl to AdjP + broadening; CF: milding, positive → neutral1063 omission of V1064 replacement1065 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causaliry: backward1066 omission of NP1067 omission of Adj1068 omission of PrepP1069 addition of AdjP1070 addition of Cl1071 addition of N1072 addition of VP1073 see 1069


Page 115: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting1074 lonely1075 on the

placid1076 bust, spoke only1077,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word he did outpour1078.

Nothing further then he uttered - not a

feather1079 then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more1080 than muttered

`Other friends1081 have flown before -

On the morrow1082 will he leave me, as

my hopes1080 have flown before.'

Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

És a Holló vár1073 komorlón1074 a

fehér1083 és néma1075 szobron

S ez egy szóba lelke rezgett,

reszketett1077 rejtelmesen1084,

Mást se mond, csak ül meredten1085,

meg se rezzen, meg se retten1086,

Végre halkan1079 ezt rebegtem: "Nem

örök a csoda sem1087;

Minden1080 elszállt, ez is elszáll - nem

örök a csoda sem1088." -

A madár szólt: "Sohasem."

1074 replacement; CF: abstraction1075 replacement; CF: neutral → negative1076 narrowing;CF: neutral → negative1077 omission of VP1078 replacement; CF: abstraction, neutral → negative1079 addition of N1080 narrowing; CF: concretisation1081 broadening; CF: abstraction1082 omission of PrepP1083 addition of Adj1084 addition of Adv1085 addition of Cl1086 addition of Cl1087 addition of Cl1088 addition of Cl


Page 116: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled1089 at the stillness1090 broken1091

by reply so aptly spoken1092,

`Doubtless1093,' said I, `what it utters is its

only stock and store1094,

Caught from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster

Followed fast and followed faster1095 till

his songs one burden bore1096 -

Till the dirges of his hope that

melancholy burden bore 1097

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Felriadtam1088, mert oly száraz, kurta-

furcsa1091 volt e válasz,

"Bamba szajkó1092", így beszéltem,

"nincsen egy ép sora sem1093.

Bús különc volt a gazdája, biztosan1098

az kapatta rája,

Folyton erre járt a szája1095 és hörgött


Benne lelke átka zörgött és hörgött


Hogy már többé: "Sohasem."

1089 narrowing; CF: forcing1090 omission of N1091 omission of V1092 extension of VP to Adj; CF: concretisation1093 comlpete replacement1094 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative1095 omission of PrepP1096 complete replacement; CF: milding1097 complete replacement; CF: forcing1098 addition of Adv1099 addition of VP


Page 117: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven still beguiling all my sad

soul into smiling1100,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in

front of bird and bust and door1101;

Then, upon the velvet sinking1102, I

betook myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy1103, thinking what this

ominous bird of yore1104 -

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt1105, and

ominous bird of yore1106

Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

Még nevettem1099, hogy az ében1107

holló ott ül feketében1108

S párnás, mély1109 zsöllyém elébe

görditettem sebesen;

Bojttal-rojttal1110 elmotoztam és a

zsibbadt csöndbe1111 hosszan1112

Tépelődtem, álmodoztam1102, mért

néz1113 e két csodaszem1103,

Mért mered rám1114 e két sanda, kúsza,

kósza1104 csodaszem1105,

Mért károgja: "Sohasem."

1100 see 10411101 omission of NP1102 omission of PrepP1103 double transfer: merging of Cl to VP + narrowing; CF: concretisation1104 narrowing; CF: negative → positive1105 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1106 see 11031107 addition of AdjP1108 addition of VP1109 addition of Adj1110 addition of AdvP1111 addition of NP1112 addition of Adv1113 addition of VP1114 addition of VP


Page 118: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat1115 engaged in guessing1116, but no

syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery1117 eyes now1118

burned1119 into my bosom's core1120;

This and more I sat divining1121, with my

head at ease1122 reclining

On the cushion's1123 velvet lining1124 that the

lamp-light gloated o'er1125,

But whose velvet violet lining1126 with the

lamp-light gloating1127 o'er,

She shall press1128, ah, nevermore!

Lestem1114 a sötét1129 madárra,

szótlanul vigyázva-várva1115,

S a szemével a szivembe1117 szúrt le

- fúrt le1118 tüzesen1116:

Süppedő1130 bársonyra dűltem s a

violafény köd-ülten1131

Lengedezve szállt körültem1124,

himbálgatta mécsesem1132,

Itten ült ő1133, itt a párnán1125,

pislogott1126 a mécsesem

S ah, nem ül le1127, sohasem!

1115 replacement1116 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, stative → dynamic1117 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, forcing1118 omission of Adv1119 double transfer: extension + narrowing; CF: forcing1120 narrowing; CF: concretisation1121 omission of Cl1122 omission of PrepP1123 omission of N1124 omission of N1125 complete replacement; CF: negative → neutral1126 broadening; CF: abstraction1127 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1128 narrowing1129 addition of Adj1130 addition of Adj1131 addition of AdvP1132 addition of VP1133 addition of Cl


Page 119: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought1134, the air grew

denser1135, perfumed1136 from an unseen


Swung1138 by Seraphim1139 whose foot-

falls1140 tinkled on the tufted floor1141.

`Wretch1142,' I cried1143, `thy God hath lent

thee - by these angels he has sent thee

Respite - respite1144 and nepenthe1145 from

thy memories of Lenore1146!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe1147, and

forget this lost1148 Lenore1149!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Most egyszerre1150 száz ezüstből1136

angyalok1138 csapatja1151 füstöl1137,

Száll1135 a tömjén, cseng a léptük1139,

trilláz a nesz édesen1152!

"Angyalok, hát végre Isten elküldött,

hogy megsegítsen1153,

Elfeledni1143 régi kincsem1154,

eltemetni1144 kedvesem1145,

Elfeledni, eltemetni1146 régi-égi1147


Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

1134 omission of V1135 omission of Cl1136 broadening1137 complete replacement1138 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1139 broadening1140 narrowing1141 omission of PrepP1142 omission of N1143 omission of Cl1144 replacement; CF: concretisation1145 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causaliy: forward, forcing, concretisation1146 broadening1147 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1148 extension of Adj; CF: negative → neutral1149 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive1150 addition of Adv1151 addition of N1152 addition of Cl1153 addition of V1154 addition of NP


Page 120: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1155, `thing of evil1156! -

prophet1157 still, if bird1158 or devil! -

Whether tempter sent1159, or whether

tempest1160 tossed1161 thee here


Desolate yet all undaunted1163, on this

desert land enchanted1164 -

On this home1165 by horror haunted1166 -

tell me truly1167, I implore -

Is there - is there balm1168 in Gilead1169?

- tell me - tell me, I implore1170!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! felelj nekem1171", könyörgök1154,

"bármi1156 légy, angyal1157, vagy ördög,

Kit szobámba1161 vert1160 az orkán1159 és

kisértesz rémesen1172,

Mondd meg itt e szörnyü1173 házban1162 -

hol a Rémekkel csatáztam1163 -

Hol a Borzalom s a Láz1174 van1165 -

nincs sebemre moha sem1175?

Nincs-e, nincs-e ír1166 szivemre1176?

nincs gyógyító moha sem1177?"

Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

1155 omission of Cl1156 omission of NP1157 broadening1158 replacement1159 omission of V1160 narrowing; CF: forcing1161 broadening; CF: forcing1162 replacement1163 omission of AdjP1164 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing1165 broadening1166 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1167 omission of Adv1168 broadening; CF: concretisation1169 omission of PrepP1170 omission of Cl1171 addition of VP1172 addition of Adv1173 addition of Adj1174 addition of N1175 addition of Cl1176 addition of N1177 addition of VP


Page 121: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1178, `thing of evil1179! -

prophet1180 still, if bird1181 or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us1182

- by that God we both adore1183-

Tell this soul with sorrow laden1184 if,

within the distant1185 Aidenn,

It shall clasp1186 a sainted1187 maiden

whom the angels named Lenore1188 -

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden,

whom the angels named Lenore1189?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! felelj nekem1190", könyörgök1177,

"bármi1179 légy, angyal1180, vagy ördög,

Kérlek1191 a Mindenhatóra, mondd meg

végre kegyesen1192,

Lát-e1184 engem még a Kedves, aki most

a mennybe repdes1193,

Hajlik-e még e szerelmes szívre régi


Hajlik-e még e szerelmes szívre égi


Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

1178 narrowing; CF: forcing1179 omission of NP1180 broadening1181 replacement1182 omission of PrepP1183 omission of Cl1184 omission of PrepP1185 omission of Adj1186 replacement1187 omission of Adj1188 omission of Cl1189 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1190 addition of V1191 addition of V1192 addition of Adv1193 addition of V1194 addition of Cl


Page 122: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting1195, bird

or fiend1196!' I shrieked upstarting1197 -

`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian1198 shore!

Leave no black1199 plume as a token of

that lie thy soul hath spoken1200!

Leave my loneliness unbroken1201! - quit

the bust above my door1202!

Take1203 thy beak from out my heart, and

take thy form from off my door1204!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Pusztulj innen a pokolba1194",

orditottam fuldokolva1196,

Szállj a károgó1205 viharba, vár1206 a

bús Éj Partja lenn1207!

Egy tollad se hagyd itt, vidd el1208, és

ne ölj kétségeiddel1209!

Károgásodat te hidd el1199! Ne

maradjon nyoma sem1201!

Tépd1202 ki csőröd a szivemből, ne

maradjon nyoma sem1203!

Szólt a Holló: "Sohasem."

1195 complete replacement; CF: forcing; neutral → negative1196 omission of NP1197 narrowing; CF: forcing1198 omission of Pron1199 omission of Adj1200 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing1201 omission of Cl1202 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding1203 narrowing; CF: forcing1204 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding1205 addition of Adj1206 addition of V1207 addition of Adv1208 addition of VP1209 addition of Cl


Page 123: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven, never flitting, still is

sitting, still is sitting1210

On the pallid bust of Pallas1211 just above

my chamber door1212;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming

throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul1213 from out that shadow that

lies floating on the floor1214

Shall be lifted1215 - nevermore!

És a Holló meg se moccan, néz reám

meredve hosszan1209,

A szoborról, a komorról tűz1216 reám

két tompa1217 szem.

Úgy ül1218 mint egy omladékon1219,

mélyen1220 alvó éji1221 démon,

A padlón a lámpa vékony1222 sávja

himbál csöndesen1223:

Nő az éjjel1224, nõ az árnyék, terjed

egyre csöndesen1225

S nem virrad meg1214 - sohasem!

1210 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, forcing1211 omission of PrepP1212 omission of PrepP1213 omission of NP1214 omission of PrepP1215 complete replacement1216 addition of V1217 addition of AdjP1218 addition of V1219 addition of N1220 addition of Adv1221 addition of Adj1222 addition of Adj1223 addition of Adv1224 addition of Cl1225 addition of Adv


Page 124: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 313

omissions total: 82

omissions of N: 6omissions of NP: 9omissions of Pron: 1omissions of Det: 1omissions of V: 7omissions of VP: 7omissions of Adv: 11omissions of AdvP: 1omissions of Adj: 7omissions of AdjP: 3omissins of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 16omissions of Cl: 13

additions total: 101

additions of N: 13additions of NP: 9additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 12additions of VP: 12additions of Adv: 17additions of AdvP: 4additions of Adj: 13additions of AdjP: 3additions of Prep: 0additinos of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 18

replacements total: 58complete replacements: 27

narrowings: 32broadenings: 21

mergings: 10extensions: 9


Page 125: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 30mildings: 14

abstractions: 13concretisations: 17

dynamism: 1stativism: 1

transfer:neutral → positive: 4negative → neutral: 7negative → positive: 2neutral → negative: 7positive → neutral: 1positive → negative: 1

cause-causality shifts:forward: 9backward: 5


Page 126: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of József Lévay

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I

pondered1226 weak1227 and weary,

Over many1228 a quaint and curious1229

volume of forgotten lore,

While I nodded, nearly napping,

suddenly1230 there came1231 a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping

at my chamber door.

`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping

at my chamber door1232 -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Egyszer egy bús, késő1233 éjen, amint

elmerülve1225 mélyen1234,

Rég1235 feledt tan könyve mellett

tört1226 s bágyasztott a tudás1236, -

Amint fő-lehajtva ültem1237, szinte

félig szenderülten:

Koppanás hallék1230 az ajtón, némi

gyönge kopogás...

Talán vendég? - így susogtam, övé1238

az a kopogás;

Az lessz, az! és semmi más.

1226 narrowing; CF: forcing1227 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1228 omission of Adj1229 omission of AdjP1230 omission of Adv1231 narrowing; CF: concretisation1232 omission of PrepP1233 addition of Adj1234 addition of Adv1235 addition of Adv1236 addition of N1237 addition of V1238 addition of Pron


Page 127: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the

bleak1239 December,

And each separate dying ember1240

wrought1241 its ghost1242 upon the floor1243.

Eagerly I wished1244 the morrow; - vainly I

had sought to borrow1245

From my books surcease of sorrow -

sorrow for the lost Lenore -

For the rare1246 and radiant1247 maiden1248

whom the angels named Lenore -

Nameless here for evermore.

Ah! hisz' igen jól emlékszem:

decemberben volt az épen;

Árnyait1241 a falra1242 hímzé1240

minden hamvadó sugár1241.

A hajnalt epedve lestem1243, enyhet

hasztalan kerestem

Könyveimben bánatomra, hogy

Lenóra oda már!

Angyalok közt a dicső1246, szép1245

lány1247 Lenóra néven jár1249;

`Itt` többé nincs neve már.

1239 omission of Adj1240 broadening; CF: abstraction1241 narrowing1242 broadening; CF: concretisation1243 replacement1244 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic1245 omission of VP1246 narrowing; CF: concretisation, milding1247 narrowing; CF: concretisation1248 broadening1249 addition of V


Page 128: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad uncertain1250

rustling1251 of each purple1252 curtain

Thrilled me - filled1253 me with

fantastic1254 terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating1255 of my

heart, I stood1256 repeating

`'Tis some1257 visitor entreating

entrance1258 at my chamber door -

Some late visitor entreating entrance1259

at my chamber door; -

This it is, and nothing more,'

S a lefüggő1260 bársonyleplek, amint

búsan ott1261 lebegtek1250,

Megragadott1252 némi1262 rémes, még

nem érzett borzadás.

S hogy szívemen csillapítsak, egyre azt

ismételém csak;

Vendég áll1263 itt az ajtómnál, övé ez a


Késett vendég az ajtómnál, övé ez a


Az lessz, az! és semmi más.

1250 omission of Adj1251 broadening1252 omission of Adj1253 narrowing; CF: forcing1254 omission of Adj1255 omission of N1256 omission of V1257 omission of Det1258 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1259 see 12571260 addition of Adj1261 addition of Adv1262 addition of Det1263 addition of V


Page 129: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger1264;

hesitating then no longer,

`Sir,' said1265 I, `or Madam, truly1266 your

forgiveness I implore1267;

But the fact1268 is I was napping, and so

gently1269 you came rapping1270,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping

at my chamber door1271,

That I scarce was sure I heard you1272' -

here1273 I opened wide1274 the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing more.

Mindjárt bátorodni kezdtem1263, s

többé nem is révedeztem,

"Uram! vagy hölgyem! Kiálték1264,

bárki légy ott1275, megbocsáss!

De kissé1276 elszenderültem s te oly

csenddel1268 jársz körültem1277,

Oly halkan zörögve jöttél, oly lassú1278

a kopogás,

Hogy csak alig vettem észre1271; ajtót

nyitok, íme láss1279!"

Sötétség volt, semmi más.

1264 obligatory transfer1265 narrowing; CF: forcing1266 omission of Adv1267 omission of V1268 omission of N1269 narrowing1270 omission of Adv1271 omission of PrepP1272 broadening; CF: milding1273 omission of Adv1274 omission of Adv1275 addition of Cl1276 addition of Adv1277 addition of Adv1278 addition of AdjP1279 addition of Cl


Page 130: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep into that darkness peering, long1280 I

stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal

ever dared to dream before1281

But the silence was unbroken1282, and the

darkness gave no token1283,

And the only word there spoken was the

whispered word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered, and an echo

murmured1284 back the word, `Lenore!'

Merely this and nothing more.

Mélyen nézve a sötétbe, ott álltam

bámulva, félve,

Aggva, álmot álmodozva; nincs több

ilyen álmodás1280!...

Ámde a csend nesztelen1281 volt, a

sötétben senki sem szólt1282,

Csak az egy Lenóra szócskát ejté

némi suttogás;

Azt susogtam s a Lenóra szó lett a


Csupán az, és semmi más.

1280 omission of Adv1281 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding1282 narrowing1283 narrowing1284 omission of V


Page 131: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning1285, all my

soul within me1286 burning,

Soon1287 again I heard1288 a tapping

somewhat1289 louder than before.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something

at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and this

mystery explore1290 -

Let my heart1291 be still a moment and

this mystery explore1292; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

Majd szobámba visszanéztem1284,

lelkem fölgyulladt egészen;

Újra hangzott s hangosabban, mint

előbb, a kopogás.

"Ah, bizonnyal! szóltam, ott áll1293

valaki az ablakomnál.

Hadd lássuk hát, vaj' mi lesz ez a

rejtélyes látomás1294, -

Hadd nyugtasson perczre is bár e

rejtélyes látomás1295!"

A szél volt, és semmi más.

1285 broadening1286 omission of AdvP1287 omission of Adv1288 omission of V1289 omission of Adv1290 omission of V1291 omission of NP1292 omission of V1293 addition of V1294 addition of N1295 addition of N


Page 132: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with

many1296 a flirt1297 and flutter1298,

In there stepped1299 a stately1300 raven of

the saintly days of yore1301.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute stopped or stayed he1302;

But, with mien of lord or lady, perched

above my chamber door -

Perched1303 upon a bust of Pallas just

above my chamber door -

Perched1304, and sat, and nothing more.

Ekkor ablakom kitártam: s ím'

suhanva1296, zúgva1297 bátran1305,

Nagy1299 holló röppent1298 be rajta,

régi, régi származás1300.

Magát még csak meg se hajtva,

nyakra-főre neki hajta1301

S úr vagy úrnő-módon ült le ajtóm

felett, a csodás1306,

Épen egy Pallás-szoborra ajtóm

felett, a csodás1307:

Szállt1303 s leült - és semmi más.

