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COBIT® 5 Professional Education Training Innovative solutions for modern businesses

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COBIT® 5Professional Education Training

Innovative solutions for modern businesses


COBIT 5 is a best practice framework for the

governance and management of enterprise IT. It’s

a detailed, expansive, intellectual framework covering a

broad range of enterprise constituents who evaluate and

establish direction for IT, and who plan, direct, operate and

monitor IT.

This latest version incorporates the current thinking in

enterprise governance and management techniques, and

provides globally accepted principles, practices, analytical

tools and models to help increase the trust in, and value

from, information systems. This latest version builds on

earlier intellectual capital of previous editions, from the

early frameworks for audit and control to the management

and governance of IT.

COBIT 5 establishes two distinct domains to deal with

forming strategic direction and day-to-day management

of information systems; Governance and Management.

In addition, COBIT 5’s structure is designed to aid in

continuous improvement, from asking important

questions about whether the goals for IT are in line with

the organisation, to intermediate change management

activities, and continual lifecycle improvements typically

needed to deliver further value and less risk.

One of the strengths of COBIT 5 is the practical supporting

elements that are included, such as the COBIT 5

implementation guide; professional guides that are specific

to roles and functions such as those for information

security, audit and assurance and risk management; and

with assessment guides such as the COBIT 5 assessor guide,

the process assessment guide and the self-assessment


COBIT 5 is based on five key principles for governance and

management of enterprise IT:

• Principle 1: Meeting stakeholder needs

• Principle 2: Covering the enterprise end-to- end

• Principle 3: Applying a single, integrated framework

• Principle 4: Enabling a holistic approach

• Principle 5: Separating governance from management

The COBIT 5 framework describes seven categories of



vehicle to translate the desired behaviour into practi-

cal guidance for day-to-day management

• PROCESSES describe an organised set of practices and

activities to achieve certain objectives and produce a

set of outputs in support of achieving overall IT-related


• ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES are the key decision-

making entities in an enterprise


and of the enterprise are very often underestimated

as a success factor in governance and management


• INFORMATION is required for keeping the organisa-

tion running and well governed, but at the operational

level, information is very often the key product of the

enterprise itself


clude the infrastructure, technology and applications

that provide the enterprise with information technol-

ogy processing and services


successful completion of all activities, and for making

correct decisions and taking corrective actions

Delivering the business


Your improvement partner

Syzygal delivers class-room based professional train-ing services and innovative e-learning solutions. All our training solutions are based on Industry recognised best practices and include formal certification.

Implementation and management of quality information technology services that meet the needs of the business, through an appropriate mix of people, process and infor-mation technology.

Controlled planning, organisation and motivation of re-sources over a fixed time to achieve specific project goals and objectives; typically to bring about beneficial change or added value.

Syzygal consultants have a wealth of experience working in all types of organisations; public, private and govern-ment institutions. Our team are qualified, knowledgeable and have practical ability with global experience.

Focusing on the performance and risk management of information technology systems and supporting greater accountability in decision-making for the best interest of all stakeholders.

The protection of information and information infrastruc-ture assets against the risks of loss, misuse, disclosure or damage; providing controls organisations need to man-age these risks.


IT Service Management

Project Management


Enterprise Governance

IT Security Management


Who should attend training?

Making the business work


gives an overview of the COBIT 5

framework and explores enterprise

governance and management

techniques. The course covers

globally accepted principles,

practices, analytical tools and models

to help increase the trust in, and

value from, information systems. This

courses audience might be:

• IT auditors, IT managers, IT qual-

ity professionals, IT leadership, IT

developers, Process practition-

ers and Managers in IT service

provider organisations


course gives a practical appreciation

of how to apply COBIT 5 to specific

business problems. It also supports

learning for how to address and plan

for pain points, trigger events and

risk scenarios within the organisation.

People interested in attending this

course might be:

• IT auditors, IT managers, IT qual-

ity professionals, IT leadership, IT

developers, Process practition-

ers, Managers in IT service pro-

vider organisations and Business



provides a basis for assessing an

enterprise’s process capabilities

against the COBIT 5 Process

Reference Model (PRM). People

interested in attending this course

might be:

• Internal auditors, External audi-

tors, IT auditors and Consultants

Candidates will attend a foundation

course and then choose the most

appropriate path for further study;

Implementation of COBIT 5 or

Assessment of COBIT 5.

