survey analysis

Survey Analysis

Upload: marthahay

Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Survey analysis

Survey Analysis

Page 2: Survey analysis

Question 1For my magazine I wanted to see what my main target audience is. For this I have chosen to see what the main gender was. Although it was quite even; my target audience will mainly be females, but I won’t let this dominate my magazine as males will still read my magazine. I will need to make my magazine be suitable for both genders and still relevant to my audiences prefered genre of music.

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Question 2The ages that I will be aiming to write for in my magazine are 16 - 20, this means that I will have to make my magazine feel like it is for the youth. I will have to look into what they like. However people over 50 are still in the mix so I will have to make it suitable so that they will still want to read it and isn’t too modern for them. This will help me with the layout of my magazine and how I will do that.

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Question 3As you can see, most of my audience doesn’t buy magazines normally. Because of this I will have to make it so that they would want to buy the magazine. By doing this I will need to consider how to make it stand out and to their preferences. To make them buy the magazine I will need to make it stand out against all the others.

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Question 4If the people did read the magazines then I asked them how often they bought them. Most of them said they would buy them once a month. This helps me with deciding how often the magazine should be released. However, making the magazines be made monthly will raise the price of making it and people might not be willing to be pay more the magazine so I might have to do it fortnightly.

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Question 5This question was to help me decide what genre of music to make my magazine about. The majority going will rock and pop music. In addition to that people also liked classical music, however this doesn’t really fit with rock and pop music. This helps me have an idea of what my magazine would look like.

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Question 6This was to help me decide what I should concentrate on inside my magazine, in this case it would not be albums as people are only buying them yearly. This would not be suitable for a magazine which publishes fortnightly. However I could offer the chance to win one in a competition. This would also draw people into buying the magazine.

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Question 7The final question was to find out how people will listen to music.The most popular choice was the internet, so sites like YouTube. However live streaming options like Spotify was also very popular. This corresponds with the previous question as people don’t really listen to CDs either. Because I will have to concentrate on what music is like on those different platforms