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The Business of Golf


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Golfer’s paradise2 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Publishers Letter

Editors Letter

Wort des Direktor


The Swingtime Golf Show : Episode 1

Marc Farry Professional Golfer

Golf Insight

Ladies Golf

Kids Golf

Media Dayat Four Sesons Golf Club Anahita

1st Bern Golf Trophy

Golf News

Profi le : Mr. V. T. Rajah

The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation

Biz Bits


Benz & Partners

Acorn Fund Profi le



















32 50




Contents2 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Page 5: Swingtime Mauritius 10th issue

3Golfer’s paradiseSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

A publication of Market Info Direct Mauritius Ltd

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PhotosEmotion Golf Events

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The Grand Mauritian

The Springs Hotel and Golf Club

Sunset Cruise

Tech & Trends

Golf Fashion

Fit Round

Asian Tour

Golf Tips


Golf Du Château

Kyocera Golf Tournament

Swingtime’s Friends
















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© Copyright : Swingtime MauritiusISSN No. 1694-0687

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3Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

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5“A work of ART between EMOTION and REASON”(Swingtime Quote)

Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

There are forces that exert their infl uence on our lives driving us to greatness. Golf specifi cally, creates an all encompassing passion that permeates every aspect of the golfer’s life. The fi rst taste of the intensity of feeling that golf evokes is powerful. There exists a shining light at the intersection of the mind and the heart, and golf is that blazing light.

Golf, like life is all about moving forward. From the fi rst swing, there is no going back. Complete focus and commitment are the building blocks of a successful round, and this is also evident when applied to achieving goals, be they personal or professional. Golf in its unique and indomitable way carries within it the very essence of overcoming adversity and perseverance. The fuel for rising up to meet the challenges that golf and life present is passion. From those who were initially limited by their physicality through birth or accidents, to those emotionally and psychologically tested by circumstances, the depth of passion that golf institutes is potent and powerful, and they have not only overcome their adversity, but have transcended them to the highest peak of greatness. I have seen golfers who have inculcated the true essence of the philosophies and ethics golf instils reach deep within them and act with unfailing courage and their experiences are a true testimony to the power of golf.

Do we apply the same exhilaration and passion we feel on the golf course to the rest of our lives ? It is clear that we approach the various aspects of golf, particularly the ones we don’t necessarily like with a determined single-mindedness that surely, issues our own lives can also derive the benefi t of. Are we as brave in life as we are on the golf course ? Do we show the same passion for the needy ? Golf holds up the mirror to these questions. What is refl ected is determined by us.

I would like to acknowledge and express gratitude to the sponsors of The 2nd Swingtime Corporate Challenge 2010 : Skyprops Finance Services, The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation, Constance Belle Mare Plage, The Grand Mauritian, The Labourdonnais and The Le Suffren, Adamas, Subraconsult, Emotions Golf Events, Air Mauritius, Bonny Air and Market Info Direct (Mtius).

I would also like to welcome our guests from Switzerland :Ms. Ruth Linder, Ms. Maria Komorowski, Mr. Stephan Keller and Mrs. Carmen Keller, Mr. Gilbert Schöni and Mrs. Helena Schöni. I value your presence and am pleased you could join us.

For the love of the game

ALAN DUVAL(Publisher)

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7EditorialSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

A letter from the EditorAs every golfer well knows, golf instils a passion that burns like no other. It will take you to the edge of reason, testing your faith in all that is good in the world. I have seen golfers shake at the very edge of patience and sanity, with primeval groans issuing from their lips in frustration. I have also seen golfers glow with pride, bathing in a halo of accomplishment, and the ensuing beatifi c smile on their faces lasting for days. It is a game of such vivid contrasts. The perfect metaphor for life I would intuit.

Recently I have come into contact with so many golfers uttering the same phrase: “Golf has given me so much”. From business leaders, C.E.O’s, professional players, amateurs to kids who have just taken up the game, they all get a certain faraway gaze inward, a fl eeting introspection. This had me pondering the theme of how and what golf gives. Many have said golf made them change for the better. It is a sport that certainly keeps you grounded. A fragile ego will be sorely tested. But perseverance is rewarded with such an uncanny glance into the “real” you. I’ve noted how accomplished golfers display incredible generosity with sharing their skills and knowledge, eager to pass it on to new comers. The superstars of the golfi ng world seem driven to improve the lot of the disadvantaged by investing in charities, establishing foundations, building golf clinics and sponsoring thousands. I love how every American PGA Tour card holder have a charity program they support. It is clear then that golf actively encourages giving.

That act of giving can have far reaching effects. When a golfer gives it can change lives. I saw this in the work that the Ruth Linder Peter foundation does in Nepal as seen on page 32. When a golfer gives it is a powerful thing. In the end it is easy to understand why. They have been given so much.

Have a great round !

Rob GreeffThe Editor

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Das beste Golf ist für die Katz, sind wir alleine auf dem Platz. Golf entfaltet seine magische Anziehungskraft durch die Verbindung von Technik und Taktik, sowie von Spiel und Gesellschaft. “Der guten Menschen Hauptbestreben ist, andern auch was abzugeben.” Die Lebensweisheit von Wilhelm Busch verdeutlicht dass Golf spielen und dabei Gutes tun, noch wertvoller ist. Gerade in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten besteht noch mehr Bedarf an gemeinnütziger Hilfe.

In meiner 20-jaehrigen Karriere als Fernsehkommentator hatte ich immer eine besondere Bewunderung für den amerikanischen Tour-Spieler Brad Faxon. Der mittlerweile fast 50-jaehrige hatte zwar das Charisma eines Cord-Sofas, doch was viele nicht wissen, er engagiert sich seit langem zusammen mit seinem Freund und Golfkollegen Billy Andrade sehr stark im Wohltätigkeitsbereich und hat schon zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten. Die – im Jahre 1991 gegründete – Billy Andrade/Brad Faxon Charities for Children hat bislang über 3 Mio. $ für bedürftige Kinder bereitgestellt. Faxon erhielt neben seinen 9 Tour Siegen und 2 Ryder-Cup Teilnahmen folgende Auszeichnungen: 1999 Charles Bartlett Award (für “unselfi sh contributions to society”), 2002 Gold Heart Award (von der American Heart Association in Anerkennung der Wohltätigkeit) und im Jahre 2002, den Ambassador of Golf Award.

Meine höchste Anerkennung gebührt in diesem Monat Ruth Linder. Die Schweizerin unterstützt die ärmsten Kinder in Nepal und schenkt ihnen eine Perspektive für die Zukunft. Sie ist unser Ehrengast beim Swingtime Corporate Challenge. Mit Ihrem Goodwill und durch die Gastfreundschaft des paradiesischen Hotels Belle Mare Plage wollen wir gemeinsam einen weiteren Meilenstein für die Nachhaltigkeit unserer starken Idee legen, den Golfsport perfekt zu inszenieren.



9Wort des DirektorsSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

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Adopt-a-golfer10 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

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11Adopt-a-golferSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

ADOPT-A-GOLFERThe Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer Program has presented a true challenge to its participants. Under the direction and guidance by Mauritius Professional Golf Champion (2009) Billy Narraina, the Swingtime Adopted Golfers have been put through a strict teaching sequence including the following:

Long Game with analysis and review of : • Driving • Fairway Woods • Long Irons (3,4,5) • Medium Irons (6,7,8) • Short Irons ( putting wedge and sand wedge)

Short Game with analysis and review of : • Pitching • Chipping • Bunker shots • Putting

On the Course with analysis and review of : • Recovery Shots • Course Management

The above technical curriculum is combined with a theoretical component utilizing Darrin Gee’s Seven Principles of Golf and Behavioural Psychological Golf Profi ler.

Billy explained that the training program began with an intensive analysis concerning all aspects of the game and levels of play for each Adopted Golfer. Deconstructing individual reviews of swing, aim, grip alignment, posture and back and forward swing indicated many problematic issues that had to be corrected and resolved. He further clarifi ed that although many are good players by end result of a tournament, it was vital for them to improve their swing creating an infallible consistent approach which in turn produces exceptional and accurate golf shots on demand, throughout a round of golf. Billy reported on the following Adopted Golfers.

Elodie Li Chor :Initially began with a set up that entailed an alignment problem and a posture not conducive to accuracy and not fi nishing with a good balance on the left foot. An adjustment to ball position ensured a rapid advancement. Working on her fi tness level will help her swing to progress. Overall she is attentive, patient and eager to improve.

Mourad Bundhoo :A bad posture and wrong alignment had to be corrected in conjunction with a weak grip with the right wrist open. With the 2nd week of training a vast improvement in posture was observed. Attention with regards to consistence was implemented as he would hit long with intermittent short shots. His long game has improved exceptionally fast and he is eager to apply himself to the technical aspects of his other clubs. Putting is his strength. Mourad is an asset to the Adopt-A-Golfer training program and has shown dedication by never missing one training session and is enthusiastic about improving his level of play.

Ridwan Purdassy :Began with a grip that had the left wrist closed. This resulted in every ball going left of the target and not getting the proper ball fl ight. This matter was addressed to compensate for windy conditions and preparing him to play a lower handicap. With the ambition of playing professional in the future, strategies of consistency and excellence have been focused on.

Yohan Kan Wah :Was bending forward too much. The posture problem resulted in the ball going to the left. This was corrected and is now hitting very accurate. Yohan has a great future; he is very attentive, patient and has a serious approach to his training. He is currently playing 2 to 3 shots better than his normal handicap with reference to the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer Program.

Adish Ramsaha :Has an excellent set and posture although he was dropping his left shoulder on the swing backward. He plays to his handicap although needs to work on the mental aspect as he tends to make unnecessary mistakes when scoring well. He will defi nitely be playing better in the next 3 months as he is very attentive and should be playing a handicap of 8 to 9 soon if he continues to apply himself. He is a very good asset for the Adopt-A-Golfer Program.

The Adopt-A-Golfers have been featured on the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer Golf Tips Show, showcasing their talent, highlighting their profi les and introducing the sport of Golf with tips and techniques to the people of Mauritius.

The Adopt-A-Golfers will also be participating in the 2nd

Swingtime Corporate Challenge this year, getting the opportunity to meet potential sponsors for their future careers as Professional Golfers.

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The Swingtime Golf Show12 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Swingtime Golf Show production team and panel guests

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13The Swingtime Golf ShowSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

The Swingtime Golf Show: EPISODE 1The Swingtime Golf Show “Where we talk the business of Golf” was launched on MBC with a lively start. The “talk show”, a fi rst for Mauritius, was conceptualised to bring insightful perspectives into the golfi ng industry and sport in Mauritius, and further champion the cause for the democratization of golf, dispelling its elitist status and opening up the wonderful world of golf to all by bringing it into the homes of all Mauritians. The talk show will explore the dynamic intersection of Business and Golf. Golf has become the lingua franca of the business world providing a fantastic platform for networking and generating clients as well bolstering brand awareness.

Episode 1 illustrated the above theme. It showcased a cross-section of guests that included Mr. Dass Thomas C.E.O of Mauritius Telecom and amateur golfer who shared with us how he came to play golf, the added value of golf for business networking and the further development of the sport in Mauritius.

Dieter Praun, former Director of Golf at Constance Belle Mare Plage, the Links and Legends Golf courses shed some light on the very interesting aspects of the golfi ng industry here in Mauritius and internationally, and spoke about what was required to encourage the participation of more local Mauritians in golf.

Mauritian Professional Golf Champion of 2009, Billy Narraina shared his experience of his career and how the sport has developed over the years with particular reference to the obstacles that local golfers had to contend with in furthering their careers. He drew attention to the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer program helping talented local Mauritian youth develop their skills. Such programs were not available when he began playing golf.

The show is conducted in English and French and from time to time will be recorded on location as we explore various hospitality establishments and golf venues.

As the show progresses over 32 weeks business personalities, golfi ng personalities and various industries that cross paths with golf will be featured. Don’t miss an episode of the Swingtime Golf Show; we talk the business of golf !

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15Golf Profi le: Marc Farry

Marc FarryProfessional Golfer

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Golf Profi le: Marc Farry16 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Swingtime met with Professional Golfer Marc Farry and had a fascinating conversation about his career spanning over 20 years. Farry is a French Professional Golfer. He was born in Paris on the 3rd of July 1959 and began playing golf at the age of 7. He turned Professional in 1979 and spent his early career teaching Pro in Florida in the United States. He was a full member of the European Tour from 1989 to 2004 and was successful on the French Domestic Tour by winning 16 tournaments including the 2000 French PGA Championship. In 1996 he won the BMW International Open on the European Tour. He has since joined the Senior European Tour and played an integral part in bringing it to Mauritius. Farry is a Golf Ambassador for the Constance Hotel Group and also co-designed the Golf Course at the Lemuria Resort in the Seychelles with Rodney Write.