1296 omission of PrepP1297 broadening; CF: milding1298 broadening; CF: milding1299 narrowing; CF: forcing1300 broadening; CF: positive → neutral1301 broadening; CF: positive → neutral1302 complete replacement; CF: forcing1303 omission of V1304 replacement1305 addition of Adv1306 addition of N1307 addition of N


Page 133: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird beguiling1308 my sad

fancy1309 into smiling,

By the grave1310 and stern decorum1311 of the

countenance1312 it wore1313,

`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven,

thou,' I said, `art sure1314 no craven.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven

wandering1315 from the nightly shore1316 -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore1317!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

És mosolyra bűvölé el1307 bölcs1309,

komoly tekintetével,

Lelkem gyász, sötét eszméit1308 ez

az ébenszín madár.

"Bár tollad zilálva, tépve, nem

vagy, mondám, gyáva mégse.

Régi, rémes, ritka1318 holló, kit az éj

vidéke1315 zár1314,

Mondd, becses neved mi légyen,

ott, hol Plútó éje vár1319?"

Szólt a holló: Soha már.

1308 narrowing; CF: forcing1309 extension of NP; CF: forcing1310 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1311 omission of N1312 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic1313 omission of V1314 omission of Adv1315 replacement; CF: forcing1316 broadening1317 omission of N1318 addition of Adj1319 addition of V


Page 134: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much I marvelled this ungainly1320 fowl1321

to hear 1322discourse so plainly1323,

Though its answer1324 little1325 meaning -

little relevancy1326 bore;

For we cannot help agreeing1327 that no

living human being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird

above his chamber door -

Bird or beast1328 above the sculptured bust

above his chamber door,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Igy1322 szólván a furcsa1319 állat1320,

elfogott1329 a nagy csodálat.

Bár szavában1323 értelem sincs1324 s a

vigasz1325 csekélyke bár;

De nem volt még így megáldva

halandó, hogy élve lássa,

Mint telepszik1330 ajtajának tetejére

egy madár

S metszett szobron mint ül ott meg

egy kis1331 állat1327, vagy madár,

Melynek neve: Soha már.

1320 broadening1321 broadening1322 omission of VP1323 broadening; CF: positive → neutral1324 broadening1325 narrowing1326 replacement1327 omission of PrepP1328 broadening; CF: negative → neutral, milding1329 addition of V1330 addition of VP1331 addition of Adj


Page 135: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely1332 on the

placid1333 bust, spoke1334 only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word he did outpour.

Nothing1335 further then he uttered - not a

feather then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other1336

friends have flown1337 before1338 -

On the morrow will he leave me, as my

hopes have flown1339 before1340.'

Then1341 the bird said, `Nevermore.'

Ám a holló fent a szobron azt az

egy szót vitte1333 folyton1342,

Mintha lelkét ez egyetlen szóba

öntené ki már.

Többet egy betűt1334 se monda,

többé meg se moccant tolla,

Míg én alig hallva1343 súgtam:

"Barátom mind tova jár,1334

Holnap1344 reggel ő is elhagy, mint

reményem, tova jár1336."

A madár szólt: Soha már.

1332 omission of VP1333 omission of Adj1334 replacement1335 narrowing; CF: concetisation1336 omission of PrepP1337 broadening1338 omission of Det1339 see 13361340 omission of Adv1341 omission of Adv1342 addition of Adv1343 addition of AdvP1344 addition of Adv


Page 136: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so

aptly spoken1345,

`Doubtless1346,' said I, `what it utters1347 is

its only stock and store1348,

Caught1349 from some unhappy1350 master

whom unmerciful1351 disaster1352

Followed fast and followed faster till his

songs1353 one burden1354 bore -

Till the dirges of his hope that

melancholy1355 burden bore1356

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Ily találón törve csendet, az a válasz


Egész tudománya1347, mondám, a mit

fecseg1346, abban áll1357;

Olyan gazdától tanulta1348, kit a

végzet1350 átka1351 dúla1358

S űze-hajta zordan1359, amíg minden

bajt1353 egy hangba1352 zár, -

Tört1360 remények gyászdalából

mindent1354 ez egy hangba zár1355:

Soha, soha, soha már.

1345 omission of V1346 omission of Cl1347 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1348 narrowing1349 narrowing; CF: forcing1350 omission of Adj1351 narrowing; CF: forcing1352 replacement1353 narrowing1354 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative1355 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1356 broadening; CF: concretisation1357 addition of VP1358 addition of V1359 addition of Adv1360 addition of Adj


Page 137: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven still beguiling1361 all1362 my

sad soul into smiling,

Straight1363 I wheeled1364 a cushioned seat

in front of bird and bust and door;

Then, upon the velvet sinking1365, I

betook1366 myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking1367 what this

ominous bird of yore1368 -

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and

ominous bird of yore

Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

Míg a holló lelkem búját

mosolygássá bűvölé át1360,

Én egy zsöllye-székre dőltem1363...

szemben a szobor s madár.

Szék1364 bársonyán elheverve1365,

képzeletet képzeletre

Halmozék, hogy eltaláljam1366, vajon

mit vél, mire vár1369

Ez a baljós, furcsa, rémes, czinga,

szörnyü, vén madár,

Igy károgva: soha már.

1361 see 12071362 omission of Det1363 omission of Adv1364 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1365 broadening1366 narrowing; CF: abstraction, stative → dynamic1367 narrowing1368 omission of NP1369 addition of VP


Page 138: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat engaged in guessing1370, but no

syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery eyes1371 now

burned into my bosom's core1372;

This and more I sat divining1373, with my

head at ease1374 reclining

On the cushion1375's velvet lining1376 that

the lamp-light gloated1377 o'er,

But whose velvet1378 violet lining with

the lamp-light gloating1379 o'er,

She shall press1380, ah, nevermore!

Ezt forgatva1369 üldögéltem, a

madárhoz egy igét sem

Szólva, ámbár tűzszemével1370

szívemet1371 égette már. -

Ezt s több ilyet1381 vetve, hányva1372,

fejem a szék1374 bársonyára

Hajtottam le, melyen játszva1382 rezg1376

a lámpa-fénysugár;

Ah! de `ő` a bársonyt, melyen rezg1378

a lámpa-fénysugár,

Nem érinti soha már!

1370 merging of AdvP to Adv; CF: abstraction1371 broadening; CF: forcing1372 narrowing; CF: concretisation1373 double transfer: extension of Adv to AdvP + broadening, forcing1374 omission of PrepP1375 broadening1376 omission of N1377 broadening; CF: stative → dynamic, negative → neutral1378 omission of Adj1379 see 12761380 broadening; CF: milding1381 addition of Pron1382 addition of Adv


Page 139: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew1383 denser,

perfumed1384 from an unseen censer

Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls1385

tinkled1386 on the tufted1387 floor1388.

`Wretch1389,' I cried1390, `thy God hath lent

thee - by these angels he has sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe1391 from thy

memories of Lenore!

Quaff, oh quaff1392 this kind nepenthe, and

forget this lost Lenore1393!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Ekkor úgy tetszett, hogy a lég

sűrűbbé vált1382 s illat1394 ömlék1383

Látatlanul egy szeráfról, mely

szobámban1387 lengve jár1384

"Isten külde, drága lélek1395!

angyaltársaidra kérlek,

Lenóráért nyugtot, enyhet1390 adj egy

pillanatra1396 bár,

A felejtés enyhe csöppjét, csak egy

pillanatra bár1392!"

Szólt a holló: soha már.

1383 broadening1384 broadening; CF: forcing1385 narrowing1386 omission of V1387 omission of Adj1388 broadening1389 omission of N1390 omission of Cl1391 broadening; CF: concretisation1392 omission of VP1393 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1394 addition of N1395 addition of NP1396 addition of VP


Page 140: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1397, `thing1398 of evil1399! -

prophet still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter sent1400, or whether

tempest tossed1401 thee here ashore1402,

Desolate1403 yet all undaunted1404, on this

desert land enchanted -

On this home by horror haunted1405 - tell

me truly, I implore1406 -

Is1407 there - is there balm in Gilead? -

tell me - tell me, I implore1408!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! Rossz1396 szellem1397! vagy jós

mégis! ördög, avagy madár légy is, -

Légy1399 kisértő, vagy vihartól üzve1400

lát1409 e bús1410 határ1401,

E megbűvölt puszta kis1411 hely, de

mely félelmet nem ismer1403,

Ez a borzalom tanyája; mondd igazán,

ugye vár1406

Majd `ott` gileádi balzsam, oh mondd,

oh mondd, ugye vár1407?"

Szólt a holló: soha már.

1397 omission of Cl1398 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1399 narrowing; CF: forcing1400 broadening; CF: dynamic → stative1401 narrowing; CF: forcing1402 replacement1403 omission of Adj1404 extension of Adj to VP1405 omission of V1406 omission of Cl1407 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic1408 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1409 addition of V1410 addition of Adj1411 addition of Adj


Page 141: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1412, `thing1413 of evil1414! -

prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven1415 that bends above

us1416 - by that God we both adore1417 -

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if,

within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden1418 whom

the angels named1419 Lenore -

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden1420,

whom the angels named1421 Lenore?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! Rossz1413 szellem1412! vagy jós

mégis! ördög, avagy madár légy is,

Kérlek1422 istenünk nevére1423,

kérlek1424 az égboltra1414 már:

Mondd, e búterhelte lélek, ha a távol

mennybe érek1425,

Átkarolja még Lenórát, angyalok közt,

ugy-e bár1426?

Angyalok közt átkarolja még Lenórát,

ugy-e bár1427?"

Szólt a holló: soha már.

1412 omission of Cl1413 see 13971414 see 13981415 broadening1416 omission of PrepP1417 omission of Cl1418 omission of NP1419 omission of V1420 omission of NP1421 omission of V1422 addition of V1423 addition of N1424 addition of V1425 addition of V1426 addition of Cl1427 addition of Cl


Page 142: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting1428, bird or

fiend1429!' I shrieked upstarting -

`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian shore1430!

Leave no black1431 plume as a token of that

lie thy soul hath spoken1432!

Leave my loneliness unbroken1433! - quit the

bust above my door1434!

Take thy beak from out my heart, and

take1435 thy form1436 from off my door!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"El tehát el1427! e szavadra -

felkiálték felriadva -

Repülj vissza a viharba, a hol Plútó

éje vár1437...

Ne hagyd itt egy pelyhedet se,

mely hazugságod jelentse;

Hagyd magányomat magára1432, e

szobrot hagyd oda már;

Vond ki csőrödet szívemből s

ajtómról szállj1434 tova már!"

Szólt a holló: soha már.

1428 complete replacement; CF: forcing1429 omission of NP1430 omission of N1431 omission of Adj1432 omission of Cl1433 replacement; CF: milding1434 omission of PrepP1435 narrowing1436 omission of NP1437 addition of V


Page 143: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting,

still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my

chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming1438

throws1439 his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies

floating1440 on the floor

Shall be lifted1441 - nevermore!

És a holló meg se rezdűl, mindig

ott1442 ül, mindig fent1443 ül

A halovány Pallás-szobron, ajtóm

felett várva vár1444.

Szeme úgy néz rám meredve1445,

mintha démon szenderegne

S árnyával a lámpa fénye szobám1446

padlatára jár1438.

Lelkem ez árnyképtől, a mely

szobám1447 padlatára jár1439,

Nem menekszik1440 soha már!

1438 omission of Adv1439 broadening; CF: milding1440 broadening1441 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative1442 addition of Adv1443 addition of Adv1444 addition of VP1445 addition of Adv1446 addition of N1447 addition of N


Page 144: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations: total: 223

omissions total: 74

omissions of N: 7omissions of NP: 6omissions of Pron: 0omissions of Det: 3omissions of V: 13omissions of VP: 4omissions of Adv: 13omissions of AdvP: 1omissions of Adj: 11omissions of AdjP: 1omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 8omissions of Cl: 7

additions total: 56

additions of N: 9additions of NP: 1additions of Pron: 2additions of Det: 1additions of V: 12additions of VP: 5additions of Adv: 13additions of AdvP: 1additions of Adj: 7additions of AdjP: 1additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 4

replacements total: 18complete replacements: 7

narrowings: 34broadenings: 35

mergings: 1extensions: 3


Page 145: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 20mildings: 9

abstractions: 3concretisations: 7

dynamism: 6stativism: 1

transfer:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 5negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 5positive → neutral: 3positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shift:forward: 4backward: 2


Page 146: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of György Radó

Once upon1448 a midnight dreary1449,

while I1450 pondered1451 weak1452 and


Over many1453 a quaint and curious1454

volume of forgotten lore,

While I nodded1455, nearly napping1456,

suddenly there came1457 a tapping,

As of some one1458 gently rapping,

rapping at my chamber door.

`'Tis some1459 visitor,' I muttered1460,

`tapping at my chamber door -

Only this1461, and nothing more1462.'

Zordon1448 éj volt, bús1451 és bágyadt

lelkem1449 megnyugvásra vágyott1450.

Elfelejtett eszme, ócska-locska1453

könyvek limloma

Zsongitott1454 el egyre jobban1455;

hirtelen csak egyet roppan,

Mint egy finom ujj1456 ha koppan,

zörren házam1463 ajtaja,

"Vendég zörget" - így1464 dohogtam1459.

- "Zárva1465 házam1466 ajtaja,

S kint1467 a vendég1460 egymaga."

1448 omission of PrepP1449 narrowing; CF: forcing1450 narrowing1451 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative, forcing1452 replacement; CF: neutral → negative1453 narrowing1454 replacement; CF: positive → negative1455 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative1456 complete replacement; CF: abstraction1457 omission of V1458 narrowing; CF: concretisation1459 omission of Det1460 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative1461 broadening; CF: concretisation1462 omission of NP1463 addition of N1464 addition of Adv1465 addition of Adv1466 addition of N1467 addition of Adv


Page 147: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly1468 I1469 remember it was

in the bleak1470 December,

And each separate dying1471 ember

wrought1472 its ghost upon the floor1473.

Eagerly I wished the morrow; -

vainly1474 I had sought to borrow1475

From my books surcease of sorrow1476 -

sorrow for the lost1477 Lenore -

For the rare and radiant maiden1478

whom the angels named1479 Lenore -

Nameless here for evermore1480.

Óh hogy1467 nem felejt az ember1468!

Télidő volt1481, bősz1469 december,

S minden kis1482 zsarátnok-szemmel

új1483 kisértet szállt1471 oda.

Vágyva vártam virradóra, nem1473

lelvén1474 vigasztalóra1475

Könyveimben, hogy Lenóra nincs

többé1476, csak hűlt pora1484.

Mennybe ment fel32 szűz1477 Lenóra - Itt

a Földön hűlt pora1485,

S már1479 nevének sincs nyoma1486.

1468 broadening1469 broadening1470 replacement; CF: forcing1471 omission of Adj1472 replacement; CF: concretisation1473 broadening; CF: abstraction1474 narrowing; CF: forcing1475 merging of NP1476 merging of NP; CF: forcing1477 extension of Adj to VP; CF: forcing1478 merging of NP to Adj; CF: milding1479 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1480 broadening; CF: milding1481 addition of Cl1482 addition of Adj1483 addition of Adj1484 addition of Adj1485 addition of NP1486 addition of N


Page 148: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad uncertain1487

rustling1488 of each1489 purple curtain

Thrilled me - filled me1490 with

fantastic1491 terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating1492 of

my heart, I stood1493 repeating

`'Tis1494 some1495 visitor entreating

entrance1496 at my1497 chamber door -

Some late visitor entreating entrance1498

at my1499 chamber door; -

This it is1500, and nothing more1501,'

Bíbor kárpit libben1487, selymes, súlyos,

bánatos, sejtelmes1486.

Rémit, bénit1489 még nem érzett vad1490

félelmek1502 iszonya.

S mert a szívem csendre vágyik1491,

mondom egyre, mondom váltig1503:

"Vár a47 vendég, várva vár1495 kint, s

zárva1504 házam1496 ajtaja -

Késő éji1505 vendég áll1497 kint, s

zárva1506 házam1498 ajtaja.

Kint a vendég egymaga1499."

1487 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1488 broadening1489 omission of Det1490 replacement; CF: neutral → negative, forcing1491 narrowing; CF: forcing1492 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause: causality: forward, dynamic → stative1493 omission of V1494 narrowing; CF: concretisation1495 narrowing; CF: concretisation1496 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1497 narrowing1498 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1499 see 14961500 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1501 omission of NP1502 addition of N1503 addition of VP1504 addition of Adv1505 addition of Adj1506 addition of Adv


Page 149: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently1507 my soul grew stronger1508;

hesitating then no longer,

`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your

forgiveness I implore1509;

But the fact is1510 I was napping, and

so1511 gently you1512 came rapping1513,

And so faintly you1514 came1515 tapping,

tapping at my1516 chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here

I opened wide1517 the door; -

Darkness there1518, and nothing more1519.

Ekkor1506 lelkem összeszedtem1507 és

tovább nem késlekedtem.

Szóltam: "Óh uram vagy hölgyem,

késedelmem ostoba1508.

Mit tagadjam1509, szunditottam, és a

lába1511 lágyan dobban1512,

Halk ujjától1513 halkan koppan ajtóm,

házam1515 ajtaja -

Azt se' tudtam, hallom vagy sem." S

tárul házam1520 ajtaja -

- Kint1517 csupán1518 az éjszaka.

1507 broadening1508 broadening; CF: milding1509 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation, neutral → negative, milding1510 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1511 omission of Adv1512 narrowing1513 merging of VP to V1514 narrowing1515 omission of V1516 see 14961517 omission of Adv1518 narrowing; CF: concretisation1519 broadening; CF: milding1520 addition of NP


Page 150: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep into that darkness peering, long1521 I

stood there1522 wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming1523 dreams no

mortal1524 ever dared to dream1525 before

But the silence was unbroken, and the

darkness gave no token1526,

And the only word1527 there spoken1528

was the whispered1529 word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered, and an echo murmured

back1530 the word1531, `Lenore!'

Merely this and nothing more1532.

Mélyen nézve éjbe, télbe1533, álltam

ámulattal, félve,

Álmot véltem látni1522: azt mit

ember1523 nem mert még soha.

S most1534 se' törte szét a csendet

semmi hang1535, szellő se' lengett1525,

Csak "Lenóra" - ennyi csengett1527,

halkan kélt1528 és szállt tova1536.

Én susogtam, hogy "Lenóra", és a

visszhang szállt tova1529,

Más hang nem hatolt oda1531.

1521 omission of Adv1522 omission of Adv1523 broadening1524 broadening1525 omission of VP1526 complete replacement1527 omission of NP1528 narrowing; CF: abstraction1529 extension of V to VP; CF: broadening1530 broadening1531 omission of N1532 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1533 addition of NP1534 addition of Adv1535 addition of NP1536 addition of VP


Page 151: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber1537 turning, all my

soul within me1538 burning,

Soon1539 again I heard1540 a tapping

somewhat louder1541 than before1542.

`Surely1543,' said I, `surely that is

something at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and this

mystery1544 explore -

Let my heart be still1545 a moment and

this mystery1546 explore; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more1547!'

