synthesis of orange ii_kel_vii

LABORATORIUM KIMIA ORGANIK JURUSAN KIMIA FAKULTAS MIPA HASIL PRAKTIKUM SINTESIS SENYAWA ORGANIK Judul : Sintesis Orange II dengan Reaksi Coupling diazo Tanggal Percobaan : 26 November 2010 Reaksi Sintesis NH 2 S O O O H Sulfanilic Acid Na 2 CO 3 NH 2 S O O O - Na + 2 HCl NaNO 2 N + N S O O O - Cl - N + N S O O O - Cl - 2 CO 2 H 2 O N N S O O O H O H Orange II OH NaOH Data dan Perhitungan Hasil yang dperoleh pada pengulangan 1 = 3,31 gram dan pengulangan 2 = 3,45 gram. Jumlah mol bahan yang digunakan pada setiap percobaan: = 2,4 173 = 0,01 2 3 = 0,65 105,99 = 0,006 2 = 0,95 69 = 0,014 = 12,06 × 2,5 = 30,15 = 0,03 = 1,8 144 = 0,0125 Asam Sulfanilat + Na 2 CO 3 2 NaC 6 H 4 NH 2 SO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O Mula-Mula 0,01 mol 0,006 mol - - - Reaksi 0,006 mol 0,006 mol 0,012 mol 0,006 mol 0,006 mol Sisa 0,004 mol 0 mol 0,012 mol 0,006 mol 0,006 mol 2 NaC 6 H 4 NH 2 SO 3 + 2 HCl + 2 NaNO 2 2 Ion besenasulfonatdiazzoium Mula-Mula 0,012 mol 0,03 mol 0,014 mol - Reaksi 0,012 mol 0,012 mol 0,012 mol 0,012 mol Sisa 0 mol 0,018 mol 0,002 mol 0,012 mol

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Page 1: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII





Judul : Sintesis Orange II dengan Reaksi Coupling diazo

Tanggal Percobaan : 26 November 2010

Reaksi Sintesis





Sulfanilic Acid







2 HCl
























Orange II



Data dan Perhitungan

Hasil yang dperoleh pada pengulangan 1 = 3,31 gram dan pengulangan 2 = 3,45 gram.

Jumlah mol bahan yang digunakan pada setiap percobaan:

𝑛𝐴𝑠𝑎𝑚 𝑆𝑢𝑙𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑡 =2,4 𝑔

173 𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙

= 0,01 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑛𝑁𝑎2𝐶𝑂3=

0,65 𝑔

105,99 𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙

= 0,006 𝑚𝑜𝑙


0,95 𝑔

69 𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙

= 0,014 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑛𝐻𝐶𝑙 = 12,06 𝑀 × 2,5 𝑚𝑙

= 30,15 𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑙 = 0,03 𝑚𝑜𝑙

𝑛𝛽−𝑛𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑜𝑙 =1,8 𝑔

144 𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙

= 0,0125 𝑚𝑜𝑙

Asam Sulfanilat + Na2CO3 → 2 NaC6H4NH2SO3 + CO2 + H2O

Mula-Mula 0,01 mol 0,006 mol - - -

Reaksi 0,006 mol 0,006 mol 0,012 mol 0,006 mol 0,006 mol

Sisa 0,004 mol 0 mol 0,012 mol 0,006 mol 0,006 mol

2 NaC6H4NH2SO3 + 2 HCl + 2 NaNO2 → 2 Ion besenasulfonatdiazzoium

Mula-Mula 0,012 mol 0,03 mol 0,014 mol -

Reaksi 0,012 mol 0,012 mol 0,012 mol 0,012 mol

Sisa 0 mol 0,018 mol 0,002 mol 0,012 mol

Page 2: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII




Ion besenasulfonatdiazzoium + β-naftol → Orange II

Mula-Mula 0,012 mol 0,0125 mol -

Reaksi 0,012 mol 0,012 mol 0,012 mol

Sisa 0 mol 0,0005 mol 0,012 mol

Jadi orange II yang dihasilkan = 0,012 𝑚𝑜𝑙 × 328 𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙 = 3,936 𝑔


Percobaan sistesis Orange II dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yaitu didiazosiasi, sintesis dan

kristalisasi. Tahapan didiazosiasi dimulai dengan melarutkan 2,4 g kristal asam sulfanilat

(monohidrat) dalam 25 ml laruran 25% natrium karbonat (0,65 g Na2CO3 anhidrat dan 25 ml air)

dengan pemanasan (gambar a), reaksi yang terjadi:












Proses pemanasan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk melarutkan asam sulfanilat dengan natrium

karbonat dapat berjalan dengan cepat. Setelah proses pemanasan dilakukan proses pendinginan

larutan. Setelah larutan dingin diambahkan 0,95 g natrium nitrit (gambar b) dan diaduk sampai

larut yang kemudian larutan dituangkan dalam beker yang berisi 12,5 g es aquadest dan 2,5 ml

HCl pekat untuk membentuk ion diazonium dengan cepat (gambar c), reaksi yang terjadi:






2 HCl











Tahapan berikutnya adalah tahapan sintesis yang dimulai dengan melarutkan 1,8 g β-naftol

dalam 10 ml larutan NaOH 10% (gambar d) untuk membuat dalam suasana basa. Suspensi yang

didapat dari tahapan didiazosiasi dituangkan kedalam larutan β-naftol dengan pengadukan agar

terjadi percampuran yang sempurna (gambar e), reaksi yang terjadi:














Orange II



Page 3: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII




Tahapan yang terakhir adalah tahapan kristalisasi, dimulai dengan memanaskan campuran dari

tahap sintesis yang telah diinkubasi selama 5-10 menit sampai endapan larut. Kemudian

menambahakan 5 g NaCl dengan pemanasan dan pengadukan. Masukkan gelas beker ke dalam

cawan yang berisi air dan es dan dibiarkan sampai menjadi temperatur kamar (gambar f).

Akhirnya dengan pengadukan maka dikumpulkan hasilnya pada corong buncher (gambar g) dan

cuci dengan NaCl jenuh. Hasilnya mengering secara perlahan-lahan dan masih mengandung

NaCl. Residu yang dihasilkan ditambahkan larutan etanol dalam air ( atau etanol 70% sebanyak

50 mL) dan dikristalisasi (gambar h). Kertas saring yang sudah digunakan dicuci dengan air

yang mendidih kurang lebih 30 mL dan kemudian dikristalisasi juga karena diperkirakan masih

mengandung kristal orange II (gambar i).

Setelah didapatkan kristal orange II, kristal yang diperoleh dianalisis atau diuji titik leburnya

dengan melting point tester yang menggunakan alat bantu pipa kapiler sebagai wadah kristal.

Melting point tester diset agar panas yang diberikan melebihi titik lebur kristal orange II yaitu

170°C (titik lebur orange II = 164°C) sehingga pada suhu pertama kali kristal orange II yang

dihasilkan melebur biasanya pada bagian bawah pipa kapiler, menjadi titik lebur kristal orange



Dari percobaan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pewarna orange II merupakan salah satu pewarna

senyawa diazonium yang disintesis dari asam sulfanilat dan β-naftol.

Nama Praktikan

Ruri Andika SP_071810301068

Alfisa Surya Primaswara_081810301009

Deny Susanti_081810301033

Tety Prasiska_081810301050

Rahmad Soleh_071810301073

Citra Awwalul laili_081810301010

Ardian Syah Putra_081810301034

Mohammad Rofik Usman _081810301051

Page 4: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII





Gambar a

Gambar b

Gambar c

Gambar d

Gambar e

Gambar f

Page 5: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII




Gambar g

Gambar h

Gambar i

Gambar j

Page 6: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII





Judul : Sintesis Orange II dengan Reaksi Coupling diazo

Tujuan Percobaan : Studi sintesis orange II dari asam p-aminobensenasulfonat (sulfanilic

acid) dengan β-naftol dengan reaksi coupling diazo.

Latar Belakang

Pewarna asam yang larut air pewarna digunakan terutama dalam bentuk garam natrium atau

karboksilat asam sulfanilat. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut merupakan anionik yang menempel kuat

kepada kelompok kationik dalam serat secara langsung yang dapat berlaku untuk semua jenis

serat alami seperti kapas dan sutra serta sintetis seperti poliester dan rayon. Senyawa-senyawa itu

juga digunakan dalam cat, tinta dan kulit. Salah satu dari senyawa tersebut adalah Orange II.

Sebagai mahasiswa kimia seharusnya mengetahui bagaimana teknik yang dilakukan dan tahap-

tahap yang terjadi pada proses Orange II.

Metode sistesis yang digunakan karena lebih cepat akibat adanya asam dan sebagai katalis

sehingga dapat mengurangi adanya penyusunan ulang yang lebih stabil pada proses sintesis dan

akan mengalami tahap reaksi coupling diazo yang akan dipelajari.

Mekanisme Reaksi





Sulfanilic Acid







2 HCl
























Orange II



Reaksi Sintesis



















Sulfanilic Acid

1. Na2CO


2. NaNO2

3. HCl

Orange II


Reaksi Analisis

Page 7: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII





Pipet volume 10 ml dan 50 ml, beaker glass 150 ml, erlenmeyer, pengaduk kaca, spatula, kertas

saring, botol wadah bahan, penangas, pompa vakum, corong buchner, melting point tester,

neraca, oven, desikator, cawan (panci panas), botol semprot, kertas saring dan ball pipet.


