sydney nott,or digestive power, pepsin.!vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial...

iii liIiiiPTi uji r 1 I I it i 91 :K M w n SI H fl w VOL. IX. NO. 42. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 310NDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. fag, 9 in1 1 4 WHEN TO ADMINISTER MEDICINE. business Cards. THE DAILY PaciSo Commercial Advertise IS PUBLISH ED J. B. ATUERTOX. e. P. CASTLE. s. n. castle. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Conmiission Merchants, -- IMPORTEK3 AND Greiieral HVTexclianciise. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Hftlstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Elake'B Steam Pumps. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etn Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston'a Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchant' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & -- Gibbs, Kemlngton SWING MACHINES. DEALERS IX-- Kohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Pala Plantation, Papalkou Sugar Co. and Wheeler & Wilson NOTT, nousckeeping Gooas. and Sheet Iron Work SALE ! In Flue Order.- - Barrel Shooks and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Canal Baarowa, Nesta Trunks. ir;?r; f fe: mgrtti tf JOHN igs 5r-fcLu- r Stoyes, Ejinges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper ITOH Ilefore or After Me.tls? An Answer to th ;iist!oa Ileasonw AV'ijr. Vi.llart.1 M!clnyd JTovlicines tiwt nro irritatiug should lc gM-c- after meals, when tho stomach is full, viz., tho salts of copper, zinc, iron l ursenie in laro doses. SrnftU doses, iatendod to act on tho stomach terminals of the vagi, must bo given when tho orpm is oninty. Chemical reasons also have their in iuence. thus, oxuia and nitrate cf silver, intended for local action, should ia the stomach during its jcrio t of inactivity, lost, at other times, chemical reactions destroy the special attributes for which these reruo lios are proscribed. Iodine and tho iodides further illus- trate this point. .iiven on an empty stomach, they promptly diduse into tho Mood, but if di8tion is froing on tho acids and starch form products of in- ferior activity, and thu- - the purpose which they are intended to subserve is defeated. Substances prescribod to havo alvine action on the mucous mem- brane, or for prompt diffusion unal- tered, aro preforrcdly given before meals. The condition of the stomnoh veins afier meals is such as to lessen the activity of diffusion of joison3 and hin- der their passng? through tho liver. It fellows that active medicaments ia doses near the danger-lin- e arc moro sa'eiy administered after moals. When shall acids and alkalies bo given, before or after meals? First, as to acids. When acids aro prescribed with the viow to check tho excessive formation of tho acids of the gastrio juice they may be given beforo meals as, by the laws of osmosis, they will de- termine the glandular Hor of the alka- line constituents of tho blood. Tho samo reasoning would hold good if the alka- line condition of the blood is in excess: osmosis being favored, the acid would reach the blood the more readily. Second, as to alkalies. These may be gven just before meals, when the acid-formi- ng materials in tho blood diffuse into the stomach glands, and after di- gestion is completed, when tho tlkalics dhTuso directly into the blood, without interference from tho contents of tho stoma-'h- . An alkali taken during tho time when the reaction of tho stoma-.- ! juices should be strongly acid must necessarity hinder, if not arrest, tho di-gesti- process for tho timo being. Tho metallic salts notably corrosivo sub- limate, alcohol, tannin and somo other agents impair or destroy tho ferment, or digestive power, pepsin. !Vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial when taken slowly during the course of the meal. The ob- jection as regards the ill effect of alcohol on pepsin is not applicable hero except to tho stronger spirituous winos in largo quantities, for tho ordinary medicinal wines do not havo sufficient alcoholio strength to injure this ferment. Iron, phosphates, cod liver oil, malt and simi- lar agents should, as a rule, go with food through tho digestive process, and with tho products of digestion enter tho blood. Ktauylns for a " Irofe.m!oii." (Chicago Jo'irrifiL A Frenchman arrivod in New York a short time ago to study a now system of education for tho Utnd, and in ono of the blind school? saw a number of young people of both sexes occupied in learn- ing to distinguish rapidly by tho touch coin3 of all kinds, under tho direction of a professor, who taught thorn to dis- criminate between tho good tho bad. Tho curious investigator &skcl for an explanation, and was informed that this c!as3 was for tho instruc- tion of thoso who intended to adopt tho profession of street beggars. Xitln.'z uk IIia JapanesB Alphabet. flila?o Journal Tho Japan fiasetto states that tho process of the Japaucso al- phabet is making great progress. Tho Mathematical and Fhysical eoeicfy of Tokio lias resolved to print the o.iicial pruts of it3 reports in the Kom; 1 char- acters, Rnd tho Chemical sooiety i . about to tako a similar Eton, fc'ovcral newspapers aro also already printed with lionmn type, r.nd Tho Japan (ia-zctt- e expresses tho opinion that tho Latin alphabet will soon bo goncrally adopted. evelotmeiit of Snliuon Tnin. , ff liicro IIerld.) .It is only a scoro of years since tho canning of salmon was begun on tho Pacific coaft. Everybody was afraid of it, and the proprietor of the first can- nery, William llurno. of Oakland, Cal.. used to taVe a basket of cans on his arm and go among the families of hia ac- quaintances explaining tho method of its preparation and inviting a trial. .Now canned salmon can bo found in every market, and Mr. lluuio is a rich man. Iiurmt. I.ady'ft C'ljnr Ce. I vr. St. Ja r e. iz' tt.J The T'urrarse smoke to a man, to a woman, I might almost say to a child. I was phypieian in-chi- to those undr me, nnd I soon learned to rely upon it that when a patient gavo up smoking lm or she was really ill. 'lad I'urmcso ladies have a very peculiar cigar case. Lut there nro two objections to its ever becoming popular here, of which thfj less important is that each cigar cas? only liolds ono tigir. And then the cig ir caso is tho lady'sear. Instead of wearing ordinary earrings, tho Hurnieso women have a large hole in their ear and wear a cheroot in it till wanted. J he really great advantage of this cigar caso is that it is never loft behind. Tho men would think it beneath their dig- nity to carry cheroots in this manner, but they do not mind helping them-fcIvc- s from tho wife's ca.-e- . When the king of kings wants to keep his women fo!i: together or to punish them, ho strings ttiem, so to speak, by tho ear. A long eano is passed through tho holes made for cheroots, a dozen women or j wenmo re going to one cau. Australian Mail Service. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The new and fine AI eieel Hteamshiii Of tho Oceanic steuuxship ( 'oni ny , wlU be du at Honolulu Iroiu Syhi y m.i Auckland ou or uluut Mar. 9th, 1889, AnJ will leave for the abrv port with ml! and passengers on or about that date. For freight or pussitje, having UrKKiOf AaOUMUhAlIONh.iij.tly to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., A(i KNTS, For Sydney and Anelvland. The new and fine Al steel Bteainahlp e Ot the Oceanic Steamship Coinpp.ny. will be due at Honolulu from iSau Franclbco or or about Eel). 1G, 1809. Aod will nave prompi :ii ;atcn with infills an aMsengfcrs for the above iortK. For freight or pnutie, iiaving SUPKHIOU apply to Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., AUENTS Clana Spreckels Wm. Q. Irwin. GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing Intereiit received in their Se-- Ings Department subject to published rules and rcgulatiois. l'ortftf THEO. P. SEVERIN Pliotograplier, Has taken the Studio formerly occupied by A. A. Montano, corner of KI W and FOl.T bT3., and Is prepared to tako Pictures in any Stvlo 43T Piintinc done for Ainafeurs. TfS Cabinets $6 adoz. Work gruai ante ed. Entrance on' Port Street. 173 If HONOLULU MAKKET. tSaccessor to V,'m. McOandleps.) Xo. 6 inen Klr-el- , I'IhIi ?Irlrl, llo-iioliil- n, IS. I. Choicest Reef, Mutton, Pork, Ffeh VEGETABLES. ETC., Always Kept on Hand. Family ptk! Shipping order f'arrfnUy Attended to. Live Stock Furnifheu ir, VcsnaU at aort notire. Telephones o. 212 Steam Gaudv Factory AND I i A. !Iv JC 11 Y . TP. i-ion- isr. Prartlral Corfectloner, Tapfry Cook and I!rl ei. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. 1 NTERPEIS PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 65. H. G. CRABBE, HAY & GRAIN King Street, Honolulu, Opp tk nld Police Station. 82-- 1 b The Planters' Monthly Devoted to the Encouragement of AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL PURSUITS GENERALLY, And more especially to the develop- ment and perfection of Cultivation of Cane and the MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. This popular journal has entered on its eighth volume, and having been Enlarged to 18 Pages Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearly COO pages, devoted to the agricul- tural and commercial prosperity of the Hawaiian Islands. The attention of the business men of Honolulu and of all persons engaged in industrial pursuits is called to this per- iodical as a medium for Advertising & Information Which can be obtained in no other pub- lication, here or abroad. &'ihe price of subscription is very low Two Dollars and a Halt (2.50) per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad. A few copies of bound volumes of the years 18S6 and 1SS7 can be obtained: $4.00 each. Address : H. M. WHITNEY, Editor Planters' Monthly, 10 12o4-3- m Honolulu, H. I. JUST ARRIVED TEA BARE Hackfeli, from London -- BE3T- Fence AVire, Galvanized Buckets, Best Coir Matting, 2TFor Sale at Loitnt Trices hyS G. W. 3Iacfarlane & Co. 129 tf Hawaiian Fertilizing Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Cane Fertilizers BONE MEALS made to order; STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed, ON HAND AND FOR SALE In quantities to suit. A. F. COOKE, Manager. Factory, Honolulu. II. I. 164-3- m The Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe iisrsxjEvisrcE co I ESTABLISHED 183C.J nsets 4O,0dO,OOO Net Income 9,079,000 Claims fai.l 112.5.iU,O0O Takes Risks ajrainst Loss or Damage hy Fire on Buildings, M'.cniuery, Sugar ilills.Owellins and t urnituie, on the .nest favorable terms. 13isliop & Co. HSB-C- m B. LEVY & SON, Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and Commission Mercliants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND niODUCE. We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line. ;vnd make a specialty in packing all kinds of truit for distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. MS and 5:i0 Sansome St., San Fr&ncisco. P. O. Box 1712, E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, HS-fi- ni Agent lor Hawaiian Islands. SUN FIKE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rates of premium. ToUl Suai Insured In 1SS5 .327,333,700 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Maefarlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCEKS AND Purchasing Agents. Sole Agentsgfor Simpson's Top-o-C- an Brand Diamond Oreamery BUTTER. rpiIIS CELEBRATED BUTTER IS I or the finest quality, made upon the Danish and American systems combined. Packed in hermetically geaied tins, and warranted to keep in hut climates. 2G and 28 CaHfarnla St, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1G3 1 206--1 y THOMAS LINDSAY Has .'ieiaovei His Manufacturing Jewclrv Establishment V From nunn Stri'et to Thomas Block, King Street. Particular attention paid to repairing. itltf FOOK LUN & CO., 113 Nunaca Street, crFsi Emma Hail IiIIOr.TEr.3 AKD DEALEr.3 IN Chinese & Japanese Goods, F;re Crvifcers, New Desl-n- s In Cnp1? and Sancees, Tea. Cis'ar3, and all kinds cf Fancy Goods At Groally IieInrosl I'rlec. T.egnlar shipments by every steamer. p0ST OFFICE BOX NO. 2.",. Ercrj Morning Except Sunday S. stfescKiiTioNs : Dailt P. C. AiTMT7Ka.oue six months year .- -. ?j M w jpr niouth ..... 5 00 W,m, Hawaiian Gazemk, one year .i foreign tin- - o CO elndins r.yable Ii.Yrilly i Ativan'- - HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. Honolulu. II. I. rostofflce Box O. LEWERS & COOKE, (Successor to Lexers & Dicfcsou) ami Iioalers lu Lnuibfr I in porters And all Kinds of Building Mat rUls. No. M FOUT STREET, Honolulu. ltf J. ALFRED MAG00N, .A-ttoriie- y - at - Law, 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ltf JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer nd Dealer iu GENERAL MERCHAKDISE. H. U5-- 31 (juan Strt, Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Cor. Fort fc Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, Fri Street, Oppesite Wilder A Co., H. i. XOLTB. rilOPIUETOK. lrt U9 Lunches Sorred with Tea, Coffee, Soda ater. Ginger Ale or Milk. Open From 3 . m. till lO p. ru. fySiaokera' Requisites a Specialty. ltf K. W. FRAZER, MEJICHAKT TAILOR, Cer. Xing and Alakea Sta., Honolulu. Moderate charge, good workmanship and a perfect fit guaranteed. 111 GERMANIA MARKET. GEO. M. BALTP. - - - PROPRIETOR. Fort-- . reel, Ilouolnlu. BEEF, MUTTON AND VEAL. Fresh Sans, Pork,, Constantly on hand. Shfrpln3 eerred on short notice. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, noin-ra- . sn;nr Mill. Coolers, Erai ftnil Lend Cntinsr'. of cre't description mado to irir pJrKTar-ttenMo- n pud ships; ' hlacS-Within- ,. Job work executed ou BOtlC. THE ROYAL SALOON, M rclmfct streets t or. Miimnii Cader th lUnasemect $ E. H. Softer, atoct ariety of ln best Wine. i a K okr- - audio, colder, on draut at ten cents r"r gU iII nod See Vw.TT ltf Walker & Bert ward, Contractors & Builders Wooden Euildinz Erick. Ston and Estimates Given. AttenUeU to. Jobblns Promptly TO KING STREET. P. O. Box 423. Telephone No. 2. Bell m tf DAVIS & WILDEK, 52 FORT STREET. Groeers Provifwon elm. beyeey oteamebo rrBKsa toooa EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, -- And Jnwt landed Galyanized Barb "Wire, - Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Ilorse Shoe Naili. Second-lianc- l Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Aah Lnmber, "Whit Pine Lnmber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust. it Electric5 Kerosene Oil. "DewnerV Oil, "Beltnontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, P.osendale Cement, Portland Cement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns, Gumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Larap Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bnlk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 aad 8 inches Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Bash, Blinds, Doors, and Fire Extension Top Carriages the best ever eonsigned to ns and a First-clas- s Carriage. O. BRTCWER & CO. V L H. K. Mclntyre & Bro., IMPORTSRI AND DF.ALBXS 117 Groceries, Provisions and leed EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. Kew fioods rer-etp- by every pac8t from the Katrn !tnd Knrop fresh Cnliforn'a Proince y ererjr Rtpp.iner. Al! orders faithfully attended f e, and ori!3 rtellTerert U any prt of the "it? fre? f caarsre. Island erders seilclted. 8tlsfapt:r, guaranteed. FostrtfJice Box 'e. 416 Tirho ? ar1? The Daily P. C. Advertiser and Weekly Gazette Are the Leading Newspapers In the KSagdorn.