Optimised Costs

Operational Excellence

High Quality Information

Strategic Goals Achievement

Governance Compliance

Professionally Managed Risks

COBIT 5 works in all sizes of organisation; the key ben-

efits enterprises can expect to see are:

• Optimise the cost of IT services and technology

• Achieve operational excellence through reliable,

efficient application of technology

• Support compliance with relevant laws, regula-

tions, contractual agreements and policies

• Maintain high-quality information to support

business decisions

• Achieve strategic goals and realise business ben-

efits through effective and innovative use of IT

• Maintain IT-related risk at an acceptable level


Syzygal professional training helps career focused individuals differentiate them-selves and build suc-cessful careers.

COBIT® 5 examination guide COBIT 5 FOUNDATION

This is the entry level examination

and it is aimed at those who have

mastered the content in a COBIT

5 Foundation course and who

understand the IT management

issues organisations face today and

know how to use COBIT to respond to

these challenges. These professionals

have used the elements of COBIT,

in practice, and are prepared to

recommended applications of COBIT

for enterprise-wide projects.

Prerequisites: None; however

attendance at a COBIT 5 foundation

course is strongly recommended


Aimed at professionals who un-

derstand how to apply the all the

elements of COBIT 5 across the

enterprise and have mastered the

approach to implementing the

“Governance of Enterprise Informa-

tion Technology or (GEIT)” based on

a continual improvement life cycle.

These professionals have demon-

strated the understanding of how

COBIT 5 should be tailored to suit an

enterprise’s specific needs.

Prerequisites: Successful completion

of the COBIT 5 Foundation Exam and

an accredited COBIT 5 Implementa-

tion Course


Aimed at professionals who have

mastered the understanding of how

to perform a formal Process Capa-

bility Assessment and how it can

be used to enable business goals,

prioritise improvement initiatives and

identify opportunities for improving

the governance and management of

information and technology assets.

Prerequisites: Successful comple-

tion of the COBIT 5 Foundation Exam

and an accredited COBIT 5 Assessor







TheoryDelivering focusedknowledge with innovative methods

TestingMeasurement and

learning through testingconfirmation of

ConsolidateFun and interesting

learning utilising interactive methods

AbsorbPlacing students inreal-world scenarioswith hands on scope

TACT is Syzygal’s pro-prietary methodology for developing courses and courseware

As part of doctoral research,

Syzygal have developed a unique

approach to developing and

designing professional education

courses and courseware. Rather

than utilising tired and over-used

methods such as working straight

from a syllabus, Syzygal decided to

research the key elements of effec-

tive learning. What we found was

that although dynamic and flexible

delivery methods were essential to

the overall experience for students,

it was the approach to content

formulation and positioning that

was critical to maximising learning

up-take and knowledge retention.

The THEORY of a subject is obvi-

ously critical to success, but ensur-

ing it is positioned in contextual

alignment is the pay-off. We then

ensure students ABSORB the the-

ory by placing them in real-world

scenarios and role-plays, ensuring

the theory connects to practical

application. To support this we

CONSOLIDATE the learning by us-

ing innovative games and exercises

to further develop understanding

and retention. Finally we ensure

TESTING takes place throughout

training events which prepares

the student to take their formal


The TACT approach


The foundation of the Syzygal

business model is the spe-

cialisation in the areas of IT Service

Management, IT Security Manage-

ment, Project Management and

Enterprise Governance. Our focus is

on supporting and communicating

world-renowned, industry recognised

frameworks and standards. In doing

so we help our clients develop world-

class, business centric IT Services

and business change environments.

Placed world-wide, we provide in-

novative solutions helping your busi-

ness deliver tangible and measurable

improvements through direct con-

sultancy or training and education

products. Syzygal’s primary business

objectives and goals are to:

• Educate professionals in leading

industry best practices

• Help our clients develop real

knowledge and understanding

in core business practices

• Support the practical implemen-

tation of that knowledge

• Ultimately help our clients im-

prove their business practices

Our approach is to accept and deliver

only the highest quality in informa-

tion content, materials and delivery

of our courses. We believe that learn-

ing is better achieved by participa-

tion from the student rather than

instruction by the lecturer. Taking

this approach leads to a better overall

experience for the training candi-

dates and achieves a longer lasting

knowledge transfer from the course.

We employ only the best training

resources and ensure they have ap-

plicable, real life experience in their

specialist areas and industry standard

frameworks and methodologies.

Help and expert advicewhen you need it most

Gaining recognition as a subject matter expert and moving your career forward

begins with demonstrating your knowledge and expertise.

Professional EducationStand out from the crowd

Syzygal EuropeKemp HouseLondon

Syzygal ArabiaSilicon OasisDubai

[email protected]