RG: What was the impetus for your passage into the world of Golf?

MF: My introduction to Golf came about because of my father. He was a regular amateur and picked up the sport at the age of 40 on the recommendation of a friend. My father was really taken with the game. Golf had truly cast a spell over him. I remember when I was 9 years old, my dad told me: “Marc, you will be a golfer, and not just an amateur like me, but a Professional”. He often told me had he known the game at my age it would have become his life calling.

RG: So golf was a fi rm part of your early childhood?

MF: Yes, but I didn’t like it. There were no youngsters for me to play with. When I was about 10 years old I was playing against people who were 60 years. In school I played rugby and

handball which I really enjoyed. From 14 to 16 years I was in the French team and we started traveling and playing against youngsters from Spain, German and Italy and that was fun. I really took to the sport at 16 years old with me playing competitively against kids my own age and representing my country which was very important to me.

RG: When did you turn professional ?

MF: I turned professional when I was 19 years old. My amateur career was pretty much done and dusted as I won the European Junior Champion. I had also played the European Senior Championship as well as the World Senior Championship. Entering the Professional ranking was important to me as I wanted to play with the best, improve my game and more importantly beat them.

RG: At the time of turning Professional, were there any particular golfers that inspired you?

MF: My favourite player was Ben Hogan. He had an unbelievable life and a fantastic work ethic. He had a terrible car accident and was told he would never play again. With hard work and training he won the US Open 2 years later. He also had a “modern” swing and brought much to golf-swing theory. Together with his ball-striking ability and different attitude he introduced a revolutionary concept to golf.

I admired Sam Snead too. He was exceptionally strong and was a very long hitter.

These 2 guys were essentially my idols but I must mention Ballesteros. We were good friends. He achieved much in his career and won many tournaments. He was incredible. He would be driving all over the place often landing 300 yards to the left or right of the hole, and always end up on the greens to make a birdie.

RG: What do you tell young aspiring golfers, like those in the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer program ?

MF: First and foremost it is important to have dreams, to have something to aim for. Today at the age of 50 I still have dreams. This has always continued to motivate me throughout my career.

Secondly, I am from the generation where physical fi tness was not very important. Golf

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17Golf Profi le: Marc FarrySwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

icons like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicholas and Lee Trevino were fantastic players, but were concerned mostly with technique. Diet, exercise and the likes of physical coaches were not that important. Today, these are vital aspects of a successful career. I think that Tiger Woods is the key player responsible for this holistic approach. A golf professional today looks like a real athlete; 30 years ago that was not the case.

I was lucky to play with Tiger Woods on 2 occasions. When I played with him in Hamburg, Germany, we had a long chat on the golf course. I asked him what his regular day was like. He explained that he was up at 6 am and had gone for a 50 minutes run. Upon his return he went to the gym for 50 minutes of weight training. After he had a light breakfast and was on the course around 9h30 am to practice for an hour and now we were on the 3rd hole. I illustrate this story to youngsters to explain his particular approach and attitude to golf and how 30 years ago this was completely different.

RG: What is your practice regime like ?

MF: Well in this part of the world it is less than it is in Europe due to the humidity and heat. Usually if I feel like I’m not playing well and I have to work on my game I practice for 4 hours then play golf for 9 holes followed by chipping and putting.

RG: For younger golfers like the Adopted golfers, how much time should they be putting in ?

MF: In my book, time is not really a key factor.

RG: So you would go for quality rather than quantity ?

MF: Exactly. You could practice for 10 hours but if you are doing something wrong it will take you 20 hours to correct it.

My personal belief is that you do have to practice as this is a game of “feeling”, but you should practice with the assistance of someone that you trust like your caddy or coach. This creates a good training session as you are able to correct problems in a short time. Golf has many aspects that need to be worked on and it is important to remember that.

RG: Over the years, what has been the impact of mental discipline on your career ?

MF: Well, we all have our ups and downs. Like many of my colleagues I wanted to quit many times because golf can sometimes be very frustrating. One can practice and work hard and have the sense that you are on top of your game, then have a tournament 2 weeks later and play absolutely horrible.

RG: I can only imagine that when you put in so much hard work and add in the passion for the game, playing badly must come as a double blow for the heart and the mind ?

MF: Absolutely. That is it exactly. I probably wanted to quit about 25 times in my career for various reasons including disappointment in my results and performance. But it is at that point that Golf can be so magical. You dig deep within yourself and persevere through it. You come out of that situation a better person and a better golfer. This is game that will rattle your nerves and test your resolve. Everyone is equal before the game of golf. I read a book called “The inner game of golf” by W. Timothy Gallwey which emphasized the importance of the mind in the sport of golf. It has stood me in good stead over the years.

RG: Tell us about your transition into the Senior European Tour ?

MF: I have since retired from the main tour business, but with the inception of the Senior European Tour I am still able to continue competitively.

RG: Effectively this tour extends the longevity of a professional golfer’s career.

MF: Absolutely. The Senior Tour will grow dramatically with new guys joining as they turn 50. Also it costs a lot less to sponsor such a tournament than a main tour event.

RG: What are the value added benefi ts for a company sponsoring golf or being involved ingolf ?

MF: Well, I have personally seen and been involved in golf days for businesses networking and generating new clients on the golf course. It is a fantastic way to put forward your brand, especially as golf continues to grow exponentially among amateurs.

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Golf insight18

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19Golf insightSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

GOLF INSIGHT by Robert GreeffMauritius can proudly lay claim to some cornerstones regarding the history of the sport of Golf. It is the 3rd country after the U.K and India where golf was played. The Gymkhana Golf Club can proudly boast as being the 4th oldest Golf Club in the world and the oldest in the Southern Hemisphere. With 150 years behind it, the Gymkhana Golf Club is the oldest golf club in Mauritius, originally founded as a service club for British Offi cers in the fi rst half of the nineteenth century. It is thus clear that golf in Mauritius occupies a very unique position in the heritage of what is today a multibillion dollar sporting phenomenon.

Should one be lucky to visit the home of Golf, you will fi nd that St. Andrews presents a cornucopia of golfi ng delights espousing insightful nuggets of history behind the sport. Together with playing the hallowed greens, a golf pilgrimage to St. Andrews is without a doubt enriched by the very visceral experience of soaking up golf, and much is done to facilitate an unforgettable encounter. To this end, St. Andrews has solidifi ed its stance in the world of Golf Tourism. It is at the fore of the Professional Golf Circuit and a great deal has to do with it being the very foundation golf is built on.

Following the U.K, India takes up the cudgel of the tradition of golf with equal fervour. A veritable sense of national pride is sewn into the fabric of the tourist economy with golf accounting for a hefty thrust. Golf Tours in India is a specialized industry refl ecting the cultural texture of its society and pays homage to its golf history and identity through multi-levelled marketing campaigns that are intrinsic to its success.

Turning our eye to the heritage of Golf in Mauritius was a gross disappointment. This being the digital age my fi rst port of call was the Gymkhana Golf Club website. It was very disheartening to discover only a few lines of text contributing to the briefest mention of its golf history. There were no images whatsoever or any documentary evidence supporting its claim. In fact, what was most alarming was the lack of any concerted drive to promote its heritage or its historical position. Being that Gymkhana is a private club, I wonder if the lack of interest in creating an invested relevance in the value of its history is wise ? What does it say to the rest of the world ? That a country who wishes to see itself as a premier golfi ng destination does not value its own personal history. How often is the old adage: “If you don’t know where you come from, you don’t know where you are going to”, thrown about ? Or, is Gymkhana not interested in the income generated by the avid golf tourist ? Mind you, I doubt that the expectations of the avid golf tourist will be met by the Gymkhana Golf Course, seeing as that its resources for maintenance are sorely tested. A recent visit indicated overgrown turf and grass in desperate need of cutting, and bald patches on greens presenting an alarm call for the intervention of reconstruction, or at the very least a revamp. Golfers often report that the course does not give a true account of skill or ability when putting. Course management takes on a whole new dimension as you can well imagine.

It will be a sad state of affairs for the history of the sport and particularly for the sport in Mauritius if Gymkhana cannot viably assume the respectful mantle it is due. And it should rightfully take its place as far as the heritage of the sport of Golf is concerned, so that all Mauritians can hold their heads up high.

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Ladies golf Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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Valérie Raffray

Francine DelloyeLily Tsang Man Kin

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Ladies golfSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Ladies Golf :

The Mauritius Gymkhana Club Ladies Morning:

Ladies Golf was proudly represented at the

Gymkhana Golf Club with a tournament sponsored

by AFRASIA bank Ltd.

With a fantastic turnout of 45 ladies, the

Tuesday morning tournament was inundated

with enthusiastic golfers of the fairer persuasion

showing their mettle on the golf course. The

morning began bright and early with fantastic

weather and an explosive start of ladies driving far

and true.

A battle of wits, nerve and skills ensued as the

ladies were pitted against each other in a friendly

challenge where a spirit of encouragement

reigned and great results were evident. The

tournament was followed by a spirited prize giving

and a delightful lunch.

Ladies Gross Winner Francine Delloye 77

Ladies Nett Winner Marguerite Kan Wah 62

Ladies Nett runner up Virmala Manna 64 ocb

Ladies Nett 3rd Martine de Froberville 64

Ladies Nett 4th Chow fee Ng 65

Ladies Nett 5th Lisette Lim Fat 68

Longest Drive Valerie Raffray on Hole 11

Nearest to the Pin Marcelle Blackburn 1mt60



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Balfour Municipality day :

Swingtime Mauritius has a vested interest in the local communities of Mauritius. With this in mind, we were present at the Balfour Municipality Family Day to introduce the sport of Golf to the children of the municipality workers of Balfour.

Many of the kids had never before been exposed to golf, let alone held a golf club in their hands, so it was incredible to see the sheer delight in their eyes as they tried out a sport new to them. With the kind assistance of Emotions Golf, Swingtime had a group of 60 children putting away.

Many of the children come from disadvantaged backgrounds and under normal circumstances would not have access or the opportunity to experience the sport. One of the tenets of Golf is “giving”. As a golfer you have to give of yourself fully when it comes to the game.

Golf kids Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London


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It requires a complete commitment to mastering the many aspects that the sport entails. It is also a sport that is based on the passing on of skills and knowledge. Someone has to show you the basics and all the tricks of the trade. We receive and in turn give to others. This process was so evident in “giving” to the kids.

The appreciation shown by the children when receiving Tao energy drinks, Swingtime t-shirts and instruction from Swingtime Golf Professionals was humbling. The sport of golf is powerful this way. What the team at Swingtime received at the sight of smiles on children’s faces is priceless. That golf through its philosophy and influence on children’s lives is amazing to behold. For all we know the next “Tiger Woods” received the first nudge onto a journey of golf greatness. Judging by the enthusiastic response of the children it would not come as any surprise if we saw them in a few years in the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer Program. It is events like these that serve as platforms for identifying talent and the importance and support of programs like Adopt-A-Golfer was reiterated. I would encourage other golf companies and corporates in reaching out to grass-root communities. Golf as a sport can span across all social strata and as displayed today can make a child smile. In the world today, that is worth more than any multi-million golf course.

Golf kidsSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London


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Media Day at Four Seasons Golf Club Anahita24 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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MEDIA DAY at Four Seasons Golf Club AnahitaFour Seasons Golf Club at Anahita invited various members of the Press and Media to attend a “Media Day”, showcasing the various aspects of their 2 year-old golf course and club, and to make an exciting announcement. The intersection of the leisure industry with that of golf is a seamless one. Hotels and Resorts in Mauritius recognize the international pull that the pursuit of golf has, not only to the tourist and holiday market, but to the business sector as well. SWINGTIME : The business of Golf, also attended.

The itinery included a visit of the golf course, golf academy, a press conference with The Director of Golf : Mr. Marc Amelot and a lunch at the Clubhouse.