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Page 1: Sydney NOTT,or digestive power, pepsin.!Vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial when taken slowly during the course of the meal. The ob-jection as regards the ill

iii liIiiiPTi uji r 1 I I it i91 :K M w n SI H fl w



PaciSo Commercial Advertise


J. B. ATUERTOX. e. P. CASTLE.s. n. castle.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Conmiission Merchants,


Greiieral HVTexclianciise.-- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Hftlstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Elake'B Steam Pumps.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etn Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston'a Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchant' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

Dr. Jayne Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & -- Gibbs, Kemlngton



Kohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Pala Plantation,Papalkou Sugar Co.

and Wheeler & Wilson


nousckeeping Gooas.

and Sheet Iron Work


In Flue Order.- -

Barrel Shooks and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Canal Baarowa,Nesta Trunks.

ir;?r; f fe: mgrtti



igs 5r-fcLu-r

Stoyes, Ejinges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper


Ilefore or After Me.tls? An Answer toth ;iist!oa Ileasonw AV'ijr.

Vi.llart.1 M!clnydJTovlicines tiwt nro irritatiug should

lc gM-c- after meals, when tho stomachis full, viz., tho salts of copper, zinc,iron l ursenie in laro doses. SrnftUdoses, iatendod to act on tho stomachterminals of the vagi, must bo givenwhen tho orpm is oninty. Chemicalreasons also have their in iuence. thus,oxuia and nitrate cf silver, intended forlocal action, should ia thestomach during its jcrio t of inactivity,lost, at other times, chemical reactionsdestroy the special attributes for whichthese reruo lios are proscribed.

Iodine and tho iodides further illus-trate this point. .iiven on an emptystomach, they promptly diduse into thoMood, but if di8tion is froing on thoacids and starch form products of in-

ferior activity, and thu- - the purposewhich they are intended to subserve isdefeated. Substances prescribod tohavo alvine action on the mucous mem-brane, or for prompt diffusion unal-tered, aro preforrcdly given beforemeals. The condition of the stomnohveins afier meals is such as to lessen theactivity of diffusion of joison3 and hin-der their passng? through tho liver. Itfellows that active medicaments iadoses near the danger-lin- e arc morosa'eiy administered after moals.

When shall acids and alkalies bogiven, before or after meals? First, asto acids. When acids aro prescribedwith the viow to check tho excessiveformation of tho acids of the gastriojuice they may be given beforo mealsas, by the laws of osmosis, they will de-termine the glandular Hor of the alka-line constituents of tho blood. Tho samoreasoning would hold good if the alka-line condition of the blood is in excess:osmosis being favored, the acid wouldreach the blood the more readily.

Second, as to alkalies. These may begven just before meals, when the acid-formi- ng

materials in tho blood diffuseinto the stomach glands, and after di-gestion is completed, when tho tlkalicsdhTuso directly into the blood, withoutinterference from tho contents of thostoma-'h- . An alkali taken during thotime when the reaction of tho stoma-.- !

juices should be strongly acid mustnecessarity hinder, if not arrest, tho di-gesti-

process for tho timo being. Thometallic salts notably corrosivo sub-limate, alcohol, tannin and somo otheragents impair or destroy tho ferment,or digestive power, pepsin.!Vvine that is intended to act as fooc

is most beneficial when taken slowlyduring the course of the meal. The ob-

jection as regards the ill effect of alcoholon pepsin is not applicable hero exceptto tho stronger spirituous winos in largoquantities, for tho ordinary medicinalwines do not havo sufficient alcoholiostrength to injure this ferment. Iron,phosphates, cod liver oil, malt and simi-lar agents should, as a rule, go with foodthrough tho digestive process, and withtho products of digestion enter thoblood.

Ktauylns for a " Irofe.m!oii."(Chicago Jo'irrifiL

A Frenchman arrivod in New York ashort time ago to study a now system ofeducation for tho Utnd, and in ono ofthe blind school? saw a number of youngpeople of both sexes occupied in learn-ing to distinguish rapidly by tho touchcoin3 of all kinds, under tho directionof a professor, who taught thorn to dis-criminate between tho good thobad. Tho curious investigator &skclfor an explanation, and was informedthat this c!as3 was for tho instruc-tion of thoso who intended to adopt thoprofession of street beggars.

Xitln.'z uk IIia JapanesB Alphabet.flila?o Journal

Tho Japan fiasetto states that thoprocess of the Japaucso al-

phabet is making great progress. ThoMathematical and Fhysical eoeicfy ofTokio lias resolved to print the o.iicialpruts of it3 reports in the Kom; 1 char-acters, Rnd tho Chemical sooiety i .

about to tako a similar Eton, fc'ovcralnewspapers aro also already printedwith lionmn type, r.nd Tho Japan (ia-zctt- e

expresses tho opinion that thoLatin alphabet will soon bo goncrallyadopted.

evelotmeiit of Snliuon Tnin. ,

ff liicro IIerld.).It is only a scoro of years since tho

canning of salmon was begun on thoPacific coaft. Everybody was afraid ofit, and the proprietor of the first can-nery, William llurno. of Oakland, Cal..used to taVe a basket of cans on his armand go among the families of hia ac-

quaintances explaining tho method ofits preparation and inviting a trial..Now canned salmon can bo found inevery market, and Mr. lluuio is a richman.

Iiurmt. I.ady'ft C'ljnr Ce.I vr. St. Ja r e. iz' tt.J

The T'urrarse smoke to a man, to awoman, I might almost say to a child.I was phypieian in-chi- to those undrme, nnd I soon learned to rely upon itthat when a patient gavo up smoking lmor she was really ill. 'lad I'urmcsoladies have a very peculiar cigar case.Lut there nro two objections to its everbecoming popular here, of which thfjless important is that each cigar cas?only liolds ono tigir. And then thecig ir caso is tho lady'sear. Instead ofwearing ordinary earrings, tho Hurniesowomen have a large hole in their earand wear a cheroot in it till wanted.J he really great advantage of this cigarcaso is that it is never loft behind. Thomen would think it beneath their dig-nity to carry cheroots in this manner,but they do not mind helping them-fcIvc- s

from tho wife's ca.-e- . When theking of kings wants to keep his womenfo!i: together or to punish them, hostrings ttiem, so to speak, by tho ear. Along eano is passed through tho holesmade for cheroots, a dozen women or

j wenmo re going to one cau.

Australian Mail Service.


The new and fine AI eieel Hteamshiii

Of tho Oceanic steuuxship ( 'oni ny , wlU be duat Honolulu Iroiu Syhi y m.i Auckland

ou or uluut

Mar. 9th, 1889,AnJ will leave for the abrv port with ml! andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or pussitje, having UrKKiOfAaOUMUhAlIONh.iij.tly to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,A(i KNTS,

For Sydney and Anelvland.

The new and fine Al steel Bteainahlp


Ot the Oceanic Steamship Coinpp.ny. will bedue at Honolulu from iSau Franclbco

or or about

Eel). 1G, 1809.Aod will nave prompi :ii ;atcn with infills an

aMsengfcrs for the above iortK.For freight or pnutie, iiaving SUPKHIOU

apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AUENTS

Clana Spreckels Wm. Q. Irwin.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Intereiit received in their Se--

Ings Department subject to published rules andrcgulatiois. l'ortftf


Pliotograplier,Has taken the Studio formerly occupied by A. A.

Montano, corner of KI W and FOl.T bT3.,and Is prepared to tako

Pictures in any Stvlo43T Piintinc done for Ainafeurs. TfS

Cabinets $6 adoz. Work gruai ante ed.

Entrance on' Port Street. 173 If


tSaccessor to V,'m. McOandleps.)

Xo. 6 inen Klr-el- , I'IhIi ?Irlrl, llo-iioliil- n,

IS. I.

Choicest Reef, Mutton, Pork, Ffeh


Always Kept on Hand.

Family ptk! Shipping order f'arrfnUyAttended to.

Live Stock Furnifheu ir, VcsnaU at aortnotire.

Telephones o. 212

Steam Gaudv Factory


I i A. !Iv JC 11 Y .

TP. i-ion-isr.

Prartlral Corfectloner, Tapfry Cook and I!rl ei.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.



174 Telephone 65.



King Street, Honolulu,

Opp tk nld Police Station. 82-- 1 b

The Planters' Monthly

Devoted to the Encouragement of





And more especially to the develop-

ment and perfection of Cultivationof Cane and the


This popular journal has entered on itseighth volume, and having been

Enlarged to 18 Pages

Monthly, makes a yearly volume ofnearly COO pages, devoted to the agricul-

tural and commercial prosperity of theHawaiian Islands.

The attention of the business men of

Honolulu and of all persons engaged inindustrial pursuits is called to this per-

iodical as a medium for

Advertising & Information

Which can be obtained in no other pub-

lication, here or abroad.

&'ihe price of subscription is verylow Two Dollars and a Halt (2.50)per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.

A few copies of bound volumes of theyears 18S6 and 1SS7 can be obtained:$4.00 each.

Address :


Editor Planters' Monthly,10 12o4-3- m Honolulu, H. I.


Hackfeli, from London

-- BE3T-

Fence AVire,

Galvanized Buckets,

Best Coir Matting,

2TFor Sale at Loitnt Trices hyS

G. W. 3Iacfarlane & Co.129 tf

Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.,

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

Cane FertilizersBONE MEALS made to order;STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed,

ON HAND AND FOR SALEIn quantities to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.Factory, Honolulu. II. I. 164-3- m

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe

iisrsxjEvisrcE coIESTABLISHED 183C.J

nsets 4O,0dO,OOONet Income 9,079,000Claims fai.l 112.5.iU,O0O

Takes Risks ajrainst Loss or Damage hy Fireon Buildings, M'.cniuery, Sugar ilills.Owellinsand t urnituie, on the .nest favorable terms.

13isliop & Co.HSB-C- m

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MercliantsIn Foreign and Domestic


We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line. ;vnd make a specialty in packing allkinds of truit for distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

MS and 5:i0 Sansome St., San Fr&ncisco.P. O. Box 1712,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,HS-fi- ni Agent lor Hawaiian Islands.


Established 1710.Insurance effected upon every description of

property at current rates of premium.

ToUl Suai Insured In 1SS5 .327,333,700

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Maefarlane & Co.

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.



Purchasing Agents.

Sole Agentsgfor

Simpson's Top-o-C- an Brand

Diamond Oreamery

BUTTER.rpiIIS CELEBRATED BUTTER ISI or the finest quality, made upon the

Danish and American systems combined.Packed in hermetically geaied tins, andwarranted to keep in hut climates.

2G and 28 CaHfarnla St,

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.1G3 1 206--1 y

THOMAS LINDSAYHas .'ieiaovei His Manufacturing

Jewclrv EstablishmentV

From nunn Stri'et to

Thomas Block, King Street.

Particular attention paid to repairing.itltf


113 Nunaca Street, crFsi Emma Hail


Chinese & Japanese Goods,

F;re Crvifcers, New Desl-n- s In Cnp1? andSancees, Tea. Cis'ar3, and all kinds cf FancyGoods

At Groally IieInrosl I'rlec.

T.egnlar shipments by every steamer.


Ercrj Morning Except Sunday S.

stfescKiiTioNs :

Dailt P. C. AiTMT7Ka.ouesix months

year .- -. ?j Mw

jpr niouth ..... 5 00W,m, Hawaiian Gazemk, one year.i foreign tin- -

o COelndins

r.yable Ii.Yrilly i Ativan'- -


Honolulu. II. I.rostofflce Box O.


(Successor to Lexers & Dicfcsou)

ami Iioalers lu LnuibfrI in portersAnd all Kinds of Building Mat rUls.

No. M FOUT STREET, Honolulu. ltf



- at - Law,42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ltf


Importer nd Dealer iu


H. U5-- 31 (juan Strt, Honolulu, ltf


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort fc Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf


Fri Street, Oppesite Wilder A Co.,H. i. XOLTB. rilOPIUETOK.

lrt U9 Lunches Sorred with Tea, Coffee,Soda ater. Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open From 3 . m. till lO p. ru.fySiaokera' Requisites a Specialty. ltf


MEJICHAKT TAILOR,Cer. Xing and Alakea Sta., Honolulu.

Moderate charge, good workmanship and aperfect fit guaranteed. 111



Fort-- . reel, Ilouolnlu.BEEF, MUTTON AND VEAL.

Fresh Sans, Pork,,Constantly on hand. Shfrpln3 eerred on shortnotice.


Steam Engines,noin-ra-. sn;nr Mill. Coolers, Erai

ftnil Lend Cntinsr'.of cre't description mado to

irir pJrKTar-ttenMo-n pud ships;

' hlacS-Within- ,.

Job work executed ouBOtlC.


M rclmfct streetst or. MiimniiCader th lUnasemect $

E. H. Softer,atoct ariety of ln best Wine.i aK okr- - audio, colder, on draut at

ten cents r"r gU

iII nod See Vw.TT ltf

Walker & Bert ward,

Contractors & BuildersWooden EuildinzErick. Ston and

Estimates Given.

AttenUeU to.Jobblns PromptlyTO KING STREET.

