syllabuses ttc one year course


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REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix – Travail – Patrie


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Level: One-year course

© MINESEC 2013



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Appendix 1

Level: One-year course

© MINESEC 2013



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1. Foreword 5

2. Presentation 8

3. Educational Psychology 13

4. General Pedagogy 21

5. Educational Policies and Comparative Education 28

6. School Administration and Legislation 32

7. Pedagogic Supervision 37

8. Philosophy of Education 41

9. Sociology of Education 44

10. Deontology and Professional Ethics 48

11. Introduction to Statistics applied to Educational 50

12. Didactics of Nursery Activities 53

13. Didactics of Practical activities 58

14. Didactics of Songs, Music and National Culture 61

15. Didactics of History and Geography 64

16. Didactics of Sciences and Environmental Education 69

17. Didactics of Citizenship Education 73

18. Didactics of Sports and Physical Education 76

19. French Didactics 79

20. Didactics of Mathematics 83

21. English Didactics 87

22. Didactics of Educational Technologies 91

23. Didactics of National Languages 95

24. Initiation to Action Research 98

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1. General context of reviewingT.T.C. curricula The Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB) ordered a diagnostic study on the organization and functioning of collegeswithin the framework of the G.T.T.C. reform process. The study carried out by Mrs. Marguerite Altet, a CIEP (French Centre for Educational Research) expert, and published in 2011, highlights numerous pedagogic gaps, namely:

- The absence of a sound curriculum, given that syllabuses are presented as a list of contents with 26 disciplines;

- The one-year course duration for GCE A/Lstudent-teachers is inadequate; - The heterogeneous academic entry qualification of student-teachersleads to some shortcomings on

the part ofGCE O/L student-teachers at the end of the course; - The lack of a synchronized programming of pedagogic activities (practicum and evaluation); - An inadequate training as concernsthe different pedagogic reforms implemented in Basic Education.

From this crucial diagnosis confirmed by MINESEC officials, the Minister of Secondary Education with a view to improve on the quality of teachertraining for our basic educational system, decided to draw up new T.T.C.curricula taking into account the political vision advocated by the Head of State.

2. Characteristics of the curricula reviewed following the Competence-Based Approach The new T.T.C. curriculum is drawn up following the Competence-Based Approach(CBA)in respect to the methodological requirements of the development of a curriculum. The process started with the writing of a Teacher‟s Referential of Professional Activities with the collaboration of field experts; this enabled designers to identify basic professional competences to be developed during the initial training of a teacher. The basic professional competences were presented in a Referential of Competences used by the editorial team as supporting document to draw up the current curriculum.

Therefore, this document remains a multidisciplinary curriculum which lays emphasis on common abilities

otherwise referred to as “cross abilities” while integrating various practical aspects (simulation, practicum, various practical activities, case studies etc.)

The new T.T.C. curricula target the five domains of the contents taken from the former syllabuses. These

domains are: -Bilingual training; -Didactics of Primary and Nursery school activities; -Sciences of Education; -Educational Technologies; -Reinforced alternated practicum(teaching practice…)

The training content is the same for the three levels but its dosage takesinto consideration the entry

qualification of student-teachers. 3. Curriculum Structure

The curriculum is presented in a tabulated form of knowledge, skills, attitudinal know-how and suggested activitieswith stated terminal and intermediate competences.

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Each subject has: - A title; - Level; - Weekly and annual time allocation; - Targeted competences ; - Terminal or intermediate competence ; - Basic professional competences; - Themes ; - Resources

4. Training time allocation

In view of the necessity for professionalization of the training, the new curriculum is undergoing significant

readjustments on the time allocated to the teaching of Didactics of Primary and Nursery school activities, as well asthe duration of teaching practice.

The table below summarizes time allocation:


Training domains

Three-year course: 1st year

(in hours)

Three-year course: 2nd year

(in hours)

Three-year course: 3rd year

(in hours)

Two-year course: 1st year

(in hours)

Two-year course: 2nd year

(in hours)

One-year course

(in hours)

Teaching practice 222 222 222 222 222 222

Didactics of Primary and Nursery school activities

510 420 510 510 510 510

Sciences of Education subjects 420 510 420 450 420 510

Bilingual training 60 60 60 60 60 60

TOTAL 1212 1212 1212 1242 1212 1302

Annual duration: 36 weeks Average number of weekly teaching hours: 34 hours

The time allocated for teaching practiceand Didactics of Primary and Nursery school activities has been increased for each level. In the same vein, the teaching duration of some subjects has been readjusted, for instancePsychology in Three-year course, first year, has been reduced from 4 to 3 hours.

5. Organization of teaching practicein an academic year. In the former syllabus, the yearly duration of teaching practice was 4 weeks. This could not permit a judicious management of the three types of teaching practice:

Observation (O) ;

Guided practice (G.P.) ;

Autonomous practice(A.P.).

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The table below presents this organization:



DURATION (in weeks)


Three-year course:1st year

2 Observation 6 3 Nursery school

3 Primary school

Three-year course:2ndyear

2 Guided practice 6 3 Nursery school

3 Primary school

Three-year course:3rd year

2 Autonomous practice 6 3 Nursery school

3 Primary school

Two-year course:1st year

2 Observation

6 2 Nursery school and Primary school

Guided practice 4 Primary school

Two-year course: 2nd year

2 Guided practice

6 2 Nursery school

Autonomous practice 4 Primary school or Nursery school

One-year course 2



1 Primary school

1 Nursery school

Guided practice 1 Primary school or Nursery school

Autonomous practice 3 Primary school or Nursery school


SUBJECTS Three-year

course: 1st year

Three-year course: 2nd year

Three-year course: 3rd year

Two-year course: 1st year

Two-year course:

2nd year




Educational Psychology 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

General Pedagogy 3 2 3 2 3 3 3

Educational Policies and Comparative Education 2 1 1 1 1 2 1

School Administration and Legislation 2 1 1 1 1 1 2

PedagogicSupervision // 1 1 1 1 1 1

Philosophy of Education // 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sociology of Education // 1 1 1 1 1 1

Deontology and Professional Ethics 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Introduction to EducationalStatistics // 1 1 1 1 1 2

Information and Communication Technologies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

First Language 2 2 // 2 // // 1

Second Language 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

French Didactics 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

English Didactics 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Didactics of Mathematics 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Didactics of National Languages 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Didactics of Sports and Physical Education 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Didactics of Educational Technologies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Didactics of Songs, Music and National Culture 1 1 // 1 1 1 1

Didactics of History and Geography // 1 1 1 1 1 1

Didactics of CitizenshipEducation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Didactics of Practical activities 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Didactics of Sciences and Environmental Education 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Initiation to Action Research // 1 1 1 1 1 1

Didactics of Nursery Activities 1 1 // 1 1 1 1

TOTAL 34 35 32 35 35 35 31

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7. Evaluation

Evaluation in Teacher Training Colleges should be diagnostic, formative, criterion-referenced and integrating(i.e. using problem-situations). Further information is found in accompanying documents.

8. Didactic materials: Didactic materials used in Teacher Education should arouse the learner‟s senses. In fact, concrete objects, illustrations, audiovisual equipment etc. will permit to understand the concepts and good classroom practice. To that effect, student-teachers must be able to produce didactic materials from local and salvaged materials.

9. Student-teachers’ profile and training goals End-of-course terminal competence

At the end of the course, the teacher must be a field practitioner who prepares, facilitates and evaluates learning activities in respect to students‟differences, professional ethics and socio-cultural environment, by developing adapted communication strategies. Training goals

The teacher will be a professional who performs the four priority functions which are: (1) Teaching, (2) Communication, (3) Education and (4) Analysisand Regulation. This entails that he should be a reflective field practitioner: a teacher who analyses and regulates classroompractices.



Functions Comptences For a reflective field practitioner


C11: Plan andfacilitatelearning/teaching activities

C12: Organise class work according to various situations adapted to


C13: Produce and use appropriate monitoring, supervision, evaluation

and remedial educationmechanisms.


C21: Speak and writecorrectly the working language

C22: Work in a team, collaboratewith the hierarchy and the education



C31: Work in discipline, respectdeontology and professional ethics.

C32: Participate in the conception and the realisation of socio-

educational activities

C33: Sensitise and accompany the education community in the

domain of environmental protection.


C41: Analyse students’ results and class performance to evaluate

pedagogic practices.

C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and





Analysis and regulation

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TARGETED COMPETENCES: C11, C12, C31, C32 TERMINAL COMPETENCE: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resourcesacquired fromEducational Psychology on the development and behaviour of a child.

Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

C11 – Plan and facilitatelearning/teaching activities

Solve problem- situations at the professional level, related to child development Solve child‟s learning difficulties



KNOWLEDGE : - Definition of concepts: psychology, behaviour, attitude, conduct. - Origin and importance of child psychology ; - Goals and differentdomains of psychology - The different methods in psychology (introspection, clinical method, experimental method) - Relationship between Psychology and Pedagogy - Notions of development and stages - Developmental laws - The different factors of psychological development : biological maturation (pre-natal period, neo-natal period), impact of the environment ,socio-cultural milieu and heredity

SKILLS : -Present the background and importance of child psychology; - Define the above concepts - Give goals and different domainsin psychology -Describe the different methods in psychology - Establish a relationship between Psychology and Pedagogy - Define the notions of development and stages -State the different factors of psychological development -Educate the child taking into account thedifferent stages of development

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Study of concrete cases to illustrate the defined concepts -Solve related problem-situations

Psychomotor development

KNOWLEDGE : - Psychomotor development (See JEWETT‟s taxonomy) - Nervous system: its functioning and organization - General principles of motor behaviour (propagation of the nervous impulse, general organization of the nervous system in mammals) - The role of the nervous system in motor activities (sensory function, motor function) - Some aspects of the physical and motor development

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

in the child and the adolescent – The evolution of manual and visual coordination - Evolution of visual fixation : grasp and visual impression, - The development of tonic function and position - simplest reflexes

SKILLS: - Define psychomotor development - Describe the nervous system, its structure, organization and functioning - Define the general principles of motor behaviours – Define the role ofthe nervous system in motor activities - Analyse some aspects of the physical and motor development in the child and the adolescent - Describe the evolution of grasp,visual and manual coordination (hand-eye coordination) - Describe the evolution of visual fixation : grasp and visual impressions, - Describe the development of tonic function and that of the position - Describesimplest reflexes - Describeand explain some aspects of physical development of a child - Adapt the activities to levels of child psychomotor development -Explain how to adaptclassroom practices to the stages and constraints of the psychomotor development of a child

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Group work to build taxonomy tables to classify child psychomotor characteristics and results in relation tothe stages of development ; - Activities and exercises to identify the state of psychomotor development in the child

Cognitive development and intellectual activities

KNOWLEDGE : -Definition of intelligence and intellectual development (See BLOOM‟s taxonomy) - Types of intelligence (See. HOWARD GARDNER, multiple intelligence) - Different factors of intelligence development - Definition of mental age and I.Q. - Development of child intelligence according to Piaget -Strategies used in developing child intelligence and thinking - Intellectual activities: thinking (Convergent thinking, Divergent thinking, textual thinking, differential thinking, pedagogic strategies for each type of thinking) ; creativity;

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

-Factors of intellectual development

SKILLS : - Define the concepts intelligence and intellectual development; -Stateand describe the various types of intelligence; -Describethe various factors of intellectual development; - Define mental age and I.Q. -Analyse the development of childintelligenceaccording to Piaget -State and explain strategies used in developing child intelligence and thinking; -Define and analyse intellectual activities; -Describe factors of intellectual development - Adapt the activitiesto levels of the cognitive development of a child - Adapt classroom practices to the different stages of

child‟s cognitive development

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Group work to build taxonomy tables to classify cognitive development characteristics and results in relation to the stages of development ; -Activities and exercises to identify child stages for cognitive development.

Socio-affective development

KNOWLEDGE : -Definition of concepts : Socio-affective development (See KRATHWOHL‟s taxonomy) attachment, cooperation, peer influence, detachment, aggressive impulse and autonomy. - Environment and factors of socio-affective development ( family, school and peers)

SKILLS : - Define concepts related to socio-affective development; - State the factors of socio-affective;development; -Manage the class group taking into consideration the socio-affective behaviours - State how to adapt the pedagogic management to

the socio-affective development stages and constraints of a child.

- SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : - Group work to identifyand discuss children behaviour

in various social and school life situations; - Find out the origins of the behaviours and propose

strategies to handle them.

Sensation and perception

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of concepts sensation and perception, - Difference between perception and sensation; - Evolution of perception;

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

- Syncretism, juxtaposition, comparison and synthesis in child perception. SKILLS: - Define the above concepts; - Establishthe difference between perception and sensation; -Describe the evolution of perception; -Explain the processof syncretism, juxtaposition, comparison, and synthesis in child perception; -Establish the fundamental relationship between child perception and psychological processes.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Practical exercises on the role of senses

LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE : - Definition and characteristics of language (Signs and symbols) - Types of language (Spoken language, Written language and Sign language); - Stages of language acquisition; - Language disorders or impairment/deficiencies: Congenital deafness, functional dysphasia, speech disorders (Dysarthria – Stuttering or stammering), dyslexia; - Acquired language disorders (Amnesic aphasia, sensory aphasia);

SKILLS : -Define language -State the characterics of language and types of language -Identify language deficiencies and propose strategies for correction

- SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Group work to classify different language deficiencies and some appropriate pedagogicstrategies to ameliorate them;

Motivation KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts : motivation, attention, interest; - Types of motivation; - Stages of motivation; -Motivation in classroom context; - Contribution of motivation to fosterlearning.

SKILLS: - Define motivation; -Present the different types of motivation; - State and explain motivation stages -Develop motivation strategies for classroom practices; -Explain the contribution of motivation to improve on learning; - Identify motivation strategies to improve on learning ; -Develop pedagogic strategies to trigger motivation ;

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

-Develop and use various motivational situations which enhance educational action and contribute to learning

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : Application of motivational strategies in solving problem-situations.

The Socio-constructivism theory

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition ofconcepts: constructivism (Jean Piaget), interactionnism, socio-constructivism(zone of proximal development (ZPD) by Vygotski, initial representations, meta-cognition, cognition, mediation, socio-cognitive conflict - The socio- constructivism approach (State the constructivist and social constructivist vision for learning) -Contribution of socio-constructivism in improving learning and raising student grade levels

Skills : -Definekey concepts related to socio- constructivism theory -State and explain the socio-constructivism approach. - Explain how socio-constructivism theory can improve learning. - Involve the learner in the construction of knowledge using didactic situations from daily life and create a discussion forum with the student-teacher

Suggested activities Discussion groups bringing out the similarities and differences between contructivism and socio- constructivism;

Learning KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of concepts : Learning – conditioning, Reinforcement, Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement - Learning laws (Hereditary constraints, Developmental constraints) - Classical conditioning (Pavlov) - Operant conditioning ( Skinner) - Conditions for learning (experience,starvation, adaptation, shaping behaviour, repetition and reinforcement) - Types of learning ( Trial-and-error, intuitive learning , conditioning, learning by imitation and vicarious learning,coactive learning, rote learning) and reinforcement strategies -Learning difficulties

SKILLS : - Define concepts related to learning -Stateand explain learning laws - Explain Classical and Operant conditioning (Pavlov

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

and Skinner) -Present conditions that facilitate learning -State and describe types of learning and strategies to improve them. -Stateand explain learning difficulties -Develop pedagogical strategies to improve learning, identify learning difficulties and propose some remedial strategies,

SUGGESTIES ACTIVITIES: - Establishing relationship between types of

learning and conditioning, - Application of learning theories in the

teaching/learning process.

