surrogacy, wrtitten report

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  • 8/2/2019 Surrogacy, Wrtitten Report



    Surrogacy or Surrogate means substitute. In medical terminology, surrogacy indicates an arrangement

    whereby a woman agrees to undergo the pregnancy, labor, and delivery for another individual who either

    cannot or chooses not to.


    There are 2 types of surrogacy according to the procedure traditional and gestational surrogacy.

    In traditional surrogacy, also known as 'full' or 'straight' surrogacy, a woman is pregnant with her own biological

    child, but the child was conceived with the intention of turning it over to be raised by others such as the

    biological father and possibly his spouse or partner. The child may be conceived via home artificialinsemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via IUI (intrauterine insemination), or ICI (intracervical

    insemination) which is performed at a health clinic. The intended father's sperm can be used, or a sperm donor

    can be used. Donor sperm is used in cases where the intended parents are both female, or when the intended

    parent is a single woman.

    In gestational surrogacy, a gestational carrier has an embryo to which she has no genetic relationship,

    transferred to her uterus and carries the resulting child to term. After birth, the gestational carrier turns the

    child over to the biological mother and father to raise, or to the adoptive parent(s) (in which case, the embryo

    would have been a donated embryo).

    According to the arrangement, there are also 2 types of surrogacy commercial and altruistic surrogacy.

    The arrangement is called a commercial surrogacy if the carrier gets compensated for carrying and delivering the

    child (besides medical and other reasonable expenses). If the carrier receives no compensation (besides medical

    and other reasonable expenses) for carrying and delivering the child, the arrangement is sometimes referred to

    as an altruistic surrogacy, which is generally done by a friend for the intended parent(s).


    An indicator that a surrogate is needed is medical disorders that affect the ovaries. These medical

    disorders include: damaged ovaries caused by endometriosis, destroyed ovaries caused by previous
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    chemotherapy, menopause (egg production ceases), severe ovulatory disorders (polycystic ovaries), wifes

    genetic disorders, or premature ovarian failure. In these scenarios, the surrogate donates both the egg and the


    Indicators for a gestational carrier are evident when the uterus and fallopian tubes are unable to

    perform the designed function. Some of these disorders or abnormalities include:

    - Hysterectomy

    - Myomectomy in the uterus

    - Damage from infection or IUD

    - Malformed uterus

    - Pelvic adhesions causing distortion to bowel

    Some physiological impediments that can be life threatening would also necessitate in considering a

    gestational carrier are:

    - Cardiac disease

    - Diabetes

    - Potentially dangerous drugs (drugs that can harm developing fetus)

    -History of ectopic pregnancies

    - Emotional factors

    - Physical disabilities (weight gain causing stress on back and legs)


    In order to become a surrogate the individual undergoes a series of tests prior to the planting of the egg,

    sperm, or both. Some of these tests include:

    - Hysteroscopy/HCG, this procedure determines the fallopian tubes are clear and the size and shape of

    the uterus

    - Infectious disease test, to ensure there are no contagious diseases present

    - A mock cycle, to see how the uterine linings will react to hormone replacements (estrogen)

    - Pap smear to check for a healthy uterus

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    - A physical, to see if there are any physiological impediments that would hinder the surrogate in

    carrying the baby

    - Trial transfer, to check the length of uterus to find out how far to insert the catheter, which will be

    loaded with embryos

    - Psychological testing, to check motivations, attitudes, and commitment


    One of the oldest examples of Surrogacy in the Bible can be seen in the book of Genesis with Abraham,

    who fathered a child by the servant woman Hagar. Genesis 16 talks about how it was his wife Sarah's idea

    because she was not able to bear children, and quotes her as telling Abraham And Sarai said unto Abram,

    Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I mayobtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. (Gen 16:2). Of course we know the story of

    Abraham, Sarah and Hagar was not without trials and tribulations. Sarah became jealous of Hagar and Hagar did

    not want to give baby Ishmael to Sarah to raise with Abraham.


    The legal aspects surrounding surrogacy are very complex and mostly unsettled. There is a default legal

    assumption in most countries that the woman giving birth to a child is that child's legal mother. In some

    jurisdictions the possibility of surrogacy has been allowed and the intended parents may be recognized as the

    legal parents from birth. Many states now issue pre-birth orders through the courts placing the name(s) of the

    intended parent(s) on the birth certificate from the start. In others the possibility of surrogacy is either not

    recognized (all contracts specifying different legal parents are void), or is prohibited.