P. O. Box 423.Telephone No. 2.Bell m tf



Groeers Provifwon elm.

beyeey oteameborrBKsa toooa

EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,--And Jnwt landed

Galyanized Barb "Wire, -

Galvanized Cut Nails,Galvanized Cut Spikes,

Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)

Ilorse Shoe Naili.

Second-lianc- l Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Aah Lnmber, "Whit Pine Lnmber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.

itElectric5 Kerosene Oil."DewnerV Oil, "Beltnontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster, P.osendale Cement, Portland Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns,

Gumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Larap Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bnlk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 aad 8 inches

Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Bash, Blinds, Doors, and Fire Extension Top

Carriages the best ever eonsigned to ns and a First-clas- s Carriage.


H. K. Mclntyre & Bro.,IMPORTSRI AND DF.ALBXS 117

Groceries, Provisions and leedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Kew fioods rer-etp- by every pac8t from the Katrn !tnd Knrop fresh Cnliforn'aProince y ererjr Rtpp.iner. Al! orders faithfully attended f e, and ori!3 rtellTerert U any prt of the"it? fre? f caarsre. Island erders seilclted. 8tlsfapt:r, guaranteed. FostrtfJice Box 'e. 416Tirho ? ar1?

The Daily P. C. Advertiser and Weekly GazetteAre the Leading Newspapers In the KSagdorn.

Page 2: Sydney NOTT,or digestive power, pepsin.!Vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial when taken slowly during the course of the meal. The ob-jection as regards the ill

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, FEliltUAKY 18. 1889.! tcar'.iprs, with u notice to hU tenant to LETTERS FROM THE OLD (jCUNiUV. Cionv, r nd tljcn o

a!t'-n- l school. The oaorness of ine

Oav.riiii(!!i tavays Co.iulaits.;:" reading and writing was in- - xo- - r.Y K. l. v.ten-.-- ', tnd alt.i;st tl'.c whole population, rTljis ser;cs of note- - of tr-iv- d iri the Hrit-tj- i

) jU and of all went to ' iU I,I;irds began in the C aziit-- : e. v:t-- liool. Ttc--- ' urioiitiv .seboob; ut tho bv the r re-s- i; re of r i ?rt ot

Manliattan Life



From P.u.AM v for Itille Uange onlyo.OO a. m., and every hour until S 30 p.m.Last cau 10.10 p. m.

Fi om Pa lama for liiila Kane andWaiivIki 7.10 a. m. and every hour un-

til 9.10 p. m.

From Kiile Kange for Falama C a.m., 7 a. m., and every half hour until0.J0 . m. Last cak 10. CO p. m.

From Waiiki for Talam.v 7.10 a. m.,and every hall hour until 10.10 p. m.

Kxtra ears from Talama for UifieRange 12 noon, 4 p. m., o p. m., and i

from Iliilo Kange at ll!.50 p. m.


First car from Paeam v for Rifle Kangeonly at G.30 a. m.

First car from Talama for YVaikikeat i .lu a. m.

First car from Waikiki at S.10 a. m,TV A T .1 T m'first car irom liiue iian-i- e f.t V a. m.

"o extra car at 12 noon, 4 p. m., 5 pui. from Pa lam a. !S7-t-f

Election of Officers.

T THE ANNUAL MEETING OFstockholders of C. cr it Oompanj,

L'.i., hel l this day. the follow injr personswore (tuly elected oilu ers ot th Companyfor the ensuing year:

JVcsider.r Ai Manager. . F. C.'secietarv iV; Treasurer. .1. O. CarterAuJifor? Col. W. F. Allen


Hon. C. It. r sho, lion. IT. Wnterhouse,and Air. .S. C. Allen.

J. O. CART Ell.Sec'y. C. lirewer & Co., L'd.

Honolulu, Feb. b, ISsf). 33 lin


This rirst-cl.-is- s Family Hotel,havi.';f j.ibt chniigAd Lands, Las beutboroul.lT reuovAtrd, togethtr withthe KATENA 1'KK .WISES now sltacLed,aud is prepared to receive gmests

By the Day, Week or MonthAt Reasonable Hates.

fWr.nK UNSURPASSED. Trannifnt Rneotsrtlll IIU.I 5 VCI V ULV'Ull :IMMlMIO ii, a 'Hare '.mera!i tb coiui'oit.4 of a Lome csn be ol tuineu.

TIIOS. KROUSE, Pkop.Hono'-ala- , TI. I. I5f


TAVIXG RKCEXTLY ISSniOVIJDati st iflnL'thiiod our cocstracticn of

Mills, as also ibe s'at fetding niechan-is- m

for same with very paP.stactory results, weI are novr lire pared to contract for lbatcta?sofj micL.uery at. short r;'jticr. We have paffems on

haail for 40xt:Gin., 3fsCfiin., 32x6-in.-, SOxCCin.,

I0;4in., 20s.r4in. sizes of rollers, eteel shaftingJaud steel gearing throughout with any desired

type of engine, or they can be driven from. Tigire in use n -- Itoll Mill, by compoundingthe ea.-i-e, therel y ec jpomizinij steam, r.esnltautider n.-iTA- conwitioks rniranteed ussrs-I'a.shf- d

by ai:y other construction or eysteru ofFr.EIlKf!.

J. X. S. WILLIAMS.A'ent Klbdon Iroa and Locomotive Vorkc,l.Gl24?-t- f Jm rranisco.

;u wiii !;- -rs Je.'. 3 fits a 3 i,i:i..iu.cii,''. ! ii ;. I : ti i ufri'.i. e.i.i.f.ii.:s iiiril! fr,fJ. S;. ''. C s. 7') i Sac'to v c. Sir. I .ni. U.S.



For the Tei!ct, the P.ah and the Handkerchief.

In vie- of llie ?.ttpmpts raderccciitiy 1 y s.r!ie ur.M rupulousiiealcs. t foist upon th pubiicn wnrthlw iuiitaiion, bearinj; thegonera! aiipearam.e ofthe wo call atteiilioa fithe i Li::;ii !nn murks of the

0-- tn.iine Mi'UK.w i Las man

FLOIUDA WATER.E-tc- h Ix-f.l- cf the genuine

Pr!i-..'- ber jn its neck the T'atteMark, hkh :ppears alongsidethis ni.tioe : raid on each leaf ofthe pamphlet, which is wrapped

it. in fjiati - ' i' i appears waterft.;k iettf.Ti. the words


irdf Ii r lie larklnj; rjfcttl.o uiticle as biariou.

DOWMNG & SCH2IIDT,yO as. H'Aousa!e Agents

San Francisco, Cat.

For Hongkong.

Hawaiian lark'J

" KALAIiAUA,""Will Sail for the above Fort on

cr about February 18th.

Z$For Freight or Passage u PI 'l.v to37- - it WIXU ON'VvO A; CO.

For Yokohama IlGiio:konir

The Nipfoii Vusen K.nisKji's XV w anilI'ine Al Sttel Steamship

"Omi Mara"R Commander,

AVill leave for the above Ports on orabout

March. 7, 1SS9.LiSf For "terms of Freight or Passage,

having superior cabin and stecrnge ac-

commodations, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,:V,-t- d ACFNTS.

Boundary Commission Notice !

A PPLIC.VlfON HAVING LKEN MDEi'l for thd settle uient of tin Ih.uikimi ifthe luntJH of Kah :iii:i, Ki(u. Holi,Manawainui and MakKp. iiki, on the Islandof iWof'krti, all parties mlcii su-i- l in saidhuul I'V hinds adjoii'ina uu- - ara hdtd)Vnotified that THUi-i- Y. le:.ruir 'J- -,

l.Sl), at IL' o'clock Loon at the Court Housein the tovvn of L itiai.i l, U sui, i- -- tLo timo

I a n.'. fihic set for int pn.ols o; suivcyof s:iict la: J, ami any ol thereto.

SAMlTIiL F. CHILLING UOIIi';;.CoDiiissi-.ue- r of tcoi-.- i Judi-

cial I ircait. liV.7 'ii r



'N.ucd out a" the Supi erne Courton the 4 tli day ct February. A. I), lss!),ap iin.--t L. Ii. kerr. defend:. lit, in favor t.1. Js. Martin, plaintiff, for the sum ofTO'j.U", I have levied upon so,d shidl exportlor sate at ihe j.ctioii rooms of .las. F.Moi?an, in the District of Kona. iloimlulu,Island of Oahu, at Ii' o'clock iio.n ofkS 'J'Lij;iAV, the !;h da,- - of .March, A.I. lssf), to the highest bidder, !iil tlieriht, title and interest of the said L. 15.

Kerr, defendant, in and to die foilovin'property, uniess sani judgment, interest.cot. a 'id my expenses o- - previously pait.

Lt-- t of property for salt :

f) Ca(:s of Tailors' tiijods,1 Case of Hats.1 Ciise of I'-- rfumerv.1 2 CasC f IJuttons."su.'lici-- nt of the above property will be

sob! (suhj 'ec to a lnorrae in favoY of W.(j. Irwin Co.), to satisfv sa:d executien.

JNO. ii, yoi'LM.iarshal.

Ilonolidii, Feb. 5, ".'i-t- f

TN JF.STfCL' TO MYfcfKLF, THAT I- may not be placed in a wronjr iitjht be-

fore ti;e public, I wish to state that, in theCas of Martin myself, piai'ititT'scounsel, for reasons best known to him-self, has insisicd (as he mijrht under thetechiiicalitios of the law) upon the Mar-shaf- n

levying upon mid ndverti-ii-- K forsale a portion of mv izoods under a writof execution, althouyu veil kncwinarth.iti 1 further orect edin-- on said writ, will bestaye.l in ten days trom Tuesday, the 5thinstant, iiTisiuuch as my counsel a'sincierror, tendered error b.n.d of security aridserved notice on plainti'lFs counsel on thatday, and a writ of error will issue ten daysthereafter which by law stays execution,and although my counsel to secure theplaintiff meanwhile has ofi'cred to depositwith tiie Mnr.-ha-l a sum of money morethan siilhcient to cover the judgment iii

i at treat and cost? of suit.L. lb KFUIL

Ilcnolulu, 1'eb. C, is !". o-'i--- 1

Notice of Copartnership.

Transfci' Co.

rpiirc v y d i : ns ! ( ; n i ; d , having itk- -- thasfd ilur b.:i ii -- s ut J. (.Jrccn nw.l tiieArncrii-ai- i Fx;irt-- (.'onijiany, havo coii-.s.jiiJcit- ui r t:..( linn name of the

HAWAIIAN TitAN.-FF.- R COMPANY,ainl are pri'pi'rod to carry on the Drayinj;ami KxjtrcM ljuint-.-s- s of ail kinds.

at No. 75 Kii;g si.,nt-x- t door to Kobt. Mi,ri 's.

Kt-I- I ICO Telephoner! Mutual 505.

-- kin.No; carting fr.i:iir!i!lv andr.roiujitly attfii-ie-- l ii; fiuniturt- - rcinoveda';d fully liandli-- ; ;ihv;iy- - 01 hau l onarrival of reamers.

If y-"- i want a wajron or dray yon wiili : . J it to ,o;;r to riMLr up c'tlifr

of ' o nlij.jioiics. .1. W. M.Vil'ILI-:- ,

lo-L- Mcl'l.'KLN.

Open all Night ' Meal-- ; at all Hours.Kt-v- ihe i;-s- t i c.iV , 1 a n;nt v

lo - J,;nl in t!e City.JI u iL .ni'! Milk !mr:.infj.

A Change of Dinner Eveky Day!l(.-.--


S J X. iL U A . Ci

."nRoction oi i- - "vmian mnnitmes, mvarious tdrcs of diaiaLtlemont, the j

band of on Ix-iriL- r enviroly nn- - j

wrapped. "There is notiung Coveredthat ahull D'.t bo revouierj.' ed ;

V proud bv this slender j

nana once no inn oi warm me anunow au objf ct of cmious interest totho-.- - who count the centuries bv,jecadrs sinco its life work was done.Among the British antiquities is' King Alfred's Jewel," a beautifulspecimen of irold ecameLea wcrK

. ltraated) Alfre,i ordervd mQ lo be maUe-

- Tho matchescf Queen Elizabeth and Cromwell,the t'oimer thickly sot with turquoise,ihejob chain having every link in- -

her majesty al-o.a- ml a gold drinkingcup of lifjr time. The iron band thatconfined Cianmer to the stake athis execution and other relics of thatdread time. This museum is thefirst o which there is any record inEngland. The building of the oldDivinity School nearly joins the mu-seum, and was erected in 1 115. Ithas suffered severely in the' pastfrom ravages of time and man, andits original glory cannot be truth-fully estimated, but it has figuredlargely in history. Bishops Latiuierand Cra rimer passed their final ex-

aminations here. When driven fromLondon by the plague Parliamentconvened here. During civil warsit was used as a storehouse for corn,and in Cromwell's t:me its vestibulewas turned into a pig market.The Consecration House adjoin- -

inig is where degrees aro con- -

ferred on students who havepassed successful examinations.A large tree near enecf the windows,is said to be the cue under whichBishop Heber wrote " From Green-land's icy mountains." In one of theprincipal streets we were shown aspot (marked by a stone cross sunkin the eartli) which is burnt into thepages of history, as the place whereBishops Ridley, Latimer and Cranmer suffered death at tho stake. Amartyr's memoiial has been erectedin another part of the city, in whichfull length figures of each "appear.The memorial as a whole is veryhandsome. Oxford is rich in churchesas well as colleges, and has figuredin English history since 72G. It nowcontains 3S.000 inhabitants. Thopupils in the college number over1,000. ItiB ringing ot " Great loin 'at 9 o'clock every evening is tho sig-nal for ail students to bo in theirrooms.

. v v .