Asam sulfanilat, β-naftol, Na2CO3, NaNO2, HCl pekat, NaOH 10%, NaCl, etanol 70 %,

Cara Kerja

Sulfanilic Acid

→ Didiazosiasi

→ Disintesis

→ Dikristalisasi


1) Didiazosiasi

Larutkan 2,4 g kristal asam sulfanilat (monohidrat) dalam 25 ml laruran 25% natrium karbonat

(0,65 g Na2CO3 anhidrat dan 25 ml air) dengan cara pendidihan. Dinginkan larutan tersebut

dengan air kran. Tambahkan 0,95 g natrium nitrit dan aduk sampai larut. Tuang larutan dalam

beker yang berisi 12,5 g es dan 2,5 ml HCl pekat sampai berbentuk endapan putih yang akan

memisah dan siap dipakai. Hasil ini tidak dikumpulkan melainkan dipakai dalam bentuk


2) Sintesis

Larutkan 1,8 g β-naftol dalam 10 ml larutan NaOH 10% dingin dan tuanglah kedalam larutan ini,

dengan pengadukan suspensi asam sulfanilat yang sudah dibuat. Aduklah pasta kristal baik-baik

supaya terjadi percampuran yang sempurna, setelah 5-10 menit panaskan campuran itu sampai

zat padatnya melarut. Tambahakan 5 g NaCl dan larutankan semuanya dengan pemanasan dan

pengadukan. Masukkan gelas beker ke dalam cawan yang berisi air dan es dan biarkan larutan

menjadi dingin sampai temperatur kamar. Akhirnya dengan pengadukan maka dikumpulkan

hasilnya pada corong buncher dan pakai NaCl jenuh untuk mencuci endapan orange II diatas

Page 8: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII




corong Buchner dan berlangsung agak lambat. Hasilnya mengering secara perlahan-;ahan dan

masih mengandung NaCl. Namun jangan dikeringkan terlebih dahulu. Rekristalisasi dengan

larutan etanol dalam air ( atau etanol 70% sebanyak 50 mL). Pindahkan larutan ke dalam gelas

beker dan cucilah kertas saringnya dengan air mendidih dan tidak lebih dari 25 mL. Saring

melalui corong Buchner yang telah dihangatkan. Tuangkan filtratnya ke dalam elenmeyer jika

lebih dari 30 ml maka uapkan dengan mendidihkan. Dinginkan dengan air es sewaktu

mengumpulkan endapan. Bilas gelas beker induk dengan sedikit etanol. Keringkan Kristal yang

diperoleh didalam eksikator, timbang, dan tentukan titik leburnya.

Pembahasan Hasil

Setelah didapatkan kristal orange II dianalisis atau diuji titik leburnya, dan diperoleh titik lebur

165°C pada percobaan yang pertama dan 168°C pada percobaan yang kedua. Seharusnya titik

lebur orange II 164°C (, hasil yang diperoleh berbeda

dengan sumber referensi dikarenakan pengamatan yang kurang cermat dan teliti saat pengamatan

dan sampel yang diuji titik leburnya terlalu banyak yang dimasukkan ke dalam pipa kapiler

sehingga kesulitan mengamati suhu saat awal kristal orange II melebur. Secara stoikiometri

kristal orange II yang dihasilkan seharusnya 3,936 gram, data jumlah kristal orange II diperoleh

dengan menimbang total kristal orange II dengan berat beaker glass yang kemudian dikurangi

dengan berat beaker glass dihasilkan 3,31 gram pada percobaan 1 dan pada percobaan 2

diperoleh 3,45.gram. Data yang diperoleh dari percobaan berbeda dengan yang seharusnya

diperoleh secara stoikiometri diperkirakan sebagian kecil kristal orange II ikut tercuci pada

batang pengaduk saat pengadukan pada tahap kristalisasi.


Dari percobaan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pewarna orange II merupakan salah satu pewarna

senyawa diazonium yang disintesis dari asam sulfanilat dan β-naftol.


Anonim. 2010. 24 November 2010

Team Laboratorium Kimia Farmasi. 2008. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Sintesis Bahan Obat. UNEJ

Press : Jember.

Page 9: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII




Swift. 2005. CHEM 118 Organic Lab II: Module 1: Dye Synthesis & Dyeing. Susquehanna

University : Susquehanna.


Dari percobaan yang dilakukan disarankan bagi praktikan yang akan melakukan percobaan ini

untuk lebih memperhatikan aspek-aspek dalam hal kualitatif seperti uji titik lebur dan aspek-

aspek yang mempengaruhi kuantitatif dari kristal orange II karena pasta saat kristalisasi sangat


Nama Praktikan

Ruri Andika SP_071810301068

Alfisa Surya Primaswara_081810301009

Deny Susanti_081810301033

Tety Prasiska_081810301050

Rahmad Soleh_071810301073

Citra Awwalul laili_081810301010

Ardian Syah Putra_081810301034

Mohammad Rofik Usman _081810301051

Page 10: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

p. 1

1 2 0

He a lt h

Fir e

Re a c t iv it y

P e r s o n a lP r o t e c t io n





Material Safety Data SheetSulfanilic acid MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Sulfanilic acid

Catalog Codes: SLS1108

CAS#: 121-57-3

RTECS: WP3895500

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sulfanilic acid

CI#: Not available.

Synonym: 4-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid

Chemical Formula: C6H7NO3S

Contact Information:, Inc.14025 Smith Rd.Houston, Texas 77396

US Sales: 1-800-901-7247International Sales: 1-281-441-4400

Order Online:

CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:1-800-424-9300

International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887

For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Sulfanilic acid 121-57-3 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sulfanilic acid: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 12300 mg/kg [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of inhalation.

Potential Chronic Health Effects:Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of inhalation.CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance is toxic to blood, the nervous system, liver. Repeated orprolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelidsopen. Cold water may be used. Do not use an eye ointment. Seek medical attention.

Page 11: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

p. 2

Skin Contact:After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently and thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with runningwater and non-abrasive soap. Be particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cold water may be used.Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing beforereusing.

Serious Skin Contact:Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical attention.

Serious Inhalation: Not available.

Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, performmouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention.

Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.

Flash Points: Not available.

Flammable Limits: Not available.

Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2...).

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.

Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product inpresence of static discharge: Not available.

Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.

Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water onthe contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.

Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on thecontaminated surface and allow to evacuate through the sanitary system.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions:Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue under afume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing Incase of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show thecontainer or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes

Page 12: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

p. 3

Storage:Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment containing material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in acool, well-ventilated place. Combustible materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away from strong oxidizingagents.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommendedexposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne contaminantsbelow the exposure limit.

Personal Protection:Splash goggles. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.

Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoidinhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling thisproduct.

Exposure Limits: Not available.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Crystalline solid.)

Odor: Not available.

Taste: Not available.

Molecular Weight: 173.19 g/mole

Color: Colorless.

pH (1% soln/water): Not available.

Boiling Point: Not available.

Melting Point: Decomposes. (288°C or 550.4°F)

Critical Temperature: Not available.

Specific Gravity: 1.485 (Water = 1)

Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.

Vapor Density: Not available.

Volatility: Not available.

Odor Threshold: Not available.

Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.

Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water.

Solubility:Partially soluble in cold water. Insoluble in methanol, diethyl ether.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Page 13: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

p. 4

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.

Conditions of Instability: Not available.

Incompatibility with various substances: Not available.

Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.

Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.

Polymerization: No.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 12300 mg/kg [Rat].

Chronic Effects on Humans: The substance is toxic to blood, the nervous system, liver.

Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of inhalation.

Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.

Products of Biodegradation:Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.

Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more toxic.

Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).

Identification: Not applicable.

Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Page 14: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

p. 5

Federal and State Regulations: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sulfanilic acid

Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

Other Classifications:

WHMIS (Canada): CLASS D-2B: Material causing other toxic effects (TOXIC).

DSCL (EEC): R36/38- Irritating to eyes and skin.

HMIS (U.S.A.):

Health Hazard: 2

Fire Hazard: 1

Reactivity: 0

Personal Protection: E

National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):

Health: 2

Flammability: 1

Reactivity: 0

Specific hazard:

Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respiratorwhen ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.

Created: 10/10/2005 08:29 PM

Last Updated: 11/06/2008 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, wemake no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assumeno liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information fortheir particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or forlost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if ScienceLab.comhas been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Page 15: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

Aldrich - 130109 Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Page 1 of 6

SIGMA-ALDRICH Material Safety Data Sheet

Version 3.0

Revision Date 12/29/2008 Print Date 04/22/2010


Product name : 2-Naphthol

Product Number : 130109 Brand : Aldrich Company : Sigma-Aldrich

3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 USA

Telephone : +18003255832 Fax : +18003255052 Emergency Phone # : (314) 776-6555


Synonyms : β-Naphthol 2-Hydroxynaphthalene

Formula : C10H8O Molecular Weight : 144.17 g/mol CAS-No. EC-No. Index-No. Concentration

2-Naphthol 135-19-3 205-182-7 604-007-00-5 -


Emergency Overview

OSHA Hazards Target Organ Effect, Harmful by ingestion., Irritant

Target Organs

Damage to the eyes.