Ajtót zárva1548 megfordultam, lelkem

lángolt egyre1549, dúltan1550,

És megint egy zörrenés, de most a zaj

már jókora1540.

"Hallga csak1542" - mondom - "valóban

van valami a zsalúban.

Lássam hát, mi látható1551 van, tárulj

fel, titkos csoda1543!

Szívem, légy erős1544 egy percig -

nyíljál meg, titkos csoda1543!

Eh, csak1546 szél suhant tova1552!"

1537 omission of PrepP1538 omission of PrepP1539 omission of Adv1540 omission of V1541 narrowing; CF: forcing1542 omission of PrepP1543 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1544 extension of N to NP1545 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative1546 see 15431547 broadening; CF: milding1548 addition of AdvP1549 addition of Adv1550 addition of Adv1551 addition of Adj1552 addition of VP


Page 152: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung the shutter, when,

with many1553 a flirt and flutter1554,

In there stepped1555 a stately raven of

the saintly days1556 of yore.

Not the least obeisance made he1557; not

a minute1558 stopped or stayed1559 he;

But, with mien1560 of lord or lady1561,

perched1562 above my chamber door1563-

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just

above my chamber door -

Perched, and sat1564, and nothing


Ekkor ablakom kitártam, s garral-

zajjal1553, szárnyát tártan1566,

Ím beszállt1554 egy peckes holló, õs

legendák1555 vándora1567.

Meg sem állt, meg sem pihent1558 még,

s máris, mintha ott se' lennék1556,

Mint kevély1559, nagyúri114 vendég1568,

oly nyugodtan1569 szállt1561 oda1562,

S ajtóm ormán, Pallas szobrán termett:

úgy szállt1563 épp oda1570,

Mint ki nem jár máshova1564.

1553 omission of Adv1554 broadening1555 narrowing; CF: forcing1556 complete replacement; CF: abstraction1557 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1558 omission of Adv1559 narrowing1560 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1561 merging of NP to Adj1562 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1563 broadening1564 merging of VP to V1565 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1566 addition of AdvP1567 addition of N1568 addition of N1569 addition of AdvP1570 addition of AdvP


Page 153: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird1571 beguiling1572 my

sad1573 fancy1574 into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the

countenance1575 it wore1576,

`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven1577,

thou,' I said, `art sure no craven1578.

Ghastly1579 grim1580 and ancient raven

wandering from the nightly shore -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore1581!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Ébentollu, csapzott lényén1570 bölcs-

komor méltóság lévén1575,

Így1582 szóltam s mosolyba

torzult1571 lelkem fájó1582 fintora1583:

"Bár a tollad nyűtt és hulló1576,

koldushoz nem vagy hasonló1577,

Rút1578, öreg, mogorva1579 holló, éji

partok vándora.

Áruld el nemes neved, te poklok1580

éji vándora1584!"

Holló mondá: "Már soha."

1571 broadening1572 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1573 replacement; CF: forcing1574 replacement1575 omission of N1576 broadening1577 broadening; CF: abstraction1578 narrowing; CF: abstraction1579 narrowing; CF: milding1580 narrowing; CF: milding1581 broadening; CF: concretisation1582 addition of Adv1583 addition of N1584 addition of N


Page 154: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much1585 I marvelled1586 this ungainly

fowl1587 to hear1588 discourse1589 so


Though its answer little meaning - little

relevancy bore1591;

For we cannot help agreeing1592 that no

living1593 human being

Ever yet was blessed1594 with seeing1595 bird

above his chamber door -

Bird1596 or beast1597 above the sculptured1598

bust above his chamber door1599,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Bámultam1585, hogy íly1600 esetlen

állat1586 így1589, e keresetlen1601

Választ adja1588, bár alig van benne

értelem nyoma1602.

Egy biztos: nem volt a Földön1592

ember még, kihez betörjön1603

Oly madár, mely az éjből jön1604, s

ajtajára ül1605 oda -

Szárnyas állat1595, mely a pompás1606

mellszoborra ül1607 oda,

S úgy hívják, hogy "Már soha".

1585 omission of Adv1586 broadening; CF: positive → neutral, stative → dynamic1587 broadening1588 omission of VP1589 broadening1590 broadening1591 omission of Cl1592 complete replacement; CF: forcing1593 replacement; CF: abstraction1594 omission of V1595 omission of PrepP1596 double transfer: extension of NP + broadening1597 omission of N1598 omission of Adj1599 omission of PrepP1600 addition of Adj1601 addition of Adj1602 addition of N1603 addition of V1604 addition of PrepP1605 addition of V1606 addition of Adj1607 addition of V


Page 155: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely1608 on the

placid1609 bust, spoke only,

That one word1610, as if his soul in that

one word1611 he did outpour1612.

Nothing further then he uttered1613 - not

a feather then he fluttered1614 -

Till I scarcely more than muttered

`Other1615 friends have flown1616


On the morrow1618 will he leave me, as

my hopes1619 have flown before1620.'

Then the bird1621 said, `Nevermore.'

Ám a holló fenn borongott1607 néma

szobromon s nem mondott

Mást, csak ezt1609, minthogyha ebben1609

volna1611 lelke záloga1622.

Ennyi volt, mi csőrén csordult1612 - toll

se' mozdult1613, szárny se' fordult1623,

Mígnem ajkam1624 épp hogy mordult:

"Elhagyott1615 sok1614 cimbora -

Tűnt remények útján1625 ő is elhagy,

mint más cimbora1618."

S szólt a vendég1620: "Már soha."

1608 merging of VP to V; CF: forcing1609 narrowing; CF: positive → neutral1610 double transfer: merging of PrepP to N + broadening1611 see 16091612 broadening1613 extension of V to VP1614 broadening1615 narrowing; CF: forcing1616 narrowing; CF: abstraction1617 omission of Adv1618 omission of PrepP1619 broadening1620 omission of VP1621 narrowing; CF: abstraction1622 addition of N1623 addition of Cl1624 addition of N1625 addition of NP


Page 156: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled at the stillness1626 broken1627

by reply so aptly spoken1628,

`Doubtless1629,' said I, `what it utters1630

is its only stock and store1631,

Caught1632 from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster1633

Followed fast and followed faster till

his songs one burden bore1634-

Till the dirges of his hope that

melancholy1635 burden bore1636

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Én e szóra felriadtam, oly találó választ


"Eh, mit1628" - mondtam, - "ezt tanulta1637

s nem tud1629 mást1630 az ostoba1638.

Bús gazdája tartogatta1631, s míg a

balsors1632 látogatta,

Egyre-másra hajtogatta1639 ezt: ez volt1640

a gyászdala.

S hogy reményét tűnni látta1633, nem volt

többé más1633 dala,

Mint e ,Soha - már soha'."

1626 omission of N1627 omission of V1628 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1629 replacement; CF: abstraction1630 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative1631 replacement; CF: abstraction, milding1632 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1633 merging of NP to N1634 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1635 omission of N1636 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, stative → dynamic1637 addition of V1638 addition of N1639 addition of V1640 addition of V


Page 157: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven still1641 beguiling1642 all my

sad1643 soul into smiling,

Straight1644 I wheeled a cushioned seat in

front of bird and bust and door1645;

Then, upon the velvet sinking1646, I

betook myself1647 to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this

ominous bird of yore -

What this grim, ungainly1648, gaunt, and

ominous bird of yore

Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

S mert a holló meg se mozdult1649,

lelkem is mosolyra torzult1641,

Szobron és madáron csüngtem1650,

hívott1651 székem1645 bársonya.

Párnás székem arra1652 vontam, álmot

álomláncba fontam,

És töprengve elborongtam1653: "Őskor

baljós vándora1654,

Mit jelent a mult e baljós, mord,

mogorva vándora1655?

Mért károgja, Már soha'?"

1641 omission of Adv1642 see 15711643 omission of Adj1644 omission of Adv1645 omission of N1646 broadening1647 omission of VP1648 omission of Adj1649 addition of VP1650 addition of V1651 addition of V1652 addition of Adv1653 addition of V1654 addition of N1655 addition of N


Page 158: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat engaged1656 in guessing1657, but

no syllable expressing

To the fowl1658 whose fiery eyes1659 now

burned1660 into my bosom's core1661;

This and more1662 I sat1663 divining1664,

with my head1665 at ease1666 reclining

On the cushion's velvet lining1667 that

the lamp-light1668 gloated1669 o'er,

But whose velvet violet1670 lining1671

with the lamp-light1672 gloating1673 o'er,

She shall press1674, ah, nevermore!

Ültem titkot1675 sejtve, fejtve1656, ámde

közben1676 szót sem ejtve,

És a holló1657 lángszemének1658

szívemig1660 hatolt1659 nyoma1677.

Míg1678 titkában1661 elmerültem1663,

széktámlára1679 hátradűlten,

Dús1680 bársonypárnákon ültem1681...

fent1682 lámpám fénysátora1667,

Ám e támlán, bársonypárnán2670, hol

lámpám fénysátora1668,

`Ő` nem alszik1673 már soha!

1656 omission of Adv1657 extension of V to AdvP1658 narrowing1659 narrowing; CF: forcing1660 broadening; CF: milding1661 narrowing; CF: concretisation1662 narrowing1663 omission of V1664 narrowing; CF: forcing1665 omission of NP1666 omission of PrepP1667 omission of N1668 narrowing1669 omission of V1670 omission of Adj1671 broadening1672 see 16671673 omission of V1674 narrowing1675 addition of N1676 addition of Adv1677 addition of N1678 addition of Adv1679 addition of N1680 addition of Adj1681 addition of V1682 addition of Adv


Page 159: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought1683, the air grew denser1684,

perfumed1685 from an unseen censer

Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls

tinkled on the tufted1686 floor1687.

`Wretch1688,' I cried1689, `thy God hath lent

thee - by these angels1690 he has sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy

memories of Lenore!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind1691 nepenthe, and

forget this lost Lenore1692!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Szinte érzem1682: illat terjeng1683,

láthatatlan füstölő leng1684,

Tán szeráfok lengetik s ha lépnek,

cseng a halk1685 szoba1686.

"Én szegény1687! Az Úr az égből1693

enyhitalt küld így1694 avégből1695,

Hogy Lenóra emlékéből gyógyitson

ki mákonya!

Hadd igyam hát, hadd igyam ki s

jöjj1696, felejtés mákonya!"

Holló mondá: "Már soha."

1683 replacement; CF: forcing1684 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1685 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, abstraction1686 replacement1687 broadening1688 replacement; CF: concretisation, milding1689 omission of Cl1690 omission of PrepP1691 omission of Adj1692 omission of NP1693 addition of N1694 addition of Adv1695 addition of Adv1696 addition of V


Page 160: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said1697 I, `thing1698 of evil! -

prophet still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter1699 sent, or whether

tempest1700 tossed1701 thee here ashore1702,

Desolate1703 yet all undaunted, on this

desert land enchanted1704 -

On this home1705 by horror haunted - tell

me truly1706, I implore1707 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead1708? - tell

me - tell me, I implore1709!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós!" – kiáltom1696 - "ádáz

hírnök1697, jós, akár madár vagy


És ha Orcus1698 küldött és ha

orkán1699 kergetett1700 tova1701 -

Fáradtan1702, de meg nem törve

érkeztél1710 e puszta földre,

Hol Rémség kisért gyötörve1711 -

mondd, ne kínozz annyira1706,

Lesz-e, `lesz-e` ír szivemre? mondd,

ne kínozz annyira1708!"

Holló mondá: "Már soha."

1697 narrowing; CF: forcing1698 narrowing1699 narrowing; CF: concretisation1700 narrowing; CF: forcing1701 narrowing; CF: forcing1702 broadening1703 broadening; CF: milding1704 omission of Adj1705 omission of N1706 omission of Adv1707 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing1708 omission of PrepP1709 see 17061710 addition of V1711 addition of Adv


Page 161: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said1712 I, `thing1713 of evil! -

prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us1714 -

by that God1715 we both adore1716 -

Tell1717 this soul with sorrow laden1718

if, within the distant1719 Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden1720 whom

the angels named Lenore -

Clasp a rare and radiant1721 maiden1722,

whom the angels named Lenore?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós!" – kiáltom1711 - "ádáz hirnök1712,

jós, akár madár vagy ördög!

Kérlek1723 most az Égre s Arra1714, aki

mindkettőnk Ura1715,

Vígasztald1716 meg fájó1717 lelkem, hogy

lehet még átölelnem

Szűz1719 Lenórám fent1718 a mennyben,

ott, hol angyal hívja ma1724 -

Azt a szende1720 lányt1721 a

mennyben1725, ott1726, hol angyal hívja


Holló mondá: "Már soha."

1712 see 16961713 see 26971714 omission of PrepP1715 broadening1716 complete replacement; CF: forcing1717 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative1718 merging of PrepP to Adj; CF: milding1719 replacement; CF: concretisation1720 merging of NP to Adj; CF: abstraction1721 merging of AdjP to Adj1722 broadening; CF: milding1723 addition of V1724 addition of Adv1725 addition of N1726 addition of Adv1727 addition of Adv


Page 162: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting1728, bird

or fiend1729!' I shrieked upstarting1730 -

`Get thee back into the tempest1731 and

the Night's Plutonian1732 shore1733!

Leave no black1734 plume as a token of

that lie thy soul1735 hath spoken!

Leave1736 my loneliness unbroken1737! -

quit1738 the bust above my door1739!

Take1740 thy beak from out my heart, and

take1741 thy form1742 from off my door!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Végeztünk! Ki innen1727, ördög1728,

gaz1743 madár" – dühöngve1729 dörgök-

"Vissza, vissza, éjbe, szélbe1730, vár1744

a Poklok1731 Szirtfoka1732!

Álnok szód jeléül el ne hulljon

szárnyad1745 gyászos1733 pelyhe

Itt1746 e bús1747, magányos helyre1748!

Szobromról röpülj tova1737!

Tépd1739 ki csőrödet szivemből,

ajtómról röpülj tova1740!"

Holló mondá: "Már soha."

1728 complete replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative1729 replacement; CF: positive → negative1730 broadening; CF: forcing1731 narrowing; CF: milding1732 broadening; CF: concretisation1733 narrowing1734 narrowing; abstraction, neutral → negtive1735 omission of N1736 omission of V1737 omission of Adv1738 double transfer: extension of V to VP + narrowing; CF: concretisation1739 omission of PrepP1740 narrowing; CF: forcing1741 double transfer: extension of V to VP + narrowing; CF: forcing1742 omission of NP1743 addition of Adj1744 addition of V1745 addition of N1746 addition of Adv1747 addition of Adj1748 addition of N


Page 163: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven, never flitting1749, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid1750 bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door;

And his eyes have1751 all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming1752,

And the lamp-light1753 o'er him

streaming1754 throws his shadow on the


And my soul from out that shadow that

lies1756 floating on the floor1757

Shall be lifted1758 - nevermore!

És a holló már nem megy le1748, ott1759

ül egyre, ül csak egyre

Ajtóm ormán, Pallas szobrán ül1760,

amint leszállt oda1761.

Csak1762 néz, szemgolyója tágul1763;

mint egy kába1751 démon, bámul1764,

Míg1765 a lámpa lángja1752 ráhull –

leng1753 az árnyék fátyola1766;

És lelkem többé az árnyból, melynek

itt1756 leng fátyola1767,

Nem szakad fel1757 - már soha!

1749 broadening; CF: concretisation, forcing1750 omission of Adj1751 omission of V1752 merging of PrepP to Adj; CF: neutral → negative1753 broadening; CF: forcing1754 replacement; CF: milding1755 omission of PrepP1756 omission of V1757 broadening1758 replacement; CF: forcing1759 addition of Adv1760 addition of V1761 addition of AdvP1762 addition of Adv1763 addition of V1764 addition of V1765 addition of Adv1766 addition of N1767 addition of N


Page 164: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 329

omissions total: 70

omissions of N: 9omissions of NP: 6omissions of Pron: 0omissions of Det: 2omissions of V: 12omissions of VP: 4omissions of Adv: 14omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 8omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 13omissions of Cl: 2

additions total: 91

additions of N: 23additions of NP: 5additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 17additions of VP: 4additions of Adv: 23additions of AdvP: 5additions of Adj: 11additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 3

replacements total: 47complete repalcements: 20

narrowings: 52broadenings: 43

mergings 14extensions: 9


Page 165: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 33mildings: 16

abstractions: 14concretisations: 18

dynamism: 2stativism: 4

transfer:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 13positive → neutral: 2positive → negative: 2

cause-causality shifts:forward: 10backward: 9


Page 166: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Károly Szász

Once upon a midnight dreary1768, while I

pondered1769 weak and weary1770,

Over many a quaint and curious1771

volume1772 of forgotten lore1773,

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly

there came a tapping,

As of some one1774 gently1775 rapping,

rapping at my chamber door. 1776

`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered1777,

`tapping1778 at my chamber door -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Egyszer néma rideg1767 éjen ültem1779

elmerülve mélyen1769

Álmodozva1768 valamely rég

elfelejtett éneken1772...

Bólingattam félálomban - ím

egyszerre ajtóm1780 koppan,

Félénk1774 lépés zaja1773 dobban -

dobban halkan, csöndesen.1781

"Látogató – gondolám1776 - ki

ajtómhoz jött1777 csöndesen 1782 ,

Az lesz, egyéb semmisem."

1768 extension of Adj to AdjP; CF: forcing1769 replacement; CF: neutral → positive1770 complete replacement; CF: dynamic → stative1771 omission of AdjP1772 omission of N1773 replacement1774 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic1775 narrowing; CF; neutral → negative1776 omission of PrepP1777 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative1778 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1779 addition of V1780 addition of N1781 addition of AdvP1782 addition of Adv


Page 167: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly1783 I remember it was in

the bleak1784 December,

And each separate dying1785 ember

wrought1786 its ghost1787 upon the


Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly1789

I had sought to borrow1790

From my books surcease1791 of sorrow -

sorrow for the lost1792 Lenore1793 -

For the rare and radiant maiden1794 whom

the angels named Lenore -

Nameless here for evermore.

Ah! Oly jól1782 emlékszem még én: -

késő volt1795, december végén1796,

Minden üszök hamvig égvén1784 –

árnya1786 rezgett1787 rémesen1797.

Úgy vártam s késett1798 a hajnal!

Könyveim - bár nagy halommal1799 -

Nem1786 bírtak1787 a fájdalommal -

érted, elhalt1791 kedvesem1792!

Kit Lenórának neveznek az angyalok


Itt örökre névtelen!