FOEA pl"a.a:tly locatld('ctt.u"e iind situated onLui;.;i!o t rect ne:ir Kaiuoh'ni """

street. House contains d'uhigrooni , llxOi;parlor, lixKi; (;) yv' bed rooms, kitchenaud bathroom. Oat-building- consist ofsi;ible. servi.nis' room, earn-i- house andlar-r- c h?'i co:. p. Lor. contains- about I'M'O.square i'e-j- t and is n-j- 'i planted with choiceirutt trees, epj. it commands a tine oca ,

view.c.; ,remi---:- s will be sold 0,1 very easy I

ten us say, Irom $ ley to Pin-)- , cash, ndu e p'al pay-neot- s in 1, 2, Gand 4

year.-- wih ino.n ; ;:t o percent.Apple .;VA in. Ci;i, e. 37

' I i 1 '.IT1-- 1 s

LL v: I.'TiES OWING TO W. Sup to .laiuusn 31, i;.s,o.

alt 1 . ( ! v le ou'suii to uiaKe nn- - i

iiate t, nieiii lo m r. i raaii liro-vn- ,

Mcr,-h-:;- : i cr ; ( fon. e' I v A. AL Itcv.. tt'sbw iio authoi .zed to n .a itt for ill moneyspaid to hi. a. J. F. JIAC-ELLD-

.i. UOiiN'i,ii. Ft'.:j;

ol W. ; aco.JIci:o du, .).; is i

js- m i


v-- - rn- v i.

b lit A A V, i iOIt A NTTaii'Vi"' hJvi di.-r'-- o "d of H1 :e:;- - ottin ,( '(- Inlctv i:;m li: l.av ia--z:-tt- r;o. ;.:, ; , t!lC il a V;ijj;, . e V s Co.,will he picas-- . 1 !.o imvt hi ! andpatror's tii of ii. S. i'rerlo;: n .

corner of Fori .I i oi.-- i tr i! .V, l .v-

r noTUK TV()-TO;;- V HT,V!-:;.LXf-

i ' situaicu 0-- l tlie Cast I' of Fortand I'eret:iiiia streets, latelv occu

pied, t



Imt... For... pa'ticulars. inuuireat me iia.vau.oi -- V'tin-v, .r oiDr. Llav. 3 -- 1:m


iii Kins' stri ct, ii'.-A- t door to tiu-.'or- .

Fort m-ot- . wiil tx- - to t ,ntlie iir-- t l,iv f May n.-xt- .

tTSSTei-in- lilifral". Liquirc ui"t; i i i : ; j : v ::nni'i:.



ft'i 10 (

LlF.Jlh i. i

Iti Co.


1 V l .11 v

uVCuiisi IltUUW-

Ijv Laicnf- - alllala Jar-r- and iv. U aoifM Stock of

I'iin.I-pa'inie- d China

Dii TIC n otwl

To tlie at tent ion :

h.i-!- 'i i dir. ... i Il : O p ii ot 'qua!,qnahly Lave e teentiiis i:i,iik;-t- . wine .1

pi.i'ii t i


an t .i;i;..r.'- - c niake. AbTo AllV 'V Vi;i.(. itv

I; Ut', ill !!.;- -, t of

JiVii mm Curli Stonesa::.


lin ;iulljoritii

School IIouc Tt'inN'r.Tenders will le renivetl at tdc ilicc of

the Hoar I of E.Jiiraf inn f..r tin-- ont rn-ti- n,

iiiclii-lii- i material, painting, freight,c.trtai--, etc., of school hoiw-- , atil addi-tions, at the uii'lcrnuim il places :

Tour Stkkkt SriioiM,, Honolulu, an addi-tion, J'ix'-'Ix- rJ fect; until WEI N A Y,th. ;th of .March next.

At Waikai'I , M.ui, a h.iu-u- ' LMxloxUffit , with two rooms; until U'KPNi:.--l'AY- ,

the liith of March m xt.

At IIaoc,, .Mai i, a Iiomm. L'n.x iOx!:'feet, with two rooms; until WEHNES-- I

) A Y , th.' Suh of .March.At Poivii, Waimka, K atai, a houc 2-- .

2nxtt"i, wiili veranda; until the L'Dih ofMarch next.

Plain and specifications of tin- - houses forWaikapu, and Ilaon, on Maui, may bewen at A. Hames', Wai'uku, and at .1.

ininwalds, Jlana. and for I'okii, Kauai,at T. H. (libson'.s, YVainica, Kauai.

Plans and specification i of ALL thesehouses may also he seen at the Hiiro ofthe Hoard of Education where any otherinformation may he obtained.

Hy order of the P.o.inl of Education.V. J A. SMITH,

Secretary.Education Otlicft, IV!). IS, lMs'j.

42 li'.")S.2t

Sealed Ten-lei- s

Will bp received at the Olhce of the Hoardof Health, until SATURDAY, February2 5, lHsf), at 12 o'clock noon, for the ad.

to and repairs on a building on theQuarantine i round, at .Maulioia, Hono-lulu.

Plan- - and specifications may be seen atthe Otliceof the Superintendent of PublicWorks.

The Hoard does not bind itself to acceptthe lowest or any bid..

w. ;. asiiley,Secretary.

Honolulu, Feb. IS, ls. 42-;- t

Scaled T'ikIoi--Will be received at the Oilice of the Hoardof Health until TUESDAY, February 2'!,1:S!, ut 12 o'clock noon, for the erectionof u building to be used as the (iovern-inen- t

I 'ispensary in Honolulu.Plans and specifications may be seen at

the Oilice of the Superintendent of PublicWork'.s.

The P.oard does not bin. I it-c- lf to acec tthe lowest or any bid.

W. i. ASHLEY..c rotary.

Honolulu, Feb. Is, lss;). 42-V- t

In tho Supreme Court of it:t .liiAiiImI.iihN. (Irtler.

Hy virtue of the power vested in in'.? bythe 1M Section of the Civil Code, I herebyorder a Special Term of the SapremeCourt to be held in the Court Room ofAhiolani Hale, on MONDAY, the 11th dayof .March, A. I. lss:, at 10 o'clock a. in.,for the hearing of Hanco (.'u-e- s only.

Witness my hand and i'k f

the Supreme Court, at Ho'.o-t.- .s. lulu, this 11th day of February,

A. D. lssit.A. F. J FDD,

Chief Justice of the fc'uprenie Court.Attest: IIknky Smith,

ll-.- t Clerk.

Irrigation Not let.Holders of water pri .ilexes are hereby

notified t!uit the hours for uin- water furirrigating purposes are from u o'clock to so'clock a. m., and from I o'clock too'clock p. m.

All those found violating the abovenotice will be liable to have their privilegescut oft' without further notice.

CIIAS. U. WILSON.Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, Feb. 5, lS-!- .


Royai. Hawaii x Pam Concert, EmmaS piare, 7 :.''.') p. in.

kS'Kcnxii H TTAi.iox Prince's Own, drill,7:.;:)p. m.

I. O. O. F. Harmony Lode, 7 :P.O p. in.,hall on King street.


Pacific Commercial Airertte

He ju9t anl feir uot:I.t all the thou rum'st at be

Thy Couiitry'a, thy Clo t's, aud Truth's".



A very interesting pftmphlet hasbeen printed by the lionrd of Edu-cation for ilt.-tributi-on at the ParisExhibition. It is eutitled an "His-torict- il

sketch of Education in theHawaiian Islands," and in a dzenpn&es condenses a laro quantity ofinformation much of which v. ill benew even to tho residents of thiscountry .

Thus it is inteiw-ti- n to note thateducation on these Islands com-menced with "adults rather thanchildren." The lirst move in anysystematic elVort at education datesback to the period betwo. n 1S2-- J '21

when a peculiar sstom of schoolssprang up and flourished for someten years. The pamphlet before v. ssays:

The hiuh chiefs wiih their immedi iteattendants were tho tirst jumi(s. F.aehchief sent the mo-- t prutieieiit'srhoJars inhis retinue to his different lands as


Dun" iel their lii;:lie.-- !. j.rsperitv reaidieilt numbe! of '.Km), attended bv .VJ.WMj j

I t:i II", iin..-i- . .iiiuii.-- .

Tho titn.-- i of in those primi-tiv- o

ednrjitiounl institutions wasfrom ono to two Lours in tho latterI .art of tho day. Tho pupils weresummoned ly tho blowing of a conchshell, a method still obtaining inono out of tho way school in thoKingdom. Tho head man of eachvillage had to provide tho teacherwith house, food and clothing. In

2 tho members had already begunto dwind!;. At the examinations ofthat your these examinations wereregular gala gatherings 23,127scholars presented themselves; all ofthese could read, and most of themwere able to write.

The ftrsl school laws were enactedin 1811 by the King and chiefs incouncil. School agents were ap-

pointed on the different Islands,teachers were required to havo cer-tiiicat- es

from tho school agent andattendance was made compulsorybetween tho ages of four and four-teen since changed to six and fif-

teen. A curious law of that periodprohibited any person, born sinco1820, who could not read or write,from holding any oCice or even fromgetting married! Tho latter was onoway of whipping education into thopeople, but what about tho liberty ofthe subject?

In 1813 a department of publicinstruction was organized and thohead of tho ofuee was a cabinetminister. Tho position was firstheld by Mr. V. liichards, and on hisdeath, in 18-1- was filled by Mr. II.Ariu-drong- . Ljth of these gentlemen were missionaries. Tho portraitof the former gentleman now hangsin the oflico of tho Board of Educa-tion. It was rescued from a heap ofrubbish a f-- vears since.

In 18oo tho department was re-

modeled and placed under a Boardof Education, tho President havingthe same powers as tho Minister ofPublic Instruction but no longerbeing a cabinet minister. Thisposition was held by Mr. II. Arm-strong from 1855 to 1SG0. Hisadministration wtts marked by vigorand breadth of view. Thus wo seein this gentleman's- - report to theLegislature of 1851, pago 7, that liesi at es: Another matter affecting thopublic schools--,

i nd j allude to itwith reluctance, is their sectariancharacter. Serious disad- -

vantage ba.-- arisen of late to thoschDols from this state ot things. !

In my opinion it wiilbe advisable to carry out tho theoryof our laws and abolish entirely thissectarian feature cf our schools."Accepting this position 3fr. Arm-

strong ;oes on to say: "It Mill bonecessary, in tins case, to excludefrom the yovernmcut schools all ie-li;icu- '-j

exercise;? that may offend theconsciences of parents interested"which of course was merely sayingthat all religious exercises wouldhave to bo dropped. It is interesting to see that a question much discussed in 1880 was fully appreci-ated in 1851, and it speaks volumesthat a man educated and trained asMr. Armstrong had been shouldhave spoken so clearly and unllinch-ing'3- '.

Some of our present debatershad better look up the old recordsbefore they rush into print again.

Tho pamphlet touches slightlyupon the schools established by pri-

vate or religions effort. From thiswe gather that Lahainaluna Seminary was established in 1831 andthat at the printing press there thetirst newspaper ever printed in thePacific Ocean was issued. This wasthe Lama Hawaii (the light ofHawaii), and was published in 1831.The Royal School was established inI8o0 and was at lirst designed as aschool for the children of tho chiefs,and it was here that KamehamehaIV., Kamehameha Y.. Lunalilo, thehigh chiefess LVrnico Pauahi Bishopand the present King received theireducation. Wo also learn that thePort Street School is a direct des-

cendant of tho Oahu Charity Schoolfounded in 1833.

There aro many hisforical detailswhich we might add, and the pam-phlet might have been much swelled,but we perceive that tho authors,Hun. W. I). Alexander aud Mr. A. T.Atkinson, have aimed at condensa-tion.

We shall v.t some future timetouch on the latter portion of thepamphlet which treats of educationits it is.

Tlio i;:-.- t live oloctioti of tho rearin Cir tt Jr;t;im is calculated to en- - j

Ciiuiii-- tho Libor tls. It occurred inthe (.Mivan Divi :on ot .Lanark inScot liilui I. V. I'T.i " :i Conservative ma- -


tit the last electionI'Mll Oi '- was

. , .the Legi'lat:ir Joe letters are :i r.c r.- -

s ii,u-.- i lor eompletion in response ic thedes;re ol nsnnv readers ct those ior:ueri"Ipubn-ned.--l- .v

A very pleasant experience has j

1 eon given us the past week, in j

lectin' with some of tho bright j

friends who snared in iitie ueh,of our Killarney trip. Th.-i- r wander- - ,

ings have led thc--m through themostcharming-o- f the continental excar j

sions and scenery, and now on theirhrTTifr.'ir.. I wnr., tliPA' 3tr(d a we ok..v... J Jin London. Loath to part withthem, we resolved to share theirjourney for a few miles, and notwith-standing the fact that a heavy stormof wind and rain was renderingtravel difficult and sightseeing im-

probable, we rolled out of Padding-to- n

depot in good spirits and glad oftho change. For days and weeks cfexperience with tho "ragged edge ofsuspense,'' render even atmospheresteeming with history and bristlingwith present events, oppressive andlacking in interest. In an hour'stime we had left tho dreary stor'nbehind, and blue skies and lightclouds looked down upon us, as wealighted at Oxford. A carriage andintelligent driver were soon helpingus make the most of tho few hourswo could devote to this learned place.Our first visit was to Christ ChurchCollege. This is tho largest of thotwenty-on- e colleges which are usedin constructing this seat of learning'.It was founded by Cardinal Vy oolseyin 1525, and a marble statue of himself is over the massive gatewaythrough which we pass in enteringthe rirst quadrangle. This gatewayis surmouuted by a tower in whichhangs tho famous bell, ''Great Tom,"weighing 17,000 lbs. Wo pass fromono quadrangle to others, visitingchapel, libraries, halls and courts, allfull of deepest interest. I:.'.re oldpictures, grana carvings, quaint win-dows and superb entrances. Dormi-tories occupied by the Prince ofWales and Prince Leopold, alsoGladstone, aro pointed out. Inci- -


and finally we aro ushered into the" broad walk," one of tho finest ave- - I

nues in England. Tho vista seen intwo directions, is over one-fourt- h ofa mile, and the grand old trees thatclasp hands overhead, wero plantedover 200 years ago, by Bishop Fell,who is immortalized in tho minds ofmany by the lines:I Jo not like yon, I)r. Fell; the reason

why I cannot tell.Hut this I know full well, I do not like

you, Dr. Pell.Wo are derive a rapidly from one collejre to another. Weeks wouldscarce suOice for a visit to each, butsome point of architecture, spire, orwindow, gifteway or court, waschosen Lo add to tho mosaic, thatmemory was iniaying from this visit.We visited the chapel of Koble Col-leif- ?,

honing .to iind there Hunt'sfamous picture of 'Tho Light of theWorld," but learned too late, woshould have looked for it in thelibrary of the same college. How- - I

ever, in the same chapel, we found j

some marvellous mosaics upon thewalls, illustrating tho relationship oftho Old to tho Nov Testament, j

through scenes in the Patriarchal,Jewish and Christian periods of theChurch. Some exuUiS-.t- e carving andstained glass added to the emoeilisli- -


spent in tho Chapel of 2s ev Coileye, I

which though iuipiyin' youth ;i:id j

modem style, by its name, was !

