sweeney todd

a musical thriller

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Post on 05-Mar-2016




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Programme for LTCs production of Sweeney Todd


  • a musical thriller

  • Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd His skin was pale and his eye was odd He shaved the faces of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard of again He trod a path that few have trod did Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street He kept a shop in London town Of fancy clients and good renown and what if none of their souls were saved they went to their maker Impeccably shaved By Sweeney by Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street

  • WeLcOme TO THe LITTLe THeATre cOmpAnyS prOducTIOn Of SWeeney TOdd. Once AgAIn, We HAve BrOken neW grOund And cHOSen A SHOW THAT We HAve never dOne BefOre. THOSe Of yOu WHO Are fAmILIAr WITH STepHen SOndHeImS WOrk WILL knOW WHAT WOnderfuL muSIc He WrITeS. THIS IS prOBABLy HIS mOST pOWerfuL pIece, WITH HIS muSIc grApHIcALLy deScrIBIng THe meLOdrAmATIc STOry Of THe demOn BArBer Of fLeeT STreeT. THe STAge SHOW WAS An AmAzIng SucceSS SOme yeArS AgO AT drury LAne WITH SHeILA HAncOck And dennIS QuILLey And On BrOAdWAy WITH AngeLA LAnSBury. IT WAS recenTLy revIved TO mucH AccLAIm AS A fILm, dIrecTed By TIm BurTOn And STArrIng JOHnny depp And HeLenA BOnHAm-cArTer. THIS verSIOn WAS exTremeLy dArk In every SenSe Of THe WOrd. yOu WILL fInd THe STAge SHOW mucH funnIer yeS, AmId ALL THe grImneSS And BLOOd-LeTTIng yOu WILL (HOpefuLLy) fInd yOurSeLf LAugHIng frOm TIme TO TIme!THe prepArATIOnS fOr SWeeney TOdd HAve Been reALLy gOOd fOr uS AS We HAve Been STreTcHed And cHALLenged By SOndHeImS TecHnIcALLy dIffIcuLT ScOre A fAr cry frOm Our recenT SHOWS Summer HOLIdAy, OkLAHOmA And cOpAcABAnA.AS regArdS Our nexT SHOW, mOnTy pyTHOn uSed TO STArT WITH THe WOrdS, And nOW fOr SOmeTHIng cOmpLeTeLy dIfferenT... WeLL, We Are deLIgHTed TO TeLL yOu THAT We WILL AgAIn Be preSenTIng SOmeTHIng cOmpLeTeLy dIfferenT THe eSSex AmATeur premIere Of Buddy (THe Buddy HOLLy STOry) In THIS WOnderfuL THeATre In OcTOBer. I dO HOpe yOu WILL JOIn uS AgAIn fOr THAT.SO, I HeSITATe TO uSe THe WOrd enJOy WITH ALL THe BLOOd THAT IS ABOuT TO Be SpILT! HOWever, I HOpe THAT yOu WILL HAve A gOOd evenIng And SAvOur THIS fABuLOuS muSIcAL AS A TruLy memOrABLe THeATrIcAL experIence.

    SALLy LIgHTfOOT - cHAIrmAn

    muSIc & LyrIcS By STepHen SOndHeImBOOk By HugH WHeeLer

    frOm An AdApTATIOn By cHrISTOpHer BOndOrIgInALLy dIrecTed By HArOLd prInce

    OrIgInALLy prOduced On BrOAdWAy By rIcHArd BArr, cHArLeS WOOdWArd, rOBerT fryer, mAry LeA JOHnSOn, mArTIn rIcHArdS In ASSOcIATIOn WITH deAn & Judy mAnOS

    this amateur production is presented by arrangement with josef weinberger ltd. on behalf of music theatre international of new york

  • SynOpSISIn THIS cLASSIc vIcTOrIAn meLOdrAmA, BenJAmIn BArker reTurnS TO fLeeT STreeT In SeArcH Of HIS WIfe And dAugHTer, HAvIng Been exILed TO AuSTrALIA under fALSe cHArgeS By THe greAT Judge TurpIn. reSumIng HIS prOfeSSIOn AS A BArBer, BArker recreATeS HImSeLf AS SWeeney TOdd, THe demOn BArBer Of fLeeT STreeT. He IS AIded In HIS BLOOdy AcTIvITIeS By mrS. LOveTT WHO runS An AILIng pIe SHOp.