1783 broadening; CF: milding1784 omission of Adj1785 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1786 replacement1787 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1788 omission of PrepP1789 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1790 complete replacement; CF: dynamic → stative; shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1791 omission of N1792 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1793 broadening1794 omission of PrepP1795 addition of Cl1796 addition of N1797 addition of Adv1798 addition of V1799 addition of NP1800 addition of Adv


Page 168: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad uncertain1801

rustling of each purple1802 curtain

Thrilled me1803 - filled1804 me1805 with

fantastic1806 terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still1807 the beating of

my heart1808, I stood repeating

`'Tis some visitor entreating

entrance1809 at my chamber door -

Some late visitor entreating

entrance1810 at my chamber door; -

This it is, and nothing more,'

De az ajtó s ablakoknak1811 függönyei

mind susogtak,

S ismeretlen1805 rémülettel foglalák el1803


S hogy legyőzhessem1806 magamban a

félelmet1807, váltig mondtam:

"Látogató csak, ki ott van1808, ajtóm előtt


Valami elkésett utas vár1809 az ajtón

csöndesen1813; -

Az lesz, egyéb semmisem!"

1801 omission of AdjP1802 omission of Adj1803 omission of VP1804 replacement; CF: forcing1805 narrowing1806 replacement; CF: positive → neutral1807 replacement; CF: forcing1808 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative, dynamic →stative1809 broadening1810 broadening1811 addition of NP1812 addition of Adv1813 addition of Adv


Page 169: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger;

hesitating then no longer,

`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your

forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is1814 I was napping1815,

and so gently1816 you came rapping,

And so faintly1817 you came tapping,

tapping at my chamber door1818,

That I scarce was sure I heard you' -

here I opened wide1819 the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing more.

S lelkem rögtön megerősbül, kikelvén a


S "Uram" - szólék, - "vagy nemes hölgy!

bocsásson meg kegyesen,

Megvallom1813 itt1820 bólingattam1814,

kegyed meg oly szépen, halkan1815,

Lehető legfinomabban1816 kopogtatott


Alig tudtam: jól hallék-e?" S ajtót nyitok

sebesen1818 -

Nagy1822 sötét, más semmisem!

1814 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic, objective → subjective1815 broadening; CF: abstraction1816 extension of Adv to AdvP1817 extension of AdvP; CF: forcing1818 omission of PrepP1819 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic1820 addition of Adv1821 addition of Adv1822 addition of AdjP


Page 170: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep1823 into that darkness peering,

long1824 I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting1825, dreaming dreams no

mortal1826 ever dared1827 to dream before

But the silence was unbroken1828, and the

darkness1829 gave no token1830,

And the only word there spoken1831 was

the whispered1832 word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered1833, and an echo

murmured1834 back the word, `Lenore!'

Merely this and nothing more.

S kibámulva a sötétbe, csodálkozva,

várva1835, félve,

Álltam, álmot látva, mit még sohsem

látott földi szem1825;

De a csönd még egyre tarta1827, nesz,

se' szó1828 azt nem zavarta1829,

Csak az egy "Lenóra"-hangra1830

(amint halkan tördelem1831)

Csak az egy "Lenóra"-hangra1832

szólt1833 a visszhang szüntelen1836;

- Csak e hang1837, más semmisem!

1823 omission of Adv1824 omission of Adv1825 omission of Adv1826 narrowing1827 omission of V1828 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic1829 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1830 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1831 double transfer: merging of NP to N + broadening1832 extension; CF: neutral → negative1833 broadening1834 broadening1835 addition of Adv1836 addition of Adv1837 addition of N


Page 171: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all my

soul within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat

louder1838 than before.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something

at my window lattice1839;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and this

mystery explore1840 -

Let my heart be still a moment and this

mystery explore1841; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

S visszafordulék szobámba - egész

lelkem izzó lángba',

S újra hallom amint dobban - most már

jobban kiveszem1837.

"Úgy van, bizonyára" - mondtam -

"valami van ablakomban,

Hadd nézem meg: mi az ottan? - most

e titkot kilesem1839 -

Nyugton légy egy percre szívem - most

e titkot kilesem1840!"

- Csak a szél, más semmisem!

1838 extension of V to VP1839 omission of N1840 narrowing1841 narrowing


Page 172: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung1842 the shutter, when,

with many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped1843 a stately1844 raven of

the saintly1845 days of yore1846.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute stopped1847 or stayed he1848;

But, with mien1849 of lord or lady1850,

perched above my chamber door1851 -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas1852 just

above my chamber door -

Perched, and sat, and nothing more1853.

Kinyitám1841 az ablak szárnyát - és

azonnal nyílatán át1854

Százados1843 holló csapott be1842,

komoran1844, nehézkesen1855.

Anélkül hogy meghajolna, sem

köszönve1846 se' nem szólva1847,

Mintha az úr ő lett volna, csak leszállt


Ajtóm felett egy szobor volt, arra

szállt egyenesen1856,

Rászállt, ráült nesztelen1852!

1842 broadening; CF: milding1843 double transfer: merging of VP; CF: milding1844 narrowing; CF: positive → negative1845 omission of Adj1846 narrowing; CF: concretisation1847 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1848 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1849 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1850 omission of N1851 omission of PrepP1852 omission of PrepP1853 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1854 addition of AdvP1855 addition of Adv1856 addition of Adv


Page 173: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad

fancy1857 into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum1858 of the

countenance it wore, 1859

`Though thy crest1860 be shorn and

shaven, thou,' I said1861, `art sure no


Ghastly grim and ancient raven1863

wandering1864 from the nightly shore1865 -

Tell me what thy lordly1866 name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore1867!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

A setét madár mikép ül1868, nem

nézhettem mosoly nélkül,

Komoly büszke méltósággal1857 ült

nagy ünnepélyesen.1858

- Bár ütött-kopott ruhába'1859 –

gondolám1860 - nem vagy te kába1861,

Vén botor1862, nem jösz hiába1863,

éjlakodból oda-lenn1864,

Szólj! neved mi, hogyha honn vagy

alvilági helyeden1866?

Szólt a madár: "Sohasem!"

Much I marvelled this ungainly1869

fowl1870 to hear discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaning - little

relevancy bore1871;

For we cannot help agreeing that no

living human being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing1872 bird

above his chamber door -

Bird or beast1873 above the sculptured bust

Csak bámultam e bolondot1868, hogy

oly tiszta hangot mondott,

Bár szavában, bizonyára1875, kevés

volt az értelem1870.

De példátlan1871 ily madár, mely

szobádba, mit négy fal zár el1876,

Ajtódnak fölébe száll fel - s ott ül jó

magas helyen1877,

S nevét mondja, hogyha kérded, 1857 omission of NP1858 narrowing; CF: forcing1859 complete replacement; CF: neutral → positive1860 replacement1861 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative1862 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1863 merging of NP1864 extension of V to VP1865 extension of NP1866 omission of Adj1867 broadening1868 addition of VP1869 narrowing1870 omission of N1871 merging1872 merging of Cl into Adj; CF: milding


Page 174: Szakdolgozat (1)

above his chamber door1874,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

biztos helyén ülve1878 fenn1873;

És a neve: "Sohasem."

1873 omission of NP1874 double transfer: merging of PrepP into Adv + broadening1875 addition of Adv1876 addition of Cl1877 addition of VP1878 addition of VP


Page 175: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely1879 on the

placid bust1880, spoke1881 only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word1882 he did outpour1883.

Nothing further then he uttered - not a

feather then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more than muttered1884

`Other friends have flown before1885 -

On the morrow1886 will he1887 leave me,

as my hopes have flown before1888.'

Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

És a holló ülve helybe'1879 csak az egy

szót ismételve1880,

Mintha abban1881 volna lelke

kifejezve1882 teljesen1889.

Azután egyet se szóla, - meg se' rezzent

szárnya1890 tolla,

S én sugám (inkább gondolva)1883:

"Minden1886 elhagy, istenem1891!

Marad-é csak egy barátom1884? Lehet-é


A madár szólt: "Sohasem."

Startled at the stillness broken1892 by

reply so aptly spoken1893,

`Doubtless1894,' said I1895, `what it utters

is its only stock and store1896,

Caught1897 from some unhappy1898

Megrendültem, hogy talál az én

sóhajomra1905 a válasz,

Ámde1893 - ezt sugá a kétely1894 - nem

tud ez mást1895, úgy hiszem1906.

Erre tanitá1896 gazdája, kit kitartó1898

1879 omission of Adv1880 double transfer: merging of PrepP to N + broadening; CF: abstraction1881 narrowing1882 broadening1883 replacement; CF: concretisation1884 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1885 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1886 omission of PrepP1887 broadening; CF: forcing1888 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1889 addition of Adv1890 addition of N1891 addition of N1892 omission of PrepP1893 omission of AdvP1894 broadening; CF: milding1895 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1896 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1897 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward1898 omission of Adj


Page 176: Szakdolgozat (1)

master whom unmerciful1899 disaster1900

Followed fast and followed faster1901 till

his songs one burden bore1902 -

Till the dirges1903 of his hope that

melancholy burden bore1904

Of "Never-nevermore."'

sors viszálya1899

Addig ülde, addig hánya1900, míg ezt

dallá szüntelen1901 -

Tört1907 reménye omladékin ezt sohajtá


"Soha - soha - sohasem!"

1899 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1900 extension; CF: milding1901 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative1902 complete replacement; CF negative → neutral1903 replacement1904 complete replacement; CF: negative → neutral1905 addition of PrepP1906 addition of Cl1907 addition of Adj


Page 177: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven still1908 beguiling all my sad

soul1909 into smiling,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat1910 in

front of bird1911 and bust and door1912;

Then, upon the velvet1913 sinking1914, I

betook myself to linking1915

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this

ominous bird of yore1916 -

What this grim, ungainly1917, gaunt1918, and

ominous1919 bird of yore

Meant in croaking1920 `Nevermore.'

Rám a holló merőn nézve1921,

engem1908 is1922 mosolyra készte,

S oda ültem1909 ellenébe, ő1910 meg

szembe ült1923 velem1924.

Én magam' pamlagra1914 vetve,

képzeletről képzeletre

Szálla elmém1915 önfeledve1925, és

azon törém fejem':

Hogy e rémes, vijjogó1916, vad1918,

kopott1917 holló, szüntelen1926

Mért kiáltja1919 "sohasem"?

This I sat1927 engaged1928 in guessing, but

no syllable expressing

To the fowl1929 whose fiery1930 eyes now

Ezt találgatám magamban1940, a holló

előtt1941 azonban

Róla1928 egy hangot se' mondtam, s ő

1908 omission of Adv1909 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1910 merging of Cl into VP1911 broadening1912 omission of NP1913 omission of Adj1914 narrowing1915 broadening; CF: neutral → positive1916 omission of PrepP1917 replacement; CF: negative → neutral1918 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, forcing1919 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic, forcing1920 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1921 addition of VP1922 addition of Adjunct1923 addition of V1924 addition of Pron1925 addition of Adv1926 addition of Adv1927 omission of V1928 omission of Adv1929 broadening1930 replacement; CF: negative → neutral


Page 178: Szakdolgozat (1)

burned1931 into my bosom's core1932;

This and more I sat divining1933, with my

head at ease1934 reclining

On the cushion's velvet lining1935 that the

lamp-light gloated o'er1936,

But whose velvet violet lining with the

lamp-light gloating o'er, 1937

She1938 shall press1939, ah, nevermore!

csak nézett1930 mereven1931.

S kedvesem nevét sohajtván, fejem' a

vánkosra hajtám,

Melynek puha1942 bársony habját1934 –

érinteni1938 kedvesem1937

Ah! nem fogja sohasem!

1931 complete replacement; CF: milding1932 omission of PrepP1933 omission of Cl1934 omission of PrepP1935 replacement1936 omission of PrepP1937 omission of NP1938 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive1939 broadening; CF: milding1940 addition of Pron1941 addition of AdvP1942 addition of Adj


Page 179: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew

denser1943, perfumed1944 from an unseen


Swung1945 by Seraphim1946 whose foot-

falls tinkled on the tufted floor1947.

`Wretch1948,' I cried1949, `thy God hath

lent thee - by these angels he has sent


Respite - respite and nepenthe1950 from

thy memories of Lenore1951!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe1952,

and forget this lost Lenore1953!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

S mintha most a szagos1942 légbe' -

láthatatlan tömjén égne1943

S angyaloknak1945 zengne lépte -

szétszórt virágkelyheken1946...

"Ah1947 – rebegtem1948 - tán az isten küld

angyalt, hogy megenyhítsen,

S melyre földön balzsam nincsen1954 - a

bú feledve legyen1949!

Idd ki a felejtés kelyhét1951, búd enyhet

lel csöppiben1952!"

Szólt a holló: "Sohasem!"

1943 complete replacement; CF: concretisation1944 replacement; CF: forcing1945 omission of V1946 broadening1947 complete replacement1948 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1949 replacement; CF: milding1950 extension of N into Cl1951 omission of PrepP1952 extension of N into NP1953 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1954 addition of Cl


Page 180: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1955, `thing of evil1956! -

prophet1957 still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter sent1958, or whether

tempest tossed1959 thee here ashore1960,

Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert

land enchanted1961 -

On this home by horror haunted1962 - tell

me truly1963, I implore -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore1964!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! – kiálték1954 – bárki1955 légy te,

angyal1956, ördög madárképbe',

Vagy vihartól űzetél1958 be, pihenni az


Bár elhagyva, nem leverve - kifáradva

a keservbe'1966,

Most felelj meg nékem erre,

könyörgök s követelem1967:

Van-e balzsam Gíleádban - s én

valaha föllelem1968?"

Szólt a holló: "Sohasem!"

1955 narrowing; CF: forcing1956 merging of NP to N; CF: negative → neutral1957 replacement1958 omission of Cl1959 narrowing; CF: forcing; neutral → negative1960 omission of AdvP1961 omission of PrepP1962 omission of PrepP1963 omission of Adv1964 omission of Cl1965 addition of VP1966 addition of VP1967 addition of V1968 addition of Cl


Page 181: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said I1969, `thing of evil1970! -

prophet1971 still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven1972 that bends above us1973

- by that God we both adore1974 -

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within

the distant1975 Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted1976 maiden whom

the angels named Lenore -

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the

angels named Lenore?1977'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Jós! – kiálték1968 - bárki légy te,

angyal1970, ördög madárképbe'

Hogyha van hited1978 az égbe1971' - és

egy istent félsz1973 velem:

Szólj e szívhez keservében, - lesz-e

ama boldog1979 éden,

Ahol egyesítve légyen, kedvesével,

végtelen1980, -

Kit Lenórának neveznek az angyalok


Szólt a holló: "Sohasem!"

1969 see 19641970 see 19651971 see 19661972 broadening1973 omission of PrepP1974 narrowing; CF: positive → negative1975 omission of Adj1976 omission of Adj1977 omission of Cl1978 addition of VP1979 addition of Adj1980 addition of Adv1981 addition of Adv


Page 182: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting1982, bird

or fiend1983!' I shrieked1984 upstarting1985 -

`Get thee back into the tempest1986 and the

Night's Plutonian shore1987!

Leave no black1988 plume as a token of

that lie thy soul hath spoken1989!

Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit1990

the bust above my door1991!

Take thy beak1992 from out my heart, and

take thy form from off my door1993!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Menj tehát1981, pusztulj azonnal1994!"

– kiálték1983 rá fájdalommal1984,

"Vessz örökre1995 semmiségbe1985, a

pokoli1996 éjjelen!

Ne maradjon itt egyetlen toll,

emlékeztetni engem1988,

Hogy fölverted néma csendem - szállj

tovább1989, szállj hirtelen1997,

Vond ki körmedet1991 szivembõl, bár

szakadjon véresen1998!"

Szólt a holló: "Sohasem!"

1982 merging of Cl into VP1983 omission of NP1984 broadening; CF: negative → neutral1985 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative1986 replacement1987 omission of NP1988 omission of Adj1989 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward1990 double transfer: extension of V into VP + narrowing1991 omission of NP1992 replacement1993 omission of Cl1994 addition of VP1995 addition of Adv1996 addition of Adj1997 addition of VP1998 addition of VP


Page 183: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven1999, never flitting, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door2000;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming2001,

And the lamp-light o'er him

streaming2002 throws his shadow on the


And my soul from out that shadow that

lies2004 floating on the floor2005

Shall be lifted2006 - nevermore!

S barna2007 szárnya1998 meg se lendül,

mind csak ott ül, mind csak fent1999 ül,

Akármerre fordulok, csak szemben ül

mindig velem2008.

Szemei meredt2009 világa, mint kisértet

rémes árnya2000,

S körülötte a bús2010 lámpa fénye

reszket2001 kétesen2011,

S lelkem - ah! e néma2012 árnytól, mely

körülleng rémesen2013 -

Nem menekszik2002 - sohasem!

1999 narrowing2000 double transfer: merging of PrepP into Adv + broadening2001 replacement; CF: neutral → negative2002 replacement; CF: milding, neutral → negative2003 omission of VP2004 omission of V2005 omission of PrepP2006 replacement; CF: neutral → negative2007 addition of Adj2008 addition of Cl2009 addition of Adj2010 addition of NP2011 addition of Adv2012 addition of Adj2013 addition of Adv


Page 184: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 252

omissions total: 60

omissions of N: 5omissions of NP: 7omissions of Pron: 0omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 4omissions of VP: 2omissions of Adv: 7omissions of AdvP: 2omissions of Adj: 9omissions of AdjP: 2omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 17omissions of Cl: 5

additions total: 63

additions of N: 5additions of NP: 3additions of Pron: 2additions of Det: 0additions of V: 4additions of VP: 10additions of Adj: 7additions of Adv: 20additions of AdvP: 3additions of Adj: 0additions of AdjP: 1additions of Adjunct: 1additions of Cl: 6

replacements total: 56complete replacements: 22

narrowings: 23broadenings: 26

mergings: 11extensions: 11


Page 185: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 12mildings: 10abstractions: 2

concretisations: 6

dynamism: 5stativism: 5

transfers:neutral → positive: 4negative → neutral: 15negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 12positive → neutral: 1positive → negative: 2

cuase-causality shift:forward: 8backward: 4


Page 186: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Béla Telekes

Once upon a midnight dreary2014, while

I pondered weak and weary2015,

Over many2016 a quaint2017 and

curious2018 volume of forgotten2019 lore,

While I nodded2020, nearly2021 napping,

suddenly there came a tapping2022,

As of some one2023 gently2024 rapping,

rapping at my chamber door.

`'Tis some2025 visitor,' I muttered2026,

`tapping at my chamber door2027 -

Only this, and nothing2028 more.'

Egyszer, bús2013 éjféli csendben2029

fáradt2014-unottan2030 töprengtem,

Kínzott2031 pár2015 könyv régholt2018,

fránya2016 tanainak nagy sora2032,

Megrogytam2019 már2020 bóbiskolva s ím

ajtómról félálomba'2033

Mintha kopogtattak volna - nesz2034

koppant, halk, tétova2023...