The golf course designed by world-renowned golfer and course designer, Ernie Els, is something to behold. It is a 6,828 m, 18-hole, par 72 championship course with features that include 5 teeing areas, large fairways and 6 dramatic oceanfront holes. It is the fi rst course on the island to be built to USGA (United States Golf Association) standards. The course, in the words of designer Els : “features classic and innovative design touches to ensure that every hole is distinctive”. This is evident in how the course weaves through the rocky outcrops and trees of the tropical landscape, juxtaposed by the Bambou Mountains and Indian Ocean. The 320 m grass practice range with putting and chipping green is very much at home amongst the splendour of nature. The course overall is immaculately maintained and does not have the feel of intruding upon the beauty of the natural surrounding scenery. The Four Seasons Golf Academy was equally impressive with its attention to all the physical and mental aspects of the game, with attention given to full-swing, short game, course management, practice techniques, golf fi tness and properly fi tted equipment. It hosts a studio which provides video and computer swing analysis and utilizes the Dartfi sh software. In addition, the Club also has its own Fitness Centre and Pro-shop which stocks high-end merchandise. Rounding all of this off is the Club Restaurant, which seats 90 and offers panoramic views off the 18th hole and surrounding lagoon. It has 3 distinctive areas which include the main restaurant, an al fresco terrace and bar, all tastefully furnished in an expansive venue, with colours and textures refl ecting the natural environment.

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25Media Day at Four Seasons Golf Club AnahitaSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Taking all of the above into consideration I pondered that the Four Seasons Golf Club must surely be overrun with avid golfers desperate to take advantage of, and enjoy the many facilities I had seen. But my “wow-factor” was considerably diminished when I glanced around and registered that there was something amiss. Where were the golfers? My very pleasant ride on the golf cart to the signature hole and across the expansive course revealed only 6 individuals playing golf. We passed beautiful villas, a superb architectural realization of luxury golf living, but I was hard pressed to fi nd one that was not vacant or unoccupied. During the press conference on the 4th hole, amid the champagne and sophisticated hors d’oevres, Golf Director: Marc Amelot spoke of how after 2 years, the Four Seasons Golf Course was a great success and that they now had 2,000 golfers per month. He went on to mention further, that the course would be presenting a huge tournament in December, the likes of which had not yet been seen on the island. No further details were forth coming, aside from the participation of sponsors like Air Mauritius and the MTPA with CANAL PLUS MAURICE broadcasting the event to European countries. Concerning the prizes, he noted that they would have to be attractive to bring players, depending of course on the economic situation of the country, but that the necessary had been put in place logistically and all was moving forward.

When I enquired as to The Four Seasons Golf Course involvement in Corporate and Social Responsibility Initiatives and Programs under his direction, with specifi c focus on developing the talent of aspiring young golfers from Mauritius, Mr Amelot made reference to The Golf Academy and the various training facilities on offer. At this stage, there is only one golfer in his program. The initiative itself is not fully sponsored though and the participant bears part of the cost.

We returned to the Club House for a delightful lunch. The meal and service were excellent. Again though, there was only a sprinkling of diners dotted about. I later spoke to Priscilla Gurana, the Sales and Marketing Manager about the marketing strategy of the Four Seasons Golf Club at Anahita. Currently she said it was aimed at those investing in Villas (as home owners); with its marketing drive fl owing along the conduit of Four Seasons Resorts. Towards the end of the year greater focus would encompass the local market in pulling more golfers to the course. Regarding major golfi ng events, the biggest one so far is the Four Seasons Masters, with its second tournament happening this year. She reiterated Mr. Amelots’s announcement about the upcoming tournament.

It is interesting to note that given the effect of globalization and the dramatic effect of the world economy on the leisure industry internationally, changes within the marketing strategies as applied to Golf Courses in Mauritius need to be implemented. Whereas 20 years before, Resorts and Hotels and by extension, golf courses, plied a lucrative trade based solely on reputation and the “holiday tourist” paradigm. The holiday visitor and avid golfer has become much more discerning, expecting quality and above all value for money. Although the Four Seasons Golf Course at Anahita fulfi ls all the necessary aspects of providing a quality golfi ng experience, based purely on the observation of very few golfers on the course, it appears to be on a slippery slope within the context of the golfi ng world stage, with new golf courses erupting all over countries in the East, and many golf courses internationally adopting aggressive and cost competitive marketing campaigns. It would be a sad day if the Four Seasons Golf Club at Anahita became a white elephant not realizing its full potential.

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Swiss Invest Group presents :

1st Berne Golf Trophy - 28th June, 2010

Swiss Invest Group cordially invites you to THE TOURNAMENT of theyear. We lead through the first Berne Golf Trophy at Golfpark Moossee.Spend the time with us enjoying a memorable day with sportingactivities, culinary highlights and interesting gifts.


Date: 28th June, 2010

Place: Golf Course Moossee, Moosseedorf

Start: 11.30 hrs Shotgun

Categories: Single Stableford / 18 holes

Dinner: 19.00 hrs Restaurant Du Théâtre

The participants will have the opportunity to use the premises of the

Golfpark Moossee to change clothes. We will individually move to the

Restaurant Du Théâtre which is located in the heart of Berne.

Transportation can be arranged by the organizer for those participants who

need one. We are looking forward to your early enrollment and hope for many


Yours sincerely,

Swiss Invest Group

1st Bern Golf Trophy Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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27Golf newsSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Winners of the National Final round at the fi fth TAKE Solutions World Corporate Golf Challenge 2009 - 10, ‘Swiss Military’ company and ‘Dynamic Lifter Organic’ will now represent Team India at the World Final of World Corporate Golf Challenge in Cape Town, South Africa. This tournament will bring together teams across from all over the globe to compete from May 4 - 9th, 2010 on magnifi cent Oubaai Golf course as well as the Fancourt Links. TAKE Solutions is the offi cial Indian qualifi er for the event.

Manav Sardana and Aman Sahwney will represent team ‘Swiss Military Products’; while ‘Dynamic Lifter Organic’ will be represented by Yohann Pedder and Sameet Sanghrajka. The players will undergo an intense practice session over a span of two days in Oubaai and Fancourt; for enhancing the performance on the D-day.

At the World Corporate Golf Challenge last year, Team India was represented by company Rahul Gautam Divan & Associates (RGDA). The fi nal was held in La Manga Golf Club, Spain from June 29th - July 3rd 2009.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Srinivasan HR, Vice Chairman & Vision Holder, TAKE Solutions said, “Firstly, I would like to thank the sponsors, players and team members for their immense support at the India series. We are happy that the all the rounds of the TAKE Solutions World Corporate Golf Challenge not only received an overwhelming response but have also witnessed great enthusiasm across corporates.” He further added, “We congratulate the teams for making to the World fi nal and wish them luck to bring the laurels home.”

About TAKE Solutions World Corporate Golf Challenge : The TAKE Solutions World Corporate Golf Challenge - India is the only offi cial Indian qualifying tournament to select the Indian Team for the World Corporate Golf Challenge Finals. The World Finals have been held annually since 1994 at the exclusive La Manga Club in Spain apart from one edition each in Jamaica, Mauritius and Kuala Lumpur. India started participating in it since 1999 and TAKE Solutions is associated with the event since the year 2005. www.takesolutionswcgc.com

About TAKE Solutions:TAKE Solutions is a leading software and services provider with domain expertise in Life Sciences (LS) and Supply Chain Management (SCM). With intellectual property assets embedded within its technology solutions, and with a set of best practices executed by skilled domain and technology professionals, TAKE is constantly looking at opportunities to drive effi ciencies for its clients’ businesses.

Headquartered in Chennai, TAKE primarily drives its SCM Domain Excellence Centre and Global Delivery Centre from India. Company has strong presence in the USA with Life Sciences Domain Excellence centres located in Princeton, New Jersey. The Company conducts business today with more than 390 customers worldwide.

TAKE has been recently recognized as India’s 10th fastest growing technology company by Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India 2008 and has also been assessed at Level 5 of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) & Level 3 of the People Capability Maturity Model, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. TAKE is also a Microsoft Gold Certifi ed Partner, a Charter Member of the Microsoft BioIT Alliance, and along with its subsidiary (ACI), is a Registered CDISC Solution Provider, with recognized industry leadership in Microsoft-based Solutions, Regulated Life Sciences, and Supply Chain Management.

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29Profi le: Mr. V. T. Rajah

SSwingtime appoints Global Chairman ofwingtime appoints Global Chairman of“Swingtime: The business of Golf “Swingtime: The business of Golf International”International”

Weltweiter Vorsitzender von Weltweiter Vorsitzender von “Swingtime: The business of Golf “Swingtime: The business of Golf


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Profi le: Mr. V. T. Rajah30 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Since its inception, Swingtime : The business of Golf International, has recognized the formidable intersection of business and the sport of Golf in a dynamic and shifting economic landscape. The relationship between business and golf creates the perfect platform for leaders in commerce and various enterprises to come together in a very unique networking environment. As Swingtime boldly steps onwards into an exciting future, we are very proud to introduce Mr. V. T. Rajah; the Swingtime Global Chairman. Mr. Rajah is a gentleman with an immense depth of character who espouses an astute understanding of business and law. It was indeed a great pleasure in speaking to him and getting to know him better.

RG: As a man who has achieved much in his academic and professional career, please give us a brief insight into your background.

VR: I was born in Singapore. I arrived in the U.K and studied law to be a Barrister whilst being a member of the Inner Temple. After completing my LLB Honours, I subsequently switched over and studied to be a Solicitor. I also completed a Masters Degree in Business Law in London. I have since practiced law for many years, delving into property and investments. I married a Mauritian lady, Jaymala Ramdohin, and we had 3 children whilst she had her own Care Business.

RG: Despite leading a career over the years that has demanded much of your time, you are a family man at heart. Tell us about your family.

VR: Indeed. My family is very important to me and we try to spend as much time together when the opportunity presents itself. I am very proud of my children. They have all individually excelled in their studies and are engaged in successful careers of their own. My daughter Natasha Natt is a Barrister at Law of Grays Inn and has 2 children; Khiara and Raena. My other daughter Anoushka Patel has a MSC from the London School of Economics, and my son Rajasingham Thambirajah has a BSC in Business and Marketing from Brunel University.

RG: Your work and experience has led you to holding some interesting positions within the sphere of international business and investment. With this in mind, enlighten us to some of the positions that have particularly captured your interest.

VR: My immediate past includes being the President of the Singapore Business Group based in the UK for 5 years. Its patron is the Singapore High Commissioner. It is the main organisation facilitating the promotion and networking of business investments and partnerships for Singapore and the UK. Its membership is made up of Captains of Industry, Lawyers, Bankers, Accountants, Politicians and the UK Department of Trade and Industry.

Presently I am the Global Chairman of M1NT specializing in Clubs, Restaurants, Design, and Investments. It has its headquarters in Shanghai China with branches in Hong Kong and Cannes. Branches will be launching in Beijing, Mumbai and London.

RG: M1NT presents a new paradigm going beyond the preconceived notions of a members club. Please expound on this unique concept.

VR: M1NT is a modern day members club for chic, professional and classy clientele with sophisticated taste.

It creates a glamorous destination where you can dine, network and socialise with like-minded people with the benefi t and enjoyment of award winning services. It is an innovative business model for club ownership and membership and the fi rst of its kind in China. M1NT’s membership includes an exceptional mix of shareholders and members in a concept that allows a selected niche of high-net individuals to enjoy its high-end designer facilities and reciprocal access to other M1NT venues and partner clubs internationally.

RG: For an individual who has a busy schedule, how do you enjoy your free time ?

RG: When I am not spending time with my family, I enjoy tennis, swimming, reading and classical music. Russian literature and history holds a special allure for me. I also very much enjoy Cuban history, music and literature as well as French literature.

RG: What is your particular interest in Swingtime ?

VR: I have a high interest in the relationship between Golf and Business together with promoting Mauritius as a center of golfi ng excellence, not only where golfers from abroad can come and play, but also bringing to light Corporate Responsibility initiatives like the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer Program: an innovative program of sponsoring talented and aspiring young golfers to reach their potential through specialized training. Furthermore I wish to ensure that golf is an accessible sport and dispel its elitist status. As a previous contributor and editor of magazines I see Swingtime as a strong vehicle to achieving this.

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31Porträt: Mr. V. T. Rajah

Seit seiner Einführung, hat Swingtime „The business of Golf International“, die gewaltige Kombination von Geschäft und Golf in einer dynamischen wirtschaftlichen Landschaft erkannt. Golf bietet die ideale Plattform zum Erfahrungsaustausch für Unternehmer und Führungsspitzen aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen. Da Swingtime weiter expandiert, sind wir stolz, Herrn V. T. Rajah, den weltweiten Vorsitzenden von Swingtime vorzustellen. Herr Rajah ist ein Gentleman mit ausgeprägter Persönlichkeit und Experte für Wirtschaftsrecht.

RG: Herr Rajah, bitte geben Sie uns einen kurzen Einblick in Ihre erfolgreiche Karriere.

VR: Ich bin in Singapur geboren und studierte in Großbritannien Rechtswissenschaften. Nach Abschluss meines LLB Honours war ich zunächst als Rechtsanwalt tätig. Später absolvierte ich noch einen Master Abschluss in Wirtschaftsrecht in London. Seitdem arbeite ich als Fachanwalt für Immobilien und Investment. Meine Frau, Jaymala Ramdohin stammt aus Mauritius und wir haben drei Kinder, die sehr erfolgreich im Geschäftsleben stehen.

RG: Trotz Ihrer anspruchsvollen Karriere die sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, sind Sie Familienvater mit Herz und Seele. Können Sie uns Ihre Familie vorstellen ?

VR: Meine Familie ist das wichtigste in meinem Leben und wir sind stets bemüht, soviel Zeit wie nur möglich gemeinsam zu verbringen. Ich bin sehr stolz auf meine Kinder. Sie haben alle erfolgreich ihr Studium abgeschlossen und sind nun sehr erfolgreich in ihrem Berufsleben. Meine Tochter Natasha Natt ist Rechtsanwältin bei Grays Inn und hat zwei Kinder; Khiara und Raena. Meine andere Tochter Anoushka Patel hat ein MSC von der London School of Economics und mein Sohn Rajasingham Thambirajah hat ein BSC in Business und Marketing an der Universität von Brunel erworben.

RG: Dank Ihrer Erfahrung haben Sie besetzt. Welche verdienen besonderes Augenmerk ?

VR: Bis vor kurzem war ich Präsident der Singapur Business Group mit Sitz in Großbritannien. Schirmherr ist der High Comissioner von Singapur. Die Organisation zeichnet verantwortlich für die Förderung und Vernetzung von Handelsabkommen und

Partnerschaften zwischen Singapur und dem Vereinigten Koenigreich. Die Mitglieder bestehen aus Unternehmern, Rechtsanwälte, Bankiers, Buchhalter, Politiker sowie der britischen Industrie und Handelskammer.

Zur Zeit bin ich weltweiter Vorsitzende von M1NT, ein Unternehmen, spezialisiert auf Klubs, Restaurants, Design und Vermögensverwaltung. Das Hauptquartier liegt in Shanghai, weitere Filialen befi nden sich in Hong Kong und Cannes. Bald werden wir weitere Zweigniederlassungen in Beijing, Mumbai und London eröffnen.

RG: M1NT präsentiert ein neues völlig neues Konzept des Mitglieder Klubs. Könnten Sie uns nähere Einzelheiten darüber verraten ?

VR: M1NT ist ein moderner Mitgliedsklub für eine anspruchsvolle Kundschaft mit exquisiten Geschmack und sehr hoher Erwartungshaltung. Wir schaffen ein Refugium mit glanzvollen Ambiente und hervorragender Gastronomie, in dem sich gleichgesinnte Geschäftsleute treffen und unterhalten können. Wir bieten modernste Kommunikationstechnik und unsere Mitglieder haben Zugang zu allen M1NT Klubs weltweit. Wir bieten somit ein internationales Netzwerk.

RG: Was macht ein vielbeschäftigter Geschäftsmann wie Sie am liebsten in der knappen Freizeit ?

VR: Am liebsten bin ich mit meiner Familie, spiele aber auch gerne Tennis und schwimme regelmaessig. Ich lese viel und höre gerne klassische Musik. Russische und französische Literatur und Geschichte faszinieren mich.

RG: Was ist Ihr besonderes Interesse an Swingtime ?

VR: Ich schätze die einzigartige Verbindung zwischen Golf und Geschäftswelt. Ferner bewerben wir Mauritius als herausragendes Golf Reiseziel. Wir sind uns aber auch unserer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bewusst und haben die Initiative „Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer“ ins Leben gerufen. Es ist ein Programm um junge, talentierte, aufstrebende Golfspieler zu fördern. Mir liegt die Förderung des Golfsports, hin zum Breitensport sehr am Herzen und Swingtime ist ein ausgezeichnetes Medium und dies zu erreichen.

Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

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The Ruth Linder PeterFoundation

DieRuth Linder PeterStiftung

The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation32

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33The Ruth Linder Peter FoundationSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation

When a Golfer gives !Amateur Golfer and Asset Manager extraordinaire; Ms. Ruth Linder whom we met in the previous issue of Swingtime: The Business of Golf, demonstrates in the most elegant and humble fashion the true tenets of the philosophy of Golf. Through the sincere pursuit of the high ideals and ethics the sport of golf instils, one’s life is irrevocably changed for the better. Unbeknownst to many, the Ruth Linder Peter Foundation is changing the lives of children in Nepal not only for the better but also ensuring the success of their future.

The Himalayan country of Nepal occupies the broader Western consciousness as a unique place shrouded in mystique. In the lofty mountainous geography exists a fascinating and exotic mix of diverse cultures, languages and religions set amongst a striking landscape of tropical savannas, forests and mountain peaks. Although a great tide of migration to Kathmandu and smaller cities has been evident, the vast majority of Nepalese still continue to eke out a daily survival from subsistence farming in rural areas far from the infrastructure of electricity, running water, roads and social services.

Medical care is severely limited with virtually no social programs attending to the needs of the destitute and homeless. Women and girls fall into a category of the particularly disadvantaged. With only 42% of girls that are able to read and write (the majority of older women are illiterate) together with a legal system that discriminates against women, a further vulnerability is compounded by cultural mores that devalue women’s basic human rights and prevent them from receiving health care and a decent education. The resultant lack of education among girls usually entails an early arranged marriage and subsequent child bearing, thus propagating the cycle of poverty with non-existent family planning, poor child care and little expectation of their daughters being educated.

Morning Star Secondary Boarding School, situated in Naudanda, a village in the “Kaski District” of the “Grandanki Zone” in Northern Nepal continues to be a benefi ciary of the Ruth Linder Peter Foundation. The school answering the need for an education institution catering to the local population was established in 1989. Since then, the old buildings of the school, originally used as kitchens, dormitories and kindergarten classes have systematically been dismantled. A new building, which now houses a kitchen, hostel store, hostel dormitory, classrooms, science lab and dining hall was constructed in 2007 and 2008. Additionally, new student toilets and toilets for the students who live in the hostels were constructed. The new multi-purpose spaces were supplied with new furniture. The main school building had its entire roof replaced with windows and window panes inserted, the building repainted and classrooms refurbished with new black boards and furniture. Further developments included the upgrading of the science laboratory and addition of a functioning computer room. The library has been fully stocked and is an integral learning venue.

As many students commute far distances to and from the school, the school hostels house children where they are fed regular meals and cared for. The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation plays an active role in fully sponsoring students particularly girls with regards to their education costs, uniforms and hostel accommodation.

Through the efforts and fi nancial support by the Ruth Linder Peter Foundation, impoverished Nepalese children have been clothed, fed and been given the chance to go to school. By simply graduating the 10th grade a girl will have the tools to support herself. The Ruth Linder Peter Foundation gives children without any resources or opportunity, the chance to blossom and grow into active, happy and healthy individuals who a capable of giving back to their society. If one of us can make a difference, imagine what we can all do together.

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35Die Ruth Linder Peter StiftungSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Die Ruth Linder Peter Stiftung

Wenn Golfer spenden!

Eine wirklich außergewöhnliche Golfspielerin und Asset Managerin. Die in der letzten Ausgabe von Swingtime vorgestellte Schweizerin Ruth Linder, verdeutlicht mit Eleganz und Würde, die wahre Philosophie des Golfsports. Ein Spiel mit hohen Anforderungen, welches ein Leben bereichert. Die Ruth Linder Peter Stiftung hilft Kindern in Nepal und schenkt Ihnen erfolgreiche Zukunftsperspektiven.

Das mythische Land im Himalaya verbindet eine exotische Mischung aus diversen Kulturen, Sprachen und Glaubensbekenntnissen, eingebettet in einem einzigartigen Gebiet, welches neben Steppe, auch tropische Elemente sowie Waldlandschaften und die höchsten Berggipfel des Globus bietet. Trotz Exodus in die Hauptstadt Katmandu, lebt der Grossteil der Volksgemeinde in ländlichen Gegenden ohne Basis-Infrastruktur wie laufendes Wasser, Strom, Strassen geschweige sozialen Netzwerk.

Die ärmsten der Gesellschaft leiden und haben keinen Zugriff auf soziale Unterstützung. Lediglich 42 Prozent der weiblichen Bevölkerung kann lesen und schreiben (die meisten älteren Frauen sind Analphabeten). Das geltende frauenfeindliche Rechtssystem beschränkt deren Aussichten auf pädagogische Bildung. Mangelnde Schulung, Bevormundung, arrangierte Hochzeiten im jüngsten Alter und fehlende Familienplanung beschleunigen den Kreislauf von Armut und dürftiger Kinderbetreuung.

Die Ruth Linder Peter Stiftung unterstützt die „Morning Star Secondary Boarding School“ in der Kleinstadt Naudanda, im Kaski Bezirk in der Grandanki Zone. Die 1989 gegründete Schule zur Absicherung der Grundausbildung der lokalen Bevölkerung wurde in den Jahren 2007 und 2008 einer generellen Grundsanierung unterzogen. Die ehemaligen Räumlichkeiten wie Küche, Schlafsaal und Kindergarten wurden abgerissen und das Mobiliar fand Einzug in einem neu errichteten Gebäude mit modernen sanitären Anlagen, großzügig gestaltenden Klassenzimmern, Biologie-Unterrichtsraum und Kantine. Viele Räume sind multifunktional ausgestattet. Die gesamte Bedachung des Gebäudes wurde erneuert, Dachfenster sorgen für bestmögliche Ausleuchtung der Klassenzimmer. Neue Tafeln wurden installiert, moderne Lehrmittel wie Mikroskope und chemische Utensilien und sogar ein Computer-Raum runden das neue schulische Angebot ab. Die existierende Bibliothek wurde grundsaniert und mit aktueller pädagogischer Literatur versorgt.

Das Internat beherbergt und versorgt die Schüler mit sehr weiten Heimwegen. Die Ruth Linder Peter Stiftung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Ausbildung der Nepalesischen Jugend. Das Komplett- Stipendium umfasst sämtliche Kosten für Unterricht, Schul-Uniformen sowie Kantinen- und Internatskosten.

Dank der fi nanziellen Unterstützung der Ruth Linder Peter Stiftung, werden zahlreiche Kinder in Nepal den Weg aus der Armut fi nden. Ein Mädchen welches die zehnte Schulklasse absolviert hat, ist bereits imstande sich selbst zu versorgen. Diese Bereitschaft zur Hilfe und Unabhängigkeit gibt Kindern (besonders den benachteiligten Mädchen) einen Ausblick auf eine gesunde Zukunft in einer verantwortungsbewussten Gesellschaft.

Eine ausführliche Video-Dokumentation über die Morning Star Secondary Boarding School ist auf DVD erhältlich. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anfrage an Dieter Praun, [email protected], der weltweite Versand ist kostenlos.

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Biz bits Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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Biz bitsSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

South African based Towerstone Group sets up Leadership Centre in Mauritius

Towerstone Group, headquartered in South Africa, has set up a unit in Mauritius. Towerstone Mauritius will be run as a leadership centre with Khemil Gobin, a Human Resource Practioner, as Managing Director. The Leadership Center will be offering leadership development and consulting services required to grow 21st century leaders for the Mauritian economy. The approach is to empower leaders to transform and evolve their businesses through a focus on values, cultures and behaviours. This results in a culture of Brand Ambassadorship - an ability to bring together accountable, committed employees in all areas of the business. Mr. Brian Eager, Director of Towerstone South Africa, who is also one of the Board members of the newly -incorporated company, was recently in Mauritius to launch the Leadership Centre.

Mauritius Tourist Arrivals rise 4.9 %

Latest statistics released by the Tourism ministry said that Tourist arrivals in Mauritius rose 4.9 per cent in January and February from a year ago, boosted by visitors from Europe. Some 164,223 tourists visited the island for the two months ending end of February compared to 156,483 the same period a year ago. This 4.9 per cent increase is linked to the European market where 114,659 visitors were registered during the same period. But also from Réunion destination with 22,947 tourists (+ 12.9%). France, being the main market, showed a slight increase With 57,823 tourists for the two months. Other markets have shown positive results like Italy (+ 13%); Switzerland (+24.3%); India (+37.3%) and even China (+ 5.3 %). It is to be recalled for the single month of February, some 72,366 tourists visited the island, an increase do 6.6% compared to corresponding period last year.