    muSIcAL numBerSpreLudeprOLOgue: THe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT I) ........................................................ TOdd & cOmpAny

    AcT InO pLAce LIke LOndOn ........................................................................ AnTHOny, TOdd, BeggAr WOmAnTHe WOrST pIeS In LOndOn ............................................................................................ mrS. LOveTTpOOr THIng ............................................................................................................... mrS. LOveTTmy frIendS ....................................................................................................... TOdd, mrS. LOveTTTHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT II) ..........................................................memBerS Of THe cOmpAnygreen fIncH And LInneT BIrd ............................................................................................ JOHAnnAAH, mISS....................................................................................... AnTHOny, JOHAnnA, BeggAr WOmAnJOHAnnA ........................................................................................................................ AnTHOnypIreLLIS mIrAcLe eLIxIr ................................................................TOBIAS, crOWd, TOdd, mrS. LOveTTpIreLLIS enTrAnce ......................................................................................................... pIreLLITHe cOnTeST.................................................................................................................... pIreLLITHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT III) .........................................................memBerS Of THe cOmpAnyJOHAnnA ..................................................................................................................Judge TurpInWAIT .................................................................................................... mrS. LOveTT, BeggAr WOmAnpIreLLIS THreAT ............................................................................................................. pIreLLITHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT Iv) ........................................................................THree TenOrSkISS me (pArT I) ................................................................................................. JOHAnnA, AnTHOnyLAdIeS In THeIr SenSITIvITIeS............................................................................................ BeAdLekISS me (pArT II) ........................................................................... JOHAnnA, AnTHOny, BeAdLe, JudgepreTTy WOmen ................................................................................................Judge, TOdd, AnTHOnyepIpHAny .......................................................................................................... TOdd, mrS. LOveTTA LITTLe prIeST ................................................................................................. mrS. LOveTT, TOdd

    AcT IIgOd, THATS gOOd! ....................................................................... TOBIAS, mrS. LOveTT, TOdd, cOmpAnyJOHAnnA (AcT II SeQuence) ..................................................... AnTHOny, TOdd, JOHAnnA, BeggAr WOmAnBy THe SeA ........................................................................................................ mrS. LOveTT, TOddWIgmAker SeQuence ....................................................................................TOdd, AnTHOny, QuInTeTTHe LeTTer .....................................................................................................................QuInTeTnOT WHILe Im ArOund ....................................................................................... TOBIAS, mrS. LOveTTpArLOr SOngS .....................................................................................BeAdLe, mrS. LOveTT, TOBIASTHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT v) / fOggS ASyLum ....................................memBerS Of THe cOmpAnycITy On fIre! .................................................................................................... LunATIcS, JOHAnnASeArcHIng ............................................mrS. LOveTT, TOdd, BeggAr WOmAn, LunATIcS, AnTHOny, JOHAnnATHe JudgeS reTurn .....................................................................................................TOdd, JudgeTHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT vI) .........................................................memBerS Of THe cOmpAnyfInAL Scene ...................................................................................................... TOdd, mrS. LOveTTTHe BALLAd Of SWeeney TOdd (pArT vII) ........................................................................ THe cOmpAny

  • cASTSWeeney TOdd........................................................................................................... ScOTT rOcHemrS. LOveTT ........................................................................................................SALLy LIgHTfOOTTOBIAS ................................................................................................................ dArren HArperAnTHOny ................................................................................................................JAmIe redgATeJOHAnnA .................................................................................................................LAurA WILSOn Judge TurpIn ........................................................................................................... BArry JOneSBeAdLe BAmfOrd ................................................................................................... BrAdLey greenBeggAr WOmAn ............................................................................................... JOAnne eLLIS BAILeyAdOLfO pIreLLI ....................................................................................................... AnTOny SmITHcOmpAny: JO AdAmS, pAuL ALLWrIgHT, nIcOLA BOTT, LAurA BrOWne, rOB BurdeTT, mIke dAvIS, LAurA deAveS, mArk deLf, eLAIne dOHerTy, LeWIS fOSTer, SArAH geOrge, cHArLOTTe gILmOre, JOAn HuBBArd, pAIge JAckSOn, cHrIS JOLLy, STepHAnIe kennA, JOy kIngSTOn, ABI knIgHT, LIAnne LArTHe, dAve LOBLey, Sue mOrLey, SArAH mummery, SHeILA nIcOL, reBeccA pALmer, pAT pepper, deBBIe SmALLBOne, ednA SmITH, IAn SmITH, mArk SpOOner, STeve WILkInSOn