HMIS Classification Health Hazard: 2 Chronic Health Hazard: * Flammability: 1 Physical hazards: 0

NFPA Rating Health Hazard: 2 Fire: 1 Reactivity Hazard: 0

Page 16: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

Aldrich - 130109 Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Page 2 of 6

Potential Health Effects

Inhalation May be harmful if inhaled. Causes respiratory tract irritation. Skin May be harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes skin irritation. Eyes Causes eye irritation. Ingestion Harmful if swallowed.


General advice Consult a physician. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.Move out of dangerous area.

If inhaled If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration Consult a physician.

In case of skin contact Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.

If swallowed Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouth with water. Consult a physician.


Flammable properties Flash point 153 °C (307 °F) - closed cup

Ignition temperature no data available

Suitable extinguishing media Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.

Special protective equipment for fire-fighters Wear self contained breathing apparatus for fire fighting if necessary.


Personal precautions Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing dust. Ensure adequate ventilation.

Environmental precautions Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do not let product enter drains. Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods for cleaning up Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.


Handling Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. Normal measures for preventive fire protection.

Storage Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.

Light sensitive.

Page 17: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

Aldrich - 130109 Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Page 3 of 6


Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.

Personal protective equipment

Respiratory protection Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a dust mask type N95 (US) or type P1 (EN 143) respirator. Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).

Hand protection Handle with gloves.

Eye protection Safety glasses

Skin and body protection Choose body protection according to the amount and concentration of the dangerous substance at the work place.

Hygiene measures Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.



Form solid

Safety data

pH no data available

Melting point 120 - 122 °C (248 - 252 °F)

Boiling point 285 - 286 °C (545 - 547 °F)

Flash point 153 °C (307 °F) - closed cup

Ignition temperature no data available

Lower explosion limit no data available

Upper explosion limit no data available

Vapour pressure 13 hPa (10 mmHg) at 145.5 °C (293.9 °F)

Water solubility no data available


Storage stability Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Materials to avoid Strong oxidizing agents, Strong bases

Hazardous decomposition products Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions. - Carbon oxides


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Acute toxicity LD50 Oral - rat - 1,960 mg/kg

LD50 Oral - rat - 1,960 mg/kg

LD50 Dermal - rabbit - > 10,000 mg/kg

LD50 Dermal - rabbit - > 10,000 mg/kg

Irritation and corrosion Skin - rabbit - Mild skin irritation - 24 h

Eyes - rabbit - Moderate eye irritation


no data available

Chronic exposure

IARC: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.

ACGIH: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by ACGIH.

NTP: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP.

OSHA: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA.

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure

Depending on the intensity and duration of exposure, effects may vary from mild irritation to severe destruction of tissue., Damage to the eyes., To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.

Potential Health Effects

Inhalation May be harmful if inhaled. Causes respiratory tract irritation. Skin May be harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes skin irritation. Eyes Causes eye irritation. Ingestion Harmful if swallowed. Target Organs Damage to the eyes.,

Additional Information RTECS: QL2975000


Elimination information (persistence and degradability)

Biodegradability Zahn-Wellens Test Result: 92 % - Readily biodegradable.

Ecotoxicity effects

Toxicity to fish LC50 - Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) - 3.46 mg/l - 96 h

Further information on ecology

An environmental hazard cannot be excluded in the event of unprofessional handling or disposal.

Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

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Product Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material. Contaminated packaging Dispose of as unused product.


DOT (US) Not dangerous goods IMDG UN-Number: 3077 Class: 9 Packing group: III EMS-No: F-A, S-F Proper shipping name: ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID, N.O.S. (2-Naphthol) Marine pollutant: No IATA UN-Number: 3077 Class: 9 Packing group: III Proper shipping name: Environmentally hazardous substance, solid n.o.s. (2-Naphthol)


OSHA Hazards Target Organ Effect, Harmful by ingestion., Irritant

DSL Status All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL list.

SARA 302 Components SARA 302: No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.

SARA 313 Components SARA 313: This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.

SARA 311/312 Hazards Acute Health Hazard, Chronic Health Hazard

Massachusetts Right To Know Components No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.

Pennsylvania Right To Know Components 2-Naphthol

CAS-No. 135-19-3

Revision Date

New Jersey Right To Know Components 2-Naphthol

CAS-No. 135-19-3

Revision Date

California Prop. 65 Components This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth, or any other reproductive defects.


Further information Copyright 2008 Sigma-Aldrich Co. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only.

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The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Co., shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale.

Page 21: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

SIGMA-ALDRICH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Printed: 02/28/2007 Date Updated: 01/30/2006 Version 1.6 Section 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name SODIUM CARBONATE ANHYDROUS SIGMAULTRA Product Number S7795 Brand SIAL Company Sigma-Aldrich Address 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 US Technical Phone: 800-325-5832 Fax: 800-325-5052 Emergency Phone: 314-776-6555 Section 2 - Composition/Information on Ingredient Substance Name CAS # SARA 313 SODIUM CARBONATE (ANHYDROUS) 497-19-8 No Formula Na2CO3 Synonyms Bisodium carbonate * Calcined soda * Carbonic acid, disodium salt * Crystol carbonate * Disodium carbonate * Snowlite 1 * Soda ash * Solvay soda RTECS Number: VZ4050000 Section 3 - Hazards Identification EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Irritant. Irritating to respiratory system and skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Severe eye irritant. HMIS RATING HEALTH: 2 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 1 NFPA RATING HEALTH: 2 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 1 For additional information on toxicity, please refer to Section 11. Section 4 - First Aid Measures ORAL EXPOSURE If swallowed, wash out mouth with water provided person is conscious. Call a physician. INHALATION EXPOSURE If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing give

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artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. DERMAL EXPOSURE In case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap and copious amounts of water. EYE EXPOSURE In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures FLASH POINT N/A AUTOIGNITION TEMP N/A FLAMMABILITY N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Suitable: Noncombustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions. FIREFIGHTING Protective Equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASE OF LEAK OR SPILL Evacuate area. PROCEDURE(S) OF PERSONAL PRECAUTION(S) Wear respirator, chemical safety goggles, rubber boots, and heavy rubber gloves. METHODS FOR CLEANING UP Sweep up, place in a bag and hold for waste disposal. Avoid raising dust. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete. Section 7 - Handling and Storage HANDLING User Exposure: Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. STORAGE Suitable: Keep tightly closed. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Hygroscopic. Section 8 - Exposure Controls / PPE ENGINEERING CONTROLS Safety shower and eye bath. Mechanical exhaust required. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SIAL - S7795 Page 2

Page 23: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

Respiratory: Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU). Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a dust mask type N95 (US) or type P1 (EN 143) respirator. Hand: Compatible chemical-resistant gloves. Eye: Chemical safety goggles. GENERAL HYGIENE MEASURES Wash thoroughly after handling. Section 9 - Physical/Chemical Properties Appearance Physical State: Solid Color: White Form: Powder Property Value At Temperature or Pressure Molecular Weight 105.99 AMU pH 12 BP/BP Range N/A MP/MP Range 851 °C Freezing Point N/A Vapor Pressure N/A Vapor Density N/A Saturated Vapor Conc. N/A SG/Density 2.532 g/cm3 Bulk Density N/A Odor Threshold N/A Volatile% N/A VOC Content N/A Water Content N/A Solvent Content N/A Evaporation Rate N/A Viscosity N/A Surface Tension N/A Partition Coefficient N/A Decomposition Temp. N/A Flash Point N/A Explosion Limits N/A Flammability N/A Autoignition Temp N/A Refractive Index N/A Optical Rotation N/A Miscellaneous Data N/A Solubility Solubility in Water:complete, colorless 1 M in H2O, 20°C N/A = not available Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity STABILITY Stable: Stable. Conditions of Instability: Hygroscopic. Conditions to Avoid: Moisture. Materials to Avoid: Strong acids. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Sodium/sodium oxides. SIAL - S7795 Page 3

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HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Section 11 - Toxicological Information ROUTE OF EXPOSURE Skin Contact: Causes skin irritation. Skin Absorption: May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Eye Contact: Causes severe eye irritation. Inhalation: May be harmful if inhaled. Material is irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Symptoms of exposure may include burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, and vomiting. TOXICITY DATA Oral Rat 4090 mg/kg LD50 Inhalation Rat 2,300 mg/m3 LC50 Remarks: Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration:Dyspnea. Gastrointestinal:Other changes. Oral Mouse 6600 mg/kg LD50 Inhalation Mouse 1,200 mg/m3 LC50 Remarks: Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration:Dyspnea. Gastrointestinal:Other changes. Intraperitoneal Mouse 117 MG/KG LD50 Subcutaneous Mouse 2210 MG/KG LD50 Inhalation Guinea pig 800 mg/m3 LC50 Remarks: Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration:Dyspnea. Gastrointestinal:Other changes. SIAL - S7795 Page 4

