synchrotron photoemission study of ferromagnetic (zn,co)o...

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Page 1: Synchrotron Photoemission Study of Ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O resonant photoemission is a result of interference between two possible

Vol. 120 (2011) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 6-A

Proceedings of the E-MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium H: Warsaw, Poland, September 19�23, 2011

Synchrotron Photoemission Study of Ferromagnetic

(Zn,Co)O Films

E. Guziewicza,∗, M.I. Lukasiewicza, L. Wachnickia, K. Kopalkoa, P. Dªu»ewskia,

R. Jakielaa and M. Godlewskia,b

aInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, PolandbDepartment of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, College of Science, Cardinal S. Wyszy«ski University

01-815 Warsaw, Poland

The electronic structure of ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O �lms was investigated by resonant photoemission acrossthe Co 3p → Co 3d photoionization threshold, e.g. using photon energy between 50 eV and 66 eV. The �lms weregrown by atomic layer deposition at temperature between 160 ◦C and 300 ◦C and they di�ered in distributionand content of cobalt. The maximum of the Fano resonance was observed at photon energy 63 eV, whereasthe minimum at 58 eV. The di�erence between energy distribution curves taken at 63 eV and the one taken at58 eV was calculated for a series of samples. It shows that the Co 3d contribution to the valence band electronicstructure of ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O �lms di�ers signi�cantly from that of the �lms which show the paramagneticresponse.

PACS: 73.20.At, 75.50.Pp, 81.05.Dz, 81.15.Gh

1. Introduction

In the last decade (Zn,Co)O focus a lot of scienti�cattention and became one of the most investigated ma-terials for spintronic applications. These intensive stud-ies started at the beginning of this century and were re-lated to the prediction of room temperature ferromag-netism for transition metal doped zinc oxide and galliumnitride [1]. Indeed, in 2001 room temperature ferromag-netism was experimentally observed in the (Zn,Co)O sys-tem [2]. Despite the �rst report has been immediately fol-lowed by many others, it was soon realized that the originof room temperature ferromagnetism in (Zn,Co)O is notclear and agreement between theory and experiment isonly apparent. Ferromagnetic ordering in (Zn,Co)O hasbeen related to defects in the ZnO lattice [3], formation offoreign phases [4], uncompensated spins at the (Zn,Co)Osurface or metal accumulation layers [5].In our previous studies on the (Zn,Co)O system [6]

we showed that atomic layer deposition (ALD) can leadboth to uniform and nonuniform (Zn,Co)O �lms depend-ing on such process parameters as temperature, doses ofprecursors, and purging times. We found that the param-agnetic response was characteristic of uniform (Zn,Co)O�lms, while nonuniformity of cobalt distribution was pre-requisite for the ferromagnetic response.In the present work we investigate the electronic band

structure of ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O �lms in order toget insight into the Co 3d contribution to the valence

∗ corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]

band in a ferromagnetic system. We performed the res-onant photoemission (RESPES) experiment across theCo 3p → Co 3d photoionization threshold on ferromag-netic (Zn,Co)O samples and compared these results withthe previous ones that were collected for paramagnetic�lms [7].

2. Experimental

The investigated (Zn,Co)O �lms were grown on sili-con substrates by the ALD method using the same zinc,cobalt and water precursors ( , DMZn, Co(acac)2 and wa-ter, respectively). The growth method as well as growthconditions are described elsewhere [6, 8]. Ferromagnetic(Zn,Co)O �lms were obtained for growth temperaturebetween 200 ◦C and 300 ◦C, e.g. slightly higher than tem-perature used for paramagnetic �lms (160 ◦C). Di�erentparameters of the ALD process (precursors' doses, purg-ing time and proportion between zinc and cobalt precur-sors' pulses) resulted in di�erent Co content, which var-ied between 2% and 19% as obtained from the secondaryion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). The microstructure of fer-romagnetic �lms and chemical analysis were carried outon the high resolution transmission electron microscope(HRTEM) Titan 80-300 equipped with the energy dis-persive X-ray spectrometer (EDX).The electronic structure of the (Zn,Co)O �lms was

studied by photoemission spectroscopy in the binding en-ergy (BE) range between the Fermi level and 14 eV be-low. This BE region covers the (Zn,Co)O valence bandtogether with the Zn 3d core level. We used the resonant


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Synchrotron Photoemission Study of Ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O Films A-41

photoemission, which is as an e�ective tool for identi�ca-tion of the Co 3d states in the valence band electronicstructure of semimagnetic semicondutors with cobalt.The experiment was performed at the I4 station of the33 beamline at the MAX III storage ring at MAXLAB,Sweden. Photoemission spectra were recorded with theoverall resolution of 50 meV at 50 eV photon energy.

