swadlincote townscape for schools 2016-2018

Townscape for Schools 2016-2018

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Page 1: Swadlincote Townscape for Schools 2016-2018

Townscape for Schools


Page 2: Swadlincote Townscape for Schools 2016-2018

Townscape Surveys in Swadlincote (KS1/ KS2 History, Geography) Pupils will identify and investigate characteristics and features of buildings, gaining knowledge and understanding of their purpose today and will also look for evidence of current and past local industry.

Opportunity to develop detailed map work, investigation, recording and problem solving skills. Fee: £50 per class for 2 hour led session FREE if self-led

Townscape Science in Swadlincote: ‘Rot or Repair’? (KS1/ KS2 Science) Pupils become ‘building detectives’, looking for evidence of decay and repair. Through practical activities and investigation they will explore materials used in buildings and the damage caused by animals, plants, humans and the weather Over 2017-2018 Science sessions will have links with National Science week and we will apply for Crest accreditation. Fee: £50 per class for 2 hour led session FREE if self-led

Industry Visits (KS2 /KS3 Careers, Science, Technology)

An opportunity for pupils to visit local manufacturing or building industries sites to see how things are made in the area today. Eg Ibstock Brick - the UK’s largest manufacturer of clay and concrete building products.

Availability is very limited and advance notice is required – estimated 6-8 weeks.

Each site/opportunity will have strict guidelines on group sizes, behaviour and adult to child ratio.

Fee: FREE although donations to cover admin and risk assessment time welcome.

Our Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme includes sessions for KS1, KS2 & KS3 based around the built heritage of the town. There are opportunities to extend local history, citizenship, PSHE, science, art and technology through fun learning activities.

All sessions are outdoors in Swadlincote Town Centre whatever the weather unless stated otherwise.

Prices are for South Derbyshire Schools—which are subsidised by the Heritage Lottery Fund—slightly higher charges apply for schools outside the District.

To book a room for your self-led group contact Sharpe’s on 01283 222600 or Swadlincote Town hall on 01283 595846 or 595782

There will also be family events and activities 2016-2018.

Sessions can be led or self-led and can be combined to create a full day.

Resources will be online - please contact us for the link.

Unless stated, all activity enquiries and bookings are done through the Environmental Education Project/ Swadlincote Townscape education team.

Telephone: 01283 535039 Email: [email protected]

Townscape Trails (KS1/KS2/KS3 Geography, History, Science)

A different self-led themed trail will be launched each year.

Pupils will explore the town looking for clues and evidence linked to the town’s buildings to find out how where and why different materials are used. Can be linked to map work.

Themes for trails

2016 - roofs and original features

2017- joinery and shop frontages

2018 –masonry and signage Fee: FREE

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School Engagement and Decision Days in Swadlincote (KS2 Local History, Citizenship, Democracy)

Pupils will be trained in identifying, interpreting and evaluating the historic and built environment of Swadlincote through a variety of fieldwork techniques including, observation, photography, sketching, map work and surveying. They will look at some of the buildings eligible for Townscape repair/restoration grants and use their own research to provide feedback to the grant decision making process. Please note the session will involve some follow up work in school. Fee: £100 per class for a full day’s session. This includes an indoor space available all day. Bookings and information from: Derbyshire Environmental Studies Service directly on 01629 533439 or email: [email protected].

Townscape TV (KS2 Local History, ICT, Citizenship)

Townscape TV provides the unique opportunity for pupils to create programmes with Burton TV linked to various topics within the Townscape project. Groups will work together gaining practical experience, developing their planning and communication skills and gaining more knowledge on local heritage.

Themes for programmes available in the Autumn term each year:

2016 - Roofs and original features

2017- Joinery and shop frontages

2018 - masonry and signage

Fee: £125 per class for a full day’s session. Limited availability.

Traditional Trades Taster Days In Secondary schools (KS3 Design Technology, Building maintenance, Careers)

Practical workshops to demonstrate and engage students in techniques for improving, renovating and restoring buildings - and to show how good practice can prevent buildings from falling into decay.

Burton & South Derbyshire College (BSDC) will deliver taster days throughout the three year project. Fee: £50 per day to cover building materials used.

Townscape Geocache (KS1,KS2,KS3 Geography)

Available from 2017. Contact us for more details and the Geocache website information. Fee: FREE

Swadlincote Townscape ‘Twilight’ for Primary/ Secondary School Teachers Drop-in sessions to introduce teachers to the Townscape project and the activities, resources and events available to schools.

Sessions will be held after school at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum or Swadlincote Town Hall in spring and autumn each year and include light refreshments. Contact us for dates. Fee: FREE

Teacher training sessions

for Primary School Teachers Training in Townscape activities and the history of the town to enable teachers to self-lead with confidence. One session per year April/ May

A general overview of the scheme and a chance for bespoke learning will be provided plus more detail on the annual themes:

2016 – roofs and original features 2017 - frontages/ activities packs 2018 - masonry and signage

Fee: £15 per person/session (or £20 with AIM accreditation)

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These activities have been made possible by a Heritage Lottery Fund grant see:

www.south-derbys.gov.uk/SwadlincoteTownscape for details.

Contact The Environmental Education Project / Townscape Education Team for more

information on Townscape events and school visits

Telephone: 01283 535039 or email: [email protected]

Swadlincote Townscape Activities in the Town Centre:

Town Trail guides and Geocaching

available online from late 2016

Heritage Skills and building maintenance

training for industry, property owners

and individuals

Diana Memorial Garden restoration

(including opportunities for involvement)

Talks and walks around the Town Centre

led by The Magic Attic

Family Workshops, story telling and ‘drop

in’ activities at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum,

Swadlincote Library and on The Delph

Varied programme of School activities

Heritage Trail (late 2016/ early 2017)

For information about these and other local events go to:

Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West St, Swadlincote DE11 9DG

Open Mon-Sat 10am-4.30pm 01283 222848



If you require this information in large print or in

another language please phone:01283 595795 or

email: [email protected]


Swadlincote Townscape Environmental Education Project