Leading hotel group Sun Resorts opens new five star hotel in December. Sun Resorts Ltd, leading Mauritian group, will open Long Beach, a Five-star resort hotel next December. Official announcement of this new hotel was made by Sun Resorts’ management team on 10th March last at Berlin International Fair. Long Beach is being constructed on the site of ex-Coco Beach Hotel which has been demolished. A 255-room hotel, Long Beach will cost 2.5 billion rupees. Sun Resorts Ltd owns and manages four resorts in the five-star to three-star category, namely Le Touessrok, Sugar Beach, La Pirogue and Kanuhura in the Maldives.

Towerstone Group lance une filiale à Maurice

Le groupe sud-africain Towerstone a lancé récemment une filiale à Maurice. Towerstone Maurice sera géré comme un centre de leadership, avec Khemil Gobin, un practicien en ressources humaines, comme le Managing Director. Le Centre de leadership dispensera des cours liés au développement du capital humain et des services-conseils nécessaires pour former les leaders de demain dans un pays en pleine transformation économique. L’approche intégrée de Towerstone vise à responsabiliser les leaders pour qu’ils transforment leur business en privilégiant les valeurs, les cultures et les comportements des employés dans un souci d’efficacité. D’où le concept de Brand Ambassadorship qui s’alignent sur les valeurs des entreprises et sur celles des employés. Brian Eager, le directeur de Towerstone d’Afrique du sud et un des directeur de la compagnie nouvellement incorporée, était à Maurice récemment pour lancer officiellement ce centre.

Les arrivées touristiques en hausse de 4,9%

Les dernières statistiques rendues publiques par le ministère du Tourisme montrent que 164,223 touristes ont visité Maurice en janvier et février 2010, comparé à 156,483 visiteurs durant la période correspondante en 2009, soit 4,9 % de plus. Une croissance liée au marché européen avec 114,649 visiteurs en deux mois, mais aussi à La Réunion avec 22,947 visiteurs (+ 12,9 %). La France, principal marché de la destination, affiche une progression avec 57,823 visiteurs en janvier et février. Ce qui représente 14,7 % de croissance. D’autres marchés sont également en forte progression tels que l’Italie (+ 13 %), la Suisse (+ 24,3 %) ou encore l’Inde (+ 37,3 %) et même la Chine (+ 5,3 %). Rien que pour le mois de février, Maurice a accueilli 72,366 touristes, soit une augmentation de 6,6 % par rapport à février 2009

Le groupe hôtelier Sun Resort ouvre un 5-étoiles en décembre. Sun Resorts Ltd, deuxième groupe hôtelier à Maurice, ouvrira un nouvel hôtel 5-étoiles, baptisé Long Beach, en décembre prochain. L’équipe de direction, présente à la foire internationale de Berlin, l’a annoncé le 10 mars dernier. Long Beach est construit sur le site de la défunte Coco Beach. La construction de cet hôtel , qui comprendra 255 chambres, a nécessité un investissement de 2,5 milliards de roupies. Sun Resorts Ltd est propriétaire de quatre hôtels qu’elle gère déjà, allant des catégories 5-étoiles à 3-étoiles. A savoir, Le Touessrok, Sugar Beach, La Pirogue et Kanuhura aux Maldives.


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Perspective38 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

Set up in 1989, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd (SEM) has evolved throughout a span of twenty years as one of the leading Exchanges in Africa. Today, it operates two markets: the Offi cial Market and the Development & Enterprise Market (DEM).

The Offi cial Market started its operations in 1989 with fi ve listed companies and a market capitalization of nearly USD 92 million. Today, 38 companies are listed on the Offi cial Market representing a market capitalization of more than US$ 5 billion as at January 2010. The DEM, launched on 4 August 2006, has presently 49 companies listed on this market with a market capitalization of nearly US$ 1,5 billion as at the same period.

The SEM has put in place a world-class stock market infrastructure that enables investors, in Mauritius and outside of Mauritius, to follow the evolution of the market in real-time, access the order book of listed companies in real-time and trade on-line to capture the market opportunities in a dynamic market environment.The SEM has taken a number of initiatives aimed at raising its visibility and profi le and placed the Exchange on the radar screen of a growing number of international institutional investors from different regions of the world.

The implementation of new disclosure based-listing rules which draw heavily on rules prevailing in jurisdictions for their focus on full and timely disclosure of important information, the demutualization of the ownership structure of the Exchange, the graduation of the Exchange to the status of full-membership of the World Federation of Exchanges, the extension of trading hours into the afternoon, the setting up of the DEM market for small and medium-sized companies, and the implementation of turnaround trading are some of the salient changes that have been implemented in recent years to revamp the operational environment in which the SEM operates.

Similarly, the solid performance of the Mauritius stock market in recent years attracted infl ows of funds into the market from foreign institutional investors, who account of about 40% of the daily trading volumes.

Lancée en 1989, la Bourse de Port-Louis s’est transformée en l’espace de 20 ans comme une des principales bourses Africaines. Aujourd’hui, elle gère deux marchés: le marché offi ciel et le Development & Enterprise Market (DEM).

Le marché offi ciel a débuté ses opérations en 1989 avec la cotation de cinq compagnies et une capitalisation boursière avoisinant USD 92 millions. Aujourd’hui, 38 valeurs sont cotées à l’offi ciel représentant une capitalisation de plus de US$ 5 milliards à janvier 2010. Le marché du DEM, lancé le 4 août 2006, dispose aujourd’hui de 49 compagnies avec une capitalisation s’élevant à US$ 1,5 milliard d’ici à la même période.

La SEM a mis en place des infrastructures boursières de niveau international pour permettre aux investisseurs tant à Maurice qu’à l’étranger pour suivre l’évolution du marché en temps réel, accéder aux carnets de commandes des sociétés cotées et intervenir en ligne pour saisir les opportunités d’un marché dynamique.

La SEM a pris un certain nombre d’initiatives visant à accroître la visibilité et le profi l de la Bourse en la plaçant sur l’écran de radar de nombreux investisseurs étrangers venant des différentes régions du monde.

L’application de nouvelles mesures liées aux procédures transparentes de cotations en place dans des juridictions réputées, la démutualisation de la structure d’actionnariat de la Bourse de Port-Louis, la promotion de celle-ci au statut de membre à part entière à la World Federation of Exchange, l’extension des heures du marché dans l’après-midi et la mise en place du marché DEM destiné aux entreprises de taille moyenne sont quelques-uns des changements saillants intervenus ces dernières années pour redynamiser l’environnement dans lequel la SEM est appelée à opérer.

Parallèlement, l’excellente performance du marché boursier mauricien ces dernières années a permis d’attirer un fl ux de capitaux provenant des investisseurs institutionnels étrangers ; ces derniers comptent 40% du volume des transactions quotidiennes.

L’intérêt grandissant affi ché par des investisseurs étrangers à l’égard du marché bousier local a précipité

SEM poised tobecome theleadingExchanges inAfrica

La SEM appelée à devenir une des principales bourses en Afrique

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39PerspectiveSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

The growing interest from international investors has prompted well-known index and data providers like Standard & Poors, Morgan Stanley, Dow Jones and FTSE to include the stock market in a number of new indexes they launched over the last couple of years to track the evolution of some key frontier emerging markets.

Challenges and responses to the challenges

Changes brought to overhaul the operational, technological and regulatory frameworks during the last two decades have undoubtedly enabled the SEM to better respond to the expectations of the local and international stakeholders.

SEM believes that the scaling up of the activities of the SEM requires a strategic shift from the current business model to a new business model. The SEM is already going through a strategic reorientation of its activities and gradually moving away from an equity-based domestic Exchange to a multi-product internationally oriented Exchange.

The listing of investment funds, specialized debt instruments, structured products, and exchange-traded funds have geared growth in many jurisdictions. To cope with this trend, the SEM has launched since February 2010, a specifi c investment funds listing regime tailored to cater for a wide variety of fund structures.

Major changes have been brought to the Listing Rules to align them with the Collective Investment Schemes Regulations 2008 and these changes have positioned the SEM as an attractive venue for the Listing of Global and Specialized Funds.

The introduction of derivatives on the market follows SEM’s commitment to revamp its activities. The fi rst futures contract to be introduced will be based on the SEM-7 index. The introduction of derivatives trading on the SEM is expected also to have a positive impact on liquidity in the underlying instruments.

The number of investors trading on our Exchange has increased in recent years on the back of initiatives undertaken by investment dealers to reach out to potential investors. Some 60,000 investors holding nearly 234,000 accounts are registered with the CDS. These fi gures, though encouraging, indicate the growth potential that exists and its target is to increase the number of registered investors to 100,000 in 2013, ensuring thereby that one in every two working Mauritians is a shareholder of the listed companies traded on the SEM.

les agences qui fournissent de données à caractère fi nancier comme Standard & Poors, Morgan Stanley, Dow Jones et FTSE à inclure le marché de Maurice dans des indices lancés quelques années de cela et ce pour suivre l’évolution des principaux marchés émergents.

Défi s et positionnements

Les changements apportés pour revoir le cadre opérationnel, technologique et régulateur durant ces deux dernières décennies ont certainement aidé la SEM à mieux répondre aux attentes des investisseurs locaux et étrangers.

Les autorités boursières estiment que le rehaussement de la SEM requiert un changement stratégique passant d’un modèle de business à un autre. Déjà, la SEM s’est engagée dans une réorientation stratégique de ses activités, passant de son modèle boursier basé sur le marché domestique à celui tourné vers l’international, avec une large gamme de produits.

Le projet de coter de fonds d’investissements et d’autres produits fi nanciers spécialisés s’inscrit dans cette démarche. La SEM a lancé en février dernier de nouvelles règles de cotation à cet effet.

Des changements majeurs ont été apportés aux règles de cotation pour les aligner au Collective Investment Schemes Regulations 2008, positionnant ainsi la SEM comme le marché par excellence pour le listing de fonds d’investissements.

De plus, l’introduction prochaine de produits dérivés sur le marché offi ciel suit la même logique de sophistication du marché boursier. Le premier contrat à terme à être introduit sera basé sur l’indice de SEM-7. Sa cotation permettra du coup de mieux dynamiser la liquidité du marché.

Aujourd’hui, le nombre d’investisseurs sur la Bourse de Port-Louis a sensiblement augmenté en raison des initiatives prises auprès des sociétés d’investissements pour mieux cibler les investisseurs potentiels. Aujourd’hui, quelque 60,000 investisseurs détiennent des comptes enregistrés auprès du Central Depository & Settlement Co. Ltd (CDS). Ces chiffres, quoi encourageants, indiquent un potentiel de croissance. L’objectif de la SEM est de porter le nombre d’investisseurs enregistrés à 100,000 d’ici à 2013. Ainsi, pour chaque deux Mauriciens qui travaillent, il y aura un qui sera un actionnaire de la Bourse.

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Benz & Partners View Issue 88 April 2010

Benz & Partners40 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

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Acorn Fund Profi le42 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

A targeted return of 9.85% p.a.The Fund is targeting an income of 9.85% p.a. for 5 years. At the end of the 5 years there may also be an additional return on capital, depending on the performance of the Fund.

How do we achieve this?The Fund makes loans in countries where the bank base rate is higher than in the UK. This enables us to offer high returns to investors.

What does the Fund invest in?Affordable social housing is a major growth area in South Africa and Brazil, and there is signifi cant government support to promote these developments. The Fund lends money to property developers involved in these markets.

The Fund does not itself undertake property development, but advances loans to developers in the same way a bank might do.

All loans are secured on the underlying asset, usually the land for the development. The monies advanced are used to develop the site and further enhance its value.

Further informationPlease contact us on 0870 122 5444 [email protected]

Our track recordWhile past performance does not guarantee future performance, previous funds have delivered the targeted 9.85% each year.

Steve Hocking, Director at one of the UK’s leading fi nancial planning fi rms, Pave Financial Management said “we very much like the way in which the Fund has a highly managed risk strategy to its investment process, which in turn gives our clients the confi dence we are looking for.”

HIGH INCOME FUNDWith interest rates in the UK at historically low levels, and likely to remain low for some time, investors that need an income from their capital are hard pressed to fi nd a home for their money, without taking undue risks.

That is why the Acorn High Income Limited Partnership should be considered as part of an income portfolio.

This is not an invitation to invest in this Fund. The Information Memorandum will only be distributed to individuals authorisedto receive such a communication.

Fund details

Minimum Investment £10,000

Term 5 years

Return of capital October 2015

Currencies accepted Sterling

Converted into sterling Euros

Converted into sterling US Dollars

Investment structure Limited partnership with unit trust

Fund domicile UK

Annual distribution 1st April from 2011

Platforms (as at March 2010) Nucleus Transact Novia AJ Bell SIPP Centre

Management charges Initial 1% Annual 2.05% TER 2.05%








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

South Africa Brazil UK

Sources reservebank.co.za


Central Banks interest rateat January each year

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Acorn FundProfileSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London


At Acorn Fund Managemant our alm is to provide complete openness and transparency in all that we do.

Acorn Fund Management offers a growing range of specialist investment funds that are designed to give investors access to alternate investment classes, enabling them to diversify their investment portfollos.

This Investment Charter is designed to provide clarity in what we will do...and wahat we won’t do.

Keeping investors informed

Each of the funds managed by Acorn Fund Management will have different objectives and related risks. These will be clearly outlined in the marketing literature and will include:

. The potential risks of the investment

. The expected return on investment

. The time horizon of the investment

. The extend to which social, environment or ethical issues have been taken into consideration in makinginvestments.

Acorn Fund Management publishes annual fund updates.

What we will do. Ensure that funds are invested in the manner described in the marketing material

. Provide active risk management non-market risk changes to the structure or likely outcome of the fund, its activity and its investment strategies

. Keep investors informed of any significant changes to the structure or likely outcome of the funds

. Observe good internal corporate governance

. Levy a corporate governance fee on fund managers, to allow us to carry out investigations if appropriate

. Encouragement fund managers to invest in a socailly responsible manner (provide this does not contradict the funds’ investment objectives)

What we will not do. Garantee the performance of an investment, (Illustrations of expected returns are not and assume that investments are held for the expected lifetime of a fund).

Further information

Please contact us on 0870 122 5444 or [email protected]


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The Grand MauritianBy Robert Greeff

The world today is a demanding place. Technology has effectively created a 24-hour offi ce wherever

you are, keeping you in contact with everyone at the touch of your fi ngertips. But, there exists a place providing a balm, when the toils and unceasing daily administration of your life is weighing down your shoulders, a place where busy minds fi nd refuge from storms of thoughts and an infi nity of “to do” lists. If you need serenity in your life, it is waiting for you on a beautiful stretch of coastline in the North West of the island of Mauritius. Welcome to the Grand Mauritian: A Luxury Collection Resort and Spa.

The Luxury Collection® is a selection of hotels and resorts offering unique and authentic experiences that evoke lasting and treasured memories. Each hotel and resort is a distinct and cherished expression of its location, a portal to the destination’s indigenous charms and treasures. So went the marketing blurb. The Grand Mauritian not only lives up to the said concept, but puts its own stamp on it by articulating every pre-requisite nuance so necessary to the perfect getaway with an easy going sophisticated charm.

My experience of the hotel began on a tropical sunny afternoon. Booking into a hotel sets the tone for the rest of the stay for a guest. I was greeted by a delightful lady at reception and shown to a deck overlooking the most tranquil view of the Indian Ocean. Here I met a

guest who was just about to depart. He had a smile on his face, indicative of a well rested soul with not a care in the world. His parting words were, “I wish I never had to leave”. As I sipped on my welcome cocktail, gazing out at the diamonds glittering on the turquoise sea, it was easy to understand why. This, unequivocally was paradise, a realisation that opened up my senses fully to the sun on my face, the arresting beauty of the view before me and the sound of the waves gently lapping at the shore.

At its heart, The Grand Mauritian embraces the spirit of Mauritius, very much present in the design and architecture. Expansive spaces become vessels for natural light and the romance and simplicity of the island, evoking a laid-back tropical yet sophisticated atmosphere. Much of the Grand Mauritian has been built with a traditional hardwood timber called Balau and natural volcanic rock, a beautiful contrast of colours and textures which resonate the natural surrounds and is carried through by the “sugar cane

fronds” of the thatched roof coverings.

The interior design is clearly inspired by the ocean and its waves with blue hues and

the beach, with naturals and taupes. German silver and chrome

accents represent the moon and starlight refl ection

on the sea and all together creates

a permeating sense of

45The Grand MauritianSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

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cool, calm and freshness. The Bottichino marble tiles, objects du art and the mixed media paintings on the walls defi nes a new contemporary Mauritius speaking volumes of classic refi nement and erudition.

The resort consists of 193 rooms, offering a varied room mix which includes Deluxe rooms and a few suites in which large private outdoor terraces are common. All ground fl oor Courtyard junior suites have tropical outdoor showers. I stayed in a Deluxe terrace suite. The room was equipped with the latest amenities including: fl at screen television, high-speed broadband internet plug-in, Ipod-docking station, “Video on Demand” service and Video Telephone system. My room was an expression of supreme comfort enhancing a state of relaxation with soft muted tones of taupe, ivory, duck egg blue and a fresh minty green. The airiness of the room is anchored by dark wood furniture in a nod to authentic island living. I loved the contemporary abstract art on the walls and vivid colours of the blown glass vases and bowls, stylish compliments to the textures and shades of the linens and window furnishings. The large open plan marble bathroom and dressing area opened up onto the bedroom in a smooth transition of isometric space. The bathroom itself takes the form of a modern minimal design denoting luxury and wellbeing with chrome, frosted glass and hidden light features. The bathroom was also provided with Elemis scent, perfumes and products. Of course the most important feature in any hotel is the bed. The beds in the Grand Mauritian are simply an ergonomic staircase to heaven with the assurance of waking refreshed and completely rested. It may be diffi cult to pry yourself away from your room to enjoy the many attractions of the hotel and spa. The room had an exceptional view from the balcony of the main pool area, adjacent water feature, the stylish designed “Brezza” restaurant and the beach with palm trees as well as the ocean. Reclining on the rattan furniture and taking in the panoramic scene was perfect for unwinding. A very spacious private terrace with deck beds set the stage for relaxed intimate and romantic meals and another superb venue for relaxation. A private breakfast nook on an additional balcony space with a view of the large water feature also provided an additional alfresco dining area. Overall, the architectural design of the suite maximises choice for the guest tailoring your holiday experience.

The Grand Mauritian46

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Dining and entertainment is imbued with the same sense of choice. The Hotel has 3 restaurants. A main restaurant called “Season”, a speciality restaurant “Brezza” and a pool-side restaurant and bar called “Refl ections”. The hotel also features a wine-cellar and an extensive inventory of fi ne cigars. There are 3 bars including 2 pool-side bars and “Bar 68” a contemporary lounge bar, located in the main building which is the perfect rendezvous venue for a before and after dinner drink. At night the venue presents exciting live entertainment to the backdrop of the Indian Ocean under a canopy of stars.

I dined at “Season by Stephane”. The restaurant is the main showcase for celebrated award-winning chef Stephane Brallet. With its “open kitchen”, the guest is treated to an interactive food experience and offered an “A la carte” menu presenting internationally famous styles of cuisine including Thai, North African, Indian and Mauritian dishes. The buffet area serves a plethora of European cuisine. The restaurant itself presents a gorgeous view of the internal tropical gardens and expansive cascading water features overlooking the beach and Indian Ocean. The setting is an immersive sensory experience intrinsic to your dining. With 250 references, the Season Wine Room features a wide range of French Grand Cru’s, South African and New world wines and caters to personal cheese and wine tastings with the chef and sommelier. My meal at Season was a superlative extravagance of delicate fl avours which was surprising and indeed, an experience to relish. I thoroughly revelled in the starter: an Asian styled cucumber lobster roll with pickled ginger mayonnaise, masala and mustard and snow peas salad. This was followed by a citronella steamed Babonne fi sh, crab bouillabaisse, pipenoch Creole soute of bredre souffl ette. I basked in the dessert, an entrancing fi nish of Cinnamon and chocolate parfait with mango sherbet and raspberry coulis.

I met with Executive Chef Stephane Brallet who has over 20 years of experience working for 5-Star luxury hotels and Michelin starred restaurants in France. His recent history includes a 6-year stay in the Caribbean and together with his formative training and experience in Canada, South America and France creates a unique epicurean dining experience. He garners his inspiration from the freshest ingredients Mauritius has to offer creating dishes to delight and beguile visitors at the 3 restaurants he oversees including the “Season by Stephane” named after him.

Executive Chef Stephane Brallet

47The Grand Mauritian

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The hotel also encompasses the Babonne Ballroom, a very popular venue for weddings and the Cabot Boardroom, a space catering to business functions. Both venues are fully equipped with audio visual amenities and events of any persuasion are gladly customised as per your needs.

The hotel is located on a protected natural reef and provides for a variety of water sports including glass boat rides and chartered boats. I went on the glass boat ride early after breakfast and was treated to spectacular sights of natural coral formations and a dazzling array of colourful tropical fi sh. Also on offer are 2 “savannah” grass fl oodlit tennis courts, a fi tness Centre, 2 outdoor pools, babysitting services, the “Explorers Club” for children, car rentals and limousines and beautiful boutiques and shops. The Mandara Spa provides exceptional relaxation and restorative spa treatments in a stunning venue. The hotel takes the ultimate state of relaxation a step further with the Spa suites, which includes a private adjoining spa treatment room as well as a dedicated 24-hour Butler service.

The Grand Mauritian seeks to provide its guests with a complete indigenous holiday experience and arranges trips to the capital of Port Louis with its daily markets and shopping districts. The Botanical gardens are a short 20 minute drive away and the Marine Park is located immediately next to the hotel. The small but lively town of Grand Baie is 15 km to the north and is a very popular with its restaurants, bars, nightclubs, shopping centres and fashion outlets.

I found the Grand Mauritian distilled all the aspects of an ideal vacation in a seamless and effortless fashion. The atmosphere is fantastic. An unpretentious, friendly and unobtrusive mood is constant, and effi ciently maintained by a very personable staff. It is a resort that delivers the very best of Mauritian hospitality and character with 5-Star sophistication. I have no doubt that you would never want to leave.

The Grand Mauritian48 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

in association with TIMESONLINE of London

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The Springs Hotel and Golf Club50

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51The Springs Hotel and Golf ClubSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London


Nestled deep within the Oxfordshire countryside and bordered by the banks of the River Thames, lies the Springs Hotel and Golf Course. Constructed in 1874, and named after the spring fed lake it overlooks, the Springs Hotel is a charming example of a Victorian Tudor-styled country house imbued with and retaining all the traditional values associated with the great Country Houses

of England. In the oak panelled reception halls you will fi nd crackling log fi res in open hearths and beckoning comfortable upholstered chairs creating a uniquely English atmosphere.

Whilst enjoying a peaceful rural setting, The Springs is conveniently situated for sightseeing with excellent road and rail links giving easy accessibility to key tourist attractions; the Capital city of London with Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament is within 35mins reach, Oxford with its world renowned University colleges and Thames punt trips is 15mins away, Windsor with the Royal Castle and changing of the guard is within 40 mins, the picturesque town of Henley on Thames famed for the Royal Regatta is within 15 mins reach, to name but a few. Stately home tours, river cruises, wine tasting at the nearby vineyard and historical walk along the ancient Ridgeway path can all be arranged with ease.

The hotel has a fascinating history which mantles it an indelible allure. It was once owned by the international pop star Ian Gillian of the rock band Deep Purple who eccentrically installed the distinctive guitar shaped pool. In addition, the hotel is said to be haunted by the famous English contralto Dame Clara Butt, who lived in the local village of North Stoke. In honour of her ghost, a room in the hotel is named after the opera singer.

The hotel has 32 well-equipped en-suite bedrooms, all of which are double or twin. Many have balconies with exceptional views of the spring-fed lake.

Dining at the Springs is an epicurean delight, where cuisine of the fi nest quality can be enjoyed in the AA Rosette Lakeside Restaurant, a captivating venue with views of swans gliding majestically on the lake in the most mesmerising light so very indicative of the magic of the countryside. For less formal gatherings the Golf clubhouse provides a relaxed atmosphere and incorporates an extensive and varied menu. The elegant function rooms including the oak-panelled Lord Nelson Suite and Green Suite lend themselves to more private celebrations. They are ideally located adjacent to the Lakeside Restaurant and have spectacular views of the well-kept gardens, swimming pool and the spring-fed lake.

The hotel offers wedding, banqueting and conference facilities, with various options available at the Hotel itself or alternatively in the Golf Clubhouse. The Springs specializes in corporate events where unobtrusive service and attention to detail are prerequisites for successful meetings, and encompass a selection of services tailored to meet exact requirements applicable to conferences, training days and business dinners. The conference room and meeting space can accommodate groups of all sizes and can seat from 20 to 150 in comfort. The location of the hotel with accessibility to the M4 and M40 motorways, in conjunction with the serene rural environment creates the ideal setting conducive to important discussions away from the distractions of a busy offi ce.