nevertheless founded in loS'o raid is j

ainonsr the oldest of tho coiieues.It was peculiarly rich from its commencement, being' most iiocraliy en- -

.. . .,.i . 'i....,worn upon its original construction,

made with the view of preserving as j

periec-tl- v as possible, tne onirmai i

plans of tho founder. The details ofthe interior of "the chapel, are veryrich, and the west window pleasedus more than any we havo ever seen.It was paiutid from designs fur-nished by Sir Joshua Koynolds, andis remarkablo for the absence of thobrilliant blue and red so common inmemorial windows. The purity ofthe subjects made prominent by thewhite light, in contrast to the heavyshadings of the background, wasvery impressive. A htiif hour wasspent in the Bodleian Library. Thiscoutaius 30,UU0 manuscripts, and450,000 volumes. A copy of everybook printed in England and copy-righted, has to be placed upon theshelves, consequently the growth issteady and rapid. Curiosities inliterature are many. An illustratedaccount of the incarnation ofVishnu, covering a strip of papyrusfour inches wide and fortv sevenfeet long, is artilically displayed,aud is beautiful in color and execution. The gallery above conttains,beside a number of paintingss, tb!models of ancient temples. Ihe J

Cathedral of Calcutta in miniature j

of aiabasler, is as beautiful a con- - i

ception in architecture as it has beeni

our good fortune to see. Ihe bheluo- - ;

niau Theater is the place where all j

honorary tteirrees are coniericvl ontho most distinaislioei men of thoae. Tlio roof of this hall is tholargest known that is unsupportedby any arch or column. It is seventyby eighty feet, and is decorated withan immense painting. In the Ash-uiolea- n

museum wo found much tointerest and instruct. One room wasquite tilled with tho Arundel marbles,brought from Smyrna, and valuablefor their ancient inscriptions. Timedid not permit even a glance atmany or tho rare ami curious remainsgathered from the pat, but our ;tt- -

tention was kindiv dire-e-l od to tho

Of 'ew York. EsUblished 1850.

This old Compalij now olTer." to the In-

suring Public its new

Sui-vivorsiii- BiviJenil Plan

Which affords all the advantages of LifeInsurance during the earlier years of life,and at the same time makes a provisionfor old age, as tho Policy-hold- er can sur-render his Policy at the end of the Sur-vivorship Dividend Period and receiveits Ft li. Value in Cash thus combin-ing Investment and Pkotection.

Any information cheerfully fur-nished.

JOHN II. PATY,26 li'o( Aeent.

Tho RisdonIron and locomodve Works,

Comer of Eeal and Howard Streets,San Francisco CaliforniaW. II. TAYLOR, Fiesldentn. S. MOOHK... .SuperiuieLdent

Builders cr Steam MachineryIn all He branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines 4 Boilerg,Hih Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of ail kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or compotdts.

ORDINAKr ENGINES compounded when ad-visable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, l!arge and Steam Tugs con-structed with reference to the trade In whichthey are to he eni loyed. Sped, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS aud Su'ar Making Machinerymade af te. the most approved plans. AIbo, allIloilerlron therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheec Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogre'hf r, or Sheets rolled, punched and pactedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on tha(round.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Wort and WterPipes made by this esuhlifbmcrt, riveted by'hydraulic rivetii-- machinery, thai quahtccfwort beiui? far superior to baud

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circuiting PjnpB, niadaftur the xaost approved plana.

SOLE gents and manufhcturera for he PaciioCo.--si of the Home Safety H&ilor.

PUMTS Lirect Acting rumps for irrigation orcity works purj os s, built with th celebratedDavy Valve Motion, bupsrior to any otherpump.

J. X. S. William HonoluluRoom No. 3, ups'airr, Spreokt'.' iJiock.

L3m Agent for Ihe Biwn. Islands.


Habana Cigars,

Bavarian Beer,' onimwniiiiMM

of the liackcrbriiu Lrewerj, lunchen;

SfrassLur Beer,

Flensbnrg Beer,

Double Extra StontBottled by ALB. Foster & Sons, Londoa;

French Clarets,f sujerior qualities ;

Gennan Preserves,in tins.


Ed. Iloblilacsep & Co.,



Island - bred Mules!Brukeri ami unbroken;

Superior Durhamand

Hereford Bulls;Thorouchbrecl JEIISEY COV.'S,

Or...- - very fine Lrt-- l JERSEY BULL,(Sire anl !;im both rrgistercd);

M O .!?. s I J m

Carriage an.l S.uiilh-- .

Ai-- o for sale or exchan.-- , the celebratedi .lu ntju-.ueoenK-

Stallion "HUlv Venioii."

''V ' f-- ?s . ' -- ' 'r--

- -- i

turned uAa a Liberal niajority of ; oldest known stone bearing an in-1.07- 1.

Tins change is significant of scription and which is calculated asthe growth of public opinion, but ; having been inscribed llOi) yearsstill tho growth is so slow that tho j 13. C. Graven for all time wero thotriumph of Homo Kulo cannot, bo j words that sprang to our lips, as v. olooked for in the immediate xuturc. looked upon its face, still fair and

tobacco:Choi- - Lots .Just J: hy

Cilil. (JEltTZ, Fort Sti-i-- o

li3-t- f Bet King and ilercLaut,Apjtiy to21-l- m

J. If. FISHER,At Bank of Buboj) Sc Co

113 12i0-l- y

Page 3: Sydney NOTT,or digestive power, pepsin.!Vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial when taken slowly during the course of the meal. The ob-jection as regards the ill



HENRY DAVIS & CO.,jMi.-oir.rr.- 3,

Grocery, Provision and Feed DealersNo. 52 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, II. I.

a 1: c.v.OUR GOODS .a1hsj


Island anil California Our Special ty!


I The baud perforin at Mmma quare; this, eve ;n

Tin-Aiarned- a was r.t up toi o'clock this uV rni:ir. ear arc- - all th i ac.?. it i- - a- -i

r i.i ion u! -


.p;e::i -- ..j,tv Is'ar.d.

a.K.K:,y--r!:- y, the p-ir- v : .iu-an- d

rtturnin- - ,.y a i.u r ,.;r '- ,

An enterpri.-;:- : native !:a erected afel5?-;h.M1;.,,- r :"t:iri,1;lt th WaikiLI ;ri'1-'-

1,J icu n.n nu.iry aa thirsty

trtnuar i!U.s:eiit-r-.

Mi -yr.-t- ri ") !.y th- - J.ik1-u- i

iiSit f,"1.1:11 a v b.isiiH'--- ; tripto windwa.d jMrts, in his capacity o!

beantiful s!".i l 'i 'natin: the Tn.penai vierman Conulatt' has oreii placedover t!:- - :':-.;- ; t ance to Mer. H.Iiuckf.-- oi Co.'s lnii!Ji:i-- .

Mr. I). Howard Hitchcock ha-- l n.anvvisitors to his art smdto, in reoou-- e

iu.s u'. Tatioi;. au:id.iv atiernoon. Uu'airitimM of i;sw.iii:i:i wr..' "erailv aiim.rnd.

Mr. Clarence V'. M.icfaiiane receiveda pretty railing .hiioo tor two leasts bvi.'-.'- j i . 11. 1 i.u'.iu1:, It is onlv about t ntVvt lonj: and will r.irv an aw::ii:- he- -

twe ?n ma's.A locomotive made this year by the

P.iMuin Locomotive Works, Philadel-phia, has he"-- . !a;!h;d from the barken- -ti:u-- hhscoverv for th Grove liauch l'ian- -

tation Company, .'daui. !


Tenders are invited by the Hoard 01Health for making an addition and re-

pairs to a at the piaranti:ietaion. also for the erection of a building

for the Honolulu !i ip. n.arv.

Mr. G. .jhu-min- was driving abuggy on King tvet yesterday, when aC.hi.'i 'j: in jumping oif a car frightenedth h'Tve. The creature boned and

th i.--t te! ephoneI

post. i


The trih houses at Kilar.ea jlanta

C-U-U MOTTO!Excellence of Quality



! Family and Island Orders Filledwith. Scrupulous O

T TELEPHONIC 130. P. O. BOX 505.

; liurring of E. (. Schumanu'i House atAVaikiki T.. K. ilan jLosea Hi BoatWork a Serornl Tiiae.

Mr. Jh G. Schumann's house at"Wai- -

k:k; v? destroyed by fire on Saturdp.yniiri.h It ed--t shoitlv after 10 o'clock

! from a lamp unset bv Mr. G. Schumann,orothcr ot to.e iormer. whils en-ae- inkiiIIiiis tnoiquiies in his room. Sir. E.

. ,j

w. humann was aown on the bridge; when heard tneencsot hre, and when' he reached the house it was all in flames.! Onlv a lounge and a few chairs were; , ,

avtii out ot toe own room, that oemi:situated away from the starting point ofthe tire. The loss i figured at $2,000,on v. hiv h Mr. Scha-aan- b&lieves there13 an unexpired policy, bat he does notremember the amount, and the aentto whom he refers c.r.not say without

, con.uititig me in ni o.uce. iiusI he could not uo Oetore openin! inorning.j A few minutes before .". o'clock on Sun- -

'7 aitrnwn fire was discovered in Mr.I:- - Ji- - lijan'.-- boat-buildi- ng fchop on the

ciose lo li.--c ;tur 01 vjuo.Lnca.' Honol'iiu l'lanrru' Mi!ls. Tin.

I tir.--t alarm was nuicklv lollowed bv a.. 1 1 ', - tde an immense crowd of spectators,

H-ngin-e Company iNo. 1 volunteer Boys

- - r a. A Iarriveum very snor. Time on ine; L --- .- - ..i

plug or. Fort street at tho front of theplaning mills, they played.a good streamuntd the engine of the same company

them. Then two streams werep.aved bv that er.;nne, while Engine 2o.- uas Irt?1" uie "?.iram ai t ecornvr ot t ort and Queen streets I hefire wa.-- i cuicklv got under control andstopped from spreading, but in the shortspace of time much damage was done.

The building, a rough shed sixty bv I

tfiirty feet, was completely destroj'ed. !

It helong'-- d to the Government. Mr.liyan lost throe new surf boats, onetwenty-tw- o feet and the others twenty-fou- r

feet in length; also the preparedframes of vhree more boats, all the tools,including drilling machine, andr 10-teI- tar, oakurn, oak tinibers andorh?r tnattr.'jl. A large surf boat inaddition to the above wa? pulled out bv

t... --..1 . u,, -.-1.-. .i.: ,ii

nd so escapedMr. Ryan, who was on his way to

Waikiki when he met people hurryingto the fire, has no idea how it caught.All hands had left the shop at 4 o'clockSaturday atternoon, and he knows ot

i nobedv having gone back any time be- -fure he tire- - He estimates the lossroughly at ?2,o00, on which there is in- -

u ranee of l,o'.0 or thereabouts (he notn;tvin tio poiicy at hand when spokento). ;.ir. livan vvas ourneu out or another boat shoo, a short distance in rearof this one, and lost everything, by a lirem the ot l.Ssi'J.The flames before being subdued caught

a wooden buhding belonging to Mr.Lucas, containing a sub-offic- e, toal and

!:material rooms, etc. One end of this,r"l,iins' wa3 thoroughly charred, and''Y1'1 J'-V-

e cornp.ete renewal outwerc not permitted to go

ijrt:ir- -


iai n Cif.raM-Snjjjfestl- osi

from a j;rrltcr..t-;- .- i. i ci. i

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Hcnolulu,

r., Kaua;, w-r- . biuYic-.-i tu Sundav, I charred and w ill have to be wholly, ir'jui a hie -- tarled bv j I'ced. Fortunately two or three valu-plavin- g.

il l 1 ir. mt for a .'oi tunate i able boats were lying outside of the shed

Hawaiian Island?.




Dejmilinciits of Business:Rooks ani ArronTs nccuratoly kept nml propeilv aljusei.CeM.F.ciU'Ns will receive special nttention and returns promptly rna!e.CoxvKYANciMi a Si'Ki i i,t v. ReeonO searidieii ami correet Ab.--t raet? of Titles furnishedLn.oAL Docr.MK.Nrs am pAi icrs of every description carefully drawn and liandseniely

engrossed.Cotyinu am Ti'AN.of .vTiNt; in all languages! it-- , peneral use in this Kingdom.Rkai. Kstate bought ami Taxes paitl .ini Property safely insured.Horses-- , Cttttapes, Rooms, Offices ami Lain! lca-ie- d ami rr'ntedund rents collected.Kike and Life Ixsi uanck efkctetl in first-clas- s Insuranee Gonviianios.CcsTOM 'Iorsr. RfsiNksx transacted Willi accuracy and dispatch.Loans Ni:ootiatkh at i a vika i.i.K Rates.Advkrtihementh ami Si i: iu CT 1 n.h vf,;i. ited for Publisher,.SKILLKIi AN li l':SKIII.H LllfiH Fl HNlSUKP.Any i.e Pckcm asek or sold on coini)isdon.1nti:! d OKiii.i'a; will receive particular attention.

f P . f1

i! i

I of wind the in til wou'.d have beendeStloVed.

