symbolic execution & constraint solving

Finding bugs: Analysis Techniques & Tools Symbolic Execution & Constraint Solving CS161 Computer Security Cho , Chia Yuan

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CS161 Computer Security . Finding bugs: Analysis Techniques & Tools. Symbolic Execution & Constraint Solving. Cho , Chia Yuan. Lab. Q1: Manual reasoning on code Mergesort implementation published in Wikibooks Q2: Constraint Solving - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Finding bugs: Analysis Techniques & Tools

Symbolic Execution& Constraint Solving

CS161 Computer Security

Cho, Chia Yuan

Page 2: Symbolic Execution & Constraint Solving

Lab• Q1: Manual reasoning on code

– Mergesort implementation published in Wikibooks

• Q2: Constraint Solving– ‘Solve’ for collisions in ELFHash function

• Q3: Whitebox & blackbox fuzzing– Use a dynamic symbolic execution tool to find bugs automatically

• Start early!

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Big Picture



Mobile Security


Web Security

NetworkSecurity Crypto

Program Analysis & Verification

Symbolic Execution & Constraint Solving


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A little history …

Can we build a machine that can automatically reason and prove

mathematical facts about programs?

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“From one simple view, it is an enhancedtesting technique. Instead of executing a programon a set of sample inputs, a program is "symbolically"executed for a set of classes of inputs.”

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Why now?

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Advances in SAT Solvers

Source: Sanjit Seshia

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Advances in SAT Solvers

Source: Sanjit Seshia

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How do we know our program is “correct”?

• In general, we don’t know.• Test it• Let users test it for us• Fuzz it• Try to prove it’s correct• Static analysis

Symbolic Execution





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Dynamic Sym Exec is Directed Testing• Path-by-path exploration

buf=malloc (s);

read(fd, buf, len);

s = lens = len + 2

len = input + 3;

if len < 10

if len % 2 == 0s = len



(len == input + 3) && !(len < 10)

&& !(len%2==0)

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Dynamic Sym Exec is Directed Testing• Path-by-path exploration

buf=malloc (s);

read(fd, buf, len);

s = lens = len + 2

len = input + 3;

if len < 10

if len % 2 == 0s = len



(len == input + 3) && !(len < 10)

&& (len%2==0)

Can we combine all paths into 1 single formula?Þ Bounded Model Checking

How do we construct the formula & use a solver?

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Q2 Goal: ‘Solve’ for Hash Collisions

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Constructing Logic Formulas from Code

• Convert statements into Static Single Assignment (SSA) form

• Encode SSA into target solver input format

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Static Single Assignment Equations• Unroll loops to form loop-free program

– for(i=0; i<2; i++){a=a+1;} a=a+1; a=a+1;

• Rename LHS of each assignment into a new local variable a1=a+1; a2=a+1;

• Whenever a variable is read (e.g., at RHS), replace it with last assigned variable name a1=a0+1; a2=a1+1;

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Conditional (if) statements• Dynamic Symbolic Execution:– 2 separate path formulas

• Bounded Model Checking:– Merge both branches into 1 formula

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Conditional (if) statements

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Exampleint example1(int x) { int ret;

if (x > 0) ret = x; else ret = -x; assert(ret >= 0); return ret;}


ret1 = x0

ret2 = -x0ret3 = (x0>0 ? ret1 : ret2)Q: Is !(ret3 >= 0) satisfiable?

Is this program correct?

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Constructing Logic Formulas from Code• Convert statements into Static Single Assignment (SSA)

form= Bit-vector Equations in quantifier-free 1st order logic

• Encode SSA into target solver input format– Bit-vector arithmetic logic– “SMT” Solver– SMT-LIB 1.0 standard

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Example SMT-LIB:extrafuns(x0 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret1 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret2 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret3 BitVec[32]):extrapreds(branchcond1):assumption (= ret1 x0):assumption (= ret2 (bvneg x0):assumption (iff branchcond1 (bvsgt x0 bv0[32]) :assumption (= ret3 (ite branchcond1 ret1 ret2)(not (bvsge ret3 bv0[32]):formula true


ret1 = x0ret2 = -x0

ret3 = (x0>0 ? ret1 : ret2)

Is !(ret3 >= 0) satisfiable?