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The Springs Hotel and Golf Club52 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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The Golf Course is situated on 133 acres of parkland and has been designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty. This sets the stage for endless hours of superb rounds of scenic golf, providing a challenge for golfers at all levels. Stimulating play is enhanced by a striking environment of mature trees, lakes, sleeper edged bunkers and areas of wetland. It is an immersive experience taking full advantage of the beautiful countryside. The course was opened in 1998 and designed by former Ryder Cup Captain Brian Huggett MBE and measures 6470 yards from the back tees with a par of 72. American and British infl uences are fused into the golf course architectural design as evidenced by the huge double green at the 1st which is shared with the 6th hole.

PGA CITY GOLF describes the signature 184 yard Par 3 8th Hole as testing. The green is surrounded by water and bunkers and so only an accurate tee shot will do. The start of the back nine is equally challenging with water and bunkers standing watch over another long par 3. You are rewarded with the dazzling par 5 15th which runs along the banks of the River Thames. The short Par 4 17th is noted as a classic risk and reward hole giving long hitters a chance to truly drive the green. Caution should always be at the fore with the lake and wetlands lurking nearby. Completing your round of golf in the most memorable fashion is the 18th hole. At just over 400 yards, this par 4 is framed by mature oaks and a listed copse of trees that splits the fairway in two, providing many options for tactical, strategic and creative shot making. The Club House, designed and built to match

the Tudor style of the hotel dominates the area behind the 18th green.

A fully stocked Professional Shop houses a huge selection of men’s and woman’s apparel, accessories, equipment and prizes for competitions

and tournaments.

All in all, a visit to The Springs Hotel and Golf Club will provide a memorable experience fi lled with character in a

pleasant and tranquil setting.

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Sunset cruise54 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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55Sunset cruiseSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Sunset CruiseNo sunset in Mauritius is the same. Each one has the power to reach into the depths of your soul leaving you forever changed. To speak of the spectacular colours and hues as the sun descends into the Indian Ocean would simply not suffi ce to capture the grandeur and magnifi cence that nature puts on display every evening. There is an extra dose of divinity at work here. The Labourdonnais and the Le Suffren Hotels in Port Louis present the perfect way to indulge the visual senses and delight the spirit with their Sundowner cruises.

Aboard a luxury catamaran the Sundowner Cruise begins with a brief foray around the working harbour of Port Louis, and the Caudan waterfront where the Labourdonnais Hotel casts her stately gaze. After passing moored yachts and tugs you exit the harbour and set off for the great expanse of the Indian Ocean. The vast horizon is visually arresting and one cannot help but go a little quiet at the sight.

Delightful hors devours are served by waiters. They are little works of art in themselves and the perfect complement to the breathtaking scene. Sipping on a glass of champagne at sea, with the sky awash with tints of gold, blues, and fl ushed with pink and red is a vivid expression of “la dolce vita”. All aboard are swept away by the ensuing thrill of being alive and privy to this wonderful moment. Newly married couples embrace with eyes fi xed on the painted panorama, newly made friends laugh with good cheer as they share this beautiful experience.

With a collective sigh at the sheer splendour of the sun bidding farewell and embraced by the glassy ocean, we head back to the harbour. The city of Port Louis not to be outdone has transformed into a constellation of glittering lights welcoming our return. For the period we were away it seemed like time too had been swallowed up the ocean. Back on terra fi rma, with the rhythmic sway of the sea ebbing away, the memory of that particular sunset is forever lodged within our hearts and minds.

The Sundowner Cruises are free of charge for hotel guests at Labourdonnais and Le Suffren on Mondays and Thursdays. Full day trips including a barbeque onboard are also available upon request.

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Beaucoup de fraîcheur avec ce mariage blanc réhaussé de vert léger. Polos avec décolletés à zip ou boutons fantaisie, chacune trouvera son bonheur. Le pantacourt à l'allure sportive rivalise

avec le bermuda chic aux broderies blanches sur ton vert et la jupe-short toujours féminine.







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Page 61: Swingtime Mauritius 10th issue

Beaucoup de fraîcheur avec ce mariage blanc réhaussé de vert léger. Polos avec décolletés à zip ou boutons fantaisie, chacune trouvera son

bonheur. Le pantacourt à l'allure sportive rivalise avec le bermuda chic aux broderies blanches sur ton vert et la jupe-short toujours féminine.

Golf fashionSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London


Page 62: Swingtime Mauritius 10th issue

Un motif original accompagne le polo rose ainsi

que le camel à manches longues et se retrouve sur le chandail à losanges. Rayures ou losanges, tout n'est qu'harmonie avec ses tons doux de camel, mandarine ou rose. Tous les accessoires sont coordonnés : du chapeau en papier paille à la visière en passant par les gants ; vous pourrez même y ajouter un marque-balle Bonjoc en cristaux de Swarovski rappelant les tons mandarine ou camel.

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Golf fashion 61

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M propose là encore un ensemble

classique extrêmement chic dans les déclinaisons

de beige et noir.

Indémodable et toujours de bon goût pour les

frileux de la mode osten-tatoire. Vous pourrez tou-jours l'accessoiriser d'un

marque-balle Bonjoc avec des cristaux Swarosvki,

épinglé à votre casquette.

Masters Golf Fashion propose là encore

un ensemble classique extrêmement

chic dans les déclinaisons de beige et noir.

Indémodable et toujours de bon goût pour les

frileux de la mode ostentatoire. Vous pourrez

toujours l'accessoiriser d'un marque-balle

Bonjoc avec des cristaux Swarosvki, épinglé à votre


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Fit round64 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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It’s all in the wrist !The sport of Golf for most part has been defi ned as a sporting activity with a low injury rate. Hence, it has the added appeal of enticing golfers across all age groups, providing hours of fun in the great outdoors. Despite the perceived safety of golf, wrist related injuries do tend to occur at some point, and can be

devastating for the avid golfer, competitive amateur golfer or the professional golfer. The hand and wrist are so integral to the game and injuries often take the form of damage to the soft tissue, cartilage, bone, nerve and vascular structures.


Tendinitis, refers to infl ammation of the tendon is often the bane of golfers worldwide. Perfecting technique readily requires the increase of practice time, setting the stage for an overuse injury

to occur, localised in the wrist fl exor and extensor tendons. Contributing factors increasing the risk of tendinitis include:

• Poor mechanics of the swing and swing techniques• Overgripping (too tight a golf grip)• Golf Club grips in poor repair• Advancing age• Previous injury• Anatomic abnormalities

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65Fit roundSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

FRACTURES:Overuse and poor wrist control during the swing can cause excessive movement and is the number one cause leading to injury. Golfers can break or fracture the Hamate bone (the triangle bone in the hand situated below the ring and little fi ngers). This injury is specifi cally related to golfers and often the result of a “fat shot” caused by a direct blow from the handle of the golf club, or in cold weather when the hand strikes the hard ground with club with the ensuing force being transmitted to the bone. The butt of the golf club rests against the hook of the Hamate and injuries to it are expressed as a vague deep routed pain or weak grip. Chronic fractures indicate a rupture of the fl exor tendons to the ring and little fi ngers and neuropathy of the ulnar nerve.


Tendon injuries localised in the wrist and hand together with De Quervain’s Disease affecting deep muscles of the forearm is often the result of gripping the club too tightly during the swing. There are golfers who believe that a tight grip produces a greater and powerful swing. Golf swing analysis indicates the opposite to be more effective and lowers the risk of wrist injury.

Avoid fl exing the wrists during the back and down swing. It does not produce a more powerful stroke but instead induces infl ammation in over-used wrist ligaments and tendons.

Hamate injuries like fractures, if diagnosed early will heal in a cast. Severe injuries will require surgery and the necessary painful bone fragments will need to be removed.

Milder injuries such as swelling and pain of a tendon can be alleviated with anti-infl ammatory medication and the use of a wrist support together with a period of rest from golf.

It is important to note that these injuries can strike both the professional golfer as well as the amateur. An awareness of excessive practice and excessive play is key to preventing overuse syndromes. Proper-fi tting clubs, correct swing technique and conditioning form the domain of healthy golf wrists. Golf related wrist injuries are often diagnosed to late, it is vital that resultant pain, swelling and discomfort be investigated by a trained physician.

Tout est dans le poignetLe golf est connu pour être une des activités sportives qui comportent le moins de risques de blessures. Ce qui explique sa popularité dans toutes les tranches d’âge. Mais cela est très relatif si l’on considère la pression exercée sur le poignet et qui peut se révéler extrêmement dangereux pour les amateurs de golf en général. En effet, le golf sollicite particulièrement les poignets, ce qui peut provoquer des dégâts tissulaires, cartilagineux, osseux et vasculaires.

Parmi les affections les plus courantes, la tendinite, le cauchemar de tous les golfeurs du monde. La tendinite est une infl ammation des tendons, due au surmenage ou à des microtraumatismes. Elle est susceptible d’affecter ceux qui augmentent leur temps de pratique afi n d’améliorer leur jeu. Les facteurs qui peuvent contribuer à une augmentation des risques de tendinite sont notamment une mauvaise technique de swing, une prise en mains trop serrée du club, des grips en mauvais état, l’âge avancé du golfeur, des blessures précédentes ainsi que des anomalies anatomiques.

Les fractures pour leur part sont surtout provoquées lorsque le poignet est trop sollicité durant le swing. Les fractures chroniques peuvent indiquer une rupture des tendons fl échisseurs au niveau de l’annulaire et de l’auriculaire ainsi qu’une affection du nerf cubital.

Mesures préventives et traitement

Les blessures du tendon au niveau du poignet et du bras, de même que la maladie de De Quervain’s, infl ammation de la gaine du tendon, sont donc le résultat d’une prise trop serrée du grip durant le swing. Pour y remédier, il suffi t de corriger cette erreur courante commise par de nombreux golfeurs qui pensent à tort que cela produit un swing plus effi cace. Si les symptômes d’infl ammation tendineuse sont diagnostiqués tôt, les traitements disponibles peuvent facilement en venir à bout. En revanche, si l’affection n’est pas traitée à temps, ou s’il s’agit de blessures graves, cela nécessitera une intervention chirurgicale pour que les fragments d’os soient enlevés.

En cas d’infl ammation mineures, un traitement à base d’anti-infl ammatoires est recommandé ainsi que l’utilisation d’un protège poignet. Le plus important demeure une période de repos loin du golf et de tout autre activité physique sollicitant le poignet.

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About Alexandre Rocha

Country: Brazil

Date of birth: November 21, 1977

Residence: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Family: Married

Turned Pro: 2000

PRO WINS : (8) 2000 San Fernando Open, Brazil, 2001 Chilean Open, 2002 Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Pro-am, 2003 Brasilia DF Open, 2003 Curitiba Open, Brazil, 2003 Club de Campo Open, Brazil, 2004 Little Rock Maverick Tour Classic, US, 2008 Marbella Open, Chile.

AMATEUR WINS: (6) Brazil National Junior Championship 1993 & 1995, Brazil National Championship 1994 & 1997, South American Championship 1992 & 1995.

Graduated from the Mississippi State University in 2000 with a Marketing major. Played on the European Tour in 2006, 2007 and 2009. He is playing in his rookie season on the Asian Tour this year after graduating from Qualifying School.

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Sentosa, February 25: Starting this week, asiantour.com will focus on the graduates of the 2010 Asian Tour Qualifying School. This week, we speak to Brazil’s Alexandre Rocha and find out more about the man from Sao Paulo.

What sparked your interest in golf?My family got me interested in the game. I grew up in a house on a golf course community in Sao Paulo. My grandfather was very involved with golf, he was the founder of the club where I learned to play and he was also the president of the national association.

Coming from Brazil, you must have been a keen footballer rather than golfer at a young age?I was never keen on football. I started playing golf when I was five. I was never good in football.

How long did it take you to get to single handicap?When I was 14, I was already a scratch handicapper.

Name your dream fourball?It’ll be Tom Watson, Barrack Obama, my mother and myself.

What keeps you on top of your game?I have pretty good work ethics. I like working and I don’t just beat balls aimlessly and have a purpose to it which helps me to improve.

When you are off the golf course, where is the one place that we will likely find you?Probably at wine bars. If I’m not there, I’ll probably be in my kitchen as I love cooking.