In the Police Court on Saturday DavidMonroe ami Churl'-- y Jacol) were finedfor drui:kent:ts ; Kahai, who escapedfrom tii ; it torma' . was !eiifback, and two cas "were continued ati!;e ru-- , r of coon-,.- !

The Lriti-!- ) and the .mrican war- - !

in port are reporred to be going oi r i

his wee.-- . lor crui-e- s in the gioup. Lh-r- j

thu a prO:p-c- t ot Honolulu harbor j

being s i'h-.Mi- a m.n-of-wa- r a fewdastor th i ti;-- i in about two vears.

A n.ive hov fell i ff a at Waikikisin; lav V,- - the " d i! - .. th- -

animli .hie lata car. The i.orsst. pp-'-

over the la h ho, hoover, was able topt-- k lum-e- lf up ar i recover his hat,af'er which he leaned agai.e--t a fencekUil cried.

A buri ed wire i- u j" djii.'"-ro:s:- neartr i:nwa" terminus at Waikiki. It is

peril to people m a crowd getting onrle cur-- , a!s to h.,rse? that may J

es well a.-- : to ti.eir riLajaries t-- 7:i in a': l beast sir a.i ea: 1 v

i'el'orted a.

S ittiriav I a J.'.ru'e c'1's'.e.t at i rl' 4


Having had an ex(enivo Lusinevs experience for over twenty-fiv- e year inNew York City and eisesl'cre. mo fee! corapcfctit t nttcd fo all buinesg of biiintricate and complicated iciicrc, or iact ai'd t'iscret'.on. and rerjec!fullypolicit. a trial. HAWAIIAN ;U.SINES.-- ) ACiV NO Y.

f?23 RclJ Telephone-- No. 274. 1'9 tf

TITE ZANZIItAK INC1DKXT.! Perhaps the American Vessel Took the

Kiak ot Using Fired I'pcn.Assi.tant Secretary of State Rhvs.

says a Washington dispatch of January26th, wa3 shown to-d- a- the dispatchfrom Zanzibar announcing that a Ger-man ship had Sred on an American vesselthere. He said he believed the dispatchmight be correct and tae firing neces-sary. Sorae time ago Germany andEngland established a blockade of Zan-zibar ports to prevent the importation ofammunition to the natives in revolt andthe exportation of slaves. Mr. Rivesthought it probable that the Ameiicanvessel had been trvintr to run the blockade, with the result noted m the dispatch.,


t-- I--T r VI7,JI T'b . j rja ar

Absolutely PurFor quick raising, tbe Bofal Bakinj; in

superior to all other aios. It is ly

pure and wiiolertomt and of lhe highestleaening povrer. It if always uifor:c iuttrength and quality and neTer f.Ms to matelight, awf-et- . reost palatable ami ii stritive, hiscnitrt, loufSnn, cke, etc., raiseil wiiuTioyal Iuklog Powder rimy be eaten ho: witlioutdlutresftinR result" to tf6 most ofiicatt diistiveorpans. It will keep in any climatts withoutdaterior-tio- n.

Prof. H. a. Mott, U. S. Oovernmrnt ChemlHt,after examinir g oificialiy the juincif ai naki ngpowders of the coanlry, ic ported:

"Tne P.oyal !kin Powder in ahfiohit'ly pure,for I have po found it i a many tents i;ia;le t.othfor that company and the United Stales Govern-ment.

"Ueoause of the facilities that com pary Lavefor obt-ini-

utf perfectly pure cren:n of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportion of the naiue, and the met hod of itspreparation, the lioval I5akin Powder is un- -dour.tedly tbe purest Dd most reliable bakingpowdr offered to the puhlic.

"Da. HENRY A. MOTT, Pn. I.,w1 1221-l- y U. 8. (ioverume nt Cliemit.


ir-e- admilteil ?rs a partner in our hnn.Honolulu, January L IH'J.3'elw

Booms to LetAT NO. 1 GARDEN ST RELT.Honolulu. 31-l-

LOST!IN GOING FROM JION'OLTILTT TOJ- W'm'rnanalo ( Vai-mae- on or ahoiit i.--t

February, Certificate of je;Ms:ifc ' on t' Go. J'ayment : ri tiiCsan.e ban been A suitrjbh' re-gard will he iveti on leaving the same atthe Hawaiiaii Grazette Gliiee. .Mi-fi- t


and wife.; man for house work, 7;c::ointo take care of Children. Apply of K.Miyan-- a at Japanese Niipuu, Nuup.mAvenue. 'W-- lt

Pliotograjihic Goods.

FINE OF THEa' goodsnchi'!in (aineras Lf .i.e,

Arie.rican I'ilrns, Pronu'Je Paper Mi'Jsrecialti s hsve iu-- t b-e- received byliollister & Co. The public are in vited tocall and examine them.

3t Vto FORT hT.


V friends and th r'-'!'- " eaerIly fli-v- t hi j piirch4-ef- ! t"'.. IucksnriStS tn.l C'rri.ik'f1forn erly eor.'iii. iM ,j a. Morgan t "'.. TH 7i.'i j

U kilid.s of C'rr).i.T ft i "it and 'f rirr.rnlriir,frriat and Movy Wjon Vori- - and O'.riTalBiackitraitniEfT witii proii p.tness ai.d dij it;-:i-

(r':rnterl. 1 ;l-- tf

Planters' Monthly

Pr iaiiiiary, looO.


.c.u .tr Pourdy on fV-c- t SuarWi'h our Ped'THSorghum Kuar in ! IJ ni f T State.?Fdectric IPdinirci;If pro-- in Hawaii and Irii-n'an- a

N"w Varieties of Sn;ar fameMothun S'u'ar Si Mat hineryPacts Wanted Pf-e-arli- n Odrasion

ir (.Un', an address, by Mr. Foni.L'ifi uaior., hv J. P. f'.aidwinS'taisi s of (hjltivation of SuarI hflii-iion in Prazil( ) n-- n '.'o f rn v e s in f ');'; a n aI irnerara. Sur j r Prrc'".--Waited H urn usAbout Vanil.aJ'ff;er.f ion of f)r-tn- IbistSicotr House Jhih.e,' rsfi"rrnan MilletPineapples in Florida

Tlr'dtM.SYearly pv.bcrijition .$ 2 :For..;i " . ooP'turnl VobirneJ! 4 (f

irs- -j

of;ttk pLF.Lry.irfNo (o..St., IfOiK-iillil- .

Two Men Injured Lamp Ttst BrokenCarriage IemoIisied.

A horse attached to a carriage boltedfrom the Pantheon Stables hack standoa Sunday forenoon, while the driverwas getting a bucket of w ater. Break-in- s

hi3 fasten inrrs the horse rounded themr infn Knts? cfrf n,l at a

furious rate. Mr. Gear, a teacher inFort Street School, was crossing thestreet to Ssylor's restaurant just as therunaway carne along. He had not timeto iret clear and was struck and thrownviolently to the ground, lacerating thepalms of his hand aeverely. Dr. Mc- -Grew dressed the wounds and the in-jured man went to his lodging.

A tew steps further down Hotel streeta man named William Mohr ran out tofctop the horse, but as he caught thebridle the horse stumbled and threw hi indown. The back of his head was badlygrazed and he received a severe blow inthe back, lie was helped to the PoliceStation and from there sent to theQueen's Hospital, where he revived fromlife shock and in the evening felt a gooddlal better than when he entered.

The horse kept on its dangerous careeruntil the carriage came in contact with alamp post, opposite Queen Emma Hallon JN'uuanu street, both carriage andlamp post being demolished.



f.)r (".biriA shrrtle. ni;riV p is licrchrgiven that Mo Sai will, transact allmatters of busiiie? connected with thefirm of Tong On Jan Com nany under atail power of attorney. NO CHAN,Managing- - partner oi the firm of Tong On

Jan Com pan j'.Honolulu, Feb. 15, 1S?0. 41-l- m

Annual Meeting.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockhuldera of the Hawaiian Carriage

Manufacturing Company will be held onWEDNKbDAY, February 20. 1S89, at 2 p.m., at the office of W. O. Smith, Secretarj-- ,

('', Fort .street.By order of the Board of Directors.

W. O. SMITH,. Secretary.

Honolulu, Feb. 13, 1339. 41-- 4t

3Iiss CliiJlberg

TT AS MOVED 1 1 Eli MILLINERY ES- -tabh-hr:ien- t to the store lately occupied

by P. Mclnerny, next door to Gomes fcWichrnan, Fort street. " 39-- ;t

To Contractors Proposals for


Okfick of Tut 0nv Railwayaju ija.mi i.u. (b u;, r

I fbrtifw--y 13,

VM.ALF.D PROPOSALS ADDRKSSEDP to the ' will be received tt

this ottice ur.til 10 o'clock a. m., February2ti, for the Grading of thTOahu Rail-way (1'ee.rl River Division). Fnrtiierin-formotio- n

with forms uton whicri all bidsshould f'C ma le can be obtained at thi.soiliee. The rigid to reject any and all bidsis re.-erve-

ii. F. DrLLINGHAM",.0-'- ;t Contractor.

Notice of Jiembval.

)R. PAY HAS RK MOVED HISf ce to the Dickson Premises,

No. i'j Rerersriia streft, onposite Garden', and h: office to the c;tt-.- ' ad-j- o:

nine. ')--


.1 t..e itKn' r.! rf DrsiMmt-- i: Onto ii amif ittirtf;. i her reHim--, No. T.i afreet,opposite thr ilot.I. Tii .5 pp.trortAj? rf the I.ifiletis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction raarn-tiid- .

HS-- f l 24.'i-J-

TV2vIJES CA.RTYCan b fonnii rext door o the p. C. A.

office, Merchant Btr'et.

-- facks Nos. V, 37,00, 75, 180A NO WAOOXKTTE 1 1 f).

2T Kell Telcphorse Mutual f0.2,:i if

Change in Telephones.

Ml'TTAL NO. GIIANGF.D FROMA. M. ,'ffwt-- i'i Hawaiian Wine Go.,

Frank iirown, Manager.

I'.'-!- : No. ') chancer! from Frank I'.roTnce to Hawaiian Wine Co., Frank

I'rown, Manager. ,';t


Attorcey-at-La- w and Notary fublic,

HONOLULU.l?..7-ln- i

Firewood For Sale!!

per Cord,

A I CUR, (fVAi I Z'h

2T-- m Ao FORT ST II F. f'T.

Ten Dollars Reward,j'iir ai'.ovr r.K'vu:f rvrr.r, p.xrn onJ r.nn v 1 jo n r.f fo - i! n c i

'h D;r,7 .u.vKSfi- - R r.r ' Pk 1 ' ii "1 i

tl trt or rl tno- - rf r.l srr1n A "V Aft A N" OAr.TTZ Ci

Gnoiuln, :Jr.e. 31,, i.a.

AI'.KIVAI.S.S WVl.D.vY, Feb. IS.

Simr Wi'in'eale, CanipU-Ii- from Kda.t-- a

an l 1 1 a 1 ; i i i .

Strar M"kc!:;, Me.' : roi'r, from M '.i,k,-n-.

'' lua:.-.;!- , U.Uhu-- , ! da v.-- ir..m j'M::X.5'M;. . - , .. i i.auani iroiu :vo.a'.i. j

-'I NUAY. Feh. '

istrr. r Mikahaia. Free !io:n Kuv.ui. !

l"ir. ... '.iin.w...... M . . . .v. ' ii II. L j 'au!av, lr.--K p:a. :

mr Vivr. from Mo: WaMne from I ! areakua, Ha-v;)i- i.

Jfchr ICaal.'kai trom Kauad.- i

ni.iwj: n i:i:s.Sa i rt.nv Feb. K.

rni' hehia. Clark, hlii ii purts, iit 1 p in.

llavv .(;) r J iiTiie W .1. KtT, And-.r- .Oi i

ft"-- Jihicrt I -- 1 inSi hr ral at.d V.Yu-.- i f,.r Ko-.I-u- .

ti r .'....luima f,,r Kwa.m ir Mn Morns Koolaa. i.jJui.


V'fl.s To-:Ja- y.

tmr J A Cuninun., !iNon. for Koolau,j

9 a in.j

Hiiue Mokoiii, McUrojor, tor Miokai, 5p 111

:tmr IJkelike. 1'i.vies. for Kaln:!r.i .11. lway porn, at o p ia. Ka.-.i-a, 1' iii.h r'voo.1. for Vai:-hi-

and v au'nae. at U a :n.t-- i iir Kawaiiaiii for Koolau.tii lir Itaiubo'v for

V in Tort from k".reij;i i'urt.I S S Aicrt, 'ireen, CaUao, .s A.II l'. M .Cor:iior.,r.r, N ii h. v.rwI'k n Aiiolfo. yio..rh.:;d, Nev-'a-rl.- .

bk Ak-- .MclNfii. Frii-.- , fviat!e. S V'.Bic U l Godfrey, Dabel. ."runcisco.

K.tlakaua, lieul.-r.ii-, Tahiti,iir Uoi-.-- rt tarit-!- . Pittz. Port likikc'cy.

Bktne Mary Wiakt lrnaii, l y reborn, b F."An: bl; J i) A r, J o-.- -t I vii , I'uioa.A!i. bktue V. rc-tU- r. i'n-k- ' Sw- i'a-t!- e.

A;n Lk Ivy, Caron, New Y'orl:.Ukt W il I'inioiid. Drt .v, I'raiu. i co.Jk:i.;-.- NClle, llu!'bard. S.ia Franc ;sco.Bk;nf ry , McNt-il- . ban Fr.onvoo.I5k Aid.n l.e-;-- f, (.'ou-ii- h, ban Francisco.Ilk Coin., iJacku--- . San I'.e'o.

''Vtrf.s!. li.. jei ted trom I'oi it !'i t.