    OrcHeSTrAvIOLIn ...............................................................................................................eLISA BergerSenkeyBOArd ........................................................................................................... mAddIe mAxWeLLcLArIneT ......................................................................................................... TrAcey BrIdgemAnBASSOOn ................................................................................................................cLAIre mOOreHOrn .......................................................................................................................OLIver SmITHTrumpeT .....................................................................................................................pHIL dAvISceLLO .........................................................................................................................Becky cOxBASS ....................................................................................................................... TOm mArSHALpercuSSIOn ............................................................................................................mALcOLm BALL

    prOducTIOn TeAmdIrecTOr ............................................................................................................STeve WILkInSOncHOreOgrApHer ........................................................................................................ nIcOLA BOTTmuSIcAL dIrecTOr/cHOruS mASTer ................................................................................... pAuL dAyASSISTAnT dIrecTOr ........................................................................................... JAnIne mAnSfIeLdWArdrOBe mISTreSS ........................................................................................dOreen gOOdfeLLOWWArdrOBe ASSISTAnTS ............................................................................ Sue mOrLey & SHeILA nIcOLSTAge dIrecTOr ..........................................................................................................IAn gILBerTprOmpT .................................................................................................................. June vALLeLySTAge creW ................................................ cLAre LAWLer, kAne dAvIS, SImOn deAveS, LAuren ASHTOn, ......................................................................................... eLAIne HeckIngBOTTOm, SAmAnTHA eLLISScenery .................................................................................................ScenIc prOducTIOnS LTd.cOSTumeS ....................................................... LTc cOSTume WAreHOuSe, JeAn cOOmBeS, BrendA greenmAke-up .........................................................................................SHeILA meLvILLe, HAnnAH TOddWIgS .................................................................................. nIcHOLA feATHerS, dOreen gOOdfeLLOWreHeArSAL pIAnISTS ...................................................... JAne cOmpTOn, LIAm HOLmeS, mAddIe mAxWeLL puBLIcITy mATerIAL & prOgrAmme deSIgn ..................................................................BrAdLey greencAST pHOTOgrApHy .....................................................................................................Jeff HOOkerfrOnT Of HOuSe ................ JAnIne mAnSfIeLd, TIm cATer, dOreen gOOdfeLLOW, cArLA cATer, SHArOn gIBB

  • ScOTT rOcHe THIS IS ScOTTS THIrd SHOW WITH THe LTc, HAvIng prevIOuSLy pLAyed curLy (OkLAHOmA!) And STeve (Summer HOLIdAy). He HAS Been AcTIng And SIngIng In THe AreA fOr Over 15 yeArS And HAS Been Lucky enOugH TO pLAy SOme greAT rOLeS, IncLudIng ugLy (HOnk), THe TIn mAn (WIzArd Of Oz) And HerO (A funny THIng HAppened On THe WAy TO THe fOrum). He HAS ALSO perfOrmed In mAny cOncerTS AS A gueST SOLOIST And WOn SeverAL AWArdS AT LOcAL And nATIOnAL SIngIng feSTIvALS. He WAS ALSO prIvILeged TO Be ASked TO TAke On THe LeAd rOLeS In cOncerT verSIOnS Of LeS mISerABLeS, JOSepH, greASe And pHAnTOm Of THe OperA. ScOTT HAS enJOyed THe cHALLenge Of SWeeney TOdd And IS very excITed TO Be pLAyIng THIS vILLAInOuS rOLe, A pArT He HAS ALWAyS WAnTed TO dO.

    THe vIcTIm WHO TurnS mASS murderer In

    HIS revenge AgAInST SOcIeTy - And THe mAn WHO ruIned HIS LIfe.