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IRRITATION DATA Skin Rabbit 500 mg 24H Remarks: Mild irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 100 mg 24H Remarks: Moderate irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 100 mg 30S Remarks: Rinsed Eyes Rabbit 50 mg Remarks: Severe irritation effect CHRONIC EXPOSURE - REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD Species: Mouse Dose: 84800 NG/KG Route of Application: Intrauterine Exposure Time: (4D PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Pre-implantation mortality (e.g., reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea). Section 12 - Ecological Information ACUTE ECOTOXICITY TESTS Test Type: EC50 Daphnia Species: Daphnia magna Time: 48 h Value: 265 mg/l Test Type: LC50 Fish Species: Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) Time: 96 h Value: 300 mg/l Section 13 - Disposal Considerations APPROPRIATE METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF SUBSTANCE OR PREPARATION Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material. Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Section 14 - Transport Information DOT Proper Shipping Name: None SIAL - S7795 Page 5

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Non-Hazardous for Transport: This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport. IATA Non-Hazardous for Air Transport: Non-hazardous for air transport. Section 15 - Regulatory Information EU DIRECTIVES CLASSIFICATION Symbol of Danger: Xi Indication of Danger: Irritant. R: 36 Risk Statements: Irritating to eyes. S: 22-26 Safety Statements: Do not breathe dust. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. US CLASSIFICATION AND LABEL TEXT Indication of Danger: Irritant. Risk Statements: Irritating to respiratory system and skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Safety Statements: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection. Do not breathe dust. US Statements: Severe eye irritant. UNITED STATES REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA LISTED: No TSCA INVENTORY ITEM: Yes CANADA REGULATORY INFORMATION WHMIS Classification: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. DSL: Yes NDSL: No Section 16 - Other Information DISCLAIMER For R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. WARRANTY The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Inc., shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale. Copyright 2007 Sigma-Aldrich Co. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only. SIAL - S7795 Page 6

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Sigma-Aldrich - S2252 Page 1 of 6


according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 Version 4.0 Revision Date 13.03.2010



Product name : Sodium nitrite

Product Number : S2252 Brand : Sigma-Aldrich Company : Sigma-Aldrich

3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 USA

Telephone : +18003255832 Fax : +18003255052 Emergency Phone # : (314) 776-6555


Classification of the substance or mixture

According to Regulation (EC) No1272/2008 Oxidizing solids (Category 3) Acute toxicity (Category 3) Acute aquatic toxicity (Category 1)

According to European Directive 67/548/EEC as amended. Contact with combustible material may cause fire. Toxic if swallowed. Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Label elements


Signal word Danger Hazard statement(s) H400 Very toxic to aquatic life. H272 May intensify fire; oxidiser. H301 Toxic if swallowed. Precautionary statement(s) P220 Keep/Store away from clothing/ combustible materials. P273 Avoid release to the environment. Hazard symbol(s) O Oxidising T Toxic N Dangerous for the environment R-phrase(s) R 8 Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R25 Toxic if swallowed. R50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms. S-phrase(s) S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately

(show the label where possible). S61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/ Safety data

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Formula : NNaO2 Molecular Weight : 69,00 g/mol CAS-No. EC-No. Index-No. Classification Concentration

Sodium nitrite 7632-00-0 231-555-9 007-010-00-4 Ox. Sol. 3; Acute Tox. 3;

Aquatic Acute 1; H400, H272, H301 O, T, N, R 8 - R25 - R50


For the full text of the H-Statements mentioned in this Section, see Section 16. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES

General advice Consult a physician. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.

If inhaled If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration Consult a physician.

In case of skin contact Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.

If swallowed Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouth with water. Consult a physician.


Suitable extinguishing media Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.

Special protective equipment for fire-fighters Wear self contained breathing apparatus for fire fighting if necessary.

Further information Use water spray to cool unopened containers.


Personal precautions Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing dust. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

Environmental precautions Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do not let product enter drains. Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.


Precautions for safe handling Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Keep away from combustible material.

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Conditions for safe storage Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.


Personal protective equipment

Respiratory protection Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a full-face particle respirator type N100 (US) or type P3 (EN 143) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls. If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator. Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).

Hand protection The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specifications of EU Directive 89/686/EEC and the standard EN 374 derived from it. Handle with gloves. Eye protection Face shield and safety glasses

Skin and body protection Choose body protection according to the amount and concentration of the dangerous substance at the work place.

Hygiene measures Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product.



Form solid

Safety data

pH 9

Melting point 281 °C

Boiling point 320 °C

Flash point no data available

Ignition temperature 490 °C -

Lower explosion limit no data available

Upper explosion limit no data available

Density 2,168 g/cm3

Water solubility no data available


Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Conditions to avoid Exposure to moisture.

Materials to avoid Acids, Powdered metals, Ammonia, Cyanides, Amines, Activated carbon

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Hazardous decomposition products Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions. - nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sodium oxides


Acute toxicity LD50 Oral - rat - 157,9 mg/kg

LD50 Oral - mouse - 175 mg/kg Remarks: Vascular:BP lowering not charactertized in autonomic section. Vascular:Regional or general arteriolar or venous dilation.

LD50 Oral - rabbit - 186 mg/kg

LD50 Oral - Chicken - 28,944 mg/kg

LC50 Inhalation - rat - 4 h - 5,5 mg/m3

LD50 Subcutaneous - rat - 96,6 mg/kg

LD50 Intravenous - rat - 65 mg/kg

LD50 Intraperitoneal - mouse - 158 mg/kg

Skin corrosion/irritation no data available

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Eyes - rabbit - Mild eye irritation - 24 h

Respiratory or skin sensitization no data available

Germ cell mutagenicity no data available


IARC: 2A - Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans (Sodium nitrite)

2A - Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans (Sodium nitrite)

Reproductive toxicity no data available

Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure no data available

Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure no data available

Aspiration hazard no data available

Potential health effects

Inhalation May be harmful if inhaled. May cause respiratory tract irritation. Ingestion Toxic if swallowed. Skin May be harmful if absorbed through skin. May cause skin irritation. Eyes May cause eye irritation.

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.

Additional Information RTECS: RA1225000



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Toxicity to fish LC50 - Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) - 0,092 mg/l - 96,0 h

mortality NOEC - Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) - 0,54 mg/l - 96,0 h

Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates.

EC50 - Daphnia magna (Water flea) - 12,5 mg/l - 48 h

Persistence and degradability no data available

Bioaccumulative potential no data available

Mobility in soil no data available

PBT and vPvB assessment no data available

Other adverse effects Very toxic to aquatic organisms. no data available


Product Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material. Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations.

Contaminated packaging Dispose of as unused product.


ADR/RID UN-Number: 1500 Class: 5.1 (6.1) Packing group: III Proper shipping name: SODIUM NITRITE IMDG UN-Number: 1500 Class: 5.1 (6.1) Packing group: III EMS-No: F-A, S-Q Proper shipping name: SODIUM NITRITE Marine pollutant: No IATA UN-Number: 1500 Class: 5.1 (6.1) Packing group: III Proper shipping name: Sodium nitrite


This safety datasheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006. 16. OTHER INFORMATION

Text of H-code(s) and R-phrase(s) mentioned in Section 3

Acute Tox. Acute toxicity Aquatic Acute Acute aquatic toxicity H272 May intensify fire; oxidiser. H301 Toxic if swallowed. H400 Very toxic to aquatic life. Ox. Sol. Oxidizing solids N Dangerous for the environment O Oxidising T Toxic

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R 8 Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R25 Toxic if swallowed. R50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Further information Copyright 2010 Sigma-Aldrich Co. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only. The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Co., shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale.

Page 33: Synthesis of Orange II_Kel_VII

Material Safety Data SheetHydrochloric acid MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Hydrochloric acid

Catalog Codes: SLH1462, SLH3154

CAS#: Mixture.

RTECS: MW4025000

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Hydrochloric acid

CI#: Not applicable.

Synonym: Hydrochloric Acid; Muriatic Acid

Chemical Name: Not applicable.

Chemical Formula: Not applicable.

Contact Information:, Inc.14025 Smith Rd.Houston, Texas 77396

US Sales: 1-800-901-7247International Sales: 1-281-441-4400

Order Online:

CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:1-800-424-9300

International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887

For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on IngredientsComposition:

Name CAS # % by Weight

Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 20-38

Water 7732-18-5 62-80

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Hydrogen chloride: GAS (LC50): Acute: 4701 ppm 0.5 hours [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant, permeator), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), ofingestion, . Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation (lung sensitizer). Non-corrosive for lungs. Liquid or spraymist may produce tissue damage particularly on mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and respiratory tract. Skincontact may produce burns. Inhalation of the spray mist may produce severe irritation of respiratory tract,characterized by coughing, choking, or shortness of breath. Severe over-exposure can result in death.Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized byitching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering.

Potential Chronic Health Effects:Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer).CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC [Hydrochloric acid].MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.

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TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available.DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available.The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes, CirculatorySystem, teeth.Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated or prolongedcontact with spray mist may produce chronic eye irritation and severe skin irritation. Repeated or prolongedexposure to spray mist may produce respiratory tract irritation leading to frequent attacks of bronchial infection.Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation inone or many human organs.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for atleast 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention immediately.

Skin Contact:In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminatedclothing and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing beforereuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.

Serious Skin Contact:Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediatemedical attention.

Inhalation:If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Getmedical attention immediately.

Serious Inhalation:Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt orwaistband. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouthresuscitation. WARNING: It may be hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitationwhen the inhaled material is toxic, infectious or corrosive. Seek immediate medical attention.

Ingestion:If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything bymouth to an unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medicalattention immediately.

Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.

Flash Points: Not applicable.

Flammable Limits: Not applicable.