Vi Whtre lr L'. tjiia i

K M b Al n .a.. V UH1-- 0 .) ..I"-- b.l.;r ok K.-.ya- l A lie. . Liverpool .May i I

Pk ti N Wii-- . o.v . . I'.i t uiciiF-- Jatnaic.i ila t;ow -- frh")bii Paul i- -t riberi;. ..iia.--' ow ti

iru Tin! . e ea-- i ie. .lar:'o i

Ukt knb-- r: b:..:.len Newcastle.ik Viet ria Ne.M e. ... i tt'i'

l'.ktre Lh at d . Ihig-- t bok:nd. . .Jan -.

bp i'M J'arni.oy . . Newt x' b lM;. : 'vlon . . . .ban i rai cieo 1 . ..

...' '

F.r-- tf 11 !)o;-Lt-P- rt't in Franci-c- o .Feb 7J P bprecivel aii r t an ; -- co .. Feb "';

cnr nn.i bar; Fr .i:0ico. ..Feb hLri't I.iiriino ban Fraoii-c- o ..Feb "."n.,;i ... i.telic Franci.-e-t . . ol'.k llt-p- er New Ca-t- le Feb 7Pk Ir Mezz.u--. . . Newca-t'i- e Mar

:..i; !: f'i il of I'roduce.H.i-- 'a sii.rr. r.c . I:3.

Stnir I-'- '.ike... 1 jo hbtair Mi U oi. . . ' .... sobr-n- r Miiwhala


btiurJas Makte. '.'i.t;

b'lar J I'liiurmn-- f Jo U

S'.lir i'la ilokat. . . T.'y'

bchr r.lviwutiine -- ''I'i lot; .;


AK1U.VI.-- .From Ma'ii, per laktUike, Ke'. V

A" Fer!owi:, All .:i (. I. :i ikee, Mrs JMe' ini. Father Leo ere, H II Pailev. J theF.odriufs. S M;u.-.u- i iv. .Mi- - Ma: w bhvi. iAh Man and :'2 dei k i .is-fi- it t.

From KTta'r.5 nd Vlhu tr Hihala, Ftb 17 C.i.i- - K.v;.. and v. Mi.-- ,

:iary Mokii, i: Fa;k:. G 15 iir-a- dA!o and on. ;u' L-- leek; oa--,- i;jr-i- .

SillXTIVii NilTh1 steamer

freai Lan-ii-

The "'io' .Ma Ik h it' theMarine Fail iy.

H. I. M. h. l.'.r;".ur ant w v"e ti-nior- -ir

r'-i.- ' i)F a t rui-- - ('f tr ll t..: i'i-.- !vauiThe I.ikelike a: ! Mjkolii will

lh this u!'.ei r... .)! or vi::.i'aritports. toTL. lark A i ! n P.e-- o i- - r,tn b iO t asStroan; :: :;.e Lv.- - ;..e f til- -' ;,'

..inLoii.The U--:.o- .- 'V re-ti- er wdl ! ir

frr Jan P'r nei .. . r: t ' j i i i ' rLo

Th-- j V. S. Alt-r- t will leave ei;hor oa a"VVeune-tla- y or on for a t

. eari'-an-- i iiani a:: I ifa-Aai- ad

In ore arc three rk'.) :ine- - near t'n;Oct.a 'lie - ;ut:'. t.e Ii". i.Vnond. il ryWin iti:n an 1

The V -- r:i - d '..; -.t ar!eV. lib r f..r Fr..!T

e.rh ?r wo V". dne- - Thar -- daTae rtcino r Mir.'.ha'a ar I ."eil

moriitr.,, iro-.-- a a i.o .vild ;..'!tJ ra ri .'0 b t- - pet. and bides.

Tbe Haw aiian -- eii-;. nr J .!..: V'alker.Capt iin P. An - Lied l't bnarv i';thwith .r . i i irae-.- t irma i- - r.i.iO.n ufor the rt ' reao

The Aruerit-a- bark i'.'t.I'i.---. 1 1 ton-- .Cj( ta-- :e irilv.d i n s. at-ir-ti-

.iae. Fr-h:-:- .. lib. lit t f r. P''. --'.in!.-- -- ii; l-- o and a.-.'-

, h.oeii in t.'e-"- 1

st re t:u . n t, the V. -. s.Ab:r:. ; e .: -a i :ar i'i r Mil Fr..n- -

ci - i ' : r r- If. Ilae, if ' V e tj .

t;v.-.- p


Th -- tr-e i e orevi-r- r. jizweather :,:"' i ,y car;air. en.: th-- eo .:-f-

s '':S?!.! i'."i-- ? -' e 1 '." r e on.t,s.i T.-.- firs . I- - '.Vt r cro- - de

th."a!V,iit tr..- - da ;ab v Ta'l i':'.' 1 t.i -, i b, -

the ion of ti a a

?'r.'! :n tt.o and : aro. rov--s.

It is a fact, t;. :u it wii: -- . av-e- y bo

that th-- re arhive lived in II .n.i'.a! i i- -r .i..n d

have tiii r.i.'A i n a ..e to '

wi;h ll.e'.r ebl.i thi- - eh iraiir.j" rd.i- - .

rn at"t:oe,r.t if i.1 ex .it. -- e It w.i- - aprsry -- ;i;t b- - co S.!.:r lav a;':

i:o r.. a i.i t.;r i .1 '4 e f i n .

wirii h..f-o- ch: di'i-ar.- . . .ay :irt:r,1- - .v vl n d'n vr -- ,

th : 11, .el .a tot,

iTECML . ; f I ir. S H ITiO-S- .

It k.H iieen cor. ? 'I --jr,r c ;: I


ta- - ia s if( j

h i n'.sei f, nnd th ,",r'" ;

ertirar.ier .ir.-- l it eie er.-- , r J.

ir. thrt hat I.-- .vear". i d at Mc!r..'rr.y' .;.

and s J'c b any ;n"V r v - . r t. or a

;stet-ie.r- i If.::Mr. .'d lnrrr . i. r. pf'i'e'i i ' m

tortnifn ' o i ri'-'.- v .ri o.j f rie'

Try iire-'- t de-,:..- o an-.or.- r wh;."h - a

loveh- - !ic id 'he h-ia--a .1. H .Stet.-o- n t fo.

Cel-brr."- Hat'.' Ah-- o ar.otl-.e- r of Dr

Yarrer'i Celebrate-- i 'ool PndT-i-pitnir.- ?

and W- -. o-- la. he andin "i iud g irrn.-nf.- s and or. p :''

.,a:, vest and pants Corahiiu-d- . '"t la:".

d.y gave ueci?:on.i confirming the sen-- !

tences of death passed upon two Chinese

;. ,;l-'wr-

term. Cht Ja.-dic- Jwh5 read thet no n.rics I

fwr ' cor tra.rt jove;--raIi'- i exception- - and con- -

1: nti:kami FIRST - CLASS


a km orri:i:iN(i

Reduced Trices.

h-- r MnifN tl,nf i. t mulling Slis hf?l tli ! iilfm oi rj llfifl fi.

f- - (.,ry f,r!r. lnd rdrn fftlli.lf

M . M I'', I ;i j I s.ntwmn

Daily I'. C. Advertiser

,MtJltiu:i lu t)i K tfiv'.!ofri.

J1MITATIOM GIN.It Ii.'iviiip; copio to our notico. that an infricr

quality of (Jin, jiiirjiortiriff to. ho J. J. ,iL.T;Kr.3"'" Elephant " Buand, is Loing of7nJ ior c;-.i- i inthis market, we have to

Can t ion 1 1 10 3?u"bli cThat we 'jr.: Use SohK Af..K;;Tr. in the Hawaiian Isl-

and?, for the RrnM Idrnnd, iinci that I vi:nv nuineLottie hears our " Soi.i: Agi:nc y " lahel.

W. ('. PKACOdK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchern'Fchicrfnm, AV. Z.

BPEI-II-i"jEGI?.-S & Co.,

bv .li:.? r,. Vb-W.o- .f !:.- - tV; I

tiro. ir, r the cnUnce in the cas of AhHop, onvich d of D. -

h, tea,.hcr ia Kan. Jnde.... .I.!e rea l a tlc.sior! ,n t!:e cafce

if Akana, t!:e rri-der- or cf his kinsmanm Kona. Af-;'.-:r- ?. w iutm and iosa,Cour.f.I ivvl v for h Hop andAk i.--i. v-- er i p.-c--nt : a)so 3fr. (irx K.irn,Clii.e.-- , Coa.-i.erc- i Ar.t, anrl Mr. F.V. UaTion. ry to the Cidnesa.

too C )Z d no men vere taken ftCourt ?nd returned to Oahu jail in ironsan 1 '-

-r led ry policemen. In answerto a ouo.-.tio- n oy ir e .toei .i tistice, cacuof th. pri.-or.c- rj sa: b aw;.re of thenature of ids I5rocedinsHere ir.terftrf.!'-- d to them by Air. i,; :

Ci.nT'i'. Mi. v':i;i;rl;-duiin- i the sitting t

of the Court sjioke of the disad vantage j

to fo-in-e- in 'of-'-n called to defend a I

?ase v itucut noricc. an-- i suerei inaith i matter Tv.a otie t:;il'iir. tor a remedy.C hie: Justice .Lid 1 approved of the s;:g- -

gerion and prr.ipi.-se- that the Courtwould irive it their serious consideration.


A YV. ens V.tlve KilSft. ty falling fromthe 311 in .Isilwiy Cravile.

A young native man named Joe Keauvas instantly killed at the Marine Itad-- !

way on Saturd.-.- afternoon. He fed'ron the plank va'.k on top of one side J

of the cradle, a height of twenty-fiv- e j

feet, and tva? instantly kdied. Dr.sloj'ivis at once sumrioned,

on arrival pronoun, p 1 thfj man d-'a-

Ti.e b id- - w.h to the hou.-f- ; of theUTi.'jttu iaf yo-i-

n roan's father in theu ::.-y- , .oel ,ty Marshal Hopkins

e:n o oe ;if d a j iry to hold a coroner'sher n n employee.

oi' th-- : Marine ihtd'A-a- the past, threeyear-- , his r'ath- -r h-i- non of the regularv..'k::e;r. ar. the sim ; p'ac. fir? bore, a.o i c!iaract"r with hi feri players, h

was an oidv non and his father i.-- i a!o"'-r- . TiiO aceid-- nt harnonoii to

f .?A as b" wa a:oit iperatir tlie hil'e1 I . ie k e r .i r. k , t . i si: o?e' i hcinj; that j

rni.-e- d his f.jii!in' wni! Wrttchinr: ;.'y-- t in a hoai . He tas hurifd i

v- - s, b -- ficriiry.-n, j

' ; I r" e I i

.o Marino I ..iiiA.iy.

it.i ua ? it aicno snrr;crtfr.i . . i i . . - .mo f -:- b:i-..'.rerii. or t r; r--a i coituro i

t b rm (' --, i ?; , r r. i S f T- - I

rll O I.. Iii V ;T.-l- f. y ..t .1 -ar.a too Lave n.Paptoil its i

r,o:rr srior.s. The benefits to he e- - j

p cteii may r.--; jnau iy ror.'i;n' p.n !

article in the Atlantic for;r:il.y for ;

by Professor Shalor, who !

;".v- -. ah.on-.tth- .r r-s- nit. of physicalcnitnr, as observer l by h.m for

no exaraole'? of (Irankeribvss inthe ch:-e- s of which 1,- -; has brutei. a;":o. wlire before there were re-dlar- iy

floen ..arnplos. Hei . .

r: !.-'- . j. r,0' . rue Ce r.: of to! aeco:r i er,ecial7 in

hich nsoti to onr.; it- -v:rti a so'Itlen state, 'vf-.-

fen ."! on ':! nave CO n S i fleral 1 V i

Jexit of r.s i



All (foods at GreaUy

fin, : : . t?i t

'erapri-e- d live-er it.v. i'o'.r f: i:ik-'.v!ie- -, on icrudity to attdn opi-ia- in p-- c-'. .r:, and o- - e ea. .i i r tor, a enm ;

l.m'ia di ' cor.du.-t- , ;Hault :


ar-- baicere.

.1 ' u ; as r-- --..'-';i Cii 'OO- ia ! ii :n

I ai v -',

,t V

n :s :t L. - dkap;i,W.1L"'. I i'i;- X o t v:ta t--

j ; ; lao i ae i, ! .'j; . oouso s; rn:iarSVaikaoa an i P:;kii, Vv'.ouie.-- . K.voai.

Ik n-- e x xld v.Ph a ' er:'ndH. Ten- - !

le'-.-- i i rw irt v lied GUiN. rs m an



ro frt-ant-l IVn'iriii.-i'io- t f.'i-ini- j ,

.itnt.-r- y

ii.. f,iri-ir:o-'.-- rua an


jtbe r:it h'A v.rry appreciative v-ii-

enc31 Lit J ' en tat i in of j

iit the Op-r- a II.'-;;.-- onMi. ay O Ve dr --

. 'i-- . i'e of t;:eiispiririr; s.s '" o.T e::.pty ehairi.d.-Pe- r Can;," and drace

i 1 tr ,r,r.'"i :..e c aneoj. w t.n .ina:.:'o.iT.e'i t'.nt von b"arty appai

ei:'i of the rn.:ny .,od hi'.--

A ejrar-.- sa';rd eor..--M"- will bo given!

tn-- 'atiir-oV-'.:-- Oparit:c Coabi:;a-tie-r- .

ia Church on r. T!iis ! ho : fi.-- i .: ri'-- hv

Ga.r.pc"' ar; . '. . . : i

or.iT. r eir- - ie i ! ,y Mr.

.' r. i.ri-ard- -t bar eiih e ;:n. md -. j alt.Ol,')!. - iO, Mi- .-. ifie t

hi.v Ti.ry ion:-;- ':or; .rm on r. .:n', -r- -J,

( t (j ; t r.far. i . . - ii'V-- r

art. ;'

"el !ov : . . i ev -i- n.; at

):- ra ' i ,t a 'ju phnv-atar-yi y rallb th it ijt

p.-.:-".' ""Luc: i di.ii..:: al-!'- J

I.i.. i j

iab.r.I". iu.! , iw rt.

