swans presentation to institutes

In the rat race of the modern world today Discover The Human Being in you

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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In the rat race of the

modern worldtoday


The Human Being in you

Today’s work culture teaches us how to: Be Competitive Have an edge over others in the race Make money, money and more money Secure your future financially Be successful by whatever means Be street smart by fooling others and

defying law Be corrupt and encourage corruption BE A TRUE “PROFESSIONAL”

Does it teach us how to:

Respect every profession Encourage equality Be socially sensitive and active Rise against or protest exploitation Forget and Forgive Love and respect every being Give time to yourself Become a Human Being

Today’s Education Industry Strategizes on rejection rather than

selection during admissions Believes in stressful learning to prepare

students for the stress later on at work Sells itself through Campus selections

and Package Stresses on certification rather than

knowledge enrichment Teaches how to adjust to corruption

and failing systems rather than changing / improving them

Develops material value of students

But does it teach you how to

Behave in society, in work and with the community

Be socially responsible Be awake and be responsive to social

ills Not to be party to corruption Honor dignity of labor Care for the underprivileged Become a Human Being

In Life, you get:

A Certification for your Knowledge base A Certification for your experience Certification of your material value

Do you get any certification for How good you are as a Human Being How socially inclined and socially

responsible you are

Social Credits

Certification of the Human side of you Measure of your contribution to society Calculated through a scientific method Based on best performance appraisal

methods Developed by XLRI Jamshedpur and IIM

Indore Being accepted by Corporate Houses Being accepted by the education


Social Welfare Association of Neo Socialites (SWANS)

A Volunteers Association comprising of people like you, aged 18 – 80 years

Spreading across the country involving students, professionals and every privileged citizen

A network of Individuals, Institutes, Corporate Houses and NGOs

Assesses social contribution of every individual and awards them social credits

A transparent organization


Recognizes every individual as a SWAN with a unique SWANS ID

Registers Institutes, Corporate houses, Groups and Clubs as NESTS with Swans in it

Registers NGOs, CSR Projects and Social projects as GROVES

Forms groups of Swans (with common interests) as FLOCKS

Links FLOCKS with GROVES in a city (SWANS LAKE)

Social Credit System

Every SWAN accumulates Social Credits for Life

Social Credit Total of a NEST = Sum of social credits of all Swans in it

Every NEST is headed by a Nest Leader who carries the highest social credits

Every FLOCK is headed by a Flock Leader who carries the highest social credits

Every LAKE (City Chapter) is headed by a King Swan and a Queen Swan who carry the highest social credits


In order to maintain their social image (social credit total), Corporate houses take up more CSR projects and encourage more employees to participate

Corporate houses look for Institutes having high Social Credit totals and Swans for Campus interviews, to build up their Social Credit total

Corporate houses of the same industry poach on each other’s employees having high social credits, in order to build up their social credit total

More Advantages

Institutes encourage their students to participate in social projects to build up their social credit total and project to the Corporate houses

Students and employees willingly participate in social projects to accumulate social credits and get an advantage over others in campus interviews and other selection process

NGOs and CSR projects get more intellectual human resource support for their work with the underprivileged

The Human Being in you

Help the underprivileged come upto your level

Become a Role model for them Form the SWANS Lake in your city by

networking all institutions, groups, clubs, Corporate and Business houses, NGOs and individuals

Join SWANS by registering online atwww.swans.notlong.com - JOIN SWANS

Register all the above stakeholders online


Social Welfare Association of Neo Socialites

Web: www.swans.notlong.com

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0755-4274407 Mobile: 0-9893274407