Products of Combustion: Not available.

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: of metals

Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Non-explosive in presence of open flames and sparks, of shocks.

Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.

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Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:Non combustible.Calcium carbide reacts with hydrogen chloride gas with incandescence.Uranium phosphide reacts with hydrochloric acid to release spontaneously flammable phosphine.Rubidium acetylene carbides burns with slightly warm hydrochloric acid.Lithium silicide in contact with hydrogen chloride becomes incandescent. When dilute hydrochloric acid is used,gas spontaneously flammable in air is evolved.Magnesium boride treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid produces spontaneously flammble gas.Cesium acetylene carbide burns hydrogen chloride gas.Cesium carbide ignites in contact with hydrochloric acid unless acid is dilute.Reacts with most metals to produce flammable Hydrodgen gas.

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:Hydrogen chloride in contact with the following can cause an explosion, ignition on contact, or otherviolent/vigorous reaction: Acetic anhydride AgClO + CCl4 Alcohols + hydrogen cyanide, AluminumAluminum-titanium alloys (with HCl vapor), 2-Amino ethanol, Ammonium hydroxide, Calcium carbide Ca3P2Chlorine + dinitroanilines (evolves gas), Chlorosulfonic acid Cesium carbide Cesium acetylene carbide,1,1-Difluoroethylene Ethylene diamine Ethylene imine, Fluorine, HClO4 Hexalithium disilicide H2SO4 Metalacetylides or carbides, Magnesium boride, Mercuric sulfate, Oleum, Potassium permanganate,beta-Propiolactone Propylene oxide Rubidium carbide, Rubidium, acetylene carbide Sodium (with aqueous HCl),Sodium hydroxide Sodium tetraselenium, Sulfonic acid, Tetraselenium tetranitride, U3P4 , Vinyl acetate.Silver perchlorate with carbon tetrachloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid produces trichloromethylperchlorate which detonates at 40 deg. C.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposalcontainer. If necessary: Neutralize the residue with a dilute solution of sodium carbonate.

Large Spill:Corrosive liquid. Poisonous liquid.Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Do not get water insidecontainer. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray curtain to divert vapor drift. Use water spray to reducevapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance on disposal.Neutralize the residue with a dilute solution of sodium carbonate. Be careful that the product is not present ata concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions:Keep locked up.. Keep container dry. Do not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Never add waterto this product. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medicaladvice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away fromincompatibles such as oxidizing agents, organic materials, metals, alkalis, moisture.May corrode metallic surfaces. Store in a metallic or coated fiberboard drum using a strong polyethylene innerpackage.

Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below theirrespective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to thework-station location.

Personal Protection:

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Face shield. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves.Boots.

Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should beused to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialistBEFORE handling this product.

Exposure Limits:CEIL: 5 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]CEIL: 7 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]CEIL: 5 from NIOSHCEIL: 7 (mg/m3) from NIOSHTWA: 1 STEL: 5 (ppm) [United Kingdom (UK)]TWA: 2 STEL: 8 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)]Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

Odor: Pungent. Irritating (Strong.)

Taste: Not available.

Molecular Weight: Not applicable.

Color: Colorless to light yellow.

pH (1% soln/water): Acidic.

Boiling Point:108.58 C @ 760 mm Hg (for 20.22% HCl in water)83 C @ 760 mm Hg (for 31% HCl in water)50.5 C (for 37% HCl in water)

Melting Point:-62.25°C (-80°F) (20.69% HCl in water)-46.2 C (31.24% HCl in water)-25.4 C (39.17% HCl in water)

Critical Temperature: Not available.

Specific Gravity:1.1- 1.19 (Water = 1)1.10 (20%and 22% HCl solutions)1.12 (24% HCl solution)1.15 (29.57% HCl solution)1.16 (32% HCl solution)1.19 (37% and 38%HCl solutions)

Vapor Pressure: 16 kPa (@ 20°C) average

Vapor Density: 1.267 (Air = 1)

Volatility: Not available.

Odor Threshold: 0.25 to 10 ppm

Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.

Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

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Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, diethyl ether.

Solubility: Soluble in cold water, hot water, diethyl ether.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.

Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials, water

Incompatibility with various substances:Highly reactive with metals.Reactive with oxidizing agents, organic materials, alkalis, water.

Corrosivity:Extremely corrosive in presence of aluminum, of copper, of stainless steel(304), of stainless steel(316).Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

Special Remarks on Reactivity:Reacts with water especially when water is added to the product.Absorption of gaseous hydrogen chloride on mercuric sulfate becomes violent @ 125 deg. C.Sodium reacts very violently with gaseous hydrogen chloride.Calcium phosphide and hydrochloric acid undergo very energetic reaction.It reacts with oxidizers releasing chlorine gas.Incompatible with, alkali metals, carbides, borides, metal oxides, vinyl acetate, acetylides, sulphides, phosphides,cyanides, carbonates.Reacts with most metals to produce flammable Hydrogen gas.Reacts violently (moderate reaction with heat of evolution) with water especially when water is added to theproduct. Isolate hydrogen chloride from heat, direct sunlight, alkalies (reacts vigorously), organic materials, andoxidizers (especially nitric acid and chlorates), amines, metals, copper and alloys (e.g. brass), hydroxides, zinc(galvanized materials), lithium silicide (incandescence), sulfuric acid(increase in temperature and pressure)Hydrogen chloride gas is emitted when this product is in contact with sulfuric acid.Adsorption of Hydrochloric Acid onto silicon dioxide results in exothmeric reaction.Hydrogen chloride causes aldehydes and epoxides to violently polymerize.Hydrogen chloride or Hydrochloric Acid in contact with the folloiwng can cause explosion or ignition on contact or

Special Remarks on Corrosivity:Highly corrosive. Incompatible with copper and copper alloys. It attacks nearly all metals (mercury, gold,platinium, tantalum, silver, and certain alloys are exceptions).It is one of the most corrosive of the nonoxidizing acids in contact with copper alloys.No corrosivity data on zinc, steel.Severe Corrosive effect on brass and bronze

Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation.

Toxicity to Animals:Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 900 mg/kg [Rabbit].Acute toxicity of the vapor (LC50): 1108 ppm, 1 hours [Mouse].Acute toxicity of the vapor (LC50): 3124 ppm, 1 hours [Rat].

Chronic Effects on Humans:CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC [Hydrochloric acid].May cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, skin,

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eyes, Circulatory System, teeth.

Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant, permeator), of ingestion, .Hazardous in case of eye contact (corrosive), of inhalation (lung corrosive).

Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:Lowest Published Lethal Doses (LDL/LCL)LDL [Man] -Route: Oral; 2857 ug/kgLCL [Human] - Route: Inhalation; Dose: 1300 ppm/30MLCL [Rabbit] - Route: Inhalation; Dose: 4413 ppm/30M

Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:May cause adverse reproductive effects (fetoxicity).May affect genetic material.

Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:Acute Potential Health Effects:Skin: Corrosive. Causes severe skin irritation and burns.Eyes: Corrosive. Causes severe eye irritation/conjuntivitis, burns, corneal necrosis.Inhalation: May be fatal if inhaled. Material is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membranes andupper respiratory tract. Inhalation of hydrochloric acid fumes produces nose, throat, and larryngeal burning, andirritation, pain and inflammation, coughing, sneezing, choking sensation, hoarseness, laryngeal spasms, upperrespiratory tract edema, chest pains, as well has headache, and palpitations. Inhalation of high concentrationscan result in corrosive burns, necrosis of bronchial epithelium, constriction of the larynx and bronchi, nasospetalperforation, glottal closure,occur, particularly if exposure is prolonged. May affect the liver.Ingestion: May be fatal if swallowed. Causes irritation and burning, ulceration, or perforation of thegastrointestinal tract and resultant peritonitis, gastric hemorrhage and infection. Can also cause nausea, vomitting(with "coffee ground" emesis), diarrhea, thirst, difficulty swallowing, salivation, chills, fever, uneasiness, shock,strictures and stenosis (esophogeal, gastric, pyloric). May affect behavior (excitement), the cardiovascularsystem (weak rapid pulse, tachycardia), respiration (shallow respiration), and urinary system (kidneys- renalfailure, nephritis).Acute exposure via inhalation or ingestion can also cause erosion of tooth enamel.Chronic Potential Health Effects:dyspnea, bronchitis. Chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema can also

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.

Products of Biodegradation:Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products mayarise.

Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic than the product itself.

Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmentalcontrol regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

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DOT Classification: Class 8: Corrosive material

Identification: : Hydrochloric acid, solution UNNA: 1789 PG: II

Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:Connecticut hazardous material survey.: Hydrochloric acidIllinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act: Hydrochloric acidIllinois chemical safety act: Hydrochloric acidNew York release reporting list: Hydrochloric acidRhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Hydrochloric acidPennsylvania RTK: Hydrochloric acidMinnesota: Hydrochloric acidMassachusetts RTK: Hydrochloric acidMassachusetts spill list: Hydrochloric acidNew Jersey: Hydrochloric acidNew Jersey spill list: Hydrochloric acidLouisiana RTK reporting list: Hydrochloric acidLouisiana spill reporting: Hydrochloric acidCalifornia Director's List of Hazardous Substances: Hydrochloric acidTSCA 8(b) inventory: Hydrochloric acidTSCA 4(a) proposed test rules: Hydrochloric acidSARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances: Hydrochloric acidSARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Hydrochloric acidCERCLA: Hazardous substances.: Hydrochloric acid: 5000 lbs. (2268 kg)

Other Regulations:OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).EINECS: This product is on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.