  • SALLy LIgHTfOOTSALLy HAS Been A memBer Of THe LTc SInce 1975. SHe HAS pLAyed mAny prIncIpAL rOLeS Over THe yeArS, IncLudIng THe TITLe rOLe Of mAme (mAme), LAdy THIAng (THe kIng And I), dOrOTHy BrOck (42nd STreeT), THeLmA (THe fArndALe SerIeS Of cOmedIeS) And, mOST recenTLy, AunT eLLer (OkLAHOmA!). SHe HAS ALSO dIrecTed SHOWS And WOrked AS cHOruS mISTreSS. SHe IS deLIgHTed TO Be pLAyIng yeT AnOTHer fOrmIdABLe WOmAn - mrS. LOveTT, One Of SOndHeImS fIneST femALe creATIOnS. SALLy HAS Served AS A cOmmITTee memBer fOr mAny yeArS And IS currenTLy cHAIrmAn.

    reSOurcefuL, cHeery, cHATTy,

    AmOrAL - And enAmOured Of SWeeney TOdd.

    cOmedIc, cOArSe And ruTHLeSS.

  • dArren HArper dArren WAS A LATecOmer TO THe cAST

    Of SWeeney TOdd, TAkIng On THe pArT Of TOBIAS OnLy eIgHT WeekS AgO. He HAS

    Been A memBer Of THe LTc fOr Over Ten yeArS And THIS IS HIS eIgHTeenTH SHOW

    fOr THe cOmpAny. Over THe yeArS He HAS pLAyed numerOuS rOLeS And WAS Seen

    mOST recenTLy In Our LAST prOducTIOn (Summer HOLIdAy) AS dOn. dArren IS

    LOOkIng fOrWArd TO THe cHALLenge Of pLAyIng TOBIAS AS He feeLS THAT THIS cHArAcTer WILL fOrce HIm OuT Of HIS

    cOmfOrT zOne.

    A vuLnerABLe LAd WHO WOrkS fIrST fOr pIreLLI, THen

    fOr mrS. LOveTT - WHere He THInkS He HAS fInALLy fOund

    LOve And SecurITy.

  • AnTOny SmITH AnTOny JOIned THe LTc In 2005 fOr HeLLO

    dOLLy. SInce THen He HAS pLAyed prIncIpAL rOLeS, IncLudIng Benny (guyS And dOLLS) And

    gremIO (kISS me kATe). He HAS ALSO WOrked On THe prOducTIOn SIde AS ASSISTAnT dIrecTOr

    (OkLAHOmA!) WHen THe LTc reTurned TO THe pALAce THeATre In 2008. AnTOny IS very excITed TO Be

    pLAyIng THe WOnderfuL rOLe Of pIreLLI, THe fLAmBOyAnT ITALIAn BArBer.


    HumILIATed In A puBLIc cOnTeST WITH TOdd.

  • JAmIe redgATeJAmIe fIrST STArTed perfOrmIng On THe STAge WHen He WAS eLeven And HAS Been HOOked ever SInce. THIS IS HIS fOurTH SHOW WITH THe LTc, BuT He HAS Been fOrTunATe TO HAve pLAyed vArIOuS rOLeS Over THe yeArS, SucH AS ScArecrOW (WIzArd Of Oz), rIck (SLIce Of SATurdAy nIgHT), cLInT mccLAIrd (WILd WILd WOmen) And cyrIL (Summer HOLIdAy). JAmIe HAS LOved THe cHALLenge Of pLAyIng THe pArT Of AnTHOny And SIngIng SOndHeImS WOnderfuL muSIc.

    A yOung, nAve SAILOr WHO BefrIendS TOdd And THen fALLS deSperATeLy

    In LOve WITH JOHAnnA. A TruLy rOmAnTIc And SIncere yOung mAn.

  • LAurA WILSOnLAurA HAS Been A memBer Of THe LTc SInce THe Age Of fIfTeen AfTer fIrST AppeArIng On STAge AS A cHILd In cArOuSeL And WILL rOgerS fOLLIeS. LAurA HAS enJOyed SucH rOLeS AS peggy (42nd STreeT) And LOLA LA mAr (cOpAcABAnA). AS WeLL AS AppeArIng On STAge, LAurA HAS Been AcTIveLy InvOLved In THe cHOreOgrApHy Of mAny SHOWS. THIS IS LAurAS TWenTIeTH SHOW And SHe HAS THOrOugHLy enJOyed pLAyIng THe pArT Of JOHAnnA In THIS neW And excITIng prOducTIOn.

    TOddS dAugHTer BuT nOW cLAImed By Judge TurpIn AS HIS WArd And THe unWILLIng

    fOcuS Of HIS deSIre.