Memory KNOWLEDGE : -Definition of concepts : memory, retention and forgetting; -Laws and processes of memory in learning; - Stages ofmemory; - Types of memory and mnestic fixation strategies.

SKILLS: -Definethe above concepts; -state and explain the laws and processes of memory; -Stateand describe the stages of memory; -State and explain the types of memory and mnestic fixation strategies; -Developstrategies to improve learnersmnestic fixation strategies.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : Memory exercises/tests related to the different sensory functions.

Graphism KNOWLEDGE : - Graphism /pre-letter formation, drawing; - Evolution of writing and drawing; - Strategies to improve pre-letter formation; - Pre-letter formation difficulties and remedialstrategies.

SKILLS: -Describe pre-letter formation and drawing; - Describe the evolution of pre-letter formation and drawing; -Propose some pedagogic strategies to improve pre-letter formation ; - Describesome pre-letter formation difficulties and propose remedial strategies; -By observing a child, identify pre-letter formation difficultiesand propose some remedial strategies.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES:Simulation on pre-letter formation in order to improve writing skills.

Attention KNOWLEDGE: -Definition and importance of attention in themental

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

development and intellectual improvement ; - Conditions to improve attention; -Obstacles to attention; -Difference between attention and motivation; - Methods to arouse attention.

SKILLS : - Define and give the importance of attention in the mental development and intellectual improvement; - State and justify conditions to improve attention; -State obstacles to attention; - Establishthe difference between attention and motivation; -Present methods to arouse attention.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES:Discussions on methods usedto arouse children‟s attention according to various teaching contexts.

C12 – Organise class


according to



adapted to

learners C31- Work in


respect ethics




Use appropriate socio-pedagogic approaches in the management of various forms of school maladjustment

Children withspecial education needs

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of concepts: handicap, deficiency,

handicapped child, incapacity, disability, invalidity, infirmity, indigence, accessible building, juvenile social maladjustment, school maladjustment, positive discrimination, violence against children, Child abuse, equal opportunities, inclusion, fitting, special education, coordinated special education (integrated education), socio-cultural identity

- Types of children withspecial needs in education(handicapped, gifted (rapid learners), dwarfish, children from indigenous vulnerable populations, victims of violence and abuses, needy families, social inadapted or delinquent children);

- Forms/types of school inadaption (affective, physical, sensory, intellectual, emotional, cheating, absenteeism…);

- Problems of integrating and handling children having special education needs in Cameroon education system;

- Outline of monitoring/supervision methods according to needs (didactic material and specialised pedagogic equipment according to learners‟ deficiency or disability, technical aids, practical measuresof positive discrimination, general notions on Braille, sign language and white cane language…)

- Orientation/ referencing modalities (interaction with families, social assistants and other actors of the rehabilitation or reeducation process, structures of special/inclusive education.)

Skills : - Define the above concepts - Determine and describe the different categories of

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

children having special education needs; - State the different types/forms of inadaptation; - Stateand describe the various causes of

maladjustment; - provide an inclusive education supervision to

socially-vulnerable students; - Beable toidentify and prevent different types/forms

of school maladjustment and provide remedial strategies (individual pedagogic support/follow-up, orientation to other education systems or assistance) for an appropriate integration.

ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW : - Promote a professional attitude which

fostersindividual and collective well-being, and equal participationof each learner in activities.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : - Practical situation - Documentary research - Role play

- Group workto classify in tables the categories of children with special education needs


Participate in

the conception

and the

realization of




Use leisure situations to improve on learning and school environment

Play and leisure activities

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition and importance of play and leisure activities; - Historical background of child play (functional play, imitation play, arbitrary play, group play ) - Pedagogic implications of leisure activities; - Video and traditional play;

SKILLS : - Define: play, leisure activities and their importance; -Describe the historical background of child play; – Describe video and traditional plays; - Apply leisure situations in the learning/teaching process; - Set up the school environment to facilitate the child‟s plays;

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Classify in a table the various types of play according to the age and level of learning ; -Set up a play mechanism in nursery or primary school

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TARGETED COMPETENCES: C11, C12, C13, C31 TERMINAL COMPETENCE: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations by applying appropriate teaching principles, methods/ procedures, techniques and approaches from resourcesacquired from General Pedagogy.

Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

C11- Plan and




Solve problem- situations by applying principles, methods/procedures, techniques andapproaches

General introduction

Knowledge : -Definition of concepts: pedagogy, education, instruction, training, shaping, teaching and learning. - Origin and importance of general pedagogy. Skills : - Define the above concepts; - Present the origin and importance of general pedagogy; - Identify, use and establish a link between these concepts. Suggested activities : -Documentary research; - Guide the students towards resources that will enable them define the concepts etymologically and contextually; - Propose simple exercises that will bring out the relationship between these concepts.

General principles in pedagogy

Knowledge: Definition and importance of some general principles in pedagogy : -Principle of active participation, principle of creativity, principle of procedure (internal, external, concentric), interdisciplinary principle, principle of unit teaching and principle of adaptation. Skills: Define and state the importance of the above principles in pedagogy. -Apply these principles in the preparation and teaching of lessons. Suggested activities : -Propose discussion questions and reflection themes using practical examples to enable the students transfer the knowledge from each of the principles to varied daily-life situations.

Objectives in Pedagogy.

Knowledge : -Definition and types of pedagogic objectives: goals, aims, learning objective, general objectives, specific objectives, intermediary objectives, integration objectives …

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

- Importance of the various types of objectives. - How to state pedagogic objectives. -Parts and characteristics of pedagogic objectives. Skills : -Define the different pedagogic objectives. -State the importance of each pedagogy objective. -Present the different ways of stating pedagogy objective ; -State the characteristics of different pedagogy objectives ; -Formulate and use each objective in appropriate context; -Establish the difference between goals, aims and objectives in education. Suggested activities: -Group work to formulate pedagogic objectives following given criteria and context (lesson) drawn from daily-life situations.

Planning tools/documents

Knowledge: -Definition and importance of different types of schedule: monthly, sequential and annual time allocation. -Definition and importance of school time table and plan of activities for the nursery school ; - Components of a school time table, sequential

schemes and a programme of activities in the nursery school.

Skills: - Define and state the importance of the different

components. - Define and state the importance of a school time

table and programme of activities for the nursery school.

- Present the componentsof a school time table, a sequential scheme and a programme of activities for the nursery school.

- Draw up a sequential scheme,time table and programme of activities;

- Organise and manage time in respect to appropriate administrative rules. -Suggested activities:

-Draw up time tables according to the type of class; - Draw up documentsadapted to different types of

activities in order to compare and integrate the new changes and innovations.


Knowledge: - Types of lesson preparation. (longterm,immediateand psychological preparations ); - Importance of each type of preparation; - Different parts of a prepared lesson ;

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

- Importance and link between the different parts of a lesson ; - Activities to be carried out when preparing a lesson.

Skills : -Identify and describe the different types of lesson preparation; -Give the importance of each type of lesson preparation; -Present the different parts of a lesson ; -Establish a link between the different parts of a prepared lesson; -Enumerate the activities to be carried out when preparing a lesson and orientate them towards the development of competences. -Prepare complete and well-structured lesson. Suggested activities: -Propose discussion questions highlighting the consequences of apoorly prepared lesson and the advantages of a well-prepared lesson. -In collaboration with learners, put in place a list of references (test books, journals, internet, etc.). -Group work to develop a list of frequently-used questions linkingthe various parts of a lesson.

Teaching methods, techniques and procedures.

Knowledge: - Pedagogic methods: (dogmatic method, demonstrative method, active method, questioning methods, laboratory and child-centered method etc.); advantages and disadvantages. -Some teaching techniques ( lecture, transversal/ integrated theme approach, individual work , group work ,role play, team work, audio-visual techniques); advantages and disadvantages ; -Teaching processes (acquisition, self control, conservation); advantages and disadvantages ; -Difference between teaching methods and teaching approaches( inductive, deductive, scientific and comparative); -Difference between pedagogic methods and pedagogic practices (interactive strategies). Skills : -Identify the different pedagogic methods; advantages and disadvantages. -Identify the different teaching techniques; advantages and disadvantages. -Identify the different teaching processes; advantages and disadvantages. - Establish the difference between teaching methods and teaching approaches; -Establish the difference between pedagogic methods and pedagogic practices;

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

-Choose and apply appropriate methods, approaches, techniques or procedures depending on the lesson. - Propose methods, approaches, techniques and procedures that develop competences. Suggested activities : - Comparison of methods, approaches, techniques and procedures in classroom practices; -Design, produce and useappropriate teaching materials adapted to each method, technique and procedure.


knowledge: -Different pedagogic approaches (description, psychological theory, objectives,means ofrealisation, evaluation): content approach, approach by objectives,The New pedagogic approach, hands on minds on,project pedagogy, competence-based approach, integrated approach. -Pedagogic implications (problems solving, learning situations, ICT and teaching with ICT tools; -Procedures to each approach Skills : -Present the different pedagogic approaches. -Outline pedagogic implications. -Establish the differences and similarities between the approaches by determining those that are more adapted to each context. Suggested activities : -Comparative studies on the different approaches. -Application of the different approaches in concrete situations. -Discussions on difficulties teachers face in practicing child-centered approach and propose advice. -Design projects (posters to convince parents during class councils to understand the pertinence of the NPA) using most recent ICT resources.

Lesson presentation.

Knowledge: -Requirements for lesson presentation. -Main stages of lesson presentation ( revision, observation and manipulation, research/analysis,synthesis,application/evaluation phase); -Strategies to exploit and use didactic material,individually or collectively. -Implementation of socio-constructivist theory and motivation during lesson presentation (role of the teacher, interaction between actors). SKILLS : -Present requirements for lesson presentation; - Present the main stages of lesson presentation;

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

-Present strategies to exploit and use didactic material individually or collectively; - Implement socio-constructivist theory and motivation during lesson presentation. Attitudinal know-how : be accessible, open, flexible and creative. Suggested activities: -Simulation; -Micro-teaching to and emphasizeon the different stages and current pedagogic approaches.

Solve problem-situations using resources from the environment.

Working materials in a school.

Knowledge: -Types and importance of Working materials ( classroom materials,documents ,artefacts and specimens) -Types of material (individual collective); -Black board management; -Classroom materials and pedagogic resources (documents). Skills: -Present and state the importance of working materials. -Identify the types of working materials. -Practice good management of the blackboard. -Chooseclassroom materials and pedagogic resources; -Select your material according to the lesson and environment. Suggested activities: -Classify the different types of pedagogic materials and resources; -Produce materials; -Design a guide on how to use the materials.

Organisation and Management of a normal class.

- Knowledge -Strategies on how to organise a nursery and primary school class. -Strategies on classroom management of pupils during lessons: individual, group and team; Skills : -Present organization strategies of a nursery and primary classroom; -Present management strategies of pupils during a lesson; -Organise classroom setting; -Apply an appropriate method; Attitudinal know-how : Be orderly and organised Suggested activities : -Group discussions on classroom management in the primary and nursery school with references to pedagogic methods ; -Presentation and pastingof compulsory documents.

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

Organisation and management of large and complexgroups in the context of CBA

Knowledge: -Definition and presentation of large and complex groups; - Importance of pedagogy of large and complex groups; -Organisation and teaching of large and complex groups; -Techniques of handling largeand complex classes; -Advantages and disadvantages of team work.

Skills : -Describe a large and complex group ; -State the pedagogicimportance of large and complex groups; - Present the organisationof teaching in large and complexgroups; -Determine the techniques of handling large and complex groups; -Present the advantages and disadvantages; -Manage an overcrowded class notably in the context of CBA; -Organiseteaching in a large and complex group; Suggested activities : -Presentation of a practical situation on pedagogy of large and complex groups.

C13- Produce

and use




evaluation and




Create and implement follow up /supervision, evaluation and remedial mechanism in line with the exigencies of CBA

Evaluation Knowledge - Definition of concepts: evaluation, items, specification table, domain, skills, taxonomy, difficulties; -Importance of evaluation (for the learner and the examiner); -Types of evaluation; -marking of assignments; -Evaluation criteria; -Specification table; -Types, criteria and modalities in constructing items; -Evaluation questions (at the end of a sequence and end of training). -Marking guide and broad sheet; - Analysing results; - Different forms of evaluation; -Remedial strategies ; -Analysingsyllabuses. Skills : -Define concepts linked to evaluation; -State the importance of evaluation. -Identify the types of evaluation; -Mark assignments; -State and explain evaluation criteria; -Construct specification tables; -Present the types, criteria and modalities in the construction of items ( questions ); -Construct examination questions.

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Competence Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

-Construct a marking guide and a broad sheet. - Present a steps in analysingresults; -State the different forms of evaluation;

-Identify remedial. strategies ; -Analyseand evaluate syllabuses ; -Suggest activities which will help evaluate the stated competences ; -Create a mechanismfor a learnerto identify his/her strength and weaknesses and improve.

Suggested activities: -Construction of a specification table, questions for end of sequence/level and marking guide; carry out remedial activities.

C31- Work in



deontology and



Put in place efficient disciplinary measures to arouse learner‟s emulation

Discipline and sanctions

- Knowledge: - Definition and importance of concepts: discipline

andsanctions; - Types of sanctions ; -Ways to ensure discipline in the classroom; - Factors of good discipline.

Skills : - Define and state the importance of the

concepts discipline and sanctions ; - Differentiate types of sanctions; - State the different ways to ensure discipline in the

class; - State the factors of good discipline; - Put in place a permanent mechanism to enable the

learner to be disciplined. Suggested activities : From a list of learners behavior (observed from the classroom) or examples drawn from documentary research, suggest methods to be used to ensure discipline.

Emulation - Knowledge: - Different types of emulation.

-Risks or inconveniences related to emulation; -Modern strategies used to emulate. Skills : - Present different types of emulation. - Determine the risks or inconveniences related to

emulation. - Determine modern strategies used in emulation - Develop an example of emulation without sanctions;

Suggested activities: -Relationship between educational policies and emulation.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C42. Terminal competence: At the end of the course, the student- teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Educational Policies and Comparative Education

Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

C11-Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Put in place learning sequences in conformity with current educational policies.

General Introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: Educational policies, educational systems, school systems, strategic vision of education, comparison in education, reform; - Importance of this subject in the training of student-teachers. Skills: - Identify and use theseconcepts in appropriate contexts; - Integratethe comparative approach in hisdaily practices to enrich his knowledge on theeducational system of Cameroon and the world. -Increase pedagogic and educationalefficiency . SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Documentary Research; - Case Study

Basics of EducationalPolicy

KNOWLEDGE: -Basics of educationalpolicies.

Modes of School organisation;

Teachers‟ profile;

Dynamism within the school;

Role of partners of the school;

Student‟s profile, accompanying and management measures.

School syllabuses.

Textbooks and other didactic materials;

Financing of education. SKILLS: - Define the basics of Educational Policy; - Analyse and establish the correlation between the different basics of an educational policy; -Produce didactic materials with resources of the milieu -Evaluate and choose appropriate manual and other didactic materials. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Summary notes ; -Documentary Research; -Group discussions.