3. Results

The structural characterization carried out by X-raydi�raction (XRD) shows that all (Zn,Co)O �lms are poly-crystalline. Di�raction maxima related to (10.0), (00.2)and (10.2) orientations were observed. In the HRTEMimages of (Zn,Co)O �lms one can distinguish oval crystal-lites of di�erent orientations with a diameter of 3�4 nm,which form a layer of 50�100 nm thick (Fig. 1). Thequalitative analysis shows that these crystallites di�eralso in chemical composition. We can distinguish re-gions in which the value of the lattice parameter is char-acteristic of zinc oxide, cobalt oxide CoO and also theternary compound ZnCo2O4. Near to the (Zn,Co)O/Siinterface we observe the region with the increased cobaltcontent. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)studies show that cobalt found in the interface region isin metallic form [9].

Fig. 1. HRTEM image of the F307 sample (ferromag-netic) that shows area of 40× 40 nm2.

We performed RESPES measurements for a series offerromagnetic (Zn,Co)O samples. Resonant photoemis-sion is based on the Fano e�ect [10]. This phenomenonoccurs in photoemission when the energy of incident pho-tons is close to the energy di�erence between a fully oc-cupied core level and a partially occupied electron shelllike 3d shell of transition metals, 4f shell of rare earthor 5f shell of actinides. The resonant photoemission isa result of interference between two possible photoemis-sion paths (classical and resonant one), that in the caseof cobalt, can be described as follows:

Co 3p63d7 + hν → [Co 3p53d8]∗ → Co 3p63d6 + e ,

Co 3p63d7 + hν → Co 3p63d6 + e .

As a result, we observe an increase of the Co 3d re-lated features in photoemission spectra when photon en-ergy is tuned to the Co 3p → Co 3d photoionizationthreshold. The maximum of the Fano resonance is pre-ceded by the minimum which is achieved for photonenergy where classical and resonant photoemission pro-cesses quench each other. Therefore the photoemissionenergy distribution curve (EDC) spectrum taken at theminimum of the resonance does not show any contribu-tion from the Co 3d shell and thus the di�erence spectra∆EDC = EDCrez − EDCarez can be regarded as photoe-mission response from only the Co 3d electron shell.

The EDC spectra were taken for photon energies be-tween 55 eV and 66 eV, i.e. across the Co 3p → Co 3dphotoionization threshold. For all investigated �lms themaximum of the Fano resonance was found at photon en-ergy of 63 eV, whereas the minimum � at 58 eV. As allthe samples were polycrystalline, the changes observedin the EDC spectra taken with di�erent photon energiesare not in�uenced by the matrix element e�ects and thuscan be interpreted in terms of resonant photoemission.The EDC spectra taken at hν = 58 eV (the Fano antires-onance) are similar to those previously reported for theZnO single crystal [11].

Fig. 2. Energy distribution curves taken at the maxi-mum (63 eV, black solid circles) at the Fano resonancemeasured for ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O samples.

In Fig. 2 we present representative results of RESPEStaken for ferromagnetic (ZnCo)O samples. Resonant(black solid circles), antiresonant (black open circles) anddi�erence ∆EDC spectra (red solid circles) for three ofthe investigated ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O layers are pre-sented for three (Zn,Co)O layers that di�er with thecobalt content. We observed that the intensity of theresonant enhancement from the Co 3d shell does notscale with the cobalt content. It was found that the

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contribution of the Co 3d states to the valence bandelectronic structure is not the same for all investigated�lms, although intensities of ∆EDC spectra is similareven if cobalt content is signi�cantly di�erent. For ex-ample, the intensity of ∆EDC for sample with 19% ofcobalt (Fig. 2a) is only slightly higher than for samplewith 5% of cobalt (Fig. 2b). For all investigated �lms we�nd the Co 3d contribution to the valence band between2 eV and 4 eV below the Fermi level with the maximumat 3 eV. We do not notice a satellite structure at 7 eVbelow the Fermi level, which was observed for paramag-netic (Zn,Co)O �lms [7]. For some samples we noticeredistribution of s�p valence band states at 4.5 eV belowthe Fermi level (Fig. 2c) which results in negative valueof the ∆EDC spectrum between 4 eV and 6 eV below theFermi level.

4. Conclusions

We investigated a set of ferromagnetic (Zn,Co)O �lms.Resonant photoemission studies show that the contribu-tion of the Co 3d electron states to the valence band elec-tronic structure is observed between 2 eV and 4 eV belowthe Fermi level with the maximum at 3 eV. We do not ob-serve any enhancement of the resonant photoemission sig-nal that was observed for paramagnetic (Zn,Co)O �lmsand that was ascribed to the satellite structure [12, 13].


The research was partially supported by the fundingfrom the EC FP7 Programme (FP7/2007�2013) undergrant agreement no. 226716 and by the EU within theEuropean Regional Development Fund, through grant In-novative Economy (POIG.01.01.02-00-008/08).


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