swisslinked- professional networking

Connecting individuals and communities through business and/or volunteering

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Post on 13-Mar-2016




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SwissLinked is the safest and most tursted professional networking platform in Switzerland. Join us today!


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Connecting individuals and communities through business and/or volunteering

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SwissLinked is the safest and most trusted networking platform for professionals.

We verify the identity of every new member, manually and one by one.

We are proud to say that we do not have any fictive account! And this is way more than any other online networking platform can tell.

We offer on- and offline possibilities to connect with like-minded individuals and businesses.

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1) Networking Online- in safe environment;

2) Regular Offline Events;

3) Possibility of volunteering in our CommunityLinks charity;

4) Professional support;

5) Membership Card;

6) Blog, to direct traffic to our members’ websites.

What we offer to SwissLinked members:

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There are several SwissLinked forums to discuss and to connect:-Job Market;-Speakers’s Corner;-Events;-Professional Groups.... and many more!

1) Networking Online- in safe environment

PM: Possibility of sending private messages to other members.

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2) Regular Offline Events

We organize:

- Afterwork drinks;- Roundtable discussions;- Workshops;- Zug Job Fairs;- Runaways;

SwissLinked events are always different, we make sure that every member finds events to attend!

- Parties;- Earth Matters! symposiums;- Networking lunches;- Events with keynote speakers- School Matters! discussions

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3) CommunityLinks

Being part of the community of our area very important but today in Switzerland this is not easy. We all feel that there are two parallel societies coexisting; the foreigners (25% of the Swiss population) and the Swiss without points of contact.Our goal is to build few bridges, create few integrated islands, bringing the the two communities together. We believe that the best way to do it, is through work and mostly working with children.We have different initiatives supporting different groups of children. We would like to give an opportunity to the locals to benefit from the ever growing expat community.

Not everybody would like to pursue a professional career during the years spent in Switzerland, but everybody would like to make a difference.

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4) Professional Career Support

We hand you the best solution for helping trailing partners to start a professional life in Switzerland.

The training consists of 5 modules:

• Swiss History, Life and Culture:  we'll discuss geographical, linguistic and cultural specialties which influence the society, political and business life.

• Personal Development: we'll help to identify where does the course participant stand in his/her personal and professional biography, and the next career steps. 1h individual coaching can be included into the program upon request.

• Find your job in Switzerland: how to write a modern Swiss CV and how to use social media in job hunting. 1h individual interview-training session can be included in this module.

• Swiss Business Culture: dos and don'ts in a multicultural but fundamentally Swiss environment.

• Regulatory Framework of working in Switzerland and Starting up Business: Introduction to Labor and Corporate law. We'll discuss the psychology behind starting a business, how to write a business plan, importance of cash-flow, introduction to marketing and market research.

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The SwissLinked Card is an important additional

service offered to SwissLinked members. Many

services, restaurants, shops etc have a special offer

for cardholders-make the most out of the card and use

it often!

For businesses the card represents a useful marketing

tool. Our card will help you to acquire new costumers

and to ensure their fidelity.

5) Membership Card

For the updated list of offers check the website

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SwissLinked has many small business members, who find it difficult to run an interesting and intriguing blog on their own. There is simply not enough time in one day to write or not enough stories to tell.

We all know by now that writing a blog drives traffic to the website and gives a good exposure to businesses.

We put 1+1 together and started a collective blog, where every business member can contribute. The reader will always find something to read here, one day one SwissLinked member, the other somebody else will have

6) Swiss-Biz-Blog

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In order to become a member of SwissLinked some rules need to be upheld in the aim of guaranteeing the privacy of our members and the well being of the professional platform:

-An individual cannot be anonymous, we will check the picture and personal information uploaded onto the website. Our members can invite their friends or business partners to SwissLinked, we feel that we don't need to check the identity of new members introduced in this manner.

-Our forums are not moderated, but to ensure that the forum environment is comfortable for all members, the Webmasters keep a diligent eye on threads.

-Stick to factual and personal information in your profile. We would love to see an appropriate picture of you in your profile. No other pictures are accepted.

SwissLinked Rules- nothing more than common sense