Other Classifications:

WHMIS (Canada):CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects (VERY TOXIC).CLASS E: Corrosive liquid.

DSCL (EEC):R34- Causes burns.R37- Irritating to respiratory system.S26- In case of contact with eyes, rinseimmediately with plenty of water and seekmedical advice.S45- In case of accident or if you feel unwell,seek medical advice immediately (show thelabel where possible).

HMIS (U.S.A.):

Health Hazard: 3

Fire Hazard: 0

Reactivity: 1

Personal Protection:

National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):

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Health: 3

Flammability: 0

Reactivity: 1

Specific hazard:

Protective Equipment:Gloves.Full suit.Vapor respirator. Be sure to use anapproved/certified respirator orequivalent. Wear appropriate respiratorwhen ventilation is inadequate.Face shield.

Section 16: Other Information

References:-Hawley, G.G.. The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11e ed., New York N.Y., Van Nostrand Reinold, 1987.-SAX, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Indutrial Materials. Toronto, Van Nostrand Reinold, 6e ed. 1984.-The Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data, Edition II.-Guide de la loi et du règlement sur le transport des marchandises dangeureuses au canada. Centre de conformitéinternatinal Ltée. 1986.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.

Created: 10/09/2005 05:45 PM

Last Updated: 09/14/2009 10:34 AM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, wemake no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and weassume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of theinformation for their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of anythird party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, evenif has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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SIGMA-ALDRICH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Printed: 02/28/2007 Date Updated: 05/19/2006 Version 1.10 Section 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name SODIUM HYDROXIDE, 50% SOLUTION IN WATER Product Number 415413 Brand SIAL Company Sigma-Aldrich Address 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 US Technical Phone: 800-325-5832 Fax: 800-325-5052 Emergency Phone: 314-776-6555 Section 2 - Composition/Information on Ingredient Substance Name CAS # SARA 313 SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTIONS (>5%) 1310-73-2 No Ingredient Name CAS # Percent SARA 313 WATER 7732-18-5 <= 95 No SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1310-73-2 >= 5 No Formula NaOH Section 3 - Hazards Identification EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Corrosive. Causes burns. Exothermic in contact with water HMIS RATING HEALTH: 3 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 2 NFPA RATING HEALTH: 3 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 2 For additional information on toxicity, please refer to Section 11. Section 4 - First Aid Measures ORAL EXPOSURE If swallowed, wash out mouth with water provided person is conscious. Call a physician. Do not induce vomiting. INHALATION EXPOSURE If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.

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DERMAL EXPOSURE In case of skin contact, flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Call a physician. EYE EXPOSURE In case of contact with eyes, flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Assure adequate flushing by separating the eyelids with fingers. Call a physician. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures FLASH POINT N/A AUTOIGNITION TEMP N/A FLAMMABILITY N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Suitable: Dry chemical powder. Unsuitable: Do not use water. FIREFIGHTING Protective Equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASE OF LEAK OR SPILL Evacuate area. PROCEDURE(S) OF PERSONAL PRECAUTION(S) Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, rubber boots, and heavy rubber gloves. METHODS FOR CLEANING UP Absorb on sand or vermiculite and place in closed containers for disposal. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete. Section 7 - Handling and Storage HANDLING User Exposure: Do not breathe vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. STORAGE Suitable: Keep tightly closed. Store in a cool dry place. Incompatible Materials: Do not allow contact with water Section 8 - Exposure Controls / PPE ENGINEERING CONTROLS Safety shower and eye bath. Use only in a chemical fume hood. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Respiratory: Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN SIAL - 415413 Page 2

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(EU). Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a full-face respirator with multi-purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls. If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator. Hand: Compatible chemical-resistant gloves. Eye: Chemical safety goggles. Other: Faceshield (8-inch minimum). GENERAL HYGIENE MEASURES Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Discard contaminated shoes. Wash thoroughly after handling. EXPOSURE LIMITS Country Source Type Value USA OSHA. PEL 2 mg/m3 USA ACGIH TLV 2 mg/m3 Section 9 - Physical/Chemical Properties Appearance Physical State: Liquid Property Value At Temperature or Pressure Molecular Weight 40 AMU pH N/A 14 BP/BP Range 105.0 - 140.0 °C MP/MP Range - 12.0 - 10. °C Freezing Point N/A Vapor Pressure < 18 mmHg 20 °C Vapor Density > 1 g/l Saturated Vapor Conc. N/A SG/Density 1.327 g/cm3 25 °C Bulk Density N/A Odor Threshold N/A Volatile% N/A VOC Content N/A Water Content N/A Solvent Content N/A Evaporation Rate N/A Viscosity N/A Surface Tension N/A Partition Coefficient N/A Decomposition Temp. N/A Flash Point N/A Explosion Limits N/A Flammability N/A Autoignition Temp N/A Refractive Index N/A Optical Rotation N/A Miscellaneous Data N/A Solubility Solubility in Water:Miscible. Soluble. N/A = not available Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity STABILITY Stable: Stable. Conditions of Instability: Absorbs carbon dioxide from air. Heat of solution is very high, and with limited amounts of water, violent boiling may occur SIAL - 415413 Page 3

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Conditions to Avoid: Air sensitive. Materials to Avoid: Water, Acids, Organic materials, Chlorinated solvents, Aluminum, Phosphorus, Tin/tin oxides, Zinc. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sodium/sodium oxides. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Section 11 - Toxicological Information ROUTE OF EXPOSURE Skin Contact: Causes burns. Skin Absorption: May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Eye Contact: Causes burns. Inhalation: Material is extremely destructive to the tissue of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. May be harmful if inhaled. Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Material is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Inhalation may result in spasm, inflammation and edema of the larynxand bronchi, chemical pneumonitis, and pulmonary edema. Symptoms of exposure may include burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, and vomiting. To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated. IRRITATION DATA Skin Rabbit 500 mg 24 HR Remarks: Severe irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 0.5 mg 24 HR Remarks: Severe irritation effect Section 12 - Ecological Information No data available. Section 13 - Disposal Considerations APPROPRIATE METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF SUBSTANCE OR PREPARATION Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material. Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Section 14 - Transport Information DOT Proper Shipping Name: Sodium hydroxide solution UN#: 1824 Class: 8 Packing Group: Packing Group II SIAL - 415413 Page 4

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Hazard Label: Corrosive PIH: Not PIH IATA Proper Shipping Name: Sodium hydroxide solution IATA UN Number: 1824 Hazard Class: 8 Packing Group: II Section 15 - Regulatory Information EU DIRECTIVES CLASSIFICATION Symbol of Danger: C Indication of Danger: Corrosive. R: 35 Risk Statements: Causes severe burns. S: 26-37/39-45 Safety Statements: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). US CLASSIFICATION AND LABEL TEXT Indication of Danger: Corrosive. Risk Statements: Causes burns. Safety Statements: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection. In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). US Statements: Exothermic in contact with water UNITED STATES REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA LISTED: No CANADA REGULATORY INFORMATION WHMIS Classification: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. DSL: No NDSL: No Section 16 - Other Information DISCLAIMER For R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. WARRANTY The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Inc., shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale. Copyright 2007 Sigma-Aldrich Co. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only. SIAL - 415413 Page 5

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SIGMA-ALDRICH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Printed: 02/28/2007 Date Updated: 02/01/2006 Version 1.12 Section 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name SODIUM CHLORIDE ACS REAGENT Product Number S9888 Brand SIAL Company Sigma-Aldrich Address 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 US Technical Phone: 800-325-5832 Fax: 800-325-5052 Emergency Phone: 314-776-6555 Section 2 - Composition/Information on Ingredient Substance Name CAS # SARA 313 SODIUM CHLORIDE 7647-14-5 No Formula NaCl Synonyms Common salt * Dendritis * Extra Fine 200 Salt * Extra Fine 325 Salt * Halite * H.G. blending * Natriumchlorid (German) * Purex * Rock salt * Saline * Salt * Sea salt * Table salt * Top flake * USP sodium chloride * White crystal RTECS Number: VZ4725000 Section 3 - Hazards Identification HMIS RATING HEALTH: 0 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 NFPA RATING HEALTH: 0 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: 0 For additional information on toxicity, please refer to Section 11. Section 4 - First Aid Measures ORAL EXPOSURE If swallowed, wash out mouth with water provided person is conscious. Call a physician. INHALATION EXPOSURE If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If breathing becomes difficult, call a physician. DERMAL EXPOSURE In case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap and copious