I.i' Tb:- -.. at

n r i . : ."


i . K .

i v,." IT.

Vv'.t.!M ir


r..t.ix.i;: i'.jn'i:


'.!'.- -

d i




Pioneer Shirt .Fnclory, of iionohilu.17 i:iMin?. ShrciH.

T). n i) 1r.r'pri.'l t..; o Inforrn if j.iii.lic f.fivtr a ii r- - rr.en t . iirf f'-- r t If fit' .'i'"rn

White Shirts, Over Khirfs aad SirJit (Jowjih..A fit jjnrtrnnf 1 y mikin;; a HAin; ! c',),.

A ,fr l: dl Trlej. )! 1 I o.

The ol:!y ( and

Am lle i-- A(ivfr(1iln


; f

Page 4: Sydney NOTT,or digestive power, pepsin.!Vvine that is intended to act as fooc is most beneficial when taken slowly during the course of the meal. The ob-jection as regards the ill


T.nt OF KOMAN tP!CUR3. (general 3ttrcrtiscuunt5.

Just Received ex Simp. MariposaNew York and Honolulu

Direct Linei i i i i i 'GEO. W. LINCOLN,


tractor, and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and a'.l kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my cure. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. V

4bpublic for past favors,remain respectfullv vours.


Thanking theI


HI Many Vurlwtlo- - of l'oiclne DWliosPreparation ntu Famom Condiment.

(Oinclnniti Enquirer. 1

Mr. JoiTorsoa gives a graphic pictureof tho delights of a cook overpork meat: "Tears of joyful anticipa-tion rolled down his cheeks when thofat porker dropped dead at his feet; andas ho wiped from tho prostrato creat-uro'- s

lips tho stains of the sweet intoxi-cating drink whuh had induced thofatal apoulexy, ho smiled with tenderexultation, lit had reason to lovo theanimal which arlordod him materialsfor his daintiest p reparations. of porcine dishes areAlmost countless. Tho spit, Iho grid-iron, tho frying-pan- , tho oven, thoboiler and the a.ow-pa- n were all em-ployed iy turns in preparing tho flesh,whi( h was tho passion of Roman ep-

icures, and to wnich tho culinary pro-fessors could impart no less than eightyditlerent ilavors.

Tho Apieian cook wa3 never prouderof himself and his profession than whenhe .niil'ed the fragrant exhalations of af.mall baked pig, which had been stutledWith a compound of thrushes, beccaficos,minced 'pluck,' dates, onions, snails,mallows, beets, leeks, colery, cabuago,coriander seeds, popper," pinenuts audgaruru. His hands trembled with fiuoemotion as ho mado a deep incisiondown tho porker's back and poured intoit a hot mixture of peppor, rue, g.irum,Bw et wine, honey and oil, thickenedwith frumenti. "

Tho preparation above mentioned un

"W Y E T II 5 S

LIQUID MALT EXTRACT;Contains all the nutritive virtues of the best Malt Liquors while it is FREE

from all stimulating ctlects.--o-

NOT .A. BEVERAGE.The following analysis the proportion of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Com-

pared with Malt Liquors:

Extractive w,-Alcohol.


English siall beer 3.-- 1 2.4 91.1

Laser beer (Brooklyn)... 2.8 j 2.3 94.1

Malt extract (Wyeth's) 2.f4 j 15.0 82.4J



-- :o:-




Subscription, :

Or 50 Cents







$6.00 per Annum

per Montli :

by Carrier.

The Manufacturers, Messks. Jxo. Wyetii ipc Fro., Ihil., havo appointed


The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES.

StanHs First kug As Mi Life Assurance Csspaies of tle-- f orM

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Assets. Dec. 31, 1837, : : : 85.Outstanding Assurance S4S3,039,5G3New Business of 1887 13S,I3,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) I 8, lO 1 ,ri55Increase in Surplus during the Yetr 1.74S.37!Increase in Assets during the Year , 80S, 433Tetal Income 23,340,4JPremium Income lt,l 1 i,7 75Percentage of Assets to Liabilities l- -

A Careful Study oTtlie above Troves Conclusively that the Equitable" Societyis the most Profitable and Secure 'Life Assurance

Company for intending1 Assurers.


From New Zealand !

The First Lot of New Zealand

PotatoesA 5 1)


II. MAY & CO.3."-l- w


PiiCHiu Plantation", 1

Hawaii, Mareh f, 1388.)

Risdon Iron and Locomotive 'Worki, Saa r"ranCisco.

Gentlemen "We kave Tund two f yonrFitter PiTSKei tbi reason. Thej

are convenient, eua;lv Imnd'ed and ar woriciaentirely to our sat;.f.4Ctia. I cai reccmmedno iBupro ftmcnt io teem.

Tery respectfully years.(signed) A. MooitH,

Ia,nr,(;er Faauhau PlaaUtiea.

Thfse Presses are beina carried in stock InHonolulu anl are Hold at the very low priceof JtG50.t0 in Honolulu to meet theceinanaA consignment is now on the way.

Kifldon Iron & Loco. Works,82 1231 2m San Francisco

To --Arrive !

Rock Salt for Cattle.

AiTA few tons still undisposed of.


TlIEO. H. DAVIES & Co.14(3-- 1 in


Importer!, Wholesale and BetailDealers im

Groceries and Proyisions.

XJTlco House floods Special ty.TEfc181-- tf

JOS. TINKER,Family & Shipping Butcher

City Market, Nuuanu St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

Dairy-fe- d Tork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

Corned Ueef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


257""N. 1L All meats delivered everymorning within a radius of three milesof the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to withpromptness and dispatch. 114-l- m







T. C. Jor.M. Jr President and Manager.1. (. C.irti r Treasurer and SerreUryHon. W. r. Allen Auditor


Hon. C. R. Bishop. Bon. H. WaterliOUBe

LOVE'S BAKERY.o- - 73 'iiiiriu Street.

XIT.a. ROI5T. LOVE, ... rroprietrosB.


A First-clas- s Vessel will b Dispatchedfrom w York hy AV. II. Crou-ma- n

& Iiro. in

Febniaiy Next for Honolulu

3TAll parties wishins to avail themselves ofthis o portunity must send n their orders atan early date to insure their heing rearty for thevessel, and to enable them to secure as large a

vessel as possible.

Castie & Cooke,162-l- AGENTS.

T 3EI 23


PERFUME.Murray & Lanman's


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Prof. Alexander Wassiliewitsch Poehl

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FLORIDA WATLK doeaM)l contain any integral partswhich could be pernicious tohealth "

tion has shown that Murrayfew & Lanman's FLORIDAAf ATPP nofs! in a vola

tilized state a greater ability andpower to purify the air than 'Eau

Murray '& Lanman'sFLORIDA WATER is farpreferable to the well -- knownCologne Waters.

No. CiOl Sept. 30th, 1SS6.

Christmas Goods

Toys, Dolls !

Bonbons !

Fancy Vases, Glassware

Christmas and New Year's Cards


THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.140 im

Ex Hark II. Hackfeldf ROM LlVFIU'OOL,


Selwig & Lanse's Patent

18 to SO ClampersWhich have rrovel a F.reat success at I.ihr.,

n.iiiainuiilu, Kf kaf-.a- , Vi:nea. Ko'.oa, La'ur'ina,Ltjip-.j-ioh-'- t', eic, aii'.l which aie jiroviJedwith the latest iiiiprovi-meuts- ; al;;o,



Sugar Coolers ,ground corntrs)

Iron Tanks, ?, size ;

Daxtsr Kniiies,Dean 's Steam I'unjps,

Steel Kails & Fixtures i

i Portable Track sio- -i & Switches,Corrugated Iron, all lenrtlis;

i ire I'.ri. ks, Slatt-s- ,

Fire Clay, Asbestos,

White Bros Portland CementGermariia P. Cement,Ker Shook?, Rivets,Sugar and Coal Par.,Coal P.askets, Twine,Stockholm and Coal Tar, Etc.

For Sale at Lowest Kales by

II. HACKFELD & CO.130-I- m

Printing Establishment



f T -

q it


der the narno of "garuux" appears tohavo boon the condiment in greatest uo-ruan-

No ban iuet was approved unless gnrum dominated tho flavor of mostof the, ui.shes. H was used in soups andetews, in ragouts and sausages, in force-meats and salmagundis of tishes. Ira-pr- o

ing most materials, and agreeingwith ail, it was poured liberally onllesh, tish, gatue and fowl and hundredsof messes, each of which contained froma doea to iiftj ingredients.

And now, at tho risk of destroyingsomebody's appetite for his single s luarameal of tho on tho Sabbath day,a description of tho method of preparingthis famous Koman condiment, withoutwhich no meal was a s juaro ono in thosense of being satisfactory.

"This ex jui jito condiment," says ourhigh authority, "was obtained from theintestines, gills and blood of fishes,great and small, stirred together withsalt, and exposed in an open vat to thopun until the compound was putrid.Kothinz is known as to tho proportionsof the several pisciuo ingredients: butwhile small fishes were thrown wholointo tho vessel, tho large fishes such astunny, sturgeon and mackerel con-tributed nothing to tho mess savo theirgills, internal parts and juices. Whenputrefaction had done its work wino andspice herbs wcro added to tho li pies-ce- nt

garbago. Finally tho liquor ofthis toothsome compound was strainedand sent from Greece to tho Romanmarket."

If there is anything in modern cook-ery that nearly approaches tho infamouscompound abovo described as tho indispensablo adjunct of tho square meal oftho ancient Romans, certainly it is notdescribed in any of tho thousand andono cook books, tho attempt to followwhich has brought discomfort and dis-appointment to so many an otherwisesensiblo American housewife.

A Trnns-Silerla- a Railway.The schcmo for a trans-Siberia- n railway

Is being brought prominently before theFrench public, and fche hoards in the oldstockings of tho peasants will try to findan investment in it. Tho iron road prob-ably will be finished beforo tho LcssepsPanama canal, although not yet begun.It is to run for C,000 versts across Siberia,and will cost J3S0,000,000 rubles. Ofcourse, tho stato will undertake to do it,but with capital gathered on tho StockExchanges of the world. Tho engineerswill have nice pickings and lickings.Twenty millions of rubles will be spent onten of tho bridges. Paris Letter.

Tlio Monk and tho Ladies.The Indian railway officials are likely

to be placed in nn position,for not, only do English ladies demand totravel alone, but tho Buddhist monkshavo requested to be allowed to do solikewise. Tho government of Ceylon re-plied to their reverences that when anynumber of monks travel together theywill bo accorded every facility for notbeinc intruded upon, but that the railwaycertainly cannot give a single lru-n- acarriage to himself. London Life.

PracticalNo ono who knows anything about

in principle mid practice disputes the'act that it pays. A fresh aud interestingproof of this has just come- to me. A younggrocery clerk iu a wholesale house foundhimself out of a job some time ago. lielived in Harlem, in a neighborhood tenantedchiefly by people cf limited moans liko him-self. Knowing tho value of produce ho hadoften remarked to his wifo on the advanceprice charged up town by purveyors of thonecessities of lite, and when he found he hadnothing elso to occupy his time with he com-menced to buy the family supplies downtown and carry them home in a basket. Ancih!or in the house surest that heshould do the marketing for her, too, localisekha fancied th? goods he purchased were bet-ter than thase she got from her grocer andbutcher. She paid him the uptown price forthem, so Ihnt he not only got his own sup-plies ut bottom figures, but hud the expenseof briuging them up town more thau paidfor.

This siiggprf.od an idea to him. Ha madeout. price list, charging an advance on costim still loss than the local scale, secured thesupport of some lucre ne:Lior3 and com-menced to market for them daily in a wagonthat he hire. I by tho month. In this way hogot his own fixl supply for nothing. Thensome cf his customers proposed to form aregular association, pay Ir'm a salary for doiing tho business and enjoy the Ixmenc of thosaving themselves, lie readily fjthis, and is now purveyor j.;enrs ? semetwenty families, ets a bicr salary khan hereceived through his clerkship aud hopes tobuild tho society up into a strong

with its own store and stall. Al-fred Trumblc in IJow York Is'ews.

An Inquisitive Vui:ii;lor.Bobby (readiug) Pa, what is the moaning

of homo get; its'Father Let mo see it moans that Homer

was a genius.Hobby Well, who was Homer?Father (irascibly) Didut 1 just tell you

that ho was a Renins J

Mother (coming to tho old man's assistance)Bohby, you mustn't bother vour father

when bo is reading his paper. The Epoch.

Hope for Young Mi-n- .

"Who says that there is not hope for thayoung men of today ? Of Amherst's ninety-thre- e

freshmen but seventeen smoke tobacco.A tobacco report from the class three yearsfrom now will bo interest iu. -- New Yorkftun.

2uvCr wa-- u woolen goods or blankets on ncloudy iay.


Represents the Interests of the Politician, the Merchant, thoPlanter, the Storekeeper, the Lawyer, the Workman, and, infact, all Classes of the Community.

Merchant St.,

.'r XT'- -


Has for many years been noted for its Report of LegislativProceedings, Important Law Cases, etc. These ara recordedVerbatim when the importance of the occasion warrants it.

THE ADVERTISERPlain and Fancy Printing


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THE ADVERTISERLnw Books and Blanks, Tamplilets of any kind,

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Lithograph Colored C.trJs, Business r.nd Visiting Cards,

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Is copious and prompt in the publication of Local News, andits readers are kept constantly posted as to the course of orentain other parts of the world, particularly in the United Statei. "

Letterheads printed


'kL'vcry rescr?pticn of Tlain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,f res n

Soda Crackers

Saloon Bread.'. Innys on Hand.

tmiek: beeadA SrECIJLTT.

Inland Orders Promptly Attended to,172-8- n


II. M. WJIITXEY, Business Ianager. Honolulu, II. I.