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners

Conception and analysis of an educational policy

KNOWLEDGE: - Policy orientation; -Procedures in developing aneducational policy. - Method of analysing an educational policy. SKILLS: - Describe the procedures in developingan educational policy; - Present the method of analysing an educational policy; - Analyse and compare some basics of educational policy of some countries. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Solve contextual problem-situations from the procedure,analysis and development of an educational policy

Domains of comparison of Educational systems

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition ofconcepts: formal education, non-formal education, literacy, informal education, special education and integration education; - Outline of each of the above concepts. SKILLS: - Define the above concepts; - Explain the outline of each of the concepts. - Determine the complementary relationship between formal, non-formal education, special education, integration education, literacy and informal education integrating contemporary challenges (inclusive education, equal opportunities, gender approach, HIV/AIDS, climate change etc.) SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Exercises to differentiate concepts; - Documentary research; - Presentations and group discussions.

Amend pedagogic practices to currenteducational systems

Methodology in comparing educational systems: CONFEMEN method.

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of comparison variables according to PASEC:

Access to education.

Quality of education.

Steering system.

Management System

Financing of education. SKILLS: - Efficiently analyse each of the variables as an agent of education; - Compare educational systems to improve on pedagogic and educational practices. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Discrimination exercises on abbreviations and concepts;

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

- Synthesis or reports after investigations; - Documentary research; - Group discussions.

C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanism C42- Amend educationalpractices taking into account changes and innovations

Cameroon EducationalSystemsbefore Independence.

KNOWLEDGE: -Description of policies, aims, objectives, mode of organisation, functioning, financing, certification mechanism of each of the educational systems put in place by the Germans, the French and the British in Cameroon before independence. SKILLS: - Briefly describe for each of the periods, the policies, aims, objectives, mode of organization, functioning, financing, certification mechanism of each of the educational systems put in place by the Germans, the French and the British; - Compare education mechanisms put in place by the different administrations of Cameroon before Independence; - Use traditional principles of education to improve on pedagogic practices. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes after investigations; - Presentations and group discussions.

Ideological evolution of Camerooneducational systems (1960-1998) and pedagogy

KNOWLEDGE: - Presentation of reforms:

Democratisation of education (1961);

Ruralisation of education (1966);

Bilingualism (1972) ;

Collective promotion (1975)

Orientation Law onEducationin Cameroon (1998)

Reform of functions of the School; - Impact of each of the reforms on theCameroon educational system from 1960-1998. SKILLS: -Present the chronology and the spirit of reforms of the Camerooneducational system; - Analyse the impact of the reforms; - Use the principles of the reforms to improve classroom practices; SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; - Presentations and discussions.

Main reforms of the educational system since 1998 and

KNOWLEDGE: - Historical background, recommendations and impact of the reforms carried out since 1998 and those in force (linguistic reforms, pedagogic reforms, reforms on organisation and class management and

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

prospective vision of education in Cameroon

enrolment, reforms onevaluation, reform on co-curricular activities.) - Synthesis of reform aspects related to the development of Basic education; education in the following strategydocuments(SSEF, DSCE, PN/DIJE, National Strategy of Development ofInformation and Communication Technologies); - Brief description of the prospective vision of education in Cameroon by 2015, 2020 and 2035. SKILLS: - Recallthe chronology and the spirit of reforms of the Camerooneducational system; - Analyse the impact of the reforms; SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; - Presentations and discussions.

Study of some foreign educational systems.

KNOWLEDGE: - Briefpresentation of Senegal educational system; - Brief presentation of Ghana educational system; - Brief presentation of Japan educational system; SKILL: Compare the afore-mentioned systems with Cameroon present day educational system. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; - Presentations and discussions.

International organisationsin charge of education

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of abbreviations: UNESCO,CONFEMEN, ISESCO, PASECOIF and Commonwealth; - Brief presentation of each of themissions, sphere of competence and means to use. -Brief presentation of three types of supports received by Cameroon from each organisation. SKILLS: - Define the above abbreviations: - Present three types of supports received by Cameroon from each organisation. - Propose strategies to exploit maximum opportunities of supportfrom the above international organizations. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; - Presentations and discussions.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C22, C31, C33 Terminal Competence: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve meaningful professional problem-situations usingresourcesacquired fromSchool Administration and Legislation.

Competences Basic

Professional competences

Themes Resources


C11 - Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C22 - Work in a team, collaborate with the hierarchy and the educational community

Carry out administrative duties linked to class activities

General introduction

- Knowledge: -Definition of the concept school administration; -Importance of school administration in the teaching profession; -Activities of school administration. SKILLS : -Define the above concept. -Explain and show the importance of school administration in the teaching profession; -Present the duties linked to each activity of school administration carried out by the class teacher and thesection/level animator. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Researchdocumentary - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions ;

Administrative writing

- Knowledge: - Definition of concepts : Administration,

administrative correspondence/letters, administrative writing ;

-Principles of administrative writing ; -Different types of technical and administrative communication; - Typography. Skills : -Define the aboveconcepts ; -State the different types of administrative correspondences -Present the structure and format of the different administrative correspondences with respect to their different destinations -Conveniently write administrative correspondences. Suggested Activities; -Writing of technical and administrative correspondences

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Competences Basic

Professional competences

Themes Resources

C31- Work in discipline, respect, deontology and professional ethics

Interact in an appropriate manner with the hierarchy and other stakeholders of the education community

Organisation and functioning of nursery and primary schools

Knowledge: -Hierarchy - Organs and attributions (functions) Skills : -Present the hierarchical organisation in charge of training ; -Describe the vertical and horizontal relationship; -Present the hierarchical organization and functions in the nursery and the primary school; -Participate in the functioning of the school. Suggested Activities : - Schematic presentation of the organisation and functioning of the nursery school and the primary school.


Knowledge: - Decision-making process; - Steps in decision-making Skills : - Define the above concept ; - Outline the steps in decision-making ; - Respect the decision-making process. Attitudinal know-how : Listening, cooperation, charisma. Suggested Activities : - Simulations ; - Practical situations ; - Case studies.

C33-Sensitise and accompany the education community in the domain of environmental protection

Manage resources and prevent risks and accidents

Safety in the school milieu

Knowledge - Definition of concepts: Safety and insurance. -Management principles ofsafety for persons and school property; - Prevention and management of emergencies, catastrophes (accidents, violence, vandalism, epidemics). Skills : - Define the above concepts ; - List and put into practice the management principles of safety for persons and school property. Suggested Activities : - Simulations ; - Practical situations ; - Case studies.


C31 - Work in discipline, respect, deontology and professional ethics

Respect and comply with the rules and regulations in force governing the profession

General introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts : school legislation and internal rules and regulations; - Elements of school legislation ; - Major internal rules and regulations of a school ; - Importance of school legislation and internal rules

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Competences Basic

Professional competences

Themes Resources

and regulations of a school Skills: - Define the above concepts ; - Present elements of school legislation ; - Explain the importance of school legislation and internal rules and regulations of a school ; - Develop internal rules and regulations of a school; Suggested Activities - Simulations ; - Practical situations ; - Case studies

Legal framework for the promotion of education

Knowledge - Definition of concepts : Law, public law, legislative text and regulatory text ; - Hierarchy of norms or standards ; - Breach (non respect)of procedure ; - Different legislative and regulatory texts governing education in Cameroon. International Instruments :

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen,

The Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted on 20/11/1989 and ratified on 11/01/1993

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the General Assembly on 13 December 2006 and signed by Cameroon on 1 October 2008;

The United Nations Standard Rules on the Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities adopted in December 20, 1993;

Declaration of the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 2856 (XXVI) of 20 December

African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1990)

Legislative Texts

Constitution of Cameroon

Orientation Law on Education in Cameroon, 1998

Law laying down rules on the organization and functioning of Private Education in Cameroon

Penal Code (excerpts relating to the establishment of Civil status facts )

Law N ° 2010/002 13/04/2010 on the protection and promotion of disabled

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Competences Basic

Professional competences

Themes Resources


The Labour Code;

The organization of the civil status and provisions related to the status of individuals

Regulatory Texts • Decree to lay down the Special Status of Civil Servants of the National Education Corps

• Decrees on the organization of the Ministries in charge of nursery, primary and secondary education,

• Decree on the organization of public schools and fixing responsibilities of those responsible for school administration,

• Decree laying down the organization and functioning of private education in Cameroon

• Order implementing certain provisions of Decree No. 2001/041,

• Circular letter No. D/36-01/MINSANTE/CAB 04/01/2011 on the birth certificate (Civil status)

• Circular No. 24/05/C/MINESEC/SG/IGE / OBC / D / X DIVE of 11 October 2005 on the organization of examinations for hearing and visually impaired candidates;

• Joint Circular Letter No. 34/06/LC/MINESEC/MINAS of 2 August 2006 on the admission of disabled children and those born to poor parents with disabilities in public Secondary Education schools;

• Joint Circular Letter No. 283/07/LC/MINESEC / MINAS 14 August 2007 on the identification of disabled children and those born to poor parents with disabilities enrolled in public secondary schools and their participation in official examinations

• Joint Circular Letter No. 08/0006/LC/MINESUP / MINAS of 8 July 2008 on the strengthening of the improvement of reception conditions and supervision of students with disabilities or vulnerable

• Joint Circular Letter MINATD / MINTP / MINDUH / MINAS of 16/07/2013 relating to access of disabled to public infrastructure and buildings or open to the

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Competences Basic

Professional competences

Themes Resources


• The organization of examinations and concours (CAPIEMP, FSLC, CEP, Common Entrance into form one and first year technical;

• Organization and functioning of APPS (Co-curricular activities).

Skills - Define the above concepts ;

- Present the hierarchy of norms ; - Explain the notion of breach of procedure; - Present the different international instruments and

legislative texts on education in Cameroon; - Establish the link between the texts and the

teaching profession ; - Apply effectively the texts in the teaching

profession. Suggested Activities : - Documentary research;

-Simulations ; - Practical situations ; - Case studies.

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Targeted competence: C22, C31, C41

Terminal competences: At the end of the course, the student- teacher should be able to solve professional

problem-situations using resources acquired from Pedagogic Supervision and any other relevant resources

Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

C22- Work in a team, collaborate with the hierarchy and the educationcommunity .

Solve problem- situations using the principle of respect of hierarchy. Solve problem- situation by integrating knowledge of follow-up and evaluation activities Solve problem- situation on the bases of true collaboration and mutual respect for the educative community Solveprobsituational by intergrating the acquisition of the activities of accompaniment and of evaluation

General Introduction

KNOWLEDGE: -Origin and importance of pedagogic supervision; -Goals, objectivities and attributions of pedagogic supervision; -Activities of Pedagogic supervision: Accompanying activities ( pedagogic day, collective lesson, demonstration or model lesson, pedagogic animation, pedagogic assistance. etc); Evaluation activities (class/school visit , inspection, auditing in administrative structures and schools); -The domains of pedagogic supervision (Administration, pedagogy, Co-curricular activities …); -Actors of the pedagogic supervision chain in relation to territorial competence ( national, regional or local ) and in relation to their attributions ( IGP, NPI, RIC,RPI,PA, Sub-Div. inspector, PA, HT of schools, LH); - Supervision procedures (observation, analysis, assistance, evaluation). Skills: -Define the above concept and the importance of pedagogic supervision; -Present a historical view of pedagogic supervision; -State the goals, objectives and the attributions of pedagogic supervision; -State pedagogic supervision activities ; -Identify the domains of pedagogic supervision; -Present the actors of the pedagogic supervision chain; -Present the procedure of supervision activities ; -Use appropriate pedagogic supervision concepts in context. Attitudinal Know-How: -Develop a spirit of listening, intellectual humility, receptive, open- mind and flexible. Suggested Activities:-Extract from MINEDUB Organizational chart (organigram ) potions of pedagogic supervision and it‟s attributions; -Practical situations on the general structure of pedagogic supervision, its attributions and its functions.

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Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

Solve problem situational based on sincerecollaboration and of the mutual respect with the educative community.


n of a



Knowledge: -Activities to be carried out before training ( preliminary information, preparation of the session); -Activities to be carried out during the session ( availability of training documents/materials ,involvement of different actors); -Activities to be carriedout after the session (follow-up). Skills: -Describe the activities to be carried out before the training session; -Present the activities to be carried out during of the session; -Determine the activities to be carriedout after the session. -Prepare and animate a training session. Suggested Activities: -Designing an organizational plan of a training session.

Pedagogic animation

Knowledge: -Forum of pedagogic animation: pedagogic seminars, sample lessons, UNAPED(Association of primary school teachers), UNIMAT (Association of nursery school teachers); -Activities to be carriedout before pedagogic animation; -Activities to be carriedout during the training session; -Activities to be carried out after the training session. Skills: -Describe the activities to be carried out before a pedagogic animation ; -Present the activities to be carried out during the training session; -State the activities to be carried out after the session -Determine the criteria to appraise lessons. - Improve on his practices, prepare and facilitatea

pedagogic animation session. Suggested Activities: -Preparation of pedagogic animation (planning, information modalitiesfor actors, designing animation forms…) -Simulation and appraisal onpedagogic animation sessions -Simulations on sample lessons;


Pedagogic assistance

Knowledge: -Activities to be carried out before pedagogic assistance ( preliminary information onthose to be assisted, preparation of the session); -Activities to be carried out during the session; -Activities to be carried out after the session.

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Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

Skills: -Describe the activities to be carried out before pedagogic assistance; -Present the activities to be carried out during assistance; -Determine the activities to be carried out after the session; -improve on his practices, prepare and facilitate a pedagogic assistance. Suggested Activities: -Preparation of pedagogic assistance (preliminary meetings, data collection…); -Simulation; - Designing follow-up forms.

Class and school visit

Knowledge: -Definition and objectives of a visit; -The types of visits; -The activities to be carried out before, during and after the visit of an educational structure. Skills:

-Identify the educational structures to be visited; -Differentiate the types of visits and determine the activities to be carried out before, during and after the visit of the structures.

Suggested Activities: - Design forms for visits to educational structures; -Simulation on the visits of the structures.

Pedagogic team, education team and education community

Knowledge: -Definition and importance of pedagogic team, education team and education community; -Composition and role of different members; -Conditionsfor a smooth functioning of the education team. Skills: -Define and give the importance of the educative team; -Present the composition and role of the different members of the educative team; -Determine the conditions of its smooth functioning; -Improve student performance due to concerted actions of all the members. Attitudinal Know-How: -be honest and objective. Suggested Activities: -Designeducational projects with the aid of the pedagogic team.

C31- Work in discipline, respect deontology and

Solve professional problem-situations using

Pedagogic Inspection

Knowledge: -Definition of Pedagogic Inspection; -Importance of Pedagogic Inspection in schools -Types of Pedagogic Inspections;

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Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

professional ethics.

deontology and professional ethicsrules.

-The inspection of aHead teacher (as an administrator or as a teacher) and a class teacher; - Inspection plan/schedule - Inspection form. Skills: -Define Pedagogic Inspection; -Determine the objectives and the importance of Pedagogic Inspection in schools ; -Present the types of Pedagogic Inspection; -Present the Inspection schedule -Describe and state the elements of an inspection form; -Improve on his practicestaking into account national expectations. Suggested Activities: -Study the regulatory texts in relation with pedagogic Inspection; -Discussions on elements ofan inspection form;

-Simulation on the different types of Inspections.

C41- Analyse students‟ results and class performance to evaluate pedagogic practices.


Knowledge: - Self-evaluation variables on theeducational activities of teachers (exploitation of reports from inspections, class visits, etc.); -Variables for the analysis of students‟ results (educational performance, attendance rate, result curves etc.); -Data analysis related to teachers‟ activitiesin order to apply remedial strategies. Skills: - Define the variables of self-evaluation; - Define the variables for the analysis of students‟ results;

-Update and improve his practices. Suggested Activities: -Design instruments to analyse students‟ results and class performance ;

-Use an inspection form to appraise lessons.