    In all states in Australia (except Tasmania which bans all surrogacy under the Surrogacy Contracts Act

    1993), altruistic surrogacy has only recently become legal.


    Commercial surrogacy arrangements were prohibited in 2004 by the Assisted Human Reproduction Act.

    Altruistic surrogacy remains legal.
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    In France, since 1994 any surrogacy arrangement that is commercial or altruistic is illegal or unlawful

    and sanctioned by the law (art 16-7 of the Code Civil).


    Surrogacy, along with ovum and sperm donation, has been legal in Georgia since 1992. Under applicable

    law, a donor or surrogate mother has no parental rights over the child born.

    Hong Kong

    Commercial surrogacy is criminal under the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance 2000. The law is

    phrased in a manner that no one can pay a surrogate, no surrogate can receive money, and no one can

    arrange a commercial surrogacy (the same applies to the supply of gametes), no matter within or

    outside Hong Kong. Normally only the gametes of the intended parents can be used.

    HungaryCommercial surrogacy is illegal in Hungary.


    Commercial surrogacy is legal in India, as recognized by the Supreme Court of India in 2002. India is

    emerging as a leader in international surrogacy and a destination in surrogacy-related fertility tourism.

    Indian surrogates have been increasingly popular with fertile couples in industrialized nations because of

    the relatively low cost. Indian clinics are at the same time becoming more competitive, not just in the

    pricing, but in the hiring and retention of Indian females as surrogates. Clinics charge patients between

    $10,000 and $28,000 for the complete package, including fertilization, the surrogate's fee, and delivery

    of the baby at a hospital. Including the costs of flight tickets, medical procedures and hotels, it comes to

    roughly a third of the price compared with going through the procedure in the UK.


    In March 1996, the Israeli government legalized gestational surrogacy under the "Embryo Carrying

    Agreements Law." This law made Israel the first country in the world to implement a form of state-

    controlled surrogacy in which each and every contract must be approved directly by the state.


    Surrogacy, commercial and altruistic, is illegal.


    In March 2008, the Science Council ofJapan proposed a ban on surrogacy and said that doctors, agents

    and their clients should be punished for commercial surrogacy arrangements.
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    Saudi Arabia

    Religious authorities in Saudi Arabia do not allow the use of surrogate mothers. They have instead

    suggested medical procedures to restore female fertility and ability to deliver. To this end, Saudi

    authorities sanctioned the world's first uterus transplant in an infertile woman.[


    Since 2002, surrogacy and surrogacy in combination with egg/sperm donation has been absolutely legal

    in Ukraine. According to the law a donor or a surrogate mother has no parental rights over the child

    born and the child born is legally the child of the prospective parents.

    United Kingdom

    Commercial surrogacy arrangements are not legal in the United Kingdom.

    United States

    Many states have their own state laws written regarding the legality of surrogate parenting. It is mostcommon for surrogates to reside in Florida and California due to the surrogacy-accommodating laws in

    these states. Surrogacy is well developed around Camp Pendleton in California. With the

    accommodating laws of the State of California and the long overseas deployments of husbands, wives

    have found surrogacy to be a means to supplement military incomes and to provide a needed service.


    Baby M (born March 27, 1986) was the pseudonym used In re Baby M, 537 A.2d 1227, 109 N.J. 396 (N.J.

    02/03/1988)for the infant named "Sara Elizabeth Whitehead" at her birth, and later named Melissa Stern by her

    father by artificial insemination.

    Mary Beth Whitehead, was artificially inseminated with William Stern's sperm, making her the mother

    of their child. Whitehead had responded to Stern's ad in the Asbury Park Press seeking women willing to help

    infertile couples have children. Prior to conceiving their daughter, Whitehead and Stern entered into a contract

    they called a "surrogacy contract". Contrary to what was stated in their contract, Stern's wife, Elizabeth, was not

    infertile but had multiple sclerosis and was concerned about the potential health implications ofpregnancy. A

    medical colleague had warned her that his own wife, who also had multiple sclerosis, had suffered temporary

    paralysis during pregnancy.
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    On March 27, 1986, Whitehead gave birth to her daughter, whom she named "Sara Elizabeth

    Whitehead". Within 24 hours of transferring custody to the Sterns, Whitehead returned to ask for the baby back

    and was said to have threatened suicide. Whitehead then refused to return the baby to the Sterns and left New

    Jersey, taking the infant with her. The Sterns had the Whitehead family's bank accounts frozen and sought

    warrants for their arrests.