  • BArry JOneS BArry HAS Been WITH THe LTc SInce 2003; HIS

    prIncIpAL rOLeS IncLude Jerry (Summer HOLIdAy), BIg JuLe (guyS & dOLLS), gerALd BOLIngBrOke (me

    And my gIrL) And dAnny gILmArTIn (cALAmITy JAne). He IS A fOrmer memBer Of THe BenfLeeT OperATIc

    SOcIeTy, WHere He perfOrmed AS fyedkA (fIddLer On THe rOOf), And BIg JuLe (fOr THe fIrST TIme!). On

    A mOre cLASSIcAL THeme, He AppeAred AS LIBerTO In mOnTeverdIS THe cOrOnATIOn Of pOppeA WITH THe

    eSSex OperA WOrkSHOp. fOr THe pAST 3 yeArS, BArry HAS Served AS A cOmmITTee memBer Of LTc.

    A cOrrupT And deprAved OffIcIAL. An upHOLder Of JuSTIce WHO TWISTS

    THe SySTem TO Serve HIS OWn SexuAL OBSeSSIOnS.

  • BrAdLey green THIS IS BrAdS fOurTH SHOW WITH THe LTc And HIS SecOnd prIncIpAL

    rOLe, HAvIng recenTLy pLAyed ALI HAkIm (OkLAHOmA!). Over THe yeArS He HAS perfOrmed mAny vArIed rOLeS In A greAT numBer Of SHOWS

    IncLudIng: nIceLy nIceLy (guyS & dOLLS), dOOdy (greASe), frAncIS fryer (cALAmITy JAne), reuBen (JOSepH), QuAck (LuST), BuLLfrOg

    (HOnk!), HySTerIum (A funny THIng....fOrum), ren (ALLO ALLO), gInger (eATIng rAOuL), SeymOur (LITTLe SHOp Of HOrrOrS), BISHOp

    Of BASIngSTOke (JekyLL & Hyde) And THe BIg BOpper (HeAven cAn WAIT). He receIved THe BrenTWOOd THeATre AWArd fOr BeST AcTOr In

    A muSIcAL fOr HOnk! And guyS & dOLLS. HIS perfOrmAnce Of QuAck (LuST) cAn Be HeArd On THe cAST recOrdIng Of THe SHOW.

    TurpInS cunnIng rIgHT-HAnd mAn And eAger AccOmpLIce TO HIS

    crImeS. crueL TO THe WeAk And fAWnIng TO THOSe In AuTHOrITy.

  • JOAnne eLLIS-BAILey JO HAS Been A memBer Of THe LTc fOr mOre yeArS THAn SHe cAreS TO rememBer And HAS fInALLy reAcHed THe dIzzy depTHS Of pLAyIng A BeggAr WOmAn! prevIOuSLy, SHe HAS Been Our cHOreOgrApHer, Our cHOruS mISTreSS And, mOre recenTLy, Our dIrecTOr (AnyTHIng gOeS And Our nOdA AWArd-WInnIng kISS me kATe). On STAge SHe HAS enJOyed A vArIeTy Of rOLeS, IncLudIng THe WIcked WITcH Of THe WeST (THe WIz) And SuSAn (cALAmITy JAne). mOST recenTLy, SHe WAS One Of THe HOT BOx dAncerS (guyS And dOLLS).

    A derAnged pAuper WITH A fILTHy TOngue

    WHO epITOmISeS THe deSpAIr And deSperATIOn Of

    THOSe ArOund Her.

  • STeve WILkInSOn - dIrecTOrSTeve HAS Been WITH THe LTc fOr neArLy SIx yeArS And HAS pLAyed prIncIpAL rOLeS IncLudIng rudOLpH (HeLLO dOLLy) And BILL ( kISS me kATe), AS WeLL AS dIrecTIng cOpAcABAnA In 2006. HIS drAmATIc InTereSTS cOnTInue AT HIS pLAce Of WOrk - WeSTcLIff HIgH ScHOOL fOr BOyS - WHere He HAS dIrecTed A numBer Of muSIcALS (LeS mISrABLeS, cHeSS And JOSepH) And pLAyS (deATH Of A SALeSmAn, An InSpecTOr cALLS, AnOTHer cOunTry, THe LOng And THe SHOrT And THe TALL And TreASure ISLAnd).