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TARGETED COMPETENCES: C11; C12; C13; C22; C31; C33. TERMINAL COMPETENCE:At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem- situations using resources acquired in Philosophy of Education.

Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

C11-Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve problem-situations in planning and animating teaching/learning activitiesusing resources related to general notions and aims of education

General introduction

KNOWLEDGE : -Definition of concepts: Aims, Objectives, Philosophyof Education ; - Theoretical bases of Philosophy of education; - Importance of Philosophy of Education in the training of student-teachers ; - Process of philosophical reasoning SKILLS : - Define theabove concepts ; - Statethe theoretical basis of Philosophy of Education; - Explain the importance of Philosophy of Education in the training of the student-teachers ; - Integrate and apply the process of philosophical reasoning. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIÉS - Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions.

Aims of education in Cameroon

KNOWLEDGE: - Definition of the concept Aims of education; - Conversion of an educational policy into aims

of educationand objectives. - Aims of education and their philosophical

bases. SKILLS: - Definethe above concept ;

- Convert an educationalpolicy into aims of education and objectives;

- State and explain theaims of educationand their philosophical bases;

- Integrate and apply the above concepts in the professional context.

SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Documentary research ;

- Summary notes ; Presentations and discussions

C12 – Organize class work according to various situations adapted to

Solve problem-situations usingaims and possibilities of education

The problem of aims and possibilities of education

KNOWLEDGE - Definition of concepts :Aims of education aims

and possibilities of education ; - Aims of education (Individual, social and

humanitarian aims etc.);

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Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

teachers - Possibilities of education. SKILLS : - Definethe above concepts ; - Establish a link between daily-life situations

with the aims and possibilitiesof education. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES :

-Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions.

C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanism

Work in a teamto solve problem-situations using principles of culture, democracy, peace, social cohesion and environmental protection

Education, Training and schooling

KNOWLEDGE : Available definitions in General Pedagogy. SKILLS : - Establish a link between education and

training ; - Establish a link between education and


Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions

C22- Work in a team, collaborate with the hierarchy and the educationcommunity

Education and culture

KNOWLEDGE : - Definition of concepts : culture, cultural

identity, National language and national culture;

- Promotion of cultural identity, national languages and national culture in Cameroon.

SKILLS : - Define the above concepts; - Establish a link between the concepts taking

into account the school realities in Cameroon. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES :

Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions

Educationand democracy

KNOWLEDGE : - Definition of concepts : democracy ,freedom,

equality and equity ; - Promotion of democratic culture in Cameroon

educational system. - SKILLS : - Definethe above concepts ; - Establish a link between the concepts taking

into account school realities in Cameroon. - Integrate and apply democratic culture in

classroom management. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES :

-Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions.

C31-Work in Education, KNOWLEDGE :

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Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

discipline, respect, deontology and professional ethics

peace and social cohesion

- Definition ofconcepts : peace and social cohesion ;

- Ideologies related to culture of peaceand social cohesion;

- Role of the school in the promotion of peace and social cohesion.

SKILLS : - Define the above concepts ; - Establish a link between the concepts taking

into account the school realities in Cameroon; - Resolve conflicts by integrating notions of

social cohesion. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES :

-Documentary research ; - Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions.

C33-Sensitize and accompany the education community in the domain of environmental protection

Education and Sustainable development

KNOWLEDGE : - Definition ofconcepts :sustainable

development andenvironmental protection; - Educational stakes and sustainable

development; - Some promotional approaches of sustainable

development in school. - SKILLS - Definethe above concepts. - Establish a linkbetween the concepts taking

into account school realities in Cameroon; - State and explain educational stakes and the

promotion of sustainable development in Cameroon;

- Integrate the notion of sustainable development in the management of the school environment.

- SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES -Documentary research ;

- Summary notes ; - Presentations and discussions.

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Targeted competences: C11, C12; C13; C22; C31. Terminal competence:At the end of the course, the student- teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Sociology of Education.

Competences Basic Professional

competences Themes Resources

C11 – Plan and facilitate teaching /learning activities

Solve problem- situations using elements of Sociology of Education

General introduction

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Educational Sociology and school sociology; -Importance and interest of this subject in the training of student teachers; -Components of educational sociology (language, customs ,tribe,race, religion, cultural identity); SKILLS: -Define the above concepts; -State the importance and interest of this subject in the training of student teachers; -State the components of educational sociology (language, customs,tribe,race, religion, cultural identity, etc); -Conveniently use the defined concepts in different pedagogic situations; -Explain and justify the importance of Educational sociology to a primary and nursery school teacher. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW: -Be patriotic, cooperative and have a sense of general interest. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Documentary Research; - Summary notes; -presentations and discussions.

C12 – Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners.

The school as an institution

KNOWLEDGE: -Different schools of thoughton the school as an institution and as an educational structure; -Definition of types of schools: Formal education Institution, Informal education Institution, Non formal education Institution; -Presentation of sociological theories related to the theme. SKILLS: -Clearly describe the different schools of thought on the school as an institution and as an educational structure; -Define and compare some types of schools; -Present sociological theories related to the theme. -Make use of theories and ideas identified in

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pedagogic situations. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

The school as a social Organisation

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Social organisation and education community; -Structure, principles and theories related to the standard functioning of a social organisation; -Role of the education community in the functioning of a school. SKILLS: Define the above concepts; -Describe structure, principles and theories related to the standard functioning of a social organisation; -Justify that a school is a social organisation for the acquisition of values; - Describe the role of the educationcommunity in the functioning of a school; -Analyse the role of the school as a social organisation in the education of the community. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

Sociological factors of school success or failure in Cameroon

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: School success, School failure, school dropout; -Some theories on the aboveconcepts; -Some sociological factors of school success or failure in Cameroon. SKILLS: Define the aboveconcepts; -State and develop some existing theories on school success, failure and drop out. -Develop some sociological factors of school success or failure in Cameroon. -Analyse the causes and consequences of school dropout in the community where the school is located. -Exploit basic environmental elements and innovations to improve on teaching. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Documentary research; -Presentations and discussions; -Case study; -Problems- solving.

C13 - Produce and use

Cultural heritage and

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition ofconcepts: Cultural heritage and school

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appropriate monitoring / supervision, evaluation and remedial educational mechanisms

education performance. - Related theories on cultural heritage and school performance. SKILLS: Define the above concepts; -Summarise theories related to cultural heritage and school performance; - Explain the influence of cultural heritage on school performance; -Facilitate the family-school relationship to solve performancevariation problems in his classroom or school. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

C22 – Work in a team collaborate with the hierarchy and the educational community.

Work in a team to solve problem -situations using resources related to social interactions, stratification, mobility, socialization and social class reproduction.

Education and social interactions

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Social interaction and interrelation. - Theories related to social interactions; - Interactions between the school and the education community in Cameroon, and their impact on the functioning of the school. SKILLS: - Define the above concepts; - State the different theories related to social interactions; - State the interactions between the school and the education community in Cameroon, and their impact on the functioning of the school. -Solve problem-situations encountered in teaching. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

Education and social stratification

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Social stratum, social stratification and social class; -Theories related to social stratification; - Contribution of education to social stratification. SKILLS: Define the above concepts; -State and explain theories related to social stratification; - Show the contribution of education to social stratification. -Apply pertinent theories to solve professional problem-situations he will face in carrying out his function. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Documentary research; - Summary notes;

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-Presentations and discussions.

Education and socialisation

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of the concept socialisation ; - Significant theories related to child socialisation; - Contribution of the school to socialisation. SKILLS: Define the above concept. -Applyrelevant theories to solve professional problem-situations he will face in carrying out his function. -Show the contribution of school in socialisation. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: - Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

C31- Work in discipline, respect, deontology and professional ethics

Education and Social Mobility

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Social Mobility and social ascension; -Theories related to social mobility; - Contribution of the school to social mobility; SKILLS: Define the above concepts; - Apply the significant theories of social mobility in his classroompractices; - Show the contribution of the school in social mobility. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions..

School as an institution of reproduction of social classes

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: reproduction of social classes and social reproduction; -theories related to social reproduction of social classes (Bourdieu and Passeron) ; -Role of the school in the reproduction of social classes. SKILLS: Define the above concepts; - Apply relevant theories to solve professional problem-situations he will face in carrying out his function. - Show the contribution of the school in the reproduction of classes. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Documentary research; - Summary notes; -Presentations and discussions.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C22, C31, C42 Terminal Competences: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired fromDeontology and professional ethics.

Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C11 – Plan and facilitate teaching/learning activities.

Solve problem-situations respecting ethical rules and deontology of the profession

General Introduction

Knowledge: Definition of concepts: Deontology, Morals and professional ethics. Skills: - Define the above concepts; - Explain the importance, objectives and components of deontology and professional ethics -identify, use and establish the link between the concepts. Suggested Activities : - Documentary research, - Analytical work to bring out the relevance of the subject; - Identification and formulation ofsignificant problem- situations related to the subject; - Brainstorming on moral and ethical issues.

C22 - Work in a team, collaborate with the hierarchy and the education community

Rights and obligations of a teacher

Knowledge: - Essential obligations of a teacher vis-à-vis himself, students, parents, colleagues, hierarchy, community and state; - Basic rights of a teacher vis a vis himself, students, parents, colleagues, hierarchy, communityand State. Skills : -State the rights and obligations of a teacher from the horizontal and vertical perspective in view of harmonizing the interpersonal relationships; - Integrate the normative principles in his daily behaviour; Attitudinal know-how: - Demonstrate humility, honesty, openness, self-sacrifice, dedication and transcendence. Suggested activities: - Simulation ; - Role- play; - Case study; - Problem solving.

C31- Work in discipline, respect,

Duties and qualities of a teacher

Knowledge: - Duties assigned to a teacher in his profession; - Professional consciousness of a teacher, its

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Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

deontology and professional ethics.

importance and elements (the exigencies of the profession, mastery of contents…) - Qualities of a teacher (appearance, intellectual and moral qualities). Skills: - Identify and define the duties entrusted to a teacher in his profession (Teach, Communicate, Educate, analyze and Regulate); - Define precisely professional consciousness of a teacher and state its elements; - Highlight the importance of professional consciousness; - Identify and explain the qualities of a teacher; - Integrate and apply these principles into his profession practices taking into account contemporary challenges (fight against corruption, sexual harassment, etc.) Suggested activities : - Simulation ; - Role-play ; - Case study; - Problem solving.

C42- Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

Solve problem-situations in a working group adopting reactive, proactive and retroactive attitudes


Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: retroactive, reaction, proactive, feedback, questioning, self-training and remedial strategies. Skills: - Define the above concepts; -Integrate and illustrate all these principles to improve on professional practices; - Present the necessity to update his knowledge to improve on professional practices; -Carry out research forself-training; Attitudinal know-how: -Be autonomous (creativity). Suggested Activities : -Documentary research ; -Simulation; -Role- play; -Case studies; -Problem-solving.

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Targeted competence: C41 Terminal competence: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Introduction to statistics applied to education.

Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

C41-Analyse students‟ results and class performance to evaluate the pedagogic practices.

Solve problem-situations using mathematical language and symbols applied to statistics.

General introduction

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: statistics, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, constant parameter, variable (continuous, discrete, dichotomous), score, population, sample, index, hypothesis, test, pre-test, post-test. - Pre-requisite notions in mathematics:the notion of addition; the notion of products; mathematical signs and symbols etc. - objectives of statistics - Importance of statistics in teaching. - Principles of statistics: objectivity, accuracy, reliability, etc. Skills: - Define the above-mentioned concepts and establish the link between them. -Explain and use mathematical signs and symbols, the notions of addition and products - Present the objectives and importance of statistics - Present the principles of statistics. Suggested activities : - Documentary research.

Different types of measurement scales or data

Knowledge: -Types of measurement scales or data-(nominal, ordinal, interval, proportional) ; skills: -State and define the different types of measuring scales or data Suggested activities : - Research - Practical exercises

Solve problem- situations using data representation, graphical analysis and interpretation.

Frequency distribution

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: maximum score, minimum score, range, observations, frequency, cumulative observations, cumulative frequency ,class interval, class size, class mid-point ,lower and upper class limits, lower and upper class boundaries skills :

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Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

-Define and explain the above concepts -Use them in varied situations Suggested activities: - Practical exercises

Data representation

Knowledge : - Tables, bar charts and pie charts, histograms - Frequency polygon, frequency curves. skills : - Establish a distribution table of frequencies following the type of variable; - Explain the different forms of representation of statistical data; -Represent statistical data in different forms - Convert the data from a distribution table to a graph and vice versa. Suggested activities: - Practical exercises

Solve problem- situations involving analysis and interpretation of data from numerical indicators.

Measurements of central tendency

Knowledge: - mode, median, mean; - Mode (case of ungrouped data and case of grouped data); - Median (case of ungrouped data and case of grouped data); - Mean (case of ungrouped data and case of grouped data). skills : - Define and explain the concepts through calculations; - Conveniently use the concepts in varied situations. Suggested activities: - Practical exercises

Relative position indicators

Knowledge: - Quartiles (case of ungrouped and case of

grouped data); - Deciles (case of ungrouped and case of

grouped data) ; - Percentiles (case of ungrouped and case of

grouped data) ; - Percentile ranks. skills : - Define and explain the concepts through calculations; -Conveniently use the concepts in varied situations Suggested activities : - Practical exercises

Measurements of dispersion

knowledge: - Range and mean deviation; - Variance and standard deviation;

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Competences Basic professional

competences Themes Resources

- Variation coefficient; - Interpretation of the standard deviation.

Skills : - Define and explain the concepts through calculations; - Conveniently apply the concepts in varied situations; - interpret and correctly find standard deviation in varied situations. Attitudinal know-how: -Be rigorous, methodical and integrate a scientific approach in solving statistical problems. NB: this attitudinal know-how is transversal to all levels of competences.

Suggested activities : - Practical exercises

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NB : Recommendation for one-year course Evaluation for didactics should take theoretical and practical dimensions. Writing tests or examinations take 60% of the didactics marks. While practicals (group work of maximum six members, writing of lesson notes, simulation and appraisal ) represent 40% of the marks.



Target Competences: C11, C12, C32, C13, C42. Terminal Competence:At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Didactics of Nursery Education and any other relevant resources

Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

C11 - Plan and facilitate learning/teachingactivities

Solve problem-situations using basic skills acquired from the Didactics of nursery school activities

General introduction

Knowledge : -Definitions of concepts: nursery didactics, activities, pre-school or pre-nursery, projectpedagogy and play. - National syllabuses for Nursery schools in Cameroon; - The Importance of Didactics in nursery school -Objectives of the Didactics of nursery school activities ; -Classroom setting in nursery school (corners, work-shops decoration etc…) - Daily schedule in nursery school Skills -Define the above concepts ; -Describe the structure of National syllabuses for nursery school in Cameroon; - State the importance of nursery school

didactics -State and explain the objectives of the didactic of nursery school activities; -Describe Classroom setting in the nursery school; -Draw up the daily schedule in the nursery school. Suggested activities : -Documentary research; -Identification of problem- situations.

C12 -Organize class work according to various situations adapted to

Solve problem-situations using characteristics of the different activities of the nursery school

characteristics of pre- education

Knowledge: -Characteristics of Nursery One and Nursery two kids (cognitive, psychomotor and socio-affective) ; -Reception in the nursery school (how to receive kids? Why do we receive or welcome kids? When do we receive them?); -Types of pre-school pedagogy (use of daily-life activities, project pedagogy, play method)

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

learners C32 -Participate in the conception and realization of socio-educative activities C13 - Produce and use appropriate monitoring, supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms. C42 - Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations.