    In 1987, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Harvey R. Sorkow awarded custody of Baby M to the Sterns

    under a "best interest of the child analysis", validating the surrogacy contract.

    On February 3, 1988, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, led by Chief Justice Robert Wilentz, invalidated

    surrogacy contracts as against public policy, but in dicta affirmed the trial court's "best interest of the child"

    analysis. The Supreme Court remanded the case to family court. On remand, the lower court awarded Sterncustody and Whitehead visitation rights.

    When Melissa turned 18 in March 2004, she formally terminated Whitehead's parental rights and

    formalized Elizabeth Stern's maternity through adoption proceedings.

    Melissa went to The George Washington University and majored in religious studies. She said it was

    strange to study the Baby M case in her bioethics class at the university.

    There are many emotional and ethical issues surrounding surrogate mothering. If in vitro fertilization is used,

    there will be some fertilized eggs that are lost. Many consider this the killing of human life. Often the surrogate

    mother will feel an emotional connection to the baby she is carrying, whether or not it is considered hers. She

    may have trouble relinquishing the baby after going through the trials and tribulations of pregnancy. This is why

    legal counsel is so important. That being said, however, most surrogate pregnancies end without any problems

    for either party involved. As long as all of the expectations are known at the onset of the process, both parties

    are usually satisfied by the outcome. Some may be concerned that the mothers receiving a child will not show as

    much love and care to the child as they would if they had carried the child. But in reality, mothers who turn to

    surrogacy are usually desperate to have a child, and as such are even more emotionally attached to their child

    than traditional mothers. It is important, however, that both the birth mom and the receiving mom and dad

    have emotional support through the process. There are several support organizations to help parents who

    choose this option.
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    Medical science has really progressed rapidly as now it has brought in some of the technological

    advancements that can help a childless couple to have their own child in case the mother is not able to bear one

    because of infertility. Surrogacy is the available option that such people can go for. This is an arrangement

    where a woman is hired for bearing a child for these kinds of couples in which the surrogate mother can either

    have it biologically or the embryo may be transferred to her body.

    Though it sounds quite advantageous for such couples, there are certain ethical issues related to

    surrogacy that are put forward by some kind of people:

    -Though the surrogate mother signs a contract with the couple she is bearing a child for but still there are

    possibilities that the woman may keep the baby and refuse to return it to the couple.

    -The surrogate mother might also demand visitations which may bother the couple in future.

    -Some people also have issues like what would they do if the mother decides to abort the child they are

    keenly waiting for.

    -One of the most important and commonest ethical issues associated to surrogacy is the fact there are

    people who consider it as baby selling and thus, stand against it.

    -Some people claim that it has turned into a business and therefore, women are thought of as a machine

    to bear child. This is what makes people go against such an arrangement.

    - There will be a problem with the custody of the child during instances when the intended parents decide

    to divorce, or when one or both of the parents die.

    - When the baby is born with defect, circumstances may change and may bring problems between the


    -When the child is old enough, does this child need to be introduced to his surrogate mother?

    -The child is considered as a science baby

    -Infertile couples may consider adoption an option as opposed to having a surrogate.

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    -It is a solution to infertility after repeated failure to conceive by other means.

    -It is unjust that infertile couples should be denied parenthood.

    -Intrauterine insemination allows the child to carry at least the fathers biological genes.

    -Difficulties inherent in the adoption process

    -Also, the presence of a disorder that would place the mothers life in jeopardy if she became pregnant is

    a strong argument in favor of the process.

    -Proponents cite studies of surrogates that confirm that most surrogates view their experience as positive,

    meaningful and empowering.

    SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD IS UNETHICAL-The physical and psychological risks to the surrogate mother and the purported long and short-term

    physical and psychological hazards to the child.

    -Compensated surrogacy arrangements are abused whereby a surrogate is paid to carry a child to

    maturity. Opponents denounce these arrangements as the financial exploitation of womens bodies.

    -Surrogacy is attacked as an advantage of the rich over the poor, a means of turning surrogate

    motherhood into a commercial industry and a convenience for the well-off to avoid childbirth.

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    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree




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    FEBRUARY 5, 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Surrogacy, Wrtitten Report