    nIcOLA BOTT cHOreOgrApHeryOu mAy rememBer nIcOLA frOm Summer HOLIdAy WHere SHe pLAyed One Of THe THree gIrL SIngerS, ALmA. ALTHOugH SHe HASnT TAken On mAny LeAd rOLeS, SHe HAS Been A cOmmITTed memBer Of THe LTc SInce THe Age Of fOurTeen. SHe ALWAyS enJOyS BeIng On STAge In THe SHOWS, BuT THIS TIme SHe THOugHT SHed TAke On SOme neW cHALLengeS - HeLpIng TO dIrecT THe SHOW And TO puBLIcISe IT. ITS nOT Been THe eASIeST TASk AS SWeeney TOdd IS TecHnIcALLy One Of THe HArdeST SHOWS TO SIng And SeT And IT uSuALLy HAS A SmALL cHOruS Of peOpLe, BuT SHe HAS rISen TO THe cHALLenge. HOWever, In THe prOceSS SHe HAS deveLOped A feAr Of BArBerS And pIeS!

    pAuL dAy muSIcAL dIrecTOr/cHOruS mASTerpAuL STArTed HIS muSIcAL cAreer AT THe Age Of eIgHT pLAyIng fLuTe And guITAr. He STILL pLAyS THe fLuTe (And percuSSIOn WHen perSuAded) AS A memBer Of THe SOuTHend pHILHArmOnIc OrcHeSTrA. He HAS Been ASSISTAnT muSIcAL dIrecTOr fOr THe eASTWOOd cHOrALe fOr mAny yeArS And In 1995 WAS InvOLved In A TWO Week TOur Of THe SeycHeLLeS, pLAyIng fLuTe And SIngIng In THe cHOIr. He HAS mdd fOr mAny LOcAL OperATIc SOcIeTIeS Over THe yeArS IncLudIng rAyLeIgH OperATIc, THunderSLey OperATIc And IngATeSTOne OperATIc. He WAS ALSO InvOLved WITH rAInBOW2000 fOr mAny yeArS, BOTH OnSTAge And AS ASSISTAnT md. THIS IS pAuLS 4TH SHOW WITH THe LTc And THIS TIme He HAS cOmBIned HIS uSuAL rOLe Of cHOruS mASTer WITH THAT Of muSIcAL dIrecTOr, LeAdIng THe cOmpAny THrOugH THIS TecHnIcALLy cHALLengIng And dIffIcuLT ScOre.

    IAn gILBerT STAge dIrecTOrIAn OrIgInALLy TrAIned AT rOSe BrufOrd And HAS WOrked On numerOuS prOducTIOnS THrOugHOuT THe SOuTH-eAST And LOndOnS WeST end. THIS WILL Be HIS THIrd prOducTIOn AS STAge dIrecTOr WITH THe LTc, ALTHOugH By fAr HIS mOST cHALLengIng. In THe pAST, IAn HAS SpenT mOre TIme enTerTAInIng AudIenceS On STAge rATHer THAn BeHInd THe SceneS.

    dOreen gOOdfeLLOW WArdrOBedOreen HAS Been A memBer fOr mAny yeArS. SHe IS HAppy TO Be WArdrOBe mISTreSS yeT AgAIn fOr SWeeney TOdd, BuT IS keepIng A WAry eye On THe cuT THrOAT rAzOrS! SHe HAS TAken numerOuS LeAdIng rOLeS And ALSO dIrecTed vArIOuS SHOWS, IncLudIng Our AWArd-WInnIng THe kIng And I. SHe HAS Been cHOruS mISTreSS mAny TImeS And ALSO muSIcAL dIrecTOr (gOdSpeLL And THe WIz). SHe HAS ALSO AppeAred In recenT yeArS In Our HugeLy SucceSSfuL fArndALe SerIeS Of cOmedIeS.

    JAnIne mAnSfIeLd - ASSISTAnT dIrecTOrJAn HAS Been A memBer Of THe LTc fOr Seven yeArS. durIng THAT TIme SHe HAS AppeAred In Over Ten SHOWS fOr THe cOmpAny, IncLudIng me And my gIrL WHere SHe HAd A LeAdIng rOLe. AS WeLL AS perfOrmIng, SHe IS ALSO currenTLy On THe LTc cOmmITTee. JAn HAS enJOyed THe experIence And cHALLenge Of ASSISTIng STeve WITH THIS prOducTIOn Of SWeeney TOdd.