-Principles of managing the environment and organising pre-learning activities in nursery schools; -Specific forms of evaluation of learning in the nursery school Skills: -Describe the characteristics of Nursery One and Nursery Two kids; -State and explain how to organise the reception of kids in the nursery school; -Adapt the types of pedagogy to various situations and activities in the nursery school; -Apply principles of managing the environment and organising pre-learning activities in nursery schools; -State and explain the specificity of evaluation of learning in nursery schools; Suggested activities - Documentary research; -Identification of problem- situations.

Domain of activities predominantly based on expression

Knowledge ; -Definition of concepts : oral expression and expression by gesture; - Psychological considerations; -General objectives; -Specific objectives; -Content of activities under oral expression, expression by gesture and initiation to oral and written language; -Methodology of oral expression activity for Nursery One and Nursery Two; -Methodology of gesture expression activity for Nursery One and Nursery Two; -Methodology of initiation to oral and written language for Nursery One and Nursery Two; - General activity plan and structure of individual activity notes.

Skills : -Define the above concepts; -State and explain the psychological considerations, general objectives, specific objectives of each activity; -Use the activities under expression domain and draw up general activity plan and structure of individual activity notes. Suggested activities: -Proposal of exercises to discriminate concepts; - Proposal of synthesis exercises;

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

-Provision for appraisal sessions with the production of individual activity notes in groups; -Simulation and micro-teaching.

Domain of activities predominantly awakening

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts : Initiation to mathematics, sensory and perceptive education, initiation to science and technology, initiation to ICTE ; -Psychological considerations ; -General objectives -Specific objectives, -Content under awakening activities: initiation to mathematics, sensory and perceptive education, initiation to science and technology, initiation to ICTE ; -Methodology of initiation to mathematics in Nursery One and Nursery Two; -Methodology of sensory and perceptive education in Nursery One and Nursery Two; -Methodology of initiation to science and technology in Nursery One and Nursery two ; -Methodology of initiation to ICTE in Nursery One and Nursery Two ; - General activity plan and structure of individual activity notes to teach each activity. Skills : -Define the above concepts; -State and explain the psychological considerations, general objectives, specific objectives of each activity in the predominantly awakening domain; - Use the activities under awakening domain and draw up general activity plan and structure of individual activity notes. Suggested Activities : - Proposal of exercises to discriminate concepts; - Proposal of synthesis exercises; - Provision for appraisal sessions with the production of individual activity notes in groups; -Simulation and micro-teaching.

Domain of predominantly motor activities

Knowledge : -Definition of theconcepts: rhythmic activity and motor activities; -PsychologicalConsiderations -General objectives -Specific objectives

- -Content under motor activities: motoractivity and rhythmicactivity;

- -Methodology of motor activities in Nursery

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

One and Nursery Two -Methodology of rhythmic activities in Nursery One and Nursery Two; -General activity plan and structure of individual activity notes to teach each activity. Skills -Define the above concepts; -State and explain the psychological considerations, general objectives, specific objectives of each activity in motordomain; - Use the activities under motor domain and draw up general activity plan and structure of individual activity notes. Suggested Activities Proposal of exercises to discriminate concepts; - Proposal of synthesis exercises; -Provision for appraisal sessions with the production of individual activity notes in groups; -Simulation and micro-teaching.

Domain of activities predominantly based on socialization

Knowledge : -Definition of concepts : civic education, moral education, practical life, singing and music education; -Psychological considerations, -General objectives, Specific objectives ; - Content under socialisation activities: civic education, moral education practical life , singing and music education ; -Methodology of Citizenship education (civics, moral education and human rights etc.) in Nursery One and Nursery two -Methodology of singing and music education in Nursery One and Nursery two General activity plan and structure of individual activity notes to teach each activity. Skills - Define the aboveconcepts ; -State and explain the psychological considerations, general and specific objectives of each activity in socialization domain ; - Use the activities under socialisation domain and draw up general activity plan and structure of individual activity notes. - Suggested activities: -Proposal of exercises to discriminate concepts; - Proposal of synthesis exercises;

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

-Provision for appraisal sessions with the production of individual lesson notes in groups; -Simulation and micro-teaching.

Domains of activities predominantly based on creativity

Knowledge : -Definition of the concepts : pre-letter formation, manual activities, drawing, painting/colouring - Psychological Considerations -General and specific objectives -Content under creativity activities : pre-letter formation, manual activities, drawing, painting/colouring; -Methodology of pre-letter formation in Nursery One and Nursery Two -Methodology of manual activities in Nursery One and Nursery Two -Methodology of drawing, painting/colouring in Nursery One and Nursery Two -General activity plan and structure of individual activity notes.

Skills - Define the above concepts ; State and explain the psychological considerations, general and specific objectives of each activity in creativity domain (refer to General pedagogy and educational psychology) - Use the activities under pre-letter formation domain and draw up general activity plan and structure of individual activity notes. Attitudinal know-how : -Show love for children; -Be smart; -Pay a permanent and consistent attention to children; -Be happy, motherly, tender and kind. NB : these attitudes are transversal

Suggested activities : Proposal of exercises to discriminate concepts; - Proposal of synthesis exercises; -Provision for appraisal sessions with the production of individual activity notes in groups; -Simulation and micro-teaching.

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Targeted competences: C11, C12, C13, C32, C33, C42 Terminal competence:At the end of the course, the student-teachershould be able tosolve professional problem-situation using resources acquired from Didactics of Practical Activities and any other relevant resources

Competences Basic professional

Compétences Themes Resources

C11 – Plan and facilitate teaching/ learning activities.

Solve professional problem-situations using skills and abilities of practical activities (Artistic, Agro-pastoral, family life, home economics.) depending on the environment

General introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: Practical

activities, teaching methods, artistic education, home economics etc ;

- Objectives of teaching practical activities in the primary school;

- Importance of practical activities in the primary school;

Skills : -Define the above-mentioned concepts. -Use and establish a link between the different concepts; -Explain the importance of practical activities in primary schools; -Clearly state objectives level by level in teaching practical activities in the primary school; Attitudinal know-how: Develop an analytical and research attitude. Suggested activities: -Documentary research ; -Analyse and show the importance of the subject in the acquisition of manual abilities in pupils; -Problem-situations.

C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners. C32-Participate in the conception and realization of socio-educational activities

Domains in teaching practical activities

Knowledge: Artistic Domain :

-Production of objects and decoration (classroom, party halls, office and vehicles). -Drawing/painting, sculpture, glasswork, sewing ,carpentry ;dying; Agropastoral domain - Elementary farming techniques; -Animal husbandry (poultry, piggery, fishery etc.) Home economics : -Child care, needle work, sewing, marking, cookery, - Methods of water conservation, light

Prepare lesson notes on practical activities.

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C33-Sensitize and accompany the education community in the domain of environmental protection.

Methods, techniques procedures and lesson notes.

,energy and their uses ; - Conservation techniques for foodstuff,

clothes, kitchen utensils (cutlery, dishes and plates etc.);

Skills : -Produce artistic objects for classroom, homes, offices, halls and vehicles; -Describe the texture of materials used. -Explain and state the basic agricultural techniques in animal rearing, poultry, fishery and pigger; -Identify and manage household problems, (feeding, basic needs, income and hygiene); -Administer first aid treatment Attitudinal know-how: -Develop the spirit of creativity, initiative and community work (group work, workshops and teams), -Develop a spirit of hard work and interest in all the domains of practical activities Suggested activities : -Workshops on collective projects involving varied techniques in the field of animal husbandry, agriculture and fishery; -Survey and research on the importance of practical activities in our educational system and socio - economic sectors; -Problem-situations. Knowledge : -Methodological principles in teaching practical activities: appropriate methods, techniques and procedures; -Elements of a lesson note:

Didactic material (appropriate /adequate).


Stages. Skills : - Apply appropriate methods, techniques

and procedures to teach each domain; -Integrate the spirit of precision, innovation in each context of production using procedures and techniques; - Prepare appropriate lesson notes in

practical activities; - Prepare the classroom; school

environment setting in relation to the activity to be carried out;

- Carry out self-evaluation.

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Attitudinal know-how :

-Develop the spirit of creativity, initiative and community work (group work, workshops and teams), -Develop the spirit of hard work and interest in all the domains of practical activities . Suggested activities : -Visit site, identification of agro –pastoral, artistic and home economics activities; -Assign and alternate group and team leaders in workshops; -Realisation of project of interest with the pupils; - Simulations ; -Problem-situations.

C13- Produce and use appropriate monitory/ supervision, assessment and remedial mechanism. C42- Amend educational practices taking into account various changes and innovations.

Use diagnostic, formative criterion-referenced and integration strategies to evaluate school performance in practical activities

Evaluation in practicalactivities.

` - Evaluation in practical activities; - Minimal criteria, perfection criteria ; - Marking guides in the different

domains of practical activities; - Remedial strategies in practical

activities. Skills : - Construct items(questions) in practical

activities in line with the different objectives ;

- Produce a marking guide ; - propose well structured and complete

questions for sequential evaluations ; taking into consideration methodological exigencies of evaluation of practical activities;

- Identifypupils‟ difficulties ; - Put in place an appropriate remedial

mechanism in class/ environment..; - Carry out self evaluation.

Suggested activities - Prepare a list of items in each domain

of practical activity ; - Draw a supervision and an evaluation

form for projects to be realised. - Integrate objectives in current life

situations in practical activities. - Find out recent innovations to update

the teaching of practical activities ; - Solve problem-situations

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C41 Terminal Competence: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources from the Didactics of Music, Songs and National culture and other relevant resources

Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

C11: Plan and



ng activities

Solve problem-situationstaking into account the importance of Didactics of music, song and national culture, and their domains.

General Introduction


- Definition of concepts : music, song, national culture;Didactics of music, song and national culture ;

- Importance of Didactics of music, song and national culture for student-teachers ;

- Different scales and musical notes ; - Different types of songs (patriotic; school;

religious, military etc.). Skills : - Define the above concepts ; - State and explain the importance of music,

song and national culture for student-teachers; - Differentiate the types of songs ; Suggested activities - Documentary research - Sketches, simulation.

Domains in the teaching of songsand national culture.

Knowledge: - Domains inthe teaching of songsin primary school:

National anthem

Song in unison

Round singing

Two-beat singing;

Three-beat singing ;

Four-beat singing. - Domains in the teaching of music in Primary school :

Basic notions: Stave, notes, key, musical notation, voices, scales, time/tempo, musical scale and different ranges, mimes, scores/parts, etc.)

Traditional and modern musical instruments ;

Teaching domains of national culture:

Mothertongues ;

Tales and legends ;

Riddles and proverbs ;


Attires and traditionalplays etc.

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Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

Skills : - State and explain the different teaching

domains of singing; - State and explain the different teaching

domains of music; - State and explain the different teaching

domains of national cultureand its moral impact.

Suggested activities : - Documentary research ;

- Singing ; - Sketches.


Knowledge: - Terminal integration objectives of music, song

and national culture ; - Intermediate integrationobjectives of songs,

music and national culture. Skills : - Clearly state terminal integrationobjectives of

music, song and national culture; - Clearlystate intermediate integration objectives

of song, music and national culture . Suggested activities : - Documentary research ; - Case study.

Prepare and presenta song, music and national culture lesson according to CBA.

Methods, Techniques, procedure of teaching songs; lesson notes writing.

Knowledge: - Methods ,techniques and procedure of teaching

songs; - Lesson notes structure.

Skills : - Explain the methods, techniques and procedure

of teaching songs; -Writeindividual lesson notes on songs activities . - Presenta song lesson in a class situation; Suggested activities : - Practical exercises ; - Case study ( children with special needs) - Simulation.

Methods, Techniques, procedure of teaching National culture; lesson notes writing

Knowledge: - Methods ,techniques and procedure of teaching

National culture; - Lesson notes structure. Skills: - Explain the methods, techniques and

procedure of teaching National culture; -Writeindividual lesson notes on the teaching of

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Competences Basic

professional Competences

Themes Resources

national culture. - Present individual lesson notes on the

teaching of National culture in a class situation; Suggested activities : - Practical exercises ; - Case study (children with special

needs) ; - Simulation; - Sketches.

Methods, Techniques, procedure of teaching Music; lesson notes writing

Knowledge: - Methods ,techniques and procedure of teaching

Music; - Lesson notes structure. Skills : - Explain the methods, techniques and

procedure of teaching Music; -Writeindividual lesson notes on the teaching of Music. - Present individual lesson notes on the teaching

of Music in a class situation. Suggested activities : - Practical exercises - Case study (children with special needs); - Simulation ; - Sketches.

C13: Produce

and use




evaluation and




Evaluate lessons ofmusic, song and national culture according to CBA.

Evaluation of lessons of music, songs and national culture

Knowledge: - Types of evaluation itemsin music, song and

national culture; - Items and marking guides for music, songs and

national culture.

Skills : - State and explainthe different types of

evaluation itemsin music, song and national culture ;

- Construct items and prepare marking guides for music, songs and national culture.

Suggested activities : - Practical exercises - Case study (children with special needs) ; - Simulation.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C33, C42 Terminal Competence. At the end of the course, the student teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources from History and Geography Didactics and any other relevant resources.


Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C33- Sensitize and accompany the education community in the domain of environmental protection

Solve problem- situations highlighting the importance of Didactics of geography and its domains.

General Introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: Geography and Didactics of Geography; -Importance of Geography in primary school; -Objectives of teaching Geography level by level in primary school. Skills: -Define the above concepts, use and establish the link between them; - State and explain the importance of geography in primary school; - Clearly state objectives level by level. Atittudinal know-how: -Be available and open to research Suggested Activities: -Documentary research and analysis; -Contribution of the subject in the child's behaviour and social life.

Domains of teaching Geography

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: The Earth in the universe, cardinal point and mapping; -Cameroon geography (physical, human and economic); - Education on Population issues. Skills : -chronologicallyorganise informationwithin a given time-frame and space; -Identify the different domains of Geography and define concepts related to each of the domains; -Use geography language/jargon; -Compare information on local, national and global level, to propose innovations in development and protection of the environment; -Develop the ability to obtain information; -Promote economic and social development. Atittudinal know-how : -Develop a critical mind, be awake, aware and protect nature. Suggested Activities : -Classification and use of documents on geography;

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Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C12:Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners

-Identification of the role of human beings in the conservation of the immediate or distant environment.

Easily prepare and present a geography lesson according to CBA.

Methods, techniques, procedure and lesson notes

Knowledge: - Appropriate methods , techniques , procedure to each domain of a lesson in Geography; -Methodological principles in the teaching of Geography; -Presentation of the stages of a lesson; - Choice of material; - Lesson notes - Appraisal of lesson note Skills : -Use appropriate methods, techniques and procedure to teach each domain of Geography; -Prepare Geography lesson notes respecting the appropriate methodology; -Set up the classroom according to the type of material available -Assign different responsibilities to students in groups, workshops and teams; -Teach a Geography lesson with ease. Suggested Activities : - Enquiry and enquiry report; - Exploitation of written and iconic documents (pictures and reproduction of works of art); - Site visits, facts and geographical phenomena; - Identifying signs of environmental changes in the milieu (soil, vegetation, climate, socio-economic activities, social mobility, etc.). - Determine the causes of changes and propose solutions in case of any adverse change on the population; -Develop projects involving the education community to solve problems related to environmental degradation; -Identification of innovations related to national and international news to illustrate the teaching of Geography; - Documentary Research; -Simulation; -Case Study.