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Querying the Solver$ ./z3 example1.smt –m

ret3 -> bv2147483648[32]ret1 -> bv2147483648[32]branchcond1 -> falseret2 -> bv2147483648[32]x0 -> bv2147483648[32]sat

2147483648 0x80000000

int example1(int x) {…

• 32 bits Two’s Complement system– Positive range: [0 .. 2N-1 – 1]– Or: [0x00 .. 0x7FFFFFFF]– 0x80000000 is a negative signed 32-bit

value: -2147483648

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Exampleint example1(int x) { int ret;

if (x > 0) ret = x; else ret = -x; assert(ret >= 0); return ret;}


ret1 = x0

ret2 = -x0ret3 = (x0>0 ? ret1 : ret2)Q: Is !(ret3 >= 0) satisfiable?

Assertion violated ifx = -2147483648

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Slightly Modified Exampleint example1(char x) { int ret;

if (x > 0) ret = x; else ret = -x; assert(ret >= 0); return ret;}


ret1 = x0

ret2 = -x0ret3 = (x0>0 ? ret1 : ret2)Q: Is !(ret3 >= 0) satisfiable?

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Example:extrafuns(x0 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret1 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret2 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(ret3 BitVec[32]):extrapreds(branchcond1):assumption (= ret1 (sign_extend[24] x0)):assumption (= ret2 (bvneg (sign_extend[24] x0)):assumption (iff branchcond1 (bvsgt x0 bv0[32]) :assumption (= ret3 (ite branchcond1 ret1 ret2)(not (bvsge ret3 bv0[32]):formula true


ret1 = x0ret2 = -x0

ret3 = (x0>0 ? ret1 : ret2)

Is !(ret3 >= 0) satisfiable?

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Querying the Solver$ ./z3 example1.smt –m


int example1(char x) { int ret;

if (x > 0) ret = x; else ret = -x; assert(ret >= 0); return ret;}

No satisfying assignment exists

==> Assertion holds for all possible inputs!

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SMT-LIB “Cheat” Sheet: Bit-vectors• Declare 32-bit “variable” ‘a’: n-bits Sign Extension to ‘a’:

• :extrafuns( a BitVec[32] ) sign_extend[n] a

• 32-bit constant ‘1234’• bv1234[32]

• Unary functions:• ~a bvnot (a)• -a bvneg (a)

• Binary functions: Binary predicates:• bvand bvor bvxor bvadd bvshl bvlshr bvsgt bvsge bvfoo (a b)• & | ^ + << >> > >=

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SMT-LIB “Cheat” Sheet: Booleans• Declare a predicate ‘C’:

• :extrapreds( C )

• Unary connectives:• ! C not (C)

• Binary connectives: • Implies and or xor iff foo (C D)• => && ||

• Ternary connectives:• C ? a : b ite (C a b) where a, b can be bit-vectors


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Exercise: C Operator Precedence

1. SSA equations?2. SMT-LIB formula?

a = (b >> c) + d;b = -(a ^ ~c);

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Exercise: C Operator Precedenceint a,b;char d;a = (b >> 3) + d;b = -(a ^ ~d);

SSAa1 = (b0 >> 3) + d0;b1 = -(a1 ^ ~d0);

SMT-LIB:extrafuns(a1 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(b0 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(b1 BitVec[32]):extrafuns(d0 BitVec[8]):assumption(= a1 (bvadd (bvlshr b0 bv3[32]) (sign_extend[24] d0)):assumption(= b1 (bvneg (bvxor (bvnot (sign_extend[24] d0) a1 )))

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Additional References• An enjoyable read on verification history:– Vijay D’Silva, Tales from Verification History

• More about “constraint solvers”:– Daniel Kroening & Ofer Strichman, Decision Procedures: An

Algorithmic Point of View