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amounts of water. EYE EXPOSURE In case of contact with eyes, flush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Assure adequate flushing by separating the eyelids with fingers. Call a physician. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures FLASH POINT N/A AUTOIGNITION TEMP N/A FLAMMABILITY N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Suitable: Noncombustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions. FIREFIGHTING Protective Equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. For fires involving this material, do not enter any enclosed or confined fire space without proper protective equipment. This may include self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against the hazardous effects of the normal products of combustion or oxygen deficiency Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures PROCEDURE(S) OF PERSONAL PRECAUTION(S) Exercise appropriate precautions to minimize direct contact with skin or eyes and prevent inhalation of dust. METHODS FOR CLEANING UP Sweep up, place in a bag and hold for waste disposal. Avoid raising dust. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete. Section 7 - Handling and Storage HANDLING User Exposure: Avoid inhalation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. STORAGE Suitable: Keep tightly closed. Section 8 - Exposure Controls / PPE ENGINEERING CONTROLS Safety shower and eye bath. Mechanical exhaust required. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Respiratory: Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU). Respiratory protection is not required. Where protection from nuisance levels of dusts are desired, use type N95 (US) or SIAL - S9888 Page 2

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type P1 (EN 143) dust masks. Hand: Protective gloves. Eye: Chemical safety goggles. GENERAL HYGIENE MEASURES Wash thoroughly after handling. Section 9 - Physical/Chemical Properties Appearance Physical State: Solid Property Value At Temperature or Pressure Molecular Weight 58.44 AMU pH 7 BP/BP Range 1,413 °C MP/MP Range 801 °C Freezing Point N/A Vapor Pressure 1 mmHg 865 °C Vapor Density N/A Saturated Vapor Conc. N/A SG/Density 2.165 g/cm3 Bulk Density N/A Odor Threshold N/A Volatile% N/A VOC Content N/A Water Content N/A Solvent Content N/A Evaporation Rate N/A Viscosity N/A Surface Tension N/A Partition Coefficient N/A Decomposition Temp. N/A Flash Point N/A Explosion Limits N/A Flammability N/A Autoignition Temp N/A Refractive Index N/A Optical Rotation N/A Miscellaneous Data N/A Solubility Solubility in Water:Soluble. Other Solvents: 36G/100ML @ 20 °C N/A = not available Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity STABILITY Stable: Stable. Materials to Avoid: Strong oxidizing agents. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sodium/sodium oxides, Hydrogen chloride gas. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Section 11 - Toxicological Information ROUTE OF EXPOSURE Skin Contact: May cause skin irritation. SIAL - S9888 Page 3

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Skin Absorption: May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Eye Contact: Sodium chloride (NaCl) in contact with eyes can cause irritation or redness due to abrasion. Inhalation: May be harmful if inhaled. Material may be irritating to mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Ingestion of large amounts causes vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration and congestion may occur in internal organs. Hypertonic salt solutions can produce inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract. TOXICITY DATA Oral Rat 3000 mg/kg LD50 Inhalation Rat > 42,000 mg/m3 LC50 Oral Mouse 4000 mg/kg LD50 Intraperitoneal Mouse 2602 MG/KG LD50 Subcutaneous Mouse 3 GM/KG LD50 Intravenous Mouse 645 MG/KG LD50 Intracervical Mouse 131 MG/KG LD50 Skin Rabbit > 10000 mg/kg LD50 IRRITATION DATA Skin Rabbit 50 mg 24H Remarks: Mild irritation effect SIAL - S9888 Page 4

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Skin Rabbit 500 mg 24H Remarks: Mild irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 100 mg Remarks: Mild irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 100 mg 24H Remarks: Moderate irritation effect Eyes Rabbit 10 mg Remarks: Moderate irritation effect CHRONIC EXPOSURE - TERATOGEN Species: Rat Dose: 1710 MG/KG Route of Application: Intraperitoneal Exposure Time: (13D PREG) Result: Specific Developmental Abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system. Effects on Embryo or Fetus: Fetal death. Effects on Embryo or Fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus). Species: Mouse Dose: 1900 MG/KG Route of Application: Subcutaneous Exposure Time: (11D PREG) Result: Effects on Embryo or Fetus: Fetal death. Species: Mouse Dose: 1900 MG/KG Route of Application: Subcutaneous Exposure Time: (10D PREG) Result: Specific Developmental Abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system. Species: Mouse Dose: 2500 MG/KG Route of Application: Subcutaneous Exposure Time: (10D PREG) Result: Effects on Embryo or Fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus). CHRONIC EXPOSURE - MUTAGEN Species: Human Dose: 125 MMOL/L Cell Type: fibroblast Mutation test: DNA inhibition Species: Rat SIAL - S9888 Page 5

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Route: Oral Dose: 16800 MG/KG Exposure Time: 4W Mutation test: Unscheduled DNA synthesis Species: Rat Route: Oral Dose: 400 MG/KG Mutation test: Other mutation test systems Species: Rat Route: Intraperitoneal Dose: 2338 MG/KG Mutation test: Cytogenetic analysis Species: Mouse Dose: 101 MMOL/L Cell Type: lymphocyte Mutation test: DNA damage Species: Mouse Dose: 57200 UMOL/L Cell Type: lymphocyte Mutation test: Mutation in mammalian somatic cells. Species: Hamster Dose: 4 GM/L Cell Type: lung Mutation test: Micronucleus test Species: Hamster Dose: 275 MMOL/L Cell Type: ovary Mutation test: DNA damage Species: Hamster Dose: 160 MMOL/L Cell Type: ovary Mutation test: Cytogenetic analysis Species: Hamster Dose: 7500 MG/L Cell Type: lung Mutation test: Cytogenetic analysis CHRONIC EXPOSURE - REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD Species: Woman Dose: 27 MG/KG Route of Application: Intraplacental Exposure Time: (15W PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Abortion. Species: Rat Dose: 145 GM/KG Route of Application: Oral Exposure Time: (7D PRE/1-22D PREG) Result: Effects on Newborn: Delayed effects. Species: Rat Dose: 56400 MG/KG Route of Application: Oral SIAL - S9888 Page 6

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Exposure Time: (5D PRE-21D POST) Result: Effects on Newborn: Biochemical and metabolic. Maternal Effects: Postpartum. Species: Rat Dose: 10 GM/KG Route of Application: Intraperitoneal Exposure Time: (17-20D PREG) Result: Effects on Newborn: Behavioral. Species: Rat Dose: 10 MG/KG Route of Application: Parenteral Exposure Time: (1D PRE) Result: Maternal Effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes. Species: Rat Dose: 500 MG/KG Route of Application: Intrauterine Exposure Time: (4D PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Pre-implantation mortality (e.g., reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea). Species: Rat Dose: 50 MG/KG Route of Application: Intrauterine Exposure Time: (6D PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Post-implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants). Species: Mouse Dose: 13440 MG/KG Route of Application: Subcutaneous Exposure Time: (2-6D PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Abortion. Species: Monkey Dose: 6 GM/KG Route of Application: Intrauterine Exposure Time: (18W PREG) Result: Effects on Fertility: Abortion. Species: Horse, donkey Dose: 480 MG/KG Route of Application: Intraplacental Exposure Time: (45D PREG) Result: Effects on Embryo or Fetus: Fetal death. Maternal Effects: Other effects. Endocrine:Estrogenic. Section 12 - Ecological Information No data available. Section 13 - Disposal Considerations APPROPRIATE METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF SUBSTANCE OR PREPARATION Small amounts may be washed down the drain with excess water. Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Section 14 - Transport Information SIAL - S9888 Page 7

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DOT Proper Shipping Name: None Non-Hazardous for Transport: This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport. IATA Non-Hazardous for Air Transport: Non-hazardous for air transport. Section 15 - Regulatory Information UNITED STATES REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA LISTED: No TSCA INVENTORY ITEM: Yes CANADA REGULATORY INFORMATION WHMIS Classification: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. DSL: Yes NDSL: No Section 16 - Other Information DISCLAIMER For R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. WARRANTY The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Inc., shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale. Copyright 2007 Sigma-Aldrich Co. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only. SIAL - S9888 Page 8

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P e r s o n a lP r o t e c t io n





Material Safety Data SheetEthyl alcohol 200 Proof MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof

Catalog Codes: SLE2248, SLE1357

CAS#: 64-17-5

RTECS: KQ6300000

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof

CI#: Not applicable.

Synonym: Ethanol; Absolute Ethanol; Alcohol; Ethanol200 proof; Ethyl Alcohol, Anhydrous; Ethanol, undenatured;Dehydrated Alcohol; Alcohol

Chemical Name: Ethyl Alcohol

Chemical Formula: CH3CH2OH

Contact Information:, Inc.14025 Smith Rd.Houston, Texas 77396

US Sales: 1-800-901-7247International Sales: 1-281-441-4400

Order Online:

CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:1-800-424-9300

International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887

For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof 64-17-5 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 7060 mg/kg [Rat]. 3450 mg/kg [Mouse].VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 20000 ppm 8 hours [Rat]. 39000 mg/m 4 hours [Mouse].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact(permeator), of ingestion.

Potential Chronic Health Effects:Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: A4 (Not classifiable for human oranimal.) by ACGIH. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast.TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN for human. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin[PROVEN]. Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE]. The substance is toxicto blood, the reproductive system, liver, upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolongedexposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

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Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelidsopen. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact:In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminatedclothing and shoes. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medicalattention.

Serious Skin Contact:Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation:If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medicalattention if symptoms appear.

Serious Inhalation:Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Ifbreathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek medicalattention.

Ingestion:Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.

Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: 363°C (685.4°F)

Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 12.78°C (55°F). OPEN CUP: 17.78°C (64°F) (Cleveland).

Flammable Limits: LOWER: 3.3% UPPER: 19%

Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat. Slightly flammable to flammable in presence of oxidizingmaterials.

Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Slightly explosive in presence of openflames and sparks, of heat, of oxidizing materials, of acids.

Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam,water spray or fog.

Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:Containers should be grounded. CAUTION: MAY BURN WITH NEAR INVISIBLE FLAME Vapor may travel considerabledistance to source of ignition and flash back. May form explosive mixtures with air. Contact with Bromine pentafluoride is likelyto cause fire or explosion. Ethanol ignites on contact with chromyl chloride. Ethanol ignites on contact with iodine heptafluoridegas. It ignites than explodes upon contact with nitrosyl perchlorate. Additon of platinum black catalyst caused ignition.

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:Ethanol has an explosive reaction with the oxidized coating around potassium metal. Ethanol ignites and then explodes oncontact with acetic anhydride + sodium hydrosulfate (ignites and may explode), disulfuric acid + nitric acid, phosphorous(III)oxide platinum, potassium-tert-butoxide+ acids. Ethanol forms explosive products in reaction with the following compound :

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ammonia + silver nitrate (forms silver nitride and silver fulminate), iodine + phosphorus (forms ethane iodide), magnesiumperchlorate (forms ethyl perchlorate), mercuric nitrate, nitric acid + silver (forms silver fulminate) silver nitrate (forms ethylnitrate) silver(I) oxide + ammonia or hydrazine (forms silver nitride and silver fulminate), sodium (evolves hydrogen gas).Sodium Hydrazide + alcohol can produce an explosion. Alcohols should not be mixed with mercuric nitrate, as explosivemercuric fulminate may be formed. May form explosive mixture with manganese perchlorate + 2,2-dimethoxypropane. Additionof alcohols to highly concentrate hydrogen peroxide forms powerful explosives. Explodes on contact with calcium hypochlorite

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container.

Large Spill:Flammable liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth,sand or other non-combustible material. Do not touch spilled material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confinedareas; dike if needed. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDSand with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Precautions:Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Donot ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wearsuitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoidcontact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis, moisture.

Storage:Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed andsealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame). Do not store above 23°C (73.4°F).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respectivethreshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location.

Personal Protection:Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves. Use arespirator if the exposure limit is exceeded.

Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoidinhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling thisproduct.

Exposure Limits:TWA: 1900 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] TWA: 1000 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] TWA: 1900 (mg/m3) from NIOSH [United States] TWA: 1000 (ppm) from NIOSH [United States] TWA: 1000 (ppm) [United Kingdom (UK)]TWA: 1920 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)] TWA: 1000 STEL: 1250 (ppm) [Canada]Consult local authorities for acceptableexposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid. (Liquid.)


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Mild to strong, rather pleasant; like wine or whiskey. Alcohol-like; Ethereal, vinous.

Taste: Pungent. Burning.

Molecular Weight: 46.07 g/mole

Color: Colorless. Clear

pH (1% soln/water): Not available.

Boiling Point: 78.5°C (173.3°F)

Melting Point: -114.1°C (-173.4°F)

Critical Temperature: 243°C (469.4°F)

Specific Gravity: 0.789 (Water = 1)

Vapor Pressure: 5.7 kPa (@ 20°C)

Vapor Density: 1.59 (Air = 1)

Volatility: Not available.

Odor Threshold: 100 ppm

Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: The product is more soluble in water; log(oil/water) = -0.3

Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, methanol, diethyl ether, acetone.

Solubility:Easily soluble in cold water, hot water. Soluble in methanol, diethyl ether, acetone.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.

Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials, heat, sources of ignition.

Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis.

Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

Special Remarks on Reactivity:Ethanol rapidly absorbs moisture from the air. Can react vigorously with oxiders. The following oxidants have beendemonstrated to undergo vigorous/explosive reaction with ethanol: barium perchlorate, bromine pentafluoride, calciumhypochlorite, chloryl perchlorate, chromium trioxide, chromyl chloride, dioxygen difluoride, disulfuryl difluoride, fluorine nitrate,hydrogen peroxide, iodine heptafluoride, nitric acid nitrosyl perchlorate, perchloric acid permanganic acid, peroxodisulfuricacid, potassium dioxide, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate, ruthenium(VIII) oxide, silver perchlorate, silverperoxide, uranium hexafluoride, uranyl perchlorate. Ethanol reacts violently/expodes with the following compounds: acetylbromide (evolves hydrogen bromide) acetyl chloride, aluminum, sesquibromide ethylate, ammonium hydroxide & silveroxide, chlorate, chromic anhydride, cyanuric acid + water, dichloromethane + sulfuric acid + nitrate (or) nitrite, hydrogenperoxide + sulfuric acid, iodine + methanol + mercuric oxide, manganese perchlorate + 2,2-dimethoxy propane, perchlorates,permanganates + sulfuric acid, potassium superoxide, potassium tert-butoxide, silver & nitric acid, silver perchlorate, sodiumhydrazide, sulfuric acid + sodium dichromate, tetrachlorisilane + water. Ethanol is also incompatible with platinium, andsodium. No really safe conditions exist under which ethyl alcohol and chlorine oxides can be handled. Reacts vigorously withacetyl chloride

Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.

Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

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Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Dermal contact. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals:WARNING: THE LC50 VALUES HEREUNDER ARE ESTIMATED ON THE BASIS OF A 4-HOUR EXPOSURE. Acute oraltoxicity (LD50): 3450 mg/kg [Mouse]. Acute toxicity of the vapor (LC50): 39000 mg/m3 4 hours [Mouse].

Chronic Effects on Humans:CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic formammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN for human.DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin [PROVEN]. Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female,Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE]. Causes damage to the following organs: blood, the reproductive system, liver,upper respiratory tract, skin, central nervous system (CNS).

Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator), of ingestion.

Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:Lowest Published Dose/Conc: LDL[Human] - Route: Oral; Dose: 1400 mg/kg LDL[Human child] - Route: Oral; Dose: 2000 mg/kg LDL[Rabbit] - Route: Skin; Dose: 20000 mg/kg

Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:May affect genetic material (mutagenic) Causes adverse reproductive effects and birth defects (teratogenic) , based onmoderate to heavy consumption. May cause cancer based on animal data. Human: passes through the placenta, excreted inmaternal milk.

Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:Acute potential health effects: Skin: causes skin irritation Eyes: causes eye irritation Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal tractirritation with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and alterations in gastric secretions. May affect behavior/central nervous system(central nervous system depression - amnesia, headache, muscular incoordination, excitation, mild euphoria, slurred speech,drowsiness, staggaring gait, fatigue, changes in mood/personality, excessive talking, dizziness, ataxia, somnolence, coma/narcosis, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, general anesthetic), peripherial nervous system (spastic paralysis)vision(diplopia). Moderately toxic and narcotic in high concentrations. May also affect metabolism, blood, liver, respiration (dyspnea),and endocrine system. May affect respiratory tract, cardiovascular(cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension), and urinary systems.Inhalation: May cause irritation of the respiratory tract and affect behavior/central nervous system with symptoms similarto ingestion. Chronic Potential Health Effects: Skin: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may casue dermatitis, an allergicreaction. Ingestion: Prolonged or repeated ingestion will have similiar effects as acute ingestion. It may also affect the brain.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Ecotoxicity in water (LC50): 14000 mg/l 96 hours [Rainbow trout]. 11200 mg/l 24 hours [fingerling trout].

BOD5 and COD: Not available.

Products of Biodegradation:Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.

Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic.

Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 3: Flammable liquid.

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Identification: : Ethanol UNNA: 1170 PG: II

Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof (in alcoholicbeverages) California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has foundto cause birth defects which would require a warning under the statute: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof (in alcoholic beverages)Connecticut hazardous material survey.: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Illinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act: Ethylalcohol 200 Proof Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Pennsylvania RTK: Ethyl alcohol 200Proof Florida: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Minnesota: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Massachusetts RTK: Ethyl alcohol 200 ProofMassachusetts spill list: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof New Jersey: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Tennessee: Ethyl alcohol 200 ProofCalifornia - Directors List of Hazardous Substances (8 CCR 339): Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof TSCA 8(b) inventory: Ethyl alcohol200 Proof

Other Regulations:OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on theEuropean Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.

Other Classifications:

WHMIS (Canada):CLASS B-2: Flammable liquid with a flash point lower than 37.8°C (100°F). CLASS D-2A: Material causing other toxic effects(VERY TOXIC).

DSCL (EEC):R11- Highly flammable. S7- Keep container tightly closed. S16- Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.

HMIS (U.S.A.):

Health Hazard: 2

Fire Hazard: 3

Reactivity: 0

Personal Protection: E

National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):

Health: 2

Flammability: 3

Reactivity: 0

Specific hazard:

Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respiratorwhen ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.

Section 16: Other Information

References:-SAX, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Indutrial Materials. Toronto, Van Nostrand Reinold, 6e ed. 1984. -Material safety datasheet emitted by: la Commission de la Santé et de la Sécurité du Travail du Québec. -Hawley, G.G.. The CondensedChemical Dictionary, 11e ed., New York N.Y., Van Nostrand Reinold, 1987. -The Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical SafetyData, Edition II. HSDB, RTECS, and LOLI databases.

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Other Special Considerations: Not available.

Created: 10/09/2005 05:28 PM

Last Updated: 11/01/2010 12:00 PM

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