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Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C13: Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms C42- Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations



lessons according

to CBA

Evaluation in Geography

Knowledge: -Types of evaluation in Geography; -Minimum and perfection criteria ; - marking guide in Geography; -Remedial strategies in Geography. Skills. - Construct items integrating several objectives; -Prepare marking guides; - Propose well-structured Geography questions for sequential evaluations; - Build and implement appropriate remedial strategies ; -Identify and remediate students' difficulties; -Carry out self-evaluation. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES. - Proposition of a list of items in Geography with students; - Development of monitoring and evaluation sheets for

an ongoing project ; - Integration of geography objectives in solving daily-

life problems; - Development of self-evaluation forms in line with the

methodological requirements of the teaching of Geography.


Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C22: Work in a team, collaborate with the hierarchy and the educationcommunity

Solve problem- situations highlighting the importance of Didactics of history and its domains.

General Introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: History, Didactics of History

and Chronology. - The importance of history in the primary school; - Objectives of the teaching of history level by level in

primary school. Skills : - Define the above concepts, use and establish a link

between them; State and explain the importance of history in primary school;

- Clearly state objectives level by level. Suggested Activities: -Documentary research and analysis; -Contribution of the subject in the child's behaviour and social life.

Atittudinal know-how: Be available and open to research.

Domainsof Knowledge:

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Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C12:Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners


-The First Europeans in Cameroon -Colonization in Cameroon. -World War I in Cameroon -Cameroon under the Mandate and Trusteeship -Cameroon from 1960 to 1980 and from 1982 to present day; Skills: organize informationchronologically within a given time- frame and space. Suggested Activities: -Proposal of study topics; -Location and visits to historical sites in the locality; -Compilation of accounts ; -Exploitation of written and iconic documents (pictures, reproduction of works of art); Atittudinal know-how Having analytical, critical mind, be curious, tolerant, objective, open, accessible and available.

Easily prepare and present a history lesson according to CBA.

Methods, techniques, procedure and lesson notes

Knowledge: Appropriate methods , techniques ,procedure appropriate to each domain of a lesson in History; -Methodological principles in the teaching of History; -Presentation of the stages of a lesson; - Choice of material; - Lesson notes - Appraisal of lesson notes -

Skills: Use appropriate methods, techniques and procedure to teach each domain of History; -Prepare History lesson notes respecting the appropriate methodology; -Set up the classroom according to the type of material available - .

Suggested Activities: Assign different responsibilities to students in groups, workshops and teams; - DocumentaryResearch - Site Visits - Investigations - Simulation.

C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education

Evaluation in History

Knowledge: -Types of evaluation in History; -Minimum and perfection criteria - marking guide in History; -Remedial strategies in History. Skills: Construct items integrating several objectives; -Prepare marking guides;

Evaluate History

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Competences Basic

Professional Competences

Themes Resources

mechanisms C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

lessons according to CBA

- Propose well-structured History questions for sequential evaluations; - Build and implement appropriate remedial strategies ; -Identify and remediate students' difficulties; -Carry out self-evaluation. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES. - Proposition of a list of items in History with students; - Development of monitoring and evaluation sheets for

an ongoing project ; - Integration of History objectives in solving daily-life

problems; - Development of self-evaluation forms in line with the

methodological requirements of the teaching of History.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C33, C42 Terminal Competence: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources from Didactics ofsciences and environmental education (prepare and carry out lessons).

Competences Basic Professional Competences

Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve professional problem-situations using resources from environmental, agriculture and health education.

General Introduction


- Definition of concepts: Sciences, environmental education and Didactics of sciences and environmental education. - Objectives of teaching Sciences and environmental education level by level; -Importance of sciences and environmental education in the primary school.

Skills : - Define the above concepts, use and establish a link between them; - Clearly state objectives level by level; -Explain the importance of sciences and environmental education in primary school.

Suggested Activities : -Documentary research, analyse and establish a link between the subject and the child‟s behaviourin the community; -Write,edit and publish varied documents on the subject; -Solvingproblem-situations.

Attitudinal know-how: Develop skills to carry out research and analysis.

Domains inthe teaching of sciences and environmental education.


Environmental education - Ecology - Relationship between man and environment - Sustainable development Agricultural sciences - Fauna : nutrition, reproduction and protection - Flora : nutrition, reproduction and protection - Link between animals and plants; -Soil (constitution, composition, protection, methods of improving and enriching the soil). -Cultural practices; - Plants cultivated in certain environments and their methods of cultivation; -Small scale animal husbandry. - The requirements ofpisciculture. Living environment

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Competences Basic Professional Competences

Themes Resources

- Germs, sources, prevention and,fight against germs. - Water-borne diseases : causes, symptoms treatment and prevention; -Skeletal diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention; -Responsible parenthood Education; -Reproductive health and basic knowledge on STI, HIV/AIDS etc. Physical and chemical environment - Physical and technological environment;

Skills : - Define ecology; - Establish the relationship between man and environment. -Define sustainable development - Define and describe the animal kingdom (fauna); - Define and describe the plant kingdom (flora); -Establish a link between fauna and flora; -Describe soil (constitution, composition, protection, improving and enriching methods); -Identify cultural practices/methods; -Identify some plants cultivated in certain environments and their methods of cultivation; -Describe small scale animal husbandry; -State requirements for pisciculture; - Identify germs, their sources, prevention, and fight against germs; - Identify and describe water-borne diseases; - Identify and describe skeletal diseases; - Define responsible parenthood education and state its importance; -Definereproductive health and basic knowledge on STI, HIV/AIDS etc. - Describe physical and technological environment.

Suggested activities : - Enquiries, research and simple experiments; - Development of environmental projects; - Slogans and posters in relation to health and environmental protection; - Role play; -Solving problem-situations.

Prepare and present lessons in sciences and environmental education

Methods, techniques, procedure and lesson notes


-Methodological principles in the teaching of sciences and environmental education; -Methods/techniques/procedure in the domain of sciences and environmental education; - Components of a lesson notes:

Adequate and appropriate didactic materials

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Competences Basic Professional Competences

Themes Resources


Stages of a lesson.

Skills : -Apply appropriate methods, techniques and procedureto each domain of environmental education; - Draw-up lesson notes on practical activities with respect to the appropriate methods; - Set-up the teaching environment in relation to the type of activity; - Assign responsibilities to students in groups, workshops and team; - Carry out self-evaluation; - Work in collaboration with learners and education community for a sustainable development.

Suggested Activities: -Identification and remedies to problems related to environment; -Realisationof projects with students aiming at sensitizing and involving the education community in the resolution of problems; -Identification of current innovations in line with national and international news/views on sciences and environmental education. -Determine for each activity corresponding organisation rules and modalities. - Alternate leaders of groups, teams and workshops. -Simulation.

Attitudinal know-how : -Be open, available and accessible

C13-Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms

. C42- Amend educational practices taking into account changes and

Carry out diagnostic, Criterion-referenced, formative and integrated evaluation of school performance in Sciences and Environmental education.

Evaluation in Sciences and Environmental education


-Different types of evaluation applied to Sciences and Environmental education; -Minimal and perfection criteria and evaluation guide in the various domains of Sciences and Environmental education; -Remedial strategies in Sciences and Environmental education.

Skills: -Construct items integrating various objectives and different skill levels; - Preparemarking guides; - Set up well structured questions on Sciences and Environmental education for sequential examinations, taking into consideration levels,

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Competences Basic Professional Competences

Themes Resources


durations and types of evaluation. - Identify students‟ difficulties; -Construct and put in place appropriate remedialstrategies; - Carry out self-evaluation.

Suggested activities: -Proposition of a list of items in each domain of Sciences and Environmental education; - Preparation of a monitoring and evaluation form on ongoing-projects; - Integration of objectives in daily-life situations and scenarios on Sciences and Environmental education; - Preparation of a self-evaluation form in respect to the methodological requirements in the teaching of Sciences and Environmental education; -Problem solving.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C31, C42 Terminal Competences:At the end of course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations involving resources from Didactics of Citizenship Education and any other relevant resources.

Competences Basic Professional

CompetenceS Themes Resources

C11 – Plan and facilitate teaching/learning activities

Solve professional problem-situations using resources ofcitizenship education

General Introduction

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: -Civic education, moral education, civility, citizenship education, integrity education, patriotism, patriotic spirit, human rights, rights of the child, social ills, national integration, duties of a citizen; -Objectives of the teaching of Citizenship education; -The importance of Citizenship education in nursery and primary schools. Skills: Define the above concepts, use and establish a link between them; -State objectives of citizenship education per level. - State and explain the importance of Citizenship education in nursery and primary schools. Attitudinal know-how: -Develop a spirit of research and analysis. Suggested Activities : -Documentary research; -Exploitation and analysis of documents to show the importance of the subject in the child‟s behaviour. -Presentations and discussions - Problem-solving.

C12:Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners C31: Work in discipline,

Domains of the teaching of citizenship educationin nursery and primary schools.

Knowledge: -Civic Education

State institutions;

Social institutions;

Statutory texts (The constitution, law, decree, decision, order, circular, rules and regulations);

Elements of citizenship (citizenship spirit, otherness, respect of public property etc.), patriotism (respect of state institutions, national and state emblems), and national integration;

Civil status (definition, importance and

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Competences Basic Professional

CompetenceS Themes Resources

respect, deontology and professional ethics.

its different documents);

Integrity education; Moral education

- Moral values (peace, tolerance, mutual understanding, integrity etc.)

- Social ills (drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, tobacco addiction)

- Education for solidarity and mutual assistance;

- Social bond. Human rights education

Civic rights (rights and freedoms);

The voter (status, types and attributes).

For further information see National syllabuses for English speaking Primary schools. SKILLS: -Use acquired notions to enable student-teachers put into practice civic and moral values; -Sing national anthem and explain national emblems; -Identify and implement attitudes to be developed and promoted; -Define and state the importance of civil status documents in the life of a citizen; -Present and state the importance of elements of citizenship, patriotism, national integration and civic spirit. Attitudinal know-how: - Develop moral integrity and citizenship values. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Exploitation of daily-life situations in the environment (school, home etc.) to reinforce values advocated by Citizenship education; - Solving problem-situations.

Teaching methods, techniques and procedure; Writing lesson notes

Knowledge: - Methodology for citizenship education; - Methods, techniques and procedure for citizenship lessons; - Constituents of lesson notes

Didactic material;


Stages etc. SKILLS -Use appropriate methods, techniques and

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Competences Basic Professional

CompetenceS Themes Resources

Evaluation in citizenship education

procedure to teach each domain of Citizenship education; -prepare a Citizenship education lesson note respecting the appropriate methodology. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES - Writing lesson notes according to available format/procedure; - Classroom setting and management strategies; -Implementation and reinforcement values to be promoted; -Involvement of learners in writing school rules and regulations; - Assign different responsibilities to students in groups, workshops and teams; -Practical analysis of information about the school, country, world that are related to citizenship education; -Simulation and microteaching; -Solve problem-situations.

Knowledge: -Types of evaluation in citizenship education; -Integrationof objectives in daily-life situations related to citizenship education; - Minimal criteria,perfection criteriaand marking guides for Citizenship education evaluation; -Remedial strategies. Skills: -Construct items integrating several objectives -Prepare marking guides -Propose well-structured Citizenship education questions for sequential evaluations ; -Identify students‟difficulties; -Build and implement appropriate remedial strategies; -Carry out self-evaluation; -Solve problem-situations. Suggested activities: -Proposition of a list of items inCitizenship education with student-teachers; -Development of monitoring and evaluation sheets for an ongoing project; -Designing and use of observation forms as a check-list of students‟behaviour in class and school; -Development of self-evaluation forms in line with the methodological requirements of the teaching of Citizenship education.

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TargetedCompetences: C11; C12; C13; C42 Terminal Competence: At the end of the course, students-teachers should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources from the Didactics of Sports and Physical Education.

Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

C11-Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solveproblem-situationsinvolving the general notions ofPhysical and Sports Educationand its functioningin the primary school

General Introduction

KNOWLEDGE - Definition of concepts: sports, physical education, sports and physical education, rhythmic education , games, motor activity, physical exercises and para-sports; - The importance of Sports and physical education (SPE) in primary schools; - The objectives of SPE per level in primary schools; - Syllabus for SPE per level in primary schools. Skills : - Define, use and establish a link between the concepts; - state and explain the importance of SPE in primary schools; - State the objectives of Sports and Physical Education per level in primary schools; - Explain the importance and specificity of para-sports and identify some of its related fields; - Write clearly the integration objectives for SPE per level in primary schools. Suggested Activities : -Documentary research; -Analysis of the results in order to state the contribution of thesubject to thedevelopment and healthof the child; - Presentations anddiscussions.

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Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

Sports features

Knowledge : -Different skillsto developin pupils Mobility - Bodyschema/image; -Lateralisation; -Body position(sitting, bending, lying down, standingetc.) -Fixed balanceon the spot/ floor(standingon one leg etc.) -Balance while moving(fast walk,run withan object placedon the head, jogging etc.) Locomotion: -Walking, running, jumping, throwing, gymnastics, moving on all fours. Manipulationofobjects and sports materials Physical efforts -Exercisesrequiringstrength andphysicaleffort (lifting /carrying). Cooperation andopposition -Team sports(principles): -Offensive action(attack to score a goal, consider the presenceof the opponent, etc.) -Defensive action(defend and resist); BodyExpression -Singing,shouting, dancing, moving... Skills: -Identify, use and establish the link betweenthe different practices; Suggested Activities : Manipulation and application of a variety of simulations

Prepare and present a SPE lesson according to CBA.

Methods, techniques and procedure of teaching SPE; lesson notes writing.

Knowledge: -Methods, techniques and procedure for a SPE lesson or motor activity. Skills : -Select and use appropriate methods, techniques and procedure; -Prepare and present a SPE lesson; -Evaluate learnersperformance with appropriate tools; Suggested Activities : -Preparation oflesson notesin accordance with theavailable format; -Simulation andmicro-teaching.

C12-Organise class work according to various situations

Progression and dosage of learning

Knowledge See content of C11 Skills : -State and determine the scope of learning activities

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Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

adapted to learners

taking intoaccount favourable moments; -State integration objectives; -Apply the techniques ofintroduction, warm-up and other appropriateintense movements and quiet ending.

Suggested Activities : -Analysis and application of various simulations in accordance with established rules;

C31- Work in discipline, respect deontology and professional ethics.

Workin discipline

Knowledge: See content of C11 Skills : -Identify and explainthe valuesto be promoted; - Integrateall the practicesin daily life; - Apply the techniques in accordance with established rules. Suggested Activities: - Simulations; -Role Play; - Case study.

C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

Evaluate Sports and Physical Education lessons according to CBA.

Self-regulation Knowledge : See content of C11 Skills : -Analyzeone‟s preparationsandpractices; - Integrateinnovationstoimprove onone‟s profession; -Continue to carry out research, and self-training; - Manifest one‟s autonomy. Suggested Activities : - Documentary research; - Simulations; -Remedial strategies; -Role Play; - Case study.

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Compétences ciblées : C11, C12, C13, C42 Compétence terminale :A la fin de la formation, l‟élève-maitre doit pouvoir préparer et conduire des enseignements /apprentissages du Français dans toutes les classes de l‟école primaire en intégrant des innovations pédagogiques.

Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

C 11 - Planifier et animer les séquences d‟apprentissage/ enseignement

Résoudre les situations problèmes faisant intervenir les généralités sur la didactique du français à l‟école primaire.

Généralités SAVOIRS: - Définition des concepts : langue, didactique du Français, expression. - Importance de l‟enseignement / apprentissage du Français à l‟école primaire - Structure du programme officiel du Français de l‟Ecole Primaire (objectifs, compétences, etc.) SAVOIR-FAIRE : -Utiliser les concepts définis dans les contextes didactiques et pédagogiques variés, -Montrer l‟importance de l‟enseignement/apprentissage du Français à l‟Ecole Primaire et dans la vie courante. -Expliquer et restituer de manière schématique la structure du programme - élaborer un cahier des situations relatives à la didactique de français SAVOIR –ETRE Développer le sens de la justesse et de la rigueur dans l‟utilisation des concepts. ACTIVITES SUGGEREES : Proposition des situations problèmes qui intègrent les éléments conceptuels abordés dans les généralités.

C 11 - Planifier et animer les séquences d‟apprentissage/enseignement C12 - Organiser le travail de la classe en fonction des situations adaptées aux apprenants

Présenter des leçons des disciplines de l‟expression orale et de langue écrite, dans le respect des principes et exigences de l‟approche par les compétences.

Méthodologie de l‟enseignement des disciplines du domaine de la langue écrite

(Production d‟écrits, Ecriture et Lecture)

SAVOIRS -Définition des concepts : production d‟écrits, écriture,lecture. - les méthodes pédagogiques appropriées à l‟enseignement de l‟écriture, de la production d‟écrits et de la lecture par niveau. - Description des étapes de la méthodologie de l‟apprentissage/enseignement de l‟écriture, de la production d‟écrits et de la lecture assortie des canevas détaillés à expliquer -La structure des fiches de leçons d‟écriture, de productions d‟écrits et de lecture pour toutes les classes de l‟école primaire. - Les matériels didactiques usuels pour l‟enseignement de l‟écriture, la production d‟écrits et la lecture par niveau, ainsi que les contextes de leur utilisation par l‟enseignant et

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Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

les élèves par niveau -Les méthodes, les principes et les outils d‟évaluation de l‟écriture, la production d‟écrits et lecture par cours et par niveau. SAVOIR-FAIRE : -Appliquer les principes et exigences méthodologiques dans la préparation et la conduite des leçons d‟écriture, de production d‟écrits et de la lecture. SAVOIR-ETRE - manifester un esprit de créativité et d‟esthétique dans la fabrication et l‟utilisation du matériel didactique et les productions écrites ACTIVITÉS SUGGÉRÉES : - Proposition systématique des exercices d‟élaboration des fiches et des canevas détaillés en lien avec les contenus du programme officiel du Français de l‟école primaire, après chaque cours sur la méthodologie - Proposition des exercices de discrimination des concepts et de synthèse, - Organisation des séances de critique de leçon avec production des fiches améliorées en groupes, - Simulation de la conduite des leçons après chaque méthodologie

C 11 - Planifier et animer les séquences d‟apprentissage/enseignement C12 - Organiser le travail de la classe en fonction des situations adaptées aux apprenants

Méthodologie de l‟enseignement des disciplines du domaine de la langue orale(langage, expression orale)

- Définition des concepts : langage, expression orale -Les méthodes pédagogiques appropriées l‟enseignement du Langage, et de l‟Expression orale par niveau. - Les étapes de la méthodologie de l‟apprentissage/enseignement de l‟écriture et de la production d‟écrit assorti des canevas détaillés à expliquer - La structure des fiches du Langage, et de l‟Expression orale pour toutes les classes de l‟école primaire. - Les matériels didactiques usuels pour l‟enseignement du Langage, et de l‟Expression orale par niveau, ainsi que les contextes de leur utilisation par l‟enseignant et les élèves par niveau -La méthode, les principes et les outils d‟évaluation du Langage, et de l‟Expression orale par niveau. SAVOIR-FAIRE : -Appliquer les principes et exigences

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Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

méthodologiques dans la préparation et la conduite des leçons du Langage, et de l‟Expression orale SAVOIR- ETRE Développer un esprit d‟esthétique et de civisme dans le langage ACTIVITÉS SUGGÉRÉES : - Proposition systématique des exercices d‟élaboration des fiches et des canevas détaillés en lien avec les contenus du programme officiel du Français de l‟école primaire, après chaque cours sur la méthodologie. - Proposition des exercices de discrimination des concepts et de synthèse, - Organisation des séances de critique de leçon avec production des fiches améliorées en groupes, - Simulation de la conduite des leçons après chaque méthodologie présentée.

Méthodologie de l‟enseignement des disciplines du domaine commun à la langue oral et à la langue écrite

(Grammaire, Conjugaison Vocabulaire, Orthographe)

SAVOIRS Définition les concepts : Grammaire, Conjugaison, Vocabulaire. - Méthodes pédagogiques appropriées l‟enseignement de la Grammaire, de la Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire pour chaque niveau. - Etapes de la méthodologie de l‟apprentissage/enseignement de la Grammaire, de la Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire pour chaque niveau ; assortie des canevas détaillés à expliquer - Structure des fiches des leçons de Grammaire, de Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire pour toutes les classes de l‟école primaire. - Matériels didactiques usuels pour l‟enseignement de la Grammaire, de la Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire par niveau, ainsi que les contextes de leur utilisation par l‟enseignant et les élèves par niveau - Les méthodes, les principes et les outils d‟évaluation de la Grammaire, de la Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire par niveau. SAVOIR-FAIRE : -Appliquer les principes et exigences méthodologiques dans la préparation et la conduite des leçons de Grammaire, de Conjugaison et du Vocabulaire ACTIVITÉS SUGGÉRÉES :

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Competences Basic Professional

Competences Theme Resources

- Proposition systématique des exercices d‟élaboration des fiches et des canevas détaillés en lien avec les contenus du programme officiel du Français de l‟école primaire, après chaque cours sur la méthodologie - Proposition des exercices de discrimination des concepts et de synthèse, - Organisation des séances de critique de leçon avec production des fiches améliorées en groupes, - Simulation de la conduite des leçons après chaque méthodologie présentée.

C13 - Produire et utiliser un dispositif de suivi/encadrement d‟évaluation et de remédiation

Evaluer les apprentissages des élèves dans toutes les sous disciplines du français en tenant compte des exigences de l‟approche par les compétences

Evaluation des apprentissages des domaines du Français à l‟école primaire.

SAVOIRS : Rappel des types d‟évaluation (cf. pédagogie générale) Définition des critères minimaux, critères de perfectionnement et grille de correction. SAVOIR-FAIRE : - Elaborer des grilles de correction pour tous les domaines de la langue Française. - élaborer des épreuves complètes et bien structurées du domaine du Français à proposer pour les évaluations séquentielles. ACTIVITÉS SUGGÉRÉES - Proposition d‟items dans chacune des disciplines du Français à l‟EP faisant appel à la construction des grilles de correction.

C42 - Amender des pratiques pédagogiques en prenant en compte les innovations

Cette compétence est transversale à tous les domaines. En effet, les Savoirs, les Savoir-faire et les activités suggérées des différents domaines de l‟enseignement de la langue Française contribuent au développement de cette compétence.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C42 Terminal Competences: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources from Didactics of Mathematicsand any relevant resources from other subjects.

Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve problem-situations using general notions in the teaching of mathematics.

General Introduction

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: didactics of Mathematics and mathematical symbols. -Importance of teaching mathematics in primary schools; - Structure of the nationalsyllabus of mathematics in primary schools. SKILLS : -Define the above concepts. -Apply the concepts in varied situations. -State and explain the importance of the teaching / learning of mathematics in primary schools and in daily life. -Present the structure of national syllabus of mathematics for primary. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW: Develop a sense ofdecencyin the presentation ofproblem-situations. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : - Develop andbuild problem- situations.

Teaching domains of Mathematics in primary schools.

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: numerals, number and numeration, measurement Geometry and problem - Psycho-pedagogic considerations in relation to the teaching/learning of number and numeration (basic number operations); - Psycho-pedagogic considerations in relation to the teaching/learning of measurement; - Psycho-pedagogic considerations in relation to the teaching/learning of geometry. SKILLS -Integrate psycho-pedagogic aspects inthe presentation of number and numeration,basic number operations, measurementand geometry. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW:

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

Develop a sense of rigourand accuracy. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Discrimination and integration exercises on the above concepts. -Documentary research.

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms

Solve problem-situations involving concepts on numbers and numeration, basic number operations, and the presentation of lessons in accordance with CBA.

Methodology for teaching numbers and numeration,and basic number operations in primary schools

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: numbers and numeration,basic number operations; - Presentation of appropriate methods for the teaching/learning of numbers and numeration (e.g. inductive method.); - Description of steps in the teaching / learning of series of numbers for each class (Class 1 to 6), focusing on the specificities of the official/nationalsyllabus of primary schools; - Description of steps in the teaching / learning of basic number operations (+, -, x, :) and the use of other mathematical symbols (Class 1 to 6) emphasisingon each type (whole number, decimals, fractions). - Presentation of the format of lesson notes on number and numerations; - Presentation of the format of lesson notes on basic number operations. - Presentation of didactic materials for the teaching numeric activities per level. -Description of the method, principles and evaluation tools for numeric activities in primary schools. SKILLS -Define the aboveconcepts, -Apply the principles andmethodological exigenciesin thepreparation and presentation of numericactivities; SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES -Discrimination and integration exercises on the above concepts; -Lesson notes writing and micro-teaching after each lesson; -Appraisal of lessons; - Solving problem-situations

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve problem-situations involving concepts on measurements and the presentation of lessons in

Methodology for teaching measurements in primary schools

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: measurement, multiple and conversion. - Presentation of appropriate methods for the teaching/learning of measurements that involve various calculations and conversion;

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms

accordance with CBA.

- Description of steps in the teaching / learning of measurements ((length, capacity, weight, areas, time, temperature, currency from class 1 to 6), focusing on the specificities of the official/nationalsyllabus of primary schools; - Description of conversion methods; - Presentation of the format of lesson notes on measurements (perimeter, area ...) - Presentation of didactic materials for the teaching of measurements‟ activities per level. - Description of the method, principles and evaluation tools for measurements‟ activities in primary schools. SKILLS : -Apply the principles andmethodological exigenciesin thepreparation and presentation of measurements‟ activities. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : -Lesson notes writing and micro-teaching after each lesson; -Appraisal of lessons; - Solving problem-situations. -Discrimination and integration exercises on the above concepts; - Simulations. -Solving problem-situations.

C11: Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms

Solve problem-situations involving concepts on geometry and the presentation of lessons in accordance with CBA.

Methodology for teaching geometry(figures and shapes) in primary schools.

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: tracing, measuring, solids, geometric shapes, geometric tools, construction, reproduction and representation of graphs; - Presentation of appropriate methods for the teaching/learning of geometry that involve various geometric shapesand solids per level; - Description of steps in the teaching / learning of geometric shapes and solids ,focusing on the specificities of the official/nationalsyllabuses of primary schools; - Presentation of the format of lesson notes on geometric shapes and solids for all classes; - Presentation of didactic materials for the teaching of geometric activities per level. -- Description of the method, principles and evaluation tools for geometric activities in

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Competences Basic Professional

Competence Themes Resources

primary schools. . SKILLS : -Apply the principles andmethodological exigenciesin thepreparation and presentation of geometric activities. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : - -Lesson notes writing and micro-teaching after each lesson; -Appraisal of lessons; - Solving problem-situations. -Discrimination and integration exercises on the above concepts; - Simulations. -Solving problem-situations.

C42- Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

This competence istransversal toall mathematicaldomains.Knowledge,skills and suggested activities of different domains in the teaching of mathematics in primary schools.

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Targeted competences: C11, C12, C13, C42 Terminal competence: At the end of the course the student teacher must be able to solve professional problem situation involving resources from English Didactics (principles, procedures /methods, techniques and appropriate approaches in the teaching- learning process of English Language) and any other relevant resources.

Competences Basic professional competences

Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve problem-situation involving definition of key concepts of different domains and language skills: in English language , the different levels of learning, writing of problem-situations in respect to the principles of Competence Base Approach (C B A)

General notions in English language teaching

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts : English Language, English didactics -Importance of English Language -The structure of English language syllabus in primary schools Skills: -Define and use the concepts in the context of English Didactics /and pedagogy -State the importance of English language -Present and explain the structure of the English Language syllabus Attitudinal know-how: Develop a rigorous attitude in the use of the concepts Suggested Activities: -Documentary research (internet, text booksetc) -Apply and implement acquired knowledge to practical lessons (classroom teaching) - Writing of problems situations

English language domains and Levels of learning

Knowledge: - Domains of Oral language(Listening and speaking) -Domains of written language (Reading, Hand writing and written expressions) -Common Domains of oral and written language(Vocabulary, Grammar, Spellings, Tenses) *English language in Level 1 (Basic Learning) *English Language in Level 2 (First or In-depth Learning of LEVEL1) *English Language in Level 3(Terminal In-depth Learning or In-depth Learning 0f Level 2) Skills: -State the different domains and language SKILLS: In English Language -Identify and explain the different Levels of learning in respect to Psycho-Pedagogy. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW: Exhibit a mastery of the domain at each

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Competences Basic professional competences

Themes Resources

level/class of the primary school Suggested Attitudes: -Docunentary research -Group discussions

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners

Solve problem-situation involving lesson presentation related to oral and written language

Methodology in teaching oral language (Listening and speaking)

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: Oral Language ,listening and speaking -Principles and procedures in the teaching of sub SKILLS: of oral language(Dialogues, Storytelling, Rhymes, Narrations, Drama etc.,) -Appropriate pedagogic approaches (NPA, CBA , Integrated Approachetc) - Steps/ stages of lesson notes -appropriate teaching aids -Evaluations related to the domain -Sample lesson notes and lessons on various topics.(see primary syllabus) -Microteaching / simulations and appraisals. Skills: -Define concepts. -Apply principles, procedures in the teaching of sub Skills at different levels and classes. -Implement appropriate pedagogic approaches -Draw up lesson plans/lesson notes -present sample lessons -Use appropriate teaching aids. -Evaluate within the domain -Carryout microteaching and appraisals at the end of a lesson. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW: Develop an esthetic spirit and fluency t in oral language Suggested Activities: Research -Exercises on sub SKILLS: in oral language -Micro teaching/simulations after each lesson presentation -appraise and carry out individual/group assignment.

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to

Methodology in teaching written language (Reading and written expressions).

Knowledge: -Definition of concepts: written language, reading, written expression - Principles and procedures in the teaching of sub SKILLS: of written language ( Pre-reading, Proper reading, Hand writing and written compositions) -Appropriate pedagogic approach (CBA, NPA, Integrated approach etc.). - Steps/ stages of a lesson in respect to the sub

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Competences Basic professional competences

Themes Resources

various situations adapted to learners

SKILLS: in written language at different levels and classes(see primary curriculum) - appropriate teaching aids - Evaluations within the domain - sample lesson plans and lessons on various topics.(see pre-reading, proper reading, written expression and handwriting in Primary curriculum) -Microteaching/simulations and appraisals Skills: - Define Concepts. - Principles and procedures in the teaching of sub SKILLS: of written language at different levels and classes of the primary school -Apply appropriate pedagogic approaches - Draw up lesson plans/lesson notes -Present sample lessons on sub SKILLS: (picture talks, word formation, vowels, graphemes, phonemes, diphthongs etc.) Use appropriate teaching aids -Evaluate within the domain -Carry out microteaching/simulations and appraisals. ATTITUDINAL KNOW-HOW: Develop a creative and esthetic spirit in the production and use of didactic material in written language Suggested Activities: -Research -Exercises on sub SKILLS: in written language -Micro teaching/simulations after presentation of each lesson. -Individual/group assignments.

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners

Methodology in teaching Skills: of common domain (Oral and written language).

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: Common domain, oral, and written language. - Principles and procedures in the teaching of Skills: of Oral and Written language(Vocabulary, Grammar, Spellings and Tenses) -Application of appropriate Pedagogic Approaches(CBA NPA , INTEGRATED APPROACH ETC) -Steps/Stages of a lesson in the teaching of Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling and Tenses at different levels and classes -Sample Lesson plans and lesson on various topics. (See primary curriculum/syllabus.) -Microteaching/simulations and appraisals

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Competences Basic professional competences

Themes Resources

Skills: - Define concepts - Apply principles, procedures in the Teaching of various aspects of Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling and Tenses - Draw up lesson Plans/Notes. - Present sample lessons on various topics (see primary curriculum/syllabus. - Use appropriate teaching aids. - Evaluate within the domain - Carryout microteaching/simulations and appraisals. Suggested Activities: - Documentary research - Exercises on aspects of the various SKILLS: - Micro teaching /simulations after presentation of each lesson. - Individual/ group assignments.

C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanism

Solve problem- situations involving the evaluation of teaching learning in English taking in to consideration the principles of CBA.

Evaluation in English Language

Knowledge: -Different types of evaluations -Definition of concepts: -Minimal criteria (Coherence of the production, linguistic and phonetic accuracy) -Perfection criteria (Originality of the production) Skills: -Review the different types of evaluation -Identify the criteria and construct questions for sequences and end of course examinations. -Produce a marking/evaluation guide. Suggested Attitudes: -Evaluation exercises, -simulation and micro -teaching

C42- Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations


Skills: -Analyse personal plans -Integrate innovations in view of improving one‟s skill - Demonstrate autonomy Suggested Activities: Documentary research -Simulation -remedial activities, role-play and case study

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Targeted competences: C11, C12; C13; C42. Terminal competence: At the end of the course, the student- teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Didactics of Educational Technologies and any other relevant resources

Competences Basic

Professionnal competences

Themes Resources

C11 -Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities

Solve problem-situations making proper use of educational technologies tools in school.

General Introduction

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Didactics,educational technologies, Potential cognitive tools, pedagogic resources, computer, software, learning scenario, internet, information, communication, didactic situation, targeted situation. -Importance of Didactics of Educational Technologies in the training of student-teachers; -Importance of educational technologies in the training of student-teachers; -Formulation of objectives level by level; -Advantages and disadvantages of integrating educational technologies in the teaching/learning process; SKILLS: -Define the above concepts; -Explain the importance of each of the concepts in the teaching/learning process; - State objectives level by level; -Clearly state the advantages and disadvantages of integrating educational technologies in teaching/learning process; SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Documentary research.

Potential manual and cognitive tools.

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: exerciser, tutorial software, educational software, light pen and demonstrator; -Identification of traditional, communication and information tools: tom tom, drum, gong, xylophone; chordophone („Mvet‟) etc…., - Identification of modern communication and information tools: telephone (mobile and fixed), radio, fax, tape recorder, internet, television etc. -Teaching tools: interactive whiteboard, light pen, educational software, tutorial software, calligraphy (artistic writing), demonstrator, exerciser; - Information research tools: search engine (web sites like google, yahoo etc.) encyclopedia and electronic dictionaries (Wikipedia, Encarta, dico-media), electronic directory, refereed journals, meta-engine etc.

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Competences Basic

Professionnal competences

Themes Resources

SKILLS: -Define the above concepts; -Differentiate the tools used in educational technologies -Explain the pedagogic role of these tools in improving on the teaching / learning process; - Effectively use these tools in varied class situations. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES -Documentary research; -Practical exercise -Problem solving; -Educative games for socialisation and problem solving.

Integration of educational technologies in the teaching/learning process according to contexts

KNOWLEDGE: -Classic/traditional class environment; -Multimedia environment; (computers with internet), and other pedagogic resources; -Computer laboratory. SKILLS: -Organise work in a classic/ordinary class (produce didactic materials/tools adapted to the environment and also use invariant methods; -Use materials/tools on different class situations; -Organise work in the Multimedia room; -Organise work in the computer room with computers and their peripherals, educationalsoftware (Graphics, Text editor, Spreadsheet, Publisher, Photoshop, PowerPoint etc.) SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Drawing technological tools, -Producing didactic materials/tools adapted to lessons; -Practical exercises on internet; -Downloading documents (video, text, image); -Connecting classroom computers to a local network; -Assembling videos and animated images; -Typing, editing and printing; -Arithmetical calculations and statistics on the spreadsheet; -Sending and receiving of mails; -Research; -Solving problem-situations.

C12 - Organise class

work according to

various situations adapted to

Prepare and present lessonsusing educational technologies in the context of CBA.

Methods, techniques, procedure, model, style and lesson notes

KNOWLEDGE: -Definition of concepts: Teaching method, style, techniques and procedure; - Model teaching:

Task-based model;

Cooperative/collaborative /individualised model

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Competences Basic

Professionnal competences

Themes Resources

learners -Teaching styles with ICT:

Face to face/direct teaching;

Presentations and discussions;

Discussion forums;

Distance teaching;

I/FOAD/Tele learning;

Tele or video conference -Techniques of animating an educational technologies class:

Video pedagogicanimation;

Experiential learning with a simulator;

Demonstrative technique;

Group discussion technique ;

Planning and structuredcontent technique;

Interactive Technique;

Investigation techniques (direct or computer-assisted observation).

-Documentary research, inquiry or virtual network visit. SKILLS: -Establish a link between methods, techniques, procedure, model and teaching styles with educational technologies; -Formulate problem-situations related to school and daily life situations; -Put in place a didactic scenario; -Apply methods, techniques, procedure, models and teaching stylesin educational technologies to various contexts; -Use appropriate methodology to prepare lesson notesintegrating educational technologies; -Easily present lessons using educational technologies. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: -Documentary research; -Practical exercises; -Role-play; -Draw up a simulation schedule (protocol); -Simulation; -Problem-solving.

C13 - Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial

Efficiently evaluate students‟learning using educational technologies in the CBA context.

Evaluation of learning with educationaltechnologies

KNOWLEDGE: - Evaluation criteria with the use of educational technologies; -Construction of Items ; -Types of Items ; -Drawing up an evaluation guide; -Sources of information used by students, etc.) -Evaluation and measurement techniques ;

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Competences Basic

Professionnal competences

Themes Resources

education mechanisms C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

-Situation of integration. SKILLS: -Construct different types of Items; -Conceive structured questions/tests -Conceive an evaluation and marking guide; - Define evaluation criteria using educational technologies; - Identify sources of information used by students. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES: Integration exercices ; - Solving problem-situations ; -Traditional evaluation (Test for all); -Computerised evaluation; -Self-evaluation and self-marking exercises; -Elaboration of simulations ; - Simulations with discussion sessions; -Amendment of a model lesson ; -Remedial strategies.

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Targeted Competences: C11, C12, C13, C42 Terminal Competence: At the end of the course, the student-teacher should be able to solve professional problem-situations using resources fromDidactics of national languages (linguistics and phonology, prepare and conduct teaching/learning activities in Primary school) any relevant resources

Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

C11- Plan and facilitate learning/teaching activities C12-Organise class work according to various situations adapted to learners C13- Produce and use appropriate monitoring/ supervision, evaluation and remedial education mechanisms

Solve problem-situations using general notions on Didactics of national languages in primary school

General introduction

Knowledge: - Definition of concepts: language, national language, linguistics, phonetics, phonology, Didactics of national languages ; - Importance of the teaching of national languages in nursery and primary school; - Terminal integrationobjectives forthe teaching of national languages in nursery and primary schools; - Intermediateintegration objectives forthe teaching of national languages in nursery and primary school. Skills : - Define the above concepts; use and establish a link between them; - State and explain the importance of the teaching of national languages in nursery and primary school ; - Present the terminal and intermediate integrationobjectives of the teaching of national languages in nursery and primary school. - Attitudinal know-how : Demonstrate tolerance, equality and humility. Suggested activities : - Documentary research and analysis

Domains of the teaching of national languages

Knowledge: - International phonetic alphabet; - African alphabet of reference; - General alphabet of Cameroonnational languages; - Cameroon‟s main linguistic groups; - Phonetics and grammar applied to Cameroon national languages; - Psycho-pedagogicconsiderations related to learning/teaching of national languages.

Solve problem-situations by

Skills : - Identify and differentiateconstitutive

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

fluently speaking languages from Cameroon main linguistic groups.

elements; - Fluently use them in various language situations; - Identifythe Cameroonmain linguistic groups; - Apply phonetics and grammar to Cameroon national languages; - Integrate the psycho-pedagogic aspects of national languages to prepare and teach lessons.

Suggested activities : - Exercises of sounddiscrimination from various alphabets; - Practical exercises on phonetics and grammar.

Solve problem-situations usingmethods, techniques, procedureand activities for lesson presentation in nursery and primary schools following CBA.

Methodology of teaching nationallanguages in nursery and primary schools

Knowledge: - IPA teaching methods,styles,techniques and procedurein primary schools. - Methods, techniques and procedure of the African alphabet of reference in primary school. - Teaching methods, techniquesand procedureon the Cameroon main linguistic groups in primary school. - Teaching methods, techniques and procedureof phonetics and grammar applied to Cameroon languages in primary school. Skills : - State and explain IPA teaching methods, techniques and procedure in primary school. - State and explain teaching methods, techniques and procedure of African alphabetof reference in primary school. - State and explain teaching methods, techniques and procedureof the Cameroonmain linguistic groups in primary school. - State and explain the teachingmethods, techniques and procedure ofphonetics and grammar applied to Cameroon languages in primary school; - Prepare and easily present lessons and activities on national languages for primary and nursery schools. Suggested activities : - Practical exercises - Practical cases

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Competences Basic

professional competences

Themes Resources

- Simulation. - Micro-teaching.

C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations

Evaluate national language activities and lessons in nursery and primary schools

Evaluation ofnational language activities and lessons in nursery and primary schools

Knowledge: - Types of evaluation and questions onnational languagesin primary school ; - Construction ofitems and marking guides for national languages in primary schools. Skills : - Presentand explain the different types of evaluations and questions for national languagesin nursery and primary schools; - Construct items and marking guides for national languages evaluation in primary schools; Suggested activities : - Practical exercises - Practical cases - Simulations - Micro-teaching.

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Targeted competence: C42 Terminal competence: At the end of course, the student-teacher should be able to solve pedagogic and professional problem-situations using resources acquired from Initiation to Action research in order to conceive and implement innovating pedagogic projects.

Competences Basic

professional competence

Themes Resources

C42: Amend educational practices taking into account innovations.

Solve problem- situations using preliminary knowledge that is necessary to carry out action research

General introduction

Knowledge - Definition of concepts :educational research, applied research; fundamental research, case study; - Importance of research in the training of a student teacher; - Objectives of research; -Types of research; - Research principles in education. skills - Define the above concepts - Describe the importance of research in the training of a student-teacher - Present the objectives of Initiation to action research; - List the types of research - Adopt research principles in education. Suggested activities - Documentary research.

Domains of action research in education

Knowledge: - Domains and problems in educational research (learner and school environment, students‟ performance, didactic materials, learning difficulties, content, teacher etc...); - Research methods in education skills : - Enumerate and explain the domains in educational research - Apply research methods to solve problem-situations in the domains cited above. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES : - Documentary research; - Case study.

Solve problem situations using elements of research methodology in a pedagogic project

Practical example of action research: the pedagogic project

KNOWLEDGE : - Definition of the concept: pedagogic project; - Elements of a pedagogic project (target population, resources, etc.) - Project procedure (See General Pedagogy) skills: - Define the concept of pedagogic project; - Enumerate the elements of a pedagogic project;

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Competences Basic

professional competence

Themes Resources

- Apply the project procedure in solving problem-situations. Suggested activities: - Documentary research - Case study.

C42: Amend educational practices taking into account changes and innovations.

Research methodology in the pedagogic project

Knowledge: - Diagnostic phase, (context analysis, state of

the art, needs assessment, construction of instruments for data collection)

- Determination of the target population and their needs

- Selection of priorities and stating of objectives, feasibility (constraints, obstacles...)

- Definition of strategies and planning (duration, place, line of action and associate actors)

- Project resources (human, financial and material)

- Expected and reinvestment activities to be put in place

- Evaluation methods, procedures and expected changes.

- Project schedule. skills: - Apply educational research methodology in developing a pedagogic project - Conduct and evaluate a pedagogic project - Draw a project schedule. Attitudinal know-how : -Present the following qualities: intellectual probity, critical mind, analytical and synthesis abilities. Suggested activities: - Practical conception of pedagogic projects; - Simulations.

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N° Noms & Prénoms Structure Fonctions Téléphone E-mails


02 TEGA Justin IP-EN ICG 99 71 12 61 [email protected]

03 NJONBI Victor IP-EN IPN-CS-EN 77 22 64 33 [email protected]

04 SHEWA Madelienne IP-EN IPN-CS-ENG 79 56 18 80 [email protected]

05 ESSONO Joseph Armand IP-EN IPN-DLSH 99 51 51 69 [email protected]

06 EYIDI Arlette C. ép. ELOUNDOU

IP-EN IPN- DST 96 08 33 78 [email protected]

07 FORGHAB Florence IP-EN IPN- DLSH 96 10 13 50 [email protected]

08 LAMBOU Victoire IP-EN IPN- SAE 99 51 49 47 [email protected]

09 MAHOB François Narcisse IP-EN IPN-CPE 94 77 17 79 [email protected]

10 MAMA BILEGUE Jean R. IP-EN IPN-DST 97 36 59 84 [email protected]

11 MANDENG Marie IP-EN IPN-SAE 75 26 33 24 /

12 MBARGA Marie Claire IP-EN IPN- DST 74 92 14 50 [email protected]

13 NKWENTAMO Alice Shuri IP-EN IPN- SAE 77 72 23 35 [email protected]

14 OUSSEINI Samuel IP-EN IPN- CPE 99 82 88 91 [email protected]


IP-EN IPN- CPE 94 65 70 76 [email protected]

16 TSAYEM Antoine Michel IP-EN IPN-DLSH 75 39 52 08 [email protected]

17 Dr BIPOUPOUT Jean Calvin

/ Expert 99 90 94 56

18 SONDZIA Joseph / Expert 99 59 60 28 [email protected]


DIRECTEUR 99 88 94 27

20 PONDY NGIMBOG Céline ENIEG DLA DIRECTRICE 99 60 09 73 [email protected]


DIRECTEUR 99 32 45 11 [email protected]

22 TIAM FOTIE Emmanuel IPR-EN IPR-EN 99 85 84 25 [email protected]

23 TCHUEGOUE T. Bernard DRES/O IPR/SC APP 99 89 94 53 [email protected]

24 TIKU ABUNAW Martin RDS ED/ SW IC/SW 77 36 51 31 [email protected]


MINATD CADRE 74 98 23 60 [email protected]


MINATD CADRE 55 08 70 71 [email protected]

27 NGUE NOE Theodore MINAS SRI 77 24 81 37 [email protected]

28 EKANI Christelle AT MINATD

/PR2C ASSISTANTE 99 69 11 22

[email protected]

29 ALIMA ALIMA ENIEG BIL Ydé DIRECTRICE 77 64 46 75 [email protected]

30 NDIE Samuel DRES-CE IPR 77 60 80 88 [email protected]



/ /

32 BIKEK SON Honoré MINEFOP CS/ARPRP 77 18 55 50 [email protected]


D‟APPUI 70 14 83 54 [email protected]

34 BONONGO Mathias MINEFOP AP4/IGF 99 83 94 44 [email protected]