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  • President Lady Dorothy McAdden

    Vice Presidents Mrs Sandra Burford Ms Joanne Ellis Bailey Mrs Doreen Goodfellow Mrs Iris Lucas Mr Michael Matlin Mrs Sheila Melville Mrs Sheila Nicol Mr Brian Odell Mrs Pat Odell Mrs Lynne Young

    Honorary Patron Gemma Craven

    Life Members Mrs Annette Blake Mr Michael Burford Mrs Pat Collop Mrs Ann Couldridge Mr Ron Couldridge Mr Gerry Davis Mrs Wendy Hatton Mr Brian Houser Mrs Sally Lightfoot Mrs Sue Morley Mr Ray Newby

    Mrs Beverley Onslow Mr John Onslow Miss Madeline Palmer Mr Colin Simmonds Mrs Debbie Smallbone Mrs Olive Smith Mr Derek Smith Mr David Stokes Mrs Sheila Thomson Mr Brian Topsfield Mrs Valerie Wilcox Mrs Stephanie Wilson Mrs Shirley Wolfe Mr Jim Wolfe Mr Roger Young

    Chairman Sally LightfootTreasurer & Vice Chairman Joanne Ellis BaileySecretary Doreen GoodfellowBusiness Manager Steve WilkinsonEntertainments Officer Janine MansfieldPress and Publicity Officer Tim CaterGeneral Committee Antony Smith & Barry Jones

    Past Productions1949 No No Nanette 1950 The Girlfriend 1951 Mr Cinders 1952 Please Teacher 1953 Me & My Girl 1954 Blue for a Boy 1955 Anything Goes 1956 South Pacific 1957 Love from Judy 1958 Kiss Me Kate 1959 Girl Crazy 1960 South Pacific 1961 Annie Get Your Gun 1962 Flower Drum Song 1963 The Music Man 1964 Carousel 1965 Love from Judy 1966 Oklahoma!/ The

    Pajama Game 1967 The Flower Drum

    Song++ 1968 Camelot / Half a


    1969 Showboat / How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

    1970 Carousel/ West Side Story

    1971 The King & I / Half a Sixpence

    1972 No No Nanette / Me & My Girl

    1973 Charlie Girl / The Music Man

    1974 Rose Marie / Camelot

    1975 Robert & Elizabeth / Variety 75

    1976 Bitter Sweet / Variety 76

    1977 Kiss Me Kate / Variety 77

    1978 Mame / West Side Story

    1979 The King & I /

    Variety 79 1980 Love from Judy /

    The Dancing Years 1981 Variety 81 / The

    Sound of Music / Salad Days

    1982 Orpheus in the Underworld / Golden Variety 82

    1983 Oklahoma! / Variety 83

    1984 South Pacific / 7 Brides for 7 Brothers**##

    1985 Fiddler on the Roof/ Variety 85

    1986 Showboat/ How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

    1987 Guys & Dolls / Camelot

    1988 Sweet Charity / The Pirates of

    Penzance 1989 Variety 89 /

    7 Brides for 7 Brothers

    1990 Carmen++ / The Pajama Game##

    1991 The Mikado / Gentlemen Prefer Blondes++

    1992 Carousel / Godspell 1993 Half a Sixpence /

    Variety 93 1994 Guys & Dolls /

    42nd Street*##

    1995 The Pirates of Penzance / Kismet

    1996 Will Rogers Follies*## / The Little Shop of Horrors*

    1997 Singin in the Rain / She Loves Me*##(2)

    1998 Oklahoma!## /

    La Cage Aux Folles 1999 Some Like It Hot* /

    The Wiz 2000 Mack & Mabel*** /

    The Slipper & the Rose*

    2001 Annie / Crazy For You##

    2002 The King and I## / Oliver!

    2003 Anything Goes / Me & My Girl

    2004 Calamity Jane / 42nd Street##

    2005 7 Brides for 7 Brothers / Hello Dolly!

    2006 Guys & Dolls / Kiss Me Kate##

    2007 The Pirates of Penzance /

    Copacabana2008 Oklahoma! Summer Holiday

    *Regional Premiere **South East England Premiere ***South East Essex Premiere ++UK Amateur Premiere ##NODA Award Winner

    The National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA)Founded in 1899, is the main representative body for amateur theatre in the UK. It has a membership of some 2500 amateur/community theatre groups and 3000 individual enthusiasts throughout the UK, staging musicals, operas, plays, concerts and pantomimes in a wide variety of performing venues, ranging from the countrys leading professional theatres to village halls. Members have access to a wide range of benefits.