"Vendég jönne2035?" – ámuldoztam2025.

"Az lesz, az, e nesz oka2026.

Mi más volna? Kicsoda2027?"

2014 replacement; CF: milding2015 merging of AdvPto Adv2016 narrowing2017 narrowing; CF: forcing2018 omission of Adj2019 narrowing; CF: forcing2020 broadening; CF: forcing2021 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2022 omission of Cl2023 omission of NP2024 extension of Adv to AdvP; CF: concretisation2025 omission of Det2026 replacement; CF: forcing, dynamic → stative2027 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2028 narrowing2029 addition of N2030 addition of Adv2031 addition of V2032 addition of NP2033 addition of N2034 addition of N2035 addition of V


Page 187: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly2036 I remember it was in

the bleak December,

And each separate2037 dying2038 ember

wrought2039 its ghost2040 upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished2041 the morrow; -

vainly2042 I had sought to borrow2043

From my books surcease2044 of

sorrow2045 - sorrow for the lost2046

Lenore -

For the rare2047 and radiant maiden2048

whom the angels named Lenore -

Nameless here for evermore2049.

Emlékszem, óh jól2035 emlékszem,

december volt s zord éjében2050

Padlómra már lelke-tűnten2037

csillant2039 kályhám2051 parazsa. -

S én csak vártam, hadd virradna!

Könyvem sok vén-betűs lapja2052

Tán2041 gyógyírt önt2043 fájdalmamra2044,

hogy Lenórám már2053 oda2045 -

Őt2047, a bájt2046 s fényt Lenórának

angyalraj szólítja ma.

Itt nincs neve, nincs hona2054.

2036 broadening; CF: milding2037 omission of Det2038 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2039 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic2040 omission of N2041 replacement; CF: stative → dynamic2042 broadening; CF: milding, negative → neutral2043 omission of VP2044 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, stative → dnyamic2045 replacement; CF: milding2046 broadening; CF: milding2047 replacement; CF: milding, neutral → positive2048 broadening2049 omission of Adv2050 addition of N2051 addition of N2052 addition of NP2053 addition of Adv2054 addition of N


Page 188: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad2055 uncertain2056

rustling2057 of each purple curtain

Thrilled2058 me - filled2059 me with

fantastic2060 terrors never2061 felt


So that now2063, to still the beating2064

of my heart, I stood repeating2065

`'Tis some2066 visitor entreating

entrance2067 at my chamber door2068 -

Some2069 late visitor entreating

entrance2070 at my chamber door2071; -

This it is2072, and nothing2073 more,'

S rémlett2055, leng2056 a függöny, s

látszott2074, mintha járna2075 szörnyü2054


Bíbor selymén valami2077 torz2059,

gyötrő2057 sejtés iszonya:

Szívem izgult2063 megriadtan2078 s én

hiába2079 csitítgattam:

"Látogató jött2066, váratlan2067 - csak ez

volt a nesz oka2080!

Késö vendég s kocogása2069 azért2081

volt2082 oly tétova2083.

Mást ki hinne2071? Nincs csoda1072."

2055 replacement; CF: forcing2056 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2057 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing2058 broadening; CF: dynamic → stative2059 omission of V2060 replacement; CF: positive → negative2061 omission of Adv2062 omission of Adv2063 omission of PrepP2064 narrowing; CF: forcing, dynamic → stative2065 omission of Cl2066 narrowing2067 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causaliy: backward2068 omission of PrepP2069 omission of Det2070 complete replacement; CF: concretiastion2071 omission of PrepP2072 narrowing2073 narrowing2074 addition of V2075 addition of V2076 addition of N2077 addition of N2078 addition of Adv2079 addition of Adv2080 addition of Cl2081 addition of Adv2082 addition of V2083 addition of AdjP


Page 189: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently my soul grew stronger2084;

hesitating then no longer2085,

`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly2086 your

forgiveness I implore2087;

But the fact2088 is I2089 was napping2090,

and so gently2091 you came2092 rapping,

And so faintly2093 you came2094

tapping2095, tapping at my chamber


That I scarce was sure I heard you2097' -

here I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing2098 more.

S máris nekibátorodtam2083 s - "Uram" -

szóltam meghatottan2099

"Avagy úrnőm, megbocsásson,

álmos2089 fejem2088 volt oka2087...

S ön oly halkan2090 zörgetett be, alig2092

hallszott2094 s ébredezve2100

Fülemnek sem hittem persze2096..." - Így

szóltam s ím, gúny-csoda2101!

Amint ajtómat kitárom, künn mi várt

rám2102? - Éjszaka!

Némán2103, csak az éj85 maga.

2084 complete replacement2085 omission of VP2086 omission of Adv2087 omission of V2088 replacement2089 narrowing2090 broadening; CF: milding, shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative2091 narrowing2092 omission of V2093 broadening2094 omission of V2095 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, dynamic → stative2096 omission of PrepP2097 complete replacement2098 narrowing2099 addition of Adv2100 addition of Adv2101 addition of Cl2102 addition of Cl2103 addition of Adv


Page 190: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep2104 into that darkness peering,

long2105 I stood2106 there wondering,


Doubting2107, dreaming2108 dreams2109 no

mortal2110 ever dared to dream2111 before

But the silence was unbroken2112, and the

darkness gave no token2113,

And the only word there spoken2114 was

the whispered2115 word, `Lenore!'

This I whispered2116, and an echo

murmured2117 back the word2118, `Lenore!'

Merely this and nothing2119 more.

Szemmeresztve sötétjébe s

szívszorongón2106 csodát kérve2120

Lestem2107 jelt2128, amilyet ember97

nem mert várni2130 még soha,

De csöndjét az éji óra2121

irgalmatlanul2122 megóvta2112 -

Csak egy szó sírt2113, egy: Lenóra!

Búm2123 sóvárgó2124, halk2114 szava,

S csak visszhangja sírt2116: Lenóra. -

Mint elhaló2125 gyászdala2117...

Semmi más! Óh nincs2118 csoda.

2104 omission of Adv2105 omission of Adv2106 omission of V2107 merging of Adv to AdvP; CF: milding2108 replacement2109 replacement2110 narrowing2111 replacement2112 omission of Adj2113 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, abstraction2114 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2115 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative2116 omission of Cl2117 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2118 replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2119 narrowing2120 addition of V2121 addition of N2122 addition of Adv2123 addition of N2124 addition of Adj2125 addition of Adj


Page 191: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all my

soul2126 within me burning2127,

Soon2128 again I heard2129 a tapping2130

somewhat2131 louder than before2132.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is

something2133 at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and

this mystery explore2134 -

Let my heart be still a moment2135 and

this mystery explore2136; -

'Tis the wind and nothing2137 more!'

S visszatértem kis2138 szobámba,

izzott2126 még2139 a vérem láza2125

S ím uj nesszel2129, hangosabbal

köszöntött2128 a kis szoba2140!

"Persze" - mondtam csüggedetten2141

"most ablakon zörren, csetten2142...

Lássuk hát, hogy éji csendem

riasztása2143 micsoda?!

Csitt, szivem! Várj! Mindjárt2144

meglásd2135, mi e titok orv oka2145 -

Csak a szél! Nincs más oka2136."

2126 complete replacement; CF: forcing2127 broadening; CF: milding2128 omission of Adv2129 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2130 broadening2131 omission of Adv2132 omission of Adv2133 omission of N2134 omission of Cl2135 omission of Adv2136 broadening; CF: concretisation2137 narrowing2138 addition of Adj2139 addition of Adv2140 addition of NP2141 addition of Adv2142 addition of VP2143 addition of NP2144 addition of Adv2145 addition of NP


Page 192: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung2146 the shutter, when,

with many a flirt and flutter2147,

In there stepped2148 a stately2149 raven of

the saintly days2150 of yore.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute2151 stopped or stayed2152 he;

But, with mien of lord or lady,

perched2153 above my chamber door -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door -

Perched, and sat2154, and nothing more.

Ablakomat kinyitottam2145 s ím nagy

hetykén, bizton2155, gyorsan2146

Köpcös2148 holló billegett2147 be, ős

mondák2156 szent madara2157.

Engem fittyel sem köszöntve - meg

nem állt, mind beljebb jött be2151

Ahogy lord vagy lady jönne - s ajtóm

fölé szállt2152, oda,

Hol Pallas mellszobra díszlik2158, ajtóm

fölé ült, oda!

S nem moccant2153 onnan2159 tova.

2146 broadening; CF: milding2147 broadening2148 narrowing2149 replacement; CF: positive → neutral, concretisation2150 omission of N2151 omission of Adv2152 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing2153 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing2154 broadening2155 addition of Adv2156 addition of N2157 addition of N2158 addition of V2159 addition of Adv


Page 193: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird2160 beguiling my

sad2161 fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the

countenance it wore2162,

`Though thy crest be shorn and

shaven2163, thou,' I said, `art sure no


Ghastly grim2164 and ancient raven

wandering from the nightly shore2165 -

Tell me what thy lordly2166 name is on

the Night's Plutonian shore2167!'

Quoth the raven2168, `Nevermore.'

S amily büszkén ült ott ében

tollgunyája2159 fönségében2169,

Gyász kedvemet mosolygóvá cserélte a

vén koma2161.

S szóltam: Bármint hetykélkednél2162

tudom, nem vagy cenk ellenfél2170,

Bölcs2163 holló vagy, ős-nemes2171 vér2172,

vad2173 éjvilág2164 vándora...

Mondd, mily néven címez ott lenn a

plutói éj hona2166?

S megszólalt! Így szólt: "Soha!"

2160 narrowing2161 narrowing; CF: forcing2162 complete replacement; CF: abstraction2163 complete replacement; CF: negative → neutral, shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2164 replacement; CF: negative → positive2165 broadening2166 omission of Adj2167 broadening; CF: concretisation2168 omission of N2169 addition of N2170 addition of N2171 addition of Adj2172 addition of N2173 addition of Adj


Page 194: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl2174

to hear2175 discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaning2176 -

little relevancy bore2177;

For we cannot help agreeing2178 that no

living human being2179

Ever yet was blessed2180 with seeing bird

above his chamber door2181 -

Bird or beast above2182 the sculptured2183

bust above his chamber door2184,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Elámultam kajla csőre2173 tiszta

hangján, épp csak dőre

Furcsaság2175 volt válaszképpen nevet-

valló egy-szava2176...

Bár szent-igaz2177, még furcsább2185 ám

ajtónk szobros fej-párkányán2186

Efféle csúf madár-látvány! S

hallották2179-e valaha,

Hogy egyáltalán van2187 ilyen2188

madárképü szörny-csoda

S neve ez a szó2189: Soha!

2174 narrowing2175 omission of VP2176 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2177 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2178 complete replacement2179 omission of NP2180 broadening; CF: stative → dynamic, positive → neutral2181 omission of PrepP2182 omission of Prep2183 omission of Adj2184 omission of PrepP2185 addition of AdjP2186 addition of NP2187 addition of VP2188 addition of Adj2189 addition of N


Page 195: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely2190 on the

placid bust, spoke only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word2191 he did outpour2192.

Nothing further then he uttered2193 - not a

feather2194 then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more2195 than muttered

`Other2196 friends have flown2197


On the morrow will he leave me, as my

hopes have flown2199 before2200.'

Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

S úgy2189 ült ott, a busa szobron s

mondta egyre ezt a zordon2201

Egy-szót Hollóm, mintha ebben2190

lelke élne s létjoga2202.

Csőre2203 nem nyílt2192 semmi másra,

nem rezzent meg éjszin2204 szárnya2193

S én csak2194 sóhajtottam fázva2205:

"Majd-csak2206 elmegy2196, el, tova2207,

Mint barátok s mint reményem –

tűnik2198 holnap máshova2208."

S szólt a madár, szólt: "Soha!"

2190 broadening2191 broadening2192 replacement2193 broadening2194 broadening2195 broadening; CF: milding2196 omission of Det2197 broadening2198 omission of Adv2199 broadening2200 omission of Adv2201 addition of Adj2202 addition of N2203 addition of N2204 addition of Adj2205 addition of Adv2206 addition of AdvP2207 addition of AdvP2208 addition of Adv


Page 196: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled at the stillness2209 broken2210 by

reply2211 so aptly spoken2212,

`Doubtless2213,' said2214 I, `what it

utters2215 is its only stock and store,

Caught from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster2216

Followed fast and followed faster2217 till

his songs2218 one burden bore2219 -

Till the dirges2220 of his hope2221 that

melancholy burden bore2222

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Meghökkentem. Ez a nagy2211 szó2210

bizony nyugalom-riasztó2209,

De gondoltam2213, csak ezt tudja2214,

nem volt s nincs szólajstroma.

Gazdája tán szerencsétlen - flótás-

féle2223 egykor, régen2224

Így soházott2217 keservében2219 s ő azt

utánozza ma2218.

Biztos, attól tanulhatta, s oly jól azért

mondja ma2221

Mindig2225 csak azt, hogy soha.

2209 omission of NP2210 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative, forcing2211 broadening2212 complete replacement; CF: milding, abstraction, neutral → positive2213 omission of Adv2214 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative2215 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative2216 omission of N2217 omission of VP2218 narrowing; CF: concretisation2219 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2220 replacement; CF: abstraction2221 omission of N2222 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, negative → positive2223 addition of NP2224 addition of AdvP2225 addition of Adv


Page 197: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven2226 still beguiling all my sad

soul into smiling2227,

Straight2228 I wheeled a cushioned seat in

front of bird and bust and door2229;

Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook 2230

myself2231 to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this

ominous2232 bird2233 of yore2234 -

What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and

ominous2235 bird of yore

Meant in croaking2236 `Nevermore.'

S újra kissé2237 felvidultan2226 - párnás

székem arrébb2238 húztam,

Szemtől szembe lássuk2239

egymást2228, éjem konok zsarnoka2240!

S becézett2241 a puha bársony; száz2242

képzelmü2229 firtatáson

Kelt és illant száz2243 ábrándom:

hollóm2232 titka2244 micsoda?

E kaján ős-rém titkának2245 - nyitja

vajjon micsoda?

Szava2235 miért csak: soha?

2226 omission of N2227 merging of VP2228 omission of Adv2229 narrowing; CF: abstraction2230 replacement2231 omission of Pron2232 omission of Adj2233 narrowing2234 omission of N2235 omission of AdjP2236 broadening; CF: negative → neutral2237 addition of Adv2238 addition of Adv2239 addition of V2240 addition of NP2241 addition of V2242 addition of Adv2243 addition of Adv2244 addition of N2245 addition of N


Page 198: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat engaged in guessing2246, but no

syllable2247 expressing2248

To the fowl whose fiery2249 eyes now2250

burned2251 into my bosom's core2252;

This and more I sat2253 divining2254, with

my head at ease reclining

On the cushion's velvet lining2255 that the

lamp-light gloated2256 o'er,

But whose velvet violet lining2257 with the

lamp-light gloating2258 o'er,

She shall press2259, ah, nevermore!

Így ültem ott2260 - szőve-bontva2245

ezer kérdést2261, gondot gondra2262,

Míg a madár szeme izzón2248 fúrt2250

sziven2251, hit gyilkosa2263!

S titok-résen, vágy-szövésen2253 fejem

odalankadt éppen,

Ahol lámpám fénykörében más fej 2264

pihent valaha2265...

Égszin bársonyon, fénykörben

Szentem2266 pihent valaha2267.

S többé nem pihen2258 soha.

2246 merging of AdvP2247 omission of N2248 omission of Adv2249 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, forcing2250 omission of Adv2251 narrowing; CF: forcing2252 narrowing2253 omission of V2254 extension of Adv to AdvP2255 omission of PrepP2256 omission of V2257 omission of N2258 omission of V2259 broadening; CF: concretisation2260 addition of Adv2261 addition of NP2262 addition of NP2263 addition of NP2264 addition of NP2265 addition of VP2266 addition of N2267 addition of VP


Page 199: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew

denser2268, perfumed2269 from an

unseen2270 censer

Swung2271 by Seraphim2272 whose foot-

falls2273 tinkled on the tufted floor2274.

`Wretch2275,' I cried2276, `thy God2277

hath lent thee - by these angels2278 he

has sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy

memories of Lenore2279!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind2280

nepenthe2281, and forget this lost


Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

S úgy tetszett, a lég páráján2267 égi2269

tömjén füstje2283 száll2268 rám

S dal zeng2284 s bolyhos szőnyegemen2273

táncol2272 angyalok2271 raja2285...

"Bús szivem2274, lásd2286", mondtam2275,

"hozzád leszállt s hoz írt a


Nepenthe-nedv jó orvosság: örök2287

felejtés2278 bora2288.

Idd, óh idd hát ezt a hűs2279 bort2280,

vár2289 a felejtés hona2290!"

S szólt a Holló, szólt: "Soha!"

2268 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, milding2269 broadening2270 replacement2271 omission of V2272 broadening2273 narrowing; CF: forcing2274 narrowing2275 complete replacement; CF: milding2276 broadening; CF: negative → neutral, milding2277 omission of Pron2278 complete replacement; CF: abstraction2279 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2280 narrowing2281 broadening; CF: concretisation2282 omission of NP2283 addition of N2284 addition of Cl2285 addition of N2286 addition of V2287 addition of Adj2288 addition of N2289 addition of V2290 addition of N


Page 200: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said2291 I, `thing of evil2292! -

prophet still, if bird2293 or devil! -

Whether tempter2294 sent, or whether

tempest tossed2295 thee here ashore,

Desolate yet all undaunted2296, on this

desert land2297 enchanted2298 -

On this home by horror haunted2299 -

tell me truly2300, I implore2301 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore2302!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Sorslátó, te" -, sírtam2290, "átkos rém2291-

jós, ördög avagy más rossz2292,

Ha sátán küld, ha vihar vert2294 ide e

zord2303 partra ma2304,

Én roncsul is büszke-bátran2295 itt e

rémségek2297 házában2296,

Hol rabláncon minden vágyam2305,

kérlek2300, mondd meg, mondd nosza2306,

Van-e balzsam Gileádban, lesz-e

búmnak balzsama2301?"

S szólt a Holló, szólt: "Soha!"

2291 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2292 complete replacement; CF: forcing2293 broadening; CF: neutral → negative2294 narrowing; CF: concretisation2295 narrowing; CF: forcing2296 broadening; CF: milding2297 replacement2298 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2299 omission of PrepP2300 omission of Adv2301 broadening; CF: milding2302 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, concretisation2303 addition of Adj2304 addition of Adv2305 addition of Cl2306 addition of V


Page 201: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said2307 I, `thing of evil2308! -

prophet still, if bird2309 or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us2310 -

by that God we both adore2311 -

Tell this soul2312 with sorrow laden2313 if,

within the distant Aidenn2314,

It shall clasp2315 a sainted maiden2316

whom the angels named Lenore -

Clasp2317 a rare2318 and radiant

maiden2319, whom the angels named


Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Sorslátó, te!", nyögtem2306, "átkos

rém2307-jós, ördög avagy más rossz2308,

Ha istent félsz2310, mint én s hiszed2321,

hogy a menny nem babona2322,

Mondd meg - s tán enyhülne2312 éjem2311

- vár-e2323 üdv2324 a messze égben2313?

Szép2325 Lenórám, angyal-néven, kit

nem szennyez föld pora2315,

Szép2317 Lenórám, ki csupa fény, vár-e

csókra még2316 oda2326?"

S szólt a Holló, szólt: "Soha!"

2307 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2308 see 22912309 see 22922310 omission of VP2311 narrowing; CF: forcing, positive → negative2312 replacement2313 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2314 broadening2315 omission of V2316 complete replacement; CF: abstraction2317 complete replacement; CF: milding2318 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive, forcing2319 omission of N2320 omission of PrepP2321 addition of V2322 addition of NP2323 addition of VP2324 addition of N2325 addition of Adj2326 addition of Adv


Page 202: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word our sign of parting2327,

bird or fiend!' I shrieked2328


`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's Plutonian shore2330!

Leave no black plume as a token of

that lie thy soul hath spoken2331!

Leave2332 my loneliness2333

unbroken2334! - quit the bust above my


Take2335 thy beak from out my heart,

and take thy form2336 from off my


Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"De most búcsúzzál ám2326!" –

hörgött2327 kínom2337 rá - "madár vagy


Tűnj oda, hol bősz2338 vihar vár2339 s

zord2340 plutói éj hona!

Itt egy pelyhed sem maradhat! El2341,

torzlelkü2342, éjszin fajzat2343!

Többé2331 itt2344 nem ölsz2333

nyugalmat2332! El szobromról2345, szörny


El2334 csőröddel a szívemből! El

ajtómnál, csúf-csoda2335!"

S szólt a Holló, szólt: "Soha!"

2327 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2328 narrowing; CF: milding2329 omission of Adv2330 broadening; CF: concretisation2331 omission of AdvP2332 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, dynamic → stative2333 narrowing; CF: negative → neutral2334 narrowing; CF: forcing2335 broadening2336 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2337 addition of N2338 addition of Adj2339 addition of V2340 addition of Adj2341 addition of VP2342 addition of N2343 addition of N2344 addition of Adv2345 addition of Cl2346 addition of NP


Page 203: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven2347, never flitting, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust2348 of Pallas just above

my chamber door;

And his eyes2349 have all the seeming2350

of a demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light2351 o'er him

streaming2352 throws2353 his shadow on

the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that

lies floating2354 on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!

De a szárnya2346 meg sem rebbent. Õ

csak ült, ült peckesen2355 fent -

Ajtóm sápadt Pallasán mint

mozdulatlan rém-csoda2356!

Ült2349 mint álmos démon s este2357,

mikor mécsem ég2350 felette,

Dől2352 árnyéka szívdermesztve2358

padlómra s jaj, mekkora2359!

Lelkem e nagy-nagy2360 árnyékból mit

padlómra vet2353 oda,

Nem röppen már föl soha!

2347 narrowing2348 omission of N2349 omission of N2350 complete replacement; CF: stative → dynamic2351 narrowing2352 omission of V2353 broadening; CF: milding2354 merging of VP to V; CF: forcing2355 addition of Adv2356 addition of NP2357 addition of Adv2358 addition of Adv2359 addition of AdvP2360 addition of AdjP


Page 204: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 347

omissions total: 79

omissions of N: 13omissions of NP: 4omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 4omissions of V: 11omissions of VP: 5omissions of Adv: 19omissions of AdvP: 1omissions of Adj: 5omissions of AdjP: 1omissions of Prep: 1omissions of PrepP: 9omissions of Cl: 4

additions total: 118

additions of N: 29additions of NP: 15additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additinos of V: 14additions of VP: 6additions of Adv: 28additions of AdvP: 4additions of Adj: 13additions of AdjP: 3additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 6

replacements total: 61complete replacements: 28

narrowings: 43broadenings: 39

mergings: 5extensions: 2


Page 205: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 25mildings: 20

abstractions: 7concretisations: 11

dynamism: 4stativism: 9

transfers:neutral → positive: 4negative → neutral: 6negative → positive: 2neutral → negative: 11positive → neutral: 2positive → negative: 2

cause-causality shifts:forward: 16backward: 7


Page 206: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Árpád Tóth

Once upon a midnight dreary2361, while I

pondered weak and weary2362,

Over many2363 a quaint and curious2364

volume of forgotten2365 lore2366,

While I nodded2367, nearly napping2368,

suddenly there came2369 a tapping,

As of some one2370 gently rapping,

rapping at my chamber door.

`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered2371,

`tapping at my chamber door2372 -

Only this, and nothing more2373.'

Egyszer egy bús2360 éjféltájon, míg

borongtam zsongva, fájón2361,

S furcsa könyvek altatgattak, holt2364

mesékből2365 vén2374 bazár2362,

Lankadt2367 főm már le-ledobbant7,

mikor ím valami2375 koppant,

Künn2376 az ajtón, mintha roppant

halkan roppanna a zár2369.

"Vendég lesz az", így2377 tünődtem2370,

"azért roppan künn2378 a zár2371,

Az lesz, más ki lenne már2372?"

2361 replacement2362 narrowing; CF: forcing2363 broadening; CF: abstraction2364 omission of Adj2365 narrowing; CF: forcing2366 replacement2367 narrowing; CF: forcing2368 merging of VP to Adj; CF: dynamic → stative2369 omission of VP2370 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2371 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative2372 narrowing2373 complete replacement; CF: abstraction2374 addition of Adj2375 addition of N2376 addition of Adv2377 addition of Adv2378 addition of Adv


Page 207: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ah, distinctly2379 I remember it was in

the bleak2380 December,

And each separate2381 dying2382 ember

wrought2383 its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly2384 I wished2385 the morrow; -

vainly2386 I had sought to borrow2387

From my books2388 surcease of sorrow -

sorrow for the lost2389 Lenore -

For the rare2390 and radiant maiden2391

whom the angels named Lenore -

Nameless here2392 for evermore.

Óh, az emlék hogy sziven ver2378:

padlómon a vak2379 december

Éjén2393 fantóm-rejtelemmel2394

húnyt2381 el minden szénsugár,

És én vártam2384: hátha2383 virrad s a

sok2395 vén2396 betűvel írt lap2387

Bánatomra hátha2385 írt ad2386, szép2397

Lenórám halva2388 bár,

Fény leánya2390, angyal-néven szép2389

Lenórám halva2398 bár,

S földi2391 néven senki már.

2379 complete replacement; CF: stative → dynamic, forcing, abstraction2380 narrowing2381 omission of Det2382 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2383 omission of VP2384 broadening; CF: milding2385 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic, milding2386 replacement; CF: abstraction2387 complete replacement; CF: milding, shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2388 narrowing2389 narrowing; CF: forcing2390 replacement; CF: neutral → positive, milding2391 broadening; CF: positive → neutral2392 broadening; CF: concretisation2393 addition of N2394 addition of NP2395 addition of Adv2396 addition of Adj2397 addition of Adj2398 addition of Adv


Page 208: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the silken sad uncertain2399 rustling

of each2400 purple curtain

Thrilled2401 me - filled2402 me with

fantastic2403 terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my

heart, I stood repeating

`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance2404

at my chamber door2405 -

Some late visitor entreating entrance2406

at my chamber door2407; -

This it is, and nothing more2408,'

S úgy tetszett2401: a függöny leng2409 és

bíborán bús selymü zengés2410

Fájó, vájó2400, sohse sejtett torz2402

iszonyt suhogva jár2411, -

Rémült2412 szívem izgatottan2413

lüktetett s én csititottam:

"Látogató lesz az ottan2414, azért

roppan2403 künn2415 a zár2404.

Késő vendég lesz az ottan2416, azért

roppan2405 künn2417 a zár,

Az lesz, más ki lenne már2407?"

2399 omission of Adj2400 omission of Det2401 extension of V to AdjP; CF: milding, concretisation2402 complete replacement; CF: milding2403 replacement; CF: positive → negative2404 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2405 narrowing2406 see 24032407 see 24042408 see 23722409 addition of V2410 addition of N2411 addition of V2412 addition of Adj2413 addition of Adv2414 addition of Adv2415 addition of Adv2416 addition of Adv2417 addition of Adv


Page 209: Szakdolgozat (1)

Presently2418 my soul grew2419

stronger2420; hesitating then no


`Sir,' said2422 I, `or Madam, truly2423 your

forgiveness I implore2424;

But the fact is I was napping2425, and so

gently2426 you came2427 rapping,

And so faintly2428 you came2429 tapping,

tapping at my chamber door2430,

That I scarce was sure I heard you2431' -

here2432 I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there2433, and nothing more.

Visszatérve2418 lelkem mersze2419,

habozásom elmúlt2420 persze,

S "Uram", kezdtem2421, "avagy Úrnőm,

megbocsájtja, ugyebár2423?

Ámde tény, hogy már ledobbant álmos

főm2424 és Ön meg roppant2425

Halkan zörgött, alig2427 koppant: alig2434

roppant rá a zár2429,

Nem is hittem a fülemnek2430." - S ajtót

tártam, nyílt a zár2435:

Éj volt künn2432, más semmi már.

2418 omission of Adv2419 replacement; CF: abstraction2420 replacement; CF: concretisation, milding2421 replacement2422 narrowing2423 omission of Adv2424 replacement; CF: milding2425 extension of VP; CF: forcing2426 narrowing; CF: forcing2427 omission of V2428 broadening; CF: abstraction2429 omission of V2430 see 24062431 complete replacement; CF: obligatory transfer2432 omission of Adv2433 narrowing2434 addition of Adv2435 addition of Cl


Page 210: Szakdolgozat (1)

Deep into that darkness2436 peering,

long2437 I stood2438 there2439 wondering,


Doubting2440, dreaming2441 dreams no

mortal ever dared2442 to dream before

But the silence was unbroken, and the

darkness gave no token2443,

And the only word there spoken2444 was

the whispered2445 word, `Lenore!'

This2446 I whispered, and an echo

murmured2447 back the word2448, `Lenore!'

Merely2449 this and nothing more.

S mély homályba2435 elmeredtem,

szívvel2450, mely csodákra retten,

Látást vártam2440, milyet gyáva2441

földi álom sohse tár2451;

Ám a csend, a nagy, kegyetlen

csend2452 csak állott2453 megszegetlen,

Nem búgott2444 más, csak egyetlen

szó: "Lenóra!" - halk, sovár

Hangon2454 én búgtam: "Lenóra!" s

visszhang kelt2446 rá, halk, sovár2455,

Ez hangzott2456 s más semmi már.

2436 replacement2437 omission of Adv2438 omission of V2439 omission of Adv2440 omission of Adv2441 replacement2442 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2443 omission of Cl2444 omission of Adv2445 broadening2446 omission of Pron2447 broadening; CF: abstraction2448 omission of N2449 omission of Adv2450 addition of N2451 addition of V2452 addition of N2453 addition of V2454 addition of AdvP2455 addition of AdjP2456 addition of V


Page 211: Szakdolgozat (1)

Back into the chamber turning, all2457 my

soul2458 within me2459 burning,

Soon again I heard2460 a tapping

somewhat louder than before2461.

`Surely,' said I, `surely that is

something2462 at my window lattice;

Let me see then2463, what2464 thereat is,

and this mystery explore2465 -

Let my heart be still a moment and this

mystery explore2466; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

S hogy szobámba visszatértem s még

tüzelt javába2456 vérem2457,

Hirtelen, már hangosabban, újra

zörrent holmi zár2467,

S szóltam: "Persze, biztosan csak

megzörrent2461 a rácsos ablak,

No te zaj2463, most rajtakaplak2462,

híres2468 titkod most lejár2464,

Csitt, szivem, még csak egy percig,

most a nagy2469 titok lejár2465.

Szél lesz az, más semmi már!"

2457 replacement; CF: concretisation, forcing2458 replacement2459 omission of PrepP2460 omission of V2461 omission of Adv2462 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, stative → dynamic2463 narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, forcing2464 narrowing; CF: concretisation2465 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2466 see 24642467 addition of NP2468 addition of Adj2469 addition of Adj


Page 212: Szakdolgozat (1)

Open here I flung2470 the shutter, when,

with many a flirt and flutter2471,

In there stepped a stately2472 raven of the

saintly2473 days of yore.

Not the least obeisance made he; not a

minute2474 stopped or stayed2475 he;

But, with mien2476 of lord or lady,

perched above my chamber door -

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door -

Perched, and sat, and nothing2477 more.

Azzal ablakom kitártam2469 s íme

garral2478, hetyke-bátran2470

Roppant2471 Holló léptetett be,

mesebeli2472 vén madár,

S rám nem is biccentve orrot2479, meg

sem állt és fennen hordott

Csőrrel2475 ladyt s büszke2480 lordot

mímelt2481 s mint kit helye vár2482,

Ajtóm felett, Pallasz szobrán megült,

mint kit helye vár2483 -

Ült, nem is moccanva2476 már.

2470 broadening; CF: milding2471 replacement2472 broadening; CF: forcing2473 replacement; CF: positive → negative2474 omission of Adv2475 omission of V2476 double transfer: extension of N to AdvP + narrowing; CF: concretisation, neutral → negative2477 narrowing; CF: concretisation2478 addition of N2479 addition of N2480 addition of Adj2481 addition of V2482 addition of AdvP2483 see 2603


Page 213: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad2484

fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern2485 decorum of the

countenance2486 it wore2487,

`Though thy crest be shorn and

shaven2488, thou,' I said, `art sure no


Ghastly2490 grim and ancient raven

wandering2491 from the nightly shore -

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the

Night's Plutonian shore2492!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

S ahogy2493 guggolt2486 zordon2484 ében

méltóságu tollmezében2485,

Gyászos2483 kedvem mosolygóra

váltotta a vén2494 madár -

S szóltam: "Bár meg vagy te nyesve,

jól tudom, nem vagy te beste12488,

Zord holló vagy, ős nemes2495 te, éji

part küld2490, vad határ2496,

Mondd, mily néven tisztel ott lenn a

plútói mély, vad2497 ár2491?"

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már."

2484 narrowing; CF: forcing2485 merging of AdjP to Adj2486 narrowing; CF: concretisation2487 replacement2488 omission of Adv2489 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, forcing2490 omission of Adj2491 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2492 replacement2493 addition of Adv2494 addition of Adj2495 addition of N2496 addition of NP2497 addition of AdjP


Page 214: Szakdolgozat (1)

Much2498 I marvelled this ungainly2499

fowl2500 to hear2501 discourse2502 so


Though its answer2504 little meaning2505 -

little relevancy2506 bore;

For we cannot help agreeing2507 that no

living human being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird

above2508 his chamber door -

Bird or beast above2509 the sculptured2510

bust above his chamber door,

With such name as `Nevermore.'

Ámultam, hogy ferde2498 csőrén2499

ilyen tártan, ilyen pőrén2502

Kél a hang2501, okos2504, komoly2505

szó2511 alig volt a szava 2503 bár,

Ám el az sem hallgatandó2506, hogy

nem is volt még halandó,

Kit, hogy felnézett, az ajtó vállán2507

így2512 várt2513 egy madár,

Ajtajának szobra vállán2508 egy ilyen

szörny vagy madár,

Kinek neve: "Soha már."

2498 omission of Adv2499 narrowing2500 narrowing2501 omission of VP2502 double transfer: extension of V to Cl + broadening2503 extension of AdvP2504 broadening2505 narrowing; CF: concretisation2506 narrowing; CF: forcing2507 complete replacement; CF: obligatory transfer2508 narrowing2509 see 25022510 omission of Adj2511 addition of N2512 addition of Adv2513 addition of V


Page 215: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven, sitting lonely2514 on the

placid2515 bust, spoke2516 only,

That one word, as if his soul in that one

word2517 he did outpour.

Nothing further then he uttered2518 - not a

feather then he fluttered -

Till I scarcely more2519 than muttered

`Other friends have flown2520 before2521 -

On the morrow will he leave2522 me, as

my hopes have flown before2523.'

Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

S fenn2524 a csöndes szobron ülve az a

Holló egyedül e

Szót tagolta2515, mintha lelke ebbe

volna öntve már;

Nem nyílt más igére ajka2517, nem

rebbent a toll se rajta2525,

S én szólék2526, alig2518 sohajtva:

"Majd2520 csak elmegy2519, messzi


Mint remények, mint barátok, holnap

ez is messzi száll",

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már!"

2514 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2515 omission of Adj2516 narrowing; CF: forcing2517 omission of NP2518 extension of VP; CF: forcing2519 broadening; CF: milding2520 broadening2521 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2522 narrowing; CF: forcing2523 omission of Adv2524 addition of Adv2525 addition of Pron2526 addition of V


Page 216: Szakdolgozat (1)

Startled2527 at the stillness broken by

reply so aptly spoken2528,

`Doubtless2529,' said I, `what it utters2530 is

its only stock and store,

Caught from some unhappy master

whom unmerciful disaster2531

Followed fast and followed faster2532 till

his songs2533 one burden bore2534 -

Till the dirges of his hope that

melancholy2535 burden bore

Of "Never-nevermore."'

Megriadtam2526: csendziláló replikája

mily találó -

"Úgy lesz2528", szóltam, "ennyit tud2529

csak s kész a szó- és igetár;

Gazdájának, holmi hajszolt, bús

flótásnak2536 búra ajzott

Ajkán2537 leste el a jajszót2532, mást

nem is hallhatva már2533,

Csak remények gyászdalát, csak

terhes jajt2534 hallhatva2538 már,

Ezt, hogy: "Soha - soha már!"

2527 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2528 omission of Adv2529 replacement; CF: milding2530 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, dynamic → stative2531 omission of NP2532 omission of VP2533 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2534 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2535 narrowing; CF: forcing, concretisation2536 addition of N2537 addition of N2538 addition of V


Page 217: Szakdolgozat (1)

But the raven2539 still beguiling2540 all

my sad2541 soul2542 into smiling,

Straight2543 I wheeled a cushioned seat

in front of bird and bust and door;

Then, upon the velvet sinking2544, I

betook2545 myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking2546 what

this ominous bird of yore2547 -

What this grim, ungainly2548, gaunt,

and ominous bird2549 of yore

Meant in croaking `Nevermore.'

S gyászos2540 kedvem2541 újra szépen2550

felmosolygott s párnás székem

Szemközt húztam, ott, ahol várt2551 ajtó,

szobor és madár;

S a lágy2543 bársonyra dőlten2544 tarka2552

eszmét sorra szőttem,

Elmerengtem, eltünődtem2545: mily

borongó nyitra2553 jár2554,

Átkos, ős, vad, furcsa2547 Hollóm2548

titka2555 mily bús2556 nyitra2557 jár2558,

Mért károgja: "Soha már?"

2539 omission of N2540 omission of V2541 narrowing; CF: forcing2542 replacement2543 omission of Adv2544 narrowing; CF: abstraction2545 narrowing; CF: concretisation, stative → dynamic2546 double transfer: extension of V to VP + narrowing; CF: forcing2547 omission of NP2548 broadening2549 narrowing2550 addition of Adv2551 addition of V2552 addition of Adj2553 addition of N2554 addition of V2555 addition of N2556 addition of Adj2557 addition of N2558 addition of V


Page 218: Szakdolgozat (1)

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no

syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery2559 eyes now

burned into my bosom's core2560;

This and more2561 I sat2562 divining2563,

with my head at ease2564 reclining

On the cushion2565's velvet lining2566 that

the lamp-light gloated2567 o'er,

But whose velvet2568 violet lining2569 with

the lamp-light gloating2570 o'er,

She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Ekként ültem, szőve-fejtve bús

eszméket2571 s szót se ejtve,

Míg a madár szeme izzott2558,

szívemig2559 tüzelve már;

S fejtve titkot2562, szőve vágyat2560,

fejem halkan2572 hátrabágyadt,

Bársonyon keresve2573 ágyat2564, mit

lámpám fénykörbe zár2566,

S melynek bíborát, a lágyat2568, mit

lámpám fénykörbe zár2569

Õ nem nyomja - soha már!

2559 replacement; CF: negative → neutral, forcing2560 narrowing; CF: concretisation2561 narrowing; CF: concretisation2562 omission of V2563 extension of Adv to AdvP2564 omission of PrepP2565 broadening2566 omission of N2567 broadening; CF: negative → neutral, forcing2568 omission of Adj2569 broadening; CF: abstraction2570 see 25662571 addition of NP2572 addition of Adv2573 addition of V


Page 219: Szakdolgozat (1)

Then, methought, the air grew2574 denser,

perfumed2575 from an unseen censer

Swung2576 by Seraphim2577 whose foot-

falls tinkled on the tufted floor2578.

`Wretch2579,' I cried2580, `thy God2581 hath

lent2582 thee - by these angels2583 he has

sent thee

Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy

memories of Lenore2584!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind2585 nepenthe,

and forget this lost Lenore2586!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Ekkor, úgy rémlett, a légnek sűrűjén

látatlan égnek2574

Füstölők s a szőnyeg2577 bolyhán

angyaltánc2576 kél2575 s muzsikál;

"Bús szív2578", búgtam2579, "ím a Szent

Ég2580 szállt le2581 hozzád, égi


Hoz vigaszt és önt2587 nepenthét s

felejtést ád e pohár2588,

Idd, óh idd a hűs2584 nepenthét, jó2589

felejtés enyhe2590 vár2591!"

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már!"

2574 omission of V2575 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2576 broadening2577 broadening2578 narrowing2579 complete replacement; CF: milding2580 broadening; CF: negative → neutral2581 replacement; CF: abstraction2582 narrowing2583 double transfer: extension of PrepP to NP + broadening2584 omission of Pron2585 narrowing2586 omission of NP2587 addition of V2588 addition of Cl2589 addition of Adj2590 addition of N2591 addition of V


Page 220: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said2592 I, `thing2593 of evil! -

prophet still, if bird or devil! -

Whether tempter2594 sent, or whether

tempest tossed2595 thee here ashore,

Desolate yet all undaunted2596, on this

desert land2597 enchanted -

On this home2598 by horror haunted2599 -

tell me truly2600, I implore2601 -

Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell

me - tell me, I implore2602!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Látnok!", nyögtem2591, "szörnyü

látnok! ördög légy, madár vagy átok2603!

Sátán2593 küldött, vagy vihar vert2594

most2604 e puszta partra bár,

Tépetten is büszke lázban2595, bús2605

varázstól leigáztan2606,

Itt e rémek-járta2598 házban2599 mondd

meg, lelkem szódra vár2600 -

Van... van balzsam Gíleádban?...

Mondd meg - lelkem esdve vár2601..."

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már!"

2592 narrowing; CF: milding, neutral → negative2593 omission of N2594 narrowing; CF: concretisation2595 narrowing; CF: forcing2596 extension of Adv to AdvP; CF: forcing2597 omission of N2598 broadening; CF: concretisation2599 broadening; CF: milding, negative → neutral2600 omission of Adv2601 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, milding2602 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, forcing2603 addition of N2604 addition of Adv2605 addition of Adj2606 addition of Adv


Page 221: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Prophet!' said2607 I, `thing2608 of evil! -

prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven2609 that bends above

us2610 - by that God we both adore2611 -

Tell this soul2612 with sorrow laden if,

within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp2613 a sainted2614 maiden

whom the angels named Lenore -

Clasp a rare2615 and radiant2616 maiden2617,

whom the angels2618 named2619 Lenore?'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Látnok!", búgtam2606, "szörnyü

látnok! ördög légy, madár vagy


Hogyha istent úgy félsz, mint én s van

hited2621, mely égre2608 száll2622,

Mondd meg e gyászterhes órán2623:

messze mennyben vár-e jó rám2624,

Angyal-néven szép2625 Lenórám, kit

nem szennyez földi sár2613,

Átölel még szép2614 Lenórám, aki

csupa fénysugár2615?"

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már!"

2607 narrowing2608 omission of N2609 broadening; CF: abstraction2610 omission of VP2611 narrowing; CF: forcing, positive → negative2612 omission of N2613 omission of V2614 extension of Adj to VP; CF: concretisation2615 narrowing; CF: neutral → positive, milding2616 extension of Adj to NP; CF: concretisation, forcing2617 omission of N2618 omission of N2619 omission of V2620 addition of N2621 addition of VP2622 addition of V2623 addition of N2624 addition of VP2625 addition of Adj


Page 222: Szakdolgozat (1)

`Be that word2626 our sign2627 of parting,

bird or fiend2628!' I2629 shrieked

upstarting2630 -

`Get thee back into the tempest and the

Night's2631 Plutonian shore2632!

Leave no black plume as a token of that

lie thy soul hath spoken2633!

Leave my loneliness unbroken2634! - quit

the bust above my door2635!

Take2636 thy beak from out my heart, and

take thy form2637 from off my door!'

Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

"Ez2625 legyen hát búcsúd!", dörgött

ajkam2628, "menj, madár, vagy


Menj, ahol vár2638 vad2639 vihar rád és

plútói mély2640 határ2631!

Itt2641 egy pelyhed se maradjon,

csöpp2642 setét nyomot se hagyjon,

Torz lelked2643 már nyugtot adjon2633!

hagyd el szobrom, rút madár2644!

Tépd2635 ki csőröd a szivemből!

hagyd el ajtóm, csúf madár2636!"

S szólt a Holló: "Soha már!"

2626 broadening2627 omission of N2628 narrowing; CF: forcing2629 narrowing2630 omission of Adv2631 omission of Det2632 broadening; CF: abstraction2633 omission of NP2634 merging of Cl to VP2635 omission of PrepP2636 narrowing; CF: forcing2637 narrowing; CF: concretisation, neutral → negative2638 addition of V2639 addition of Adj2640 addition of Adj2641 addition of Adv2642 addition of Adv2643 addition of NP2644 addition of NP


Page 223: Szakdolgozat (1)

And the raven2645, never flitting, still is

sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above

my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a

demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming

throws his shadow on the floor2646;

And my soul from out that shadow that

lies2647 floating on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!

S szárnyán2644 többé toll2648 se lendül, és

csak fent2649 ül, egyre fent2650 ül,

Ajtóm sápadt Pallaszáról el nem űzi 2651

tél, se nyár2652!

Szörnyü2653 szemmel ül2654 a Holló, alvó

démonhoz hasonló

Míg a lámpa sávja omló fényén

roppant2655 árnya száll,

S lelkem itt e lomha2656 árnyból, mely

padlóm elöntve száll2646,

Fel nem röppen - soha már!

2645 narrowing2646 omission of PrepP2647 replacement; CF: forcing2648 addition of N2649 addition of Adv2650 addition of Adv2651 addition of VP2652 addition of NP2653 addition of Adj2654 addition of V2655 addition of Adj2656 addition of Adj


Page 224: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 300

omissions total: 63

omissions of N: 10omissions of NP: 5omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 3omissions of V: 10omissions of VP: 5omissions of Adv: 17omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 6omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 4omissions of Cl: 1

additions total: 95

additions of N: 19additions of NP: 7additions of Pron: 1additions of Det: 0additions of V: 19additions of VP: 3additions of Adv: 22additions of AdvP: 2additions of Adj: 18additions of AdjP: 2additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 2

replacements total: 47complete replacements: 13

narrowings: 52broadenings: 27

mergings: 3extensions: 12


Page 225: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 31mildings: 16

abstractions: 13concretisations: 22

dynamism: 4stativism: 3

transfers:neutral → positive: 2negative → neutral: 6negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 5positive → neutral: 1positive → negative: 3

cause-causality shift:forward: 10backward: 4


Page 226: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translations and Their Detailed Analysis

With Their Summary of

Attila József’s ’Születésnapomra’


Adam Makkai

Anton N. Nyerges

Earl M. Herrick

István Fekete

Frederick Turner and Zsuzsanna Osváth

Peter Zollman

(all translations wear the title ’For my Birthday’ except the

second translation of Zollman i.e. ’On my Birthday’)


Page 227: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Adam Makkai

Harminckét éves2657 lettem2658 én -

meglepetés2659 e költemény2660



ajándék2662, mellyel meglepem2663

e kávéházi szegleten2664

magam 2665


Harminckét évem2666 elszelelt

s még havi2667 kétszáz2668 sose telt.

Az ám2669,


Now2671 that I’ve kicked2657 in thirty-


I wrote2672 this without much ado2658

a slight


a party favor2659 to myself

in this café beside a shelf2663



Like wind my thirty-two have flown

not once2666 a hundred2667, nor a loan2674

this field2668

did yield.

2657 omission of N2658 narrowing; CF: stative → dynamic, forcing 2659 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding2660 omission of N2661 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2662 omission of N2663 extension of V to NP; CF: concretisation2664 extension of N to PrepP; CF:concretisaion2665 omission of Pron2666 omission of N2667 narrowing; CF: abstraction2668 narrowing2669 omission of Cl2670 broadening; CF: abstraction, milding2671 addition of Adv2672 addition of V2673 addition of AdjP2674 addition of N


Page 228: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily töltőtoll koptató2675

szegény 2676


De nem lettem2678, mert Szegeden

eltanácsolt2679 az egyetem

fura 2680


Intelme2682 gyorsan2683, nyersen2684


a „Nincsen apám”2686 versemért,

a hont


A teacher I could have become

not a pen-chewer2674, no not some



But Szeged University

had no use for diversity2677:

the dean2680

with spleen2782

objected to2681 my poesy

accusing me of heresy2687

he raved2683

and saved

2675 narrowing; CF: forcing2676 broadeing; CF: abstraction, milding2677 narrowing; CF: abstraction, neutral → positive2678 omission of VP2679 double transfer: extension of VP + narrowing; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding2680 omission of Adj2681 narrowing; CF: concretisation, milding2682 narrowing; CF: forcing2683 narrowing; CF: milding, neutral → negative2684 narrowing; CF: forcing2685 omission of V2686 omission of NP2687 addition of VP


Page 229: Szakdolgozat (1)

szablyával óvta ellenem2688.

Ideidézi szellemem


s nevét2689:

„Ön, amig szóból értek én2690,

nem lesz tanár e féltekén2691” -

gagyog 2692

s ragyog2693.

the country with his dagger drawn.

My spirit conjures with a frown2694

his ire2688

and fire:

“As long as it is up to me2689

nowhere2690 will you a teacher be!”

he huffs2691

and puffs2692.

2688 omission of Pron2689 replacement2690 broadening; CF: shift of sewuence of cause-causality: forward2691 narrowing; CF: milding2692 broadening; CF: forcing, abstraction2693 broadening; CF: forcing2694 addition of PrepP


Page 230: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ha örül2695 Horger Antal2696 úr2697,

hogy költőnk2698 nem nyelvtant


sekély 2700

e kéj -

Én egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon2701



If Dr.2696 Horger jumps for joy2694

that grammar ain’t my2697 daily toy2698

his lust

goes bust2699:

I’ll teach tha nation as a whole

over a high schools’ daily role2700


know it2703!

2695 extension of V to VP; CF: forcing2696 omission of N2697 narrowing; CF: concretisation2698 broadening; CF: abstraction2699 replacement; CF: neutral → negative2700 extension of Adj to VP; CF: forcing2701 narrowing; CF: abstraction2702 addition of N2703 addition of VP


Page 231: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 48

omissions total: 12

omissions of N: 5omissions of NP: 1omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 1omissions of VP: 1omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 1omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 1

additions total: 8

additions of N: 2additions of NP: 0additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 1additions of VP: 2additions of Adv: 1additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 0additions of AdjP: 1additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 0

replacements total: 4complete replacements: 2

narrowings: 13broadenings: 5

mergings: 0extensions: 5


Page 232: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 8mildings: 7

abstractions: 7concretisations: 4

dynamism: 1stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 1negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 2positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 1backward: 2


Page 233: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Anton N. Nyerges

Harminckét éves lettem én -

meglepetés e költemény



ajándék, mellyel meglepem2704

e kávéházi szegleten2705



Harminckét évem2706 elszelelt

s még havi kétszáz2707 sose telt2708.

Az ám2709,


Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily2711 töltőtoll2712 koptató2713



I am thirty-two and wise2715,

Poem, be a big2716 surprise



Gift that shall my spirit2717 rouse2703

in the lonely2718 coffee house

who? me.

who? me.

Thirty-second whizzing by

Ten a week2706? I only try2707

hunger me2708,


Could have been an educator

but became2719 a pencil2711 nibbler2712



2704 broadening; CF: forcing2705 omission of N2706 omission of N2707 narrowing2708 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, milding2709 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2710 narrowing; CF: concretisation2711 omission of Adj2712 replacement2713 narrowing; CF: concretisation2714 omission of N2715 addition of Adj2716 addition of Adj2717 addition of N2718 addition of Adj2719 addition of V2720 addition of Adv


Page 234: Szakdolgozat (1)

De nem lettem2721, mert Szegeden2722

eltanácsolt2723 az egyetem

fura 2724


Intelme 2726 gyorsan2727, nyersen2728 ért

a „Nincsen apám2729” versemért,

a hont2730


szablyával2731 óvta ellenem2732.

Ideidézi2733 szellemem2734

hevét 2735

s nevét:

One fine day2736 they2724 ousted2722 me

from the university



They expelled2725 me forth2626 and


for my “Song of Innocence2728”



He defended Hungary2729

rules of the academy2739



2721 omission of Cl2722 omission of N2723 narrowing; CF: forcing2724 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2725 broadening; CF: abstraction2726 narrowing; CF: forcing, concretisation2727 replacement2728 replacement2729 replacement2730 narrowing; CF: concretisation2731 omission of NP2732 omission of Pron2733 omission of V2734 omission of N2735 replacement; CF: milding, concretisation, neutral → negative2736 addition of NP2737 addition of N2738 addition of N2739 addition of NP


Page 235: Szakdolgozat (1)

„Ön2740, amig szóból értek2741 én,

nem lesz2742 tanár2743 e féltekén2744” -

gagyog 2745

s ragyog.

Ha örül Horger Antal2746 úr2747,

hogy költőnk nem2748 nyelvtant



e kéj2750 -

Én egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon2751



“Long as I am teaching2740 here2752

stay clear2741 of this atmosphere2743”



If Professor2746 Horger’s glad

poet’s grammar turns out2748 bad2747



Mine’s a school2753 for all the people

not to high school pap and nipple2750

each2754 in

teach in!

2740 omission of Pron2741 complete replacement2742 narrowing; CF: forcing2743 omission of N2744 broadening; CF: abstraction2745 replacement2746 omission of N2747 narrowing; CF: concretisation2748 broadening; CF: forcing2749 broadening; CF: abstraction2750 replacement; CF: concretisation2751 extension of N to NP; CF: nutral → negative2752 addition of Adv2753 addition of N2754 addition of Pron


Page 236: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 51

omissions total: 13

omissions of N: 7omissions of NP: 1omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 1omissions of VP: 0omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 1omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 1

additions total: 13

additions of N: 4additions of NP: 2additions of Pron: 1additions of Det: 0additions of V: 1additions of VP: 0additions of Adv: 2additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 3additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 0additions of Cl: 0

replacements total: 10complete replacements: 3

narrowings: 9broadenings: 5

mergings: 0extensions: 1


Page 237: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 5mildings: 2

abstractions: 3concretisations: 8

dynamism: 0stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 2positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 0backward: 1


Page 238: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Earl M. Herrick

Harminckét éves lettem én -

meglepetés e költemény2755



ajándék2756, mellyel meglepem2757

e kávéházi szegleten2758



Harminckét évem elszelelt

s még havi kétszáz sose telt2759.

Az ám2760,


Am I thirty-two? That’s nice2761.

All2762 I need2763 now2764’s a surprise

just2765 a nick-


can my spirits2766 I cheer up2756

with another2767 coffee cup2768

by my self


My thirty-two years flew away

without ever decent pay2758

-some grand2759


2755 omission of N2756 omission of N2757 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward2758 omission of N2759 complete replacement; CF: milding, abstraction2760 narrowing; CF: concretisation2761 addition of Cl2762 addition of Det2763 addition of V2764 addition of Adv2765 addition of Adv2766 addition of NP2767 addition of Det2768 addition of N


Page 239: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily töltőtoll2769 koptató2770

szegény 2771


De nem lettem2773, mert Szegeden

eltanácsolt2774 az egyetem

fura 2775


Intelme gyorsan2777, nyersen ért2778

a „Nincsen apám” versemért2779,

a hont2780

kivont 2781

I could have been a fancy2782 teacher

not some lonely2770 pencil2760-


oh well,

what the hell2783!

But in Szeged the varsity

dean2775 opted2784 to get rid of me2773,

bad omen2785,

old man2771!

His warning hit2776 me tough2775 and


for my “Fatherless” attitude2278

his stick2785

our hick-

2769 replacement2770 narrowing; CF: concretisation2771 replacement2772 extension of N to NP; CF: neutral → negative2773 omission of VP2774 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2775 omission of Adj2776 narrowing; CF: concretisation, milding2777 narrowing; CF: forcing2778 narrowing; CF: forcing, concretisation2779 replacement2780 narrowing2781 omission of AdjP2782 addition of Adj2783 addition of Cl2784 addition of V2785 addition of NP


Page 240: Szakdolgozat (1)

szablyával2786 óvta ellenem2787.

Ideidézi szellemem


s nevét 2789 :

„Ön, amig szóból értek én2790,

nem lesz tanár e féltekén2791” -

gagyog 2792

s ragyog2793.

Town2779 saved with great alacrity2794.

I quote here for prosperity2795

his word2788


“As long as I have you clout2789

you won’t be teaching,” he ran out2796,



2786 replacement2787 omission of Pron2788 replacement; CF: milding, neutral → negative2789 broadening2790 complete replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2791 omission of N2792 broadening; CF: forcing, abstraction2793 broadening; CF: forcing2794 addition of PrepP2795 addition of PrepP2796 addition of Cl


Page 241: Szakdolgozat (1)

Ha örül2797 Horger Antal2798 úr2799,

hogy költőnk2800 nem nyelvtant



e kéj2802 -

Én2803 egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon2804



Should Dr2798. Horger gloat with


that teaching2800 grammar ain’t for



on his wit2801:

my words2802 will teach the nation


beyond2806 a high school’s meager


with a bomb’s


2797 extension of V to VP; CF: positive → negative2798 omission of N2799 narrowing; CF: concretisation2800 omission of N2801 replacement2802 complete replacement; CF: forcing, neutral → negative, stative → dynamic2803 narrowing; CF: abstraction2804 extension of N to NP; CF: neutral → negative2805 addition of PrepP2806 addition of Prep2807 addition of PrepP


Page 242: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 53

omissions total: 10

omissions of N: 6omissions of NP: 0omissions of Pron: 1omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 0omissions of VP: 1omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 1omissions of AdjP: 1omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 0

additions total: 18

additions of N: 1additions of NP: 2additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 2additions of V: 2additions of VP: 0additions of Adv: 2additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 1additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 1additions of PrepP: 4additions of Cl: 3

replacements total: 10

complete replacements: 3

narrowings: 9broadenings: 3

mergings: 0extensions: 3


Page 243: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 7mildings: 3

abstractions: 3concretisations: 5

dynamism: 1stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 6positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 1

cause-causality shifts:forward: 1backward: 0


Page 244: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of István Fekete

Harminckét éves lettem én -

meglepetés e költemény 2808



ajándék, mellyel meglepem2809

e kávéházi szegleten2810



Harminckét évem elszelelt

s még havi kétszáz2811 sose telt.

Az ám2812,


Lehettem volna oktató2813,

nem ily töltőtoll koptató2814



Today2816 I have turned thirty-two:

Methinks there is a problem due1

a meet2817

and neat

A joy2818, a modest2819 gift with which

I pamper2808 on this tea-room niche2809



Yes2820, thirty-two years flitted by

but a monthly hundred2810 ne’er had I

how grand2811

my land!

By now I might well hold a chair2812

not be my fountain-pen’s despair2813,

so2821 poor

a boor2814…

2808 complete replacement; CF: neutral → negative2809 narrowing; CF: forcing2810 narrowing; CF: concretisation2811 narrowing2812 narrowing; CF: concretisation2813 double transfer: extension of N to VP + broadening; CF: abstraction2814 replacement; CF: abstraction, dynamic → stative, neutral → negative2815 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative2816 addition of N2817 addition of N2818 addition of N2819 addition of Adj2820 addition of Cl2821 addition of Adv


Page 245: Szakdolgozat (1)

De nem lettem2822, mert Szegeden

eltanácsolt az egyetem



Intelme gyorsan, nyersen2825 ért

a „Nincsen apám” versemért2826,

a hont


szablyával2828 óvta ellenem2829.

Ideidézi szellemem2830


s nevét:

It happened2821 that in Szeged town2832

from college promptly2833 sent me


a queer2822


His admonition was bestowed

for “Fatherless,” my bitter2834 ode2825,

with steel2827

and zeal2826

to guard the land against my kind2828.

I let2835 my lute2829 conjure to mind2836

his name

and blame2830:

2822 broadening; CF: negative → neutral2823 narrowing; CF: forcing2824 narrowing; CF: concretisation2825 omission of AdvP2826 narrowing; CF: concretisation2827 replacement; CF: dynamic → stative, abstraction2828 broadening; CF: abstraction2829 broadening2830 narrowing; CF: abstraction2831 narrowing; CF: neutral → negative, milding2832 addition of N2833 addition of Adv2834 addition of Adj2835 addition of V2836 addition of PrepP


Page 246: Szakdolgozat (1)

„Ön2837, amig szóból értek én2838,

nem lesz tanár e féltekén2839” -

gagyog 2840

s ragyog.

Ha örül2841 Horger Antal2842 úr,

hogy költőnk nem nyelvtant tanul2843,


e kéj2845 -

Én egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon 2846



“I trust, Attila2836, you won’t try2837

to graduate and qualif2838!”

he screamed2839

and beamed.

If Mr. Horger leaps for joy2840

that teaching ain’t my grand


his bliss2843

‘s amiss2844-

to all my folk I’ll teach the plumb

truth2847, they in no curriculum


can find2845.

2837 narrowing; CF: concretisation2838 complete replacement; CF: concretisation, forcing2839 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2840 narrowing; CF: forcing2841 extension of V to VP; CF: forcing2842 omission of Pron2843 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: forward, dynamic → stative2844 narrowing; CF: forcing2845 replacement; CF: negative → positive2846 complete replacement; CF:forcing2847 addition of NP


Page 247: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 41

omissions total: 2

omissions of N: 0omissions of NP: 0omissions of Pron: 1omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 0omissions of VP: 0omissions of Adv: 1omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 0omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 0

additions total: 12

additions of N: 4additions of NP: 1additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 1additions of VP: 0additions of Adv: 2additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 2additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 1

replacements total: 8complete replacements: 5

narrowings: 13broadenings: 4

mergings: 0extensions: 2


Page 248: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 7mildings: 1

abstractions: 5concretisations: 6

dynamism: 0stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 1negative → positive: 1neutral → negative: 4positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 1backward: 1


Page 249: Szakdolgozat (1)

Translation of Frederick Turner and Zsuzsanna Osváth

Harminckét éves lettem2848 én -

meglepetés e költemény



ajándék, mellyel meglepem

e kávéházi szegleten2849

magam 2850


Harminckét évem elszelelt

s még havi kétszáz2852 sose telt2853.

Az ám2854,


Upon my thirty-second year-

what2856 a surprise, this poem here2857,



A little2858 gift with which I say2859,

lurking2848 alone2860 in this café:



Thirty-two years just2862 blew away,

I never made6 den doits a day2851:



2848 omission of V2849 narrowing; CF: concretisation2850 omission of Pron2851 omission of Pron2852 complete replacement2853 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward2854 omission of Cl2855 narrowing; CF: concretisation2856 addition of Adj2857 addition of N2858 addition of Adj2859 addition of V2860 addition of Adv2861 addition of AdjP2862 addition of Adv2863 addition of Adj


Page 250: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily töltőtoll koptató2864



De nem lettem2866, mert Szegeden2867

eltanácsolt2868 az egyetem

fura 2869


Intelme2871 gyorsan, nyersen2872 ért

a „Nincsen2873 apám” versemért,

a hont

kivont 2874

A pedagogue I might have been,

not this pen-busting, might-have-




But no; Herr College Chancellor2869

showed me the outside of the door2867:



It was a sharp2871 shock2877 for sure2878,

my “father” poem got2879 its cure2870;

his word2880

and sword,

2864 narrowing; CF: forcing2865 narrowing; CF: concretisation2866 omission of V2867 omission of N2868 complete replacement; CF: abstraction2869 narrowing; CF: forcing2870 narrowing; CF: concretisation2871 replacement2872 merging of AdvP to Adv2873 omission of V2874 omission of Adj2875 addition of NP2876 addition of N2877 addition of N2878 addition of PrepP2879 addition of V2880 addition of NP


Page 251: Szakdolgozat (1)

szablyával óvta ellenem.

Ideidézi szellemem

hevét 2881

s nevét:

„Ön, amig szóból2882 értek2883 én,

nem lesz tanár e féltekén2884” -


s ragyog2885.

Ha örül Horger Antal úr,

hogy költőnk nem nyelvtant tanul2886,


e kéj2887 -

Én egész2888 népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon2889



that saved the fatherland from me,

evoked my spirit and set free2890

its name

and flame.

“As long as I have any say2881

you’ll not teach here2883 a single




If Mr. Antal Horger’s pleased

our poet’s grammar-study ceased2885-



no high school, but a nation I,

although he like not2892, by and by2888

shall teach,

shall teach.

2881 narrowing; CF: forcing2882 broadening; CF: abstraction2883 omission of V2884 broadening; CF: abstraction2885 omission of V2886 replacement; CF: forcing, abstraction2887 complete replacement; CF: abstraction, forcing2888 narrowing; CF: concretisation, forcing2889 omission of N2890 addition of VP2891 addition of NP2892 addition of Cl


Page 252: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 45

omissions total: 11

omissions of N: 1omissions of NP: 0omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 6omissions of VP: 0omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 1omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 1

additions total: 17

additions of N: 3additions of NP: 3additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 2additions of VP: 1additions of Adv: 2additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 3additions of AdjP: 1additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 1

replacements total: 6complete replacements: 3

narrowings: 8broadenings: 2

mergings: 1extensions: 0


Page 253: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 6mildings: 0

abstractions: 5concretisations: 5

dynamism: 0stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 0positive → neutral: 0positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 0backward: 1


Page 254: Szakdolgozat (1)

First translation of Peter Zollman

Harminckét éves lettem2893 én -

meglepetés e költemény2894



ajándék2896, mellyel meglepem2897

e kávéházi szegleten2898

magam 2899


Harminckét évem elszelelt2901

s még havi kétszáz sose telt2902.

Az ám,


To end2892 My thirty-second year

I wrote2904 myself a souvenir2893-

a prize2894


a quick2905 impromptu2906 memoir2895

saluting2896 on this coffee-bar

my birth2899

on earth2907.

Thirty two years… Without a doubt2908

what Hungay2902 has doled me out

was not

a lot2901.

2893 replacement; CF: forcing2894 broadening; CF: abstraction2895 merging of NP to N; CF: concretisation2896 replacement2897 replacement; CF: positive → neutral2898 omission of N2899 omission of Pron2900 narrowing2901 omission of V2902 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2903 narrowing; CF: concretisation2904 addition of V2905 addition of Adj2906 addition of N2907 addition of PrepP2908 addition of NP


Page 255: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily töltőtoll koptató2909



De nem lettem2912, mert Szegeden

eltanácsolt az egyetem2913



Intelme2916 gyorsan, nyersen ért2917

a „Nincsen apám2918” versemért2919,

a hont


szablyával óvta ellenem2920.

Ideidézi2921 szellemem


s nevét:

I could have been a teacher, but

I wear my pencils to the butt2908

for just

a crust,2909

for I was sent down from Szeged

by the provost. That egg-headed

old so

and so2913,

who picked on2915 my “With a Pure


To save the nation from my art2919a

he barred

the bard2923

and drew his sword against my


His words2924 deserve to be enshrined29

to shame30 /his name:

2909 complete replacement; CF: forcing, stative → dynamic2910 extension of Adj to NP; CF: forcing2911 omission of N2912 omission of Cl2913 omission of N2914 extension of Adj to NP; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2915 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative, concretisation2916 broadening; CF: milding2917 omission of VP2918 complete replacement; CF: obligatory transfer2919 omission of N2920 a: narrowing; CF: abstraction, b: broadening; CF: abstraction2921 extension of V to VP; CF: forcing2922 narrowing; CF: milding, neutral → negative2923 addition of Cl2924 addition of NP


Page 256: Szakdolgozat (1)

„Ön2925, amig szóból értek én2926,

nem lesz2927 tanár2928 e féltekén” -


s ragyog2929.

Ha örül2930 Horger Antal úr2931,

hogy költőnk 2932 nem nyelvtant



e kéj2934 -

Én egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon 2935



“Until I do give up the ghost2925

don’t dream2926 of any teaching


I quote


But I don’t care2933 if I am banned2932

from prof.2930 A. Horger’s graduand2937



I’ll teach my nation, one an all,

much greater things than what you call



2925 omission of Pron2926 complete replacement; CF: forcing, abstraction2927 replacement; CF: abstraction, forcing2928 extension of N to NP2929 omission of Cl2930 omission of V2931 narrowing; CF: concretisaion2932 omission of N2933 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing2934 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward; CF: abstraction, milding2935 complete replacement; CF: forcing, concretisation2936 addition of Cl2937 addition of Adj2938 addition of N


Page 257: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 47

omissions total: 12

omissions of N: 5omissions of NP: 0omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 2omissions of VP: 1omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 0omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 2

additions total: 10

additions of N: 2additions of NP: 2additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 1additions of VP: 0additions of Adv: 0additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 2additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 2

replacements total: 11complete replacements: 6

narrowings: 6broadenings: 3

mergings: 1extensions: 4


Page 258: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 10mildings: 3

abstractions: 6concretisations: 5

dynamism: 1stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 3positive → neutral: 1positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 0backward: 2


Page 259: Szakdolgozat (1)

Second translation of Peter Zollman

Harminckét éves lettem2939 én -

meglepetés e költemény2940



ajándék2941, mellyel meglepem2942

e kávéházi szegleten2943

magam 2944


Harminckét évem elszelelt2946

s még havi kétszáz sose telt2947.

Az ám,


To end2938 My thirty-second year

I wrote2949 myself a souvenir2939-

a pretty


a quick2950 impromptu2951 memoir2941

saluting2942 on this coffee-bar

my birth2945

on earth2952.

Thirty two years… Without a doubt2953

what Hungay2947 has doled me out

was not

a lot10.

2939 replacement; CF: forcing2940 broadening; CF: abstraction2941 replacement2942 replacement; CF: positive → neutral2943 omission of N2944 omission of Pron2945 narrowing2946 omission of V2947 complete replacement; CF: concretisation2948 narrowing; CF: concretisation2949 addition of V2950 addition of Adj2951 addition of N2952 addition of PrepP2953 addition of NP


Page 260: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lehettem volna oktató,

nem ily töltőtoll koptató2954



De nem lettem2957, mert Szegeden

eltanácsolt az egyetem2958



Intelme2961 gyorsan, nyersen ért2962

a „Nincsen apám2963” versemért2964,

a hont


szablyával óvta ellenem2965.

Ideidézi2966 szellemem


s nevét:

I could have been a teacher, but

I wear my pencils to the butt2953

for just

a crust,2955

for I was sent down from Szeged

by the provost. That egg-headed

old so

and so2959,

who lashed out2960 out at my “Simple


To save the nation from my art2964a

he barred

the bard2968

and drew his sword against my


His words2969 deserve to be enshrined28

to shame29/his name:

2954 complete replacement; CF: forcing, stative → dynamic2955 extension of Adj to NP; CF: forcing2956 omission of N2957 omission of Cl2958 omission of N2959 extension of Adj to NP; CF: forcing, neutral → negative2960 narrowing; CF: forcing, neutral → negative, concretisation2961 broadening; CF: milding2962 merging of VP; CF: forcing2963 complete replacement; CF: obligatory transfer2964 omission of N2965 a: narrowing; CF: abstraction, b: broadening; CF: abstraction2966 extension of V to VP; CF: forcing2967 narrowing; CF: milding, neutral → negative2968 addition of Cl2969 addition of NP


Page 261: Szakdolgozat (1)

„Ön2970, amig szóból értek én2971,

nem lesz2972 tanár2973 e féltekén” -


s ragyog2974.

Ha örül2975 Horger Antal úr2976,

hogy költőnk 2977 nem nyelvtant



e kéj2979 -

Én egész népemet fogom

nem középiskolás fokon 2980



“Until I do give up the ghost2970

don’t dream2971 of any teaching


I quote


But I don’t care2974 if I am banned2977

from prof.2975 A. Horger’s graduand2982



I’ll teach my people, one an all,

much greater things than what you call



2970 omission of Pron2971 complete replacement; CF: forcing, abstraction2972 replacement; CF: abstraction, forcing2973 extension of N to NP2974 omission of Cl2975 omission of V2976 narrowing; CF: concretisaion2977 omission of N2978 replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward, forcing2979 complete replacement; CF: shift of sequence of cause-causality: backward; CF: abstraction, milding2980 complete replacement; CF: forcing, concretisation2981 addition of Cl2982 addition of Adj2983 addition of N


Page 262: Szakdolgozat (1)

Lexical transformations total: 46

omissions total: 11

omissions of N: 5omissions of NP: 0omissions of Pron: 2omissions of Det: 0omissions of V: 2omissions of VP: 0omissions of Adv: 0omissions of AdvP: 0omissions of Adj: 0omissions of AdjP: 0omissions of Prep: 0omissions of PrepP: 0omissions of Cl: 0

additions total: 10

additions of N: 2additions of NP: 2additions of Pron: 0additions of Det: 0additions of V: 1additions of VP: 0additions of Adv: 0additions of AdvP: 0additions of Adj: 2additions of AdjP: 0additions of Prep: 0additions of PrepP: 1additions of Cl: 2

replacements total: 11complete replacements: 6

narrowings: 6broadenings: 3

mergings: 1extensions: 4


Page 263: Szakdolgozat (1)

Connotational transfers:

forcings: 11mildings: 3

abstractions: 6concretisations: 4

dynamism: 1stativism: 0

transfers:neutral → positive: 0negative → neutral: 0negative → positive: 0neutral → negative: 3positive → neutral: 1positive → negative: 0

cause-causality shifts:forward: 0backward: 2


Page 264: Szakdolgozat (1)


1: NET SOURCE: Sense Transferring Through Poetry Translation by

Mohammad Reza Asadi Kangarloo, available at:

BOOK: Dr. Budai, L. (1999) English Grammar – Theory and Practice Budapest:

Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt.

BOOK: Dr. Budai, L. (1997) English Phrasal and Clausal Syntax (synopsys of

thirty lectures) Veszprém: Veszprémi Egyetemi Kiadó

BOOK: Dr. Budai, L. (2003) English Phrasal and Clausal Syntax – workbook

Veszprém, Veszprém University Press

BOOK: Kenesei, A. (2006) Discourse and Text Analysis Veszprém, Veszprémi

Egyetemi Kiadó

BOOK: Thomson, A. J. & Martinet, A. V. (2002) A Practical English Grammar

Fourth Edition; Oxford, Oxford University Press

BOOK: Vince, M. & Sunderland, P. (2003) Advanced Language Practice – with

key Oxford, Macmillan Education