What are your goals in golf?When I was a kid, I used to think of being a world beater or the best in the world. I had a good career as an amateur and I’ve been a professional for 10 years now. I’ve achieved some things. I’ve played on the European Tour and now on the Asian Tour. My goal is to be as good as my own potential will let me. I would like to have, if nothing more, one season where I can play up to my own potential and see where it takes me.

How do you prepare yourself before a round?Once I get to the course, I’ll do some stretching in the locker room, have a quick warm-up, hit some balls, hit some chips and bunker shots and then hit some putts and off we go.

Who/What is your inspiration?I like role models. I’ve always enjoyed watching Tom Watson play well He’s a role model for many different reasons. I’ve always looked up to him.

What is the number one distraction on the golf course for you?The golf ball! (laughter). It’ll probably be windy conditions, especially when I’m putting as you tend to sway a little bit.

How do you cope with pressure?When I was younger, I used to cope with it very well. Of late, I’ve not coped with it too well. I’m trying to get back to my comfort level.

If you won a tournament in Asia, how would you celebrate?I would find myself another player or friend, open up a nice bottle of red wine and smoke a nice cigar.

What are your initial thoughts on the Asian Tour?I’m familiar with it as I’ve played here in the co-sanctioned events previously and the reason why I wanted to come and play over here was because I knew about it and knew how it was run. It is excellent. The calibre of play is very good and it’s very competitive. These days, it doesn’t matter where you’re playing as there are good players every where. It’s a well run Tour and it’s very competitive.

Do you have any superstition on golf?No, not at all.

When and what was the last golf equipment that you purchased?Oh gosh, that was a while back. It was probably before I went to University in America, probably in 1996. That year, I bought the whole lot, clubs, gloves, shoes but after that, nothing at all.

How would you react after a double bogey or worse?I know that very well. There is usually a curse word in Portuguese and a bad thought but 30 seconds later, I would calm down.

After shooting a 60, what would you do?I did shoot a 60 once. After that round, I went on to work on my normal routine and prepared for the next day. There is always something you can do better.

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Golf tips and strategy


DOWNHILL Downhill LieWhenever facing a downhill lie, you must resist the temptationto scoop the ball by trying to increase the loft.Less club is needed as it will be delofted as it follows the contour. To acheive a solid shot, do the following adjustment.

The aim is very important, the club head is aimed to the left as the ball will cut or slice in flight.

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This is because the contour of the slope will force the club to be swung on a more upright plane and of course the severity of the slope will determine how much and remember always hit down and through the ball, never try to pick the ball or help it into the air. Grip the club the normal way as the posture.

Body alignment, feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned parallel to the club face as the amount of slice spin has already been decided by the aim of the club face and this means that the club and body will still be aligned together

For the stance as with the uphill shot, more weight is applied to the lower foot or the back of your stance and encourage the club head to follow the contour of the slope. Swing the normal way along the slope to a low finish but the legs must remain fully flexed throughout the swing that you have the correctly aligned head and shoulders as this is crucial on a downhill lie, as improper setup eliminates any chance at a good stroke with this tough shot.

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Ian Poulter

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71AstrologySwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London


IAN POULTERHello dear friends. I am back again to disclose what the starts have to tell about the fortune

of our golfi ng heroes. I hope you have been enjoying my predictive articles so far. In my last article on Lee Westwood, I could not really write too many encouraging words. But, this time it is a different story. Today I am writing on red hot Ian Poulter and stars show that nobody will be able to steal the heat from his performances in 2010.

Mr. Poulter is passing through the infl uence of the very important planet Sun during this part of his career and fortunately for him, Sun is really in a very favourable position for him. We have seen how wonderfully he has started 2010. I am happy to announce that he will keep on performing brilliantly throughout this year. I shall be surprised if he does not win any Major. Almost all the important planets including Jupiter and Mercury are is positive position for Ian and mentally also he is going to maintain a good balance between aggression and sensibility. Therefore, we can expect Ian Poulter to break into the top 3 quite soon.

Let me remind you what I have been writing about the top golfers’ potential performances in 2010 so far.

• Tiger Woods – He will restart playing soon and possibly will be able to maintain his no. 1 position at the end of 2010.

• Phil Mickleson – Fairly average year in which he will not do that well, but will manage to end the year in the top 5.

• Steve Stricker – He will have a very successful year in which he will be Tiger’s closest challenger and may even take over the no. 1 spot for a while.

• Lee Westwood – He will not have a good year and will possible drop down from the top 5 position to 7 or 8 at the end of 2010.

• Ian Poulter – He will have a wonderful year and he will surely come up the rankings and fi nish the year in top 3. He has real good chance of winning at least one Major.

So, dear friends, we will see how these talented players perform in the coming weeks and we will observe keenly

how my predictions go.

Till next time, have a great golfi ng month.

For personal predictions :[email protected]

Cell : +91 9836492521

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Bel Ombre… a historic name evoking the grace and the romance of the plantation era, originating from a noble sweet water fi sh “the Ombre” found in the region.

There are places in this world that seem to relate wonderful memories of a rich past still today: Bel Ombre is such place. Already in the early 18th century, the famous writer Bernardin de Saint-Pierre recorded the birth of magnifi cent sugar estates across the wild South overlooking the emerald waters of the Bel Ombre lagoon. The reputation of the Domaine de Bel Ombre is attributed to an exceptional man, Charles Telfair, who from 1816 to 1833 substantially enhanced the region with his social, botanical and engineering innovations.

“In the small Eden of Bel Ombre” as he used to call it, Charles Telfair nurtured new species of cane and botanical plants. As a humanist and a progressive he introduced many new social and mechanised concepts that reformed Mauritius.

As one of his contemporaries once wrote “the Telfair residence is a gathering place where the hospitality is generous, unrestrained and frank. Where receptions are joyful and all amenities are offered to you. This history is still true for golfers who visit Golf Du Château. Peter Matkovich, the golf course designer

describes it as a place where they will fi nd the right balance and variation in length of holes, width of fairways and green sizes, all designed with passion, love and attention to detail.”

Peter Matkovich has to drawn upon 25 years of experience as a golfi ng professional, and 15 years of designing and building golf courses. This source of knowledge and experience combined with his intense love and understanding of the game, enabled him in his almost instinctive quest to create balance in a golf course. These qualities and approach has been distilled into a spectacular golf course set in the unique and beautiful south part of Mauritius.

A snapshot brief of the 1st hole advises a good warm up, a good clean strike is necessary. The hole plays uphill with a prevailing wind into and off the right. There are 3 bunkers up on the right, the last of which are not visible from the tee.

Regular players describe the 8th hole as exciting. The longest of the par 3s is a good test of your ability without demanding too much. The diffi culty lies in its length, judging the breeze and getting around the bunker in the front right corner.

The 17th Hole is a challenging one. It is a big hole with most players electing to lay it as a 3 shooter. There are 2 bunkers to the left and right halfway down the fairway. The green has 2 levels and is protected by bunkers as well.

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Complete your round with a big fi nish over the water feature. Good aim is essential with 3 bunkers leading up to the green which has a big ridge running into the middle of it.

Golf CourseAn 18 holes championship golf Course with 5 different tee options on all holes.

9 holes par 3 golf courseA 9 hole par 3 course ranging in distance from 60 meters to 165 meters is available for all level of golfers

Driving RangeA double-sided driving range utilizing top quality range balls is available from 07.00 to 17.00.

Putting GreenA large putting green situated between the 18th green and the clubhouse is available for golfers during daylight hours.

Chipping FacilitiesA separate chipping, pitching and bunker practice facility is located adjacent to the 9th green.

Pro ShopA fully stocked Pro-Shop with both local and international brands are open between 06.30 and 18.30 seven days a week.

Bar and RestaurantThe bar is open for drinks service between 07 00 and 19 00, and kitchen operating hours are 10.00am to 18h00. A menu consisting of light meals is available throughout the day.

Hire EquipmentEquipment hire for golfi ng purposes include golf carts, trolleys and International branded golf clubs catering for men, women and juniors.

CaddiesThere are a limited amount of caddies available. Should clients wish to utilize this service, please ensure that you book a caddy in advance when securing your tee-time.

Locker roomsA fully functional locker room is available during clubhouse operating hours for both gentlemen and ladies.

Shuttle serviceBoth the Heritage and Le Telfair Golf and Spa Resorts offer a shuttle service to and from the respective hotels.

TuitionBoth group and individual tuition is offered by a PGA Golf Professional. Lessons can take the form of video analysis, private tuition or playing lessons. Bookings for the above tuition are essential by contacting the Golf du Chateau Pro Shop or via e-mail to [email protected]

73Golf Du ChâteauSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

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The Kyocera Golf Tournament 74 Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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From Left to right :Lawrence Boodhoo (CBE - Kyocera equipment), Ludovic Bax, Jean Claude Maingard, Valerie Raffray, Gilberte Sauzier, Sebastien Pilot (Golf Director) and Lily Tin (Administrative Golf Offi cer) of Constance Belle Mare Plage

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75The Kyocera Golf Tournament Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

The Kyocera Golf Tournament held on the Links Course of Constance Belle Mare Plage.

The Kyocera Tournament wae held on Saturday 24th April 2010 on the Links, championship golf course, of length 5,942 metres and a Par 71. There were 10 teams of 4 golfers and the format of play was Texas Scramble which involves 4-person teams playing four balls, but with each shot coming from the same spot (the best of the four drives is chosen).

The 40 golfers enjoyed their game and they all spent a very nice and friendly golfi ng day with us. We had amazing scores in Net and Gross and the winning team had 13 Birdies with a team handicap 3, they fi nished their game with a score of 55 in Net and 58 in gross.

We would like to thank all the golfers for their participation and also the Kyocera Management for their kind contribution to that tournament.

Results1st in Net - Jean Claude Maingard, Ludovic Bax, Valerie Raffray, Gilberte Sauzier - Score 55 (Net)

2nd in Net - Henry Wan, May Wan, Gautam Saddul, Prabha Saddul - Score 59 (Net)

3rd in Net - Jean Paul Shi Shun, Margaret Shi Shun, Harold Ng and Louise Ng - Score 59 (Net)

Best Gross - Paul Lim Fat, Odile Lim Fat, Jean Pierre Wan and Jean Michel Hau - Score 65 (Gross)

The competition was sponsored by Central Business Equipment Ltd (Distributor of Kyocera equipment).

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Swingtime’s friends Swingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.za

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Swingtime peeks into the lives of amateur golf enthusiasts Jukka Leinonen (orthopaedic surgeon) and Claudia Passerini (United Nations) who travel the world playing golf. We look forward to our "Swingtime friends" visiting us in Mauritius soon.

Swingtime C.E.O Alan Duval and friend and Claudia Passerini and Jukka Leinonen at the Lost City golf Course


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Swingtime’s friendsSwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Swingtime made its way to sunny South Africa during the heart of its summer season, and like an intrepid

golfing adventurer, beat a path to “THE LOST CITY”, one of Sun City’s famous holiday and golfing destinations.

Sun City has 2 of the preeminent golf courses in Africa.

They are “The Gary Player Country Club Course” and “The LOST CITY Golf Course”. Both have been

designed by the famous and distinguished Gary Player. They are challenging par-72 courses set in one of the world’s most visually arresting scenic surroundings. A Feast for the eye and a feast for golf. Our Swingtime’s

friends Jukka and Claudia had an exciting round of golf with Swingtime C.E.O Aland Duval and friend.


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79DirectorySwingtime issue 10www.swingtimegolf.co.zain association with TIMESONLINE of London

Adopt-A-Golfer - Swingtime MauritiusTel: (230) 213 [email protected]

Arjun CHAKRABORTY (Astrologer)[email protected]

Benz & Partners LtdTalstrasse 58, 8022 ZurichTel: 043 344 73 70Fax: 043 344 73 [email protected]

Fair Acres Hotel4 Bosbou Street, Thesen’s Hill, Knysna, 6571South AfricaTel: +27 (0)44 302 2000Fax: +27 (0)44 302 [email protected]

Fashion Page - Emotions Golf Events LtdRoyal Road, Avenue Bois de CorailTamarin, MauritiusTel/Fax: (230) 483 6282Mobile: (230) 711 [email protected]

Golf du ChâteauTelephone: +230 623 56 00Fax: +230 623 56 01

Sunset CruiseBy Labourdonnais HotelCaudan WaterfrontP.O Box 91,Port-Louis, MauritiusTel: (230) 202 4000Fax: (230) 202 [email protected]

The Grand Mauritian Resort and SpaPhone: (230) 204 1400 www.thegrandmauritian.com

The Springs Hotel and Golf ClubWallingford RoadNorth Stoke, WallingfordOxfordshire Ox106BETel: 01491 836687

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