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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Version 3.0.0 Canon Solutions America © 2014 10/29/2014 2

Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Table of Contents

INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR OCÉ DIRECT PRINT PRO ............................................................. 3 Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 4

SECTION 1: SERVER INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 5 Océ Direct Print Pro Installation ................................................................................................................ 5

SECTION 2: CLIENT INSTALLATION............................................................................................. 10

SECTION 3: HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR OCÉ DIRECT PRINT PRO ................... 14 Hardware Requirements: Client PCs ........................................................................................................ 14 Hardware Requirements: SQL Server Environment ................................................................................ 14

SECTION 4: SQL SERVER INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION .................................. 15 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition Installation ..................................................................................... 15 Network and SQL Server Configuration ................................................................................................... 23

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR OCE DIRECT PRINT PRO There are two installers included in the distribution. Océ Direct Print Pro Server This allows for the installation of the required components for a server installation utilizing Microsoft SQL Server Express. Océ Direct Print Pro Client This allows for the installation of a client including the Océ Direct Print Pro print client as well as the System Administration application if needed. Before beginning any of the installation methods, ensure that the user that is performing the installation has Local Administrator rights.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Prerequisites Océ Direct Print Pro

Machine running Windows XP (or Windows Server 2003) or later

Windows Installer 4.5

Microsoft SQL CE 3.5 SP2

Microsoft .NET 4.0

Network environment

SQL Server (included with media, installation instructions later in the guide)

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

SECTION 1: SERVER INSTALLATION Pre-requisites for Network Server Installation: SQL Server 2005 or later installed, configured and all user rights and permissions assigned. The setup media includes a SQL Server 2008 Express R2 installer along with a script to perform an automated install (SQLSetup.cmd). Refer to the “SQL Server installation and configuration” section if no SQL server is installed. Refer to the “Network and SQL Server Configuration” section to check if SQL is configured properly.

Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Start the Oce Direct Print Pro Server.msi. Choose the install location:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Choose the following install features (uncheck Create SQL Database if an OCEPRINT database already exists):

Now browse to the server and SQL instance that will be used for Direct Print. The database “OcePrint” will be installed to the chosen instance. The instance name should be the one set up prior to starting the Océ Direct Print Pro installation.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Now ready to begin the installation:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Installing Océ Direct Print Pro:

When the installation is complete, click on the ‘Finish’ button:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Reboot your PC at this time to ensure that the newly created service is started. To check whether the service is started:

1. Open the start menu, and right click on “My Computer”. Select “Manage”. 2. On the left pane, expand “Services and Applications”. Click on “Services”. 3. In the services list that has just opened, scroll down until you find “Océ Direct

Print Service”. It should look like this:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

SECTION 2: CLIENT INSTALLATION Choose the appropriate installation directory:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

You are now ready to begin the installation of Océ Direct Print Pro client:

The installation of the Stand Alone version will now start:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Installation is now complete!

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Reboot your PC at this time to ensure that the newly created service is started. To check whether the service is started:

1. Open the start menu, and right click on “My Computer”. Select “Manage”. 2. On the left pane, expand “Services and Applications”. Click on “Services”. 3. In the services list that has just opened, scroll down until you find “Océ Direct

Print Service”. It should look like this:

Once the installation is completed you will have two new programs:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide


Hardware Requirements: Client PCs

Client Workstation Specification

CPU Intel 1.40 GHz or equivalent

Operating System Windows XP Professional Edition Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Database SQL Server Compact Edition (Installed automatically)


Hard Disk (Application only) 4 GB

Network Card 100/1000 Mbps

Hardware Requirements: SQL Server Environment

Server Specification

CPU Intel Dual Core 2.40 GHz or equivalent

Operating System Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit) Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2

Database SQL Server 2005 or later. (2008R2 Express included on media) SQL Server Workgroup or Standard for larger installations (25+ users)


Hard Disk (OS & Applications) 160 GB

Network Card 100/1000 Mbps

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide


SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition Installation NOTE: If installing on a Windows 2003 Server, make sure SP2 and all updates are installed prior to performing the following.

SQL Server Installation Insert the Direct Suite DVD into the server and browse to the SQL Server installation folder SQL2008R2_x86 or SQL2008R2_x64 for 64-bit. This can be done either manually or using the provided automated script. Automated installation (RECOMMENDED) Run SQLsetup.cmd to start the installation. A command window will load and show progress. This will take a while and will install SQL and create an OCEPRINT SQL Instance. Manual installation Run setup.exe to begin the installation. The SQL Server Installation Center will open and you can follow the steps below.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Select “New installation or add features to an existing installation”:

SQL Server will perform some automatic checks to ensure that the server is ready to continue:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

After accepting the user agreement, click next to reach the Feature Selection form. Choose all features and then click next:

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

SQL Server will briefly check more installation rules, and then display the Instance Configuration form. The instance can be named anything. Optionally, change the root directory of the instance.

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In Server Configuration, make sure the startup type of the SQL Server Browser is set to automatic (the Database Engine should also be automatic):

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

In the Database Engine Configuration form, change the “Authentication Mode” to “Mixed Mode”. Specify a password for the SQL Server authentication. NOTE: You made need this in the future. It should be saved to your notes and provided to the customer.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Continue and the installation will begin. This may take several minutes to complete.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide

Network and SQL Server Configuration

Some services and clients require TCP/IP and UDP communication with the server over

specific ports. Verify that the following ports are open (incoming and outgoing) on the

server and that the client does not have a firewall blocking access to these ports.

TCP 1433 SQL Server Database Connection

UDP 1434 SQL Server Browser In order for the Direct Print clients to communicate with the SQL Server instance, the TCP/IP Protocol needs to be enabled and configured.

1. Launch SQL Server Configuration Manager from under Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 in the Start Menu.

2. In the left pane, open “SQL Server Network Configuration” and select the appropriate Direct Suite SQL instance. In the right pane, right click on “TCP/IP” and choose “Enable”.

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3. Right click again on “TCP/IP” and choose “Properties”. Click on the “IP Addresses” tab. Scroll down to the “IPAll” section. If there is a value in “TCP Dynamic Ports”, delete it. Then, if not already there, change the “TCP Port” value to 1433. Click “OK”

4. Notice the warning after making the changes. Restart the SQL Server service to fully apply the changes.

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Océ Direct Print Pro Installation Guide