    NODA is divided into eleven national Regions, each headed by an Region Councillor who sits on the Council (the ruling body of the Association), supported by a network of Regional Representatives and other volunteers. These volunteers are the vital link to the grass roots of the Association, the amateur theatre companies themselves. The Association is administered from its Headquarters in Peterborough, with a knowledgeable and friendly staff able to deal with virtually any enquiry relating to amateur theatre.

    There is a broad spectrum of ages involved with amateur theatre nationwide, from a burgeoning number of youth groups to adult companies, which meet the needs of all levels of both performers, whether dramatic or musical, and enthusiasts involved backstage, front of house or in administration.

    NODA aims: To give a shared voice to the amateur theatre sector To help amateur societies and individuals achieve the highest standards of best practice and performance To provide leadership and advice to enable the amateur theatre sector to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century

  • The link to the LTC...Lady Dorothy McAdden, who gives her name to the BUST unit, is the President of the Little Theatre Company. Dot, as she has always been affectionately known to us in LTC, was a member of the Company when the first production was staged back in 1949. Her husband was the LTCs first President for many years and when he died Dot took on the role.Over the last five shows we have tried to demonstrate our support to the BUST unit in a practical way by making a donation from the opening nights ticket sales: this has amounted to a total of 1,550.00. As well as this, we have taken a collection as our audiences have left the theatre on these opening nights and we know that these have amounted to a generous sum.Once again, we will be making a donation to BUST from the first night of this show Sweeney Todd and taking a leaving collection.

    Where it all started...The Lady McAdden Unit, affectionately known as BUST, has provided a major health function for women since the unit opened in 1976. The official opening followed a massive fund raising campaign which was spearheaded by the South East Essex Federation of Townswomens Guilds to whom the charity remains affiliated, and supported by Lady Dorothy McAdden, wife of the late Sir Stephen McAdden, then MP for Southend East.

    Why breast cancer screening is important...Screening aims to detect cancer in its infancy. Early detection of breast abnormalities could have a significant effect on treatment and beating the disease. In addition countless women have their fears allayed.

    For more information call 01702 343288 or go to the website: www.b-u-s-t.co.uk

    BUST Lady McAdden Breast Screen Unit

    Linda Harrison, General Manager of the Lady McAdden Breast Screening Unit, having a close encounter with Todd and Mrs. Lovett


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  • Our Diamond AnniversaryThis year marks the 60th anniversary of the LTC.The Company was formed in 1948 by a dozen or so enthusiasts, most of whom had some experience on the amateur stage, and was originally called The Little Theatre Club. The original intention was to present shows in a modest way for charities, but within a few months it was learned that, owing to a cancelled booking, it was possible to hire the Palace Theatre, Westcliff, for a week. And so, in December 1949 the first LTC production was staged No No Nanette. Since then, the company has presented 104 musicals and 33 plays. We have records of over 1000 members, many of whom have gone on to pursue a professional career in theatre and entertainment: these include our Patron, Gemma Craven, Mark Cotgrove (aka Snowboy) and Lee Mead. Always keen to try new things over the years, we have presented 3 UK amateur premieres plus numerous regional ones, and in the process we have won 11 NODA awards.

  • garethpoxon photography

    weddings | theatre | portraiture

    Tel: 07921 500 [email protected]


    Its not JUST about the TheatreIf you join the Little Theatre Company, not only can you be part of all our productions, you can also join in our varied and active social calendar.

    Were actively looking for new members for our next show. So whether your forte lies on stage, backstage or even making costumes, there surely isnt a better way to make so many friends and most of all have fun! With over 100 members ages 15-80, from builders to accountants and housewives to policemen, weve welcomed them all and wed love to welcome you too.

    If you would like to be part of our next show Buddy, please contact our membership secretary Doreen Goodfellow on 01702 349277 or find out more at our website: www.littletheatrecompany.co.uk

  • LTC proudly present the Essex amateur premiereBy arrangement with Alan Janes for Theatre Partners

    21-24 October 2009

    The MAN...The MUSIC...The LEGEND...


    Written by Alan Janes & Rob Bettinson Original Direction by Rob Bettinson

    020 8133 0582box office 01702 351135

    advance bookings







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    This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd.